2024-04-25 cha: /m23/bin/serverInfoNetmask: Now can use /m23/etc/netmask.override to overwrite the detected netmask. +++++ 2024-04-24 new: /m23/bin/isLibreworkspace: Error code 0 if m23 runs on Libre Workspace, otherwise 1. cha: m23 / postinst: Now uses /m23/bin/isLibreworkspace instead of libreworkspace_detect. +++++ 2024-04-18 cha: m23 / postinst: Reactivated NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION for all MariaDB versions. cha: m23 / postinst: Adds "authoritative" to dhcpd.conf. cha: m23 / postinst: Removed lilo symlink. cha: m23 / postinst: libreworkspace_detect: Returns 0, if run on Libre Workspace. cha: serverInfoGateway: Now can detect a gateway that is not configured in /etc/network/interfaces. cha: serverInfoIP: Now can detect an IP that is not configured in /etc/network/interfaces. +++++ 2024-04-16 cha: VM_createDiskImage: Now creates the directory to store the HDD images before creating the disk. cha: VM_delVMCMD: Now calls VBoxManage with "--delete-all" new: m23UbuntuBudgie2404Install.php: Installs the Budgie desktop for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. cha: m23SnapPackages2404Install.php: Now installs Firefox via APT and the language packages and runs "update-desktop-database" to make the Firefox icon visible. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now calls CLCFG_installApplicationLanguagePackages. +++++ 2024-03-27 cha: m23installSnapPackages2404Install.php: Renamed to m23SnapPackages2404Install.php cha: DISTR_startInstall: Changed job name from m23installSnapPackages2404 to m23SnapPackages2404. cha: m23-phpmyadmin: Updated to 5.2.1. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebianSSS: Renamed to CLCFG_enableLDAPviaSSS and moved to clientConfigCommon.php. cha: debian / clientInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_enableLDAPviaSSS. cha: ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now calls CLCFG_enableLDAPviaSSS for Ubuntu 24.04. +++++ 2024-03-26 new: m23installSnapPackages2404Install.php: Installs needed Snap packages on Ubuntu 24.04. +++++ 2024-03-14 cha: DISTR_startInstall: Removed adding of m23configUpstartForNormalUsage job. cha: CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage: Removed. cha: CLCFG_configUpstartForChroot: Removed. cha: debian / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Removed call of CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage. cha: debian / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Removed Woody's file system downgrade to ext3. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Removed (was for KDE 4) +++++ 2024-03-12 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed Linux Mint 18.3 and 19.x. cha: ubuntu/clientConfig.php: Added support for Ubuntu 24.04. cha: inc/distr/ubuntu/packages/ m23ElementaryOsInstall.php, m23GnomeClassicInstall.php, m23KDE3Install.php, m23Lubuntu1404Install.php, m23LubuntuCore1404Install.php, m23Mint13CinnamonInstall.php, m23Mint13MateInstall.php, m23Mint17CinnamonInstall.php, m23Mint17KDEInstall.php, m23Mint17MateInstall.php, m23Mint17XfceFullInstall.php, m23Mint18CinnamonInstall.php, m23Mint18KDEInstall.php, m23Mint18MateInstall.php, m23Mint18XfceInstall.php, m23Mint19CinnamonInstall.php, m23Mint19MateInstall.php, m23Mint19XfceInstall.php, m23Ubuntu1604GnomeInstall.php, m23Ubuntu1604MateInstall.php, m23Ubuntu1604TrinityInstall.php, m23UbuntuBudgie1804Install.php, m23UbuntuEdubuntu1604Install.php, m23UbuntuGnome1604Install.php, m23UbuntuGnome1804Install.php, m23UbuntuKubuntu1604Install.php, m23UbuntuKubuntu1804Install.php, m23UbuntuLubuntu1604Install.php, m23UbuntuLubuntu1804Install.php, m23UbuntuMate1804Install.php, m23UbuntuMythbuntu1604Install.php, m23UbuntuXubuntu1604Install.php, m23UbuntuXubuntu1804Install.php, m23Ubuntudesktop1804Install.php, m23UbuntudesktopMinimal1804Install.php, m23Unity2DInstall.php, m23Unity3D1404Install.php, m23Unity3D1604Install.php, m23Unity3DInstall.php, m23Unity3DMinimal1604Install.php, m23UnityFull1404Install.php, m23gnome2Install.php, m23gnome31404Install.php: Removed cha: inc/distr/debian/packages/ m23Debian10LxqtFullInstall.php, m23Debian8CinnamonFullInstall.php, m23Debian8Desktops.php, m23Debian8GnomeFullInstall.php, m23Debian8KdeFullInstall.php, m23Debian8LxdeFullInstall.php, m23Debian8MateFullInstall.php, m23Debian8MateInstall.php, m23Debian8XfceFullInstall.php, m23KDE3Install.php, m23KDE4Gnome2Install.php, m23KDE4Install.php, m23KDEwoodyInstall.php, m23gnome2Install.php, m23gnome3Install.php: Removed new: getm23BranchNames: Shows the names of all m23 branches cha: getm23ReleaseBranchName: Now uses getm23BranchNames. new: getm23PreviousReleaseBranchName: Shows the name of the m23 release branch. new: getMDKBranchNames: Shows the name of the mdk branches. cha: getMDKReleaseBranchName: Now ueses getMDKBranchNames. new: getMDKPreviousReleaseBranchName: Shows the name of the previous mdk release branch new: getActiveBranch: Shows the name of the active branch new: getm23ActiveBranch: Shows the name of the active m23 branch new: getMDKActiveBranch: Shows the name of the active MDK branch new: mergeReleaseToNewRelease: Merge from the old release version to the new without a development version as intermediate step cha: menuFork: Added mergeReleaseToNewRelease option. cha: ubuntu / info.txt: Removed outdated distributions and desktops. new: m23Ubuntu*2404Install.php: Support for Ubuntu 24.04 desktops. +++++ 2024-02-20 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu, DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added support for Ubuntu 24.04. +++++ 2024-02-19 cha: CLCFG_sourceslist: Now the package sources list is converted to UTF-8 before writing it to /etc/apt/sources.list on the client. +++++ 2024-01-26 patch 101724: Fix for DHCP server configuration. cha: m23 / postinst: Now upgrades the MariaDB database structure (if necessary) revert: m23 / postinst: Now creates the configuration files for MariaDB to fix errors of previous MariaDB versions if the MariaDB version is equal or lower than 10.5. cha: SERVER_dhcpInfo: Now uses the constant DHCPD_CONF_FILE as name for the dhcpd configuration file and not the hard coded filename anymore. cha: m23 / postinst: Removed old dhcpd.conf configuration. +++++ 2024-01-24 cha: m23 / postinst: Now creates the configuration files for MariaDB to fix errors of previous MariaDB versions if the MariaDB version is equal or lower than 10.5. cha: BT_autostart: Now stops the Bittorrent tracker and initial client before updating the whitelist. +++++ 2023-11-27 cha: dhcp.php: Now changes /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf directly. cha: m23Deb.inc / dodgerFilesChangeUser: Replaced "." separator by ":" in chown calls. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes sure /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf is a hardlink /m23/dhcp/dhcpd.conf. patch 101715: Fixes for m23 on 32 bit machines. +++++ 2023-11-21 cha: BT_checkSoftware: Replaced "rhash" with "btcheck" and "mktorrent" with "buildtorrent". cha: HWINFO_getMemory: Now returns 2048 if there is no information about RAM size stored in the database. Needed for creation of defined clients. +++++ 2023-11-20 cha: m23/postinst: Now increases the allowed amount of PHP input variables from 1000 to 10000. cha: m23/postinst: /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf is now a hardlink instead of a symlink to /m23/dhcp/dhcpd.conf. +++++ 2023-11-15 cha: MASS_startInstall: Now can handle the group parameter as an array of group names or a single gorup name. fix: checkEmail: Error in description. cha: ip2longSafe: No explicit conversion to string is needed. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now checks if $data['newgroup'] is an array or a string. cha: massInstall.php: Used undefined variable before. +++++ 2023-11-14 fix: MASS_EGKradioBoxes: Used undefined variable before. fix: DHCP_calcPXEIP: Now converts output of ip2longSafe for dechex explicitly to integer. fix: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Fixed arrays. fix: ip2longSafe: Make sure that ip2longSafe works on 32 bit m23 servers too, by converting the output to string. cha: debugScreen.php, m23bittorrentVMDeployInstall.php, CFreeIPA.php, BACKUP_saveBackupDirs, sedSearchReplace, CLCFG_patchNsswitchForLDAP, EDIT_prepareStr, server.php, vm.php: Replaced "." separator by ":" in chown calls. cha: massInstall.php: Used undefined variable before. +++++ 2023-11-09 cha: BT_checkSoftware, BT_updateWhitelist: Replacing: btmakemetafile => mktorrent, btshowmetainfo => rhash +++++ 2023-11-08 fix: ip2longSafe: Make sure that ip2longSafe works on 32 bit m23 servers too +++++ 2023-07-12 release 23.1 patch release 23.1 +++++ 2023-06-27 new: CLCFG_dpkgPackageInstallationCheck: Executes a dpkg command with to check, if given packages are installed. cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Now check, if the needed package is installed. fix: autoTestHacks.php: Now calls HELPER_setm23ServerIsControlledByAutotest if the button is clicked. +++++ 2023-06-23 cha: AUTOTEST_setm23ServerIsControlledByAutotest: Renamed to HELPER_setm23ServerIsControlledByAutotest. cha: AUTOTEST_ism23ServerIsControlledByAutotest: Renamed to HELPER_ism23ServerIsControlledByAutotest. +++++ 2023-06-22 cha: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now uses another algorithm to chose the first IP to start searching for an unused IP. cha: fixDebian11.sh: Now uses special APT parameters to install apt-cacher-ng from Debian 11 backports, without overwriting any of the config files or asking for it and sets debconf values (there is a new value in the new apt-cacher-ng) too. cha: autoTest.php: Now calls AUTOTEST_setm23ServerIsControlledByAutotest if the button is clicked. new: AUTOTEST_setm23ServerIsControlledByAutotest: Creates a file to indicate that the m23 server is controlled by m23 autoTest. new: AUTOTEST_ism23ServerIsControlledByAutotest: Checks, if the m23 server is controlled by m23 autoTest. cha: m23/postinst: Now calls fixDebian11.sh. +++++ 2023-06-21 cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Now installation of desktop package is mandatory and will lead into a critical error if not successfull. new: fixDebian11.sh: Install apt-cacher-ng from Debian 11 backports, because the official version will throw 502 errors and stop download of packages. +++++ 2023-06-20 cha: bookworm: Added "non-free-firmware" to the package sources list. +++++ 2023-06-19 fix: serverSettings.php: Now uses the correct HTML comment closing tag for commenting out functions that are not available in UCS. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebianSSS: Added support for UCS. fix: db.php: Now BASH_SET_VAR_RUN_SCREEN_BY_DISTRIBUTION hasn't a line break between commands. +++++ 2023-06-15 cha: m23/control: Now recommends apparmor-utils (>= 3.0.8), to install it on Debian 12 only, because the needed tool aa-disable is in it. +++++ 2023-06-15 cha: m23/postinst: Now disables Apparmor for the DHCP server. cha: db.php: Now BASH_SET_VAR_RUN_SCREEN_BY_DISTRIBUTION supports Debian 12 and sets "chmod 777 /run/screen" cha: db.php: Commented out detection of distribution in BASH_SET_VAR_RUN_SCREEN_BY_DISTRIBUTION because all currently supported distributions are needing the same settings. +++++ 2023-06-09 cha: enable-LDAP-TLS: Added debug code. cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Now doesn't use external package source under Debian 11 and 12 anymore. cha: bookworm: Added option pages. cha: enable-LDAP-TLS: Now tests via ldapwhoami, if OpenLDAP is working. cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Now blacklists connman for LXDE too. cha: VM_stopVM: Now kills the VBox process, if it is not stopping. cha: bullseye: Added option pages. cha: m23-autoTest.md: Updated Debian VM creation. cha: autoTestScriptGenerator.php: Added Debian 12 VMs. cha: 1m23server-auf-debian-installieren.m23test: Increased timeout for package installation from 600 to 1000 seconds. cha: checkDesktop.m23test: Now detects more running desktops. cha: phpLDAPadmin: Now uses from https://github.com/leenooks/phpLDAPadmin. +++++ 2023-06-08 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "bookworm". cha: m23serverCheckDaemonsOnDebian.m23test: Now checks for a working OpenLDAP TLS connection. +++++ 2023-06-07 cha: enable-LDAP-TLS: Now restarts slapd until success or 30 retries are reached. fix: VM_stopVM: Now gets the VM's name in camelCase via BASH. fix: VM_stopVM: Escaping in BASH code. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebianSSS: Added ldapwhoami test code. +++++ 2023-06-05 cha: enable-LDAP-TLS: Now sets "olcTLSVerifyClient: try" in the config space of LDAP. new: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebianSSS: enables LDAP login for a client via the SSS daemon. +++++ 2023-06-02 cha: AUTOTEST_VM_create: Now uses VM_bootFromDisk1FromNet2CMD instead of VM_activateNetbootCMD. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_delete: Now calls VM_deleteDiskImage too. new: VM_deleteDiskImage: Deletes a virtual harddisk image file. cha: vm.php: Commented out unused functions. cha: VM_delVMCMD: Now is compatible with VirtualBox 7.x and deletes all VM files. fix: VM_createDiskImage: Now uses the parameter $imageDir for qemu-img too. cha: VM_activateNetboot: Now stops the VM before changing the netboot state and starts it afterwards. cha: m23Backup, m23Restore and many .php files: Changed "--force-yes" into "--allow-downgrades --allow-unauthenticated" cha: /m23/inc/distr/imaging/packages: Removed files and replaced them with symlinks to /m23/inc/distr/debian/packages +++++ 2023-05-31 cha: AUTOTEST_VM_create: Now uses VM_activateNetbootCMD again. cha: /m23/vms/vbox/bin/reboot: Now gets the VM's name in camelCase. +++++ 2023-05-30 new: VM_bootFromDisk1FromNet2CMD: Generates a BASH command line to boot from disk with priority 1 and network booting with priority 2. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_create: Now uses VM_bootFromDisk1FromNet2CMD instead of VM_activateNetbootCMD. +++++ 2023-05-24 cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Now can specific desktop sessions in lightdm. cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Now a session for LXQt is set. +++++ 2023-05-22 cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator, BASH_SET_VAR_RUN_SCREEN_BY_DISTRIBUTION, CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian, CLCFG_language, CLCFG_copySSLCert, new: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Added support for Debian 12. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Removed Debian 9. fix: SERVER_runningInScreen: Running of jobs is detected correctly now. cha: BT_dlFile: Now (hopefully) prevents that more than one session of aria2c is started. +++++ 2023-04-03 patch 101652: Smal fixes. +++++ 2023-03-30 cha: PKG_acceptJobs: Now uses '@' to suppress a notice when trying to append a string to a non-existing array element. +++++ 2023-03-28 fix: PKG_addNormalJob: Now doesn't try to access non-existing array index anymore. fix: BASH_SET_VAR_RUN_SCREEN_BY_DISTRIBUTIOn: Added Linux Mint 21. +++++ 2023-03-22 cha: UCS_enableClientPXEBoot: Now calls UCS_delClient before adding the client. +++++ 2023-03-20 fix: PKG_addPackageSelectionSingle: Now calls PKG_addSpecialPackagesToWait4Aac with stored package priority. fix: PKG_addSpecialPackagesToWait4Aac: Now has an additional parameter to set the priority of the package. +++++ 2023-03-16 fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now calls ::setM23fetchjobEvery5Minutes only if the according checkbox is set (instead of present). +++++ 2023-03-02 patch 101651: Smal fixes. fix: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now escapes the sources.list's content before writing it into a file via echo. +++++ 2023-03-01 new: /m23/bin/fixApachePrivateTmp: Deactivates PrivateTmp for Apache to let PHP use the correct /tmp directory. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now calls fixApachePrivateTmp. +++++ 2023-02-14 fix: mkCert.sh: Now detects the IP for the certificate on systems that user IPv4 and IPv6 simultaneously. (Thx MP) +++++ 2023-01-12 cha: m23-Release-Anweisung.odt: Updated. new: repack-zst-debs: Script for re-packing Debian packages that use the (currently) by Debian's dpkg not supported zstd compression. (THX TS) cha: m23/control: Added zstd and xz-utils as dependency. +++++ 2022-11-25 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now installs SSH again in case that it was deinstalled somewhere in the installation process. release 22.1 patch release 22.1 +++++ 2022-11-24 new: forkFunctions.inc / copym23MDKToCacheDir Outdates the cache directories and makes a release copy of the current (development) directories. new: forkFunctions.inc / origDir2CacheDir: Converts a directory name in the file system (eg. /m23/tftp) to the according cache directory (eg. /mdk/specialDirs/m23-tftp). cha: forkFunctions.inc / switchSpecialDirs: Now checks, if the state of the original directories is correctly before doing any further actions. cha: switchSpecialDirs: Now checks, if the state of the cache directories is correctly before doing any further actions. cha: switchSpecialDirs: Now waits for pressing a enter in case of an error. fix: forkFunctions.inc / checkUncommited: Now changed directory before doing the check. cha: group_actions.php: Now doesn't try to access non-existing array index anymore. new: forkFunctions.inc / rootRequiredDialog: Check if the script is run as root and if no, show an error message and quit the script. cha: forkFunctions.inc: Moved the outdated non-git code to forkFunctions-old.inc. cha: menuFork: Moved the outdated non-git code to menuFork-old. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Migrated to git workflow. cha: m23-Release-Anweisung.odt: Adjusted to new git workflow. +++++ 2022-11-23 cha: client_add_label_descriptions.inc, m23base.php: Minor translations. +++++ 2022-11-22 cha: archFunctions.inc / checkForCrossGCC: Now installation of cross GCC works on Debian 11 too. +++++ 2022-11-17 cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Now uses "apt-add-repository -y ppa:x2go/stable" instead of adding the sources.list entries and importing the GPG keys. cha: Ubuntu sources.lists: Converted German "Umlaute" into replacements (eg. ä => ae). +++++ 2022-11-08 cha: Updated Busybox from 1.21 to 1.35. new: m23-amd64-linux-5.15.77.conf and m23-i386-linux-5.15.77.conf: New configuration files for Linux kernel 5.15. +++++ 2022-11-07 new: checkDesktop.m23test: Tries to log in the test user and checks, if a desktop is running. new: 1m23client-checkDesktop.m23test: Calls checkDesktop.m23test. cha: 1m23client-distro-install.m23test: Now calls checkDesktop.m23test. +++++ 2022-10-27 new: UBUNTU_fixMissinghas_optionInXsession: Adds a script that makes sure, that the BASH function has_option is present when Xsession requires it. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now calls UBUNTU_fixMissinghas_optionInXsession when lightdm is used. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now ubuntu-xorg session is used for Ubuntu's GNOME based desktop. cha: CLIENT_resetAndInstall: Now disables network booting before activating it again when run on UCS. cha: addUCSm23SeverDebsFrom77.m23test: Now adds the development server DNS entries in /etc/univention/templates/files/etc/hosts.d/80-m23debs too. cha: UCS_enableClientPXEBoot: Now filters out object errors to work around an udm bug. +++++ 2022-10-05 fix: CFreeIPA::delComputer: Used undefined variable before. +++++ 2022-09-05 fix: CLCFG_writeCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Now checks for existence of /etc/init.d/m23fetchjob and /etc/initd/m23fetchjob before running the scripts. +++++ 2022-08-30 new: CLIENT_askingUsesM23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Returns, if the asking client should be configured to ask the m23 server every 5 minutes for a new job. cha: CLCFG_writeCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Now adds entries to crontab to check every 5 minutes for new jobs, if CLIENT_askingUsesM23fetchjobEvery5Minutes returns true. new: CClient::setM23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Enables/disables if the client should be configured to ask the m23 server every 5 minutes for a new job. new: CClient::usedM23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Returns, if the client should be configured to ask the m23 server every 5 minutes for a new job. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog, CLIENT_addClient: Dialog and "wiring" to activate client polling the m23 server every 5 minutes for a new job. cha: usedM23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Renamed to usesM23fetchjobEvery5Minutes. +++++ 2022-08-12 fix: UCS_delClient: Now deletes the network boot and the DHCP entries from UCS. +++++ 2022-07-29 cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "LinuxMint 21 Vanessa". +++++ 2022-07-29 cha: m23-initscripts/postinst: Now uses Systemd configuration on all supported client distributions. cha: m23-initscripts/postinst: Removed old code for supporting outdated client distributions. +++++ 2022-07-27 fix: PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Removed doubled "'" around cache file name. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Now are checing the existence of the package cache file (pkgCache-*.gz). +++++ 2022-07-23 cha: switchRelease, switchDevel: Now uses sudo to use the correct user for git checkout. fix: getMDKReleaseBranchName, getm23ReleaseBranchName: Now uses the the correct branch. +++++ 2022-07-19 patch 101622: Changes to fork funktions new: forkFunctions.inc / checkUncommited: Checks for uncommited changes in git and exits, if there were found any. cha: forkFunctions.inc / switchRelease, switchDevel: Now checks /m23 and /mdk for uncommited changes in git before trying to switch version. +++++ 2022-07-18 cha: bin/SFrsyncLoop: Now tries 10 times and not unlimited as before. new: forkFunctions.inc / switchSpecialDirs: Switch between development and release version of special directories. The currently not used version is kept in a cache. cha: forkFunctions.inc / switchRelease + switchDevel: Now are calling switchSpecialDirs. cha: rfsFunctions.inc / downloadExtractRFS: Now includes firmware-realtek. new: m23-amd64-linux-5.15.52.conf and m23-i386-linux-5.15.52.conf: New configuration files for Linux kernel 5.15. exclude +++++ 2022-07-12 cha: CFreeIPAUser::parseCSV: New CSV format. new: HELPER_getDerivedPassword: Generates a password with a given length derived from an initial value. cha: CFreeIPAUser::getInitialPassword: Now ueses HELPER_getDerivedPassword. +++++ 2022-07-05 cha: checkKernelBranch: Removed old Kernel versions from list and added 5.15. +++++ 2022-07-04 fix: PREF_exists: Now doesn't try to access non-existing array index anymore. cha: PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Now makes /m23/var/cache/m23apt/.../lists/ readable for all users before creating the compressed search index. +++++ 2022-06-27 cha: CFreeIPA::delComputer: Commented out deletion of reverse entry (temporarily). Maybe it is not needed, because the reverse is deleted by dnsrecord_del with parameter: "del_all": true +++++ 2022-06-26 cha: add_schoolClient.php: Now distribution and release are calculated by the chosen sourceslist name. new: getDesktopsJSON.php: Returns the desktops that are available in a distribution in JSON format. cha: SRCLST_storableSelection, SRCLST_genSelection: Now are having optional parameter for listing sourceslists that contain a string in their names and to add JavaScript or other parameters to the selection. cha: add_schoolClient.php: Now uses SRCLST_storableSelection instead of SRCLST_genSelection. fix: CLCFG_enableFreeIPA: Removed reboot here, because it lead to reboot look. cha: m23FreeIPAClientInstall.php: Added reboot here. cha: SRCLST_storableDesktopsSelection: Now has an optional parameter to set an option as first element. +++++ 2022-06-23 cha: SRCLST_genSelection, SRCLST_querySourceslists: New optional parameter for listing sourceslists that contain a string in their names. new: CLCFG_hideVolumeDesktopIconsOnMate: Hides desktop icons (eg in Mate) for devices. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now calls CLCFG_hideFstabEntriesInGVFS. new: m23Mint20MateNoWelcomeNoVolumeIconsInstall.php: Linux Mint 20 minimal Mate Desktop without Mint welcome launcher and without volume desktop icons. Calls CLCFG_hideVolumeDesktopIconsOnMate and CLCFG_disableMintWelcomeLauncher in addition to m23Mint20MateInstall.php. cha: ubuntu / info.txt: Added m23Mint20MateNoWelcomeNoVolumeIconsInstall.php. cha: CLCFG_enableFreeIPA: Now reboots the client after installing the FreeIPA client. cha: add_schoolClient.php: Now LinuxMint distributions can be selected. cha: add_schoolClient.php: Now the desktop selection is filled with desktop names available on the chosen distribution by AJAX. +++++ 2022-06-22 new: CLCFG_addLightDMWaitTime: Adds waiting time before the lightdm binary is started to (hopefully fix) login problem with FreeIPA. cha: CLCFG_enableFreeIPA: Now calls CLCFG_addLightDMWaitTime. +++++ 2022-06-21 new: CLCFG_disableMintWelcomeLauncher: Disabled the Mint wellcome dialog globally cha: add_schoolClient.php: Now uses LinuxMint 20.3 Una. new: CLCFG_hideFstabEntriesInGVFS: Hides desktop icons (eg in Mate) for devices that are listed in /etc/fstab. cha: m23Mint20MateInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_hideFstabEntriesInGVFS and CLCFG_disableMintWelcomeLauncher temporary. +++++ 2022-06-17 cha: SERVER_waitForLock: Now waits for a maximum of about 10 seconds for the lock. cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Added missing translation for "newgroup". cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now can change groups too. fix: checks.php, CHECK_FW: Changed tag for the "allow all" rule from 0 to "x", because "i" is equal to 0 for PHP. +++++ 2022-06-16 cha: CLCFG_enableFreeIPA: Now works with Ubuntu too. cha: CLCFG_enableFreeIPA: Removed obsolete code for installing freeipa-client via Debian 11 backports. +++++ 2022-06-15 cha: CLIENT_getProperty: Now doesn't try to access non-existing array index anymore. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now ticks previously marked groups by calling GRP_listClientGroups. cha: DHCP_addClient, DHCP_rmClient: Now don't wait for a lock on deploy + transfer clients. fix: DHCP_rmClient: Now really doesn't wait for a lock on deploy + transfer clients. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now has change radio buttons for groups. +++++ 2022-06-14 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog, add_schoolClient.php: Now client name is converted to lower case. cha: CLCFG_interfaces: Now deploy + transfer clients are configured with static IP settings in /etc/network/interfaces. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now doesn't configure deploy + transfer clients to stay in DHCP after network booting is disabled. cha: DHCP_rmClient: Deletes the pxelinux.cfg configuration file and the dhcpd.conf entry without restarting the DHCP server for deploy + transfer clients. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now adds the dhcpd.conf entry without restarting the DHCP server for deploy + transfer clients. fix: m23FreeIPAClientInstall.php, m23deactivateaptdailyInstall.php: Added MSR_statusBarIncCommand(100) to increase the status bar correctly. cha: CLCFG_enableFreeIPA: Now sends /var/log/ipaclient-install.log and sets the client to critical in case of ipa-client-install error. +++++ 2022-06-09 cha: getNextPatchlevel: Now checks, if there is an even higher number in version.php. cha: incPatchLevelInVersionPhp: Now exits, if getNextPatchlevel reports an error. +++++ 2022-06-08 cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartition: Now doesn't add an error message, if the partition to delete could not be found. A missing partition may happen when m23fdiskAutomaticFormatInstall.php is used. An error message may break the further installation procedure. cha: CLIENT_fetchBASHScriptFromServerAndRun: Now tries to check the online status of the m23 server by wget if a ping does not work. +++++ 2022-06-02 new: CFreeIPA::getUserinfoByLogin: Get all user information for a given login. new: CFreeIPA::delLoginFromGroup: Removes an user from a group in FreeIPA. new: CFreeIPA::removeLoginFromAllGroups: Removes an user from all groups in FreeIPA. cha: CFreeIPA::parseCurlResult: Now detects where the values are stored in the resulting array. +++ 2022-06-01 cha: CSchool::createm23Subgroups: Becomes CFreeIPA::createm23Subgroups. new: CFreeIPA::getTeacherUserGroup: Get the name of the user group for teachers in a given school. new: CFreeIPA::getPupilUserGroup: Get the name of the user group for pupils in a given school. new: CFreeIPA::getSchooladminUserGroup: Get the name of the user group for admins in a given school. cha: CFreeIPA::getTeacherUserGroup, CFreeIPA::getPupilUserGroup, CFreeIPA::getSchooladminUserGroup: Now are using constants for the user type. new: CFreeIPA::createm23SchoolGroupsIfNeeded: Creates client and user groups with the name of the school and different postfixes for a given school, if it was not marked as done from a previous function call. new: CFreeIPAUser::getInitialPassword: Calculates the initial password with complexity choosen by the user's role (pupil, teacher, admin) and the pupil's age. cha: CFreeIPAUser::addOrChangeSchoolUser: Now calculates the password via CFreeIPAUser::getInitialPassword. cha: CFreeIPAUser::addOrChangeSchoolUser: Now a password is only used when creating a new user, but not when changing an existing user. new: CFreeIPAUser::getUserGroupByRole: Gets the name of a user group by the school short name and the user's role. cha: CFreeIPAUser::addSchoolUser: Now calls CFreeIPAUser::getUserGroupByRole. +++++ 2022-05-31 fix: PKG_addPackageSelectionSingle: Now doesn't try to access non-existing array index anymore. fix: CLIENT_getClientName: Now doesn't try to access non-existing array index anymore. +++++ 2022-05-25 fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Added missing translation for "deploytransfer" option. new: CFreeIPAUser::addOrChangeSchoolUser: Adds a user, if the given ID is unknown or changes an existing user found by ID. new: CFreeIPAUser::parseCSV: Parses a CSV file with information from the Schulverwaltungssoftware to add or change users in FreeIPA. +++++ 2022-05-24 new: CFreeIPAUser::getNextFreeSchoolLogin: Generates a login name by first and last name and an optionally added increasing number. new: CFreeIPA::changeUser: Changes a user in FreeIPA. +++++ 2022-05-23 cha: CFreeIPA::addUser: New parameter for additional parameters in line and comma separated key value pairs and in JSON notation. new: CSchool::isSchoolRoleValid: Checks, if a given school role exists. new: CFreeIPA::addSchoolUser: Creates a user (pupil, teacher or admin) with additional school attributes in FreeIPA. new: CFreeIPA::parseCurlResult: Parses the answer of a FreeIPA curl call into a more handy associative array. new: CFreeIPA::findUserByEmployeenumber: Find a user by the employee number and give back all user information. cha: CFreeIPA::addSchoolUser: Became CFreeIPAUser::addSchoolUser. new: CFreeIPA::findLoginsStartingWith: Find a login names that start with a given string. +++++ 2022-05-20 fix: forkFunctions.inc / ensureDevelopmentVersion: Now does not add "-devel" multiple times even if called many times. cha: forkFunctions.inc / meldDevelopmentReleaseBranch: Now uses the much faster kompare instead of meld. +++++ 2022-05-19 fix: CMSLinkCreator.sh / replaceLine: Now works with link files that use "'" as separator for variables and values in the array. +++++ 2022-05-17 patch 101600: Smal improvements for release creation. cha: forkFunctions.inc / makeRelease: Now pushes release branches to GitLab. cha: prepareOSForCompression: Now overwrites free space on /boot with zeros only, if it is not the same device as /. cha: serverFunctions.inc / cleanOSForCompressing: Now removes unneeded packages (e.g. old kernel packages) too. +++++ 2022-05-16 release 22.1 patch 101599: release 22.1 fix: menuStart: Now doesn't require root user for starting menuFork anymore. fix: serverFunctions.inc / createServerInstallISO: Now adjusts the name of the VM for OVA export and the ISO name in /mdk/autoTest/aTS-OVAfromISO.sh. cha: ucs-upload: Now tries uploading each file in a loop until it is successfully uploaded. +++++ 2022-05-14 new: forkFunctions.inc / ensureDevelopmentVersion: Ensure, the development version is set in version.php new: forkFunctions.inc / ensureReleaseVersion: Ensure, the release version is set in version.php cha: m23-Release-Anweisung.odt, m23-autoTest.md: Updated. cha: forkFunctions.inc / meldDevelopmentReleaseBranch: Now calls ensureDevelopmentVersion or ensureReleaseVersion to set the correct value in version.php. +++++ 2022-05-13 cha: forkFunctions.inc / switchDevel: Now ensures, the development version is set in version.php. cha: forkFunctions.inc / switchRelease: Now ensures, the release version is set in version.php. cha: checkForRunningDebian.m23test: Now accepts Debian too, because the m23 Pi image is based on Debian ARM64 now. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes SSL server key readable for openldap. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / installDebs: Now the temporary package pool on the ISO is set to truested. cha: serverFunctions.inc / createServerInstallISO: Now copies ISO to the test server, if it is available. cha: serverFunctions.inc / createServerInstallISO: Now adjusts the name of the ISO file in m23-autoTest m23 server ISO installation and script generator and make backup with the suffix ".sedback". cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / showNetworkDialog: Now uses (from https://quad9.net/) as default DNS. fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now doesn't show deploy+transfer checkbox, if not in school mode. cha: m23/postinst: Now includes the package sign key. +++++ 2022-05-12 new: forkFunctions.inc / makeRelease: Shows a dialog for entering the version of the new m23/MDK release branch and creates both branches. new: forkFunctions.inc / rootNotAllowedDialog: Check if the script is run as root and if yes, show an error message and quit the script. new: forkFunctions.inc / forkStatusMessage: Adjusted for git. new: forkFunctions.inc / getm23ReleaseBranchName: Shows the name of the m23 release branch new: forkFunctions.inc / getMDKReleaseBranchName: Shows the name of the mdk release branch cha: forkFunctions.inc / forkStatusMessage: Now ueses getm23ReleaseBranchName and getMDKReleaseBranchName. new: forkFunctions.inc / switchDevel: Switches to the development branches of m23/MDK (git). new: forkFunctions.inc / switchRelease: Switches to the release branches of m23/MDK (git). new: forkFunctions.inc / meldDevelopmentReleaseBranch: Melds changes from release or master into the current /m23 or /mdk. new: forkFunctions.inc / meldDevelopmentReleaseBranch: Optimisation by using "git difftool" and additional messages. cha: menuFork.hlp: Adjusted to git functions. +++++ 2022-05-11 cha: createNewBazaarRepo, downloadBazaarRepo: Removed long-time not used Bazaar functions. cha: DHCP_writePXEcfg: Comment with settings to boot from local SSD/HDD added for later use. Old PXE parameters removed. cha: isDevelReturn: Becomes isDevelReturnOld. new: isDevelReturn: Reimplementation for git. cha: getNextPatchlevel: Becomes getNextPatchlevelOld. new: getNextPatchlevel: Reimplementation for git. +++++ 2022-05-10 cha: checkMissingScreenshots.sh: Renamed to checkForMissingScreenshots.sh cha: menu.php: Now the user manual is opened without username and password as HTTP. cha: menu.php: Bug reporting menu entry now links to gitlab. cha: menu.php: Now the development guide is opened without username and password as HTTP. +++++ 2022-05-06 cha: addSchoolClient.hlp, en+fr/m23base.php: Added translations. +++++ 2022-05-05 cha: fixRamdisksize: Now uses code found in m23/postinst. cha: m23/postinst: Now uses (deduplicated) code found in /m23/bin/fixRamdisksize. cha: kernelRamDisk.inc: Increased ramdisk size to 256 MB. fix: client/extraRFS/linuxrc: Fixed screen error message "must be connected to a terminal". cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Added comments. cha: menuClientISO: Now stops TFTPd before building the netbootimages and starts TFTPd after again. fix: debugScreen.php: Now includes the needed server.php. +++++ 2022-05-04 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now uses Debian Buster and Bullseye as additional package source. Debian Jessie was removed. cha: m23-mdk/control: Added libxml-writer-perl as dependency, because it is needed by /mdk/m23helper/convert_hd. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now downloads sysvinit-core instead of sysvinit. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now installs the Dodger-Tools public GPG key to verify the package integrity. cha: createRFSBins: Updated versions of libraries to copy. fix: createRFSImage: Message with "bytes" becoming "KB". new: Netbootimages: Linux kernel 5.10.113 is now used with ramdisk size of 256 MB. +++++ 2022-05-03 cha: CFreeIPA::addComputer: Now tries multiple times with a maximum of 30 seconds to add the host entry to FreeIPA. new: CFreeIPA::curlResultHasErrorMessage: Checks the given error message is included in the result of a FreeIPA curl call. cha: CFreeIPA::delComputer: Now removes the reverse DNS entry too. +++++ 2022-04-29 cha: CFreeIPA::addDNSEntry: Now calculates and creates the reverse DNS entry with another JSON query to dnsrecord_add. new: CFreeIPA::getReverseZone: Calcultes the reverse DNS zone for a given IP address. cha: CFreeIPA::addDNSEntry: Now doesn't fail, if the same DNS entries are present. cha: CmCP::patchSourceFile: Now makes only one backup of the original file before patching and not backups from all runs. cha: CFreeIPA::getUsedFreeIPAIPs: Now gets the IPs that are managed in a DNS zone by the FreeIPA server. Global lookup doesn't work. cha: CSchool::getUsedIPs: Now is using the new parameter of CFreeIPA::getUsedFreeIPAIPs. cha: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Disabled call to CSchool::getUsedIPs, bevause IPs managed by FreeIPA cannot be found without a DNS zone name, no DNS zone name is available when calling this CLIENT_getNextFreeIp. fix: CFreeIPA::addDNSEntry: Parameters for CFreeIPA::getReverseZone and curlExec fixed. fix: CSchool::getUsedIPs: Parameter for getUsedFreeIPAIPs fixed. +++++ 2022-04-28 cha: CLCFG_enableFreeIPA: freeipa-client package is now in Debian 11, backports aren't needed anymore. +++++ 2022-04-27 cha: CLCFG_enableFreeIPA: Now enable automatic creation of home directory on first login by /etc/pam.d/common-session. cha: CFreeIPA::existHostGroup, CFreeIPA::existUserGroup: Now doesn't try to access non-existing array indices anymore. cha: CHECK_FW: Show error message, if no check param is set. cha: CFreeIPA::getRangeFromDomain: Depending on the type of the domain, the range part is at the 3th or 4th (domain containg ".schulen.") position. cha: index_fb.css: Now selections are left aligned and not centered anymore. +++++ 2022-04-26 cha: CFreeIPA::addDNSEntry: Additional parameter to decide if a reverse DNS entry should be created. fix: DHCP_activateBoot: Now tries to remove a deploy + transfer client from DHCP, because it may have an DHCP entry, but does not boot form PXE. So the DHCP entry may be doubled when recovering fix: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Workaround: Now uses ldap (instead of ldaps) on m23 servers running on Debian 9 (support end 2022-06-20). +++++ 2022-04-25 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Reverted Ubuntu version specific generation of /etc/pam.d/common-account. new: CFreeIPA::getRangeFromDomain: Gets the range name from a domain format (eg. adm-lan.s1.example.com => ADM_LAN) cha: CSchool::getRangeInfo, CSchool::getNetmask, CSchool::getGateway, CSchool::getDNS, CSchool::getNextFreeIP: Removed range name. cha: CSchool::SCHOOL_RANGE_LOCAL_IP: Becomes CSchool::SCHOOL_RANGE_SORT_FIRST. cha: CSchool::__construct, CSchool::createCSchoolObject: Now are having an additional domain parameter: The domain of the school including the network range and optional the client name. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient, CClient::adjustNetworkSettingsForDestinatedSchool, CClient::addToSchool, CClient::removeFromSchool, CClient::adjustNetworkSettingsToNewSchool, CLCFG_enableKerberosWithHostTickets, showBasicSchoolClient: Now are using the new domain parameter of CSchool::__construct. cha: add_schoolClient.php: Now uses the new domain parameter of CSchool::createCSchoolObject. fix: CFreeIPA::setComputerBulkPassword: Now uses the client name (FQDN) instead of HELPER_splitFQDNClientName. cha: CLCFG_enableFreeIPA: Made simpler by unsing needed variables only. +++++ 2022-04-23 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Workaround: Now uses ldap (instead of ldaps) on Ubuntu 22.04. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Commented out Ubuntu version specific generation of /etc/pam.d/common-account. cha: ubuntu/clientConfig.php: Removed "--force-yes" from apt-get commands. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Now detects location of ldap.conf on Ubuntu 22.04. cha: CFreeIPA::delComputer, CFreeIPA::addDNSEntry: __dns_name__ is now the hostname. cha: CFreeIPA::addDNSEntry: JSON parameter adjusted. new: UBUNTU_desktopInstall, info.txt, m23UbuntuBudgie2204Install.php, m23UbuntuKubuntu2204Install.php, m23UbuntuLubuntu2204Install.php, m23UbuntuMate2204Install.php, m23UbuntuUbuntuGnome2204Install.php: Desktops for Ubuntu 22.04 that don't deinstall Snap anymore. new: CFreeIPA::addDNSEntry: Adds an DNS entry for a client in FreeIPA. cha: CClient::migrateToNewSchoolAndFindFreeIP: Now removes the client from the m23 DHCP server. cha: CClient::migrateToNewSchoolAndFindFreeIP: Deactivated call of adjustNetworkSettingsToNewSchool, because client stays in DHCP mode and network settings are deployed by OPNsense. +++++ 2022-04-22 cha: CLCFG_enableFreeIPA: Now ueses HELPER_splitFQDNClientName. cha: CFreeIPA::getDomain: Becomes CFreeIPA::getMainDomain. cha: add_schoolClient.php: Now the subdomain is added to the client name to make it a FQDN. cha: CFreeIPA::addComputer, CFreeIPA::setComputerBulkPassword, CFreeIPA::addDNSEntry, CFreeIPA::addClientToHostGroup: Now don't use CFreeIPA::getDomain anymore. new: HELPER_splitFQDNClientName: Splits a FQDN client name into hostname and domain name. cha: add_schoolClient.php: Now the subdomain for a client can be choosen. new: CFreeIPA::getSubdomains: Gets possible subdomains for a given school short name. new: CFreeIPA::range2Domain: Converts the range name into domain format (eg. ADM_LAN => adm-lan) cha: CSchool.php: Changed SCHOOL_RANGE_LOCAL_IP to new format. +++++ 2022-04-21 cha: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Now uses SERVER_runningInScreen to detect, if there is a warning process already. +++++ 2022-04-14 cha: m23cli.php: Commented out debug code. cha: CFreeIPA::updateSchoolInfoFileFromDNSZones: Changed format of school information. fix: CFreeIPA::getDNSZoneInfo, CFreeIPA::getDNSZones, CFreeIPA::getUsedFreeIPAIPs: Now sets the sizelimit to 0 to ensure that all results are received and not the first 100. cha: mkDebCustomSettings.sh: Now keeps the 7 newest versions of the build package. +++++ 2022-04-11 cha: CSchoolManagement::GUI_showSchoolChooser: Repositioned BUT_updateSchoolInfoFileFromDNSZones. cha: mkDebCustomSettings.sh: Now uses a timestamp for the package subnumber. +++++ 2022-04-08 fix: mkDebCustomSettings.sh: Corrected *.m23custom to *.m23customPatch. +++++ 2022-04-06 cha: work.php: Now runs GRP_runSettingsForClient($client, GRP_SETTING_TYPE_execBeginningOfWorkPHP) only, if the client has installed the base system. cha: SRCLST_getValue: Now returns empty string, if the variable is not found. fix: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Fixed package list for XFce on Ubuntu 22.04. fix: m23UbuntuXubuntu2022Install.php: Renamed to m23UbuntuXubuntu2204Install.php. +++++ 2022-04-05 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Initial support for XFce on Ubuntu 22.04. new: m23UbuntuXubuntu2022Install.php: Installs the Xfce desktop for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS +++++ 2022-03-31 fix: getDNS-Zone-anlegen-Parameter.php: Now $dns2 is used. cha: CFreeIPA::updateSchoolInfoFileFromDNSZones: Now really writes the config file with correct variables. +++++ 2022-03-29 cha: getDNS-Zone-anlegen-Parameter.php: Now exports all 22 parameters. new: CFreeIPA::updateSchoolInfoFileFromDNSZones: (Over)Writes the school info file with settings from the DNS zones. cha: CSchoolManagement::GUI_showSchoolChooser: Now calls CFreeIPA::updateSchoolInfoFileFromDNSZones. +++++ 2022-03-25 new: CHECK_clientname: Checks, if a client name is valid. cha: CChecks::checkClientname: Now ueses CHECK_clientname. new: mkDebCustomSettings.sh: Exports /m23/data+scripts/extraDebs/*.deb, /m23/inc/schoolInfoConf.php, /m23/inc/schoolConfig.php, /m23/m23customPatch/*.m23custom, package selections and non-standard package sources lists. +++++ 2022-03-24 new: /m23/bin/applyAllm23CustomPatches: Applies all m23 custom patches stored in /m23/m23customPatch. cha: getDNS-Zone-anlegen-Parameter.php: Now replaces German "Umlaute" and language specific charaters of other languages to ASCII in school long name. new: indexAndSignExtraDebs.php: Create Packages* and signs the Release file in the extraDebs directory as Release.gpg and InRelease. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now forcibly removes skript and lock file. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now can export all non-standard sourceslists. cha: mkCustomSettingsTar.sh: Now exports non-standard sources lists. cha: customsettingsm23server / postinst: Now imports all SQL files stored in /tmp/m23-install. +++++ 2022-03-22 cha: DHCP_addClient: Try to fix sporadic lock problem under UCS. cha: m23cli.php: Now includes CFreeIPA* and CSchool*. new: getDNS-Zone-anlegen-Parameter.php: Get the parameters for DNS-Zone-anlegen.sh cha: mkCustomSettingsTar.sh: Creates /m23/data+scripts/extraDebs/customSettings.tar.gz with /m23/data+scripts/extraDebs/*.deb /m23/inc/schoolInfoConf.php /m23/inc/schoolConfig.php /m23/m23customPatch/*.m23customPatch. +++++ 2022-03-13 fix: CSearchFilter::getClientsAsMySQLResult, CClient::save: Deprecated: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swapped the parameters. +++++ 2022-03-12 cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now enables deploy+transfer only, if $options['deployTransfer'] is set and is 1. #cha: DHCP_isNetworkBootingActive: Now checks doesn't check for boot filename anymore, to return true. new: Added OptionPage*.php for Ubuntu 22.04. +++++ 2022-03-11 cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "Ubuntu-Jammy". cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: No disabling of SSH certificate check for Ubuntu 22.04. cha: m23-initscripts/postinst: Now detects Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish (development branch) too. fix: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: Now set the variable $code instead of appending, because it was not defined before. fix: CFreeIPA::checkCurlResult: Now doesn't try to access non-existing array indices anymore. fix: DHCP_isNetworkBootingActive: Now checks a boot filename is needed, to return true. fix: work.php: Now check, if there are fields to access. fix: CLCFG_installApplicationLanguagePackages: Now returns false, if no language information could be fetched. +++++ 2022-03-10 cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Initial support for Ubuntu 22.04. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Removed outdated code. cha: CLCFG_language: Minimal supported Debian version is 9 now. cha: m23-initscripts/postinst: Initial support for Ubuntu 22.04. +++++ 2022-03-08 new: CFreeIPA::getDNSZoneInfo: Gets information about the settings of DNS zone. +++++ 2022-03-07 new: CFreeIPA::getDNSZones: Gets the list of DNS zones managed by the FreeIPA server. +++++ 2022-03-04 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall, DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Now doesn't reconfigure m23-skel anymore. cha: ubuntu + debian/DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now doesn't install m23-skel anymore. cha: CLCFG_setDebconf: Removed workaround for Debian Woody. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Changed comment mentioning m23hwscanner-ubuntu. cha: KDE_installLoginManager, m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Removed installation of m23-ksplash on KDE 3.x. cha: m23Mint11KDEInstall.php, m23MintKDEInstall.php: Removed file. +++++ 2022-03-02 cha: CLCFG_enableFreeIPA: Now generates a private SSL key host/client certificate (PEM) and receives a SSL host/client certificate (hopefully) signed by FreeIPA server. cha: CLCFG_enableFreeIPA: Now removes any other certificate requests. +++++ 2022-02-28 cha: quickbuild.sh: Now uploads packages, indexes and signatures for UCS. +++++ 2022-02-21 cha: changelog-merger.php: Now doesn't try to access non-existing array indices anymore. +++++ 2022-02-19 cha: RMV_get: Now doesn't try to access the result of mysqli_fetch_row, if it's null, but returns an empty string instead. +++++ 2022-02-18 cha: CHECK_text2db: Removed call of deprecated function get_magic_quotes_gpc that returns false all the time. +++++ 2022-02-15 cha: CATSG::initServerArray: Added Debian 11 32bit VM and commented out Debian 8 + 9. cha: VM_startVMInExistingXSession: Now uses the highest display number to open the VM session. This priorises a remote X session over a local. cha: CAutoTest::VMStart: Now searches case-insensitive for "error" to detect error messages. +++++ 2022-02-08 cha: UPDATE_doUpdate: Workaround for samba-common-bin upgrade problem (invalid permissions on directory /var/lib/samba/private/msg.sock: has 0777 should be 0700) cha: UPDATE_doUpdate: Workaround for dependency problem with mariadb-server-10.3 + mariadb-client-10.3 cha: UPDATE_doUpdate: Install version independent version of all PHP packages. cha: m23/postinst: Now runs "chsh -s /bin/sh www-data" every time. +++++ 2022-02-04 cha: m23/postinst: DB changes: Add default values for many columns. +++++ 2022-01-27 cha: *.php: Changed curly to square brackets to access characters of strings. cha: CSearchFilter.php: Fixed "Deprecated: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated." cha: RMV_get4IP: Now doesn't try to access the result of mysqli_fetch_row, if it's null, but returns an empty string instead. cha: SERVER_getFileContents: Fixed "implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated." cha: PKGBUILDER_showUploadDialog: Now allows .deb files too. +++++ 2022-01-25 cha: CLCFG_enableFreeIPA: Now activates backports for Debian 11, because freeipa-client is not available in Debian 11. +++++ 2022-01-21 fix: EDIT_searchLineNumber: Now works with search patterns that look like regex. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now checks for "This account is currently not available" and shows a hint. cha: DHCP_restartDHCPserver: Now tries 10 times to restart the DHCP server (in case of errors like timing problems) +++++ 2022-01-17 cha: m23serverCheckDaemonsOnDebian.m23test, m23serverCheckDaemonsOnUCS.m23test: Now are detecting MariaDB on Debian 11 too. +++++ 2022-01-16 new: m23/postinst: restartSQLServer: Restarts MySQL or MariaDB server. cha: m23/postinst: Now doesn't enable InnoDB anymore. cha: SQL: Table autoUpdateSchedule uses MyISAM now. cha: BASH_SET_VAR_RUN_SCREEN_BY_DISTRIBUTION: Now includes Debian 11 too. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now shows deploy+transfer when in school mode only. +++++ 2022-01-14 cha: SQL: Added default values to all fields in all tables when needed. +++++ 2022-01-10 cha: m23-xhprof/, m23-ucs-extra-4.3/, m23/control: Now uses generic PHP package names without version. fix: CFreeIPA::generateConfigCacheFileFromFreeIPA: Now is more fault tolerant with additional output of the integration script. +++++ 2021-11-16 fix: m23 / postinst: Now symlinks /m23/data+scripts/m23manual and /m23/data+scripts/devguide to /var/www/ on UCS. +++++ 2021-10-18 cha: CClient::adjustNetworkSettingsForDestinatedSchool: Now returns true on successfully adjustion, false in case of errors. cha: clients_overview.php: Now removes clients from Deploy + Transfer group after successfull adjusting of network settings. cha: CFreeIPA.php: Commented out debug messages. new: addSchoolClient_SchoolChooser.hlp: Help file for selecting the school. cha: add_schoolClient.php: Now creates Deploy + Transfer group only, if it doesn't exist. fix: add_schoolClient.php: Now doesn't try to add the client to Deploy + Transfer host group in FreeIPA. fix: CClient::migrateToNewSchoolAndFindFreeIP: Now returnes true in case of success. cha: CClient::getSetNetworkParameters: Store to database to make changed settings available for functions that access the DB directly. new: CSchool::getUsedIPs: New parameter to get all IPs that are handled by m23 or school IPs only. cha: CSchool::IPexists, CSchool::getNextFreeIP: Now are using CSchool::getUsedIPs's new parameter. cha: client.php: Removed debug code. cha: addSchoolClient.hlp: Combined help file. cha: add_schoolClient.php: Now shows addSchoolClient.hlp. +++++ 2021-10-16 cha: add_schoolClient.php: Now creates Deploy + Transfer group and adds clients to it. cha: clients_overview.php: Now can filter for Deploy + Transfer group. +++++ 2021-10-15 new: CLIENT_usesFreeIPA: Checks, if a client uses FreeIPA. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: Now uses CLIENT_usesFreeIPA and deletes a client from FreeIPA, if it's a FreeIPA client. fix: CSchool::getUsedIPs: Now IPs of clients that don't belong to a school are seen as used too. cha: add_schoolClient.php: Now activates Deploy+Transfer. fix: CLCFG_interfaces: Now uses Deploy+Transfer mode in all parts of the function, when activated. new: CLIENT_usesDeployTransfer: Returns, if the client uses Deploy + Transfer. cha: CClient::isDeployTransfer: Renamed to CClient::usesDeployTransfer. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: In case that Deploy + Transfer is used: Disable network booting of a client, but still give network settings via DHCP. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now deletes the dhcpd.conf entry when in Deploy + Transfer mode and $bootType == 'forceDelete'. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: Now calls DHCP_activateBoot with $bootType == 'forceDelete'. +++++ 2021-10-11 fix: CClient::addToSchool: Now uses correct variables. cha: CClient::addToSchool: Now doesn't show the error message by itself. fix: CClient::addToSchool: Now handles return values of CSchoolO::addWorkstation as string (error message) or true. fix: CFreeIPA::addComputer: Now removes an DNS entry in case of an error while adding the host. cha: CSchool::IPexists: Now error message makes clear that it belongs to CSchool::IPexists. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now adds errors from CClient methods. +++++ 2021-10-04 cha: CSearchFilter::__construct: Now allows filtering fro school names too. cha: add_schoolClient.php: Made a backup to add_schoolClient-old.php cha: add_schoolClient.php: Now school is preselected. cha: menu.php: Reactivated school management. cha: clients_overview.php: New parameter to create a filter to show only clients that belong to the deploy network school. cha: CSearchFilter::addFilter: Became public to be available for external setting of parameters. cha: add_schoolClient.php: Reverted to old version, but all network settings are taken from / calculated for the network deployment school. new: CClient::adjustNetworkSettingsToNewSchool: Adjust the network settings (eg tries to find a free IP) for the new school. new: CClient::adjustNetworkSettingsForDestinatedSchool: Adjusts the network setting for the destinated school, leaves the DHCP entry in dhcpd.conf and disables network booting. cha: clients_overview.php: Now can call CClient::adjustNetworkSettingsForDestinatedSchool on all selected clients. cha: CClient::adjustNetworkSettingsForDestinatedSchool: Added status message for successfull and failed adjusting. +++++ 2021-10-01 new: CClient::RemoveFromSchool: Removes the client from its school and LDAP/FreeIPA. cha: CClient::getSetNetworkParameters: Added parameters for 1st and 2nd DNS server. new: CClient::unsetSchoolName: Unsets the school name the client had belong to. cha: CClient::setSchool: Renamed to CClient::setSchoolName. new: CClient::updateNetworksettingsInDHCPd: Updates the network settings (IP address and netmask) in the the dhcpd.conf, if there is already an entry for the client. cha: CClient::changeNetworksettings: Replaced by CClient::updateNetworksettingsInDHCPd. new: CClient::migrateToNewSchoolAndFindFreeIP: Removes a client from the old school (FreeIPA/LDAP), tries to find a free IP in the destination school and adds the client there on success. Network and school settings are adjusted in the client itself too. +++++ 2021-09-30 new: CClient::addToSchool: Adds the client to a given school. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now uses CClient::addToSchool instead of the included implementation. new: CClient::isSchoolClient: Checks, if a client is in school mode. +++++ 2021-09-29 new: CClient::changeNetworksettings: Changes the network settings in the client's settings and the dhcpd.conf, if there is an entry for the client. +++++ 2021-09-28 new: DHCP_keepDHCPIpDisablePXEBoot: Disables network booting of a client, but still give network settings via DHCP. new: MSR_WiFiMACCommand: Generates the commands to get all WiFi devices and according MAC addresses and transfer them to the m23 server. new: CClient::setWiFiList: Stores the list of WiFi devices and according MAC addresses of the client. new: CClient::getWiFiDevMACList: Returns WiFi device and MAC information of the client. new: MSR_importWiFiMAC: Imports all WiFi devices and according MAC addresses. new: m23getWiFiMACInstall.php: Sends Wifi device names and according MAC addresses to the m23 server. +++++ 2021-09-27 cha: CLCFG_interfaces, CLIENT_addClient, CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now are supporting deploy+transfer. new: CClient::setDeployTransfer: Sets the Deploy + Transfer usage of the client. new: CClient::isDeployTransfer: Returns, if the client uses Deploy + Transfer. cha: */DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now uses extra parameter for CLCFG_interfaces. +++++ 2021-09-02 patch 101532: Fix for mass installation and improved sources list for Debian 11. cha: sources list "bullseye": Now uses deb.debian.org and added bullseye-security and bullseye-updates. +++++ 2021-08-28 cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now calls setEFIBootPartDev only, if the $options['efiPart'] is non-empty. +++++ 2021-08-25 cha: CMSLinkCreator.sh: Now checks, if the input file has a different version than mentioned in the link file. +++++ 2021-08-20 patch 101531: UCS fixes. cha: UCS_enableClientPXEBoot: Error messages from udm that contain "already" are not seen as critical anymore. cha: 1m23server-auf-UCS-mit-UCS-Testrepoinstallieren.m23test: Adjusted for UCS 5.0. +++++ 2021-08-19 fix: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Corrected execution order to allow UCS's LDAP login. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now exits the function, if no LDAP server is set. +++++ 2021-08-17 cha: ucs-upload: Adjusted for UCS 5.0 and m23 21.1. cha: m23instUpload: Now test installs m23 and m23-xhprof packages only. cha: m23instUpload: Now doesn't check the MD5 sum of then HTTP2SeleniumBridge package. cha: m23-mb2009_0.8.5-100233_all.deb, m23-mdk-plugin_0.8.3-100204_all.deb and m23-roms_18.2-101166_all.deb: Moved to /mdk/outdated/. cha: m23instUpload: For the moment then m23-vbox package isn't checked, because it is not installable under Debian 10 because virtualbox is missing as dependency. +++++ 2021-08-15 cha: getDNSServers: Now uses (from https://wiki.opennic.org/start) as DNS fallback. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / showNetworkDialog: Now uses (from https://wiki.opennic.org/start) as default DNS. cha: CATSG::initServerArray: Added Debian 11. +++++ 2021-08-14 patch 101525: Release 21.1 release 21.1 +++++ 2021-08-12 cha: AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen: Now converts the screenshot into grayscale before running tesseract to improve recognitation. +++++ 2021-08-08 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now calls pam-auth-update to create the user's home directory instead of setting the according debconf value. It seems that "libpam-runtime libpam-runtime/profiles multiselect unix, ldap, systemd, mkhomedir" isn't read by the libpam-runtime package or pam-auth-update. pam-auth-update is run by the libpam-runtime package and shows a dialog that *looks like* the debconf dialogs. The chosen elements are stored in debconf. +++++ 2021-08-05 cha: exportDBInitTable: Removed "Ubuntu-Xenial", "LinuxMint 18 Sarah" and "LinuxMint 18.1 Serena". cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "LinuxMint 20.2 Uma". +++++ 2021-08-03 cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Reconfigure libpam-runtime on all distributions but Debian 11. Debian 11 will not boot anymore, if LDAP is used. +++++ 2021-07-23 cha: CAutoTest::VMStart: Now dies when there is an error starting the VM. cha: VM_captureVMWindowAsMovie: Now is compatible with VirtualBox 6.x. +++++ 2021-07-22 cha: PKG_getKernels: Now filters out gnumach. Needed for Debian 11. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Removed more old grub installation and configuration code. fix: PKG_remNormalPackages: Now returns the value of an existing variable. +++++ 2021-07-21 cha: LDAP_addPosix: Now returnes false, if connection to the LDAP server isn't possible. +++++ 2021-07-15 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Commented out configuration for grub used in old Debian/Ubuntu versions. new: CFreeIPA::getBash_deleteUser: Generates BASH code, to delete a user from FreeIPA. cha: CFreeIPA::getFreeIPIntegrateCommands: Now calls CFreeIPA::getBash_deleteUser to try delete the m23admin before creating it. new: CFreeIPA::addGroupToHostGroup: Adds a host group to another host group in FreeIPA. cha: CSchool::createm23Subgroups: Now calls CFreeIPA::addGroupToHostGroup to add the host groups to their main groups. +++++ 2021-07-12 cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator, CLCFG_language, CLCFG_copySSLCert, debian / clientInstall.php, BASH_SET_VAR_RUN_SCREEN_BY_DISTRIBUTION, debian / m23x2goServerInstall.php: Added support for Debian 11. +++++ 2021-06-29 new: CFreeIPA::addGroupToUserGroup: Adds a group to another group in FreeIPA. cha: CSchool::createm23Subgroups: Now adds the sub-groups to the main school group by CFreeIPA::addGroupToUserGroup. cha: GRP_add: Has a new parameter to disable the info message about the successfull group creation. +++++ 2021-06-28 fix: m23 / postrm: Now deletes the cron entry for automatically removing old APT lists files (G). +++++ 2021-06-24 cha: getDNSServers: Now uses DNS server from digitalcourage ( as fallback for the first DNS server. +++++ 2021-06-23 new: CAutoTest::getSeleniumVMIP: Gets the IP of the Selenium VM. new: CAutoTest::isSeleniumVMOnline: Is the Selenium VM online (pingable) new: CAutoTest::startSeleniumVM: Starts the Selenium VM, if it's not running. +++++ 2021-06-21 cha: CFreeIPA::getBash_getKerberosTicketOnLogin: Now adds the entries to .bash_profile even if .bash_profile doesn't exist before. new: CFreeIPA::safeJSONString: Makes the input string safe for using it in a JSON query. cha: CFreeIPA::*: Now uses CFreeIPA::safeJSONString instead of I18N_safeUTF8_encode. +++++ 2021-06-19 fix: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now calls CFreeIPA::setComputerBulkPassword with the client name and not it's IP anymore. +++++ 2021-06-18 cha: CLCFG_enableFreeIPA: Now checks for errors of ipa-client-install and sets client in critical mode if error occurred. +++++ 2021-06-17 cha: CSchool::getm23SubgroupsPostfixes: Becomes CSchool::getm23SubHostGroupsPostfixes. cha: CSchoolFreeIPA::createSchoolStructure: Logic went to CSchool::createm23Subgroups. new: CSchoolLDAPKerberos::createHostGroup: Does nothing. Just here to be compatible with FreeIPA implementation. new: CSchoolLDAPKerberos::createUserGroup: Does nothing. Just here to be compatible with FreeIPA implementation. cha: CFreeIPA::existGroup: Becomes CFreeIPA::existUserGroup. new: CSchool::createCSchoolObject: Tries to create a CSchool object. cha: CFreeIPA::createObject: Becomes CFreeIPA::createCFreeIPAObject. new: HELPER_pageFetchedByBrowser: Detects, if the current page or BASH script was fetched by a webbrowser (and not wget). cha: MSG_showMessageBox: Now converts HTML messages to pure text, if the page is not fetched by a browser. cha: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader, MSG_showMessageBoxFooter: Now show the messages in pure text, if the page is not fetched by a browser. +++++ 2021-06-16 new: CFreeIPA::checkCurlResult: Checks the answer of a FreeIPA curl call. new: CFreeIPA::createHostGroup: Creates a host (m23 client) group in FreeIPA. new: CFreeIPA::existHostGroup: Checks, if a host group is existing in FreeIPA. new: CFreeIPA::addClientToHostGroup: Adds an m23 client to a host group in FreeIPA. new: CFreeIPA::addLoginToGroup: Adds an user to a group in FreeIPA. +++++ 2021-06-15 cha: CFreeIPA::delComputer, CFreeIPA::existGroup,: Now are using JSONRPC via CFreeIPA::curlExec. cha: CFreeIPA::generateConfigCacheFileFromFreeIPA: Now adds the FQDN with its IP to /etc/hosts to make it resolvable. cha: CFreeIPA::deleteConfigCacheFile: Now removes the FreeIPA server entry form /etc/hosts. new: CSchool::getUsedIPs: Gets the IPs that are managed by the Kerberos/LDAP or the FreeIPA server. new: CSchool::IPexists: Checks if an IP with the selected IP exists in Kerberos/LDAP or the FreeIPA for the current school. Replaces CSchoolFreeIPA::IPexists and CSchoolLDAPKerberos::IPexists. cha: CSchool::getNextFreeIP: Now uses CSchool::getUsedIPs. +++++ 2021-06-14 new: CFreeIPA::curlLogin: Logins into the FreeIPA server via the JSONRPC API. new: CFreeIPA::curlExec: Executes a command on the FreeIPA server via the JSONRPC API. new: CFreeIPA::curlInit: Prepares curl to connect to the FreeIPA server. new: CFreeIPA::curlClose: Closes the connection to the FreeIPA server. cha: CFreeIPA::getUsedIPs, CFreeIPA::addComputer, CFreeIPA::setComputerBulkPassword, CFreeIPA::addUser: Now are using JSONRPC via CFreeIPA::curlExec. +++++ 2021-06-12 cha: HELPER_generateSalt: Now '/' and '.' are excluded. +++++ 2021-06-11 new: CFreeIPA::saveFreeIPAConfigFile: Writes/appends entries to the FreeIPA configuration file. cha: CFreeIPA::generateConfigCacheFileFromFreeIPA: Now uses CFreeIPA::saveFreeIPAConfigFile. new: CFreeIPA::getm23AdminPassword: Gets the password of the m23admin user on the FreeIPA server. new: CFreeIPA::curlLogin: Logins into the FreeIPA server via the JSONRPC API. +++++ 2021-06-10 new: CSchool::usesLDAPKerberos: Checks, if LDAP/Kerberos with FusionDirectory is used for user and groups management. new: CSchool::usesFreeIPA: Checks, if FreeIPA is used for user and groups management. new: CFreeIPA::existGroup: Checks, if a group is existing in FreeIPA. new: CSchoolFreeIPA::isSchoolExisting: Checks, if a school is existing in FreeIPA. new: CFreeIPA::createGroup: Creates a group in FreeIPA. +++++ 2021-06-09 cha: CSchool::*: LDAP and Kerberos based functions became CSchoolLDAPKerberos::*. +++++ 2021-06-08 cha: CSchool::getNextFreeIP: Now merges used IPs found by CFreeIPA::getUsedIPs into the list of used IPs. +++++ 2021-06-07 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now differentiated between reading account data from FreeIPA, of reading/writing to FreeIPA. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now adds FreeIPA options only, if FreeIPA is available. +++++ 2021-06-05 new: CFreeIPA::delComputer: Deletes an m23 client form FreeIPA's host and DNS entries. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now calls CFreeIPA::addUser. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: Now calls CFreeIPA::delComputer. cha: LDAP_getTypes: Added FreeIPA. new: m23FreeIPAClientInstall.php: Enable FreeIPA on a client. cha: client_distr.php: Now adds the FreeIPA client install job, if FreeIPA accounts should be read (or written). new: CFreeIPA::delUser: Deletes a user from FreeIPA. +++++ 2021-06-04 new: CFreeIPA::isAvailable: Checks, if a FreeIPA server is integrated into m23, by checking the presence ofthe configuration file on the m23 server. A presence doesn't mean, that the FreeIPA server is currently running. new: CFreeIPA::createObject: Trys to create a CFreeIPA object. This only works if there is a configuration file on the m23 server. new: CFreeIPA::executeOnFreeIPA: Runs a BASH script on the FreeIPA server. new: CFreeIPA::isOnline: Checks, if the FreeIPA server, that was integrated into m23, is currently running. new: CClient::getFreeIPABulkPassword: Gets a the computer/host's FreeIPA bulk password (eventually after generating and storing). new: CFreeIPA::setComputerBulkPassword: Sets the bulk password of an m23 client in FreeIPA. cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now calls CFreeIPA::setComputerBulkPassword when FreeIPA is used. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now calls CFreeIPA::setComputerBulkPassword and CFreeIPA::addComputer when FreeIPA is used. new: CFreeIPA::getUsedIPs: Gets the IPs that are managed by the FreeIPA server. cha: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now calls CFreeIPA::getUsedIPs. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now disables LDAP elements with JavaScript when FreeIPA is chosen. +++++ 2021-06-03 new: CFreeIPA::getFreeIPIntegrateCommands: Generates commands to create an administrator account, that can be used by m23, on the FreeIPA server. +++++ 2021-06-02 new: CFreeIPA::deleteConfigCacheFile: Deletes the config file with cached information about the FreeIPA server. +++++ 2021-05-31 fix: HTML_showTableRow: Now 'td' additional parameters can be given. +++++ 2021-05-28 new: SERVER_getPublicSSHKey: Gets the public SSH (root) key of the m23 server. new: CFreeIPA::getBash_checkRootAndKerberosTicket: Generates BASH code, to check, if the code is run as root and if a valid Kerberos ticket is present. new: CFreeIPA::getBash_addAdminRole: Generates BASH code, to assign the admin role to an existing user. new: CFreeIPA::getBash_getKerberosTicketOnLogin: Generates BASH code, to fetch a kerberos ticket on login automatically. new: CFreeIPA::getBash_setPasswordExpiration: Generates BASH code, to set expiration date for the password (far into the future so that you are not prompted to change the password). new: CFreeIPA::getBash_createUser: Generates BASH code, to create a user in FreeIPA. +++++ 2021-05-22 new: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIPSimple: Runs a script under a plain BASH with a given user. new: CFreeIPA::__destruct: Destructor for a CFreeIPA object. new: CFreeIPA::__construct: Constructor for new CFreeIPA objects. new: CFreeIPA::loadFreeIPAConfigFile: Loads the FreeIPA configuration from CFreeIPA::FREEIPA_CONFIG_CACHE_FILE. new: CFreeIPA::getDomain: Gets the domain that the FreeIPA server manages. new: CFreeIPA::getRealm: Gets the Kerberos realm that the FreeIPA server manages. new: CFreeIPA::getServerFQDN: Gets the FQDN of the FreeIPA server. new: CFreeIPA::getServerIP: Gets the IP of the FreeIPA server. new: CFreeIPA::generateConfigCacheFileFromFreeIPA: Logs into the FreeIPA server via SSH and reads out needed information and stores them in the config file. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording, CLIENT_getSSHKeyorPasswordOptions, CLIENT_sshFetchJob, CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now are using the SSH parameters defined in the constants SSH_PARAMS_COMMON and SSH_PARAMS_PUBKEYAUTH. +++++ 2021-05-10 cha: m23Backup: Now backups LDAP keytab, Kereros configuration and stash (master password) and FusionDirectory config too. +++++ 2021-05-08 fix: debugScreen.php: Now includes the needed html.php. new: CSchool::getHostPrincipalName: Gets the Kerberos host principal fpr a given computer. new: CSchool::getHostPrincipalKeytab: Gets the Kerberos keytab for a given computer in base64 encoded format. +++++ 2021-05-07 cha: CLCFG_enableKerberos: Becomes CLCFG_enableLDAPplusKerberos. new: CClient::getKerberosComputerPassword: Gets a the Kerberos computer/host password (eventually after generating and storing). new: CLCFG_enableKerberosWithHostTickets: Enables Kerberos host/user login for a client. +++++ 2021-05-06 new: CLdap::getKRB_realm: Gets the Kerberos realm. new: CLdap::getKRB_server: Gets the Kerberos server. new: CLdap::getKRB_adminServer: Gets the Kerberos admin server. new: CLdap::getKRB_defaultDomain: Gets the Kerberos default domain. new: CSchool::addKerberosWorkstation: Adds a Kerberos entries to an existing FusionDirectory workstation object in LDAP. new: CSchool::addKerberosServer: Adds a Kerberos entries to an existing FusionDirectory server object in LDAP. new: CSchool::addKerberosComputer: Adds a Kerberos entries to an existing FusionDirectory computer object in LDAP. cha: CSchool::addComputer: Now calls addKerberosComputer, if a password is given. cha: CSchool::addServer, CSchool::addWorkstation: Now are having an additional password parameter. +++++ 2021-05-03 cha: BASH_SET_VAR_RUN_SCREEN_BY_DISTRIBUTION: Added Univention. cha: VM_createVM: Set chipset to ICH9. Seems to be needed by never kernels. Linux will coredump otherwise cha: 1m23server-auf-UCS-mit-UCS-Testrepoinstallieren.m23test: Now enables unmaintained packages. cha: m23serverCheckDaemonsOnDebian.m23test: Now checks, if ldap listens in TLS port. fix: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin: Now stores passwordHashAlgorithm commented out. fix: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Now loads passwordHashAlgorithm from config. cha: VM_createVM: Now creates VMs with enabled ioapic. Needed for most distributions on VirtualBox 6.x. +++++ 2021-04-30 fix: setLog.php: Now includes server.php, needed by SERVER_isHandleAllClientsAsDynamicEnabled in CLIENT_getClientName. +++++ 2021-04-29 cha: VM_startVMInExistingXSession: When finding out the DISPLAY number prioritizes the number with the highest number now. fix: CClient::getUCSNetwork: Now returns 'default' as network instead of false. +++++ 2021-04-28 cha: CAutoTest::__construct: Now checks if the VM host available and dies, if not. cha: VM_createVM: Set network card to Intel PRO/1000 T Server. Seems to be needed for PXE booting now. cha: VM_createVM, VM_insertBootISO, VM_createDiskImage and VM_activateNetbootCMD: Removed support for old VirtualBox versions (2 + 3). +++++ 2021-04-26 fix: CLCFG_enableSudoByM23sudoGroup: Fixed sudoers parameters. (S) cha: CSchool::createMegaAdmin, CSchool::deleteMegaAdmin: Now login names are prefixed with "fd-". (S) cha: CSchool::createUser, CSchool::deleteUser: Now the groupname is the account name (and not the gid anymore). (S) new: CSchool::getMegaAdmins: Generates an array with all mega administrators. new: CChecks::checkm23AdminName: Checks if an m23 admin name is valid. cha: Cm23Admin::__construct: Now uses CChecks::checkm23AdminName. new: CSchoolManagement::GUI_showDeleteMegaAdmin: Shows a dialog for deleting a admin. (S) +++++ 2021-04-23 cha: CSchool::getSchoolLDAPServer: Becomes a static function named CLdap::get2ndLDAPServer. new: CLdap::createFDAdmin: Creates a new FusionDirectory administrator. new: CSchool::createMegaAdmin: Creates a new account, that is administrator in FusionDirectory and m23 and that can login into m23 clients and become root via sudo. cha: LDAP_getBase64UTF8: Now has an optional parameter to force conversion. new: CLdap::ldap_mod_del: Removes attribute(s) from an existing object. new: CLdap::deleteFDAdmin: Deletes a FusionDirectory administrator. new: CLdap::getFDAdminACLAttributes: Get information (LDAP attribute, DN for user account and ACL) for creation and deletion of FusionDirectory administrators. new: CSchool::delAccountFromGroup: Removes a posix account from a posix group on the LDAP server. new: CSchool::deleteRootUser: Deletes a posix account that should act as root from the LDAP server. new: CSchool::delKerberosPrincipalFromExistingLDAP: Removes Kerberos principal attributes from an existing LDAP object. new: CSchool::deleteUser: Removes a posix account from the LDAP server. new: CSchool::deleteGroup: Deletes a posix group from the LDAP server. +++++ 2021-04-21 cha: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Now reads the password from the configuration file into the password edit fields when loading a server. cha: m23-ldap + m23/control: Added dependencies to PHP 7.4. cha: *.php: Replaced "serverInfo['passwordHashAlgorithm']. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu, CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now are reading $LDAPserverInfo['passwordHashAlgorithm']. cha: LDAP_loadServer: Now loads "passwordHashAlgorithm" too. +++++ 2021-04-19 cha: GUI_showSchoolChooser: Now returns the short name of the selected school only, if button is pressed, otherwise empty string. (S) new: CClient::setLdapBasePrefix: Sets the prefix, that should be put before the baseDN. (S) cha: CClient::save: Now uses serialize instead of implodeAssoc. +++++ 2021-04-16 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now has a checkbox for enabling TLS for accessing the LDAP server. cha: CSchoolManagement::GUI_showSchoolChooser: Now has an optional parameter, if set to true show a generic school chooser, otherwise show the school management edition. (S) cha: CSchoolManagement::GUI_showSchoolChooser: Now has an optional parameter: No dialog will be shown, if set to true and the save button is clicked. (S) cha: PKG_addPackageSelection: Becomes PKG_addPackageSelectionSingle. new: PKG_addPackageSelection: Adds one or multiple package selection(s) to the list of packages to install. cha: client_distr.php: Now uses the new version of PKG_addPackageSelection. +++++ 2021-04-15 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian, CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: If the client option "ldapbaseprefix" is set, put it before the baseDN. (S) +++++ 2021-04-13 cha: /m23/data+scripts/packages/work.php: Removed, because unneeded and outdated. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now calls CLIENT_stopLiveScreenRecording, before starting the session. cha: menu.php: Added m23customPatch areas: hideMassTools, hideVMclients and hideAddclient. (S) +++++ 2021-04-12 new: HTML_showJSsanitizeASCII: Shows the JavaScript function sanitizeASCII, that will convert all characters to lower case, replace all umlauts, delete all characters that are not 0-9, a-z or '.' from an input element. (S) +++++ 2021-04-11 cha: CSchool::getUserSchoolRoles: Now has an optional parameter to set, if the admin role will be included in the array. (S) cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now handles school information after all other data is checked to make sure, the LDAP computer object is only created, if all is ok. (S) +++++ 2021-04-09 new: CSchool::getm23SubgroupsPostfixes: Creates an array with the postfixes of the m23 subgroups. (S) new: CSchool::checkNewgroupBeforeClientAdd: Checks, if the needed groups are selected in the needed amount. (S) +++++ 2021-04-08 new: CSchool::getSchoolNameWithDescription: Get an array with the short school names as key and the short school names with description as value. (S) +++++ 2021-04-07 cha: checks.php: Now anything is allowed in group description. The description will be made safe by CHECK_text2db. (S) new: CSchool::createm23Subgroups: Create client groups with the name of the school and different postfixes. +++++ 2021-03-31 new: CSchool::getSchoolUserRoles: Gets an array with the school roles. (S) new: CSchoolManagement::__construct: Constructor for new CSchoolManagement objects. (S) new: CSchoolManagement::GUI_showSchoolChooser: Shows a dialog for selecting the school. (S) new: CSchoolManagement::GUI_showSchoolUserCreator: Shows a dialog for creating a user (admin, teacher, pupil) in the school. (S) +++++ 2021-03-30 cha: menu.php: Added school management. (S) cha: HTML_showFormEnd: Now has an extra parameter to disable adding $_SESSION as hidden variable. (S) new: CSchool::getLongSchoolName: Get the long name of a school. (S) +++++ 2021-03-27 cha: Cm23Admin::__construct: Now allows a wider character set in admin names. (S) +++++ 2021-03-26 fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now copies EFI boot partition name on mass installation. +++++ 2021-03-18 fix: CAutoUpdate::run: Now doesn't try to access unset variable $clientName. +++++ 2021-03-17 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Now uses /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/m23server.crt instead of /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt. new: CLIENT_getLDAPProtocol: Gets the LDAP access protocol (ldap or ldaps) by client's options. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian, CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu, CLCFG_enableKerberosUbuntu: Now are using CLIENT_getLDAPProtocol. cha: menuDeb: Now upload is not limited. +++++ 2021-03-16 cha: CSchool::addComputer: Now can (optionally) set a password for the computer in LDAP. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian, CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu, CLCFG_enableKerberosUbuntu: Now set ldaps protocoll, if "ldapTLS" is set in the client options. new: CClient::enableLDAPTLS: Enables LDAP TLS. +++++ 2021-03-12 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu, CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now configures and installs nslcd. new: CLCFG_enableKerberos: Enables login via Kerberos for a client. new: CLCFG_enablePAMModule: Enables a PAM modules (if it wasn't enabled before) cha: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now are calling CLCFG_enableKerberos. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Removed support for Debian 6.0. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Removed support for Ubuntu < 14.04. new: checkFQDNOrIP: Checks if a string contains only characters that are allowed in a FQDN or is an IP. cha: SERVER_overrideServerIP: Now uses checkFQDNOrIP. new: CClient::setKerberos: Sets Kerberos information. new: CSchool::addKerberosPrincipalToExistingLDAP: Adds Kerberos principal attributes to an existing LDAP object. +++++ 2021-03-11 new: CLCFG_enableKerberos: Enables login via Kerberos for a client. +++++ 2021-03-08 cha: CSchool::createSchoolStructure: Now creates a client group with the name of the school. cha: CSchool::createUser: Now has an optional parameter to use pre-encrypted passwords. +++++ 2021-03-05 new: I18N_isUTF8: Checks, if a string is UTF-8 encoded. cha: HELPER_safeUTF8_encode: Becomes I18N_safeUTF8_encode. cha: I18N_safeUTF8_encode: Now uses I18N_isUTF8. +++++ 2021-03-03 fix: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Added missing "xkeyboard" for Italian. new: CClient::setMBRPartDev: Sets the drive or partition where the bootloader should be installed. new: CSchool::getSchoolLDAPServer: Gets the name of the school's LDAP server. +++++ 2021-03-02 fix: m23Search: Now lists lines only that are containing all search terms. new: CFDiscAutomatic::__construct: Constructor for new CFDiscAutomatic objects. The object holds all information about the partitioning (of a client and loads the values from the DB). new: CFDiscAutomatic::__destruct: Destructor for a CFDiscAutomatic object. Before the object is removed from the RAM, all settings are written to the DB. new: CFDiscAutomatic::getBiggestDrive: Get the drive with the highest capacity. new: CFDiscAutomatic::createAutoPartitionFormatJob: Generates a automatic partition and formating job for the drive with the highest capacity. new: m23fdiskAutomaticFormatInstall.php: Generates a automatic partition and formating job for the drive with the highest capacity. +++++ 2021-03-01 cha: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_enableSudoByM23sudoGroup. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now calls addWorkstation, if school and serial are given. fix: I18N_cacheWebinterfaceLanguages, I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Now uses strings instead of non set constants that were automatically converted to strings. new: CLdap::getLDAPServer: Gets the name of the LDAP server. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now nfshomeserver, userID and groupID are optional. new: CLIENT_isSchoolClient: Checks, if a client is in school mode. new: CLIENT_getSchool: Get the school name a client belongs to. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: Now deletes the client from LDAP, if it's a school client by calling deleteWorkstation. new: CLdap::filterLDAPEntries: Filters the output of ldap_get_entries. new: CSchool::getUsedLDAPIPs: Get an array with IP addresses that are used for computers and devices in the LDAP. new: CSchool::IPexists: Checks if an IP with the selected IP exists in LDAP for the current school +++++ 2021-02-28 new: CLCFG_enableShutdownByUsersGroup: Allows all users of the group users to run shutdown as root. new: CLCFG_enableSudoByM23sudoGroup: Allows all users of the group m23sudo to run command as root. new: CSchool::addPrinter: Adds a printer to LDAP in FusionDirectory style. +++++ 2021-02-26 new: CSchool::readSchoolInfoFile: Reads and parses the school info file for a given school. new: CSchool::getNextFreeIP: Returns an array with free IPs or a single free IP that can be used for the next client(s). new: CSchool::getRangeInfo: Get the value of an option from a range in the school info. new: CSchool::getNetmask: Get the netmask for m23 clients. new: CSchool::getGateway: Get the gateway for m23 clients. new: CSchool::getDNS: Get the DNS server for m23 clients. new: CSchool::getSchoolNames: Get the names of all known schools. new: CSchool::isSchoolModeActive: Checks, if the school mode is active. cha: HTML_input: Now has an optional parameter for extra HTML/JavaScript code. new: HTML_showJSSanitizeMAC: Shows the JavaScript function sanitizeMAC, that will delete all non hex values from an input element. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses HTML_showJSSanitizeMAC. +++++ 2021-02-25 new: CLdap::ldap_delete: Removes an object from the DIT. new: CSchool::deleteComputer: Deletes a computer object from LDAP. new: CSchool::deleteServer: Deletes a client/server from LDAP. new: CSchool::deleteWorkstation: Deletes a client/workstation from LDAP. new: CLdap::ldap_rename: Renames or moves a leaf in the DIT. new: CSchool::moveUserToSchool: Moves a posix account from the current school to another. +++++ 2021-02-24 new: CLdap::ldap_mod_add: Adds an attributes to an existing object. new: CSchool::createGroup: Creates a posix group on the LDAP server. new: CSchool::addAccountToGroup: Adds a posix account to a posix group on the LDAP server. cha: CSchool::addComputer: Now adds the serial number as (part of the) description. cha: m23 / postinst: Adds a new row in the table "clients" for storing the serial (eg inventary number) of a client. new: SERVER_getShowClientSerialColumn: Determines, if the client's serial should be shown in the client overview. new: SERVER_setShowClientSerialColumn: En/Disables showing client's serial in the client overview. new: CClient::setSerial: Sets the serial (eg inventary number) of the client. new: CClient::getSerial: Returns the client's serial number. new: CClient::setSchool: Sets the school the client belongs to. new: CClient::getSchool: Returns the school the client belongs to. new: CLdap::clearStartRDN: Clears the starting container RDN. new: CSchool::isSchoolExisting: Checks, if a school is existing in LDAP. +++++ 2021-02-23 new: CLdap::ldap_add: Adds an object in the DIT. +++++ 2021-02-22 cha: /m23/bin/phpDebug: Enables or disables showing of PHP errors in the browser. new: CLdap::dumpContainer: Gets the contents of a LDAP container. new: CLdap::simplifyLDAPEntries: Simplifies the output of ldap_get_entries. new: CLdap::generateConfigCacheFileFromFusionDirectory: Reads the FusionDirectory configuration from cn=config,ou=fusiondirectory,... and stores it into CLdap::FD_CONFIG_CACHE_FILE. new: CLdap::loadFusionDirectoryConfigFile: Loads the FusionDirectory configuration from CLdap::FD_CONFIG_CACHE_FILE. new: CSchool::addComputer: Adds a computer to LDAP as FusionDirectory object. new: CSchool::setSchool: Sets the name of the school (must be a DC in the LDAP) under the base. new: CSchool::addWorkstation: Adds a client to LDAP as FusionDirectory workstation. new: CSchool::addServer: Adds a client to LDAP as FusionDirectory server. new: LDAP_getMD5: Hashes a password in MD5 as LDAP/PAM expects it. new: CLdap::getPasswordHash: Hashes a password depending on FusionDirectory's default hash setting via MD5 or SSHA as LDAP/PAM expects it. new: CLdap::__destruct: Destructor for a CLdap object. +++++ 2021-02-19 new: HELPER_str_equal_UTF8ISO: Converts a string to UTF-8 and makes sure that it is not converted again, if it was UTF-8. new: I18N_replaceUmlaute: Replaces German "Umlaute" and language specific charaters of other languages. new: LDAP_needsBase64UTF8: Checks, if a string must be converted to UTF-8 and Base64 because it contains non-ASCII characters. new: LDAP_getBase64UTF8: Converts a string to UTF-8 and Base64. new: LDAP_getSSHA: Hashes a password in SSHA as LDAP/PAM expects it. new: CLdap::__construct: Constructor for new CLdap objects. new: CLdap::setStartRDN: Sets the starting container (eg for searches or inserts). new: CLdap::getStartRDN: Gets the starting container (eg for searches or inserts). new: CLdap::search: Searches the LDAP. new: CLdap::getNextID: Returns an array with free (posix user or group) IDs or a single free ID from the LDAP database. new: CLdap::getFreeUserIDs: Returns an array with free posix group IDs or a single free ID from the LDAP database. new: CLdap::getFreeGroupIDs: Returns an array with free posix group IDs or a single free ID from the LDAP database. new: CSchool::__construct: Constructor for new CSchool objects. +++++ 2021-02-16 cha: LDAP_getFreeIDs: Becomes DB_getFreeIDs, because the IDs are not stored in LDAP but in MariaDB. cha: LDAP_getFreeUserIDs: Becomes DB_getFreeUserIDs, because the IDs are not stored in LDAP but in MariaDB. cha: LDAP_getFreeGroupIDs: Becomes DB_getFreeGroupIDs, because the IDs are not stored in LDAP but in MariaDB. cha: LDAP_getNextID: Becomes DB_getNextID, because the IDs are not stored in LDAP but in MariaDB. cha: LDAP_getNextUserID: Becomes DB_getNextUserID, because the IDs are not stored in LDAP but in MariaDB. cha: LDAP_getNextGroupID: Becomes DB_getNextGroupID, because the IDs are not stored in LDAP but in MariaDB. cha: LDAP_addNewID: Becomes DB_addNewID, because the IDs are not stored in LDAP but in MariaDB. cha: LDAP_addNewUserID: Becomes DB_addNewUserID, because the IDs are not stored in LDAP but in MariaDB. cha: LDAP_addNewGroupID: Becomes DB_addNewGroupID, because the IDs are not stored in LDAP but in MariaDB. cha: LDAP_deleteID: Becomes DB_deleteID, because the IDs are not stored in LDAP but in MariaDB. new: LDAP_getNextID: Returns an array with free (posix user or group) IDs or a single free ID from the LDAP database. new: LDAP_getFreeUserIDs: Returns an array with free posix group IDs or a single free ID from the LDAP database. new: LDAP_getFreeGroupIDs: Returns an array with free posix group IDs or a single free ID from the LDAP database. +++++ 2021-02-15 cha: serverSettings.php: Rearanged icons, removed CloudStack. new: serverSettings.php: Now shows FusionDirectory icon, if FusionDirectory is installed. new: SERVER_setFusionDirectoryPassword: Sets the FusionDirectory password for the admin account. cha: addLDAPServerToPhpLDAPAdmin.php: Now uses SERVER_setKerberosPasswords and SERVER_setFusionDirectoryPassword. new: SERVER_getFusionDirectoryPassword: Gets the FusionDirectory password for the admin account. cha: LDAP_addPosix: Changed values from -1 to values accepted by FusionDirectory. cha: LDAP_installServer: Removed. cha: LDAP_getValueFromConfigLine: Now removes '//' too. cha: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin: Now has an optional parameter for additional variables and values. new: HELPER_arrayString2AssociativeArray: Parses a string holding array information to an associative array. +++++ 2021-02-02 new: addLDAPServerToPhpLDAPAdmin.php: Adds a LDAP server to the phpLDAPAdmin configuration. cha: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin: Now checks parameters for emptyness. +++++ 2021-02-01 patch Fixes and improvements, preparation for next release. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now deinstalls the snapd package. (THX TS) +++++ 2021-01-18 cha: CFDiskIO::getUnusedDiskDev: Now includes disk devices nvmen0 - nvmen9 too. cha: BT_startClient: Now deletes *.aria2 files to ensure that there is no aria2 status file that may cause a hashsum mismatch when the file to share and its .torrent are changing. cha: BT_dlFile: Now deletes *.torrent and *.aria2 from the destination directory. +++++ 2021-01-15 fix: CFDiskBasic::efiCheckOnClient: Now uses the correct device for fetching information about the EFI status on NVMe drives. cha: CFDiskBasic::rereadPartTable: Now error messages that may occurr when accessing /sys/block/*/device/rescan are now redirected to /dev/null. new: Netbootimages: Linux kernel 5.10.7 now used. cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Linux kernel 5.10.x. cha: grubnetx64.efi.signed, grubnetx64.efi: Updated. +++++ 2020-12-17 cha: UCS_getUDMCompleteInfo: Now can filter by "DN: cn=...". cha: UCS_getUCSschoolRoles: Get the UCSschoolRoles (eg. groups) of a client. +++++ 2020-12-16 cha: UCS_getOrganisationUnits: Get information about all organisation units (eg. schools). cha: UCS_getUDMCompleteInfo: Now has a multiple option. +++++ 2020-12-14 cha: client_partition.php: Added a warning, when existing partition and formating jobs would be deleted. new: UCS_getUDMCompleteInfo: Get complete information from the UCS's LDAP by udm tool for a given module. +++++ 2020-12-11 cha: UCS_enableClientPXEBoot: Now all UDM messages starting with "E:" are criticaly. +++++ 2020-12-05 cha: UCS_addClient, UCS_modifyClientIP: Added UCS network name as optional parameter. new: CClient::setUCSNetwork: Sets the UCSNetwork for the client. new: CClient::getUCSNetwork: Returns the client's UCSNetwork. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now calls CClient::getUCSNetwork. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now can store UCSNetwork. +++++ 2020-12-04 new: HTML_rowColor: Toggles the row color between oddrow and evenrow class. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses HTML_rowColor. +++++ 2020-12-02 cha: UCS_getUDMInfo: Now has an extra parameter to enable parsing of multiple data sets with identical key names. new: UCS_getAllNetworkInformation: Get information about all UCS networks. new: UCS_getAllNetworkNames: Get the names of all UCS networks. fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Table is draw correctly now, if change client is not active. +++++ 2020-11-25 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now sets grub timeout to 5 seconds. new: SERVER_getShowClientMACColumn: Determines, if the client's MAC should be shown in the client overview. new: SERVER_setShowClientMACColumn: En/Disables showing client MACs in the client overview. +++++ 2020-11-20 fix: CSearchFilter::__construct: Now can handle "!=" filters on unset client parameters. (THX TS) +++++ 2020-11-19 cha: DHCP_writePXEcfg: Now writes pxelinux.cfg configuration in PXELINUX 6.x format. cha: UCS_enableClientPXEBoot: Now doesn't remove the client from UCS's ldap. cha: UCS_disableClientPXEBoot: Disabled functionality. Seems not to be needed anymore, as network booting gets disabled by UCS itself. cha: CLCFG_makeDev: Now hides mknod errors (when trying to create an existing device node). +++++ 2020-11-18 new: SERVER_getMakePasswordsInvisibleEnabled: Determines, if passwords should be made invisible (eg. in the Control center). new: SERVER_setMakePasswordsInvisibleEnabled: Enables making passwords invisible (eg. in the Control center). new: HTML_getInvisiblePasswordsIfFeatureEnabled: Makes a password invisible by setting text color to "transparent", if the "makePasswordsInvisibleEnabled" feature is active, otherwise it will be shown normally. fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Client-side changes are listed as client-side changes now. +++++ 2020-11-14 fix: m23-initscripts / postinst: Now doesn't create a "Documentation" line in the .service file anymore, because it generates as warning message. cha: serverFeatures.php: New category m23webinterfaceAdjustments. new: SERVER_getShowClientIPColumn: Determines, if the client's IP should be shown in the client overview. new: SERVER_setShowClientIPColumn: En/Disables showing client IPs in the client overview. cha: clients_overview.php, CSearchFilter::loadFilterFromGet: Added ordering by client groups. +++++ 2020-11-12 new: m23Mint20MateFullInstall.php: Installs Linux Mint 20 full Mate Desktop. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added installation of Linux Mint 20 full Mate Desktop. +++++ 2020-11-10 new: HTML_storable2xPassword: HTML 2x password edit lines for entering and re-entering a the same password. new: SERVER_set2xPasswordDialogEnabled: Enables using two passwords edit lines with obscured passwords instead of showing the password in plaintext. new: SERVER_get2xPasswordDialogEnabled: Determines, if two passwords edit lines with obscured passwords should be used. cha: CLIENT_addClient: cha: CChecks::checkRootpassword, CChecks::firstpw: Now are returning false and giving out an error message, if the double-entered user or root passwords don't match. +++++ 2020-11-07 cha: checks.php: Now more and different characters are allowed for group names. +++++ 2020-11-02 cha: CATSG::generate: Now allows m23 UCS app versions with characters for indicating a revision. +++++ 2020-10-29 patch 101402: Fixes and smal improvements. cha: UPDATE_doUpdate: Now imports the package sign key. Just in case it was not imported before. cha: CLCFG_sourceslistCreateConfigFiles: Now adds lines to add only if they are not existing in the destination file. +++++ 2020-10-28 new: SRCLST_getXToFile: Returns paramters of a given parameter type from the given sources list as an associative array, where file name and file contents are seperated. cha: SRCLST_getAddToFile: Now uses SRCLST_getXToFile. new: SRCLST_getAppendToFile: Returns appendToFile paramters from the given sources list as an associative array, where file name and file contents are seperated. cha: CLCFG_sourceslistCreateConfigFiles: Now uses SRCLST_getAppendToFile too and appends the parameters to the given files. +++++ 2020-10-27 new: SERVER_setHandleAllClientsAsDynamic: Sets/Unsets handling of all m23 clients as dynamic clients. new: SERVER_isHandleAllClientsAsDynamicEnabled: Determines, if handling of all m23 clients as dynamic clients is enabled. cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Now calls SERVER_isHandleAllClientsAsDynamicEnabled. +++++ 2020-10-26 cha: m23 / postinst: Disables DontCache option of apt-cacher-ng, because it seems to produce broken downloads, that will let APT download a package in a loop. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: Adds "net.ifnames=0" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub if it wasn't present before. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now sets grub-pc install_devices via debconf. +++++ 2020-10-22 cha: db.php: Added Linux Mint 20 in BASH_SET_VAR_RUN_SCREEN_BY_DISTRIBUTION. +++++ 2020-10-14 new: CHECK_login: Checks, if a login name is valid. cha: CHECK_FW: Added support for login names. cha: cha: * / m23x2goServerInstall.php: Commented out calling of VM_CloudStackSendSetVisualURL. cha: * / m23x2goServerInstall.php: Commented out calling of VM_CloudStackSendSetVisualURL. +++++ 2020-10-13 cha: client / linuxrc: Now checkAlternativeM23Server isn't called anymore (was used to CloudStack detection). cha: MSR_curDynIPCommand: Commented out CloudStack detection. +++++ 2020-09-29 cha: *m23updateInstall.php: Now ensures that dpkg keeps edited config files without asking. cha: .../imaging/packages/m23updateInstall.php: Now is a symlink to .../debian/packages/m23updateInstall.php. +++++ 2020-09-24 new: CSystemProxy::writeACNGConf: Write Configuration for apt-cacher-ng. (THX TS) cha: CSystemProxy::writeAPTProxyConf: +++++ 2020-08-27 fix: install_packages.php: Now uses strings instead of non set constants that were automatically converted to strings. fix: PKG_addRecommendPackages: Now returnes the correct variable. +++++ 2020-08-20 fix: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: Corrected SQL statement. fix: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: Now allowes FQDN for the client name. fix: Package sources list Ubuntu-Bionic: Now uses "Bionic" instead of "Trusty" in the comment. fix: Package sources list Ubuntu-Xenial: Now uses "Xenial" instead of "Trusty" in the comment. fix: Package sources list Ubuntu-Focal: Now uses "Focal" instead of "Trusty" in the comment. +++++ 2020-08-17 patch 101389: Improved m23 release documentation and scripts. m23 server IP and m23 client ID are included in kernel boot parameters. cha: DHCP_writePXEcfg: Now adds the IP of the m23 server and the ID of the m23 client to the kernel boot parameters. new: SRCLST_getImportGPGKeyBASH: Returns BASH code to import GPG APT keys from the URLs that are given in the importGPGKey paramters in a sources list. cha: CLCFG_sourceslist, PKG_preparePackageDir: Now are calling SRCLST_getImportGPGKeyBASH. +++++ 2020-07-30 fix: CMSLinkCreator.sh: Now inserts the correct file date and size into the link file. cha: index.php: Removed old includes for CSS and JS and removed the according unneeded files. cha: m23-Release-Tabelle.odt, m23-Release-Anweisung.odt: Updated. +++++ 2020-07-29 cha: check-UCS-unmaintained: Now uses downloaded packages directly instead of trying to download them. +++++ 2020-07-28 patch 101387: Release 20.1 release 20.1 +++++ 2020-07-24 fix: de / manual.tex: Fixed "! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000]." by removing "\usepackage{german,url}". +++++ 2020-07-21 cha: Cm23Admin: Now uses fresh blue as default theme. cha: updateClientOnlineInDB.php: Now calls CLIENT_updateReporting (possibly) on every 4th run of while loop, to update the database every 20 minutes. +++++ 2020-07-18 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Replaced debconf's Squid settings with APT-Cacher NG. fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / installGrub: Now ejects the installation CD/DVD. +++++ 2020-07-17 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Commented out re-configuring the m23 package and re-creation of SSL certificates to improve installation speed. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / chrootSystem, m23start.sh: Now reduces kernel log level. cha: SRCLST_getArchitectures: Now returns an associative array in any case. (THX TS) +++++ 2020-07-16 new: HTML_imgSelection: Shows a jQuery enhanced SELECT. +++++ 2020-07-13 cha: CClientLister::getClient: Now uses JOIN on new keyvaluestore implementation. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_getNames, CLIENT_getIds: Now returned variables are predefined. (THX TS) +++++ 2020-07-11 new: CSearchFilter::showSearchFilterDialog: Displays the GUI-elements for the Search filter dialogue. We already have our data ready from the constructor (THX TS) new: CSearchFilter::getClientsAsMySQLResult: Builds and executes an mysql-query based on the data we read in the constructor (from $_POST or $_GET) (THX TS) new: CSearchFilter::generateFilterLine: Generates HTML: containing one filter line. (THX TS) new: CSearchFilter::generateButtons: Defines HTML: The remove button. (THX TS) new: CSearchFilter::generatePropertyList: Defines HTML: The property-select. (THX TS) new: CSearchFilter::generateSearchFilterDialogJsPre: Generates JavaScript: All we need to add new filter lines or remove then etc. (THX TS) new: CSearchFilter::generateOperatorList: Defines HTML: The operator-select. (THX TS) new: CSearchFilter::defineValueHtml: Defines HTML: The value-element. (THX TS) new: CSearchFilter::exists: Checks, if a given search filter already exists in $this->activeFilters (THX TS) new: CSearchFilter::isValidFilter: Checks, if a given search filter is valid (e.g. agains our firewall) (THX TS) new: CSearchFilter::isValidOrdering: Checks, if a given ordering is valid (THX TS) new: CSearchFilter::addFilter: Adds filter to $this->activeFilters (THX TS) new: CSearchFilter::setOrdering: Sets ordering (THX TS) new: CSearchFilter::loadFilterFromGet: Fills $this->activeFilters from $_GET. Exclusive to $_POST (THX TS) +++++ 2020-07-10 fix: mkCert.sh: Now removes the trailing space of the end of the IP reported by hostname, that produced certificates seen as invalid by Debian 10's wget. new: POSTINST_migrateKeyValueStore.php: This scripts reads the keyValueStore column of the clients table and converts it to its own clientkvstore table. Note: m23dbuser needs rights to alter clientkvstore table. (THX TS) cha: m23 / postinst: Now calls POSTINST_migrateKeyValueStore.php via m23cli.php. +++++ 2020-07-08 cha: CClientLister::addKeyValueStoreFilter, CClientLister::getClient, CClient::__construct, CClient::__destruct, CClient::setKeyValueStore, CClient::getKeyValueStore, CClient::save, CClient::destroy: Now are using table "clientkvstore". (THX TS) cha: MSR_decodeMessage, MSR_addMonitor, MSR_listMonitors: Removed special monitor handling. It's now in an m23customPatch. (THX TS) +++++ 2020-06-30 new: HTML_button: Defines a (graphical) button. (THX TS) cha: HTML_input: Now sets the name of the HTML element as ID too. (THX TS) cha: HTML_input, HTML_selection: Now are having an extra parameter, that if set to true, will include the default value in the HTML tag. (THX TS) new: HTML_datalist: Shows a datalist with auto-completion. (THX TS) new: CLIENT_getIds: Returns an array with all client IDs. (THX TS) new: CSearchFilter: Class for generating search filters. +++++ 2020-06-27 fix: mkCert.sh: Now uses the m23 server IP on renew. +++++ 2020-06-26 fix: DHCP_addClient: Now removes DHCP_addClient.lock when running on UCS. +++++ 2020-06-24 cha: 1m23server-install-debs-on-raspbian.m23test: Now checks output of "sudo" for unwanted messages that would confuse SERVER_runInBackground and other m23 functions that use sudo to switch the user. +++++ 2020-06-23 fix: mkCert.sh: Now checks against the IP of the m23 server. +++++ 2020-06-22 cha: m23 / postinst: Now restart Apache on Raspbian a 2nd time (seems to be needed on newer Raspbian versions to disable PrivateTmp) cha: m23 / postinst: Now disables complaining about disabled Wi-Fi on login. The message will confuse some m23 functions that login via SSH. +++++ 2020-06-18 new: m23Mint20MateInstall.php: Linux Mint 20 Mate Desktop. new: m23Mint20CinnamonInstall.php: Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon Desktop. new: m23Mint20XfceInstall.php: Xfce desktop on Linux Mint 20. cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "LinuxMint 20 Ulyana". +++++ 2020-06-08 fix: clients_overview.php: Now uses new online status bitmask when calling CLIENT_generateHTMLDedicatedAndReachableStatus. new: HELPER_logOnClientBASH: Generates BASH code to show and log a status message with timestamp. cha: CIR_waitForNextJob: Now a script needs more then 5 lines of BASH code, excluding lines between #IgnoreCountRebootRequired[1-2]Begin and #IgnoreCountRebootRequired[1-2]End to be seen as valid script to be executed. cha: CLIENT_rebootClientAfterJobsIfNecessaryBASH, CLIENT_unsetTimeStampForRebootingClientIfNOTNecessaryBASH: Now the BASH code is embraced by #IgnoreCountRebootRequired[1-2]Begin and #IgnoreCountRebootRequired[1-2]End to let the lines not be counted by CIR_waitForNextJob. Without this the waiting for a new job would be finished, when m23Presetup is done, but no next jobs are assigned. fix: PKG_updateStartTime: Now executes the SQL query for updating the start time in the table. +++++ 2020-06-06 cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds DontCache directive to /etc/apt-cacher-ng/acng.conf. +++++ 2020-05-28 cha: m23 / postinst: Now creates a table for client reports. new: CLIENT_updateReporting: Stores clientname, amount of packages on the client, online status (0 = offline, 1 = pingable, 2 = SSH/HTTPs working), reboot status (0 = no reboot needed, 1 = reboot needed, but unfinished, 2 = reboot needed, but unfinished and delayed), update status (0 = no update job assigned, 1 = update job assigned, but unfinished, 2 = update job assigned, but unfinished and delayed) and the timestamp of the last finished update job into the table `clientreporting`. new: CLIENT_removeOldReportings: Removes entries from the `clientreporting` table that are too old. new: SERVER_getExportIntoClientreporting: Determines, if the information should be exported to the `clientreporting` table. new: SERVER_setExportIntoClientreporting: Sets, if the information should be exported to the `clientreporting` table. cha: updateClientOnlineInDB.php: Now calls CLIENT_updateReporting when SERVER_getExportIntoClientreporting returns true. +++++ 2020-05-26 new: PKG_getLastUpgradeTime: Gets the timestamp of the latest finished update job. new: SERVER_getShowClientLastUpgradeColumn: Determines, if the time of the last finished update job should be shown in the client's job overview. new: SERVER_setShowClientLastUpgradeColumn: Sets, if the time of the last finished update job should be shown. +++++ 2020-05-24 new: CLIENT_getDelayedRebootsSQL: Prepares an SQL statement to get clients with delayed reboots or the delay status of a given client. new: CLIENT_getClientsWithDelayedReboots: Gets clients with delayed reboots. new: CLIENT_isRebootDelayed: Checks, if a client has a delayed reboot request. new: CLIENT_listClientsWithDelayedReboots: Lists clients in a warning message box, that are having delayed reboot requests. cha: menu.php: Now calls CLIENT_listClientsWithDelayedReboots. new: MSR_setTimeStampForRebootClientAfterJobsIsNecessaryCMD: Generates the commands to inform the m23 server that a reboot of the client is necessary because Debian packages, that were installed, required it. cha: CLIENT_rebootClientAfterJobsIfNecessaryBASH: Now calls MSR_setTimeStampForRebootClientAfterJobsIsNecessaryCMD. new: MSR_setTimeStampForRebootClientAfterJobsIsNecessary: Updates the timestamp of the reboot request of the client, that became necessary because of newly installed Debian packages. new: MSR_unsetTimeStampForRebootingClientIfNOTNecessaryCMD: Generates the commands to inform the m23 server that a reboot of the client has been done, after Debian packages required it. new: MSR_unsetTimeStampForRebootingClientIfNOTNecessary: Removes the timestamp of the reboot request of the client, that became necessary because of newly installed Debian packages. new: CLIENT_unsetTimeStampForRebootingClientIfNOTNecessaryBASH: Shows BASH code that detects, if a reboot is necessary and disables the server side check, if it's not. cha: GRP_runSettingsForClient: Now calls CLIENT_unsetTimeStampForRebootingClientIfNOTNecessaryBASH. +++++ 2020-05-22 new: SERVER_getShowTimeInformationOnJobs: Determines, if time information should be shown in the client's job overview. new: SERVER_setShowTimeInformationOnJobs: Sets, if time information should be shown in the client's job overview. new: PKG_getClientsWithDelayedUpdateJobs: Gets all clients that have delayed jobs. new: CLIENT_listClientsInWarningMessageBox: Lists clients in a warning message box with links to their detailed pages. new: CLIENT_listClientsWithDelays: Lists clients in a warning message box, that are having delayed jobs. new: SERVER_setWarnWhenClientRebootsRequestedByPackagesAreDelayed: Sets the tolerable amount of time between a reboot requested by a Debian package and the actual reboot. new: SERVER_getWarnWhenClientRebootsRequestedByPackagesAreDelayed: Gets the tolerable amount of time between a reboot requested by a Debian package and the actual reboot. new: SERVER_getServerIntSetting: Gets the integer value of a server setting. cha: SERVER_getWarnWhenClientRebootsRequestedByPackagesAreDelayed and SERVER_getWarnWhenUpdateJobsAreDelayed: Now are using SERVER_getServerIntSetting. +++++ 2020-05-21 new: SERVER_getWarnWhenUpdateJobsAreDelayed: Gets the tolerable amount of running/waiting time to finish an update job. new: SERVER_setWarnWhenUpdateJobsAreDelayed: Sets the tolerable amount of running/waiting time to finish an update job. new: I18N_getTimeDateAndElapsedMinutes: Takes a timestamp, calculates its date and time sting in the given language and the minutes from the timestamp to the current time. cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds a field for starting time to the clientjobs table. new: PKG_updateStartTime: Updates the starting time of a job with the current timestamp. +++++ 2020-05-19 cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds fields for adding and finish times to the clientjobs table. cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery, PKG_importSelectedPackagesFromFile, PKG_addPackageSelection, PKG_addStatusJob: Now are setting the timestamp for adding the job. cha: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: Now copies start and finish time stamps. cha: setStatus.php: Now sets the timestamp for changing the job's status. new: PKG_getDelayedJobs: Gets an associative array with information about delayed jobs of a client. new: PKG_getDelayedJobsmount: Gets the amount of delayed jobs of a client. new: PKG_getDelayedJobsSQL: Prepares an SQL statement to get information about delayed jobs of a client or its amount. fix: updateClientOnlineInDB.php: Now saves the state of clients correctly, that were pingable first and not pingable after a while. new: SERVER_setWarnWhenJobsAreDelayed: Sets the tolerable amount of running/waiting time to finish a job. new: SERVER_getWarnWhenJobsAreDelayed: Gets the tolerable amount of running/waiting time to finish a job. +++++ 2020-05-18 cha: CLIENT_generateHTMLDedicatedAndReachableStatus: Now uses a bitmaks with one or more of the ONLINE_STATUS_* bits for the online status. +++++ 2020-05-16 fix: clients_overview.php: Now uses correct field for getting the client's online status. new: CLIENT_getClientIPArray: Generates an associative array with the client names as keys and their IPs as values. new: SERVER_isClientSshHttpsStatusEnabled: Determines, if the SSH (server -> client) and the HTTPs (client -> server) status of all clients should be detected and shown. new: SERVER_setClientSshHttpsStatusEnabled: Sets/Unsets if the SSH (server -> client) and the HTTPs (client -> server) status of all clients should be detected and shown. cha: SERVER_setClientOnlineStatusEnabled: Disabling the ping test will disable SERVER_setClientSshHttpsStatusEnabled. cha: SERVER_setClientSshHttpsStatusEnabled: Enabling the advanced SSH/HTTPs tests will enable SERVER_setClientOnlineStatusEnabled. cha: HTML_checkBox: Added parameter extraHTML: Extra HTML/JavaScript code. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now adds the client ID, if it is available. new: CLIENT_fetchBASHScriptFromServerAndRun: Generates BASH code to fetch the script from the m23 server and execute it. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now calls CLIENT_fetchBASHScriptFromServerAndRun. new: MSR_sshHttpsStatus: Sets the ping and advanced SSH/HTTPs available status. cha: MSR_decodeMessage: Added MSR_sshHttpsStatus. +++++ 2020-05-12 cha: m23 / postinst / config / control / templates, m23serverCheckDaemonsOnDebian.m23test: Replaced Squid by APT-Cacher NG. cha: m23-ucs-extra / postinst: Disabled configuration of APT-Cacher NG. cha: exportDBInitTable: Removed Debian 8 Jessie. cha: m23 / postinst: Now disables a Squid proxy that was previously configured by m23. cha: menuDeb: Removed "squidcl" and "emptysquid" from the menu. cha: 1m23server-iso-dialog-answers.m23test: Adjusted strings to be detected by OCR for new resolution. +++++ 2020-05-11 cha:work.php: Now makes sure, the client has installed the base system, before calling GRP_runSettingsForClient. +++++ 2020-05-09 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / showDialog: Now quits the installer when "m23quit" is entered. +++++ 2020-05-08 new: GRP_getSingleSetting: Gets the value of a single group setting. cha: GRP_editSettingsDialog: Now uses GRP_getSingleSetting. +++++ 2020-05-07 new: CLIENT_rebootClientAfterJobsIfNecessaryBASH: Shows BASH code for rebooting the client, if a reboot is necessary. cha: CLIENT_rebootClientAfterJobsIfNecessary: Now calls CLIENT_rebootClientAfterJobsIfNecessaryBASH. new: GRP_runSettingsForClient: Run group settings for a given client. cha: work.php: Now calls GRP_runSettingsForClient. new: GRP_editSettingsDialog: Shows a dialog for editing group settings. cha: group_details.php: Now calls GRP_editSettingsDialog. new: CFDiskGUI::getFSHint: Extends selected file system names by hints. cha: CFDiskGUI::showPartTable2, CFDiskGUI::getPartInfoString, CFDiskGUI::showColorDefinitions and CFDiskGUI::listPartJobs: Now are calling CFDiskGUI::getFSHint. fix: CFDiskIO::addUndo: Now the undo function works (THX TS). cha: m23 / postinst: Now doesn't run networkCheckSetDialog on UCS. +++++ 2020-05-06 cha: m23 / postinst: Now creates table for group settings. new: GRP_setSetting: Adds or changes a group setting. new: GRP_unsetSetting: Removes a group setting. new: GRP_safeSettings: Makes the contents of the input variables safe for SQL usage. new: GRP_getSetting: Gets the variable names, values and group setting types of a group setting. new: GRP_getSettingsForClient: Gets the variable names, values and group setting types of all group settings that are assigned to a client. +++++ 2020-05-04 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now sisables kernel splash (can lead to corrupted framebuffer console) in grub. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: No removal of everything anymore to keep previously installed EFI loaders. new: SERVER_setRebootClientAfterJobsIfNecessary: Sets/Unsets rebooting clients, if a reboot is necessary after jobs are finished. new: SERVER_isRebootClientAfterJobsIfNecessary: Determines, if clients should be rebooted after the jobs are finished and a reboot is necessary, otherwise false. new: CLIENT_rebootClientAfterJobsIfNecessary: Reboots the client, if a reboot is necessary and the global server side option "m23ServerRebootClientAfterJobsIfNecessary" is set. cha: work.php: Now calls CLIENT_rebootClientAfterJobsIfNecessary, if there are no active jobs. +++++ 2020-05-02 new: Added OptionPage*.php for Ubuntu 20.04. new: CFDiskBasic::runIfEFIPartInvalid: Takes BASH commands (for partitioning and formating) and executes them only, if EFI is not used, the commands are NOT ment for the drive the EFI partition is on or the EFI partition itself and if the EFI partition is invalid. new: CFDiskBasic::efiCheckOnClient: Checks the validity of an EFI partition diretly on the m23 client, if EFI is used and writes the result to /tmp/efiCheck.result. cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Now is using CFDiskBasic::runIfEFIPartInvalid and CFDiskBasic::efiCheckOnClient. +++++ 2020-05-01 new: CLIENT_criticalClientAmountInGroups: Checks for critical clients in all groups and generates an associative array about groups with critical clients. cha: CLIENT_listCriticalClients: Now shows groups with critical clients and the amount of critical clients in each group. +++++ 2020-04-28 cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "Ubuntu-Focal". cha: CLCFG_addDistributionSpecificOptions: Now doesn't try to access unset array element anymore. cha: recover_client.php: Now shows the client name and type of recovery on status screen. cha: CATSG::toggleClientArch: Additional parameter with array containing all possible architectures for the selected package source. So only available architectures are chosen. cha: getUbuntuTemplates: Now can handle control.tar.xz too. +++++ 2020-04-27 new: m23UbuntuMate2004Install.php: Installs the Mate desktop for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. new: m23UbuntuXubuntu2004Install.php: Installs the Xfce desktop for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now reconfigures lightdm to ensure that it's the default DM. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now hides the user list. new: m23UbuntuBudgie2004Install.php: Installs the Budgie desktop for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. new: m23UbuntuLubuntu2004Install.php: Installs the LXDE desktop for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. +++++ 2020-04-25 cha: CLCFG_installApplicationLanguagePackages: Now installs firefox-locale-XX too. +++++ 2020-04-24 fix: m23hwscanner / addWindows: Now checks if $bootable is set before accessing it. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now installs language packages via CLCFG_installApplicationLanguagePackages. cha: HTML_multiCheckBox: Preventing unset notice for variable $out by initalising it with empty array. fix: PKG_addSpecialPackages: Now returns the correct variable $count. +++++ 2020-04-23 cha: menuDeb / squidStart: Now starts Squid in a loop until the proxy can be accessed. cha: m23-initscripts / postinst: Added Ubuntu 20.04. new: m23UbuntuUbuntuGnome2004Install.php: Installs Ubuntu's Gnome based desktop for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS +++++ 2020-04-22 cha: rescue_client.php. CLIENT_showLog: Now doesn't try to access unset array element anymore. cha: clients_overview.php: Now skips undefined checkbuttons (not set client names). cha: Added missing "#supportedEFI: amd64" to the package sources list "buster". cha: CLCFG_interfaces: Now makes sure that /etc/network exists. cha: CLCFG_genFstab, CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Added support for Ubuntu 20.04. +++++ 2020-04-21 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / m23showNetworkDialog: Now checks the server's IP, gateway and nameserver. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / checkIP: Now has an implementation of /m23/bin/checkIP that works with Busybox's ipcalc. cha: kernelFunctions.inc: compileKernel: Now uses "make -j$(nproc)". cha: Updated Linux Kernel to 5.4.34. cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added Ubuntu 20.04. +++++ 2020-04-20 cha: mkCert.sh: Now includes IP into the certificate only, if it's valid. +++++ 2020-04-18 cha: m23/postinst: Now calls networkCheckSetDialog before using network configuration parameters. new: networkCheckSetDialog: Checks network settings and asks for correct values for the override files +++++ 2020-04-17 fix: SRCLST_getListnames: Now returnes an array instead of a string. cha: FDISK_getSupportedFS, CFDiskIO::getSupportedFS: Added "efi-boot" to the list of supported filesystems. cha: MSR_importPartHwData: Commented out calling findAndSetEFIBootPartDev. +++++ 2020-04-15 new: /m23/bin/checkFQDN: Checks validity of a given FQDN. cha: SERVER_Dialog_overrideServerIP: Now accepts FQDNs too. new: SERVER_setm23ServerIncudedInSourcesListDisabled: Sets/Unsets disabling of including the m23 server into all client's sources.lists. new: SERVER_ism23ServerIncudedInSourcesListDisabled: Determines, if including the m23 server into all client's sources.lists should be disabled. cha: SRCLST_genList: Now doesn't add the m23 server to the generated package sources list, if SERVER_ism23ServerIncudedInSourcesListDisabled is true. fix: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now installs a session package only, if it's in the array. +++++ 2020-04-14 cha: exportDBInitTable: Disable options (temporarily), that may disturb mysqldump, before dumping and re-enable them after. cha: m23/postinst, /config, /template: Now are asking for DNS, gateway, server ip and broadcast, if they could not be auto-detected. cha: serverInfoGateway, serverInfoDNS, serverInfoBroadcast: Now given out values can be overwritten by /m23/etc/*.override files. new: /m23/bin/checkIP: Checks validity of a given IP. +++++ 2020-04-03 new: SERVER_overrideServerIP: Overrides the (autodetected) IP of the m23 server. new: SERVER_unoverrideServerIP: Removes the file for overriding the IP of the m23 server. fix: CClientLister::getClient: Preventing unset notice for variable $or by initalising it with empty string. new: SERVER_isOverrideServerIPFilePresent: Checks, if the file for overriding the IP of the m23 server is present. new: SERVER_Dialog_overrideServerIP: Dialog for (un)overriding the IP of the m23 server. +++++ 2020-04-02 cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Removed unneeded code for getting MySQL/MariaDB parameters. +++++ 2020-03-30 cha: phpMyAdmin: Update to version 4.9.5. fix: m23xfree864Install.php: Added missing ' ' in BASH code. fix: CLIENT_addChangeElement: Now loads the translations. fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Now skips unset radiobuttons. fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Preventing unset variable $err by initalising it with empty string. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now client's name is uncangable. +++++ 2020-03-18 cha: recover_client.php: Now doesn't try to access unset array element anymore. +++++ 2020-03-17 cha: explodeAssoc: Now tries to unserialize with PHP's unserialize and Use m23's function as fallback. cha: CLIENT_setAllOptions: Now uses serialize instead of implodeAssoc. +++++ 2020-03-11 fix: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now uses strings instead of non set constants that were automatically converted to strings. +++++ 2020-03-10 new: HELPER_each: Replacement for the deprecaded each function: Returns the next element from an array on each call. cha: fdiskGetEntry: Now uses HELPER_each. cha: CLIENT_isBasesystemInstalledFromImage: Now doesn't try to access unset array element anymore. +++++ 2020-03-08 cha: CLCFG_addDistributionSpecificOptions: Now uses HTML_getElementValue instead of accessing the $_POST array. cha: CFDiskIO::getMknodCommand: Now returns empty string, if device parameter is empty. +++++ 2020-03-07 new: DB_getErrorMessage: Gets the error message from the last query. cha: DISTR_getDescriptionValues: Now returns associative array with preset empty strings for 'Name' and 'Logo'. +++++ 2020-03-02 new: PKG_storablePackageSelectionsSelection: Generates a storble multi selection with all package selections. new: SRCLST_storableDesktopsSelection: Generates a storable HTML selection with the names of all desktops. new: SRCLST_storableSelection: Generates a storable HTML selection with the names of alls package sources. cha: PREF_getClientPreferences: Now can return a HTML selection too. cha: DEFINE_checkboxForAddingm23BuildPoolFromClientDebsPackage: Becomes DEFINE_storableCheckboxForAddingm23BuildPoolFromClientDebsPackage and is now storable. cha: HTML_hiddenVar: Has a new optional parameter: storeIntoPreferenceSpace: Set to true, if the value should be stored under the prefKey in the preferenceSpace. +++++ 2020-02-26 fix: HTML_selection: For selections allowing multiple elements to be chosen, $selected must be an array. +++++ 2020-02-25 fix: *.php: Checking for existence of $_SESSION['m23Shared'] before accessing it. +++++ 2020-01-11 fix: exportDHCPSettings.php: Now includes the required server.php and helper.php. +++++ 2019-12-06 cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "LinuxMint 19.3 Tricia". +++++ 2019-10-14 cha: forkFunctions.inc: copym23: Now doesn't call createNewBazaarRepo anymore. +++++ 2019-10-05 cha: ubuntu / m23x2goServerInstall.php: Removed support for outdated Ubuntu versions. Added support for Ubuntu 18.04. +++++ 2019-09-15 cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now has a detection for possible PrivateTmp systemd redirection of /tmp' new: SERVER_waitForLock: Cyclically and randomly waits until a lock file isn't existing and creates it at once. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now has extra parameter to use SERVER_waitForLock instead of the locking inside the BASH script. cha: DHCP_addClient, DHCP_rmClient, DHCP_delDynamicRange, DHCP_addDynamicRange: Added locking with SERVER_waitForLock. +++++ 2019-09-14 new: CIR_stopHaveged: Kills haveged to make it not consume much CPU ressources. cha: */clientInstall.php: Now are calling CIR_stopHaveged. +++++ 2019-09-12 cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Added locking to make sure only one instance of a job with an unique name is executed at the same time. +++++ 2019-08-15 fix: excludem23deb: Now excludes m23serverPoolSignKey.asc from the m23 Debian package. m23serverPoolSignKey.asc is the public part of the GPG key used to sign the packages in extraDebs. The GPG key pair is generated by each m23 server independently and should not be overwritten by the m23 package. +++++ 2019-08-14 patch 101300: New command "GPG_signExtraDebsRelease" for m23cli.php that signs the Release file in the extraDebs directory as Release.gpg and InRelease. new: PKGBUILDER_signExtraDebsRelease: Signs the Release file in the extraDebs directory as Release.gpg and InRelease. new: GPG_signExtraDebsRelease.php: New module for m23cli.php that calls PKGBUILDER_signExtraDebsRelease. +++++ 2019-08-08 patch 101298: Fixed (Debian) upgrading issues, 32 bit server support and issues of Linux Mint 19.2. +++++ 2019-08-07 new: BASH_SET_VAR_RUN_SCREEN_BY_DISTRIBUTION: Constant that contains BASH code to set access rights of /var/run/screen according what screen expects on the running distribution. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages, SERVER_runInBackground, CLCFG_writeHosts, BT_dlFile: Now are using BASH_SET_VAR_RUN_SCREEN_BY_DISTRIBUTION. +++++ 2019-07-31 fix: PKG_getAllPackageSelections: Corrected initial value for the returned variable to empty array instead of empty string. Now the correct array is given back (again). fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Another fix for IP calculation on 32 bit. +++++ 2019-07-30 fix: m23 / postinst: Fix for systems that upgraded from MySQL and aren't configured to read files from /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d. +++++ 2019-07-26 cha: m23 / postinst: Now "skip-innodb" has to be at the beginning of a line to get commented out. cha: m23 / postinst: Now removes the under Debian 10 unknown "default_charset" parameter from Apache configuration. +++++ 2019-07-18 patch 101297: Release 19.2 release 19.2 +++++ 2019-07-17 new: stopAll: Generates .stop files to stop proceding the m23 autoTest testing scripts for the next client. cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "LinuxMint 19.2 Tina". +++++ 2019-07-16 fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Fixed calculation on 32 bit systems by tricky casting between float and int. +++++ 2019-07-15 cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now sets "chmod 777 /var/run/screen" for Raspbian 10. +++++ 2019-07-11 cha: CAutoTest::getSeleniumDriverID: Now tries 10 times with a pause of 1 second to get a Selenium driver ID. +++++ 2019-07-10 cha: m23 / postinst: Configuration of MariaDB 10.3: MariaDB 10.3 (Debian 10) needs additional parameters to accept INSERTs without setting all values on tables with fields that have no explicit default value. fix: mkCert.sh: Corrected conditions for renewServerCert more. cha: mkCert.sh: No uses /m23/bin/serverInfoIP. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now sets "chmod 777 /var/run/screen" for Debian 10. +++++ 2019-07-09 cha: m23-ldap / postinst: Now tries 10 times to start slapd earlier to make slapd available for ldapadd. cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Now installs dbus-x11 if desktop is DEBIAN8DESKTOP_CINNAMON_FULL. This is needed under Debian 10 and brings no disadvantaged under Debian 8 and 9. +++++ 2019-07-08 cha: m23 / control: Added dependencies for packages in Debian 10. fix: mkCert.sh: Corrected conditions for renewServerCert. cha: m23 / control: Made php.ini configuration compatible with PHP 7.3 under Debian 10. cha: m23-ldap / postinst: Now tries 10 times to start slapd with a pause of 3 seconds between attempts. cha: Updated phpLDAPAdmin to the PHP 7.3 compatible version from https://github.com/breisig/phpLDAPadmin . new: CLCFG_blacklistPackageInstallation: Blacklists a package for APT to make it uninstallable. cha: autoTestScriptGenerator.php: Added testing of Debian 10 servers. +++++ 2019-07-02 fix: CAutoTest::setTimeout: Now converts the timout from SimpleXMLElement to int. cha: CAutoTest::run: Now calls CAutoTest::decTimeout instead of CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult. cha: CAutoTest::nextCurElement: Now calls CAutoTest::setTimeout instead of CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction. +++++ 2019-07-01 cha: CAutoTest::addToSequence, ::setTimeout: Added handling of vmScreenChangeTime. new: CAutoTest::setVMScreenChangeTime: Sets the time to wait (in seconds) between making two screenshots and checking for changes. new: CAutoTest::checkVMScreenChange: Makes another screenshot and compares it with the previous, if the waiting time is over. In case that too less pixels have been changed a warning is logged and shown. cha: CAutoTest::setTimeout: Now calls CAutoTest::setVMScreenChangeTime. cha: CAutoTest::decTimeout: Now calls CAutoTest::checkVMScreenChange. +++++ 2019-06-30 cha: mkCert.sh: Has an optional setting (renewServerCert) to renew the server certificate only and keep the CA. new: AUTOTEST_VM_screenPixelDiff: Compares the VM's screen with a previously saved screen and gives back the amount of changed pixels. cha: m23 / postinst: Now renews the SSL server certificate (with IP address included), if m23 is upgraded. +++++ 2019-06-29 cha:CLCFG_installFirmware: Now filters out more non important firmware from the installation list. +++++ 2019-06-28 cha: PKG_getKernels: Now filters out packages that end with "-template". Needed for Debian 10. new: CATSG::unsetAllButOneInClientsArray: Removes all but one sourcesnames from the clients array. cha: autoTestScriptGenerator.php: Now accepts the name of a sourceslist as optional command lines parameter. If it's set, test scripts for testing this distribution only with alls desktops are generated. cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "buster". +++++ 2019-06-27 cha: CGPGSign::gpgSignClear: Now calls gpg directly instead of using MAIL_gpgSignClear. cha: CGPGSign::MAIL_gpgSignDetached: Now calls gpg directly instead of using MAIL_gpgSignDetached. +++++ 2019-06-26 cha: CLCFG_interfaces: Now touches wpasupplicant that is needed by Debian 10. +++++ 2019-06-25 cha: BT_dlFile: Now installs screen too. cha: BT_createTorrent: Now calls BT_restartTracker to make sure the tracker uses the newest version of the .torrent files. cha: BT_dlFile: Now "chmod 777 /var/run/screen". (THX FABR) cha: BT_dlFile: Now checks for existance of the log file before greping its contents. (THX FABR) cha: mkCert.sh: Now certificates are generated with the IP address of the m23 server included as additional parameter. This is needed to satisfy the certificate checking of Debian 10's wget. +++++ 2019-06-23 cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now deactivates SSL check in wgetrc for Debian 10 too. +++++ 2019-06-22 cha: compressedDebootstrap: Added workarounds for bugs in Debian 10's debootstrap. cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator, debian / clientInstall.php, m23x2goServerInstall.php, CLCFG_language, CLCFG_genFstab: Added Debian 10. cha: m23-initscripts / postinst: Added Debian 10. cha: compressedDebootstrap: Changed 7Zip's compression settings. Added testing of the created tar.7z file. +++++ 2019-06-14 patch 101273: Smal translation fixes. +++++ 2019-06-12 fix: ucs.php: Removed empty line at the beginning. (THX FABR) fix: */m23base.php: Added missing $I18N_setup_client_tooltip. (THX FABR) +++++ 2019-06-08 cha: dlhttrack: Now uses dt_sf_rsyncWrapper instead of rsync. cha: dlhttrack: Now creates and deletes a temporary directory for creating the offline copies. +++++ 2019-06-06 patch 101271: m23-autoTest enhancements. cha: CAutoTest::waitForTrigger, ::triggerTypeToConstant, ::parseActionFromXML, ::checkTriggerResult, ::executeTriggerAction: Now can run SSH commands on the virtualisation server and check the results. new: AUTOTEST_sshVMServer: Executes commands on virtualisation server. +++++ 2019-06-05 patch 101270: Smal fixes. fix: m23 / postinst: Now creates /var/spool/squid and /var/log/squid with working access rights. fix: CAutoTest::loadXMLFile: Now runs AUTOTEST_getSeleniumSafeString on the included files too. patch 101269: m23-autoTest enhancements. new: AUTOTEST_VM_export_m23ServerISO_as_OVA: Exports a VM, that was installed via the m23 server installation ISO, to OVA file. new: CAutoTest::VMexportm23ServerISOasOVA: Calls AUTOTEST_VM_export_m23ServerISO_as_OVA. +++++ 2019-06-04 patch 101268: Compatibility fixes for Debian 8. new: autoTestScriptGenerator.php: Generates test sequences for m23-autoTest for m23 servers with Debian 8 + 9 (32 and 64 bits), UCS 4.3 + 4.4., Raspbian, localhost and m23 server installation ISO. fix: m23 / control: Now depends strongly on php-bz2, but does'n require it, if PHP 5 is used. This makes it compatible with Debian 8 (again). fix: m23 / postinst: Configuring Squid is compatible with Debian 8 (again). patch 101265: Added French characters to CONF_ALLOWEDCHARACTERS. fix: checks.php: Added French characters to CONF_ALLOWEDCHARACTERS. +++++ 2019-06-03 patch 101414: Release 19.1 release 19.1 +++++ 2019-05-27 cha: index.php: session_start is called after including CPool*.php to fix "incomplete object php" when opening poolBuilder after client's overview again. (THX FABR) +++++ 2019-05-22 cha:IMG_clientRestore: Now activates FSEnlargeWrapper for all image formats. cha: m23-initscripts / postinst: Now configures Linux Mint 18 clients with systemd settings. cha: CGPGSign::setGPGID($id): Now returns false, if no valid ID is given. cha: MSR_clientSideBase64Encode: Now uses the base64 tool as second option and AWK as third. cha: MSR_clientSideBase64Encode: Now sets LC_ALL=C before using the AWK script for generating the bas64 output. Seems to be needed now. cha: FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions: Added new parameter to list only partitions. cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Now only shows partitions and no drives as clonig source. cha: IMG_getAllMBRs: Now returns generic MBR only. Cloned MBRs don't seem to work anymore. cha: * / client_distr.hlp: Commented out the parts of the help files that describe deactivated options. +++++ 2019-05-21 cha: PKG_addUser: Has a new parameter to choose, if groups for Debian and Ubuntu systems are added and the job chooses the groups when it is executed on the system. cha: m23AdduserInstall.php: Special mode to find out what groups should be used for a newly created user. fix: partcloneWrapper, FSEnlargeWrapper: Now are detecting file system correctly on EFI systems too. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now package source lists from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list too. cha: FSEnlargeWrapper: ext file systems are resized online now. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Set only the sources list, if it's imaging. +++++ 2019-05-20 cha: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Removed adding of additional jobs and configuring like another distribution. new: CLCFG_executeNextWorkEveryMinute: Runs executeNextWork in a loop every minute and shows a status message about elapsed waiting time. cha: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Now uses CLCFG_executeNextWorkEveryMinute. cha: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Now detects the dirstribution (Debian or Ubuntu) by /etc/issue or sources.list*. cha: imaging / CLCFG_addDistributionSpecificOptions, CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Removed option to configure restores image like a distribution. +++++ 2019-05-18 new: imaging / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Generates a script that is executed after the chrooting. new: client_distr.php: Added warning if Imaging is choosen. +++++ 2019-05-17 fix: partcloneWrapper: Now detects file system correctly. cha: IMG_showImageManagement: Now has a refresh button. fix: IMG_getFormatCompressionFromFile: Now correct decompression method is figured out. cha: menu.php: Commented out RAS. cha: head.php: Now shows the link to the questionnaire if the webinterface language is German only. cha: HTML_liveLogArea: Increasing the minimum data length for detecting a change to > 1, because clientLiveLog.php gives out a newline if no changes are there. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now has an additional parameter, to set if it was called to reconfigure a distribution that was installed by imaging. +++++ 2019-05-10 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now uses "--no-proxy" when downloading the compressed base system archive with wget. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now checks the integrity of the 7-Zip compressed base system archive and repeats the download until it is valid. +++++ 2019-05-09 cha: CATSG::nextClientsArray: Became CATSG::nextClientsArray and is executed in CATSG::generate for each server. cha: CATSG::log: Now the client names are framed with "#" in the BASH scripts to make them more prominent. new: CATSG::getStopFile: Get the name of the stop file. cha: CATSG::generate: Resulting BASH scripts now are stopping, if a stop file exists. cha: CATSG::generate: Now the resulting BASH scripts are skipping clients that are marked as "OK" in the log file. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now checks for running on UCS before checking the network boot state. cha: UCS_addClient, UCS_enableClientPXEBoot: Now are returning messages from udm. cha: MSG_showEmergencyError: Shows the ermergency error message with a JavaScript "back" button and stops the script afterwards. cha: UCS_enableClientPXEBoot: Now calls MSG_showEmergencyError in case of an UDM message. cha: CATSG::simplifyNames: Now Simplifies 'amd64' and 'i386' too. +++++ 2019-05-08 cha: CAutoTest::isAnswerFoundInTriggerResult: Now decodes HTML entities (with special handling of "'") when translating I18N variables. new: CATSG::getWebinterfaceLang: Gets the language of the m23 webinterface. cha: CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey: Now moves wgetrc out of the way before installing wget. cha: CATSG::getEnvironmentWebinterfaceLang, CATSG::getVMName; Now are using getWebinterfaceLang. +++++ 2019-05-07 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / installDebs: Commented out the installation of m23-vbox. cha: mkCert.sh: Now sets the beginning of the certificate validity to 2019-01-01. cha: m23 / postinst: Now redirects more errors to /m23/log/m23PostinstNonCriticalErrorMessages.log. cha: m23 / postinst: Now the m23 server adds itself to the client's table, if no information about it can be read from the table. +++++ 2019-05-06 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / installDebs: Now removes m23debs.list too. cha: * / linuxrc: Now suppresses kernel and modules messages (except panic) from appearing on the console cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now suppresses error messages when trying to change ownership of files. cha: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now goes back to "installing base system" message after hardware detection is finished. new: CATSG::initWebinterfaceLangArray: Generates an array with information about the languages of the m23 webinterface. new: CATSG::nextWebinterfaceLang: Sets the language of the m23 webinterface to the next (or first) available language in the language array. new: CATSG::getEnvironmentWebinterfaceLang: Returnes command line environment variable to set the language of the m23 webinterface. cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Now uses "--part-type" instead of the deprecated "-c" for the sfdisk call. cha: AutoTest::parseAnswersFromXML: Now if the attribute "sshanswer" is set, it will be used as wanted answer instead of the HTML parameter (eg. in clientInfo['keyValueStore'] only, if present. fix: partcloneWrapper: Adjustements to current versions of parted and partclone (THX FABR) cha: client / linuxrc: Improved output on screen: Coloured messages and less unimportant error messages. (THX FABR) cha: client / linuxrc: Usage of haveged is configurable by parameter now. (THX FABR) cha: archFunctions / makeLinks: Now gives out a message, if the destination symlink is already existing. (THX FABR) cha: kernelFunctions.inc: Now jumps back to MDK's menu from 'make menuconfig' after pressing a key. Give us a chance to see error messages. (THX FABR) cha: rfsFunctions.inc: Now uses force parameter when deleting (some) files. (THX FABR) +++++ 2019-04-29 new: m23InstallerBase.inc / copyDebs: Copies the Debian packages from the ISO to the installation partition and prepares the system to execute afterRebootSetup.sh at first boot. +++++ 2019-04-28 cha: menuManual.hlp, menuDevguide.hlp: Updated and made more precise. +++++ 2019-04-27 new: menuFork, menuFork.hlp: Added help function. cha: menuServerISO.hlp, menuClientISO.hlp, menuStart.hlp: Updated and made more precise. fix: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult: Now uses correct comparision for $found == $shouldbefound for bad. +++++ 2019-04-26 new: CLIENT_getSSHKeyorPasswordOptions: Generates SSH options for using sshpass (password given) or SSH public key (no password given). cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now uses CLIENT_getSSHKeyorPasswordOptions. cha: CAutoTest::VMCreate, VMStop, VMStart: Now are giving out debug messages via CAutoTest::debugPrint. cha: CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML, executeTriggerAction: Added wait action. +++++ 2019-04-25 cha: m23 / postinst: Now disables systemd's PrivateTmp for Apache in service files that were copied to /etc/systemd/system/. cha: VM_stopVM: Now stops the VM only if it exists. cha: CLIENT_filterLinesFromLiveScreenRecording: Added 'lost connection' and 'Permission denied'. fix: AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer: Corrected running of client commands from local m23 server. +++++ 2019-04-24 cha: Updated Linux Kernel to 4.9.170. cha: CATSG::getVMName: Now the return string includes the client architecture. new: CATSG::toggleClientArch: Toggles the client's architecture from amd64 to i386 and reverse. new: CATSG::getClientArchEnvironmentVariable: Returnes command line environment variable to create an i386 client or nothing, if the client's architecture should be amd64. cha: client_distr.php: Now allows the start of the distribution only, if a kernel was selected. Otherwise shows an error message. +++++ 2019-04-19 cha: serverInfoBroadcast, serverInfoGateway, serverInfoDNS, serverInfoIP, serverInfoNetmask: Now are filtering out all parts that are not a valid IP address. fix: m23 / postinst: Fixed adjustment of old clients without architecture. (THX FABR) cha: m23 / postinst: Now only calls m23customPatch.php if there are patch files. cha: m23 / postinst: Now redirects mysql errors to /m23/log/m23PostinstSQL.log, because error messages (eg. creation of existing tables or databases) aren't errors from m23's view. Overwriting of tables and databases would be a fatal error. +++++ 2019-04-18 new: nonM23CreateOSImage: Creates a tar.7z image of the currently installed (non m23) system fix: configureNetwork: Removed wrong space after IP address. +++++ 2019-04-16 cha: /mdk/client+server/updatedDebianPackages: Removed outdated files. cha: createRFScopyLib: Now checks the architecture of libraries (32- or 64-bits) before copying them. +++++ 2019-04-15 cha: Removed outdated m23 plugins directory /mdk/m23plugin, dependency from m23-mdk/control, SF-hg-backup and build instructions from mkm23Debs. cha: m23 / postinst: Now removed bad SSH keys from files only if they are existing. cha: m23 / postinst: Now (re-)creates .../baseSys/authorized_keys if it's empty. cha: VM_stopVM: Now tries 10 times to shutdown the VM with a pause of 3 seconds between attempts. +++++ 2019-04-13 new: Added Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic *OptionPages.php. +++++ 2019-04-12 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap, PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerURL: Now are using HTTPs connections for wget. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh / checkNoXorgConfNeeded: Now checks and returns (but does not delete xorg.conf), if the installed Xorg version will run well without a xorg.conf new: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh / removeNotNeededXorgConf: Removes xorg.conf, if the installed Xorg version will run well without a xorg.conf cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh / configXOrgVBox: Now calls checkNoXorgConfNeeded to find out, if xorg.conf is needed. cha: install_packages.php: Now shows the message about a maybe outdated package index only, if a search term was given. cha: client_distr.php: Disabled Ubuntu warning. cha: Removed outdated Ubuntu and Debian *OptionPages.php. +++++ 2019-04-11 fix: createRFScopyLib: Now filters out 32 or 64 bit libs depending on the build architecture. +++++ 2019-04-09 fix: downloadExtractRFS: Removed non-existing Wheezy sources. fix: downloadExtractRFS: Removed now non-existing packages. cha: createRFSBins: Disabled usage of allLibs.txt. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / startBaseInstallation: Now uses existing LDAP database. +++++ 2019-04-08 new: getCPUDebianArch: Shows the native CPU architecture of the distribution. cha: CAutoTest::parseXML: Changed priority of answers. Now it is bad, good and warn. cha: CATSG::simplifyNames: Now filters case-sensitive. