Wenn Du auch in Zukunft in einem Staat leben möchtest, der nicht dem Überwachungsstaat aus "1984" gleicht, und/oder Du möchtest, dass weiterhin jede(r) Software entwickeln und vertreiben kann, gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten, sich zu engagieren. wir möchten Dir diese fünf Organisationen empfehlen:
If you don't want to live in a state à la "1984" and you want that development and distribution of software should remain legal for everyone, then you have different possibilities to get into the act. We would like to recommend these five organisations:
The m23 Online Demo allows you to take a look at many areas of the m23 administration interface without having to install m23. This way, you'll get a much better impression of the abilities of the program than screenshots alone can convey.
This is just a demonstration without function. Most links and icons are clickable, but buttons and forms will not work.
The m23 Online Demo was created as a snapshot of the interface of an m23 server with some imported m23 clients using HTTrack.