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: xorgThereSoStop: Now calls checkNoXorgConfNeeded to remove a unneeded xorg.conf. cha: cleanOSForCompressing: Now configures /etc/default/grub and /etc/network/interfaces to use traditional network interface names. cha: head.php: Updated links. fix: m23 / postinst: Fixed generation of random password. cha: PKGBUILDER_tar2deb: Now removes Packages* from the extradebs directory. new: checkForCrossGCC: Checks, if DPKG extra architecture and packages for cross compiling (i386 <=> amd64) are installed. (THX FABR) cha: compileBusyBox: Now calls checkForCrossGCC and uses parameters to cross-compile BusyBox. (THX FABR) fix: m23-ldap / postinst: Fixed path to config.php. +++++ 2019-04-02 new: tarBusyBox-compiled+symlinks: Creates a compressed tar file with the BusyBox binaries for i386 and amd64 and the symlinks to them. +++++ 2019-04-01 cha: compileBusyBox: Removed cross compiling (doesn't work anymore). cha: menuClientISO: Now sources /mdk/globalVars before sourcing include files. +++++ 2019-03-29 cha: exportDBInitTable: Removed "Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca", "Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela", "Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa". +++++ 2019-03-28 new: CATSG::initClientsArray: Generates an array with information about client distributions including available desktops. new: CATSG::initServerArray: Generates an array with information about m23 server targets. new: CATSG::pickDesktops: Randomly picks desktops from the list of desktops that are available in the distribution. new: CATSG::simplifyNames: Simplifies server, sourceslist and desktop names. new: CATSG::getVMName: Generates a (unique) name for the VM. new: CATSG::getFileName: Generic filename generator. new: CATSG::getLogFile: Get the log filename. new: CATSG::getBashFile: Get the name of the BASH file that contains the full test set for an m23 server. new: CATSG::log: Logs BASH code with the resulting exit and (optionally) exits when a failure occurs. cha: exportDBInitTable: Removed "devuanjessie", "trusty", "HS-Fedora14", "HS-opensuse11.4", "HS-centos62", "precise", "precise+Xorg-updates", "wheezy". +++++ 2019-03-26 cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now calls ssh with LC_ALL=C. new: SRCLST_getExportedListNames: Generates an array with all sources lists that are exported by /mdk/bin/exportDBsourceslist.php. +++++ 2019-03-25 new: AUTOTEST_VM_stop: Stops a VM. new: CAutoTest::VMStop: Stops a virtual machine. +++++ 2019-03-24 cha: CLIENT_filterLinesFromLiveScreenRecording: Added additional filter strings from CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now uses HELPER_filterOutUnwantedSSHErrors instead of filtering the lines directly. +++++ 2019-03-23 cha: AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer: Added "-o ServerAliveInterval=60 -o ServerAliveCountMax=1". +++++ 2019-03-22 cha: AUTOTEST_VM_hostSanityCheck: Now checks for tesseract and convert (ImageMagick) too. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen: Now uses tesseract too. cha: CAutoTest::isConsecutiveIdenticalMessage: Now counts the repeated identical messages. cha: CAutoTest::showAndLogMessage: Now shows the amount of repeated identical messages. cha: AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer: Added connection timout of 15 seconds. +++++ 2019-03-21 cha: CLCFG_executeAfterChroot: Now calls /tmp/afterChrootInstall.sh with "bash /tmp/afterChrootInstall.sh" and not as executable script. Needed for Ubuntu 18.04. and Linux Mint 19.x now. +++++ 2019-03-20 cha: menuClientISO: Now shows info messages to indicate the called subroutines. new: CAutoTest::isConsecutiveIdenticalMessage: Checks, if an consecutive identical message was assigned in the last call. cha: CAutoTest::showAndLogMessage: Now has an optional parameter to filter out consecutive identical messages. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_delete: Now stops the VM before deleting. +++++ 2019-03-19 cha: UCS_enableClientLDAP: Now calls CLCFG_patchNsswitchForLDAP to configure /etc/nsswitch.conf. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Additional parameter to redirect stderr and not shown on in the console. +++++ 2019-03-18 cha: CAutoTest::nextCurElement: Now shows and logs a heading for the new test block instead of CAutoTest::setTriggered. new: AUTOTEST_createLDAPUserAndGroup: Creates an LDAP user and group on the local LDAD server and shows an info message, if creation was sucessfully or a warning with the direct message from the LDAP server. new: autoTestHacks.php: Page for special functions that can be triggered by m23 autoTest. +++++ 2019-03-17 new: HELPER_indentLines: Intents all lines by putting an intent string in front of them. +++++ 2019-03-16 cha: CAutoTest::elemOk: Renamed to CAutoTest::elemGood. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now returns stderr too when in direct execution mode. new: HELPER_filterOutUnwantedSSHOutputs: Filters out unwanted lines from SSH client. cha: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult: Now jumps out of the foreach loop to not process "warn" or "bad" events after a "good" event. cha: CAutoTest::showAndLogMessage: Now UTF8 decodes the message. +++++ 2019-03-15 cha: CAutoTest::setTriggered: Now shows and logs a heading for the new test block if it is triggered. +++++ 2019-03-13 cha: CAutoTest::isAnswerFoundInTriggerResult: Now checks, if the answer is NOT found in the result, if the answer string begins with "!". cha: CAutoTest::getLogFileName: Now returns "autoTest-startup.log", if the constant "VM_NAME" is not set. fix: client / linuxrc: Increased the timeout for fetching the first job from 2 seconds to 10 minutes. +++++ 2019-03-12 cha: serverInfoIP: Now removes the amount network bits from the IP (if present). cha: m23 / postinst: Removed outdated functions to figure out the IP and broadcast address. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now has an additional parameter to use password authentification for conneting clients via SSH. fix: VM_startVMInExistingXSession, AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen: Now the VM name is in quotation marks to allow names with spaces. +++++ 2019-03-11 cha: CAutoTest::defineConstantsFromXML: Becomes CAutoTest::internalValuesFromXML and reads now the variables section of an XML file and imports the variables into the array with runtime variables. cha: CAutoTest::__construct, CAutoTest::parseXML, CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction, CAutoTest::getISO, CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult, CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Now are using interal variables instead of constants. new: CAutoTest::internalVariablesToConstants: Maps internal variables to constants (for backward compatibility). new: CAutoTest::isDebug: Checks, if autoTest is in debug mode (variable AT_debug is set). new: CAutoTest::debugPrint: Shows a message (, array or object in human readable form) and logs it to the log file, if autoTest is in debug mode. +++++ 2019-03-10 cha: CAutoTest::parseAnswersFromXML: Now answers can include a password. cah: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult, CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction, CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Now can evaluate passwords. +++++ 2019-03-08 cha: CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Now supports TRIGGER_SEL_SOURCENOT_CONTAINS too. cha: CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Constants in the trigger parameter are now replaced by AUTOTEST_replaceConstantsInString. cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now sets m23createImage jobs to status done, so they won't be executed during recovery. new: CIR_rootInRamdiskOrExit: Checks, if root is stored on the ramdisk and exits the script, if not. cha: m23createImageInstall.php: Now calls CIR_rootInRamdiskOrExit to not make any changes on the HDD/SSD. +++++ 2019-03-04 cha: m23 / postinst: Now configures squid.conf to shutdown after 5 seconds. (THX FABR) cha: m23 / postinst: Now excludes loopback device from listening devices in /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server. (THX FABR) cha: m23 / postinst: Now doesn't insert code for loading mysql.so when running PHP 7.0 anymore. (THX FABR) +++++ 2019-03-01 new: CAutoTest::importEnvironmentVariables: Imports environment variables starting with 'AT_' into the runtime variables array. cha: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult, CAutoTest::triggerTypeToConstant: Added sel_sourcenotcontains new: CAutoTest::evaluateSetVar: Parses the value of an "setVar" attribute from an aarray with information about the answer and sets it to the runtime variables array, if it seems to be valid. cha: CAutoTest::elemOk, elemWarn, elemBad: Parameter is now an array with information about the answer. cha: CAutoTest::elemOk, elemWarn, elemBad: Now are calling CAutoTest::evaluateSetVar. new: CAutoTest::evaluateRunIf: Checks, if the condition of the runIf attribute is met. cha: CAutoTest::addToSequence: Now has an additional parameter for the value of the runIf attribute. cha: CAutoTest::parseXML: Now parses runIf attributes too. new: CAutoTest::isXMLTEST: Check, if the only the XML should be parsed. +++++ 2019-02-28 cha: AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer: Now has an optional parameter to set the SSH password. cha: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult, CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Now uses password parameter when calling AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer. cha: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult: Added true trigger for good/warn/bad. new: CAutoTest::gotSeleniumDriverID: Returnes true, if a Selenium webdriver ID was acquired. cha: CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML: Added SSH command action. new: AUTOTEST_getSeleniumSafeString: Urldecodes characters that were made it safe for usage in Selenium and SimpleXMLElement. new: CAutoTest::getStatusDescriptionInBraces: Returns a status string with optional description in braces. cha: CAutoTest::parseAnswersFromXML: Now answers can include a description. new: dieWithExitCode: Let the script die with a message on stderr and exit code. +++++ 2019-02-27 new: VM_restoreSnapshot: Restores a snapshot. new: AUTOTEST_VM_restoreSnapshot: Stops a VM and restores a snapshot. +++++ 2019-02-26 fix: m23 / postinst: Now uses the correct variable for integer representation of the old version. (THX FABR) +++++ 2019-02-25 fix: CLCFG_setSystime: Now sets the date/time by year, month, day, hour and minute to avoid problems with timezones. +++++ 2019-02-18 cha: CAutoTest::defineConstantsFromXML: Now constants defined by settings files can be overwrite with environment variables. +++++ 2019-02-17 new: I18N_getAllTranslationsForAllVariables: Translates all I18N variables (in all languages) to their language dependent strings. cha: CAutoTest::parseAnswersFromXML: Now adds cmd parameter. cha: CAutoTest::parseTriggerFromXML: Now urldecodes the parameters. fix: install_packages.php: Now adds the m23UpdatePackageInfos job again. cha: CAutoTest::__construct: Now adds a callback function for handling Ctrl+C. +++++ 2019-02-14 cha: CAutoTest::parseXML: Added mode for testing the webinterface only. fix: AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer: Now uses correct parameter if m23 server and autoTest machine are identically. +++++ 2019-02-13 cha: CAutoTest::VMCreate: Now deletes a maybe existing VM with the given name before. +++++ 2019-02-04 cha: clientLiveLogComplete.php: Now reads the log file line wise to handle big log files. +++++ 2019-01-29 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now m23fetchjob pings the m23 server in a loop until the ping attempt was successfully. Only then the m23 client tries to fetch the work.php. +++++ 2019-01-19 new: CAutoTest::freeSeleniumDriverID: Frees the used Selenium webdriver ID. new: CAutoTest::__destruct: Destructor for this CAutoTest object. +++++ 2019-01-15 new: CAutoTest::seleniumExecExtra: Runs an action on the HTTP2SeleniumBridge. new: CAutoTest::getSeleniumDriverID: Gives the Selenium webdriver ID this instance should use or let the programm die, if all are used. +++++ 2019-01-09 cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "LinuxMint 19.1 Tessa" +++++ 2018-11-29 new: HELPER_str_equal_UTF8ISO: Checks, if two strings are equal independent from their encodings (UTF-8 or ISO). cha: CAutoTest::isAnswerFoundInTriggerResult, isAnswerFoundInTriggerResult: Now are using HELPER_str_equal_UTF8ISO. new: CAutoTest::seleniumReload: Reloads the currently loaded page. +++++ 2018-11-28 cha: CAutoTest::readSettings: Now tries to read settings.m23test from the home directory first, then tries the current directory. +++++ 2018-11-27 fix: CLCFG_setSystime: Now uses seconds since 1970. +++++ 2018-11-26 fix: client / linuxrc, createRFSBins, downloadExtractRFS: Added and started haveged to fill the random pool faster. Using haveged will remove the delay when wget connects via SSL the first time. +++++ 2018-11-22 fix: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: Now converts a comma to a point in float values before using it in an SQL statement. +++++ 2018-11-19 cha: compileKernel: Now makes sure, the CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU driver is not included in the i386 kernel. +++++ 2018-11-18 cha: compileKernel: Now cleans out the compiled objects when the architecture is changed. cha: checkKernelDir: Now filters out any tar files cha: Updated Linux Kernel to 4.9.137. +++++ 2018-11-17 cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "LinuxMint 19 Tara". m23Mint19CinnamonInstall.php cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now greeter-session line is only added, if it has a value. cha: m23-initscripts / postinst: Added support for Linux Mint 19. +++++ 2018-11-16 cha: SERVER_sendScriptToSF: Changed URL to HTTPs. cha: convert_hd: Updated from https://github.com/openSUSE/hwinfo/raw/master/src/ids/convert_hd. cha: createRFSBins: Now exits, if no Linux kernel was compiled for the chosen architecture. +++++ 2018-11-13 cha: CLCFG_disableAvahiDaemon: Deactivated. +++++ 2018-10-30 cha: checks.php: Added '&' to the list of allowed characters. cha: serverInfoBroadcast, serverInfoGateway, serverInfoIP: Made more robust. +++++ 2018-10-17 cha: head.php: Now shows server IP. fix: CmCP::setExitCode: Now uses correct variable. +++++ 2018-09-24 cha: m23DuplicateToFRS, m23instUpload: More workarounds for SourceForge's random SSH key denial. +++++ 2018-09-23 new: CFDiskBasic::createFormatPartition: Creates and formats a partition. new: CFDiskBasic::PM_auto500GBsysSwapData: Automatically partitions and formats the first 500GB a disk. It creates a system, swap and data partition. cha: CFDiskGUI::showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Added PM_auto500GBsysSwapData. +++++ 2018-09-22 patch 101167: Fixes for editing clients and Kerberos settings for UCS 4.2 fix: edit_client.php, client_details.php: The new clearSession variable loads the client name and ID into the session. Without it the client name and ID would be set one time only and not changed afterwards. As consequence one client could be edited only. cha: UCS_enableClientLDAP: Updated Kerberos settings to UCS 4.2. +++++ 2018-09-21 fix: edit_client.php, client_details.php: The new clearSession variable loads the client name and ID into the session. Without it the client name and ID would be set one time only and not changed afterwards. As consequence one client could be edited only. +++++ 2018-08-30 new: CAutoTest::getTriggerAttributes: Returns the attributes (additional parameters) for execution of the current sequence element. cha: CAutoTest::parseTriggerFromXML, CAutoTest::addToSequence, CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult, CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Added trigger attributes parameter and logic. +++++ 2018-08-28 cha: client / linuxrc: Now asks for settings, if no valid work.php could be downloaded. cha: m23-roms: Removed outdated Etherboot images for floppy disks. cha: m23 / control: Removed "Depends" to "m23-roms". cha: m23Backup, m23Restore, m23-vbox / postinst, m23shared / postinst, DB_getSuperUserPassword, DB_getSuperUserName: Now are using getMySQL-UserParam.sh and getMySQL-PasswordParam.sh. cha: /mdk/outdated: Deleted very old files and directories. cha: m23Backup: Now saves the current IP of the server. cha: m23Restore: Now replaces the saved IP address with the current IP in the SQL dump before restoring. +++++ 2018-08-27 new: /m23/bin/serverInfoBroadcast: Shows the broadcast address of the m23 server. new: /m23/bin/serverInfoGateway: Shows the gateway address of the m23 server. cha: m23/postinst, m23-ldap/postinst: Now uses serverInfoDNS, serverInfoBroadcast, serverInfoIP and serverInfoGateway. cha: exportDBInitTable: Now uses getMySQL-PasswordParam.sh and getMySQL-UserParam.sh. new: /m23/bin/getApacheUser: Get Apache user and group new: /m23/bin/getApacheGroup: Get the group Apache 1 or 2 is executed under. cha: serverFunctions.inc / getApacheUser: Now uses /m23/bin/getApacheUser. cha: serverFunctions.inc / getApacheGroup: Now uses /m23/bin/getApacheGroup. cha: m23 / control: Removed "mknbi" from Recommends. +++++ 2018-08-15 new: AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer: Executes commands on a client indirectly, that is reachable over an m23 server only. +++++ 2018-08-12 cha: SRCLST_genSelection: Now sets the value for the options. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen: Now recognises characters in the screenshots with four OCR settings. +++++ 2018-08-11 new: CAutoTest::loadXMLFile: Loads an XML file, replaces problematic characters and includes other files. new: AUTOTEST_VM_hostSanityCheck: Checks the existence of tools on the VM host. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen: Now recognises characters in the screenshots with two OCR settings. new: AUTOTEST_getSeleniumSafeString: Replaces characters in a string to make it safe for usage in Selenium and SimpleXMLElement. cha: CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction and CAutoTest::loadXMLFile: Now are using AUTOTEST_getSeleniumSafeString. +++++ 2018-08-10 cha: VM_startVMInExistingXSession: New code to find the X session, if the old routine fails. cha: CAutoTest::readAndDefineOrDieXML: Removed. new: AUTOTEST_SEL_getURLByMatch: Searches for one URL in the given HTML code that must contain all search terms. new: AUTOTEST_replaceConstantsInString: Searches for variable declarations in a string and replaces them with the values of according constants. cha: CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction: Now uses AUTOTEST_replaceConstantsInString on all action parameters. +++++ 2018-08-09 new: CAutoTest::seleniumGetSource: Gets the current page source of the selenium browser into the output page. new: CAutoTest::isAnswerFoundInTriggerResult: Checks, if a trigger result contains an answer. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_create: Now stores the MAC of the VM in a constant after successfully VM creation. cha: CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML: Now replaces the action, if it's a placeholder for a constant. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_create: Now creates VMs with enabled network booting. new: CAutoTest::executePHPFunction: Executes a PHP function with (optional) parameters. cha: CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction: Now uses CAutoTest::executePHPFunction. +++++ 2018-08-08 cha: HELPER_getContentFromURL: Now has an extra parameter, the if set to true, the system wide proxy will be used, otherwise a direct connection is attempted. new: CAutoTest::seleniumHostRunning: Checks, if the HTTP2SeleniumBridge is running. new: I18N_getAllTranslationsForVariable: Returns all translations for a given variable. +++++ 2018-08-07 new: CAutoTest::seleniumExec: Runs a command on the HTTP2SeleniumBridge. new: CAutoTest::seleniumGetStatus: Gets the status message(s) of the HTTP2SeleniumBridge. +++++ 2018-08-06 cha: CAutoTest::addToSequenc, CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML: Added test action attributes. cha: CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML: Now parses Selenium actions. new: CAutoTest::getExecAttributes: Returns the attributes (additional parameters) for execution of the current sequence element. +++++ 2018-07-20 cha: UCS_enableClientLDAP: Updated Kerberos settings to UCS 4.2. +++++ 2018-07-12 new: /m23/bin/serverInfoIP: Shows the IP of the m23 server. cha: getServerIP: Now uses /m23/bin/serverInfoIP. new: /m23/bin/serverInfoNetmask: Shows the netmask of the m23 server. cha: getServerNetmask: Now uses /m23/bin/serverInfoNetmask. new: /m23/bin/serverInfoDNS: Shows the 1st DNS IP that is used by the m23 server. cha: getDNSServers: Now uses /m23/bin/serverInfoDNS. new: /m23/bin/serverInfoMySQLAccessParams: Shows the username and password parameter for mysql and mysqldump. cha: m23 / postinst: Now uses serverInfoMySQLAccessParams. +++++ 2018-07-11 patch 101161: Better support of faulty SSDs. cha: m23client-*.iso: Updated client boot ISOs. +++++ 2018-07-10 cha: CFDiskIO::getMknodCommand: Now splits the mknod commands by newlines. cha: CLCFG_mountRootDir: Now uses the mount command with rereadPartTable to check readability of the root (and maybe existing UEFI) partition. cha: CFDiskBasic::rereadPartTable: Now has extra parameter for changing the command for testing the readability of a device. cha: CFDiskBasic::rereadPartTable: Now re-reads the partition table until a given device is readable. fix: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now doesn't try to convert the package sources name into LDAP server type. fix: CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey: flase -> false. cha: CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey: Now tries to install wget via APT. +++++ 2018-07-09 patch 101155: Improved UEFI support. new: m23-amd64-linux-4.9.110.conf: Kernel configuration with enabled framebuffer and other options needed for UEFI to show visible output on some hardware. cha: Updated Linux Kernel to 4.9.110. cha: CFDiskBasic::rereadPartTable: Now re-reads the partition table 5 times with a delay of 15 seconds between attempts. +++++ 2018-07-06 cha: menuClientISO: Now creates the m23shared.goos-habermann.de ISO only if the storing directory exists. cha: compileKernel: Added kernel settings for framebuffer devices needed on UEFI cha: menuClientISO: Commented out creation of Etherboot images. +++++ 2018-07-04 patch 101147: Clarification of the online help. cha: */serverBackup.hlp: Commented out share-online.biz. cha: */serverRestore.hlp: Added hint about identical IP of backuped and restored UCS. patch 101146: Encoding fix for UCS newer than 4.1. fix m23/postinst: Now encodes files to UTF-8 for UCS newer than 4.1 only once (and not again on a dpkg-reconfigure). patch 101144: Now skip restoration of /etc if run on UCS. cha: m23Restore: Now skip restoration of /etc if run on UCS. patch 101143: Improvements for m23 server backup/restore on UCS plattform. cha: m23Backup: Now works with passwordless MySQL/MariaDB servers. cha: m23Backup: Now adds user generated custom patches. cha: m23Backup: Now doesn't backup openLDAP configuration. cha: m23Restore: Now skips restoration of packages and debconf if run on UCS. patch 101142: Now works with passwordless MySQL/MariaDB servers. cha: m23Restore: Now works with passwordless MySQL/MariaDB servers. patch 101141: m23 backup now backups /home/grdmgpg directory only (and not all /home/* directories) when run on UCS. cha: createBackupList: Now backups /home/grdmgpg directory only (and not all /home/* directories) when run on UCS. +++++ 2018-07-03 cha: compileKernel: Now includes the framebuffer console. cha: MSG_DeActivateBlogDialog: Now blogs are disabled by default. +++++ 2018-06-27 patch 101140: Now sets additional EFI parameters. cha: compileKernel: Now sets additional EFI parameters. +++++ 2018-06-20 patch 101139: Cross plattform building fix. cha: createRFSBins: Now works on 32 bit Debian 9 with 64 bit client OS. +++++ 2018-06-18 patch 101138: Little improvements and fixes for systemD on Ubuntu 18.04. cha: m23 / postinst: Now uses all m23 custom patches in /m23/m23customPatch. cha: m23 / postinst: Calls "/m23/bin/m23cli.php GPG_set1stKey" now. new: GPG_set1stKey.php: Sets the 1st available GPG key as package pool sign key cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now runs "dpkg-reconfigure m23-initscripts" as default. cha: UCS_addClient: Added new patch area. +++++ 2018-06-12 cha: CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey: Now imports the (locally stored) m23 client package sign key too. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now uses CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey. +++++ 2018-06-11 cha: MAIL_getGpgKeyList: Now filters out encrypt-only-keys when listing private keys. cha: checks.php: Now sets the locale for ctype_alpha and other functions at the beginning. +++++ 2018-06-06 fix: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Added "apt-get update" after importing keys. fix: m23 / postinst: Now doesn't call recode on source code, because it can be destroyed in some cases. patch 101118: Minor bugfixes and new minimalistic Gnome based Ubuntu desktop with minimal set of applications. +++++ 2018-06-05 fix: m23 / postinst: Now calls recode on files and not symlinks. Symlinks get converted to normal files by recode. +++++ 2018-06-04 fix: index.php: session_start now is called before 1st access to the session array. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now explicitly allows unsigned packages sources and packages sources signed with unknow GPG keys. +++++ 2018-06-01 cha: quickBuild.sh: Now the option m23-ucs-extra-4.3 generates a special package for UCS 4.3. new: m23-ucs-extra-4.3: Package with special handling for updating m23 from UCS 4.2 to UCS 4.3. new: m23UbuntudesktopMinimal1804Install.php, UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added a minimalistic Gnome based Ubuntu desktop with minimal set of applications. +++++ 2018-05-29 cha: getServerNetmask: Commented out unused UCS code. +++++ 2018-05-24 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now removes snap apps and reinstalls the same tools by normal Debian packages. +++++ 2018-05-09 cha: m23instUpload: Now tries 100 times to get proper MD5 sums from the uploaded files before it gives up. cha: m23instUpload: Now downloads the m23* packages and makes MD5 check afterwards. +++++ 2018-05-08 cha: installLocalm23DebsOnUCS: Now uses sshpass to give the password "testtest" to scp and ssh commands. patch 101101: Release 18.2 release 18.2 cha: checkMissingScreenshots.sh: Now uses manual.tex to find out the names of the screenshot files. +++++ 2018-05-02 cha: m23 / control: Added sshpass as additional dependency. cha: /m23/bin/plink, plink-ubuntu: Now are using sshpass + ssh instead of plink. +++++ 2018-04-30 new: copyPasteTestm23ServerInstall: Lines of BASH code for copying & pasting to install an m23 server from a local test repository. new: gitCloneAndMeldTranslations: Downloads the translations from gitlab and merges them with meld. +++++ 2018-04-25 cha: m23 / postinst: Now detects the name of the init script via file name. +++++ 2018-04-24 cha: m23 / postinst: Now disables systemd redirecting /tmp of PHP processes to separte directories. cha: m23 / postinst: Now restarts Squid as long until it is availabe via port 2323 +++++ 2018-04-22 cha: getClientIP, CLIENT_getClientName: Now are using "$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']" instead of "getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')" to find out the client's IP. +++++ 2018-04-21 cha: VM_createVM: Added parameter to choose the CPU architecture of the VM. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now has selection for choosing the CPU architecture of the VM to create. +++++ 2018-04-19 cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now tries the given user for the scp command and uses root, if it doesn't work. cha: CLIENT_getActiveNetDevices: New parameters to enable skipping of loop and eql devices in the output array. cha: VM_webAction: New parameter to start the VM in visual mode always. cha: VM_rebootAndActivateNetboot: Now calls VM_webAction with activated VNC. +++++ 2018-04-18 cha: CLIENT_getActiveNetDevices: Now uses output of 'ip', if ifconfig's output could not be parsed +++++ 2018-04-16 new: VM_isHost: Check, if an m23 client is an VM host. +++++ 2018-04-15 cha: CHECK_FW: Now accepts filter '0' without warning. +++++ 2018-04-12 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Enabled "home on NFS" option for m23 on UCS. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: New parameter acceptyDSSKeys: Set to true, if SSH-DSS keys should be re-enabled. cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Now disables ext4 feature metadata_csum. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now start dbus (needed by blueman). (THX TS) +++++ 2018-04-11 new: rmOldM23VarCacheM23aptLists: Removes old cached APT lists files. cha: m23/postinst: Adds rmOldM23VarCacheM23aptLists to /etc/crontab. cha: UCS_enableClientLDAP: Call of pam-auth-update needs "--force" parameter for Ubuntu 18.04. +++++ 2018-04-09 cha: m23/postinst: Now encodes info.txt files to UTF-8 for newer than UCS 4.1. cha: client_overview.php: Now has redo action for client recovery. +++++ 2018-03-23 cha: check-UCS-unmaintained: Now compatible with UCS 4.3. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Ubuntu-Bionic". +++++ 2018-03-21 cha: install_packages.php, serverFeatures.php, CLIENT_showJobs, work.php, PKG_listSelectedpackages: Added (optional) installation reason. (THX TS) new: CLIENT_sendPlymouthMessage: If Plymouth is running, display a message. (THX TS) new: CLIENT_sendNotifySendMessage: Send message to all users using notify-send. (THX TS) new: CLIENT_sendM23FetchJobFinishedMessage: queues a notify-send message, which is displayed when all updates are installed. (THX TS) cha: MSR_decodeMessage: Added monitor handling. (THX TS) new: MSR_addMonitor: monitor to database and Filesystem (avoiding blob). (THX TS) new: MSR_listMonitors: monitors stored in the m23 database. (THX TS) new: SERVER_isInstallReasonEnabled: Determines, if the install reason feature is enabled. (THX TS) new: SERVER_setInstallReasonEnabled: Enables the install reason feature. (THX TS) cha: m23/postinst: Added table "monitors". (THX TS) new: natsort.php: Sorts lines given via stdin in natural order (numeric parts are sorted as numeric values) or reverse order. cha: deleteOldDoubles: Now uses natsort.php. +++++ 2018-02-19 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now disables Gnome's initial configuration diolog. new: UBUNTU_desktopInstall, m23UbuntuMate1804Install.php, m23UbuntuGnome1804Install.php, m23UbuntuXubuntu1804Install.php, m23UbuntuLubuntu1804Install.php, m23UbuntuBudgie1804Install.php, m23Ubuntudesktop1804Install.php, m23UbuntuKubuntu1804Install.php: Added support for the desktops Mate, Gnome 3, Xfce, LXDE, Budgie, Ubuntu and KDE on Ubuntu 18.04. cha: m23/postinst: Now generates a GPG key, if user grdmgpg is not present (THX TS). +++++ 2018-02-16 cha: m23xfree86Install.php: Now doesn't try to install ddcxinfo-knoppix on Ubuntu 18.04. +++++ 2018-02-15 CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now removed unwanted characters form the MAC by JavaScript. CLIENT_showAddDialog: Increased amount of max allowed characters in MAC field, to allow MACs with ':' separators. cha: ubuntu/DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Added package ifupdown. +++++ 2018-02-14 new: CLCFG_setSystime: Sets the system time of the client to about the same time of the m23 server. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now calls CLCFG_setSystime to make sure, the SSL certificates are valid (system time must be never than certificate creation time). cha: CClient::setMAC: Now calls CLIENT_convertMac to remove possibly existing separators from MAC. +++++ 2018-02-13 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added another "apt-get update" before installing m23hwscanner (Needed for Ubuntu 18.04). cha: HTML_storableInput: Now has an optional parameter for adding extra HTML/JavaScript code to the INPUT element. +++++ 2018-02-09 new: m23gdm3Install.php: Installs GDM3 and removes xdm. cha: add_client.php: Now uses CSS to visualise selected/deselected state of groups. cha: client_details.php: Now shows a client setup icon when the client is in yellow status. +++++ 2018-02-07 cha: install_packages.php: Now shows a hint for updating the package index if no packages were found. cha: install_packages.php: Now checks, if the search term contains valid characters only and give out an info messange and remove unwanted characters new: HTML_waitAnimation: Defines HTML code for showing a waiting animation and onClick code for insering into buttons. The JavaScript showing function is given out where the PHP function is called. cha: install_packages.php: Now uses HTML_waitAnimation. cha: client_distr.php: Now shows a waiting animation when information about Linux kernels are fetched. cha: ubuntu/imaging/DISTR_startInstall: Now adds m23deactivateaptdaily job. new: CLCFG_disableAptSystemdDaily: Deactivates systemd apt-daily.timer. new: m23deactivateaptdailyInstall.php: Deactivates systemd apt-daily.timer. cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_disableAptSystemdDaily. +++++ 2018-02-06 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now installs command-not-found and bash-completion too. fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: Now removes additional "'" from the cache file name. +++++ 2018-02-05 cha: index*.css: Added style for showing selected/deselected icon in front of option lists. cha: client_distr.php: Now uses CSS to visualise selected/deselected state of package selections. +++++ 2018-01-29 cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Now gives out an error message on the client'c console in case that the client could not be identified as m23 client. +++++ 2018-01-26 cha: de/client_assimilate.hlp: Added hint for adding the client ID to the assimilisation command. +++++ 2018-01-23 cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added Ubuntu Bionic Beaver. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now installs net-tools too. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob, CLCFG_genFstab, UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall, CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Added same cases like in Ubuntu Xenial. +++++ 2018-01-22 patch 101084: Updated documentation and scripts for managing m23 releases. cha: m23-release-howto.tex: Added section for updating the m23admin-offline-copy. cha: makeDoc.sh: Now uses the "-interaction nonstopmode" from pdflatex. cha: m23cli.php: Added includes needed for GF_changeIPs. +++++ 2018-01-18 new: getMySQL-PasswordParam.sh: Get the password parameter to call MySQL/MariaDB CLI tools new: getMySQL-UserParam.sh: Get the user parameter to call MySQL/MariaDB CLI tools new: export-dataset.sh: Creates an SQL dump for generating the offline demo from cha: dlhttrack: Now makes offline copies in all m23 languages and uploads the copies. +++++ 2018-01-12 new: CMSLinkCreator.sh: Creates link files for the CMS for ISO, appliance or RaspBerry Pi image. +++++ 2018-01-10 patch 101082: Release 18.1 release 18.1 cha: ubuntu/DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now moves wgetrc out of the way before installing wget and move wgetrc back afterwards. Needed sometimes (!) when m23 server is and UCS and client distribution Linux Mint 18.3 32bits. +++++ 2018-01-09 new: installLocalm23DebsOnUCS: Prepares an UCS for installation of local m23 packages and installs them. +++++ 2017-12-30 new: DB_getTableColumns: Creates an associative array with table and column names and their data types and codepages (collation). +++++ 2017-12-29 cha: CLIENT_showJobs, PKG_listSelectedpackages, install_packages.php: Disabled reason. cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "LinuxMint 18.3 Sylvia". cha: CLCFG_installMintDM: Now disables CPU intensive fading. Background is now changing every 5 minutes only. cha: m23 / control: Added php7.0-bz2 as (possible) dependency. cha: PKG_countPackages: Switched back to counting without triggers. +++++ 2017-12-28 fix: CFDiskIO::getPartDevs: Now returns partitions without file system when file systems to be excluded are empty. cha: HTML_showPagePrintButton: Now shows a button for jumping to the help text too. cha: HELP_getHelp: Now has a jump anchor for the help button. cha: makeBootMedia.php: Redesigned. +++++ 2017-12-27 cha: makeBootCD*: Becomes makeBootMedia*. cha: menu.php: Removed tools section. cha: menu.php: makeBootMedia now in clients section. +++++ 2017-12-26 cha: CFDiskIO::genManualFstab: Now calls CFDiskIO::getNVMeMknodCommand. new: CFDiskIO::getNVMeMknodCommand: Generates the mknod commands for creating the NVMe devices. cha: CFDiskBasic::getMknodCommand: Becomes CFDiskIO::getMknodCommand. cha: m23hwscanner / scanDisksPartitions: Now works with NVMe devices. +++++ 2017-12-25 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now starts MariaDB when Linux is still running from the ISO. +++++ 2017-12-15 cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Added m23customPatch area for changing the display manager. +++++ 2017-12-13 cha: menuManualStart.sh: Commented out screenshot entry. +++++ 2017-12-12 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now has extra parameter for disabling the installation of language packs. new: m23Unity3DMinimal1604Install.php: Installs a minimalistic Unity 3D desktop for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with German language. +++++ 2017-12-10 cha: m23 / template / postinst / config: Now asks for a new password for the pi user, if it is still the default password. +++++ 2017-12-05 cha: VM_createVM: Now creates VMs with OSType Debian_64 and 32MB video RAM on VirtualBox > 2. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now suggests 1024 MB RAM. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now calls ssh without user name (will use root). cha: VM_createDiskImage: Now works with VirtualBox > 4 too. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now shows an error message, if a client with the wanted VM name exists before. cha: VM_setHostInDB, VM_setGuestInDB, VM_setVisualURL: Now uses an empty array as base for setting the new parameters. +++++ 2017-12-04 cha: phpMyAdmin: Update to version 4.7.6. cha: client_add_label_description.inc, externalDHCP.hlp: Added information about boot media and fetchJobManual. +++++ 2017-12-01 new: DB_changeAllCollations: Changes the codepage for the collation of all text fields in all tables of a database. new: DB_getSuperUserPassword: Returns the password (or empty) of the super MySQL/MariaDB user. new: DB_getSuperUserName: Returns the name of the super MySQL/MariaDB user. +++++ 2017-11-24 fix: clients_overview.php: Now shows the clients online status column only, if the feature is activated. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now deletes GPG keys in new format too. cha: m23 / postinst: Now updates/creates the m23 server entry in the client table only, if there is no localhost with the given IP. +++++ 2017-11-23 cha: UPDATE_doUpdate: Now makes sure the package repository is included and upgrades the m23 server. cha: update.php: Now shows a warning, if the page is opened on UCS. cha: serverSettings.php: Now shows update icon on UCS too. cha: clients_overview.php, CLIENT_generateHTMLDedicatedAndReachableStatus: Now are using HTML title instead of CSS tooltip. cha: SERVERBACKUP_showConfigurationDialog: Deactivated share-online.biz. cha: m23 / postinst: Now works on Debian 9 too: Only creates an GPG key, if it's missing. Detected by "gpg --list-secret-keys" cha: exportDBInitTable: Now works with tables containing triggers. cha: m23 / postinst: Now has special handling for Squid 3 using squid.conf. +++++ 2017-11-22 new: EDIT_appendToFile: Appends a text to a file on a client. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now configures sshd_config to allow root logins with SSH key. +++++ 2017-11-21 cha: CXhprof.php: Now uses SERVER_getServerBoolSetting and SERVER_setServerBoolSetting. Unneeded converting functions were removed. No extra table for storing the states needed anymore. cha: m23 / control: Added fping as dependency. new: SERVER_startUpdateClientOnlineInDBBackgroundJob: Starts a background job to update the online status of the clients cyclically. new: updateClientOnlineInDB.php: Script to update the online status of the clients in the DB cyclically. cha: SERVER_setClientOnlineStatusEnabled: Now starts or stops the background job to update the online status of the clients cyclically. +++++ 2017-11-18 cha: addBaseScanner: Now scans for USB modules too. cha: CLCFG_hwdetect: Disabled run of hwsetup, if module usbnet is loaded. +++++ 2017-11-14 new: GF_changeIPs.php: Changes the IPs and netmasks of the m23 clients in the m23 DB and UCS LDAP. new: CLIENT_getNetmaskFromBitAmount: Gets the netmask by the amount of set bits. new: CHECK_ip: Checks, if an IP is (syntactically) valid. new: UCS_getGenericNetworkName: Generates a generic name for a network object in UCS. new: UCS_networkObjectExists: Checks, if a network object exists in the UCS. new: UCS_ensureNetworkObjectExists: Makes sure that the network object exists in the UCS. new: UCS_getFirstElementFromDN: Gets the first value of a distinguished name. +++++ 2017-11-13 new: UCS_createNetworkObject: Creates a new network object in the UCS LDAP. fix: client_distr.php: Now gets the name to store the client prefrences under. new: clientISO / fetchJobManual: Reads the IP of an m23 server and downloads and executes a work.php. new: pool2ISO: Script for generation an ISO image containing the packages from a pool. +++++ 2017-11-08 new: UCS_getClientLDAPInfo: Get information about a client stored in the UCS LDAP. new: UCS_getNetworkLDAPInfo: Get information about a network stored in the UCS LDAP. new: UCS_getAllClientNamesLDAP: Gets all client names stored in the LDAP of the UCS. +++++ 2017-11-07 new: CLIENT_getNetmaskBits: Gets the amount if set bits of a netmask. new: UCS_modifyClientIP: Modifies the IP of a client in the UCS LDAP. +++++ 2017-11-06 cha: DB_escapeString: Removed. Semi-duplicate of CHECK_text2db. +++++ 2017-11-03 cha: xhprof_runs.php list_runs: Added links for deleting reports. cha: xhprof_html / index.php: Added function and switch for deleting reports. +++++ 2017-11-01 cha: adjustControl: Now adds lines to the control file if missing. +++++ 2017-10-30 new: xhprof_shutdown: Shutdowns xhprof. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::_construct: Constructor for new CXhprof objects. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::loadXhprofSettings: Loads current Xhprof settings from database. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::showXhprofDialog: Shows a dialog for editing the Xhprof settings. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::setActive: Sets profiling active/inactive. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::getActive: Gets profiling active/inactive. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::isXhprofActive: Returns true if Xhprof is active. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::setSave: Toggles Xhprof to save data. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::getSave: Gets save setting of Xhprof. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::doSave: Returns true if Xhprof shall save data. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::save: Saves Xhprof settings to database. (THX TS) new: de / xhprof.hlp: Help file for the profiling feature. cha: clients_overview.php: Now reads the amount of packages directly from the clients.trg_sum_clientpackages. cha: CClient::generateHTMLStatusBar: Now calls VM_statusIcons with aditional parameters. new: CClient::getVMRole: Returns the client's vmRole. new: CClient::getVmSoftware: Returns the client's vmSoftware. +++++ 2017-10-29 cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Additional values for the call of CLIENT_generateHTMLStatusBar. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_isrunning: Prepared to use CLIENT_isDedicatedAndReachable. new: PKG_recountAllClientPackages: Recounts all packages of a client and updates corresponding fields in the database. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_generateHTMLStatusBar, VM_statusIcons: Now are using additional parameters to reduce DB queries. (THX TS) new: xhprof_init: Enables xhprof, if it is available and should be activated. (THX TS) +++++ 2017-10-28 cha: m23 / postinst: Many SQL speed improvements. (THX TS) cha: PKG_countPackages: Prepared to use SQL triggers for getting the amount of client's packages. (THX TS) +++++ 2017-10-27 cha: serverSettings.php: Now shows an optional icon for xhprof. +++++ 2017-10-24 cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now adds a client to clientgroups, if at least one group is choosen. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses pre-sets "default" group. +++++ 2017-10-23 new: DB_escapeString: Escapes given String according to database specifications. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_query: Simplified building the SQL query. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Now shows a reason for each job. (THX TS) cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds a field for reason in the clientjobs table. (THX TS) new: PKG_changeInstallReasonSelectedPackages: Changes the priority of selected wait4acc packages. (THX TS) cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Added columns for reason. (THX TS) cha: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: Added fields for reason. (THX TS) cha: install_packages.php: Added adding/editing a reason for the jobs. +++++ 2017-10-20 new: MSR_setOnline: Sets the online-state of a client. (THX TS) cha: MSR_decodeMessage: Added switch for MSR_setOnline. +++++ 2017-10-19 cha: index.css, index_fb.css: Added tooltips. (THX TS) +++++ 2017-10-18 new: SERVER_setServerBoolSetting: Sets a bool value of a server setting. new: SERVER_getServerBoolSetting: Gets the boolean value of a server setting. new: SERVER_isLiveLogDisabled: Determines, if live logging should be disabled globally for all clients. new: SERVER_setLiveLogDisabled: Sets/Unsets live disabling of logging globally for all clients. new: SERVER_isUpdatePackageInfosDisabled: Determines, if the updatePackageInfos job should NOT be added to any clients. new: SERVER_setUpdatePackageInfosDisabled: Sets/Unsets the updatePackageInfos job should NOT be added to any clients. new: SERVER_isClientOnlineStatusEnabled: Determines, if the online status of all clients should be detected and shown. new: SERVER_setClientOnlineStatusEnabled: Sets/Unsets if the online status of all clients should be detected and shown. cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds a field for online status in the client's table. new: serverFeatures.php: New page for (de)activating optional m23 server features. cha: serverSettings.php / index.php: Added serverFeatures page. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now exits the function if the live log is disabled. cha: client_details.php: Now doesn't show the live log area if live logging is disabled. cha: install_packages.php: Now doesn't add the update package status job, if it is disabled by feature setting. new: CLIENT_generateHTMLDedicatedAndReachableStatus: Generates HTML code and tooltip containing the status of the client showing if it's dedicated and reachable. (THX TS) new: CLIENT_isDedicatedAndReachable: Checks, if a client is dedicated to this M23-Server and reachable. (THX TS) cha: clients_overview.php: Shows online status of the clients, if the feature is enabled. +++++ 2017-10-17 cha: PREF_putValue, PREF_loadAllPreferenceValues: Now works with arrays as values. +++++ 2017-10-16 cha: CSystemProxy::__construct: Now detects Squid's config file and init script name. cha: CSystemProxy::writeSquidConf: Now uses Squid's detected config file and init script name. cha: m23 / postinst: Added "%no-protection" to the GPG key generation config file to make it work on Debian 9. new: CLIENT_showLastLogError: Prints the last error in the client log. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_showLog: Now shows client log, if client is in critical state. (THX TS) new: HTML_storableMultiSelection: Shows a list of radio buttons or a selection with loading and storing the checking state to and from the session. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_sshFetchJob: Now has a timeout of 3 seconds and runs as detached thread. +++++ 2017-10-12 cha: configureNetwork: Now set network setting temporarily to allow updates during installation. cha: installGrub: Now removes resume configuration of initramfs-tools that may contain the (invalid) UUID of the swap partition for suspend/hibernation. +++++ 2017-10-11 cha: configureMySQLmycnf: Deactivated reading of root user name and password for MariaDB, because no password is needed when logged in as "root" and MariaDB user is "root" too. cha: m23 / control: Added parted as additional dependency. cha: createRFSBins: Added libraries to include by hand. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added Debian 9 package sources. cha: createRFSBins: Now filters out faulty dependencies. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Removed package module-init-tools from download list. +++++ 2017-10-10 patch Added NVMe support. Fix for adding clients in DHCP mode. cha: index.php: Commented out questionaire. cha: clients_overview.php: Now shows the client ID near the client name. cha: Updated Linux Kernel to 4.9.54. +++++ 2017-10-06 fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now doesn't check recommended IP anymore when in DHCP mode. +++++ 2017-09-20 new: CFDiskIO::isNVMe: Checks, if a device string is an NVMe. cha: CFDiskIO::getpDiskAndpPartFromDev, CFDiskIO::isDevValidDiskPartitionOrRaid, CFDiskIO::getPartitionDev: Now have support for NVMes. cha: CFDiskGUI::getHTMLColorForFilesystemOrType: Now has dummy color for FAT. new: CFDiskIO::getDevBypDiskpPart: Returns device string with pDisk and partition number correctly combined. cha: CFDiskBasic::autoPartitionDisk, CFDiskGUI::listPartJobs, CFDiskBasic::createInstallPartition, CFDiskBasic::createSwapPartition, CFDiskBasic::deleteAllPartitionsOnDisk, CFDiskBasic::createUEFIPartition: Now are using CFDiskIO::getDevBypDiskpPart. +++++ 2017-09-19 cha: HWMiniInit.sh: Added loading of USB keyboard module. cha: HWMiniInit.sh: Added loading of NVMe module and creation of device nodes. cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now copies files from /mdk/client+server/extraRFS into the client's and server's bootimages. +++++ 2017-09-14 fix: checkKernelBranch: Labeling of kernel versions corrected. fix: mkm23Debs: Added building of m23-mdk-client-server. +++++ 2017-08-31 patch 101013: Corrected deactivating of network booting on non-UCS m23 servers. fix: DHCP_activateBoot: Corrected deactivating of network booting. +++++ 2017-07-24 patch 101008: Network bootimages now enable baseScanner. cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now copies m23hwdetect too. cha: createRFSBins: Now copies kmod too. fix: addBaseScanner: Now checks for modinfo in /bin too (needed for run in network bootimage). +++++ 2017-07-11 patch 101006: lightdm configuration to allow shutdown by normal users. new: CLCFG_addPAMtoDM: Adds PAM modules (if present) to the pam.d configuration files. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM, CLCFG_installMintDM: Added call to CLCFG_addPAMtoDM. +++++ 2017-06-27 patch 101005: Test procedure improvements (documentation + script). cha: m23admin-offline-copy: Additional SQL dumps added. cha: quickbuild.sh: Now creates Packages* for m23-ucs-extra in its separated directory. new: addLocalm23ServerRepository: Adds local test repository for m23 server packages to the test machine. new: addUCSTestRepository: Adds the UCS online test repository with uploaded m23 server packages to the test machine. +++++ 2017-06-26 patch 101003: Adjustements for UCS. cha: CLIENT_touchLogFile: Now uses SERVER_multiMkDir instead of mkdir. fix: SERVER_multiMkDir: Corrected variable name. cha: clientChangeLog*: Now includes server.php and helper.php. patch 101002: Encoding for UCS 4.1. cha: m23/postinst: No UTF-8 for UCS 4.1. +++++ 2017-06-24 patch 101001: Release 17.2 release 17.2 cha: Added Debian 9 to I18N_readLoginFromUCSLDAPSupportedDistros. +++++ 2017-06-23 cha: cron.php: Now sets language as global value. cha: getServerNetmask: Now compatible with new network device names. +++++ 2017-06-20 cha: CClient::__construct, CChecks::checkClientname: Now are checking, if a number was given as name for a (new) client, what is not allowed. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now escapes "'". +++++ 2017-06-19 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now tries for 60 minutes to fetch the cache file. cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands, FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now use force parameter. new: CLIENT_addClientlogsOk: Adds an entry into the client's status log with "ok" status. new: CLIENT_addClientlogsFailure: Adds an entry into the client's status log with "failure" status. new: CLIENT_addClientlogsUnknown: Adds an entry into the client's status log with "unknown" status. cha: CClient::checkAutoUpdate: Now writes success and fail into the client's log. fix: index.php: Logout now works better without trying to reload the page. +++++ 2017-06-18 new: CLIENT_insertIntoClientlogs: Adds an entry into the client's status log. +++++ 2017-06-15 cha: listKernelVersions, menuKernelDownload: Now uses HTTPs instead of FTP for accessing kernel.org. cha: createRFSBins: Now gets the needed libs by objdump and ldd. cha: createRFScopyLib: Now creates a file with all libraries needed for running the tools of the bootimage, if CPU architecture of the m23 server and the bootimage are identically. cha: createRFSBins: Now adds (maybe missing) libaries from library list file, if CPU architecture of the m23 server and the bootimage are not identically. cha: bootimage: Now uses Linux Kernel 4.9.32. +++++ 2017-06-14 cha: m23/postinst/getCSExternIP, MSR_curDynIPCommand, checkAlternativeM23Server: Now checks, if the IP is valid, that my be given back by a CloudStack virtual switch or by a faulty configured gateway. +++++ 2017-05-31 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added support for Devuan. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "devuanjessie". +++++ 2017-05-20 new: CClientLister::getAllAutoUpdateClientNames: Gets an array with the clients that currently run autoUpdate. cha: inc/*.php: Added mdoc header. +++++ 2017-05-17 cha: getServerNetmask: Now gets the netmask from an eth device only. +++++ 2017-05-11 new: CRON_addJobMinutely: Runs a command every N minutes. new: CRON_isEntryPresent: Checks, if a crontab entry is present with a given identifier. new: CAutoUpdate::getSetAmount: Get the amount of update sets. new: CAutoUpdate::configureCron: Adds and removes the crontab entry dynamically when the first update set gets created or the last gets deleted. new: CAutoUpdate::showAutoUpdateManager: Shows a dialog for viewing, creating, changing and deleting automatic update sets. +++++ 2017-05-10 cha: m23/postinst: Now makes sure that /m23/log is writable by the Apache user. fix: m23CronStarter: Corrected checking of returned error messages. +++++ 2017-05-09 new: HELPER_logToFile: Adds text to an exclusively opened log file. cha: PKG_addStatusJob: Removed unneeded calls to figure out distribution and sources list variables, that are never used. cha: CClient::addNormalJob, CClient::addSpecialJob: Don't call includeDistributionSpecificPackagesPHP anymore, because only non-distribution-specific functions are needed. cha: PKG_getSpecialPackagePriority: Now sets distribution name to "debian", if $distr parameter is empty. cha: CClient::getSourcesList: Now returns empty string, if no sources list is set instead of dying. cha: CClient::addUpdateSourcesListJob: Now adds the update job only if a sources list is set. +++++ 2017-05-08 cha: PKG_executeOnClientJobs: Now safe against invalid job IDs. +++++ 2017-04-26 new: CAutoUpdate::isTimeToRunNow: Checks, if the given set should be run now. new: CAutoUpdate::activateNextTimlySet: Activates the next set with the oldest timestamp that should be executed now. cha: CAutoUpdate::getRunningClients: Renamed to CAutoUpdate::getAllClientnames and added parameter to get all or clients or clients running an auto update only. new: CAutoUpdate::startNewClients: Starts auto update on a given amount of clients that haven't run auto update for at least one day. new: CAutoUpdate::run: Chooses the set that should be run now and starts new auto update on clients. +++++ 2017-04-25 new: CClient::addShutdownPackage: Adds a shutdown package, but only if the client is NOT running. new: PKG_getHigestIDOfSpecialPackage: Gets the highest ID of a special package. +++++ 2017-04-24 cha: HTML_showTableRow: Now accepts additional HTML attributes in first parameters as array. new: CClient::startAutoUpdate: Starts auto update on a client. cha: GRP_listAllClientsInGroups: Now has an extra parameter, that if set to true, only clients with auto update job will be listed. cha: CAutoUpdate::getActiveSet: Renamed to CAutoUpdate::getActiveSetID. new: CAutoUpdate::getActiveSet: Gets the active set or false, if none is active or no sets are present. new: CAutoUpdate::getActiveGroups: Gets the groups from the current active set. new: CAutoUpdate::getRunningClients: Gets the clients in all groups of the active set. new: CClient::hasAutoUpdateJob: Checks, if the client has an auto update job. new: CClient::getAutoUpdate_lastAttempt: Gives back the timestamp of the last assignment of an auto update job. new: CClient::stopAutoUpdate: Stops the auto update after successful or failed attempt. new: CClient::checkAutoUpdate: Checks, if an auto update is (physically) running or if it has failed or finished. +++++ 2017-04-20 new: CAutoUpdate::setParallelUpdates: Sets the amount of parallel updates for a set. new: CAutoUpdate::setType: Sets the type for a set. new: CAutoUpdate::getUpdateTypeTranslation: Returns the whole translation array with update type as key and the translation as value or the translation for a given constant. new: CAutoUpdate::getType: Gets the type of a set as constant value or in translated form. new: CAutoUpdate::getParallelUpdates: Gets the amount of parallel updates in a set. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now removes mintupdate. +++++ 2017-04-18 new: CAutoUpdate::getImgButtonParams: Checks, if an image button was pressed and extracts the two parameters from it. +++++ 2017-04-12 new: CAutoUpdate::addGroup: Adds a client group for running the updates on them. new: CAutoUpdate::delGroup: Deletes a group. new: CAutoUpdate::getAllGroupsHumanReadable: Generate a list of all groups (with optional button for deleting an entry). +++++ 2017-04-11 new: HELPER_splitDayHourMinuteString: Splits a combined numeric day and hour/minute string into day and hour/minute. new: I18N_getHumanReadableDayHourMinute: Converts a combined numeric day and hour/minute string into a human readable day and hour/minute string. new: CAutoUpdate::addStartEnd: Adds a start end range for running the updates. new: CAutoUpdate::saveSets: Saves all changed sets to the DB. new: CAutoUpdate::getAllStartsEndsHumanReadable: Generate a list of all time ranges (with optional button for deleting an entry). new: CAutoUpdate::delStartEnd: Deletes a start end range. +++++ 2017-04-10 new: CAutoUpdate::getActiveSet: Gets the ID of the active set or NULL, if none is active or no sets are present. new: CAutoUpdate::addEntry: Adds an entry to the schedule. new: CAutoUpdate::getAllSets: Generates an array with all sets and the according information for each set. new: CAutoUpdate::isASetActive: Checks, if a set is active. new: CAutoUpdate::activateSet: Activates one set and deactivates all other sets. new: CAutoUpdate::activateNextSet: Activates the next set with the oldest timestamp. new: CAutoUpdate::delEntry: Deletes one set. new: I18N_getWeekDayArray: Generates an array with all week days as value and week day numbers as keys (Monday = 1, Sunday = 7). new: HTML_weekdayTimeChooser: Creates a picker for weekday and hour/minute (with 15 minute steps). +++++ 2017-04-06 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed "LinuxMint 13". +++++ 2017-03-31 cha: PKG_listRecommendPackages: Now the "do not change" is the first adding option. cha: install_packages.php: Now sets the 1st selected package selection as storing name for the package selection, if the package selection name is empty +++++ 2017-03-28 cha: CLCFG_installMintDM: Now hides the user list. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now removes tilda. +++++ 2017-03-04 cha: m23-skel: Disables settings for Mate desktop. +++++ 2017-03-03 cha: createRFSImage: Now uses mkfs.ext2 to make sure that an ext2 filesystem is created. +++++ 2017-02-23 fix: SERVER_programmStatus, MSG_showNewFeature, POOL_showReadCD, GRP_getDistrsAndSourcesLists, SRCLST_showEditor, CLIENT_isBasesystemInstalledFromImage, CLIENT_showJobs, CLIENT_getNames, MASS_readDBFile MASS_showTableDefinition, MASS_showOverview, debian / clientInstall.php, debian / m23changeClientInstall.php, CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions, ubuntu / m23changeClientInstall.php, halfSister / clientInstall.php: Now uses string (as array key) instead of non set constants that were automatically converted to strings. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now reconfigures m23-initscripts on Debian 9. cha: debian / clientInstall.php: Now calles CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob with the used release name. Used for special handling on Debian 9. cha: LinuxMint 18.1 Serena: Enabled KDE and Xfce. +++++ 2017-02-22 cha: m23-initscripts / postinst: Now generated .service files for systemd on Debian 9. +++++ 2017-02-18 cha: debian / clienInstall.php, m23x2goServerInstall.php, CLCFG_language, CLCFG_genFstab, CLCFG_language : Now supports Debian 9. +++++ 2017-02-17 fix: LDAP_loadServer: Corrected name for the LDAP config values. cha: LDAP_addPosix: Now gives back an error message string, in case of an error. cha: CClient::addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Adjusted to LDAP_addPosix's return value. +++++ 2017-02-15 cha: EDIT_searchLastLineNumber: Now is more robust against faulty search strings. cha: LDAP_makeConnection: Now uses secure connection. +++++ 2017-02-14 cha: exportDBInitTable: Now works on MariaDB too. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes sure that MariaDB uses latin1 and not 4-byte utf8 which would lead to an exceeding of the 1000 bytes limit for unique keys. +++++ 2017-02-13 cha: m23 / control: Now installs MariaDB as alternative to MySQL. fix: MSESS_load: Now accesses array element or variable only, if it exists. fix: : Now presets variables. cha: HELP_showHelpTex: Exchanged deprecated spliti with preg_split. fix: geshi.php, 00_fpdf_codebar.class.php, 02_fpdf_formulaire.class.php, mypdf.class.php, 99_fpdf_protection.class.php, 01_fpdf_bookmark.class.php: Corrected "PHP 4 constructors are now deprecated". +++++ 2017-02-09 cha: m23 / postinst: Now figures out the broadcast address on Debian 9 too. cha: db.php: Makes sure that there is a value set for m23Shared in the session array. fix: CLIENT_showStatusSelection: Now presets variables. cha: DHCP_isNetworkBootingActive, DHCP_exportDHCPSettingsForExternalDHCPServer, DHCP_delDynamicRange, DHCP_addLineToDHCPDConf, DHCP_restartDHCPserver, DHCP_rmClient, DHCP_setBootimage: Now uses SERVER_runInBackground instead of sudo calls. cha: DHCP_removePXEcfg, DHCP_rmClient: Now uses SERVER_deleteFile. +++++ 2017-02-07 new: LDAP_getValueFromConfigLine: Returns the value from a phpLDAPadmin configuration line. cha: LDAP_listServers: Now works with phpLDAPadmin 1.2.3/git. +++++ 2017-02-06 fix: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Now accesses array element or variable only, if it exists. cha: m23-ldap / postinst: Now figures out the IP on Debian 9 too. cha: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin, LDAP_checkphpLdapAdminConfiguration, LDAP_delServerFromphpLdapAdmin, LDAP_loadServer: Now works with phpLDAPadmin 1.2.3/git. new: /m23/bin/phpLDAPadminConfigMigration.sh: Converts the config from old phpLDAPadmin to new format used in phpLDAPadmin 1.2.3/git. cha: SERVER_multiMkDir: Now can create directories for a given user. cha: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Removed installation of openLDAP from webinterface. +++++ 2017-02-05 fix: add_client.php, LDAP_loadServer, LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Now accesses array element or variable only, if it exists. fix: CLIENT_addClient, CLIENT_getSubnet, CLIENT_getBroadcast: Now presets variables. cha: m23 / control: Added net-tools as dependency to make ifconfig available. cha: getServerNetmask: Now compatible with Debian 9. fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now works, if no client (not even localhost) is defined in the DB. fix:LDAP_connectServer, LDAP_addPosix, LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Now uses string (as array key) instead of non set constants that were automatically converted to strings. +++++ 2017-02-02 fix: PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage, PKG_addShutdownPackage, PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation, PKG_previewUpdateSystem, CFDiskIO::getPartitionFileSystem, CFDiskIO::getPartitionAmountOfType, DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator, client_distr.php, CFDiskIO::getExtendedVPart, debian + ubuntu / clientConfig.php, CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions, PKG_getKernels: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: client_distr.php, PKG_getKernels: Now presets variables. cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added Ubuntu Xenial and Debian Stretch. new: optionPages for Debian Stretch and Ubuntu Xenial. +++++ 2017-02-01 fix: PKG_combinem23normal, CPackageStatusCompare::__construct, CLIENT_addClient, add_client.php, getAscDescHeader, HTML_setStatusBarStatus, MSG_show, CFDiskGUI::getCurrentDiskDev, CClient::isUEFIActive, CFDiskIO::getDiskDev, CFDiskIO::getPartDevs, HTML_jQueryMenuHeader, HTML_jQueryMenuHeader, client_partition.php: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: getDiskInfoString, CFDiskGUI::getPartInfoString: Now presets variables. fix: PKG_addNormalPackages: Corrected return value. fix: getPartInfoString: Removed empty and unused parameter $pPart from findFstabMountPointByDev call. cha: HTML_getOriginalUploadFilename: Now returns NULL, if no original file name is given. fix: CC_mountPoint: Created missing fireall constant. +++++ 2017-01-30 cha: getServerIP: Now compatible with Debian 9. fix: PKG_getAllPackageSelections, SRCLST_getListnames, SRCLST_cleanList: Now presets variables. cha: GRP_showSelDistrSources: Now groupnames can be set to NULL to show all distributions and sources lists. cha: install_packages.php: Now packagessources mode is not handled as group mode anymore. fix: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now shows error message on APT errors. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes sure, that /m23/var/cache/m23apt exists and is owned by www-data. +++++ 2017-01-27 fix: install_packages.php: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: install_packages.php: Now presets variables. +++++ 2017-01-26 cha: m23/postinst: Now makes sure that the userPackages directory is writable by Apache. cha: dem23Client.sh: Now removes lines from sources.list. fix: GRP_showGroupsAndCount, GRP_showSelDistrSources, HTML_getValidSelected, CScredit::__construct, CScredit::show, HTML_jQueryReStoreYWindowPosition, SRCLST_showEditor, DISTR_getSelectedDesktopsArr, DISTR_getDescriptionValues, DISTR_geti18nValue: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: GRP_listGroupsAndCount, GRP_showGroupsAndCount, GRP_listAllClientsInGroup, client_install.hlp, CLIENT_query, MAIL_getGpgKeyList, PKGBUILDER_listFiles, SRCLST_querySourceslists: Now presets variables. fix: DISTR_getSelectedDesktopsArr, debian + ubuntu + halfSister/ clientConfig.php: Now uses string (as array key) instead of non set constants that were automatically converted to strings. cha: HTML_submit, HTML_submitDefine: Now has an extra parameter. If set to true, HTML element constants will be defined even if there is a previously defined constant with the same name. This will run into an error and helps debugging. cha: PREF_preferenceLoadManagerHandler: Now doesn't define HTML elements twice. fix: ubuntu / info.txt: Fixed entry for UbuntuXubuntu1604. +++++ 2017-01-25 fix: PKG_rmSelectedPackages, PKG_changePrioritySelectedPackages: Corrected return value. fix: PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation: Now includes the language file. fix: PKG_addStatusJob, GRP_doClientMoreGroups, FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions, HTML_listSelection, HTML_listSelection, SERVER_addEtcHosts, SERVER_delEtcHosts, CLIENT_addChangeElement, CLIENT_showAddDialog, add_client.php, CClient::getNetworkBootTypesArrayForSelection(): Now accesses array element only, if it exists. cha: client_backup.php, client_createImage.php: Now has a "back to control center" link. fix: IMG_showCreateImage: Commented out double declaration of HTML elements. cha: m23 / postinst: Now figures out the IP on Debian 9 too. fix: add_client.php: Removed alternative help file selection by CLIENT_showAddDialog, because CLIENT_showAddDialog never returned a value. cha: I18N_listClientLanguages: Access variable by name stored in variable adjusted to PHP 7. fix: HELPER_passGenerator: Parameter for MASS_passGenerator. +++++ 2017-01-24 cha: phpMyAdmin: Updated to 4.6.6. fix: DMI_getParam, DMI_getBoard, DMI_getBios, HWINFO_getCPU, debian / packages.php, client_packages.php, install_packages.php, SRCLST_getParameter, CLIENT_showJobs: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: DMI_getParam, CFDiskIO::convertPartitioning2Array, client_packages.php, install_packages.php: Now presets variables. +++++ 2017-01-23 fix: HTML_getElementValue, index.php, HTML_imgSwitch, CLIENT_showGeneralInfo, I18N_convertToHumanReadableName, client_details.php: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: CLIENT_getOverviewSearchLine, HTML_showTableRow, VM_getHTMLStatusBlock, CLIENT_showGeneralInfo, HTML_showStatusBarHTML: Now presets variables. fix: CloudStackClient.php: Corrected doubled variable names in function declaration. +++++ 2017-01-22 cha: m23 /postinst: Adjustments for Debian 9. +++++ 2017-01-19 patch 100948: Development documentation improvement. new: m23-Release-Tabelle.odt: Table for checking the tasks for a new m23 release. +++++ 2017-01-10 patch 100947: Now supports Linux Mint 18.1 Serena (Mate and Cinnamon). cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "LinuxMint 18.1 Serena". +++++ 2017-01-07 patch 100946: Smal improvents and fix for UCS. fix: DHCP_writePXEcfg: Now sets the access rights of the PXE file to 755 (needed on UCS). cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed "squeeze", "squeeze+libreoffice" and "Linux Mint 9 KDE". cha: Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Now configures sshd_config to allow SSH login as root with password. +++++ 2017-01-05 release 17.1 +++++ 2017-01-04 fix: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Adjusted for changed systemd package in Linux Mint 17.x. +++++ 2017-01-02 fix: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now closes the screen session on the m23 server when the screen session on the m23 client is finished. +++++ 2016-12-20 new: CLIENT_filterLinesFromLiveScreenRecording: Filters out unwanted lines from the live log. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now exits the loop when the SSH connection was closed. cha: HELPER_getNewLogLines: Now has an optional parameter for a function to filter the lines before adding them to the output. +++++ 2016-12-07 patch 100942: UCS fixes. fix: m23/postinst: Now creates group "grdmgpg" with gid 55001 on UCS to make creation of grdmgpg user possible. +++++ 2016-12-06 cha: SRCLST_sourceListExists: Made compatible with UCS. +++++ 2016-12-02 cha: m23Deb.inc / mkRelease: Now uses SHA256 for hashing the GPG signature. +++++ 2016-12-01 new: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Rewritten to find the files that need translation. fix: CLIENT_getOverviewSearchLine: Now shows the search term even after opening the client's overview page in a new tab. +++++ 2016-11-29 cha: m23hwdetect: Removed "$remote_fs" from start/stop condition. +++++ 2016-11-28 cha: menu.php: Added entry to compare package status. new: de / comparePackageStatus.hlp: Help file for the compare package status. +++++ 2016-11-25 new: HTML_getOriginalUploadFilename: Get the original file name of an uploaded file. new: CPackageStatusCompare::__construct: Constructor for new CPackageStatusCompare objects. new: CPackageStatusCompare::__destruct: Destructor for a CPackageStatusCompare object. new: CPackageStatusCompare::save: Saves parameters as hidden POST values. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setFile: Sets a file name, if the given parameter is a valid file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setFile1: Sets a 1st file name, if the given parameter is a valid file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setFile2: Sets a 2nd file name, if the given parameter is a valid file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setClient: Sets a client, if the given parameter is a valid client name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setClient1: Sets a client, if the given parameter is a valid client name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setClient2: Sets a client, if the given parameter is a valid client name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isClientSet: Checks, if the client is set. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isClient1Set: Checks, if the 1st client is set. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isClient2Set: Checks, if the 2nd client is set. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isFile1Set: Checks, if the 1st combined variable stores a file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isFile2Set: Checks, if the 2st combined variable stores a file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::getVersionStatus: Gets an array with, the package file name, the version and the status. new: CPackageStatusCompare::getStatusFile: Gets the file name of a package status file. If a client name is give, a temporary package status file will be written. new: CPackageStatusCompare::showStatusRow: Gets the file name of a package status file. If a client name is give, a temporary package status file will be written. new: CPackageStatusCompare::diff: Compares two package status files. new: CPackageStatusCompare::show: Shows the comparing dialog. +++++ 2016-11-24 cha: clients_overview.php: Now has a new action to compare the package status of two clients. new: PKG_getPackageStatusCSV: Exports the packages of a client in tabulator separated CSV. +++++ 2016-11-23 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now configures VirtualBox without generating xorg.conf on LinuxMint 18 when run in LM18. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now doesn't do anything, if /etc/sysconfig/disableConfig is present. cha: menuDeb: Now stops Squid before and starts it after all changes to the Squid cache. +++++ 2016-11-22 cha: CGPGSign::showErrorAndDie: Changed to CGPGSign::showWarningAndDie to show a warning message. fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / normalPartition: Now creates swap partition again. +++++ 2016-11-21 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now has two checks, that may run into critical client status and that test if the base system archive was downloaded and extracted sucessfully. new: CGPGSign::showErrorAndDie: Shows an "internal" error message or a message for the m23 administrator and destroys the object afterwards. cha: CGPGSign::setGPGID, CGPGSign::getGPGID: Now are using showErrorAndDie. +++++ 2016-11-17 cha: index_fb.css: Now disabled submit buttons are visible as disabled. +++++ 2016-11-16 new: delete_client.help: Help page for deleting a client. cha: CLIENT_showDelDialog: Added information for removing m23 dependencies form an m23 ex client. new: CLCFG_installSDDM: Installs the SDDM display manager. cha: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Now has a m23customPatch area to deactivate the warning about other existing DHCP servers. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now has a more generic approach to detect the release name of Debian based distributions (Ubuntu and Linux Mint) +++++ 2016-11-15 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now downloads the package isc-dhcp-client instead of (non existing) dhcp3-client. +++++ 2016-11-11 cha: m23 / postinst: Now executes /m23/bin/postinstHook.sh if existing. +++++ 2016-11-10 new: EDIT_commentoutAll: Comments out all matching lines. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "LinuxMint 18 Sarah". new: m23Mint18CinnamonInstall.php: Installs Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon Desktop. new: m23Mint18MateInstall.php: Installs Linux Mint 18 Mate Desktop. new: m23Mint18XfceInstall.php: Installs Xfce desktop on Linux Mint 18. +++++ 2016-11-09 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added support for KDE in Linux Mint 18. new: m23Mint18KDEInstall.php: Installs Linux Mint 18 KDE Desktop. +++++ 2016-11-08 cha: debian / ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: More generic approach to detect Xenial based dirstributions and Linux Mint 18. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now used grub2 for LinuxMint 18. +++++ 2016-11-07 patch 100926: Exchanged m23 server repository on SourceForge with a self hosted repository. cha: m23installerBase.inc / installDebs, m23VirtualBoxInstall.php, DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression, Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Now are using m23inst.goos-habermann.de as repository for the m23 server installation . +++++ 2016-11-04 patch 100925: Disables creation or definition of a client with the name of an existing client. Fixes package transfer from client to m23 server. fix: PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Server, PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Client: Corrected port number. cha: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: New parameter to disable the system proxy. cha: CClient::getClientCurrentWorkPHP: Now fetches the script without system proxy. cha: configXOrgVMware: Now installs open-vm-tools. cha: CFDiskIO::__construct: Now transfers the check mode to the parent object. +++++ 2016-11-03 patch 100923: Code improvements. cha: head.php, HTML_selection, HTML_showFormHeader, VM_GUIstepCheckHost, VM_GUIstepSelectHost, MENU_showEntry, menu.php, CAPTURE_load, CAPTURE_showMarker, CAPTURE_showTableWith, HELP_showHelp: Improved code to generate less PHP notices. fix: Cm23Admin::getCSS: Corrected case error. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now shows a warning, if no hosts for the given VM software could be found. +++++ 2016-10-24 release 16.3 fix: SRCLST_showAlternativeArchitectureSelection: Now doesn't delete the client options when changing the architecture. new: CLCFG_installXDM: Installs the XDM display manager. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now uses XDM for Gnome in Ubuntu 16.04. +++++ 2016-10-18 patch 100921: Now interprets IDs with partially containing other IDs in m23customPatch correctly. cha: CmCP::loadSourceFile: Now interprets IDs with partially containing other IDs correctly. (Thx TS) +++++ 2016-10-12 patch 100920: Now uses goos-habermann.de as mirror for m23 clients. cha: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Now uses goos-habermann.de as mirror. patch 100919: Disables all SourceForge mirrors for m23 clients. cha: SRCLST_possiblem23debsMirrors: Commented out all SourceForge mirrors. patch 100918: New networkbootimages. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: New m23customPatch area "CLCFG_copySSLCertSSLCertificatesPermissions". cha: m23hwdetect: Now adds nic ID of DELL Optiplex 5040/7040. +++++ 2016-10-10 patch 100915: Changes for m23 16.3. cha: m23 / postinst: Now generates SSH RSA keys. +++++ 2016-10-06 new: EDIT_replaceLineElseAdd: Deletes all lines, that match regular expression, afterwards adds a given line (Thx TS) +++++ 2016-09-26 cha: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now installs apt-transport-https before the base packages, because SourceForge now uses HTTPs transparently for distributing the Debian packages. +++++ 2016-09-05 patch 100913: Added new recovering option to combine identical jobs. cha: client_details.php: New icon for client recovery with combining identical jobs. cha: recover_client.php: Option for client recovery with combining identical jobs. new: PKG_getDuplicatedIdenticalJobs: Returns an array with a list of all jobs that are identical by package, priority, status and params. new: PKG_removeDuplicatedIdenticalJobs: Removes all jobs that are identical by package, priority, status and params omitting the first job. new: CLIENT_recoverClientCombineJobs: Recover a client: all client jobs are done again, status is set to 0, all identical jobs are combines. +++++ 2016-08-24 new: CLIENT_isAssimilated: Checks, if a client was assimilated. fix: ASSI_prepareClient: Now calls MSR_curDynIPCommand instead of a non-existing function. fix: work.php: Now doesn't wait for finishing the download of the base archive on assimilated clients. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Corrected escaping of BASH code for writing m23fetchjob. +++++ 2016-07-28 patch 101015: System proxy improvements. new: HELPER_hostname2IP: Gets the IP of a known host. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyHostIP: Gets the proxy IP. cha: CSystemProxy::writeSquidConf: Now uses the IP of the proxy to write to the Squid configuration file. patch 101415: System proxy improvements. +++++ 2016-07-20 cha: m23/postinst: Now uses direct access to the m23 server in m23's Squid. cha: CSystemProxy::showProxyDialog: Now hides the password, when opening the dialog. +++++ 2016-07-19 patch 100911: Added option to change the group description. new: GRP_setDescrGroup: Sets the description of a client group. new: GRP_showChangeDescriptionDialog: shows a dialog to change the group description cha: group_actions.php: Now can change the group description. cha: group_details.php: Added icon for changing the group description. +++++ 2016-07-16 fix: CClient:save: Now stores the serialized key value store to the DB, but keeps the associative key value store array in memory to allow multiple calls of the save method. +++++ 2016-07-15 fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Added missing SQL statement in "ip" case. +++++ 2016-07-13 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now configures the system to use BASH as default shell. patch 100909: Added management for the admins of the m23 webinterface. new: cli-modules/addm23Admin.php: Creates a new admin account for the m23 webinterface. new: cli-modules/delm23Admin.php: Deletes an admin account of the m23 webinterface. new: cli-modules/listm23Admins.php: Lists the admin accounts of the m23 webinterface. cha: Cm23Admin::delete: Now works without warning in CLI mode. cha: BACKUP_delAdmin: Now has support for Apache 2.x. +++++ 2016-07-06 patch 100908: System proxy improvements. cha: CSYSTEMPROXY_getEnvironmentVariables: Removed unused parameter for returning the result (now the result is always returned). fix: CSYSTEMPROXY_getProxySettingsFromAPT: Now gives correct result, if the APT config file, but no proxy line is present. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now uses SRCLST_loadSourceList instead of SRCLST_loadSourceListFromDB. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses the server IP for extraDebs. +++++ 2016-07-05 patch 100906: Added system proxy. cha: addToHosts.php, migrate.php, m23shared.php, capture.php, CClientLister.php, CClient.php, CFDiskAlles.php, CFDiskIO.php, client.php, db.php, fdisk.php, groups.php, i18n.php, messageReceive.php, packages.php, plugin.php, preferences.php, remotevar.php, sourceslist.php and vm.php: Renamed function calls form "db_query" to "DB_query". +++++ 2016-07-04 new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getAptGetProxyParamter: Generates the apt-get proxy parameters. cha: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall, PKG_preparePackageDir, CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScripts: Now are using CSYSTEMPROXY_getAptGetProxyParamter. cha: SERVER_checkDownload, PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages, CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScripts, HELPER_getRemoteFileContents, PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server, PLG_getPlugin, PLG_getUpdateFile, UPDATE_doUpdate, VM_generateVBOXaddonDownloadCMD and VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Now are using CSYSTEMPROXY_getEnvironmentVariables. cha: CSystemProxy::writeSquidConf: Now restarts Squid 3. cha: serverSettings.php: Added system proxy icon. +++++ 2016-06-30 new: CSystemProxy::setProxyScheme: Sets the proxy scheme (http/ftp). new: CSystemProxy::save: Saves the proxy settings in all configuration files. new: CSystemProxy::writeSquidConf: Writes the (parent) proxy settings to the Squid configuration or removed them. new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getUserPasswordString: Creates a string with the user/password combination ($user:$pass@). new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getEnvironmentVariables: Generates BASH proxy variables. new: CSystemProxy::writeAPTProxyConf: Writes the proxy settings to the APT configuration file or comments them out. +++++ 2016-06-29 new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getProxySettingsFromAPT: Parses the (maybe existing) proxy settings from the local APT config file. new: CSystemProxy::loadProxySettings: Loads the proxy settings (from APT config file). new: CSystemProxy::isProxyActive: Checks, if a proxy is actively used. new: CSystemProxy::areProxySettingsAvailable: Checks, if proxy settings are available. new: CSYSTEMPROXY_addCurlProxySettings: Sets proxy settings for curl, if a proxy is active. cha: HELPER_getContentFromURL, SERVER_sendScriptToSF: Now are calling CSYSTEMPROXY_addCurlProxySettings. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyHost: Gets the proxy host/servername. new: CSystemProxy::usesUserPassword: Checks, if the proxy uses user/password authetification. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyUser: Gets the proxy authentification username. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyPassword: Gets the proxy authentification password. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyScheme: Gets the proxy scheme (http/ftp). new: CSystemProxy::getProxyPort: Gets the proxy port. new: CSystemProxy::getUserPasswordString: Creates a string with the user/password combination ($user:$pass@). new: CSystemProxy::setProxyActive: Activated or deactivates a proxy. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyHost: Sets the proxy host/servername. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyUser: Sets the proxy authentification username. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyPassword: Sets the proxy authentification password. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyPort: Sets the proxy port. +++++ 2016-06-28 patch 100905: Linux 4.4, improvements for sources lists handling. cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now supports TDM. +++++ 2016-06-24 new: SRCLST_sourceListExists: Checks, if a named sources list exists. cha: CPool::setPoolSourceslist: Now creates an initial package sources list. +++++ 2016-06-23 cha: archFunctions.inc / localArchAptUpdate: Now excludes package sources from /etc/apt/sources.list.d. cha: kernelFunctions.inc / compileKernel: Changed gcc-4.4 to gcc (for Debian Jessie). cha: kernelFunctions.inc / compileKernel: Removed call of checkForx86_64Toolchain. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now removes the log file and writes the sources.list on every call. +++++ 2016-06-22 cha: listKernelVersions: Now supports Linux 4.x. +++++ 2016-06-19 patch 100903: Preparing m23 16.3. cha: CGPGSign::hasConfigFile: Now uses SERVER_fileExists. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now adds only installed packages of a client to the download list. +++++ 2016-06-18 new: CClientLister::addKeyValueStoreFilter: Adds a filter to get only clients that have a key value pair set the client's key value store. new: CClientLister::getAllMatchingClients: Gets all clients matching all active filters. new: DB_getArrayAssoc: Fetches all results from a query. +++++ 2016-06-17 cha: m23 / postinst: Adds new field "keyValueStore" to the table "clients". new: CClient::setKeyValueStore: Sets a value in the key value store of the client. new: CClient::getKeyValueStore: Gets a value from the key value store of the client. cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: Was deleted and replaced by GRP_showGroupsAndCount2. cha: groups_overview.php: Now calls GRP_showGroupsAndCount. +++++ 2016-06-16 cha: CLCFG_installFirmware: Now filters out faulty bladerf firmware package. new; CPoolGUI::DEFINE_updatePackageIndexAndReSignPool: Defines a button for re-creating the Packages files and to re-sign the Release file. cha: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_start: Now uses DEFINE_reSignPool. cha: CPool::convertPackagesToRepository: Has a new parameter to let the task run in screen or not. +++++ 2016-06-15 cha: GRP_add: Now has a new parameter for the group description. +++++ 2016-06-14 cha: GRP_listGroupsAndCount: Now includes the group descriptions into the array too. cha: GRP_showGeneralInfo: Now shows group descriptions too. +++++ 2016-06-13 cha: CGPGSign::checkKey: New paramter for the ID of the GPG key. cha: CGPGSign::getKeySelectionDialog: Now checks the validity of the GPG (usable as public and private key) before setting it. cha: PKG_convertPackagesToRepository: Now creates a XZ compressed version of Packages. +++++ 2016-06-12 new: CmCP::setExitCode: Sets the exit code. new: CmCP::setPatchType: Sets the patch type (change or del). new: CmCP::patchSourceFile: Does the actual patching. new: CmCP::loadSourceFile: Loads the source file (the file to patch) and finds the line numbers with the patch area. new: CmCP::checkCommandLineParameters: Checks, if the correct amount of command line parameters is given and assigns them to the private variables. new: CmCP::loadPatchFile: Checks and loads the patch file. new: CmCP::dieOnErrors: Shows the usage info, shows the errors messages and stops the script, if there are error messages. new: CmCP::showFilesWithPatchableAreasAndExit: Shows the PHP file under /m23 that have patchable areas. new: CmCP::addErrorMessage: Adds an error message to the error message stack. new: CmCP::hasErrors: Checks, if there are error messages. +++++ 2016-06-10 cha: getArchList: Now gives out "amd64" first. new: CPool::signRelease, PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Now are signing the Release file as Release.gpg and InRelease. new: CGPGSign::getKeySelectionDialog: Generates a dialog to choose the GPG used for signing the pools. cha: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_start: Now calls CGPGSign::getKeySelectionDialog. new: PKGBUILDER_showKeySelectionDialog: Shows a dialog for choosing the GPG signing key for the extra packages. cha: PKGBUILDER_showDialog: Now calls PKGBUILDER_showKeySelectionDialog. +++++ 2016-06-09 new: MAIL_gpgCheckKey: Checks, if a GPG key ID has a valid private or public key. new: CGPGSign::checkKey: Checks, if the GPG is valid as public and private key. new: MAIL_gpgGettKey: Gets the public GPG key as ASCII. new: CGPGSign::exportPublicSignKey: Exports the public key to the webserver directory. new: CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey: Generates BASH code to import the local package pool key (if it exists) on the client's APT system. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now calls CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey. new: CGPGSign::gpgSignClear: Creates a clear text signature file for a given private GPG key ID and input file. cha: convertPackagesToRepository: Now signs the Releases file. +++++ 2016-06-08 cha: MAIL_getGpgKeyList: Now has an extra parameter, if it is set to true, available secret keys are listed. new: CGPGSign::hasConfigFile: Checks, if the config file exists. new: CGPGSign::loadConfigFile: Loads the config file. new: CGPGSign::writeConfigFile: Writes the config file. new: CGPGSign::setGPGID: Sets the GPG ID to use. new: CGPGSign::getGPGID: Gets the GPG ID to use. new: CGPGSign::setStoreMode: Sets the configuration file store or load mode. new: CGPGSign::getStoreMode: Gets the configuration file store or load mode. new: MAIL_gpgSignDetached: Creates a detached signature file for a given private GPG key ID and input file. new: MAIL_gpgSign: Creates a signature file for a given private GPG key ID and input file with GPG parameters. new: CGPGSign::getKeyInfo: Gets information about the used GPG key. +++++ 2016-06-07 cha: menuDeb: Now works with Squid 3 too. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Has a new parameter and if it is set, the list with the supported GUIs will be shown otherwise omitted. new: HELPER_resetNewLogLines: Resets the line number of the last read line. new: CPool::resetDownloadLog: Deletes the aptDownload.log file and resets the line number of the last read line. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now tries again and again until a new package list could be downloaded. +++++ 2016-06-06 cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now deletes old lock files. new: poolAJAXLogs.php: Shows different status information about a pool. cha: CPoolGUI::show: Now shows the heading directly to show allways the correct heading. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_downloadPool: Now are exiting the BASH script in case of an error. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now removes "[0-9]%.." from the Debian package filenames. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now calls PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server. +++++ 2016-06-04 cha: CPool::startDownloadToPool: Now adds the result form PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages only, if it is a string (contains packages). fix: HELPER_xargsRecursive: Now works with arrays with only one element and doesn't miss out the last element on arrays with uneven amount of elements. +++++ 2016-06-03 cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds a description field to the groups table. new: GRP_getDescrGroup: Gets the description of a client group. (Thx TS) new: GRP_getNameById: gets the groupname of an Id. (Thx TS) fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now lists special packages that are stored in userPackages only once. new: HELPER_showScriptHeader: Shows a header for own scripts, that creates a log file with the package name and the start time. Sends the log file to the m23 server and shows an installation dialog on the client's screen. (Thx TS) new: HELPER_showScriptFooter: Shows a header for own scripts, that saves the script end time to a log file and sends it to the m23 server. Sets status bar to 100% and marks the job as done. Afterwards executes the next job. (Thx TS) +++++ 2016-06-01 cha: massInstall.php: Marked array keys as strings. cha: massInstall.php, menu.php, head.php, clients_overview.php, DIALOG_start, update.php: Added m23customPatch area. new: EDIT_sedSearchAddInsert: Generates a sed command line to insert text before (SED_insertBefore) or after (SED_insertAfter) a searched line. +++++ 2016-05-29 cha: CHECK_letFWDie: Now works with objects that were passed as arguments. +++++ 2016-05-28 cha: array_makeFirst: Now doesn't insert an entry to the top of the array, if the entry is NULL. +++++ 2016-05-22 cha: mkm23extradeb: Now creates the m23hwscanner package too. +++++ 2016-05-09 patch 100894: Added Gnome as additional client desktop under Ubuntu 16.04. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added Gnome for Ubuntu 16.04. new: m23Ubuntu1604GnomeInstall.php: Installs Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Gnome Desktop. +++++ 2016-05-01 patch 100893: Added Ubuntu 16.04 in the list of distributions supported by UCS LDAP. cha: */m23base.php: Added Ubuntu 16.04 in the list of distributions supported by UCS LDAP in $I18N_readLoginFromUCSLDAPSupportedDistros. +++++ 2016-04-27 patch 100892: Release m23 rock 16.2. fix: CLCFG_interfaces: Removed '-A' parameter from 'ps', because it is not available in BusyBox' ps version. cha: *m23updateInstall.php: Now updates the list of available packages before updating. cha: listBusyBoxVersions: Now filters out BusyBox releases that start with "busybox-0". +++++ 2016-04-24 release 16.2 new: SFMirrorSwitcher.sh: Exchanges an old SourceForge mirror with a new one in the m23 CMS, server install ISO and sourceslist.php. +++++ 2016-04-22 cha: SRCLST_possiblem23debsMirrors: Replaced skylink mirror by heanet. cha: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Now uses the release name as part of the background job name. +++++ 2016-04-19 cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now can only be run, if the development version is active. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now escapes the parameters for the init script correctly. cha: readHelp.php: Now sets the language to suppress the warning. +++++ 2016-04-18 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now the created m23fetchjob file will exit when called with "stop" parameter. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now checks for changes between the German help files in the m23 development and release directories to find files that have to translated. +++++ 2016-04-15 cha: CLCFG_genFstab, m23x2goServerInstall.php, m23-initscripts / postinst: Now uses lsb_release to detect Ubuntu 16.04. +++++ 2016-04-14 new: CClient::addUpdateJob: Adds a job to update the client to the installation queue. new: CClient::addNormalUpdateJob: Adds a job to perform a normal update of the client. new: CClient::addCompleteUpdateJob: Adds a job to perform a complete update of the client. new: m23cli / updateComplete: Updates a client completely (apt-get dist-upgrade) new: m23cli / updateNormal: Updates a client in normal mode (apt-get upgrade) +++++ 2016-04-05 cha: m23/postinst: Now activates garbage collection of PHP sessions. cha: HELPER_getTimeZones: Now has values for countries listed by I18N_listClientLanguages. +++++ 2016-04-04 cha: ASSI_showClientAddDialog: Dialog has a new checkbox, if set to true, the client uses a dynamic IP address cha: ASSI_addClient: Now has a new parameter, if set to true, the client uses a dynamic IP address cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now can add assimilated clients with dynamic IPs. fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now suggests the correct client language, if the m23 webinterface is in English. +++++ 2016-04-01 cha: SRCLST_getWorkingm23debsMirror: Now returns 'http://m23debs.goos-habermann.de' if executed on UCS. cha: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Now uses goos-habermann.de as repository when the m23 server is on UCS because apt-cacher-ng has sometimes problems with the SF mirrors. new: meldFileDevelVsRelease: Compares and merges a file from development with the according file from release branch. +++++ 2016-03-31 new: meldFileDevelVsRelease: Compares and merges a file from development with the according file from release branch. +++++ 2016-03-30 new: PKG_baseSysDownloadedCompletelyTom23Server: Checks, if the debootstrap cache file was downloaded completely to the m23 server. cha: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Now returns true, if the download is completed, otherwise false. cha: work.php: Now waits until the debootstrap cache file is downloaded completely to the m23 server. +++++ 2016-03-29 cha: m23-mdk-base: Now includes /mdk/autoTest cha: ubuntu / CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Now has support for Ubuntu 16.04. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Ubuntu-Xenial". +++++ 2016-03-25 cha: m23Search: Now filters out finds in geshi files. +++++ 2016-03-22 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now has an extra parameter for setting the distribution release for special handling of some releases. +++++ 2016-03-19 cha: MSR_curDynIPCommand: Now the generated m23fetchjob works on Debian 8 too. +++++ 2016-03-16 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob, hwcheck, m23hwdetect, m23-xorg-configurator: Changed "Required-Start" and "Required-Stop" to "$local_fs $syslog $remote_fs". +++++ 2016-03-13 cha: signBaseSys.sh: Now doesn't overwrite existing signature files. cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Now works on Ubuntu 16.04 too. +++++ 2016-03-12 cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Added Mate. +++++ 2016-03-11 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added Ubunty for Ubuntu 16.04. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added Ubuntu 16.04. cha: UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall: Now writes a sshd_config that supports the SSH keys from the m23 server. new: m23Unity3D1604Install.php: Installs the Unity 3D desktop for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. +++++ 2016-03-10 cha: m23 / postinst: Additional checks to prevent warnings. cha: fix-permissions: Now hides a possible warning. +++++ 2016-03-02 cha: client_add_label_descriptions.inc: Removed Lilo, because Lilo is not supported anymore. cha: externalDHCP.hlp: Added hint about /m23/bin/externalDHCPControl.sh. +++++ 2016-02-04 fix: createRFSBins: Now finds the binary in (more / all?) cases, by excluding klibc. release 16.1 +++++ 2016-01-19 patch 100837: Preparations for 16.1 release. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now checks for missing comments in the .hlp and .inc files. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now creates a tar file with the .hlp and .inc files to translate. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now creates a log file. +++++ 2016-01-04 cha: sources.list / debian 6: Added LTS, upgraded TDE source to R14.x. cha: sources.list / debian 7: Upgraded TDE source to R14.x. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa". cha: TRINITY_installLoginManager: Now calls "update-rc.d tdm-trinity defaults" if /etc/init.d/tdm-trinity is present. +++++ 2015-12-07 new: externalDHCPControl.sh: Script for controlling an external DHCP server. new: DHCP_runScript: Runs the script for controlling an external DHCP server. cha: DHCP_rmClient, DHCP_addClient: Now are calling DHCP_runScript. +++++ 2015-11-28 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now shows a text about by the UCS LDAP supported client distributions. +++++ 2015-11-27 new: UCS_openFirewallPort: Opens a port on the UCS firewall. cha: IMG_serverCreate: Now opens the image transfer port in the UCS firewall, if run on UCS. cha: m23-tftp / postinst: Now opens the TFTP port in the UCS firewall, if run on UCS. +++++ 2015-11-24 cha: SCREDIT_showEditor: Make sure the line endings are in the correct format +++++ 2015-11-22 cha: UCS_enableClientPXEBoot, UCS_disableClientPXEBoot: New udm commands. +++++ 2015-11-18 cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Now installs the language packs by default. +++++ 2015-11-02 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now calls UCS_enableClientLDAP, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now stops adding the client, if there is an error from calling addToCredentialsToLDAPServer. +++++ 2015-11-01 fix: m23 / m23-tftp / m23-ldap / config: Now works on Debian again. +++++ 2015-10-29 cha: CClient::addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Now calls UCS_udmSuccessOrErrorMessage to check, if an udm error occurred. new: UCS_getUsedIPs: Gets a list with all used IPs managed or known by UCS. cha: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now excludes the IPs managed (or known) by UCS. +++++ 2015-10-28 new: UCS_udmSuccessOrErrorMessage: Takes the output from an udm command and checks for the return code (must be a single number in the last line). If the return code is non-zero, all lines above the last line are treated as error message and written to $errorMessage. +++++ 2015-10-27 new: UCS_delClient: Removes a client from the UCS LDAP. cha: getServerNetmask: Now scans bridges on UCS too. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: Now calls UCS_delClient, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cah: DHCP_activateBoot: Now can deaktivate network boot on UCS too. new: UCS_getEtc_ucr_master: Gets the contents for /etc/univention/ucr_master on the client. new: UCS_enableClientLDAP: Enables LDAP authentification on the client on the UCS. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Now calls UCS_enableClientLDAP, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now shows special LDAP setting and no NFS option, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Now calls UCS_addLDAPUser, if the m23 server runs on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-25 new: m23cli / UCS_addUCSClientTom23ClientPreferences.php: Adds an UCS client to the client preferences in m23. new: UCS_setClientDistrAndRelease: Sets the distribution and the release of a client to the UCS LDAP. cha: client_distr.php: Now calls UCS_setClientDistrAndRelease. +++++ 2015-10-24 cha: getDNSServers: Now works on UCS too. cha: getServerNetmask: Now works on UCS too. +++++ 2015-10-23 cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now disables SSL certificate checking, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: m23/postinst: Now copies the UCS SSL certificate to /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys. cha: m23/postinst: Now opens port 2323 in the UCS firewall for Squid. +++++ 2015-10-21 new: CClient::addClientToUCS: Adds the client to UCS if the m23 server runs on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-19 cha: m23-tftp / postinst / preinst: Special settings for UCS: Removes /etc/init.d/tftp-hpa and replaces it with a symlink to /bin/true to avoid error in the tftp-hpa postinst. cha: m23 / config / postinst: Now configures MySQL, Squid and sudoers on UCS without querying debconf. +++++ 2015-10-16 cha: serverSettings.php: Now hides some icon when run on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-15 cha: m23 / m23-ldap / m23-tftp: Many script changes to run on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-14 new: UCS_delUCSClientFromm23ClientPreferences: Removes an UCS client from the client preferences in m23. new: UCS_getPrefnameByClient: Generates the preference name for an UCS client. new: UCS_addUCSClientTom23ClientPreferences: Adds an UCS client to the client preferences in m23. new: UCS_addClient: Adds a client to the UCS LDAP. new: UCS_enableClientPXEBoot: Activates PXE booting of a client that is in the UCS LDAP via the univention-dhcp. new: UCS_disableClientPXEBoot: Deactivates PXE booting of a client that is in the UCS LDAP via the univention-dhcp. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now calls UCS_enableClientPXEBoot when run on UCS. cha: DHCP_rmClient: Now calls UCS_disableClientPXEBoot when run on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-13 cha: m23 / postinst: Now accepts UCS too. cha: m23 / control: Adds univention-dhcp as optional dependency. new: HELPER_isExecutedOnUCS: Checks, if it is run on UCS. +++++ 2015-09-07 patch 101416: Smal fix for DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression. patch 100797: Smal fix for DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression. fix: DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression: Now the m23 server package repository is really added to the sources.list. patch 100796: Now suggests texlive and texlive-lang-french. cha: m23-mdk-doc: Now suggests texlive and texlive-lang-french. patch 100795: Now included the m23 package sign key. cha: SERVER_importGPGPackageSignKey: Now uses the GPG key that is included in the m23 Debian package. patch 101016: Smal fix for DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression. +++++ 2015-09-06 patch 100794: User manual fixes. new: checkForMissingHTML2LatexEntities.sh: Script to find HTML entities that are missing in the HTML to LaTeX translation index. fix: HELP_showHelpTex: Corrected LaTeX table generation. cha: HELP_showHelpTex: Now all used HTML entities are converted to LaTeX. cha: makeTexHelp.sh: Now makes sure that the encoding is correct. +++++ 2015-09-03 release 15.2 patch 100793: Changes for m23 15.2. cha: TRINITY_install: Adjusted for TDE R14.0.1. +++++ 2015-09-02 fix: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Corrected variable names. cha: pingIP: Now calling ping with sudo (needed on Debian 8). +++++ 2015-09-01 new: SERVER_importGPGPackageSignKey: Imports the m23 GPG package sign key. new: signBaseSys.sh: Signs the baseSys archives and uploads the signature files. new: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Downloads the debootstrap cache file to the m23 server and checks its validity (by signature). cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now calls PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server. +++++ 2015-08-30 new: SERVER_getAptGetInstallCommand: Returns the apt-get commands to install a tool on the server. cha: SERVER_installTool: Now uses SERVER_getAptGetInstallCommand. new: SERVER_installToolInBackground: Installs a tool on the server in background. +++++ 2015-08-28 new: basesys2deb.sh: Converts the compressed baseSys archives to Debian packages. +++++ 2015-08-26 cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Now works on Debian 8 too. +++++ 2015-08-21 cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now checks, if the client is running systemd and disables killing of processes (like screen) after SSH disconnects. +++++ 2015-08-20 cha: CLIENT_reset: Now uses CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now has a timeout for SSH connections. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Hack for systemd: Needed by SSH server under systemd. Otherwise screen sessions that are started via SSH are stopped when the SSH disconnects. +++++ 2015-08-18 cha: m23/postinst: Changed cache setting for Squid 3. m23installerBase.inc / installDebs: Now checks for a m23 server package mirror in the sources.list. +++++ 2015-08-17 fix: createRFSBins: Now makes sure, that the found file is from the temp directory and not the local root filesystem. +++++ 2015-07-27 cha: m23Backup: Now stores the firewall settings too. new: firewall.php: Page for changing and (de)activating the firewall. new: de / firewall.hlp: +++++ 2015-07-26 new: CFirewall::exportRules: Exports the set iptables rules to a rule file (generated with iptables-save). new: CFirewall::putScript: Writes script code in the iptables script. new: CFirewall::executeScript: Executes the iptables script. new: HELPER_grepCount: Counts the lines from $string seperated by $cut that contain $search. new: CFirewall::activateInInterfaces: Activates auto-loading of the iptables rules in the interfaces file. new: CFirewall::isActive: Checks, if auto-loading of the iptables rules in the interfaces file is active. new: HELPER_grepNot: Returnes all lines from $string seperated by $cut that do NOT contain $search. new: CFirewall::activate: Activates the firewall. new: CFirewall::deactivate: Deactivates the firewall. new: CFirewall::getSatusIconHTML: Generates a HTML status icon to indicate the status of the firewall. +++++ 2015-07-23 new: HELPER_netmaskAmountOfSetBits: Calculates the amount of set bits in a network mask (as used in the short form of netmasks). new: HELPER_networkCalculator: Calculates the network IP by a given IP and the netmask. new: getServerNetwork: Get the network IP of the m23 server. new: CFirewall::clearIPtablesSettings: Clears all currently set iptables rules. new: CFirewall::scriptFileExists: Checks, if the iptables script file exists. new: CFirewall::rulesFileExists: Checks, if the iptables rules file exists. new: CFirewall::writeDefaultScript: Writes the default iptables script, if there is no script. new: CFirewall::getScript: Gets the contents of the iptables script. +++++ 2015-07-20 cha: HELPER_getContentFromURL: Now has an extra parameter, to allow partial downloads. cha: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheSfURL: Now returns an alternate mirror, if the file from the 1st host is not valid. cha: up-frs-basesys: Now uploads the basesys to goos-habermann.de too. +++++ 2015-07-18 cha: configXOrgVMware: Now doesn't detect vmxnet3 driver as VMWare guest. cha: setLog.php, setStatus.php: Included the required files for CLIENT_getClientName. new: SRCLST_possiblem23debsMirrors: Returns an array with mirrors for m23 debs. new: SRCLST_checkm23debsMirror: Checks, if the url contains a valid mirror for m23debs. new: SRCLST_getWorkingm23debsMirror: Get the url of a working m23debs mirror. cha: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Now is SRCLST_loadSourceListFromDB. new: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Loads and returnes the package source list and tries to find a valid mirror for m23debs. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now uploads the packages to goos-habermann.de too. cha: CLIENT_showLog: Now checks, if the status message and its status are separated by "°" or "?". +++++ 2015-07-17 new: DISTR_getDesktopDescription: Returns the description for the given desktop in the given distribution preferedly in the language of the m23 webinterface. cha: client_distr.php: Now uses DISTR_getDesktopDescription. +++++ 2015-07-16 cha: mkRelease: Now creates a signed inRelease file (required for newer APT versions) too. new: CClient::usesDynamicIP: Checks if the client uses dynamic IPs. cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Allows setting of client name by ID by clients with dynamic IPs. +++++ 2015-07-15 cha: IMG_getImageFormatSelection, IMG_showCreateImage: Now are using HTML API 2 to save values on missing image name. cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Now suggests a random port number for image transfer. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela". +++++ 2015-07-14 cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Now allows setting of client name or ID only, if the request comes from the client itself or the m23 server. +++++ 2015-07-13 cha: SRCLST_getStorageFS: Now returns the input file system, if the sourceslist name is "imaging". +++++ 2015-07-07 fix: m23createImageInstall.php: Fixed double including of dhcp.php. fix: imaging.php: Removed quotes around constant names. cha: m23RebootInstall.php: Now calls "reboot" without full path (needed for the new network boot image). +++++ 2015-07-06 patch 100782: Fixes client integration. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now sets needed client value(s) before integration. (THX bartelfisch) +++++ 2015-07-04 new: CLIENT_getToDetailsURL: Generates the link to the client's control center page. cha: CLIENT_HTMLBackToDetails: Now calls CLIENT_getToDetailsURL. cha: recover_client.php, rescue_client.php: Now return back to client's control center page if "No" is choosen. +++++ 2015-07-03 patch 100781: Fixes image selection. fix: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now uses the new functions for getting the partitions and drives. (THX slaky) cha: client_distr: Now calls CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions with the new optional client parameter. +++++ 2015-06-28 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca". +++++ 2015-06-25 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now uses MySQLi. cha: m23-vbox / control: Packages adjusted to match Debian 8 available packages. +++++ 2015-06-22 cha: checkFstabAndMount: Now creates the mountpounts too. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes sure, innoDB is enabled. +++++ 2015-06-21 cha: installGrub: Now uses grub 2. cha: getNextLoop: Now uses losetup -f instead of trying to find an unused loop device by incrementing the numbers. cha: createRFSBins: Now filters out script and statically linked files. +++++ 2015-06-18 cha: CLCFG_resolvConf: Now adds the backup resolv.conf to /etc/resolv.conf, if it is not included already. new: m23Debian8CinnamonFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Cinnamon desktop. new: m23Debian8GnomeFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Gnome desktop. new: m23Debian8KdeFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Kde desktop. new: m23Debian8LxdeFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full LXDE desktop. new: m23Debian8XfceFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Xfce desktop. +++++ 2015-06-17 cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Added support for Gnome, LXDE, KDE, Cinnamon and Xfce. cha: CLCFG_resolvConf: Now makes sure that the resolv.conf doesn't get destroyed by NetworkManager. +++++ 2015-06-16 new: m23Debian8MateInstall.php: Installs a minimal Mate desktop under Debian 8. new: m23Debian8MateInstallFull.php: Installs a full Mate desktop under Debian 8. +++++ 2015-06-15 new: CLCFG_installDesktopLanguagePackage: Installs some additional language packages for (KDE / Gnome) desktops. +++++ 2015-06-13 cha: debian / PKG_getKernels: Now sorts packages with the given arch on top of the output array. new: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Installs a Debian desktop. +++++ 2015-06-12 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh / configXOrgVMware: Now doesn't detect a VM running in VirtualBox as a VM running in VMWare. cha: debian / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now chooses the package "grub-pc" for Debian Jessie. +++++ 2015-06-10 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs grub-pc on Debian 8. +++++ 2015-06-09 new: DB_getConnection: Gets the MySQLi connection. new: DB_setConnection: Sets the MySQLi connection to use globally. new: DB_isConnectionValid: Checks, if the MySQLi connection is valid. +++++ 2015-06-08 cha: CLIENT_getAskingParams, CLIENT_getParams, IMG_showCreateImage, HTML_newStatusBar, SERVER_mysqlInfo, DB_queryNoDie, DB_query, m23SHARED_switchUser, dbConnect, m23SHARED_new, m23SHARED_init, MAIL_cryptMailServer, */m23normalInstall.php, */m23normalRemoveInstall.php, */m23updateInstall.php: Changed to MySQLi. +++++ 2015-06-07 patch 100773: More compatibility for Debian 8. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now sreates a service file to restore the VM states, if systemd is used. cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added Debian 8. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added Debian 8. +++++ 2015-06-05 patch 100771: Enables PHP's short tags in php.ini for cli. cha: m23 / postinst: Now enables PHP's short tags in php.ini for cli. +++++ 2015-06-04 patch 100770: Improved server backup and integrated script debugging. cha: menuDeb: Now complatible with Debian 8' dialog. +++++ 2015-05-31 cha: showCurrentWorkPHP.php: Now enables reporting of all PHP errors if called with a script name. +++++ 2015-05-25 cha: m23Backup, m23Restore: Now backups and restores openLDAP and BackupPC settings too. +++++ 2015-05-23 patch 100769: Support for Squid 3. cha: m23 / postinst / configureSquid: Now supports Squid 3 too. +++++ 2015-05-20 patch 100768: Smal postinst fix for configuring BackupPC. fix: m23 / postinst / configureBackupPC: Now includes needed helper.php. patch 100767: More compatibility for Debian 8. cha: m23 / postinst / configureApache: Now sets character encoding for PHP. patch 100766: More compatibility for Debian 8. cha: m23 / postinst / configureApache: Special handling for Apache 2.4. patch 100764: Smal changes for SF and Debian 8. cha: m23instUpload: Now checks, if the Debian packages, that were downloaded as test, match the original MD5 sum. cha: m23DuplicateToFRS, m23instUpload: Adjusted paths to the new SF FRS. +++++ 2015-05-19 cha: m23 / postinst: Now enables PHP's short tags in php.ini. +++++ 2015-05-18 cha: enable-ssh: Changes for Apache 2.4. +++++ 2015-05-15 patch 100764: Changed dependencies to make it installable on Debian 8 (for future developement). cha: m23 / control: Changed dependencies to make it installable on Debian 8 (for future developement). +++++ 2015-05-14 patch 100763: Added elementary OS with patheon as additional desktop. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports "elementary OS" too. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now has support for phanteon greeter too. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now has support for elementary OS too. cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now uses the if od the article to check, if the article was posted already. cha: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Now converts HTML characters into "normal" characters. +++++ 2015-05-12 patch 100762: Added scripts for generating offline demo. new: m23admin-offline-copy: Scripts for generating offline demo from the m23 admin interface. cha: GRP_getIdByName: Now returns false, if no matching group is found. patch 100761: IP management works now with clients without IP or MAC too. cha: CClient::getMAC, CClient::getIP: Now are having an extra parameter, that will returned in case of an error, if set to another value, than 'null'. cha: CClientLister::showClientList: Now calls CClient::getMAC and CClient::getIP with parameter, to give back an empty string in case of an error. +++++ 2015-05-04 patch 100760: Kernel change due to sticking during HD writing while installing the m23 server from ISO. cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Kernel 3.18. cha: debian / CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now has an extra parameter to set the distribution to use. (Needed, because the function is called by the Ubuntu equivalent). cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptionsUbuntu: Now calls CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions with "ubuntu" parameter. cha: Changed to Kernel 3.18.12 because of sticking during HD writing while installing the m23 server from ISO. cha: sources.list wheezy: Now uses official Trinity mirror. cha: TRINITY_install: Now makes a symbolic link from /opt/trinity/bin/startkde to /bin/starttrinity so the x2go client can use the TRINITY desktop profile. +++++ 2015-05-02 patch 100759: Smal fixes. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / startBaseInstallation: Deactivated calling of the online update dialog. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now doesn't show the extraction anymore, because the output is too slow in graphic/textmode. +++++ 2015-05-01 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now uses vorboss.dl.sourceforge.net. cha: CClient::getFamilyname: Now return empty string, if no family name is given. patch 100758: Updated the sources lists to the new server vorboss.dl.sourceforge.net. +++++ 2015-04-29 release 15.1 patch 100757: All complete for 15.1. Now only testing of the packages. cha: Translations complete. +++++ 2015-04-28 cha: PKG_addPackageSelection: Now splits normal package lines, that may contain multiple package names. +++++ 2015-04-27 cha: HWINFO_printPartitions: Now is using CFDiskGUI::printAllBars, ::showAllPartTables and ::showColorDefinitions. new: CFDiskGUI::getHDSizes: Returnes the sizes of all harddisks in a string, sperated by given line separator. cha: HWINFO_getHDSize: Now uses CFDiskGUI::getHDSizes. new: HTML_jQueryReStoreYWindowPosition: Generates jQuery code for storing the Y scroll position of the window and to restore the position after a submit. cha: HTML_jQueryMenuHeader, CScredit::show: Now are calling HTML_jQueryReStoreYWindowPosition. cha: Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Now removes some more packages. +++++ 2015-04-21 new: m23Debs.inc / addm23CommandsToACE : Adds all m23 PHP commands to the mode-php.js of ace to highlight m23 commands like normal PHP commands. cha: mkm23Debs: Now calls addm23CommandsToACE. +++++ 2015-04-19 new: CScredit::saveScript: Saves the script in the editor to the file. cha: de / client_add_label_descriptions.inc: Added UEFI boottype and architecture cha: de / clientBuilder.hlp: Added hint for UEFI. cha: de / scriptEditor.inc: Added the new function descriptions of the editor. +++++ 2015-04-18 new: CFDiskIO::findAndSetEFIBootPartDev: Searches for the first vfat partitions and if one if found, sets it as EFI boot partition. cha: MSR_importPartHwData: Now calls findAndSetEFIBootPartDev. cha: m23hwscanner / getPartFS: Now works with GPT partitions too. +++++ 2015-04-17 cha: disableNetworkOnDHCP: Now works, if the client should be defined. +++++ 2015-04-16 new: CScredit::getViewScriptOutputDialog: Generates a dialog with JavaScript to choose a client and to open the script output viewer for the currentry saved script. new: PKG_removeSpecialFromJobList: Removes a special job from the joblist identified by package name and priority. new: CClient::delSpecialJob: Removes a special job from the joblist identified by package name and priority. new: CScredit::getCurrentScriptFilenameWithoutInstallPhp: Gets the current script filename without "Install.php" at its end. cha: CClient::getClientCurrentWorkPHP: Now has an optional job parameter, and if set, this job will be taken instead of the job with the lowest priority. +++++ 2015-04-15 fix: client_distr.php: Corrected variable name typo. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now sets system in UEFI mode, if UEFI booting is choosen. +++++ 2015-04-13 cha: createRFSISO: Now creates 64 bit UEFI bootable ISOs. +++++ 2015-04-10 cha: HTML_selection: Now sets the id on selections too. new: CScredit::getCurrentScript: Get the text of the editor window. new: CScredit::setCurrentScript: Set the text of the editor window. new: CScredit::deleteCurrentScript: Deletes the current script, if one is loaded. new: CScredit::loadOnlineScript: Loads an online script into the editor. new: CScredit::getOnlineScriptDialog: Generates a dialog with JavaScript to get information about online scripts with download option. +++++ 2015-04-09 new: CScredit::isNotSaved: Returns if there is no script in the editor (after submitting). new: CScredit::getNextOnlineScriptInfo: Gets an information about all scripts that are available online. Every call of the function fetches the information about one script. new: CScredit::updateOnlineScriptInfo: Downloads the information about online available scripts. +++++ 2015-04-08 new: CScredit::uploadScript: Checks, if all needed information are given before uploading the script. +++++ 2015-04-03 new: CScredit::setCurrentScriptFilename: Corrects the given filename to have it a valid prefix and suffix and sets it as current file name. new: CScredit::getCurrentScriptFilename: Gets the current script filename. new: CScredit::getCurrentScriptFilenameFullPath: Gets the current script filename with full path. new: CScredit::getLocalScriptFilenames: Gets the filenames of local scripts. new: CScredit::show: Shows a script editor with syntax highlighting. new: CScredit::getNewScriptTemplate: Returns a template for a basic script. +++++ 2015-04-01 cha: SCREDIT_newScriptTemplate: Added GPL header. cha: SCREDIT_showEditor: Now uses the Ace editor (http://ace.c9.io). +++++ 2015-03-30 new: SCREDIT_correctScriptFilename: Corrects the given filename to have it a valid prefix and suffix. +++++ 2015-03-23 new: HELPER_URIencode: Encodes a string like the JavaScript function URIencode would do it. +++++ 2015-03-17 fix: DHCP_activateBoot: Fixed writing of the PXE entry. +++++ 2015-03-16 new: SRCLST_doesDistrSupportEFI: Checks, if a sources list contains a distribution that supports EFI. new: SRCLST_getListnamesWithEfiSupport: Gets a list with all sources lists that support EFI. new: SRCLST_showErrorIfClientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi: Shows an error message, if the client uses EFI and the choosen sources list doesn't. new: SRCLST_clientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi: Checks, if the client uses EFI and the choosen sources list doesn't. cha: client_distr.php: Now uses SRCLST_clientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi and SRCLST_showErrorIfClientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi. +++++ 2015-03-15 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now chooses amd64 architecture, if UEFI booting is selected. cha: CClient::setBootType: Now shecks, if client should be booted via EFI and if is uses another architecture than amd64. +++++ 2015-03-14 cha: CLCFG_efi: Configures the client for UEFI booting. +++++ 2015-03-13 cha: CFDiskIO::isNewPartitionOfTypeCreatable: Now an EFI partition is only possible, if there is an EFI boot partition. cha: CFDiskIO::changeToEfiPartitionTypeIfInUefiMode: Now returns the maybe unchanged type for isFreeSpaceBetween. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: +++++ 2015-03-12 cha: CFDiskIO::collidesWithPartitionOfType: If the type may be now "-1" to match all partition types. new: CClient::unsetEFIBootPartDev: Unsets the EFI boot partition of the client (by removing the variable in the client info). cha: CFDiskIO::resetWantedPartitioningAndSteps: Now calls CClient::unsetEFIBootPartDev. cha: CFDiskIO::backToPreviousPartitionStep: Now unsets the EFI boot partition, if it doesn't exist anymore. cha: CFDiskGUI::finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Now checks for the EFI boot partition of EFI systems too. new: setEFIStartEndPositionIfEFIBootPartitionTypeIsSet: Checks, if the type of the new partition to be creates is "efi-boot" and if yes, changes the start and end position of the partition. +++++ 2015-03-11 cha: CFDiskIO::isFreeSpaceBetween, CFDiskIO::getCreatablePartitionTypes, CFDiskIO::isNewPartitionOfTypeCreatable: Added support for EFI partitions. cha: CFDiskIO::virtualAddPartition: Added check for disallowing EFI partitions on BIOS systems and vice versa. new: CClient::getInstPargetEFIPartDevtDev: Gets the EFI partition of the client. new: CClient::setEFIPartDev: Sets the EFI partition of the client. cha: CFDiskBasic::makeInstPartBootable: Becomes CFDiskBasic::makeInstOrEFIPartBootable and has support for EFI partitions now. new: CFDiskBasic::EFItypeAndGUIDJob: Sets EFI boot partition type and GUID for the EFI boot partition and adds it to the list of partition steps. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added gdisk. cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Now Sets EFI boot partition type and GUID for the EFI boot partition too. +++++ 2015-03-10 cha: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionTypeTranslator: Added EFI partition. new: CFDiskIO::getPrimaryOrEfiPartitionType: Returns a primary (on BIOS booted systems) or an EFI (on UEFI booted systems). new: CFDiskIO::changeToEfiPartitionTypeIfInUefiMode: Changes a given primary partition type to an EFI partition type on UEFI booted systems. cha: CFDiskBasic::createPartition: Now calls changeToEfiPartitionTypeIfInUefiMode. new: CFDiskIO::nextPrimaryDevNr: Gets the next free EFI (physical) partition number. cha: CFDiskIO::getNextFreePhysicalVirtualPartitionNumber: Added support for EFI partitions. +++++ 2015-03-09 cha: clientISO / linuxrc: Now remounts the ramdisk to make it writable on UEFI too. +++++ 2015-03-08 cha: kernelFunction.inc / compileKernel: Added extra options needed for EFI on x86_64. cha: CChecks::checkBootType: Added BOOTTYPE_GRUB2EFIX64. new: CClient::getNetworkBootTypesArrayForSelection: Generates an array with all avaialable network boot types for using it in a selection. cha: DHCP_addClient: Added support for UEFI. cha: m23 / postinst: Now changes the ramdisk size in /m23/tftp/grub/grub.cfg too. +++++ 2015-03-02 new: client_details.php: Added icon for deleting the current client. +++++ 2015-02-28 fix: m23HSAdmin* / sysAddFstabEntry: Now splits the parameter string correctly. new: client_add_label_descriptions.inc: Common help include file for client_add.hlp and clientBuilder.hlp. +++++ 2015-02-27 fix: CFDiskIO::FDISK_getOldStyleFstabArrayForHalfSister: Now adds the amount of fstab entries to the output array. +++++ 2015-02-26 cha: m23hwscanner / getDrives: Now filteres out DVD drives (only matters, if there is inserted a disc). +++++ 2015-02-25 cha: CFDiskIO::FDISK_adjustFstabParam: Removed (identically with CFDiskIO::adjustFstabParam). +++++ 2015-02-23 cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskSaveToDB: Now makes sure that all disk sizes are stored on a defined client. fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Fixed layout when the partition and format dialog is opened after defining a client. +++++ 2015-02-12 cha: client_distr.php: Now doesn't store fstab information in client's options anymore (outdated). cha: CFDiskBasic::deleteAllPartitionsOnDisk: Now returns on RAID disks. +++++ 2015-02-11 fix: CFDiskIO::fdiskAddFstab: Now gives back the correct values. cha: CFDiskIO::setCFDiskTemp: Now copies fstab too. new: CFDiskIO::isDevValidDiskPartitionOrRaid: Checks, if a given device name is a valid disk, partition or RAID device. cha: CHECK_FW: Now returns true, if there are no errors. cha: CHECK_deviceName: Now has an optional parameter and if set to true, RAIDs are allowed too. cha: CChecks::checkMountDev: Now allows RAIDs too. +++++ 2015-02-10 cha: CClient::setCFDiskTemp: Becomes CFDiskIO::setCFDiskTemp. new: CFDiskIO::getDefinedDiskSizes: Gets the defined disk devices and their sizes. cha: CFDiskIO::saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB: Now has an optional parameter and if set to true, the disk devices and their sizes should be saved even if the client is NOT a defined client. new: CFDiskIO::saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB: Saves the disk devices and their sizes to the DB. new: CFDiskIO::addPartitionStepAtTheBeginning: Adds a step at the beginning of the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays. cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartitionJob, deletePartition: Now are having an optional parameter and if set to true, the job will be added at the beginning of the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays. +++++ 2015-02-09 cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now Copies the current version of m23hwscanner. +++++ 2015-02-07 cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Kernel 3.16. cha: listKernelVersions: Now searches for xz compressed archives. new: menuVarReset: Resets (deletes) all variable files. cha: menuKernelDownload: Now checks for the compression type of the kernel archive and chooses the correct decompression parameter for tar. new: m23hwscanner/checkUEFI: Checks, if UEFI is active and stores the result in the associative array. new: CClient::setUEFI: Sets the UEFI usage of the client. cha: bootimage: Now uses Linux Kernel 3.16. new: CClient::isUEFIActive: Returns, if the client uses UEFI. cha: CClient::save: Now skips 'CFDiskTemp', because it has to be changed by CFDiskIO only. new: CClient::isHalfSisterClient: Returns, if the client uses a halfSister distribution. new: CFDiskIO::FDISK_getOldStyleFstabArrayForHalfSister: Gets the fstab entries in the old style array format that is used by HS_sysAddFstabEntries. cha: CFDiskIO::genManualFstab: Now can be used for halfSister clients too. +++++ 2015-02-06 cha: CFDiskIO::resetWantedPartitioning: Renamed to resetWantedPartitioningAndSteps. new: CFDiskIO::resetWantedPartitioning: Resets the wantedPartitioning array by replacing it with the contents of the client's current partitioning. cha: MSR_importPartHwData, CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now are calling resetWantedPartitioning. new: CFDiskIO::getUnusedDiskDev: Returns an associative array with the unused device names (e.g. /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, ...) as key and value. cha: CFDiskGUI::showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Now adds a menu entry for creating virtual disk, if the client is a defined client. +++++ 2015-02-04 new: CFDiskIO::fdiskAddFstab: Gets an entry to from the fstab array. Can be called more times to get all entries. new: CFDiskIO::genManualFstab: Generates commands to edit a given fstab, add new entries and remove old ones before. new: CFDiskIO::adjustFstabParam: Adjusts the parameter block of a fstab line to make it use an supported FS. new: CFDiskIO::FDISK_genManualFstab: Generates commands to edit a given fstab, add new entries and remove old ones before. new: CFDiskIO::FDISK_adjustFstabParam: Adjust the parameter block of a fstab line to make it use an supported FS. cha: CFDiskIO::genManualFstab: Now calls CFDiskIO::FDISK_genManualFstab, if old fstab data is used on the client. +++++ 2015-02-02 new: CClient::setCFDiskTemp: Sets CFDiskTemp of the client. new: CFDiskBasic::deleteDeviceFromRaid: Deletes a partition or disk from a RAID disk. cha: CFDiskGUI::getRaidTable: Now has an extra button and if it is set to true, each line with a real disk/partition gets an extra button for deleting it from the RAID. +++++ 2015-02-01 new: getAllDebianDesktopPackages: Get all packages from tasksel, that install desktops. new: CClient::isDefinedClient: Checks, if the client is defined client. cha: compressedDebootstrap: Now makes sure that p7zip-full (7za), debootstrap and dpkg-dev (dpkg-architecture) are installed. new: CFDiskIO::saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB: Saves the disk devices and their sizes to the DB, if the client is a defined client. cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskSaveToDB: Now calls saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB. new: CFDiskIO::getDefinedDiskSizesFromDB: Gets (if called on a derived client) the disk devices and their sizes from the defined client (this client was derived from). cha: CFDiskBasic::fdiskAdjustPartitioning: Now uses getDefinedDiskSizesFromDB. +++++ 2015-01-31 cha: CFDiskIO::getPartitionFileSystem, getPartitionType, getPartitionEnd, getPartitionStart, getPartAmount: Is now RAID safe. new: CFDiskIO::discardUndo: Discards all undo steps. cha: CFDiskGUI::finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Now calls CFDiskIO::discardUndo. new: CFDiskIO::addPartitionStepBeforeFormat: Adds a step to the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays before the formating of the RAID device (given in the $partJob). new: CFDiskIO::addPartitionStepBeforeFormatArray: Adds a step to the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays before the formating of the RAID device (given in the $partJob). new: CFDiskIO::maximumDevicesForRaidReached: Checks, if the the maximum amount of devices building the RAID is reached. +++++ 2015-01-30 new: CClient::unsetInstPartDev: Unsets the installation partition of the client (by removing the variable in the client info). new: CClient::unsetSwapPartDev: Unsets the swap partition of the client (by removing the variable in the client info). cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartition: Now unsets the installation or swap partition variable of the client (if $dev is installation or swap partition). cha: CClient::getProperty: Now has an optional error value parameter and if set, it will be returned, if the property is not set. new: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionTypeTranslator: Translates the partition types. new: CFDiskIO::getNotFS: Generates and returns an array with the list of not filesystems (free space or unformated partitions). cha: CFDiskIO::showColorDefinitions: Now shows the "not filesystems" too. +++++ 2015-01-29 new: CFDiskGUI::getFileSystemTranslator: Translates the filesystem names. new: CFDiskGUI::getExtraCSSForExtended: Returns CSS code for marking partitions or free space on the extended partition. +++++ 2015-01-25 new: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionExtraIconHTML: Returns HTML code for showing an icon for installation or swap partition. +++++ 2015-01-23 new: CFDiskIO::isTypeFreeSpace: Checks, if a given partition type means "free space". new: CFDiskGUI::getFreeSpaceHTMLColor: Gets the HTML color for marking free space. new: CFDiskGUI::showFreeSpaceBarBlock: Shows a block for with free space in the bar visualising the partitioning of a disk. new: CFDiskGUI::showEmptyDiskTable: Shows a table with block for an empty disk (if the disk has no partitions) +++++ 2015-01-22 new: CFDiskGUI::newDiskLayout: Updates the disk layout for a given disk, if it is not in the cache. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryStart: Gets the start position of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryEnd: Gets the end position of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntrySize: Gets the size of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryType: Gets the type of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryFileSystem: Gets the filesystem of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntriesAmount: Gets the amount of disk layout entries. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryDev: Gets the device name of a disk layout entry. +++++ 2015-01-21 new: CFDiskGUI::addDiskLayoutEntry: Adds a new entry (partition or free space on a disk) to the disk layout (for rendering only). new: CFDiskGUI::newDiskLayout: Creates a new disk layout for a given disk. +++++ 2015-01-18 new: CFDiskIO::getPreviousPartitionStep: Get the previous partition steps and wanted partitioning from the last action. +++++ 2015-01-16 new: CFDiskIO::updateUndoMd5: Updates the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning and partitionSteps arrays. new: CFDiskIO::getUndoMd5: Gets the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning and partitionSteps arrays. new: CFDiskIO::addUndo: Adds an undo step to the undoArray. +++++ 2015-01-14 new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionStepsMd5: Gets the md5 sum of the partitionSteps array. new: CFDiskIO::updatePartitionStepsMd5: Updates the md5 sum of the partitionSteps array in $this->partitionStepsMd5. +++++ 2015-01-13 new: CFDiskIO::getPossiblePartitionTypesBetween: Get a list of partition types that can be created in a range on a disk. new: CFDiskGUI::getJSSelectPartTypeForNewPartitions: Get the first entry of the list of partition types that can be created in a range on a disk as selectPartTypeForNewPartitions JavaScript function. new: CFDiskGUI::printAllBars: Shows the partition bars of all disks specified for the current client. +++++ 2015-01-12 new: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionPercent: Calculates the percentual size of a selected partition in comparison to the disk size. cha: CFDiskBasic::deleteRaid: Now calls CFDiskBasic::deletePartition, if the given device is NOT a RAID device. cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartition: Now call CFDiskBasic::deleteRaid, if the given device is a RAID device or if a RAID should be destroyed. new: CFDiskGUI::listPartJobs: Show all part jobs in the table. new: CFDiskGUI::showAllPartTables: Shows the partition tables of all disks for the current client. new: CFDiskGUI::listPartTable: Shows the partition information for a disk as table. new: CFDiskGUI::getRaidTable: Get informations about the assigned real disks/partitions of a RAID. new: CFDiskGUI::showColorDefinitions: Shows the color definitions for the supported filesystems. new: CFDiskGUI::fstabAddDialog: Shows a dialog (with logic) for adding fstab entries. new: CFDiskIO::fdiskDelFstabEntry: Removes an entry from the fstab array. new: CFDiskGUI::getFstabTable: Generates a HTML table with all fstab entries and logic for deleting entries. +++++ 2015-01-11 cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskSaveToDB: Now stores the fstab array too. cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskLoadFromDB: Now loads the fstab array too. cha: CHECK_deviceName: Now has an extra parameter for choosing that a disk or partition are valid. cha: CHECK_FW: Now uses extra parameter of CHECK_deviceName too. new: CChecks::checkMountDev: Checks if the device name for mounting a disk or partition is valid. cha: CHECK_mointPoint: Checks if the input value is a valid mountpoint. new: CChecks::checkMountPoint: Checks if the input value is a valid mountpoint. cha: CHECK_FW: Now uses CHECK_mointPoint too. new: CFDiskIO::fdiskAddFstab: Adds a new entry to the fstab array. new: CFDiskIO::fdiskGetFstabArray: Gets the fstab of a client as array. new: CFDiskIO::findFstabMountPointByDev: Searches a client's fstab for a device and figures out the according mountpoint. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the drive and bolonging to a RAID. new: CFDiskGUI::getPartInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the partition, its filesystem and bolonging to a RAID. new: CFDiskBasic::makeInstPartBootable: Enables the booting flag on the installation partition by adding a job. +++++ 2015-01-10 new: CFDiskBasic::deleteAllPartitionsOnDisk: Deletes all partitions on a disk. new: CClient::setFdiskAdjustmentType: Sets adjustment type for disk layouts of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Gets adjustment type for disk layouts of derived clients. new: CChecks::checkFdiskAdjustmentSpecifiedDev: Checks if the device name for the disk of the defined client is valid. new: CClient::setFdiskAdjustmentSpecifiedDev: Sets the disk device of the defined disk on a define client. new: CClient::getFdiskAdjustmentSpecifiedDev: Gets the disk device of the defined disk on a define client. new: CFDiskBasic::fdiskAdjustPartitioningLinearScale: Scales all partitions sizes to match the full disk size. new: CFDiskBasic::fdiskAdjustPartitioning: Adjusts the disk for a derived client, based on the defined client's settings new: CFDiskGUI::finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Does some final checks, adds the partitioning and formating job and switches to the distribution selection page. new: CFDiskIO::swapFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for swapping. new: CFDiskIO::installFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for installation. new: CFDiskGUI::fdiskSessionSetter: Generic function to store values in the client partition and format session or loads them. new: CFDiskGUI::fdiskSessionPage: Stores the page in the session or loads it. new: CFDiskGUI::fdiskSessionHelpPage: Stores the help page in the session or loads it. new: CFDiskGUI::showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Shows the menu bar with integrated logic for CFDiskGUI::showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog. new: CFDiskGUI::getHTMLColorForFilesystem: Get HTML color code for a given filesystem. new: CFDiskGUI::getPartInfoIcon: Generates HTML code for showing an icon with status information about a drive or partition. +++++ 2015-01-09 new: CFDiskGUI::getCurrentDiskDev: Returns the currently choosen (in the GUI) disk device name. new: CFDiskGUI::getCurrentDiskvDev: Returns the currently choosen (in the GUI) virtual disk number. new: CFDiskGUI::getCurrentPartDev: Returns the currently choosen (in the GUI) partition device name. new: CFDiskGUI::setInstPartDev: Sets the installation partition of the client. new: CFDiskGUI::setSwapPartDev: Sets the swap partition of the client. new: CClient::getSwapPartDev: Gets the swap partition of the client. new: CClient::getInstPartDev: Gets the installation partition of the client. new: CFDiskGUI::getInstPartDev: Gets the installation partition of the client. new: CFDiskGUI::getSwapPartDev: Gets the swap partition of the client. new: CFDiskBasic::assignDeviceToRaid: Adds a partition or disk to a RAID disk. new: CChecks::checkSizeInMB: Checks if a size in MB is valid. new: CChecks::checkDiskDefinedSize: Checks if a size (in MB) for the defined disk is valid. new: CClient::setFDiskDefinedSize: Sets the size of the disk of a defined client. new: CChecks::checkFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Checks if a size (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for the upper tolerance is valid. new: CChecks::checkFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Checks if a size (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for the lower tolerance is valid. new: CChecks::setFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Sets the lower tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CChecks::setFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Sets the upper tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Gets the lower tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Gets the upper tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Gets the size of the disk of a defined client. new: CClient::isDerivedClient: Checks, if the client is derived from a defined client. +++++ 2015-01-08 new: CFDiskIO::getPartDevs: Returns an array with the partitions (/dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, ...) of a disk or all disks. new: CFDiskIO::getSupportedFS: Generates and returns an array with the list of supported file systems. +++++ 2015-01-05 new: CFDiskIO::getCreatablePartitionTypes: Creates an array with the types of partitions that could be created on a disk. +++++ 2015-01-04 new: CFDiskIO::mayPartitioningBeChanged: Checks, if the whole disk or at least one partition on the disk is used in a RAID. cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartition, createPartition: Now mayLogicalPartitionsBeChanged is replaced by mayPartitioningBeChanged. +++++ 2014-12-21 new: CFDiskTest::addLineToReplay: Adds a line to the run log file. new: CFDiskTest::rand: Reads a random value from the replay file, if in replay mode or puts a calculated random value to the replay file. +++++ 2014-12-20 new: CFDiskTest::nextTurn: Is called at the beginning of the next testing turn. Chooses a disk for testing, if there are more disks given. new: CFDiskIO::mayLogicalPartitionsBeChanged: Checks if the logical partitions may be changed on the given disk. If one logical partition on the disk is assigned to a RAID, none of the other logical partitions may be removed or added, because the numbering of the partitions will change afterwards and bring the RAID into a faulty state. +++++ 2014-12-14 new: CFDiskBasic::getMknodCommand: Generates the mknod command for a given /dev/sdX(Y) device (disk or partition). new: CFDiskBasic::getMknodCommandsForDeviceArray: Generates the mknod commands for given /dev/sdX(Y) devices (disks or partitions). cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Now calls getMknodCommand and getMknodCommandsForDeviceArray. +++++ 2014-12-10 new: CFDiskBasic::createRaidJobForRaid: Generates the jobs to create a given RAID. cha: CFDiskBasic::createAllRaidJobs: Now calls CFDiskBasic::createRaidJobForRaid. +++++ 2014-12-06 new: CFDiskIO::backToPreviousPartitionStep: Jumps back in the partition history by one step. fix: CFDiskIO::virtualDeleteDrive: Now works correctly. +++++ 2014-12-05 new: CFDiskIO::getRaidCompleteParameters: Writes the constraints for building a RAID of a given level to the parameter variables. cha: CFDiskIO::isRaidComplete: Now uses CFDiskIO::getRaidCompleteParameters. new: CFDiskTest::areThereEnoughFreePartitionsToBuildTheRaid: Checks, if there are enough unused partitions to build a RAID of a given level. +++++ 2014-12-04 new: CFDiskIO::sortDiskKeyByDev: Sorts the elements with numeric keys (disks) of the input array by the subkey 'dev'. The numeric keys will be ascending and in the same order than the ascending subkey 'dev' with /dev/mdX at the end. cha: CFDiskIO::virtualAddDisk: Now calls CFDiskIO::sortDiskKeyByDev. +++++ 2014-12-02 cha: CFDiskTest::getRaidsFromClient: Now adds the size of the RAID. fix: CFDiskIO::updateRAIDSize: Now uses the correct virtual disk number for assigning the size. +++++ 2014-12-01 new: VM_CloudStackDisablePortForwarding: Deletes a port forwarding rule for a virtual machine, with private port and public port being the same (CLOUDSTACK_X2GO_PORTNUMBER). cha: VM_delete: Now calls VM_CloudStackDisablePortForwarding. new: CFDiskIO::getUsedMDs: Returns an associative array with the used MDs (e.g. /dev/md0, /dev/md1, ...) as key and value. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomUsedMD: Returns a random used MD. new: CFDiskTest::randomCreateRaid: Tries to create a new RAID with randomly choosen partitions and with random RAID level. new: CFDiskTest::randomDeleteRaid: Picks a random RAID and tries to delete it. +++++ 2014-11-30 cha: m23Backup: Now saves more settings. new: CFDiskBasic::deleteRaidJob: Generates a RAID deletion job and adds it to the list of partition steps. new: CFDiskIO::virtualDeleteRaidDisk: Deletes a RAID disk and removes the RAID locks from all devices building it. new: CFDiskBasic::deleteRaid: Deletes a RAID disk. +++++ 2014-11-24 new: m23cli / getGreenClientNames.php: Fetches the names of all clients with green status. cha: HTML_checkBoxCheckAll: Now returns an empty array, if there are not checked check boxes. +++++ 2014-11-22 new: m23cli / getClientNames.php: Fetches the names of all clients. +++++ 2014-11-18 new: PKG_getClientsByPackages: Gets all clients that have the specific packages (not) installed (or with another given status). new: PKG_getClientsWithWaitingJobs: Gets all clients that have waiting jobs. new: m23cli / getClientsWithPackageNotInstalled.php: Lists all clients that have a NOT package installed. new: m23cli / getClientsWithWaitingJobs.php: Lists all clients that have waiting jobs. +++++ 2014-11-17 new: CClient::wol: Wakes a client over the network. new: m23cli / wol.php: Wakes a client over the network. new: CClient::isPingable: Checks, if the client can be pinged over the network. cha: CLIENT_sshFetchJob: Now has an extra (optional) parameter for the client's IP. new: CClient::sshFetchJob: Connects to the client via SSH and lets the next job fetch and execute it in a screen (named "m23install"). new: m23cli / sshFetchJob.php: Connects to the client via SSH and lets the next job fetch and execute it in a screen (named "m23install"). new: CClientLister::isVisibleByPingableFilter: Checks, if only clients that can (not) be pinged should be shown and if the given client matches the filter rule. new: CClientLister::setVisibleByPingableFilter: Sets the pingable filter rule (show only clients that can (not) be pinged or all clients). cha: CClientLister::showClientList: Now filters out the client, if it is not matching the rule of the pingable filter new: CClientLister::getClientNames: Gets an array with all clients matching the filter rules. new: m23cli / listOnlineClients.php: Shows the clients that can be pinged. new: m23cli / listOfflineClients.php: Shows the clients that can NOT be pinged. new: CClient::executeBySSH: Runs a script under a plain BASH with root rights on the client. new: m23cli / executeBySSH.php: Runs a commands under a plain BASH with root rights on the client. +++++ 2014-11-15 new: CFDiskTest::getRandomRaidLevel: Returns an random RAID level. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomUnusedMD: Returns an random unused MD. +++++ 2014-11-14 new: CClient::addUpdatePackageInfosJob: Adds a job to update the package information of the client to the installation queue. new: installSpecialPackage.php: Installs a special package on a client. new: CFDiskTest::getRaidsFromClient: Fetches current RAID information from the current client. +++++ 2014-11-13 new: CFDiskBasic::raidJob: Generates a RAID creation job and adds it to the list of partition steps. new: CFDiskBasic::createAllRaidJobs: Generates the jobs to create all RAIDs. +++++ 2014-11-12 new: CFDiskTest::showDebugConsistencyClientVirtualArray: Shows a debug information about the current state of virtual and client consistency. new: CFDiskTest::randomTest: Randomly creates, formates and deletes partitions of random size, type and with random file file systems. new: CFDiskIO::areAllRaidsComplete: Checks, if all RAID disk are complete (needed numbers of disks/partitions were added). +++++ 2014-11-11 new: CFDiskIO::getRaidLevelNumbers: Returns an array with valid RAID levels. new: CFDiskIO::isRaidLevelNumberValid: Checks, if a number is a valid RAID level. new: CFDiskIO::setRaidLevel: Sets the RAID level on a new RAID disk. new: CFDiskIO::getDiskSize: Returns the RAID level of RAID disk. new: CFDiskIO::addDevToRaid: Adds a device (disk or partition) to the list of devices building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getvrDevNrByrDev: Returns the (virtual) number of the given device building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::delDevFromRaid: Removes a device (disk or partition) from the list of devices building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getRaidDevsBuildingDiskAmount: Returns the amount of the devices building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::isRaidComplete: Checks, if there are too less or too much devices building the RAID or if the amount is not a multiple of needed devices. new: CFDiskIO::updateRAIDSize: Updates the usable size of the RAID new: CFDiskIO::doesDiskHavePartitionsLockedByRaid: Checks if the disk has at least one partition that was assigned to a RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getUnusedMDs: Returns an associative array with the unused MDs (e.g. /dev/md0, /dev/md1, ...) as key and value. +++++ 2014-11-10 new: PKG_getClientsWithPackage: Gets all clients that have the specific package installed (or with another status). new: getClientsWithPackageInstalled.php: Lists all clients that have a package installed. new: CClient::includeDistributionSpecificPackagesPHP: Includes distribution specific packages.php. new: CClient::addNormalJob: Adds a normal package to the installation queue. new: CClient::addSpecialJob: Adds a special package to the installation queue. new: CClient::addUpdateSourcesListJob: Adds a job to update the package souurce of the client to the installation queue. new: CFDiskIO::getClientObject: Gets the client object, of the client the partitioning belongs to. new: CFDiskBasic::createUEFIPartition: Creates a new UEFI partition with a size of 512 MB at the start of the disk (if possible). new: CFDiskIO::virtualAddDisk: Adds a new virtual disk. new: CFDiskIO::createRaidDisk: Creates a new RAID disk. +++++ 2014-11-09 new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionDev: Returns the device of a partition (eg. /dev/sda1). new: CFDiskIO::isDiskLockedByRaid: Checks, if a disk is locked, because it is part of a RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionSize: Returns the size of a virtual partition. new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionDevs: Returns an array with all partition devices (/dev/sdXY) as key and value. new: CFDiskBasic::createInstallPartition: Creates and formats an installation partition and makes it bootable. The created partition is stored in the client parameters as installation partition. new: CFDiskBasic::createSwapPartition: Creates and formats a swap partition. The created partition is stored in the client parameters as swap partition. +++++ 2014-11-07 new: CFDiskIO::getLogicalpParts: Builds an array with all physical partition numbers of the logical partitions. new: CFDiskIO::correctLogical: Algorithm changed and uses getLogicalpParts. +++++ 2014-11-06 new: CFDiskIO::collidesWithPartitionOfType: Checks if a partition (to be created) defined by start and end position would collide with existing partitions of given type. cha: CFDiskIO::isFreeSpaceBetween: Now uses CFDiskIO::collidesWithPartitionOfType. +++++ 2014-11-05 new: CFDiskIO::sortPartitionKeyByStart: Sorts the elements with numeric keys of the input array by the subkey 'start' and copies all other elements unchanged. The numeric keys will be ascending and in the same order than the ascending subkey 'start'. +++++ 2014-11-04 cha: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader: Now shows the message type in CLI too. new: CFDiskTest::getTestDiskDev: Gets the disk device that is used for testing. new: CFDiskTest::getTestDiskvDisk: Gets the vDisk for the testing fisk. new: CFDiskTest::getRadomStartEnd: Gets random start / end positions (in MB) for e.g. creating new partitions on the test disk. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomPartitionType: Returns an random partition type. new: CFDiskTest::randomCreatePartition: Tries to create a new partition on the test disk with random type and start and end position. new: CFDiskTest::randomDeletePartition: Tries to delete a randomly picked partition on the test disk. new: CFDiskTest::randomFormatPartition: Tries to format a randomly picked partition on the test disk. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomFilesystem: Returns an random filesytem. +++++ 2014-11-03 new: CFDiskTest::getDiskArrayFromClient: Returns the disk array with all drives and their partitions. new: CFDiskIO::getWantedPartitioning: Returns the wantedPartitioning array. new: CFDiskTest::checkPartitionConsistency: Checks for consistancy of the partioning between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. Exists the script, if it is not consistent. new: CFDiskTest::createPartition: Creates a new partition on a disk (if possible) and checks for consistancy of the partioning between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. new: CFDiskTest::deletePartition: Deletes a partition from a disk and checks for consistancy of the partioning between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. new: CFDiskTest::formatPartition: Formats a partition. new: CFDiskTest::checkConsistencyvDiskvPartKey: Checks for consistancy of $vDisk and $vPart keys between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. Differences will be inserted into $this->diffConsistency. new: CFDiskTest::checkConsistencyDiskKey: Checks for consistancy of $vDisk keys between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. Differences will be inserted into $this->diffConsistency. new: CFDiskTest::checkBothSetKey: Checks if a key exists in virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now doesn't show "Warning: Permanently added ..." anymore. +++++ 2014-11-02 new: CFDiskIO::shiftPartitionStep: Gets the first element of the partitionSteps array and deletes it. new: CFDiskIO::isDevRaid: Checks, if a device string is a RAID. new: CFDiskBasic::rereadPartTable: Let the OS re-read the partition table. new: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Generates commands for creating and deletion of partitions, formating or building RAIDs. new: CFDiskTest::getPartInfoWithparted: Fetches current partitioning and formating of the current client from a given disk. new: CFDiskTest::executePartedCommands: Executes all partitioning and formating commands on the given client. +++++ 2014-10-30 new: CFDiskIO::getpDiskAndpPartFromDev: Splits a device (e.g. /dev/hda1) in the physical disk (/dev/hda) and the partition number (1). new: CFDiskIO::setPartitionFileSystem: Sets the file system of a partition. new: CFDiskBasic::formatPartition: Formats a partition. +++++ 2014-10-29 new: CFDiskIO::virtualDeleteDrive: Deletes a (RAID) disk and corrects the disk array. new: CFDiskIO::setDiskPartLockedByRaid: Sets or unsets the RAID lock of a partition or disk. new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionNumber: Returns the physical partition number of a virtual partition. new: CFDiskIO::getvPartBypPart: Returns the virtual partition number searched by the physical partition number. new: CFDiskIO::correctLogical: Corrects the order of the logical partitions after deleting a physical partition. new: CFDiskBasic::rmJob: Generates a partition removal job. new: CFDiskBasic::addJob: Generates a partition add job. new: CFDiskBasic::bootflagJob: Enables the booting flag on a partition. new: CFDiskBasic::formatJob: Generates a partition format job. new: CFDiskIO::isDiskRaid: Checks, if a disk is a RAID. +++++ 2014-10-28 new: CFDiskBasic::getBiggestLowestValueOf: Gets the biggest or lowest value from all partitions of a given type. new: CFDiskBasic::getBiggestValueOf: Gets the biggest value from all partitions of a given type. new: CFDiskBasic::getLowestValueOf: Gets the lowest value from all partitions of a given type. new: CFDiskBasic::updateFreeSpaces: Updates the free spaces array of all disks. new: CFDiskBasic::isPartitionLockedByRaid: Checks, if a partition is locked, because it is part of a RAID. new: CFDiskBasic::getRaidDevs: Returns an array with all disk or partition devices building the RAID of the disk (if it is a RAID). new: CFDiskBasic::getDiskDev: Returns the device name (e.g. /dev/sda) for a virtual disk. new: CFDiskBasic::getBelongingRaidDev: Searches for the RAID device, a physical partition belongs to, if it is part of a RAID. +++++ 2014-10-27 new: CFDiskBasic::getFreeSpacesOnDisk: Gets the free spaces on disk. new: CFDiskBasic::virtualDelPartition: Deletes a partition from the internal array. new: CFDiskBasic::devNrExists: Checks if a certain (physical) partition number exists. new: CFDiskBasic::nextLogicalDevNr: Gets the next free logical (physical) partition number. new: CFDiskBasic::nextPrimaryDevNr: Gets the next free primary (physical) partition number. +++++ 2014-10-26 cha: restoreBTServer: Now starts after MySQL. +++++ 2014-10-25 cha: SERVER_programmStatus: Now vertically aligns the columns to the top. cha: BT_status: Now has parameters for returning the result or showing it directly and converting the ASCII line breaks to HTML line breaks. cha: m23/postinst: Now copies the SSH key to the m23 webserver directory, if the key is missing there. +++++ 2014-10-24 cha: packageBuilder.php: Added creation of .torrent files. +++++ 2014-10-23 cha: m23 / postinst: Now creates a symlink to the System-V-Init directory to get the Bittorrent tracker and initial client, if there are .torrent files in the share directory. new: SERVER_commandAvailable: Checks, if a given command is available for the given user. new: BT_dlFile: Starts a Bittorrent download. new: BT_status: Shows status information about the (maybe) running Bittorrent tracker and initial client. new: BT_checkSoftware: Checks, if a Bittorrent software (client + tracker) is installed. new: BT_stopService: Stops a Bittorrent service. new: BT_startService: Starts a Bittorrent service. new: BT_stopTracker: Stops the Bittorrent tracker. new: BT_startTracker: Starts the tracker. new: BT_restartTracker: Restarts the tracker. new: BT_autostart: Starts Bittorrent tracker and initial client when there are .torrent files in the share directory. new: BT_updateWhitelist: Updates the white list with all allowed torrent files on the tracker. new: BT_createTorrent: Creates a torrent file and adds it to the white list. new: BT_startClient: Starts the Bittorrent client. new: BT_stopClient: Stops the Bittorrent client. new: BT_restartClient: Restarts the client. +++++ 2014-10-22 new: opentracker-installer: Compiles and installs opentracker. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now runs better on the command line. +++++ 2014-10-21 new: BT_dlFile: Starts a Bittorrent download. +++++ 2014-10-15 SERVER_commandAvailable: Checks, if a given command is available for the given user. +++++ 2014-10-04 new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionAmountOfType: Count all partitions of a selected type on a disk. new: CFFiskBasic::isDiskNotLockedByRaidAgainstCreationOfNewPartition: Checks if a new partition can be created or if the complete disk is used for RAID. new: CFFiskBasic::isDiskPartLockedByRaid: Checks, if a partition or disk is used as RAID. new: CFFiskBasic::isNewPartitionOfTypeCreatable: Checks if a new partition from a certain type can be created. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionStart: Returns the start position (in MB) of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionEnd: Returns the end position (in MB) of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionType: Returns the type of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionFileSystem: Returns the file system of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getAfterPartition: Gets the free space after the selected partition. +++++ 2014-10-03 new: CFFiskBasic::getDiskDevs: Returns an array with all disk devices (/dev/sdX) as key and value. new: CFFiskBasic::getDiskAmount: Returns amount of disks. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartAmount: Returns the of partitions of a given disk. new: CFFiskBasic::dev2diskDevPartNr: Returns an array with all disk devices (/dev/sdX) as key and value. +++++ 2014-10-01 new: CFFiskBasic::__construct: Constructor for new CFFiskBasic objects. The object holds all information about the partitioning (of a client and loads the values from the DB). new: CFFiskBasic::setClientName: Sets the client name, if given via constructor. new: CFFiskBasic::getClientName: Gets the client name, if set via constructor. new: CFFiskBasic::getProperty: Returns the given variable, if it is set or dies with an error message. new: CDFiskBasic::getCurrentPartitioning: Returns the current (physical) partitioning (of a client). new: CFFiskBasic::setCurrentPartitioning: Sets the current (physical) partitioning (of a client). new: CFFiskBasic::loadFromDB: Loads the current (physical) partitioning of a client and CFDiskTemp values. new: CFFiskBasic::resetWantedPartitioning: Resets the wantedPartitioning array by replacing it with the contents of the clien's current partitioning. new: CFFiskBasic::addWantedPartitioningUndo: Adds an undo step to the wantedPartitioningUndoArray array. new: CFFiskBasic::getWantedPartitioningMd5: Gets the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning array. new: CFFiskBasic::updateWantedPartitioningMd5: Updates the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning array in $this->wantedPartitioningMd5. +++++ 2014-09-16 cha: update_packages.php: Now start the update progress on the client via SSH etc. +++++ 2014-08-09 patch 100751: Mirror change for the m23 server installation packages. cha: Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Updated mirror. release 14.2 patch 100749: Contains all changes for m23 rock 14.2. +++++ 2014-08-06 cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now chmod's /var/run/screen to 775. fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo, PKG_preparePackageDir: Now is able to create diretories with spaces in the name. fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: Now checks for (eventually) missing package search cache file. +++++ 2014-08-05 cha: en / fr / i18n and help: Completed. +++++ 2014-07-30 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed then outdated and unsupported package sources lists "unstable", "sid", "testing", "lucid" and "lenny". +++++ 2014-07-28 new: CLIENT_getAllClientNames: Gets the names of all clients. new: m23cli / getSourcesList: Shows the contents of a package sources list. +++++ 2014-07-27 new: CLI_getModuleExitcodes: Gets the exit codes about a given module. cha: CLI_getModuleParameterLine: Now returns information about (optionall) exit code(s). cha: CHECK_FW: Disables showing the PHP warning, when using a one character rule. new: m23cli / getClientMac: Shows the MAC address of a client. new: m23cli / isClientPingable: Checks, if a client could be pinged. cha: CLIENT_query: No warnings, when used from CLI. new: m23cli / getGroupIPs: Fetches the IPs of all clients in a group. +++++ 2014-07-26 new: CAutoTest::getLogFileName: Get the file name for the log file. new: CAutoTest::addToLogFile: Appends lines to the log file. new: CAutoTest::getTimestampString: Returns the date and time in human readable form. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen: Now uses a character statistics function to choose different parameters for gocr, if the recognisation seems to have failed. +++++ 2014-07-25 cha: CAutoTest::VMCreate: Now calls AUTOTEST_VM_enableCapture. new: AUTOTEST_VM_enableCapture: Enables capturing the screen of a VM to a movie file. new: CAutoTest::getMovieFileName: Get the movie file name for capturing the VM's screen. +++++ 2014-07-24 new: AUTOTEST_executePHPFunction: Executes a PHP function with (optionall) parameters. +++++ 2014-07-23 new: CAutoTest::triggerTypeToConstant: Tries to convert the trigger type (string) to a trigger type constant. new: CAutoTest::getAnswersA: Returns the array with the answers of the current sequence element. new: VM_captureVMScreenAsMovie: Enables/disables capturing the screens of a VM to a movie file. +++++ 2014-07-20 new: AUTOTEST_VM_ejectBootISO: Disables booting from ISO and enables HDD booting. +++++ 2014-07-17 new: DISTR_getUbuntuUserGroups: Returns the default groups an user of a Ubuntu system should be in. new: DISTR_getDebianUserGroups: Returns the default groups an user of a Debian system should be in. cha: PKG_addUbuntuUser: Now is using DISTR_getUbuntuUserGroups. cha: PKG_addDebianUser: Now is using DISTR_getDebianUserGroups. new: EDIT_writeToFile: Writes a text to a file on a client. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now uses EDIT_writeToFile for Debian Wheezy. +++++ 2014-07-15 cha: PKG_addUbuntuUser: Added group "scanner". cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu, CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now adds the local user groups to LDAP users by configuring /etc/security/group.conf. +++++ 2014-07-09 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Added special debconf settings for Ubuntu 14.04 and Linux Mint 17. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Added special settings for common-account. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Removed settings that were tried to be written to a non-existing directory. cha: LDAP_addPosix: Now adds new groups in LDAP or adds users to existing group. +++++ 2014-07-07 cha: debian / ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now makes a dist-upgrade. +++++ 2014-07-03 cha: FDISK_showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Now shows an error message, if no HD was found. +++++ 2014-07-02 cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now has an extra parameter, that, if set to true, will add a shutdown or reboot package. cha: CLIENT_backToRed: Now doesn't add a shutdown or reboot package. new: CAutoTest::readAndDefineOrDieXML: Checks, is a given variable has a value that is not NULL (it was read via XML) or let the programm die with an error. new: CAutoTest::readSettings: Reads basic settings from settings.m23test and sets them as constants. +++++ 2014-06-30 cha: UBUNTU_installLanguagePacks: Now deinstalls k3b, if it was installed by a language pack and was not installed before. +++++ 2014-06-23 new: fixPHPFilePermissionsAndCR: Script that changes the PHP files to enable access via the Apache user and removes CR. +++++ 2014-06-18 cha: CLCFG_language: Now deinstalls k3b, if it was installed by a language pack and was not installed before. +++++ 2014-06-17 fix: debian / halfSister / m23updateInstall.php: Now includes the client install language file. fix: update_packages.php: Added missing $_GET['id'] variable. cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Now installs the Ubuntu 14.04 x2go packages on Linux Mint 17 too. +++++ 2014-06-12 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now includes support for Mate and Cinnamon desktops of Linux Mint 17. +++++ 2014-06-10 cha: CLCFG_installMintDM: Now uses different settings for Linux Mint 17. +++++ 2014-06-02 new: CAutoTest::VMCreate: Creates a new VM with virtual hard drive in VirtualBox and (optionally) inserts a bootable ISO into a VM. new: CAutoTest::VMStart: Starts a virtual machine in an existing X session. new: CAutoTest::setISO: Sets the filename and path of the ISO image for booting. new: CAutoTest::getISO: Get the filename and path to the ISO image for booting. new: CAutoTest::isVM: Check, if the the test should be run in a VM. new: CAutoTest::getVM_hdsize: Get the hard disk size of the virtual machine (to create). new: CAutoTest::getVMRam: Get the ram size of the virtual machine (to create). new: CAutoTest::getMachine: Get the name of the (real or virtual) machine, the test is run on. new: CAutoTest::setTriggered: Sets the trigger state ofthe current sequence event. new: CAutoTest::isTriggered: Checks, if the current sequence event was triggered. new: CAutoTest::setTimeout: Sets the timeout for the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::decTimeout: Decrements the remaining time for the timeout. new: CAutoTest::addToSequence: Adds an element to the sequence. new: CAutoTest::matchArray: Checks, if the search text is found in one of the texts contained in the array. new: CAutoTest::getGoodA: Returns the array with the good states of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getWarnA: Returns the array with the warning states of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getBadA: Returns the array with the bad states of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getTriggerType: Returns the trigger type of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getTriggerParam: Returns the trigger parameter of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getExecType: Returns the type of execution of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getExecParam: Returns the parameter for execution of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult: Checks, if the result (e.g. from AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen) is found in the good, warn or bad array and executes the matching element finish handler. new: CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction: Executes the action of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Waits for a trigger event, to execute the action. new: CAutoTest::getCurElement: Returns the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::nextCurElement: Increments the current sequence element number. new: CAutoTest::elemOk: The current sequence elements was finished sucessfully. new: CAutoTest::elemWarn: The current sequence elements was finished with a warning. new: CAutoTest::elemBad: There was an error in the current sequence element, so the execution must bestopped. new: CAutoTest::setVariableFromXML: Returns the input value when it is not NULL or exists the script with an error message. new: CAutoTest::parseTriggerFromXML: Parses the trigger and its type from the XML. new: CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML: Parses the action and its type from the XML. new: CAutoTest::parseArrayFromXML: Parses an (good, warn, bad) array from the XML. new: CAutoTest::parseXML: Parses the XML test description file. +++++ 2014-06-01 fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now makes sure that the result IP is between calculated max and min IP. +++++ 2014-05-31 cha: VM_parseVBOXstate: Code rewritten to work with all VirtualBox versions. cha: VM_parseVBOXNic: Now interprets bridged interface too. new: AUTOTEST_insertBootISO: Inserts a bootable ISO into a VM. new: AUTOTEST_keyboardWrite: Emulates the keystrokes into a VM. new: AUTOTEST_getStatus: Parses the complete status of a VM. new: AUTOTEST_isRunning: Checks if a VM is switched on. +++++ 2014-05-29 cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Changed execution order so the login banner is not part of the returned output. new: VM_insertBootISO: Inserts a bootable ISO into a VM. new: HELPER_calcScancodes: Converts an input string that may contain special keys into scancodes (e.g. for usage with VirtualBox) +++++ 2014-05-28 new: AUTOTEST_createVM: Creates a new VM with virtual hard drive in VirtualBox. new: AUTOTEST_deleteVM: Deletes a VM and its virtual hard drive from VirtualBox. new: AUTOTEST_startVM: Starts a virtual machine in an existing X session. new: VM_startVMInExistingXSession: Starts a virtual machine in an existing X session. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now calls scp and screen with sudo, when not run from the command line. cha: VM_createDiskImage, VM_createVM: Now are having an extra paramater for choosing the image location. +++++ 2014-05-27 cha: CLIENT_getIPbyName: Now returns the client name, if run on CLI. +++++ 2014-05-25 new: CLIENT_copyDebconfDB: Copies all debconf values from one client to another. cha: MASS_startInstall: Now calls CLIENT_copyDebconfDB. +++++ 2014-05-18 cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Added support for Ubuntu 14.04. cha: countLinesInFile: Now has an extra parameter, if set to true, empty lines are ignored. cha: MASS_showOverview: Now ignores empty lines on database files. fix: MASS_startInstall: Now the 2nd DNS is copied correctly (THX Rainer). +++++ 2014-05-16 cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now installs lightdm when run on Ubuntu 14.04. +++++ 2014-05-15 cha: MASS_readDBFileRaw: Now removes whitespaces at the beginning and at the end of the DB file (THX Rainer). +++++ 2014-05-14 cha: GNOME3_install: Now installs language-pack-gnome-XX too. cha: UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall, UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Added dpkg-divert rules for udev. cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: Now changes characters in the LaTex files before running latex2html and changing back afterwards. +++++ 2014-04-29 cha: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Now symlinks modemmanager and whoopsie to true. +++++ 2014-04-28 new: m23Lubuntu1404Install.php: Full lubuntu/Xfce desktop. new: m23UnityFull1404Install.php: Full Unity 3D desktop for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. +++++ 2014-04-27 new: m23LubuntuCore1404Install.php: Minimalistic lubuntu/Xfce desktop. new: m23Unity3D1404Install.php: Minimal Unity 3D desktop for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added lubuntu/Xfce and Unity 3D desktop. +++++ 2014-04-24 cha: CLCFG_language: Now adds $PATH to /etc/environment. +++++ 2014-04-20 cha: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Now creates menu.lst on Ubuntu Trusty. +++++ 2014-04-06 cha: createNewBazaarRepo: Improved included .bzrignore. +++++ 2014-04-03 new: HELPER_filesize: Gets the correct file size of a file, even if it is bigger than 2 GB. cha: PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Now calls HELPER_filesize. cha: DISTR_getDesktopsCBList: Now returns, if no distribution is given. +++++ 2014-03-20 cha: createInitrd: Now removes initrd and creates empty ones with the names of the installed packages. +++++ 2014-02-12 patch 100741: Re-enables group renaming and server backup. fix: group_actions.php: Corrected reading of group name and group action to re-enable renaming of groups. (THX CLUBSKIES) fix: m23Backup / createBackupList: Added missing "then" and "fi". (THX CLUBSKIES) +++++ 2014-02-05 cha: createNewBazaarRepo: Now uses a hand-crafted .bzrignore file. +++++ 2014-01-26 cha: prepareOSDorCompression: Now sure that m23debs.list is deleted. +++++ 2014-01-25 release 14.1 patch 100740: Release of m23 rock 14.1. +++++ 2014-01-23 cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now modprobes ext2-4. fix: linuxrc: Now links dhclient-script from /bin to /sbin. +++++ 2014-01-22 new: optimiseAllPNGs: Script for optimising all PNGs in the manual screenshot directories. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Added menu entry for optimiseAllPNGs. +++++ 2014-01-21 fix: getServerNetmask: Added full path to ifconfig. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now sets /dev/sda on top of the list. fix: PKG_getSearchCacheFileName: Now adds "'" around the file name to support distributions with spaces in the name. +++++ 2014-01-20 cha: PKGBUILDER_tar2deb: Now changed the access rights of all files to 755 before creating a new package index. +++++ 2014-01-19 menuDeb: Now ensures that development packages are uploaded into the development repository and release packages are uploaded into the release repository. +++++ 2014-01-07 new: checkForMissingi18n.sh: Script for checking for missing I18N translations. +++++ 2014-01-04 fix: MSR_clientSettings: Now sets the architecture in the imported sources list too. fix: SRCLST_getArchitectures: Now returns "i386" when no architecture can be get from the sources list. fix: PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Now reads "Installed-Size" from *Packages and uses empty line as package separator. +++++ 2014-01-01 cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now calls nl2br on the kernel variable in case that there are more than one kernels. cha: de / createVM.hlp: Added CloudStack. +++++ 2013-12-31 cha: m23-initscripts / control: Changed the package hwinfo from "Depends" to "Recommends". +++++ 2013-12-28 cha: ASSI_addUbuntuRoot: Now sets a random password for user root, if the root account is not enabled. +++++ 2013-12-22 patch 100721: Removal of bad SSH keys for the backuppc and root users. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes a bunch of bad SSH keys for the backuppc and root users. cha: mkm23Deb: Now deletes tmp/m23-install only. cha: i18n and help: Added "Apache" and "®" to CloudStack. +++++ 2013-12-21 fix: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now uses the extra parameter correctly when set to true, the names of all installed packages will be combined to a m23normal and all revomed to a m23normalRemove job. cha: CLIENT_resetAndInstall: Now calls CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording too. cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery.php: Now calls PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage. cha: VM_rebootChangeBootDevice: Now stops and starts the VM, when it is CloudStack. +++++ 2013-12-20 patch 100719: Assimilastion doesn't remove the root password any more. fix: m23PresetupInstall.php: Now doesn't set (empty) password when assimilating a client (THX jaywalker). cha: m23 / postinst: Now accepts "Raspbian" as valid dirtribution too. fix: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now returns false if there is no host for the choosen virtualisation solution. fix: VM_getAllVMHosts: Now doesn't exit on CloudStack even if the CloudStack object couldn't be fetched. cha: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Now uses defaults as mount parameter in fstab. +++++ 2013-12-19 patch 100718: Removes the bad test SSH key of the backuppc user. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes the bad SSH key for the backuppc user too. patch 100717: Removes the bad SSH key from the m23 client. cha: m23updateAuthorizedKeysInstall.php: Now removes the bad SSH key before. patch 100716: Added job for updating the authorized_keys file with the public SSH key of the m23 server. new: m23updateAuthorizedKeysInstall.php: Updates the authorized_keys file with the public SSH key of the m23 server. patch 100714: Removes the bad test SSH key. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes the bad SSH key. cha: startBaseInstallation, cleanOSForCompressing: Now deletes /root/.ssh/authorized_keys, /root/.ssh/id_dsa*, /var/lib/backuppc/.ssh/* to remove maybe existing SSH keys (THX jaywalker). +++++ 2013-12-18 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Removed IDE devices, because they are called sdX now. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now doesn't overwrite the boot type with a wrong value. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now tries to mount /home. May be helpful in case of NFS. cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Changed priority to 125 so it gets executed after system boot. +++++ 2013-12-17 new: mk-nfs-server-home: Script for installing an configuring a simple NFS server. cha: CChecks::checkNfshomeserver: Now checks for the existence of ':'. +++++ 2013-12-16 fix: en / m23inst.php: Added missing translations. fix: CClient::addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Now stores the LDAP credentials. +++++ 2013-12-15 new: I18N_number_format: Converts numbers to the language specific number formating. cha: PKG_listRecommendPackages, m23SHARED_priceFormater, SERVERBACKUP_backupOverviewDialog, PKG_listPackages, IMG_showImageManagement and VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Now are using I18N_number_format. cha: PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Now package sizes are stored in KB too. new: CClient::copyMassOptions: Copies the mass installation options (if present). cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Making Partclone the default method. cha: HELP_getHelp: Now uses escapeshellarg to secure the name of the man page. cha: debian / PKG_getKernels: Now filters out "grub-imageboot". +++++ 2013-12-11 fix: MASS_startInstall: Now adds boot type, distribution and release too. new: CClient::setDistribution: Sets the distribution of the client. new: CChecks::checkDistribution: Checks if a distribution name is valid. new: CClient::setRelease: Sets the distribution release of the client. new: CChecks::checkRelease: Checks if a release name is valid. new: CClient::copyImagingParameters: Copies the imaging parameters (if present). cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now calls setDistribution, setRelease and copyImagingParameters. new: CHECK_deviceName: Checks if the input value is a valid device name for a HD drive or partition. new: CChecks::checkSwapPart: Checks if the device name for the swap partition is valid. new: CChecks::checkInstPart: Checks if the device name for the installation partition is valid. new: CClient::setInstPart: Sets the installation partition of the client. new: CClient::setSwapPart: Sets the swap partition of the client. +++++ 2013-12-10 cha: getDNSServers: Now has a fallback, if no DNS servers could be fetched. +++++ 2013-12-08 fix: Added symlink for m23AddUserInstall.php to /m23/data+scripts/packages (for imaging). fix: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Corrected parameter for user creation. +++++ 2013-12-03 fix: CLCFG_addDistributionSpecificOptions: Now values from checkboxes are set correctly in the options array. cha: DISTR_startInstall: Now adds the x2go server installation job, if set in the options. cha: debian / CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Adds a checkbox for adding the x2go server installation job. +++++ 2013-11-28 cha: partcloneWrapper: Changed logging from /tmp/partclone.log to /dev/null. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now calls CLCFG_disablePlymouth. +++++ 2013-11-27 fix: SERVER_runningInScreen: Corrected regular expression. cha: SERVER_logLocalScreenSessionToFile: Now deletes the logfile at the beginning. cha: update.php: Now shows the live log right after clicking the update button. fix: UPDATE_running: Now uses SERVER_runningInScreen. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now trims the input values. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now uses PXE as default, if no boot type is set. cha: createRFSBins: Added the tools resize_reiserfs, resize2fs and xfs_growfs. new: FSEnlargeWrapper: Enlarges the file system on a given partition to match the size of the partition. cha: IMG_clientRestore: Now adds FSEnlargeWrapper to the BASH code if restored by dd. +++++ 2013-11-26 cha: HTML_newStatusBar: Now uses 5 seconds as default refresh time. fix: imaging / halfSister / clientConfig.php: Added 100 percent for the status bar. new: CLIENT_resetStatusBar: Resets the percent points to 0 for the pending jobs on a client. fix: halfSister / clientConfig.php: Now sets $CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions. new: PKG_addHSUser: Adds a job for creating an user on a halfSister client cha: HS_sysAddUser: Now has parameter for user and group IDs. cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Now is placed under /m23/inc/distr/ debian/packages with symlink to ubuntu. +++++ 2013-11-20 cha: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: New parameter to recalculate the remaining percent value of the status barfor better fitting. +++++ 2013-11-19 new: debian / halfSister / PKG_updatePackageSearchCacheFile: Updates the compressed package search file. new: debian / PKG_getLongPackageDescription: Gets the description of a package. cha: PKG_translateClientjobsStatus: Added translation for 'error'. +++++ 2013-11-18 fix: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now calls PKG_updatePackageInfo with correct parameters. cha: PKG_updatePackageInfo: Now updates the package index only every 5 hours, when not forced. cha: SRCLST_packageInformationOlderThan, PKG_updatePackageInfo: Now writes the time when the status file was last modified to a new parameter. new: SRCLST_packageInformationChangeTime: Returns the time point when the package information was changed last. cha: SRCLST_packageInformationOlderThan: Now calls SRCLST_packageInformationChangeTime. +++++ 2013-11-17 cha: PKG_searchFor: Now package names are unique again. new: PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Generates commands to create a compressed package search file. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now calls PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD. new: PKG_getSearchCacheFileName: Returns the full path to the compressed package search file. new: PKG_searchPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Generates BASH commands to search a compressed package search file. cha: PKG_searchFor: Now uses PKG_searchPackageSearchCacheFileCMD. fix: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now always touches the status file to update the modification time. +++++ 2013-11-14 cha: getServerNetmask: Now tries to get the netmask from networkdevices eth0 to eth9. cha: IMG_clientRestore: Added support for partclone. +++++ 2013-11-13 cha: IMG_clientCreate: Added timeout for netcat transfer. cha: IMG_clientCreate: Gauge now disabled when using partclone. cha: IMG_clientCreate, IMG_showCreateImage: Added support for partclone. +++++ 2013-11-12 cha: GRP_showSelDistrSources: Now shows a different message for choosing the distribution and sources list, when a package selection without clients should be created. cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Now are adding partclone to the bootimage. new: partcloneWrapper: Calls the correct partclone tool depending on the file system of the partition. +++++ 2013-11-11 cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Now optionally adds UID and GID. new: PKG_addUser: Adds a job for creating an user on the client. new: PKG_addUbuntuUser: Adds a job for creating an user on a Ubuntu client. new: PKG_addDebianUser: Adds a job for creating an user on a Debian client. cha: debian / clientInstall.php: Now calls PKG_addDebianUser. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls PKG_addUbuntuUser. new postinst / getCSExternIP: Get the external IP of this server, if run in CloudStack. fix: group_actions.php: Now gets the groupname from the URL. cha: enable-ssl: Now if an additional IP is given, makes it be used as default. +++++ 2013-11-09 patch 100694: Fixes installation of Ubuntu images with upstart. cha: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Now adds the package m23configUpstartForNormalUsage, if the extra distribution is ubuntu. cha: imaging / m23configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now is a symlink too. cha: VM_rebootChangeBootDevice: Now doesn't stop and start the VM when run on CloudStack, because this will stop the VM before it can send the job's "done" status. +++++ 2013-11-08 cha: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Now adds the package m23configUpstartForNormalUsage, if the extra distribution is ubuntu. cha: imaging / m23configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now is a symlink too. +++++ 2013-11-05 patch 100692: Fixes for image creation. fix: m23createImageInstall.php: Sends correct extracted size of the created image. fix: m23createImageInstall.php: Now deactivates the network booting. cha: m23 / postinst: Now uses the half of (during the configuration) available disk space as maximum for the size of the squid cache. new: VM_CloudStackDeleteClientVM: Deletes a virtual machine for use with m23 in CloudStack, only a cloudstack admin can recover it +++++ 2013-11-02 patch 100691: Fixes selection of images when using imaging as client distribution (THX IPB). fix: imaging / clientConfig.php: Added missing function variable for showDistributionSpecificOptions. new: update.php: Now adds a live status of the update progress. new: SERVER_logLocalScreenSessionToFile: Logs the output of a local screen session to a file. +++++ 2013-11-01 cha: install_packages.php: Now shows an error message and exists when in group mode and no group name is given. cha: install_packages.php: Now shows an error message when the serarch button is clicked without entering a search term. +++++ 2013-10-30 cha: serverSettings.php: Rearanged the icons. Added a new "extra" category. new: de / serverSettings.hlp: Added help page for the server settings page. fix: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Now returns an empty array, if no backups are present. fix: htaccess.php: Now administrators can be deleted when there are two or more. cha: MSG_showMessageBoxFooter, MSG_showMessageBoxHeader: Now are generating HTML code only when not in CLI mode. new: HELPER_isExecutedInCLI: Checks, if it is run in CLI. +++++ 2013-10-28 new: CLCFG_disablePlymouth: Disables the plymouth. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_disablePlymouth. +++++ 2013-10-23 cha: VM_CloudStack_getObject: Now has parameters to set the API entpoint, the API key and the secret API key. cha: VM_CloudStackEditConfFileGUI: Renamed to VM_CloudStackConfigGUI. new: VM_CloudStackCheckConstants: Checks, if the given constant values are valid. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now gives back the VM host. cha: Added help for CloudStack. +++++ 2013-10-21 new: VM_isCloudStackClient: Checks, if the client is run in CloudStack. cha: PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage: Now reboots the client when run in CloudStack. +++++ 2013-10-19 new: VM_CloudStackEnablePortForwarding: creates a port forwarding rule for a virtual machine, with private port and public port being the same new: VM_CloudStackUploadIso: uploads and registers a new bootable ISO file into cloudstack from a given website new: VM_CloudStackWriteConfFile: Writes the CloudStack config file or writes a basic config file, if it does not exist. new: VM_CloudStackEditConfFileGUI: Shows a dialog for editing the CloudStack config file. +++++ 2013-10-15 patch 100686: Now works with Debian 7.2. fix: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now works with Debian 7.2. +++++ 2013-10-07 cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now has optional parameters for user and group ID. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now adds ther user m23cupsadmin with user and group ID 523. +++++ 2013-10-06 new: VM_CloudStackSendSetVisualURL: Sends the visual URL (:22) to the m23 server, if run under CloudStack. cha: VM_setVisualURL: Now uses the host part of the URL, if vmHostIP is empty. fix: CLCFG_writeCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Corrected entry for every 5 minutes. new: MSR_curDynIPCommand: Generates the commands to transfer the current dynamic IP of the m23 client to the server. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now uses MSR_curDynIPCommand. cha: CIR_transferClientIP: Now calls MSR_curDynIPCommand. +++++ 2013-10-05 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now installs isc-dhcp-client too. new: VM_CloudStackStartVM: starts a virtual machine in CloudStack cha: VM_startVM: Now uses VM_CloudStackStartVM too. new: VM_CloudStackStopVM: stops a virtual machine in CloudStack cha: VM_stopVM: Now uses VM_CloudStackStopVM too. new: VM_CloudStackGetVMStatus: gets the status of a virtual machine new: VM_CloudStackClientName2ClientID: returns the Cloudstack-ID of a client with the given client host name new: VM_CloudStackNetBootActivate: attaches/exchanges or removes (if any) a network boot ISO to or from the client cha: VM_rebootChangeBootDevice: Now uses VM_CloudStackNetBootActivate too. cha: VM_status: Now may returns an array containing the status of the VM. +++++ 2013-10-03 cha: Checks::checkBootType: Added gpxe. cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Now accepts client's hostname via m23clientID GET parameter. cha: CLIENT_isAskingInDebugMode, CLIENT_getAskingParams: Now uses CLIENT_getClientName. cha: CLIENT_getClientID: Now uses CLIENT_getAskingParams. cha: clientISO / linuxrc: Now creates /dev/vdaX devices. cha: CLCFG_makeDev: Now creates /dev/vdaX devices. +++++ 2013-10-02 new: HELPER_getContentFromURL: Downloads an URL via curl and gives back the site code. new: VM_CloudStack_getServerIP: Gets the external m23 server IP if the m23 server is run as CloudStack VM. cha: getServerGateway, getServerNetmask: Now uses a more general approach to find out the gateway/router IP. +++++ 2013-10-01 cha: getServerIP: Now supports CloudStack too. +++++ 2013-09-30 new: VM_CloudStack_available: Checks, if the CloudStack configuration file is included and contains the needed constants. cha: VM_vmSwNr2Name, VM_getAllVMHosts: Now supports CloudStack too. new: VM_CloudStack_getObject: Gets a new CloudStackClient object. new: VM_CloudStack_getVersion: Gets the version of CloudStack. +++++ 2013-09-27 new: CClient::setNetRootPwd: Generates and sets the netboot root password. new: CClient::getNetRootPwd: Gets the netboot root password. +++++ 2013-09-26 new: CClient::setGetSystemtimeByNTP: Sets, if the system time should be set by NTP. new: CClient::getGetSystemtimeByNTP: Checks, if the system time should be set by NTP. new: CClient::setAddNewLocalLogin: Sets, if the local login should be created. new: CClient::getAddNewLocalLogin: Checks, if the local login should be created. new: CClient::setBoolProperty: Sets a boolean value in the client's settings. new: CClient::setInstallPrinter: Sets, if the local printer should be detected/installed. new: CClient::getInstallPrinter: Checks, if the local printer should be detected/installed. new: CClient::getLanguage: Gets the the language of the client. new: CClient::setTimeZone: Sets the the timezone of the client. new: CClient::getTimeZone: Gets the the timezone of the client. new: HELPER_getBootLoaders: Returns a list of available bootloaders. new: CClient::setBootloader: Sets the the bootloader of the client. new: CClient::getBootloader: Gets the the bootloader of the client. new: CClient::getClientGroup: Gets the m23 group of the client. new:CChecks::checkNfshomeserver: Checks if the NFS share is valid. new: CClient::setNfshomeserver: Sets the NFS share of the client. new: CClient::getNfshomeserver: Gets the NFS share of the client. +++++ 2013-09-24 new: CClient::setArch: Set the CPU architecture of the client. cha: CChecks::checkProxy: Now checks that IP and port are both empty or set too. cha: m23/postinst: Now figures out IP, netmask and gateway if the settings were given by a DHCP server. +++++ 2013-09-23 patch 100685: Now the groupnames can contain white spaces without getting stopped by the variable firewall. fix: checks.php: Now CC_groupnameOrEmpty accepts white spaces (Thx Oliver). +++++ 2013-09-18 fix: CHECK_str, CHECK_strAlphaNum, CHECK_strAlpha: Now returns false, if the input value is empty and empty values are not allowed. cha: CHECK_FW: Now ignores empty input values only when in firewall and not in check mode. +++++ 2013-09-16 cha: CClient::destroy: Now removes the client from the server's /etc/hosts. cha: CClient::setIP: Now adds the client to the server's /etc/hosts. new: CClient::addJob: Adds a job to the client's job table. new: CClient::startInstall: Starts the installation on the client. new: CClient::setInstallationStatusBar: Sets new percent value and/or new status text on the client's installation status bar. new: CChecks::checkUserGroupIDs: Checks the user ID and group ID are valid. new: CClient::setUserGroupIDs: Sets the user ID and group ID (for LDAP). new: CClient::getGroupID: Returns the (LDAP) group ID. new: CClient::getUserID: Returns the (LDAP) user ID. new: CClient::setLDAPServer: Sets the LDAP server. new: CClient::getLDAPServer: Returns the LDAP server of the client. new: CClient::getLogin: Returns the user's login. new: CClient::getFamilyname: Returns the user's familyname. new: CClient::getForename: Returns the user's forename. new: CClient::getFirstpw: Returns the user's first password. new: CClient::addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Adds the credentials of the main (desktop) user to the given LDAP server. new: CChecks::checkGroupname: Checks if the groupname is valid. new: CClient::addToClientGroup: Adds the client to an m23 client group. +++++ 2013-09-15 new: CClient::setRootPassword: Sets the root password for the client. cha: CHECK_FW: Now has an extra check mode for minumum length of the input value. new: CChecks::checkRootpassword: Checks if the root password is valid. new: CChecks::checkLanguage: Checks if the language is valid. new: CClient::setLanguage: Sets the the language of the client. +++++ 2013-09-14 cha: CClient::__construct: Now has a parameter to check the input variable. cha: CPoolFromClientDebsGUI, CPoolFromClientGUI, CLIENT_addClient: Now are using the new CClient constructor. new: CChecks::checkForename: Checks if the user's forename is valid. new: CChecks::checkFamilyname: Checks if the user's familyname is valid. new: CChecks::checkOffice: Checks if the given office name is valid. new: CChecks::checkEmail: Checks if the given eMail is valid (or optionally empty). new: CClient::setUserDetails: Generates HTML code for returning to the client control center page. new: CChecks::checkProxy: Checks the IP and port of the package proxy. new: CClient::setPackageProxy: Sets the IP and port of the package proxy. new: CChecks::checkLogin: Checks if the given login is valid. new: LDAP_getTypes: Returns an array with the known LDAP types. new: CClient::setLDAPType: Sets the LDAP type. new: CClient::getLDAPType: Returns the LDAP type of the client. new: CChecks::firstpw: Checks if the first name's password is valid. +++++ 2013-09-13 new: CClient::setDNS: Sets the main and (optionally) the backup DNS server(s). new: CClient::getDNS1: Returns the IP of the main DNS server. new: CClient::getDNS2: Returns the IP of the backup DNS server (if set). +++++ 2013-09-12 patch 100684: Replaces medibuntu.org (obsolete) with videolan.org in the Linux Mint sources lists. cha: Replaced "http://packages.medibuntu.org" with "http://download.videolan.org" in the sources lists "Linux Mint 13 Maya" and "Linux Mint 9 KDE", because medibuntu.org is obsolete now. +++++ 2013-09-05 patch 100683: Now the list of available kernels is updated on refresh. new: forkFunctions.inc / downloadBazaarRepo: Downloads a Bazaar repository to the current directory. new: forkFunctions.inc / createNewBazaarRepo: Adds the files and directories of the current directory to a new Bazaar repository cha: forkFunctions.inc / copym23: Now calls createNewBazaarRepo. +++++ 2013-09-04 cha: SRCLST_packageInformationOlderThan: Now checks for a minimum size of the lists directory too. patch 100682: Improved merging of release and development changelog. cha: m23uploadChangelog: Now uses mergeChangelog. new: forkFunctions.inc / mergeChangelog: Merges the changelogs from release and development tree (if both are existing) or just copies the existing changelog. +++++ 2013-09-02 new: forkFunctions.inc / getm23Dir: description Shows the full path to the active m23 directory or exits with an error. new: forkFunctions.inc / getmdkDir: Shows the full path to the active mdk directory or exits with an error. patch 100681: Added new option to disable root access via sudo for Ubuntu-derivatives, deactivation of SSL check now works, kernel list now sorted with generic kernels first. new: CLCFG_disableSudoRootLogin: Disables getting root rights of normal users via sudo. new: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptionsUbuntu: Shows additional distribution specific options for Ubuntu. cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount2: now shows group table with alternating line colors and mouseover effect. new: HELPER_compareLengthAbc: new function to compare strings first by length and then by alphabet. new: HELPER_sortByLength: new function to sort arrays by length and alphabet-position of their values. cha: m23/inc/debian/packages.php: function to get kernel list (PKG_getKernels) now outputs an ordered kernel list. cha: m23/inc/halfSister/packages.php: function to get kernel list (PKG_getKernels) now outputs an ordered kernel list. cha: CLCFG_addDistributionSpecificOptions: Now adds 'disableSSLCertCheck' and 'CB_disableSSLCertCheck'. +++++ 2013-08-28 patch 100680: Many improvements to the m23 cli. +++++ 2013-08-27 new: CLI_getModulePath: Checks, if a module exists and builds the full path to the module file. new: CLI_getModuleInfo: Gets information about a given module. new: CLI_getModuleDescription: Gets the description about a given module. new: CLI_getModuleParameter: Gets the parameter(s) about a given module. new: CLI_getModuleParameterLine: Gets the information line with module name and parameter(s) about a given module. new: CLI_showAllModuleDescription: Shows a list of all modules with their descriptions. patch 100679: CSS improvements. cha: CSS improvements: Now the current row the mouse points to in many tables is highlighted. +++++ 2013-08-26 patch 100678: Fix for the mass installation dialog and smal fixes. fix: massInstall.php: Fixed call time pass by reference. fix: CLCFG_monoRemove: Corrects syntax if BASH's [ ]. new: HELPER_trimValue: Runs trim on the input parameter and writes the result back. new: PKG_cleanPackageLine: Removes unwanted characters from a line containing package names and makes sure that there is only one line without line breaks. cha: PKG_addStatusJob: Now calls PKG_cleanPackageLine on normal package installation or removal. +++++ 2013-08-24 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine, BURN_blank, CPoolLister::__construct: Commented out debug code. cha: print_r2, calculator.php, themeChoice.php: Now uses echo instead of print. cha: check.php: Removed. +++++ 2013-08-22 patch 100677: Corrects output of the package selection optimisation. fix: PKG_combinem23normal: Now adds the needed space between the package names. +++++ 2013-08-19 patch 100676: Fixed update buttons. fix: install_packages.php: Now the update button is shown only when in update mode. +++++ 2013-08-18 release 13.2 patch 100675: Smal fix for package installation, updated documentation. new: Translations complete. New manuals and development guide. fix: install_packages.php: Now the client name is stored. +++++ 2013-08-17 patch 100674: New network bootimages to add SSH login (e.g for client's realtime status) again. cha: createRFSBins: Now adds libnsl.so.1 for dropbear. patch 100673: Configuration for the netbootimages. cha: BusyBox config: Now the BB's internal functions are used to handle /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd. new: DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression: Removes unneeded packages from a Raspbian installation and prepares for compression. +++++ 2013-08-14 patch 100672: Presetup works now on Wheezy bootimages. fix: CIR_waitForNextJob: Increased check size for empty fetched work.phps to 15 bytes. patch 100671: Fixes for Debian Wheezy booimages. cha: *.php: Changed all BASH "test" calls to "[ ]" syntax. new: workPhpName: Generates an unique name for storing the work.php file. cha: executeNextWork, CIR_waitForNextJob: Now uses workPhpName. +++++ 2013-08-13 patch 100670: Support for Linux Mint assimisation, Debian Wheezy based netbootimages, option for disabling the SSL certificate check for all clients. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now uses the BASH version of hwsetup. +++++ 2013-08-12 cha: Kernel configuration: Changed ramdisk size to 80MB. +++++ 2013-08-11 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now checks, if the new IP is nonused. +++++ 2013-08-10 fix: HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscannerByOS: Now the end mark for HSFETCHEOF is set correctly. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now disables ssl certificate checks for Linux Mint 11 and above. new: SERVER_isSSLCertCheckDisabled: Now determines, if the SSL certificate check is disabled globally for all clients. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now calls SERVER_isSSLCertCheckDisabled. new: SERVER_setSSLCertCheckDisabled: Sets, if the SSL certificate check is disabled globally for all clients. new: HTML_imgSwitch: Defines an image button with two states and a text next to it. cha: serverSettings.php: Now has a button to (de)activate the SSL certificate check globally for all clients. +++++ 2013-08-06 new: SERVER_setServerSetting: Sets the value of a server setting. new: SERVER_getServerSetting: Gets the value of a server setting. new: SERVER_existsServerSetting: Checks, if a named server setting exists in the DB. cha: head.php: Now checks, if this is the development version and adjust the coloring of the header. +++++ 2013-08-05 cha: moveDevel2Release: Now calls /mdk/doc/changelog-merger.php. new: changelog-merger.php: Script for merging the changelogs of development and release versions. patch 100669: Export of DHCP setting, optimisation of installation jobs with multiple packages, preparation for assimilsation of halfSister distributions. +++++ 2013-08-01 cha: m23 / postinst: Now increase the size of the normalPackage field to LONGTEXT in the table recommendpackages. new: PKG_combinem23normal: Combines the package names of multiple entries for m23normal and m23normalRemove jobs ind a package selection. cha: PKG_addPackageToPackageselection: Now calls PKG_combinem23normal. +++++ 2013-07-30 new: m23Debs.inc / rsyncUploadSpeedLimit: Determines the maximum upload speed. cha: install_packages.php: Now is using the HTML functions as often as possible. +++++ 2013-07-18 cha: install_packages.php: Now imports and exports the preselected packages of a clients from and to files. new: PKG_importSelectedPackagesFromFile: Imports space-seperated packages from a file and adds them to the wait4acc/selected packages of a client. new: HTML_uploadFile: Shows a dialog for uploading image files. new: HTML_urlButton: Defines a link that appears like a button. +++++ 2013-07-17 cha: menuDeb / uploadtesting: Now uploads the files directly to FRS. cha: menuServerISO: Now shows the architecture too. +++++ 2013-07-15 cha: m23-tftp / postinst: Now restores backuped bootimages from /m23/tftp/bak2.6. new: PKG_exportSelectedPackages: Exports the wait4acc/selected packages of a client. +++++ 2013-07-13 cha: ASSI_prepareClient, MSR_getClientSettingsCommand, MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand, MSR_statusFileCommand: Now are checking, if a halfSister compatible distribution was found and skips the Debian-based distributions setup. new: HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscannerByOS: Fetches the m23HSAdmin tool and m23hwscanner by detection of the OS. new: HS_ASSI_prepareClient: Prepares a halfSister client for assimilisation. new: HS_ASSI_statusFileCommand: Generates the commands to send the package infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_statusFileCommand) if this is an halfSister client to be assimilated. new: HS_getClientSettingsCommand: Generates the commands to send the client infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_getClientSettingsCommand). new: HS_ASSI_getClientSettingsCommand: Generates the commands to send the client infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_getClientSettingsCommand) if this is an halfSister client to be assimilated. cha: m23AssimilateInstall.php: Now uses halfSister functions too. new: DHCP_exportDHCPSettingsForExternalDHCPServer: Exports the DHCP settings of m23 clients that are booting over the network and adds settings for external DHCP servers. cha: de/en/fr client_distr.hlp, manageImageFiles.hlp, client_createImage.hlp: Improved help files concerning imaging. new: exportDHCPSettings.php: Calls DHCP_exportDHCPSettingsForExternalDHCPServer. +++++ 2013-07-10 patch 100668: More adjustments for Debian 7. cha: Package source "wheezy" now includes Triniy desktop 3.5.13. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now doesn't export "wheezy+squeeze+TDE" anymore. +++++ 2013-07-07 cha: htaccess.php: Now uses the mothods of the classes Cm23AdminLister and Cm23Admin. cha: createInitrd: Now creates empty *initrd.img files to satisfy depmod of Debian Wheezy. +++++ 2013-07-06 fix: createRFSBins: Now processes links correctly. cha: downloadExtractRFS / createRFSBins: Switched to Debian Wheezy. +++++ 2013-06-27 cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now has a new option to disable the SSL certificate check of wget. cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Added checkbox to disable the SSL certificate check of wget. cha: debin / clientInstall.php: +++++ 2013-06-25 cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added "wheezy". +++++ 2013-06-24 new: debian-update-howto.tex: Mini howto for patch 100667: Added LXDE, GNOME 3 and TDE for Debian 7. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports "wheezy" and "wheezy+squeeze+TDE" (for installing TDE with all needed packages from Squeeze) too. +++++ 2013-06-22 cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now has an extra parameter, if set to true, an additional line with "session-wrapper=/etc/X11/Xsession" will be added. new: LXDE_install: Installs the LXDE desktop. new: GNOME3_install: Installs the GNOME 3 desktop. +++++ 2013-06-18 cha: CLCFG_language: Now has an extra parameter for setting the release name of the distribution (for special handling). +++++ 2013-06-17 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs grub2 on Debian 7. cha: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Special handling for udev in Debian 7. fix: I18N_addLanguage: Now works with m23shared too. patch 100666: Netboot images are using Kernel 2.9.5 now to (hopefully) fix the problem with older SATA controlers. cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Linux Kernel 3.9. +++++ 2013-06-14 cha: excludem23-tftpdeb: Now excludes clonezilla images. +++++ 2013-06-11 fix: PKG_addPackageToPackageselection: Now stores all selected special packages to the selection. (THX FW). cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Linux Kernel 3.4. +++++ 2013-06-07 fix: group_details.php: Now titles are links no more. +++++ 2013-06-05 patch 100665: Fix for PXE IP calculation. fix: DHCP_calcPXEIP: Now calculates teh numbers correctly on all IPs. +++++ 2013-05-19 patch 100664: Corrected order of inclusion of Cm23Admin.php. fix: index.php: Corrected order of inclusion of Cm23Admin.php. +++++ 2013-05-14 patch 100663: Translations and server installation CD setup help text enhancements. cha: de / en / fr: Translations updated. cha: Cm23Admin.php: Introduced translated I18N tags. cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds the grdmgpg line in sudoers only if it is missing. cha: showNetworkDialog: Now shows a hint for choosing a valid hostname. cha: configureNetwork: Now filters out all 192.168.1.* IPs from /etc/hosts before adding the IP of the server. cha: m23 / postinst: Fixes /etc/sudoers, if there are more than one entry for grdmgpg. +++++ 2013-05-12 patch 100662: French translation enhancements. cha: French translation enhanced (THX Philippe). patch 100661: Added package sources list for "Linux Mint 13 Maya". cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports "Linux Mint 13 Maya" too. +++++ 2013-05-11 patch 100646: Correct detection of patch number. fix: getNextPatchlevel: Now works with release or development version only present. release 13.1 patch 100645: All things for 13.1 included ;-) cha: New manuals and development guide. cha: Added missing screenshots. fix: HELP_showHelpTex: Now converts _ correctly. cha: Translations completed. cha: changelog merged. new: optimisePNGs: Optimises PNGs for size with the help of pngquant. +++++ 2013-05-05 fix: mkRelease: Now uses the correct user for signing the Release file. +++++ 2013-05-03 new: CPoolFromClientDebsGUI::addm23BuildPoolFromClientDebsJob: Adds a m23BuildPoolFromClientDebs job to the client. +++++ 2013-04-30 fix: MSG_getRSSFeed: Now works with RSS time/dates that contain a timezone. new: PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Server: Starts a server to receive the Debian packages from an m23 client. new: PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Client: Client to send the Debian packages to the m23 client. cha: CPool::downloadDebsFromClient: Now uses PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Server. +++++ 2013-04-29 new: PKG_rsyncDebsFromClientToServer: Copies all the Debian packages from a client to a given directory on the server via rsync. cha: message.php: changed MSG_showWarning to represent new CSS element warningtable cha: index.css / index_fb.css: added element warningtable cha: reworked CSS for warning messages cha: fdisk.php: exchanged several css classes cha: HTML_jQueryMenu: exchanged css class cha: FDISK_listPartTable exchanged subtable for partTables css class cha: changed both css files cha: FDISK_printBars added css id fdiskbar cha: HTML_showTitle deleted two br cha: FDISK_showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog removed background color +++++ 2013-04-28 cha: CPoolLister::getPoolNames: Now returns an array with the all found pool names or empty array. cha: CPool::setPoolType: Now supports CPoolLister::POOL_TYPE_USECLIENTDEBS too. new: m23BuildPoolFromClientDebsInstall.php: Builds a pool from the Debian packages present on the given client. cha: CPoolFromClientGUI::__construct($clientName): Now doesn't call downloadPackagesAndCreatePool. cha: CPool::downloadPackagesAndCreatePool: Now has the clientname as optional parameter (only needed when downloadDebsFromClient is used). new: CPool::downloadDebsFromClient: Checks, if all pre-requirements for downloading packages to the pool are satisfied. Then starts the routine to download the packages directly from the client. new: MSR_buildPoolFromClientDebs: Builds a CPoolFromClientDebsGUI object and starts the download of the packages from the client to the server and the creation of the pool. new: MSR_buildPoolFromClientDebsCMD: Generates the commands to start the process for building a CPoolFromClientDebsGUI object and to start the download of the packages from the client to the server and the creation of the pool. +++++ 2013-04-23 cha: SERVER_runningInScreen: Changing grep's regexp from single [ to double [[. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now reads all lines from ca.hash and creates hash files on the client. cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Add IPv4 mode on Raspberry Pi. cha: mkCert.sh: Now calls the old hash routine (on new openssl) and the normal routine (on old openssl). So one or two hashes are added. cha: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon: Now wraps the title after 30 characters. +++++ 2013-04-22 fix: PKG_convertPackagesToRepository: Now urlencodes '%' characters. new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheFilename: Returns the file name of the debootstrap cache file (without path). new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheSfURL: Returns the URL to the debootstrap cache file on the SourceForge server. new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerURL: Returns the URL to the debootstrap cache file on the m23 server. new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerFile: Returns the full path to the debootstrap cache file on the m23 server. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now uses PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerFile, PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerURL and PKG_getDebootstrapCacheSfURL. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now downloads the debootstrap cache file too. +++++ 2013-04-17 fix: welcome.php: Fixed call time pass by reference. +++++ 2013-04-16 cha: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_convertPackagesToRepositoryStatus: Removed AJAX status. cha: DISTR_listDistributions: Now filters out baseSysFileLists. +++++ 2013-04-14 cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now sets APT::Force-LoopBreak=true and Acquire::Retries=5. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now uses HELPER_xargsRecursive for downloading the packages. cha: CPoolFromClientGUI::__construct: Now doesn't download the base packages. +++++ 2013-04-13 new: HELPER_xargsRecursive: Executes a BASH command with a list of arguments. If the BASH command fails, the argument list is split in two parts and recursively executed again. +++++ 2013-04-07 cha: CPoolFromClientGUI::__construct: Now creates a package selection too. new: CPoolFromClientGUI::saveInObjectStorage: Saves this object in the object storage. new: CPoolFromClientGUI:: showCheckboxForAddingm23BuildPoolFromClientPackage: Shows a checkbox, that adds a m23BuildPoolFromClient job when checked. cha: client_distr.php: Now calls CPoolFromClientGUI:: showCheckboxForAddingm23BuildPoolFromClientPackage. +++++ 2013-04-06 new: poolFromClient.php: Dialog for creating a pool and package selection from a client's installed packages. cha: remodeled CSS to hold absolute font sizes +++++ 2013-04-05 new: CPoolFromClientGUI::getCOSStatusHumanReadable: Translates the status code (COSSTATUS_*) into human readable word(s). new: CPoolFromClientGUI::getCOSStatus: Gets the status code (COSSTATUS_*). new: CPoolFromClientGUI::runCOSLoop: Function that is called on every run of CObjectStorageManager::getAllObjectsByRes. cha: CObjectStorageManager::getAllObjectsByRes: Now saves the (maybe changed object) after calling runCOSLoop. cha: CPool::startDownloadToPool: Now has an extra parameter to set if the commands for downloading the packages will be returned instead of executed. cha: debian / PKG_downloadPool: Now always returns the commands for downloading the packages. new: CPool::isPackageTaskRunning: Checks if a packages task (download to the pool or creating the pool from downloaded files) is running. cha: CPool::isDownloadRunning, CPool::isConvertPackagesToRepositoryRunning: Now are calling CPool::isPackageTaskRunning. new: CPool::downloadPackagesAndCreatePool: Downloads packages and creates a pool from them in one combined screen session. new: CPool::addPoolStatusFileCommand: Generates BASH code that sets a status in the pool status file. new: CPool::getPoolStatusFileContents: Gets the contents of the pool status file. new: m23BuildPoolFromClient.php: Builds a pool (on the m23 server) from the packages installed on the client. new: CPool::getPoolStatusFileName: Returns the name of the pool status file. +++++ 2013-04-04 new: CObjectStorageManager::getCOSI18NVariable: Gets the contents of an I18N variable for the object (if it exists). new: CObjectStorageManager::getCOSDescription: Gets the description for a given object class. new: CObjectStorageManager::getCOSName: Gets the (human readable) name for a given object class. new: CObjectStorage::statusCodeToHumanReadable: Translates a status code (COSSTATUS_*) into human readable word(s). +++++ 2013-04-03 cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now removes the lock file before every call of apt-get. new: CPoolGUI::getHelpPage: Returns the current help page. new: CPoolGUI::getHeading: Returns the current heading. +++++ 2013-04-02 new: PKG_convertPackagesToRepository: Generates commands for creating a package source from packages stored in one directory. cha: CPool::convertPackagesToRepository: Now calls PKG_convertPackagesToRepository. new: debian / PKG_preparePool: Generates the needed configuration file for reprepro. cha: CPool::preparePool(): Now calls PKG_preparePool. +++++ 2013-03-30 cha: DHCP_calcPXEIP: Now uses native PHP functions. +++++ 2013-03-24 patch 100631: Added CObjectStorage and CObjectStorageManager classes. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now has a new parameter that, if set to true, the commands for downloading the packages will be returned instead of executed. new: CObjectStorageManager::showList: Shows a list of existing objects matching criteria set by getBy* functions. new: CPool::checkForDistributionSpecificPackageFunction: Checks for a distribution specific package function in the distribution's packages.php file and generates an error message in case it cannot be found. +++++ 2013-03-23 new: CObjectStorageManager::saveObject: Saves or updates an object in the DB. new: CObjectStorageManager::getAllObjectsByRes: Fetches all objects from the DB that can be read via the given MySQL ressource ID. new: CObjectStorageManager::getByIdent: Fetches all objects from the DB that match an identifier. new: CObjectStorageManager::getByClass: Fetches all objects from the DB that match a class. new: CObjectStorageManager::getByIdentClass: Fetches an object from the DB that match an identifier and a class. new: CObjectStorage::__construct: Constructor for new CObjectStorage objects. The object saves/updates or loads an object. new: CObjectStorage::getObjectMethodReturnValue: Checks, if an objects implements a method, calls it and returns the return value. If the method is unimplemented, an error value will be returned. new: CObjectStorage::getCOSStatus: Gets the status code of the object. new: CObjectStorage::getCOSStatusHumanReadable: Gets the human readable status of the object. new: CObjectStorage::getObject: Gets the object. new: CObjectStorage::__destruct: Destructor for storing changed values of the object back to the DB. new: CObjectStorageManager::deleteObject: Deletes an object from the DB that match an identifier and a class. +++++ 2013-03-19 new: CClient::getRelease: Returns the distribution release of the client. new: CClient::getDistribution: Returns the distribution of the client. new: CClient::getSourcesList: Returns the sources list of the client. new: CPoolFromClientGUI::getImportPoolName: Returns the name of this pool. new: CPoolFromClientGUI::setImportPoolName: Sets the name of this pool by the client name. new: CClient::getArch: Returns the architecture of the client. new: CClient::getClientWorkPHPURL: Returns the URL to the work.php for this client. new: CClient::getClientCurrentWorkPHP: Returns the current contents of the work.php for this client. cha: CClient::__construct: Added optional parameter that sets, if the client with the given name must exist. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Added CLCFG_installFirmware. cha: checkForx86_64Toolchain: Now creates the missing links for the crt* files (THX motey). cha: m23-mdk-client: Added libxml-perl and libxml-writer-perl as dependency. +++++ 2013-03-18 patch 100629: Adjustments for the bootimages and m23 kernels (amd64 and i386). new: hwpartner-tool / waitforhttp: Waits for at least 15 HTTP connections. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Removed lilo from the bootloader list. cha: Kernel configuration: Changed ramdisk size to 81920Kb. +++++ 2013-03-17 cha: debian / clientInstall.php: Added CLCFG_installFirmware. patch 100628: Several changes for the upcoming m23 rock 13.1. new: CLCFG_monoRemove: Removes mono packages and installs gnote when tomboy was installed before. new: CLCFG_installFirmware: Installs available firmware packages. +++++ 2013-03-16 fix: PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages: Now works again and uses pre-cached files generated by mkAllBaseSysFileLists. cha: mkm23Deb: Now calls mkAllBaseSysFileLists. new: mkAllBaseSysFileLists: Generates a list of all base system packages for all (Debian/Ubuntu) releases cha: m23 / control: Added apt-utils to the dependencies. cha: SERVERBACKUP_showConfigurationDialog: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_encryptAndUploadBackup cha: SERVERBACKUP_runBackupNowDialog: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_runServerBackupNow add: HTML_showSmallTitle: function which shows a title of the second tier cha: cron.php: replaced HTML_showTitle by HTML_showSmallTitle for $I18N_cronTimeBase and $I18N_addCronEntry cha: VM_VBOXaddonDownloadDialog: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_downloadableVBoxAddons, $I18N_downloadStatus and $I18N_chooseDefaultVersion cha: CIPManagement::singleSettingsAddDialog: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_singleClientsNetworksettings) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPManagement::showUsedIPsAndMACs: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_usedIPs) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showRangesList: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_lockedIpRanges) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showDynamicRangesList: corrected function description, HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_dynamicIpRanges) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showRangesAddingDialog: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_IPRanges) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showSearchDialog: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_search) instead of HTML_showTitle +++++ 2013-03-15 cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Added #!/bin/sh to indentify the afterChrootInstall.sh script. +++++ 2013-03-12 cha: client / linuxrc: Removed ps' parameter '-A', because it doesn't exist in this BusyBox release cha: PKGBUILDER_showUploadDialog, PKGBUILDER_listFiles: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' cha: SRCLST_showEditor: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' cha: DISTR_getDesktopsCBList: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' cha: install_packages.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for I18N_found_packages and $I18N_preselected_packages cha: makeBootCD.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_used_burner, $I18N_make_bootcd, $I18N_blank_cdrw cha: burn.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_burner_status cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_daemons cha: serverSettings.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_components, $I18N_system, $I18N_serverHacks +++++ 2013-03-11 cha: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: Now uses the mount point as array key. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now uses the package proxy of the m23 server. new: showCurrentWorkPHP.php: Shows the current work.php contents for the client. new: CClient::getBackToDetailsLink: Generates HTML code for returning to the client control center page. new: HTML_sourceViewer: Creates a source viewer area that polls source code from a given URL. +++++ 2013-03-06 cha: createRFSBins: Removed "init" form the list of native tools (now in BusyBox) cha: server / etc / inittab: Changed to match format of BusyBox's init. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now adds firmware-linux-nonfree. +++++ 2013-03-05 cha: PKG_savePackageselection: Now has extra parameter for setting the status of the clientjobs that should be added. cha: PKG_addPackageToPackageselection: Removed $client parameter. cha: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: Now is called PKG_addPackageToPackageselection. new: CClient::getClientPackages: Returns an array or a space separated list of all packages installed on a client +++++ 2013-02-26 cha: index_fb.css: changed button layout cha: PREF_showPreferenceManager(): removed ridges from table in subtable2 which looked bad in both CSS and added padding because first word was cut off +++++ 2013-02-25 m23hwscanner: Now checks for (needed) parted and exits, if it is not found. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / chrootSystem: Added workaround for missing modules.dep to disable the repeated showing of the "FATAL" error. +++++ 2013-02-24 fix: extractFile: Now gets the PID of the 7-Zip process more precisely. cha: m23install.sh: Now should work with all USB keyboards. cha: Cm23Admin.php: added layout for themeChoice in getCSS cha: index.css: added shadow to subhighlight class cha: index_fb.css: added class for framed images cha: index.css: added class for framed images cha: themeChoice.php: changed layout +++++ 2013-02-23 cha: serverSettings.php: added themeChoice cha: index.php: added themeChoice, added showMessages for m23Admin new: /misc/themeChoice.php: introduced theme choice page +++++ 2013-02-22 new: HTML_AJAXAutoSubmit: Defines AJAX code that clicks a submit button when the given URL returns 'submit'. The defined constant should be used as LAST part of the $extra parameter in the HTML_submit function. new: HTML_getOutputBuffer: Gets the complete (previously rendered) HTML output buffer. new: HTML_setOutputBuffer: Sets (replaces) the complete (previously rendered) HTML output buffer, that will be sent to the webbrowser. +++++ 2013-02-19 new: CChecks::checkPoolName: Checks if the pool name is valid. new: CChecks::genericCHECK_FW: Generic checking routine, that checks if an input value matches a rule. cha: CHECK_strAlpha, CHECK_strAlphaNum, CHECK_int, CHECK_float, CHECK_str: Now has an extra parameter that set to true if you want to return (instead of aborting the program) when an error in the input is found. new: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_convertPackagesToRepositoryStatus: Shows information (status of the Packages* generation, sources.list) about the currently generated pool. new: CPoolGUI::DEFINE_convertPackagesToRepositoryStatus: Defines dialog elements for the status of the Packages* and sources.list generation of the currently generated pool. new: CPoolGUI::DEFINE_showDownloadStatus: Defines HTML elements for the package download status of a pool. new: CPool::stopDownloadToPool: Stops the download of packages to the pool. +++++ 2013-02-18 new: poolSizeLog.php: Shows the size of a given pool. new: convertPackagesToRepositoryLog.php: Shows the contents of the convert packages to repository log file. new: HTML_liveSpan: Creates a span that updates itself via AJAX by polling from a given URL. new: CPool::getConvertPackagesToRepositoryLogName: Returns the full file name of the convert packages to repository log file. new: CPool::getConvertPackagesToRepositoryLogNewLines: Gets the last (new) lines of the (growing) convert packages to repository log file. new: CPool::isConvertPackagesToRepositoryRunning: Checks if the conversation of downloaded packages to a repository is running. new: CPool::getDownloadLogNewLines: Gets the last (new) lines of the (growing) download log file. new: HELPER_getNewLogLines: Gets the last (new) lines of a (growing) log file. cha: clientLiveLog.php: Now uses HELPER_getNewLogLines. +++++ 2013-02-17 new: CPool::convertPackagesToRepository: Generates a package source from packages stored in one directory. +++++ 2013-02-13 new: poolDownloadLog.php: Shows the contents of the APT log file (download of packages to a pool) for a given pool. +++++ 2013-02-12 new: CPool::isDownloadRunning: Checks if a download of packages to the pool is running. new: CPool::getDownloadLogContents: Gets the contents of the download log file. +++++ 2013-02-11 new: CMessageManager::deleteAllMessages: Deletes all messages from the message stack. new: disconnectLoop: Disconnect loop devices that match the search string. cha: createRFSFinishInitrd: Now calls disconnectLoop. +++++ 2013-02-10 cha: listBusyBoxVersions: Changed to look for tar.bz2. +++++ 2013-02-09 cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Linux kernel 3.2. cha: listKernelVersions, menuKernelDownload: Now has support for Linux kernels 3.x. +++++ 2013-02-08 new: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_startPackageDownload: Starts the download of packages to the pool and shows a button to go back to the start, if there were errors or a button to go to the download status page, if all is well. new: CPool::startDownloadToPool: Checks, if all pre-requirements for downloading packages to the pool are satisfied. Then starts the distribution specific download routine. new: CPool::getPoolImportedFromSourceslist: Gets the complete sourceslist that was used to download the packages into the pool. new: CPool::setPoolImportedFromSourceslist: Sets the complete sourceslist that was used to download the packages into the pool. new: CPool::getPoolDistribution: Gets the distribution value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolDistribution: Sets the distribution value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolImportedPackageList: Gets the list of packages that were downloaded (or have to be downloaded) into the pool. new: CPool::setPoolImportedPackageList: Sets the list of packages that were downloaded (or have to be downloaded) into the pool. new: CPool::hasPoolDownloadBasePackages: Checks, if base packages should be downloaded. new: CPool::setPoolDownloadBasePackages: Sets, if base packages should be downloaded. new: CPool::preparePool: Generates the needed configuration file for reprepro. +++++ 2013-02-06 new: CPoolGUI::show: Shows the start dialog for creating, adding, deleting and changing pools. cha: CPool::DIALOG_start now is CPoolGUI::DIALOG_start. cha: CPool::DEFINE_nextStepCopyDownloadPackages now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_nextStepCopyDownloadPackages. cha: CPool::DEFINE_changePoolDescription now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_changePoolDescription. cha: CPool::DEFINE_loadDeletePool now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_loadDeletePool. cha: CPool::DEFINE_createBasicPool now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_createBasicPool. +++++ 2013-02-05 new: CPool::DIALOG_start: Shows the start dialog for creating, adding, deleting and changing pools. new: CPool::DEFINE_nextStepCopyDownloadPackages: Defines a button for going to the next step (copy or download of packages). new: CPool::DEFINE_loadDeletePool: Defines dialog elements for loading or deleting a pool. new: CPool::DEFINE_createBasicPool: Defines dialog elements for creating a basic pool. cha: CPool::HTML_createBasicPool: Replaced by CPool::DEFINE_createBasicPool. new: CPool::DEFINE_changePoolDescription: Defines dialog elements for changing the pool description. new: CPool::getPoolDescription: Gets the description value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolDescription: Sets the description value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolDir: Gets the directory of the pool. +++++ 2013-02-04 new: CPool::getPoolName: Gets the name of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolName: Sets the name of the pool and create the pool directory. new: CPool::createBasicPool: Sets the name, type and architecture of the pool and creates the pool directory. new: CPool::HTML_createBasicPool: Generates a dialog for creating a basic pool. +++++ 2013-02-03 new: CPool::getPoolSourceslist: description Gets the sourceslist value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolSourceslist: Sets the sourceslist value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolRelease: Gets the release value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolRelease:Sets the release value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolType: Gets the type value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolArch: Sets the type value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolArch: Gets the architecture value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolArch: Sets the architecture value of the pool. new: CPool::setProperty: Writes the contents of a property file new: CPool::getProperty: Reads the contents of a property file new: CPool::getSize: Calculates the disk usage of a pool. new: CPool::setPoolDir: Sets the name of the pool and makes sure, the pool directory exists. new: CPool::destroyPool: Deletes the pool cha: i18n.php: introduced constant for list of languages and removed that list from function I18N_m23instLanguage($shortLanguage) cha: /m23admin/index.php: included the two new classes +++++ 2013-01-28 cha: m23-xorg-configuratior: Now doesn't exit in Linux Mint 13 (that is based on Ubuntu 12.04) cha: m23-skel / postinst: Now adds dconf settings for Cinnamon when execured on Linux Mint 13. new: sources list precise+Xorg-updates: Normal Ubuntu 12.04 sources list including updates for Xorg (e.g. includes updated Intel drivers). cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports precise+Xorg-updates too. cha: m23-xorg-configurator-wait.conf: Added mdm to the list of display managers. +++++ 2013-01-27 cha: de / redo_client.hlp: Added German translation. cha: CLCFG_installMintDM: Now sets the default display manager in /etc/skel/.dmrc too. cha: forkFunctions.inc / diffExcludeMeld: Now complains, if not executed under an X11 session and without meld installed. +++++ 2013-01-26 cha: m23-skel: Added dconf settings for Cinnamon. +++++ 2013-01-23 cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Now adds the normal user to the root group, so the user can be given root rights by giving him the root password. cha: class Cm23Admin: added functionality to add and delete admins cha: DB table 'clients': extended table by one column +++++ 2013-01-22 new: class Cm23AdminLister new: class Cm23Admin new: DB table 'clients' +++++ 2013-01-20 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now adds debconf settings for samba. +++++ 2013-01-19 new: CLCFG_setDebConfDM: Sets the display manager in debconf. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now uses CLCFG_setDebConfDM. new: CLCFG_installMintDM: Installs the Linux Mint DM display manager. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now can install different display managers. +++++ 2013-01-18 fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now excludes xxx.yyy.zzz.0 IPs. cha: forkFunctions.inc / startDaemons, forkFunctions.inc / stopDaemons: Now starts/stops tftpd-hpa too. cha: ubuntu / info.txt: Now adds Mint13Cinnamon desktop environment. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now contains a list of basic packages for Linux Mint 13. +++++ 2013-01-17 cha menuFork: Now allows all access to the X session of the non root user. cha menuFork: Added new forkFunctions.inc / linkOrTouchINT: Makes a link, if there is an original file, otherwise create an empty file. new forkFunctions.inc / copyNewFilesINT: Copies new files (that didn't exist in the CURRENT fork, but in the OTHER fork) to the CURRENT fork. cha: m23/inc/calculator.php: numbers are now rendered in calculator-typical order cha: 'Fresh Blue' theme: revamped calculator +++++ 2013-01-16 cha: FDISK_findDevNrPosition, CMessageManager::addInfoMessage, CMessageManager::addWarningMessage, CMessageManager::addErrorMessage: Corrected deprecated call-time pass-by-reference. +++++ 2013-01-15 fix: CLCFG_interfaces: Now uses correct path to ethtool (Thx FP). +++++ 2013-01-14 new forkFunctions.inc / diffExcludeMeld: Checks for differences between a development and a release directory and calls meld with the changed files. cha: CSS File for m23 'Fresh Blue' theme added and modified cha: packageBuilder.php, m23base: added $fileSizeByte for file list in package architect fix: .HELP_getHelp: added parameter to remove empty helptable on welcome page fix: welcome.hlp: closed fix: VM_getAllVMHosts: now returns empty array if no vmhosts available +++++ 2013-01-12 cha: incPatchLevelInVersionPhp: Now calls getNextPatchlevel. new: forkFunctions.inc / getNextPatchlevel: Shows the next available patch number. cha: forkFunctions.inc / moveDevel2Release: Now removes the -devel tag from the codename +++++ 2013-01-11 cha: menuDeb / build: Now generates a patch info file only when not in development mode. cha: m23uploadChangelog: Now uploads the changelog from the m23 devel directory and only if in development mode. cha: SF-hg-backup: Now changes the directory, if m23/MDK are in development mode. cha: isDevelExit: Removed. new forkFunctions.inc / getm23ReleaseDir: Shows the full path to the m23 release directory or exits with an error. new forkFunctions.inc / getm23DevelDir: Shows the full path to the m23 development directory or exits with an error. new forkFunctions.inc / getmdkReleaseDir: Shows the full path to the MDK release directory or exits with an error. new forkFunctions.inc / getmdkDevelDir: Shows the full path to the MDK development directory or exits with an error. +++++ 2013-01-09 cha: ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Added "cron" to the base package list. +++++ 2013-01-08 patch 100617: Workaround for Ubuntu kernel question. fix: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Now creates empty /boot/grub/menu.lst for disabling the new non debconf Ubuntu kernel question. cha: index.css: Now aligns contents of subtables on the top of each row. +++++ 2013-01-02 cha: menuBootCD.hlp: Renamed to menuServerISO.hlp. cha: menuServerISO.hlp, menuClientISO.hlp, menuDevguide.hlp, menuManual.hlp: Updated. +++++ 2013-01-01 cha: menuStart: Added "fork". cha: menuStart.hlp: Updated help to the current menu entries. cha: menuDeb: Removed "mkusrm23". cha: menuDoc: Removed "translator". new forkFunctions.inc / forkStatusMessage: Generates a status text with the currently active fork (development or release), the release and development directories of m23/MDK. new forkFunctions.inc / isDevelExit: Checks if /m23 and /mdk are linking to the development version. new forkFunctions.inc / startDaemons: Starts the MySQL and Apache 2 daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / stopDaemons: Stops the MySQL and Apache 2 daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / isDevelReturn: Checks if /m23 and /mdk are linking to the development version. new forkFunctions.inc / showExcludeRule: Shows a file/directory excluding rule in human readable form. new forkFunctions.inc / checkLinksNDirs: Checks, if /m23 and /mdk are symlinks and the development directories are not existing new forkFunctions.inc / infoBeforeStart: Shows an info message about what would be done and asks to continue or not new forkFunctions.inc / copym23: Copies the m23 release version to a new development version directory. new forkFunctions.inc / copymdk: Copies the mdk release version to a new development version directory. new forkFunctions.inc / switchRelease: Switches to the (hopefully existing) release version and restarts the daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / switchDevel: Switches to the (hopefully existing) development version and restarts the daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / makeDevel: Creates a development copy of the release directory. new forkFunctions.inc / makeSymlinkm23mdk: Moves the directories /mdk and /m23 to /mdk-dir and /m23-dir. Then creates symlinks form /m23-dir to /m23 and /mdk-dir to /mdk. new forkFunctions.inc / moveDevel2Release: Makes the development version the current release and moves the (now old) release to outdated. new menuFork: Menu for calling different functions of forkFunctions. +++++ 2012-12-14 cha: debian / clinetInstall.php: Now adds the user to the grous lp and scanner. +++++ 2012-12-11 release 12.4 cha: prepareOSDorCompression: Now makes sure that m23debs is removed from sources.list. +++++ 2012-12-10 patch 100616: French language updated. cha: French manuals updated. fix: HTML_submit: Now works with special characters too (that might exist in French strings). +++++ 2012-12-07 cha: m23-initscripts / postinst: Now doesn't show error messages, if non existing files could not be deleted. (THX AR) patch 100614: Smal fix for CUPS management. fix: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now uses an MD5 hash as password for m23cupsadmin, that contains never "illegal" characters. patch 100613: Smal fix for CUPS management. cha: fr: Documentation and translations finished (THX Maren, Philippe). +++++ 2012-12-06 fix: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Fixed addind the user m23cupsadmin to the group lpadmin. patch 100611: New system user for managing the CUPS server on the m23 clients and additional logging of (de)installation jobs. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now adds a new system user for managing the CUPS server with random password. (Sponsored by AR) cha: client_details.php: Now embeds the m23 CUPS username and password in the URL of the printer icon. (Sponsored by AR) +++++ 2012-12-03 cha: CLCFG_aptGet: Now sends success or fail status to the client's log and in case of an error the apt-get output too. +++++ 2012-11-24 patch 100610: Another fix for EDIT_insertLineNumber. fix: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now removes newlines and other unwanted characters form the line number. patch 100608: Smal and important fix for EDIT_insertLineNumber. cha: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin: Switched back the inserting algorithm. fix: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now doesn't convert the line number to int, because it can be a BASH variable name too. patch Now escapes the search line in EDIT_searchLastLineNumber. fix: EDIT_searchLastLineNumber: Now escapes the search line. patch 100607: New LDAP servers are now inserting before the closing PHP tag. +++++ 2012-11-23 cha: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin: New LDAP servers are now inserting before the closing PHP tag. +++++ 2012-11-22 patch 100606: Documentation for German and English finished and smal fixes for editing a client. cha: version.php: Changed to 12.4. +++++ 2012-11-20 cha: menuDeb: Removed "hwscanner" menu entry, because the hwscanner doesn't need compiling any more. cha: de/en: Documentation and translations finished (THX Maren). +++++ 2012-11-12 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Added images for the modi "Keep or increase system partition" and "Percentage adjustment". +++++ 2012-10-29 fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Now uses the variable firewall correctly on MACs now. fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Now sets proxy setting correctly. +++++ 2012-10-22 patch 100603: Smal fix for IP management and enhancement of XOrg configurator. +++++ 2012-10-20 fix: hwpartner-tool: Corrected requirements for the tests. fix: hwpartner-tool / soundTest: Now runs the correct amount of given output channels. +++++ 2012-10-16 cha: m23-xorg-configurator.conf: checkNoXorgConfNeeded: Checks, if Xorg will run well without an xorg.conf (Xorg version 1.11.3 or higher). +++++ 2012-10-15 cha: hwpartner-tool: Added opticalTest (Thx Maren). +++++ 2012-10-11 fix: m23/postinst: Fixed backup file name for dhcpd.conf cha: m23/postinst: Now removes the possible space before 'host'. patch 100601: Enhances client filtering. cha: CClientLister::getClient: Now uses OR combination to filter the results. patch 100599: Some corrections for the IP management. cha: checkNotInRange: Now checks for dynamic and static ranges. patch 100599: Added IP management. cha: CC_groupname: Now limits the group name to 200 character. +++++ 2012-10-10 cha: DISTR_startInstall: Now installs an extra package that configures upstart for normal running in an installed system. +++++ 2012-10-09 fix: CLCFG_language: Now should create the correct locales on Ubuntu (Thx AR). +++++ 2012-10-08 new: CMessageManager::addMessage: Generic function for adding a message to a message queue. new: CMessageManager::addInfoMessage: Adds an info message to the info message stack and sets the info flag. new: CMessageManager::addWarningMessage: Adds a warning message to the warning message stack and sets the warning flag. new: CMessageManager::popInfoMessagesHTML: Returns all info messages and deletes the info message stack. new: CMessageManager::popWarningMessagesHTML: Returns all warning messages and deletes the warning message stack. new: CMessageManager::hasInfo: Returns if there are infos. new: CMessageManager::hasWarnings: Returns if there are warnings. new: CMessageManager::showInfo: Shows existing info messages in an info box if there are any. new: CMessageManager::showWarning: Shows (hopefully not) existing warning messages in a warning box if there are any. new: CMessageManager::showMessages: Shows all existing messages in the according boxes. cha: m23/postinst: Now converts the old dhcpd.conf format to the new format. new: DHCP_delSubnetDefinition: Removes a subnet definition from the dhcpd.conf. new: DHCP_getNetmaskOfDynamicRanges: Gets the netmask of a dynamic range identified by the first IP of the range. cha: DHCP_addSubnetDefinition: Now adds an empty subnet only when no dynamic range with the same subnet is defined. +++++ 2012-10-05 new: IPRanges::getAllLockedRanges: Gets all locked IP ranges in their otiginal format. cha: IPRanges: Renamed to CIPRanges. new: CIPRanges::getAllLockedIPsInt: Gets all locked IPs as int values. cha: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now adds locked ranges by calling CIPRanges::getAllLockedIPsInt. +++++ 2012-10-04 cha: debian/PKG_searchFor: Now gets all architectures of the sources list via array as parameter and gets package info about all choosen architectures. +++++ 2012-10-03 new: HTML_checkBoxCheckAll: Generates an array with all checked checkboxes. It assumes that the names of the checkboxes begin with 'CB_' and the value of a checked checkbox is 1. new: CClientLister::generateHTMLClientNameIdCheckbox: Generates a checkbox for a client and its ID. new: CClientLister::importCheckedClientNamesIds: Imports the clientnames/IDs of the checked checkboxes. new: CClientLister::getCheckedClientNames: Returns name (as key) and ID (as value) of checked clients as array. new: CClientLister::setClientListExtraLine: Sets the extra line that will be shown at the end of the client list. new: CClientLister::showClientListExtraLine: Shows the extra line at the end of the client list. new: CClient::isNetbootActive: Check, if network booting is active for the client. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now returns true on successfully restarting the DHCP server. new: CClient::deactivateNetboot: Deactivates network booting for the client. new: CClientLister::destroy: Destroys a client finally. +++++ 2012-10-02 new: HTML_submitImg: Defines a graphical submit button. new: CClientLister::getAscDescHeader: Generates a sorting header with column title and ascending/descending button. new: CClientLister::getStatusHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's status. new: CClientLister::getClientNameHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's name. new: CClientLister::getInstallDateHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's installation date. new: CClientLister::getLastModifyHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's last modifikation date. new: CClientLister::sortLines: Does extra line sorting of special fields, that could not be sorted by SQL. new: CClientLister::cmpArrayElements: Builds a sorting function that compares the colums of two arrays. new: CClientLister::getColumnNrWithContinousNumber: Figures to column number which contains the continous numbers. new: CClientLister::getColumnNrToSort: Figures out to column number which contains the values to sort. new: CClientLister::isAscending: Checks if the sorting of the column is ascending. new: CClientLister::getJobsHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's waiting. new: CClientLister::getGroupHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's groups. +++++ 2012-10-01 new: CClientLister::setOutputColumns: Sets the sequence of the columns to show in the output table. new: CClientLister::showClientListHeader: Shows the table header of the client output list. new: CClientLister::showClientTable: Shows the table with matching clients and their given columns. new: CClient::getID: Returns the ID of the client. new: CClient::generateHTMLStatusBar: Generates HTML code containing the status of the client with links to the pages. cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Now sorts the normal packages by name (Thx AR). cha: PKG_listPackages: Now assigns the first architecture of the sources list to PKG_searchFor (Thx AR). new: CClient::getModifyDateHumanReadable: Returns the last modified date in human readable form. new: CClient::getInstallDateHumanReadable: Returns the installation date in human readable form. new: CClient::generateHTMLClientNameBar: Generates an URL with the client name linking to the client details page. new: CClient::generateHTMLPackagesBar: Generates an URL with the amount of the client's packages linking to the client packages page. new: CClient::generateHTMLWaitingAllJobsBar: Generates an URL with the amount of the client's waiting jobs and all jobs linking to the change jobs page. cha: GRP_showClientGroups: Nos has an extra parameter if set to true, the list will be shown, if set to false returned instead. cha: CClientLister::getActionString: Becomes CClient::getActionString. new: CClientLister::getActionString: Gets the action string. +++++ 2012-09-29 new: CClientLister::getActionString: Generates the action string (e.g. an URL for GET) new: CClientLister::setActionString: Sets the action string, where CLIENT_NAME will be replaced by the actual name of the client and CLIENT_ID by its ID. +++++ 2012-09-28 new: CClientLister::resetGetting: Sets back the MySQL connection to initalise a new search and getting of clients from the beginning. +++++ 2012-09-27 new: CClientLister::addStatusFilter: Adds an OR filter to get only clients that gave the given status (stati). new: CClientLister::addGroupFilter: Adds the group filter to get only clients that are into the given group. new: CClientLister::addSearchFilter: Adds a search filter to get only clients that match the search word in at least one table field. new: CClientLister::setAscending: Sets the output ordering ascending (default) or descending. new: CClientLister::vmRunOnHostFilter: Sets a filter to only give out virtual clients that are hosted on a given VM host. new: CClientLister::getClient: Gets a client matching all active filters. This can be called many times. +++++ 2012-09-26 new: HTML_manipulateOutputBuffer: Manipulates the output buffer with already generated HTML code and replaces all occurrences the search term with the replace term. new: MSG_showMessageBoxPlaceholder: Shows a placeholder for message boxes at the position of execution. new: MSG_placeOrReturnMessageBox: Replaces a (maybe) existing message box placeholder with the given text. cha: MSG_showMessageBox: Now uses MSG_placeOrReturnMessageBox. cha: MSG_showMessageBoxPlaceholder: Now calls MSG_showMessageBoxPlaceholder. cha: HTML_showTableRow: Now color marks the row if the first parameter is true. new: CClientLister::setOrderBy: Sets the ordering method for generating the output. +++++ 2012-09-25 new: DHCP_getDynamicRanges: Gets all dynamic IP ranges from the dhcpd.conf. new: DHCP_delDynamicRange: Removes a dynamic IP range from the dhcpd.conf and reboots the DHCP server. new: IPRanges::delDynamicRange: Removes a dynamic IP range from the dhcpd.conf and restarts the DHCP server. new: IPRanges::showRangesAddingDialog: Shows a dialog for adding Ip ranges to lock or to distribute IP settings dynamically via DHCP. new: IPRanges::showSearchDialog: Shows a search dialog. new: IPRanges::getSearchWord: Gets the current unfiltered search word of the search dialog. new: IPRanges::getSearchIP: Gets the current valid IP of the search dialog or false. new: CIPManagement::singleSettingsAddDialog: Shows a dialog for locking client settings (clientname, IP, MAC) or for adding the settings to the DHCP server. new: CIPManagement::showUsedIPsAndMACs: Shows a list of clients/IPs/MACs matching the search term. new: CIPManagement::showDialog: Shows the IP management dialog. +++++ 2012-09-24 cha: ip2longSafe: Now gives back the input, if it is a number. new: IPRanges::findRanges: Finds an IP range that includes a given IP address or all IP ranges. new: IPRanges::getRanges: Finds an IP range that includes a given IP address or all IP ranges. new: IPRanges::checkNotInRange: Checks, if an IP is not part of any IP ranges. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: IPRanges::lockRange: Adds a new IP range to the list of locked IP ranges. new: IPRanges::unlockRange: Deletes an IP range from the list of locked IP ranges. new: IPRanges::showList: Shows a list with locked IP ranges with the possibillity to delete single ranges. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now uses CChecks as far as possible. new: HTML_showTitle: Shows a title. new: DHCP_addDynamicRange: Adds a dynamic IP range to the dhcpd.conf. new: IPRanges::addDynamicRange: Adds a dynamic IP range to the dhcpd.conf and reboots the DHCP server. new: DHCP_addSubnetDefinition: Adds the subnet definition to the dhcpd.conf to let the DHCP server give out network information to clients to other subnets. new: DHCP_lineNumberAffterLastClient: Gets the line number with the last client definition in the dhcpd.conf. +++++ 2012-09-22 cha: DHCP_activateBoot, DHCP_addClient: Now are handling 'none' boot type. new: DHCP_addLineToDHCPDConf: Adds a line to the dhcpd.conf file. new: CClient::activateNetboot: Activates network booting for the client. new: CChecks::checkNonusedClientname: Checks if a client name is valid and if the client doesn't exist and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. cha: checkClientname: Now has extra parameter to check, if the client is nonexisting. new: CClient::getProperty: Gets a client property from $this->clientInfo and dies, if this property is not set. cha: CClient::getBootType, CClient::getStatus, CClient::getGateway, CClient::getMAC, CClient::getNetmask, CClient::getIP, CClient::getClientName: Now are using getProperty. new: CClient::getInstallDate: Returns the installation date. new: CClient::getModifyDate: Returns the last modified date. +++++ 2012-09-20 cha: CLIENT_getStatusimage: Added status blocked. cha: DHCP_addClient: Has a new parameter if set to true, the boot type is set for the client in the DB. new: CClient::setGateway: Sets the client's status. new: CClient::getStatus: Returns the client's status. new: CChecks::checkStatus: Checks if if the client status number is valid. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CClient::setGateway: Sets the gateway address for the client. new: CClient::getGateway: Returns the client's gateway. new: CClient::setMAC: Sets the MAC address of the client. new: CClient::getMAC: Returns the client's MAC. new: CClient::setClientName: Renames a client. new: CClient::getClientName: Returns the name of the client. new: CClient::setIP: Sets the IP of the client to an unsused IP. new: CClient::getIP: Returns the client's IP. new: CClient::setNetmask: Sets the netmask of the client. new: CClient::getNetmask: Returns the client's netmask. new: CMessageManager::addErrorMessage: Adds an error message to the error message stack and sets the error flag. new: CMessageManager::popErrorMessages: Returns all error messages and deletes the error message stack. new: CMessageManager::hasErrors: Returns if there are errors. new: CMessageManager::showError: Shows (hopefully not) existing error messages in an error box if there are any. new: CChecks::checkIPRange: Checks if the input IPs are valid and if the first IP is "smaler" than the second. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. +++++ 2012-09-18 new: CChecks::checkMAC: Checks if a MAC is valid (and optionally if it is not in use) and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkNonusedMAC: Checks if a MAC is valid and if it is not in use. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CClientLister::isMatchingClientPresent: Checks if at least one clients with a given key-value-combination is found. new: CClientLister::IPexists: checks if an IP with the selected IP exists and returns true if yes, otherwise false new: CClientLister::MACexists: checks if a mac with the selected mac exists and returns true if yes, otherwise false new: CClientLister::ClientExists: checks if a client with the selected name exists and returns true if yes, otherwise false new: CChecks::checkNonusedIP: Checks if an IP is not in use and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkIPGeneric: Checks if an IP is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkIP: Checks if an IP is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkDNS1: Checks if the 1st DNS server has an valid IP and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkDNS2: Checks if the 2nd DNS server has an valid IP and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkGateway: Checks if the gateway has an valid IP and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error.new: new: CChecks::checkClientname: Checks if a client name is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkNetmask: Checks if the netmask is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. +++++ 2012-09-17 new: CClient::__construct: Constructor for new CClient objects. The object holds all information about a single client and loads the values from the DB. new: CClient::__destruct: Destructor for a CClient object. Before the object is removed from the RAM, all client settings are written to the DB. new: CClient::save: Saves the client parameters and options to the DB. new: CClient::updateModifyDate: Updates the last modified date. new: CClient::updateInstallDate: Updates the installed date. patch 100598: Corrected deprecated call-time pass-by-reference. +++++ 2012-09-13 new: MSG_show: Shows the message block for the messages. (Thx Maren) cha: MSG_showInfo, MSG_showError, MSG_showWarning: Now uses MSG_show. fix: FDISK_addDrivePartitionToRaid, FDISK_addFstab, FDISK_addPart, FDISK_addRaidBeforeFormat, FDISK_autoPart, FDISK_delFstab, FDISK_delPart, FDISK_dev2LDevLPart, FDISK_formatExisting, FDISK_formatPart, FDISK_fstabAddDialog, HTML_listSelection, HTML_storableCheckBox, HTML_storableInput, HTML_storableSelection, IMG_getFormatCompressionFromFile, MAIL_attach, PKG_listRecommendSubPackages, POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Corrected deprecated call-time pass-by-reference. +++++ 2012-09-12 patch 100597: Fixes testing of amd64 only pools in the sources list editor. new: HTML_multiCheckBox: Defines a list of checkboxes, that represent a value each. The values of checked checkboxes are stored in an array and returned. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now calls SRCLST_checkList with the first choosen architecture. cha: HTML_multiCheckBox: Becomes HTML_multiCheckBoxShow. patch 100596: Added prototype for IP management. new: ipManagement.php: Dialog for managing IP settings for non m23 clients. +++++ 2012-09-10 new: HTML_hiddenVar: Create a hidden HTML variable to store values in an HTML form. patch 100595: Added subnet support to the m23 DHCP server. +++++ 2012-09-07 fix: poolBuilder.php: Now sets preferenceForceHTMLReloadValues on loading an moved call to HTML_showFormHeader on top to set the pool type and the architecture correctly (Thx screen). new: DHCP_addSubnetDefinition: Adds the subnet definition to the dhcpd.conf to let the DHCP server give out network information to clients to other subnets. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now calls DHCP_addSubnetDefinition. cha: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now makes sure, th line number is a valid int. cha: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now adds the text at the end of the file, if the line number is not found in the file. cha: client_partition.php: Moved code to fdisk.php. cha: fdisk.php: Moved unused functions to fdisk-old.php. +++++ 2012-09-06 cha: FDISK_autoPart: Added paramters for minimum and maximum swap partition sizes (Sponsored by AR) cha: FDISK_showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Now has two schemata for automatic partitioning. +++++ 2012-09-05 cha: DHCP_addClient: Now adds "option subnet-mask". +++++ 2012-08-31 patch 100594: Support for subnets, additional usage of jQuery, some smal fixes and improvements. cha: DHCP_addClient: Added gateway to the parameters. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now adds "option broadcast-address" and "option routers" to the dhcpd.conf lines. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Changed call of DHCP_addClient. +++++ 2012-08-30 cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Removed call of DHCP_removePXEcfg in DHCP_activateBoot, because DHCP_rmClient calls DHCP_removePXEcfg. +++++ 2012-08-26 cha: hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Becomes hwpartner-tool. new: hwpartner-loadtest.sh / cardTest: Checks the flash cards (SD, MMC, ...) by mounting, writing and reading a prepared card +++++ 2012-08-25 cha: hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Integrated hwpartner-info, hwpartner-Soundtest. cha hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Added USB port testing. +++++ 2012-08-24 fix: hwpartner-loadtest.sh / LAMPprepare: Now shows the IP of the system. cha: hwpartner-info: Now shows information about all devices of the same kind. +++++ 2012-08-23 fix: POOL_readCD: Now calls POOL_prepare with the choosen architecture. +++++ 2012-08-17 new: CHECK_safeFilename: Make sure, the file/directory name is safe and doesn't contain evil characters. new: HELPER_rmRecursive: Removes a directory with sub-directories and contained files. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient, CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now are calling CLIENT_removeServerCache. cha: CLIENT_removeLiveLogFile: Remplaced by CLIENT_removeServerCache. new: CLIENT_removeServerCache: Removes the client cache on the m23 server. cha: hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Load test script for testing different parts of workstations and servers. +++++ 2012-08-16 cha: LAMPLoadTest.php: Some improvements and creanups. +++++ 2012-08-15 new: LAMPLoadTest.php: Load test script for LAMP systems that tests CPU, memory, MySQL and file system. fix: en / de / fr / client_add.hlp: Corrected syntax for MACs. (Thx Maren) +++++ 2012-08-10 cha: convertTarToDeb: Now uses "z" parameter for extraction of tar files. (Thx FW) cha: m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls "poweroff" as first priority. +++++ 2012-08-09 cha: HTML_jQueryMenuHeader, HTML_jQueryMenuEnd: Now are storing and restoring the Y position of the content in the browser window. +++++ 2012-08-08 new: CLIENT_removeLiveLogFile: Removes the live log file of a given client. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now adds time and date to the log file. +++++ 2012-08-07 new: jQuery.css: New CSS file for the new jQuery menu. +++++ 2012-08-06 cha: client_partition.php: Now uses HTML_jQueryMenu, HTML_jQueryMenuHeader and HTML_jQueryMenuEnd instead of HTML_JSMenuOpener. cha: checkNetmask: Now checks the netmask for correct values (and not only for correct "spelling"). (Thx Maren) new: HTML_jQueryMenu: Creates an entry for the jQuery accordion menu new: HTML_jQueryMenuHeader: Generate code for beginning a the jQuery accordion menu.: new: HTML_jQueryMenuEnd: Generates code for ending a the jQuery accordion menu. new: CLCFG_activateBOOT_DEGRADED: Activates BOOT_DEGRADED on Ubuntu 12.04 to allow booting from degraded RAIDs. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now calls CLCFG_activateBOOT_DEGRADED. new: CLCFG_copyMBRToAllDevices: Copies the MBR code from the boot device to all other devices. +++++ 2012-08-05 cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector, client_distr.php: Now uses FDISK_mdToEndOfArray. new: FDISK_findFstabMountPointByDev: Searches a client's fstab for a device and figures out the according mount point. (Now documented) new: FDISK_getFstabArray: Gets the fstab of a client as array. (Now documented) cha: clientLiveLog.php: Now encodes output into UTF-8. new: FDISK_mdToEndOfArray: Orders all MD devices from the input array to the end of the output array. +++++ 2012-08-04 cha: client_details.php: Now has a link to clientLiveLogComplete.php. new: clientLiveLogComplete.php: Shows the complete live log of a client. new: CLIENT_touchLiveLogFile: Touches the live log file of a given client and returns the full name of the log file (with directory). fix: CLCFG_genFstab: "--force" parameter for grub is not valid any more. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added a fallback grub installation routine. fix: recover_client.php: Now the jobs are re-done instead of (false) setting the client back to "added". +++++ 2012-08-03 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now duplicates the MBR code to all devices. cha: client/linuxrc: Now fetches the public SSH key of the m23 server and start dropbear. cha: CIR_enableDropbear: Now sets the root password even if dropbear is running. cha: CIR_enableDropbear: Now copies (instead of moving) the .ssh directory to /. +++++ 2012-08-02 fix: FDISK_genPartedCommands, FDISK_delPart: Now destroys RAIDs too. +++++ 2012-07-18 menuDep: Now uses bash as interpreter. +++++ 2012-07-13 patch 100593: New variants for setting a client back and reinstalling it again. new: CLIENT_backToRed: Sets a client back to red state, as it was just after adding it. (Sponsored by AR) cha: recover_client.php: Now can be used to run CLIENT_backToRed. (Sponsored by AR) cha: client_details.php: Now has an extra button to call recover_client.php with the CLIENT_backToRed option. (Sponsored by AR) +++++ 2012-07-11 new: dhcpd.conf2dnsmasq.d.sh: Script for converting the dhcpd.conf to the dnsmasq config file. +++++ 2012-07-03 cha: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon, CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon2: Now has an extra parameter for the tooltip text that is shown when the mouse is over the icon. cha: redo_client.hlp: Added help. +++++ 2012-06-27 cha: m23Restore: Now removes old persistent-net.rules. +++++ 2012-06-26 new: bafh_neu.py: Adds new excuses from http://identi.ca/api/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=bastardausrede to bafh_ausreden.php. (Thx Maren) cha: bafh_ausreden.php: Updated. (Thx Maren) +++++ 2012-06-25 cha: MASS_readDBFile: Now returns false if the DB line was empty. (Thx AR) cha: MASS_showOverview: Now adds new lines only if there are input values. (Thx AR) cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now has a new paramter that if set to true, the normal installation and removal jobs are combined to a m23normal and a m23normalRemove job otherwise the jobs are switched back to waiting status. cha: recover_client.php: Rewritten and now can be used to execute the jobs of a client again. cha: client_details.php: Now has an extra button to call recover_client.php with the redo jobs option. +++++ 2012-06-03 release 12.3 patch 100592: Corrected calculation of next free client IP. fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now works on empty servers too. patch 100591: Sources list changes for Ubuntu 12.04. cha: precise: Added option pages. cha: sources list / precise: Deactivated not working desktops. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports precise too. patch 100590: Corrects option page password elements and enables Ubuntu 12.04 textmode installation. fix: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage when Textmode is the desktop. +++++ 2012-06-02 fix: PKG_OptionPageRender2: Now shows password enter options too. cha: CLCFG_interfaces: Now adds a WOL activating line to /etc/network/interfaces. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now installs ethtool tool. cha: client / linuxrc: Now asks for network settings if no settings could be obtained via DHCP. +++++ 2012-06-01 fix: CLIENT_query: If all clients running on a special VM host should be searched, no search string is allowed +++++ 2012-05-21 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: Now converts • to LaTex. cha: de / en / fr / manual.tex: Plugin section removed. cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: Now doesn't stop on errors/warnings. +++++ 2012-05-20 patch 100589: Changed positions to the boot method changing funktions. cha: fr / m23base.php: Exchanged all "'" by "'". cha: m23RebootInstall.php, m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls DHCP_activateBoot. cha: setClientStatus.php: Now doesn't disable network booting any more. +++++ 2012-05-19 patch 100588: Many enhancements for m23's virtualisation. cha: kernel config: Now the Linux kernels are configured to show IDE devices as /dev/sd*. cha: compileKernel: Now uses gcc-4.4 now. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Removed converting /dev/hd* to /dev/sd*. cha: VM_stopVM, VM_pauseVM, VM_resumeVM, VM_createDiskImage, VM_delVMCMD, VM_activateNetbootCMD, VM_createVM, VM_status: Now VM names are safed by quotation marks. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now uses short connection timeouts and attempts. +++++ 2012-05-18 cha: VM_activateNetboot: Now uses VM_rebootAndActivateNetboot and VM_rebootAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall. new: VM_rebootAndActivateNetboot: Reboots an VM and activates network booting. cha: TRINITY_install: Now fetches the GPG key to check the signature of the trinity packages from m23.sf.net. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Added pseudo terminal tty allocation forcing parameter for ssh. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now screen sessions are started via exec. +++++ 2012-05-17 fix: rebootAndDisableNetboot, shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Now really disables network booting. cha: rebootAndDisableNetboot, shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Now are waiting for 10 seconds before stopping the VM. fix: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Fixed execution in screen. +++++ 2012-05-16 patch 100582: Many changes and fixes for the VirtualBox integration. cha: HTML_getElementValue: Now uses special settings for CLIENT_showAddDialog, when used to add an m23 VM to use default values for the check boxes. +++++ 2012-05-15 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now convert /dev/hd* to /dev/sd* in grub's menu.lst/grub.cfg cha: rebootAndDisableNetboot: Now gets/sets the display number before starting the VM again. cha: HTML_checkboxChangerButtons: Added tool tips. +++++ 2012-05-14 cha: MASS_minMaxIP: Replaced by a speed enhanced version (more than 5x times faster). new: ip2longSafe: Special version of ip2long that is safe on 32 bit machines. new: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Get the next free IP address that can be used as m23 client. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses CLIENT_getNextFreeIp to make an IP proposal. +++++ 2012-05-13 new: VM_rebootAndDisableNetboot: Generates a BASH command to reboot an VM and to disable network booting. new: rebootAndDisableNetboot: Reboots an VM and disables network booting. cha: m23RebootInstall.php: Now calls VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall. new: VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall: Reboots an VM and disables network booting. new: VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall: Shuts down an VM and disables network booting. new: VM_shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Generates a BASH command to shut down an VM and to disable network booting. new: shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Stops a VM and disables network booting on it. cha: m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall. cha: m23-skel: Updated KDE 4 settings to give the desktop a brighter appearance. +++++ 2012-05-12 new: VM_shutdownVMAfterInstall: Shuts down an VM and disables network booting. cha: m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls VM_shutdownVMAfterInstall. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now installs the greeter package too. cha: CLCFG_configUpstartForChroot: Now checks if /sbin/initctl is a symlink, so it can be executed more times without leading to faults. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForChroot after base install again. +++++ 2012-05-11 cha: VM_createVM: Now uses hardware virtualsiation if available. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now shows special packages that are symlinks. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now disables MOTD for root and m23-vbox. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now sorts the packages. cha: VM_createDiskImage: Now is compatible to VirtualBox 4.x. +++++ 2012-05-10 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now works under Ubuntu 12.04 too. +++++ 2012-05-08 patch 100578: Added calculator, minor improvements. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Added dynamical deactivation for SSL certification checks on Ubuntu from 11.04 to 10. +++++ 2012-05-07 cha: client_distr.php: Now shows a "back to control center" link after assigning the OS. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now shows heading for dialog and the status bar. new: CALC_add_number: Adds a number to the calculator. (Thx MH) new: CALC_add_sign: Adds a sign to the calculator. (Thx MH) new: CALC_add_equals: Adds an equal sign to the calculator and calculates the result. (Thx MH) new: CALC_add_dec: Adds a decimal point. (Thx MH) new: CALC_showCalculator: Shows a simple calculator. (Thx MH) +++++ 2012-05-06 patch 100566: Improved Ubuntu 12.04 support. cha: m23-xorg-configurator.conf: Now makes sure that it is started before the display manager. cha: configXOrgconfigure: Now makes sure that Xorg is not running. fix: configXOrgconfigure: Now uses dynamic path to xorg.conf.new. cha: xorgThereSoStop: Now adds reboot statement. +++++ 2012-05-05 cha: xorgThereSoStop: Now makes sure that the /etc/sysconfig(2)/vbox files are existing. +++++ 2012-05-04 new: CLCFG_installLightDM: Installs the light DM display manager. new: CLCFG_setDebConf: Sets debconf settings. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Added driver packages for Ubuntu. cha: CLCFG_fixAPTImmediateConfigure: Becomes UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall. new: UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall: Corrects the settings for Ubuntu after the base packages are installed. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall and UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall. cha: configXOrgconfigure: Now figures out the dsiplay manager on systems that have initscripts converted to upstart. +++++ 2012-04-30 patch 100565: Added initial support for Ubuntu 12.04. fix: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Corrected path for wgetrc when not executed in the chroot. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now re-configures the openssh-server. +++++ 2012-04-29 cha: configXOrgVBox: Now checks for vboxvideo_drv.so at another directory too. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_fixAPTImmediateConfigure when executed on Ubuntu 12.04. new: CLCFG_fixAPTImmediateConfigure: Corrects the settings for APT on Ubuntu 12.04. cha: CLCFG_getDebianReleasesGeneric: Now sorts the list of releases. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now streams all output channels to the server, cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now removes network-interface-security.conf to prevent asking for installation of the maintainer script. cha: work.php: Now stops the real-time client logging when the status switches to green. +++++ 2012-04-27 new: CLIENT_liveLogJobName: Generates the job name of the sever's live log job. new: CLIENT_stopLiveScreenRecording: Stops the screen installation session for real-time client logging. cha: liveLogArea: Now has an extra parameter for the maximum amount of lines to show in the log area. +++++ 2012-04-26 cha: serverSettings.php: Now the HTML anchors are closed. cha: UPDATE_running: Now works together with CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording. +++++ 2012-04-25 new: CLIENT_getAllAsRes: Creates and executes an SQL statement for getting all values of all clients. cha: GRP_listClientGroups: Added sorting of the client groups (Thx AR). cha: PKG_listRecommendSubPackages: Added sorting of the normal package names and the package name (Thx AR). +++++ 2012-04-24 new: HELPER_showBAfH: Shows the German BAfH excuse of the day (Thx MH). new: bafh.php: Shows the German BAfH excuse of the day. cha: serverSettings.php: Shows an icon for +++++ 2012-04-21 cha: m23RebootInstall.php, m23ShutdownInstall.php: Changed priority to 100. cha: SRCLST_alternativeFS: Now ext3 is the default FS if none is found in the package sources list. cha: CLIENT_startInstall: Now calls CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording. +++++ 2012-04-20 cha: dbConnect: Changed to mysql_pconnect. new: HTML_liveLogArea: Creates a log area that updates itself via AJAX by polling from a given URL. new: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Saves a screen installation session to a log file on the server in real-time. The server runs a screen for consecutively connecting the client. new: CLIENT_touchLogFile: Touches a log file in the client's directorya and returns the full name of the log file (with directory). +++++ 2012-04-14 cha: m23RescueInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_copySSLCert, CIR_setDateAndTimeTemorarily and CIR_writeClientID. +++++ 2012-04-13 fix: PKG_getClientjobsStatus: Now works for special packages too. cha: install_packages.php: Added an extra checkbox for choosing to search complete package descriptions/sizes on Debian/Ubuntu. cha: debian / PKG_listPackages: Now has an extra parameter, if set to true, the full package description and sizes are fetched (time consuming). cha: downloadExtractRFS, package sources list "lenny": Changed Lenny sources to Debian archive. cha: install_packages.php: Now uses more of m23's HTML functions. +++++ 2012-04-12 patch 100563: Now the user can choose multiple package selections for base installation. cha: PKG_multiPackageSelectionsSelection: Now uses PKG_multiPackageSelectionsSelection to let the user choose multiple package selections. cha: PKG_rmNormalJob, PKG_addNormalJob: Now has an extra parameter for choosing the priority of the job. new: PKG_multiPackageSelectionsSelection: Generates a multi selection with all package selections. cha: mkRelease: Now deletes the Release.gpg file, if it has zero size. cha: SRCLST_showEditor, PKG_OptionPageRender2: Now uses HTML_multiCheckBox. new: HTML_getValidSelected: Checks for a valid selected value from a list of possible values. In case the value could not be found, a default value is taken. cha: HTML_selection: Now has an extra parameter for generating a multi selection , where the user can select multiple entries. cha: HTML_multiSelection: Renamed to HTML_multiCheckBox. +++++ 2012-04-06 cha: clients_overview.php: Now user more functions from the HTML api and CLIENT_getOverviewSearchLine and CLIENT_showOverviewSearchDialog. new: CLIENT_getOverviewSearchLine: Checks all client search dialogs and returns the current search term. new: CLIENT_showOverviewSearchDialog: Shows a client search dialog for the client overview. cha: HTML_submitDefine: Now has an extra parameter for adding options to the HTML tag. +++++ 2012-04-05 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added openssh-client. cha: createRFSBins: Added scp. +++++ 2012-04-03 patch 100562: Now changed priorities can be saved as package selection and packages can be checked, unchecked and the selection inverted. cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Now uses HTML_checkboxChangerButtons and HTML_jsCheckboxChanger. new: HTML_checkboxChangerButtons: Defines buttons for changing all check boxes. new: HTML_jsCheckboxChanger: Generates JavaScript code for changing all check boxes. cha: install_packages.php: Now the action default action for packages in a package selection is "install" (Thx AR). cha: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: Added extra parameter for the priority. cha: PKG_savePackageselection, PKG_addPackageSelection: Now gets the package priority from the wait4acc jobs. +++++ 2012-04-02 patch 100561: Adds changing of the package priority. new: PKG_changePrioritySelectedPackages: Changes the priority of selected wait4acc packages. cha: install_packages.php: Now the priority of packages can be changed. +++++ 2012-03-25 patch 100560: Build and upload improvements. release 12.2 fix: cleanOSForCompressing: Now stops and starts Squid at the correct position in the script. fix: m23instUpload: Now copies Release.gpg and Release too. +++++ 2012-03-24 patch 100559: Some partitioning improvements and fixes. cha: en / de / fr / welcome.hlp: Aligned. +++++ 2012-03-23 fix: COS6.2 / sysHWsetup: Now re-builds the initramfs' with RAID support, when RAID is used. cha: HS / clientInstall.php: $rootDevice* becomes $InstPart*. cha: FDISK_printAllBars, FDISK_printBars, FDISK_getDriveInfoIcon,FDISK_getPartInfoIcon, FDISK_getDriveInfoString, FDISK_getPartInfoString: Now are having an extra parameter for fstab information. cha: FDISK_getDriveInfoIcon,FDISK_getPartInfoIcon: Now are showing the mountpoint as alternative texts. +++++ 2012-03-22 cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Now shuts down or reboots the client after creating the image. cha: HS / clientInstall.php: Now creates the fstab entries earlier after chroot and mounts them. +++++ 2012-03-19 cha: m23createImageInstall.php: Now starts dropbear and copies the SSL certificates. +++++ 2012-03-18 cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now calls partprobe, blockdev and "hdparm -z" after partition adding or deletion. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes partprobe. fix: FDISK_printBars: Now the indicator in the partition table jumps to the correct logical partition. fix: m23hwscanner / getPartFS: Now detects the file system of a RAID partition too. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added Squeeze security/update sources and adjusted Etch source. +++++ 2012-03-17 cha: COS6.2, F14, OS11.4 / sysHWsetup: Now activates the software raid. patch 100558: Corrects the update page. cha: menuDeb / uploadtesting: Now duplicates the testing repository to FRS. +++++ 2012-03-14 fix: update.php: Fixed syntax error (Thx AR). patch 100555: Fixes unsigned package source error on openSUSE's update repository. cha: OS11.4 / m23HSAdmin: Now calls zypper with --no-gpgp-checks. +++++ 2012-03-13 patch 100554: Now includes CentOS 6.2 too. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports HS-centos62 too. +++++ 2012-03-12 patch 100553: Many updates and changes for supporting CentOS 6.2. cha: version.php: Changed version to 12.2. fix: debian / m23changeClientInstall.php: Corrected parameters for CLCFG_changeUser. +++++ 2012-03-11 new: checkForMissingHSFunctions.sh: Script for checking the different implementations of m23HSAdmin, if all functions are included in all implementations new: OS11.4, F14: sysChangeUserPass: Changes the password of a user. new: OS11.4, F14: sysChangeUserName: Changes an username. +++++ 2012-03-07 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now changing of the login name is supported too. +++++ 2012-03-06 new: HS_sysChangeUser: changes the settings of an useraccount on a client new: COS6.2: sysChangeUserPass: Changes the password of a user. new: COS6.2: sysChangeUserName: Changes an username. +++++ 2012-03-05 cha: COS6.2: netEnableLDAP: Now works. new: HS / m23changeClientInstall.php: Now has a halfSister version. new: COS6.2: netEnableNFSHome: Now works. +++++ 2012-03-04 new: m23HSAdmin-tester: Script with some testing routines for m23HSAdmin. cha: KDE_install: Added check for kde-plasma-desktop package (used by Ubuntu 12.04). +++++ 2012-03-01 cha: HS-CentOS6.2-i386.tar.7z: Made smaler archive with all packages reinstalled. new: HS-CentOS6.2-amd64.tar.7z: Created a working 64 bit version. +++++ 2012-02-25 cha: COS6.2: sysMakeBootable: Now generates modules.dep. +++++ 2012-02-22 cha: packages_install.php: Now shows a waiting animation while the package search is running. +++++ 2012-02-20 cha: PKG_getPackageSize: Becomes PKG_getPackageDescriptionSize and shows the long desfription of each package. cha: PKG_addStatusJob: Now adds the installation size of the package. cha: HS / debian / PKG_listPackages: Now adds the installed size of the package to the package name in the checkbox. cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages, PKG_listRecommendPackages, HS / debian / PKG_listPackages: Now shows sizes in MB. cha: HS / debian / PKG_listPackages: Now converts special characters in the descriptions to HTML codes. +++++ 2012-02-19 cha: COS6.2: pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now gets the package description and the installed size of the packages too. cha: HS/PKG_listPackages: Now makes found packages unique and shows the complete description. +++++ 2012-02-18 cha: COS6.2: pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now works. +++++ 2012-02-14 cha: menu.php: Commented out all plugin parts. +++++ 2012-02-12 cha: COS6.2: sysMakeBootable: Now works and sorts the newest kernel on top of the grub list. +++++ 2012-02-04 new: HS_pkgUpdateCache: Updates the list of available packages. cha: CLCFG_hwdetect: Now makes sure that usleep exists. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now disables SSL certificate verification for Ubuntu precise. cha: m23fdiskFormatInstall.php: Now makes sure that m23raid.log exists. +++++ 2012-02-03 patch 100552: Password and logout improvements. cha: SERVER_addToHtpasswd: Now allowes arbitrary passwords. cha: index.php: Now redirects to the admin page after logging out. +++++ 2012-01-31 cha: menuDevguide, menuManualStart.sh: Now creates and uploads a CMS download link page for the manuals. +++++ 2012-01-17 patch 100551: Manual fstab entries are now added and mounted. fix: debian / ubuntu / halfSister: Added FDISK_genManualFstab after CLCFG_genFstab to create extra fstab entries. +++++ 2012-01-12 patch 100550: Manual updates. cha: Developer manual updated. cha: User manual updated. patch 100549: Automatic partition and format now uses ext4. cha: FDISK_autoPart: Now uses ext4. patch 100548: Fixes Linux Mint 9 mirror and RAS. new: HELPER_ucrc32: Returns the unsigned crc32 sum of an input value. cha: RAS_showRegistration: Now uses HELPER_ucrc32. +++++ 2012-01-10 fix: Linux Mint 9: Corrected down mirror in package sources list. +++++ 2012-01-08 patch 100547: DHCP and VirtualBox additions installation enhancements. new: DHCP_bootTypeToNewFormat: Converts a boolean boot type to the new string format. +++++ 2012-01-07 cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now uploads the files to webspace and FRS. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now has a special diff and non existing file check routine. new: CIR_setDateAndTimeTemorarily: Sets the date and time by calling 'date' temporarily. cha: m23PresetupInstall: Now calls CIR_setDateAndTimeTemorarily. +++++ 2012-01-05 cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now checks if the vbox file under sysconfig and sysconfig2 exists and adds the error codes to the result of vdiff. fix: DHCP_activateBoot: Now activates network booting only if it was not activated before and vice versa. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now has an extra parameter to specify the boot type. cha: CLIENT_addClient, CLIENT_deleteClient, CLIENT_changeClient: Now are using DHCP_activateBoot only. +++++ 2012-01-02 patch 100545: Installation fixes for openSUSE. fix: OS11.4 / pkgInstallXFce: Now chooses xfce as default WM. +++++ 2012-01-01 fix: OS11.4 / sysWriteCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Now stops cron to make sure that it will not influence the installation procedure new: check_baseSysAvailability: Nagios script that checks an URL on SourceForge for a file that should be available or not. cha: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCache, pkgInstall, pkgInstallPreview, pkgDeinstall, pkgDeinstallPreview, pkgNormalUpdate, pkgNormalUpdatePreview, pkgFullUpdate, pkgFullUpdatePreview, pkgListContents, sysSetLanguage, sysCleanSystem: Now are calling the proxy deactivation script. cha: OS11.4 / pkgSetPackageProxy: Now creates a script for deactivating the proxy. cha: Package sources unstable, sid, testing, lucid, lenny, Linux Mint 9 KDE, squeeze, squeeze+libreoffice: Now are using switch.dl.sourceforge.net for the m23 client packages. +++++ 2011-12-31 new: check_debSourceChecker: Nagios script for testing Debian repositories. cha: OS11.4 / pkgInstallGnome: Added sleeps after every command (maybe this fixes breaking the installation ;-)). cha: OS11.4 / pkgInstallGnome: Now installs teh apckage MozillaFirefox instead of firefox, because firefox was removed. cha: Package sources squeeze+libreoffice, squeeze: Now are using switch.dl.sourceforge.net as Trinity mirror. +++++ 2011-12-30 release 12.1 +++++ 2011-12-28 patch 100544: Fixes and improvements. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now adds and removes the entries in the dhcpd.conf. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now uses DHCP_rmClient. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now marks the entries by alternating colors. +++++ 2011-12-25 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Changed the code that detects if a caching file is available on SF. +++++ 2011-12-23 patch 100543: openSUSE fixes. cha: OS11.4: pkgUpdateCache: Another try to get the caching of packages working again. +++++ 2011-12-22 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Renamed squeeze+backports to squeeze+libreoffice. new: Package sources list squeeze+libreoffice, that includes the backports and enables the libreoffice packages. +++++ 2011-12-20 cha: PKG_downloadPool, PKG_searchFor, PKG_getPackageSize, PKG_printStatus, PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now are configuring APT to not use local sourceslist.d files. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses a loop to create needed directories. cha: PKG_addAPTConfigFiles: Now handles preferences.d too. +++++ 2011-12-19 cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now checks if xorg.conf has at least one line. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now the check for the Virtualbox guest source package is not included anymore. +++++ 2011-12-18 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now is more generic and has new checking routines for package availability. patch 100539: openSUSE changes. cha: OS11.4: sysImportConfDB: Now returns always 0. +++++ 2011-12-16 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now works with new VirtualBox addition ISOs. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now works usernames and passwords with one character. patch 100537: openSUSE changes. cha: OS11.4: pkgInstallX: Now returns always 0. +++++ 2011-12-14 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Made "client can now be started" message more visible. cha: Changed mirror in OpenSUSE 11.4 package sources list. cha: update.php: Added a refresh button to see if the update is still running. +++++ 2011-12-12 patch 100536: Now the package search functions on the m23 server are using configuration files too. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses the name of the package sources list as parameter. cha: SRCLST_getValue: Now converts the list from DB format to normal format. cha: PKG_addAPTConfigFiles: Creates the config files for the package manager on the m23 server. fix: SRCLST_showEditor: Now can handle sources lists that are containing '"'. cha: PKG_searchFor, PKG_getPackageSize, PKG_printStatus, PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_previewInstallDeinstall, PKG_downloadPool: Now are including apt.conf.d with config files. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now creates apt.conf.d too. patch 100535: Package sources lists may now configure the package manager and are including supported file systems and a fallback file system. new: CLCFG_sourceslistCreateConfigFiles: Creates config files for the package manager. cha: CLCFG_sourceslist: Now calls CLCFG_sourceslistCreateConfigFiles. +++++ 2011-12-11 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed etch from the list and added squeeze+backports. new: SRCLST_getAddToFile: Returns addToFile paremters from the given sources list as an associative array, where file name and file contents are seperated. cha: SRCLST_getParameter: Now returns all found lines in an array. cha: SRCLST_supportedFS, SRCLST_alternativeFS, SRCLST_getMirror: Adjusted to the new output format of SRCLST_getParameter. +++++ 2011-12-10 new: SRCLST_getParameter: Returns a special parameter from the given sources list. cha: SRCLST_getMirror: Now uses SRCLST_getParameter. new: SRCLST_alternativeFS: Returns the alternative file system that is supported by the OS. new: SRCLST_supportedFS: Returns an array with file systems that supported by the OS. new: SRCLST_getStorageFS: Returns a file systems that can be used to install the OS and to store data. A wished file system is given and an alternative FS is returned, if this FS is not supported. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now uses SRCLST_getStorageFS. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now has an extra parameter for the sources list. cha: m23fdiskFormatInstall.php: Now calls FDISK_genPartedCommands with the sources list parameter. new: FDISK_adjustFstabParam: Adjust the parameter block of a fstab line to make it use an supported FS. cha: FDISK_genManualFstab, HS_sysAddFstabEntries: Now are calling FDISK_adjustFstabParam to adjust the FS of the fstab line and are having an extra parameter for choosing the name of the sources list. cha: debian / halfSister / clientInstall.php: Adjusted parameters for FDISK_genManualFstab and HS_sysAddFstabEntries. +++++ 2011-12-05 patch 100534: New client added dialog. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now shows a message for starting the client after adding. +++++ 2011-12-04 cha: m23 / postinst: Now creates /m23/log patch 100533: Now removes m23RemoteAdministrationServiceOpenTunnel* from the m23 package. patch 100532: Many changes as preparation for the next m23 version. +++++ 2011-12-03 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / installDebs: Now uses switch.dl.sourceforge.net as package source for the m23 server installation. new: SERVER_killPID: Kills a process running under a given PID or sends a signal. new: RAS_getTunnelPid: Returns the PID of the tunnel that is opened on a given local port. cha: RAS_showStartStopRemove: Now shows two seperate status leds for the www and ssh tunnel. cha: RAS_isRunning: Now has an extra parameter to choose if all services should be checked, or a specific service name. new: RAS_tunnelOpenHTMLStatus: Generates a HTML status line for a tunnel. +++++ 2011-12-02 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now reads the baseSys files from the FRS again. cha: SERVER_getFileContents: Now has no length limit of the output. +++++ 2011-11-27 cha: mkCert.sh: Now generates SSL certificates expiring after 10 years. +++++ 2011-11-26 cha: CLIENT_DETAILS_beginCategory: Now closed the tag. +++++ 2011-11-24 cha: m23Search: Now filters out OptionPage.php and is caseinsensitive. new: RAS_getChatPassword: Returns and stored the chat password to the m23 server. new: RAS_getChatUser: Returns chat user to the m23 server. new: RAS_chatWindow: Shows the chat window for RAS. +++++ 2011-11-23 cha: m23Backup / createBackupList: Added RAS tunnel scripts. new: RAS_getChatPassword: Returns and stored the chat password to the m23 server. +++++ 2011-11-22 cha: RASClient / clientCommands: Date format for start and stop time is now identically to the afclient format. cha: MENU_showEntry: Now shows the menu entry highlighted even when the current page is stored in POST. cha: client_changejobs.php: Now shows the client name in the title. +++++ 2011-11-21 new: RASServer: The RASServer for managing apf connections. new: RASClient: Script for managing the RASServer. cha: HTML_logArea: Now automatically jumps to the end of the log with JavaScript. +++++ 2011-11-20 new: java-jar-signer.sh: New script for signing jar applets to allow them access to any host. new: tightvnc-jviewer.jar: Is signed now and may access any VNC server in applet mode. cha: RAS_showAccountDataImport: Now has a back button, if there were errors. cha: RAS_importMsg: Now shows better error message, if no message block was given. cha: RAS_showStartStopRemove: Now has a security button for deleting RAS. +++++ 2011-11-15 new: SERVER_killBackgroundJob: Kills a job (that runs in screen) with a given name. new: HTML_logArea: Shows a text area for log information (readonly). +++++ 2011-11-14 new: RAS_showAccountDataImport: Shows a dialog for importing the RAS account data. new: RAS_showRegistration: Shows the registration dialog for a new RAS account. new: RAS_start: Starts the RAS tunnels. new: RAS_isRunning: Checks if the RAS tunnels are open. new: RAS_showStartStopRemove: Shows a dialog for starting, stopping and removing of RAS and status information. new: RAS_writeTunnelScripts: Writes the RAS tunnel scripts. cha: SERVER_daemonStartStop, SERVER_installTool, SERVER_addLineToFile, SERVER_deleteFile, SERVER_delLineFromFile: Now Returns true on successfully execution otherwise false. new: RAS_isInstalled: Checks if RAS is installed. new: RAS_remove: Removes all RAS settings. +++++ 2011-11-13 new: SERVER_insertLineNumber: Inserts a text AT or AFTER a line number or creates a new file with the given name, if it doesn't exists. cha: SERVER_putFileContents: Now returns true on success and false otherwise. cha: VM_getHTMLStatusBlock: Now shows a link (with access data) to vnc-viewer.php. new: vnc-viewer.php: Script for starting TightVNC Java applet. new: SERVER_addAdmin: Adds an administrator with all access rights. new: SERVER_delAdmin: Deletes an administrator with all access rights. new: SERVER_getM23RemoteAdministrationServiceMsg: Gets the account data block from pasted message. new: SERVER_getM23RemoteAdministrationServiceRandomKey: Generates a random key (once) for the m23 remote administration service and returns it on every call. new: HELPER_generateSalt: Generates a random salt string. +++++ 2011-10-23 release 11.4 patch 100529: Squid patch and translations. cha: german / english / french: Texts and translations done. fix: m23 / postinst: Now adds some needed ACLs to squid.conf. +++++ 2011-10-22 patch 100528: Squid patches and enhancements. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now stores the base systems in the web storage of SF to make it cacheble by Squid. cha: m23 / postinst / m23/configureSquid: Now writes a static squid.conf and configures it afterwards. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now re-configures sudo to ensure that /etc/sudoers exists. cha: m23 / postinst: Now removes and adds the patterns in squid.conf when reconfigured or the port is missing. fix: m23-vbox / postinst: Now sets a random password for the user m23-vbox. patch 100525: Smal enhancements for virtualisation. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now removes virtualbox-ose-guest-utils (if present), because the guest utils avoid the execution of the VirtualBox server. cha: CLCFG_setRootPassword: Now adds root to the sudoers file (if missing). cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now filters out the "stdin is not a terminal" error message. +++++ 2011-10-21 patch 100523: Backup signing enhancements and assimisation fixes. cha: m23 / postinst: GPG is named as backupsignkey to show its purpose. +++++ 2011-10-20 fix: MSR_clientSettings: Now removes whitespaces from the variables language, gid and uid. cha: mkm23extradeb: Now builds m23-vbox too. cha: m23 / postinst: Enabled creation of GPG key (needed for backup signing). cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / installDebs: Now removes pubring.gpg too. patch 100519: More imaging fixes and enhancements. cha: debian / ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now doesn't write the sources.list, if PKG_isReconfiguredWithExtraDistr is true. +++++ 2011-10-19 cha: debian / halfSister / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now doesn't run the base system installtion routines, if PKG_isReconfiguredWithExtraDistr is true. new: PKG_isReconfiguredWithExtraDistr: Checks, if the distribution is used for configuring a system that was installed via image. fix: CIR_WorkaroundForMissingModulesDep: Now creates modules.dep only if it doesn't exist. patch 100518: Imaging enhancements and modules.dep added to bootimages. cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now calls depmod to create modules.dep. cha: SRCLST_getValue: Now returns "imaging" in case that the sources list is "imaging" and "release" is asked. fix: imaging / CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now gets the partition information via FDISK_fdiskSessionParam. cha: PKG_translateClientjobsStatus: Now supports status "wait4acc". +++++ 2011-10-18 cha: m23createImageInstall.php: Now install "dialog". cha: m23 / postinst: Disabled creation of GPG key. patch 100517: Imaging enhancements and templates for Debian Squeeze and Ubuntu Lucid added. cha: m23createImageInstall.php: Changed array keys to constant strings. cha: MSR_clientSettings: A valid family name is generated, even if the name has only one word. new: Added templates for Debian Squeeze and Ubuntu Lucid. cha: template2confpage.sh: Now uses bash as interpreter. fix: template2confpage.sh: Since "default" seems to be a keyword in awk now, the variable is called "default2" now. +++++ 2011-10-17 cha: MSR_genericSendCommand: Now has optional parameter to pass extra parameters to wget. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes sure that there is no user test. patch 100516: Language enhancements. new: I18N_convertToHumanReadableName: Converts a short language into a human readable name. cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now shows the client language too. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now loads /etc/default/locale, if present. cha: version.php: Switched to 11.4. patch 100515: Fixes for imaging, GPG and VirtualBox. fix: work.php: Now includes vm.php to re-enable imaging. cha: client_status.hlp: Now includes statusColors.inc. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now has another method to compile the kernel module on newer VirtualBox OSE versions. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes old GPG line and localhost alias from sudoers. +++++ 2011-10-16 patch 100531: Enabling assimilisation for Ubuntu 11.10. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now deactivates the checking of SSL certificates by wget, when Ubuntu 11.10 is found. +++++ 2011-10-15 patch 100514: Client assimilation enhancement. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now handles the language too. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now gets the client language. +++++ 2011-10-14 cha: SERVERBACKUP_showConfigurationDialog: Added checking for selected GPG key. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / startBaseInstallation: More keyboard configuration. +++++ 2011-10-13 cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now sends user and group ID as seperate values. cha: MSR_clientSettings: New code for setting user and group ID. patch 100513: DMI enhancements. cha: CLIENT_showHardwareInfo: Now uses DMI_getAllTextBox. new: DMI_getAllTextBox: Get all DMI info in a text box. cha: DMI_getBios: Now decodes the features block. cha: DMI_getSlot: Now shows features. cha: DMI_getCache: Changed, to get the cache level. cha: DMI_getBios: Changed, to get the BIOS rom size. cha: HWINFO_getCPU: Now shows the correct amount of CPUs, even if the system was booted from a non-SMP kernel. cha: DMI_getBios: Changed, so dmi information can be read on dmi 2.9. cha: DMI_getBoard: Now gets the manufacturer on dmi 2.9. cha: DMI_getParam: Now works with dmi 2.9 too. cha: createRFSBins: Removed explicitly adding of ld-2.3.6.so. cha: createRFScopyLib: Now prints extra error information in case of errors. +++++ 2011-10-11 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now uses bash as shell. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh / waitForFreeLock: Now waits 10 seconds, if lsof cannot be found. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now installs "lsof". fix: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Corrected entry for French. +++++ 2011-10-09 patch 100512: Client bootimage (amd64) now includes libresolv.so.2. cha: client bootimage (amd64): Re-build with libresolv.so.2 included. patch 100511: Added Trinity Desktop Environment support. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now deletes /var/log/exim4/paniclog. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes libresolv.so.2 explicitly on amd64. cha: CLIENT_showJobs, CLIENT_listPackages, PKG_listSelectedpackages, PKG_listPackages: Now colors the lines in blue and gray alternating to improve readability. cha: m23-ksplash / control /postinst: Now works with Trinity too. new: TRINITY_installLoginManager: Installs the Trinity login manager KDM. cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now has an extra patameter for Trinity. cha: sourceslist / squeeze: Added sources for Trinity and added the Trinity desktop. +++++ 2011-10-08 cha: client_partition.php: Now resets the client name too, if clearSession is set. cha: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Now has extra parameter to delete the name of the client too. cha: m23 / postinst: Now copies (and maybe creates) the SSH key to /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys/authorized_keys, if it does not exist before. cha: m23: Now excludes authorized_keys. cha: updateDB: Now includes the emptying routines for the i18n tables. cha: m23 / postinst: Now calls updateDB on every run. new: m23 / postinst / updateDB: Updates the MySQL DB from m23.sql.bz2. patch 100508: Many improvements for Debian Squeeze. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports squeeze too. cha: m23XFceInstall.php: Debian and Ubuntu are using the same file now. cha: menuDeb: Entries are labeled more precisely. cha: m23-skel: Now gstreamer is the default phonon backend. cha: KDE_install: Now tries to install phonon-backend-gstreamer on KDE 4. +++++ 2011-10-07 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now tries to install virtualbox-ose-guest-dkms too. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now gets the timezone too. fix: m23 / postinst: Now gpg execution via sudo as grdmgpg should work now. fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / mountInstMedium: Now uses a fixed (and hopefully complete) list of possible devices to find the drive containing the m23 server installation CD (Thx Stephan, Bernd). +++++ 2011-10-06 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / startBaseInstallation: Now sets the language via keyboard-configuration too. cha: CLCFG_language: Now sets language via keyboard-configuration too. cha: CLCFG_interfaces: Now deletes the "/etc/udev/rules.d/*persistent-net.rules". cha: m23hwdetect/loadFoundModules: Now doesn't show newlines after the found modules. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Fixed escaping. cha: MSR_importPackageStatus: Now urldecodes package version texts too. +++++ 2011-10-04 cha: configXOrgBasicConfig: Now stores mouse and video driver in the config files. cha: printconf: Now checks if the tool printconf is present and exists if not. fix: m23-xorg-configurator: Now works, if hardware info files are missing. fix: activateNet: Now activates network cards only, if not they were not active before. +++++ 2011-10-03 cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now sets fore and family name in all cases. patch 100507: Fixes for assimilation. fix: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Correcting username detection and IP given by network-manager. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now installs finger and debconf-utils too. +++++ 2011-10-01 cha: m23-initscripts: Added symlink to m23hwdetect. cha: CLCFG_writeCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Now uses a short version for the "every 5 minutes" setting in crontab. cha: m23hwdetect, hwcheck: Added dependency information in the LSB header. cha: m23hwdetect: Added LSB header. cha: m23hwdetect: Now uses /bin/bash. +++++ 2011-09-30 patch 100506: Improvements for client assimilsation. Some changes for Debian Squeeze. cha: m23AssimilateInstall.php: Now calls MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand and MSR_statusFileCommand to get a proper package installtion status. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now uses HELPER_netmaskCalculator. new: HELPER_netmaskCalculator: Converts a short netmask (e.g. 24 for into the decimal notation. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now gets network settings form Network Manager too. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now detects LinuxMint as Ubuntu. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now splits the combined name of the main user into fore and family name. cha: m23/postinst: Now configures Squid that it caches *.tar.7z too. +++++ 2011-09-29 cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now tries to get fore and family name of the main user. +++++ 2011-09-27 cha: CLCFG_language: Now converts the entries of the m23 generated locale.gen to the new format on Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-09-26 fix: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Corrected missing newlines in locale settings. +++++ 2011-09-21 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now has a BASH function that calculates the amount of OS entries in the different grub configuration files. +++++ 2011-09-20 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now uses --force on grub installation. cha: PKG_getKernels: Now uses the search terms "linux image" and "kernel image" to find the Linux kernels. new: CIR_WorkaroundForMissingModulesDep: Workaround for missing modules.dep to disable the repeated showing of the "FATAL" error. cha: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CIR_WorkaroundForMissingModulesDep. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now should be working with the grub of Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-09-12 patch 100505: m23 user manual updated. cha: de / en / fr: User manual updated. fix: makePDF-HTML.sh: Fixed access rights of /m23/doc/manual/. cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Now uses PKG_translateClientjobsStatus. +++++ 2011-09-11 patch 100504: Debootstrap cache enhancement. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now checks if a local cache file is present in /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys/. patch 100503: Patches for OpenSuse 11.4. cha: HS-opensuse11.4: Disabled LXDE in the sources list. fix: OS11.4: netSetIPNetmask: Now sets the IP and netmask statically. cha: HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus: Now doesn't complain if HSCommandExecutionStatus.code doen't exist. cha: F14 / OS11.4: startLog: Now removes the pipe before creating. +++++ 2011-09-08 patch 100502: Fix for BackupPC. fix: m23 / postinst: Another change of access rights for index.cgi. cha: update.php: Now uses MSG_showInfo when an update is running (in the other case). patch 100501: Fixes for BackupPC and improved server restore. cha: m23Restore: Now checks for the backup archives before starting the restore. fix: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Fixed command for filtering out dot directories. patch 100500: Fixes for BackupPC. cha: packageBuilder.hlp, client_backup.hlp: Adjusted improved help texts. fix: m23 / postinst: Changes access rights for index.cgi. cha: m23 / postinst: Shortening of the sed commands. +++++ 2011-09-07 patch 100499: Fixes for package selections and package search. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses SERVER_runInBackground instead of exec. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now removed lock and script file after execution. fix: UPDATE_getInfo: Now shows every entry only once. cha: update.php: Now uses MSG_showInfo when an update is running. patch 100498: Fixes for BackupPC. fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Now the transfer method is not added on every update of the backup config file. fix: BACKUP_showClientSettings, BACKUP_getBackupDirs, BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Now converts the client name to lower, because BackupPC needs lower case client names for the backup config files. +++++ 2011-09-06 patch 100497: Fixes for package selections. cha: PKG_getClientjobsStatus: Now uses PKG_translateClientjobsStatus. new: PKG_translateClientjobsStatus: Translates the clientjobs status from the DB into a human readable form. cha: PKG_addNormalJob: Now has priority for normal installation jobs hardcoded. cha: PKG_getPackageStatus: Is now PKG_getClientjobsStatus. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupConfiguration: Now uses SERVER_fileExists. fix: BACKUP_getBackupDirs: Now doesn't convert the client name to lower case (faulty). new: SERVER_fileExists: Checks if a file exits, that the Apache user has never access to. fix: m23 / postinst: Fixed access rights to make BackupPC usable by the apache user (and not only by user backuppc). +++++ 2011-09-05 patch 100496: French translation finished. cha: fr/ m23base.php, capture.hlp: French translation finished. patch 100495: Enhancements for the server backup, improved integration of Ubuntu clients and VirtualBox addon downloads. cha: capture.php: Added warning to not click the icons. fix: VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Now lists VirtualBox addons with two or more digits in the last part of the version number. cha: excludem23deb: Now excludes /m23/log/ too. cha: UPDATE_getInfo: Now shows a message if no updates are available. cha: installI18N.en/de: Texts updated. fix: postMessage.php: Now includes edit.php (needed for assimilating some Ubuntu clients). cha: messageReceive.php: Now all array constants are excaped. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Now the list is completely empty if no backups are existing. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Now creates the backup directory if it does not exist. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupConfiguration: Now creates serverBackup.conf if it doesn not exist. patch 100494: Enhancements and fixes for "Daemons and Programs". cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: Now uses SERVER_LDAPInfo too. new: SERVER_LDAPInfo: Returnes an information string for the LDAP server. cha: * / daemonsAndPrograms.hlp: Commented out the part about helper tools. fix: SERVER_apacheInfo: Now reports the Apache version. cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: Now works with the new daemons. cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: Disabled installation of addons because they are dependencies of the package m23. cha: m23/postinst: Now clears all values from table i18n in the DB m23captured too. patch 100493: Smal fixes for the server status page and m23captured. cha: head.php: The menu in the header is now more scalable. fix: SERVER_checkRunInVM: Now works with new VirtualBox version too. fix: serverStatus.php: Changed the IP for the internet connection check to make it working again. cha: I18N_addLanguage: Now adds the languages in the database m23captured too. cha: DB: Added table "i18n" to database m23captured. +++++ 2011-09-02 patch 100492: Fix for openSUSE LDAP and restarting the graphical login manager disabled. fix: OS11.4 / netEnableLDAP: Now calls resetRet, because some LDAP packages may be installed already what leads to an error. +++++ 2011-08-31 fix: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Disabled restarting the graphical login manager. +++++ 2011-08-28 patch 100491: More LDAP patches and upload enhancements. cha: menuDeb / directuplinst: Now calls m23UpdateInstFromm23Testing. cha: m23UpdateInstFromm23Testing: Now merges files of m23testing before uploading from localhost. cha: F14 / netEnableLDAP: Should be working now. cha: OS11.4 / F14 / netSetLDAPServer: Is netEnableLDAP now. cha: HS / clientInstall.php: Now calls HS_netEnableLDAP. +++++ 2011-08-26 patch 100490: LDAP and package signing fixes/enhancements. new: F14 / netSetLDAPServer: First attempt to enable LDAP on Fedora 14. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now restarts the graphical login manager. cha: OS11.4 / netSetLDAPServer: Should work now. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now installs the package "gnupg" instead of "gpg". +++++ 2011-08-21 patch 100489: m23 server installation improvements. cha: m23install.sh: Now sets LC_ALL and LANG with lang_LANG. cha: m23install.sh: Now loads the key file only if it exists. patch 100608: opensuse Gnome desktop enhancement. cha: OS11.4 / sysImportConfDB: Now resets the log at the end. patch 100487: Client recovery improvements. fix: PKG_getClientPackages: Now reports every package only once. cha: recover_client.php: Now calls PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage. +++++ 2011-08-20 patch 100486: Database structure fixes. cha: m23 / postinst: Now increases the size of language in the table clients. fix: m23 / postinst: Corrected integer versions to get checked by updateSQLIfOlder for updates. +++++ 2011-08-19 patch 100485: opensuse keyboard enhancements. cha: OS11.4: sysSetLanguage: Now has a table with the keyboard layout names of yast2. cha: OS11.4: sysSetLanguage: Now uses a trick to set the keyboard language. +++++ 2011-08-14 patch 100484: Language setting improved for Debian/Ubuntu and package status import now working for a big amount of packages. cha: MSR_importPackageStatus: Now urldecodes package names. cha: MSR_importPackageStatus: Now calls HELPER_importAllIntoPOST. new: HELPER_importAllIntoPOST: Imports all values into the $_POST array in case that there are too much array keys for the normal processing. fix: CLCFG_language: Now console-setup should be configured correctly. patch 100483: Language fixes and printer installation for HS / Fedora 14. fix: CLCFG_language: Now console-setup is installed before the file with the available languages is read. fix: imaging.php: Fixed naming of the constants. cha: HS / m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now calls HS_sysInstallPrinter before HS_sysConfigurePrinter. new: HS_sysInstallPrinter: Installs the printer software. +++++ 2011-08-13 patch 100482: Language fixes and halfSister updates. cha: HS / m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now calls HS_sysConfigurePrinter. new: HS_sysConfigurePrinter: Detects and installs printer(s). fix: HS/m23LXDEInstall.php: Removed call to non existing function CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. fix: KDE_installLoginManager: Now sets the keyboard layout correctly in KDE 4. +++++ 2011-08-12 patch 100481: Added opensuse 11.4 sources list. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports HS-opensuse11.4 too. patch 100480: More openSUSE fixes. +++++ 2011-08-10 cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Added workaround for setting the keyboard layout without yast2. +++++ 2011-08-08 new: OS11.4 / netSetLDAPServer: Enables LDAP login for a client. +++++ 2011-08-07 patch 100479: Added missing log file. fix: KDE_install: Added missing log file. patch 100478: openSUSE package cache corrections. fix: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Corrected condition for updating the cache. cha: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Removed hashing (may corrupt the package cache file). patch 100477: Language fixes. fix: CLCFG_language: Corrected syntax error. fix: KDE_install: Now sends the log file on errors. patch 100476: Language enhancements/fix. cha: KDE_install: Removed checking code that may halt on non-critical language pack installation error. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now has more logic to calculate the correct language settings. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now sets the layout in the XOrg config file (if it exists). patch 100475: Language enhancements/fix. cha: CLCFG_language: Now configures console-setup (seems to be needed by Ubuntu to configure the gmd correctly). fix: KDE_install: Corrected faulty line break. +++++ 2011-08-06 patch 100474: Keyboard layout setting for gdm. cha: GNOME_installLoginManager: Another attempt to pre-select the keyboard layout. patch 100473: More halfSister and openSUSE fixes. fix: HS / clientInstall.php: Now the client name and the file system of the root partition is correct. fix: HS_sysMakeBootable: Removed extra parameter. cha: OS11.4 / pkgInstall: Now sets the error code of zypper to 0, if 4 is given, because "4" means "nothing to do" and this should not be marked as error. new: OS11.4 / m23HSAdmin: Now uses the m23 proxy for downloading packages. +++++ 2011-08-05 patch 100472: NFS mount patch. fix: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Now exists if no NSF server is given. patch 100471: Language enhancements. cha: pkgInstallKDE: Now installs the language packages. cha: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now calls GNOME_install. patch 100470: Language enhancements. cha: m23*ubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23MintKDEInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_installApplicationLanguagePackages. new: CLCFG_installApplicationLanguagePackages: Installs some additional language packages for installed applications with seperate language packs. fix: CLCFG_disableNFSHome: Now disables NFS only if it was mounted before. fix: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Fixed Danish keyboard. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Increased disk size and ram size. +++++ 2011-08-04 patch 100469: New openSuSE patches. fix: OS11.4/hookBeginAfterChroot: Fixed wait4go. cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Now calls CLIENT_recalculateStatusBar when changes are accepted. cha: HS_setSourcesList: Now doesn't add empty lines before and after the sources list. fix: OS11.4/pkgSetSourcesList: Now makes sure that the package sources list doesn't contain carriage returns. patch 100468: Visual enhancements and home on NFS can now be disabled. +++++ 2011-08-02 cha: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Now calls CLCFG_disableNFSHome, if the NFS address is empty. new: CLCFG_disableNFSHome: Disables storing of home directories on a NFS server. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Improved readability. +++++ 2011-08-01 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now shows an error message if no valid disk size is entered. cha: index.css: Table rows are now highlighted when the mouse is over. cha: index.css: Disabled showing of scroll bars in Google Chrome (and maybe other webkit based browser). +++++ 2011-07-31 patch 100467: Mass install corrections. fix: MASS_startInstall: The client group is now assigned correctly. +++++ 2011-07-30 cha: massInstall.php: Now doesn't show the help box after saving the last step. patch 100466: NFS fixes. cha: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Re-written to work on Ubuntu and doesn't use the automounter any more. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now adds the LDAP account after all input errors have been solved. +++++ 2011-07-29 cha: m23*ubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now shows the status message via CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now uses I18N_getLangVars and $lV[packagelang]. patch 100465: LDAP fixes. fix: CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now the re-installation is non-interactive. fix: LDAP_addPosix: The password is now hashed correctly. fix: activateNet: Now uses /sbin/ifconfig instead of /bin/ifconfig (what only exists in the network bootimage). cha: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Now all languages are using utf8 (if possible). +++++ 2011-07-28 patch 100464: LDAP fix. new: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu, CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now two functions with different names are uses. patch 100463: LDAP patches and two LDAP implementations for Debian and Ubuntu. new: CLCFG_patchNsswitchForLDAP: Patches /etc/nsswitch.conf for usage with LDAP. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Now two seperate functions for Ubuntu and Debian are existing. cha: CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now re-installs upstart. cha: addBaseScanner: Now stores the IDs of the modules in a directory containing the kernel version. cha: m23 / postinst: Now shows no errors when an existing directory is created again. patch 100462: Installation fixes. fix: debian / ubuntu / clienInstall.php: Now has no (false) fallback to forename if the login is empty (or set). patch 100461: LDAP rewritten. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Rewritten. cha: EDIT_uncomment, EDIT_commentout, EDIT_insertLineNumber, EDIT_replace, EDIT_deleteLines, EDIT_deleteLinesAmount, EDIT_deleteMatching: Changed the name of the temporary edit file. +++++ 2011-07-27 cha: LDAP_getNextID: Now makes sure that at least one ID is present in the DB and returns ID beginning from 1001. +++++ 2011-07-25 patch 100460: LDAP management fixed. fix: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Now shows an error, if another LDAP server with the same name should be added. cha: PREF_preferenceLoadManagerHandler: Now shows a message when storing the preference. +++++ 2011-07-24 patch 100458: Fixes for virtualisation. Smal improvements. fix: VM_webAction: Now runs headless sessions in screen. fix: VM_parseVBOXstate: Corrected explode string. cha: FDISK_swapFilesystems: Added another swap file system signature. cha: SRCLST_showAlternativeArchitectureSelection: Now returns the wanted architecture, if the architecture or the sources list name parameter is empty. +++++ 2011-07-23 cha: CLIENT_startInstall, CLIENT_resetAndInstall: Now calls CLIENT_recalculateStatusBar. new: CLIENT_recalculateStatusBar: Recalculates the percent points for the pending jobs on a client. new: SRCLST_showAlternativeArchitectureSelection: Shows a list with available CPU architectures of the sources list, in case that the wanted architecture is not available in the sources list. The alternative architecture will be written to the arch option of the client. new: getArchList: Returns an associative array with the supported CPU architectures as key and value. cha: SRCLST_showEditor, CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses getArchList. +++++ 2011-07-21 patch 100456: Many client languages added and architecture selection added to the sources list editor. cha: client_distr.php: Now checks if the architecture of the client is supported by the sources list and sets the client's architecture to i386 if not. new: SRCLST_isArchAvailable: Checks if a given architecture is supported by the sources list. new: SRCLST_saveArchitectures: Saves the architectures for package source list. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now shows check boxes for the CPU architecture of the sources list. cha: SRCLST_showArchsSel, SRCLST_getArchsList: Removed- cha: SRCLST_checkList: Now checks, if the test can be performed (on HS currently not possible). cha: HTML_checkBox, HTML_multiSelection: Now has an extra option to force the setting of the check box to the state of $defaultCheck. new: SRCLST_getArchitectures: Returnes a list of all CPU architectures supported by the sources list. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Enlarged edit box. cha: F14 / pkgInstallKDE: Many languages added. +++++ 2011-07-20 cha: F14 / sysSetLanguage: Many languages added. cha: OS11.4, F14 / pkgInstallKDE: Now uses a table to store the language packages. new: OS11.4, F14 / sysGetm23Language: Shows the m23 language as two/five-character code. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now stores language information in /etc/sysconfig/i18n. fix: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Now the client name is preserved. +++++ 2011-07-18 patch 100455: Fixes for client assimisation. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Commented out debug code. fix: SRCLST_saveList: Now makes sure that sources lists with special characters are stored correctly. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: New code for dectecting the kernel package. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now detects installation and swap partitions that are UUIDs. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Added dash as supported shell. cha: * / welcome.hlp: Fixed link positions and head position. cha: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now works. patch 100454: Offline package search in Fedora 14, m23 server installation fixes and new m23 questionnaire added. new: HTML_getQuestionnaireURL: Returns the complete URL to the m23 questionnaire in the language of the webinterface. new: HTML_questionnaire: Shows the questionnairem window. fix: SRCLST_showEditor: Now sources lists can be deleted again and the name of the sources list to delete is shown correctly. +++++ 2011-07-15 cha: HS/PKG_listPackages: Search key is now case insensitive. new: HS_getPackageCacheName: Returns the complete name (including path) of the package cache. cha: HS_pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now pipes the contents of the sources list into pkgUpdateCacheOnServer. fix: F14/pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now removes control sequences from the URL. cha: F14/pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now reads the contents of the package source from stdin. +++++ 2011-07-14 new: HS_getm23HSAdminPath: Calculates the complete local path (including the file name) to m23HSAdmin for a choosen distribution release. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / chrootSystem: Now makes sure all device nodes are present in the chrooted environment. +++++ 2011-07-12 fix: HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscanner: Corrected variable naming ($distr should be $release). +++++ 2011-07-11 fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / configureMySQLmycnf: Fixed missing user/password. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / mountInstMedium: Now makes sure that the (maybe) needed /dev/hda ... /dev/hdd are existing. fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / normalPartition: Added missing "/dev/". +++++ 2011-07-10 cha: quickBuild.sh, mkm23Debs: Now copies the m23-vbox package to the client package directory. cha: killCurrentVNCSession.sh: Now uses zenity on systems where Xdialog is not available. patch 100450: Changes for the server installation CD. fix: exportDBInitTable: Now uses '[:blank:]'. cha: configureMySQLmycnf: Now truncs all tables by a table list read from the DB. new: m23InstallerBase.inc / createInitrd: Creates the initrds for all installed kernel. new: m23InstallerBase.inc / installGrub: Now uses the grub bootmanager as default. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / configureNetwork: Now configures eth0 only. cha: mkm23Debs: Added m23-vbox. cha: normalPartition: Now makes a gap of 2 MB before the root partition (for grub2). +++++ 2011-07-09 new: checkFstabAndMount: Checks the fstab for needed entries and adds them, if missing. Then mounts the devices patch 100446: BASH is now default interpreter. cha: Making BASH the shell of all scripts because DASH doesn't interpret all scripts correctly. patch 100445: Package fixes (some for Lenny), updates for new BASH. cha: m23Deb.inc, menuFunctions.inc, busyBoxFunctions.inc, kernelFunctions.inc: Removed "function" keyword and added missing "()". +++++ 2011-07-01 fix: m23-ldap/postinst: Now executes the LDAP caching optimisations only on Squeeze and newer (on Lenny they fail). cha: m23/postinst: Now check if the oldversion is set (in case of first time installation it is not). patch 100443: Table creation support for i18n. cha: version.php: Switched to 11.3. cha: m23/postinst: Now makes sure the i18n table is always empty. cha: m23/postinst: Code simplification for table changes. +++++ 2011-06-30 patch 100442: Many new client languages added. cha: */m23base.php: Translations added. cha: GNOME_install, KDE_install: Now uses I18N_getLangVars. cha: *: Now all m23inst.php includes are using I18N_m23instLanguage. new: I18N_m23instLanguage: Checks if a m23inst.php exists for the given language and returns "en" if not. cha: I18N_listClientLanguages: Now uses the new i18n functions. new: I18N_addClientLanguageToCache: Adds a new client language to the i18n DB cache. patch 100441: Changes to the i18n support of m23 and bootmedia updates. new: writeNewestChangelogToPatchInfo: Writes the newest patch info from the changelog to the patch.info file. cha: menuDeb: Now uses writeNewestChangelogToPatchInfo to prepare the patch.info before editing by hand. +++++ 2011-06-27 cha: createRFSBins: Added libudev.so.0 (needed by parted). cha: createRFScopyLib: Now shows error about missing library only when it is really needed. cha: Kernel configuration: Changed ramdisk size to 70000Kb. new: I18N_addLanguage: Adds a new language to the i18n table. new: I18N_countCachedLanguages: Counts the cached languages for a type. new: I18N_getAllCachedLanguages: Returns an associative array with the shortnames of the language as keys and the longnames as value. new: I18N_cacheWebinterfaceLanguages: Caches the language information from the language.info files to the DB. cha: I18N_listWebinterfaceLanguages: Now uses I18N_cacheWebinterfaceLanguages, I18N_getAllCachedLanguages and HTML_selection. cha: I18N_getLongLanguage: Removed. new: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Caches the client languages in the DB. +++++ 2011-06-26 new: I18N_listClientLanguages: Lists all languages, the m23 clients can be installed with. cha: createRFSBins: Removed LVM tools. cha: createRFSBinLinks: LVM tools are no symlinks anymore. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now uses Debian Squeeze packages too. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Package list adjusted to Debian Squeeze's packages. +++++ 2011-06-22 cha: I18N_getLangVars: Added "'" to the array keys. cha: I18N_listLanguages: Becomes I18N_listWebinterfaceLanguages and lists all languages, the m23 webinterface is available in, as option lines +++++ 2011-06-21 patch 100439: Smal fixes, soime for Debian Squeeze. cha: incPatchLevelInVersionPhp: Now adds the patch number to the changelog. cha: BURN_getDevice: Now uses explode. cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now english is the default language. +++++ 2011-06-20 fix: m23/postinst: Creates the dhcpd.conf if missing. fix: SF-hg-backup: Now merge is done at the right position. cha: SF-hg-backup: Now copies back changes to the m23 directory. +++++ 2011-06-07 fix: m23/postinst: Changed "[:blank:]" to "'[:blank:]'". cha: SF-hg-backup: Now pulls changes from HG too and performs a merge. +++++ 2011-06-05 patch 100609: Even more Squeeze improvements. cha: mkCert.sh: Many changes to make the certificates compatible with wget. cha: getApacheUser, getApacheGroup: Now don't complain, if httpd.conf doesn't exist. +++++ 2011-06-04 cha: mkCert.sh: Added extra parameters to the CA template. +++++ 2011-06-02 cha: m23/postinst: Now dhcpd.conf doesn't destroyed when upgrading on Debian Squeeze. cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now restarts the tftpd-hpa when installing on Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-05-22 cha: m23/postinst: Generation of the GPG key is now cha: m23-ldap/postinst: Now works under Debian Squeeze too. +++++ 2011-05-21 patch 100612: Some changes for installing m23 on Squeeze. cha: mkCert.sh: Rewritten with the help of certtool. cha: m23/control: Exchanged mkisofs with genisofs and cdrecord by wodim. cha: m23/postinst configDHCP: Now has support for Debian Squeeze. cha: m23-tftp/postinst configureTFTP: Now has support for Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-05-18 patch 101417: Improved Linux Mint 9 installation speed by using a mirror. cha: SRCLST_genList: Add the Debian/Ubuntu extraDebs repository only, if it is not a halfSister distribution (Thx Arno) cha: Linux Mint 9: Changed pool to a mirror. patch 101017: Improved Linux Mint 9 installation speed by using a mirror. +++++ 2011-05-17 patch 101418: Fixed package installation on clients. cha: install_packages.php: Now groups are listed in the title seperated with commata. fix: install_packages.php: Now works with normal clients again. patch 101018: Fixed package installation on clients. +++++ 2011-05-16 patch 101524: Corrects the choosing of groups for assigning actions to them. fix: install_packages.php: Now uses the correct post variables to get the groups. patch 101019: Corrects the choosing of groups for assigning actions to them. patch 101419: Corrects the choosing of groups for assigning actions to them. +++++ 2011-05-07 patch 101647: Zarafa installation add-ons. cha: m23ZarafaInstall.php: Public folder and admin account are now created. cha: m23ZarafaInstall.php: spam_header_name and spam_header_value are now cha: m23ZarafaInstall.php: The username of the MySQL user is now a random user name. new: HELPER_randomUsername: Generates a random username with a given length. patch 101020: Zarafa installation add-ons. patch 101420: Zarafa installation add-ons. +++++ 2011-05-03 new: menuDeb, m23UpdateInstFromm23Testing: Added update optimiser. +++++ 2011-05-02 patch 101648: Smal fix against warning when choosing the distribution. new: m23Search: Searches the php files in /m23/inc and /m23/data+scripts for search terms. fix: client_distr.php: Added missing parameter PKG_addPackageSelection. patch 101649: Server installation fixes. fix: m23 package: Now inccludes /m23/etc/.htpasswd.orig again. fix: updateSystem: Now doesn't exit the installer if the user doen't want to update the system. patch 101650: Now priorities of special packages are given out correctly. patch 101021: Smal fix against warning when choosing the distribution. patch 101022: Server installation fixes. patch 101023: Now priorities of special packages are given out correctly. patch 101421: Smal fix against warning when choosing the distribution. patch 101422: Server installation fixes. patch 101423: Now priorities of special packages are given out correctly. +++++ 2011-05-01 cha: PKG_addNormalJob, PKG_addSpecialPackages: Now have the distribution as extra parameter. +++++ 2011-04-30 cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages, PKG_addPackageSelection, PKG_addSpecialPackagesToWait4Aac: Now have the distribution as extra parameter. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now searching for special packages with search term works. +++++ 2011-04-29 patch 101654: New 64 bit bootimages. fix: install_packages.php: Now the client ip is stored cha: HTML_esel: Now writes the the url of the iframe only if it the dog-ear is opened. cha: Updated 64 bit bootimages. patch 101024: New 64 bit bootimages. patch 101424: New 64 bit bootimages. +++++ 2011-04-28 patch 101713: Some more hardware detection addons (some for VMWare). new: m23hwscanner: Added base hardware scanner that used the hardware IDs that are stored in the modules. fix: CIR_enableDropbear: Now works with new m23hwdetect. patch 101714: Some more hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). cha: Added more kernel modules. patch: Hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). cha: php_urlencode: Now uses the binary awk instead of BusyBox's version. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now makes sure sshd_config exists to remove complaining. patch 101025: Some more hardware detection addons (some for VMWare). patch 101026: Some more hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). patch 101027: Hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). patch 101425: Some more hardware detection addons (some for VMWare). patch 101426: Some more hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). patch 101427: Hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). +++++ 2011-04-27 cha: m23hwdetect/startUdev: Commented out udev calling execution. fix: createRFSDevs: Now includes path to the device node file. cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now doesn't overwrite existing files any more. cha: downloadExtractRFS, m23hwdetect: Removed udev. +++++ 2011-04-25 patch: Translations completed. cha: i18n/de/en/fr: Completed. patch: Fixes for updating from m23 11.1 to 11.2. cha: m23/postinst: Now makes sure that the password file for phpMyAdmin and phpLDAPAdmin exists. new: updateSQLIfOlder: Updates SQL information or executes SQL statements, if the current version of this packages is older than a given version. fix: client/server bootimages fstab: Corrected path to /dev/pts. patch: Zarafa installation fixes. cha: installZarafa: Now configures Apache with SSL if the SSL certificates are generated by m23. fix: m23ZarafaInstall.php: Now does "apt-get update" before the installation. patch 101028: Translations completed. patch 101029: Fixes for updating from m23 11.1 to 11.2. patch 101030: Zarafa installation fixes. patch 101428: Translations completed. patch 101429: Fixes for updating from m23 11.1 to 11.2. patch 101430: Zarafa installation fixes. +++++ 2011-04-23 patch: SSL fixes for Zarafa. cha: HELPER_createSelfSignedCAAndServerCertificate: Now exports an unecrypted variant of the server key. cha: configGateway: Sets ssl_certificate_file to empty. new: m23ZarafaInstall.php, m23ZarafaOptionPage.php: Extra script for installing a Zarafa server. release m23 rock 11.2 patch: Several adjustments for custom scripts. cha: checks.php: Clientname length is increased to 64 characters and allowes many more characters. cha: checkFQDN: Checks if a string contains only characters that are allowed in a FQDN. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now uses checkFQDN for checking the validity of the client name. patch 101031: SSL fixes for Zarafa. patch 101032: Several adjustments for custom scripts. patch 101431: SSL fixes for Zarafa. patch 101432: Several adjustments for custom scripts. +++++ 2011-04-22 cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Improved readability. +++++ 2011-04-21 cha: PKG_OptionPageHeader: Now store default values that are read from the package parameters to $layout['allvalues']. cha: PKG_OptionPageRender: Now reads default values from $layout['allvalues']. new: HELPER_createSelfSignedCAAndServerCertificate: Creates a selfsigned CA and a server certificate. +++++ 2011-04-20 fix: PKG_OptionPageRender: Now shows title of "selections". cha: PKG_OptionPageRender: Now has new renderble element "title". fix: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Now shows optionPages for special packages too. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Added missing distribution. +++++ 2011-04-18 cha: m23hwdetect: Exit on Ubuntu at once. cha: rescue_client.php: Now shows recues boot deactivation text, if deactivate is 1. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now doesn't complain about missing files during diff. fix: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Adds extra lines to allow SSH and local access to Ubuntu. +++++ 2011-04-17 new: checkForUsleep: Makes sure that there is an executable usleep. cha: addPartition: Now is more robust detecting the swap partition. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adjusts the root device in menu.lst. cha: loadFoundModules: Now the loading status is updated in the current line. cha: m23hwdetect: Now uses udev too. new: clientISO: Now includes udev. cha: clientISO/fstab: Adding devpts. fix: client_infoPage.php: Now remembers the client ID. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added udev. cha: package source lucid: Extended by "Textmode", lucid-updates and lucid-security. +++++ 2011-04-16 patch: Smaler fixes and extra security for m23@web. cha: m23 package: Now excludes /m23/etc/.htpasswd and /m23/etc/.phpMyLDAPAdminHtpasswd. new: m23/postinst: Now makes sure there is a .phpMyLDAPAdminHtpasswd to secure phpMyAdmin and phpLDAPAdmin. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now marks the empty space in the partition table, if there are no partitions at all too. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Fixed split to explode parameter conversation bug. fix: SCREDIT_showEditor: Now shows correct error message, if the script could not be written. fix: add_client.php: Now works with m23@web installed but not used again. patch 101033: Smaler fixes and extra security for m23@web. patch 101433: Smaler fixes and extra security for m23@web. +++++ 2011-04-15 patch: m23@web fixes. fix: add_client.php: Now works without m23@web again. patch 101034: m23@web fixes. patch 101434: m23@web fixes. +++++ 2011-04-13 fix: statusBar.php, HTML_showStatusBar: Now works with m23@web too. +++++ 2011-04-10 patch: Patches for m23@web and pPXE added. new: MDK: Now uncludes gPXE build environment. fix: add_client.php: Now enables m23@web after clearing the session. fix: PKG_getAptArchOptions: Now works even if the m23 server is 64 bit and the client 32 bit. patch 101035: Patches for m23@web and pPXE added. patch 101435: Patches for m23@web and pPXE added. +++++ 2011-04-08 patch: m23@web IP check fix and MAC address check. fix: CLIENT_addClient: No check for the IP if m23@web is active. new: checkMAC: Checks if a MAC address is valid. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now uses checkMAC. patch 101036: m23@web IP check fix and MAC address check. patch 101436: m23@web IP check fix and MAC address check. +++++ 2011-04-04 patch: Many hardware detection improvements. Some for Mac. cha: getDrives: Now filters out read-only filesystems (CD/DVD drives). new: downloadExtractRFS: Now converts the pci.ids database to the hwinfo DB format. fix: getPartType, getPartFS: Corrected position of value in the param string. fix: getDrives: Now only lists only real devices. cha: getDrives, getDriveInfo, getAllPartInfo: Now "types" "No" to avoid asking parted for user interaction if detecting strange partitions. cha: m23hwdetect: Now uses functions. cha: m23hwdetect: Adds all network modules, if no eth devices could be activated. patch 101037: Many hardware detection improvements. Some for Mac. patch 101437: Many hardware detection improvements. Some for Mac. +++++ 2011-04-03 cha: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Adjusted for changed layout of is.gd. +++++ 2011-03-30 patch: DB fix and networking for Mac. cha: Boot kernel incudes sky2 module statically. fix: m23/postinst: Increased the size of the field "normalPackage" in the table "clientjobs". (Thx AR) patch 101038: DB fix and networking for Mac. patch 101438: DB fix and networking for Mac. +++++ 2011-03-29 patch: New Linux kernel to cha: Updating boot kernel to and incuding Marvell network module statically. patch 101039: New Linux kernel to patch 101439: New Linux kernel to +++++ 2011-03-25 patch: More network modules in network boot kernel (Testing). cha: Activating more network modules in network boot kernel. patch 101040: More network modules in network boot kernel (Testing). patch 101440: More network modules in network boot kernel (Testing). +++++ 2011-03-21 fix: PKG_acceptJobs: Now show the message if additional packages were added. +++++ 2011-03-18 patch: Smal corrections for halfSister. cha: F14/sysMakeBootable: Now uses --force at grub2-install. fix: HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus: Corrected order of error message sending and calling wait4go. patch 101041: Smal corrections for halfSister. patch 101441: Smal corrections for halfSister. +++++ 2011-03-15 patch: Several fixes for the mass installation and improved halfSister support with lots of status messages. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes mkfifo. cha: createRFSBins: cp is now called with --force. patch 101042: Several fixes for the mass installation and improved halfSister support with lots of status messages. patch 101442: Several fixes for the mass installation and improved halfSister support with lots of status messages. +++++ 2011-03-14 new: mdoc-HS.awk, mdoc-HS.sh: Producing LaTeX code for the documentation from the m23HSAdmin API used by Fedora 14. cha: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: Now adjusts the MBR installation place too. cha: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Now leaves a gap of 2 MB after every created partition new: F14/startLog: Starts logging stdout and stderr to /tmp/HSCommandExecutionStatus.message. new: F14/stopLog: Stops logging stdout and stderr to /tmp/HSCommandExecutionStatus.message. +++++ 2011-03-13 cha: F14/hookBeginAfterChroot: Now creates wait4go. cha: F14/sysHWsetup: Now ensures that hal is installed. cha: HS_wrapper: Now calls HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus. cha: MSR_logCommand, MSR_genSendCommand: New parameter "show": If set to true, the output is shown directly, if set to false, it is returned. new: F14/intEnableXBoot: Enables the start of graphical sessions on booting. new: F14/resetRet: Resets the file that contains the accumulated return codes of the commands to execute. new: F14/saveRet: Saves the return code of the last called tool to /tmp/HSCommandExecutionStatus.code. new: HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus: Sends a status message for the finished HS job and if there were errors, the log file too. cha: HS_netConfig, HS_setPackageProxy, HS_setSourcesList: Now uses HS_wrapper. +++++ 2011-03-12 fix: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Fixed variable error. fix: FDISK_getDriveAndNr, FDISK_dev2LDevLPart, CLCFG_getMbrPart: Now used preg_split. fix: FDISK_delPart: Now included m23base.php only if called by the GUI. fix: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Added missing parameter. fix: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Fixed not always initalised variable. fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: Corrected camelCase variable error. cha: fdisk.php: Included all static associative array keys with '. cha: DHCP_restartDHCPserver: Now works with isc-dhcp-server too. +++++ 2011-03-11 patch: Fixing client definition. cha: concretised info message for (maybe) added jobs. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now stores the client name and id in the sessions to allow partitioning and formating of the virtual drive. patch: Smal fixes and new option "uploadtesting". fix: CRON_cronManagementDialog: Removed unneeded and (without m23shared installed) error producing code. new: menuDeb: Now has an extra option "uploadtesting" for uploading the m23 installation packages as testing. patch 101043: Fixing client definition. patch 101044: Smal fixes and new option "uploadtesting". patch 101443: Fixing client definition. patch 101444: Smal fixes and new option "uploadtesting". +++++ 2011-03-10 cha: CLIENT_showDelDialog, HELPER_calcMBSize: Replaced "ereg_replace" with "preg_replace". +++++ 2011-03-07 cha: pkgInstallGnome, pkgInstallLXDE, pkgInstallXFce: Now removes package firstboot. cha: pkgInstallGnome: Now installs firefox and evolution. +++++ 2011-02-28 patch: Changed explode syntax in some files. patch: Smal changes to the fit the changes SF directories. Development guide and manuals updated. new: HTML_esel: Shows an dog-ear that can be opened to show "goos-habermann.de/m23ad". cha: HS_fetchAndExtractOSImage, CLCFG_debootstrap: Changed path to the new FRS directory. cha: Mercurial: Changed config file. cha: mdoc.sh: Now shows the file that is currently converted to LaTeX. cha: menuDevguide, menuManualStart, uploadClientPackagesToSF: Changed path to SF web directory. patch 101045: Changed explode syntax in some files. patch 101046: Smal changes to the fit the changes SF directories. Development guide and manuals updated. patch 101445: Changed explode syntax in some files. patch 101446: Smal changes to the fit the changes SF directories. Development guide and manuals updated. +++++ 2011-02-27 patch: Package source HS-Fedora14 fix. cha: Package source HS-Fedora14: Only enabling KDE and Textmode desktops. cha: mkm23Deb: Removed debug code. patch: Fix for accepting jobs. fix: PKG_acceptJobs: Now adds a normalInstall or normalRemove job only, if there are such waiting jobs. patch 101047: Package source HS-Fedora14 fix. patch 101048: Fix for accepting jobs. patch 101447: Package source HS-Fedora14 fix. patch 101448: Fix for accepting jobs. +++++ 2011-02-26 patch: Hardware detection improvements for the m23 server ISO. Now includes package source for halfSister Fedora 14. cha: m23hwdetect: Now gets additional information from hwinfo. cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Added bash needed by hwinfo. cha: createServerInstallISO: Removed old squid.conf replacement. cha: m23install.sh: Now executes /etc/init.d/m23hwdetect twice to make sure that all is detected. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports HS-Fedora14 too. cha: quickbuild.sh: Now includes m23Debs.inc from the current directory by adding "./" before m23Debs.inc. (Needed by Squeeze) cha: excludem23deb: Changed settings to match grep's new regular expression interpretation. patch 101049: Hardware detection improvements for the m23 server ISO. Now includes package source for halfSister Fedora 14. patch 101449: Hardware detection improvements for the m23 server ISO. Now includes package source for halfSister Fedora 14. +++++ 2011-02-23 release m23 rock 11.1 patch: m23 rock 11.1 patch 101050: m23 rock 11.1 patch 101450: m23 rock 11.1 +++++ 2011-02-14 cha: pkgInstallKDE: Now removes package "firstboot" to disable asking for settings on first boot. +++++ 2011-02-11 cha: *: Changed "ereg" and "eregi" to "preg_match" and "split" to "explode". cha: phpMyAdmin: Updated to version +++++ 2011-01-29 cha: PKG_acceptJobs: Now combines all "waiting for accept" normal (de)installation jobs to one (de)installation job. cha: PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation, PKG_previewUpdateSystem: Now only calls CLCFG_copyClientPackageStatus, if the function exists (it does not in HS). fix: F14/netSetIPNetmask: Now sets the prefix correctly. cha: F14/sysSetLanguage: Now sets keyboard layout via system-config-keyboard. +++++ 2011-01-28 new: HS_pkgFullUpdate: Performs a full update of the installed packages. new: HS/m23updateInstall.php: Adjusted for HS. new: HS/m23UpdateSourcesListInstall.php: Adjusted for HS. +++++ 2011-01-26 new: F14/pkgWritePackageStatusFile: Generates the POST file to send the package infos. Generates the package status file /tmp/packagestatus and the file converted to POST format /tmp/packagestatus.post. new: HS_statusFileCommand: Generates the commands to send the package infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_statusFileCommand). new: HS/m23UpdatePackageInfosInstall.php: Now transfers package status infos to the m23 server. new: HS_pkgInstallGnome: Installs Gnome. new: HS_pkgInstallLXDE: Installs LXDE. new: HS_pkgInstallXFce: Installs XFce. new: HS_pkgDeinstall: Deinstalls one or more packages. new: HS/m23normalRemoveInstall.php: Now removes packages. +++++ 2011-01-25 cha: F14/pkgInstalledList: Now has extra optional parameter to store the list of installed files in. new: HS_pkgInstalledList: Lists the installed packages or writes the list to a file. new: HS/PKG_fastGetInstalledPackages: Uses HS_pkgInstalledList. new: HS_runClientPackageConfDB: Generates BASH code to import client package configuration settings from the DB into the client package configuration of the client. new: HS_wrapperHS_wrapperReturn: Creates a m23HSAdmin action with parameters and returns the result. new: HS_hookEndAfterChroot: Scripts that should be run at the end of the afterChroot. new: HS_pkgInstallPreview: Generates commands for getting a installation preview on the client. new: HS_pkgDeinstallPreview: Generates commands for getting a deinstallation preview on the client. new: HS/PKG_previewInstall: shows what happens if packages get (de)installed. +++++ 2011-01-24 cha: F14/netEnableSSHdAndImportKey: Now downloads the public ssh key of the m23 server. new: HS_pkgInstallX: Installs XOrg or another shipped X11 server. now: HS/m23xfree864Install.php: Added. +++++ 2011-01-23 fix: F14/sysSetRootPW: Now works. cha: F14/sysSetLanguage: Now installs language-support package. +++++ 2011-01-19 cha: F14/hookBeginAfterChroot: MAKDEV generic doesn't work, so use workaround. +++++ 2011-01-18 new: HS_pkgInstallKDE: Installs KDE. cha: netSetm23SSLCertificate: The Fedora version now has an extra check for openssl and double functionality: 1. Download the SSL cert if it doesn't exist on the client and the download URL is given. 2. Generate the hash for the key and move it to the right place if it exists. new: HS/m23KDEInstall.php: Install the KDE version shipped by the distribution. +++++ 2011-01-16 new: HS_sysMakeBootable: Makes the system bootable. cha: HS_fetchm23HSAdmin: Is now HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscanner and extendeds functionality: Now fetches the m23HSAdmin tool and m23hwscanner matching the given distribution. cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added Ubuntu Lucid Lynx. new: HS/PKG_getKernels: Generates an associative array with the available kernels for an architecture and distribution as keys and values. +++++ 2011-01-15 new: HS_sysAddFstabEntries: Generates commands to edit a given fstab, add new entries and remove old ones before. +++++ 2011-01-12 cha: HS_fetchAndExtractOSImage: Added usage of local compressed images with higher priority. +++++ 2011-01-10 new: HS_sysWriteCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Adds entries to crontab to check every 5 minutes for new jobs. new: CLCFG_getRootDeviceFS: Gets the filesystem of the root device. new: HS_sysInstallKernel: Installs a matching kernel. new: HS_netEnableNFSHome: Enables storing of home directories on a NFS server new: HS_netEnableLDAP: Enables LDAP login for a client. +++++ 2011-01-08 new: HS_sysAddUser: Creates a new user with home directoy and sets password. new: SERVER_getPublicSSHKeyOfm23Server: Returns the public SSH key of the m23 server. new: HS_netEnableSSHdAndImportKey: Enables the SSH daemon and adds a SSH key to let the m23 server log into the machine. new: HS_writeHosts: Writes the /etc/hosts file for the client new: HS_sysWriteM23fetchjob: Generates the m23fetchjob script and adds it to the init levels. +++++ 2011-01-07 fix: clientInstall: Now login is used as user name, if given. +++++ 2011-01-04 new: HS_sysSetm23ClientID: Sets the m23 client ID. new: HS_netEnableNTP: Enable getting the system time by NTP. new: HS_netDisableNTP: Disable getting the system time by NTP. new: HS_hookBeginAfterChroot: Scripts that should be run at the beginning of the afterChroot. new: HS_pkgInstallBasePackages: Installs basic packages. new: HS_netSetm23SSLCertificate: Downloads and stores the SSL public key of the m23 server into the correct directory. new: HS_sysSetLanguage: Sets the system language. new: HS_sysSetRootPW: Sets the root password. new: HS_setPackageProxy: Sets the proxy for the package management tool. new: HS_wrapper: Creates a m23HSAdmin action with parameters. new: HS_sysSetTimeZone: Sets the time zone. new: HS_sysHWsetup: Detects and configures new hardware +++++ 2011-01-03 new: HS_fetchAndExtractOSImage: Downloads and extracts a halfSister distribution. new: HS_netConfig: Sets IP, gatway, netmask, DNS and hostname. new: HS_fetchm23HSAdmin: Fetches the m23HSAdmin tool matching the given distribution. new: HS_setSourcesList: Writes the package sources list for the client's package manager. new: HS_normalUpdate: Performs a normal update of the installed packages. +++++ 2010-12-21 cha: createRFSBins, downloadExtractRFS: Added rsync. +++++ 2010-12-09 patch: Language fix 2 for Kubuntu fix: KDE_install: Now works with english language too. patch: Language fix for Kubuntu fix: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now works with english language too. patch 101051: Language fix 2 for Kubuntu patch 101052: Language fix for Kubuntu patch 101451: Language fix 2 for Kubuntu patch 101452: Language fix for Kubuntu +++++ 2010-11-23 patch: Update preview fixes for assimilated clients. fix: m23instUpload: Now only deletes old packages. patch 101053: Update preview fixes for assimilated clients. patch 101453: Update preview fixes for assimilated clients. +++++ 2010-11-22 fix: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now updates the list of available packages, if it is not there. This is needed on assimilated clients that did not install extra packages before. new: PKG_getAptArchOptions: Generates options to specify the architecture of a client that can be appended to an apt-get line. cha: PKG_searchFor, PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_downloadPool: Now are using PKG_getAptArchOptions. cha: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now uses architecture specific apt-get commands. +++++ 2010-11-20 patch: Smal fixes for VMs. cha: VM_startVMCommandFile, VM_stopVMCommandFile: Now works on remote hosts too. cha: VM_webAction: Now doesn't run starting and stopping of VMs in screen to get a proper status. patch 101054: Smal fixes for VMs. patch 101454: Smal fixes for VMs. +++++ 2010-11-18 fix: includem23-mdk-basedeb: Removed not existing directory mdk/etc. patch: Fix for remote execution of scripts. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now handles script with "`" too. cha: CLIENT_query: Adjusted variable firewall to make searching for clients with special IPs possible. patch 101055: Fix for remote execution of scripts. patch 101455: Fix for remote execution of scripts. +++++ 2010-11-17 cha: installDebs: Removed debug code. cha: ASSI_addClient: Now stores the password as encrypted root password in the DB (Thx TheGuv). +++++ 2010-11-16 patch: Some package building fixes. cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Commented out "ddcxinfo-knoppix" as there are errors building it. cha: hwdata-knoppix: Now includes current hardware detection information. fix: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: Now uses Etch archive to make it work again. fix: m23instUpload: Now uploads all packages to SF. cha: menuDeb: Commented out not used menu entry "uplinst". m23/postinst: Now replaces /dev/random with /dev/urandom temporarily while generating the SSL keys. patch: Shell compatibility for scripts. cha: md5Check, m23update.functions: Removed keyword "function" to make it more compatible. cha: filterFileList: Now uses force parameter of "mv" to make sure that the list is filtered without asking the user. patch 101056: Some package building fixes. patch 101057: Shell compatibility for scripts. patch 101456: Some package building fixes. patch 101457: Shell compatibility for scripts. +++++ 2010-11-15 patch: Fixes for client assimilisation. fix: client_details.php: Fixed link to extra action install-vmhostsw. cha: SRCLST_saveList: Changed variable firewall settings to allow import of all sources lists. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now adds m23debs source to sources.list even if there is another m23 source. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now appends the key to authorized keys file to preserve existing keys. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now only generates adduser commands, if a user and password is given. fix: CIR_writeClientID: Now writes the correct m23ClientID. patch 101058: Fixes for client assimilisation. patch 101458: Fixes for client assimilisation. +++++ 2010-11-14 patch: Switched VirtualBox packages back to 2.2.4. cha: Switched VirtualBox packages back to 2.2.4. patch 101059: Switched VirtualBox packages back to 2.2.4. patch 101459: Switched VirtualBox packages back to 2.2.4. +++++ 2010-11-12 patch: Patches for update and VNC sessions. cha: chrootSystem: Now removes (eventually existing) VirtualBox configuration to start with a clean config after server installation. cha: m23patch.php: Now includes dbConnect. cha: m23patch.php: Removed now-working size detection. fix: m23patch.php: Now uses correct path for getting update info texts. fix: chrootSystem: No deletes /home/m23-vbox/.vnc for a clean vnc configuration. cha: restoreVMsStates: Now calls the scripts with restored m23-vbox environment. patch 101060: Patches for update and VNC sessions. patch 101460: Patches for update and VNC sessions. +++++ 2010-11-11 patch: Gives restoreVMsStates the correct access rights. fix: m23-vbox/postinstall: Now fixes access rights of restoreVMsStates. patch: Gives the screen directory for m23-vbox the correct access rights. fix: VM_startVM: Now gives the screen directory for m23-vbox the correct access rights. patch: Smal fixes for VMs. fix: VM_stopVM: Now calls VM_stopVMCommandFile. fix: VM_startVM: Now calls VM_startVMCommandFile. patch 101061: Gives restoreVMsStates the correct access rights. patch 101062: Gives the screen directory for m23-vbox the correct access rights. patch 101063: Smal fixes for VMs. patch 101461: Gives restoreVMsStates the correct access rights. patch 101462: Gives the screen directory for m23-vbox the correct access rights. patch 101463: Smal fixes for VMs. +++++ 2010-11-10 patch: Version is now 10.5. Added Button for (de)activating network booting and installation partition can be used to install the MBR on. new: DHCP_isNetworkBootingActive: Checks, if a client has network booting enabled. cha: client_status.php: Rewritten. cha: CLIENT_showStatusSelection: Rewritten and function for (de)activating network booting. cha: client_distr.php: Now adds the installation partition to the list of drives that can be used to install the MBR on. patch 101064: Version is now 10.5. Added Button for (de)activating network booting and installation partition can be used to install the MBR on. patch 101464: Version is now 10.5. Added Button for (de)activating network booting and installation partition can be used to install the MBR on. +++++ 2010-11-09 patch: Support for Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu 10.04 LTS. patch 101065: Support for Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu 10.04 LTS. patch 101465: Support for Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu 10.04 LTS. +++++ 2010-11-08 cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23XubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_aptGet. cha: CLCFG_aptGet: Now has routines that try to fix the Ubuntu "Hash Sum mismatch" error. cha: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_aptGet. cha: /mdk/server/iso: Removed obsolete files and directories. cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Now creates a symlink to the System-V-Init directory to get the VMs run that were started before the system was stopped. +++++ 2010-11-07 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now downloads libdbus-1-3 to be used for hwinfo. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes libdbus-1.so.3 into the bootimage. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Added a function that waits and loops until NO dpkg/apt-get/aptitude/adept process is running. new: m23-initscripts: Now has a postinst scripts that removes the System-V init links to hwcheck and m23-xorg-configurator if upstart is used. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now creates a reboot file to reboot the client after installing the VirtualBox addons. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now reboots the client after finishing the XOrg configuration, if the reboot file is set. cha: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Added another "apt-get install" round for Ubuntu's "hash sum mismatch" errors, that occurr randomly. +++++ 2010-11-06 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now reboots the client after installing the VirtualBox addons. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now works on Ubuntu 10.04 too. new: m23-initscripts: Now includes upstart startup files for the m23hwdetect and m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid and Linux Mint 9 KDE too and removes Ubuntu Gutsy. +++++ 2010-11-05 fix: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage. +++++ 2010-11-04 fix: install_packages.php: Now update runs CLIENT_startInstall. new: menuDeb: Menu entry to delete complete Squid cache. +++++ 2010-11-02 new: SERVER_deleteFile: Deletes a file from the server. new: VM_startVMCommandFile: Writes a command file with the command(s) to start the VM. new: VM_stopVMCommandFile: Removes automatical staring of a VM by removing the command file. cha: ASSI_prepareClient, CLCFG_installBasePackages: Added import of the m23 package sign keys (Thx TheGuv). +++++ 2010-10-31 cha: m23-initscripts: Package now includes the new m23hwdetect and has a dependency on hwinfo. +++++ 2010-10-30 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now extracts m23-initscripts. cha: hwcheck: Now is compatible to BusyBox. new: m23hwdetect: It is a three-pass hardware detection script. +++++ 2010-10-21 cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Added hwinfo. cha: linuxrc: Now uses hwinfo, hwsetup and discover to detect the hardware. +++++ 2010-10-20 fix: Added symlinks from /usr/share/hwdata to /usr/share/misc on the server installation CD and the client boot images. cha: linuxrc: Now discover scanns all busses. cha: Updated the Linux kernel to and enabling virtio devices. cha: discover-data 2.2010.10.18: Updated version of discover-data was downloaded from SID and uploaded to m23.sf.net/m23NetBootImageExtraDebs. cha: Updated pci.ids from pciids.sourceforge.net. +++++ 2010-10-07 patch: Online help fix. fix: fr/de/en:ldapSettings.hlp: Removed hint for LDAP installation, as the LDAP server is preinstalled and not installable via the webinterface. (Thx biZZa) patch: Smal changes and Ubuntu improvements. patch 101066: Online help fix. patch 101067: Smal changes and Ubuntu improvements. patch 101466: Online help fix. patch 101467: Smal changes and Ubuntu improvements. +++++ 2010-10-05 new: SF-hg-backup: New script to backup the m23 source to the Mercurial repository on SF. +++++ 2010-09-27 cha: CLCFG_setTimeZone: Now works on newer Ubuntus too. +++++ 2010-09-25 cha: CLCFG_language: Now contains another Ubuntu fix. +++++ 2010-09-24 fix: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: Now retuns false, if no waiting jobs are there. +++++ 2010-09-21 cha: extractFromCD: Now shows an error message, if the harddisk could not be mounted. patch: Improvements for VM compression. new: prepareOSForCompression: Makes a VM image better compressable. new: cleanOSForCompressing: Deletes some files before compressing the OS or VM. patch 101068: Improvements for VM compression. patch 101468: Improvements for VM compression. +++++ 2010-09-20 patch: Server installation fixes. fix: configureNetwork: Now deletes the persistent UDEV rules again. cha: m23hwscanner: Removed debug code. cha: getDrives: Now only reports devices that contain "dev" to avoid false output. patch 101069: Server installation fixes. patch 101469: Server installation fixes. +++++ 2010-09-18 patch: Smal fixes und updates. cha: Updated the bootimage for 64 bit. patch 101070: Smal fixes und updates. patch 101470: Smal fixes und updates. +++++ 2010-09-16 cha: getDrives: Now gives back multi devices even if parted doesn't list them. +++++ 2010-09-15 fix: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Now resets the session values correctly. cha: CIR_enableDropbear: Now sets the network boot password only, if the / is mounted with rootfs (that indicates that Linux is run from the RAM disk). release m23 rock 10.4 fix: getPartType, getPartFS: Now supports RAIDs that don't have a partition type. fix: PKG_hasOptions: Now detects correctly, if an option page exists. +++++ 2010-09-14 new: m23hwscanner: The m23 hardware scanner was re-written completely in version 3 and now uses BASH and not C anymore. new: mkhwscanner2: Builds the packages for new m23 hardware scanner. +++++ 2010-09-08 cha: FDISK_addPart: Now checks if the drive belongs to a RAID and shows an error message and exit, if yes. +++++ 2010-09-02 new: clientPartitionFormat.hlp: Added German and English help files. +++++ 2010-08-27 new: FDISK_getSupportedFS: Generates and returns an array with the list of supported file systems. new: FDISK_showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Shows the menu bar with integrated logic for FDISK_showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog. new: FDISK_showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog: Shows the new partition and formating screen. cha: FDISK_printColorDefinitions: Now uses FDISK_getSupportedFS. +++++ 2010-08-23 new: HELPER_arrayInsertBeforeKeynumber: Inserts a value into an array (that has simple numbers as keys) before a given key. new: HELPER_arrayReOrderKeynumbers: Changes all keys of the input array to simple ascending numbers, if the key of the inpur array is a number (if not, the key will be left unchanged). The order of the keys is preserved. cha: HELPER_arrayInsertBeforeKeynumber, HELPER_arrayInsertAfterKeynumber: Now use HELPER_arrayReOrderKeynumbers. new: FDISK_addRaidBeforeFormat: Generates and places a job to create a RAID on given drives/partitions before the formating of the RAID device. cha: FDISK_addRaidJobs: Now uses FDISK_addRaidBeforeFormat. cha: FDISK_raidJob: Is now obsolete. new: FDISK_getPartInfoIcon: Generates HTML code for showing an icon with status information about a drive or partition. new: FDISK_getDriveInfoIcon: Generates HTML code for showing an icon with status information about a drive. cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions, FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions2: Now has extra parameter filterOutSetRaidLvmLock: If set to true, drives and partitions with set raidLvmLock will not be listed. +++++ 2010-08-22 new HELPER_arrayInsertAfterKeynumber: Inserts a value into an array (that has simple numbers as keys) after a given key. +++++ 2010-08-21 new: HELPER_m23Array2Array: Converts an m23 array to a normal array. new: HELPER_array2m23Array: Converts a normal array to an m23 array. +++++ 2010-08-20 new: FDISK_getDevInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the drive and bolonging to a RAID. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now shows basic information for empty drives too. +++++ 2010-08-19 fix: FDISK_printBars: Now chooses the drive by clicking on an empty drive too. new: print_r2: Function like print_r, but sorts the entries, if the input is an array and converts newlines to HTML breaks. +++++ 2010-08-18 fix: FDISK_getUnusedMDs: Now works, if no MDs are present. fix: FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions2: Now generates an empty selection, if no drives and no partition matching the filter were found. +++++ 2010-08-12 new: FDISK_formatInstallAndSwappart: Adds jobs to format the installation and swap partitions and set the boot flag on the installation partition +++++ 2010-08-03 new: FDISK_swapFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for swapping. new: FDISK_installFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for installation. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now shows an icon for partitions that are used for installation or for swapping. +++++ 2010-08-02 fix: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now doesn't show the non-existing partition number for RAIDs. cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now has an extra parameter to decide, if the selector will contain the sizes, filesystems and types of the partitions and drives. new: FDISK_fstabAddDialog2: Dialog for adding fstab entries. This version uses the param and fstab parameters from the session. new: FDISK_delFstab: Removes an entry from the fstab array. cha: FDISK_listFstab: Now has buttons to delete fstab entries. +++++ 2010-07-26 new: FDISK_getUnusedMDs: Returns an associative array with the unused MDs (e.g. /dev/md0, /dev/md1, ...) as key and value. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now every partition has an info icon, that shows information about the device name of the partition, its filesystem and bolonging to a RAID. new: FDISK_getPartInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the partition, its filesystem and bolonging to a RAID. +++++ 2010-07-25 fix: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions: Partitions are not added on RAID drives, because partitions don't exist on RAIDs. +++++ 2010-07-24 fix: FDISK_autoPart: Now copies the drive keys and values of all drives with the virtual drive number > 0. This is needed to only re-partition and format the first drive and leave all other drives untouched. +++++ 2010-07-23 new: FDISK_showAllPartTables: Shows the partition tables of all drives specified for the current client and stored in the session. new: FDISK_printAllBars2: Shows the partition bars of all drives specified for the current client, that is stored in the session. new: FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions2: Generates and defines a selection that contains all drives and partitions of a given client. new: HTML_JSMenuOpener: Opens a menu entry when moving the mouse over the title and closes all other entries of the same menu. new: HTML_JSMenuCloseAllEntries: Closes all menu entries for a menu. This should be called at the end of a page to get it executed after loading. +++++ 2010-07-22 cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions: Now has an extra parameter to decide, if the array will contain the sizes, filesystems and types of the partitions and drives. cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions: Now uses the device names as keys for the associative array. +++++ 2010-07-21 cha: FDISK_listPartTable, FDISK_printBars: Added JavaScript code to mark the partition or free space the in the partition table the mouse is over in the partition bar. +++++ 2010-07-20 new: FDISK_getPartitionByType: Gets the FIRST partition matching a partition type. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now marks free spaces and partitions that lay into an extended partition. +++++ 2010-07-19 new: FDISK_getBelongingRaidDev: Searches for the RAID device, a physical partition belongs to, if it is part of a RAID. cha: FDISK_autoPart: Now destroys a RAID, if the physical partitions it is build from, are located on the first drive. cha: FDISK_delPart: Now has an extra parameter, that destroys the RAID, the partition belongs to. +++++ 2010-07-15 cha: FDISK_virtualDestroyRAID: Now is FDISK_virtualDeleteDrive. new: FDISK_deleteDriveFromParam: Deletes all drive and partition parameters of a drive from param without correcting any order. cha: FDISK_virtualDestroyRAID: Now uses FDISK_deleteDriveFromParam. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now uses white as background color to show drives without partitions as empty. +++++ 2010-07-14 cha: FDISK_virtualDeletePartition,FDISK_virtualAddPartition: Now have an generic algorithm that detects all variables belonging to a partition and moves them. new: FDISK_deletePartitionFromParam: Deletes all partition parameters of a partition from param without correcting the other partitions. +++++ 2010-07-13 cha: FDISK_listPartitions: Now the device number can be set to -1, to list all partitions on all devices. new: FDISK_definePartitionSelection: Defines a HTML selection with the partitions (/dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, ...) of a device cha: FDISK_printBars: Now has optional JavaScript code that calls the JS function emptySpace(), if empty parts of the drive are clicked, selectPartition(), if a partition is clicked and showPartTable(), if the mouse is over the bar. +++++ 2010-07-12 new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIExtendedStepDeletePartitions: Shows the sub-dialog for deleting partitions in the extended partitioning and formating dialog. cha: FDISK_addNewPartitionDialog: Becomes FDISK_showFdiskGUIExtendedStepAddNewPartition. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionExtendedPartStep: Stores the extended partitioning step and sets the help page and title in the session. new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIExtendedStepFormatPartitions: Shows a dialog for formating partitions. new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIlistPartJobs: Shows a list of all waiting partitioning and fromating jobs. fix: FDISK_delPart: Now complains and denys deletion of the partition if it belongs to RAID. new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIDialog: Now checks if the button BUT_changeDrive (defined by FDISK_showFdiskGUIDriveInfoDialog) was clicked and change the installation drive accordingly fix: FDISK_virtualDeletePartition: Now works together with partitions that are used for RAIDs. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now marks partitions that are used to build a RAID with "+R". cha: FDISK_listPartTable: Now marks partitions that are used to build a RAID with "+RAID". cha: FDISK_listPartTable: Now adds information about the partitions, the RAID is build from, if it's a RAID. new: FDISK_virtualDestroyRAID: Deletes a RAID drive from param assigned thru $vDev. cha: FDISK_delPart: Now can destroy RAID drives too. +++++ 2010-07-11 new: FDISK_showFdiskExistingMethod: Shows the dialog for formating of existing partitions. new: FDISK_showFdiskExtendedMethod: Shows the dialog for extended partitioning and formating. +++++ 2010-07-10 new: FDISK_showFdiskDialog: Shows the whole partition and formating dialog. new: FDISK_showFdiskDialogEnd: Shows the block at the end of the partitioning and formating dialog with partition and file system information about the currently selected drive and buttons for resetting and refreshing the dialog. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionClient: Returns the client name to partition and format. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionParam: Stores the partition parameters in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionInstallDrive: Stores the installation drive in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionvDevInstall: Stores the internal virtual installation drive number in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionFreeSpaces: Stores the free space parts of the installation drive in the session or recalculates them for the current installation drive. new: FDISK_showFdiskDriveInfoDialog: Shows a block with partitioning and file system information for the currently choosen installation drive. It contains dialog for changing the installation drive. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionHelpPage: Stores the help page in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionPage: Stores the page in the session. new: FDISK_showFdiskTitle: Returns and/or shows the current title of the partitioning and formating. new: FDISK_showFdiskAutoMethod: Shows the dialog for automatic partitioning and formating. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionPartJobs: Stores the partition jobs in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionSetter: Generic function to store values in the client partition and format session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionInstPart: Stores the installation partition in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionSwapPart: Stores the swap partition in the session. new: FDISK_finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Does some final checks, starts the partitioning and formating and switches to the distribution selection page. +++++ 2010-07-09 new: HELPER_debugBacktraceToFile: Writes/Appends debug information about all calling functions and parameters into a file. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Sets back all session variables for partitioning and formating a client. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionPartMethod: Stores the partitioning method in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionTitle: Stores the partitioning title in the session. new: FDISK_showFdiskSelectPartitionMethod: Shows a dialog for choosing the partitioning method and storing the method. +++++ 2010-07-06 cha: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: Now blanks the status bar text too. new: grub with ext4 support: Created a patched grub 0.97 version with ext4 support and uploaded packages to m23.sf.net/m23NetBootImageExtraDebs. +++++ 2010-07-04 fix: MSR_statusBar: If no percent value is set, the percent amount will not be set to 0 anymore. +++++ 2010-07-03 new: parted with ext4 support: Created a patched parted 1.8.8 version with ext4 support and uploaded packages at m23.sf.net/m23NetBootImageExtraDebs. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added sources for m23NetBootImageExtraDebs and a fixed source for Debian Etch. fix: HTML_getElementValue: Now has special handling for checkboxes. (Thx lakul) fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now has special handling for getSystemtimeByNTP, installPrinter and addNewLocalLogin checkboxes. +++++ 2010-07-02 fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Now stores getSystemtimeByNTP, installPrinter and addNewLocalLogin correctly in the DB. (Thx lakul) cha: mkRelease: Now adds Origin and Suite to the Release file. +++++ 2010-06-29 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now exits, if the client should be changed and no distribution is selected. (Thx lakul) fix: HTML_getElementValue: Another fix for checkboxes. (Thx lakul) +++++ 2010-06-28 cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog, FDISK_colorFS, FDISK_listSupportedFS, FDISK_genPartedCommands, FDISK_printColorDefinitions, createRFSBinLinks: Added support for EXT4. cha: Updated client kernel to 2.6.34. cha: Increased ramdisk size to 50MB. +++++ 2010-06-27 new: countStatusBarIncPoints.sh: Calculates the total amount of MSR_statusBarIncCommand points per file for all PHP files in the current directory. cha: m23gnome2Install.php, m23KDE3Install.php, m23KDEwoodyInstall.php, m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23normalInstall.php, m23normalRemoveInstall.php, m23PrinterConfigInstall.php, m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23updateInstall.php, m23UpdatePackageInfosInstall.php, m23UpdateSourcesListInstall.php, m23VirtualBoxInstall.php, m23XFceInstall.php, m23xfree864Install.php, m23XInstall.php, m23XubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23AddUserInstall.php, m23AssimilateInstall.php, m23fdiskFormatInstall.php, m23RebootInstall.php, m23RescueInstall.php, m23setStatusGreenInstall.php, m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now are including status percent points set with MSR_statusBarIncCommand. +++++ 2010-06-26 new: HTML_setStatusBarStatusByName: Sets new percent value and/or new status text by clientname AND status bar name. new: HTML_setStatusBarStatusByID: Sets new percent value and/or new status text by status bar ID. cha: HTML_setStatusBarStatus: Now is more generic. new: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: Calculates the value of a percent point according to the amount of waiting packages and stores the result in the DB. new: HTML_incStatusBarPercentByName: Increments the status bar percent by a given amount. cha: CLIENT_startInstall: (Re)Calculates the he value of a percent point according for the status bar "installStatus". new: MSR_statusBarCommand: Command to set a new percent value and/or new status text for the current client and for the "installStatus" status bar. new: MSR_statusBarInc: Increments the status bar percent by a given amount for the current client and for the "installStatus" status bar. new: MSR_statusBarIncCommand($percent): Command to increment the status bar percent by a given amount for the current client and for the "installStatus" status bar. +++++ 2010-06-25 new: MSR_genericSendCommand: Generates a generic command for sending information from the client to the server. new: MSR_statusBar: Sets new percent value and/or new status text. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now creates a new status bar for the installation cha: GNOME_install, m23FdiskFormatInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. +++++ 2010-06-24 new: HTML_showStatusBarHTML: Shows the status bar, that is drawn in the iframe (this function is only called by statusBar.php). new: HTML_showStatusBar: Shows the iframe for a status bar. This actually displays the status bar. new: HTML_newStatusBar: Shows the iframe for a status bar. This actually displays the status bar. new: statusBar.php: Script for showing the status bar in the iframe. new: developersPlayground.php: Test page for testing new m23 functions. new: HTML_getStatusBarID: Returns the status bar ID of the searched status bar. cha: index.css: Titles now have a nice shadow. new: HTML_setStatusBarStatus: Sets new percent value and/or new status text. cha: GNOME_install, m23FdiskFormatInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. +++++ 2010-06-23 patch: Improvements and fixes for the client add dialog. fix: HTML_getElementValue: Now should work together with the checkboxes. (Thx lakul) fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now checks the right variables, if the page was run first, for CB_getSystemtimeByNTP, CB_addNewLocalLogin, CB_installPrinter. (Thx lakul) cha: CLIENT_addClient: If a readonly LDAP server should be used, m23 doesn't need a login name and doesn't complain about an empty login name in this case. (Thx lakul) patch 101071: Improvements and fixes for the client add dialog. patch 101471: Improvements and fixes for the client add dialog. +++++ 2010-05-06 cha: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Changed shortening service from bit.ly to is.gd, because bit.ly made automated website usage impossible. +++++ 2010-04-30 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now doesn't complain about missing parameter, if non-interactive mode is used. release m23 rock 10.3 patch: Some improvements in the documentation and the installation process. patch 101072: Some improvements in the documentation and the installation process. patch 101472: Some improvements in the documentation and the installation process. +++++ 2010-04-29 cha: install18N.*: Added link to www.goos-habermann.de. cha: showNetworkDialog: Now recommends a censorship-free DNS. new: Added video section to the m23 community page. new: Added KVM installation howto to the installation guide. cha: extractFile: Now checks, if the file status file can be found and exits the loop, if it is not there. cha: Updated manuals in French. +++++ 2010-04-22 cha: Updated manuals in German and English. +++++ 2010-04-18 patch: Removed unneeded ISOs from m23-mdk-client package. cha: Removed unneeded ISOs from m23-mdk-client package. patch: Links for downloading 32 and 64 bit ISOs added to the "make boot CD" page. cha: VM_setVBoxAddonAsDefault, VM_getVBoxAddonDefaultVersion: Now don't show error messages, if files could not be found. cha: BURN_checkISO: Added parameter to set the architecture of the ISO. new: BURN_getISOSize: Gets the size of an ISO. cha: makeBootCD.php: Now shows links for downloading 32 and 64 bit ISOs. patch: Improved hardware detection. Added help for usage with external DHCP. VirtualBox addons installation improvements. Some fixes. patch 101073: Removed unneeded ISOs from m23-mdk-client package. patch 101074: Links for downloading 32 and 64 bit ISOs added to the "make boot CD" page. patch 101075: Improved hardware detection. Added help for usage with external DHCP. VirtualBox addons installation improvements. Some fixes. patch 101473: Removed unneeded ISOs from m23-mdk-client package. patch 101474: Links for downloading 32 and 64 bit ISOs added to the "make boot CD" page. patch 101475: Improved hardware detection. Added help for usage with external DHCP. VirtualBox addons installation improvements. Some fixes. +++++ 2010-04-15 new: externalDHCP.hlp: Help file for using m23 together with an external DHCP server. cha: support.php: Updated contact information and redesign. +++++ 2010-04-14 cha: HELP_getHelp: Now has tag for linking to other m23 help pages. fix: helpViewer.php: Fixed getting the heading. +++++ 2010-04-12 new: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Posts a message to Twitter and FaceBook and shortens the Twitter message if needed. cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now uses twitterFaceBook-Message.sh. new: m23uploadChangelog: Uploads tha changelog and now uses twitterFaceBook-Message.sh. cha: VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Now shows the currently installed VirtualBox version of the host. new: VM_getVBoxVersion: Get the currently installed VirtualBox version of the host. +++++ 2010-04-09 cha: VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Now only downloads the index if it is missing or older than 5 minutes. new: VM_setVBoxAddonAsDefault: Sets a choosen VirtualBox addition package version as default. new: VM_downloadedVBoxAddons: Lists all VirtualBox addition package versions that can be downloaded from the m23 server. new: VM_getVBoxAddonDefaultVersion: Gets the version number of the VirtualBox addition package. +++++ 2010-04-08 cha: menuDeb: Now has an extra menu entry to delete all Packages files from local Squid. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now logs more info to the logfile /var/log/m23-VBox-Addon-Install.log cha: HTML_multiSelection: Now replaces "bad" characters in the HTML checkbox name with underscore. new: VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Returns an array with the version numers of all VirtualBox addition ISOs that are 2.0.0 and above. new: VM_wasVBoxAddonDownloaded: Checks, if the VirtualBox addition for a selected version was downloaded to the m23 server. new: VM_VBOXaddonDownloadDialog: Shows a dialog for downloading the VirtualBox additions to the m23 server. new: VM_downloadVBOXaddons: Downloads the VirtualBox addition ISOs and extracts the addition installers for Linux. new: VM_generateVBOXaddonDownloadCMD: Generates the download commands to download a VirtualBox addition ISO and to extract the addition installers for Linux. +++++ 2010-04-07 new: m23-xorg-configurator: Init script that starts m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh in case of changes on graphic card, mouse or kernel on startup. +++++ 2010-04-06 cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now posts to Facebook too. +++++ 2010-04-02 new: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now downloads the VirtualBox addons from the net, if they are not available as package or from the m23 server. +++++ 2010-04-01 new: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Generator for xorg.conf with 4 different methods. cha: hwcheck: Now calls m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh. Function xconfig removed. cha: mkm23extradeb: Now creates m23-initscripts too. fix: CLIENT_getDebconfDB, PKG_getClientPackages: Now don't runcate the output. +++++ 2010-03-30 fix: burnCD: Re-included the script for buring m23 client installation CDs in the server. fix: m23instUpload: Fixed path error. new: /mdk/m23helper/VBox-64: Tools for running 64 bit VirtualBox in a chroot on a 32 bit system with 64 bit kernel. new: CLCFG_makeDev: Creates the device nodes in /dev by downloading and extracting an archive containing the device nodes and if this fails running MAKEDEV. cha: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php: Now works without dpkg-architecture. +++++ 2010-03-28 new: CLIENT_getDistribution: Returns the distribution of a client. new: CLIENT_getOption: Returns an option of a client. new: PKG_isSpecialPackageAvailableForClient: Checks if a special package is available for the client's distribution. new: CLIENT_extraWebAction: Executes extra actions from the client details page. cha: client_details.php: Now has an extra button to install the VM host software. +++++ 2010-03-27 cha: PKG_getSpecialPackageInfo: Now returns false, if no information could be got. +++++ 2010-03-17 release: m23 rock 10.2 patch: Adds support for changing debconf values from the m23 webinterfaces. Speed improvements for starting client recovery. cha: m23/postinst: Changes "normalPackage" row of the table "clientjobs" to "LONGTEXT". cha: PKG_getClientPackages: Now uses the SQL function GROUPS_CONCAT to generate the string of all found packages to improve the speed. cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now uses changed behaviour of PKG_getClientPackages. patch 101076: Adds support for changing debconf values from the m23 webinterfaces. Speed improvements for starting client recovery. patch 101476: Adds support for changing debconf values from the m23 webinterfaces. Speed improvements for starting client recovery. +++++ 2010-03-15 cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages, PKG_hasOptions: Now has extra parameter for the client's distribution release. cha: PKG_hasOptions: Option pages are now stored under /m23/data+scripts/m23admin/packages/$distr/$release/. new: SRCLST_getRelease: Gets a release from the sourceslist table. new: PKG_OptionPageHeader2: Starts the option page for debconf settings with all necessary options. new: PKG_OptionPageTail2: Generates the bottom of the OptionPage for debconf settings. new: PKG_OptionPageRender2: Renderes the layout of an OptionPage for debconf and stored the debconf settings into the DB. new: CLIENT_setDebconfDB: Sets debconf values for a client and a package. new: CLIENT_runDebconf: Generates BASH code to import debconf settings from the DB into the debconf of the client. cha: m23normalInstall.php: Now runs CLIENT_runDebconf. cha: m23normalInstall.php: Changed DB query result to associative array. new: getDebianTemplates: Downloads and extracts the templates of all Debian packages of a release and distribution. new: template2confpage.sh: Generates config pages for setting debconf values from the *.templates of the Debian packages of a distribution and release. +++++ 2010-03-14 new: HTML_multiSelection: Shows a list of checkboxes, that represent a value each. The values of checked checkboxes are stored in an array and returned. new: PKG_decodeDebconfDescription: Decodes and HTML-formats the description of a debconf template and extracts its title. +++++ 2010-03-13 new: CLIENT_getDebconfDB: Generates the debconf output as debconf-set-selections expects it from the DB value. new: CLIENT_getDebconfDBValue: Get the debconf value of a variable of a package. cha: m23/postinst: Adds a table to store debconf data. +++++ 2010-03-12 cha: m23/postinst: Adds a row to the clients table to store debconf data. patch: Debug status change fix. cha: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: Rewritten with new HTML functions. fix: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: Now works again. (Thx rluque) patch 101077: Debug status change fix. patch 101477: Debug status change fix. +++++ 2010-03-10 patch: Fixes for the group functions. cha: share-online.biz-uploader: Adjusted to changed parameters. new: GRP_showGroupsAndCount2: Replaces the not working GRP_showGroupsAndCount. cha: groups_overview.hlp: Adjusted to changed usage. cha: MSG_showUpdateInfo: Shows a message about clients who will update again. cha: GRP_desasterRecovery: Now shows bullets before the client names that will be recovered. patch 101078: Fixes for the group functions. patch 101478: Fixes for the group functions. +++++ 2010-03-09 fix: CLIENT_showJobs: Now shows the packages to remove in the job list. fix: MSG_showAddJobsInfo: Shows a message about assigned jobs again. +++++ 2010-02-27 release: m23 rock 10.1a patch: Client status fixes. patch 101079: Client status fixes. patch 101479: Client status fixes. +++++ 2010-02-26 cha: PKG_downloadPool: Is now more robust when downloading packages cha: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php: Now tries to download the binary VirtualBox addition package and compiles it. fix: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php, m23AddUserInstall.php: Now don't change the client state to yellow. patch: Serveral fixes for virtual machines, rescuing, mass installation etc. fix: install_packages.php: The client is now only halted if it was not on before. fix: CLIENT_showStatusSelection: Now can set the client status again. cha: CLCFG_disableAvahiDaemon: Now rewrites resolv.conf. new: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php: Compiles the kernel module for the guest after the first boot. new: m23AddUserInstall.php: Adds a user. cha: clientInstall.php: Now adds an AddUser and a VBoxKernelModule job. cha: CLIENT_setAllParams: Now escapes values before inserting into the DB. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now updates Packages*. patch 101080: Serveral fixes for virtual machines, rescuing, mass installation etc. patch 101480: Serveral fixes for virtual machines, rescuing, mass installation etc. +++++ 2010-02-25 cha: VM_createVM, VM_activateNetbootCMD, VM_delVMCMD: Modified to make it work with changed parameters of newer VirtualBox versions. fix: fix-permissions: Now sets correct owner of /m23/vms/vbox. cha: checks.php: Added constants for VM creation. fix: VM_startVM: Another fix for "could not open default font 'fixed'" was added. fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now correct client name and mac for VMs are taken from VM creation. cha: client_details.php: Now show always the reload button. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now VM host in the selection and the information about the VM host are always synchronous. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Corrected layout. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now doesn't use the variables firewall for IP and MAC if client should be defined. +++++ 2010-02-24 cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now adds the user to sudoers to let him allow to become root if he knows the password. cha: CLCFG_language: Added a fix for /etc/default/locale at Ubuntu. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now moves the postinst of virtualbox-ose-guest-* out of the way, because it will fail if we use another kernel (boot kernel) that the system kernel. +++++ 2010-02-22 new: CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage: Configures upstart for normal running in an installed system. new: CLCFG_disableAvahiDaemon: Disables the avahi-daemon. +++++ 2010-02-21 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now removes the avahi daemon so it cannot destroy the resolv.conf. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now checks if KDE 4 is used and if yes install the m23 KDE 4 wallpaper. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now tries to install kde-l10n-XX too. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now installs extra multimedia codecs. cha: m23installerBase.inc: The server installation ISO can now make an optional online update. fix: rescue_client.php: Now rescues again. fix: recover_client.php: Now recovers again. new: CLCFG_configUpstartForChroot: Configures upstart to make it not fail installation. patch: Fix in administrator management. patch 101081: Fix in administrator management. fix: htaccess.php: Now can delete admins again. cha: htaccess.php: Added a "back" button to delete one admin after another. patch 101481: Fix in administrator management. +++++ 2010-02-20 patch: Fix in package selection and introducing precached debootstraps. fix: install_packages.php: Package selections can be built again. cha: PKG_searchFor: Now sorts the found packages. patch 101482: Fix in package selection and introducing precached debootstraps. +++++ 2010-02-18 cha: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Now mounts devpts. +++++ 2010-02-16 release: m23 rock 10.1 patch: All finished for m23 rock 10.1 patch 101483: All finished for m23 rock 10.1 +++++ 2010-02-15 cha: m23/postinst: Now creates /m23/tmp. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now shows less useless error messages. cha: translations/screenshots: Finished. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now replaces all ocurrences of update-grub with a smal script that calls lilo. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now replaces all ocurrences of update-grub with a smal script that calls lilo if lilo should be used. +++++ 2010-02-13 cha: PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage: Now adds a shutdown package if m23shared is active. +++++ 2010-02-11 fix: compileKernel: Now sets the extra version of the kernel correctly. cha: compileKernel: Now can compile 32 bit kernel on 64 bit machines. cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Now creating of RAID device nodes is quiet. +++++ 2010-02-08 cha: linuxrc: Now checks if there are specified modules in kernel parameter m23modules and load them. cha: linuxrc: Now checks if the ID of the m23 client was choosen by the m23clientID kernel parameter. +++++ 2010-02-03 cha: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Now creates entry in fstab to allow mounting of /sys. +++++ 2010-02-02 cha: pkgdetails.c: Updated from the package base-installer. cha: debootstrap: Updated to 1.0.20. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Added a loop that let debootstrap try to fetch all needed packages up to 10 times if errors occur. +++++ 2010-02-01 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now creating of device nodes is quiet. cha: debootstrap/ functions /wgetprogress: Added retries and timeouts for wget. +++++ 2010-01-30 cha: compileKernel: Now sets CC to gcc-4.3 to fix "Your version of gcc miscompiles the" issue. cha: compileKernel: Removed CROSS_COMPILE because it is not needed any more. +++++ 2010-01-28 cha: MASS_showGeneratorOptions, MASS_showOverview, PKGBUILDER_showUploadDialog, POOL_showCreatePackageIndex, POOL_showDownloadStatus, POOL_download, POOL_showSourcesList: Fixed layout. cha: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: Now returns an empty array, if no clients are found. cha: kh2p: Now doesn't overwrite existing screenshots. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Now asks if all or missing screeshots should be created. fix: makePDF-HTML.sh: Fixed path to the server installation ISO for placing the manual on the CD. +++++ 2010-01-27 cha: SERVER_addEtcHosts, SERVER_delEtcHosts: Now are not executed if running m23shared. fix: HWINFO_printPartitions, MASS_showTableDefinition: Fixed layout. +++++ 2010-01-26 cha: client_dists.php: Now shows more information overview about the distribution to install. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: grub is now the default bootloader. cha: head.php: Changing layout and removing server software. cha: Debian package functions on the server now use seperate directories for each m23shared customer. cha: CIR_transferClientIP, CIR_waitForNextJob: wget calls are "quiet" if client is not in debug mode. fix: MSR_partHwDataCommand: Now lspci reports names of found PCI hardware data. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now deletes lock file before touching, to make sure the correct user is creating the lock file. cha: linuxrc: Stops dhclient to make sure that the IP configuration will not be changed during installation now. cha: issue: Added a hint, that the password may be changed by m23. cha: fix-permissions: Now doesn't change the permissions of the files in /m23/tmp. cha: m23SHARED_getAllm23sharedUsers: Now has extra parameter, if it is set to true, only m23shared users with existing bill table will be returned. +++++ 2010-01-25 cha: work.php: Now sets client debug status in a session parameter. cha: *: wget calls are "quiet" if client is not in debug mode. new: MSR_curDynIP: Sets the current IP of a client with dynamic IP. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: If the client has a dynamic IP, its IP will be announced to the m23 server on every call of m23fetchjob. cha: PKG_addShutdownPackage: Now doesn't add a shutdown package if m23shared is running. cha: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Now checks if a line with "listening" is the last line in the log file. If it's not, there may be another DHCP server. new: CIR_transferClientIP: Transfers the current IP of a m23shared client to the m23 server. cha: m23PresetupInstall: Now calls CIR_transferClientIP. +++++ 2010-01-24 cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now disables showing of LDAP and NFS settings if in m23shared mode. cha: client_details.php: Now uses the IP of the client to access CUPS. +++++ 2010-01-21 cha: createRFSBinLinks, createRFSBins: Now uses reset from tset. new: linuxrc: Now uses a dialog screen to show hardware probing. cha: createRFSISO: Now can set the m23server parameter in the isolinux.cfg via extra parameter. cha: createRFSISO: Has optional directory parameter where to move the created ISO to. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now checkes if there is a screen called m23fetchjob and exists if it was found. new: CLCFG_writeCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Adds entries to crontab to check every 5 minutes for new jobs. +++++ 2010-01-20 cha: clients_overview.php: Exchanged the up/down HTML arrows with images because not all browsers did show the arrows correctly. cha: createRFSISO: Can now create ISOs with an m23 server set as kernel parameter. +++++ 2010-01-19 fix: CLIENT_getClientName: Now works with m23shared. cha: Got rid off the cvs directory and links in the /m23 directory. fix: setStatus.php, setClientStatus.php, postMessage.php: Corrected path to m23shared.php. cha: linuxrc: Added a nice dialog for entering the m23shared client name. fix: CLCFG_interfaces, CLCFG_debootstrap: Disabling temporary static configuration of the network card if in DHCP mode. +++++ 2010-01-18 cha: m23/postinst: Now adds "LOCK TABLES" to the permissions of m23dbroot. cha: finishBuilding: Now stores/restores and sets user, group and access mode of conffiles if the file exists. +++++ 2010-01-17 cha: MAIL_getGpgKeyList: Now doesn't trow error messages if no keys are found. fix: m23/postinst: Now creates /m23/root-only. cha: m23/postinst: Now creates an user with GPG key for signing eMails and the backups. cha: mkm23Deb: Now includes the GPG user in mailConfig.php. cha: quickBuild.sh: Now increases the patch number on every call. +++++ 2010-01-16 cha: m23/control: Added php5-curl and php5-mcrypt as required packages. +++++ 2010-01-14 cha: m23SHARED_showBill: Now doesn't wrap descriptions any more. cha: index.css: Titles aren't wrapped any more. +++++ 2010-01-13 fix: install_packages.php: Fixed missing action parameter. fix: GRP_showSelDistrSources: Fixed layout. new: MAIL_AESencode: AES encryptes a message with a key. cha: MAIL_sendAESMail: Now uses MAIL_AESencode. cha: m23SHARED_new: Now adds 5 clients to the bill to let the customer see how much he would have to pay. new: m23SHARED_deleteBills: Deletes all bills. +++++ 2010-01-12 cha: mkm23Deb: Now cleans mailConf.php. +++++ 2010-01-09 cha: m23/postinst: Now creates a new cron secret file if it doesn't exist. +++++ 2010-01-08 new: m23SHARED_markForDeletion: Marks the current user's data for deletion and disable his login. new: m23SHARED_deleteUserdataFromDB: Deletes user data not needed for archiving purpose. new: m23SHARED_isMarkedForDeletion: Checks if the current user is marked for deletion. cha: m23SHARED_sendAllBillMails: Now calls m23SHARED_deleteUserdataFromDB if m23SHARED_isMarkedForDeletion is true. +++++ 2010-01-07 cha: client_backup.php, client_createImage.php, client_debug.php, client_infoPage.php, client_packages.php, client_partition.php, clients_overview.php, client_status.php, recover_client.php, rescue_client.php, install_packages.php, update_packages.php: Now works with "register globals = off". cha: HELP_showHelp, MSG_showInfo, MSG_showError, MSG_showAddJobsInfo, MSG_showUpdateInfo: Language parameter is now optionally and all calls were changed to languageless mode. cha: makeBootCD.php, SCREDIT_showEditor, scriptEditor.php: Fixed layout. +++++ 2010-01-04 cha: client_distr.php, client_packages.php, client_partition.php, create_group.php, group_actions.php, customerCenter.php, m23sharedAdmin.php, menu.php, plginstall.php, plgoverview.php, client_sourceslist.php, install_packages.php, packageBuilder.php, poolBuilder.php, update_packages.php, capture.php, daemonsAndPrograms.php, serverSettings.php, serverStatus.php, update.php, makeBootCD.php, makeBootDisk.php: Now are using HTML_setPage. cha: ASSI_showClientAddDialog: Rewritten with HTML functions. cha: head.php: Now works with "register globals = off". +++++ 2010-01-03 cha: sourceslist.php, preferences.php, setClientStatus.php, setStatus.php, setLog.php: Added CHECK_FW rules. cha: PKG_getSpecialPackagePriority: Now returns integers. fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: Now sets the language for dpkg to C. fix: pingIP: Now works again. cha: assimilate.php, backup.php, client.php, fdisk.php, groups.php, imaging.php, scredit.php: Now are using HTML_setPage. cha: client_addtogroup.php: Rewritten. +++++ 2010-01-02 cha: groups.php, fdisk.php, messageReceive.php, remotevar.php: Added CHECK_FW rules. new: CHECK_text2db: Makes a text safe for using it in the database. new: CHECK_db2text: Converts a string from the DB format to a normal string. +++++ 2010-01-01 cha: db.php, packages.php: Added CHECK_FW rules. +++++ 2009-12-30 new: CHECK_letFWDie: Lets the variable checking firewall die with error message and info why and where it stopped executing the script. new: CHECK_FW: Variable checking firewall, that checks a bunch of variables if they contain only valid characters. +++++ 2009-12-22 cha: checkIP: Now uses more strict checking whether an IP is valid or not. +++++ 2009-12-21 new: CHECK_int: Checks if the input value is an integer and shuts down the application if not. new: CHECK_float: Checks if the input value is a float number and shuts down the application if not. new: CHECK_strAlpha: Checks if the input value is a string that contains only characters and shuts down the application if it's not. new: CHECK_strAlphaNum: Checks if the input value is a string that contains only characters and digits and shuts down the application if it's not. new: CHECK_str: Checks if the input string only contains valid characters and is not longer than the maximum length and shuts down the application if not. +++++ 2009-12-20 new: helpViewer.php: Standalone or integrated help file viewer. new: de/en/serverRestore.hlp +++++ 2009-12-18 new: HTML_showPagePrintButton: Shows a print button that allows easy printing of the current m23 administration interface. cha: index.php: Now shows the printer button on top of every page. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now proxy and port are unset if m23shared is running. new: m23SHARED_getInformationForBootingYourClientLink: Generates a link to the help page information for booting the client. new: de/m23SharedBootingYourClient.hlp +++++ 2009-12-17 new: m23SHARED_showPriceListTable: Shows a table with the price list. new: customerCenter.hlp +++++ 2009-12-16 cha: Finished translations. +++++ 2009-12-15 new: Some translations. +++++ 2009-12-11 new: SERVERBACKUP_runBackupNowDialog: Shows a dialog for starting the server backup manually at once. new: m23SHARED_calculateBill: Calculates the bill for a choosen month in a selected year. new: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Generates a list of existing server backups. new: SERVERBACKUP_rmBackup: Removes server backup. new: SERVERBACKUP_backupOverviewDialog: Shows a dialog with overview of all existing server backups with possibility for deletion. +++++ 2009-12-10 new: de/cron.inc, de/manageGPGKeysDialog.inc, de/m23ServerBackup.hlp: Added help files for new functions. +++++ 2009-12-09 new: SERVER_runningInScreen: Returns "true" if a screen session with a given name exists for a given user. +++++ 2009-12-08 new: SERVERBACKUP_showConfigurationDialog: Shows a dialog for configuring the server backup. new: MAIL_importGPGKey: Imports an GPG key into the bunch of GPG keys. new: MAIL_deleteGPGKey: Deletes an GPG key from the bunch of GPG keys. new: MAIL_manageGPGKeysDialog: Shows a dialog for importing and deleting GPG keys. new: HTML_textArea: Shows a text area to insert text. new: MAIL_sendMail: Sends a mail, that may be GPG encrypted and contain an attachement via the cryptmail gateway. +++++ 2009-12-07 new: MAIL_getGpgKeyList: Gets the list of known GPG keys/identities. new: SERVER_getFileContents: Get the contents of any file (even if only readable by root). new: SERVER_putFileContents: Stores a text to a file and changes it's mode, user and group. new: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupConfiguration: Gets the server backup configuration. new: SERVERBACKUP_storeBackupConfiguration: Stores the server backup configuration. +++++ 2009-12-06 fix: EDIT_deleteMatching: Now removes newlines from the search string. new: CRON_getNextIdentifierNr: Calculates the next higher identifier number from a given identifier. new: CRON_cronManagementDialog: Shows a dialog for viewing, adding and deleting crontab entries for a given user, command and identifier. new: CRON_cronEntryDeletionDialog: Shows a a list of crontab entries matching the identifier with deletion option. new: CRON_translateEveryIntervallValue: Translates a time value with possible intervall into a human readable string. +++++ 2009-12-04 new: CRON_addJobDayly: Runs a command every day at a specified time. cha: MSG_showInfo, MSG_showError, MSG_showWarning: language parameter is now optional. new: CRON_getEntriesByIdentifier: Parses the crontab for all lines matching the identifier. new: CRON_getTimeBaseArray: Returns an associative array that contains the timebases for cron that are supported by m23. new: CRON_getDayOfWeekArray: Returns an associative array that contains the week day names for cron. new: CRON_checkMinute: Checks if a minute value is valid. new: CRON_checkHour: Checks if a hour value is valid. +++++ 2009-12-03 new: CRON_addJobHourly: Runs a command every N hours. new: CRON_addJobWeekly: Runs a command every week at a specified time. +++++ 2009-12-02 new: CRON_genCronEntry: Creates a cron line to insert into crontab. new: CRON_addJob: Adds a command to the crontab. new: CRON_rmJob: Removes an entry from the crontab. +++++ 2009-12-01 cha: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: Now returns false if the file could not be donwloaded. +++++ 2009-11-27 new: m23SHARED_showLicenseDialog: Shows a dialog for viewing and changing the license and paid client amount. new: m23SHARED_showAdminDialog: Shows a dialog for the admin to search users for and change values. new: m23SHARED_blockAccount: Blocks or unblocks an account. new: m23SHARED_isAccountBlocked: Checks if an account is blocked. new: m23SHARED_showAddExtraBillDialog: Shows a dialog for adding extra entries to the bill. new: m23SHARED_showBillDialog: Shows a dialog for viewing and choosing the bill. +++++ 2009-11-26 new: m23SHARED_allUserDBQuery: Executes an SQL query on all m23shared databases and returns an associated array with all results. new: m23SHARED_getUserByResident: Gets the user name of m23shared customer by the resident name. new: m23SHARED_getUserByCustomerNr: Gets the user name of m23shared customer by the customer number. new: m23SHARED_getUserByInfo: Gets the user name of m23shared customer by searching all m23shared DBs for var and value in the remotevar table. +++++ 2009-11-25 new: m23SHARED_priceFormater: Formats a price with two digit decimal place. new: m23SHARED_downloadBillPDFLink: Generates a HTML link that points to the script that generates the bill for a given monath and year. new: m23SHARED_showDonationDialog: Shows a dialog where the user can donate to the m23 project. new: m23SHARED_addExtraBill: Adds an extra entry to the bill. new: m23SHARED_showBootMediaDownloadDialog: Shows a dialog with download icons for the different boot media. +++++ 2009-11-24 new: m23SHARED_getSalutationsArray: Returns an array with salutation forms. new: m23SHARED_switchUser: Changes the current m23shared user. new: m23SHARED_getSalutationHeadline: Returns a saluation headline that can be used as beginning of an email. new: m23SHARED_sendAllBillMails: Sends the bills of all users from the previous month as PDF attachement. This should be run at the beginning of a month. new: m23SHARED_prepareBillMailSending: Prepares the bill mail sending queue. new: m23SHARED_markBillMailAsSent: Marks a bill mail as sent. +++++ 2009-11-17 new: m23SHARED_getCustomerAddress: Returns HTML formatted address information for the current customer. new: m23SHARED_unusedPaidClientsAvailable: Checks if there are unused paid clients and shows an error message if not. new: m23SHARED_getAllm23sharedUsers: Gets all m23shared users. +++++ 2009-11-12 new: m23SHARED_setAddress: Sets address information for the current customer. +++++ 2009-11-11 new: m23SHARED_getPayTypeArray: Returns an array with the nummeric pay types as index and the human readable translations as values. new: m23SHARED_setBankAccount: Sets bank account information for the current customer. new: MAIL_attach: Attaches a file to the message body of the mail and changes the mail header. new: m23SHARED_changeClientAmount: Changes the amount of paid clients for the current customer. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerBankHTML: Returns HTML formatted bank account information for the current customer. +++++ 2009-11-09 new: m23SHARED_generateActivationKey: Calculates the customer number by current time and random value and stores it into the DB. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerNr: Returns the customer number for this customer. new: SERVER_multiMkDir: Creates a directory and all needed directories on the way to the destination path. new: m23SHARED_pdfBill: Generates a bill in PDF format for a choosen month in a selected year. new: m23SHARED_getCurrentUser: Returns the current m23shared user. new: m23SHARED_getLicenseType: Returns the m23shared license of the current m23shared user. +++++ 2009-11-07 cha: HTML_selection: Now returns the shown list element if none was selected. new: m23SHARED_getBillDates: Returns an array filled with all month and years where bills are present. cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Background image should be changeable now (Thx thomas). +++++ 2009-11-05 new: PDF_init: Inits some basic variables for PDF creation. new: PDF_output: Shows the created PDF. +++++ 2009-11-04 new: PDF_showTableRow: Shows a table row with a variable amount of entries. new: PDF_showTableHeader: Inits some values for starting a new PDF table. new: PDF_showTableEnd: Prints the PDF table. +++++ 2009-11-03 new: MAIL_cryptMailServer: Server part for sending AES mails. cha: m23SHARED_gpgMail: Is now MAIL_gpgMail and can encode big messages via temporary file now. new: MAIL_getHeader: Generates a mail header with sender and reply-to field, mail software and a BCC to send a copy to the admin. +++++ 2009-11-02 new: SERVER_changeHtpasswd: Changes the password of a user in a htpasswd file. new: m23SHARED_changePasswordDialog: Tries to change the password for the current m23shared user and shows an error or sucess message. Both of the entered passwords must be identically. new: m23SHARED_changePasswordDialog: Tries to change the eMail for the current m23shared user and shows an error or sucess message. +++++ 2009-10-31 new: m23SHARED_sendAdminMail: Sends an GPG encrypted eMail to the admin. +++++ 2009-10-29 new: HTML_showTableHeading: Shows a table heading row with a variable amount of entries. The parameters are shown side by side as rows in a table. If more than one HTML_showTableRow commands are executed in one table it is needed to always use the same amount of paramaters in each call. new: m23SHARED_showBill: Shows the bill for a selected month. new: m23SHARED_gpgMail: Encrypts a message with GPG for a given eMail address. +++++ 2009-10-28 new: m23SHARED_sendActivationMail: Prepares and sends the activation mail. new: m23SHARED_getActivationKey: Returns the activation key for this customer. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerEmail: Returns the eMail address of customer. new: m23SHARED_setCustomerEmail: Sets the eMail address of customer. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerLanguage: Returns the language setting for this customer. new: m23SHARED_setCustomerLanguage: Sets the language for this customer. new: m23SHARED_setRealName: Sets the real name of the customer. new: m23SHARED_getRealName: Returns the real name of the customer. new: m23SHARED_sendActivationMail: Prepares and sends the welcome mail. new: m23SHARED_activate: Activates a customer account identified by user and activation code, makes some checks if the data is correct and sends a welcome email. +++++ 2009-10-27 new: m23SHARED_sendAESMail: Sends an AES encrypted eMail to a crypt mail gateway. +++++ 2009-10-26 new: DB_queryNoDie: Executes a SQL query and returns the resource id to access the result. new: m23SHARED_getPayTypeHumanReadable: Returns the license and payment type of the m23shared/enterprise account as human readable string. new: m23SHARED_getMonthlyFee: Calculates the monthly fee with the given amount af paid clients. new: m23SHARED_generateActivationKey: Calculates a random activation key and stores it into the DB. +++++ 2009-10-24 cha: HTML_showTableEnd, HTML_showTableHeader: Removed unneeded HTML tags. new: HTML_showTableRow: Shows a table row with a variable amount of entries. The parameters are shown side by side as rows in a table. If more than one HTML_showTableRow commands are executed in one table it is needed to always use the same amount of paramaters in each call. +++++ 2009-10-23 cha: HTML_showTableHeader: Now has parameter to choose the CSS class of the inner table. cha: index.css: Some improvements for readableness of tables. +++++ 2009-10-21 new: CLIENT_getClientAmount: Gets the amount of all clients. new: m23SHARED_paidClients: Calculates and returns the amount of clients the customer has paid for. new: m23SHARED_evaluationEndDate: Generates a string with the end date and time in current selected language of the evaluation period. +++++ 2009-10-20 fix: m23xfree864Install.php: Now only enables vboxvideo if the VirtualBox addon package could be found. +++++ 2009-10-19 cha: PKG_previewUpdateSystem, PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation: Now are changing the client name on m23shared clients to the complete m23shared client name to store the package status information in a directory with complete m23shared client name and not without the DB name. +++++ 2009-10-18 cha: PKG_previewUpdateSystem, PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation: Now doesn't try to copy the current package status file via SCP before the preview if m23shared is active. cha: m23UpdatePackageInfos.php: Now uses MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand instead of MSR_statusFileCommand to reduce transferred data. new: MSR_copyClientPackageStatus: Writes a sent full or difference package status file to the correct directory. new: MSR_importDiffFile: Writes a sent full or difference file to the destination. new: MSR_copyDiffFileFromClient: Sends a file from the client to the server and tries to send only the changes towards an existing file on the server. new: MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand: Generates commands to transfer the package status file from the client to the server. +++++ 2009-10-17 cha: CLIENT_getAskingParams: Checks if a m23shared client name is set and returns its parameters. cha: CIR_waitForNextJob: Now adds the client ID to the request if it is available. cha: CLCFG_resolvConf: Now doesn't store an empty resolv.conf. +++++ 2009-10-16 cha: mkCert.sh: Now can create certificates for choosen hosts. cha: postMessage.php, setStatus.php, setClientStatus.php: Now include m23shared.php optionally. cha: CLCFG_interfaces: Now has $clientParams as parameter and can configure the interfaces with DHCP settings. +++++ 2009-10-15 cha: linuxrc: Now checks if the m23 server was given via kernel parameters. cha: linuxrc: Now asks for the m23 client ID or uses the given hostname if the m23 server was given via kernel parameter. cha: m23SHARED_getDBnameByClient: Checks if the m23 client ID begins with "m23S" to determine if the client ID belongs to a m23shared client. new: m23SHARED_getCompleteClientName: Returns the complete name of a m23 shared client ($_SESSION variables need to be set). new: m23SHARED_getServerIP: Returns the FQDN of the m23shared server. cha: getServerIP: Now calls m23SHARED_getServerIP if m23shared is active. cha: CIR_writeClientID: Now has $clientParams as parameter and uses m23SHARED_getCompleteClientName as ID if m23shared is active. +++++ 2009-10-12 cha: DHCP_rmClient: Now removes the client only from dhcpd.conf if the client doesn't use gPXE. cha: exportDBInitTable: Now auto increment start values are stripped from the SQL dump. cha: quickBuild.sh: Now builds m23shared package too. +++++ 2009-10-11 cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Checks if a m23shared client exists and give it out directly if there is one now. cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: If m23shared is active, print the DB name in front of the client name. cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now doesn't show network setting if the client uses gPXE or DHCP. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now has parameter to choose different boot methods. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now activates network boot if PXE or Etherboot is choosen only. new: dhclient-script: Added a modificated version that can set the hostname of the client. +++++ 2009-10-10 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now disables network settings if gPXE/DHCP is selected. cha: HTML_storableSelection, HTML_selection: Added parameter to add JavaScript. cha: client_details.php: Made some options disappearing for m23shared. cha: index.php: Disable some pages for m23shared. cha: head.php: Now show the currently logged in user and a logout link. cha: index.php: Redesigned and logout option added. cha: m23base.php: Removed spaces in front of the lines. cha: CLIENT_addChangeElement: Now adds changeElements only if they didn't exist before. +++++ 2009-10-09 new: m23SHARED_DBname: Generates a database name for m23 shared by input and salt. new: m23SHARED_getDBnameByInterface: Calculates the database name for m23 shared by setting in the user interface new: m23SHARED_getDBnameByClient: Gets the database name for m23 shared as part of the client ID. new: m23SHARED_init: Checks if a m23shared environment is present, sets the variables in the session and chooses the according DB. new: m23SHARED_new: Adds a new m23shared user and creates a new DB. new: m23SHARED_setLicense: Sets the maximum allowed amount of clients and the evaluation time in days. new: m23SHARED_evaluationDaysLeft: Calculates how many days are left from evaluation period. cha: PLG_listMenuPlugins: Now exists if m23shared is active. cha: menu.php: Now doen't show some entries if m23shared is active. +++++ 2009-10-08 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php, exportDBInitTable: Now accept list of sources lists to export from command line arguments. new: SERVER_delFromHtpasswd: Removes a user with password to a htpasswd file. new: SERVER_addToHtpasswd: Adds a new user with password to a htpasswd file. +++++ 2009-10-05 cha: dbConnect: Now supports clients with m23shared +++++ 2009-09-30 cha: VM_startVM: Added font path to fix font error of vnc4server. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now can re-use existing virtual harddisks. +++++ 2009-09-10 cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now checks if the m23 client is run in VirtualBox and try to install the VirtualBox guest addons. cha: KDE_install: Now installs m23-kde4-wallpaper. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now configures the display drivers for VirtualBox and VMWare. +++++ 2009-09-07 cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now creates backups of the client packages to the FRS. new: m23-skel/postinst: Adds setting of the .kde4 home directory if KDE 4 is installed to "profile" in /etc/skel. cha: m23-skel/postinst: Now disables start of kaboom. +++++ 2009-09-05 cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now has another fallback to create a working xorg.conf. cha: .profile: Now checks if KDE4 is installed and sets KDEHOME. +++++ 2009-09-01 cha: hwcheck, printconf, alsa-autoconfig: Added LSB parts to the headers of the scripts. +++++ 2009-08-31 cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now CLCFG_language is executed before the user is added. cha: CLCFG_language: Now changes the skel so that the keyboard in KDE is set to the client's language settings. cha: kdeglobals: Added font antialiasing cha: plasma-desktop-appletsrc: Now uses ~/Desktop as dektop directory. +++++ 2009-08-21 cha: menuManualStart.sh: Adjusted urls to the new file release system of SourceForge. new: uploadFRS: Uploads files to the new FRS of SF. This will replace the sf-upload calls. cha: uploadPDFFRS, m23instUpload: Now uses uploadFRS. +++++ 2009-06-29 cha: m23patch.php: Now checks if a (maybe) in apt.conf set proxy is pingable. The m23 0.8.5 VM and ISO came with a false preset proxy for APT upgrades on the m23 server. +++++ 2009-06-25 patch: Fixes assimilisation of Ubuntu cumputers that don't report a valid IP. Added search option in the client overview dialog. patch 101484: Fixes assimilisation of Ubuntu cumputers that don't report a valid IP. Added search option in the client overview dialog. +++++ 2009-06-21 cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now doesn't overwrites the IP because it may be reported false by some Ubuntu versions. new: CLCFG_createScreenRC: Creates the (under Ubuntu) needed settings for screen. new: DB_getLikeableColumns: Returns an associative array that contains all fields of a table that can be searched by LIKE. cha: CLIENT_query: Added parameter with search string to search all clients for and only list matching clients or all if $search is empty. cha: clients_overview: Added search dialog. +++++ 2009-06-16 fix: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Fixed URL to the m23 community page article. +++++ 2009-06-14 patch: Server installation CD updates. cha: installLilo: Uninstalls grub now. cha: installLilo: Now adds large-memory option to lilo.conf if it's missing. patch: Small changes for the m23 server installtion cd. cha: installDebs: Now adds m23 server repository to sources.list. patch 101485: Server installation CD updates. patch 101486: Small changes for the m23 server installtion cd. +++++ 2009-06-12 cha: m23-ldap/postinst: Now adds an LDAP group. patch: Fix for the LiLo filter. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: Fix for the LiLo filter. patch: Changes to support LiLo better. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now filters out double entries in lilo.conf. This may happen on RAID systems and hinder lilo to install. cha: installLilo: Links update-grub to lilo now. patch 101487: Fix for the LiLo filter. patch 101488: Changes to support LiLo better. +++++ 2009-06-10 cha: m23-box/postinst: New code to disable VirtualBox OSE registration dialog. patch: Update for the graphical VirtualBox OSE console. cha: VboxVMStarter: Now sets the background image via xloadimage. new: Created background image for the graphical VirtualBox OSE console. patch 101489: Update for the graphical VirtualBox OSE console. +++++ 2009-06-09 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed Debian Sarge from the sources list. patch: Small changes for VirtualBox environment. cha: serverStatus.php: Changed IP to ping. cha: work.php: Now waits if the partition and format job is active and no distribution is set. Only this way the inode size can be set on Etch. cha: VboxVMStarter: Now starts flwm. cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Adjusted configuration to VirtualBox 2.2.4 OSE. patch 101490: Small changes for VirtualBox environment. +++++ 2009-06-08 patch: Small changes and update for VirtualBox OSE. new: Creates new VirtualBox 2.2.4 OSE packages. cha: m23/postinst: Links update-grub to lilo now. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Links update-grub to lilo now, if lilo is the bootmanager. cha: HTML_listSelection: Now processes the input array only if it is an array. patch: 64 bit compatiblity for the m23 VirtualBox environment. cha: m23-vbox: Can now be installed on 64 bit machines. cha: m23-vbox: Switched window manager from olvwm to flwm. patch 101491: Small changes and update for VirtualBox OSE. patch 101492: 64 bit compatiblity for the m23 VirtualBox environment. +++++ 2009-06-07 patch: Version change and small changes. release 0.8.5 patch 101493: Version change and small changes. +++++ 2009-06-06 cha: createOSImage: Now uses maximum compression settings for 7-Zip to compress the OS image. cha: menuDoc: Now can be executed as root (if needed). patch: Fix for language setting in mass install. fix: MASS_startInstall: Now copies the language setting from the defined client. patch: Fixes for mass installation and BackupPC. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now sets the current page. Needed for continuing the client definition process. patch 101494: Fix for language setting in mass install. patch 101495: Fixes for mass installation and BackupPC. +++++ 2009-06-05 cha: add_client.php: Now uses settings from session. cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now uses client name from session. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now saves in the session that the next dialog is the disk define dialog if client definition is selected. +++++ 2009-06-04 fix: BACKUP_addAdmin: Now restarts the Apache after changing the accounts for BackupPC. patch: Changes for grub on Etch. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now has an extra parameter for settings of mkfs.ext2 and mkfs.ext3. cha: m23fdiskFormat: Now sets the size of the inodes to 128 bytes for Debian Etch (this is needed for the grub in Etch.) patch: texlive is now optional and is installed only when running menuDoc. cha: menuDoc: Now checks for LaTeX environtment and installs the needed packages if missing. patch 101496: Changes for grub on Etch. patch 101497: texlive is now optional and is installed only when running menuDoc. +++++ 2009-06-03 patch: Fixes for the DHCP detection and the maximum size of the harddisk when installing the m23 server from the ISO. cha: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Added a link to the DHCP warner log file that contains the rouge DHCP server. fix: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Another fix and now only foreign DHCP servers get detected. fix: setClientStatus.php: Now includes vm.php what enbales setting a client to status green. cha: getDrives: Now calculates the size of the harddisk via sfdisk. This should correct installation problems on big drives. Tested with a VirtualBox virtual harddisk of 2TB. patch: Fix for the SSH key creation when installing from the server installation CD. fix: startBaseInstallation: Now creates new SSH keys on installation again. patch 101498: Fixes for the DHCP detection and the maximum size of the harddisk when installing the m23 server from the ISO. patch 101499: Fix for the SSH key creation when installing from the server installation CD. +++++ 2009-06-02 patch: Fix for the DHCP warning dialog. fix: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Now uses the correct DHCP UDP port for scanning. patch: Added missing package latex2html for Debian. new: Created latex2html package. patch: Small changes for the server installation ISO. cha: installDebs: Now installs and configures m23-vbox with the installation ISO. cha: createRFSBins: Special handling for 7-Zip binary. cha: installDebs: Now removes "http://m23debs" from sources.list patch 101500: Fix for the DHCP warning dialog. patch 101501: Added missing package latex2html for Debian. patch 101502: Small changes for the server installation ISO. +++++ 2009-05-29 cha: HTML_listSelection: Changed logic for normal arrays as variables and values. fix: uploadHtml: Adjusted the server for extracting the development guide. cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now posts the URL to the article on the m23 community page too. fix: makeDoc.sh: Fixed path for copying the development documentation. +++++ 2009-05-27 cha: html2tex.sh: Reducing image size to make the screenshots fit on the paper of the documentation. +++++ 2009-05-25 cha: kh2p: Now compresses the PNGs for the manual by color reduction to approx. a third. cha: m23updateChangelog: Now posts the development messages of the last day to Twitter. new: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Posts all articles that are newer than the newest article in the previous run to Twitter. +++++ 2009-05-24 patch: Small fixes to improove compatibility of grub with some partitions. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now sets the type of the partition via sfdisk. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes sfdisk. fix: CLCFG_changeUser: Now sets the password correctly (Thx Doc). fix: m23changeClientInstall.php: Now sets the root password correctly. patch 101503: Small fixes to improove compatibility of grub with some partitions. +++++ 2009-05-22 patch: French translation completed. new: fr/createVM.hlp: Added French translation. new: fr/welcome.hlp: Added French translation. patch 101504: French translation completed. +++++ 2009-05-17 patch: Fixes for the message box and the package creation of the MDK. fix: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader, MSG_showMessageBox, MSG_showMessageBoxFooter: Now shows the message again if it is not returned. fix: simpleBuild: Now never creates empty packages if there are no changed files. release 0.8.3 patch: Redesign of the welcome page with included online blogs of current m23 events. cha: en/de welcome.hlp: Completely rewritten. patch 101505: Fixes for the message box and the package creation of the MDK. patch 101506: Redesign of the welcome page with included online blogs of current m23 events. +++++ 2009-05-15 new: MSG_DeActivateBlogDialog: Creates a dialog to en/disable a blog. The displaying state is written to the DB. cha: welcome.php: The status blogs can get (de)activated now. +++++ 2009-05-14 cha: welcome.php: Now shows the m23 status blogs as part of the welcome message. cha: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader, MSG_showMessageBoxFooter, MSG_showMessageBox: Now have an extra parameter to set if the HTML output should be returned rather than show. cha: MSG_showRSSFeed: Is now MSG_getRSSFeed and returns the HTML rss output cha: MSG_showm23DevelopmentBlog: Is now MSG_getm23DevelopmentBlog and returns the HTML output of the development blog cha: MSG_showm23UpdateFeed: Is now MSG_getm23UpdateFeed and returns the HTML output of the update feed +++++ 2009-04-22 cha: SERVER_runningInBackground: Now checks screen to check if a process is running. new: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Shows an error message if there is found another DHCP server on the net. +++++ 2009-04-16 cha: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: New parameter to choose if the file should be overwritten even if the new file is empty. cha: UPDATE_getInfo, MSG_showm23UpdateFeed: Now don't overwrite the cached files if the new file is epmty. new: MSG_showWarning: Shows the warning block for the warning messages. cha: client_distr.php: Added a warning message if Ubuntu is choosen. +++++ 2009-04-14 patch: RSS feed and other news support on the welcome page. new: MSG_showRSSFeed: Shows a RSS feed. new: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: Downloads a file if it is not older than a given time and returns its contents. cha: UPDATE_getInfo: Now uses HELPER_getRemoteFileContents and has an extra parameter to check for updates after a given time. New: MSG_showm23UpdateFeed: Shows the m23 server update feed. new: MSG_showm23DevelopmentBlog: Shows the m23 development blog. patch 101507: RSS feed and other news support on the welcome page. +++++ 2009-04-09 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed exporting all Ubuntu releases but Gutsy and removed Debian Woody. +++++ 2009-04-08 patch: Some fixes and script updates. patch 101508: Some fixes and script updates. +++++ 2009-04-07 cha: checkForx86_64Toolchain: Now downloads and installs the a binutils package that can handle the new amd64 format of the Debian Lenny binary files. new: Created a 64 bit package of VirtualBox OSE 2.1.4. cha: m23/postinst: Now writes cpu type and speed to the database on localhost. new: en/createVM.hlp: Finished translation. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost, VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Added code for preseting while screenshot making. cha: index.css: Font sizes are now set to 15. Liberation Sans is now the default font. cha: *: MSG_showNewFeature removed from all files. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added screenshot for creating a VM. +++++ 2009-04-06 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now activates network booting for the VM. cha: client_directConnection.hlp: Added ticks around the network boot password to make it easier to copy and paste in FF. fix: HTML_selection: Now the security check allows the correct value. cha: createRFSBins: Add badblocks tool to the bootimage. cha: bootimage: Updated the base to Debian Lenny. +++++ 2009-04-04 new: de/createVM.hlp: New help file for creating a virtual machine. cha: VBoxVNCStarter: Start xclock to make the VNC screen get updated every second. +++++ 2009-04-02 patch: Virtualisation added. new: CLIENT_showDelDialog: Shows the dialog for deleting a client. new: HTML_setPage: Sets the m23 page as hidden value. cha: delete_client.php: Now uses CLIENT_showDelDialog and CLIENT_showDelDialog. patch 101509: Virtualisation added. +++++ 2009-04-01 new: VM_delete: Deletes a virtual machine from a VM host. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: New parameter to delete the VM too. +++++ 2009-03-29 new: VM_webAction: Executes an action for a VM controlled by the web UI. new: VM_activateNetboot: (De)Activates network booting of a VM. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now (de)activates network booting on VMs. new: VM_stopVM: Generates a BASH command to stop a virtual machine. new: VM_pauseVM: Generates a BASH command to pause a virtual machine. new: VM_resumeVM: Generates a BASH command to resume a virtual machine. +++++ 2009-03-28 new: VM_getHTMLStatusBlock: Generates and returns a status block in a HTML table with informations (VM host, VM software, VM power switch state, visual console URL and password, VM NICs) about the selected VM client. new: VM_vmSwNr2Name: Converts the VM software constant (VM_SW_*) to the human readable name. +++++ 2009-03-27 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now sets the client's VM settings if it's VM. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Can be preseeded with MAC, clientname, VM software and host if created by VM creation page. new: VM_activateNetbootCMD: Generates a BASH command line to (de)activate network booting of a VM. new: VM_convertSwitchStatusInfo: Returns the status of a VM guest in several ways. +++++ 2009-03-26 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now makes proposals for DNS, netmask, IP and gateway. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now shows a link for adding the VM client after its sucessful creation. +++++ 2009-03-25 cha: HTML_showFormHeader: Now stores the client name and ID in the session if the information could be received by GET. new: CLIENT_addChangeElement: Generates a HTML dialog element for changing a client property. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses CLIENT_addChangeElement. cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now doesn't have parameters any more. The client name is taken from $_SESSION['clientName'] and the elements to change from $_SESSION['changeElements']. new: getServerGateway: Returnes the gateway of the m23 server +++++ 2009-03-24 cha: PKG_listKernels: Removed new: PKG_getKernels: Generates an associative array with the available kernels for an architecture and distribution as keys and values. Replaces PKG_listKernels. fix: LDAP_listServers: Now doesn't list LDAP servers with empty names. cha: LDAP_listServers: Now returns an associative array with the LDAP server names as keys and values. cha: HELPER_passGenerator: Generates semi-random passwords via pwgen or DB_genPassword. cha: CLIENT2_showAddDialog: Now generates user and root password via HELPER_passGenerator. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Complete re-design with new functions. +++++ 2009-03-23 new: HTML_submitDefine: Defines but does not show a button. new: HTML_submitCheck: Checks if a previously defined button was clicked. cha: HTML_selection, HTML_checkBox: Added support for saving the value to the session. new: HTML_storableCheckBox: Shows a check box with label with loading and storing the checking state to and from the session. new: HTML_storableSelection: Shows a list of radio buttons or a selection with loading and storing the checking state to and from the session. +++++ 2009-03-22 fix: HTML_input: Now accepts the maxlength parameter. cha: HTML2_selection: Removed. new: HTML_getElementValue: Gets the value for a HTML element by the session data or POST value. new: HELPER_array2AssociativeArray: Copies the values of an array as keys AND values to a new assiciative array. cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: Removed. cha: PREF_saveAllPreferenceValues, PREF_saveAllPreferenceValues: Now take the preference name from $_SESSION['preferenceName'] and not from the arguments. cha: PREF_getClientPreferences: Added parameter directOutput. If enabled the preference names will be given out as a HTML option list. If disabled an array with the preference names as key and value will be returned. new: PREF_showPreferenceManager: Shows a dialog to load and delete existing preferences and to create new preferences. new: PREF_preferenceLoadManagerHandler: Executes loading and deletion of preferences after pressing the according buttons and defines the buttons for PREF_showPreferenceManager(); new: PREF_preferenceSaveManagerHandler: Executes the saving of preferences. +++++ 2009-03-21 new: CLIENT_DETAILS_beginCategory: Starts a new named section for icons. new: CLIENT_DETAILS_endCategory: Ends the previously opened icon section. new: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon: Adds an icon in a section. new: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon2: Adds an icon in a section that can link to all URLs. cha: client_details.php: Redesigned with the CLIENT_DETAILS_* functions. new: VM_getSWandHost: Gets the VM software and VM host of a m23 client. new: VM_getStatus: Returns the current status of a VM guest. new: PREF_loadAllPreferenceValues: Loads all values of a preference into the session. new: PREF_saveAllPreferenceValues: Saves all values of a session into the preference. +++++ 2009-03-20 cha: HTML_showFormEnd: Now stores all session in a hidden variable. cha: HTML_showFormHeader: Now reads the session data stored in a hidden variable. new: VM_getAllVMHosts: Returns a list of all VM hosts with a choosen virtualisation software. new: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Shows a dialog parts for choosing the VM host. new: VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Shows a dialog part with information about the chose VM host. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now filters out unwanted SSH messages. cha: CLIENT_query: Now can filter for all VM clients run on a host. cha: CLIENT_showClietInfoMenu: Removed. new: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Shows a dialog to create a new VM on the chosen host. +++++ 2009-03-19 new: m23VirtualBoxInstall.php: Script for installing the VirtualBox OSE virtualisation solution on an m23 client. new: CLIENT_getCurrentFreeSpaceInDir: Get the amount of free space in a given directory on a client or localhost. new: CLIENT_getCurrentMemoryUsage: Gets the amount of free and total memory on a client or localhost. +++++ 2009-03-18 cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Now makes the m23 server a VBOX server by setting software type and virtualisation role in the database if the package is installed on the m23 server. new: VM_setHostInDB: Sets the password for the login to the visual management console on the host for all guests, the host flag and the type of used virtualisation software. cha: VM_setVisualPassword: Replaced by VM_setHostInDB. cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Transfers virtualisation software type and password to the m23 server if the package is installed on an m23 client. +++++ 2009-03-17 new: CLIENT_getClientID: Returnes the ID of the calling client. new: VM_statusIcons: Returns HTML codes that include the VM status icons of the client. cha: CLIENT_generateHTMLStatusBar: Now uses VM_statusIcons. new: VM_setVisualPassword: Sets the password for the login to the visual management console on the host for all guests. new: VM_setVisualURL: Sets the URL to connect to the visual management console. cha: vnc4server-m23-vbox: Added parameter for the IP of the m23 server. cha: VBoxVNCStarter: Now sends the visual connection URL to the m23 server. +++++ 2009-03-16 new: CLIENT_getActiveNetDevices: Checks for active network devices on a client or localhost. new: HTML2_selection: Shows a list of radio buttons or a selection. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now adds a unique ID after every job name. cha: VM functions: Now use the constant VM_SW_VBOX for VirtualBox. +++++ 2009-03-11 new: vnc4server-m23-vbox: Modificated version of the vnc4server script. Added support for starting VirtualBox VMs in a new virtual desktop accessible via VNC. This gives a remote VNC desktop that runs a VirtualBox OSE session and is a replacement for the VRDP feature of the closed source edition of VirtualBox. new: VBoxVNCStarter: Starts some tools for the VNC desktop like window manager (olvwm), xterm, and VirtualBox OSE. new: killCurrentVNCSession.sh: Shows a dialog window on the VNC desktop to shut down the tools VBoxVNCStarter started. +++++ 2009-03-10 new: VM_delVM: Deletes a virtual machine. new: VM_createVM: Creates a virtual machine. new: VM_startVM: Starts a virtual machine. new: HELPER_randomMAC: Generates a random MAC address. new: VM_status: Gets the current status of a virtual machine. new: VM_parseVBOXdisk: Parses a harddisk/DVD/floppy status line of VirtualBox. new: VM_parseVBOXstate: Parses the status (on, off, paused) line of VirtualBox. fix: SERVER_runInBackground, CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now load the right environment variables for the current user. new: VM_parseVBOXNic: Parses the status line of a virtual network card. +++++ 2009-03-09 new: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Runs a script with "screen" in the background or under a plain BASH under a given user. The script can be executed on the local machine "localhost" or a remote client that is accessible via SSH with a public key and without a password. +++++ 2009-03-07 new: VM_createDiskImage: Creates a new empty virtual harddisk image file. +++++ 2009-03-06 cha: simpleBuild: Now has an extra parameter to force building the package even if there are no changed files. new: m23-vbox: New package for configuring VirtualBox OSE on the m23 server. +++++ 2009-03-05 cha: m23/postinst: Adds a check to make configuring fail on all systems but Debian. +++++ 2009-02-26 cha: makePackages: Now calls mkRelease to make sure that Releases and Releases.gpg are up-to-date. cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now tftp-hpa works if IPV6 is enabled. +++++ 2009-02-23 fix: newsletterGenerator2.sh: Now includes the first line of each article. +++++ 2009-02-21 cha: m23/postinst: Now imports the key that is used to sign the m23 packages. release 0.7.1 cha: m23/postinst: Added logic to detect if the Apache 2 is used. cha: m23/postinst: Now configures all found PHP versions. +++++ 2009-01-26 new: mkRelease: Makes the Release file and signs it. cha: menuDeb: Now creates and signs the Release file on uploading. +++++ 2008-12-18 release 0.7.0 patch: m23 should be installable on amd64 now. cha: m23 package: Added a "conflicts" line to make sure that the packages can't be installed by APT on Ubuntu because Ubuntu is no supported platform for the m23 server. cha: m23 package: Switched architecture to "all" to make it installable on amd64, too. cha: HELPER_grubMd5Crypt: Added parameter for the length of the MD5 password salt. cha: encryptShadow: Now uses HELPER_grubMd5Crypt to encrypt the shadow password MD5. patch 101510: m23 should be installable on amd64 now. +++++ 2008-11-18 patch: Packages now compatible with Debian Lenny and Apache 2.x. Additional language support for Gnome. The key bit size of the SSL certificates is increased to 4096 and contain a random serial number that makes them compatibile with Firefox 3.x now. Support for extra SATA controlers like the virtual SATA controler of VirtualBox was added. release 0.6.8 patch 101511: Packages now compatible with Debian Lenny and Apache 2.x. Additional language support for Gnome. The key bit size of the SSL certificates is increased to 4096 and contain a random serial number that makes them compatibile with Firefox 3.x now. Support for extra SATA controlers like the virtual SATA controler of VirtualBox was added. +++++ 2008-11-17 fix: menuManualStart.sh: Now correct links are produced for downloading the PDF. (Thx Andre) cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now supports restarting of the openbsd-inetd. cha: CLCFG_language: Now adds language setting to /etc/default/locale too. cha: CLCFG_language: Now sets language for Gnome session too. +++++ 2008-11-12 new: getApacheUser: Get the user Apache 1 or 2 is executed under. new: getApacheGroup: Get the group Apache 1 or 2 is executed under. cha: mkCert.sh, fix-permissions: Now use getApacheUser and getApacheGroup. +++++ 2008-11-11 cha: m23-ldap: Now supports Apache 2 and PHP 5. cha: BACKUP_addAdmin: Now supports Apache 2. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports Debian Lenny too. fix: postint: Now deletes all unused "default" groups. +++++ 2008-11-10 cha: mkCert.sh: Increased key bit size to 4096. cha: mkCert.sh: Included the server ip into the X.509 certificate signing Request cha: mkCert.sh: Now generates a 16 digit random serial number for the SSL certificate. cha: mkCert.sh: Detection of the user and group Apache 2 is run under now works. cha: enable-ssl: Has support for Apache 2 now. +++++ 2008-11-08 fix: dodgerFilesGetFileList: Now lists the needed files again. +++++ 2008-11-07 cha: CIR_detectSCSI, getDrives: Added ahci generic SATA module. +++++ 2008-11-05 patch: Fixed corruption of software RAIDs. Added selection box for choosing the drive to install the MBR on. release 0.6.5 new: Completed help files. cha: bootimages: Build new bootimages with fixed checkdisklabel included. patch 101512: Fixed corruption of software RAIDs. Added selection box for choosing the drive to install the MBR on. +++++ 2008-11-04 new: client_distr.php: Added selection box for choosing the drive to install the MBR on. +++++ 2008-11-01 fix: checkdisklabel: Removed the recreation of the partition table if a "loop" partition table ist found. This should fix the corruption of software raids. (Thx Yann for the hint) +++++ 2008-10-25 patch: Security enhancement for the bootmanager. Now installs extra language packages on Ubuntu. Fixed installation of the pure Gnome2 package. release 0.6.4 fix: m23gnome2Install.php: Included missing file (without was installation not possible). cha: install_packages.php: Now uses PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage instead of PKG_addShutdownPackage too. cha: KDE_install: Now installs Gnome language pack too. cha: Gnome_install: Now installs KDE language pack too. cha: CLCFG_language: Now tries to install language-pack-XX. patch 101513: Security enhancement for the bootmanager. Now installs extra language packages on Ubuntu. Fixed installation of the pure Gnome2 package. +++++ 2008-10-24 cha: PKG_getPackageStatus: Commented out unused code. new: PKG_countJobsWithStatus: Counts named jobs on a client that have a special status. new: PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage: Adds a shutdown or a reboot package. No new job is addedm if there is already a waiting shutdown or reboot job. A shutdown package is added if the client can't be pinged and a reboot package if it is reachable via the network. cha: clientInstall.php: Now uses for all distributions PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage instead of PKG_addShutdownPackage. +++++ 2008-10-22 new: CLCFG_addGrubPassword: Adds a password line to the grub configuration to lock the edit line of bootmanager. new: CLCFG_addLiloPassword: Adds a password line to the LiLo configuration to lock the edit line of bootmanager. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now uses CLCFG_addGrubPassword and CLCFG_addLiloPassword. cha: client_distr.php: Removed debug code. +++++ 2008-10-21 new: HELPER_grubMd5Crypt: Encrypts a password to the MD5 hash as expected by grub. patch: Adjusted pool builder and added support for getting the base packages on new Debian versions. In addition small changes to KDE installation. release: 0.6.3 patch 101514: Adjusted pool builder and added support for getting the base packages on new Debian versions. In addition small changes to KDE installation. +++++ 2008-10-20 new: HELPER_putFileContents: Writes data to a file. cha: PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages: Now has 2 methods to figure out the base packages for the distributions. This should now work with all relesaed. A caching routine is included too to speed up the slow calculation of debootstrap. +++++ 2008-10-18 cha: POOL_makeRepository: Now contains fixing code to correct Release files that are missing the information stored in conf/distributions. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Added options to allow the download of packages from broken package sources. +++++ 2008-10-14 cha: KDE_install: Now installs gtk-qt-engine. new: m23-skel: Added media change icon to KDE's kicker. +++++ 2008-10-04 fix: PKG_addPackageSelection: Now accepts jobs without parameters. +++++ 2008-10-03 new: m23KDE4Gnome2Install.php: Script for parallel installation of KDE 4 and Gnome 2 desktop. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now uses dexconf for creating xorg.conf. cha: index.php: Now shows the page name as window title. +++++ 2008-10-02 cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now sets the default depth for XOrg to 24 bits. cha: clientConfigCommon.php: Now contains GNOME_installLoginManager, GNOME_install and GNOME_prepare. patch: Speeds up the client desaster recovery. release: 0.6.1 fix: clients_overview.php: Now remembers the action after sorting the clients. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF, uploadHtml, menuDevguide: Changed server because of SourceForge's structure changes. cha: CLCFG_writeHosts: Now sets /var/run/screen to 777 instead of CLCFG_installBasePackages. patch 101515: Speeds up the client desaster recovery. +++++ 2008-09-29 cha: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: Now sorts the clients. cha: m23normalInstall.php: Now reports dependend packages that got installed automatically and sets these install jobs to done. new: MSR_markm23normalAsDone: Marks comming m23normal install jobs as done if the packages they would install are already installed. This may happen when a package with dependencies is installed. new: PKG_fastGetInstalledPackages: Gets a list of all installed packages (faster than dpkg --get-selections). new: PKG_fastGetNewInstalledPackages: Gets new installed packages by comparing status files (before and after the installation). +++++ 2008-09-27 cha: client_partition.php: Now uses the first drive to install the bootloader. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adds all mouse modules that contain "mouse" in their names to the modules file to load them on system start. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now sets /var/run/screen to 777. +++++ 2008-09-24 release: 0.6.0 ISO +++++ 2008-09-21 patch: Package scripts improvements. cha: startBaseInstallation: Now creates a semi-random password for the LDAP server. cha: startBaseInstallation: Now removes remains from a existing LDAP database. patch 101516: Package scripts improvements. +++++ 2008-09-20 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now has a non-interactive mode that doesn't ask if the virtual network devices should be created. +++++ 2008-09-19 new: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now deletes all contents of the tables in the m23 database. +++++ 2008-09-17 patch: Adds Ubuntu root enabler. new: ASSI_addUbuntuRoot: Enables the root account in Ubuntu if a Ubuntu installation is found. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now calls ASSI_addUbuntuRoot. patch: New kernel for client and server and code cleaning. cha: Updated kernel to for client and server. patch 101517: Adds Ubuntu root enabler. patch 101518: New kernel for client and server and code cleaning. +++++ 2008-09-03 cha: CLCFG_resolvConf, CLCFG_aptConf, CLCFG_sourceslist: Now suppresses warinings if a non-existing file is attempted to get deleted. cha: CLCFG_installUsrM23: Deleted, because the files are now in the package m23-skel. +++++ 2008-09-02 patch: Some fixes and completed french translation. cha: KDE_prepare, KDE_install, KDE_installLoginManager: Moved to clientConfigCommon.php cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now has parameter to switch between KDE 3 and 4. cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog: Now lists swap partitions from the curious (new) type. (Thx Wolfgang) fix: client_partition.php: Now shows the correct heading for re-using existing partitions. patch 101519: Some fixes and completed french translation. +++++ 2008-08-18 cha: m23KDE3Install.php, m23gnome2Install.php: Installation parts are now split into seperated functions. cha: RAID_create: Tried to fix corruption of raids that were visible on mounting. Added logging and additional creation of the md device node with mknod and changed parameters of mdadm. +++++ 2008-08-14 cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Removing of partitions isn't critically any more. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adds all mouse modules to the modules file to load them on system start. new: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Makes sure the needed device nodes for the boot device are created. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now adds +x file attribute to m23fetchjob. +++++ 2008-08-05 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now with extra check for the (probable) faulty update-grub of Ubuntu Hardy/Intrepid. +++++ 2008-08-04 cha: checkdisklabel: Now only executes mklabel if parted doesn't return warnings. This suppresses a parted stack smashing error. cha: m23hwscanner: Changed the code to remove some compiler warnings. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added extra checks for Ubuntu Hardy/Intrepid to install GRUB correcty. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Extra checking for m23hwscanner, because m23hwscanner-ubuntu can not be installed on newer Ubuntu version. Instead the normal m23hwscanner is needed and installed here. +++++ 2008-08-02 patch: Eye candy for KDE and GRUB, some fixes and pre-release for m23 0.6.0. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Removed parameter $skelDir. cha: CLCFG_lilo2Grub: Now adds default kernel to start and timeout for user selection to the menu.lst. fix: PKG_listKernels: Now the choosen first kernel is the first in the list. new: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Adds the version number to a Debian or Ubuntu release. patch 101520: Eye candy for KDE and GRUB, some fixes and pre-release for m23 0.6.0. +++++ 2008-08-01 cha: deleteOldDoubles: Now works in the current directory. new: m23-skel: New package that replaces the usrm23.tar.gz file. new: m23-ksplash: New package that sets a m23 rock theme for ksplash. cha: clientInstall.php: Now install m23-ksplash instead of usrm23.tar.gz. cha: m23KDE3Install.php, m23Kubuntudesktop.php: Now isntall m23-ksplash. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Removed seconds from file creation information. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: Fixed possibly occurring grub installation error. cha: mkextradeb is now mkhwscanner. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now uses rsync without md5Check. cha: Removed not needed index files for uploadClientPackagesToSF. cha: menuDeb: Menu entry m23extra is now hwscanner. new: menuDeb: Added a new menu entry for building m23-skel and m23-ksplash with the name "m23extra". new: deleteDoublesmakeIndexAndReturn: Deletes package doubles and recreate the package index. new: m23-grub-splash: Package for installing a m23 splash image to the GRUB boot manager. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs m23-grub-splash together with grub. +++++ 2008-07-31 m23InstallerBase.inc, CLCFG_interfaces: Now removes old stored udev network device(s) to avoid network device numbering. de/en help files: Both translations now contain the same symbols and are (hopefully) correlative now. +++++ 2008-07-28 cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now checks for missing I18N symbols in the help text and indicates in which file they are missing. +++++ 2008-06-10 patch: Added not updated packages. patch: Better GRUB support and kernel update to cha: Increased size of kernel ramdisk size to 45MB. cha: Upgraded kernel to new: fixRamdisksize: Now updates the ramdisk sizes of all PXE config files to the current size value. patch 101521: Added not updated packages. patch 101522: Better GRUB support and kernel update to +++++ 2008-06-04 new: CLCFG_lilo2Grub: Installs and runs the lilo.conf to Grub's menu.lst converter cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs lilo or grub as bootloader. +++++ 2008-06-02 new: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Added support for Grub +++++ 2008-05-26 cha: deleteOldDoubles: Nod is safe for Debian packages with different architectures in the same directory. +++++ 2008-05-15 cha: wget: Made a backport of wget from Lenny to Etch to support files bigger than 2GB. fix: m23/postinst: Now writes only a new dhcpd.conf if it's empty or reconfiguring is choosen (Thx Uli). +++++ 2008-05-08 cha: IMG_showImageManagement: Now show sizes in MB. patch: Added English and German translation. patch 101523: Added English and German translation. +++++ 2008-05-07 cha: de/en client_distr.hlp: Added hints for choosing the MBR. +++++ 2008-04-23 patch: Some enhancements and fixes for the imaging feature. fix: IMG_clientCreate: Now saves the written megabytes to the status file after the dd has terminated. +++++ 2008-04-22 new: IMG_installMBR: Installs the MBR on the client. cha: CLCFG_writeMBR: Is now replaced by IMG_installMBR and so commented out. new: EDIT_genClientm23Random: Generates BASH code to calculate a client-side random MD5 hash that is stored in the variable $m23Random. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adds a random password to lilo.conf to secure lilo against changing kernel parameters on the prompt. fix: IMG_clientCreate: Fixed status code. +++++ 2008-04-21 cha: IMG_getFormatCompressionFromFile: Extra parameter for checing for a MBR file. +++++ 2008-04-16 new: IMG_storeMBR: Sends the master boot record of the hard disk to the server. cha: IMG_getAllImages: Now doesn't show the MBR files any more. fix: IMG_getAllImages: Now shows the corrects size of images bigger than 4 GB. +++++ 2008-04-15 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now uses openvpn to create and delete the tun devices. cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now re-sets the IP and gateway of the real network connected devices on executing the disable script. new: MSR_m23ImagerMBR: Saves the received master boot record to a file after cecking the MD5. cha: IMG_showImageManagement: Deletes the mbr file of an image too if found. +++++ 2008-04-10 new: MSR_genSendBinayFileCommand: Sends a binary file to postMessage.php. In contrast to MSR_genSendCommand MSR_genSendBinayFileCommand is binary safe. new: MSR_decodeClientSideBase64: Decodes the slightly modificated base64 input stream created from MSR_clientSideBase64Encode. new: MSR_clientSideBase64Encode: Encodes a given file to (a slighly different, + is converted to - for sending it as post variable via wget) base64 format and appends the output to statusdata.post. There are two methods for generating the base64 output. First the native uuencode tool that is very fast and second a plattform idependent implementation of base64 encode in AWK taken from the HylaFAX package. +++++ 2008-04-02 cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Added button to execute waiting commands at once. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now writes the LILO bootloader in the installation partition too. +++++ 2008-03-14 IMG_clientCreate: Added status bar showing the progress of image creation. +++++ 2008-03-13 cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Creation of an imaging is now done from a network booted client. new: CLIENT_resetAndInstall: Resets or wakes the client to boot from network and run jobs. +++++ 2008-03-12 new: CLCFG_dialogGaugeProcPos: Generates the BASH code for showing a dialog with status bar that uses /proc/pid/fdinfo for current file position. new: IMG_getExtractedSize: Gets the size of the extracted image by its name. cha: IMG_clientRestore: Now uses CLCFG_dialogGaugeProcPos to show a nice status bar on writing the image. +++++ 2008-03-11 cha: checkdisklabel: Now sets loop partition tables to msdos to allow partitioning after RAID setup. fix: SCREDIT_newScriptTemplate: Now has correct path for m23CommonInstallRoutines.php, sets status to "done" and executes next job afterwards. +++++ 2008-03-10 cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now installs m23-initscripts. cha: work.php: Imaging sets no distribution value cha: PKG_getClientPackages: Now can filter the found packages by status. cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Now shows packages to install in the parameter of m23normal. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now enables ChallengeResponseAuthentication in sshd_config. +++++ 2008-03-02 cha: showRootPwDialog: Adjusted size of the password dialogs. patch: A bit smaler system image. cha: m23image.tar.7z: Added Midnight Commander. cha: createOSImage: Now excludes the initrd.img* files. They are not needed because they are re-created on server installation. patch: Fixes package errors. fix: m23/postinst: BackupPC config file will now get configured properly. fix: m23/postinst: The empty old version string is empty on e first time installation and will not be checked if the version to install is newer. This suppresses a faulty error message. cha: configureNetwork: Now allways creates 4 network devices. +++++ 2008-02-28 patch: Little changes only. cha: getDrives: Now uses the dialog's gauge element to show a status bar while probing the modules. new: startDropBear: Skript for starting dropbear ssh daemon from the server installation CD. +++++ 2008-02-27 fix: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports fake package source "imaging" (Thx Uli). +++++ 2008-02-26 patch: Completed packages. +++++ 2008-02-25 cha: Updated the Debian Etch operating system archive. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added screenshot making for the script editor. cha: fr/scriptEditor.hlp: French translation completed (Thx Maren). cha: phpMyAdmin: Updated to version 2.11.4. +++++ 2008-02-24 patch: Now with complete script editor and pool builder with support for amd64 architecture. cha: POOL_prepare, POOL_download: Now has a parameter for the CPU architecture. new: en/de scriptEditor.hlp: Added help files for the script editor. new: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader: Shows the header of the help block for the online help. new: MSG_showMessageBoxFooter: Shows the footer of the message block for the online help. cha: MSG_showMessageBox: Now uses MSG_showMessageBoxHeader and MSG_showMessageBoxFooter. +++++ 2008-02-15 new: SERVER_sendScriptToSF: Uploads a script to m23.sf.net for public use. fix: HELPER_listFilesInDir: Only sorts file names if there are more than one files. fix: compileKernel: Now really deletes old modules before copying new. +++++ 2008-02-14 cha: Updated kernel of the client bootimage to new: addm23CommandsToCodepress: adds all m23 PHP commands to the PHP.js of codepress to highlight m23 commands like normal PHP commands. patch: Corrected syntax error in the work.php. fix: work.php: Corrected syntax error (Thx Jose). +++++ 2008-01-16 patch: Now includes the sources list for Ubuntu Gutsy and the beginning of the new integrated script editor. +++++ 2008-01-15 new: Created a directory for storing user scripts. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages, PKG_getSpecialPackageInfo, work.php: Now search in the user script directory too. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now shows an icon in front of user created scripts. new: HELPER_listFilesInDir: Lists all files in a directory and returns an array with all file names. new: SCREDIT_newScriptTemplate: Returns a template for a basic script. new: Included CodePress into m23 to allow syntax highlighting in the browser. new: menu.php, index.php: Added menu entry for the script editor. new: SCREDIT_showEditor: Shows a script editor with syntax highlighting if JavaScript is enabled or a normal textarea input dialog. +++++ 2008-01-09 patch: Support for Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon and Ubuntu assimilisation. cha: en/de client_assimilate.hlp: Changed for Ubuntu assimilisation. +++++ 2008-01-07 cha: plink: Patched plink to disable question for adding unknow key. Now runs non-intercative. cha: MSR_clientSettings, MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now check for the client's architecture too. +++++ 2007-12-26 new: plink-ubuntu: Special version to execute commands via SSH as root on Ubuntu systems. cha: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: Can now run commands on Ubuntu systems. cha: ASSI_showClientAddDialog, ASSI_addClient: Added option for assimilating Ubuntu systems. +++++ 2007-12-22 cha: Updated the Ubuntu debootstrap to support Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now creates a symlink for the new debootstrap version. new: New souces list for Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon. +++++ 2007-12-03 patch: Help texts updated. cha: en/de/fr/client_add.hlp: Now with adjusted help texts. patch: Minor fixes new version number. cha: Incremented version number to 0.5.8. +++++ 2007-12-02 cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Now sets default display manager to gdm if it's not done by the packages. patch: Minor fixes for server installation. fix: getDrives: Now detects scsi drives in a more generic way. fix: Added needed link from the Debian pkgdetails-amd64 to Ubuntu debootstrap directory. +++++ 2007-11-27 cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now shows architecture and kernel name. cha: m23/postinst: Adds architecture option with i386 to all clients if it's missing. patch: Lots of changes for 64 bit clients. Improved hardware detection, lots of fixes. +++++ 2007-11-26 cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Errors about not found release file are not critically any more. cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now can change kernel and architecture in database. cha: PKG_updatePackageInfo, PKG_searchFor: Now with optional architecture parameter. cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now lists kernels for the selected architecture. +++++ 2007-11-22 fix: CLCFG_installUsrM23: Doesn't remove skel directory any more to add desktop icons for CD/DVD and harddisk drives. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Added selection to edit the used kernel. +++++ 2007-11-20 new: compileKernel: Now makes a distclean if the current compile architecture and the previously differs. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Falure on creating partitions is not critically any more. cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall, CLCFG_hwdetect: Removed installation of packages xf86config-knoppix and ddcxinfo-knoppix. +++++ 2007-11-13 cha: linuxrc: Now runs the hardware detection programms hwsetup and discover to guarantee a maximum of detection. cha: m23hwscanner.c: Added more generic logic to detect swap partitions. +++++ 2007-11-08 cha: Added package xorgconfig-knoppix to getBuildKnoppixDebs. new: Patch for xorgconfig-knoppix to add extra detection of PS/2 mice. new: Patch for xf86config-knoppix to add extra detection of PS/2 mice. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now uses xorgconfig-knoppix for XOrg cha: hwcheck: Now includes configuration file creation for XFree86 and XOrg via mkxf86config or mkxorgconfig. cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Creates 32 bit hwsetup package on 32 bit systems and 64 bit package on a 64 bit system. cha: m23hwscanner.c: Added more generic logic for finding CD devices. +++++ 2007-11-05 cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Now creates a i386 only hwsetup package. new: Build native amd64 hwsetup package. new: yaird packages: Build i386 and amd64 yaird packages from SID for all Debian versions. The new package is needed for building initrds for newer kernel versions. cha: prepareBuilding: Added a wait for key press. +++++ 2007-10-26 cha: Build new Debian package for pciutils 2.2.7. fix: kudzu.c: Fixed a crash on amd64 arch. cha: mkStaticKnoppix: Patch the makefiles different to use the new kudzu. cha: mkStaticKnoppix: Add a warning if the package could not be created. +++++ 2007-10-19 cha: BusyBox: Added getopts support. cha: createRFSBins: Added discover discover-modprobe discover-pkginstall discover-config. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now fetches a special pkgdetails version for amd64 systems. cha: DISTR_baseInstall: Now calls CLCFG_debootstrap with the choosen architecture. +++++ 2007-10-18 cha: DHCP_activateBoot, DHCP_writePXEcfg: Now with support for different architectures. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Added selection for architecture i386 or amd64. cha: createRFSDevs: Now gives out an error message if the directory for the device nodes could not get created. +++++ 2007-09-29 cha: createRFSBins: Now can figure out libraries needed amd64 executables. cha: createRFSBins: Now copies the binaries fo the choosen architecture if it's not the host's architecture. +++++ 2007-09-27 fix: listBusyBoxVersions: Now lists BusyBox source archives again after changing BusyBox's server configuration. cha: compileKernel: Improved amd64 support and adding of IA32 emulation in 64 bit kernels. cha: checkForx86_64Toolchain: Now uses timeouts for getting the cross compiler Debian package. cha: listConfigFiles: Removed dependency of current CPU architecture to enable "forking" of i386 config files for using in amd64 kernels. new: EDIT_addIfNotExists: Adds a line to a textfile if the search pattern could not be found. fix: x86_64 should not be converted to ia64. +++++ 2007-09-05 cha: m23/postinst: No locally stored packages (e.g. in extraDebs) don't get cached any more. +++++ 2007-09-04 fix: parted package: Removed files that got included wrongly. +++++ 2007-09-03 patch: Little pool builder patch. cha: PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Now sorts the files before listing. cha: POOL_makeRepository: Now contains code to fix Packages index files with empty Depends lines. +++++ 2007-08-21 patch: Small changes. cha: GRP_getDistrsAndSourcesLists: Check if no groupname is given and then give out all sources lists and distributions. fix: quickbuild.sh: Now supports building of package m23-mdk. +++++ 2007-08-17 patch: Another BackupPC SSH fix. fix: m23/postinst: Disabled strong verification of SSH keys. patch: BackupPC SSH key copying fixed. fix: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Removed copying of SSH key. This is now done by the m23 package. patch: Small fixes for the CD. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now sets more values via debconf. fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Removed . that caused syntax error in the client config files. patch: Made scripts for configuring BackupPC more robustly. fix: m23/postinst: Make BackupPC use the same password file than m23. cha: m23/postinst: Additional check for the existence of the BackupPC SSH key in authorized_keys. cha: m23/postinst: Make sure the BackupPC Apache include file is included in httpd.conf. cha: m23/postinst: Make sure all m23 admins are known to BackupPC. patch: Development guide updated. cha: Development guide: Updated. +++++ 2007-08-15 patch: Updated manuals and completed french translation. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog, CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions, GRP_showGroupsAndCount: Removed hint for new feature. new: fr/serverStatus.hlp: Translated. fix: m23.postinst: Creation of dhcpd.conf works again. patch: Updates to the package postinst, little corrections. fix: quickbuild.sh: Now works even if menuStart was not called before. cha: m23.postinst: Execution of the SQL files is only done if the SQL files are existing. cha: m23.postinst: Now creats the extraDebs directory with empty indices if it doesn't exist. cha: m23.postinst: Increased the size of the fields "cpu" and "MHz" in the table "clients". fix: m23XFceInstall.php: Added package xdm. +++++ 2007-08-14 new: array_keysSearch: Searches for a key in an associative array that matches a regular expression. cha: PKGBUILDER_showDialog: Creates the directory for the extra Debian packages if it doesn't exist. patch: Little corrections and support for multiple hardware of the same type fix: uploadHtml: Changed extracting command order. cha: uploadHtml: Now stores the archive under /tmp. cha: menuStart: Added checking for root permission on some entries. cha: menuClientISO, menuServerISO, menuDoc, menuDeb: Added checking for the current user and print out an error message and exit the script if it's the wrong user. +++++ 2007-08-13 cha: m23KDE3Install: Added kmix to the installed packages. cha: checkdisklabel (client side): Now uses same code as the version in m23InstallerBase.inc. new: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Logging of (un)sucessfully partition and formating attempts. +++++ 2007-08-10 new: getHardwareData: Support for multiple network, graphic, ISA and soundcards. cha: HWINFO_getNetworkCards, HWINFO_getGraficCards, HWINFO_getSoundCards: Better output. Elements are devided by breaks. cha: HWINFO_getCPU: Now returns name and speed of all CPUs. cha: HWINFO_getMhz: Removed. cha: Changed size of field "cpu" in the table "clients" to 255 to allow informations about multiple CPUs. cha: getHardwareData: Now stores names and speeds of all CPUs. cha: m23hwscanner: Found Linux systems are now written only with the device name only to lilo.conf. (e.g. sdb1 instead of /dev/sdb1) cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Added ata_piix to modules list. +++++ 2007-08-06 cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Detection of default display manager setting is read from /etc/init.d/gdm. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Now sets LDAP server and base DN in libnss-ldap.conf. (Thx Marian) +++++ 2007-07-19 cha: m23-mdk: Added dependency for 7-Zip. patch: Corrections of the pool builder. Additional patches to the Etch based server installation CD. cha: createOSImage, extractFile: Now uses 7-Zip for compressing. cha: checkdisklabel: Now integrated in m23InstallerBase.inc. fix: checkdisklabel: Changed to new parted version. Error messages about unrecognised disklabel are printed on stderr. new: addPoolToISO.sh: Script for compressing and adding an existing downloaded package source to the server installation CD. cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Added 7-Zip. fix: kh2p: Removed read. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added packageBuilder. cha: manual.tex: Added packageBuilder.hlp.tex. +++++ 2007-07-18 cha: PKG_downloadPool, pool.php: Replaced all log writing commands with "2>&1 | tee -a". cha: PKG_downloadPool, POOL_createExtendedPackageIndex, POOL_makeRepository: Now uses SERVER_runInBackground instead of directly calling screen. fix: m23image: Removed proxy settings from apt.conf. fix: m23/postinst: Creates MySQL m23dbroot user with less privileges because ALL PRIVILEGES is not possible. +++++ 2007-07-14 cha: m23/postinst: Now sets the php memory limit to 32MB. cha: mkDeb: Now removes backup files. cha: printconf: Now only gets executed on "start" or "restart". +++++ 2007-07-13 new: printconf: New script in m23-initscripts that scans for new printers and adds them. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Now activates printconf via symlink. +++++ 2007-07-12 fix: POOL_makeRepository: Now deleted old scripts. patch: EtherBoot images now working again and compressed. New server status log for posting in the m23 forum. +++++ 2007-07-10 new: client_details.php: Added icon for CUPS. Now can access the CUPS server of the m23 clients. new: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Configures CUPS for administration thru the m23 server and allows all clients in the network to print on the remote printer. fix: PKG_addPackageSelection: Now adds only valid packages. fix: EDIT_commentout: Now works if only the match parameter is given. fix: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Now installs the printer packages one by one to make sure that the most possible amount is installed. +++++ 2007-07-09 fix: createRFSEtherboot: Now compresses the initrd to decrease the image size. fix: createRFSEtherboot: Now uses the old working mknbi-linux again. new: CLIENT_query: Now can sort the list after client status, name, install date and last changed date. fix: POOL_createExtendedPackageIndex: Now corrects Packages* files on creation if there are empty "Depends" lines. +++++ 2007-07-02 new: SERVER_checkDiskFree: Reports the free space of all mounted media. new: SERVER_checkRunInVM: Checks if the m23 server is executed in a virtual machine or on native hardware. new: SERVER_checkKernel: Returns the kernel information string of "uname -a". +++++ 2007-06-25 new: SERVER_checkDownload: Downloads a special file from m23.sf.net and checks if the size and md5 sum are matching. new: SERVER_getOS: Returns the version string of the distribution. new: SERVER_getInstallationMedium: Tries to figure out how the m23 server was installed cha: head.php: Added link to the server status page. cha: index.php: Added entry for the server status page. new: serverStatus.php: Added page for showing a server status log for posting in the m23 forum. fix: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: Now can add special packages. +++++ 2007-06-21 cha: client_distr.php: Now supports installation of a package selection together with the OS. new: PKG_addPackageSelection: Adds a package selections to the list of packages to install. Uses most code of PKG_addRecommendPackages. cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: Now uses PKG_addPackageSelection. +++++ 2007-06-14 cha: m23 ldap package: Now asks for the ldap password only if it's not in the debconf. +++++ 2007-06-13 patch: Some changes for Debian Etch based server installation CD. new: m23 server installation CD: OS is now Debian Etch. cha: configureNetwork: Now adds network interfaces eth0 to eth3 if the setup is executed in VMware. This is needed because ist is not predictable what interface name will be used for the pcnet32 device. cha: installI18n.de / en: Slashes corrections. Added http in front of the m23 page url. cha: EDIT_prepareStr: Removed addslashes because it lead to errors in the phpldapadmin config file. +++++ 2007-06-11 cha: installLilo: Now is Etch compatible. fix: m23 server installation CD: Added missign genpw tool. +++++ 2007-06-04 patch: Package fix. fix: package m23: Corrected error in the postinst (BackupPC part). +++++ 2007-06-03 patch: Added Debian Etch package sources list. fix: package m23: Now includes Etch package sources list. fix: package m23: Creates BackupPC SSH key only once. +++++ 2007-05-30 cha: PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Add files excepting the package index files are removable. cha: excludem23deb: Now excludes the files in /m23/data+scripts/extraDebs +++++ 2007-05-25 patch: New package builder for distributing files and directory trees to the clients. fix: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now returns a text with the error description if the package source doesn't exist. +++++ 2007-05-24 new: PKGBUILDER_tar2deb: Converts a tar file (with bzip2 or gzip compression) into a Debian package. new: HELPER_getFileContents: Returnes the maximum file upload size allowed by php.ini. new: Help for packageBuilder. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir, SRCLST_genList: Now adds special source for extra packages. +++++ 2007-05-23 new: PKGBUILDER_showUploadDialog: Shows a dilog for uploading the tar files with checking of the file extension. new: convertTarToDeb: converts a tar with gzip or bzip2 compression to a Debian package. +++++ 2007-05-19 cha: mkStaticKnoppix: Now includes the newest pci.ids into the package hwdata-knoppix. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Commented out download of pci.ids. +++++ 2007-05-18 new: SERVER_rootFreeSpace: Shows an error message if the free space of the root partition is low. new: SERVER_tmpNotWritable: Shows an error message if /tmp is not writable. cha: menu.php: Added SERVER_tmpNotWritable, SERVER_dynamicIPWarn and SERVER_rootFreeSpace. cha: head.php: Removed uptime and system load and redesigned. cha: getServerIP: Shortened function. Is it faster now? new: SERVER_dynamicIPWarn: Shows an error message if the m23 server has a dynmic IP address. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now downloads the PCI ID database from pciids.sourceforge.net. +++++ 2007-05-16 patch: Enhancements for Debian Etch clients and some fixes. fix: hwcheck: Now does not get executed at shutdown any more. cha: m23KDE3Install: KDM configuring now uses scripts to adjust kdmrc and backgroundrc that are shipped with the package. cha: m23KDE3Install: Some extra debconf values for Debian Sarge. cha: DMI_getParam: Now support the new dmidecode output (Thx MartinUni). cha: m23KDE3Install: More lokalisation of KDM. +++++ 2007-05-15 new: EDIT_commentoutInsert: Comments out a matched line and inserts a new line after it. cha: hwcheck: Adjusts module path of XOrg is used. This is needed for Debian Etch. +++++ 2007-05-11 cha: MSR_partHwDataCommand: Adjustment to the code change of m23hwscanner. cha: m23hwscanner: Now stores the partition and hardware information directly to /tmp/partHwData.post. new: buildm23hwscannerAll: build the 32bit m23hwscanner statically and dynamically with "all" as architecture. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now extracts m23hwscanner all architectures version.. patch: Integrated user management for BackupPC. cha: htaccess.php: Now adds and removes users to /etc/backuppc/htpasswd too. +++++ 2007-05-10 patch: Better BackupPC integration. new: package m23: Configuration of BackupPC. +++++ 2007-05-09 fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Added missing tranfer method. new: m23/postinst: Now includes a part for configuring BackupPC. +++++ 2007-05-08 fix: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Added mounting of /sys to make installation of Debian Etch clients possible. cha: SERVER_addLineToFile, SERVER_delLineFromFile: Now are using a random filename for the temporary script. fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Now adds the needed line to /etc/backuppc/hosts. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now has support for mkinitrd.yaird. +++++ 2007-05-07 patch: Another parted patch and Debian Etch sources list. fix: parted: Now compiled without libreadline. new: Package sources list for Debian Etch. patch: Now the client boot CD should work on all systems. new: Devguide: Added section for patching and compiling parted. fix: Recompiled parted to remove silly debugging information of libparted that makes the output of m23hwscanner corrupt. (Thx MartinUni) +++++ 2007-04-28 fix: compileKernel: Now deletes the old modules. +++++ 2007-04-26 patch: Etch compatible packages. +++++ 2007-04-25 cha: m23-ldap/postinst template config: Added extra dialog for asking the LDAP server's admin password if it can't be read from debconf. This is needed for Debian Etch. +++++ 2007-04-24 cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now checks if inetd.conf should be configured (not needed on Etch). cha: m23/postinst: Now configures the DHCPd on Etch correctly. cha: excludem23-mdk-debsdeb: Now excludes changing indices of the changed, new and deleted files of the packages. +++++ 2007-04-20 fix: makeBootCD.php, BURN_checkISO: Corrected path to the ISO (Thx MartinUni). +++++ 2007-04-19 cha: m23/control: Adjusted squid.conf editing for Debian Etch. +++++ 2007-04-17 patch: Little changes. cha: welcome.hlp: Changed welcome text to the current political status. cha: m23-mdk: Added build-essential to the dependency list (Thx freemind). cha: Added "press Enter to continue" stop points to allow viewing of possibly existing error messages. +++++ 2007-04-16 patch: Assimilation of Debian clients reactivated. Building of client bootimages should work now. Client job fetching problems should be gone now. cha: createRFSBins: Now contains a routine to check that the needed Debian packages are downloaded and extracted. fix: Added missing directories to m23-mdk-client-server (Thx Bjoern). fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now stores the work.php under the correct name (Thx Bjoern). +++++ 2007-04-11 fix: /m23/bin/plink: Reincluded. Now the client assimisation should work again. (Thx joyfm) +++++ 2007-04-05 new: Script to setup network interfaces for VirtualBox to allow the guest machines to have access to the host machine and among themselves. new: newsletterGenerator.sh: Script for generating newsletters from the news of the m23 page. fix: mkIndex: Now can handle file names with spaces. +++++ 2007-04-03 patch: Adjustment for the new m23hwscanner. fix: makePackages: Now scans for packages in all architectures. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: Adds a link to libparted to make the new m23hwscanner work. +++++ 2007-04-02 cha: excludem23-mdk-debs: Adjusted to exclude unwanted files. patch: Added missing package m23-mdk-debs. fix: mkm23Debs: Added missing package m23-mdk-debs. fix: Fixed path in menuDeb's directuplinst patch: Now all empty directories are included in the Debian packages and EtherBoot bootimages are included again. fix: tftp: Adds missing EtherBoot bootimages. new: mkIndex: Now included empty directories. cha: simpleBuild: Removed mkMissingDirectories.sh functionality. +++++ 2007-03-30 patch: Little fix of checkdisklabel. fix: checkdisklabel: Adjusted to parted's new behaviour to show error messages on stdout and not on stderr anymore. patch: Fixed faulty parted. fix: parted-1.8.6: Replaces the faulty parted 1.7.1 shipped with Debian Etch. cha: parted-1.8.6: Patched that the default size unit is MB. This will make harddisk and detection more accurate. new: Uploaded patched parted to dodger-tools. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now takes parted from dodger-tools. +++++ 2007-03-29 patch: New version 0.5.5. new: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Add permission to udev that all users can access the audio device (Thx Michael J.). +++++ 2007-03-27 fix: m23-ldap: Removed "conffiles" because the listed config file isn't part in the package so the package didn't build. cha: m23install.sh: Loads German keyborad if "de" is selected. cha: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: Disabled deleting of all jobs on the destination machine. (Thx Bjoern) cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Now sets lower timeouts to enable booting of clients with LDAP support when the LDAP server isn't accessible (Thx Michael J.). +++++ 2007-03-26 new: menuBusyBox: Shows a menu for downloading and buildung BusyBox fix: menuBusyBox: Now begins with "make menuconfig" after choosing the BusyBox directory. new: menuBusyBoxDownload: Shows a menu of all available BusyBox versions, downloads and extracts the selected release and assigns the BusyBox patches (if available). new: uploadPDFFRS: Uploads single PDF files to the doc "directory" in the m23 SF file release system. fix: uploadHtml: Now really extracts the HTML files ;-) cha: uploadHtml: Added status information. new: User manual and devguide in version 0.5.5. cha: Updated sf-upload to 3.06. +++++ 2007-03-25 new: uploadHtml: Compresses and uploads a html directory to SF. cha: control file of m23-mdk-client and m23-mdk-server are using "Conflicts" and "Provides" directives now to remove the old packages. cha: Updated m23image.tb2 and removed user pmiller. cha: fix-permissions: Removed permission changing of m23 MySQL directory. fix: menuServerISO: Transfer now uses the correct path for the osimage. cha: Removed unneeded files from /m23/bin. cha: kh2p: Now uses khtml2png2. new: dodgerFilesGetFileList: Get all m23 files and directories are owned by the user dodger and stores the result in the file /tmp/dodgerFiles.lst. new: dodgerFilesChangeUser: Change user of all files and adirectories stored in /tmp/dodgerFiles.lst. cha: mkm23Deb: Now uses dodgerFilesChangeUser and dodgerFilesGetFileList to change the "working user" of the m23 files forth and back. +++++ 2007-03-21 cha: mkStaticKnoppix: dpkg-buildpackage now uses fakeroot. So normal users can build the packages. new: kudzu: Made a new patched version of kudzu based on the old patched kudzu and the kudzu-knoppix. fix: hwsetup: Recompiled with the new patched kudzu. cha: Package m23-mdk-bootcd is now m23-mdk-server and control file contains "Replaces" directive. cha: Package m23-mdk-bootimage is now m23-mdk-client and control file contains "Replaces" directive. new: Package m23-mdk-client-server: Contains common client and server parts. +++++ 2007-03-20 cha: createRFSISO: Enhancing mkisofs command: Long filenames, Rock Ridge, producer, CD name etc. cha: configureNetwork: Removed debug code. cha: chrootSystem: Now creates /var/run/screen/S-root too. cha: createServerInstallISO: Removed copying of the translation files. cha: getDrives: Changing code for getting harddisk size with parted because the parted output changed. cha: createRFSDevs: Now creates symlink for using loadkeymap. cha: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: Now uses my kudzu-patched-dev instead of kudzu-knoppix-dev. cha: kudzu-patched: Recompiled package on Sarge. Now it should work on Etch and Sarge. cha: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: Now uses locally stored kudzu-knoppix-* packages. cha: isolinux.cfg: Server now uses the same isolinux.cfg than the client. +++++ 2007-03-19 cha: makeusrm23, mkusrm23.sh: Removed. Functionality is now in mkusrm23. cha: menuBootCD.hlp: Updated. cha: mkm23Deb: Now uses exportDBInitTable for serverFunctions.inc. cha: menuServerISO: Removed exportDB. Is not needed any more because the DB initalisation is done in the Debian package. cha: exportDBInitTable: Added status messages. cha: exportDBInitTable: Removed creation of m23MySQL-Init.sh. cha: burnServerISO: Removed. Extended funtionality (e.g. selection of the CD recorder) is now in burnClientOrServerISO. cha: findClientOrServerISO: finds the current client or server ISO and prints the full path to the ISO or an error message. cha: m23install.sh: Does not include m23InstallerConfigure.inc any more. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now contains extractFile, extractBaseFiles, configureMySQLmycnf, configureNetwork that were removed from m23InstallerConfigure.inc +++++ 2007-03-14 cha: menuBootCD renamed to menuServerISO cha: menuStart: adjusted cha: menuServerISO: Now uses menuVars cha: Removed mk-m23.bz2.sh, makem23.tb2 cha: Moved functionality of makem23image.tb2 to createOSImage and added menuVars support. cha: createRFSISO: Boot CD iso prefix is now variable. cha: Moved functionality of makeCD.sh to createServerInstallISO and added menuVars support. new: createServerInstallISO: Creates the ISO image for burnung the m23 server installation CD. cha: menuServerISO: Switched menu logic from if-then to case. cha: Moved functionality of exportDBInitTable.sh to exportDBInitTable and added menuVars support. cha: Removed menuKernelBuilder.sh because functionality is in menuKernelBuilder. new: burnClientOrServerISO: burns the server installation CD or the client boot CD. +++++ 2007-03-13 cha: createRFSBins: Now copies libnss_compat.so.2 too: This is needed for authentification in dropbrear. cha: checkdisklabel: Now uses find instead of fsize. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Including dm-tools from Dodger-Tools. cha: wait4go/make.sh: Now builds i386 and amd64 versions and puts them into the compiled directories. fix: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Removed "-r0" from the ext3 formating command. fix: md5sum: Removed BusyBox version because it calculates wrong values. new: uploadClientPackagesToSF: uploads new and changed clients packages to SF cha: deleted uploadNew: Replaced by uploadClientPackagesToSF. cha: menuDeb: Now uses uploadClientPackagesToSF. +++++ 2007-03-12 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now uses MSR_getm23clientIDCMD to include /m23clientID to the client's request. (Thx dermartn) new: makePackages: creates the Debian package index (Packages, Packages.gz, Packages.bz2) cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now copies the files form completeExtracted too. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Extracts packages from the local repository too. cha: makePackages: Now scans for packages in all architectures. new: localArchAptSource: downloads and extracts the source of the Debian packages +++++ 2007-03-11 cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Now includes functionality of mkstaticdeb. cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Build all packages with architecture "all" and static (if possible). new: mkStaticKnoppix: builds a static Knoppix Debian package new: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: prepares the building of Knoppix packages e.g. makes a local sources.list and downloads the kudzu development files. +++++ 2007-03-08 cha: m23extradeb: Now builds 32 and 64 bit debs new: buildm23hwscanner32: build the 32bit m23hwscanner statically and dynamically new: buildm23hwscanner64: build the 64bit m23hwscanner statically and dynamically new: preparem23hwscanner64Build: downloads needed amd64 libraries, sets the cross compiler flag or installs the cross compiler new: localArchAptUpdate: updates the package info database for a locally stored sources.list and a given architecture new: localArchAptDownload: downloads Debian packages with dependencies for the currently selected architecture fix: clientInstall.php: Added user to group plugdev to enable auto mouning of usb devices. (Thx MartinUni) +++++ 2007-03-07 fix: m23hwscanner.c: Fixed compile error. cha: CIR_waitForNextJob: Now uses SSL. cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools, CIR_waitForNextJob: Removed fsize. cha: createRFSDevs: Now has cache function to store device nodes in a tar.gz file. cha: createRFSBins: Now uses createRFScopyLib. new: createRFScopyLib: copies a single library (with full name e.g. libnss_dns.so.2) to the RFS cha: bootimage: ping is now native to copy libnss-dns.so* automatically. cha: dhclient-script: Removed "inet" from ifconfig calls. cha: screen: Patched 4.0.3 to make it run without utmp. +++++ 2007-03-01 cha: isolinux.cfg: Now has timeout. This means the boot CD starts automatically after 5 seconds. cha: menuKernelBuilder.sh now is in function menuKernelBuilder cha: listKernelVersions: Better sorting of kernel versions cha: downloadExtractRootFiles: Now uses local cache directory. cha: downloadExtractRootFiles: Switched from Sid to Etch. new: compileBusyBox: compiles BusyBox for the selected architecture and copies the binary and links to the compiled directory new: checkForx86_64Toolchain: checks if the toolchain for cross compiling to x86_64 is installed new: Cross compiler and toolchain for creating x86_64 code on i386 machines. This will be used in the new MDK to generate 64Bit Linux kernels, BusyBox, etc. new: Debian package for the cross compiler and toolchain new: menuVarDel: removes a global variable from /tmp/menuVars. new: createRFSFinishInitrd: Umounts the initrd image, configures the kernel file and compresses initrd. These steps are needed to build the bootimages. new: createRFSImage: Creates an empty image file for the root filesystem new: createRFSCopyKernelNModules: copies the kernel and modules to the root filesystem new: createRFSEtherboot: creates the Etherboot bootimage from the root filesystem new: createRFSPXE: creates the PXE bootimage from the root filesystem new: createRFSISO: creates a bootable ISO from the root filesystem +++++ 2007-01-30 fix: menuOldConfig: corrected additional newline. new: getKernelArch: shows the current Kernel format (i386 or ia64) new: getKernelStoreDirWithArch: shows the directory where the architecture dependend kernel should be stored new: getModulesStoreDirWithArch:shows the directory where the architecture dependend kernel modules should be stored new: createRootFSBins: copies all listed executables with their libraries (and in addition their links) to the root filesystem new: makeLinks: makes one or more links to an existing file new: createRootFSDevs: creates generic device nodes in the root filesystem new: createRootFSBinLinks: creates links to multicall binaries +++++ 2007-01-25 new: Added packages dmtools and mencoder-easy to the SF pool. fix: expertPartition: Now sets correct variables to support custom partitioning. Thx marian. cha: Updated menuDebs.hlp. new: menuDeb: Now supports direct uploads of packages. patch: Little network calculating fix and user edited configuration files are not overwritten by updates packages any more. cha: m23-ldap: Added conffiles. Thx marian. +++++ 2007-01-23 cha: checks.php: Code enhancment. fix: CLCFG_interfaces: Now uses correct functions CLIENT_getSubnet and CLIENT_getBroadcast for calculating network and broadcast. Thx Obergandhi and n0ll4k. +++++ 2006-12-20 new: archFunctions.inc: Functions for building the bootimage for different architectures new: getBuildArch: shows the current build architecture for m23 kernel, bootimage, busybox new: getDebianArch: shows the current Debian format (i386 or amd64) new: menuSelectArch: Shows a menu for selecting the current build architecture new: downloadExtractRootFiles: Downloads basic packages of a choosen architecture and extracts the contents. new: menuVarAdd: Sets global variables and values stored in /tmp/menuVars. cha: menuKernelBuilder.sh: +++++ 2006-11-28 new: My upload scripts are now under /mdk/m23helper/uploadEngine. patch: Better packages with new sources lists for Ubuntu Edgy, Dapper and Feisty. new: exportDBsourceslist: Exports the sources lists. cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now uses exportDBsourceslist. +++++ 2006-11-27 patch: Support for Ubuntu Dapper and Edgy and enhanced support for Gnome. +++++ 2006-11-25 cha: m23gnome2Install: Now sets the m23 background. +++++ 2006-11-24 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now links to libparted-1.7.so.1 in addition. cha: m23gnome2Install: Now installs language pack. +++++ 2006-11-23 cha: m23 website update. new: changeDepArch.sh: Script for changing the architecture of a Debian package. +++++ 2006-11-21 fix: m23hwscanner: Increased variables for storing boot and root devices. No deleting of the root device any more. Now boot and root devices with 10 and more characters are possible. cha: install_packages.php: Now does all package jobs at once (tries to start the jobs via SSH). cha: mkDeb: Command line parameters are stored in named variables. cha: mkstaticdeb, mkDeb: Added comments, now can choose a different acritecture and store directory for the resulting Debian package files. cha: mkextradebs: Now makes fake amd64 packages in a different directory. +++++ 2006-11-20 patch: Support for Ubuntu Edgy and Ubuntu Dapper. cha: mkDeb: Now can edit control to change the architecture of the package. cha: mkextradeb: Now builds amd64 and i386 packages of m23-hwscanner-ubuntu, m23-hwscanner and m23-initscripts. cha: m23-initscripts: Now patches xorg.conf on Ubuntu 6.06 too. Thx Soeldi cha: m23-initscripts, m23-hwscanner-ubuntu, m23-hwscanner: Changed architecture of the deb to any. The should be nstallable on amd64 too. Thx tradehaven. +++++ 2006-11-17 patch: Support for new Ubuntu versions. +++++ 2006-11-16 fix: PKG_searchFor, PKG_downloadPool, PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now are working with packages sources that contain spaces and other special characters in their names. Thx Bjoern, marian and tradehaven for their hints. new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu: Updates the debootstrap scripts for Ubuntu and returns the www path to the files new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScripts: Updates the debootstrap scripts for Debian or Ubuntu and returns the www path to the files cha: debootstrap: Updated Ubuntu version of debootstrap. cha: ubuntu/ clientInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu. +++++ 2006-11-14 patch: Litte fix in the phpMyAdmin config file. patch: Minimal changes on the m23-mdk-bootimage. Only needed if you want to build your own bootimages. fix: m23-mdk-bootimage: Now adds needed directories. Thx Bjoern, n0ll4k for the hint. cha: excludem23-mdk-bootcddeb: Added Packages.* to avoid recreation of the package every time. +++++ 2006-11-10 patch: Another LDAP fix and support for Ubuntu 6.10. fix: m23-ldap: Sometimes the m23-LDAP entry wasn't added in the m23 interface. cha: m23-ldap: I was reported that the phpldapadmin/config.php can contain \' instead of '. This will lead to a nonfunctional m23 interface. I couldn't reproduce this behaviour, but I've added correction code to convert \' to '. So the config.php should be ok now. Thx Bjoern. +++++ 2006-11-09 cha: m23-initscripts: In Ubuntu 6.10 it is needed to remove a line from xorg.conf to start X properly. The new initscripts will detect this Ubuntu release and adjust xorg.conf. Thx Soldi. +++++ 2006-11-08 patch: Fixes problems with LDAP and DHCP. fix: m23-ldap: Package now configures needed settings for LDAP and phpLDAPadmin. The LDAP server should run out-of-the-box now. +++++ 2006-10-30 cha: DHCP_addClient: Now adds new entries at the top of the dhcpd.conf. This makes it possible to use the dhcp server on the m23 server for giving out IPs for clients in a range. Thx MisterA. new: DHCP_restartDHCPserver: Restarts the DHCP server. Fix: DHCP_rmClient, DHCP_addClient: Now are using DHCP_restartDHCPserver. This propagates status changes in dhcpd.conf on every call. Thx MisterA for the hint. fix: CLIENT_deleteClient: Now the PXE entry of clients that never got installed will be removed on removing the client. Thx MisterA for the hint. +++++ 2006-10-04 cha: m23 page: New icons for Debian, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, m23 and m23-update. cha: m23 page: Disabled borders on images. new: m23 page: Installation guide in German and English. new: m23 page: Scripts for short links to downloads and news articles. patch: Introduces software RAIDs. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Upload now uses rsync. +++++ 2006-09-30 cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Added detection for RAIDs. cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Added code that tries 10 times to install the gnome packages, because I had sometimes problems installing it. +++++ 2006-09-29 fix: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now doesn't delete existing tables any more. fix: excludem23deb: Now allows phpMyAdmin.png. cha: UPDATE_running(): Now checks against the running screen session. +++++ 2006-09-26 fix: makeCD.sh: Now uses getRamDiskSize to get the correct size of the ram disk. new: manual: Better screenshot input data. new: manual: German version updated und uploaded. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added add_RAID. cha: client_partition.php: Better support for making screenshots. +++++ 2006-09-23 new: Added help text for RAIDs in german and english. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Corrected symlink to m23fetchjob. cha: m23hwscanner: Now has support for detecting RAID systems. fix: m23hwscanner: Now detects all initrd.imgs cha: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: Now works even if dev_amount isn't set. cha: client_partition.php: Now calculates and stores the device to install the MBR of the bootloader in in an extra option. new: CLCFG_getMbrPart: Returns the device to install the MBR of the bootloader in. cha: POOL_makeRepository, POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Now works if the CD/DVD mount point is a symlink. cha: FDISK_getAfterPartition: Now rounds up the percentage value. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now doesn't use FDISK_getAfterLastPartition any more. cha: HWINFO_printPartitions: Now shows partition table too. +++++ 2006-09-04 new: FDISK_raidJob: Generates a job to create a RAID on given drives/partitions. new: FDISK_addRaidJobs: Generates jobs to create all RAIDs. new: FDISK_buildRaidDialog: Shows a dialog for creating RAIDs of different types and assign real drives or partitions. cha: FDISK_listPartJobs: Now lists RAID jobs. cha: FDISK_listPartitions: Now lists only partitions that aren't used for a RAID or that lay on a drive that isn't used for a RAID as a whole. cha: FDISK_addDrivePartitionToRaid: Now locks drives that are used for a RAID as a whole or partitions that are used in a RAID. cha: FDISK_listPartitions: Now lists RAID devices too. cha: FDISK_formatPart: Now "formats" the fake RAID partition to adjust param. cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now lists all partitions that can be used for installation or swapping. cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now lists only partitions that aren't used for a RAID or that lay on a drive that isn't used for a RAID as a whole. cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog: Removed unneeded parameter vDev. fix: client_partition.php: Now shows a heading for "delete partition" step. new: FDISK_addFstab: Adds a new entry to the fstab that is stored in the param array. new: FDISK_listFstab: Generates a HTML table with all defined mountpoints. cha: HTML_showEditLine, HTML_showSubmitButton: Removed new: HTML_input: HTML text or password edit line. new: FDISK_fstabAddDialog: Dialog for adding fstab entries. +++++ 2006-09-03 cha: uasort_cmpMakeFirst: removed new: array_makeFirst: replaces uasort_cmpMakeFirst. new: FDISK_getDrivePartitionSize: Calculates the size of a drive or partition. new: FDISK_listRaidTable: Get informations about the assigned real drives/partitions of a RAID. +++++ 2006-09-02 cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions, FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions: New parameter pathFilter: Set this to another value than false if you want only devices with a given string in it. If you add an "!" the beginning all is given out that doesn't contains the filter string (without the "!"). fix: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: Now can search for partition number 2 (and higher). new: FDISK_addDrivePartitionToRaid: Adds a drive or partition to a RAID. +++++ 2006-09-01 cha: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: Now works with multi devices too. new: FDISK_virtualAddDrive: Adds a new drive to the param array. cha: uasort_cmpMakeFirst: Now sorts the other elements. +++++ 2006-08-26 cha: client_partition.php: Introduced some constants for the extended partition steps. cha: client_partition.php: Code beautifying. new: client_partition.php: Added selections for choosing extended partitioning with RAID and/or LVM. new: HTML_submit: Shows a submit button. new: uasort_cmpMakeFirst: Special sort function that makes a special element the first element and leaves the other elements in its previous order. new: HTML_selection: Shows a list of radio buttons or a selection. cha: client_partition.php: Now uses HTML_selection. cha: FDISK_listPartTable: Now includes HTML table code and table headings. new: FDISK_addNewPartitionDialog: Shows a dialog for adding partitions. +++++ 2006-08-24 new: RAID_create: Creates a RAID of different drives or partitions. new: LVM_init: Scans for existing volume groups and activated all found volumes. new: LVM_createVolumeGroup: Creates a volume group. With multiple calls you can join multiple devices or partitions to. new: LVM_createLogicalVolume: Creates a logical volume. This logical volume can be used like a normal partition. +++++ 2006-08-21 cha: menuDeb: Now creates the update infor files. cha: menuStart: Commented out "update" entry. cha: makeCD.sh: Now adjusts the size of the ramdisk in isolinux.cfg with the value of kernelRamDisk.inc. +++++ 2006-08-14 patch: Some changes, fixes and preparations for the m23 Debian packages. cha: m23patch: Changed code to work with the new m23 Debian packages. cha: menuBootCD: Commented out making tar bz2 archives for m23 and mdk. +++++ 2006-08-03 cha: m23 package: Added warning if there is no static ip. cha: mkCert.sh: Uses hostname for the certificate if no static ip is found. fix: chrootSystem: Now copys m23hwscanner. fix: chrootSystem: Now uses correct parameter for m23hwscanner. +++++ 2006-08-01 cha: chrootSystem: genFstab -> m23hwscanner cha: htaccess.php: now uses htpasswd for deleting admins. +++++ 2006-07-31 cha: bootCD: Updated parted + libraries. cha: getDrives: Added SATA detection. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Removed functions that are replaced by the postints of the packages. cha: bootCD: Replaced BusyBox's tr command with the native version because of segmentation faults. +++++ 2006-07-30 cha: bootCD: Updated the tools nd libraries to the same versions as included in the bootimage. +++++ 2006-07-26 patch: Updates to a full featured "change client" dialog cha: MSR_decodeMessage: new command type "clientChange" new: PKG_getClientbyPackageID: gets the clientname that owns a selected package ID cha: postMessage.php: now includes "packages.php" new: MSR_clientChangeCommand: sends the ID of a "m23changeClient" job to the server. new: PKG_getInfoFromPackageID: gets a row from "clientjobs" for a given package ID cha: PKG_getClientbyPackageID, PKG_getPackageParams: now are using PKG_getInfoFromPackageID new: PKG_getClientIDbyPackageID: returns the ID of a client that owns a selected package ID cha: CLIENT_changeClient: changes client's DHCP entry and restarts DHCP server, if client is "red" or "yellow" fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now shows correct boottype in "clientChange" mode cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: after a changing a client the dialog isn't shown anymore new: CLIENT_changeClient: a status report is shown after a client has been changed new: MSR_clientChange: executes changes of a "m23changeClient" job on the server. new: de/en/ edit_client.hlp: help files for the "change client" dialog cha: edit_client.php: now shows help fix: de/en/fr/ welcome.hlp: corrected spelling new: icons for client and server new: MSG_showNewFeature: shows the new feature block cha: edit_client.php: now has a forum and uses MSG_showNewFeature +++++ 2006-07-04 fix: mkm23Debs: Fixed path for temporary files. cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now generates SQL statements for deleting sources lists that sould be replaced by newer versions. +++++ 2006-06-23 new: incPatchLevelInVersionPhp: Increments the patch level in the version.php cha: mkm23Debs: Now calls incPatchLevelInVersionPhp. cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Added SATA controler auto probing. +++++ 2006-06-21 new: updatePackages: Updates the Packages(.gz/bz2) new: newPackages: Checks for new and changes packages that should get uploaded. cha: menuDeb: menu now with entries for generating m23 server software packages. +++++ 2006-06-15 new: mkNewPackage: Script for generating templates for new packages from an old package. cha: MDK is now splitted into serveral packages. new: Uncountable changes to the m23 and MDK Debian packages. +++++ 2006-06-13 patch: Fixing installations stucking installations, bootimage updates. Experimental Ubuntu Drapper support. new: CLCFG_aptGet: Executes an APT command with parameters and tries to install/remove as many packages as possible. If the packages could not get installed in a bunch try to install the packges one by one. new: XubuntuDesktopInstall: Installs the minimalistic XFce4 desktop on Ubuntu systems. +++++ 2006-06-10 fix: CLCFG_executeAfterChroot: "cp" from the new BusyBox needs an additional parameter to copy special files. cha: bootimage: Replaced insmod, lsmod, modprobe by its native versions. +++++ 2006-06-05 new: started building Debian packages for m23. +++++ 2006-06-03 new: debootstrap: Adding Ubuntu Drapper Drake script. cha: CLCFG_listUbuntuReleases: Changed distribution to "debian". Ubuntu and Debian should use the same debootstrap scripts. patch: Updates for the bootimage: Kernel, hardware detection, BusyBox and tools. Added partimage. +++++ 2006-06-02 fix: knoppix.functions: downloadSource: changed not working AWK code to PHP. Now the newest source package should be downloaded. new: getNewestFileVersion: Gets the newest file (deb or tar.gz) from a list of files with version informations in the file name. cha: knoppix.functions: downloadSource: Now uses getNewestFileVersion. cha: getKnoppixHwdata, getKnoppixHwsetup, getKnoppixDDCxinfo: Adjusted to operate with getNewestFileVersion. fix: mkBootImage.sh: Corrected paths for copying hwsetup and ddcxinfo. +++++ 2006-06-01 cha: bootimage /bootCD: Updated kernel to 2.6.16-19 new: bootimage: Added partimage new: knoppix.functions: updateIndex: checks if the package index is not older than an hour or updates the index. new: knoppix.functions: downloadSource: downloads the source of KNOPPIX package +++++ 2006-05-29 new: bootimage: Added several TTYs the user can log in. new: bootimage: German keyboard layout loadable. +++++ 2006-05-27 patch: New desktops for Ubuntu and Kubuntu. Upgrade of the pool builder to make it work with different DVDs. Udates of the bootimages. new: KubuntuDesktopInstall: Special Kubuntu desktop installation script that installs KDE desktop with Kubuntu adjustements. cha: bootimage /bootCD : Added USB keyboard support and device mapper with crypto. new: bootimage: Added dmtools. +++++ 2006-05-25 cha: bootimage: Changing init to native version (BusyBox isn't used any more). cha: bootimage: inittab: changed to new init style. cha: Debian/ Ubuntu: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: removed obsolete packages. new: CLCFG_getDebianReleasesGeneric: Generates an array of the different releases (e.g. sarge, sid, woody, potato) of a distribution. cha: CLCFG_listDebianReleasesGeneric: Now uses HTML_listSelection and CLCFG_getDebianReleasesGeneric. cha: POOL_makeRepository: Now creates symbolic links from the data directory of the pool to all know release names. This establishes compatibility between the DVD/CD and debootstrap. +++++ 2006-05-23 fix: bootimage: Updating the tools in the bootimage to solve the problem of wrongly detected partitions. Partitions formated with ext3 were seen by parted and other tools as linux-swap. +++++ 2006-05-21 new: UbuntuDesktopInstall: Special desktop installation script for Ubuntu systems. +++++ 2006-05-20 cha: POOL_showLoadDeleteCreate: Now deletes the copy skript on showing the pool builder start page. This should fix the lock problem with copying CDs/DVDs. cha: m23KDEInstall: Now with autodetection of package names. cha: apt-get install: Added --force-yes to all "apt-get install" calls to make them work with packages that can't get authentificated +++++ 2006-05-10 patch: Now Ubuntu CDs can be used with the poolbuilder. fix: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: Now shows correct mount devices. cha: POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Now guesses release name of Ubuntu CDs. +++++ 2006-03-28 patch: Ubuntu installs reenabled and first SVN files. cha: exclude*: Removed /m23/data+scripts/distr/debian/debootstrap from exclusion. fix: deboostrap: Now reenables Ubuntu installs. new: Added SubVersion files to the directories. +++++ 2006-02-08 patch: Automatic image storage directory creation. fix: IMG_getAllImages: Now creates the image storage directory if it doesn't exist. (thx Stephan) +++++ 2006-01-24 patch: Makes client bootimage bootable again. fix: bootimage: now boots again. +++++ 2006-01-04 patch: KDM keyboard fix. fix: m23KDE3Install: Fixes the sporadically appearing error of non-working keyboards in KDM. (thx Stefan) +++++ 2006-01-02 new: Created final m23 0.5 halfBaked ISO fix: mkRescue.sh: the return code of the wrong command line was used to detect if the initrd was created correctly. +++++ 2006-01-01 patch: WOL fix fix: CLIENT_wol: now calls the existing tool etherwake. (thy milman) patch: Syncronised with 0.5.0 final. New welcome page. cha: menu.php: entry for bug reports now points to the question FAQ cha: en/de/fr welcome.hlp: Updated +++++ 2005-12-20 patch: Fixes background installation of packages on clients being "online". Few fixes and changes. fix: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now copies /root/.ssh/ id_dsa.pub over /m23/data+scripts/ packages/baseSys/ authorized_keys to allways distribute the current SSH key. +++++ 2005-12-13 cha: configureNetwork: Now sets hostname via "hostname". cha: configureSquid: Gets hostname from /etc/hostname. fix: installI18N.de/en: Now shows correct drive while swap and boot partition creation. fix: getDrives: Fixed harddisk size detection problem due to a new version of parted. patch: Fixes the installer. Complete onlien help in english, french and german. fix: getDrives: Removed debug code that preselects /dev/sda as installation drive. (thx milman) fix: Fixed a few HTML errors in the online help cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: Now displays errors directly and stops if errors occurres. cha: bootCD/ README: Updated cha: version.php: Now is halfBaked-RC2 +++++ 2005-12-12 cha: en/de/fr manual.tex: Added hyperrefs. You can jump to a special page by clicking on the chapter title in contents. new: checkTex.sh: Simple checker for the generated LaTeX files. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Added entry for checkTex.sh. +++++ 2005-12-06 patch: This brings your m23 server to the 0.5 halfBaked RC1. Lots of fixes, complete online help (french too), tool updates (e.g. khtml2png, phpMyAdmin). new: Complete french online help (thx Maren) cha: makeCD.sh: Now copies language files to the iso directory cha: configureSquid: Now comments out existing "visible_hostname" settings new: EDIT_countMatches: Generates BASH code that counts how many times the search string can be found in the file. This can be used in ` `. cha: EDIT_replace: Adjustments for AWK. new: delValuesFromArray: deletes all entries in the array $arr with values stored in the array $delVals. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: New parameter runInScreen: Set to true if the execution should be done in "screen". False executes it under the normal BASH. new: BACKUP_getAdmins: Stores informations about known administrators in the BackupPC configuration file in variables. new: BACKUP_addAdmin: Adds an admin to the config.pl configuration file of BackupPC. new: BACKUP_delAdmin: Deletes an admin from the config.pl configuration file of BackupPC. cha: htaccess.php: Now uses BACKUP_addAdmin and BACKUP_delAdmin. +++++ 2005-12-04 cha: EDIT_insertAfterLineNumber, EDIT_insertAtLineNumber, EDIT_insertLineNumber: New parameter addIfNotExists: set to true, if the the line should be added only if the line doesn't exist. false, if the line should be added on every execution. fix: LDAP_installServer: Installation should work now. Password is now encrypted by debconf. fix: LDAP_addPosix: Set familyname to "-" if it's empty. cha: fix-permissions: Add /m23/doc and /m23/bin to fix. cha: menuTranslator: Now filters out backup files from upload. cha: installI18N.de: Now is up to date. cha: mkRescue.sh: Now removes backup files before compressing. +++++ 2005-12-01 cha: enable-ssl: Added command line parameter that disables installation of the SSL package +++++ 2005-11-30 new: New server installer mostly finished cha: bootCD: updated parted to 1.6.25 cha: bootCD: updated Linux to cha: m23install.sh: Now makes suggestions for netmask, network, broadcast and DNS partly calculated by ipcalc +++++ 2005-11-29 cha: makem23image.tb2: Image file is now called m23image.tb2 cha: makem23image.tb2: Now exclude MySQL DB directory /var/lib/mysql +++++ 2005-11-24 cha: DHCP_setBootimage: Symlink is made in /m23/tftp and doesn't contain full path now. This is needed by tftpd-hpa. cha: dhcpd.conf: "root-path" has to be "/" now. This is needed by tftpd-hpa. +++++ 2005-11-23 cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now compresses SQL dumps with bzip2 fix: makeusrm23: Changed path from debimg to debian cha: mkIndex: Now sorts the output file list and makes entries unique cha: exchanged atftpd with tftpd-hpa new: createMissingDirsCommands: Generate commands to create directories that are missing in the file list +++++ 2005-11-22 cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now uses user and password from /etc/mysql/debian.cnf cha: menuBootCD: Added entry for exportDBInitTable.sh new: sarge-install.sh: Installer for Sarge new: m23InstallerConfigure.inc: Configure functions for the new m23 installer +++++ 2005-11-20 cha: md5Check: mkIndex: Now can create a file list. cha: mk-m23.bz2.sh: Now uses file list function of md5Check. fix: exclude0, exclude4Update: fixed regular expressions +++++ 2005-11-18 cha: de/en/fr: Adjusted manual.tex new: checkMissingLatexHelp.sh: Searches for missing LaTeX files in the manual.tex files. fix: CAPTURE_load: Now merges current $_GET and stored GET cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Last adjustments cha: menuManualStart.sh: Added entry for checkMissingLatexHelp.sh. new: CAPTURE_showMarker: Shows a new column with a marker that is used for autodetecting the screenshot size by khtml2png. new: CAPTURE_showTableWith: Adds a width element if in captureLoad mode. cha: index.php: Added CAPTURE_showTableWith() to force a minimum width for the main table. +++++ 2005-11-16 patch: Updated khtml2png (and nearby I'm the new maintainer of this project) and help files. Masstools and client change dialog now know NTP, printer detection and time zones. A few minor fixes. cha: version: Switched to 0.5.0 halfBaked-RC1. new: manageImageFiles.hlp: Added cha: client_add.hlp, daemonsAndPrograms.hlp, mi_step3.hlp: Updated fix: MASS_propertyKeys: Removed doubled key "login" +++++ 2005-11-14 new: HELPER_getTimeZones: Searches for all time zones. cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: Now uses HELPER_getTimeZones. cha: MASS_showOverview: Added support for NTP, login name and time zone. cha: massInstall.php: Added support for NTP, login name and time zone. cha: MASS_showOverview: Now sets time zone and NTP to the value from the defined client. +++++ 2005-11-13 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: added support for time zone, NTP and printer detection new: PKG_addNormalJob: Adds a normal package to the installation queue. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now sets the correct status for defined clients. cha: FDISK_defineDrive: Now accepts size values with "GB". cha: MASS_I18NTokey, MASS_keyToI18N: Added new keys. +++++ 2005-11-12 cha: khtml2png: Now can detect the size of the screenshot by the position of a HTML element. cha: kh2p: Now uses the autodetect feature of khtml2png. cha: CAPTURE_showJSScreenshotHint: Removed. Is not needed any more due to new version of khtml2png cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Removed screenshot measurements. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added some additional pages. +++++ 2005-11-09 new: CAPTURE_showJSScreenshotHint: Lets pop up a JavaScript window that contains information about the measurement of the screenshot if capture mode is on. cha: changelog: Now uses the new date format for all entries (thx AWK) cha: MSG_showNewFeature: Now hides the new feature box if the server is in capture or load capture mode. +++++ 2005-11-08 cha: index.php: Added JavaScript code that calculates the with and height of the screenshots. cha: HELP_getHelp: Added JavaScript readable HTML code that stores the top position and topic of the help box. +++++ 2005-11-07 patch: MDK now conatins support for m23/Translator new: menuTranslator: Now can download all articles from m23/Translator in the m23 project page new: menuTranslator: Use "meld" to synchronise downloaded and local articles and get changed files new: menuTranslator: List all files that have been changed and that should uploaded to SF new: menuTranslator: Uploads all changed files ordered by languages and directories +++++ 2005-11-06 patch: Support for Ubuntu Breezy, timezones, printer detection and NTP settings. cha: menuDoc: added entry for translator cha: POOL_create: now shows an error message if the poolname contains spaces. (thx Olaf) +++++ 2005-11-05 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now can use "mkinitramfs" that is used under Ubuntu cha: m23KDE3Install: now works with the variant of Ubuntu Breezy cha: m23xfree864Install: now installs XOrg too +++++ 2005-11-04 cha: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: moved to clientConfigCommon new: m23-hwscanner-ubuntu: package with dynamic linked m23-hwscanner cha: mkextradeb: now makes m23hwscanner-ubuntu package cha: ubuntu/ DISTR_afterChrootInstall: now installs m23hwscanner-ubuntu and creates a link for libparted +++++ 2005-11-03 cha: debian/ubuntu clientInstall: now sets the timezone new: CLCFG_setTimeZone: Sets the timezone of a client. cha: debian/ubuntu clientInstall: now installs NTP package or not cha: CLIENT_addClient: now adds printer detection package or not cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: new parameter country: two letter country name that is used to select a timezone if none is set with $first. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: added logic for NTP, printer and timezone. +++++ 2005-11-02 fix: PKG_addSpecialPackages: now uses POST to get the package parameters cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: Creates a selection with all POSIX timezones. new: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Installs printer drivers and detects local printers. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: added elements for NTP, printer and timezone. +++++ 2005-11-01 patch: Fixes problems with relicts of the old debimg "distribution" cha: changed date format of the changelog ;-) cha: Updated phpMyAdmin to 2.6.4-pl3 fix: clientConfigCommon, clientconfig, clientInstall: removed relicts from the old debimg "distribution" cha: moved needed files from debimg to debian cha: Updated sf-upload to 2.01 new: m23/Translator is now part of the MDK +++++ 2005-10-30 patch: A big patch containing creation and installation of images, new boot images and editor for job management. cha: client_distr.hlp: added hint for imaging new: client_crateImage.hlp: new help file for imaging +++++ 2005-10-29 new: CLCFG_writeMBR: Writes the MBR on a list of drives for a list of partitions to activate. new: CLIENT_isBasesystemInstalledFromImage: Detects if the base system should be installed from an image. cha: DISTR_listDistributions: now can put an empty fake distribution on top of the list. cha: imaging/ m23baseSysInstall: now can install other distributions cha: clientInstall: base system copy routine can no be disabled +++++ 2005-10-28 new: MSR_m23ImagerSize: Sets the size of the decompressed image in its file name. new: IMG_getAllImagesSel: Returns an selection that contains all image names as values and additional informations as shown name. cha: CLCFG_mountRootDir: new parameter $mountPoint cha: clientConfig, client_distr: changed from GET to POST new: IMG_clientRestore: Restores an image file on the client. new: IMG_clientRestoreAll: Restores all images on the client. new: IMG_setFilenameSize: Sets the size of the extracted image in its name. +++++ 2005-10-22 new: IMG_makeExtension: Creates an extension for a given format and compression. new: IMG_getFormatCompressionFromFile: Checks the extension of a filename and writes its format and compression to the parameters. cha: moved LDAP, manage administrators and update from the menu to the server settings page new: IMG_getAllImages: Returns an array with informations about all existing image files. new: IMG_showImageManagement: Shows a dialog with all existing image files with the possibillity to delete them. +++++ 2005-10-21 cha: HELP_getHelp: now can show man pages. new: IMG_getImageFormatSelection: Generates a selection that contains all drives and partitions of a given client. new: IMG_serverCreate: Starts a server programm on the m23 server that stores an image. new: IMG_clientCreate: Creates an image from the client and transfers it to the server. new: IMG_showCreateImage: Shows a dialog for creating an image. +++++ 2005-10-20 new: FDISK_listIDrivesAndPartitions: Generates a selection that contains all drives and partitions of a given client. +++++ 2005-10-19 new: PKG_executeOnClientJobs: Executes a sql statement on all package IDs. cha: PKG_removeFromJobList: now uses PKG_executeOnClientJobs cha: client_waitingjobs.php: is now client_changeJobs.php cha: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: is now CLIENT_showJobs cha: CLIENT_showJobs: shows all jobs and can delete or set them to rerun or done +++++ 2005-10-18 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: now supports LDAP, home on NFS and local logins cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now supports LDAP, home on NFS and local logins cha: m23clientChangeInstall: now sets the nfs home server, enables ldap and local logins +++++ 2005-10-17 new: mdoc.awk, mdoc.sh : replacement for the mdoc C tool cha: makeDoc.sh: now uses mdoc.sh +++++ 2005-10-11 Functions for the subproject m23/Translator new: DB_connect: Connects to the data base. new: DB_query: Executes a SQL query. new: DIFF_showDiff: Shows differences between two articles. new: HTML_listSelection: shows a selection with options stored in an array new: HTML_showTableHeader: prints the header of a shadowed table new: HTML_showTableEnd: prints the end of a shadowed table new: HTML_showFormHeader: Shows the header of a formular new: HTML_showFormEnd: Shows the end of a formular new: I18N_loadLanguage: Reads the I18N keys and their native translations from the language file or the cache in the $_SESSION array. new: LANG_addNew: Checks if a user name/password combination is valid (password is set) or a user name exists (password is empty). new: LANG_getLongName: Returns the long name of a language. new: LANG_getID: Returns the ID of a language for a selected language name or short name. new: LANG_getAll: Returns an array with the language short names as array keys and the corresponding long names as values new: LANG_showAddNew: Shows a dialog to add a new language. new: LOGIN_new: Stores a new user in the DB. new: LOGIN_check: Checks if a user name/password combination is valid (password is set) or a user name exists (password is empty). new: LOGIN_showLogin: Shows a login page, checks user name and password, can jump to the register page and jumps to the page "main" on login success. new: LOGIN_showRegister: Shows a user registration page, checks if both passwords are identically, registers new user names and can jump to the login page after successfull registration. new: LOGIN_logout: Logs out the user new: LOGIN_getUserParams: Returns the value of a parameter for a selected user name. new: LOGIN_getUserID: Returns the user ID for a selected user name. new: LOGIN_checkPermission: Checks if the user has a selected permission. new: LOGIN_showUsers: Shows a list of the user with the possibillity to change permissions and delete users. new: PAGE_showMain: Shows the main page with a subpage in the lower part of the screen. new: PAGE_reloadIndexPHP: Reloads the main page without any GET parameter. new: PAGE_help: Shows a box with a help message. new: implodeAssoc: makes a string from an assiciative array new: explodeAssoc: makes an associative array from a string new: SESS_get: Returns the value of the session identified by the session ID of the client. new: SESS_end: Deletes the session entry for the client ID. new: SESS_load: Returns the session values or starts a new session. new: SESS_save: Saves the session array. new: SESS_start: Starts a new session and returns its ID or returns the ID of the current session. new: SESS_getID: Returns the session ID from cookie, globals, post or get variable. new: SESS_getIDUrl: Returns a string with session ID and variable name that can be used in an URL or as hidden parameter. new: SESS_cleanOld: Deletes session entries older than 2 hours. new: NEXT_finished: Tries to delete setup.php. new: NEXT_addAdmin: Adds an administrator account. new: NEXT_welcome: Jumps to the next page after the welcome screen. new: NEXT_checkConfigAccess: Jumps to the next page after the check for write access on config.php. new: CHECK_config: Checks for write permission on config.php. new: NEXT_dbSetup: Checks the entered values, adds a new database, tables and edits config.php. new: showPage: Shows a page with title, HTML body and next button. If the button is pressed a given function is called. new: jumpPage: Jumps to a given page. new: TRANS_delete: Deletes a file together with all its articles. new: TRANS_createDirectory: Creates a new directory. new: TRANS_getDirectoryID: Returns the ID of a directory. new: TRANS_touchFile: Creates an empty file in a directory. new: TRANS_getFileID: Returns the ID of a directory. new: TRANS_addTranslation: Adds a new original article new: TRANS_addOriginal: Adds a new original article new: TRANS_showOverview: Shows an overview over all translations with action links. new: TRANS_showArticleActions: Shows links with possible actions for a selected file in a selected directory. new: TRANS_viewArticle: Shows an article viewer. new: TRANS_editArticle: Shows an article editor/translator. new: TRANS_getOriginals: Returns informations about original articles for a given file. new: TRANS_getOldTranslations: Returns an array with tIDs and times of old articles by a given fID and lID. new: TRANS_getArticleInformation: Returns informations about the article. new: TRANS_getNewestTID: Returns the tID of the newest translation of a file for a given language. new: TRANS_getNewestOriginal: Returns the tID of the newest article matching the file and language ID of the selected translation. new: TRANS_getFileName: Returns the file name of a file ID. new: TRANS_editOriginal: Shows an editor for editing an original article. new: RANS_showEditor: Shows a translation viewer or translator. fix: DMI_getParam: now works with dmidecode 2.7 +++++ 2005-09-21 patch: Several fixes that may correct boot problems on some clients. New french help texts. fix: should fix access problems with config.php cha: HTML_showTableEnd, HTML_showTableHeader: new parameter fix: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: corrected function call of CLCFG_language (has only two parameters) cha: CLCFG_language: now uses I18N_getLangVars cha: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: Downloads debootstrap if it isn't installed in the mer directory fix: m23-initscripts: now doesn't deletes /etc/environment anymore (thx irgendwer) fix: bootimage: new version of dmidecode that runs on new hardware (thx TeeSee) fix: bootimage: there seem to be false bootimages on some servers (thx Alf, irgendwer) new: fr/help: french help texts for the pool builder, LDAP settings, client assimilation, edit client, client backup (thx Maren) +++++ 2005-09-16 new: WIKIBOT_connect: Connects the m23wikibot to the wiki server. new: WIKIBOT_post: Posts an article to a wiki page. new: WIKIBOT_postHelpFile: Posts a file in a selected language to the wiki and adds links to the wiki pages in other languages. new: WIKIBOT_fetch: Returns the article of a wiki page. new: WIKIBOT_getWikiLink: Returns a wiki link. new: WIKIBOT_getAllHelpFiles: Returns an array with all help file names. new: WIKIBOT_getOverviewPage: Returns an overview page that conatins all wiki links to help pages in all supported languages. new: WIKIBOT_uploadAllHelpFiles: Uploads all help files and generates an overview page. patch: Big fix + english help for the pool builder (thx to Patrick Jäger). new: help files for the pool builder new: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Checks if there are help files missing in some language fix: add_client: now calls LDAP_checkphpLdapAdminConfiguration to make sure the needed config file exists. (thx Alf) cha: moved outdated br and it help files to /mdk/outdated/help and i18n files to /mdk/outdated/i18n/ +++++ 2005-09-13 fix: HELP_getHelp: now interprets I18N variables with index fix: POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: now gets the correct codename of the ditribution +++++ 2005-09-12 new: POOL_showSourcesList: Shows the sources list of a selected package source. new: POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Reads the distribution and the release name from a mounted CD and writes these information to the variables. new: POOL_makeRepository: Generates a package source from packages stored in one directory. new: POOL_prepare: Generates the needed configuration file for reprepro. new: PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages: Returns the list of base packages that are downloaded by debootstrap for a special release. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: added checkbox for downloading base packages cha: PKG_downloadPool: changed parameters +++++ 2005-09-11 cha: POOL_createSimplePackageIndex: removed fix: SRCLST_showEditor: now loads the correct package list cha: PKG_downloadPool: now uses --force-yes cha: POOL_create: now checks if the pool directory exists cha: menuUpdate: now makes backups of old index files patch: Adds client assimilation functionality. new: combinePatches: script for merging patches to one new fix: some scripts had MAC line feeds, converted them back to Linux format fix: makeTar: added missing ! cha: de/en/ client_assimilate.hlp: added hint for Ubuntu +++++ 2005-09-10 cha: client_assimilate: added MSG_showNewFeature new: /m23/bin/plink: script for automatic SSH connections fix: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: now uses /m23/bin/plink +++++ 2005-09-09 new: de/en/ client_assimilate.hlp: help files for the assimilation dialog cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: now detects Ubuntu cha: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: changes parameters fix: CIR_waitForNextJob: now the loop is quitted correctly after the job has been fetched +++++ 2005-09-07 new: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: Connects to a client over the Putty SSH client and executes a command new: ASSI_addClient: Adds needed data for assimilating a client. new: ASSI_showClientAddDialog: Shows a dialog for adding a client to assimilate. cha: CLIENT_setLastmodify: new extra parameter "client" cha: CIR_writeClientID: now tries to remove /m23clientID before writing cha: m23Presetup: new extra parameter to disable SCSI and dropbear cha: MSR_getClientSettings: is now MSR_getClientSettingsCommand and has no parameters cha: CLIENT_addClient: new pararameter clientAddType cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog, MASS_startInstall: changed due to CLIENT_addClient cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: extra parameter rootPath +++++ 2005-09-03 new: SRCLST_cleanList: Returns an array with all lines of the sources list that contain Debian sources new: SRCLST_matchList: Returns the name of the sources list that matches the searched sources list contents for the distribution or false new: MSR_getClientSettings: Generates a script to gather network, release, distribution, login, LDAP and kernel informations for client import on the client new: LDAP_matchLDAPserver: Searches for the name of a LDAP server and returns the name of the found server or false new: CLIENT_setAllParams: Sets all parameters in the columns of a client new: MSR_clientSettings: Imports the clients settings +++++ 2005-09-02 new: SRCLST_getListnames: Returns an array that contains all sourceslist names new: icon for client assimilation patch: Adds backup support with BackupPC new: BACKUP_showClientSettings: Shows the dialog for starting and configuring BackupPC for a special client new: BACKUP_getBackupDirs: Returns the comma seperated list of directories that should be backupped on the client cha: EDIT_addIfNotExists: now doesn't use AWK any more (problems with ') new: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Saves the list of backup diretories oo the client in the BackupPC file fix: HELP_getHelp: now replaces I18N keys correctly if they contain parts of other keys new: en/de client_backup.hlp: new help for backup +++++ 2005-09-01 new: icons for backup new: addToHosts.php: adds all clients with IP address to /etc/hosts and /etc/backuppc/hosts cha: client_details: added backup icon +++++ 2005-08-31 new: EDIT_addIfNotExists: Adds a new line if the search pattern cannot be found. new: EDIT_deleteMatching: Deletes all lines matching the regular expression new: SERVER_addLineToFile: Adds (if the search pattern can't be found) a line to a file on the server new: SERVER_delLineFromFile: Deletes lines from the file that match the search pattern new: SERVER_addEtcHosts: Adds a host to /etc/hosts and /etc/backuppc/hosts (if it doesn't exists allready) new: SERVER_delEtcHosts: Deletes a host entry from /etc/hosts and /etc/backuppc/hosts cha: CLIENT_addClient: now uses SERVER_addEtcHosts cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: now uses SERVER_delEtcHosts +++++ 2005-08-30 patch: Added module aic79xx in SCSI detection. cha: en/de mi_step2: added new LDAP specific parts cha: CIR_detectSCSI: added aic79xx module +++++ 2005-08-29 patch: Some improvements in massinstall. fix: FDISK_autoPart: added missing parameter in the call of FDISK_addJob cha: FDISK_autoPart: if the swap size is smaller than 256MB set it to 256MB +++++ 2005-08-28 fix: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: now deletes old jobs from the destination client fix: MASS_startInstall: the client is added to the groups only if adding the client fix: MASS_showTableDefinition: corrected amount of shown rows cha: MASS_getAllFromFile: now removes white spaces from the begin and end of the read strings patch: Adds missing tables fix: DB: added missing tables cha: menuUpdate: now has a security check to prevent unintentional updates of the index +++++ 2005-08-27 patch: New experimental functions for combining LDAP and home on NFS with mass installation. new: LDAP_getNextID: Returns the next higher than the highest ID new: LDAP_getNextUserID: Returns the next higher than the highest user ID new: LDAP_addNewID: Adds a new ID to the table of used IDs or returns "false" if the ID exists new: LDAP_deleteID: Delets an ID from the table of used IDs new: LDAP_addNewUserID: Adds a new user ID to the table new: LDAP_addNewGroupID: Adds a new user ID to the table new: LDAP_getNextGroupID: Returns the next higher than the highest group ID cha: LDAP_addPosix: now uses LDAP_addNewUserID and LDAP_addNewGroupID cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now uses LDAP_getNextGroupID and LDAP_getNextUserID cha: MASS_showGeneratorOptions: added group and user ID generation cha: MASS_saveGeneratorOptions: now saves group and user ID generation settings new: MASS_loginGenerator: generates the selected amount of logins cha: HTML_listSelection: now shows the label if there is selected a value new: LDAP_getFreeIDs: Returns an array with free IDs of the selected type. new: LDAP_getFreeUserIDs: Returns an array with free user IDs of the selected type. new: LDAP_getFreeGroupIDs: Returns an array with free group IDs of the selected type. cha: MASS_startInstall: now supports LDAP and home on NFS. +++++ 2005-08-26 new: LDAP_I18NLdapType: Returns the human readable description of the LDAP usage type cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: added define settings for LDAP and NFS cha: MASS_propertyKeys: added keys for LDAP and NFS cha: MASS_keyToI18N: added translations for LDAP and NFS +++++ 2005-08-25 patch: You can choose the writing speed for the client boot CDs now. cha: makeBootCD: the user can now select the speed for burning the client boot CDs (thx MikeschTheCat) cha: burn/ burnCD.sh: changes for speed selection cha: en/de/ makeBootCD: adjusted fix: menuUpdate: now sf-upload uses .bz2 as upload file type cha: menuUpdate: added error message if there was a problem during the upload to SF patch: New SF server side update mechanism cha: menuUpdate: now stores size of the tb2 in .size cha: m23patch: now reads file size from .size new: now include sf-upload 1.18 cha: menuUpdate: now uses sf-upload to upload the tb2 +++++ 2005-08-19 cha: Patch files are now on the SourceForge mirrors and should speed up the update of your m23 servers cha: m23patch.php: Now fetches the tar.bz2 part of the patches from the SourceForge mirror +++++ 2005-08-18 patch: added missing ldapSettings.php patch: Enhanced LDAP support: Can read and write LDAP-accounts and install OpenLDAP. Much other enhancements and updated help. new: en/de/ ldapSettings.hlp: new cha: en/de/ client_add.hlp: adjustet texts to new features +++++ 2005-08-15 cha: HELP_getHelp: replaces i18n variables in the help text cha: de/en/fr help: now contains i18n variables +++++ 2005-08-14 new: SERVER_runningInBackground: Returns "true" if a lock file for a given job name is existing. cha: SERVER_programmStatus: new parameter "canBeInstalled": set to "true" if the programm can be installed by the package name cha: SERVER_programmStatus: if there is no informational text status point is now shown on the left side cha: daemonsAndPrograms: now shows the status of OpenLDAP +++++ 2005-08-13 new: EDIT_deleteLines: Deletes lines from a given line number to a given line number new: EDIT_deleteLinesAmount: Deletes N lines from a given line number new: LDAP_listServers: Returns an array with all known LDAP servers new: LDAP_checkphpLdapAdminConfiguration: Checks if the phpLDAPadmin configuration file is existing and creates it if it's missing new: LDAP_delServerFromphpLdapAdmin: Deletes a LDAP server from the phpLDAPadmin configuration file. new: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Shows a dialog for adding, removing and changing LDAP servers. new: LDAP_loadServer: Loads the variables from a LDAP server. cha: LDAP_connectFull: removed new: LDAP_makeConnection: Connects to a LDAP server. new: LDAP_connectServer: Connects with read/write access to the LDAP server on the m23 server. cha: LDAP_addPosix: new parameter and now uses LDAP_connectServer cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now has an input line for the user name cha: clientInstall: now tries to get the login name from clientoptions cha: LDAP_addPosix: forename and familyname are now stored in utf8 cha: CLIENT_addClient: now uses LDAP_addPosix cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: now checks if the local account should be created cha: work.php: now includes ldap cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: now the only parameter is the client's options array new: SERVER_runInBackground: Runs a script with "screen" in the background under a given user cha: SERVER_checkPackageInstalled: now is 5 times faster (thx AWK ;)) cha: EDIT_prepareStr: now designed to be used with AWK cha: EDIT_prepareStr: new parameter "forSearch": set to true, if the string should be used as a search string new: LDAP_installServer: Generates a script that installs and configures an openLDAP server cha: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: now uses LDAP_installServer +++++ 2005-08-12 new: LDAP_connectFull: Connects with read/write access to the LDAP server on the m23 server. new: LDAP_addPosix: Adds a posix account to the LDAP server and encrypts the password with MD5. cha: EDIT_insert: removed cha: EDIT_insertBefore: removed cha: EDIT_insertAfter: removed new: EDIT_searchLastLineNumber: searches for the last line that contains "searchLine" and stores the line number in the BASH variable "m23searchLine" new: LDAP_fqdn2dn: Returns the DN converted from a FQDN new: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin: Adds a LDAP server to the phpLDAPadmin configuration cha: index, menu: added entries for LDAP +++++ 2005-08-09 patch: Adds basic LDAP and NFS support cha: en/de client_add.hlp: added part about LDAP and NFS cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: now uses CLIENT_enableLDAP and CLCFG_enableNFSHome cha: CLIENT_enableLDAP: extra parameter to use the m23 server as ldap server cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now all LDAP and NFS values are handled patch: Fix of the client boot ISO, new LDAP and EDIT functions, better update script on the server installation CD fix: exclude4Update, exclude0: corrected regular expression fix: recompliled server ISO kernel for the client boot CD to adjust the size of the ramdisk (thx Mikesch) fix: updatem23.sh: now uses the password for accessing the DB (thx Mikesch) +++++ 2005-08-07 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: NFS home support was moved to CLCFG_enableNFSHome new: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: enables storing of home directories on a NFS server cha: work.php: now include edit.php +++++ 2005-08-05 cha: EDIT_commentOutLine: changed parameters cha: EDIT_commentOutLine, EDIT_uncomment: now are using AWK cha: EDIT_commentOutLine: is now called EDIT_commentout and now comments out lines in range or matching lines +++++ 2005-08-03 cha: CLCFG_installUsrM23: now links /etc/skel to the m23 skel new: EDIT_replace: replaces $searchLine with $replaceText new: EDIT_insert: inserts text BEFORE or AFTER the searched line new: EDIT_prepareStr: changes the string to make it compatible with sed new: EDIT_insertBefore: inserts text BEFORE the searched line new: EDIT_insertAfter: inserts text AFTER the searched line new: EDIT_savePerms: saves the permissions and owner of a file new: EDIT_restorePerms: restores previously saved file permissions and owner new: EDIT_searchNextLineNumber: searches for the next line number that contains "searchLine" new: EDIT_searchLineNumber: searches for the first line that contains "searchLine" and stores the line number in the BASH variable "m23searchLine" new: EDIT_insertLineNumber: inserts a text AT or AFTER a line number new: EDIT_insertAtLineNumber: inserts a text AT a line number new: EDIT_insertAfterLineNumber: inserts a text AFTER a line number new: EDIT_commentOutLine: comments out a line new: EDIT_uncomment: uncomments all with m23 commented lines of a file new: EDIT_calc: calculates changes of the variable +++++ 2005-08-01 new: CLIENT_enableLDAP: enables LDAP logins on client. +++++ 2005-07-30 patch: Desaster recovery can now be started for multiple clients or groups. cha: GRP_HTMLBackToDetails, GRP_showDelDialog, GRP_HTMLBackToOverview: set border of the icons to 0 new: GRP_desasterRecovery: recovers all selected clients and shows a message afterwards cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: now uses GRP_desasterRecovery cha: clients_overview: now has "desaster recover" function for multiple clients patch: Now the adjustment of partitions should work during mass installation. cha: disabled (obsolete) distribution ERPOSS cha: FDISK_virtualAddPartition, FDISK_addJob: new parameter "devNr" new: FDISK_AFPselectDrive: selects a drive from the settings in "options" and from available drives. new: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: scales all partitions sizes to match the full disk size. new: FDISK_AFPgetPartSizes: writes the sizes of the installation, swap and other partitions to the variables. fix: FDISK_AFPgetPartSizes: now detects the partitions correctly cha: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: fdiskDefinedSize is set to 0 afterwards. so the fdisk parameters are ajusted only once. +++++ 2005-07-29 fix: m23patch.php: now the size of the tb2 files is shown correctly cha: m23patch.php: now sizes are shown in MB cha: MENU_showEntry, client_details, head: set border of the icons to 0 cha: new icon for "edit" cha: massInstall, add_client: shows MSG_showNewFeature fix: CLIENT_deleteClient: now deletes client's log cha: FDISK_addJob: additional parameter "fullPath" +++++ 2005-07-27 patch: The "change client" dialog should now support all client side changes. Bootimage kernel updated to cha: CLIENT_changeClient: removed debug code fix: CLIENT_changeClient: DHCP server gets reconfigured and restarted if ip, mac or netmask changes and the client hast "red" or "yellow" status new: /mdk/bin/ start.sh: deletes old session values and calls menuStart new: bootimage: now with kernel and all network modules fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now the current client name is used for the job if it should be changed fix: CLIENT_changeClient: always change both otherwise the "no changed" DNS won't be written to /etc/resolv.conf fix: CLCFG_changeUser: now uses the new username and not the encrypted password as new username cha: edit_client.php: now uses CLIENT_HTMLBackToDetails cha: CLCFG_changeUser: can change password for root with encrypted password +++++ 2005-07-25 fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now all entered values are used cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: values that can't be set on the client (e.g. mac) are disabled in the dialog cha: CLCFG_changeUser: if old and new username are equal no change code is generated cha: sendClientStageStatus, sendClientStatus: now are sending the m23clientID new: /mdk/outdated: contains sources that aren't used anymore, but can be usefull in the future cha: DB_rmSafeUser, DB_remoteRmSafeUserStatus, DB_rmUser, DB_addUser: moved to outdated new: MSR_getm23clientIDCMD: returns the BASH code for storing the m23clientID in the BASH variable "varid" cha: sendClientStatus, sendClientStageStatus, returnClientStageStatus, sendClientLogStatus, executeNextWork, MSR_statusFileCommand, MSR_genSendCommand, MSR_partHwDataCommand: now are using MSR_getm23clientIDCMD +++++ 2005-07-22 patch: New "Change client" dialog, that can change some settings of the client. fix: clientInstall: DISTR_afterChrootInstall is now at the right place new: CLCFG_changeUser: changes the settings of an useraccount on a client cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: changed parameters: shows the dialog for adding, defining or changing a client cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now loads the client values new: CLIENT_changeClient: changes values of the clients cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now uses CLIENT_changeClient +++++ 2005-07-20 cha: menuUpdate: now *.info are the last uploaded files patch: Correction of permissions and fdisk parameter adjustments fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: now adjusts the parameters of the m23fdiskFormat job +++++ 2005-07-15 fix: corrected permissions of /m23/data+scripts/gfx patch: Enhanced debugging mode, now all characters in passwords are possible fix: CLIENT_isAskingInDebugMode: now works cha: MSR_importLog: now doesn't urldecode cha: CLIENT_showLog: now urldecodes the log fix: CLIENT_showLog: now shows complete yellow status logs containing a "°" cha: CLIENT_showLog: now shows logs preformated cha: CLIENT_addClient: disabled password character check +++++ 2005-07-14 cha: CLCFG_genFstab, CLCFG_genFakeFstab: removed "-v" at MAKEDEV to disable verify mode +++++ 2005-07-13 patch: should enable installation with the new debootstrap cha: sourceslist: stable is now Sarge, removed multiple Sid and Sarge entries cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now uses extra parameter "-r" for mkinitrd cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now uses MAKEDEV with "cd /dev; ./MAKEDEV -v generic" fix: CIR_detectSCSI: fixed output of current probed module fix: executeNextWork: now detects id patch: fixes wrong permissions of /tmp fix: corrected /tmp permissions +++++ 2005-07-12 patch: fixes errors occuring with the new version of debootstrap cha: CIR_detectSCSI: removed ".o" from module names fix: bootimage: made symlink from busybox to read (needed by new debootstrap) cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: removed wrong error message fix: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: now fetches missing pkgdetails patch: fixes problem with earlier updates cha: m23install.template: function md5check is no longer a funktion (BusyBox doesn't like functions) fix: now installs new certificates needed for newer wget versions (thx zloty) fix: now adds needed dbrootpw file for enabling write access of updates to the DB: updates now the m23 sources lists +++++ 2005-07-08 patch: New + changed sources lists, fixed mount error, ramdisk size detection cha: CLCFG_mountRootDir: check if root device was mounted before and unmounts it if it was mounted cha: welcome.*: added "thank you" for your help against software patents cha: DB: added new and changed m23 sources lists cha: sources.list: commented out non-us servers from server's sources.list new: getRamDiskSize: gets the ramdisk size of the kernel from the kernel config file cha: mkBootImage.sh, mkRescue.sh: now uses getRamDiskSize to create a ramdisk image of the correct size new: mkBootImage.sh: writes kernelRamDisk.inc that contains a variable that helds the kernel ramdisk size cha: DHCP_writePXEcfg: now uses kernelRamDisk.inc cha: menuClientISO, menuBootCD: now writes kernel variables every time new: bootimage: now contains SATA modules and SCSI emulation +++++ 2005-07-06 patch: minor change of boot parameter cha: DHCP_writePXEcfg: changed ramdisk size to 25000 +++++ 2005-07-03 patch: updated phpMyAdmin to 2.6.3 cha: updated phpMyAdmin to 2.6.3 +++++ 2005-07-01 patch: some minor fixes and changes fix: UPDATE_doUpdate: now deletes log file after the job has finished (thx to Daniel) cha: update.php: shows "update in progress" message if the update is started (thx to Daniel) cha: makeCD.sh: generates MD5s of the important files cha: m23install.tempate: checks the MD5s of the important files and exits if there is an error extracting the archivs cha: GRP_delClientFromGroup: now can delete a client from all groups (thx to Daniel) fix: CLIENT_deleteClient: now removes a client from all groups (thx to Daniel) cha: makeBootDisk: now better error message handling (thx to Daniel) +++++ 2005-06-17 fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: corrected filter criteria the get all package names patch: Patch for: gnome2, Debian unstable and PCMCIA network cards. new: CLCFG_copySSLCert: fetches the SSL certificate from the server and copys it to the client cha: clientInstall: now uses CLCFG_copySSLCert cha: mkCert.sh: now calculates the hash of the server certificate and copies the certificate to packages/baseSys fix: m23gnome2Install: fixed fetch new jow loop +++++ 2005-06-10 patch: Fixes problems with packages names fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: now gets the complete packages names fix: MSR_importPackageStatus: fixed name conversion of packages names containing + +++++ 2005-06-09 patch: Fixes problems with harddisk detections. Linux kernel for the client network boot. fix: POOL_createExtendedPackageIndex: now moves files with "force" new: makeIt for m23hwscanner fix: m23hwscanner: & is now urlencoded; this fixes problems with hardware identification like partition information cha: copyKernelNModules: now works with the new kernel version numbering new: bootimage: now uses Linux cha: bootimage: changed tool under bin cha: mkBootImage.sh: initrd is now 25000 KB +++++ 2005-06-02 patch: Ubuntu support +++++ 2005-06-01 fix: CLCFG_debootstrap: now the current debootstrap is downloaded from the server cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: additionalPackages: space seperated list of additional packages that should be installed during bootstrapping new: HELPER_getApacheGroup: returnes the group of the Apache user cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: now keeps the files in /m23/data+scripts/distr/debian/debootstrap and overwrites with newer versions new: CLCFG_writeClientID: writes the client ID to /m23clientID cha: CLIENT_getClientName: now uses /m23clientID cha: getClientLanguage: now uses CLIENT_getClientName new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: updates the debootstrap scripts for Debian and returns the www path to the files new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu: updates the debootstrap scripts for Ubuntu and returns the www path to the files cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: now can use CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian or CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu cha: clientInstall: now uses CIR_writeClientID cha: CLCFG_listDebianReleasesGeneric: is now more generic to support different Debian based distributions and filters out releases with "buildd" cha: CLCFG_listDebianReleases, CLCFG_listUbuntuReleases: lists distribution specific kernel images cha: PKG_listKernels: now filters for kernel images containing "-image" new: new package sources lists for Ubuntu cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: additional check for correct executed debootstrap new: squidClean: script to erase all data from the Squid cache +++++ 2005-05-11 patch: installation of the required packages for installation in the background and kernel configuration. +++++ 2005-04-20 patch: software patent warning and new translation cha: de/en/fr/ welcome.hlp: added software patent warning new: en/ poolBuilderCreate EditDelete.hlp: translated +++++ 2005-04-07 patch: Two little patches fix: POOL_showReadCD: now can be used with mount points containing a new line at the end (reported by Jaqui) fix: client_packages: now the control center link contains the client ID to make it possible to return to the client's control center (reported by zloty) patch: Fixes drive selection problem in the poolBuilder fix: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: now works with diffrent formats of in /etc/fstab +++++ 2005-04-01 patch: A few fixes cha: menu: the extra icon is now the main icon cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: now shows distribution specific files too fix: clients_overview: link under client jobs number now contains the client ID, this makes it possible to use the control center link to return to the client's control center (reported by zloty) cha: MSR_importLog: now decodes urlencoded special characters fix: en/m23base: fixed missing or false named translation strings (reported by Peter) new: checkLang: new tool that shows the differences (in variables) between the German and another I18N language file cha: /etc/profile: now PATH contains /usr/bin etc. (reported by zloty) +++++ 2005-03-29 cha: POOL_create: now tries to create the base pool directory +++++ 2005-03-28 patch: Some improvements and fixes in the poolBuilder. new: de/poolBuilder: german help texts for the poolBuilder fix: POOL_showLoadDeleteCreate, POOL_setProperty, POOL_getProperty: now safe against empty pool names new: MENU_startGroup: shows the start of a menu group new: MENU_endGroup: shows the end of a menu group cha: MENU_showEntry: now uses tables to format the menu entries cha: poolBuilder: check if user wants to continue without selecting a pool cha: MENU_showEntry: if icon name isn't set, no icon is shown cha: PLG_listMenuPlugins: now uses MENU_showEntry cha: HELP_getHelp: if no help file is found nothing is returned cha: UPDATE_getInfo: now has an icon for patches +++++ 2005-03-25 fix: POOL_getPools: now only returns pool directories fix: poolBuilder: disabled showing of nonexistent help pages fix: phpMyAdmin: now isn't configured to use localhost as server url any more +++++ 2005-03-24 fix: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: now return correct fake client names cha: HTML_listSelection: new logic: set first to "false" to disable writing the first entry. cha: PKG_savePackagesList: now can delete packages lists too new: PKG_deletePackagesList: deletes a packages list new: PKG_preparePackageDir: creates the needed files + sources list in a directory to use it for "local apt". cha: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now uses PKG_preparePackageDir new: POOL_download: shows error messages if the checks for distribution, sourceslist or packages are failing. Otherwise starts the distribution specific download routine. new: POOL_showDownloadStatus: shows the package download status of a pool new: POOL_createSimplePackageIndex: creates the Packages* index files for the pool (it has only one directoy containing all packages) new: PKG_downloadPool: downloads packages from a sources list to a directory cha: poolBuilder: now includes support for download packages +++++ 2005-03-23 new: POOL_getDir: returns the directory of the pool fix: config.inc.php: now doesn't set localhost a absoluteUri cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: returns false, if there was an error cha: client_distr: disables "install distribution" button and shows an error message if there is an error new: PKG_getClientPackages: returns an array or a blank seperated list of all packages installed on a client new: PKG_getPackagesListMarker: returns the string to mark client names to store packages new: PKG_savePackagesList: returns an array or a blank seperated list of all packages installed on a client new: PKG_loadPackagesList: returns an array or a blank seperated list of all packages in the list +++++ 2005-03-22 cha: POOL_createPackageIndex: now stores the sourceslist as property cha: client_sourceslist functionality is now in SRCLST_showEditor new: SRCLST_showEditor: shows an editor for sources lists new: CLIENT_getNames: returns an array with all clients new: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: returns an array with all clients having packages installed +++++ 2005-03-18 cha: index: now includes helper new: POOL_showReadCD: shows a dialog for copying the CD contents to the pool new: HELPER_getApacheUser: returnes the name of the Apache user new: HELPER_getFileContents: returnes the contents of a file (the file is read to a maximum of 5 MB) new: POOL_readCD: copys the CD contents to the pool new: POOL_createPackageIndex: creates the Packages* index files for the pool new: POOL_showCreatePackageIndex: shows information (status of the Packages* generation, sources.list) about the currently generated pool new: POOL_getSize: returns the size of a pool in MB +++++ 2005-03-16 new: POOL_getProperty: returns the contents of a property file new: POOL_setProperty: sets the contents of a property file new: POOL_create: creates a new pool directory and type property file new: POOL_delete: deletes a pool new: POOL_showLoadDeleteCreate: shows a dialog for loading, deleting and creating a pool +++++ 2005-03-15 fix: UPDATE_getInfo: now shows all icons cha: fr/m23base, help: corrections (client becomes poste client) cha: UPDATE_getInfo: icons are shown before the entries of the patch text +++++ 2005-03-11 cha: fr/de: m23base: now include english m23base as fallback language fix: md5Check: now uses modification time to detect file changes cha: UPDATE_doUpdate: now sets a lock file before the update and deletes it afterwards new: UPDATE_running: checks, if an update is running (returns true otherwise false) cha: update: shows an error message if an update is running cha: update: now uses POST cha: m23KDE3install, m23KDEwoody, m23gnome2, m23X, m23XFce: added executeNextWork cha: work: let all asking clients sleep for 60 seconds and ask again, if an update is running +++++ 2005-03-08 cha: md5Check: checkChanges: now checks, if index$1.md5 is present cha: md5Check: makeTar: now stores permissions and user/group information cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: now doesn't copy the HTML version of the manual to the CD cha: makeDoc.sh: now doesn't copy the HTML version of the developer's guide to the CD cha: fix-permissions: now touches dhcpd.leases +++++ 2005-03-06 fix: hwcheck: now loads mousedev to enable PS/2 mouse detection cha: CLIENT_reset, CLIENT_sshFetchJob: now sets UserKnownHostsFile to /dev/null and other options to make sshing possible if known_hosts contains old entries cha: CLCFG_copyClientPackageStatus: the same for scp fix: m23normalRemoveInstall: sets status back to green after removing fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: now send full package name (set terminal columns to 3000 to outflank dpkg --list) cha: md5Check: now uses a fingerprint (time,ID,permission) instead of MD5 to recognise file changes cha: menuUpdate: can now upload the newest patches cha: menuUpdate: asks for a description after creating the tar +++++ 2005-03-03 cha: hwcheck: commented out alsa special code cha: mkDeb: now can automatical increment the patchversion of the debs +++++ 2005-03-02 cha: debian/ clientInstall: added package hotplug cha: hwcheck: new code for detecting changes in hardware and creation of XF86Config +++++ 2005-02-25 fix: m23gnome2Install: adjusted settings for gdm.conf cha: de/client_sourceslist.hlp: described new functions +++++ 2005-02-24 fix: hwsetup: again troubles with hwsetup: The statified Knoppix version stalls on Sarge :( The problem is that the support for psaux devices is broken in the newer versions of kudzu. So I took the psaux.c/h from kudzu 0.99, copied it to 1.1.67 and made new debs from the patched code. With these debs hwsetup can be build with working psaux support ;) cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: now installs the needed patched kudzu packages cha: uploadNew: shows files before uploading cha: m23gnome2Install: now removes xdm and sets default display manager cha: m23-initscripts: S10hwcheck is now S37hwcheck +++++ 2005-02-23 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: now checks, if the debootstrap update file is not older than 12 hours cha: db/sourceslist: added field "release" cha: migrate: adds field "release" cha: SRCLST_saveList: now has extra parameter "release" cha: client_sourceslist: now loads and stores the release cha: db/sourceslist: added field "desktops" new: SRCLST_querySourceslists: returns the result of the DB query after sourceslists for a special distribution new: DISTR_listCommaSeperated: returns a normal array with the values of the specified variable (e.g. var: GUIs => result: [0] => Textmode [1] => KDE3 [2] => KDEwoody ...) new: DISTR_commaSeperatedSelections: returns a selection with certain values (specified thru $variable) from the distribution text file cha: SRCLST_saveList: now stores selected desktops new: DISTR_getDesktopsCBList: returns a checkbox list with desktops for a certain distribution. Desktops included in the array $selectedDesktops are checked. new: DISTR_getSelectedDesktopsArr: returns an array with selected desktops from the list generated by DISTR_getDesktopsCBList new: DISTR_getSelectedDesktopsStr: returns a string with selected desktops (seperated by "###") from the list generated by DISTR_getDesktopsCBList new: SRCLST_getDesktopList: returnes an array with all supported desktops new: SRCLST_showDesktopsSel: returnes a selections with all desktops supported by the sources list cha: client_sourceslist: now stores the supported desktops for each sources list cha: client_distr: the selection of the sources list now determines distribution, release and supported desktops. This avoids incompatible combinations of distribution, release and desktop if the package source was set up correctly ;) +++++ 2005-02-22 cha: hwcheck: added code for vmware cha: PKG_listKernels: new sorting code fix: PKG_listKernels: selected kernel is now shown first +++++ 2005-02-21 cha: squid.conf: new filter settings cha: makeCD.sh: copies a modified squid.conf to the CD cha: m23install.template: now uses and modfies squid.conf from the conf dir +++++ 2005-02-15 cha: */clientInstall: now installs m23-hwsetup fix: FDISK_formatExisting: now stores the partitions fix: hwcheck: now calls mkxf86config, if XF86Config is missing new: uploadNew: uploads new and changed debs and Packages* cha: menuDeb: now uses uploadNew +++++ 2005-02-14 fix: hwsetup: now detects PS/2 mice. It's a workaround that uses the hwsetup from Knoppix 3.7 and makes a static executable (with statifier) from it. +++++ 2005-02-04 new: excludeTar: filter list with patterns to exclude unneeded files and directories from the mdk.tb2 and m23.tb2 cha: mk-m23.bz2.sh, mk_mdk.tb2: now are using excludeTar new: UPDATE_doUpdate: downloads and executes the update script. new: UPDATE_getUrl: returnes a correct URL to the update source new: UPDATE_getInfo: returns the information text from the URL cha: update: now uses the new update functions new: m23patch: script for generating the patch script and update information +++++ 2005-02-02 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: added support for the right arrow cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: shows the error message, if there should be errors with pdflatex fix: help/en: few HTML code corrections cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: most code rewritten: now uses a temporary database to create the initalisation database and writes a script for installing the database cha: m23install.template: now uses the script from exportDBInitTable.sh cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: the HTML and PDF manual are linked to the m23 and MDK documentation directory new: addDummyFiles: adds empty dummy files into all subdirectories starting from the given directory new: delDummyFiles: removes the dummy files from all subdirectories starting from the given directory cha: mk_mdk.tb2, mk-m23.bz2: now are using addDummyFiles and delDummyFiles cha: fix-permissions: now calls delDummyFiles for /m23 and /mdk cha: exclude0: adjusted filter parameters new: de/en/fr manuals: can now be builded again new: m23.sf.net: neat client installation image +++++ 2005-02-01 cha: MASS_keyToI18N: now knows the "ignore" key cha: MASS_showTableDefinition: now uses key and not the I18N values for the row selections cha: makeScreenshots.sh: adjusted screenshot sizes cha: menuStart: added menuUpdate cha: menuStart.hlp: updated new: fr/ daemonsAndPrograms.hlp fix: HELP_showHelpTex: fixed table generation fix: help/fr: several HTML code corrections +++++ 2005-01-31 cha: md5Check: now can use different in/exclude files and tar.bz2 store files cha: md5Check: new function moveIndex(): replace the old index with the new new: menuUpdate: menu for building updates new: makeAutomaticPatch: checks for changes and makes a tar.bz2 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: now supports "¼" +++++ 2005-01-30 new: md5Check: generates an index from the files in /m23 and /mdk, can detect changes and make a bz2 tar from the changes. +++++ 2005-01-28 cha: getNewestDeb: removed new: dlKnoppixDeb.php: is a improved version of findNewestKnoppixDeb. now downloads the newest version of a package from the knoppix server cha: mkKnoppix-static: renamed to getBuildKnoppixDebs cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: now uses dlKnoppixDeb.php cha: menuDeb: now calls getBuildKnoppixDebs cha: debian/ info.txt: added installed size information for the user interfaces cha: makeScreenshots.sh: switched back to PNG screenshots cha: HELP_showHelpTex: pictures are now included cha: HELP_showHelpTex: added routine for converting french special characters fix: menuScreenshot.sh: the correct error message is shown, if the entered passwords don't match cha: index: now tries to read the language from /m23/tmp/screenshot.lang. this can hold a language during screenshot making cha: setGUIlang: removed cha: makeScreenshots.sh: now sets /m23/tmp/screenshot.lang and don't uses setGUIlang any more cha: makeScreenshots.sh: adjusted heigth +++++ 2005-01-27 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: improved LaTeX output new: findNewestKnoppixDeb: new tool to find the newest version of a package from the knoppix server +++++ 2005-01-26 cha: all help files: are using the same text formating style now cha: all help files: are now on the same content level new: docView: quick and dirty script for viewing the help files without opening the corresponding m23 page cha: HELP_showHelp: is now HELP_getHelp and the HTML code is not shown but returned new: HELP_showHelp: wrapper to replace the old HELP_showHelp function new: HELP_showHelpTex: shows the help file converted to LaTeX code +++++ 2005-01-24 new: en/daemonsAndPrograms cha: HELP_showHelp: now can include files in help files cha: CLIENT_generateHTMLStatusBar: now the status icons are left aligned new: packageTypes.inc, statusColor.inc, packageSelections.inc: stored help text which are the same in multiple help files cha: clientBuilder - client_distr.hlp: changed to new text style +++++ 2005-01-23 fix: uncountable fixes in the help texts cha: htaccess: now uses MSG_showInfo and MSG_showError cha: index.css: added new entry for menu highlighting new: MENU_showEntry: generates a menu entry, highlights it (if selected) and removes menu entry formatting tags from the menu entry label cha: menu: now uses MENU_showEntry, so activated entries are highlighted +++++ 2005-01-22 cha: serverImage: removed PPP and installed kernel 2.6.10-i386 new: prepareChangelog: stores the complete changelog and the newest 5 entries in different files fix: mk_mdk.tb2: now symbolic links are stored too cha: version: changed to pre3 ;-) +++++ 2005-01-21 cha: m23install.template: changed arguments from "test" and "cp" to make it compatible to the BusyBox test cha: bootCD: serveral changes on the root file system cha: bootCD: now installation is possible again +++++ 2005-01-20 cha: getKnoppix*: now fetches the files from the /mdk/m23Debs/deb cha: bootCD: kernel is now 2.6.10 cha: bootCD: rebuild BusyBox to disable error messages +++++ 2005-01-19 cha: bootCD: most tools are unsing BusyBox 1.00 now cha: bootCD: hwsetup updated +++++ 2005-01-18 cha: fdisk: removed debug code cha: mk_mdk.tb2: now build a list of all files to store and doesn't need clean_mdk and unclean_mdk any more cha: clean_mdk, unclean_mdk: deleted, are not needed any more fix: severals fixes in the germen help texts new: knoppix.functions: function to get a package with the newest version number cha: getKnoppix*: are using the function from knoppix.functions new: french translation updated +++++ 2005-01-17 new: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: returnes an array with all mount points listed in /etc/fstab new: pool.php: functions for administrating package pools new: POOL_selectPoolType: shows buttons for selecting the type of pool and returns the pressed button +++++ 2005-01-16 cha: index: menu has now a width of 150 pixel cha: de/ m23base: formated menu entries cha: menu/ index: added entry for the poolBuilder +++++ 2005-01-14 fix: mkKnoppix-static: now fetches the newest versions of xf86config-knoppix and hwdata-knoppix +++++ 2005-01-12 fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: error in error message fix: client_distr: now gets correct devices for installation and swap drive cha: mkDiffTar: finished +++++ 2005-01-11 cha: PKG_listKernels: now returns false, if no kernel information could be retrieved fix: cds2pool: now copys the CDs (a variable can't really be empty AND have the value "n") cha: en/ m23base: updated new: mkDiffTar: first codes of s script to make a tar from all files that have been changed from a specified date +++++ 2005-01-10 cha: clean_mdk, unclean_mdk: now moved the kernel directories of bootCD and bootimage cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: now shows always a message fix: bootimage kernel config: increased size of the ramdisk +++++ 2005-01-09 cha: help/ index: changed to make the whole screen width available for the GUI +++++ 2005-01-05 new: mkextradeb: now builds the m23 extra debs + m23hwscanner package cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: doesn't copy m23hwscanner any more cha: menudeb: now uses mkextradeb cha: debian/ erposs/ DISTR_afterChrootInstall: are now installing cha: CLCFG_genFstab: removed an ocurring warning message during kernel installation fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now shows messages from stdout and stderr new: HELPER_grep: returnes all lines from $string seperated by $cut that contain $search new: SRCLST_getMirror($sourceName): returns the mirror from the sources list cha: debian/ clientInstall: now uses SRCLST_getMirror cha: de,en/ client_sourceslist.hlp: added description for mirror format new: +++++ 2005-01-02 fix: client_partition: after formating "select distribution" is activated at once fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now shows errors from stderr +++++ 2004-12-16 cha: menuKernelBuilder: creates kernel store directory +++++ 2004-12-15 new: kernelFunctions.inc: copies the kernel and modules to the boot CD or bootimage cha: bootCD: updated kernel to 2.4.28 cha: m23install.template: updated script for the new kernel cha: copyKernelNModules: now works with 2.6.x kernels too +++++ 2004-12-12 cha: kernelFunctions.inc: getKernelVersions.sh is now included cha: kernelFunctions.inc: menuKernelBranch.sh is included as function checkKernelBranch cha: kernelFunctions.inc: menuKernelDownload.sh is included as function menuKernelDownload cha: kernelFunctions.inc: menuSelectKernelDir.sh is included as function checkKernelDir fix: listKernelVersions: kernels are now sorted correctly (newst kernel on top) new: kernelFunctions.inc: compileKernel: compiles the kernel +++++ 2004-12-10 cha: menuSelectKernelDir, menuKernelDownload: deletes temp file at the end new: menuKernelOldConfig: select the old configuration file to copy to the new kernel source dir and copies back the new configure file to the config dir cha: menuKernelBuilder: added menuKernelOldConfig new: kernelFunctions.inc: functions for kernel handling in the MDK +++++ 2004-12-08 new: getKernelVersions: shows a sorted list of all kernels of a branch (e.g. 2.6) new: menuKernelDownload: menu for downloading and extracting a kernel cha: menuBootCD: new entry for kernel new: menuKernelBuilder: menu for generating kernels new: menuSelectKernelDir: selects the kernel source directory new: menuKernelBranch: writes the kernel branch (2.4 or 2.6) to /tmp/m23kernelBranch +++++ 2004-12-06 fix: woody-install: ssh keys are generated and copied to the m23 directory +++++ 2004-12-03 cha: SERVER_isProgramRunning: code shortend new: SERVER_checkPackageInstalled: checks if a certain package is installed new: SERVER_daemonStartStop: starts, stops and restarts daemons new: SERVER_installTool: installs a tool on the server new: daemonsAndPrograms: page for seeing status information about daemons and helper programms new: de/ daemonsAndPrograms: help file new: SERVER_apacheInfo: returnes an information string for the Apache server new: SERVER_mysqlInfo: returnes an information string for the MySQL server new: SERVER_dhcpInfo: returnes an information string for (of course ;-) ) the DHCP server new: SERVER_programmStatusTableHeader: shows the header of the table needed for the programm status lines +++++ 2004-12-02 cha: serverSettings: added phpMyAdmin cha: index: added daemons and programs page cha: index: now includes server.php fix: BURN_listBurners: now only runs with "sudo" (don't ask why ;-) ) cha: HTML_listSelection: can show now names and send different values for the same entry to the server new: daemonsAndPrograms: new page for managing the daemons and programs on the server new: SERVER_isProgramRunning: checks if a certain program is running and returns true, if yes "no" otherwise new: SERVER_programmStatus: shows a row with information about the status of a certain program, with the possibillity to start, stop or restart the program. +++++ 2004-11-29 fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: several fixes and now seems to work cha: m23fdiskFormat: now calls FDISK_adjustFdiskParams +++++ 2004-11-28 new: FDISK_getDriveAndNr: splits a path (e.g. /dev/hda1) in the device (/dev/hda) and the device number (1). The device is returned as element 0 and the number as element 1 in an array. new: getNextFdiskFormatJobNr: returnes the next free job number for the parameters of a m23fdiskFormat job. (e.g. there are used the following parameters: command0 = rm, command1= add. Then the next command number to use will be command2 => return value is 2) fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: lot of fixes in the code +++++ 2004-11-26 fix: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: get correct device number, if it's the first partition +++++ 2004-11-25 fix: work, debugScreen, setClientStatus, setLog, setStatus, postMessage: now include capture.php cha: FDISK_formatExisting: now works with the combined device, size and filesystem strings of FDISK_listInstPartSelector cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: doesn't change the default entry to the device name, but keeps the whole information string cha: client_partition: the "format client" button is disabled, if not all settings have been made +++++ 2004-11-24 cha: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: code completed. debugging follows ;) +++++ 2004-11-23 cha: FDISK_defineDrive: extra parameters for disk tollerance new: FDISK_getDiskType: returnes the type of the drive (DISK_TYPE_IDE, DISK_TYPE_SCSI) new: helper.php: helper functions that did not fit into another include file new: HELPER_calcMBSize: calculates the size in MB from a given input that can be a GB value or measured in % cha: de/diskDefine.hlp: help for the new disk definition dialog cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: added new elemnts for the individual adjustment of the partitions new: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: adjusts the installation and swap drive for a derived client, based on the defined client settings +++++ 2004-11-18 new: copied DB m23 to m23captured cha: CAPTURE_deActivate, CAPTURE_isActive: now uses /m23/tmp/captureSave to store the state cha: CAPTURE_showMessageBox: now links directly to the capture page cha: dbConnect: selects the DB to use automatical cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: added new HTML elements for disk optimisation +++++ 2004-11-17 fix: makeScreenshots: corrected name of client rescue image fix: html2tex: now generates correct output, if there is no new line between heading and text cha: html2tex: new parameter for image scaling cha: makeTexHelp: fetched image scaling factors from /mdk/doc /manual /screenshots/ scalingTable fix: html2tex: removed aditional '*' in chapter cha: de/en: install_packages: changed HTML format fix: groups_overview: fixed HTML error new: en/diskDefine cha: de/diskDefine: changed HTML format new: en/mi_step3, mi_step4 +++++ 2004-11-16 cha: CAPTURE_showEntries: entries are now ordered by name and step cha: client_distr: added support for capturing cha: CAPTURE_captureAll, CAPTURE_getKeys: new parameter cha: plginstall, htaccess, client_details: added help page new: de/en: plginstall.hlp, htaccess.hlp, clientdetails.hlp, clientinfo_hardware, clientinfo_clientLog, clientinfo_addToGroup, clientinfo_delFromGroup cha: makeScreenshots: table for x direction cropping cha: client_packages: moved table code to CLIENT_listPackages cha: GRP_doClientMoreGroups: corrected table cha: client_infoPage: added help files cha: makeScreenshots: added all needed pages +++++ 2004-11-15 cha: makeTexHelp: deletes the help backup files before the conversion to Tex cha: kh2p: images can be generated in different formats. the file extension chooses the file type. cha: html2tex: line break after each image cha: khtml2png: better code, that scrolls only if needed cha: khtml2png: changed project to Kdevelop 3 new: khtml2png/makeDeb: script for generating the deb for khtml2png +++++ 2004-11-14 cha: CAPTURE_getKeys, CAPTURE_load: changed glue to '???' there were errors with the glue of the partition information new: makeScreenshots: added screenshots for the setup pages cha: CAPTURE_load: sets the page to POST and GET +++++ 2004-11-12 cha: de/m23base: all verbs are now starting with an upper case character new: CAPTURE_showEntries: shows a table of the captured pages with the possibility to delete entries. new: CAPTURE_deleteById: deletes a capture entry. cha: CAPTURE_captureAll: changed parameters cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine, massInstall: added CAPTURE_captureAll new: CAPTURE_getKeys: gets all POST or GET variables and returnes all keys and values as an assiciative array. Values of buttons are filtered out. new: capture: page for (de)activating the capturing and see and delete captured pages cha: makeScreenshots.sh: added screenshots for mass installation +++++ 2004-11-11 new: capture.php: routines storing and loading POST and GET values in forms new: CAPTURE_captureAll: stores all POST and GET variables to the DB new: CAPTURE_load: loads all POST and GET variables for a special page from the DB to emulate the user input while makeing a screenshot new: RMV_rm4IP: removes a variable for a slelected ip cha: RMV_rm: now uses RMV_rm4IP new: CAPTURE_deActivate: (de)activates capturing the POST, GET values new: CAPTURE_isActive: returnes true, if capturing of POST, GET values is activated. otherwise false new: CAPTURE_captureImg: returnes the status image URL of the current capture state new: CAPTURE_showMessageBox: shows a message box, if capturing is enabled cha: serverSettings: removed test code and added capture toggle button cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: added CAPTURE_captureAll cha: kh2p: adjustet to match the new parameters of khtml2png fix: khtml2png: this fix is really evil: the width of the screenshots was oversized by 65 pixel. Now the width is decremented with 65 and it works. A good fix will follow, if I have time. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: some adjustments to the new kh2p and captured values +++++ 2004-11-10 new: another hack of khtml2png: now scrolls in x and y direction, that enables it to make screenshots that are wider then the screen width. +++++ 2004-11-06 cha: makeBootCD: the ISO image size is shown, if it exists, otherwise an error message is shown cha: disabled outdated Portuguese and Italian language files new: en/makeBootCD.hlp +++++ 2004-11-04 fix: BURN_showLog: no log textarea is shown, if log file doesn't exit cha: BURN_burn, BURN_blank: setting of the burner state has been moved to burnCD and blankCD new: BURN_checkISO: checks, if the client ISO exist and create i otherwise new: de/makeBootCD.hlp +++++ 2004-10-29 new: index: new entry for burning CDs cha: menu: new entry for burning CDs new: BURN_listBurners: returnes a selection of the available burners new: blankCD: script to blank a CD new: BURN_getDevice: returnes the device name for cdrecord from a specific burner new: BURN_burn: burns an ISO new: BURN_getStatus: returns the status of the burner (BURNSTATE_IDLE, BURNSTATE_BLANK, BURNSTATE_BURN) new: BURN_showLog: shows a status info window about the current burner state +++++ 2004-10-27 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: changed timeout for fetching the job to 5 seconds and retries to 2 fix: pingIP: now uses sudo to allow the Apache user to use it cha: mkKnoppix-static: now adds the needed souce to sources.list, if it is not present cha: DB: root user is now secured with a password cha: DB: added m23dbuser for normal DB operations new: updated to phpMyAdmin 2.6.0-pl2 cha: fix-permissions: sets permissions for /m23/root-only cha: exportDBInitTable.sh, m23install.template, backupMysql.sh, restoreMysql.sh, add-erposs3.sh: DB root needs a password, fetched from /m23/root-only/dbrootpw cha: /m23/ftp:removed directory with an old pure-ftpd version cha: mkCert.sh: new security function to ensure, that the server certificate was created +++++ 2004-10-26 cha: makeCD.sh: now stores information about the ISO file size and date in /mdk/ bootCD/ISO.info cha: menuBootCD: used /mdk/ bootCD/ISO.info cha: makeCD.sh: application and preparer ID are written to the ISO cha: clean_mdk, mk-m23.bz2.sh: remove backup files before creating the archives fix: clean_mdk, unclean_mdk: now move the renamed m23 server ISO cha: mk-m23.bz2.sh: m23 DB isn't stored in the bz2 any more cha: m23install.template: uses m23DBInit.sql to instal the database cha: m23install.template: hdparm warning messages about not existing CD rom drives aren't shown any more cha: index: now fetches page name from POST with first priority, GET has second priority fix: m23ShutDownInstall: uses "halt" command for shutdown + and sets job to "done" +++++ 2004-10-25 cha: woody-install.sh: "skip-networking" is not commented out any more cha: woody-install.sh: calls now enables SSL new: m23server: updated system new: m23server: installed and run localepurge: saves 26968K by deleting unused locales and man pages. DE, FR, EN are still installed. fix: fr/m23inst: now has correct PHP code cha: m23install.template: builds a certificate +++++ 2004-10-23 fix: exportDBInitTable.sh: writes the needed default group entry to the DB +++++ 2004-10-22 cha: HELP_showHelp: now uses paragraphs instead of table structures to generate the table code. This makes it possible to use tables in the help files. cha: MASS_startInstall: returnes a message about the state of the created clients (error, ok) cha: massInstall: save button is hidden, if installation has been started cha: massInstall: shows status about created clients +++++ 2004-10-18 fix: FDISK_defineDrive: doubled "/dev/" in path definition +++++ 2004-10-16 fix: m23hwscanner: a " ," was printed before the type variable, there was no proper recognisation of the data tape, now fixed ;) fix: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: search vPart for the extended partition now works fix: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: fixed another vPart finding bug with logical partitions +++++ 2004-10-15 cha: makeCD.sh: now generates rock ridge entensions too cha: makeDoc.sh: copies the HTML documentation in the correct directory on the CD cha: updatem23.sh: now calls migrate.php cha: makeCD.sh: the ISO file name contains the version and code name. +++++ 2004-10-14 cha: de/en.hlp: clients_overview: white status new: en.hlp: clientBuilder, mi_step0, mi_step1, mi_step2: translated cha: en: m23base: missing parts translated cha: m23XFceInstall: now installs sudo and configures /etc/sudoers to make shutdown and reboot in XFce possible +++++ 2004-10-13 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: now sets do_boot_enable to "No" in kernel-img.conf. there are new questions while installing the kernel, that don't allow automatic installation of the kernel if do_boot_enable is set to "Yes". Lilo is run afterwards, so there is no problem booting the client. +++++ 2004-10-09 new: CLCFG_genFakeFstab: generates a fake /etc/fstab that only contains the lines for proc and the root partition (this is used to make the kernel install correctly) cha: debian/clientInstall: mow uses CLCFG_genFakeFstab +++++ 2004-09-30 cha: */clientInstall: m23hwscanner has to be run twice: 1. generate a fstab to make the kernel install correctly 2. generate a new lilo.cong & fstab to make lilo install cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: now copies dmidecode and checkdisklabel too fix: m23hwscanner: bugfixes +++++ 2004-09-29 new: m23hwscanner: now contains the functionality of genFstab without calling parted anymore cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: copies m23hwscanner from the ramdisk to the installation partition cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now uses m23hwscanner, adjusted parameters cha: */clientInstall: now uses new parameter format of CLCFG_genFstab +++++ 2004-09-26 cha: checkdisklabel: normal output is piped to /dev/null, because it should not be written to the POST data fix: m23hwscanner: now calculates the values for partitions smaller than 1GB correctly cha: CLCFG_activateDMA: now tries to activate /dev/hda - /dev/hdz and writes a log message only, if a device could be activated fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: error message is shown once now cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: after adding the client the dialog isn't shown anymore fix: FDISK_autoPart: now swap partition is formated cha: getKnoppixDDCxinfo, getKnoppixHwdata, getKnoppixHwsetup: adjusted because of the changes on the developer.linuxtag.net server +++++ 2004-09-25 new: bootimage: added /usr/share/misc/pci.ids, needed for lspci to show names of hardware devices cha: mkBootImage.sh: copies /usr/share/misc/pci.ids to bootimage during creation cha: HWINFO_getHDSize: returnes the sizes of all harddisks in a string, sperated by html breaks cha: client_partition: titles are saved from step to step in the extended partition dialogs fix: client_distr: after extended partitioning the install and swap partition is transfered correctly cha: checkdisklabel: new code for new device format (/dev/...) cha: m23hwscanner: now calls the new checkdisklabel cha: debian/DISTR_baseInstall: adjusted mounting of root partition to the new format +++++ 2004-09-24 fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now gets the correct boot type +++++ 2004-09-23 cha: pingIP: removed debug code new: bootimage: with m23hwscanner and needed libs new: bootimage: added lspci +++++ 2004-09-22 cha: FDISK_formatJob, FDISK_addJob, FDISK_rmJob, FDISK_listPartJobs: ported to new format fix: FDISK_autoPart: now deletes all partitions new: FDISK_formatJob: enables the booting flag on a partition new: FDISK_genPartedCommands: returnes the partition and formation commands that are generated from partJobs. cha: FDISK_getAfterPartition: space in extended partitions is calculated correctly and factor can be 0 now. this means the amount of free space in MB is returned. cha: FDISK_listPartJobs: now includes table code fix: FDISK_checkFreeSpace: correct run statement in for loop cha: MSR_importPartHwData, MIGR_partitions: the filesystem is set to -1 if it is an extended partition cha: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: removed erroneous code cha: m23fdiskFormatInstall: adjusted for new partition and format format +++++ 2004-09-21 cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog, FDISK_listInstPartSelector, FDISK_getBiggestValueOf, FDISK_findDevNrPosition, FDISK_devNrExists, FDISK_nextLogicalDevNr, FDISK_countPartitions, FDISK_virtualAddPartition, FDISK_virtualDeletePartition, FDISK_correctLogical, FDISK_formatExisting, FDISK_delPart, FDISK_addPart, FDISK_showDiskDefine, FDISK_formatPart: migrated cha: FDISK_partAmount, FDISK_countExtendedPartition, FDISK_countPrimaryPartitions, FDISK_countLogicalPartitions, FDISK_getNextPrimary, FDISK_getNextLogical, FDISK_genPartBlock, FDISK_deleteExtendedFromParam, FDISK_setPartParam, FDISK_getDiskSize, FDISK_overwriteBlock, FDISK_getPartParam, FDISK_getJobTypeOption, FDISK_getJobCommand, FDISK_getJobType, FDISK_getJobOption, FDISK_printRmJob, FDISK_printAddJob, FDISK_printAddFSJob, FDISK_printBFlagJob, FDISK_printFormatJob, FDISK_calcChanges, FDISK_rearrangeLogical, FDISK_getDevNrFromDev, FDISK_getBiggestDevNr, FDISK_getPartitionBlocks: removed new: delFromArray: deletes all entries in the array $arr assigned by the keys stored in the array $delKeys. the new array without the entries in $delKeys is returned. new: FDISK_partCreationSelect: retunes a selection for selecting a partition type to create. cha: FDISK_formatExisting: partitions for swap and installations can be on different drives now cha: FDISK_listSupportedFS: now uses HTML_listSelection cha: FDISK_getAfterLastPartition: if there is a bit of free space return 1 to show free space in the bar fix: FDISK_getFreeSpaces: returnes correct value, if there are no partitions new: extended partitioning seems to work with new format new: fdisk.php: much smaler code saved 883 lines +++++ 2004-09-20 fix: FDISK_listPartTable: no shows free space after the last partition correctly cha: FDISK_printBars, FDISK_checkFreeSpace, FDISK_listPartitions: migrated cha: FDISK_getFreeSpaceBeforeFristPartition, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartitionPercent, FDISK_getFreeSpaceAfterLastPartition, FDISK_getAfterLastPartitionPercent: are now removed, because they were used at one place only and were wrapper functions for FDISK_getAfterLastPartition or FDISK_getBeforeFristPartition. The main functions are used directly now. +++++ 2004-09-17 cha: FDISK_getFreeSpaceAfterLastPartition, FDISK_listPartTable: migrated to new fdisk format and adjusted parameters fix: FDISK_getAfterLastPartition: now uses always the last partition +++++ 2004-09-14 new: MIGR_partitions: converts param string partition information to the new assiciative array format. new: MSR_importPartHwData: imports partition and hanrdware informationen cha/fix: m23hwscanner: several fixes cha: FDISK_getPartitions, FDISK_getAllDrives, FDISK_selectDrives, FDISK_formatJob, FDISK_defineDrive, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartition, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartitionPercent, FDISK_getPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterLastPartition, FDISK_getAfterLastPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterPartition, FDISK_getAfterPartitionPercent, FDISK_printAllBars cha: HTML_listSelection: now writes the first entry back to the first variable cha: FDISK_selectDrives: now uses HTML_listSelection cha: FDISK_getInstallDrive: renamed to FDISK_getFirstDrive cha: FDISK_replaceParamPart: removed, seems to be never used ;) new: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: searches a special device (e.g. /dev/hda2) and writes the virtual device and partition numbers to the variables. These values can be used to access the file system via $param["dev$vDev"."part$vPart"."_fs"] cha: FDISK_getBeforeFristPartition, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterLastPartition, FDISK_getPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterLastPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterPartition, FDISK_getAfterPartitionPercent: changed parameters new: FDISK_printBars: enough functions ported to make is work! +++++ 2004-09-13 new: MSR_partHwDataCommand: generates the commands to send partition and hardware info cha: DMI_getParam: now uses \n as seperator cha: m23PresetupInstall: now ueses MSR_partHwDataCommand new: migrate: script for converting old partitions and dmi formats to the new one new: MIGR_dmi: converts the DMI string from the old format (line ent marked with '?') to the new (marked wit '\n'); +++++ 2004-09-12 new: m23hwscanner: new C tool, that gatheres hardware and partition information and shows an associative array, that can be send via wget. This tool will replace the old partinfodb. +++++ 2004-09-11 cha: clients_overview: changed names in the actions selection fix: DHCP_rmClient: now returnes true, if all is ok new: CLIENT_deleteClient: deletes a client and shows an optional message cha: clients_overview: link for delete now contains the client name cha: delete_client: now uses CLIENT_deleteClient cha: clients_overview: can now delete multiple clients cha: CLIENT_addClient: presetup job is set to a priority of 0 cha: PKG_addStatusJob: if it is a special package the priority is checked, before a existing job is replaced by the new one cha: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: values are now alinged on top cha: getPackageParams: renamed to PKG_getPackageParams cha: getPackageParamsVar: renamed to PKG_getPackageParamsVar new: PKG_getPackageIDsByName: returnes all IDs as an array for jobs matching the client and job name and are a normal or special package. +++++ 2004-09-10 fix: MASS_showGeneratorOptions: if first shown, the length for the first login password is set to 8 to make generation of the example passwords possible new: MASS_getLongestLength: returnes the length of the longest entry in the array or max if bigger than max fix: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: now netmasks are checked correctly fix: pingIP: now returnes true and false as boolean values and not as strings cha: CLIENT_addClient: new parameter to select, if the root password should be encrypted new: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: copies all with a selected status jobs from one client to another cha: PKG_copyWait4accPackagesToClient: now uses PKG_copyPackagesToClient new: MASS_startInstall: starts the installation of all client with all paramaters defined in the table new: MASS_showOverview: shows a table with all generated client settings, that can be edited new: massInstall: seems to work mostly ;-) +++++ 2004-09-09 new: isProgrammInstalled: returnes true if a programm can be used new: pingIP: tests, if someone is answering the ping on a given IP address. returnes true, if someone answers cha: CLIENT_isrunning: now uses pingIP new: MASS_ipGenerator: generates the selected amount of IPs in the selected ranges. Only IPs are generated that aren't in use by m23 or (if activated) pingable. new: MASS_minMaxIP: calculates the possible minimum and maximum IP of a given netmask. The IPs are returned as an array: index 0 = minimum; index 1 = maximum. new: getServerNetmask: returnes the netmask of the m23 server new: MASS_passGenerator: generates the selected amount of passwords with a random algorithm or the genpw tool. new: MASS_generateNetmask: generate netmasks from ip addresses via network class definitions. new: MASS_generateClientNames: generates client names through appending of numbers. new: MASS_saveGeneratorOptions: saves all geneator options to EGKparams new: MASS_showGeneratorOptions: shows the dialog for configuring the generator options new: MASS_getAllFromFile: returnes all values from one key of the DB file as an array. +++++ 2004-09-08 cha: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: now checks if properties have been assigned more times cha: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: now checks if needed properties have not been assigned cha: MASS_showFileFormatDialog: added i18n support new: de/mi_step0-2.hlp: help files for mass install steps 1-3 new: MASS_getXProperties: returnes the amount and keys of a secial kind (enter, generate, keep, hand, file) +++++ 2004-09-07 new: MASS_showFileFormatDialog: shows a dialog that lets the user select a DB file and assign the columns to the fields of the file new: MASS_propertyKeys: returns the keys for all properties new: MASS_keyToI18N: converts the property names to I18N names new: MASS_I18NTokey: converts the I18N names to property names new: MASS_showTableDefinition: shows a dialog that lets the user define which field in the DB file should be assigned to which property new: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: saved the assignments from field number to property and other information to EGKparams and performes a simple check, to verify that the values of the properties are valuable. An error message is returned or an empty string, if all is ok. new: MASS_openDBFile: opens a DB file new: MASS_readDBFile: reads a line from the DB file and returnes an associated array with the properties as key and the fields of the file as values. new: MASS_readDBFileRaw: reads a line from the DB file and returnes the fields splitted to a normal array. new: MASS_closeDBFile: closes the DB file. +++++ 2004-09-06 cha: CLIENT_getStatusimage: added status for define cha: CLIENT_query: additional state and operator cha: clients_overview: clientBuilder clients are shown as installable clients fix: install_packages: if page is in install mode, the button has the right label cha: clients_overview: switch/case sets variable for help page cha: CLIENT_showStatusSelection: now shows define status cha: index: added massInstall page cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: new parameter to select, if you want values to be generated,entered or kept new: massTools: routines for mass installations new: MASS_EGKradioBoxes: Generates HTML code for showing 3 elements, that can be each a "radio button", selection "disabled" or "always selected". new: MASS_FHradioBoxes: Generates HTML code for showing 2 radio buttons for selecting file or handy source new: MASS_showFileHandDialog: shows a dialog for selecting "by file" or "by hand" for the "enter" properties. +++++ 2004-09-05 cha: support: added newsletter and icons cha: menu: added newsletter and questionaire to menu cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog, CLIENT_addClient: extra parameter for client definition new: FDISK_defineDrive: defines drive information for the clientBuilder new: FDISK_showDiskDefine: shows a dialog for defining the type and size of the fake drive for the cha: add_client: changes to insert clientBuilder functions +++++ 2004-09-03 new: en: editPackageSelection.hlp: help for package selection editing dialog new: dir /m23/data+scripts/m23admin/masstools/: for masstool plugins cha: menu: added mass tools entries new: icons: mass tools +++++ 2004-09-02 cha: PKG_getPackageStatus: if distr is empty only the action status is shown cha: install_packages: can now delete package selections new: de: editPackageSelection.hlp: help for package selection editing dialog +++++ 2004-09-01 fix: GRP_getDistrsAndSourcesLists: if there are arrays in the parameters new values are added fix: install_packages: checked package type is safed for page refresh new: PKG_getAllPackageSelections: returns all package selection names new: PKG_showAllPackageSelections: returns all package selection as HTML selection cha: install_packages: added list of package selections + delete button +++++ 2004-08-31 fix: PKG_savePackageselection: deletes all packages from selection before saving packages cha: install_packages: stores package selection name cha: install_packages: if package selection name is empty get the first selected package selection name new: PKG_deletePackageselection: delete all packages from package selection cha: menu: added entry for changing of package selections cha: install_packages: started to make editiong of package selections possible +++++ 2004-08-24 fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: now the table is included in correct table tags +++++ 2004-08-23 new: MSG_showUpdateInfo: showes a info message about the stored update jobs cha: end/de: groups_overview.hlp: rewritten cha: end/de: install_packages.hlp: some changes new: MSG_showUpdateInfo: showes a info message about stored jobs on N clients +++++ 2004-08-22 new: en/de: update_packages.hlp +++++ 2004-08-21 cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: get to post cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: now adds m23normaleremove jobs cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: shows with an icon, if the package should be de/installed cha: install_packages: shows correct help file, if in deinstall mode cha: PKG_listRecommendPackages: new selection, to select if the packages should be (de)installed or use the saved action cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: new parameter to select if the packages should be (de)installed or use the saved action cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: added titles for the status icons cha: en/de: install_packages.hlp: adjusted new: GRP_getAllPackages: shows a list of all packages on all clients in the selected groups. the packages can be selected by checkboxes fix: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: now uses correct url for deinstalling packages fix: install_packages: serveral little fixes for showing correct deinstallation page cha: install_packages: now includes update function cha: clients_overview: link to update has been changed +++++ 2004-08-16 cha: PKG_savePackageselection: uses MSG_showInfo and new extra parameter to switch showing of this message on and off cha: PKG_listRecommendPackages: now uses html table functions cha: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: added support for m23normalRemove +++++ 2004-08-15 cha: CLIENT_listPackages: radioboxes to checkboxes and no "do changes" button after each 30 lines cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: now shows m23normalRemove jobs correctly new: PKG_discardRemoveJob: discards all remove jobs from the clientjobs table, that match the param cha: PKG_rmSelectedPackages: now discards remove jobs cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: different checkbox base names for normal and normalRemove jobs cha: install_packages: ability to search for packages to remove, mark and deinstall these packages cha: MSR_decodeMessage: added stupport for transfering the package status file new: MSR_genSendCommand: sends file to postMessage.php new: MSR_importStatusFile: reads status file data from the post data and store it under /m23/var/cache/ clients/clientName /packageStatus new: MSR_statusFileCommand: generates the commands to send the package infos and package status file cha: m23UpdatePackage InfosInstall: now uses MSR_statusFileCommand cha: MSR_logCommand: now uses MSR_genSendCommand +++++ 2004-08-14 cha: client_distr: after saving of data: no title and no table is shown fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: uses previously entered root and first passwords after loading of a preference cha: m23XFceInstall: removed gdm, added logging of package installation fix: deinstall_packages: now uses correct i18n for search button fix: deinstall_packages: fixed spelling of BUT_previewDenstallation cha: deinstall_packages: now uses shadowed table cha: CLIENT_acceptChanges: changed method from GET to POST cha: clients_overview: if in deinstall mode, the action link is now page = installpackages with additional action deinstall cha: index.php: commented out deinstallpackages new: PKG_addRemovePackagesToWait4Aac: adds a remove job to waiting 4 accept status new: PKG_remNormalPackages: adds normal deinstallation jobs to db cha: renamed PKG_copyWaitingPackagesToClient to PKG_copyWait4accPackagesToClient +++++ 2004-08-12 new: m23XFceInstall: installs XFce as additional desktop system on the clients new: m23XInstall: installs X11 only cha: debian/info.txt: added XFce and X cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: now shows distribution and package source name new: GRP_showSelDistrSources: shows a dialog for selection of distribution and package source name. The choices are taken form distr and packagesource values of the clients in the group. If there is only one entry for one or both of the values, the value is written back to the input variable otherwise a HTML selection is shown. new: GRP_listAllClientsInGroups: returns an array with all client names contained in the groups cha: install_packages: if in groupmode: generates a one time client name, to make work with more administrators on one sever possible cha: rescaled m23.png: now looks smoother new: PKG_copyWaitingPackagesToClient: copies the waiting jobs from one client to another new: GRP_HTMLBackToOverview: generates HTML code to return to the group overview page new: install_packages: shows GRP_HTMLBackToOverview instead of CLIENT_HTMLBackToDetails if in group mode new: install_packages: assigns jobs to all clients in the group cha: PKG_addNormalPackages, PKG_rmSelectedPackages: changed method from GET to POST cha: PKG_acceptJobs: new parameter cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: has now a selection for the action (install, deinstall) +++++ 2004-08-10 cha: packages_install: preview button is only be shown, if on a a single client new: GRP_listAllClientsInGroup: returns an array that consists of all client names that are in a group new: GRP_getDistrsAndSourcesLists: writes the differnt distributions and package sources of the clients in a group as array to the both variables new: html.php: functions for generating often used HTML code new: HTML_listSelection: shows a selection with options stored in an array new: HTML_showTableHeader: prints the header of a shadowed table new: HTML_showTableEnd: prints the end of a shadowed table +++++ 2004-08-06 new: CLIENT_showAddDialog: shows the dialog for adding a client cha: add_client: most code has been moved to CLIENT_showAddDialog cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: uses POST method for sending the data cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: selection of groups for package installation cha: packages_install: now uses POST cha: packages_install: gets and manages groups cha: packages_install: title shows, if groups or a client is selected +++++ 2004-08-05 new: PKG_countJobs: counts all packages of a client with a given status cha: PKG_countSelectedpackages: now uses PKG_countJobs new: PKG_countPackages: counts all packages on a client cha: clients_overview: removed SQL code and replaced it by PKG_countJobs and PKG_countPackages cha: clients_overview: code cleaning: changed if, else, elseif to switch, case cha: GRP_showClientGroups: now can generate links to the group pages cha: clients_overview: removed rescue and recovery, are now in the client details new: CLIENT_query: returnes the result of a query for getting all clients matching selected states and groupNames. Empty values are interpreted as 'all' for this kind of value. cha: clients_overview: shows group name in the title if one is selected cha: group_actions: removed listClients action cha: commented out GRP_showClientsInGroup and GRP_listClientsInGroup (are not used any more) cha: GRP_doClientMoreGroups: removed debug code cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: now uses GRP_showClientGroups +++++ 2004-08-03 new: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: generates a table with all groupnames and the amount of clients in each group new: GRP_listGroupsAndCount: returnes a associative array with all groupnames and the amount of clients in each group cha: clients_overview: most code removed and replaces by GRP_showGroupsAndCount new: GRP_listClientsInGroup: returnes an associative array containing all clients and clientids in the group new: GRP_showClientsInGroup: generates a table showing all clients and clientids in the group cha: group_details: most code removed and replaces by GRP_showClientsInGroup cha: index.php: added group actions cha: renamed GRP_delClientToGroup to GRP_delClientFromGroup new: GRP_HTMLBackToDetails: generates HTML code to return to the group details page new: GRP_countClients: returns the amount of client of a certain group fix: GRP_listGroupsAndCount: now shows all groups (with 0 clients) new: GRP_ren: renames a group new: GRP_showGeneralInfo: shows a table with general information about the group new: GRP_showRenDialog: shows a dialog to rename a group new: GRP_moveClientToGroup: moves a client from one group to another new: GRP_listGroups: returnes all groups in an array new: GRP_groupSelection: generates a HTML selection with all groups as options new: GRP_showDelDialog: shows a dialog for deleting a group cha: add_client: now uses GRP_groupSelection cha: CLIENT_addClient: now uses GRP_addClientToGroup cha: client_overview: link to the addtogroup page has client as new parameter new: client_details: buttons for adding and removing the client to and from groups new: client_infoPage: functions for adding and removing the client to and from groups new: GRP_doClientMoreGroups: dialog and logic for adding and removing the client to and from multiple groups new: GRP_listClientGroups: returnes an array containing all groups a client is in new: GRP_showClientGroups: shows a list containing all groups a client is in +++++ 2004-08-02 fix: setLog: now sends logging information cha: messageReceive: added comments to the functions cha: bootimage: linuxrc: fetched script is stored as work.php new: work.php: if client is in debug mode the generated script is send back to the server cha: client_distr.php: after submitting the installation job, the selection dialog is hidden fix: CLCFG_sourceslist: messageReceive.php is now included only once cha: CLIENT_showLog: PHP errors are marked red fix: *: removed including of messageReceive.php (is now included in work.php) new: groups.php: for groups functions new: GRP_exists: checks, if a group exists new: GRP_add: adds a group cha: create_group.php: uses group functions new: GRP_getIdByName: gets the Id of a groupname new: GRP_del: deletes all clients from the group and the group itself cha: removed "groupname" from table "clients" new: CLIENT_getId: returnes the id of a client new: GRP_isClientInGroup: returnes true, if a client is in the selected group, otherwise false new: GRP_addClientToGroup: adds a client to a group new: GRP_delClientToGroup: removes a client from a group +++++ 2004-08-01 cha: client_distr: now works in 3 steps +++++ 2004-07-31 cha: m23ERPOSSInstall: new error detection code cha: *: tee command now logs stderr to the log files cha: makeDoc.sh: noe deletes backup files before generating tex files with mdoc new: CLIENT_showLog: checks for an log error and colors it red fix: m23ERPOSSInstall: log files are written after the ocurrance of an error fix: m23ERPOSSInstall: something is changing resolv.conf, interfaces and hostname: it gets overwritten by m23 at the end of the installation new: m23ERPOSSInstall: kdm debconf settings + kdm is now the default window manager cha: add-erposs3.sh: sourceslist entry is only added if none exists cha: erposs/ clientInstall: now doesn't use the proxy for debootstrap fix: erposs/ clientConfig: CLCFG_getEnd Configuration: now removes files before fetching them with wget fix: erposs/ clientConfig: corrected spelling error removee to remove cha: de,en/ clients_ overview.hlp: added some sentences for the new version new: distribution icon for erposs3 cha: erposs/ info.txt: adjusted for new icon +++++ 2004-07-30 cha: CCC: CLCFG_executeAfterChroot: copies screen logs to the installation partition fix: CCC: removed "`" from if cases cha: m23xfree86Install, m23KDE3Install: now uses CLCFG_dialogInfoBox cha: rescue_client, recover_c, delete_c: added icons cha: m23xfree86Install: commented out "tee" for logging (stopps while processing package x-window-system) fix: CLIENT_showDbugSelection: fixed spelling fix: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: now setting and showing of the debug state works cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: new parameter "isCritical" cha: erposs/ DISTR_after ChrootInstall: installation of dialog fix: CLCFG_getEnd Configuration: makes needed directories cha: m23ERPOSSInstall: logging of erposs packages fix: m23ERPOSSInstall: executes next job new: client_details: added client log cha: client_log: removed cha: CLCFG_addUser: new parameter for skeleton directory cha: debian/ clientInstall: added parameter in call of CLCFG_addUser cha: CLCFG_addUser: commented out copying of skel files by cp and making of home dir: now done by the adduser command +++++ 2004-07-29 cha: client_packages: removed menu cha: menu.php: commented out the menu entries for recovery + rescue new: CLIENT_isInDebugMode: returnes "true", if the asking client is in debug mode fix: client: changed debug code from "DEBUG" to "debug" fix: RMV_set4IP: now updates existing variables new: debugScreen: generates the /etc/screenrc file on the client, that enables logging the whole screen output to /tmp/screen.* cha: linuxrc: now downloads and executes the debugScreen cha: client_overview: shows link to control center page, if in overview mode new: some new icons cha: menu.php: traffic lights after the installation steps new: CLIENT_HTML BackToDetails: generates HTML code for returning to the client controll center page cha: client_waitingjobs, c_status, c_debug, recover_c, rescue_c, c_infoPage, update_packages, install_p, deinstall_p, c_packages: added links to the client control center page new: CLIENT_showDirect ConnectionHelp: returnes the help file for directConnection and replaces place holders with the correct values cha: CLIENT_showHardwareInfo: changed order: hardware info first, then partition info +++++ 2004-07-27 cha: debian/ CCC: CLCFG_genFstab: mounting proc isn't a critical error any more new: bootimage: added vt100 terminfo cha: bootimage: screen: adjusted path to screenrc fix: RMV_set4IP: now uses the ip in the parameter cha: CIR_enableDropbear: now copies the authorized key from the server cha: debian/ clientInstall.php: activates dropbear cha: en/de: client_direct Connection.hlp: changed parameter of ssh to avoid "man in the middle" warings cha: CIR_detectSCSI: output of the detection routine now looks nicer cha: index.php: changed clientcritical to clientinfo cha: clients_overview.php: jumps to the correct position on the client_details page new: client_infoPage: shows information about a client depending on the parameter +++++ 2004-07-26 cha: DEBUG_isInDebugMode renamed to CLIENT_isInDebugMode and DEBUG_toggleDebugMode to CLIENT_toggleDebugMode new: CLIENT_getStatusimage: return the image name with the correct color new: index.php: added clientdebug page new: CLIENT_generate HTMLStatusBar: generates HTML code containing the status of the client with links to the pages new: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: shows a dialog that lets you select the current debug state of a client new: client_debug.php: page for selection of the client debug state new: PKG_rmAllSpecial PackagesByName: deletes all special packages from a client matching the package name new: PKG_countSpecialPackages: counts the special packages of a clients matching the package name and status cha: PKG_countWaitingJobs now uses PKG_countSpecialPackages cha: bootimage: linuxrc: screen session is now named m23install cha: *: screen session name: changed to m23install new: de/en: client_client DirectConnection.hlp +++++ 2004-07-25 new: debug.php: DEBUG_isInDebugMode: returnes "true", if a client is in debug mode cha: client.php: CLIENT_addClient: now uses function encryptShadow new: add_client.php: now generates a random password for the root login into the netbootimage new: CIR_enableDropbear(): sets up and starts dropbear SSH server new: devguide: new chapter for patching screen new: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now shows the bootimage root password new: linuxrc: now starts a screen session cha: /m23/inc/distr /clientConfigCommon.php: removed, was unused fix: debian: CLCFG_interfaces: removed misarranged "fi" new: DEBUG_toggleDebugMode: en/disables the debug mode of a client cha: client_critical.php, CLIENT_show StatusSelection: adjusted for new status icons cha: CLIENT_list CriticalClients: added icon cha: menu.php: added icons +++++ 2004-07-23 cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: debootstrap error doesn't set client to critical status cha: debian/ cCC.php: CLCFG_interfaces: no logging for "gateway setup" cha: mkBootImage.sh: number of notes for the image are now 3000 and comented out knoppix files fetching cha: bootimage: exchanged all libs with never versions cha: bootimage: added /etc/terminfo/ l/linux +++++ 2004-07-22 cha: clientsOverview.php: added critical clients cha: CLIENT_listCriticalClients: now counts the critical clients and links to the critical clients overview page new: HELP_getHelpString: returns the help block for the online help new: en,de: client_status.hlp cha: client_critical.php: added 3 different ways to bring the client to a normal state +++++ 2004-07-21 cha: menu.php: added "update" under packages new: clientsoverview.php: every second output line is colored blue for better client differentation new: index.php: added updatepackages entry new: packages.php: PKG_showPreviewUpdateSystem: generates HTML code woth inormation about the update preview new: PKG_previewUpdateSystem: returns the information of an system update request fix: m23normalInstall.php: now correct distribution name is fetched new: m23updateInstall.php: package for undating the client system new: wait4go: little C tool, that stops the console till "go" is entered cha: db.php: sendClientLogStatus: new parameter critical: if it is set to "true" the execution of the script is stopped and a local rescue console is opened cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: copies wait4go to the installation partition cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: critical messages lead to excution of the local shell new: db.php: new client status STATUS_CRITICAL cha: exchanged all numeric client status' with the constant names cha: message.php: MSG_showError, MSG_showInfo: if language is set to "none", there will be no box subject cha: message.php: MSG_showMessageBox, MSG_showError, MSG_showInfo: new parameter width new: client.php: CLIENT_listCriticalClients: lists clients with critical status' new: menu.php: added listing of critical clients new: client_critical.php: new client page to bring client in a non critical status +++++ 2004-07-18 new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_hideKernelWarnings: hides the kernel warnungs new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: generates the m23fetchjob script new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_executeAfterChroot: prepares for pivot_root and does it and executes afterChroot new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_dialogAllBox: generates the BASH code for showing different types of dialog boxes new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_dialogMsgBox: generates the BASH code for showing an dialog message box new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_dialogInfoBox: generates the BASH code for showing an dialog infobox cha: debian/ clientInstall.php: exchanged code parts with new functions fix: m23normalRemoveInstall.php: now removes packages cha: en,de/wellcome.hlp: added software patents warning +++++ 2004-07-16 fix: m23ERPOSSInstall.php: has now correct file name cha: m23ERPOSSInstall.php: added setting of PATH environment variable new: bootimage, bootCD: new parted version 1.6.11 fix: erposs/ clientInstall.php: copies parted from the ramdisk to the install partition fix: erposs/ clientInstall.php: corrected name of kernel new: new package repository for missing package(s): screen cha: debimg/ clientConfig.php: commented out CLCFG_writeHosts: is already included in clientConfigCommon.php cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_hwdetect now installs: the necessary packages fix: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getEndConfiguration: corrected pathes for fetching the files +++++ 2004-07-15 cha: clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: additional paramaters new: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getERPOSSMirror: figures out the server + path containing the ERPOSS instalation files new: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getDebconfTemplates: fetches the debconf templates from the m23 server and extracts them cha: add-erposs3.sh: new sources list new: add-erposs3.sh: copies a lot of template files from the CD new: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getEndConfiguration: does some configuration at the end of the ERPOSS installation new: m23ERPOSSInstall.php: installs the desktop and all other needed packages for ERPOSS +++++ 2004-07-14 cha: moved CLCFG_installBasePackages, CLCFG_setDebconf, CLCFG_writeHosts and CLCFG_downgradeExt from debian/clientConfig to clientConfigCommon cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_installBasePackages changed parameters cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: stripped out some common install routines for all Debian like distributions: CLCFG_activateDMA, CLCFG_mountRootDir, CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools cha: m23RescueInstall.php: now detects SCSI controlers + loads modules cha: m23PresetupInstall.php: moved CIR_detectSCSI and CIR_waitForNextJob to m23CommonInstall Routines.php fix: client_distr.php: if the distribution variable is empty, set it to "debian" cha: CIR_detectSCSI: now only checks once for scsi controlers fix: booimage: the init of BusyBox 1-pre10 is broken: switched init to BusyBox 1-pre1 new: /mdk/bootimage/ BusyBox-configs: stores the BusyBox config files +++++ 2004-07-12 new: script for installing the "ERPOSS3 Behördendesktop" CD on the m23 server +++++ 2004-07-10 fix: bootimage: fixed some problems with the new BusyBox cha: linuxrc: now fetches the first job with SSL encryption fix: clientConfigCommon.php: corrected URL for authorized_keys new: package sources with/without KDE3 in woody fix: debian/info.txt: corrected spelling cha: added description for Textmode and Gnome cha: added the KDE shipped with Woody new: m23KDEwoodyInstall.php: is used to install the KDE shipped with Woody +++++ 2004-07-05 cha: sensitive data is now fetched SSL encrypted from the server fix: manual/makePDF-HTML.sh: copies HTML + PDF files to the server installation ISO cha: devguide/makeDoc.sh: now copies the HTML version of the devguide to the server installation ISO cha: bootimage: changed to BusyBox 1-pre10 +++++ 2004-07-04 new: mkCert.sh: creates a SSL certificate for usage with Apache SSL new: enable-ssl: first try for installing and configure all needed to enable SSL in Apache +++++ 2004-05-21 fix: debian/packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: set return value to "true" to enable offline mode +++++ 2004-05-20 fix: m23gnome2Install.php: Gnome 2.x is now installable (2 ';' were missing) cha: client.php: CLIENT_getSubnet: better code (thx to 2borg) new: client.php: CLIENT_getBroadcast: calculates the boradcast IP (thx to 2borg) fix: fixed link to the development guide in the menu new: created and made available the update from 0.4.8 to 0.4.9 cha: SRCLST_package InformationOlderThan: added check for the file /m23/etc/offlineMode. if it is found the function always returnes false. +++++ 2004-05-05 cha: menu.php: now includes the french manual, if french is the m23 admin interface language cha: version.php: changed to "final" +++++ 2004-04-30 cha: client_distr.php: new default distribution is "debian" and not "debimg" cha: moved info.txt and debimg.tgz to m23-extra new: created package m23-extra for parts not included in the normal m23 new: script to install m23 on a normal woody server cha: MDK: clean_mdk: now moves bootimage/initrd.gz cha: MDK: unclean_mdk: now moves bootimage/initrd.gz new: server boot CD: added README file cha: makeCD.sh: now generates cleaned m23 database and stores it on CD cha: MDK: makeCD.sh: now generates with Joliet and Rock Ridge extensions fix: woody-install.sh: enabled authentification +++++ 2004-04-29 new: exportDBInitTable.sh: exports a cleaned m23 database for installation of a new server +++++ 2004-04-28 cha: help.php, distr.php, server.php, packages.php, i18n.php, sourceslist.php, plugin.php, db.php: added length parameter to fgets function cha: dhcp.php: added code for selecting the correct dhcp server startup command new: db.php: isMySQL3used: checks if MySQL 3 is installed and returnes true if v3 is found, otherwise false cha: db.php: DB_addUser: added code to make it work with the old MySQL version 3 cha: fix-permissions: now autodetects user + groupname of the apache process new: devguide: added complete code to the MySQL-C++ chapter +++++ 2004-04-27 fix: en+de/ client_distr.hlp, client_add.hlp: fixed error in LaTex code generation cha: corrections in the english manual and help files +++++ 2004-04-09 cha: add_client.php: added package proxy + port cha: add_client.php: package proxy settings are stored in client options cha: client.php: CLIENT_addClient: now adds client options too cha: clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_aptConf: only add the APT proxy lines if the proxy IP is not empty cha: */clientInstall.php: APT proxy settings are taken from clients options cha: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: uses package proxy settings cha: debian/clientInstall.php: DISTR_baseInstall: uses package proxy settings in CLCFG_debootstrap fix: debian/packages.php: tries to sort the kernerl list if there is a list fix: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: only sets the proxy if its IP is not empty cha: de+en/client_add.hlp: added help about the package proxy setting +++++ 2004-04-07 cha: packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now returnes an error message, if an error occurs cha: packages.php: PKG_searchFor, PKG_listPackages: checks of the logfile isn't false cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_checkList: checks of the logfile isn't false cha: packages.php: PKG_searchFor: returns false if the search can't be started fix: install_packages.php: don't close the table if there occurs an error cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_genSelection($selName, $first, $distr): now shows sources lists that belong to the distribution only cha: client_distr.php, client_sourceslist.php: changed parameters for SRCLST_genSelection fix: packages.php: PKG_getPackageStatus: handles "normal packages" correctly now new: bootCD/updatem23.sh: a script for updating the installed m23 version with the version contained on the CD cha: serverupdate.hlp: added hint about the update script new: made new installation ISO 0.4.8 shiver-pre5 +++++ 2004-04-05 fix: stable sources.list: added KDE 3.2 source +++++ 2004-04-02 new: devguide: added new chapter for the MDK menue system cha: MDK/menuBootCD, menuManuelStart, menuDevguide , menuClientISO: added help entry new: menuBootCD.hlp: help file for menuBootCD new: menuManual.hlp: help file for generating the manual new: menuDevguide.hlp: help file for generating the development guide +++++ 2004-04-01 new: manual: finished exglis translation cha: clients.php: CLIENT_getSubnet: changed algorithmus: parts of the IP are copied only if there is 255 in the netmask. cha: m23.sf.net: english manual uploaded +++++ 2004-03-28 new: manual/introduction.tex: has been translated to english +++++ 2004-03-27 cha: menu.php: added a "report a bug" item fix: support.php: corrected path to the image cha: khtml2png: has been mostly rewritten, because KDE 3.2 now uses an optimisation that doesn't draw widgets that aren't visible. With the old tool it is impossible to make screenshots bigger than the screen. The new tool scrolls the contents of the HTML page and makes different screenshots that are appended to one image. cha: MDK/kh2p: changed parameters for khtml2png and now fetches the HTML page before capturing +++++ 2004-03-25 fix: MDK/menuClientISO: now builds the client ISO fix: MDK/mkBootImage.sh: copies the modules from the server installation cd to the client boot cd, to make the modules loadable fix: MDK: removed file "rescue" from the bootimage directory (saves 24 MB from the client boot CD) cha: MDK/bootimage: linuxrc: now shows the MAC addresses +++++ 2004-03-13 cha: client_add.hlp, clients_overview.hlp: changed to unordered list cha: fdisk-automatic.hlp, deinstall_packages.hlp, fdisk-extended3.hlp, makeBootDisk.hlp, fdisk-existing.hlp: changed to ordered list cha: MDK/html2tes.sh: most code rewritten: now uses html2latex fix: fdisk-extended2.hlp: corrected code cha: german manual has better layout +++++ 2004-03-12 cha: m23client-debconf: changed timezone to Europe +++++ 2004-03-11 fix: MDK/m23install.template: removed "/" after route option in dhcpd.conf fix: debian/clientConfig.php: CLCFG_installBasePackages: installs necessary packages for setting the keyboard in the console fix: work.php: if a script doesn't exist set the job to "done" and execute next job fix: client_distr.php: reordered code so distributions can be selected cha: checks.php: checkNormalKeys: allows "_" +++++ 2004-03-09 cha: MDK/m23-debconf-woody: removed dependencies fix: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_saveList: the sources.list is only deleted if it exists fix: debian/packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: logfile is now written fix: client_sourceslist.php: now trims whitespaces from sources list and description fix: rescue_client.php: now shows correct help page fix: client.php: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: delete all client package information cha: client.php: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: tries to wrap the parameter string after 80 characters fix: m23normalInstall.php: sets status back to green after the installation fix: */packages.php: PKG_listSpecialpackages: removed '>' in table header cha: m23UpdateSourcesListInstall.php: changed priority to 12 to avoid too early execution fix: packages.php: PKG_listParams: fixed doubled "
" fix: packages.php: PKG_listSelectedpackages: fixed column numbers for packagename and normalPackage fix: packages.php: PKG_discardNormalJob: false SQL statement generated cha: install_packages.php: repositionated buttons fix: fdisk.php: FDISK_listSupportedFS: removed reiserfs, because there is no code to format with reiser cha: debian/clientConfig.php: renamed CLCFG_downgradeExt3 to CLCFG_downgradeExt and included code to downgrade ext2 partitions cha: debian/clientInstall.php: adjusted for usage of CLCFG_downgradeExt fix: client.php: CLIENT_addClient: now installdate is set ;) fix: client.php: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: shows now installdate and lastmodifies in human readable format new: BUILD/UPLOAD ISO: m23shiver-0.4.8-pre3 +++++ 2004-03-08 cha: debian/clientConfigInstall.php: CLCFG_listDebianReleases: new parameter first cha: */packages.php: PKG_listKernels: new parameter first fix: */packages.php: PKG_listKernels: now first is the first kernel name new: preferences.php: PREF_putAllOptions( $prefName, $options): stores all settings in the options array to the preferences new: debimg/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_getSetOption($getvar, $optvar, $options): checks if a variable is set an places its value under the variable name in the options array new: debimg/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_options2HiddenForm( $options): generates hidden fields with the values of the option array new: debimg/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_hiddenForm2options( $options): reads the option values of the hidden fields and adds them to the options array cha: client_distr.php: moved refresh button to the bottom new: preferences.php: PREF_getAllValues( $prefName, $options): gets all preferences and adds them to the options array new: client_dist.php: now stores/ restores the preferences correctly cha: PKG_getPackageStatus( $client, $package, $distr, $params, $normalPackage): code rewritten and new parameters cha: work.php: now includes sourceslist.php fix: rescue_client.php: started recover :( new: client.php: CLIENT_getStatusimage( $status): return the image name with the correct color cha: client.php: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: fixed status color fix: rescue_client.php: now starts DHCP booting cha: version.php: changed to 0.4.8 shiver-pre3 new: help files: client_waitingjobs, rescue_client cha: clients_overview.php: now uses CLIENT_getStatusimage cha: clients_overview.php: click on the status color calles the page "clientstatus" cha: index.php: added "clientstatus" new: client.php: CLIENT_showStatusSelection( $client): shows a dialog that lets you select the current status of a client +++++ 2004-03-07 cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_saveList: removes sources.list after saving cha: debian/packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: updates the package cache if sources.list doesn't exist cha: m23KDE3Install.php: create /dev/raw1394 to make the installer quiet new: packages.php: PKG_updateSourcesListAtAllClients( $sourcename): updates the sources.list at all clients using it cha: client.php: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: now shows m23normal jobs correctly new: packages.php: PKG_removeFromJobList( $packageIDList): removes all jobs identified by the IDs in packageIDList cha: client.php: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: can now remove package jobs cha: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: calles "apt-get clean" +++++ 2004-03-05 cha: deinstall_packages.php, install_packages.php, recover_client.php, */clientInstall.php fix: debian/cientConfig.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: removed nonexisting package libstdc++5 cha: messageReceive.php: MSR_importLog: removed debug code fix: MDK: mkstaticdeb: fixed problem with ddcxinfo-knoppix that had no LDFAGS line cha: MDK: /mdk/m23Debs/debs: added wget_1.9.1-3.backports.org.1_i386.deb because the woody wget version is too old to handle --post-file fix: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: fixed the BASH code for getting the count of packages new: updated phpMyAdmin to version 2.5.6 cha: work.php: if there is a problem finding the package to execute: try to execute the next one cha: debian/clientInstall.php: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: installs the new wget cha: m23KDE3Install.php: removed starting of sshd cha: m23/skel/.kde/Autostart/passwd: changed command and rebuild usrm23.tar.gz +++++ 2004-03-04 new: messageReceive.php: MSR_decodeMessage(): checks the type of the message and cals the right procedure new: messageReceive.php: MSR_importPackageStatus(): imports the data from a package status message to the database cha: m23copyPackageStatusToServerInstall.php: removed cha: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: has now complete new code, that doesn't uses wget to transfer the data ro the server cha: packages.php: PKG_changeClientPackageAction($client, $package, $action): renamed from PKG_changeClientPackageStatus cha: packages.php: PKG_setClientPackageWait4Rm, PKG_setClientPackageInstalledOK: adjusted cha: packages.php: CLIENT_listPackages: adjusted cha: deinstall_packages.php, client_packages.php: now includes distribution packages.php cha: packages.php: moved PKG_translateClientPackageStatus to debian/packages.php cha: debian/packages.php: PKG_translateClientPackageStatus: code rewritten for better status description cha: client.php: CLIENT_getPossibleActions: uses PKG_isInstalled cha: debian/packages.php: PKG_isInstalled($status): checks if a package is installed depending on the status cha: sourceslist.php, m23gnome2Install.php, m23xfree864Install.php, m23KDE3Install.php, CLCFG_sourceslist(): doesn't use log2db any more cha: */clientInstall.php: removed log2db +++++ 2004-03-03 new: german manual: finished files: manual.tex, serverinstallation.tex, requirements.tex, firststeps.tex and introduction.tex fix: html2tex.sh: fixed problems with "-" and bold cha: menuManualStart.sh: added status for the html and pdf files cha: makePDF.sh: moved to makePDF-HTML.sh and added generation of HTML files new: menuManualStart.sh: added upload menu item cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: copies the HTML files to /m23/doc/manual/ cha: menu.php: now uses the new m23 manual cha: makeDoc.sh: now generates only HTML and PDF files new: menuDevguide: new menu for the generation and upload of the development guide cha: menuStart.sh: has a new menu item to generate the documents fix: devGuide: exchanged symbols that produced errors in HTML output cha: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: now only produces a short package status file on the client new: MDK: m23helper/ clientpackagestatus2db: imports the package status files from the temporary directory to the database new: m23copyPackageStatusToServerInstall.php: copys the short package status file from the client to the server and impots it into the database cha: deinstall_packages.php, install_packages.php, recover_client.php, */clientInstall.php: added package job m23copyPackageStatusToServer new: MDK: m23-initscripts: Debian package for installing some initscripts cha: MDK: menuDeb: added new m23 extra package m23-initscripts cha: debian/cientConfig.php: CLCFG_installBasePackages: added the installation of m23-initscripts +++++ 2004-03-02 new: MDK: new: remotevar.php: RMV_exists4IP($var, $ip): checks if a variable exists for a certain IP fix: remotevar.php: RMV_set4IP: uses RMV_exists4IP to check if the variable has to be added or updated cha: khtml2png: hacked the source so it wontt make errors displaying some HTML elements cha: MDK: html2tex: removes "noheading" and parses
tags new: MDK: loadExampleDB, restoreCurrentDB: loads a example database for making screenshots and restores the old one new: MDK: menuLanguage.sh: menu to select the language for generating screenshots and the Tex documentation new: MDK: makeScreenshots.sh: generates screenshots for the selected languages new: MDK: makeTexHelp.sh: generates Tex files for the selected languages new: MDK: menuManualStart.sh: menu for generating all the manual new: german manual: main page for the german manual new: german manual: introduction for the german manual new: german manual: screenshots from the server installation new: german manual: server installation page new: MDK: makePDF.sh: generates the manual(s) as PDF files for the selected languages +++++ 2004-02-29 new: MDK: mkstaticdeb, mkKnoppix-static: generates static Debian packages from Knoppix tools new: MDK: menuDeb: Menu for generating m23 Debian packages new: MDK: mkDeb: build a special m23 Debian package new: MDK: mkpackages: generates the Package* files cha: MDK: menuStart: added the deb builder menu cha: debian/clientConfig.php: CLCFG_setDebconf: systems without debconf-set-selections install the m23-debconf-woody package fix: index.css: removed out-commented line with false color konquerer had problems with fix: MDK: mkstaticdeb: now removes the Depends line in control fix: inc/help/*: changed false HTML-comments from \$KERNEL_NAME new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_interfaces: generates a script for writing the /etc/network/interfaces file new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_hostname: wrtites the hostname file new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_resolvConf: sets DNS entries new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_aptConf: proxy settings for downloading Debian packages cha: m23baseSysInstall.php: commented out fetching of the old script files cha: afterChrootInstall.php: exchanged the old scripts with the functions above +++++ 2004-01-02 cha: changed location of m23biglogo.png to /m23/gfx new: m23-start.png cha: m23/index.php: new layout + gfx cha: welcome.hlp: changed path of m23biglogo.png new: clientConfig.php: functions for configuring the client new: db.php: encryptShadow: function to encrypt password for the shadow file cha: m23admin/index.php: added clientConfig.php to the includes cha: db.php: removed enable_proxy and disable_proxy new: client.php.php: CLIENT_getAskingParams(), CLIENT_getParams($clientName): functions to get parameters of a client new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_genFstab($clientID): generates the command for generation of the fstab file +++++ 2003-12-07 fix: apt-search: information about installable packages is now updated correctly fix: m23baseSysInstall.php: now fetches the right file: aptconf.php and not hostname.php fix: mkxf86config-special.sh: set ps/2 as default protocol for ps/2 mouse +++++ 2003-12-06 cha: /etc/ssh/ssh_config: set "StrictHostKeyChecking no", so ssh won't ask for confirming new fingerprints cha: m23xf864Install.php: added mkxf86config creation of the XF86Config files cha: hwdetect.php: removed mkxf86config creation of the XF86Config files cha: m23inst.php-de: ä -> ae, ü -> ue cha: cleaned some unused files from /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys cha: baseSysInstall.php: fetches aptconf.php new: aptconf.php: generates a apt.conf file for the client that enables the proxy cha: removed enable_proxy() and disable_proxy() from all files. this is replaced by setting the proxy in apt.conf +++++ 2003-12-04 fix: hwsetup.php: fixed file name for mkxf86config cha: m23image.bz2: removed some old files fix: fdisk.php: FDISK_selectDrives: if $first is empty don't let it be the first drive fix: fdisk.php: FDISK_getPartParam and FDISK_partAmount: returns 0 if the device is empty: removes some warnings from the partition dialog ;) cha: db.php: added newlines before wget commands to make programming errors more difficult +++++ 2003-12-02 fix: /m23/bim/mk-m23.bz2.sh: corrected pathes: files that should be cleaned are in /tmp/m23 and not m23 ;). So the master password was not enabled, PXE and Etherboot files were not deleted before making the m23.bz2 file. fix: parted in the client bootimages was not statical linked: new bootimages for PXE and Etherboot new: new m23 server installation ISO. May be the last build before the RC3 release ;) +++++ 2003-11-27 cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_genList: added knoppix deb source cha: hwdetect.php: install following knoppix packages: hwsetup hwdata-knoppix ddcxinfo-knoppix xf86config-knoppix cha: hwdetect.php: commented out all routines to get the needed files, that are replaced with the deb packages cha: hwdetect.php: adjusted pathes to the files cha: plugin.php: exchanged all error and info messages with the versions from message.php new: /m23/bin/pscheck: script to check if a process is running fix: /m23/bin/phpDebug, /m23/bin/phpNormal: checks if apache is running. if not start it +++++ 2003-11-26 cha: /mdk/bin/menuBootCD: transfers the m23image.bz2 to (mostly for internal purpose) fix: new server image to fix the PATH error and update of the system cha: plugin.php: now uses message.php for its messages +++++ 2003-11-25 new: script for download statistic on m23.sf.net +++++ 2003-11-23 new: /mdk/bin/extractDeb: can extract the files from a deb file +++++ 2003-11-20 cha: /m23/inc/version.php: m23_codename is now "shiver-rc3" fix: Server-Image: /etc/profiles: PATH contains now /sbin, /usr/sbin (thx Henry) +++++ 2003-11-19 fix: getKnoppix*: binaries are now taken from the debs and not compliled from the tar.gzs fix: bootImage: now contain 3Com driver (thx Zugschlus) +++++ 2003-11-14 fix: Corrections in english help files +++++ 2003-11-13 fix: corrected headings in client partitioning fix: FDISK_formatExisting: returns param with empty partitions fix: FDISK_formatExisting: removed false error message fix: /mdk/bin/getKnoppix*: corrected version information new: /mdk/bin/getKnoppixDDCxinfo: DDCinfos gets the DDC parameters from the monitor now included and will be used by mkxf86config.sh +++++ 11-18+19-03 new: Script: Read menus from DEBs +++++ 05-01-2003 Hauke index.php - changed language detection scheme to fix double click for language change debimg.tgz - removed hwcheck from rc2-5, added hwcheck to rcS - added ntpsync to rcS - updated kernel to 2.4.21-rc1 - removed interface.* files from /root - made new debimg.tgz dhcp.php - fix: DHCP_rmClient, trimmed clientname - added return code to DHCP_rmClient delete_client.php - added return message add_client.php - shortened delay by client adding +++++ 04-30-2003 Hauke m23BaseSysInstall.php - commented out getBootFS(), seems to be not used any more - added debug flag for disabling dialog messages afterChrootInstall.php - " m23FdiskFormatInstall.php- " - removed obsolete code m23KdeInstall.php - added debug flag for disabling dialog messages m23PreSetupInstall.php - " log2db - fixed help message - fixed compiler warnings partinfodb - removed output of sql statement +++++ 04-29-2003 Hauke remortevar.php - added, for saving remote variables on the server, usefull, if cookies are disabled +++++ 04-22 - 04-28-2003 Hauke - countless changes for multi language support +++++ 04-21-2003 Hauke plugin.inc - added error messages for failed downloads - fixed an error in plugin updates - some changes to the layout: only error messages are shown help.inc - help files are now under inc/help/de +++++ 04-20-2003 Hauke plugin.inc - added PLG_showPluginOverview, PLG_delete - deinstallation of plugins works - update works +++++ 04-19-2003 Hauke plugins - new table plugins plugin.inc - added PLG_install, PLG_getTempDir, PLG_getFilename, PLG_realInstall, PLG_DBInstall, PLG_checkOverwriting, PLG_getPlugin, PLG_showDownloadStatus - installation of plugins works +++++ 04-18-2003 Hauke log2db - changed sql query method, now logfiles can be send easier client.inc - CLIENT_showLog, entries get colored - CLIENT_showLog, logfiles are correctly shown pxelinux.cfg - local boot of clients works now (with hint of Daniel) +++++ 04-17-2003 Hauke dbimg.tgz - added ntpdate + execute @ startup - added hdparm + dma autodetection @ startup - added libmysqlclient m23remasterImg.sh - fixed: /oldroot and / aren't tared log2db - introducing tool, saves logfiles to db +++++ 04-13-2003 Hauke client.inc - added CLIENT_reset client.inc - CLIENT_desasterRecovery: clients will be automatically reseted partinfodb - now sends cpu speed to server db.inc - introducing sendClientLogStatus() db - added table "clientlogs" setLog.php - logs script events to clientlogs db.inc - added deleteClientLogs(), deletes the client logs +++++ 04-13-2003 Daniel client_showwaitingjobs - fixed, so only done packages are shown afterChrootInstall.php - Added clockset of client via NTP client.inc - Added Function CLIENT_isrunning +++++ 03-05-2003 Hauke fdisk.php - changed parameters of FDISK_autoPart($clientName,&$command, $dev, $param) - amount of partitons is now calculated with the param string+++++ - amount of partitons is now calculated with the param string +++++ 2020-01-11 fix: exportDHCPSettings.php: Now includes the required server.php and helper.php. +++++ 2019-12-06 cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "LinuxMint 19.3 Tricia". +++++ 2019-10-14 cha: forkFunctions.inc: copym23: Now doesn't call createNewBazaarRepo anymore. +++++ 2019-10-05 cha: ubuntu / m23x2goServerInstall.php: Removed support for outdated Ubuntu versions. Added support for Ubuntu 18.04. +++++ 2019-09-15 cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now has a detection for possible PrivateTmp systemd redirection of /tmp' new: SERVER_waitForLock: Cyclically and randomly waits until a lock file isn't existing and creates it at once. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now has extra parameter to use SERVER_waitForLock instead of the locking inside the BASH script. cha: DHCP_addClient, DHCP_rmClient, DHCP_delDynamicRange, DHCP_addDynamicRange: Added locking with SERVER_waitForLock. +++++ 2019-09-14 new: CIR_stopHaveged: Kills haveged to make it not consume much CPU ressources. cha: */clientInstall.php: Now are calling CIR_stopHaveged. +++++ 2019-09-12 cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Added locking to make sure only one instance of a job with an unique name is executed at the same time. +++++ 2019-08-15 fix: excludem23deb: Now excludes m23serverPoolSignKey.asc from the m23 Debian package. m23serverPoolSignKey.asc is the public part of the GPG key used to sign the packages in extraDebs. The GPG key pair is generated by each m23 server independently and should not be overwritten by the m23 package. +++++ 2019-08-14 patch 101300: New command "GPG_signExtraDebsRelease" for m23cli.php that signs the Release file in the extraDebs directory as Release.gpg and InRelease. new: PKGBUILDER_signExtraDebsRelease: Signs the Release file in the extraDebs directory as Release.gpg and InRelease. new: GPG_signExtraDebsRelease.php: New module for m23cli.php that calls PKGBUILDER_signExtraDebsRelease. +++++ 2019-08-08 patch 101298: Fixed (Debian) upgrading issues, 32 bit server support and issues of Linux Mint 19.2. +++++ 2019-08-07 new: BASH_SET_VAR_RUN_SCREEN_BY_DISTRIBUTION: Constant that contains BASH code to set access rights of /var/run/screen according what screen expects on the running distribution. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages, SERVER_runInBackground, CLCFG_writeHosts, BT_dlFile: Now are using BASH_SET_VAR_RUN_SCREEN_BY_DISTRIBUTION. +++++ 2019-07-31 fix: PKG_getAllPackageSelections: Corrected initial value for the returned variable to empty array instead of empty string. Now the correct array is given back (again). fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Another fix for IP calculation on 32 bit. +++++ 2019-07-30 fix: m23 / postinst: Fix for systems that upgraded from MySQL and aren't configured to read files from /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d. +++++ 2019-07-26 cha: m23 / postinst: Now "skip-innodb" has to be at the beginning of a line to get commented out. cha: m23 / postinst: Now removes the under Debian 10 unknown "default_charset" parameter from Apache configuration. +++++ 2019-07-18 patch 101297: Release 19.2 release 19.2 +++++ 2019-07-17 new: stopAll: Generates .stop files to stop proceding the m23 autoTest testing scripts for the next client. cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "LinuxMint 19.2 Tina". +++++ 2019-07-16 fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Fixed calculation on 32 bit systems by tricky casting between float and int. +++++ 2019-07-15 cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now sets "chmod 777 /var/run/screen" for Raspbian 10. +++++ 2019-07-11 cha: CAutoTest::getSeleniumDriverID: Now tries 10 times with a pause of 1 second to get a Selenium driver ID. +++++ 2019-07-10 cha: m23 / postinst: Configuration of MariaDB 10.3: MariaDB 10.3 (Debian 10) needs additional parameters to accept INSERTs without setting all values on tables with fields that have no explicit default value. fix: mkCert.sh: Corrected conditions for renewServerCert more. cha: mkCert.sh: No uses /m23/bin/serverInfoIP. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now sets "chmod 777 /var/run/screen" for Debian 10. +++++ 2019-07-09 cha: m23-ldap / postinst: Now tries 10 times to start slapd earlier to make slapd available for ldapadd. cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Now installs dbus-x11 if desktop is DEBIAN8DESKTOP_CINNAMON_FULL. This is needed under Debian 10 and brings no disadvantaged under Debian 8 and 9. +++++ 2019-07-08 cha: m23 / control: Added dependencies for packages in Debian 10. fix: mkCert.sh: Corrected conditions for renewServerCert. cha: m23 / control: Made php.ini configuration compatible with PHP 7.3 under Debian 10. cha: m23-ldap / postinst: Now tries 10 times to start slapd with a pause of 3 seconds between attempts. cha: Updated phpLDAPAdmin to the PHP 7.3 compatible version from https://github.com/breisig/phpLDAPadmin . new: CLCFG_blacklistPackageInstallation: Blacklists a package for APT to make it uninstallable. cha: autoTestScriptGenerator.php: Added testing of Debian 10 servers. +++++ 2019-07-02 fix: CAutoTest::setTimeout: Now converts the timout from SimpleXMLElement to int. cha: CAutoTest::run: Now calls CAutoTest::decTimeout instead of CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult. cha: CAutoTest::nextCurElement: Now calls CAutoTest::setTimeout instead of CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction. +++++ 2019-07-01 cha: CAutoTest::addToSequence, ::setTimeout: Added handling of vmScreenChangeTime. new: CAutoTest::setVMScreenChangeTime: Sets the time to wait (in seconds) between making two screenshots and checking for changes. new: CAutoTest::checkVMScreenChange: Makes another screenshot and compares it with the previous, if the waiting time is over. In case that too less pixels have been changed a warning is logged and shown. cha: CAutoTest::setTimeout: Now calls CAutoTest::setVMScreenChangeTime. cha: CAutoTest::decTimeout: Now calls CAutoTest::checkVMScreenChange. +++++ 2019-06-30 cha: mkCert.sh: Has an optional setting (renewServerCert) to renew the server certificate only and keep the CA. new: AUTOTEST_VM_screenPixelDiff: Compares the VM's screen with a previously saved screen and gives back the amount of changed pixels. cha: m23 / postinst: Now renews the SSL server certificate (with IP address included), if m23 is upgraded. +++++ 2019-06-29 cha:CLCFG_installFirmware: Now filters out more non important firmware from the installation list. +++++ 2019-06-28 cha: PKG_getKernels: Now filters out packages that end with "-template". Needed for Debian 10. new: CATSG::unsetAllButOneInClientsArray: Removes all but one sourcesnames from the clients array. cha: autoTestScriptGenerator.php: Now accepts the name of a sourceslist as optional command lines parameter. If it's set, test scripts for testing this distribution only with alls desktops are generated. cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "buster". +++++ 2019-06-27 cha: CGPGSign::gpgSignClear: Now calls gpg directly instead of using MAIL_gpgSignClear. cha: CGPGSign::MAIL_gpgSignDetached: Now calls gpg directly instead of using MAIL_gpgSignDetached. +++++ 2019-06-26 cha: CLCFG_interfaces: Now touches wpasupplicant that is needed by Debian 10. +++++ 2019-06-25 cha: BT_dlFile: Now installs screen too. cha: BT_createTorrent: Now calls BT_restartTracker to make sure the tracker uses the newest version of the .torrent files. cha: BT_dlFile: Now "chmod 777 /var/run/screen". (THX FABR) cha: BT_dlFile: Now checks for existance of the log file before greping its contents. (THX FABR) cha: mkCert.sh: Now certificates are generated with the IP address of the m23 server included as additional parameter. This is needed to satisfy the certificate checking of Debian 10's wget. +++++ 2019-06-23 cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now deactivates SSL check in wgetrc for Debian 10 too. +++++ 2019-06-22 cha: compressedDebootstrap: Added workarounds for bugs in Debian 10's debootstrap. cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator, debian / clientInstall.php, m23x2goServerInstall.php, CLCFG_language, CLCFG_genFstab: Added Debian 10. cha: m23-initscripts / postinst: Added Debian 10. cha: compressedDebootstrap: Changed 7Zip's compression settings. Added testing of the created tar.7z file. +++++ 2019-06-14 patch 101273: Smal translation fixes. +++++ 2019-06-12 fix: ucs.php: Removed empty line at the beginning. (THX FABR) fix: */m23base.php: Added missing $I18N_setup_client_tooltip. (THX FABR) +++++ 2019-06-08 cha: dlhttrack: Now uses dt_sf_rsyncWrapper instead of rsync. cha: dlhttrack: Now creates and deletes a temporary directory for creating the offline copies. +++++ 2019-06-06 patch 101271: m23-autoTest enhancements. cha: CAutoTest::waitForTrigger, ::triggerTypeToConstant, ::parseActionFromXML, ::checkTriggerResult, ::executeTriggerAction: Now can run SSH commands on the virtualisation server and check the results. new: AUTOTEST_sshVMServer: Executes commands on virtualisation server. +++++ 2019-06-05 patch 101270: Smal fixes. fix: m23 / postinst: Now creates /var/spool/squid and /var/log/squid with working access rights. fix: CAutoTest::loadXMLFile: Now runs AUTOTEST_getSeleniumSafeString on the included files too. patch 101269: m23-autoTest enhancements. new: AUTOTEST_VM_export_m23ServerISO_as_OVA: Exports a VM, that was installed via the m23 server installation ISO, to OVA file. new: CAutoTest::VMexportm23ServerISOasOVA: Calls AUTOTEST_VM_export_m23ServerISO_as_OVA. +++++ 2019-06-04 patch 101268: Compatibility fixes for Debian 8. new: autoTestScriptGenerator.php: Generates test sequences for m23-autoTest for m23 servers with Debian 8 + 9 (32 and 64 bits), UCS 4.3 + 4.4., Raspbian, localhost and m23 server installation ISO. fix: m23 / control: Now depends strongly on php-bz2, but does'n require it, if PHP 5 is used. This makes it compatible with Debian 8 (again). fix: m23 / postinst: Configuring Squid is compatible with Debian 8 (again). patch 101265: Added French characters to CONF_ALLOWEDCHARACTERS. fix: checks.php: Added French characters to CONF_ALLOWEDCHARACTERS. +++++ 2019-06-03 patch: Release 19.1 release 19.1 +++++ 2019-05-27 cha: index.php: session_start is called after including CPool*.php to fix "incomplete object php" when opening poolBuilder after client's overview again. (THX FABR) +++++ 2019-05-22 cha:IMG_clientRestore: Now activates FSEnlargeWrapper for all image formats. cha: m23-initscripts / postinst: Now configures Linux Mint 18 clients with systemd settings. cha: CGPGSign::setGPGID($id): Now returns false, if no valid ID is given. cha: MSR_clientSideBase64Encode: Now uses the base64 tool as second option and AWK as third. cha: MSR_clientSideBase64Encode: Now sets LC_ALL=C before using the AWK script for generating the bas64 output. Seems to be needed now. cha: FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions: Added new parameter to list only partitions. cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Now only shows partitions and no drives as clonig source. cha: IMG_getAllMBRs: Now returns generic MBR only. Cloned MBRs don't seem to work anymore. cha: * / client_distr.hlp: Commented out the parts of the help files that describe deactivated options. +++++ 2019-05-21 cha: PKG_addUser: Has a new parameter to choose, if groups for Debian and Ubuntu systems are added and the job chooses the groups when it is executed on the system. cha: m23AdduserInstall.php: Special mode to find out what groups should be used for a newly created user. fix: partcloneWrapper, FSEnlargeWrapper: Now are detecting file system correctly on EFI systems too. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now package source lists from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list too. cha: FSEnlargeWrapper: ext file systems are resized online now. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Set only the sources list, if it's imaging. +++++ 2019-05-20 cha: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Removed adding of additional jobs and configuring like another distribution. new: CLCFG_executeNextWorkEveryMinute: Runs executeNextWork in a loop every minute and shows a status message about elapsed waiting time. cha: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Now uses CLCFG_executeNextWorkEveryMinute. cha: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Now detects the dirstribution (Debian or Ubuntu) by /etc/issue or sources.list*. cha: imaging / CLCFG_addDistributionSpecificOptions, CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Removed option to configure restores image like a distribution. +++++ 2019-05-18 new: imaging / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Generates a script that is executed after the chrooting. new: client_distr.php: Added warning if Imaging is choosen. +++++ 2019-05-17 fix: partcloneWrapper: Now detects file system correctly. cha: IMG_showImageManagement: Now has a refresh button. fix: IMG_getFormatCompressionFromFile: Now correct decompression method is figured out. cha: menu.php: Commented out RAS. cha: head.php: Now shows the link to the questionnaire if the webinterface language is German only. cha: HTML_liveLogArea: Increasing the minimum data length for detecting a change to > 1, because clientLiveLog.php gives out a newline if no changes are there. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now has an additional parameter, to set if it was called to reconfigure a distribution that was installed by imaging. +++++ 2019-05-10 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now uses "--no-proxy" when downloading the compressed base system archive with wget. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now checks the integrity of the 7-Zip compressed base system archive and repeats the download until it is valid. +++++ 2019-05-09 cha: CATSG::nextClientsArray: Became CATSG::nextClientsArray and is executed in CATSG::generate for each server. cha: CATSG::log: Now the client names are framed with "#" in the BASH scripts to make them more prominent. new: CATSG::getStopFile: Get the name of the stop file. cha: CATSG::generate: Resulting BASH scripts now are stopping, if a stop file exists. cha: CATSG::generate: Now the resulting BASH scripts are skipping clients that are marked as "OK" in the log file. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now checks for running on UCS before checking the network boot state. cha: UCS_addClient, UCS_enableClientPXEBoot: Now are returning messages from udm. cha: MSG_showEmergencyError: Shows the ermergency error message with a JavaScript "back" button and stops the script afterwards. cha: UCS_enableClientPXEBoot: Now calls MSG_showEmergencyError in case of an UDM message. cha: CATSG::simplifyNames: Now Simplifies 'amd64' and 'i386' too. +++++ 2019-05-08 cha: CAutoTest::isAnswerFoundInTriggerResult: Now decodes HTML entities (with special handling of "'") when translating I18N variables. new: CATSG::getWebinterfaceLang: Gets the language of the m23 webinterface. cha: CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey: Now moves wgetrc out of the way before installing wget. cha: CATSG::getEnvironmentWebinterfaceLang, CATSG::getVMName; Now are using getWebinterfaceLang. +++++ 2019-05-07 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / installDebs: Commented out the installation of m23-vbox. cha: mkCert.sh: Now sets the beginning of the certificate validity to 2019-01-01. cha: m23 / postinst: Now redirects more errors to /m23/log/m23PostinstNonCriticalErrorMessages.log. cha: m23 / postinst: Now the m23 server adds itself to the client's table, if no information about it can be read from the table. +++++ 2019-05-06 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / installDebs: Now removes m23debs.list too. cha: * / linuxrc: Now suppresses kernel and modules messages (except panic) from appearing on the console cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now suppresses error messages when trying to change ownership of files. cha: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now goes back to "installing base system" message after hardware detection is finished. new: CATSG::initWebinterfaceLangArray: Generates an array with information about the languages of the m23 webinterface. new: CATSG::nextWebinterfaceLang: Sets the language of the m23 webinterface to the next (or first) available language in the language array. new: CATSG::getEnvironmentWebinterfaceLang: Returnes command line environment variable to set the language of the m23 webinterface. cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Now uses "--part-type" instead of the deprecated "-c" for the sfdisk call. cha: AutoTest::parseAnswersFromXML: Now if the attribute "sshanswer" is set, it will be used as wanted answer instead of the HTML parameter (eg. in clientInfo['keyValueStore'] only, if present. fix: partcloneWrapper: Adjustements to current versions of parted and partclone (THX FABR) cha: client / linuxrc: Improved output on screen: Coloured messages and less unimportant error messages. (THX FABR) cha: client / linuxrc: Usage of haveged is configurable by parameter now. (THX FABR) cha: archFunctions / makeLinks: Now gives out a message, if the destination symlink is already existing. (THX FABR) cha: kernelFunctions.inc: Now jumps back to MDK's menu from 'make menuconfig' after pressing a key. Give us a chance to see error messages. (THX FABR) cha: rfsFunctions.inc: Now uses force parameter when deleting (some) files. (THX FABR) +++++ 2019-04-29 new: m23InstallerBase.inc / copyDebs: Copies the Debian packages from the ISO to the installation partition and prepares the system to execute afterRebootSetup.sh at first boot. +++++ 2019-04-28 cha: menuManual.hlp, menuDevguide.hlp: Updated and made more precise. +++++ 2019-04-27 new: menuFork, menuFork.hlp: Added help function. cha: menuServerISO.hlp, menuClientISO.hlp, menuStart.hlp: Updated and made more precise. fix: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult: Now uses correct comparision for $found == $shouldbefound for bad. +++++ 2019-04-26 new: CLIENT_getSSHKeyorPasswordOptions: Generates SSH options for using sshpass (password given) or SSH public key (no password given). cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now uses CLIENT_getSSHKeyorPasswordOptions. cha: CAutoTest::VMCreate, VMStop, VMStart: Now are giving out debug messages via CAutoTest::debugPrint. cha: CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML, executeTriggerAction: Added wait action. +++++ 2019-04-25 cha: m23 / postinst: Now disables systemd's PrivateTmp for Apache in service files that were copied to /etc/systemd/system/. cha: VM_stopVM: Now stops the VM only if it exists. cha: CLIENT_filterLinesFromLiveScreenRecording: Added 'lost connection' and 'Permission denied'. fix: AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer: Corrected running of client commands from local m23 server. +++++ 2019-04-24 cha: Updated Linux Kernel to 4.9.170. cha: CATSG::getVMName: Now the return string includes the client architecture. new: CATSG::toggleClientArch: Toggles the client's architecture from amd64 to i386 and reverse. new: CATSG::getClientArchEnvironmentVariable: Returnes command line environment variable to create an i386 client or nothing, if the client's architecture should be amd64. cha: client_distr.php: Now allows the start of the distribution only, if a kernel was selected. Otherwise shows an error message. +++++ 2019-04-19 cha: serverInfoBroadcast, serverInfoGateway, serverInfoDNS, serverInfoIP, serverInfoNetmask: Now are filtering out all parts that are not a valid IP address. fix: m23 / postinst: Fixed adjustment of old clients without architecture. (THX FABR) cha: m23 / postinst: Now only calls m23customPatch.php if there are patch files. cha: m23 / postinst: Now redirects mysql errors to /m23/log/m23PostinstSQL.log, because error messages (eg. creation of existing tables or databases) aren't errors from m23's view. Overwriting of tables and databases would be a fatal error. +++++ 2019-04-18 new: nonM23CreateOSImage: Creates a tar.7z image of the currently installed (non m23) system fix: configureNetwork: Removed wrong space after IP address. +++++ 2019-04-16 cha: /mdk/client+server/updatedDebianPackages: Removed outdated files. cha: createRFScopyLib: Now checks the architecture of libraries (32- or 64-bits) before copying them. +++++ 2019-04-15 cha: Removed outdated m23 plugins directory /mdk/m23plugin, dependency from m23-mdk/control, SF-hg-backup and build instructions from mkm23Debs. cha: m23 / postinst: Now removed bad SSH keys from files only if they are existing. cha: m23 / postinst: Now (re-)creates .../baseSys/authorized_keys if it's empty. cha: VM_stopVM: Now tries 10 times to shutdown the VM with a pause of 3 seconds between attempts. +++++ 2019-04-13 new: Added Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic *OptionPages.php. +++++ 2019-04-12 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap, PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerURL: Now are using HTTPs connections for wget. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh / checkNoXorgConfNeeded: Now checks and returns (but does not delete xorg.conf), if the installed Xorg version will run well without a xorg.conf new: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh / removeNotNeededXorgConf: Removes xorg.conf, if the installed Xorg version will run well without a xorg.conf cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh / configXOrgVBox: Now calls checkNoXorgConfNeeded to find out, if xorg.conf is needed. cha: install_packages.php: Now shows the message about a maybe outdated package index only, if a search term was given. cha: client_distr.php: Disabled Ubuntu warning. cha: Removed outdated Ubuntu and Debian *OptionPages.php. +++++ 2019-04-11 fix: createRFScopyLib: Now filters out 32 or 64 bit libs depending on the build architecture. +++++ 2019-04-09 fix: downloadExtractRFS: Removed non-existing Wheezy sources. fix: downloadExtractRFS: Removed now non-existing packages. cha: createRFSBins: Disabled usage of allLibs.txt. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / startBaseInstallation: Now uses existing LDAP database. +++++ 2019-04-08 new: getCPUDebianArch: Shows the native CPU architecture of the distribution. cha: CAutoTest::parseXML: Changed priority of answers. Now it is bad, good and warn. cha: CATSG::simplifyNames: Now filters case-sensitive. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: xorgThereSoStop: Now calls checkNoXorgConfNeeded to remove a unneeded xorg.conf. cha: cleanOSForCompressing: Now configures /etc/default/grub and /etc/network/interfaces to use traditional network interface names. cha: head.php: Updated links. fix: m23 / postinst: Fixed generation of random password. cha: PKGBUILDER_tar2deb: Now removes Packages* from the extradebs directory. new: checkForCrossGCC: Checks, if DPKG extra architecture and packages for cross compiling (i386 <=> amd64) are installed. (THX FABR) cha: compileBusyBox: Now calls checkForCrossGCC and uses parameters to cross-compile BusyBox. (THX FABR) fix: m23-ldap / postinst: Fixed path to config.php. +++++ 2019-04-02 new: tarBusyBox-compiled+symlinks: Creates a compressed tar file with the BusyBox binaries for i386 and amd64 and the symlinks to them. +++++ 2019-04-01 cha: compileBusyBox: Removed cross compiling (doesn't work anymore). cha: menuClientISO: Now sources /mdk/globalVars before sourcing include files. +++++ 2019-03-29 cha: exportDBInitTable: Removed "Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca", "Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela", "Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa". +++++ 2019-03-28 new: CATSG::initClientsArray: Generates an array with information about client distributions including available desktops. new: CATSG::initServerArray: Generates an array with information about m23 server targets. new: CATSG::pickDesktops: Randomly picks desktops from the list of desktops that are available in the distribution. new: CATSG::simplifyNames: Simplifies server, sourceslist and desktop names. new: CATSG::getVMName: Generates a (unique) name for the VM. new: CATSG::getFileName: Generic filename generator. new: CATSG::getLogFile: Get the log filename. new: CATSG::getBashFile: Get the name of the BASH file that contains the full test set for an m23 server. new: CATSG::log: Logs BASH code with the resulting exit and (optionally) exits when a failure occurs. cha: exportDBInitTable: Removed "devuanjessie", "trusty", "HS-Fedora14", "HS-opensuse11.4", "HS-centos62", "precise", "precise+Xorg-updates", "wheezy". +++++ 2019-03-26 cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now calls ssh with LC_ALL=C. new: SRCLST_getExportedListNames: Generates an array with all sources lists that are exported by /mdk/bin/exportDBsourceslist.php. +++++ 2019-03-25 new: AUTOTEST_VM_stop: Stops a VM. new: CAutoTest::VMStop: Stops a virtual machine. +++++ 2019-03-24 cha: CLIENT_filterLinesFromLiveScreenRecording: Added additional filter strings from CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now uses HELPER_filterOutUnwantedSSHErrors instead of filtering the lines directly. +++++ 2019-03-23 cha: AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer: Added "-o ServerAliveInterval=60 -o ServerAliveCountMax=1". +++++ 2019-03-22 cha: AUTOTEST_VM_hostSanityCheck: Now checks for tesseract and convert (ImageMagick) too. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen: Now uses tesseract too. cha: CAutoTest::isConsecutiveIdenticalMessage: Now counts the repeated identical messages. cha: CAutoTest::showAndLogMessage: Now shows the amount of repeated identical messages. cha: AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer: Added connection timout of 15 seconds. +++++ 2019-03-21 cha: CLCFG_executeAfterChroot: Now calls /tmp/afterChrootInstall.sh with "bash /tmp/afterChrootInstall.sh" and not as executable script. Needed for Ubuntu 18.04. and Linux Mint 19.x now. +++++ 2019-03-20 cha: menuClientISO: Now shows info messages to indicate the called subroutines. new: CAutoTest::isConsecutiveIdenticalMessage: Checks, if an consecutive identical message was assigned in the last call. cha: CAutoTest::showAndLogMessage: Now has an optional parameter to filter out consecutive identical messages. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_delete: Now stops the VM before deleting. +++++ 2019-03-19 cha: UCS_enableClientLDAP: Now calls CLCFG_patchNsswitchForLDAP to configure /etc/nsswitch.conf. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Additional parameter to redirect stderr and not shown on in the console. +++++ 2019-03-18 cha: CAutoTest::nextCurElement: Now shows and logs a heading for the new test block instead of CAutoTest::setTriggered. new: AUTOTEST_createLDAPUserAndGroup: Creates an LDAP user and group on the local LDAD server and shows an info message, if creation was sucessfully or a warning with the direct message from the LDAP server. new: autoTestHacks.php: Page for special functions that can be triggered by m23 autoTest. +++++ 2019-03-17 new: HELPER_indentLines: Intents all lines by putting an intent string in front of them. +++++ 2019-03-16 cha: CAutoTest::elemOk: Renamed to CAutoTest::elemGood. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now returns stderr too when in direct execution mode. new: HELPER_filterOutUnwantedSSHOutputs: Filters out unwanted lines from SSH client. cha: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult: Now jumps out of the foreach loop to not process "warn" or "bad" events after a "good" event. cha: CAutoTest::showAndLogMessage: Now UTF8 decodes the message. +++++ 2019-03-15 cha: CAutoTest::setTriggered: Now shows and logs a heading for the new test block if it is triggered. +++++ 2019-03-13 cha: CAutoTest::isAnswerFoundInTriggerResult: Now checks, if the answer is NOT found in the result, if the answer string begins with "!". cha: CAutoTest::getLogFileName: Now returns "autoTest-startup.log", if the constant "VM_NAME" is not set. fix: client / linuxrc: Increased the timeout for fetching the first job from 2 seconds to 10 minutes. +++++ 2019-03-12 cha: serverInfoIP: Now removes the amount network bits from the IP (if present). cha: m23 / postinst: Removed outdated functions to figure out the IP and broadcast address. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now has an additional parameter to use password authentification for conneting clients via SSH. fix: VM_startVMInExistingXSession, AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen: Now the VM name is in quotation marks to allow names with spaces. +++++ 2019-03-11 cha: CAutoTest::defineConstantsFromXML: Becomes CAutoTest::internalValuesFromXML and reads now the variables section of an XML file and imports the variables into the array with runtime variables. cha: CAutoTest::__construct, CAutoTest::parseXML, CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction, CAutoTest::getISO, CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult, CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Now are using interal variables instead of constants. new: CAutoTest::internalVariablesToConstants: Maps internal variables to constants (for backward compatibility). new: CAutoTest::isDebug: Checks, if autoTest is in debug mode (variable AT_debug is set). new: CAutoTest::debugPrint: Shows a message (, array or object in human readable form) and logs it to the log file, if autoTest is in debug mode. +++++ 2019-03-10 cha: CAutoTest::parseAnswersFromXML: Now answers can include a password. cah: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult, CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction, CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Now can evaluate passwords. +++++ 2019-03-08 cha: CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Now supports TRIGGER_SEL_SOURCENOT_CONTAINS too. cha: CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Constants in the trigger parameter are now replaced by AUTOTEST_replaceConstantsInString. cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now sets m23createImage jobs to status done, so they won't be executed during recovery. new: CIR_rootInRamdiskOrExit: Checks, if root is stored on the ramdisk and exits the script, if not. cha: m23createImageInstall.php: Now calls CIR_rootInRamdiskOrExit to not make any changes on the HDD/SSD. +++++ 2019-03-04 cha: m23 / postinst: Now configures squid.conf to shutdown after 5 seconds. (THX FABR) cha: m23 / postinst: Now excludes loopback device from listening devices in /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server. (THX FABR) cha: m23 / postinst: Now doesn't insert code for loading mysql.so when running PHP 7.0 anymore. (THX FABR) +++++ 2019-03-01 new: CAutoTest::importEnvironmentVariables: Imports environment variables starting with 'AT_' into the runtime variables array. cha: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult, CAutoTest::triggerTypeToConstant: Added sel_sourcenotcontains new: CAutoTest::evaluateSetVar: Parses the value of an "setVar" attribute from an aarray with information about the answer and sets it to the runtime variables array, if it seems to be valid. cha: CAutoTest::elemOk, elemWarn, elemBad: Parameter is now an array with information about the answer. cha: CAutoTest::elemOk, elemWarn, elemBad: Now are calling CAutoTest::evaluateSetVar. new: CAutoTest::evaluateRunIf: Checks, if the condition of the runIf attribute is met. cha: CAutoTest::addToSequence: Now has an additional parameter for the value of the runIf attribute. cha: CAutoTest::parseXML: Now parses runIf attributes too. new: CAutoTest::isXMLTEST: Check, if the only the XML should be parsed. +++++ 2019-02-28 cha: AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer: Now has an optional parameter to set the SSH password. cha: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult, CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Now uses password parameter when calling AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer. cha: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult: Added true trigger for good/warn/bad. new: CAutoTest::gotSeleniumDriverID: Returnes true, if a Selenium webdriver ID was acquired. cha: CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML: Added SSH command action. new: AUTOTEST_getSeleniumSafeString: Urldecodes characters that were made it safe for usage in Selenium and SimpleXMLElement. new: CAutoTest::getStatusDescriptionInBraces: Returns a status string with optional description in braces. cha: CAutoTest::parseAnswersFromXML: Now answers can include a description. new: dieWithExitCode: Let the script die with a message on stderr and exit code. +++++ 2019-02-27 new: VM_restoreSnapshot: Restores a snapshot. new: AUTOTEST_VM_restoreSnapshot: Stops a VM and restores a snapshot. +++++ 2019-02-26 fix: m23 / postinst: Now uses the correct variable for integer representation of the old version. (THX FABR) +++++ 2019-02-25 fix: CLCFG_setSystime: Now sets the date/time by year, month, day, hour and minute to avoid problems with timezones. +++++ 2019-02-18 cha: CAutoTest::defineConstantsFromXML: Now constants defined by settings files can be overwrite with environment variables. +++++ 2019-02-17 new: I18N_getAllTranslationsForAllVariables: Translates all I18N variables (in all languages) to their language dependent strings. cha: CAutoTest::parseAnswersFromXML: Now adds cmd parameter. cha: CAutoTest::parseTriggerFromXML: Now urldecodes the parameters. fix: install_packages.php: Now adds the m23UpdatePackageInfos job again. cha: CAutoTest::__construct: Now adds a callback function for handling Ctrl+C. +++++ 2019-02-14 cha: CAutoTest::parseXML: Added mode for testing the webinterface only. fix: AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer: Now uses correct parameter if m23 server and autoTest machine are identically. +++++ 2019-02-13 cha: CAutoTest::VMCreate: Now deletes a maybe existing VM with the given name before. +++++ 2019-02-04 cha: clientLiveLogComplete.php: Now reads the log file line wise to handle big log files. +++++ 2019-01-29 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now m23fetchjob pings the m23 server in a loop until the ping attempt was successfully. Only then the m23 client tries to fetch the work.php. +++++ 2019-01-19 new: CAutoTest::freeSeleniumDriverID: Frees the used Selenium webdriver ID. new: CAutoTest::__destruct: Destructor for this CAutoTest object. +++++ 2019-01-15 new: CAutoTest::seleniumExecExtra: Runs an action on the HTTP2SeleniumBridge. new: CAutoTest::getSeleniumDriverID: Gives the Selenium webdriver ID this instance should use or let the programm die, if all are used. +++++ 2019-01-09 cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "LinuxMint 19.1 Tessa" +++++ 2018-11-29 new: HELPER_str_equal_UTF8ISO: Checks, if two strings are equal independent from their encodings (UTF-8 or ISO). cha: CAutoTest::isAnswerFoundInTriggerResult, isAnswerFoundInTriggerResult: Now are using HELPER_str_equal_UTF8ISO. new: CAutoTest::seleniumReload: Reloads the currently loaded page. +++++ 2018-11-28 cha: CAutoTest::readSettings: Now tries to read settings.m23test from the home directory first, then tries the current directory. +++++ 2018-11-27 fix: CLCFG_setSystime: Now uses seconds since 1970. +++++ 2018-11-26 fix: client / linuxrc, createRFSBins, downloadExtractRFS: Added and started haveged to fill the random pool faster. Using haveged will remove the delay when wget connects via SSL the first time. +++++ 2018-11-22 fix: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: Now converts a comma to a point in float values before using it in an SQL statement. +++++ 2018-11-19 cha: compileKernel: Now makes sure, the CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU driver is not included in the i386 kernel. +++++ 2018-11-18 cha: compileKernel: Now cleans out the compiled objects when the architecture is changed. cha: checkKernelDir: Now filters out any tar files cha: Updated Linux Kernel to 4.9.137. +++++ 2018-11-17 cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "LinuxMint 19 Tara". m23Mint19CinnamonInstall.php cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now greeter-session line is only added, if it has a value. cha: m23-initscripts / postinst: Added support for Linux Mint 19. +++++ 2018-11-16 cha: SERVER_sendScriptToSF: Changed URL to HTTPs. cha: convert_hd: Updated from https://github.com/openSUSE/hwinfo/raw/master/src/ids/convert_hd. cha: createRFSBins: Now exits, if no Linux kernel was compiled for the chosen architecture. +++++ 2018-11-13 cha: CLCFG_disableAvahiDaemon: Deactivated. +++++ 2018-10-30 cha: checks.php: Added '&' to the list of allowed characters. cha: serverInfoBroadcast, serverInfoGateway, serverInfoIP: Made more robust. +++++ 2018-10-17 cha: head.php: Now shows server IP. fix: CmCP::setExitCode: Now uses correct variable. +++++ 2018-09-24 cha: m23DuplicateToFRS, m23instUpload: More workarounds for SourceForge's random SSH key denial. +++++ 2018-09-23 new: CFDiskBasic::createFormatPartition: Creates and formats a partition. new: CFDiskBasic::PM_auto500GBsysSwapData: Automatically partitions and formats the first 500GB a disk. It creates a system, swap and data partition. cha: CFDiskGUI::showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Added PM_auto500GBsysSwapData. +++++ 2018-09-22 patch 101167: Fixes for editing clients and Kerberos settings for UCS 4.2 fix: edit_client.php, client_details.php: The new clearSession variable loads the client name and ID into the session. Without it the client name and ID would be set one time only and not changed afterwards. As consequence one client could be edited only. cha: UCS_enableClientLDAP: Updated Kerberos settings to UCS 4.2. +++++ 2018-09-21 fix: edit_client.php, client_details.php: The new clearSession variable loads the client name and ID into the session. Without it the client name and ID would be set one time only and not changed afterwards. As consequence one client could be edited only. +++++ 2018-08-30 new: CAutoTest::getTriggerAttributes: Returns the attributes (additional parameters) for execution of the current sequence element. cha: CAutoTest::parseTriggerFromXML, CAutoTest::addToSequence, CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult, CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Added trigger attributes parameter and logic. +++++ 2018-08-28 cha: client / linuxrc: Now asks for settings, if no valid work.php could be downloaded. cha: m23-roms: Removed outdated Etherboot images for floppy disks. cha: m23 / control: Removed "Depends" to "m23-roms". cha: m23Backup, m23Restore, m23-vbox / postinst, m23shared / postinst, DB_getSuperUserPassword, DB_getSuperUserName: Now are using getMySQL-UserParam.sh and getMySQL-PasswordParam.sh. cha: /mdk/outdated: Deleted very old files and directories. cha: m23Backup: Now saves the current IP of the server. cha: m23Restore: Now replaces the saved IP address with the current IP in the SQL dump before restoring. +++++ 2018-08-27 new: /m23/bin/serverInfoBroadcast: Shows the broadcast address of the m23 server. new: /m23/bin/serverInfoGateway: Shows the gateway address of the m23 server. cha: m23/postinst, m23-ldap/postinst: Now uses serverInfoDNS, serverInfoBroadcast, serverInfoIP and serverInfoGateway. cha: exportDBInitTable: Now uses getMySQL-PasswordParam.sh and getMySQL-UserParam.sh. new: /m23/bin/getApacheUser: Get Apache user and group new: /m23/bin/getApacheGroup: Get the group Apache 1 or 2 is executed under. cha: serverFunctions.inc / getApacheUser: Now uses /m23/bin/getApacheUser. cha: serverFunctions.inc / getApacheGroup: Now uses /m23/bin/getApacheGroup. cha: m23 / control: Removed "mknbi" from Recommends. +++++ 2018-08-15 new: AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer: Executes commands on a client indirectly, that is reachable over an m23 server only. +++++ 2018-08-12 cha: SRCLST_genSelection: Now sets the value for the options. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen: Now recognises characters in the screenshots with four OCR settings. +++++ 2018-08-11 new: CAutoTest::loadXMLFile: Loads an XML file, replaces problematic characters and includes other files. new: AUTOTEST_VM_hostSanityCheck: Checks the existence of tools on the VM host. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen: Now recognises characters in the screenshots with two OCR settings. new: AUTOTEST_getSeleniumSafeString: Replaces characters in a string to make it safe for usage in Selenium and SimpleXMLElement. cha: CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction and CAutoTest::loadXMLFile: Now are using AUTOTEST_getSeleniumSafeString. +++++ 2018-08-10 cha: VM_startVMInExistingXSession: New code to find the X session, if the old routine fails. cha: CAutoTest::readAndDefineOrDieXML: Removed. new: AUTOTEST_SEL_getURLByMatch: Searches for one URL in the given HTML code that must contain all search terms. new: AUTOTEST_replaceConstantsInString: Searches for variable declarations in a string and replaces them with the values of according constants. cha: CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction: Now uses AUTOTEST_replaceConstantsInString on all action parameters. +++++ 2018-08-09 new: CAutoTest::seleniumGetSource: Gets the current page source of the selenium browser into the output page. new: CAutoTest::isAnswerFoundInTriggerResult: Checks, if a trigger result contains an answer. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_create: Now stores the MAC of the VM in a constant after successfully VM creation. cha: CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML: Now replaces the action, if it's a placeholder for a constant. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_create: Now creates VMs with enabled network booting. new: CAutoTest::executePHPFunction: Executes a PHP function with (optional) parameters. cha: CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction: Now uses CAutoTest::executePHPFunction. +++++ 2018-08-08 cha: HELPER_getContentFromURL: Now has an extra parameter, the if set to true, the system wide proxy will be used, otherwise a direct connection is attempted. new: CAutoTest::seleniumHostRunning: Checks, if the HTTP2SeleniumBridge is running. new: I18N_getAllTranslationsForVariable: Returns all translations for a given variable. +++++ 2018-08-07 new: CAutoTest::seleniumExec: Runs a command on the HTTP2SeleniumBridge. new: CAutoTest::seleniumGetStatus: Gets the status message(s) of the HTTP2SeleniumBridge. +++++ 2018-08-06 cha: CAutoTest::addToSequenc, CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML: Added test action attributes. cha: CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML: Now parses Selenium actions. new: CAutoTest::getExecAttributes: Returns the attributes (additional parameters) for execution of the current sequence element. +++++ 2018-07-20 cha: UCS_enableClientLDAP: Updated Kerberos settings to UCS 4.2. +++++ 2018-07-12 new: /m23/bin/serverInfoIP: Shows the IP of the m23 server. cha: getServerIP: Now uses /m23/bin/serverInfoIP. new: /m23/bin/serverInfoNetmask: Shows the netmask of the m23 server. cha: getServerNetmask: Now uses /m23/bin/serverInfoNetmask. new: /m23/bin/serverInfoDNS: Shows the 1st DNS IP that is used by the m23 server. cha: getDNSServers: Now uses /m23/bin/serverInfoDNS. new: /m23/bin/serverInfoMySQLAccessParams: Shows the username and password parameter for mysql and mysqldump. cha: m23 / postinst: Now uses serverInfoMySQLAccessParams. +++++ 2018-07-11 patch 101161: Better support of faulty SSDs. cha: m23client-*.iso: Updated client boot ISOs. +++++ 2018-07-10 cha: CFDiskIO::getMknodCommand: Now splits the mknod commands by newlines. cha: CLCFG_mountRootDir: Now uses the mount command with rereadPartTable to check readability of the root (and maybe existing UEFI) partition. cha: CFDiskBasic::rereadPartTable: Now has extra parameter for changing the command for testing the readability of a device. cha: CFDiskBasic::rereadPartTable: Now re-reads the partition table until a given device is readable. fix: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now doesn't try to convert the package sources name into LDAP server type. fix: CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey: flase -> false. cha: CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey: Now tries to install wget via APT. +++++ 2018-07-09 patch 101155: Improved UEFI support. new: m23-amd64-linux-4.9.110.conf: Kernel configuration with enabled framebuffer and other options needed for UEFI to show visible output on some hardware. cha: Updated Linux Kernel to 4.9.110. cha: CFDiskBasic::rereadPartTable: Now re-reads the partition table 5 times with a delay of 15 seconds between attempts. +++++ 2018-07-06 cha: menuClientISO: Now creates the m23shared.goos-habermann.de ISO only if the storing directory exists. cha: compileKernel: Added kernel settings for framebuffer devices needed on UEFI cha: menuClientISO: Commented out creation of Etherboot images. +++++ 2018-07-04 patch 101147: Clarification of the online help. cha: */serverBackup.hlp: Commented out share-online.biz. cha: */serverRestore.hlp: Added hint about identical IP of backuped and restored UCS. patch 101146: Encoding fix for UCS newer than 4.1. fix m23/postinst: Now encodes files to UTF-8 for UCS newer than 4.1 only once (and not again on a dpkg-reconfigure). patch 101144: Now skip restoration of /etc if run on UCS. cha: m23Restore: Now skip restoration of /etc if run on UCS. patch 101143: Improvements for m23 server backup/restore on UCS plattform. cha: m23Backup: Now works with passwordless MySQL/MariaDB servers. cha: m23Backup: Now adds user generated custom patches. cha: m23Backup: Now doesn't backup openLDAP configuration. cha: m23Restore: Now skips restoration of packages and debconf if run on UCS. patch 101142: Now works with passwordless MySQL/MariaDB servers. cha: m23Restore: Now works with passwordless MySQL/MariaDB servers. patch 101141: m23 backup now backups /home/grdmgpg directory only (and not all /home/* directories) when run on UCS. cha: createBackupList: Now backups /home/grdmgpg directory only (and not all /home/* directories) when run on UCS. +++++ 2018-07-03 cha: compileKernel: Now includes the framebuffer console. cha: MSG_DeActivateBlogDialog: Now blogs are disabled by default. +++++ 2018-06-27 patch 101140: Now sets additional EFI parameters. cha: compileKernel: Now sets additional EFI parameters. +++++ 2018-06-20 patch 101139: Cross plattform building fix. cha: createRFSBins: Now works on 32 bit Debian 9 with 64 bit client OS. +++++ 2018-06-18 patch 101138: Little improvements and fixes for systemD on Ubuntu 18.04. cha: m23 / postinst: Now uses all m23 custom patches in /m23/m23customPatch. cha: m23 / postinst: Calls "/m23/bin/m23cli.php GPG_set1stKey" now. new: GPG_set1stKey.php: Sets the 1st available GPG key as package pool sign key cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now runs "dpkg-reconfigure m23-initscripts" as default. cha: UCS_addClient: Added new patch area. +++++ 2018-06-12 cha: CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey: Now imports the (locally stored) m23 client package sign key too. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now uses CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey. +++++ 2018-06-11 cha: MAIL_getGpgKeyList: Now filters out encrypt-only-keys when listing private keys. cha: checks.php: Now sets the locale for ctype_alpha and other functions at the beginning. +++++ 2018-06-06 fix: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Added "apt-get update" after importing keys. fix: m23 / postinst: Now doesn't call recode on source code, because it can be destroyed in some cases. patch 101118: Minor bugfixes and new minimalistic Gnome based Ubuntu desktop with minimal set of applications. +++++ 2018-06-05 fix: m23 / postinst: Now calls recode on files and not symlinks. Symlinks get converted to normal files by recode. +++++ 2018-06-04 fix: index.php: session_start now is called before 1st access to the session array. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now explicitly allows unsigned packages sources and packages sources signed with unknow GPG keys. +++++ 2018-06-01 cha: quickBuild.sh: Now the option m23-ucs-extra-4.3 generates a special package for UCS 4.3. new: m23-ucs-extra-4.3: Package with special handling for updating m23 from UCS 4.2 to UCS 4.3. new: m23UbuntudesktopMinimal1804Install.php, UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added a minimalistic Gnome based Ubuntu desktop with minimal set of applications. +++++ 2018-05-29 cha: getServerNetmask: Commented out unused UCS code. +++++ 2018-05-24 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now removes snap apps and reinstalls the same tools by normal Debian packages. +++++ 2018-05-09 cha: m23instUpload: Now tries 100 times to get proper MD5 sums from the uploaded files before it gives up. cha: m23instUpload: Now downloads the m23* packages and makes MD5 check afterwards. +++++ 2018-05-08 cha: installLocalm23DebsOnUCS: Now uses sshpass to give the password "testtest" to scp and ssh commands. patch 101101: Release 18.2 release 18.2 cha: checkMissingScreenshots.sh: Now uses manual.tex to find out the names of the screenshot files. +++++ 2018-05-02 cha: m23 / control: Added sshpass as additional dependency. cha: /m23/bin/plink, plink-ubuntu: Now are using sshpass + ssh instead of plink. +++++ 2018-04-30 new: copyPasteTestm23ServerInstall: Lines of BASH code for copying & pasting to install an m23 server from a local test repository. new: gitCloneAndMeldTranslations: Downloads the translations from gitlab and merges them with meld. +++++ 2018-04-25 cha: m23 / postinst: Now detects the name of the init script via file name. +++++ 2018-04-24 cha: m23 / postinst: Now disables systemd redirecting /tmp of PHP processes to separte directories. cha: m23 / postinst: Now restarts Squid as long until it is availabe via port 2323 +++++ 2018-04-22 cha: getClientIP, CLIENT_getClientName: Now are using "$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']" instead of "getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')" to find out the client's IP. +++++ 2018-04-21 cha: VM_createVM: Added parameter to choose the CPU architecture of the VM. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now has selection for choosing the CPU architecture of the VM to create. +++++ 2018-04-19 cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now tries the given user for the scp command and uses root, if it doesn't work. cha: CLIENT_getActiveNetDevices: New parameters to enable skipping of loop and eql devices in the output array. cha: VM_webAction: New parameter to start the VM in visual mode always. cha: VM_rebootAndActivateNetboot: Now calls VM_webAction with activated VNC. +++++ 2018-04-18 cha: CLIENT_getActiveNetDevices: Now uses output of 'ip', if ifconfig's output could not be parsed +++++ 2018-04-16 new: VM_isHost: Check, if an m23 client is an VM host. +++++ 2018-04-15 cha: CHECK_FW: Now accepts filter '0' without warning. +++++ 2018-04-12 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Enabled "home on NFS" option for m23 on UCS. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: New parameter acceptyDSSKeys: Set to true, if SSH-DSS keys should be re-enabled. cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Now disables ext4 feature metadata_csum. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now start dbus (needed by blueman). (THX TS) +++++ 2018-04-11 new: rmOldM23VarCacheM23aptLists: Removes old cached APT lists files. cha: m23/postinst: Adds rmOldM23VarCacheM23aptLists to /etc/crontab. cha: UCS_enableClientLDAP: Call of pam-auth-update needs "--force" parameter for Ubuntu 18.04. +++++ 2018-04-09 cha: m23/postinst: Now encodes info.txt files to UTF-8 for newer than UCS 4.1. cha: client_overview.php: Now has redo action for client recovery. +++++ 2018-03-23 cha: check-UCS-unmaintained: Now compatible with UCS 4.3. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Ubuntu-Bionic". +++++ 2018-03-21 cha: install_packages.php, serverFeatures.php, CLIENT_showJobs, work.php, PKG_listSelectedpackages: Added (optional) installation reason. (THX TS) new: CLIENT_sendPlymouthMessage: If Plymouth is running, display a message. (THX TS) new: CLIENT_sendNotifySendMessage: Send message to all users using notify-send. (THX TS) new: CLIENT_sendM23FetchJobFinishedMessage: queues a notify-send message, which is displayed when all updates are installed. (THX TS) cha: MSR_decodeMessage: Added monitor handling. (THX TS) new: MSR_addMonitor: monitor to database and Filesystem (avoiding blob). (THX TS) new: MSR_listMonitors: monitors stored in the m23 database. (THX TS) new: SERVER_isInstallReasonEnabled: Determines, if the install reason feature is enabled. (THX TS) new: SERVER_setInstallReasonEnabled: Enables the install reason feature. (THX TS) cha: m23/postinst: Added table "monitors". (THX TS) new: natsort.php: Sorts lines given via stdin in natural order (numeric parts are sorted as numeric values) or reverse order. cha: deleteOldDoubles: Now uses natsort.php. +++++ 2018-02-19 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now disables Gnome's initial configuration diolog. new: UBUNTU_desktopInstall, m23UbuntuMate1804Install.php, m23UbuntuGnome1804Install.php, m23UbuntuXubuntu1804Install.php, m23UbuntuLubuntu1804Install.php, m23UbuntuBudgie1804Install.php, m23Ubuntudesktop1804Install.php, m23UbuntuKubuntu1804Install.php: Added support for the desktops Mate, Gnome 3, Xfce, LXDE, Budgie, Ubuntu and KDE on Ubuntu 18.04. cha: m23/postinst: Now generates a GPG key, if user grdmgpg is not present (THX TS). +++++ 2018-02-16 cha: m23xfree86Install.php: Now doesn't try to install ddcxinfo-knoppix on Ubuntu 18.04. +++++ 2018-02-15 CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now removed unwanted characters form the MAC by JavaScript. CLIENT_showAddDialog: Increased amount of max allowed characters in MAC field, to allow MACs with ':' separators. cha: ubuntu/DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Added package ifupdown. +++++ 2018-02-14 new: CLCFG_setSystime: Sets the system time of the client to about the same time of the m23 server. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now calls CLCFG_setSystime to make sure, the SSL certificates are valid (system time must be never than certificate creation time). cha: CClient::setMAC: Now calls CLIENT_convertMac to remove possibly existing separators from MAC. +++++ 2018-02-13 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added another "apt-get update" before installing m23hwscanner (Needed for Ubuntu 18.04). cha: HTML_storableInput: Now has an optional parameter for adding extra HTML/JavaScript code to the INPUT element. +++++ 2018-02-09 new: m23gdm3Install.php: Installs GDM3 and removes xdm. cha: add_client.php: Now uses CSS to visualise selected/deselected state of groups. cha: client_details.php: Now shows a client setup icon when the client is in yellow status. +++++ 2018-02-07 cha: install_packages.php: Now shows a hint for updating the package index if no packages were found. cha: install_packages.php: Now checks, if the search term contains valid characters only and give out an info messange and remove unwanted characters new: HTML_waitAnimation: Defines HTML code for showing a waiting animation and onClick code for insering into buttons. The JavaScript showing function is given out where the PHP function is called. cha: install_packages.php: Now uses HTML_waitAnimation. cha: client_distr.php: Now shows a waiting animation when information about Linux kernels are fetched. cha: ubuntu/imaging/DISTR_startInstall: Now adds m23deactivateaptdaily job. new: CLCFG_disableAptSystemdDaily: Deactivates systemd apt-daily.timer. new: m23deactivateaptdailyInstall.php: Deactivates systemd apt-daily.timer. cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_disableAptSystemdDaily. +++++ 2018-02-06 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now installs command-not-found and bash-completion too. fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: Now removes additional "'" from the cache file name. +++++ 2018-02-05 cha: index*.css: Added style for showing selected/deselected icon in front of option lists. cha: client_distr.php: Now uses CSS to visualise selected/deselected state of package selections. +++++ 2018-01-29 cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Now gives out an error message on the client'c console in case that the client could not be identified as m23 client. +++++ 2018-01-26 cha: de/client_assimilate.hlp: Added hint for adding the client ID to the assimilisation command. +++++ 2018-01-23 cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added Ubuntu Bionic Beaver. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now installs net-tools too. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob, CLCFG_genFstab, UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall, CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Added same cases like in Ubuntu Xenial. +++++ 2018-01-22 patch 101084: Updated documentation and scripts for managing m23 releases. cha: m23-release-howto.tex: Added section for updating the m23admin-offline-copy. cha: makeDoc.sh: Now uses the "-interaction nonstopmode" from pdflatex. cha: m23cli.php: Added includes needed for GF_changeIPs. +++++ 2018-01-18 new: getMySQL-PasswordParam.sh: Get the password parameter to call MySQL/MariaDB CLI tools new: getMySQL-UserParam.sh: Get the user parameter to call MySQL/MariaDB CLI tools new: export-dataset.sh: Creates an SQL dump for generating the offline demo from cha: dlhttrack: Now makes offline copies in all m23 languages and uploads the copies. +++++ 2018-01-12 new: CMSLinkCreator.sh: Creates link files for the CMS for ISO, appliance or RaspBerry Pi image. +++++ 2018-01-10 patch 101082: Release 18.1 release 18.1 cha: ubuntu/DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now moves wgetrc out of the way before installing wget and move wgetrc back afterwards. Needed sometimes (!) when m23 server is and UCS and client distribution Linux Mint 18.3 32bits. +++++ 2018-01-09 new: installLocalm23DebsOnUCS: Prepares an UCS for installation of local m23 packages and installs them. +++++ 2017-12-30 new: DB_getTableColumns: Creates an associative array with table and column names and their data types and codepages (collation). +++++ 2017-12-29 cha: CLIENT_showJobs, PKG_listSelectedpackages, install_packages.php: Disabled reason. cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "LinuxMint 18.3 Sylvia". cha: CLCFG_installMintDM: Now disables CPU intensive fading. Background is now changing every 5 minutes only. cha: m23 / control: Added php7.0-bz2 as (possible) dependency. cha: PKG_countPackages: Switched back to counting without triggers. +++++ 2017-12-28 fix: CFDiskIO::getPartDevs: Now returns partitions without file system when file systems to be excluded are empty. cha: HTML_showPagePrintButton: Now shows a button for jumping to the help text too. cha: HELP_getHelp: Now has a jump anchor for the help button. cha: makeBootMedia.php: Redesigned. +++++ 2017-12-27 cha: makeBootCD*: Becomes makeBootMedia*. cha: menu.php: Removed tools section. cha: menu.php: makeBootMedia now in clients section. +++++ 2017-12-26 cha: CFDiskIO::genManualFstab: Now calls CFDiskIO::getNVMeMknodCommand. new: CFDiskIO::getNVMeMknodCommand: Generates the mknod commands for creating the NVMe devices. cha: CFDiskBasic::getMknodCommand: Becomes CFDiskIO::getMknodCommand. cha: m23hwscanner / scanDisksPartitions: Now works with NVMe devices. +++++ 2017-12-25 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now starts MariaDB when Linux is still running from the ISO. +++++ 2017-12-15 cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Added m23customPatch area for changing the display manager. +++++ 2017-12-13 cha: menuManualStart.sh: Commented out screenshot entry. +++++ 2017-12-12 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now has extra parameter for disabling the installation of language packs. new: m23Unity3DMinimal1604Install.php: Installs a minimalistic Unity 3D desktop for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with German language. +++++ 2017-12-10 cha: m23 / template / postinst / config: Now asks for a new password for the pi user, if it is still the default password. +++++ 2017-12-05 cha: VM_createVM: Now creates VMs with OSType Debian_64 and 32MB video RAM on VirtualBox > 2. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now suggests 1024 MB RAM. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now calls ssh without user name (will use root). cha: VM_createDiskImage: Now works with VirtualBox > 4 too. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now shows an error message, if a client with the wanted VM name exists before. cha: VM_setHostInDB, VM_setGuestInDB, VM_setVisualURL: Now uses an empty array as base for setting the new parameters. +++++ 2017-12-04 cha: phpMyAdmin: Update to version 4.7.6. cha: client_add_label_description.inc, externalDHCP.hlp: Added information about boot media and fetchJobManual. +++++ 2017-12-01 new: DB_changeAllCollations: Changes the codepage for the collation of all text fields in all tables of a database. new: DB_getSuperUserPassword: Returns the password (or empty) of the super MySQL/MariaDB user. new: DB_getSuperUserName: Returns the name of the super MySQL/MariaDB user. +++++ 2017-11-24 fix: clients_overview.php: Now shows the clients online status column only, if the feature is activated. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now deletes GPG keys in new format too. cha: m23 / postinst: Now updates/creates the m23 server entry in the client table only, if there is no localhost with the given IP. +++++ 2017-11-23 cha: UPDATE_doUpdate: Now makes sure the package repository is included and upgrades the m23 server. cha: update.php: Now shows a warning, if the page is opened on UCS. cha: serverSettings.php: Now shows update icon on UCS too. cha: clients_overview.php, CLIENT_generateHTMLDedicatedAndReachableStatus: Now are using HTML title instead of CSS tooltip. cha: SERVERBACKUP_showConfigurationDialog: Deactivated share-online.biz. cha: m23 / postinst: Now works on Debian 9 too: Only creates an GPG key, if it's missing. Detected by "gpg --list-secret-keys" cha: exportDBInitTable: Now works with tables containing triggers. cha: m23 / postinst: Now has special handling for Squid 3 using squid.conf. +++++ 2017-11-22 new: EDIT_appendToFile: Appends a text to a file on a client. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now configures sshd_config to allow root logins with SSH key. +++++ 2017-11-21 cha: CXhprof.php: Now uses SERVER_getServerBoolSetting and SERVER_setServerBoolSetting. Unneeded converting functions were removed. No extra table for storing the states needed anymore. cha: m23 / control: Added fping as dependency. new: SERVER_startUpdateClientOnlineInDBBackgroundJob: Starts a background job to update the online status of the clients cyclically. new: updateClientOnlineInDB.php: Script to update the online status of the clients in the DB cyclically. cha: SERVER_setClientOnlineStatusEnabled: Now starts or stops the background job to update the online status of the clients cyclically. +++++ 2017-11-18 cha: addBaseScanner: Now scans for USB modules too. cha: CLCFG_hwdetect: Disabled run of hwsetup, if module usbnet is loaded. +++++ 2017-11-14 new: GF_changeIPs.php: Changes the IPs and netmasks of the m23 clients in the m23 DB and UCS LDAP. new: CLIENT_getNetmaskFromBitAmount: Gets the netmask by the amount of set bits. new: CHECK_ip: Checks, if an IP is (syntactically) valid. new: UCS_getGenericNetworkName: Generates a generic name for a network object in UCS. new: UCS_networkObjectExists: Checks, if a network object exists in the UCS. new: UCS_ensureNetworkObjectExists: Makes sure that the network object exists in the UCS. new: UCS_getFirstElementFromDN: Gets the first value of a distinguished name. +++++ 2017-11-13 new: UCS_createNetworkObject: Creates a new network object in the UCS LDAP. fix: client_distr.php: Now gets the name to store the client prefrences under. new: clientISO / fetchJobManual: Reads the IP of an m23 server and downloads and executes a work.php. new: pool2ISO: Script for generation an ISO image containing the packages from a pool. +++++ 2017-11-08 new: UCS_getClientLDAPInfo: Get information about a client stored in the UCS LDAP. new: UCS_getNetworkLDAPInfo: Get information about a network stored in the UCS LDAP. new: UCS_getAllClientNamesLDAP: Gets all client names stored in the LDAP of the UCS. +++++ 2017-11-07 new: CLIENT_getNetmaskBits: Gets the amount if set bits of a netmask. new: UCS_modifyClientIP: Modifies the IP of a client in the UCS LDAP. +++++ 2017-11-06 cha: DB_escapeString: Removed. Semi-duplicate of CHECK_text2db. +++++ 2017-11-03 cha: xhprof_runs.php list_runs: Added links for deleting reports. cha: xhprof_html / index.php: Added function and switch for deleting reports. +++++ 2017-11-01 cha: adjustControl: Now adds lines to the control file if missing. +++++ 2017-10-30 new: xhprof_shutdown: Shutdowns xhprof. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::_construct: Constructor for new CXhprof objects. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::loadXhprofSettings: Loads current Xhprof settings from database. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::showXhprofDialog: Shows a dialog for editing the Xhprof settings. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::setActive: Sets profiling active/inactive. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::getActive: Gets profiling active/inactive. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::isXhprofActive: Returns true if Xhprof is active. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::setSave: Toggles Xhprof to save data. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::getSave: Gets save setting of Xhprof. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::doSave: Returns true if Xhprof shall save data. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::save: Saves Xhprof settings to database. (THX TS) new: de / xhprof.hlp: Help file for the profiling feature. cha: clients_overview.php: Now reads the amount of packages directly from the clients.trg_sum_clientpackages. cha: CClient::generateHTMLStatusBar: Now calls VM_statusIcons with aditional parameters. new: CClient::getVMRole: Returns the client's vmRole. new: CClient::getVmSoftware: Returns the client's vmSoftware. +++++ 2017-10-29 cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Additional values for the call of CLIENT_generateHTMLStatusBar. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_isrunning: Prepared to use CLIENT_isDedicatedAndReachable. new: PKG_recountAllClientPackages: Recounts all packages of a client and updates corresponding fields in the database. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_generateHTMLStatusBar, VM_statusIcons: Now are using additional parameters to reduce DB queries. (THX TS) new: xhprof_init: Enables xhprof, if it is available and should be activated. (THX TS) +++++ 2017-10-28 cha: m23 / postinst: Many SQL speed improvements. (THX TS) cha: PKG_countPackages: Prepared to use SQL triggers for getting the amount of client's packages. (THX TS) +++++ 2017-10-27 cha: serverSettings.php: Now shows an optional icon for xhprof. +++++ 2017-10-24 cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now adds a client to clientgroups, if at least one group is choosen. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses pre-sets "default" group. +++++ 2017-10-23 new: DB_escapeString: Escapes given String according to database specifications. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_query: Simplified building the SQL query. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Now shows a reason for each job. (THX TS) cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds a field for reason in the clientjobs table. (THX TS) new: PKG_changeInstallReasonSelectedPackages: Changes the priority of selected wait4acc packages. (THX TS) cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Added columns for reason. (THX TS) cha: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: Added fields for reason. (THX TS) cha: install_packages.php: Added adding/editing a reason for the jobs. +++++ 2017-10-20 new: MSR_setOnline: Sets the online-state of a client. (THX TS) cha: MSR_decodeMessage: Added switch for MSR_setOnline. +++++ 2017-10-19 cha: index.css, index_fb.css: Added tooltips. (THX TS) +++++ 2017-10-18 new: SERVER_setServerBoolSetting: Sets a bool value of a server setting. new: SERVER_getServerBoolSetting: Gets the boolean value of a server setting. new: SERVER_isLiveLogDisabled: Determines, if live logging should be disabled globally for all clients. new: SERVER_setLiveLogDisabled: Sets/Unsets live disabling of logging globally for all clients. new: SERVER_isUpdatePackageInfosDisabled: Determines, if the updatePackageInfos job should NOT be added to any clients. new: SERVER_setUpdatePackageInfosDisabled: Sets/Unsets the updatePackageInfos job should NOT be added to any clients. new: SERVER_isClientOnlineStatusEnabled: Determines, if the online status of all clients should be detected and shown. new: SERVER_setClientOnlineStatusEnabled: Sets/Unsets if the online status of all clients should be detected and shown. cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds a field for online status in the client's table. new: serverFeatures.php: New page for (de)activating optional m23 server features. cha: serverSettings.php / index.php: Added serverFeatures page. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now exits the function if the live log is disabled. cha: client_details.php: Now doesn't show the live log area if live logging is disabled. cha: install_packages.php: Now doesn't add the update package status job, if it is disabled by feature setting. new: CLIENT_generateHTMLDedicatedAndReachableStatus: Generates HTML code and tooltip containing the status of the client showing if it's dedicated and reachable. (THX TS) new: CLIENT_isDedicatedAndReachable: Checks, if a client is dedicated to this M23-Server and reachable. (THX TS) cha: clients_overview.php: Shows online status of the clients, if the feature is enabled. +++++ 2017-10-17 cha: PREF_putValue, PREF_loadAllPreferenceValues: Now works with arrays as values. +++++ 2017-10-16 cha: CSystemProxy::__construct: Now detects Squid's config file and init script name. cha: CSystemProxy::writeSquidConf: Now uses Squid's detected config file and init script name. cha: m23 / postinst: Added "%no-protection" to the GPG key generation config file to make it work on Debian 9. new: CLIENT_showLastLogError: Prints the last error in the client log. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_showLog: Now shows client log, if client is in critical state. (THX TS) new: HTML_storableMultiSelection: Shows a list of radio buttons or a selection with loading and storing the checking state to and from the session. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_sshFetchJob: Now has a timeout of 3 seconds and runs as detached thread. +++++ 2017-10-12 cha: configureNetwork: Now set network setting temporarily to allow updates during installation. cha: installGrub: Now removes resume configuration of initramfs-tools that may contain the (invalid) UUID of the swap partition for suspend/hibernation. +++++ 2017-10-11 cha: configureMySQLmycnf: Deactivated reading of root user name and password for MariaDB, because no password is needed when logged in as "root" and MariaDB user is "root" too. cha: m23 / control: Added parted as additional dependency. cha: createRFSBins: Added libraries to include by hand. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added Debian 9 package sources. cha: createRFSBins: Now filters out faulty dependencies. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Removed package module-init-tools from download list. +++++ 2017-10-10 patch Added NVMe support. Fix for adding clients in DHCP mode. cha: index.php: Commented out questionaire. cha: clients_overview.php: Now shows the client ID near the client name. cha: Updated Linux Kernel to 4.9.54. +++++ 2017-10-06 fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now doesn't check recommended IP anymore when in DHCP mode. +++++ 2017-09-20 new: CFDiskIO::isNVMe: Checks, if a device string is an NVMe. cha: CFDiskIO::getpDiskAndpPartFromDev, CFDiskIO::isDevValidDiskPartitionOrRaid, CFDiskIO::getPartitionDev: Now have support for NVMes. cha: CFDiskGUI::getHTMLColorForFilesystemOrType: Now has dummy color for FAT. new: CFDiskIO::getDevBypDiskpPart: Returns device string with pDisk and partition number correctly combined. cha: CFDiskBasic::autoPartitionDisk, CFDiskGUI::listPartJobs, CFDiskBasic::createInstallPartition, CFDiskBasic::createSwapPartition, CFDiskBasic::deleteAllPartitionsOnDisk, CFDiskBasic::createUEFIPartition: Now are using CFDiskIO::getDevBypDiskpPart. +++++ 2017-09-19 cha: HWMiniInit.sh: Added loading of USB keyboard module. cha: HWMiniInit.sh: Added loading of NVMe module and creation of device nodes. cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now copies files from /mdk/client+server/extraRFS into the client's and server's bootimages. +++++ 2017-09-14 fix: checkKernelBranch: Labeling of kernel versions corrected. fix: mkm23Debs: Added building of m23-mdk-client-server. +++++ 2017-08-31 patch 101013: Corrected deactivating of network booting on non-UCS m23 servers. fix: DHCP_activateBoot: Corrected deactivating of network booting. +++++ 2017-07-24 patch 101008: Network bootimages now enable baseScanner. cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now copies m23hwdetect too. cha: createRFSBins: Now copies kmod too. fix: addBaseScanner: Now checks for modinfo in /bin too (needed for run in network bootimage). +++++ 2017-07-11 patch 101006: lightdm configuration to allow shutdown by normal users. new: CLCFG_addPAMtoDM: Adds PAM modules (if present) to the pam.d configuration files. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM, CLCFG_installMintDM: Added call to CLCFG_addPAMtoDM. +++++ 2017-06-27 patch 101005: Test procedure improvements (documentation + script). cha: m23admin-offline-copy: Additional SQL dumps added. cha: quickbuild.sh: Now creates Packages* for m23-ucs-extra in its separated directory. new: addLocalm23ServerRepository: Adds local test repository for m23 server packages to the test machine. new: addUCSTestRepository: Adds the UCS online test repository with uploaded m23 server packages to the test machine. +++++ 2017-06-26 patch 101003: Adjustements for UCS. cha: CLIENT_touchLogFile: Now uses SERVER_multiMkDir instead of mkdir. fix: SERVER_multiMkDir: Corrected variable name. cha: clientChangeLog*: Now includes server.php and helper.php. patch 101002: Encoding for UCS 4.1. cha: m23/postinst: No UTF-8 for UCS 4.1. +++++ 2017-06-24 patch 101001: Release 17.2 release 17.2 cha: Added Debian 9 to I18N_readLoginFromUCSLDAPSupportedDistros. +++++ 2017-06-23 cha: cron.php: Now sets language as global value. cha: getServerNetmask: Now compatible with new network device names. +++++ 2017-06-20 cha: CClient::__construct, CChecks::checkClientname: Now are checking, if a number was given as name for a (new) client, what is not allowed. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now escapes "'". +++++ 2017-06-19 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now tries for 60 minutes to fetch the cache file. cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands, FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now use force parameter. new: CLIENT_addClientlogsOk: Adds an entry into the client's status log with "ok" status. new: CLIENT_addClientlogsFailure: Adds an entry into the client's status log with "failure" status. new: CLIENT_addClientlogsUnknown: Adds an entry into the client's status log with "unknown" status. cha: CClient::checkAutoUpdate: Now writes success and fail into the client's log. fix: index.php: Logout now works better without trying to reload the page. +++++ 2017-06-18 new: CLIENT_insertIntoClientlogs: Adds an entry into the client's status log. +++++ 2017-06-15 cha: listKernelVersions, menuKernelDownload: Now uses HTTPs instead of FTP for accessing kernel.org. cha: createRFSBins: Now gets the needed libs by objdump and ldd. cha: createRFScopyLib: Now creates a file with all libraries needed for running the tools of the bootimage, if CPU architecture of the m23 server and the bootimage are identically. cha: createRFSBins: Now adds (maybe missing) libaries from library list file, if CPU architecture of the m23 server and the bootimage are not identically. cha: bootimage: Now uses Linux Kernel 4.9.32. +++++ 2017-06-14 cha: m23/postinst/getCSExternIP, MSR_curDynIPCommand, checkAlternativeM23Server: Now checks, if the IP is valid, that my be given back by a CloudStack virtual switch or by a faulty configured gateway. +++++ 2017-05-31 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added support for Devuan. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "devuanjessie". +++++ 2017-05-20 new: CClientLister::getAllAutoUpdateClientNames: Gets an array with the clients that currently run autoUpdate. cha: inc/*.php: Added mdoc header. +++++ 2017-05-17 cha: getServerNetmask: Now gets the netmask from an eth device only. +++++ 2017-05-11 new: CRON_addJobMinutely: Runs a command every N minutes. new: CRON_isEntryPresent: Checks, if a crontab entry is present with a given identifier. new: CAutoUpdate::getSetAmount: Get the amount of update sets. new: CAutoUpdate::configureCron: Adds and removes the crontab entry dynamically when the first update set gets created or the last gets deleted. new: CAutoUpdate::showAutoUpdateManager: Shows a dialog for viewing, creating, changing and deleting automatic update sets. +++++ 2017-05-10 cha: m23/postinst: Now makes sure that /m23/log is writable by the Apache user. fix: m23CronStarter: Corrected checking of returned error messages. +++++ 2017-05-09 new: HELPER_logToFile: Adds text to an exclusively opened log file. cha: PKG_addStatusJob: Removed unneeded calls to figure out distribution and sources list variables, that are never used. cha: CClient::addNormalJob, CClient::addSpecialJob: Don't call includeDistributionSpecificPackagesPHP anymore, because only non-distribution-specific functions are needed. cha: PKG_getSpecialPackagePriority: Now sets distribution name to "debian", if $distr parameter is empty. cha: CClient::getSourcesList: Now returns empty string, if no sources list is set instead of dying. cha: CClient::addUpdateSourcesListJob: Now adds the update job only if a sources list is set. +++++ 2017-05-08 cha: PKG_executeOnClientJobs: Now safe against invalid job IDs. +++++ 2017-04-26 new: CAutoUpdate::isTimeToRunNow: Checks, if the given set should be run now. new: CAutoUpdate::activateNextTimlySet: Activates the next set with the oldest timestamp that should be executed now. cha: CAutoUpdate::getRunningClients: Renamed to CAutoUpdate::getAllClientnames and added parameter to get all or clients or clients running an auto update only. new: CAutoUpdate::startNewClients: Starts auto update on a given amount of clients that haven't run auto update for at least one day. new: CAutoUpdate::run: Chooses the set that should be run now and starts new auto update on clients. +++++ 2017-04-25 new: CClient::addShutdownPackage: Adds a shutdown package, but only if the client is NOT running. new: PKG_getHigestIDOfSpecialPackage: Gets the highest ID of a special package. +++++ 2017-04-24 cha: HTML_showTableRow: Now accepts additional HTML attributes in first parameters as array. new: CClient::startAutoUpdate: Starts auto update on a client. cha: GRP_listAllClientsInGroups: Now has an extra parameter, that if set to true, only clients with auto update job will be listed. cha: CAutoUpdate::getActiveSet: Renamed to CAutoUpdate::getActiveSetID. new: CAutoUpdate::getActiveSet: Gets the active set or false, if none is active or no sets are present. new: CAutoUpdate::getActiveGroups: Gets the groups from the current active set. new: CAutoUpdate::getRunningClients: Gets the clients in all groups of the active set. new: CClient::hasAutoUpdateJob: Checks, if the client has an auto update job. new: CClient::getAutoUpdate_lastAttempt: Gives back the timestamp of the last assignment of an auto update job. new: CClient::stopAutoUpdate: Stops the auto update after successful or failed attempt. new: CClient::checkAutoUpdate: Checks, if an auto update is (physically) running or if it has failed or finished. +++++ 2017-04-20 new: CAutoUpdate::setParallelUpdates: Sets the amount of parallel updates for a set. new: CAutoUpdate::setType: Sets the type for a set. new: CAutoUpdate::getUpdateTypeTranslation: Returns the whole translation array with update type as key and the translation as value or the translation for a given constant. new: CAutoUpdate::getType: Gets the type of a set as constant value or in translated form. new: CAutoUpdate::getParallelUpdates: Gets the amount of parallel updates in a set. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now removes mintupdate. +++++ 2017-04-18 new: CAutoUpdate::getImgButtonParams: Checks, if an image button was pressed and extracts the two parameters from it. +++++ 2017-04-12 new: CAutoUpdate::addGroup: Adds a client group for running the updates on them. new: CAutoUpdate::delGroup: Deletes a group. new: CAutoUpdate::getAllGroupsHumanReadable: Generate a list of all groups (with optional button for deleting an entry). +++++ 2017-04-11 new: HELPER_splitDayHourMinuteString: Splits a combined numeric day and hour/minute string into day and hour/minute. new: I18N_getHumanReadableDayHourMinute: Converts a combined numeric day and hour/minute string into a human readable day and hour/minute string. new: CAutoUpdate::addStartEnd: Adds a start end range for running the updates. new: CAutoUpdate::saveSets: Saves all changed sets to the DB. new: CAutoUpdate::getAllStartsEndsHumanReadable: Generate a list of all time ranges (with optional button for deleting an entry). new: CAutoUpdate::delStartEnd: Deletes a start end range. +++++ 2017-04-10 new: CAutoUpdate::getActiveSet: Gets the ID of the active set or NULL, if none is active or no sets are present. new: CAutoUpdate::addEntry: Adds an entry to the schedule. new: CAutoUpdate::getAllSets: Generates an array with all sets and the according information for each set. new: CAutoUpdate::isASetActive: Checks, if a set is active. new: CAutoUpdate::activateSet: Activates one set and deactivates all other sets. new: CAutoUpdate::activateNextSet: Activates the next set with the oldest timestamp. new: CAutoUpdate::delEntry: Deletes one set. new: I18N_getWeekDayArray: Generates an array with all week days as value and week day numbers as keys (Monday = 1, Sunday = 7). new: HTML_weekdayTimeChooser: Creates a picker for weekday and hour/minute (with 15 minute steps). +++++ 2017-04-06 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed "LinuxMint 13". +++++ 2017-03-31 cha: PKG_listRecommendPackages: Now the "do not change" is the first adding option. cha: install_packages.php: Now sets the 1st selected package selection as storing name for the package selection, if the package selection name is empty +++++ 2017-03-28 cha: CLCFG_installMintDM: Now hides the user list. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now removes tilda. +++++ 2017-03-04 cha: m23-skel: Disables settings for Mate desktop. +++++ 2017-03-03 cha: createRFSImage: Now uses mkfs.ext2 to make sure that an ext2 filesystem is created. +++++ 2017-02-23 fix: SERVER_programmStatus, MSG_showNewFeature, POOL_showReadCD, GRP_getDistrsAndSourcesLists, SRCLST_showEditor, CLIENT_isBasesystemInstalledFromImage, CLIENT_showJobs, CLIENT_getNames, MASS_readDBFile MASS_showTableDefinition, MASS_showOverview, debian / clientInstall.php, debian / m23changeClientInstall.php, CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions, ubuntu / m23changeClientInstall.php, halfSister / clientInstall.php: Now uses string (as array key) instead of non set constants that were automatically converted to strings. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now reconfigures m23-initscripts on Debian 9. cha: debian / clientInstall.php: Now calles CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob with the used release name. Used for special handling on Debian 9. cha: LinuxMint 18.1 Serena: Enabled KDE and Xfce. +++++ 2017-02-22 cha: m23-initscripts / postinst: Now generated .service files for systemd on Debian 9. +++++ 2017-02-18 cha: debian / clienInstall.php, m23x2goServerInstall.php, CLCFG_language, CLCFG_genFstab, CLCFG_language : Now supports Debian 9. +++++ 2017-02-17 fix: LDAP_loadServer: Corrected name for the LDAP config values. cha: LDAP_addPosix: Now gives back an error message string, in case of an error. cha: CClient::addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Adjusted to LDAP_addPosix's return value. +++++ 2017-02-15 cha: EDIT_searchLastLineNumber: Now is more robust against faulty search strings. cha: LDAP_makeConnection: Now uses secure connection. +++++ 2017-02-14 cha: exportDBInitTable: Now works on MariaDB too. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes sure that MariaDB uses latin1 and not 4-byte utf8 which would lead to an exceeding of the 1000 bytes limit for unique keys. +++++ 2017-02-13 cha: m23 / control: Now installs MariaDB as alternative to MySQL. fix: MSESS_load: Now accesses array element or variable only, if it exists. fix: : Now presets variables. cha: HELP_showHelpTex: Exchanged deprecated spliti with preg_split. fix: geshi.php, 00_fpdf_codebar.class.php, 02_fpdf_formulaire.class.php, mypdf.class.php, 99_fpdf_protection.class.php, 01_fpdf_bookmark.class.php: Corrected "PHP 4 constructors are now deprecated". +++++ 2017-02-09 cha: m23 / postinst: Now figures out the broadcast address on Debian 9 too. cha: db.php: Makes sure that there is a value set for m23Shared in the session array. fix: CLIENT_showStatusSelection: Now presets variables. cha: DHCP_isNetworkBootingActive, DHCP_exportDHCPSettingsForExternalDHCPServer, DHCP_delDynamicRange, DHCP_addLineToDHCPDConf, DHCP_restartDHCPserver, DHCP_rmClient, DHCP_setBootimage: Now uses SERVER_runInBackground instead of sudo calls. cha: DHCP_removePXEcfg, DHCP_rmClient: Now uses SERVER_deleteFile. +++++ 2017-02-07 new: LDAP_getValueFromConfigLine: Returns the value from a phpLDAPadmin configuration line. cha: LDAP_listServers: Now works with phpLDAPadmin 1.2.3/git. +++++ 2017-02-06 fix: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Now accesses array element or variable only, if it exists. cha: m23-ldap / postinst: Now figures out the IP on Debian 9 too. cha: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin, LDAP_checkphpLdapAdminConfiguration, LDAP_delServerFromphpLdapAdmin, LDAP_loadServer: Now works with phpLDAPadmin 1.2.3/git. new: /m23/bin/phpLDAPadminConfigMigration.sh: Converts the config from old phpLDAPadmin to new format used in phpLDAPadmin 1.2.3/git. cha: SERVER_multiMkDir: Now can create directories for a given user. cha: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Removed installation of openLDAP from webinterface. +++++ 2017-02-05 fix: add_client.php, LDAP_loadServer, LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Now accesses array element or variable only, if it exists. fix: CLIENT_addClient, CLIENT_getSubnet, CLIENT_getBroadcast: Now presets variables. cha: m23 / control: Added net-tools as dependency to make ifconfig available. cha: getServerNetmask: Now compatible with Debian 9. fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now works, if no client (not even localhost) is defined in the DB. fix:LDAP_connectServer, LDAP_addPosix, LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Now uses string (as array key) instead of non set constants that were automatically converted to strings. +++++ 2017-02-02 fix: PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage, PKG_addShutdownPackage, PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation, PKG_previewUpdateSystem, CFDiskIO::getPartitionFileSystem, CFDiskIO::getPartitionAmountOfType, DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator, client_distr.php, CFDiskIO::getExtendedVPart, debian + ubuntu / clientConfig.php, CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions, PKG_getKernels: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: client_distr.php, PKG_getKernels: Now presets variables. cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added Ubuntu Xenial and Debian Stretch. new: optionPages for Debian Stretch and Ubuntu Xenial. +++++ 2017-02-01 fix: PKG_combinem23normal, CPackageStatusCompare::__construct, CLIENT_addClient, add_client.php, getAscDescHeader, HTML_setStatusBarStatus, MSG_show, CFDiskGUI::getCurrentDiskDev, CClient::isUEFIActive, CFDiskIO::getDiskDev, CFDiskIO::getPartDevs, HTML_jQueryMenuHeader, HTML_jQueryMenuHeader, client_partition.php: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: getDiskInfoString, CFDiskGUI::getPartInfoString: Now presets variables. fix: PKG_addNormalPackages: Corrected return value. fix: getPartInfoString: Removed empty and unused parameter $pPart from findFstabMountPointByDev call. cha: HTML_getOriginalUploadFilename: Now returns NULL, if no original file name is given. fix: CC_mountPoint: Created missing fireall constant. +++++ 2017-01-30 cha: getServerIP: Now compatible with Debian 9. fix: PKG_getAllPackageSelections, SRCLST_getListnames, SRCLST_cleanList: Now presets variables. cha: GRP_showSelDistrSources: Now groupnames can be set to NULL to show all distributions and sources lists. cha: install_packages.php: Now packagessources mode is not handled as group mode anymore. fix: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now shows error message on APT errors. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes sure, that /m23/var/cache/m23apt exists and is owned by www-data. +++++ 2017-01-27 fix: install_packages.php: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: install_packages.php: Now presets variables. +++++ 2017-01-26 cha: m23/postinst: Now makes sure that the userPackages directory is writable by Apache. cha: dem23Client.sh: Now removes lines from sources.list. fix: GRP_showGroupsAndCount, GRP_showSelDistrSources, HTML_getValidSelected, CScredit::__construct, CScredit::show, HTML_jQueryReStoreYWindowPosition, SRCLST_showEditor, DISTR_getSelectedDesktopsArr, DISTR_getDescriptionValues, DISTR_geti18nValue: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: GRP_listGroupsAndCount, GRP_showGroupsAndCount, GRP_listAllClientsInGroup, client_install.hlp, CLIENT_query, MAIL_getGpgKeyList, PKGBUILDER_listFiles, SRCLST_querySourceslists: Now presets variables. fix: DISTR_getSelectedDesktopsArr, debian + ubuntu + halfSister/ clientConfig.php: Now uses string (as array key) instead of non set constants that were automatically converted to strings. cha: HTML_submit, HTML_submitDefine: Now has an extra parameter. If set to true, HTML element constants will be defined even if there is a previously defined constant with the same name. This will run into an error and helps debugging. cha: PREF_preferenceLoadManagerHandler: Now doesn't define HTML elements twice. fix: ubuntu / info.txt: Fixed entry for UbuntuXubuntu1604. +++++ 2017-01-25 fix: PKG_rmSelectedPackages, PKG_changePrioritySelectedPackages: Corrected return value. fix: PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation: Now includes the language file. fix: PKG_addStatusJob, GRP_doClientMoreGroups, FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions, HTML_listSelection, HTML_listSelection, SERVER_addEtcHosts, SERVER_delEtcHosts, CLIENT_addChangeElement, CLIENT_showAddDialog, add_client.php, CClient::getNetworkBootTypesArrayForSelection(): Now accesses array element only, if it exists. cha: client_backup.php, client_createImage.php: Now has a "back to control center" link. fix: IMG_showCreateImage: Commented out double declaration of HTML elements. cha: m23 / postinst: Now figures out the IP on Debian 9 too. fix: add_client.php: Removed alternative help file selection by CLIENT_showAddDialog, because CLIENT_showAddDialog never returned a value. cha: I18N_listClientLanguages: Access variable by name stored in variable adjusted to PHP 7. fix: HELPER_passGenerator: Parameter for MASS_passGenerator. +++++ 2017-01-24 cha: phpMyAdmin: Updated to 4.6.6. fix: DMI_getParam, DMI_getBoard, DMI_getBios, HWINFO_getCPU, debian / packages.php, client_packages.php, install_packages.php, SRCLST_getParameter, CLIENT_showJobs: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: DMI_getParam, CFDiskIO::convertPartitioning2Array, client_packages.php, install_packages.php: Now presets variables. +++++ 2017-01-23 fix: HTML_getElementValue, index.php, HTML_imgSwitch, CLIENT_showGeneralInfo, I18N_convertToHumanReadableName, client_details.php: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: CLIENT_getOverviewSearchLine, HTML_showTableRow, VM_getHTMLStatusBlock, CLIENT_showGeneralInfo, HTML_showStatusBarHTML: Now presets variables. fix: CloudStackClient.php: Corrected doubled variable names in function declaration. +++++ 2017-01-22 cha: m23 /postinst: Adjustments for Debian 9. +++++ 2017-01-19 patch 100948: Development documentation improvement. new: m23-Release-Tabelle.odt: Table for checking the tasks for a new m23 release. +++++ 2017-01-10 patch 100947: Now supports Linux Mint 18.1 Serena (Mate and Cinnamon). cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "LinuxMint 18.1 Serena". +++++ 2017-01-07 patch 100946: Smal improvents and fix for UCS. fix: DHCP_writePXEcfg: Now sets the access rights of the PXE file to 755 (needed on UCS). cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed "squeeze", "squeeze+libreoffice" and "Linux Mint 9 KDE". cha: Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Now configures sshd_config to allow SSH login as root with password. +++++ 2017-01-05 release 17.1 +++++ 2017-01-04 fix: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Adjusted for changed systemd package in Linux Mint 17.x. +++++ 2017-01-02 fix: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now closes the screen session on the m23 server when the screen session on the m23 client is finished. +++++ 2016-12-20 new: CLIENT_filterLinesFromLiveScreenRecording: Filters out unwanted lines from the live log. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now exits the loop when the SSH connection was closed. cha: HELPER_getNewLogLines: Now has an optional parameter for a function to filter the lines before adding them to the output. +++++ 2016-12-07 patch 100942: UCS fixes. fix: m23/postinst: Now creates group "grdmgpg" with gid 55001 on UCS to make creation of grdmgpg user possible. +++++ 2016-12-06 cha: SRCLST_sourceListExists: Made compatible with UCS. +++++ 2016-12-02 cha: m23Deb.inc / mkRelease: Now uses SHA256 for hashing the GPG signature. +++++ 2016-12-01 new: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Rewritten to find the files that need translation. fix: CLIENT_getOverviewSearchLine: Now shows the search term even after opening the client's overview page in a new tab. +++++ 2016-11-29 cha: m23hwdetect: Removed "$remote_fs" from start/stop condition. +++++ 2016-11-28 cha: menu.php: Added entry to compare package status. new: de / comparePackageStatus.hlp: Help file for the compare package status. +++++ 2016-11-25 new: HTML_getOriginalUploadFilename: Get the original file name of an uploaded file. new: CPackageStatusCompare::__construct: Constructor for new CPackageStatusCompare objects. new: CPackageStatusCompare::__destruct: Destructor for a CPackageStatusCompare object. new: CPackageStatusCompare::save: Saves parameters as hidden POST values. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setFile: Sets a file name, if the given parameter is a valid file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setFile1: Sets a 1st file name, if the given parameter is a valid file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setFile2: Sets a 2nd file name, if the given parameter is a valid file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setClient: Sets a client, if the given parameter is a valid client name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setClient1: Sets a client, if the given parameter is a valid client name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setClient2: Sets a client, if the given parameter is a valid client name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isClientSet: Checks, if the client is set. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isClient1Set: Checks, if the 1st client is set. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isClient2Set: Checks, if the 2nd client is set. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isFile1Set: Checks, if the 1st combined variable stores a file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isFile2Set: Checks, if the 2st combined variable stores a file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::getVersionStatus: Gets an array with, the package file name, the version and the status. new: CPackageStatusCompare::getStatusFile: Gets the file name of a package status file. If a client name is give, a temporary package status file will be written. new: CPackageStatusCompare::showStatusRow: Gets the file name of a package status file. If a client name is give, a temporary package status file will be written. new: CPackageStatusCompare::diff: Compares two package status files. new: CPackageStatusCompare::show: Shows the comparing dialog. +++++ 2016-11-24 cha: clients_overview.php: Now has a new action to compare the package status of two clients. new: PKG_getPackageStatusCSV: Exports the packages of a client in tabulator separated CSV. +++++ 2016-11-23 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now configures VirtualBox without generating xorg.conf on LinuxMint 18 when run in LM18. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now doesn't do anything, if /etc/sysconfig/disableConfig is present. cha: menuDeb: Now stops Squid before and starts it after all changes to the Squid cache. +++++ 2016-11-22 cha: CGPGSign::showErrorAndDie: Changed to CGPGSign::showWarningAndDie to show a warning message. fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / normalPartition: Now creates swap partition again. +++++ 2016-11-21 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now has two checks, that may run into critical client status and that test if the base system archive was downloaded and extracted sucessfully. new: CGPGSign::showErrorAndDie: Shows an "internal" error message or a message for the m23 administrator and destroys the object afterwards. cha: CGPGSign::setGPGID, CGPGSign::getGPGID: Now are using showErrorAndDie. +++++ 2016-11-17 cha: index_fb.css: Now disabled submit buttons are visible as disabled. +++++ 2016-11-16 new: delete_client.help: Help page for deleting a client. cha: CLIENT_showDelDialog: Added information for removing m23 dependencies form an m23 ex client. new: CLCFG_installSDDM: Installs the SDDM display manager. cha: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Now has a m23customPatch area to deactivate the warning about other existing DHCP servers. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now has a more generic approach to detect the release name of Debian based distributions (Ubuntu and Linux Mint) +++++ 2016-11-15 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now downloads the package isc-dhcp-client instead of (non existing) dhcp3-client. +++++ 2016-11-11 cha: m23 / postinst: Now executes /m23/bin/postinstHook.sh if existing. +++++ 2016-11-10 new: EDIT_commentoutAll: Comments out all matching lines. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "LinuxMint 18 Sarah". new: m23Mint18CinnamonInstall.php: Installs Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon Desktop. new: m23Mint18MateInstall.php: Installs Linux Mint 18 Mate Desktop. new: m23Mint18XfceInstall.php: Installs Xfce desktop on Linux Mint 18. +++++ 2016-11-09 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added support for KDE in Linux Mint 18. new: m23Mint18KDEInstall.php: Installs Linux Mint 18 KDE Desktop. +++++ 2016-11-08 cha: debian / ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: More generic approach to detect Xenial based dirstributions and Linux Mint 18. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now used grub2 for LinuxMint 18. +++++ 2016-11-07 patch 100926: Exchanged m23 server repository on SourceForge with a self hosted repository. cha: m23installerBase.inc / installDebs, m23VirtualBoxInstall.php, DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression, Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Now are using m23inst.goos-habermann.de as repository for the m23 server installation . +++++ 2016-11-04 patch 100925: Disables creation or definition of a client with the name of an existing client. Fixes package transfer from client to m23 server. fix: PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Server, PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Client: Corrected port number. cha: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: New parameter to disable the system proxy. cha: CClient::getClientCurrentWorkPHP: Now fetches the script without system proxy. cha: configXOrgVMware: Now installs open-vm-tools. cha: CFDiskIO::__construct: Now transfers the check mode to the parent object. +++++ 2016-11-03 patch 100923: Code improvements. cha: head.php, HTML_selection, HTML_showFormHeader, VM_GUIstepCheckHost, VM_GUIstepSelectHost, MENU_showEntry, menu.php, CAPTURE_load, CAPTURE_showMarker, CAPTURE_showTableWith, HELP_showHelp: Improved code to generate less PHP notices. fix: Cm23Admin::getCSS: Corrected case error. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now shows a warning, if no hosts for the given VM software could be found. +++++ 2016-10-24 release 16.3 fix: SRCLST_showAlternativeArchitectureSelection: Now doesn't delete the client options when changing the architecture. new: CLCFG_installXDM: Installs the XDM display manager. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now uses XDM for Gnome in Ubuntu 16.04. +++++ 2016-10-18 patch 100921: Now interprets IDs with partially containing other IDs in m23customPatch correctly. cha: CmCP::loadSourceFile: Now interprets IDs with partially containing other IDs correctly. (Thx TS) +++++ 2016-10-12 patch 100920: Now uses goos-habermann.de as mirror for m23 clients. cha: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Now uses goos-habermann.de as mirror. patch 100919: Disables all SourceForge mirrors for m23 clients. cha: SRCLST_possiblem23debsMirrors: Commented out all SourceForge mirrors. patch 100918: New networkbootimages. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: New m23customPatch area "CLCFG_copySSLCertSSLCertificatesPermissions". cha: m23hwdetect: Now adds nic ID of DELL Optiplex 5040/7040. +++++ 2016-10-10 patch 100915: Changes for m23 16.3. cha: m23 / postinst: Now generates SSH RSA keys. +++++ 2016-10-06 new: EDIT_replaceLineElseAdd: Deletes all lines, that match regular expression, afterwards adds a given line (Thx TS) +++++ 2016-09-26 cha: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now installs apt-transport-https before the base packages, because SourceForge now uses HTTPs transparently for distributing the Debian packages. +++++ 2016-09-05 patch 100913: Added new recovering option to combine identical jobs. cha: client_details.php: New icon for client recovery with combining identical jobs. cha: recover_client.php: Option for client recovery with combining identical jobs. new: PKG_getDuplicatedIdenticalJobs: Returns an array with a list of all jobs that are identical by package, priority, status and params. new: PKG_removeDuplicatedIdenticalJobs: Removes all jobs that are identical by package, priority, status and params omitting the first job. new: CLIENT_recoverClientCombineJobs: Recover a client: all client jobs are done again, status is set to 0, all identical jobs are combines. +++++ 2016-08-24 new: CLIENT_isAssimilated: Checks, if a client was assimilated. fix: ASSI_prepareClient: Now calls MSR_curDynIPCommand instead of a non-existing function. fix: work.php: Now doesn't wait for finishing the download of the base archive on assimilated clients. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Corrected escaping of BASH code for writing m23fetchjob. +++++ 2016-07-28 patch 101015: System proxy improvements. new: HELPER_hostname2IP: Gets the IP of a known host. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyHostIP: Gets the proxy IP. cha: CSystemProxy::writeSquidConf: Now uses the IP of the proxy to write to the Squid configuration file. patch: System proxy improvements. +++++ 2016-07-20 cha: m23/postinst: Now uses direct access to the m23 server in m23's Squid. cha: CSystemProxy::showProxyDialog: Now hides the password, when opening the dialog. +++++ 2016-07-19 patch 100911: Added option to change the group description. new: GRP_setDescrGroup: Sets the description of a client group. new: GRP_showChangeDescriptionDialog: shows a dialog to change the group description cha: group_actions.php: Now can change the group description. cha: group_details.php: Added icon for changing the group description. +++++ 2016-07-16 fix: CClient:save: Now stores the serialized key value store to the DB, but keeps the associative key value store array in memory to allow multiple calls of the save method. +++++ 2016-07-15 fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Added missing SQL statement in "ip" case. +++++ 2016-07-13 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now configures the system to use BASH as default shell. patch 100909: Added management for the admins of the m23 webinterface. new: cli-modules/addm23Admin.php: Creates a new admin account for the m23 webinterface. new: cli-modules/delm23Admin.php: Deletes an admin account of the m23 webinterface. new: cli-modules/listm23Admins.php: Lists the admin accounts of the m23 webinterface. cha: Cm23Admin::delete: Now works without warning in CLI mode. cha: BACKUP_delAdmin: Now has support for Apache 2.x. +++++ 2016-07-06 patch 100908: System proxy improvements. cha: CSYSTEMPROXY_getEnvironmentVariables: Removed unused parameter for returning the result (now the result is always returned). fix: CSYSTEMPROXY_getProxySettingsFromAPT: Now gives correct result, if the APT config file, but no proxy line is present. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now uses SRCLST_loadSourceList instead of SRCLST_loadSourceListFromDB. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses the server IP for extraDebs. +++++ 2016-07-05 patch 100906: Added system proxy. cha: addToHosts.php, migrate.php, m23shared.php, capture.php, CClientLister.php, CClient.php, CFDiskAlles.php, CFDiskIO.php, client.php, db.php, fdisk.php, groups.php, i18n.php, messageReceive.php, packages.php, plugin.php, preferences.php, remotevar.php, sourceslist.php and vm.php: Renamed function calls form "db_query" to "DB_query". +++++ 2016-07-04 new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getAptGetProxyParamter: Generates the apt-get proxy parameters. cha: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall, PKG_preparePackageDir, CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScripts: Now are using CSYSTEMPROXY_getAptGetProxyParamter. cha: SERVER_checkDownload, PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages, CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScripts, HELPER_getRemoteFileContents, PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server, PLG_getPlugin, PLG_getUpdateFile, UPDATE_doUpdate, VM_generateVBOXaddonDownloadCMD and VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Now are using CSYSTEMPROXY_getEnvironmentVariables. cha: CSystemProxy::writeSquidConf: Now restarts Squid 3. cha: serverSettings.php: Added system proxy icon. +++++ 2016-06-30 new: CSystemProxy::setProxyScheme: Sets the proxy scheme (http/ftp). new: CSystemProxy::save: Saves the proxy settings in all configuration files. new: CSystemProxy::writeSquidConf: Writes the (parent) proxy settings to the Squid configuration or removed them. new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getUserPasswordString: Creates a string with the user/password combination ($user:$pass@). new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getEnvironmentVariables: Generates BASH proxy variables. new: CSystemProxy::writeAPTProxyConf: Writes the proxy settings to the APT configuration file or comments them out. +++++ 2016-06-29 new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getProxySettingsFromAPT: Parses the (maybe existing) proxy settings from the local APT config file. new: CSystemProxy::loadProxySettings: Loads the proxy settings (from APT config file). new: CSystemProxy::isProxyActive: Checks, if a proxy is actively used. new: CSystemProxy::areProxySettingsAvailable: Checks, if proxy settings are available. new: CSYSTEMPROXY_addCurlProxySettings: Sets proxy settings for curl, if a proxy is active. cha: HELPER_getContentFromURL, SERVER_sendScriptToSF: Now are calling CSYSTEMPROXY_addCurlProxySettings. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyHost: Gets the proxy host/servername. new: CSystemProxy::usesUserPassword: Checks, if the proxy uses user/password authetification. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyUser: Gets the proxy authentification username. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyPassword: Gets the proxy authentification password. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyScheme: Gets the proxy scheme (http/ftp). new: CSystemProxy::getProxyPort: Gets the proxy port. new: CSystemProxy::getUserPasswordString: Creates a string with the user/password combination ($user:$pass@). new: CSystemProxy::setProxyActive: Activated or deactivates a proxy. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyHost: Sets the proxy host/servername. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyUser: Sets the proxy authentification username. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyPassword: Sets the proxy authentification password. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyPort: Sets the proxy port. +++++ 2016-06-28 patch 100905: Linux 4.4, improvements for sources lists handling. cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now supports TDM. +++++ 2016-06-24 new: SRCLST_sourceListExists: Checks, if a named sources list exists. cha: CPool::setPoolSourceslist: Now creates an initial package sources list. +++++ 2016-06-23 cha: archFunctions.inc / localArchAptUpdate: Now excludes package sources from /etc/apt/sources.list.d. cha: kernelFunctions.inc / compileKernel: Changed gcc-4.4 to gcc (for Debian Jessie). cha: kernelFunctions.inc / compileKernel: Removed call of checkForx86_64Toolchain. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now removes the log file and writes the sources.list on every call. +++++ 2016-06-22 cha: listKernelVersions: Now supports Linux 4.x. +++++ 2016-06-19 patch 100903: Preparing m23 16.3. cha: CGPGSign::hasConfigFile: Now uses SERVER_fileExists. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now adds only installed packages of a client to the download list. +++++ 2016-06-18 new: CClientLister::addKeyValueStoreFilter: Adds a filter to get only clients that have a key value pair set the client's key value store. new: CClientLister::getAllMatchingClients: Gets all clients matching all active filters. new: DB_getArrayAssoc: Fetches all results from a query. +++++ 2016-06-17 cha: m23 / postinst: Adds new field "keyValueStore" to the table "clients". new: CClient::setKeyValueStore: Sets a value in the key value store of the client. new: CClient::getKeyValueStore: Gets a value from the key value store of the client. cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: Was deleted and replaced by GRP_showGroupsAndCount2. cha: groups_overview.php: Now calls GRP_showGroupsAndCount. +++++ 2016-06-16 cha: CLCFG_installFirmware: Now filters out faulty bladerf firmware package. new; CPoolGUI::DEFINE_updatePackageIndexAndReSignPool: Defines a button for re-creating the Packages files and to re-sign the Release file. cha: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_start: Now uses DEFINE_reSignPool. cha: CPool::convertPackagesToRepository: Has a new parameter to let the task run in screen or not. +++++ 2016-06-15 cha: GRP_add: Now has a new parameter for the group description. +++++ 2016-06-14 cha: GRP_listGroupsAndCount: Now includes the group descriptions into the array too. cha: GRP_showGeneralInfo: Now shows group descriptions too. +++++ 2016-06-13 cha: CGPGSign::checkKey: New paramter for the ID of the GPG key. cha: CGPGSign::getKeySelectionDialog: Now checks the validity of the GPG (usable as public and private key) before setting it. cha: PKG_convertPackagesToRepository: Now creates a XZ compressed version of Packages. +++++ 2016-06-12 new: CmCP::setExitCode: Sets the exit code. new: CmCP::setPatchType: Sets the patch type (change or del). new: CmCP::patchSourceFile: Does the actual patching. new: CmCP::loadSourceFile: Loads the source file (the file to patch) and finds the line numbers with the patch area. new: CmCP::checkCommandLineParameters: Checks, if the correct amount of command line parameters is given and assigns them to the private variables. new: CmCP::loadPatchFile: Checks and loads the patch file. new: CmCP::dieOnErrors: Shows the usage info, shows the errors messages and stops the script, if there are error messages. new: CmCP::showFilesWithPatchableAreasAndExit: Shows the PHP file under /m23 that have patchable areas. new: CmCP::addErrorMessage: Adds an error message to the error message stack. new: CmCP::hasErrors: Checks, if there are error messages. +++++ 2016-06-10 cha: getArchList: Now gives out "amd64" first. new: CPool::signRelease, PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Now are signing the Release file as Release.gpg and InRelease. new: CGPGSign::getKeySelectionDialog: Generates a dialog to choose the GPG used for signing the pools. cha: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_start: Now calls CGPGSign::getKeySelectionDialog. new: PKGBUILDER_showKeySelectionDialog: Shows a dialog for choosing the GPG signing key for the extra packages. cha: PKGBUILDER_showDialog: Now calls PKGBUILDER_showKeySelectionDialog. +++++ 2016-06-09 new: MAIL_gpgCheckKey: Checks, if a GPG key ID has a valid private or public key. new: CGPGSign::checkKey: Checks, if the GPG is valid as public and private key. new: MAIL_gpgGettKey: Gets the public GPG key as ASCII. new: CGPGSign::exportPublicSignKey: Exports the public key to the webserver directory. new: CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey: Generates BASH code to import the local package pool key (if it exists) on the client's APT system. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now calls CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey. new: CGPGSign::gpgSignClear: Creates a clear text signature file for a given private GPG key ID and input file. cha: convertPackagesToRepository: Now signs the Releases file. +++++ 2016-06-08 cha: MAIL_getGpgKeyList: Now has an extra parameter, if it is set to true, available secret keys are listed. new: CGPGSign::hasConfigFile: Checks, if the config file exists. new: CGPGSign::loadConfigFile: Loads the config file. new: CGPGSign::writeConfigFile: Writes the config file. new: CGPGSign::setGPGID: Sets the GPG ID to use. new: CGPGSign::getGPGID: Gets the GPG ID to use. new: CGPGSign::setStoreMode: Sets the configuration file store or load mode. new: CGPGSign::getStoreMode: Gets the configuration file store or load mode. new: MAIL_gpgSignDetached: Creates a detached signature file for a given private GPG key ID and input file. new: MAIL_gpgSign: Creates a signature file for a given private GPG key ID and input file with GPG parameters. new: CGPGSign::getKeyInfo: Gets information about the used GPG key. +++++ 2016-06-07 cha: menuDeb: Now works with Squid 3 too. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Has a new parameter and if it is set, the list with the supported GUIs will be shown otherwise omitted. new: HELPER_resetNewLogLines: Resets the line number of the last read line. new: CPool::resetDownloadLog: Deletes the aptDownload.log file and resets the line number of the last read line. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now tries again and again until a new package list could be downloaded. +++++ 2016-06-06 cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now deletes old lock files. new: poolAJAXLogs.php: Shows different status information about a pool. cha: CPoolGUI::show: Now shows the heading directly to show allways the correct heading. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_downloadPool: Now are exiting the BASH script in case of an error. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now removes "[0-9]%.." from the Debian package filenames. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now calls PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server. +++++ 2016-06-04 cha: CPool::startDownloadToPool: Now adds the result form PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages only, if it is a string (contains packages). fix: HELPER_xargsRecursive: Now works with arrays with only one element and doesn't miss out the last element on arrays with uneven amount of elements. +++++ 2016-06-03 cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds a description field to the groups table. new: GRP_getDescrGroup: Gets the description of a client group. (Thx TS) new: GRP_getNameById: gets the groupname of an Id. (Thx TS) fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now lists special packages that are stored in userPackages only once. new: HELPER_showScriptHeader: Shows a header for own scripts, that creates a log file with the package name and the start time. Sends the log file to the m23 server and shows an installation dialog on the client's screen. (Thx TS) new: HELPER_showScriptFooter: Shows a header for own scripts, that saves the script end time to a log file and sends it to the m23 server. Sets status bar to 100% and marks the job as done. Afterwards executes the next job. (Thx TS) +++++ 2016-06-01 cha: massInstall.php: Marked array keys as strings. cha: massInstall.php, menu.php, head.php, clients_overview.php, DIALOG_start, update.php: Added m23customPatch area. new: EDIT_sedSearchAddInsert: Generates a sed command line to insert text before (SED_insertBefore) or after (SED_insertAfter) a searched line. +++++ 2016-05-29 cha: CHECK_letFWDie: Now works with objects that were passed as arguments. +++++ 2016-05-28 cha: array_makeFirst: Now doesn't insert an entry to the top of the array, if the entry is NULL. +++++ 2016-05-22 cha: mkm23extradeb: Now creates the m23hwscanner package too. +++++ 2016-05-09 patch 100894: Added Gnome as additional client desktop under Ubuntu 16.04. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added Gnome for Ubuntu 16.04. new: m23Ubuntu1604GnomeInstall.php: Installs Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Gnome Desktop. +++++ 2016-05-01 patch 100893: Added Ubuntu 16.04 in the list of distributions supported by UCS LDAP. cha: */m23base.php: Added Ubuntu 16.04 in the list of distributions supported by UCS LDAP in $I18N_readLoginFromUCSLDAPSupportedDistros. +++++ 2016-04-27 patch 100892: Release m23 rock 16.2. fix: CLCFG_interfaces: Removed '-A' parameter from 'ps', because it is not available in BusyBox' ps version. cha: *m23updateInstall.php: Now updates the list of available packages before updating. cha: listBusyBoxVersions: Now filters out BusyBox releases that start with "busybox-0". +++++ 2016-04-24 release 16.2 new: SFMirrorSwitcher.sh: Exchanges an old SourceForge mirror with a new one in the m23 CMS, server install ISO and sourceslist.php. +++++ 2016-04-22 cha: SRCLST_possiblem23debsMirrors: Replaced skylink mirror by heanet. cha: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Now uses the release name as part of the background job name. +++++ 2016-04-19 cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now can only be run, if the development version is active. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now escapes the parameters for the init script correctly. cha: readHelp.php: Now sets the language to suppress the warning. +++++ 2016-04-18 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now the created m23fetchjob file will exit when called with "stop" parameter. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now checks for changes between the German help files in the m23 development and release directories to find files that have to translated. +++++ 2016-04-15 cha: CLCFG_genFstab, m23x2goServerInstall.php, m23-initscripts / postinst: Now uses lsb_release to detect Ubuntu 16.04. +++++ 2016-04-14 new: CClient::addUpdateJob: Adds a job to update the client to the installation queue. new: CClient::addNormalUpdateJob: Adds a job to perform a normal update of the client. new: CClient::addCompleteUpdateJob: Adds a job to perform a complete update of the client. new: m23cli / updateComplete: Updates a client completely (apt-get dist-upgrade) new: m23cli / updateNormal: Updates a client in normal mode (apt-get upgrade) +++++ 2016-04-05 cha: m23/postinst: Now activates garbage collection of PHP sessions. cha: HELPER_getTimeZones: Now has values for countries listed by I18N_listClientLanguages. +++++ 2016-04-04 cha: ASSI_showClientAddDialog: Dialog has a new checkbox, if set to true, the client uses a dynamic IP address cha: ASSI_addClient: Now has a new parameter, if set to true, the client uses a dynamic IP address cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now can add assimilated clients with dynamic IPs. fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now suggests the correct client language, if the m23 webinterface is in English. +++++ 2016-04-01 cha: SRCLST_getWorkingm23debsMirror: Now returns 'http://m23debs.goos-habermann.de' if executed on UCS. cha: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Now uses goos-habermann.de as repository when the m23 server is on UCS because apt-cacher-ng has sometimes problems with the SF mirrors. new: meldFileDevelVsRelease: Compares and merges a file from development with the according file from release branch. +++++ 2016-03-31 new: meldFileDevelVsRelease: Compares and merges a file from development with the according file from release branch. +++++ 2016-03-30 new: PKG_baseSysDownloadedCompletelyTom23Server: Checks, if the debootstrap cache file was downloaded completely to the m23 server. cha: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Now returns true, if the download is completed, otherwise false. cha: work.php: Now waits until the debootstrap cache file is downloaded completely to the m23 server. +++++ 2016-03-29 cha: m23-mdk-base: Now includes /mdk/autoTest cha: ubuntu / CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Now has support for Ubuntu 16.04. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Ubuntu-Xenial". +++++ 2016-03-25 cha: m23Search: Now filters out finds in geshi files. +++++ 2016-03-22 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now has an extra parameter for setting the distribution release for special handling of some releases. +++++ 2016-03-19 cha: MSR_curDynIPCommand: Now the generated m23fetchjob works on Debian 8 too. +++++ 2016-03-16 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob, hwcheck, m23hwdetect, m23-xorg-configurator: Changed "Required-Start" and "Required-Stop" to "$local_fs $syslog $remote_fs". +++++ 2016-03-13 cha: signBaseSys.sh: Now doesn't overwrite existing signature files. cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Now works on Ubuntu 16.04 too. +++++ 2016-03-12 cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Added Mate. +++++ 2016-03-11 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added Ubunty for Ubuntu 16.04. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added Ubuntu 16.04. cha: UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall: Now writes a sshd_config that supports the SSH keys from the m23 server. new: m23Unity3D1604Install.php: Installs the Unity 3D desktop for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. +++++ 2016-03-10 cha: m23 / postinst: Additional checks to prevent warnings. cha: fix-permissions: Now hides a possible warning. +++++ 2016-03-02 cha: client_add_label_descriptions.inc: Removed Lilo, because Lilo is not supported anymore. cha: externalDHCP.hlp: Added hint about /m23/bin/externalDHCPControl.sh. +++++ 2016-02-04 fix: createRFSBins: Now finds the binary in (more / all?) cases, by excluding klibc. release 16.1 +++++ 2016-01-19 patch 100837: Preparations for 16.1 release. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now checks for missing comments in the .hlp and .inc files. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now creates a tar file with the .hlp and .inc files to translate. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now creates a log file. +++++ 2016-01-04 cha: sources.list / debian 6: Added LTS, upgraded TDE source to R14.x. cha: sources.list / debian 7: Upgraded TDE source to R14.x. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa". cha: TRINITY_installLoginManager: Now calls "update-rc.d tdm-trinity defaults" if /etc/init.d/tdm-trinity is present. +++++ 2015-12-07 new: externalDHCPControl.sh: Script for controlling an external DHCP server. new: DHCP_runScript: Runs the script for controlling an external DHCP server. cha: DHCP_rmClient, DHCP_addClient: Now are calling DHCP_runScript. +++++ 2015-11-28 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now shows a text about by the UCS LDAP supported client distributions. +++++ 2015-11-27 new: UCS_openFirewallPort: Opens a port on the UCS firewall. cha: IMG_serverCreate: Now opens the image transfer port in the UCS firewall, if run on UCS. cha: m23-tftp / postinst: Now opens the TFTP port in the UCS firewall, if run on UCS. +++++ 2015-11-24 cha: SCREDIT_showEditor: Make sure the line endings are in the correct format +++++ 2015-11-22 cha: UCS_enableClientPXEBoot, UCS_disableClientPXEBoot: New udm commands. +++++ 2015-11-18 cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Now installs the language packs by default. +++++ 2015-11-02 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now calls UCS_enableClientLDAP, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now stops adding the client, if there is an error from calling addToCredentialsToLDAPServer. +++++ 2015-11-01 fix: m23 / m23-tftp / m23-ldap / config: Now works on Debian again. +++++ 2015-10-29 cha: CClient::addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Now calls UCS_udmSuccessOrErrorMessage to check, if an udm error occurred. new: UCS_getUsedIPs: Gets a list with all used IPs managed or known by UCS. cha: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now excludes the IPs managed (or known) by UCS. +++++ 2015-10-28 new: UCS_udmSuccessOrErrorMessage: Takes the output from an udm command and checks for the return code (must be a single number in the last line). If the return code is non-zero, all lines above the last line are treated as error message and written to $errorMessage. +++++ 2015-10-27 new: UCS_delClient: Removes a client from the UCS LDAP. cha: getServerNetmask: Now scans bridges on UCS too. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: Now calls UCS_delClient, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cah: DHCP_activateBoot: Now can deaktivate network boot on UCS too. new: UCS_getEtc_ucr_master: Gets the contents for /etc/univention/ucr_master on the client. new: UCS_enableClientLDAP: Enables LDAP authentification on the client on the UCS. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Now calls UCS_enableClientLDAP, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now shows special LDAP setting and no NFS option, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Now calls UCS_addLDAPUser, if the m23 server runs on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-25 new: m23cli / UCS_addUCSClientTom23ClientPreferences.php: Adds an UCS client to the client preferences in m23. new: UCS_setClientDistrAndRelease: Sets the distribution and the release of a client to the UCS LDAP. cha: client_distr.php: Now calls UCS_setClientDistrAndRelease. +++++ 2015-10-24 cha: getDNSServers: Now works on UCS too. cha: getServerNetmask: Now works on UCS too. +++++ 2015-10-23 cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now disables SSL certificate checking, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: m23/postinst: Now copies the UCS SSL certificate to /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys. cha: m23/postinst: Now opens port 2323 in the UCS firewall for Squid. +++++ 2015-10-21 new: CClient::addClientToUCS: Adds the client to UCS if the m23 server runs on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-19 cha: m23-tftp / postinst / preinst: Special settings for UCS: Removes /etc/init.d/tftp-hpa and replaces it with a symlink to /bin/true to avoid error in the tftp-hpa postinst. cha: m23 / config / postinst: Now configures MySQL, Squid and sudoers on UCS without querying debconf. +++++ 2015-10-16 cha: serverSettings.php: Now hides some icon when run on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-15 cha: m23 / m23-ldap / m23-tftp: Many script changes to run on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-14 new: UCS_delUCSClientFromm23ClientPreferences: Removes an UCS client from the client preferences in m23. new: UCS_getPrefnameByClient: Generates the preference name for an UCS client. new: UCS_addUCSClientTom23ClientPreferences: Adds an UCS client to the client preferences in m23. new: UCS_addClient: Adds a client to the UCS LDAP. new: UCS_enableClientPXEBoot: Activates PXE booting of a client that is in the UCS LDAP via the univention-dhcp. new: UCS_disableClientPXEBoot: Deactivates PXE booting of a client that is in the UCS LDAP via the univention-dhcp. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now calls UCS_enableClientPXEBoot when run on UCS. cha: DHCP_rmClient: Now calls UCS_disableClientPXEBoot when run on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-13 cha: m23 / postinst: Now accepts UCS too. cha: m23 / control: Adds univention-dhcp as optional dependency. new: HELPER_isExecutedOnUCS: Checks, if it is run on UCS. +++++ 2015-09-07 patch: Smal fix for DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression. patch 100797: Smal fix for DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression. fix: DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression: Now the m23 server package repository is really added to the sources.list. patch 100796: Now suggests texlive and texlive-lang-french. cha: m23-mdk-doc: Now suggests texlive and texlive-lang-french. patch 100795: Now included the m23 package sign key. cha: SERVER_importGPGPackageSignKey: Now uses the GPG key that is included in the m23 Debian package. patch 101016: Smal fix for DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression. +++++ 2015-09-06 patch 100794: User manual fixes. new: checkForMissingHTML2LatexEntities.sh: Script to find HTML entities that are missing in the HTML to LaTeX translation index. fix: HELP_showHelpTex: Corrected LaTeX table generation. cha: HELP_showHelpTex: Now all used HTML entities are converted to LaTeX. cha: makeTexHelp.sh: Now makes sure that the encoding is correct. +++++ 2015-09-03 release 15.2 patch 100793: Changes for m23 15.2. cha: TRINITY_install: Adjusted for TDE R14.0.1. +++++ 2015-09-02 fix: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Corrected variable names. cha: pingIP: Now calling ping with sudo (needed on Debian 8). +++++ 2015-09-01 new: SERVER_importGPGPackageSignKey: Imports the m23 GPG package sign key. new: signBaseSys.sh: Signs the baseSys archives and uploads the signature files. new: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Downloads the debootstrap cache file to the m23 server and checks its validity (by signature). cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now calls PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server. +++++ 2015-08-30 new: SERVER_getAptGetInstallCommand: Returns the apt-get commands to install a tool on the server. cha: SERVER_installTool: Now uses SERVER_getAptGetInstallCommand. new: SERVER_installToolInBackground: Installs a tool on the server in background. +++++ 2015-08-28 new: basesys2deb.sh: Converts the compressed baseSys archives to Debian packages. +++++ 2015-08-26 cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Now works on Debian 8 too. +++++ 2015-08-21 cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now checks, if the client is running systemd and disables killing of processes (like screen) after SSH disconnects. +++++ 2015-08-20 cha: CLIENT_reset: Now uses CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now has a timeout for SSH connections. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Hack for systemd: Needed by SSH server under systemd. Otherwise screen sessions that are started via SSH are stopped when the SSH disconnects. +++++ 2015-08-18 cha: m23/postinst: Changed cache setting for Squid 3. m23installerBase.inc / installDebs: Now checks for a m23 server package mirror in the sources.list. +++++ 2015-08-17 fix: createRFSBins: Now makes sure, that the found file is from the temp directory and not the local root filesystem. +++++ 2015-07-27 cha: m23Backup: Now stores the firewall settings too. new: firewall.php: Page for changing and (de)activating the firewall. new: de / firewall.hlp: +++++ 2015-07-26 new: CFirewall::exportRules: Exports the set iptables rules to a rule file (generated with iptables-save). new: CFirewall::putScript: Writes script code in the iptables script. new: CFirewall::executeScript: Executes the iptables script. new: HELPER_grepCount: Counts the lines from $string seperated by $cut that contain $search. new: CFirewall::activateInInterfaces: Activates auto-loading of the iptables rules in the interfaces file. new: CFirewall::isActive: Checks, if auto-loading of the iptables rules in the interfaces file is active. new: HELPER_grepNot: Returnes all lines from $string seperated by $cut that do NOT contain $search. new: CFirewall::activate: Activates the firewall. new: CFirewall::deactivate: Deactivates the firewall. new: CFirewall::getSatusIconHTML: Generates a HTML status icon to indicate the status of the firewall. +++++ 2015-07-23 new: HELPER_netmaskAmountOfSetBits: Calculates the amount of set bits in a network mask (as used in the short form of netmasks). new: HELPER_networkCalculator: Calculates the network IP by a given IP and the netmask. new: getServerNetwork: Get the network IP of the m23 server. new: CFirewall::clearIPtablesSettings: Clears all currently set iptables rules. new: CFirewall::scriptFileExists: Checks, if the iptables script file exists. new: CFirewall::rulesFileExists: Checks, if the iptables rules file exists. new: CFirewall::writeDefaultScript: Writes the default iptables script, if there is no script. new: CFirewall::getScript: Gets the contents of the iptables script. +++++ 2015-07-20 cha: HELPER_getContentFromURL: Now has an extra parameter, to allow partial downloads. cha: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheSfURL: Now returns an alternate mirror, if the file from the 1st host is not valid. cha: up-frs-basesys: Now uploads the basesys to goos-habermann.de too. +++++ 2015-07-18 cha: configXOrgVMware: Now doesn't detect vmxnet3 driver as VMWare guest. cha: setLog.php, setStatus.php: Included the required files for CLIENT_getClientName. new: SRCLST_possiblem23debsMirrors: Returns an array with mirrors for m23 debs. new: SRCLST_checkm23debsMirror: Checks, if the url contains a valid mirror for m23debs. new: SRCLST_getWorkingm23debsMirror: Get the url of a working m23debs mirror. cha: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Now is SRCLST_loadSourceListFromDB. new: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Loads and returnes the package source list and tries to find a valid mirror for m23debs. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now uploads the packages to goos-habermann.de too. cha: CLIENT_showLog: Now checks, if the status message and its status are separated by "°" or "?". +++++ 2015-07-17 new: DISTR_getDesktopDescription: Returns the description for the given desktop in the given distribution preferedly in the language of the m23 webinterface. cha: client_distr.php: Now uses DISTR_getDesktopDescription. +++++ 2015-07-16 cha: mkRelease: Now creates a signed inRelease file (required for newer APT versions) too. new: CClient::usesDynamicIP: Checks if the client uses dynamic IPs. cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Allows setting of client name by ID by clients with dynamic IPs. +++++ 2015-07-15 cha: IMG_getImageFormatSelection, IMG_showCreateImage: Now are using HTML API 2 to save values on missing image name. cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Now suggests a random port number for image transfer. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela". +++++ 2015-07-14 cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Now allows setting of client name or ID only, if the request comes from the client itself or the m23 server. +++++ 2015-07-13 cha: SRCLST_getStorageFS: Now returns the input file system, if the sourceslist name is "imaging". +++++ 2015-07-07 fix: m23createImageInstall.php: Fixed double including of dhcp.php. fix: imaging.php: Removed quotes around constant names. cha: m23RebootInstall.php: Now calls "reboot" without full path (needed for the new network boot image). +++++ 2015-07-06 patch 100782: Fixes client integration. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now sets needed client value(s) before integration. (THX bartelfisch) +++++ 2015-07-04 new: CLIENT_getToDetailsURL: Generates the link to the client's control center page. cha: CLIENT_HTMLBackToDetails: Now calls CLIENT_getToDetailsURL. cha: recover_client.php, rescue_client.php: Now return back to client's control center page if "No" is choosen. +++++ 2015-07-03 patch 100781: Fixes image selection. fix: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now uses the new functions for getting the partitions and drives. (THX slaky) cha: client_distr: Now calls CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions with the new optional client parameter. +++++ 2015-06-28 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca". +++++ 2015-06-25 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now uses MySQLi. cha: m23-vbox / control: Packages adjusted to match Debian 8 available packages. +++++ 2015-06-22 cha: checkFstabAndMount: Now creates the mountpounts too. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes sure, innoDB is enabled. +++++ 2015-06-21 cha: installGrub: Now uses grub 2. cha: getNextLoop: Now uses losetup -f instead of trying to find an unused loop device by incrementing the numbers. cha: createRFSBins: Now filters out script and statically linked files. +++++ 2015-06-18 cha: CLCFG_resolvConf: Now adds the backup resolv.conf to /etc/resolv.conf, if it is not included already. new: m23Debian8CinnamonFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Cinnamon desktop. new: m23Debian8GnomeFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Gnome desktop. new: m23Debian8KdeFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Kde desktop. new: m23Debian8LxdeFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full LXDE desktop. new: m23Debian8XfceFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Xfce desktop. +++++ 2015-06-17 cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Added support for Gnome, LXDE, KDE, Cinnamon and Xfce. cha: CLCFG_resolvConf: Now makes sure that the resolv.conf doesn't get destroyed by NetworkManager. +++++ 2015-06-16 new: m23Debian8MateInstall.php: Installs a minimal Mate desktop under Debian 8. new: m23Debian8MateInstallFull.php: Installs a full Mate desktop under Debian 8. +++++ 2015-06-15 new: CLCFG_installDesktopLanguagePackage: Installs some additional language packages for (KDE / Gnome) desktops. +++++ 2015-06-13 cha: debian / PKG_getKernels: Now sorts packages with the given arch on top of the output array. new: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Installs a Debian desktop. +++++ 2015-06-12 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh / configXOrgVMware: Now doesn't detect a VM running in VirtualBox as a VM running in VMWare. cha: debian / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now chooses the package "grub-pc" for Debian Jessie. +++++ 2015-06-10 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs grub-pc on Debian 8. +++++ 2015-06-09 new: DB_getConnection: Gets the MySQLi connection. new: DB_setConnection: Sets the MySQLi connection to use globally. new: DB_isConnectionValid: Checks, if the MySQLi connection is valid. +++++ 2015-06-08 cha: CLIENT_getAskingParams, CLIENT_getParams, IMG_showCreateImage, HTML_newStatusBar, SERVER_mysqlInfo, DB_queryNoDie, DB_query, m23SHARED_switchUser, dbConnect, m23SHARED_new, m23SHARED_init, MAIL_cryptMailServer, */m23normalInstall.php, */m23normalRemoveInstall.php, */m23updateInstall.php: Changed to MySQLi. +++++ 2015-06-07 patch 100773: More compatibility for Debian 8. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now sreates a service file to restore the VM states, if systemd is used. cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added Debian 8. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added Debian 8. +++++ 2015-06-05 patch 100771: Enables PHP's short tags in php.ini for cli. cha: m23 / postinst: Now enables PHP's short tags in php.ini for cli. +++++ 2015-06-04 patch 100770: Improved server backup and integrated script debugging. cha: menuDeb: Now complatible with Debian 8' dialog. +++++ 2015-05-31 cha: showCurrentWorkPHP.php: Now enables reporting of all PHP errors if called with a script name. +++++ 2015-05-25 cha: m23Backup, m23Restore: Now backups and restores openLDAP and BackupPC settings too. +++++ 2015-05-23 patch 100769: Support for Squid 3. cha: m23 / postinst / configureSquid: Now supports Squid 3 too. +++++ 2015-05-20 patch 100768: Smal postinst fix for configuring BackupPC. fix: m23 / postinst / configureBackupPC: Now includes needed helper.php. patch 100767: More compatibility for Debian 8. cha: m23 / postinst / configureApache: Now sets character encoding for PHP. patch 100766: More compatibility for Debian 8. cha: m23 / postinst / configureApache: Special handling for Apache 2.4. patch 100764: Smal changes for SF and Debian 8. cha: m23instUpload: Now checks, if the Debian packages, that were downloaded as test, match the original MD5 sum. cha: m23DuplicateToFRS, m23instUpload: Adjusted paths to the new SF FRS. +++++ 2015-05-19 cha: m23 / postinst: Now enables PHP's short tags in php.ini. +++++ 2015-05-18 cha: enable-ssh: Changes for Apache 2.4. +++++ 2015-05-15 patch 100764: Changed dependencies to make it installable on Debian 8 (for future developement). cha: m23 / control: Changed dependencies to make it installable on Debian 8 (for future developement). +++++ 2015-05-14 patch 100763: Added elementary OS with patheon as additional desktop. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports "elementary OS" too. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now has support for phanteon greeter too. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now has support for elementary OS too. cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now uses the if od the article to check, if the article was posted already. cha: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Now converts HTML characters into "normal" characters. +++++ 2015-05-12 patch 100762: Added scripts for generating offline demo. new: m23admin-offline-copy: Scripts for generating offline demo from the m23 admin interface. cha: GRP_getIdByName: Now returns false, if no matching group is found. patch 100761: IP management works now with clients without IP or MAC too. cha: CClient::getMAC, CClient::getIP: Now are having an extra parameter, that will returned in case of an error, if set to another value, than 'null'. cha: CClientLister::showClientList: Now calls CClient::getMAC and CClient::getIP with parameter, to give back an empty string in case of an error. +++++ 2015-05-04 patch 100760: Kernel change due to sticking during HD writing while installing the m23 server from ISO. cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Kernel 3.18. cha: debian / CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now has an extra parameter to set the distribution to use. (Needed, because the function is called by the Ubuntu equivalent). cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptionsUbuntu: Now calls CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions with "ubuntu" parameter. cha: Changed to Kernel 3.18.12 because of sticking during HD writing while installing the m23 server from ISO. cha: sources.list wheezy: Now uses official Trinity mirror. cha: TRINITY_install: Now makes a symbolic link from /opt/trinity/bin/startkde to /bin/starttrinity so the x2go client can use the TRINITY desktop profile. +++++ 2015-05-02 patch 100759: Smal fixes. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / startBaseInstallation: Deactivated calling of the online update dialog. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now doesn't show the extraction anymore, because the output is too slow in graphic/textmode. +++++ 2015-05-01 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now uses vorboss.dl.sourceforge.net. cha: CClient::getFamilyname: Now return empty string, if no family name is given. patch 100758: Updated the sources lists to the new server vorboss.dl.sourceforge.net. +++++ 2015-04-29 release 15.1 patch 100757: All complete for 15.1. Now only testing of the packages. cha: Translations complete. +++++ 2015-04-28 cha: PKG_addPackageSelection: Now splits normal package lines, that may contain multiple package names. +++++ 2015-04-27 cha: HWINFO_printPartitions: Now is using CFDiskGUI::printAllBars, ::showAllPartTables and ::showColorDefinitions. new: CFDiskGUI::getHDSizes: Returnes the sizes of all harddisks in a string, sperated by given line separator. cha: HWINFO_getHDSize: Now uses CFDiskGUI::getHDSizes. new: HTML_jQueryReStoreYWindowPosition: Generates jQuery code for storing the Y scroll position of the window and to restore the position after a submit. cha: HTML_jQueryMenuHeader, CScredit::show: Now are calling HTML_jQueryReStoreYWindowPosition. cha: Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Now removes some more packages. +++++ 2015-04-21 new: m23Debs.inc / addm23CommandsToACE : Adds all m23 PHP commands to the mode-php.js of ace to highlight m23 commands like normal PHP commands. cha: mkm23Debs: Now calls addm23CommandsToACE. +++++ 2015-04-19 new: CScredit::saveScript: Saves the script in the editor to the file. cha: de / client_add_label_descriptions.inc: Added UEFI boottype and architecture cha: de / clientBuilder.hlp: Added hint for UEFI. cha: de / scriptEditor.inc: Added the new function descriptions of the editor. +++++ 2015-04-18 new: CFDiskIO::findAndSetEFIBootPartDev: Searches for the first vfat partitions and if one if found, sets it as EFI boot partition. cha: MSR_importPartHwData: Now calls findAndSetEFIBootPartDev. cha: m23hwscanner / getPartFS: Now works with GPT partitions too. +++++ 2015-04-17 cha: disableNetworkOnDHCP: Now works, if the client should be defined. +++++ 2015-04-16 new: CScredit::getViewScriptOutputDialog: Generates a dialog with JavaScript to choose a client and to open the script output viewer for the currentry saved script. new: PKG_removeSpecialFromJobList: Removes a special job from the joblist identified by package name and priority. new: CClient::delSpecialJob: Removes a special job from the joblist identified by package name and priority. new: CScredit::getCurrentScriptFilenameWithoutInstallPhp: Gets the current script filename without "Install.php" at its end. cha: CClient::getClientCurrentWorkPHP: Now has an optional job parameter, and if set, this job will be taken instead of the job with the lowest priority. +++++ 2015-04-15 fix: client_distr.php: Corrected variable name typo. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now sets system in UEFI mode, if UEFI booting is choosen. +++++ 2015-04-13 cha: createRFSISO: Now creates 64 bit UEFI bootable ISOs. +++++ 2015-04-10 cha: HTML_selection: Now sets the id on selections too. new: CScredit::getCurrentScript: Get the text of the editor window. new: CScredit::setCurrentScript: Set the text of the editor window. new: CScredit::deleteCurrentScript: Deletes the current script, if one is loaded. new: CScredit::loadOnlineScript: Loads an online script into the editor. new: CScredit::getOnlineScriptDialog: Generates a dialog with JavaScript to get information about online scripts with download option. +++++ 2015-04-09 new: CScredit::isNotSaved: Returns if there is no script in the editor (after submitting). new: CScredit::getNextOnlineScriptInfo: Gets an information about all scripts that are available online. Every call of the function fetches the information about one script. new: CScredit::updateOnlineScriptInfo: Downloads the information about online available scripts. +++++ 2015-04-08 new: CScredit::uploadScript: Checks, if all needed information are given before uploading the script. +++++ 2015-04-03 new: CScredit::setCurrentScriptFilename: Corrects the given filename to have it a valid prefix and suffix and sets it as current file name. new: CScredit::getCurrentScriptFilename: Gets the current script filename. new: CScredit::getCurrentScriptFilenameFullPath: Gets the current script filename with full path. new: CScredit::getLocalScriptFilenames: Gets the filenames of local scripts. new: CScredit::show: Shows a script editor with syntax highlighting. new: CScredit::getNewScriptTemplate: Returns a template for a basic script. +++++ 2015-04-01 cha: SCREDIT_newScriptTemplate: Added GPL header. cha: SCREDIT_showEditor: Now uses the Ace editor (http://ace.c9.io). +++++ 2015-03-30 new: SCREDIT_correctScriptFilename: Corrects the given filename to have it a valid prefix and suffix. +++++ 2015-03-23 new: HELPER_URIencode: Encodes a string like the JavaScript function URIencode would do it. +++++ 2015-03-17 fix: DHCP_activateBoot: Fixed writing of the PXE entry. +++++ 2015-03-16 new: SRCLST_doesDistrSupportEFI: Checks, if a sources list contains a distribution that supports EFI. new: SRCLST_getListnamesWithEfiSupport: Gets a list with all sources lists that support EFI. new: SRCLST_showErrorIfClientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi: Shows an error message, if the client uses EFI and the choosen sources list doesn't. new: SRCLST_clientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi: Checks, if the client uses EFI and the choosen sources list doesn't. cha: client_distr.php: Now uses SRCLST_clientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi and SRCLST_showErrorIfClientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi. +++++ 2015-03-15 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now chooses amd64 architecture, if UEFI booting is selected. cha: CClient::setBootType: Now shecks, if client should be booted via EFI and if is uses another architecture than amd64. +++++ 2015-03-14 cha: CLCFG_efi: Configures the client for UEFI booting. +++++ 2015-03-13 cha: CFDiskIO::isNewPartitionOfTypeCreatable: Now an EFI partition is only possible, if there is an EFI boot partition. cha: CFDiskIO::changeToEfiPartitionTypeIfInUefiMode: Now returns the maybe unchanged type for isFreeSpaceBetween. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: +++++ 2015-03-12 cha: CFDiskIO::collidesWithPartitionOfType: If the type may be now "-1" to match all partition types. new: CClient::unsetEFIBootPartDev: Unsets the EFI boot partition of the client (by removing the variable in the client info). cha: CFDiskIO::resetWantedPartitioningAndSteps: Now calls CClient::unsetEFIBootPartDev. cha: CFDiskIO::backToPreviousPartitionStep: Now unsets the EFI boot partition, if it doesn't exist anymore. cha: CFDiskGUI::finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Now checks for the EFI boot partition of EFI systems too. new: setEFIStartEndPositionIfEFIBootPartitionTypeIsSet: Checks, if the type of the new partition to be creates is "efi-boot" and if yes, changes the start and end position of the partition. +++++ 2015-03-11 cha: CFDiskIO::isFreeSpaceBetween, CFDiskIO::getCreatablePartitionTypes, CFDiskIO::isNewPartitionOfTypeCreatable: Added support for EFI partitions. cha: CFDiskIO::virtualAddPartition: Added check for disallowing EFI partitions on BIOS systems and vice versa. new: CClient::getInstPargetEFIPartDevtDev: Gets the EFI partition of the client. new: CClient::setEFIPartDev: Sets the EFI partition of the client. cha: CFDiskBasic::makeInstPartBootable: Becomes CFDiskBasic::makeInstOrEFIPartBootable and has support for EFI partitions now. new: CFDiskBasic::EFItypeAndGUIDJob: Sets EFI boot partition type and GUID for the EFI boot partition and adds it to the list of partition steps. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added gdisk. cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Now Sets EFI boot partition type and GUID for the EFI boot partition too. +++++ 2015-03-10 cha: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionTypeTranslator: Added EFI partition. new: CFDiskIO::getPrimaryOrEfiPartitionType: Returns a primary (on BIOS booted systems) or an EFI (on UEFI booted systems). new: CFDiskIO::changeToEfiPartitionTypeIfInUefiMode: Changes a given primary partition type to an EFI partition type on UEFI booted systems. cha: CFDiskBasic::createPartition: Now calls changeToEfiPartitionTypeIfInUefiMode. new: CFDiskIO::nextPrimaryDevNr: Gets the next free EFI (physical) partition number. cha: CFDiskIO::getNextFreePhysicalVirtualPartitionNumber: Added support for EFI partitions. +++++ 2015-03-09 cha: clientISO / linuxrc: Now remounts the ramdisk to make it writable on UEFI too. +++++ 2015-03-08 cha: kernelFunction.inc / compileKernel: Added extra options needed for EFI on x86_64. cha: CChecks::checkBootType: Added BOOTTYPE_GRUB2EFIX64. new: CClient::getNetworkBootTypesArrayForSelection: Generates an array with all avaialable network boot types for using it in a selection. cha: DHCP_addClient: Added support for UEFI. cha: m23 / postinst: Now changes the ramdisk size in /m23/tftp/grub/grub.cfg too. +++++ 2015-03-02 new: client_details.php: Added icon for deleting the current client. +++++ 2015-02-28 fix: m23HSAdmin* / sysAddFstabEntry: Now splits the parameter string correctly. new: client_add_label_descriptions.inc: Common help include file for client_add.hlp and clientBuilder.hlp. +++++ 2015-02-27 fix: CFDiskIO::FDISK_getOldStyleFstabArrayForHalfSister: Now adds the amount of fstab entries to the output array. +++++ 2015-02-26 cha: m23hwscanner / getDrives: Now filteres out DVD drives (only matters, if there is inserted a disc). +++++ 2015-02-25 cha: CFDiskIO::FDISK_adjustFstabParam: Removed (identically with CFDiskIO::adjustFstabParam). +++++ 2015-02-23 cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskSaveToDB: Now makes sure that all disk sizes are stored on a defined client. fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Fixed layout when the partition and format dialog is opened after defining a client. +++++ 2015-02-12 cha: client_distr.php: Now doesn't store fstab information in client's options anymore (outdated). cha: CFDiskBasic::deleteAllPartitionsOnDisk: Now returns on RAID disks. +++++ 2015-02-11 fix: CFDiskIO::fdiskAddFstab: Now gives back the correct values. cha: CFDiskIO::setCFDiskTemp: Now copies fstab too. new: CFDiskIO::isDevValidDiskPartitionOrRaid: Checks, if a given device name is a valid disk, partition or RAID device. cha: CHECK_FW: Now returns true, if there are no errors. cha: CHECK_deviceName: Now has an optional parameter and if set to true, RAIDs are allowed too. cha: CChecks::checkMountDev: Now allows RAIDs too. +++++ 2015-02-10 cha: CClient::setCFDiskTemp: Becomes CFDiskIO::setCFDiskTemp. new: CFDiskIO::getDefinedDiskSizes: Gets the defined disk devices and their sizes. cha: CFDiskIO::saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB: Now has an optional parameter and if set to true, the disk devices and their sizes should be saved even if the client is NOT a defined client. new: CFDiskIO::saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB: Saves the disk devices and their sizes to the DB. new: CFDiskIO::addPartitionStepAtTheBeginning: Adds a step at the beginning of the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays. cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartitionJob, deletePartition: Now are having an optional parameter and if set to true, the job will be added at the beginning of the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays. +++++ 2015-02-09 cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now Copies the current version of m23hwscanner. +++++ 2015-02-07 cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Kernel 3.16. cha: listKernelVersions: Now searches for xz compressed archives. new: menuVarReset: Resets (deletes) all variable files. cha: menuKernelDownload: Now checks for the compression type of the kernel archive and chooses the correct decompression parameter for tar. new: m23hwscanner/checkUEFI: Checks, if UEFI is active and stores the result in the associative array. new: CClient::setUEFI: Sets the UEFI usage of the client. cha: bootimage: Now uses Linux Kernel 3.16. new: CClient::isUEFIActive: Returns, if the client uses UEFI. cha: CClient::save: Now skips 'CFDiskTemp', because it has to be changed by CFDiskIO only. new: CClient::isHalfSisterClient: Returns, if the client uses a halfSister distribution. new: CFDiskIO::FDISK_getOldStyleFstabArrayForHalfSister: Gets the fstab entries in the old style array format that is used by HS_sysAddFstabEntries. cha: CFDiskIO::genManualFstab: Now can be used for halfSister clients too. +++++ 2015-02-06 cha: CFDiskIO::resetWantedPartitioning: Renamed to resetWantedPartitioningAndSteps. new: CFDiskIO::resetWantedPartitioning: Resets the wantedPartitioning array by replacing it with the contents of the client's current partitioning. cha: MSR_importPartHwData, CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now are calling resetWantedPartitioning. new: CFDiskIO::getUnusedDiskDev: Returns an associative array with the unused device names (e.g. /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, ...) as key and value. cha: CFDiskGUI::showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Now adds a menu entry for creating virtual disk, if the client is a defined client. +++++ 2015-02-04 new: CFDiskIO::fdiskAddFstab: Gets an entry to from the fstab array. Can be called more times to get all entries. new: CFDiskIO::genManualFstab: Generates commands to edit a given fstab, add new entries and remove old ones before. new: CFDiskIO::adjustFstabParam: Adjusts the parameter block of a fstab line to make it use an supported FS. new: CFDiskIO::FDISK_genManualFstab: Generates commands to edit a given fstab, add new entries and remove old ones before. new: CFDiskIO::FDISK_adjustFstabParam: Adjust the parameter block of a fstab line to make it use an supported FS. cha: CFDiskIO::genManualFstab: Now calls CFDiskIO::FDISK_genManualFstab, if old fstab data is used on the client. +++++ 2015-02-02 new: CClient::setCFDiskTemp: Sets CFDiskTemp of the client. new: CFDiskBasic::deleteDeviceFromRaid: Deletes a partition or disk from a RAID disk. cha: CFDiskGUI::getRaidTable: Now has an extra button and if it is set to true, each line with a real disk/partition gets an extra button for deleting it from the RAID. +++++ 2015-02-01 new: getAllDebianDesktopPackages: Get all packages from tasksel, that install desktops. new: CClient::isDefinedClient: Checks, if the client is defined client. cha: compressedDebootstrap: Now makes sure that p7zip-full (7za), debootstrap and dpkg-dev (dpkg-architecture) are installed. new: CFDiskIO::saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB: Saves the disk devices and their sizes to the DB, if the client is a defined client. cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskSaveToDB: Now calls saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB. new: CFDiskIO::getDefinedDiskSizesFromDB: Gets (if called on a derived client) the disk devices and their sizes from the defined client (this client was derived from). cha: CFDiskBasic::fdiskAdjustPartitioning: Now uses getDefinedDiskSizesFromDB. +++++ 2015-01-31 cha: CFDiskIO::getPartitionFileSystem, getPartitionType, getPartitionEnd, getPartitionStart, getPartAmount: Is now RAID safe. new: CFDiskIO::discardUndo: Discards all undo steps. cha: CFDiskGUI::finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Now calls CFDiskIO::discardUndo. new: CFDiskIO::addPartitionStepBeforeFormat: Adds a step to the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays before the formating of the RAID device (given in the $partJob). new: CFDiskIO::addPartitionStepBeforeFormatArray: Adds a step to the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays before the formating of the RAID device (given in the $partJob). new: CFDiskIO::maximumDevicesForRaidReached: Checks, if the the maximum amount of devices building the RAID is reached. +++++ 2015-01-30 new: CClient::unsetInstPartDev: Unsets the installation partition of the client (by removing the variable in the client info). new: CClient::unsetSwapPartDev: Unsets the swap partition of the client (by removing the variable in the client info). cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartition: Now unsets the installation or swap partition variable of the client (if $dev is installation or swap partition). cha: CClient::getProperty: Now has an optional error value parameter and if set, it will be returned, if the property is not set. new: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionTypeTranslator: Translates the partition types. new: CFDiskIO::getNotFS: Generates and returns an array with the list of not filesystems (free space or unformated partitions). cha: CFDiskIO::showColorDefinitions: Now shows the "not filesystems" too. +++++ 2015-01-29 new: CFDiskGUI::getFileSystemTranslator: Translates the filesystem names. new: CFDiskGUI::getExtraCSSForExtended: Returns CSS code for marking partitions or free space on the extended partition. +++++ 2015-01-25 new: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionExtraIconHTML: Returns HTML code for showing an icon for installation or swap partition. +++++ 2015-01-23 new: CFDiskIO::isTypeFreeSpace: Checks, if a given partition type means "free space". new: CFDiskGUI::getFreeSpaceHTMLColor: Gets the HTML color for marking free space. new: CFDiskGUI::showFreeSpaceBarBlock: Shows a block for with free space in the bar visualising the partitioning of a disk. new: CFDiskGUI::showEmptyDiskTable: Shows a table with block for an empty disk (if the disk has no partitions) +++++ 2015-01-22 new: CFDiskGUI::newDiskLayout: Updates the disk layout for a given disk, if it is not in the cache. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryStart: Gets the start position of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryEnd: Gets the end position of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntrySize: Gets the size of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryType: Gets the type of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryFileSystem: Gets the filesystem of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntriesAmount: Gets the amount of disk layout entries. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryDev: Gets the device name of a disk layout entry. +++++ 2015-01-21 new: CFDiskGUI::addDiskLayoutEntry: Adds a new entry (partition or free space on a disk) to the disk layout (for rendering only). new: CFDiskGUI::newDiskLayout: Creates a new disk layout for a given disk. +++++ 2015-01-18 new: CFDiskIO::getPreviousPartitionStep: Get the previous partition steps and wanted partitioning from the last action. +++++ 2015-01-16 new: CFDiskIO::updateUndoMd5: Updates the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning and partitionSteps arrays. new: CFDiskIO::getUndoMd5: Gets the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning and partitionSteps arrays. new: CFDiskIO::addUndo: Adds an undo step to the undoArray. +++++ 2015-01-14 new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionStepsMd5: Gets the md5 sum of the partitionSteps array. new: CFDiskIO::updatePartitionStepsMd5: Updates the md5 sum of the partitionSteps array in $this->partitionStepsMd5. +++++ 2015-01-13 new: CFDiskIO::getPossiblePartitionTypesBetween: Get a list of partition types that can be created in a range on a disk. new: CFDiskGUI::getJSSelectPartTypeForNewPartitions: Get the first entry of the list of partition types that can be created in a range on a disk as selectPartTypeForNewPartitions JavaScript function. new: CFDiskGUI::printAllBars: Shows the partition bars of all disks specified for the current client. +++++ 2015-01-12 new: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionPercent: Calculates the percentual size of a selected partition in comparison to the disk size. cha: CFDiskBasic::deleteRaid: Now calls CFDiskBasic::deletePartition, if the given device is NOT a RAID device. cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartition: Now call CFDiskBasic::deleteRaid, if the given device is a RAID device or if a RAID should be destroyed. new: CFDiskGUI::listPartJobs: Show all part jobs in the table. new: CFDiskGUI::showAllPartTables: Shows the partition tables of all disks for the current client. new: CFDiskGUI::listPartTable: Shows the partition information for a disk as table. new: CFDiskGUI::getRaidTable: Get informations about the assigned real disks/partitions of a RAID. new: CFDiskGUI::showColorDefinitions: Shows the color definitions for the supported filesystems. new: CFDiskGUI::fstabAddDialog: Shows a dialog (with logic) for adding fstab entries. new: CFDiskIO::fdiskDelFstabEntry: Removes an entry from the fstab array. new: CFDiskGUI::getFstabTable: Generates a HTML table with all fstab entries and logic for deleting entries. +++++ 2015-01-11 cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskSaveToDB: Now stores the fstab array too. cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskLoadFromDB: Now loads the fstab array too. cha: CHECK_deviceName: Now has an extra parameter for choosing that a disk or partition are valid. cha: CHECK_FW: Now uses extra parameter of CHECK_deviceName too. new: CChecks::checkMountDev: Checks if the device name for mounting a disk or partition is valid. cha: CHECK_mointPoint: Checks if the input value is a valid mountpoint. new: CChecks::checkMountPoint: Checks if the input value is a valid mountpoint. cha: CHECK_FW: Now uses CHECK_mointPoint too. new: CFDiskIO::fdiskAddFstab: Adds a new entry to the fstab array. new: CFDiskIO::fdiskGetFstabArray: Gets the fstab of a client as array. new: CFDiskIO::findFstabMountPointByDev: Searches a client's fstab for a device and figures out the according mountpoint. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the drive and bolonging to a RAID. new: CFDiskGUI::getPartInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the partition, its filesystem and bolonging to a RAID. new: CFDiskBasic::makeInstPartBootable: Enables the booting flag on the installation partition by adding a job. +++++ 2015-01-10 new: CFDiskBasic::deleteAllPartitionsOnDisk: Deletes all partitions on a disk. new: CClient::setFdiskAdjustmentType: Sets adjustment type for disk layouts of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Gets adjustment type for disk layouts of derived clients. new: CChecks::checkFdiskAdjustmentSpecifiedDev: Checks if the device name for the disk of the defined client is valid. new: CClient::setFdiskAdjustmentSpecifiedDev: Sets the disk device of the defined disk on a define client. new: CClient::getFdiskAdjustmentSpecifiedDev: Gets the disk device of the defined disk on a define client. new: CFDiskBasic::fdiskAdjustPartitioningLinearScale: Scales all partitions sizes to match the full disk size. new: CFDiskBasic::fdiskAdjustPartitioning: Adjusts the disk for a derived client, based on the defined client's settings new: CFDiskGUI::finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Does some final checks, adds the partitioning and formating job and switches to the distribution selection page. new: CFDiskIO::swapFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for swapping. new: CFDiskIO::installFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for installation. new: CFDiskGUI::fdiskSessionSetter: Generic function to store values in the client partition and format session or loads them. new: CFDiskGUI::fdiskSessionPage: Stores the page in the session or loads it. new: CFDiskGUI::fdiskSessionHelpPage: Stores the help page in the session or loads it. new: CFDiskGUI::showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Shows the menu bar with integrated logic for CFDiskGUI::showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog. new: CFDiskGUI::getHTMLColorForFilesystem: Get HTML color code for a given filesystem. new: CFDiskGUI::getPartInfoIcon: Generates HTML code for showing an icon with status information about a drive or partition. +++++ 2015-01-09 new: CFDiskGUI::getCurrentDiskDev: Returns the currently choosen (in the GUI) disk device name. new: CFDiskGUI::getCurrentDiskvDev: Returns the currently choosen (in the GUI) virtual disk number. new: CFDiskGUI::getCurrentPartDev: Returns the currently choosen (in the GUI) partition device name. new: CFDiskGUI::setInstPartDev: Sets the installation partition of the client. new: CFDiskGUI::setSwapPartDev: Sets the swap partition of the client. new: CClient::getSwapPartDev: Gets the swap partition of the client. new: CClient::getInstPartDev: Gets the installation partition of the client. new: CFDiskGUI::getInstPartDev: Gets the installation partition of the client. new: CFDiskGUI::getSwapPartDev: Gets the swap partition of the client. new: CFDiskBasic::assignDeviceToRaid: Adds a partition or disk to a RAID disk. new: CChecks::checkSizeInMB: Checks if a size in MB is valid. new: CChecks::checkDiskDefinedSize: Checks if a size (in MB) for the defined disk is valid. new: CClient::setFDiskDefinedSize: Sets the size of the disk of a defined client. new: CChecks::checkFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Checks if a size (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for the upper tolerance is valid. new: CChecks::checkFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Checks if a size (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for the lower tolerance is valid. new: CChecks::setFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Sets the lower tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CChecks::setFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Sets the upper tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Gets the lower tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Gets the upper tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Gets the size of the disk of a defined client. new: CClient::isDerivedClient: Checks, if the client is derived from a defined client. +++++ 2015-01-08 new: CFDiskIO::getPartDevs: Returns an array with the partitions (/dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, ...) of a disk or all disks. new: CFDiskIO::getSupportedFS: Generates and returns an array with the list of supported file systems. +++++ 2015-01-05 new: CFDiskIO::getCreatablePartitionTypes: Creates an array with the types of partitions that could be created on a disk. +++++ 2015-01-04 new: CFDiskIO::mayPartitioningBeChanged: Checks, if the whole disk or at least one partition on the disk is used in a RAID. cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartition, createPartition: Now mayLogicalPartitionsBeChanged is replaced by mayPartitioningBeChanged. +++++ 2014-12-21 new: CFDiskTest::addLineToReplay: Adds a line to the run log file. new: CFDiskTest::rand: Reads a random value from the replay file, if in replay mode or puts a calculated random value to the replay file. +++++ 2014-12-20 new: CFDiskTest::nextTurn: Is called at the beginning of the next testing turn. Chooses a disk for testing, if there are more disks given. new: CFDiskIO::mayLogicalPartitionsBeChanged: Checks if the logical partitions may be changed on the given disk. If one logical partition on the disk is assigned to a RAID, none of the other logical partitions may be removed or added, because the numbering of the partitions will change afterwards and bring the RAID into a faulty state. +++++ 2014-12-14 new: CFDiskBasic::getMknodCommand: Generates the mknod command for a given /dev/sdX(Y) device (disk or partition). new: CFDiskBasic::getMknodCommandsForDeviceArray: Generates the mknod commands for given /dev/sdX(Y) devices (disks or partitions). cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Now calls getMknodCommand and getMknodCommandsForDeviceArray. +++++ 2014-12-10 new: CFDiskBasic::createRaidJobForRaid: Generates the jobs to create a given RAID. cha: CFDiskBasic::createAllRaidJobs: Now calls CFDiskBasic::createRaidJobForRaid. +++++ 2014-12-06 new: CFDiskIO::backToPreviousPartitionStep: Jumps back in the partition history by one step. fix: CFDiskIO::virtualDeleteDrive: Now works correctly. +++++ 2014-12-05 new: CFDiskIO::getRaidCompleteParameters: Writes the constraints for building a RAID of a given level to the parameter variables. cha: CFDiskIO::isRaidComplete: Now uses CFDiskIO::getRaidCompleteParameters. new: CFDiskTest::areThereEnoughFreePartitionsToBuildTheRaid: Checks, if there are enough unused partitions to build a RAID of a given level. +++++ 2014-12-04 new: CFDiskIO::sortDiskKeyByDev: Sorts the elements with numeric keys (disks) of the input array by the subkey 'dev'. The numeric keys will be ascending and in the same order than the ascending subkey 'dev' with /dev/mdX at the end. cha: CFDiskIO::virtualAddDisk: Now calls CFDiskIO::sortDiskKeyByDev. +++++ 2014-12-02 cha: CFDiskTest::getRaidsFromClient: Now adds the size of the RAID. fix: CFDiskIO::updateRAIDSize: Now uses the correct virtual disk number for assigning the size. +++++ 2014-12-01 new: VM_CloudStackDisablePortForwarding: Deletes a port forwarding rule for a virtual machine, with private port and public port being the same (CLOUDSTACK_X2GO_PORTNUMBER). cha: VM_delete: Now calls VM_CloudStackDisablePortForwarding. new: CFDiskIO::getUsedMDs: Returns an associative array with the used MDs (e.g. /dev/md0, /dev/md1, ...) as key and value. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomUsedMD: Returns a random used MD. new: CFDiskTest::randomCreateRaid: Tries to create a new RAID with randomly choosen partitions and with random RAID level. new: CFDiskTest::randomDeleteRaid: Picks a random RAID and tries to delete it. +++++ 2014-11-30 cha: m23Backup: Now saves more settings. new: CFDiskBasic::deleteRaidJob: Generates a RAID deletion job and adds it to the list of partition steps. new: CFDiskIO::virtualDeleteRaidDisk: Deletes a RAID disk and removes the RAID locks from all devices building it. new: CFDiskBasic::deleteRaid: Deletes a RAID disk. +++++ 2014-11-24 new: m23cli / getGreenClientNames.php: Fetches the names of all clients with green status. cha: HTML_checkBoxCheckAll: Now returns an empty array, if there are not checked check boxes. +++++ 2014-11-22 new: m23cli / getClientNames.php: Fetches the names of all clients. +++++ 2014-11-18 new: PKG_getClientsByPackages: Gets all clients that have the specific packages (not) installed (or with another given status). new: PKG_getClientsWithWaitingJobs: Gets all clients that have waiting jobs. new: m23cli / getClientsWithPackageNotInstalled.php: Lists all clients that have a NOT package installed. new: m23cli / getClientsWithWaitingJobs.php: Lists all clients that have waiting jobs. +++++ 2014-11-17 new: CClient::wol: Wakes a client over the network. new: m23cli / wol.php: Wakes a client over the network. new: CClient::isPingable: Checks, if the client can be pinged over the network. cha: CLIENT_sshFetchJob: Now has an extra (optional) parameter for the client's IP. new: CClient::sshFetchJob: Connects to the client via SSH and lets the next job fetch and execute it in a screen (named "m23install"). new: m23cli / sshFetchJob.php: Connects to the client via SSH and lets the next job fetch and execute it in a screen (named "m23install"). new: CClientLister::isVisibleByPingableFilter: Checks, if only clients that can (not) be pinged should be shown and if the given client matches the filter rule. new: CClientLister::setVisibleByPingableFilter: Sets the pingable filter rule (show only clients that can (not) be pinged or all clients). cha: CClientLister::showClientList: Now filters out the client, if it is not matching the rule of the pingable filter new: CClientLister::getClientNames: Gets an array with all clients matching the filter rules. new: m23cli / listOnlineClients.php: Shows the clients that can be pinged. new: m23cli / listOfflineClients.php: Shows the clients that can NOT be pinged. new: CClient::executeBySSH: Runs a script under a plain BASH with root rights on the client. new: m23cli / executeBySSH.php: Runs a commands under a plain BASH with root rights on the client. +++++ 2014-11-15 new: CFDiskTest::getRandomRaidLevel: Returns an random RAID level. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomUnusedMD: Returns an random unused MD. +++++ 2014-11-14 new: CClient::addUpdatePackageInfosJob: Adds a job to update the package information of the client to the installation queue. new: installSpecialPackage.php: Installs a special package on a client. new: CFDiskTest::getRaidsFromClient: Fetches current RAID information from the current client. +++++ 2014-11-13 new: CFDiskBasic::raidJob: Generates a RAID creation job and adds it to the list of partition steps. new: CFDiskBasic::createAllRaidJobs: Generates the jobs to create all RAIDs. +++++ 2014-11-12 new: CFDiskTest::showDebugConsistencyClientVirtualArray: Shows a debug information about the current state of virtual and client consistency. new: CFDiskTest::randomTest: Randomly creates, formates and deletes partitions of random size, type and with random file file systems. new: CFDiskIO::areAllRaidsComplete: Checks, if all RAID disk are complete (needed numbers of disks/partitions were added). +++++ 2014-11-11 new: CFDiskIO::getRaidLevelNumbers: Returns an array with valid RAID levels. new: CFDiskIO::isRaidLevelNumberValid: Checks, if a number is a valid RAID level. new: CFDiskIO::setRaidLevel: Sets the RAID level on a new RAID disk. new: CFDiskIO::getDiskSize: Returns the RAID level of RAID disk. new: CFDiskIO::addDevToRaid: Adds a device (disk or partition) to the list of devices building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getvrDevNrByrDev: Returns the (virtual) number of the given device building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::delDevFromRaid: Removes a device (disk or partition) from the list of devices building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getRaidDevsBuildingDiskAmount: Returns the amount of the devices building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::isRaidComplete: Checks, if there are too less or too much devices building the RAID or if the amount is not a multiple of needed devices. new: CFDiskIO::updateRAIDSize: Updates the usable size of the RAID new: CFDiskIO::doesDiskHavePartitionsLockedByRaid: Checks if the disk has at least one partition that was assigned to a RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getUnusedMDs: Returns an associative array with the unused MDs (e.g. /dev/md0, /dev/md1, ...) as key and value. +++++ 2014-11-10 new: PKG_getClientsWithPackage: Gets all clients that have the specific package installed (or with another status). new: getClientsWithPackageInstalled.php: Lists all clients that have a package installed. new: CClient::includeDistributionSpecificPackagesPHP: Includes distribution specific packages.php. new: CClient::addNormalJob: Adds a normal package to the installation queue. new: CClient::addSpecialJob: Adds a special package to the installation queue. new: CClient::addUpdateSourcesListJob: Adds a job to update the package souurce of the client to the installation queue. new: CFDiskIO::getClientObject: Gets the client object, of the client the partitioning belongs to. new: CFDiskBasic::createUEFIPartition: Creates a new UEFI partition with a size of 512 MB at the start of the disk (if possible). new: CFDiskIO::virtualAddDisk: Adds a new virtual disk. new: CFDiskIO::createRaidDisk: Creates a new RAID disk. +++++ 2014-11-09 new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionDev: Returns the device of a partition (eg. /dev/sda1). new: CFDiskIO::isDiskLockedByRaid: Checks, if a disk is locked, because it is part of a RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionSize: Returns the size of a virtual partition. new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionDevs: Returns an array with all partition devices (/dev/sdXY) as key and value. new: CFDiskBasic::createInstallPartition: Creates and formats an installation partition and makes it bootable. The created partition is stored in the client parameters as installation partition. new: CFDiskBasic::createSwapPartition: Creates and formats a swap partition. The created partition is stored in the client parameters as swap partition. +++++ 2014-11-07 new: CFDiskIO::getLogicalpParts: Builds an array with all physical partition numbers of the logical partitions. new: CFDiskIO::correctLogical: Algorithm changed and uses getLogicalpParts. +++++ 2014-11-06 new: CFDiskIO::collidesWithPartitionOfType: Checks if a partition (to be created) defined by start and end position would collide with existing partitions of given type. cha: CFDiskIO::isFreeSpaceBetween: Now uses CFDiskIO::collidesWithPartitionOfType. +++++ 2014-11-05 new: CFDiskIO::sortPartitionKeyByStart: Sorts the elements with numeric keys of the input array by the subkey 'start' and copies all other elements unchanged. The numeric keys will be ascending and in the same order than the ascending subkey 'start'. +++++ 2014-11-04 cha: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader: Now shows the message type in CLI too. new: CFDiskTest::getTestDiskDev: Gets the disk device that is used for testing. new: CFDiskTest::getTestDiskvDisk: Gets the vDisk for the testing fisk. new: CFDiskTest::getRadomStartEnd: Gets random start / end positions (in MB) for e.g. creating new partitions on the test disk. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomPartitionType: Returns an random partition type. new: CFDiskTest::randomCreatePartition: Tries to create a new partition on the test disk with random type and start and end position. new: CFDiskTest::randomDeletePartition: Tries to delete a randomly picked partition on the test disk. new: CFDiskTest::randomFormatPartition: Tries to format a randomly picked partition on the test disk. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomFilesystem: Returns an random filesytem. +++++ 2014-11-03 new: CFDiskTest::getDiskArrayFromClient: Returns the disk array with all drives and their partitions. new: CFDiskIO::getWantedPartitioning: Returns the wantedPartitioning array. new: CFDiskTest::checkPartitionConsistency: Checks for consistancy of the partioning between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. Exists the script, if it is not consistent. new: CFDiskTest::createPartition: Creates a new partition on a disk (if possible) and checks for consistancy of the partioning between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. new: CFDiskTest::deletePartition: Deletes a partition from a disk and checks for consistancy of the partioning between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. new: CFDiskTest::formatPartition: Formats a partition. new: CFDiskTest::checkConsistencyvDiskvPartKey: Checks for consistancy of $vDisk and $vPart keys between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. Differences will be inserted into $this->diffConsistency. new: CFDiskTest::checkConsistencyDiskKey: Checks for consistancy of $vDisk keys between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. Differences will be inserted into $this->diffConsistency. new: CFDiskTest::checkBothSetKey: Checks if a key exists in virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now doesn't show "Warning: Permanently added ..." anymore. +++++ 2014-11-02 new: CFDiskIO::shiftPartitionStep: Gets the first element of the partitionSteps array and deletes it. new: CFDiskIO::isDevRaid: Checks, if a device string is a RAID. new: CFDiskBasic::rereadPartTable: Let the OS re-read the partition table. new: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Generates commands for creating and deletion of partitions, formating or building RAIDs. new: CFDiskTest::getPartInfoWithparted: Fetches current partitioning and formating of the current client from a given disk. new: CFDiskTest::executePartedCommands: Executes all partitioning and formating commands on the given client. +++++ 2014-10-30 new: CFDiskIO::getpDiskAndpPartFromDev: Splits a device (e.g. /dev/hda1) in the physical disk (/dev/hda) and the partition number (1). new: CFDiskIO::setPartitionFileSystem: Sets the file system of a partition. new: CFDiskBasic::formatPartition: Formats a partition. +++++ 2014-10-29 new: CFDiskIO::virtualDeleteDrive: Deletes a (RAID) disk and corrects the disk array. new: CFDiskIO::setDiskPartLockedByRaid: Sets or unsets the RAID lock of a partition or disk. new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionNumber: Returns the physical partition number of a virtual partition. new: CFDiskIO::getvPartBypPart: Returns the virtual partition number searched by the physical partition number. new: CFDiskIO::correctLogical: Corrects the order of the logical partitions after deleting a physical partition. new: CFDiskBasic::rmJob: Generates a partition removal job. new: CFDiskBasic::addJob: Generates a partition add job. new: CFDiskBasic::bootflagJob: Enables the booting flag on a partition. new: CFDiskBasic::formatJob: Generates a partition format job. new: CFDiskIO::isDiskRaid: Checks, if a disk is a RAID. +++++ 2014-10-28 new: CFDiskBasic::getBiggestLowestValueOf: Gets the biggest or lowest value from all partitions of a given type. new: CFDiskBasic::getBiggestValueOf: Gets the biggest value from all partitions of a given type. new: CFDiskBasic::getLowestValueOf: Gets the lowest value from all partitions of a given type. new: CFDiskBasic::updateFreeSpaces: Updates the free spaces array of all disks. new: CFDiskBasic::isPartitionLockedByRaid: Checks, if a partition is locked, because it is part of a RAID. new: CFDiskBasic::getRaidDevs: Returns an array with all disk or partition devices building the RAID of the disk (if it is a RAID). new: CFDiskBasic::getDiskDev: Returns the device name (e.g. /dev/sda) for a virtual disk. new: CFDiskBasic::getBelongingRaidDev: Searches for the RAID device, a physical partition belongs to, if it is part of a RAID. +++++ 2014-10-27 new: CFDiskBasic::getFreeSpacesOnDisk: Gets the free spaces on disk. new: CFDiskBasic::virtualDelPartition: Deletes a partition from the internal array. new: CFDiskBasic::devNrExists: Checks if a certain (physical) partition number exists. new: CFDiskBasic::nextLogicalDevNr: Gets the next free logical (physical) partition number. new: CFDiskBasic::nextPrimaryDevNr: Gets the next free primary (physical) partition number. +++++ 2014-10-26 cha: restoreBTServer: Now starts after MySQL. +++++ 2014-10-25 cha: SERVER_programmStatus: Now vertically aligns the columns to the top. cha: BT_status: Now has parameters for returning the result or showing it directly and converting the ASCII line breaks to HTML line breaks. cha: m23/postinst: Now copies the SSH key to the m23 webserver directory, if the key is missing there. +++++ 2014-10-24 cha: packageBuilder.php: Added creation of .torrent files. +++++ 2014-10-23 cha: m23 / postinst: Now creates a symlink to the System-V-Init directory to get the Bittorrent tracker and initial client, if there are .torrent files in the share directory. new: SERVER_commandAvailable: Checks, if a given command is available for the given user. new: BT_dlFile: Starts a Bittorrent download. new: BT_status: Shows status information about the (maybe) running Bittorrent tracker and initial client. new: BT_checkSoftware: Checks, if a Bittorrent software (client + tracker) is installed. new: BT_stopService: Stops a Bittorrent service. new: BT_startService: Starts a Bittorrent service. new: BT_stopTracker: Stops the Bittorrent tracker. new: BT_startTracker: Starts the tracker. new: BT_restartTracker: Restarts the tracker. new: BT_autostart: Starts Bittorrent tracker and initial client when there are .torrent files in the share directory. new: BT_updateWhitelist: Updates the white list with all allowed torrent files on the tracker. new: BT_createTorrent: Creates a torrent file and adds it to the white list. new: BT_startClient: Starts the Bittorrent client. new: BT_stopClient: Stops the Bittorrent client. new: BT_restartClient: Restarts the client. +++++ 2014-10-22 new: opentracker-installer: Compiles and installs opentracker. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now runs better on the command line. +++++ 2014-10-21 new: BT_dlFile: Starts a Bittorrent download. +++++ 2014-10-15 SERVER_commandAvailable: Checks, if a given command is available for the given user. +++++ 2014-10-04 new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionAmountOfType: Count all partitions of a selected type on a disk. new: CFFiskBasic::isDiskNotLockedByRaidAgainstCreationOfNewPartition: Checks if a new partition can be created or if the complete disk is used for RAID. new: CFFiskBasic::isDiskPartLockedByRaid: Checks, if a partition or disk is used as RAID. new: CFFiskBasic::isNewPartitionOfTypeCreatable: Checks if a new partition from a certain type can be created. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionStart: Returns the start position (in MB) of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionEnd: Returns the end position (in MB) of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionType: Returns the type of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionFileSystem: Returns the file system of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getAfterPartition: Gets the free space after the selected partition. +++++ 2014-10-03 new: CFFiskBasic::getDiskDevs: Returns an array with all disk devices (/dev/sdX) as key and value. new: CFFiskBasic::getDiskAmount: Returns amount of disks. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartAmount: Returns the of partitions of a given disk. new: CFFiskBasic::dev2diskDevPartNr: Returns an array with all disk devices (/dev/sdX) as key and value. +++++ 2014-10-01 new: CFFiskBasic::__construct: Constructor for new CFFiskBasic objects. The object holds all information about the partitioning (of a client and loads the values from the DB). new: CFFiskBasic::setClientName: Sets the client name, if given via constructor. new: CFFiskBasic::getClientName: Gets the client name, if set via constructor. new: CFFiskBasic::getProperty: Returns the given variable, if it is set or dies with an error message. new: CDFiskBasic::getCurrentPartitioning: Returns the current (physical) partitioning (of a client). new: CFFiskBasic::setCurrentPartitioning: Sets the current (physical) partitioning (of a client). new: CFFiskBasic::loadFromDB: Loads the current (physical) partitioning of a client and CFDiskTemp values. new: CFFiskBasic::resetWantedPartitioning: Resets the wantedPartitioning array by replacing it with the contents of the clien's current partitioning. new: CFFiskBasic::addWantedPartitioningUndo: Adds an undo step to the wantedPartitioningUndoArray array. new: CFFiskBasic::getWantedPartitioningMd5: Gets the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning array. new: CFFiskBasic::updateWantedPartitioningMd5: Updates the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning array in $this->wantedPartitioningMd5. +++++ 2014-09-16 cha: update_packages.php: Now start the update progress on the client via SSH etc. +++++ 2014-08-09 patch 100751: Mirror change for the m23 server installation packages. cha: Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Updated mirror. release 14.2 patch 100749: Contains all changes for m23 rock 14.2. +++++ 2014-08-06 cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now chmod's /var/run/screen to 775. fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo, PKG_preparePackageDir: Now is able to create diretories with spaces in the name. fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: Now checks for (eventually) missing package search cache file. +++++ 2014-08-05 cha: en / fr / i18n and help: Completed. +++++ 2014-07-30 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed then outdated and unsupported package sources lists "unstable", "sid", "testing", "lucid" and "lenny". +++++ 2014-07-28 new: CLIENT_getAllClientNames: Gets the names of all clients. new: m23cli / getSourcesList: Shows the contents of a package sources list. +++++ 2014-07-27 new: CLI_getModuleExitcodes: Gets the exit codes about a given module. cha: CLI_getModuleParameterLine: Now returns information about (optionall) exit code(s). cha: CHECK_FW: Disables showing the PHP warning, when using a one character rule. new: m23cli / getClientMac: Shows the MAC address of a client. new: m23cli / isClientPingable: Checks, if a client could be pinged. cha: CLIENT_query: No warnings, when used from CLI. new: m23cli / getGroupIPs: Fetches the IPs of all clients in a group. +++++ 2014-07-26 new: CAutoTest::getLogFileName: Get the file name for the log file. new: CAutoTest::addToLogFile: Appends lines to the log file. new: CAutoTest::getTimestampString: Returns the date and time in human readable form. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen: Now uses a character statistics function to choose different parameters for gocr, if the recognisation seems to have failed. +++++ 2014-07-25 cha: CAutoTest::VMCreate: Now calls AUTOTEST_VM_enableCapture. new: AUTOTEST_VM_enableCapture: Enables capturing the screen of a VM to a movie file. new: CAutoTest::getMovieFileName: Get the movie file name for capturing the VM's screen. +++++ 2014-07-24 new: AUTOTEST_executePHPFunction: Executes a PHP function with (optionall) parameters. +++++ 2014-07-23 new: CAutoTest::triggerTypeToConstant: Tries to convert the trigger type (string) to a trigger type constant. new: CAutoTest::getAnswersA: Returns the array with the answers of the current sequence element. new: VM_captureVMScreenAsMovie: Enables/disables capturing the screens of a VM to a movie file. +++++ 2014-07-20 new: AUTOTEST_VM_ejectBootISO: Disables booting from ISO and enables HDD booting. +++++ 2014-07-17 new: DISTR_getUbuntuUserGroups: Returns the default groups an user of a Ubuntu system should be in. new: DISTR_getDebianUserGroups: Returns the default groups an user of a Debian system should be in. cha: PKG_addUbuntuUser: Now is using DISTR_getUbuntuUserGroups. cha: PKG_addDebianUser: Now is using DISTR_getDebianUserGroups. new: EDIT_writeToFile: Writes a text to a file on a client. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now uses EDIT_writeToFile for Debian Wheezy. +++++ 2014-07-15 cha: PKG_addUbuntuUser: Added group "scanner". cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu, CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now adds the local user groups to LDAP users by configuring /etc/security/group.conf. +++++ 2014-07-09 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Added special debconf settings for Ubuntu 14.04 and Linux Mint 17. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Added special settings for common-account. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Removed settings that were tried to be written to a non-existing directory. cha: LDAP_addPosix: Now adds new groups in LDAP or adds users to existing group. +++++ 2014-07-07 cha: debian / ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now makes a dist-upgrade. +++++ 2014-07-03 cha: FDISK_showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Now shows an error message, if no HD was found. +++++ 2014-07-02 cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now has an extra parameter, that, if set to true, will add a shutdown or reboot package. cha: CLIENT_backToRed: Now doesn't add a shutdown or reboot package. new: CAutoTest::readAndDefineOrDieXML: Checks, is a given variable has a value that is not NULL (it was read via XML) or let the programm die with an error. new: CAutoTest::readSettings: Reads basic settings from settings.m23test and sets them as constants. +++++ 2014-06-30 cha: UBUNTU_installLanguagePacks: Now deinstalls k3b, if it was installed by a language pack and was not installed before. +++++ 2014-06-23 new: fixPHPFilePermissionsAndCR: Script that changes the PHP files to enable access via the Apache user and removes CR. +++++ 2014-06-18 cha: CLCFG_language: Now deinstalls k3b, if it was installed by a language pack and was not installed before. +++++ 2014-06-17 fix: debian / halfSister / m23updateInstall.php: Now includes the client install language file. fix: update_packages.php: Added missing $_GET['id'] variable. cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Now installs the Ubuntu 14.04 x2go packages on Linux Mint 17 too. +++++ 2014-06-12 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now includes support for Mate and Cinnamon desktops of Linux Mint 17. +++++ 2014-06-10 cha: CLCFG_installMintDM: Now uses different settings for Linux Mint 17. +++++ 2014-06-02 new: CAutoTest::VMCreate: Creates a new VM with virtual hard drive in VirtualBox and (optionally) inserts a bootable ISO into a VM. new: CAutoTest::VMStart: Starts a virtual machine in an existing X session. new: CAutoTest::setISO: Sets the filename and path of the ISO image for booting. new: CAutoTest::getISO: Get the filename and path to the ISO image for booting. new: CAutoTest::isVM: Check, if the the test should be run in a VM. new: CAutoTest::getVM_hdsize: Get the hard disk size of the virtual machine (to create). new: CAutoTest::getVMRam: Get the ram size of the virtual machine (to create). new: CAutoTest::getMachine: Get the name of the (real or virtual) machine, the test is run on. new: CAutoTest::setTriggered: Sets the trigger state ofthe current sequence event. new: CAutoTest::isTriggered: Checks, if the current sequence event was triggered. new: CAutoTest::setTimeout: Sets the timeout for the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::decTimeout: Decrements the remaining time for the timeout. new: CAutoTest::addToSequence: Adds an element to the sequence. new: CAutoTest::matchArray: Checks, if the search text is found in one of the texts contained in the array. new: CAutoTest::getGoodA: Returns the array with the good states of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getWarnA: Returns the array with the warning states of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getBadA: Returns the array with the bad states of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getTriggerType: Returns the trigger type of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getTriggerParam: Returns the trigger parameter of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getExecType: Returns the type of execution of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getExecParam: Returns the parameter for execution of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult: Checks, if the result (e.g. from AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen) is found in the good, warn or bad array and executes the matching element finish handler. new: CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction: Executes the action of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Waits for a trigger event, to execute the action. new: CAutoTest::getCurElement: Returns the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::nextCurElement: Increments the current sequence element number. new: CAutoTest::elemOk: The current sequence elements was finished sucessfully. new: CAutoTest::elemWarn: The current sequence elements was finished with a warning. new: CAutoTest::elemBad: There was an error in the current sequence element, so the execution must bestopped. new: CAutoTest::setVariableFromXML: Returns the input value when it is not NULL or exists the script with an error message. new: CAutoTest::parseTriggerFromXML: Parses the trigger and its type from the XML. new: CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML: Parses the action and its type from the XML. new: CAutoTest::parseArrayFromXML: Parses an (good, warn, bad) array from the XML. new: CAutoTest::parseXML: Parses the XML test description file. +++++ 2014-06-01 fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now makes sure that the result IP is between calculated max and min IP. +++++ 2014-05-31 cha: VM_parseVBOXstate: Code rewritten to work with all VirtualBox versions. cha: VM_parseVBOXNic: Now interprets bridged interface too. new: AUTOTEST_insertBootISO: Inserts a bootable ISO into a VM. new: AUTOTEST_keyboardWrite: Emulates the keystrokes into a VM. new: AUTOTEST_getStatus: Parses the complete status of a VM. new: AUTOTEST_isRunning: Checks if a VM is switched on. +++++ 2014-05-29 cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Changed execution order so the login banner is not part of the returned output. new: VM_insertBootISO: Inserts a bootable ISO into a VM. new: HELPER_calcScancodes: Converts an input string that may contain special keys into scancodes (e.g. for usage with VirtualBox) +++++ 2014-05-28 new: AUTOTEST_createVM: Creates a new VM with virtual hard drive in VirtualBox. new: AUTOTEST_deleteVM: Deletes a VM and its virtual hard drive from VirtualBox. new: AUTOTEST_startVM: Starts a virtual machine in an existing X session. new: VM_startVMInExistingXSession: Starts a virtual machine in an existing X session. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now calls scp and screen with sudo, when not run from the command line. cha: VM_createDiskImage, VM_createVM: Now are having an extra paramater for choosing the image location. +++++ 2014-05-27 cha: CLIENT_getIPbyName: Now returns the client name, if run on CLI. +++++ 2014-05-25 new: CLIENT_copyDebconfDB: Copies all debconf values from one client to another. cha: MASS_startInstall: Now calls CLIENT_copyDebconfDB. +++++ 2014-05-18 cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Added support for Ubuntu 14.04. cha: countLinesInFile: Now has an extra parameter, if set to true, empty lines are ignored. cha: MASS_showOverview: Now ignores empty lines on database files. fix: MASS_startInstall: Now the 2nd DNS is copied correctly (THX Rainer). +++++ 2014-05-16 cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now installs lightdm when run on Ubuntu 14.04. +++++ 2014-05-15 cha: MASS_readDBFileRaw: Now removes whitespaces at the beginning and at the end of the DB file (THX Rainer). +++++ 2014-05-14 cha: GNOME3_install: Now installs language-pack-gnome-XX too. cha: UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall, UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Added dpkg-divert rules for udev. cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: Now changes characters in the LaTex files before running latex2html and changing back afterwards. +++++ 2014-04-29 cha: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Now symlinks modemmanager and whoopsie to true. +++++ 2014-04-28 new: m23Lubuntu1404Install.php: Full lubuntu/Xfce desktop. new: m23UnityFull1404Install.php: Full Unity 3D desktop for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. +++++ 2014-04-27 new: m23LubuntuCore1404Install.php: Minimalistic lubuntu/Xfce desktop. new: m23Unity3D1404Install.php: Minimal Unity 3D desktop for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added lubuntu/Xfce and Unity 3D desktop. +++++ 2014-04-24 cha: CLCFG_language: Now adds $PATH to /etc/environment. +++++ 2014-04-20 cha: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Now creates menu.lst on Ubuntu Trusty. +++++ 2014-04-06 cha: createNewBazaarRepo: Improved included .bzrignore. +++++ 2014-04-03 new: HELPER_filesize: Gets the correct file size of a file, even if it is bigger than 2 GB. cha: PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Now calls HELPER_filesize. cha: DISTR_getDesktopsCBList: Now returns, if no distribution is given. +++++ 2014-03-20 cha: createInitrd: Now removes initrd and creates empty ones with the names of the installed packages. +++++ 2014-02-12 patch 100741: Re-enables group renaming and server backup. fix: group_actions.php: Corrected reading of group name and group action to re-enable renaming of groups. (THX CLUBSKIES) fix: m23Backup / createBackupList: Added missing "then" and "fi". (THX CLUBSKIES) +++++ 2014-02-05 cha: createNewBazaarRepo: Now uses a hand-crafted .bzrignore file. +++++ 2014-01-26 cha: prepareOSDorCompression: Now sure that m23debs.list is deleted. +++++ 2014-01-25 release 14.1 patch 100740: Release of m23 rock 14.1. +++++ 2014-01-23 cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now modprobes ext2-4. fix: linuxrc: Now links dhclient-script from /bin to /sbin. +++++ 2014-01-22 new: optimiseAllPNGs: Script for optimising all PNGs in the manual screenshot directories. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Added menu entry for optimiseAllPNGs. +++++ 2014-01-21 fix: getServerNetmask: Added full path to ifconfig. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now sets /dev/sda on top of the list. fix: PKG_getSearchCacheFileName: Now adds "'" around the file name to support distributions with spaces in the name. +++++ 2014-01-20 cha: PKGBUILDER_tar2deb: Now changed the access rights of all files to 755 before creating a new package index. +++++ 2014-01-19 menuDeb: Now ensures that development packages are uploaded into the development repository and release packages are uploaded into the release repository. +++++ 2014-01-07 new: checkForMissingi18n.sh: Script for checking for missing I18N translations. +++++ 2014-01-04 fix: MSR_clientSettings: Now sets the architecture in the imported sources list too. fix: SRCLST_getArchitectures: Now returns "i386" when no architecture can be get from the sources list. fix: PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Now reads "Installed-Size" from *Packages and uses empty line as package separator. +++++ 2014-01-01 cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now calls nl2br on the kernel variable in case that there are more than one kernels. cha: de / createVM.hlp: Added CloudStack. +++++ 2013-12-31 cha: m23-initscripts / control: Changed the package hwinfo from "Depends" to "Recommends". +++++ 2013-12-28 cha: ASSI_addUbuntuRoot: Now sets a random password for user root, if the root account is not enabled. +++++ 2013-12-22 patch 100721: Removal of bad SSH keys for the backuppc and root users. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes a bunch of bad SSH keys for the backuppc and root users. cha: mkm23Deb: Now deletes tmp/m23-install only. cha: i18n and help: Added "Apache" and "®" to CloudStack. +++++ 2013-12-21 fix: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now uses the extra parameter correctly when set to true, the names of all installed packages will be combined to a m23normal and all revomed to a m23normalRemove job. cha: CLIENT_resetAndInstall: Now calls CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording too. cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery.php: Now calls PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage. cha: VM_rebootChangeBootDevice: Now stops and starts the VM, when it is CloudStack. +++++ 2013-12-20 patch 100719: Assimilastion doesn't remove the root password any more. fix: m23PresetupInstall.php: Now doesn't set (empty) password when assimilating a client (THX jaywalker). cha: m23 / postinst: Now accepts "Raspbian" as valid dirtribution too. fix: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now returns false if there is no host for the choosen virtualisation solution. fix: VM_getAllVMHosts: Now doesn't exit on CloudStack even if the CloudStack object couldn't be fetched. cha: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Now uses defaults as mount parameter in fstab. +++++ 2013-12-19 patch 100718: Removes the bad test SSH key of the backuppc user. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes the bad SSH key for the backuppc user too. patch 100717: Removes the bad SSH key from the m23 client. cha: m23updateAuthorizedKeysInstall.php: Now removes the bad SSH key before. patch 100716: Added job for updating the authorized_keys file with the public SSH key of the m23 server. new: m23updateAuthorizedKeysInstall.php: Updates the authorized_keys file with the public SSH key of the m23 server. patch 100714: Removes the bad test SSH key. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes the bad SSH key. cha: startBaseInstallation, cleanOSForCompressing: Now deletes /root/.ssh/authorized_keys, /root/.ssh/id_dsa*, /var/lib/backuppc/.ssh/* to remove maybe existing SSH keys (THX jaywalker). +++++ 2013-12-18 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Removed IDE devices, because they are called sdX now. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now doesn't overwrite the boot type with a wrong value. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now tries to mount /home. May be helpful in case of NFS. cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Changed priority to 125 so it gets executed after system boot. +++++ 2013-12-17 new: mk-nfs-server-home: Script for installing an configuring a simple NFS server. cha: CChecks::checkNfshomeserver: Now checks for the existence of ':'. +++++ 2013-12-16 fix: en / m23inst.php: Added missing translations. fix: CClient::addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Now stores the LDAP credentials. +++++ 2013-12-15 new: I18N_number_format: Converts numbers to the language specific number formating. cha: PKG_listRecommendPackages, m23SHARED_priceFormater, SERVERBACKUP_backupOverviewDialog, PKG_listPackages, IMG_showImageManagement and VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Now are using I18N_number_format. cha: PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Now package sizes are stored in KB too. new: CClient::copyMassOptions: Copies the mass installation options (if present). cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Making Partclone the default method. cha: HELP_getHelp: Now uses escapeshellarg to secure the name of the man page. cha: debian / PKG_getKernels: Now filters out "grub-imageboot". +++++ 2013-12-11 fix: MASS_startInstall: Now adds boot type, distribution and release too. new: CClient::setDistribution: Sets the distribution of the client. new: CChecks::checkDistribution: Checks if a distribution name is valid. new: CClient::setRelease: Sets the distribution release of the client. new: CChecks::checkRelease: Checks if a release name is valid. new: CClient::copyImagingParameters: Copies the imaging parameters (if present). cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now calls setDistribution, setRelease and copyImagingParameters. new: CHECK_deviceName: Checks if the input value is a valid device name for a HD drive or partition. new: CChecks::checkSwapPart: Checks if the device name for the swap partition is valid. new: CChecks::checkInstPart: Checks if the device name for the installation partition is valid. new: CClient::setInstPart: Sets the installation partition of the client. new: CClient::setSwapPart: Sets the swap partition of the client. +++++ 2013-12-10 cha: getDNSServers: Now has a fallback, if no DNS servers could be fetched. +++++ 2013-12-08 fix: Added symlink for m23AddUserInstall.php to /m23/data+scripts/packages (for imaging). fix: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Corrected parameter for user creation. +++++ 2013-12-03 fix: CLCFG_addDistributionSpecificOptions: Now values from checkboxes are set correctly in the options array. cha: DISTR_startInstall: Now adds the x2go server installation job, if set in the options. cha: debian / CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Adds a checkbox for adding the x2go server installation job. +++++ 2013-11-28 cha: partcloneWrapper: Changed logging from /tmp/partclone.log to /dev/null. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now calls CLCFG_disablePlymouth. +++++ 2013-11-27 fix: SERVER_runningInScreen: Corrected regular expression. cha: SERVER_logLocalScreenSessionToFile: Now deletes the logfile at the beginning. cha: update.php: Now shows the live log right after clicking the update button. fix: UPDATE_running: Now uses SERVER_runningInScreen. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now trims the input values. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now uses PXE as default, if no boot type is set. cha: createRFSBins: Added the tools resize_reiserfs, resize2fs and xfs_growfs. new: FSEnlargeWrapper: Enlarges the file system on a given partition to match the size of the partition. cha: IMG_clientRestore: Now adds FSEnlargeWrapper to the BASH code if restored by dd. +++++ 2013-11-26 cha: HTML_newStatusBar: Now uses 5 seconds as default refresh time. fix: imaging / halfSister / clientConfig.php: Added 100 percent for the status bar. new: CLIENT_resetStatusBar: Resets the percent points to 0 for the pending jobs on a client. fix: halfSister / clientConfig.php: Now sets $CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions. new: PKG_addHSUser: Adds a job for creating an user on a halfSister client cha: HS_sysAddUser: Now has parameter for user and group IDs. cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Now is placed under /m23/inc/distr/ debian/packages with symlink to ubuntu. +++++ 2013-11-20 cha: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: New parameter to recalculate the remaining percent value of the status barfor better fitting. +++++ 2013-11-19 new: debian / halfSister / PKG_updatePackageSearchCacheFile: Updates the compressed package search file. new: debian / PKG_getLongPackageDescription: Gets the description of a package. cha: PKG_translateClientjobsStatus: Added translation for 'error'. +++++ 2013-11-18 fix: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now calls PKG_updatePackageInfo with correct parameters. cha: PKG_updatePackageInfo: Now updates the package index only every 5 hours, when not forced. cha: SRCLST_packageInformationOlderThan, PKG_updatePackageInfo: Now writes the time when the status file was last modified to a new parameter. new: SRCLST_packageInformationChangeTime: Returns the time point when the package information was changed last. cha: SRCLST_packageInformationOlderThan: Now calls SRCLST_packageInformationChangeTime. +++++ 2013-11-17 cha: PKG_searchFor: Now package names are unique again. new: PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Generates commands to create a compressed package search file. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now calls PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD. new: PKG_getSearchCacheFileName: Returns the full path to the compressed package search file. new: PKG_searchPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Generates BASH commands to search a compressed package search file. cha: PKG_searchFor: Now uses PKG_searchPackageSearchCacheFileCMD. fix: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now always touches the status file to update the modification time. +++++ 2013-11-14 cha: getServerNetmask: Now tries to get the netmask from networkdevices eth0 to eth9. cha: IMG_clientRestore: Added support for partclone. +++++ 2013-11-13 cha: IMG_clientCreate: Added timeout for netcat transfer. cha: IMG_clientCreate: Gauge now disabled when using partclone. cha: IMG_clientCreate, IMG_showCreateImage: Added support for partclone. +++++ 2013-11-12 cha: GRP_showSelDistrSources: Now shows a different message for choosing the distribution and sources list, when a package selection without clients should be created. cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Now are adding partclone to the bootimage. new: partcloneWrapper: Calls the correct partclone tool depending on the file system of the partition. +++++ 2013-11-11 cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Now optionally adds UID and GID. new: PKG_addUser: Adds a job for creating an user on the client. new: PKG_addUbuntuUser: Adds a job for creating an user on a Ubuntu client. new: PKG_addDebianUser: Adds a job for creating an user on a Debian client. cha: debian / clientInstall.php: Now calls PKG_addDebianUser. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls PKG_addUbuntuUser. new postinst / getCSExternIP: Get the external IP of this server, if run in CloudStack. fix: group_actions.php: Now gets the groupname from the URL. cha: enable-ssl: Now if an additional IP is given, makes it be used as default. +++++ 2013-11-09 patch 100694: Fixes installation of Ubuntu images with upstart. cha: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Now adds the package m23configUpstartForNormalUsage, if the extra distribution is ubuntu. cha: imaging / m23configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now is a symlink too. cha: VM_rebootChangeBootDevice: Now doesn't stop and start the VM when run on CloudStack, because this will stop the VM before it can send the job's "done" status. +++++ 2013-11-08 cha: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Now adds the package m23configUpstartForNormalUsage, if the extra distribution is ubuntu. cha: imaging / m23configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now is a symlink too. +++++ 2013-11-05 patch 100692: Fixes for image creation. fix: m23createImageInstall.php: Sends correct extracted size of the created image. fix: m23createImageInstall.php: Now deactivates the network booting. cha: m23 / postinst: Now uses the half of (during the configuration) available disk space as maximum for the size of the squid cache. new: VM_CloudStackDeleteClientVM: Deletes a virtual machine for use with m23 in CloudStack, only a cloudstack admin can recover it +++++ 2013-11-02 patch 100691: Fixes selection of images when using imaging as client distribution (THX IPB). fix: imaging / clientConfig.php: Added missing function variable for showDistributionSpecificOptions. new: update.php: Now adds a live status of the update progress. new: SERVER_logLocalScreenSessionToFile: Logs the output of a local screen session to a file. +++++ 2013-11-01 cha: install_packages.php: Now shows an error message and exists when in group mode and no group name is given. cha: install_packages.php: Now shows an error message when the serarch button is clicked without entering a search term. +++++ 2013-10-30 cha: serverSettings.php: Rearanged the icons. Added a new "extra" category. new: de / serverSettings.hlp: Added help page for the server settings page. fix: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Now returns an empty array, if no backups are present. fix: htaccess.php: Now administrators can be deleted when there are two or more. cha: MSG_showMessageBoxFooter, MSG_showMessageBoxHeader: Now are generating HTML code only when not in CLI mode. new: HELPER_isExecutedInCLI: Checks, if it is run in CLI. +++++ 2013-10-28 new: CLCFG_disablePlymouth: Disables the plymouth. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_disablePlymouth. +++++ 2013-10-23 cha: VM_CloudStack_getObject: Now has parameters to set the API entpoint, the API key and the secret API key. cha: VM_CloudStackEditConfFileGUI: Renamed to VM_CloudStackConfigGUI. new: VM_CloudStackCheckConstants: Checks, if the given constant values are valid. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now gives back the VM host. cha: Added help for CloudStack. +++++ 2013-10-21 new: VM_isCloudStackClient: Checks, if the client is run in CloudStack. cha: PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage: Now reboots the client when run in CloudStack. +++++ 2013-10-19 new: VM_CloudStackEnablePortForwarding: creates a port forwarding rule for a virtual machine, with private port and public port being the same new: VM_CloudStackUploadIso: uploads and registers a new bootable ISO file into cloudstack from a given website new: VM_CloudStackWriteConfFile: Writes the CloudStack config file or writes a basic config file, if it does not exist. new: VM_CloudStackEditConfFileGUI: Shows a dialog for editing the CloudStack config file. +++++ 2013-10-15 patch 100686: Now works with Debian 7.2. fix: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now works with Debian 7.2. +++++ 2013-10-07 cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now has optional parameters for user and group ID. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now adds ther user m23cupsadmin with user and group ID 523. +++++ 2013-10-06 new: VM_CloudStackSendSetVisualURL: Sends the visual URL (:22) to the m23 server, if run under CloudStack. cha: VM_setVisualURL: Now uses the host part of the URL, if vmHostIP is empty. fix: CLCFG_writeCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Corrected entry for every 5 minutes. new: MSR_curDynIPCommand: Generates the commands to transfer the current dynamic IP of the m23 client to the server. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now uses MSR_curDynIPCommand. cha: CIR_transferClientIP: Now calls MSR_curDynIPCommand. +++++ 2013-10-05 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now installs isc-dhcp-client too. new: VM_CloudStackStartVM: starts a virtual machine in CloudStack cha: VM_startVM: Now uses VM_CloudStackStartVM too. new: VM_CloudStackStopVM: stops a virtual machine in CloudStack cha: VM_stopVM: Now uses VM_CloudStackStopVM too. new: VM_CloudStackGetVMStatus: gets the status of a virtual machine new: VM_CloudStackClientName2ClientID: returns the Cloudstack-ID of a client with the given client host name new: VM_CloudStackNetBootActivate: attaches/exchanges or removes (if any) a network boot ISO to or from the client cha: VM_rebootChangeBootDevice: Now uses VM_CloudStackNetBootActivate too. cha: VM_status: Now may returns an array containing the status of the VM. +++++ 2013-10-03 cha: Checks::checkBootType: Added gpxe. cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Now accepts client's hostname via m23clientID GET parameter. cha: CLIENT_isAskingInDebugMode, CLIENT_getAskingParams: Now uses CLIENT_getClientName. cha: CLIENT_getClientID: Now uses CLIENT_getAskingParams. cha: clientISO / linuxrc: Now creates /dev/vdaX devices. cha: CLCFG_makeDev: Now creates /dev/vdaX devices. +++++ 2013-10-02 new: HELPER_getContentFromURL: Downloads an URL via curl and gives back the site code. new: VM_CloudStack_getServerIP: Gets the external m23 server IP if the m23 server is run as CloudStack VM. cha: getServerGateway, getServerNetmask: Now uses a more general approach to find out the gateway/router IP. +++++ 2013-10-01 cha: getServerIP: Now supports CloudStack too. +++++ 2013-09-30 new: VM_CloudStack_available: Checks, if the CloudStack configuration file is included and contains the needed constants. cha: VM_vmSwNr2Name, VM_getAllVMHosts: Now supports CloudStack too. new: VM_CloudStack_getObject: Gets a new CloudStackClient object. new: VM_CloudStack_getVersion: Gets the version of CloudStack. +++++ 2013-09-27 new: CClient::setNetRootPwd: Generates and sets the netboot root password. new: CClient::getNetRootPwd: Gets the netboot root password. +++++ 2013-09-26 new: CClient::setGetSystemtimeByNTP: Sets, if the system time should be set by NTP. new: CClient::getGetSystemtimeByNTP: Checks, if the system time should be set by NTP. new: CClient::setAddNewLocalLogin: Sets, if the local login should be created. new: CClient::getAddNewLocalLogin: Checks, if the local login should be created. new: CClient::setBoolProperty: Sets a boolean value in the client's settings. new: CClient::setInstallPrinter: Sets, if the local printer should be detected/installed. new: CClient::getInstallPrinter: Checks, if the local printer should be detected/installed. new: CClient::getLanguage: Gets the the language of the client. new: CClient::setTimeZone: Sets the the timezone of the client. new: CClient::getTimeZone: Gets the the timezone of the client. new: HELPER_getBootLoaders: Returns a list of available bootloaders. new: CClient::setBootloader: Sets the the bootloader of the client. new: CClient::getBootloader: Gets the the bootloader of the client. new: CClient::getClientGroup: Gets the m23 group of the client. new:CChecks::checkNfshomeserver: Checks if the NFS share is valid. new: CClient::setNfshomeserver: Sets the NFS share of the client. new: CClient::getNfshomeserver: Gets the NFS share of the client. +++++ 2013-09-24 new: CClient::setArch: Set the CPU architecture of the client. cha: CChecks::checkProxy: Now checks that IP and port are both empty or set too. cha: m23/postinst: Now figures out IP, netmask and gateway if the settings were given by a DHCP server. +++++ 2013-09-23 patch 100685: Now the groupnames can contain white spaces without getting stopped by the variable firewall. fix: checks.php: Now CC_groupnameOrEmpty accepts white spaces (Thx Oliver). +++++ 2013-09-18 fix: CHECK_str, CHECK_strAlphaNum, CHECK_strAlpha: Now returns false, if the input value is empty and empty values are not allowed. cha: CHECK_FW: Now ignores empty input values only when in firewall and not in check mode. +++++ 2013-09-16 cha: CClient::destroy: Now removes the client from the server's /etc/hosts. cha: CClient::setIP: Now adds the client to the server's /etc/hosts. new: CClient::addJob: Adds a job to the client's job table. new: CClient::startInstall: Starts the installation on the client. new: CClient::setInstallationStatusBar: Sets new percent value and/or new status text on the client's installation status bar. new: CChecks::checkUserGroupIDs: Checks the user ID and group ID are valid. new: CClient::setUserGroupIDs: Sets the user ID and group ID (for LDAP). new: CClient::getGroupID: Returns the (LDAP) group ID. new: CClient::getUserID: Returns the (LDAP) user ID. new: CClient::setLDAPServer: Sets the LDAP server. new: CClient::getLDAPServer: Returns the LDAP server of the client. new: CClient::getLogin: Returns the user's login. new: CClient::getFamilyname: Returns the user's familyname. new: CClient::getForename: Returns the user's forename. new: CClient::getFirstpw: Returns the user's first password. new: CClient::addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Adds the credentials of the main (desktop) user to the given LDAP server. new: CChecks::checkGroupname: Checks if the groupname is valid. new: CClient::addToClientGroup: Adds the client to an m23 client group. +++++ 2013-09-15 new: CClient::setRootPassword: Sets the root password for the client. cha: CHECK_FW: Now has an extra check mode for minumum length of the input value. new: CChecks::checkRootpassword: Checks if the root password is valid. new: CChecks::checkLanguage: Checks if the language is valid. new: CClient::setLanguage: Sets the the language of the client. +++++ 2013-09-14 cha: CClient::__construct: Now has a parameter to check the input variable. cha: CPoolFromClientDebsGUI, CPoolFromClientGUI, CLIENT_addClient: Now are using the new CClient constructor. new: CChecks::checkForename: Checks if the user's forename is valid. new: CChecks::checkFamilyname: Checks if the user's familyname is valid. new: CChecks::checkOffice: Checks if the given office name is valid. new: CChecks::checkEmail: Checks if the given eMail is valid (or optionally empty). new: CClient::setUserDetails: Generates HTML code for returning to the client control center page. new: CChecks::checkProxy: Checks the IP and port of the package proxy. new: CClient::setPackageProxy: Sets the IP and port of the package proxy. new: CChecks::checkLogin: Checks if the given login is valid. new: LDAP_getTypes: Returns an array with the known LDAP types. new: CClient::setLDAPType: Sets the LDAP type. new: CClient::getLDAPType: Returns the LDAP type of the client. new: CChecks::firstpw: Checks if the first name's password is valid. +++++ 2013-09-13 new: CClient::setDNS: Sets the main and (optionally) the backup DNS server(s). new: CClient::getDNS1: Returns the IP of the main DNS server. new: CClient::getDNS2: Returns the IP of the backup DNS server (if set). +++++ 2013-09-12 patch 100684: Replaces medibuntu.org (obsolete) with videolan.org in the Linux Mint sources lists. cha: Replaced "http://packages.medibuntu.org" with "http://download.videolan.org" in the sources lists "Linux Mint 13 Maya" and "Linux Mint 9 KDE", because medibuntu.org is obsolete now. +++++ 2013-09-05 patch 100683: Now the list of available kernels is updated on refresh. new: forkFunctions.inc / downloadBazaarRepo: Downloads a Bazaar repository to the current directory. new: forkFunctions.inc / createNewBazaarRepo: Adds the files and directories of the current directory to a new Bazaar repository cha: forkFunctions.inc / copym23: Now calls createNewBazaarRepo. +++++ 2013-09-04 cha: SRCLST_packageInformationOlderThan: Now checks for a minimum size of the lists directory too. patch 100682: Improved merging of release and development changelog. cha: m23uploadChangelog: Now uses mergeChangelog. new: forkFunctions.inc / mergeChangelog: Merges the changelogs from release and development tree (if both are existing) or just copies the existing changelog. +++++ 2013-09-02 new: forkFunctions.inc / getm23Dir: description Shows the full path to the active m23 directory or exits with an error. new: forkFunctions.inc / getmdkDir: Shows the full path to the active mdk directory or exits with an error. patch 100681: Added new option to disable root access via sudo for Ubuntu-derivatives, deactivation of SSL check now works, kernel list now sorted with generic kernels first. new: CLCFG_disableSudoRootLogin: Disables getting root rights of normal users via sudo. new: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptionsUbuntu: Shows additional distribution specific options for Ubuntu. cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount2: now shows group table with alternating line colors and mouseover effect. new: HELPER_compareLengthAbc: new function to compare strings first by length and then by alphabet. new: HELPER_sortByLength: new function to sort arrays by length and alphabet-position of their values. cha: m23/inc/debian/packages.php: function to get kernel list (PKG_getKernels) now outputs an ordered kernel list. cha: m23/inc/halfSister/packages.php: function to get kernel list (PKG_getKernels) now outputs an ordered kernel list. cha: CLCFG_addDistributionSpecificOptions: Now adds 'disableSSLCertCheck' and 'CB_disableSSLCertCheck'. +++++ 2013-08-28 patch 100680: Many improvements to the m23 cli. +++++ 2013-08-27 new: CLI_getModulePath: Checks, if a module exists and builds the full path to the module file. new: CLI_getModuleInfo: Gets information about a given module. new: CLI_getModuleDescription: Gets the description about a given module. new: CLI_getModuleParameter: Gets the parameter(s) about a given module. new: CLI_getModuleParameterLine: Gets the information line with module name and parameter(s) about a given module. new: CLI_showAllModuleDescription: Shows a list of all modules with their descriptions. patch 100679: CSS improvements. cha: CSS improvements: Now the current row the mouse points to in many tables is highlighted. +++++ 2013-08-26 patch 100678: Fix for the mass installation dialog and smal fixes. fix: massInstall.php: Fixed call time pass by reference. fix: CLCFG_monoRemove: Corrects syntax if BASH's [ ]. new: HELPER_trimValue: Runs trim on the input parameter and writes the result back. new: PKG_cleanPackageLine: Removes unwanted characters from a line containing package names and makes sure that there is only one line without line breaks. cha: PKG_addStatusJob: Now calls PKG_cleanPackageLine on normal package installation or removal. +++++ 2013-08-24 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine, BURN_blank, CPoolLister::__construct: Commented out debug code. cha: print_r2, calculator.php, themeChoice.php: Now uses echo instead of print. cha: check.php: Removed. +++++ 2013-08-22 patch 100677: Corrects output of the package selection optimisation. fix: PKG_combinem23normal: Now adds the needed space between the package names. +++++ 2013-08-19 patch 100676: Fixed update buttons. fix: install_packages.php: Now the update button is shown only when in update mode. +++++ 2013-08-18 release 13.2 patch 100675: Smal fix for package installation, updated documentation. new: Translations complete. New manuals and development guide. fix: install_packages.php: Now the client name is stored. +++++ 2013-08-17 patch 100674: New network bootimages to add SSH login (e.g for client's realtime status) again. cha: createRFSBins: Now adds libnsl.so.1 for dropbear. patch 100673: Configuration for the netbootimages. cha: BusyBox config: Now the BB's internal functions are used to handle /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd. new: DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression: Removes unneeded packages from a Raspbian installation and prepares for compression. +++++ 2013-08-14 patch 100672: Presetup works now on Wheezy bootimages. fix: CIR_waitForNextJob: Increased check size for empty fetched work.phps to 15 bytes. patch 100671: Fixes for Debian Wheezy booimages. cha: *.php: Changed all BASH "test" calls to "[ ]" syntax. new: workPhpName: Generates an unique name for storing the work.php file. cha: executeNextWork, CIR_waitForNextJob: Now uses workPhpName. +++++ 2013-08-13 patch 100670: Support for Linux Mint assimisation, Debian Wheezy based netbootimages, option for disabling the SSL certificate check for all clients. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now uses the BASH version of hwsetup. +++++ 2013-08-12 cha: Kernel configuration: Changed ramdisk size to 80MB. +++++ 2013-08-11 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now checks, if the new IP is nonused. +++++ 2013-08-10 fix: HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscannerByOS: Now the end mark for HSFETCHEOF is set correctly. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now disables ssl certificate checks for Linux Mint 11 and above. new: SERVER_isSSLCertCheckDisabled: Now determines, if the SSL certificate check is disabled globally for all clients. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now calls SERVER_isSSLCertCheckDisabled. new: SERVER_setSSLCertCheckDisabled: Sets, if the SSL certificate check is disabled globally for all clients. new: HTML_imgSwitch: Defines an image button with two states and a text next to it. cha: serverSettings.php: Now has a button to (de)activate the SSL certificate check globally for all clients. +++++ 2013-08-06 new: SERVER_setServerSetting: Sets the value of a server setting. new: SERVER_getServerSetting: Gets the value of a server setting. new: SERVER_existsServerSetting: Checks, if a named server setting exists in the DB. cha: head.php: Now checks, if this is the development version and adjust the coloring of the header. +++++ 2013-08-05 cha: moveDevel2Release: Now calls /mdk/doc/changelog-merger.php. new: changelog-merger.php: Script for merging the changelogs of development and release versions. patch 100669: Export of DHCP setting, optimisation of installation jobs with multiple packages, preparation for assimilsation of halfSister distributions. +++++ 2013-08-01 cha: m23 / postinst: Now increase the size of the normalPackage field to LONGTEXT in the table recommendpackages. new: PKG_combinem23normal: Combines the package names of multiple entries for m23normal and m23normalRemove jobs ind a package selection. cha: PKG_addPackageToPackageselection: Now calls PKG_combinem23normal. +++++ 2013-07-30 new: m23Debs.inc / rsyncUploadSpeedLimit: Determines the maximum upload speed. cha: install_packages.php: Now is using the HTML functions as often as possible. +++++ 2013-07-18 cha: install_packages.php: Now imports and exports the preselected packages of a clients from and to files. new: PKG_importSelectedPackagesFromFile: Imports space-seperated packages from a file and adds them to the wait4acc/selected packages of a client. new: HTML_uploadFile: Shows a dialog for uploading image files. new: HTML_urlButton: Defines a link that appears like a button. +++++ 2013-07-17 cha: menuDeb / uploadtesting: Now uploads the files directly to FRS. cha: menuServerISO: Now shows the architecture too. +++++ 2013-07-15 cha: m23-tftp / postinst: Now restores backuped bootimages from /m23/tftp/bak2.6. new: PKG_exportSelectedPackages: Exports the wait4acc/selected packages of a client. +++++ 2013-07-13 cha: ASSI_prepareClient, MSR_getClientSettingsCommand, MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand, MSR_statusFileCommand: Now are checking, if a halfSister compatible distribution was found and skips the Debian-based distributions setup. new: HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscannerByOS: Fetches the m23HSAdmin tool and m23hwscanner by detection of the OS. new: HS_ASSI_prepareClient: Prepares a halfSister client for assimilisation. new: HS_ASSI_statusFileCommand: Generates the commands to send the package infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_statusFileCommand) if this is an halfSister client to be assimilated. new: HS_getClientSettingsCommand: Generates the commands to send the client infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_getClientSettingsCommand). new: HS_ASSI_getClientSettingsCommand: Generates the commands to send the client infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_getClientSettingsCommand) if this is an halfSister client to be assimilated. cha: m23AssimilateInstall.php: Now uses halfSister functions too. new: DHCP_exportDHCPSettingsForExternalDHCPServer: Exports the DHCP settings of m23 clients that are booting over the network and adds settings for external DHCP servers. cha: de/en/fr client_distr.hlp, manageImageFiles.hlp, client_createImage.hlp: Improved help files concerning imaging. new: exportDHCPSettings.php: Calls DHCP_exportDHCPSettingsForExternalDHCPServer. +++++ 2013-07-10 patch 100668: More adjustments for Debian 7. cha: Package source "wheezy" now includes Triniy desktop 3.5.13. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now doesn't export "wheezy+squeeze+TDE" anymore. +++++ 2013-07-07 cha: htaccess.php: Now uses the mothods of the classes Cm23AdminLister and Cm23Admin. cha: createInitrd: Now creates empty *initrd.img files to satisfy depmod of Debian Wheezy. +++++ 2013-07-06 fix: createRFSBins: Now processes links correctly. cha: downloadExtractRFS / createRFSBins: Switched to Debian Wheezy. +++++ 2013-06-27 cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now has a new option to disable the SSL certificate check of wget. cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Added checkbox to disable the SSL certificate check of wget. cha: debin / clientInstall.php: +++++ 2013-06-25 cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added "wheezy". +++++ 2013-06-24 new: debian-update-howto.tex: Mini howto for patch 100667: Added LXDE, GNOME 3 and TDE for Debian 7. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports "wheezy" and "wheezy+squeeze+TDE" (for installing TDE with all needed packages from Squeeze) too. +++++ 2013-06-22 cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now has an extra parameter, if set to true, an additional line with "session-wrapper=/etc/X11/Xsession" will be added. new: LXDE_install: Installs the LXDE desktop. new: GNOME3_install: Installs the GNOME 3 desktop. +++++ 2013-06-18 cha: CLCFG_language: Now has an extra parameter for setting the release name of the distribution (for special handling). +++++ 2013-06-17 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs grub2 on Debian 7. cha: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Special handling for udev in Debian 7. fix: I18N_addLanguage: Now works with m23shared too. patch 100666: Netboot images are using Kernel 2.9.5 now to (hopefully) fix the problem with older SATA controlers. cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Linux Kernel 3.9. +++++ 2013-06-14 cha: excludem23-tftpdeb: Now excludes clonezilla images. +++++ 2013-06-11 fix: PKG_addPackageToPackageselection: Now stores all selected special packages to the selection. (THX FW). cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Linux Kernel 3.4. +++++ 2013-06-07 fix: group_details.php: Now titles are links no more. +++++ 2013-06-05 patch 100665: Fix for PXE IP calculation. fix: DHCP_calcPXEIP: Now calculates teh numbers correctly on all IPs. +++++ 2013-05-19 patch 100664: Corrected order of inclusion of Cm23Admin.php. fix: index.php: Corrected order of inclusion of Cm23Admin.php. +++++ 2013-05-14 patch 100663: Translations and server installation CD setup help text enhancements. cha: de / en / fr: Translations updated. cha: Cm23Admin.php: Introduced translated I18N tags. cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds the grdmgpg line in sudoers only if it is missing. cha: showNetworkDialog: Now shows a hint for choosing a valid hostname. cha: configureNetwork: Now filters out all 192.168.1.* IPs from /etc/hosts before adding the IP of the server. cha: m23 / postinst: Fixes /etc/sudoers, if there are more than one entry for grdmgpg. +++++ 2013-05-12 patch 100662: French translation enhancements. cha: French translation enhanced (THX Philippe). patch 100661: Added package sources list for "Linux Mint 13 Maya". cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports "Linux Mint 13 Maya" too. +++++ 2013-05-11 patch 100646: Correct detection of patch number. fix: getNextPatchlevel: Now works with release or development version only present. release 13.1 patch 100645: All things for 13.1 included ;-) cha: New manuals and development guide. cha: Added missing screenshots. fix: HELP_showHelpTex: Now converts _ correctly. cha: Translations completed. cha: changelog merged. new: optimisePNGs: Optimises PNGs for size with the help of pngquant. +++++ 2013-05-05 fix: mkRelease: Now uses the correct user for signing the Release file. +++++ 2013-05-03 new: CPoolFromClientDebsGUI::addm23BuildPoolFromClientDebsJob: Adds a m23BuildPoolFromClientDebs job to the client. +++++ 2013-04-30 fix: MSG_getRSSFeed: Now works with RSS time/dates that contain a timezone. new: PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Server: Starts a server to receive the Debian packages from an m23 client. new: PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Client: Client to send the Debian packages to the m23 client. cha: CPool::downloadDebsFromClient: Now uses PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Server. +++++ 2013-04-29 new: PKG_rsyncDebsFromClientToServer: Copies all the Debian packages from a client to a given directory on the server via rsync. cha: message.php: changed MSG_showWarning to represent new CSS element warningtable cha: index.css / index_fb.css: added element warningtable cha: reworked CSS for warning messages cha: fdisk.php: exchanged several css classes cha: HTML_jQueryMenu: exchanged css class cha: FDISK_listPartTable exchanged subtable for partTables css class cha: changed both css files cha: FDISK_printBars added css id fdiskbar cha: HTML_showTitle deleted two br cha: FDISK_showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog removed background color +++++ 2013-04-28 cha: CPoolLister::getPoolNames: Now returns an array with the all found pool names or empty array. cha: CPool::setPoolType: Now supports CPoolLister::POOL_TYPE_USECLIENTDEBS too. new: m23BuildPoolFromClientDebsInstall.php: Builds a pool from the Debian packages present on the given client. cha: CPoolFromClientGUI::__construct($clientName): Now doesn't call downloadPackagesAndCreatePool. cha: CPool::downloadPackagesAndCreatePool: Now has the clientname as optional parameter (only needed when downloadDebsFromClient is used). new: CPool::downloadDebsFromClient: Checks, if all pre-requirements for downloading packages to the pool are satisfied. Then starts the routine to download the packages directly from the client. new: MSR_buildPoolFromClientDebs: Builds a CPoolFromClientDebsGUI object and starts the download of the packages from the client to the server and the creation of the pool. new: MSR_buildPoolFromClientDebsCMD: Generates the commands to start the process for building a CPoolFromClientDebsGUI object and to start the download of the packages from the client to the server and the creation of the pool. +++++ 2013-04-23 cha: SERVER_runningInScreen: Changing grep's regexp from single [ to double [[. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now reads all lines from ca.hash and creates hash files on the client. cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Add IPv4 mode on Raspberry Pi. cha: mkCert.sh: Now calls the old hash routine (on new openssl) and the normal routine (on old openssl). So one or two hashes are added. cha: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon: Now wraps the title after 30 characters. +++++ 2013-04-22 fix: PKG_convertPackagesToRepository: Now urlencodes '%' characters. new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheFilename: Returns the file name of the debootstrap cache file (without path). new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheSfURL: Returns the URL to the debootstrap cache file on the SourceForge server. new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerURL: Returns the URL to the debootstrap cache file on the m23 server. new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerFile: Returns the full path to the debootstrap cache file on the m23 server. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now uses PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerFile, PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerURL and PKG_getDebootstrapCacheSfURL. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now downloads the debootstrap cache file too. +++++ 2013-04-17 fix: welcome.php: Fixed call time pass by reference. +++++ 2013-04-16 cha: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_convertPackagesToRepositoryStatus: Removed AJAX status. cha: DISTR_listDistributions: Now filters out baseSysFileLists. +++++ 2013-04-14 cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now sets APT::Force-LoopBreak=true and Acquire::Retries=5. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now uses HELPER_xargsRecursive for downloading the packages. cha: CPoolFromClientGUI::__construct: Now doesn't download the base packages. +++++ 2013-04-13 new: HELPER_xargsRecursive: Executes a BASH command with a list of arguments. If the BASH command fails, the argument list is split in two parts and recursively executed again. +++++ 2013-04-07 cha: CPoolFromClientGUI::__construct: Now creates a package selection too. new: CPoolFromClientGUI::saveInObjectStorage: Saves this object in the object storage. new: CPoolFromClientGUI:: showCheckboxForAddingm23BuildPoolFromClientPackage: Shows a checkbox, that adds a m23BuildPoolFromClient job when checked. cha: client_distr.php: Now calls CPoolFromClientGUI:: showCheckboxForAddingm23BuildPoolFromClientPackage. +++++ 2013-04-06 new: poolFromClient.php: Dialog for creating a pool and package selection from a client's installed packages. cha: remodeled CSS to hold absolute font sizes +++++ 2013-04-05 new: CPoolFromClientGUI::getCOSStatusHumanReadable: Translates the status code (COSSTATUS_*) into human readable word(s). new: CPoolFromClientGUI::getCOSStatus: Gets the status code (COSSTATUS_*). new: CPoolFromClientGUI::runCOSLoop: Function that is called on every run of CObjectStorageManager::getAllObjectsByRes. cha: CObjectStorageManager::getAllObjectsByRes: Now saves the (maybe changed object) after calling runCOSLoop. cha: CPool::startDownloadToPool: Now has an extra parameter to set if the commands for downloading the packages will be returned instead of executed. cha: debian / PKG_downloadPool: Now always returns the commands for downloading the packages. new: CPool::isPackageTaskRunning: Checks if a packages task (download to the pool or creating the pool from downloaded files) is running. cha: CPool::isDownloadRunning, CPool::isConvertPackagesToRepositoryRunning: Now are calling CPool::isPackageTaskRunning. new: CPool::downloadPackagesAndCreatePool: Downloads packages and creates a pool from them in one combined screen session. new: CPool::addPoolStatusFileCommand: Generates BASH code that sets a status in the pool status file. new: CPool::getPoolStatusFileContents: Gets the contents of the pool status file. new: m23BuildPoolFromClient.php: Builds a pool (on the m23 server) from the packages installed on the client. new: CPool::getPoolStatusFileName: Returns the name of the pool status file. +++++ 2013-04-04 new: CObjectStorageManager::getCOSI18NVariable: Gets the contents of an I18N variable for the object (if it exists). new: CObjectStorageManager::getCOSDescription: Gets the description for a given object class. new: CObjectStorageManager::getCOSName: Gets the (human readable) name for a given object class. new: CObjectStorage::statusCodeToHumanReadable: Translates a status code (COSSTATUS_*) into human readable word(s). +++++ 2013-04-03 cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now removes the lock file before every call of apt-get. new: CPoolGUI::getHelpPage: Returns the current help page. new: CPoolGUI::getHeading: Returns the current heading. +++++ 2013-04-02 new: PKG_convertPackagesToRepository: Generates commands for creating a package source from packages stored in one directory. cha: CPool::convertPackagesToRepository: Now calls PKG_convertPackagesToRepository. new: debian / PKG_preparePool: Generates the needed configuration file for reprepro. cha: CPool::preparePool(): Now calls PKG_preparePool. +++++ 2013-03-30 cha: DHCP_calcPXEIP: Now uses native PHP functions. +++++ 2013-03-24 patch 100631: Added CObjectStorage and CObjectStorageManager classes. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now has a new parameter that, if set to true, the commands for downloading the packages will be returned instead of executed. new: CObjectStorageManager::showList: Shows a list of existing objects matching criteria set by getBy* functions. new: CPool::checkForDistributionSpecificPackageFunction: Checks for a distribution specific package function in the distribution's packages.php file and generates an error message in case it cannot be found. +++++ 2013-03-23 new: CObjectStorageManager::saveObject: Saves or updates an object in the DB. new: CObjectStorageManager::getAllObjectsByRes: Fetches all objects from the DB that can be read via the given MySQL ressource ID. new: CObjectStorageManager::getByIdent: Fetches all objects from the DB that match an identifier. new: CObjectStorageManager::getByClass: Fetches all objects from the DB that match a class. new: CObjectStorageManager::getByIdentClass: Fetches an object from the DB that match an identifier and a class. new: CObjectStorage::__construct: Constructor for new CObjectStorage objects. The object saves/updates or loads an object. new: CObjectStorage::getObjectMethodReturnValue: Checks, if an objects implements a method, calls it and returns the return value. If the method is unimplemented, an error value will be returned. new: CObjectStorage::getCOSStatus: Gets the status code of the object. new: CObjectStorage::getCOSStatusHumanReadable: Gets the human readable status of the object. new: CObjectStorage::getObject: Gets the object. new: CObjectStorage::__destruct: Destructor for storing changed values of the object back to the DB. new: CObjectStorageManager::deleteObject: Deletes an object from the DB that match an identifier and a class. +++++ 2013-03-19 new: CClient::getRelease: Returns the distribution release of the client. new: CClient::getDistribution: Returns the distribution of the client. new: CClient::getSourcesList: Returns the sources list of the client. new: CPoolFromClientGUI::getImportPoolName: Returns the name of this pool. new: CPoolFromClientGUI::setImportPoolName: Sets the name of this pool by the client name. new: CClient::getArch: Returns the architecture of the client. new: CClient::getClientWorkPHPURL: Returns the URL to the work.php for this client. new: CClient::getClientCurrentWorkPHP: Returns the current contents of the work.php for this client. cha: CClient::__construct: Added optional parameter that sets, if the client with the given name must exist. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Added CLCFG_installFirmware. cha: checkForx86_64Toolchain: Now creates the missing links for the crt* files (THX motey). cha: m23-mdk-client: Added libxml-perl and libxml-writer-perl as dependency. +++++ 2013-03-18 patch 100629: Adjustments for the bootimages and m23 kernels (amd64 and i386). new: hwpartner-tool / waitforhttp: Waits for at least 15 HTTP connections. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Removed lilo from the bootloader list. cha: Kernel configuration: Changed ramdisk size to 81920Kb. +++++ 2013-03-17 cha: debian / clientInstall.php: Added CLCFG_installFirmware. patch 100628: Several changes for the upcoming m23 rock 13.1. new: CLCFG_monoRemove: Removes mono packages and installs gnote when tomboy was installed before. new: CLCFG_installFirmware: Installs available firmware packages. +++++ 2013-03-16 fix: PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages: Now works again and uses pre-cached files generated by mkAllBaseSysFileLists. cha: mkm23Deb: Now calls mkAllBaseSysFileLists. new: mkAllBaseSysFileLists: Generates a list of all base system packages for all (Debian/Ubuntu) releases cha: m23 / control: Added apt-utils to the dependencies. cha: SERVERBACKUP_showConfigurationDialog: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_encryptAndUploadBackup cha: SERVERBACKUP_runBackupNowDialog: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_runServerBackupNow add: HTML_showSmallTitle: function which shows a title of the second tier cha: cron.php: replaced HTML_showTitle by HTML_showSmallTitle for $I18N_cronTimeBase and $I18N_addCronEntry cha: VM_VBOXaddonDownloadDialog: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_downloadableVBoxAddons, $I18N_downloadStatus and $I18N_chooseDefaultVersion cha: CIPManagement::singleSettingsAddDialog: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_singleClientsNetworksettings) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPManagement::showUsedIPsAndMACs: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_usedIPs) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showRangesList: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_lockedIpRanges) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showDynamicRangesList: corrected function description, HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_dynamicIpRanges) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showRangesAddingDialog: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_IPRanges) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showSearchDialog: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_search) instead of HTML_showTitle +++++ 2013-03-15 cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Added #!/bin/sh to indentify the afterChrootInstall.sh script. +++++ 2013-03-12 cha: client / linuxrc: Removed ps' parameter '-A', because it doesn't exist in this BusyBox release cha: PKGBUILDER_showUploadDialog, PKGBUILDER_listFiles: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' cha: SRCLST_showEditor: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' cha: DISTR_getDesktopsCBList: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' cha: install_packages.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for I18N_found_packages and $I18N_preselected_packages cha: makeBootCD.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_used_burner, $I18N_make_bootcd, $I18N_blank_cdrw cha: burn.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_burner_status cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_daemons cha: serverSettings.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_components, $I18N_system, $I18N_serverHacks +++++ 2013-03-11 cha: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: Now uses the mount point as array key. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now uses the package proxy of the m23 server. new: showCurrentWorkPHP.php: Shows the current work.php contents for the client. new: CClient::getBackToDetailsLink: Generates HTML code for returning to the client control center page. new: HTML_sourceViewer: Creates a source viewer area that polls source code from a given URL. +++++ 2013-03-06 cha: createRFSBins: Removed "init" form the list of native tools (now in BusyBox) cha: server / etc / inittab: Changed to match format of BusyBox's init. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now adds firmware-linux-nonfree. +++++ 2013-03-05 cha: PKG_savePackageselection: Now has extra parameter for setting the status of the clientjobs that should be added. cha: PKG_addPackageToPackageselection: Removed $client parameter. cha: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: Now is called PKG_addPackageToPackageselection. new: CClient::getClientPackages: Returns an array or a space separated list of all packages installed on a client +++++ 2013-02-26 cha: index_fb.css: changed button layout cha: PREF_showPreferenceManager(): removed ridges from table in subtable2 which looked bad in both CSS and added padding because first word was cut off +++++ 2013-02-25 m23hwscanner: Now checks for (needed) parted and exits, if it is not found. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / chrootSystem: Added workaround for missing modules.dep to disable the repeated showing of the "FATAL" error. +++++ 2013-02-24 fix: extractFile: Now gets the PID of the 7-Zip process more precisely. cha: m23install.sh: Now should work with all USB keyboards. cha: Cm23Admin.php: added layout for themeChoice in getCSS cha: index.css: added shadow to subhighlight class cha: index_fb.css: added class for framed images cha: index.css: added class for framed images cha: themeChoice.php: changed layout +++++ 2013-02-23 cha: serverSettings.php: added themeChoice cha: index.php: added themeChoice, added showMessages for m23Admin new: /misc/themeChoice.php: introduced theme choice page +++++ 2013-02-22 new: HTML_AJAXAutoSubmit: Defines AJAX code that clicks a submit button when the given URL returns 'submit'. The defined constant should be used as LAST part of the $extra parameter in the HTML_submit function. new: HTML_getOutputBuffer: Gets the complete (previously rendered) HTML output buffer. new: HTML_setOutputBuffer: Sets (replaces) the complete (previously rendered) HTML output buffer, that will be sent to the webbrowser. +++++ 2013-02-19 new: CChecks::checkPoolName: Checks if the pool name is valid. new: CChecks::genericCHECK_FW: Generic checking routine, that checks if an input value matches a rule. cha: CHECK_strAlpha, CHECK_strAlphaNum, CHECK_int, CHECK_float, CHECK_str: Now has an extra parameter that set to true if you want to return (instead of aborting the program) when an error in the input is found. new: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_convertPackagesToRepositoryStatus: Shows information (status of the Packages* generation, sources.list) about the currently generated pool. new: CPoolGUI::DEFINE_convertPackagesToRepositoryStatus: Defines dialog elements for the status of the Packages* and sources.list generation of the currently generated pool. new: CPoolGUI::DEFINE_showDownloadStatus: Defines HTML elements for the package download status of a pool. new: CPool::stopDownloadToPool: Stops the download of packages to the pool. +++++ 2013-02-18 new: poolSizeLog.php: Shows the size of a given pool. new: convertPackagesToRepositoryLog.php: Shows the contents of the convert packages to repository log file. new: HTML_liveSpan: Creates a span that updates itself via AJAX by polling from a given URL. new: CPool::getConvertPackagesToRepositoryLogName: Returns the full file name of the convert packages to repository log file. new: CPool::getConvertPackagesToRepositoryLogNewLines: Gets the last (new) lines of the (growing) convert packages to repository log file. new: CPool::isConvertPackagesToRepositoryRunning: Checks if the conversation of downloaded packages to a repository is running. new: CPool::getDownloadLogNewLines: Gets the last (new) lines of the (growing) download log file. new: HELPER_getNewLogLines: Gets the last (new) lines of a (growing) log file. cha: clientLiveLog.php: Now uses HELPER_getNewLogLines. +++++ 2013-02-17 new: CPool::convertPackagesToRepository: Generates a package source from packages stored in one directory. +++++ 2013-02-13 new: poolDownloadLog.php: Shows the contents of the APT log file (download of packages to a pool) for a given pool. +++++ 2013-02-12 new: CPool::isDownloadRunning: Checks if a download of packages to the pool is running. new: CPool::getDownloadLogContents: Gets the contents of the download log file. +++++ 2013-02-11 new: CMessageManager::deleteAllMessages: Deletes all messages from the message stack. new: disconnectLoop: Disconnect loop devices that match the search string. cha: createRFSFinishInitrd: Now calls disconnectLoop. +++++ 2013-02-10 cha: listBusyBoxVersions: Changed to look for tar.bz2. +++++ 2013-02-09 cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Linux kernel 3.2. cha: listKernelVersions, menuKernelDownload: Now has support for Linux kernels 3.x. +++++ 2013-02-08 new: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_startPackageDownload: Starts the download of packages to the pool and shows a button to go back to the start, if there were errors or a button to go to the download status page, if all is well. new: CPool::startDownloadToPool: Checks, if all pre-requirements for downloading packages to the pool are satisfied. Then starts the distribution specific download routine. new: CPool::getPoolImportedFromSourceslist: Gets the complete sourceslist that was used to download the packages into the pool. new: CPool::setPoolImportedFromSourceslist: Sets the complete sourceslist that was used to download the packages into the pool. new: CPool::getPoolDistribution: Gets the distribution value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolDistribution: Sets the distribution value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolImportedPackageList: Gets the list of packages that were downloaded (or have to be downloaded) into the pool. new: CPool::setPoolImportedPackageList: Sets the list of packages that were downloaded (or have to be downloaded) into the pool. new: CPool::hasPoolDownloadBasePackages: Checks, if base packages should be downloaded. new: CPool::setPoolDownloadBasePackages: Sets, if base packages should be downloaded. new: CPool::preparePool: Generates the needed configuration file for reprepro. +++++ 2013-02-06 new: CPoolGUI::show: Shows the start dialog for creating, adding, deleting and changing pools. cha: CPool::DIALOG_start now is CPoolGUI::DIALOG_start. cha: CPool::DEFINE_nextStepCopyDownloadPackages now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_nextStepCopyDownloadPackages. cha: CPool::DEFINE_changePoolDescription now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_changePoolDescription. cha: CPool::DEFINE_loadDeletePool now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_loadDeletePool. cha: CPool::DEFINE_createBasicPool now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_createBasicPool. +++++ 2013-02-05 new: CPool::DIALOG_start: Shows the start dialog for creating, adding, deleting and changing pools. new: CPool::DEFINE_nextStepCopyDownloadPackages: Defines a button for going to the next step (copy or download of packages). new: CPool::DEFINE_loadDeletePool: Defines dialog elements for loading or deleting a pool. new: CPool::DEFINE_createBasicPool: Defines dialog elements for creating a basic pool. cha: CPool::HTML_createBasicPool: Replaced by CPool::DEFINE_createBasicPool. new: CPool::DEFINE_changePoolDescription: Defines dialog elements for changing the pool description. new: CPool::getPoolDescription: Gets the description value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolDescription: Sets the description value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolDir: Gets the directory of the pool. +++++ 2013-02-04 new: CPool::getPoolName: Gets the name of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolName: Sets the name of the pool and create the pool directory. new: CPool::createBasicPool: Sets the name, type and architecture of the pool and creates the pool directory. new: CPool::HTML_createBasicPool: Generates a dialog for creating a basic pool. +++++ 2013-02-03 new: CPool::getPoolSourceslist: description Gets the sourceslist value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolSourceslist: Sets the sourceslist value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolRelease: Gets the release value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolRelease:Sets the release value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolType: Gets the type value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolArch: Sets the type value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolArch: Gets the architecture value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolArch: Sets the architecture value of the pool. new: CPool::setProperty: Writes the contents of a property file new: CPool::getProperty: Reads the contents of a property file new: CPool::getSize: Calculates the disk usage of a pool. new: CPool::setPoolDir: Sets the name of the pool and makes sure, the pool directory exists. new: CPool::destroyPool: Deletes the pool cha: i18n.php: introduced constant for list of languages and removed that list from function I18N_m23instLanguage($shortLanguage) cha: /m23admin/index.php: included the two new classes +++++ 2013-01-28 cha: m23-xorg-configuratior: Now doesn't exit in Linux Mint 13 (that is based on Ubuntu 12.04) cha: m23-skel / postinst: Now adds dconf settings for Cinnamon when execured on Linux Mint 13. new: sources list precise+Xorg-updates: Normal Ubuntu 12.04 sources list including updates for Xorg (e.g. includes updated Intel drivers). cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports precise+Xorg-updates too. cha: m23-xorg-configurator-wait.conf: Added mdm to the list of display managers. +++++ 2013-01-27 cha: de / redo_client.hlp: Added German translation. cha: CLCFG_installMintDM: Now sets the default display manager in /etc/skel/.dmrc too. cha: forkFunctions.inc / diffExcludeMeld: Now complains, if not executed under an X11 session and without meld installed. +++++ 2013-01-26 cha: m23-skel: Added dconf settings for Cinnamon. +++++ 2013-01-23 cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Now adds the normal user to the root group, so the user can be given root rights by giving him the root password. cha: class Cm23Admin: added functionality to add and delete admins cha: DB table 'clients': extended table by one column +++++ 2013-01-22 new: class Cm23AdminLister new: class Cm23Admin new: DB table 'clients' +++++ 2013-01-20 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now adds debconf settings for samba. +++++ 2013-01-19 new: CLCFG_setDebConfDM: Sets the display manager in debconf. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now uses CLCFG_setDebConfDM. new: CLCFG_installMintDM: Installs the Linux Mint DM display manager. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now can install different display managers. +++++ 2013-01-18 fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now excludes xxx.yyy.zzz.0 IPs. cha: forkFunctions.inc / startDaemons, forkFunctions.inc / stopDaemons: Now starts/stops tftpd-hpa too. cha: ubuntu / info.txt: Now adds Mint13Cinnamon desktop environment. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now contains a list of basic packages for Linux Mint 13. +++++ 2013-01-17 cha menuFork: Now allows all access to the X session of the non root user. cha menuFork: Added new forkFunctions.inc / linkOrTouchINT: Makes a link, if there is an original file, otherwise create an empty file. new forkFunctions.inc / copyNewFilesINT: Copies new files (that didn't exist in the CURRENT fork, but in the OTHER fork) to the CURRENT fork. cha: m23/inc/calculator.php: numbers are now rendered in calculator-typical order cha: 'Fresh Blue' theme: revamped calculator +++++ 2013-01-16 cha: FDISK_findDevNrPosition, CMessageManager::addInfoMessage, CMessageManager::addWarningMessage, CMessageManager::addErrorMessage: Corrected deprecated call-time pass-by-reference. +++++ 2013-01-15 fix: CLCFG_interfaces: Now uses correct path to ethtool (Thx FP). +++++ 2013-01-14 new forkFunctions.inc / diffExcludeMeld: Checks for differences between a development and a release directory and calls meld with the changed files. cha: CSS File for m23 'Fresh Blue' theme added and modified cha: packageBuilder.php, m23base: added $fileSizeByte for file list in package architect fix: .HELP_getHelp: added parameter to remove empty helptable on welcome page fix: welcome.hlp: closed fix: VM_getAllVMHosts: now returns empty array if no vmhosts available +++++ 2013-01-12 cha: incPatchLevelInVersionPhp: Now calls getNextPatchlevel. new: forkFunctions.inc / getNextPatchlevel: Shows the next available patch number. cha: forkFunctions.inc / moveDevel2Release: Now removes the -devel tag from the codename +++++ 2013-01-11 cha: menuDeb / build: Now generates a patch info file only when not in development mode. cha: m23uploadChangelog: Now uploads the changelog from the m23 devel directory and only if in development mode. cha: SF-hg-backup: Now changes the directory, if m23/MDK are in development mode. cha: isDevelExit: Removed. new forkFunctions.inc / getm23ReleaseDir: Shows the full path to the m23 release directory or exits with an error. new forkFunctions.inc / getm23DevelDir: Shows the full path to the m23 development directory or exits with an error. new forkFunctions.inc / getmdkReleaseDir: Shows the full path to the MDK release directory or exits with an error. new forkFunctions.inc / getmdkDevelDir: Shows the full path to the MDK development directory or exits with an error. +++++ 2013-01-09 cha: ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Added "cron" to the base package list. +++++ 2013-01-08 patch 100617: Workaround for Ubuntu kernel question. fix: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Now creates empty /boot/grub/menu.lst for disabling the new non debconf Ubuntu kernel question. cha: index.css: Now aligns contents of subtables on the top of each row. +++++ 2013-01-02 cha: menuBootCD.hlp: Renamed to menuServerISO.hlp. cha: menuServerISO.hlp, menuClientISO.hlp, menuDevguide.hlp, menuManual.hlp: Updated. +++++ 2013-01-01 cha: menuStart: Added "fork". cha: menuStart.hlp: Updated help to the current menu entries. cha: menuDeb: Removed "mkusrm23". cha: menuDoc: Removed "translator". new forkFunctions.inc / forkStatusMessage: Generates a status text with the currently active fork (development or release), the release and development directories of m23/MDK. new forkFunctions.inc / isDevelExit: Checks if /m23 and /mdk are linking to the development version. new forkFunctions.inc / startDaemons: Starts the MySQL and Apache 2 daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / stopDaemons: Stops the MySQL and Apache 2 daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / isDevelReturn: Checks if /m23 and /mdk are linking to the development version. new forkFunctions.inc / showExcludeRule: Shows a file/directory excluding rule in human readable form. new forkFunctions.inc / checkLinksNDirs: Checks, if /m23 and /mdk are symlinks and the development directories are not existing new forkFunctions.inc / infoBeforeStart: Shows an info message about what would be done and asks to continue or not new forkFunctions.inc / copym23: Copies the m23 release version to a new development version directory. new forkFunctions.inc / copymdk: Copies the mdk release version to a new development version directory. new forkFunctions.inc / switchRelease: Switches to the (hopefully existing) release version and restarts the daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / switchDevel: Switches to the (hopefully existing) development version and restarts the daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / makeDevel: Creates a development copy of the release directory. new forkFunctions.inc / makeSymlinkm23mdk: Moves the directories /mdk and /m23 to /mdk-dir and /m23-dir. Then creates symlinks form /m23-dir to /m23 and /mdk-dir to /mdk. new forkFunctions.inc / moveDevel2Release: Makes the development version the current release and moves the (now old) release to outdated. new menuFork: Menu for calling different functions of forkFunctions. +++++ 2012-12-14 cha: debian / clinetInstall.php: Now adds the user to the grous lp and scanner. +++++ 2012-12-11 release 12.4 cha: prepareOSDorCompression: Now makes sure that m23debs is removed from sources.list. +++++ 2012-12-10 patch 100616: French language updated. cha: French manuals updated. fix: HTML_submit: Now works with special characters too (that might exist in French strings). +++++ 2012-12-07 cha: m23-initscripts / postinst: Now doesn't show error messages, if non existing files could not be deleted. (THX AR) patch 100614: Smal fix for CUPS management. fix: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now uses an MD5 hash as password for m23cupsadmin, that contains never "illegal" characters. patch 100613: Smal fix for CUPS management. cha: fr: Documentation and translations finished (THX Maren, Philippe). +++++ 2012-12-06 fix: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Fixed addind the user m23cupsadmin to the group lpadmin. patch 100611: New system user for managing the CUPS server on the m23 clients and additional logging of (de)installation jobs. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now adds a new system user for managing the CUPS server with random password. (Sponsored by AR) cha: client_details.php: Now embeds the m23 CUPS username and password in the URL of the printer icon. (Sponsored by AR) +++++ 2012-12-03 cha: CLCFG_aptGet: Now sends success or fail status to the client's log and in case of an error the apt-get output too. +++++ 2012-11-24 patch 100610: Another fix for EDIT_insertLineNumber. fix: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now removes newlines and other unwanted characters form the line number. patch 100608: Smal and important fix for EDIT_insertLineNumber. cha: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin: Switched back the inserting algorithm. fix: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now doesn't convert the line number to int, because it can be a BASH variable name too. patch Now escapes the search line in EDIT_searchLastLineNumber. fix: EDIT_searchLastLineNumber: Now escapes the search line. patch 100607: New LDAP servers are now inserting before the closing PHP tag. +++++ 2012-11-23 cha: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin: New LDAP servers are now inserting before the closing PHP tag. +++++ 2012-11-22 patch 100606: Documentation for German and English finished and smal fixes for editing a client. cha: version.php: Changed to 12.4. +++++ 2012-11-20 cha: menuDeb: Removed "hwscanner" menu entry, because the hwscanner doesn't need compiling any more. cha: de/en: Documentation and translations finished (THX Maren). +++++ 2012-11-12 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Added images for the modi "Keep or increase system partition" and "Percentage adjustment". +++++ 2012-10-29 fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Now uses the variable firewall correctly on MACs now. fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Now sets proxy setting correctly. +++++ 2012-10-22 patch 100603: Smal fix for IP management and enhancement of XOrg configurator. +++++ 2012-10-20 fix: hwpartner-tool: Corrected requirements for the tests. fix: hwpartner-tool / soundTest: Now runs the correct amount of given output channels. +++++ 2012-10-16 cha: m23-xorg-configurator.conf: checkNoXorgConfNeeded: Checks, if Xorg will run well without an xorg.conf (Xorg version 1.11.3 or higher). +++++ 2012-10-15 cha: hwpartner-tool: Added opticalTest (Thx Maren). +++++ 2012-10-11 fix: m23/postinst: Fixed backup file name for dhcpd.conf cha: m23/postinst: Now removes the possible space before 'host'. patch 100601: Enhances client filtering. cha: CClientLister::getClient: Now uses OR combination to filter the results. patch 100599: Some corrections for the IP management. cha: checkNotInRange: Now checks for dynamic and static ranges. patch 100599: Added IP management. cha: CC_groupname: Now limits the group name to 200 character. +++++ 2012-10-10 cha: DISTR_startInstall: Now installs an extra package that configures upstart for normal running in an installed system. +++++ 2012-10-09 fix: CLCFG_language: Now should create the correct locales on Ubuntu (Thx AR). +++++ 2012-10-08 new: CMessageManager::addMessage: Generic function for adding a message to a message queue. new: CMessageManager::addInfoMessage: Adds an info message to the info message stack and sets the info flag. new: CMessageManager::addWarningMessage: Adds a warning message to the warning message stack and sets the warning flag. new: CMessageManager::popInfoMessagesHTML: Returns all info messages and deletes the info message stack. new: CMessageManager::popWarningMessagesHTML: Returns all warning messages and deletes the warning message stack. new: CMessageManager::hasInfo: Returns if there are infos. new: CMessageManager::hasWarnings: Returns if there are warnings. new: CMessageManager::showInfo: Shows existing info messages in an info box if there are any. new: CMessageManager::showWarning: Shows (hopefully not) existing warning messages in a warning box if there are any. new: CMessageManager::showMessages: Shows all existing messages in the according boxes. cha: m23/postinst: Now converts the old dhcpd.conf format to the new format. new: DHCP_delSubnetDefinition: Removes a subnet definition from the dhcpd.conf. new: DHCP_getNetmaskOfDynamicRanges: Gets the netmask of a dynamic range identified by the first IP of the range. cha: DHCP_addSubnetDefinition: Now adds an empty subnet only when no dynamic range with the same subnet is defined. +++++ 2012-10-05 new: IPRanges::getAllLockedRanges: Gets all locked IP ranges in their otiginal format. cha: IPRanges: Renamed to CIPRanges. new: CIPRanges::getAllLockedIPsInt: Gets all locked IPs as int values. cha: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now adds locked ranges by calling CIPRanges::getAllLockedIPsInt. +++++ 2012-10-04 cha: debian/PKG_searchFor: Now gets all architectures of the sources list via array as parameter and gets package info about all choosen architectures. +++++ 2012-10-03 new: HTML_checkBoxCheckAll: Generates an array with all checked checkboxes. It assumes that the names of the checkboxes begin with 'CB_' and the value of a checked checkbox is 1. new: CClientLister::generateHTMLClientNameIdCheckbox: Generates a checkbox for a client and its ID. new: CClientLister::importCheckedClientNamesIds: Imports the clientnames/IDs of the checked checkboxes. new: CClientLister::getCheckedClientNames: Returns name (as key) and ID (as value) of checked clients as array. new: CClientLister::setClientListExtraLine: Sets the extra line that will be shown at the end of the client list. new: CClientLister::showClientListExtraLine: Shows the extra line at the end of the client list. new: CClient::isNetbootActive: Check, if network booting is active for the client. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now returns true on successfully restarting the DHCP server. new: CClient::deactivateNetboot: Deactivates network booting for the client. new: CClientLister::destroy: Destroys a client finally. +++++ 2012-10-02 new: HTML_submitImg: Defines a graphical submit button. new: CClientLister::getAscDescHeader: Generates a sorting header with column title and ascending/descending button. new: CClientLister::getStatusHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's status. new: CClientLister::getClientNameHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's name. new: CClientLister::getInstallDateHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's installation date. new: CClientLister::getLastModifyHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's last modifikation date. new: CClientLister::sortLines: Does extra line sorting of special fields, that could not be sorted by SQL. new: CClientLister::cmpArrayElements: Builds a sorting function that compares the colums of two arrays. new: CClientLister::getColumnNrWithContinousNumber: Figures to column number which contains the continous numbers. new: CClientLister::getColumnNrToSort: Figures out to column number which contains the values to sort. new: CClientLister::isAscending: Checks if the sorting of the column is ascending. new: CClientLister::getJobsHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's waiting. new: CClientLister::getGroupHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's groups. +++++ 2012-10-01 new: CClientLister::setOutputColumns: Sets the sequence of the columns to show in the output table. new: CClientLister::showClientListHeader: Shows the table header of the client output list. new: CClientLister::showClientTable: Shows the table with matching clients and their given columns. new: CClient::getID: Returns the ID of the client. new: CClient::generateHTMLStatusBar: Generates HTML code containing the status of the client with links to the pages. cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Now sorts the normal packages by name (Thx AR). cha: PKG_listPackages: Now assigns the first architecture of the sources list to PKG_searchFor (Thx AR). new: CClient::getModifyDateHumanReadable: Returns the last modified date in human readable form. new: CClient::getInstallDateHumanReadable: Returns the installation date in human readable form. new: CClient::generateHTMLClientNameBar: Generates an URL with the client name linking to the client details page. new: CClient::generateHTMLPackagesBar: Generates an URL with the amount of the client's packages linking to the client packages page. new: CClient::generateHTMLWaitingAllJobsBar: Generates an URL with the amount of the client's waiting jobs and all jobs linking to the change jobs page. cha: GRP_showClientGroups: Nos has an extra parameter if set to true, the list will be shown, if set to false returned instead. cha: CClientLister::getActionString: Becomes CClient::getActionString. new: CClientLister::getActionString: Gets the action string. +++++ 2012-09-29 new: CClientLister::getActionString: Generates the action string (e.g. an URL for GET) new: CClientLister::setActionString: Sets the action string, where CLIENT_NAME will be replaced by the actual name of the client and CLIENT_ID by its ID. +++++ 2012-09-28 new: CClientLister::resetGetting: Sets back the MySQL connection to initalise a new search and getting of clients from the beginning. +++++ 2012-09-27 new: CClientLister::addStatusFilter: Adds an OR filter to get only clients that gave the given status (stati). new: CClientLister::addGroupFilter: Adds the group filter to get only clients that are into the given group. new: CClientLister::addSearchFilter: Adds a search filter to get only clients that match the search word in at least one table field. new: CClientLister::setAscending: Sets the output ordering ascending (default) or descending. new: CClientLister::vmRunOnHostFilter: Sets a filter to only give out virtual clients that are hosted on a given VM host. new: CClientLister::getClient: Gets a client matching all active filters. This can be called many times. +++++ 2012-09-26 new: HTML_manipulateOutputBuffer: Manipulates the output buffer with already generated HTML code and replaces all occurrences the search term with the replace term. new: MSG_showMessageBoxPlaceholder: Shows a placeholder for message boxes at the position of execution. new: MSG_placeOrReturnMessageBox: Replaces a (maybe) existing message box placeholder with the given text. cha: MSG_showMessageBox: Now uses MSG_placeOrReturnMessageBox. cha: MSG_showMessageBoxPlaceholder: Now calls MSG_showMessageBoxPlaceholder. cha: HTML_showTableRow: Now color marks the row if the first parameter is true. new: CClientLister::setOrderBy: Sets the ordering method for generating the output. +++++ 2012-09-25 new: DHCP_getDynamicRanges: Gets all dynamic IP ranges from the dhcpd.conf. new: DHCP_delDynamicRange: Removes a dynamic IP range from the dhcpd.conf and reboots the DHCP server. new: IPRanges::delDynamicRange: Removes a dynamic IP range from the dhcpd.conf and restarts the DHCP server. new: IPRanges::showRangesAddingDialog: Shows a dialog for adding Ip ranges to lock or to distribute IP settings dynamically via DHCP. new: IPRanges::showSearchDialog: Shows a search dialog. new: IPRanges::getSearchWord: Gets the current unfiltered search word of the search dialog. new: IPRanges::getSearchIP: Gets the current valid IP of the search dialog or false. new: CIPManagement::singleSettingsAddDialog: Shows a dialog for locking client settings (clientname, IP, MAC) or for adding the settings to the DHCP server. new: CIPManagement::showUsedIPsAndMACs: Shows a list of clients/IPs/MACs matching the search term. new: CIPManagement::showDialog: Shows the IP management dialog. +++++ 2012-09-24 cha: ip2longSafe: Now gives back the input, if it is a number. new: IPRanges::findRanges: Finds an IP range that includes a given IP address or all IP ranges. new: IPRanges::getRanges: Finds an IP range that includes a given IP address or all IP ranges. new: IPRanges::checkNotInRange: Checks, if an IP is not part of any IP ranges. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: IPRanges::lockRange: Adds a new IP range to the list of locked IP ranges. new: IPRanges::unlockRange: Deletes an IP range from the list of locked IP ranges. new: IPRanges::showList: Shows a list with locked IP ranges with the possibillity to delete single ranges. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now uses CChecks as far as possible. new: HTML_showTitle: Shows a title. new: DHCP_addDynamicRange: Adds a dynamic IP range to the dhcpd.conf. new: IPRanges::addDynamicRange: Adds a dynamic IP range to the dhcpd.conf and reboots the DHCP server. new: DHCP_addSubnetDefinition: Adds the subnet definition to the dhcpd.conf to let the DHCP server give out network information to clients to other subnets. new: DHCP_lineNumberAffterLastClient: Gets the line number with the last client definition in the dhcpd.conf. +++++ 2012-09-22 cha: DHCP_activateBoot, DHCP_addClient: Now are handling 'none' boot type. new: DHCP_addLineToDHCPDConf: Adds a line to the dhcpd.conf file. new: CClient::activateNetboot: Activates network booting for the client. new: CChecks::checkNonusedClientname: Checks if a client name is valid and if the client doesn't exist and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. cha: checkClientname: Now has extra parameter to check, if the client is nonexisting. new: CClient::getProperty: Gets a client property from $this->clientInfo and dies, if this property is not set. cha: CClient::getBootType, CClient::getStatus, CClient::getGateway, CClient::getMAC, CClient::getNetmask, CClient::getIP, CClient::getClientName: Now are using getProperty. new: CClient::getInstallDate: Returns the installation date. new: CClient::getModifyDate: Returns the last modified date. +++++ 2012-09-20 cha: CLIENT_getStatusimage: Added status blocked. cha: DHCP_addClient: Has a new parameter if set to true, the boot type is set for the client in the DB. new: CClient::setGateway: Sets the client's status. new: CClient::getStatus: Returns the client's status. new: CChecks::checkStatus: Checks if if the client status number is valid. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CClient::setGateway: Sets the gateway address for the client. new: CClient::getGateway: Returns the client's gateway. new: CClient::setMAC: Sets the MAC address of the client. new: CClient::getMAC: Returns the client's MAC. new: CClient::setClientName: Renames a client. new: CClient::getClientName: Returns the name of the client. new: CClient::setIP: Sets the IP of the client to an unsused IP. new: CClient::getIP: Returns the client's IP. new: CClient::setNetmask: Sets the netmask of the client. new: CClient::getNetmask: Returns the client's netmask. new: CMessageManager::addErrorMessage: Adds an error message to the error message stack and sets the error flag. new: CMessageManager::popErrorMessages: Returns all error messages and deletes the error message stack. new: CMessageManager::hasErrors: Returns if there are errors. new: CMessageManager::showError: Shows (hopefully not) existing error messages in an error box if there are any. new: CChecks::checkIPRange: Checks if the input IPs are valid and if the first IP is "smaler" than the second. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. +++++ 2012-09-18 new: CChecks::checkMAC: Checks if a MAC is valid (and optionally if it is not in use) and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkNonusedMAC: Checks if a MAC is valid and if it is not in use. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CClientLister::isMatchingClientPresent: Checks if at least one clients with a given key-value-combination is found. new: CClientLister::IPexists: checks if an IP with the selected IP exists and returns true if yes, otherwise false new: CClientLister::MACexists: checks if a mac with the selected mac exists and returns true if yes, otherwise false new: CClientLister::ClientExists: checks if a client with the selected name exists and returns true if yes, otherwise false new: CChecks::checkNonusedIP: Checks if an IP is not in use and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkIPGeneric: Checks if an IP is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkIP: Checks if an IP is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkDNS1: Checks if the 1st DNS server has an valid IP and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkDNS2: Checks if the 2nd DNS server has an valid IP and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkGateway: Checks if the gateway has an valid IP and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error.new: new: CChecks::checkClientname: Checks if a client name is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkNetmask: Checks if the netmask is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. +++++ 2012-09-17 new: CClient::__construct: Constructor for new CClient objects. The object holds all information about a single client and loads the values from the DB. new: CClient::__destruct: Destructor for a CClient object. Before the object is removed from the RAM, all client settings are written to the DB. new: CClient::save: Saves the client parameters and options to the DB. new: CClient::updateModifyDate: Updates the last modified date. new: CClient::updateInstallDate: Updates the installed date. patch 100598: Corrected deprecated call-time pass-by-reference. +++++ 2012-09-13 new: MSG_show: Shows the message block for the messages. (Thx Maren) cha: MSG_showInfo, MSG_showError, MSG_showWarning: Now uses MSG_show. fix: FDISK_addDrivePartitionToRaid, FDISK_addFstab, FDISK_addPart, FDISK_addRaidBeforeFormat, FDISK_autoPart, FDISK_delFstab, FDISK_delPart, FDISK_dev2LDevLPart, FDISK_formatExisting, FDISK_formatPart, FDISK_fstabAddDialog, HTML_listSelection, HTML_storableCheckBox, HTML_storableInput, HTML_storableSelection, IMG_getFormatCompressionFromFile, MAIL_attach, PKG_listRecommendSubPackages, POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Corrected deprecated call-time pass-by-reference. +++++ 2012-09-12 patch 100597: Fixes testing of amd64 only pools in the sources list editor. new: HTML_multiCheckBox: Defines a list of checkboxes, that represent a value each. The values of checked checkboxes are stored in an array and returned. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now calls SRCLST_checkList with the first choosen architecture. cha: HTML_multiCheckBox: Becomes HTML_multiCheckBoxShow. patch 100596: Added prototype for IP management. new: ipManagement.php: Dialog for managing IP settings for non m23 clients. +++++ 2012-09-10 new: HTML_hiddenVar: Create a hidden HTML variable to store values in an HTML form. patch 100595: Added subnet support to the m23 DHCP server. +++++ 2012-09-07 fix: poolBuilder.php: Now sets preferenceForceHTMLReloadValues on loading an moved call to HTML_showFormHeader on top to set the pool type and the architecture correctly (Thx screen). new: DHCP_addSubnetDefinition: Adds the subnet definition to the dhcpd.conf to let the DHCP server give out network information to clients to other subnets. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now calls DHCP_addSubnetDefinition. cha: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now makes sure, th line number is a valid int. cha: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now adds the text at the end of the file, if the line number is not found in the file. cha: client_partition.php: Moved code to fdisk.php. cha: fdisk.php: Moved unused functions to fdisk-old.php. +++++ 2012-09-06 cha: FDISK_autoPart: Added paramters for minimum and maximum swap partition sizes (Sponsored by AR) cha: FDISK_showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Now has two schemata for automatic partitioning. +++++ 2012-09-05 cha: DHCP_addClient: Now adds "option subnet-mask". +++++ 2012-08-31 patch 100594: Support for subnets, additional usage of jQuery, some smal fixes and improvements. cha: DHCP_addClient: Added gateway to the parameters. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now adds "option broadcast-address" and "option routers" to the dhcpd.conf lines. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Changed call of DHCP_addClient. +++++ 2012-08-30 cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Removed call of DHCP_removePXEcfg in DHCP_activateBoot, because DHCP_rmClient calls DHCP_removePXEcfg. +++++ 2012-08-26 cha: hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Becomes hwpartner-tool. new: hwpartner-loadtest.sh / cardTest: Checks the flash cards (SD, MMC, ...) by mounting, writing and reading a prepared card +++++ 2012-08-25 cha: hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Integrated hwpartner-info, hwpartner-Soundtest. cha hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Added USB port testing. +++++ 2012-08-24 fix: hwpartner-loadtest.sh / LAMPprepare: Now shows the IP of the system. cha: hwpartner-info: Now shows information about all devices of the same kind. +++++ 2012-08-23 fix: POOL_readCD: Now calls POOL_prepare with the choosen architecture. +++++ 2012-08-17 new: CHECK_safeFilename: Make sure, the file/directory name is safe and doesn't contain evil characters. new: HELPER_rmRecursive: Removes a directory with sub-directories and contained files. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient, CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now are calling CLIENT_removeServerCache. cha: CLIENT_removeLiveLogFile: Remplaced by CLIENT_removeServerCache. new: CLIENT_removeServerCache: Removes the client cache on the m23 server. cha: hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Load test script for testing different parts of workstations and servers. +++++ 2012-08-16 cha: LAMPLoadTest.php: Some improvements and creanups. +++++ 2012-08-15 new: LAMPLoadTest.php: Load test script for LAMP systems that tests CPU, memory, MySQL and file system. fix: en / de / fr / client_add.hlp: Corrected syntax for MACs. (Thx Maren) +++++ 2012-08-10 cha: convertTarToDeb: Now uses "z" parameter for extraction of tar files. (Thx FW) cha: m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls "poweroff" as first priority. +++++ 2012-08-09 cha: HTML_jQueryMenuHeader, HTML_jQueryMenuEnd: Now are storing and restoring the Y position of the content in the browser window. +++++ 2012-08-08 new: CLIENT_removeLiveLogFile: Removes the live log file of a given client. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now adds time and date to the log file. +++++ 2012-08-07 new: jQuery.css: New CSS file for the new jQuery menu. +++++ 2012-08-06 cha: client_partition.php: Now uses HTML_jQueryMenu, HTML_jQueryMenuHeader and HTML_jQueryMenuEnd instead of HTML_JSMenuOpener. cha: checkNetmask: Now checks the netmask for correct values (and not only for correct "spelling"). (Thx Maren) new: HTML_jQueryMenu: Creates an entry for the jQuery accordion menu new: HTML_jQueryMenuHeader: Generate code for beginning a the jQuery accordion menu.: new: HTML_jQueryMenuEnd: Generates code for ending a the jQuery accordion menu. new: CLCFG_activateBOOT_DEGRADED: Activates BOOT_DEGRADED on Ubuntu 12.04 to allow booting from degraded RAIDs. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now calls CLCFG_activateBOOT_DEGRADED. new: CLCFG_copyMBRToAllDevices: Copies the MBR code from the boot device to all other devices. +++++ 2012-08-05 cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector, client_distr.php: Now uses FDISK_mdToEndOfArray. new: FDISK_findFstabMountPointByDev: Searches a client's fstab for a device and figures out the according mount point. (Now documented) new: FDISK_getFstabArray: Gets the fstab of a client as array. (Now documented) cha: clientLiveLog.php: Now encodes output into UTF-8. new: FDISK_mdToEndOfArray: Orders all MD devices from the input array to the end of the output array. +++++ 2012-08-04 cha: client_details.php: Now has a link to clientLiveLogComplete.php. new: clientLiveLogComplete.php: Shows the complete live log of a client. new: CLIENT_touchLiveLogFile: Touches the live log file of a given client and returns the full name of the log file (with directory). fix: CLCFG_genFstab: "--force" parameter for grub is not valid any more. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added a fallback grub installation routine. fix: recover_client.php: Now the jobs are re-done instead of (false) setting the client back to "added". +++++ 2012-08-03 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now duplicates the MBR code to all devices. cha: client/linuxrc: Now fetches the public SSH key of the m23 server and start dropbear. cha: CIR_enableDropbear: Now sets the root password even if dropbear is running. cha: CIR_enableDropbear: Now copies (instead of moving) the .ssh directory to /. +++++ 2012-08-02 fix: FDISK_genPartedCommands, FDISK_delPart: Now destroys RAIDs too. +++++ 2012-07-18 menuDep: Now uses bash as interpreter. +++++ 2012-07-13 patch 100593: New variants for setting a client back and reinstalling it again. new: CLIENT_backToRed: Sets a client back to red state, as it was just after adding it. (Sponsored by AR) cha: recover_client.php: Now can be used to run CLIENT_backToRed. (Sponsored by AR) cha: client_details.php: Now has an extra button to call recover_client.php with the CLIENT_backToRed option. (Sponsored by AR) +++++ 2012-07-11 new: dhcpd.conf2dnsmasq.d.sh: Script for converting the dhcpd.conf to the dnsmasq config file. +++++ 2012-07-03 cha: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon, CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon2: Now has an extra parameter for the tooltip text that is shown when the mouse is over the icon. cha: redo_client.hlp: Added help. +++++ 2012-06-27 cha: m23Restore: Now removes old persistent-net.rules. +++++ 2012-06-26 new: bafh_neu.py: Adds new excuses from http://identi.ca/api/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=bastardausrede to bafh_ausreden.php. (Thx Maren) cha: bafh_ausreden.php: Updated. (Thx Maren) +++++ 2012-06-25 cha: MASS_readDBFile: Now returns false if the DB line was empty. (Thx AR) cha: MASS_showOverview: Now adds new lines only if there are input values. (Thx AR) cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now has a new paramter that if set to true, the normal installation and removal jobs are combined to a m23normal and a m23normalRemove job otherwise the jobs are switched back to waiting status. cha: recover_client.php: Rewritten and now can be used to execute the jobs of a client again. cha: client_details.php: Now has an extra button to call recover_client.php with the redo jobs option. +++++ 2012-06-03 release 12.3 patch 100592: Corrected calculation of next free client IP. fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now works on empty servers too. patch 100591: Sources list changes for Ubuntu 12.04. cha: precise: Added option pages. cha: sources list / precise: Deactivated not working desktops. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports precise too. patch 100590: Corrects option page password elements and enables Ubuntu 12.04 textmode installation. fix: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage when Textmode is the desktop. +++++ 2012-06-02 fix: PKG_OptionPageRender2: Now shows password enter options too. cha: CLCFG_interfaces: Now adds a WOL activating line to /etc/network/interfaces. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now installs ethtool tool. cha: client / linuxrc: Now asks for network settings if no settings could be obtained via DHCP. +++++ 2012-06-01 fix: CLIENT_query: If all clients running on a special VM host should be searched, no search string is allowed +++++ 2012-05-21 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: Now converts • to LaTex. cha: de / en / fr / manual.tex: Plugin section removed. cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: Now doesn't stop on errors/warnings. +++++ 2012-05-20 patch 100589: Changed positions to the boot method changing funktions. cha: fr / m23base.php: Exchanged all "'" by "'". cha: m23RebootInstall.php, m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls DHCP_activateBoot. cha: setClientStatus.php: Now doesn't disable network booting any more. +++++ 2012-05-19 patch 100588: Many enhancements for m23's virtualisation. cha: kernel config: Now the Linux kernels are configured to show IDE devices as /dev/sd*. cha: compileKernel: Now uses gcc-4.4 now. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Removed converting /dev/hd* to /dev/sd*. cha: VM_stopVM, VM_pauseVM, VM_resumeVM, VM_createDiskImage, VM_delVMCMD, VM_activateNetbootCMD, VM_createVM, VM_status: Now VM names are safed by quotation marks. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now uses short connection timeouts and attempts. +++++ 2012-05-18 cha: VM_activateNetboot: Now uses VM_rebootAndActivateNetboot and VM_rebootAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall. new: VM_rebootAndActivateNetboot: Reboots an VM and activates network booting. cha: TRINITY_install: Now fetches the GPG key to check the signature of the trinity packages from m23.sf.net. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Added pseudo terminal tty allocation forcing parameter for ssh. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now screen sessions are started via exec. +++++ 2012-05-17 fix: rebootAndDisableNetboot, shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Now really disables network booting. cha: rebootAndDisableNetboot, shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Now are waiting for 10 seconds before stopping the VM. fix: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Fixed execution in screen. +++++ 2012-05-16 patch 100582: Many changes and fixes for the VirtualBox integration. cha: HTML_getElementValue: Now uses special settings for CLIENT_showAddDialog, when used to add an m23 VM to use default values for the check boxes. +++++ 2012-05-15 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now convert /dev/hd* to /dev/sd* in grub's menu.lst/grub.cfg cha: rebootAndDisableNetboot: Now gets/sets the display number before starting the VM again. cha: HTML_checkboxChangerButtons: Added tool tips. +++++ 2012-05-14 cha: MASS_minMaxIP: Replaced by a speed enhanced version (more than 5x times faster). new: ip2longSafe: Special version of ip2long that is safe on 32 bit machines. new: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Get the next free IP address that can be used as m23 client. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses CLIENT_getNextFreeIp to make an IP proposal. +++++ 2012-05-13 new: VM_rebootAndDisableNetboot: Generates a BASH command to reboot an VM and to disable network booting. new: rebootAndDisableNetboot: Reboots an VM and disables network booting. cha: m23RebootInstall.php: Now calls VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall. new: VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall: Reboots an VM and disables network booting. new: VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall: Shuts down an VM and disables network booting. new: VM_shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Generates a BASH command to shut down an VM and to disable network booting. new: shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Stops a VM and disables network booting on it. cha: m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall. cha: m23-skel: Updated KDE 4 settings to give the desktop a brighter appearance. +++++ 2012-05-12 new: VM_shutdownVMAfterInstall: Shuts down an VM and disables network booting. cha: m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls VM_shutdownVMAfterInstall. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now installs the greeter package too. cha: CLCFG_configUpstartForChroot: Now checks if /sbin/initctl is a symlink, so it can be executed more times without leading to faults. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForChroot after base install again. +++++ 2012-05-11 cha: VM_createVM: Now uses hardware virtualsiation if available. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now shows special packages that are symlinks. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now disables MOTD for root and m23-vbox. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now sorts the packages. cha: VM_createDiskImage: Now is compatible to VirtualBox 4.x. +++++ 2012-05-10 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now works under Ubuntu 12.04 too. +++++ 2012-05-08 patch 100578: Added calculator, minor improvements. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Added dynamical deactivation for SSL certification checks on Ubuntu from 11.04 to 10. +++++ 2012-05-07 cha: client_distr.php: Now shows a "back to control center" link after assigning the OS. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now shows heading for dialog and the status bar. new: CALC_add_number: Adds a number to the calculator. (Thx MH) new: CALC_add_sign: Adds a sign to the calculator. (Thx MH) new: CALC_add_equals: Adds an equal sign to the calculator and calculates the result. (Thx MH) new: CALC_add_dec: Adds a decimal point. (Thx MH) new: CALC_showCalculator: Shows a simple calculator. (Thx MH) +++++ 2012-05-06 patch 100566: Improved Ubuntu 12.04 support. cha: m23-xorg-configurator.conf: Now makes sure that it is started before the display manager. cha: configXOrgconfigure: Now makes sure that Xorg is not running. fix: configXOrgconfigure: Now uses dynamic path to xorg.conf.new. cha: xorgThereSoStop: Now adds reboot statement. +++++ 2012-05-05 cha: xorgThereSoStop: Now makes sure that the /etc/sysconfig(2)/vbox files are existing. +++++ 2012-05-04 new: CLCFG_installLightDM: Installs the light DM display manager. new: CLCFG_setDebConf: Sets debconf settings. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Added driver packages for Ubuntu. cha: CLCFG_fixAPTImmediateConfigure: Becomes UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall. new: UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall: Corrects the settings for Ubuntu after the base packages are installed. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall and UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall. cha: configXOrgconfigure: Now figures out the dsiplay manager on systems that have initscripts converted to upstart. +++++ 2012-04-30 patch 100565: Added initial support for Ubuntu 12.04. fix: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Corrected path for wgetrc when not executed in the chroot. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now re-configures the openssh-server. +++++ 2012-04-29 cha: configXOrgVBox: Now checks for vboxvideo_drv.so at another directory too. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_fixAPTImmediateConfigure when executed on Ubuntu 12.04. new: CLCFG_fixAPTImmediateConfigure: Corrects the settings for APT on Ubuntu 12.04. cha: CLCFG_getDebianReleasesGeneric: Now sorts the list of releases. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now streams all output channels to the server, cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now removes network-interface-security.conf to prevent asking for installation of the maintainer script. cha: work.php: Now stops the real-time client logging when the status switches to green. +++++ 2012-04-27 new: CLIENT_liveLogJobName: Generates the job name of the sever's live log job. new: CLIENT_stopLiveScreenRecording: Stops the screen installation session for real-time client logging. cha: liveLogArea: Now has an extra parameter for the maximum amount of lines to show in the log area. +++++ 2012-04-26 cha: serverSettings.php: Now the HTML anchors are closed. cha: UPDATE_running: Now works together with CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording. +++++ 2012-04-25 new: CLIENT_getAllAsRes: Creates and executes an SQL statement for getting all values of all clients. cha: GRP_listClientGroups: Added sorting of the client groups (Thx AR). cha: PKG_listRecommendSubPackages: Added sorting of the normal package names and the package name (Thx AR). +++++ 2012-04-24 new: HELPER_showBAfH: Shows the German BAfH excuse of the day (Thx MH). new: bafh.php: Shows the German BAfH excuse of the day. cha: serverSettings.php: Shows an icon for +++++ 2012-04-21 cha: m23RebootInstall.php, m23ShutdownInstall.php: Changed priority to 100. cha: SRCLST_alternativeFS: Now ext3 is the default FS if none is found in the package sources list. cha: CLIENT_startInstall: Now calls CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording. +++++ 2012-04-20 cha: dbConnect: Changed to mysql_pconnect. new: HTML_liveLogArea: Creates a log area that updates itself via AJAX by polling from a given URL. new: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Saves a screen installation session to a log file on the server in real-time. The server runs a screen for consecutively connecting the client. new: CLIENT_touchLogFile: Touches a log file in the client's directorya and returns the full name of the log file (with directory). +++++ 2012-04-14 cha: m23RescueInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_copySSLCert, CIR_setDateAndTimeTemorarily and CIR_writeClientID. +++++ 2012-04-13 fix: PKG_getClientjobsStatus: Now works for special packages too. cha: install_packages.php: Added an extra checkbox for choosing to search complete package descriptions/sizes on Debian/Ubuntu. cha: debian / PKG_listPackages: Now has an extra parameter, if set to true, the full package description and sizes are fetched (time consuming). cha: downloadExtractRFS, package sources list "lenny": Changed Lenny sources to Debian archive. cha: install_packages.php: Now uses more of m23's HTML functions. +++++ 2012-04-12 patch 100563: Now the user can choose multiple package selections for base installation. cha: PKG_multiPackageSelectionsSelection: Now uses PKG_multiPackageSelectionsSelection to let the user choose multiple package selections. cha: PKG_rmNormalJob, PKG_addNormalJob: Now has an extra parameter for choosing the priority of the job. new: PKG_multiPackageSelectionsSelection: Generates a multi selection with all package selections. cha: mkRelease: Now deletes the Release.gpg file, if it has zero size. cha: SRCLST_showEditor, PKG_OptionPageRender2: Now uses HTML_multiCheckBox. new: HTML_getValidSelected: Checks for a valid selected value from a list of possible values. In case the value could not be found, a default value is taken. cha: HTML_selection: Now has an extra parameter for generating a multi selection , where the user can select multiple entries. cha: HTML_multiSelection: Renamed to HTML_multiCheckBox. +++++ 2012-04-06 cha: clients_overview.php: Now user more functions from the HTML api and CLIENT_getOverviewSearchLine and CLIENT_showOverviewSearchDialog. new: CLIENT_getOverviewSearchLine: Checks all client search dialogs and returns the current search term. new: CLIENT_showOverviewSearchDialog: Shows a client search dialog for the client overview. cha: HTML_submitDefine: Now has an extra parameter for adding options to the HTML tag. +++++ 2012-04-05 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added openssh-client. cha: createRFSBins: Added scp. +++++ 2012-04-03 patch 100562: Now changed priorities can be saved as package selection and packages can be checked, unchecked and the selection inverted. cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Now uses HTML_checkboxChangerButtons and HTML_jsCheckboxChanger. new: HTML_checkboxChangerButtons: Defines buttons for changing all check boxes. new: HTML_jsCheckboxChanger: Generates JavaScript code for changing all check boxes. cha: install_packages.php: Now the action default action for packages in a package selection is "install" (Thx AR). cha: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: Added extra parameter for the priority. cha: PKG_savePackageselection, PKG_addPackageSelection: Now gets the package priority from the wait4acc jobs. +++++ 2012-04-02 patch 100561: Adds changing of the package priority. new: PKG_changePrioritySelectedPackages: Changes the priority of selected wait4acc packages. cha: install_packages.php: Now the priority of packages can be changed. +++++ 2012-03-25 patch 100560: Build and upload improvements. release 12.2 fix: cleanOSForCompressing: Now stops and starts Squid at the correct position in the script. fix: m23instUpload: Now copies Release.gpg and Release too. +++++ 2012-03-24 patch 100559: Some partitioning improvements and fixes. cha: en / de / fr / welcome.hlp: Aligned. +++++ 2012-03-23 fix: COS6.2 / sysHWsetup: Now re-builds the initramfs' with RAID support, when RAID is used. cha: HS / clientInstall.php: $rootDevice* becomes $InstPart*. cha: FDISK_printAllBars, FDISK_printBars, FDISK_getDriveInfoIcon,FDISK_getPartInfoIcon, FDISK_getDriveInfoString, FDISK_getPartInfoString: Now are having an extra parameter for fstab information. cha: FDISK_getDriveInfoIcon,FDISK_getPartInfoIcon: Now are showing the mountpoint as alternative texts. +++++ 2012-03-22 cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Now shuts down or reboots the client after creating the image. cha: HS / clientInstall.php: Now creates the fstab entries earlier after chroot and mounts them. +++++ 2012-03-19 cha: m23createImageInstall.php: Now starts dropbear and copies the SSL certificates. +++++ 2012-03-18 cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now calls partprobe, blockdev and "hdparm -z" after partition adding or deletion. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes partprobe. fix: FDISK_printBars: Now the indicator in the partition table jumps to the correct logical partition. fix: m23hwscanner / getPartFS: Now detects the file system of a RAID partition too. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added Squeeze security/update sources and adjusted Etch source. +++++ 2012-03-17 cha: COS6.2, F14, OS11.4 / sysHWsetup: Now activates the software raid. patch 100558: Corrects the update page. cha: menuDeb / uploadtesting: Now duplicates the testing repository to FRS. +++++ 2012-03-14 fix: update.php: Fixed syntax error (Thx AR). patch 100555: Fixes unsigned package source error on openSUSE's update repository. cha: OS11.4 / m23HSAdmin: Now calls zypper with --no-gpgp-checks. +++++ 2012-03-13 patch 100554: Now includes CentOS 6.2 too. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports HS-centos62 too. +++++ 2012-03-12 patch 100553: Many updates and changes for supporting CentOS 6.2. cha: version.php: Changed version to 12.2. fix: debian / m23changeClientInstall.php: Corrected parameters for CLCFG_changeUser. +++++ 2012-03-11 new: checkForMissingHSFunctions.sh: Script for checking the different implementations of m23HSAdmin, if all functions are included in all implementations new: OS11.4, F14: sysChangeUserPass: Changes the password of a user. new: OS11.4, F14: sysChangeUserName: Changes an username. +++++ 2012-03-07 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now changing of the login name is supported too. +++++ 2012-03-06 new: HS_sysChangeUser: changes the settings of an useraccount on a client new: COS6.2: sysChangeUserPass: Changes the password of a user. new: COS6.2: sysChangeUserName: Changes an username. +++++ 2012-03-05 cha: COS6.2: netEnableLDAP: Now works. new: HS / m23changeClientInstall.php: Now has a halfSister version. new: COS6.2: netEnableNFSHome: Now works. +++++ 2012-03-04 new: m23HSAdmin-tester: Script with some testing routines for m23HSAdmin. cha: KDE_install: Added check for kde-plasma-desktop package (used by Ubuntu 12.04). +++++ 2012-03-01 cha: HS-CentOS6.2-i386.tar.7z: Made smaler archive with all packages reinstalled. new: HS-CentOS6.2-amd64.tar.7z: Created a working 64 bit version. +++++ 2012-02-25 cha: COS6.2: sysMakeBootable: Now generates modules.dep. +++++ 2012-02-22 cha: packages_install.php: Now shows a waiting animation while the package search is running. +++++ 2012-02-20 cha: PKG_getPackageSize: Becomes PKG_getPackageDescriptionSize and shows the long desfription of each package. cha: PKG_addStatusJob: Now adds the installation size of the package. cha: HS / debian / PKG_listPackages: Now adds the installed size of the package to the package name in the checkbox. cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages, PKG_listRecommendPackages, HS / debian / PKG_listPackages: Now shows sizes in MB. cha: HS / debian / PKG_listPackages: Now converts special characters in the descriptions to HTML codes. +++++ 2012-02-19 cha: COS6.2: pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now gets the package description and the installed size of the packages too. cha: HS/PKG_listPackages: Now makes found packages unique and shows the complete description. +++++ 2012-02-18 cha: COS6.2: pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now works. +++++ 2012-02-14 cha: menu.php: Commented out all plugin parts. +++++ 2012-02-12 cha: COS6.2: sysMakeBootable: Now works and sorts the newest kernel on top of the grub list. +++++ 2012-02-04 new: HS_pkgUpdateCache: Updates the list of available packages. cha: CLCFG_hwdetect: Now makes sure that usleep exists. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now disables SSL certificate verification for Ubuntu precise. cha: m23fdiskFormatInstall.php: Now makes sure that m23raid.log exists. +++++ 2012-02-03 patch 100552: Password and logout improvements. cha: SERVER_addToHtpasswd: Now allowes arbitrary passwords. cha: index.php: Now redirects to the admin page after logging out. +++++ 2012-01-31 cha: menuDevguide, menuManualStart.sh: Now creates and uploads a CMS download link page for the manuals. +++++ 2012-01-17 patch 100551: Manual fstab entries are now added and mounted. fix: debian / ubuntu / halfSister: Added FDISK_genManualFstab after CLCFG_genFstab to create extra fstab entries. +++++ 2012-01-12 patch 100550: Manual updates. cha: Developer manual updated. cha: User manual updated. patch 100549: Automatic partition and format now uses ext4. cha: FDISK_autoPart: Now uses ext4. patch 100548: Fixes Linux Mint 9 mirror and RAS. new: HELPER_ucrc32: Returns the unsigned crc32 sum of an input value. cha: RAS_showRegistration: Now uses HELPER_ucrc32. +++++ 2012-01-10 fix: Linux Mint 9: Corrected down mirror in package sources list. +++++ 2012-01-08 patch 100547: DHCP and VirtualBox additions installation enhancements. new: DHCP_bootTypeToNewFormat: Converts a boolean boot type to the new string format. +++++ 2012-01-07 cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now uploads the files to webspace and FRS. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now has a special diff and non existing file check routine. new: CIR_setDateAndTimeTemorarily: Sets the date and time by calling 'date' temporarily. cha: m23PresetupInstall: Now calls CIR_setDateAndTimeTemorarily. +++++ 2012-01-05 cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now checks if the vbox file under sysconfig and sysconfig2 exists and adds the error codes to the result of vdiff. fix: DHCP_activateBoot: Now activates network booting only if it was not activated before and vice versa. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now has an extra parameter to specify the boot type. cha: CLIENT_addClient, CLIENT_deleteClient, CLIENT_changeClient: Now are using DHCP_activateBoot only. +++++ 2012-01-02 patch 100545: Installation fixes for openSUSE. fix: OS11.4 / pkgInstallXFce: Now chooses xfce as default WM. +++++ 2012-01-01 fix: OS11.4 / sysWriteCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Now stops cron to make sure that it will not influence the installation procedure new: check_baseSysAvailability: Nagios script that checks an URL on SourceForge for a file that should be available or not. cha: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCache, pkgInstall, pkgInstallPreview, pkgDeinstall, pkgDeinstallPreview, pkgNormalUpdate, pkgNormalUpdatePreview, pkgFullUpdate, pkgFullUpdatePreview, pkgListContents, sysSetLanguage, sysCleanSystem: Now are calling the proxy deactivation script. cha: OS11.4 / pkgSetPackageProxy: Now creates a script for deactivating the proxy. cha: Package sources unstable, sid, testing, lucid, lenny, Linux Mint 9 KDE, squeeze, squeeze+libreoffice: Now are using switch.dl.sourceforge.net for the m23 client packages. +++++ 2011-12-31 new: check_debSourceChecker: Nagios script for testing Debian repositories. cha: OS11.4 / pkgInstallGnome: Added sleeps after every command (maybe this fixes breaking the installation ;-)). cha: OS11.4 / pkgInstallGnome: Now installs teh apckage MozillaFirefox instead of firefox, because firefox was removed. cha: Package sources squeeze+libreoffice, squeeze: Now are using switch.dl.sourceforge.net as Trinity mirror. +++++ 2011-12-30 release 12.1 +++++ 2011-12-28 patch 100544: Fixes and improvements. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now adds and removes the entries in the dhcpd.conf. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now uses DHCP_rmClient. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now marks the entries by alternating colors. +++++ 2011-12-25 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Changed the code that detects if a caching file is available on SF. +++++ 2011-12-23 patch 100543: openSUSE fixes. cha: OS11.4: pkgUpdateCache: Another try to get the caching of packages working again. +++++ 2011-12-22 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Renamed squeeze+backports to squeeze+libreoffice. new: Package sources list squeeze+libreoffice, that includes the backports and enables the libreoffice packages. +++++ 2011-12-20 cha: PKG_downloadPool, PKG_searchFor, PKG_getPackageSize, PKG_printStatus, PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now are configuring APT to not use local sourceslist.d files. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses a loop to create needed directories. cha: PKG_addAPTConfigFiles: Now handles preferences.d too. +++++ 2011-12-19 cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now checks if xorg.conf has at least one line. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now the check for the Virtualbox guest source package is not included anymore. +++++ 2011-12-18 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now is more generic and has new checking routines for package availability. patch 100539: openSUSE changes. cha: OS11.4: sysImportConfDB: Now returns always 0. +++++ 2011-12-16 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now works with new VirtualBox addition ISOs. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now works usernames and passwords with one character. patch 100537: openSUSE changes. cha: OS11.4: pkgInstallX: Now returns always 0. +++++ 2011-12-14 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Made "client can now be started" message more visible. cha: Changed mirror in OpenSUSE 11.4 package sources list. cha: update.php: Added a refresh button to see if the update is still running. +++++ 2011-12-12 patch 100536: Now the package search functions on the m23 server are using configuration files too. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses the name of the package sources list as parameter. cha: SRCLST_getValue: Now converts the list from DB format to normal format. cha: PKG_addAPTConfigFiles: Creates the config files for the package manager on the m23 server. fix: SRCLST_showEditor: Now can handle sources lists that are containing '"'. cha: PKG_searchFor, PKG_getPackageSize, PKG_printStatus, PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_previewInstallDeinstall, PKG_downloadPool: Now are including apt.conf.d with config files. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now creates apt.conf.d too. patch 100535: Package sources lists may now configure the package manager and are including supported file systems and a fallback file system. new: CLCFG_sourceslistCreateConfigFiles: Creates config files for the package manager. cha: CLCFG_sourceslist: Now calls CLCFG_sourceslistCreateConfigFiles. +++++ 2011-12-11 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed etch from the list and added squeeze+backports. new: SRCLST_getAddToFile: Returns addToFile paremters from the given sources list as an associative array, where file name and file contents are seperated. cha: SRCLST_getParameter: Now returns all found lines in an array. cha: SRCLST_supportedFS, SRCLST_alternativeFS, SRCLST_getMirror: Adjusted to the new output format of SRCLST_getParameter. +++++ 2011-12-10 new: SRCLST_getParameter: Returns a special parameter from the given sources list. cha: SRCLST_getMirror: Now uses SRCLST_getParameter. new: SRCLST_alternativeFS: Returns the alternative file system that is supported by the OS. new: SRCLST_supportedFS: Returns an array with file systems that supported by the OS. new: SRCLST_getStorageFS: Returns a file systems that can be used to install the OS and to store data. A wished file system is given and an alternative FS is returned, if this FS is not supported. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now uses SRCLST_getStorageFS. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now has an extra parameter for the sources list. cha: m23fdiskFormatInstall.php: Now calls FDISK_genPartedCommands with the sources list parameter. new: FDISK_adjustFstabParam: Adjust the parameter block of a fstab line to make it use an supported FS. cha: FDISK_genManualFstab, HS_sysAddFstabEntries: Now are calling FDISK_adjustFstabParam to adjust the FS of the fstab line and are having an extra parameter for choosing the name of the sources list. cha: debian / halfSister / clientInstall.php: Adjusted parameters for FDISK_genManualFstab and HS_sysAddFstabEntries. +++++ 2011-12-05 patch 100534: New client added dialog. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now shows a message for starting the client after adding. +++++ 2011-12-04 cha: m23 / postinst: Now creates /m23/log patch 100533: Now removes m23RemoteAdministrationServiceOpenTunnel* from the m23 package. patch 100532: Many changes as preparation for the next m23 version. +++++ 2011-12-03 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / installDebs: Now uses switch.dl.sourceforge.net as package source for the m23 server installation. new: SERVER_killPID: Kills a process running under a given PID or sends a signal. new: RAS_getTunnelPid: Returns the PID of the tunnel that is opened on a given local port. cha: RAS_showStartStopRemove: Now shows two seperate status leds for the www and ssh tunnel. cha: RAS_isRunning: Now has an extra parameter to choose if all services should be checked, or a specific service name. new: RAS_tunnelOpenHTMLStatus: Generates a HTML status line for a tunnel. +++++ 2011-12-02 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now reads the baseSys files from the FRS again. cha: SERVER_getFileContents: Now has no length limit of the output. +++++ 2011-11-27 cha: mkCert.sh: Now generates SSL certificates expiring after 10 years. +++++ 2011-11-26 cha: CLIENT_DETAILS_beginCategory: Now closed the
tag. +++++ 2011-11-24 cha: m23Search: Now filters out OptionPage.php and is caseinsensitive. new: RAS_getChatPassword: Returns and stored the chat password to the m23 server. new: RAS_getChatUser: Returns chat user to the m23 server. new: RAS_chatWindow: Shows the chat window for RAS. +++++ 2011-11-23 cha: m23Backup / createBackupList: Added RAS tunnel scripts. new: RAS_getChatPassword: Returns and stored the chat password to the m23 server. +++++ 2011-11-22 cha: RASClient / clientCommands: Date format for start and stop time is now identically to the afclient format. cha: MENU_showEntry: Now shows the menu entry highlighted even when the current page is stored in POST. cha: client_changejobs.php: Now shows the client name in the title. +++++ 2011-11-21 new: RASServer: The RASServer for managing apf connections. new: RASClient: Script for managing the RASServer. cha: HTML_logArea: Now automatically jumps to the end of the log with JavaScript. +++++ 2011-11-20 new: java-jar-signer.sh: New script for signing jar applets to allow them access to any host. new: tightvnc-jviewer.jar: Is signed now and may access any VNC server in applet mode. cha: RAS_showAccountDataImport: Now has a back button, if there were errors. cha: RAS_importMsg: Now shows better error message, if no message block was given. cha: RAS_showStartStopRemove: Now has a security button for deleting RAS. +++++ 2011-11-15 new: SERVER_killBackgroundJob: Kills a job (that runs in screen) with a given name. new: HTML_logArea: Shows a text area for log information (readonly). +++++ 2011-11-14 new: RAS_showAccountDataImport: Shows a dialog for importing the RAS account data. new: RAS_showRegistration: Shows the registration dialog for a new RAS account. new: RAS_start: Starts the RAS tunnels. new: RAS_isRunning: Checks if the RAS tunnels are open. new: RAS_showStartStopRemove: Shows a dialog for starting, stopping and removing of RAS and status information. new: RAS_writeTunnelScripts: Writes the RAS tunnel scripts. cha: SERVER_daemonStartStop, SERVER_installTool, SERVER_addLineToFile, SERVER_deleteFile, SERVER_delLineFromFile: Now Returns true on successfully execution otherwise false. new: RAS_isInstalled: Checks if RAS is installed. new: RAS_remove: Removes all RAS settings. +++++ 2011-11-13 new: SERVER_insertLineNumber: Inserts a text AT or AFTER a line number or creates a new file with the given name, if it doesn't exists. cha: SERVER_putFileContents: Now returns true on success and false otherwise. cha: VM_getHTMLStatusBlock: Now shows a link (with access data) to vnc-viewer.php. new: vnc-viewer.php: Script for starting TightVNC Java applet. new: SERVER_addAdmin: Adds an administrator with all access rights. new: SERVER_delAdmin: Deletes an administrator with all access rights. new: SERVER_getM23RemoteAdministrationServiceMsg: Gets the account data block from pasted message. new: SERVER_getM23RemoteAdministrationServiceRandomKey: Generates a random key (once) for the m23 remote administration service and returns it on every call. new: HELPER_generateSalt: Generates a random salt string. +++++ 2011-10-23 release 11.4 patch 100529: Squid patch and translations. cha: german / english / french: Texts and translations done. fix: m23 / postinst: Now adds some needed ACLs to squid.conf. +++++ 2011-10-22 patch 100528: Squid patches and enhancements. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now stores the base systems in the web storage of SF to make it cacheble by Squid. cha: m23 / postinst / m23/configureSquid: Now writes a static squid.conf and configures it afterwards. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now re-configures sudo to ensure that /etc/sudoers exists. cha: m23 / postinst: Now removes and adds the patterns in squid.conf when reconfigured or the port is missing. fix: m23-vbox / postinst: Now sets a random password for the user m23-vbox. patch 100525: Smal enhancements for virtualisation. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now removes virtualbox-ose-guest-utils (if present), because the guest utils avoid the execution of the VirtualBox server. cha: CLCFG_setRootPassword: Now adds root to the sudoers file (if missing). cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now filters out the "stdin is not a terminal" error message. +++++ 2011-10-21 patch 100523: Backup signing enhancements and assimisation fixes. cha: m23 / postinst: GPG is named as backupsignkey to show its purpose. +++++ 2011-10-20 fix: MSR_clientSettings: Now removes whitespaces from the variables language, gid and uid. cha: mkm23extradeb: Now builds m23-vbox too. cha: m23 / postinst: Enabled creation of GPG key (needed for backup signing). cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / installDebs: Now removes pubring.gpg too. patch 100519: More imaging fixes and enhancements. cha: debian / ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now doesn't write the sources.list, if PKG_isReconfiguredWithExtraDistr is true. +++++ 2011-10-19 cha: debian / halfSister / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now doesn't run the base system installtion routines, if PKG_isReconfiguredWithExtraDistr is true. new: PKG_isReconfiguredWithExtraDistr: Checks, if the distribution is used for configuring a system that was installed via image. fix: CIR_WorkaroundForMissingModulesDep: Now creates modules.dep only if it doesn't exist. patch 100518: Imaging enhancements and modules.dep added to bootimages. cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now calls depmod to create modules.dep. cha: SRCLST_getValue: Now returns "imaging" in case that the sources list is "imaging" and "release" is asked. fix: imaging / CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now gets the partition information via FDISK_fdiskSessionParam. cha: PKG_translateClientjobsStatus: Now supports status "wait4acc". +++++ 2011-10-18 cha: m23createImageInstall.php: Now install "dialog". cha: m23 / postinst: Disabled creation of GPG key. patch 100517: Imaging enhancements and templates for Debian Squeeze and Ubuntu Lucid added. cha: m23createImageInstall.php: Changed array keys to constant strings. cha: MSR_clientSettings: A valid family name is generated, even if the name has only one word. new: Added templates for Debian Squeeze and Ubuntu Lucid. cha: template2confpage.sh: Now uses bash as interpreter. fix: template2confpage.sh: Since "default" seems to be a keyword in awk now, the variable is called "default2" now. +++++ 2011-10-17 cha: MSR_genericSendCommand: Now has optional parameter to pass extra parameters to wget. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes sure that there is no user test. patch 100516: Language enhancements. new: I18N_convertToHumanReadableName: Converts a short language into a human readable name. cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now shows the client language too. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now loads /etc/default/locale, if present. cha: version.php: Switched to 11.4. patch 100515: Fixes for imaging, GPG and VirtualBox. fix: work.php: Now includes vm.php to re-enable imaging. cha: client_status.hlp: Now includes statusColors.inc. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now has another method to compile the kernel module on newer VirtualBox OSE versions. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes old GPG line and localhost alias from sudoers. +++++ 2011-10-16 patch 100531: Enabling assimilisation for Ubuntu 11.10. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now deactivates the checking of SSL certificates by wget, when Ubuntu 11.10 is found. +++++ 2011-10-15 patch 100514: Client assimilation enhancement. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now handles the language too. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now gets the client language. +++++ 2011-10-14 cha: SERVERBACKUP_showConfigurationDialog: Added checking for selected GPG key. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / startBaseInstallation: More keyboard configuration. +++++ 2011-10-13 cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now sends user and group ID as seperate values. cha: MSR_clientSettings: New code for setting user and group ID. patch 100513: DMI enhancements. cha: CLIENT_showHardwareInfo: Now uses DMI_getAllTextBox. new: DMI_getAllTextBox: Get all DMI info in a text box. cha: DMI_getBios: Now decodes the features block. cha: DMI_getSlot: Now shows features. cha: DMI_getCache: Changed, to get the cache level. cha: DMI_getBios: Changed, to get the BIOS rom size. cha: HWINFO_getCPU: Now shows the correct amount of CPUs, even if the system was booted from a non-SMP kernel. cha: DMI_getBios: Changed, so dmi information can be read on dmi 2.9. cha: DMI_getBoard: Now gets the manufacturer on dmi 2.9. cha: DMI_getParam: Now works with dmi 2.9 too. cha: createRFSBins: Removed explicitly adding of ld-2.3.6.so. cha: createRFScopyLib: Now prints extra error information in case of errors. +++++ 2011-10-11 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now uses bash as shell. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh / waitForFreeLock: Now waits 10 seconds, if lsof cannot be found. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now installs "lsof". fix: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Corrected entry for French. +++++ 2011-10-09 patch 100512: Client bootimage (amd64) now includes libresolv.so.2. cha: client bootimage (amd64): Re-build with libresolv.so.2 included. patch 100511: Added Trinity Desktop Environment support. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now deletes /var/log/exim4/paniclog. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes libresolv.so.2 explicitly on amd64. cha: CLIENT_showJobs, CLIENT_listPackages, PKG_listSelectedpackages, PKG_listPackages: Now colors the lines in blue and gray alternating to improve readability. cha: m23-ksplash / control /postinst: Now works with Trinity too. new: TRINITY_installLoginManager: Installs the Trinity login manager KDM. cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now has an extra patameter for Trinity. cha: sourceslist / squeeze: Added sources for Trinity and added the Trinity desktop. +++++ 2011-10-08 cha: client_partition.php: Now resets the client name too, if clearSession is set. cha: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Now has extra parameter to delete the name of the client too. cha: m23 / postinst: Now copies (and maybe creates) the SSH key to /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys/authorized_keys, if it does not exist before. cha: m23: Now excludes authorized_keys. cha: updateDB: Now includes the emptying routines for the i18n tables. cha: m23 / postinst: Now calls updateDB on every run. new: m23 / postinst / updateDB: Updates the MySQL DB from m23.sql.bz2. patch 100508: Many improvements for Debian Squeeze. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports squeeze too. cha: m23XFceInstall.php: Debian and Ubuntu are using the same file now. cha: menuDeb: Entries are labeled more precisely. cha: m23-skel: Now gstreamer is the default phonon backend. cha: KDE_install: Now tries to install phonon-backend-gstreamer on KDE 4. +++++ 2011-10-07 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now tries to install virtualbox-ose-guest-dkms too. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now gets the timezone too. fix: m23 / postinst: Now gpg execution via sudo as grdmgpg should work now. fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / mountInstMedium: Now uses a fixed (and hopefully complete) list of possible devices to find the drive containing the m23 server installation CD (Thx Stephan, Bernd). +++++ 2011-10-06 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / startBaseInstallation: Now sets the language via keyboard-configuration too. cha: CLCFG_language: Now sets language via keyboard-configuration too. cha: CLCFG_interfaces: Now deletes the "/etc/udev/rules.d/*persistent-net.rules". cha: m23hwdetect/loadFoundModules: Now doesn't show newlines after the found modules. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Fixed escaping. cha: MSR_importPackageStatus: Now urldecodes package version texts too. +++++ 2011-10-04 cha: configXOrgBasicConfig: Now stores mouse and video driver in the config files. cha: printconf: Now checks if the tool printconf is present and exists if not. fix: m23-xorg-configurator: Now works, if hardware info files are missing. fix: activateNet: Now activates network cards only, if not they were not active before. +++++ 2011-10-03 cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now sets fore and family name in all cases. patch 100507: Fixes for assimilation. fix: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Correcting username detection and IP given by network-manager. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now installs finger and debconf-utils too. +++++ 2011-10-01 cha: m23-initscripts: Added symlink to m23hwdetect. cha: CLCFG_writeCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Now uses a short version for the "every 5 minutes" setting in crontab. cha: m23hwdetect, hwcheck: Added dependency information in the LSB header. cha: m23hwdetect: Added LSB header. cha: m23hwdetect: Now uses /bin/bash. +++++ 2011-09-30 patch 100506: Improvements for client assimilsation. Some changes for Debian Squeeze. cha: m23AssimilateInstall.php: Now calls MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand and MSR_statusFileCommand to get a proper package installtion status. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now uses HELPER_netmaskCalculator. new: HELPER_netmaskCalculator: Converts a short netmask (e.g. 24 for into the decimal notation. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now gets network settings form Network Manager too. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now detects LinuxMint as Ubuntu. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now splits the combined name of the main user into fore and family name. cha: m23/postinst: Now configures Squid that it caches *.tar.7z too. +++++ 2011-09-29 cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now tries to get fore and family name of the main user. +++++ 2011-09-27 cha: CLCFG_language: Now converts the entries of the m23 generated locale.gen to the new format on Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-09-26 fix: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Corrected missing newlines in locale settings. +++++ 2011-09-21 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now has a BASH function that calculates the amount of OS entries in the different grub configuration files. +++++ 2011-09-20 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now uses --force on grub installation. cha: PKG_getKernels: Now uses the search terms "linux image" and "kernel image" to find the Linux kernels. new: CIR_WorkaroundForMissingModulesDep: Workaround for missing modules.dep to disable the repeated showing of the "FATAL" error. cha: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CIR_WorkaroundForMissingModulesDep. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now should be working with the grub of Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-09-12 patch 100505: m23 user manual updated. cha: de / en / fr: User manual updated. fix: makePDF-HTML.sh: Fixed access rights of /m23/doc/manual/. cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Now uses PKG_translateClientjobsStatus. +++++ 2011-09-11 patch 100504: Debootstrap cache enhancement. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now checks if a local cache file is present in /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys/. patch 100503: Patches for OpenSuse 11.4. cha: HS-opensuse11.4: Disabled LXDE in the sources list. fix: OS11.4: netSetIPNetmask: Now sets the IP and netmask statically. cha: HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus: Now doesn't complain if HSCommandExecutionStatus.code doen't exist. cha: F14 / OS11.4: startLog: Now removes the pipe before creating. +++++ 2011-09-08 patch 100502: Fix for BackupPC. fix: m23 / postinst: Another change of access rights for index.cgi. cha: update.php: Now uses MSG_showInfo when an update is running (in the other case). patch 100501: Fixes for BackupPC and improved server restore. cha: m23Restore: Now checks for the backup archives before starting the restore. fix: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Fixed command for filtering out dot directories. patch 100500: Fixes for BackupPC. cha: packageBuilder.hlp, client_backup.hlp: Adjusted improved help texts. fix: m23 / postinst: Changes access rights for index.cgi. cha: m23 / postinst: Shortening of the sed commands. +++++ 2011-09-07 patch 100499: Fixes for package selections and package search. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses SERVER_runInBackground instead of exec. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now removed lock and script file after execution. fix: UPDATE_getInfo: Now shows every entry only once. cha: update.php: Now uses MSG_showInfo when an update is running. patch 100498: Fixes for BackupPC. fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Now the transfer method is not added on every update of the backup config file. fix: BACKUP_showClientSettings, BACKUP_getBackupDirs, BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Now converts the client name to lower, because BackupPC needs lower case client names for the backup config files. +++++ 2011-09-06 patch 100497: Fixes for package selections. cha: PKG_getClientjobsStatus: Now uses PKG_translateClientjobsStatus. new: PKG_translateClientjobsStatus: Translates the clientjobs status from the DB into a human readable form. cha: PKG_addNormalJob: Now has priority for normal installation jobs hardcoded. cha: PKG_getPackageStatus: Is now PKG_getClientjobsStatus. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupConfiguration: Now uses SERVER_fileExists. fix: BACKUP_getBackupDirs: Now doesn't convert the client name to lower case (faulty). new: SERVER_fileExists: Checks if a file exits, that the Apache user has never access to. fix: m23 / postinst: Fixed access rights to make BackupPC usable by the apache user (and not only by user backuppc). +++++ 2011-09-05 patch 100496: French translation finished. cha: fr/ m23base.php, capture.hlp: French translation finished. patch 100495: Enhancements for the server backup, improved integration of Ubuntu clients and VirtualBox addon downloads. cha: capture.php: Added warning to not click the icons. fix: VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Now lists VirtualBox addons with two or more digits in the last part of the version number. cha: excludem23deb: Now excludes /m23/log/ too. cha: UPDATE_getInfo: Now shows a message if no updates are available. cha: installI18N.en/de: Texts updated. fix: postMessage.php: Now includes edit.php (needed for assimilating some Ubuntu clients). cha: messageReceive.php: Now all array constants are excaped. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Now the list is completely empty if no backups are existing. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Now creates the backup directory if it does not exist. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupConfiguration: Now creates serverBackup.conf if it doesn not exist. patch 100494: Enhancements and fixes for "Daemons and Programs". cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: Now uses SERVER_LDAPInfo too. new: SERVER_LDAPInfo: Returnes an information string for the LDAP server. cha: * / daemonsAndPrograms.hlp: Commented out the part about helper tools. fix: SERVER_apacheInfo: Now reports the Apache version. cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: Now works with the new daemons. cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: Disabled installation of addons because they are dependencies of the package m23. cha: m23/postinst: Now clears all values from table i18n in the DB m23captured too. patch 100493: Smal fixes for the server status page and m23captured. cha: head.php: The menu in the header is now more scalable. fix: SERVER_checkRunInVM: Now works with new VirtualBox version too. fix: serverStatus.php: Changed the IP for the internet connection check to make it working again. cha: I18N_addLanguage: Now adds the languages in the database m23captured too. cha: DB: Added table "i18n" to database m23captured. +++++ 2011-09-02 patch 100492: Fix for openSUSE LDAP and restarting the graphical login manager disabled. fix: OS11.4 / netEnableLDAP: Now calls resetRet, because some LDAP packages may be installed already what leads to an error. +++++ 2011-08-31 fix: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Disabled restarting the graphical login manager. +++++ 2011-08-28 patch 100491: More LDAP patches and upload enhancements. cha: menuDeb / directuplinst: Now calls m23UpdateInstFromm23Testing. cha: m23UpdateInstFromm23Testing: Now merges files of m23testing before uploading from localhost. cha: F14 / netEnableLDAP: Should be working now. cha: OS11.4 / F14 / netSetLDAPServer: Is netEnableLDAP now. cha: HS / clientInstall.php: Now calls HS_netEnableLDAP. +++++ 2011-08-26 patch 100490: LDAP and package signing fixes/enhancements. new: F14 / netSetLDAPServer: First attempt to enable LDAP on Fedora 14. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now restarts the graphical login manager. cha: OS11.4 / netSetLDAPServer: Should work now. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now installs the package "gnupg" instead of "gpg". +++++ 2011-08-21 patch 100489: m23 server installation improvements. cha: m23install.sh: Now sets LC_ALL and LANG with lang_LANG. cha: m23install.sh: Now loads the key file only if it exists. patch 100608: opensuse Gnome desktop enhancement. cha: OS11.4 / sysImportConfDB: Now resets the log at the end. patch 100487: Client recovery improvements. fix: PKG_getClientPackages: Now reports every package only once. cha: recover_client.php: Now calls PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage. +++++ 2011-08-20 patch 100486: Database structure fixes. cha: m23 / postinst: Now increases the size of language in the table clients. fix: m23 / postinst: Corrected integer versions to get checked by updateSQLIfOlder for updates. +++++ 2011-08-19 patch 100485: opensuse keyboard enhancements. cha: OS11.4: sysSetLanguage: Now has a table with the keyboard layout names of yast2. cha: OS11.4: sysSetLanguage: Now uses a trick to set the keyboard language. +++++ 2011-08-14 patch 100484: Language setting improved for Debian/Ubuntu and package status import now working for a big amount of packages. cha: MSR_importPackageStatus: Now urldecodes package names. cha: MSR_importPackageStatus: Now calls HELPER_importAllIntoPOST. new: HELPER_importAllIntoPOST: Imports all values into the $_POST array in case that there are too much array keys for the normal processing. fix: CLCFG_language: Now console-setup should be configured correctly. patch 100483: Language fixes and printer installation for HS / Fedora 14. fix: CLCFG_language: Now console-setup is installed before the file with the available languages is read. fix: imaging.php: Fixed naming of the constants. cha: HS / m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now calls HS_sysInstallPrinter before HS_sysConfigurePrinter. new: HS_sysInstallPrinter: Installs the printer software. +++++ 2011-08-13 patch 100482: Language fixes and halfSister updates. cha: HS / m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now calls HS_sysConfigurePrinter. new: HS_sysConfigurePrinter: Detects and installs printer(s). fix: HS/m23LXDEInstall.php: Removed call to non existing function CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. fix: KDE_installLoginManager: Now sets the keyboard layout correctly in KDE 4. +++++ 2011-08-12 patch 100481: Added opensuse 11.4 sources list. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports HS-opensuse11.4 too. patch 100480: More openSUSE fixes. +++++ 2011-08-10 cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Added workaround for setting the keyboard layout without yast2. +++++ 2011-08-08 new: OS11.4 / netSetLDAPServer: Enables LDAP login for a client. +++++ 2011-08-07 patch 100479: Added missing log file. fix: KDE_install: Added missing log file. patch 100478: openSUSE package cache corrections. fix: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Corrected condition for updating the cache. cha: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Removed hashing (may corrupt the package cache file). patch 100477: Language fixes. fix: CLCFG_language: Corrected syntax error. fix: KDE_install: Now sends the log file on errors. patch 100476: Language enhancements/fix. cha: KDE_install: Removed checking code that may halt on non-critical language pack installation error. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now has more logic to calculate the correct language settings. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now sets the layout in the XOrg config file (if it exists). patch 100475: Language enhancements/fix. cha: CLCFG_language: Now configures console-setup (seems to be needed by Ubuntu to configure the gmd correctly). fix: KDE_install: Corrected faulty line break. +++++ 2011-08-06 patch 100474: Keyboard layout setting for gdm. cha: GNOME_installLoginManager: Another attempt to pre-select the keyboard layout. patch 100473: More halfSister and openSUSE fixes. fix: HS / clientInstall.php: Now the client name and the file system of the root partition is correct. fix: HS_sysMakeBootable: Removed extra parameter. cha: OS11.4 / pkgInstall: Now sets the error code of zypper to 0, if 4 is given, because "4" means "nothing to do" and this should not be marked as error. new: OS11.4 / m23HSAdmin: Now uses the m23 proxy for downloading packages. +++++ 2011-08-05 patch 100472: NFS mount patch. fix: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Now exists if no NSF server is given. patch 100471: Language enhancements. cha: pkgInstallKDE: Now installs the language packages. cha: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now calls GNOME_install. patch 100470: Language enhancements. cha: m23*ubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23MintKDEInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_installApplicationLanguagePackages. new: CLCFG_installApplicationLanguagePackages: Installs some additional language packages for installed applications with seperate language packs. fix: CLCFG_disableNFSHome: Now disables NFS only if it was mounted before. fix: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Fixed Danish keyboard. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Increased disk size and ram size. +++++ 2011-08-04 patch 100469: New openSuSE patches. fix: OS11.4/hookBeginAfterChroot: Fixed wait4go. cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Now calls CLIENT_recalculateStatusBar when changes are accepted. cha: HS_setSourcesList: Now doesn't add empty lines before and after the sources list. fix: OS11.4/pkgSetSourcesList: Now makes sure that the package sources list doesn't contain carriage returns. patch 100468: Visual enhancements and home on NFS can now be disabled. +++++ 2011-08-02 cha: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Now calls CLCFG_disableNFSHome, if the NFS address is empty. new: CLCFG_disableNFSHome: Disables storing of home directories on a NFS server. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Improved readability. +++++ 2011-08-01 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now shows an error message if no valid disk size is entered. cha: index.css: Table rows are now highlighted when the mouse is over. cha: index.css: Disabled showing of scroll bars in Google Chrome (and maybe other webkit based browser). +++++ 2011-07-31 patch 100467: Mass install corrections. fix: MASS_startInstall: The client group is now assigned correctly. +++++ 2011-07-30 cha: massInstall.php: Now doesn't show the help box after saving the last step. patch 100466: NFS fixes. cha: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Re-written to work on Ubuntu and doesn't use the automounter any more. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now adds the LDAP account after all input errors have been solved. +++++ 2011-07-29 cha: m23*ubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now shows the status message via CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now uses I18N_getLangVars and $lV[packagelang]. patch 100465: LDAP fixes. fix: CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now the re-installation is non-interactive. fix: LDAP_addPosix: The password is now hashed correctly. fix: activateNet: Now uses /sbin/ifconfig instead of /bin/ifconfig (what only exists in the network bootimage). cha: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Now all languages are using utf8 (if possible). +++++ 2011-07-28 patch 100464: LDAP fix. new: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu, CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now two functions with different names are uses. patch 100463: LDAP patches and two LDAP implementations for Debian and Ubuntu. new: CLCFG_patchNsswitchForLDAP: Patches /etc/nsswitch.conf for usage with LDAP. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Now two seperate functions for Ubuntu and Debian are existing. cha: CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now re-installs upstart. cha: addBaseScanner: Now stores the IDs of the modules in a directory containing the kernel version. cha: m23 / postinst: Now shows no errors when an existing directory is created again. patch 100462: Installation fixes. fix: debian / ubuntu / clienInstall.php: Now has no (false) fallback to forename if the login is empty (or set). patch 100461: LDAP rewritten. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Rewritten. cha: EDIT_uncomment, EDIT_commentout, EDIT_insertLineNumber, EDIT_replace, EDIT_deleteLines, EDIT_deleteLinesAmount, EDIT_deleteMatching: Changed the name of the temporary edit file. +++++ 2011-07-27 cha: LDAP_getNextID: Now makes sure that at least one ID is present in the DB and returns ID beginning from 1001. +++++ 2011-07-25 patch 100460: LDAP management fixed. fix: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Now shows an error, if another LDAP server with the same name should be added. cha: PREF_preferenceLoadManagerHandler: Now shows a message when storing the preference. +++++ 2011-07-24 patch 100458: Fixes for virtualisation. Smal improvements. fix: VM_webAction: Now runs headless sessions in screen. fix: VM_parseVBOXstate: Corrected explode string. cha: FDISK_swapFilesystems: Added another swap file system signature. cha: SRCLST_showAlternativeArchitectureSelection: Now returns the wanted architecture, if the architecture or the sources list name parameter is empty. +++++ 2011-07-23 cha: CLIENT_startInstall, CLIENT_resetAndInstall: Now calls CLIENT_recalculateStatusBar. new: CLIENT_recalculateStatusBar: Recalculates the percent points for the pending jobs on a client. new: SRCLST_showAlternativeArchitectureSelection: Shows a list with available CPU architectures of the sources list, in case that the wanted architecture is not available in the sources list. The alternative architecture will be written to the arch option of the client. new: getArchList: Returns an associative array with the supported CPU architectures as key and value. cha: SRCLST_showEditor, CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses getArchList. +++++ 2011-07-21 patch 100456: Many client languages added and architecture selection added to the sources list editor. cha: client_distr.php: Now checks if the architecture of the client is supported by the sources list and sets the client's architecture to i386 if not. new: SRCLST_isArchAvailable: Checks if a given architecture is supported by the sources list. new: SRCLST_saveArchitectures: Saves the architectures for package source list. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now shows check boxes for the CPU architecture of the sources list. cha: SRCLST_showArchsSel, SRCLST_getArchsList: Removed- cha: SRCLST_checkList: Now checks, if the test can be performed (on HS currently not possible). cha: HTML_checkBox, HTML_multiSelection: Now has an extra option to force the setting of the check box to the state of $defaultCheck. new: SRCLST_getArchitectures: Returnes a list of all CPU architectures supported by the sources list. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Enlarged edit box. cha: F14 / pkgInstallKDE: Many languages added. +++++ 2011-07-20 cha: F14 / sysSetLanguage: Many languages added. cha: OS11.4, F14 / pkgInstallKDE: Now uses a table to store the language packages. new: OS11.4, F14 / sysGetm23Language: Shows the m23 language as two/five-character code. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now stores language information in /etc/sysconfig/i18n. fix: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Now the client name is preserved. +++++ 2011-07-18 patch 100455: Fixes for client assimisation. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Commented out debug code. fix: SRCLST_saveList: Now makes sure that sources lists with special characters are stored correctly. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: New code for dectecting the kernel package. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now detects installation and swap partitions that are UUIDs. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Added dash as supported shell. cha: * / welcome.hlp: Fixed link positions and head position. cha: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now works. patch 100454: Offline package search in Fedora 14, m23 server installation fixes and new m23 questionnaire added. new: HTML_getQuestionnaireURL: Returns the complete URL to the m23 questionnaire in the language of the webinterface. new: HTML_questionnaire: Shows the questionnairem window. fix: SRCLST_showEditor: Now sources lists can be deleted again and the name of the sources list to delete is shown correctly. +++++ 2011-07-15 cha: HS/PKG_listPackages: Search key is now case insensitive. new: HS_getPackageCacheName: Returns the complete name (including path) of the package cache. cha: HS_pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now pipes the contents of the sources list into pkgUpdateCacheOnServer. fix: F14/pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now removes control sequences from the URL. cha: F14/pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now reads the contents of the package source from stdin. +++++ 2011-07-14 new: HS_getm23HSAdminPath: Calculates the complete local path (including the file name) to m23HSAdmin for a choosen distribution release. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / chrootSystem: Now makes sure all device nodes are present in the chrooted environment. +++++ 2011-07-12 fix: HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscanner: Corrected variable naming ($distr should be $release). +++++ 2011-07-11 fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / configureMySQLmycnf: Fixed missing user/password. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / mountInstMedium: Now makes sure that the (maybe) needed /dev/hda ... /dev/hdd are existing. fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / normalPartition: Added missing "/dev/". +++++ 2011-07-10 cha: quickBuild.sh, mkm23Debs: Now copies the m23-vbox package to the client package directory. cha: killCurrentVNCSession.sh: Now uses zenity on systems where Xdialog is not available. patch 100450: Changes for the server installation CD. fix: exportDBInitTable: Now uses '[:blank:]'. cha: configureMySQLmycnf: Now truncs all tables by a table list read from the DB. new: m23InstallerBase.inc / createInitrd: Creates the initrds for all installed kernel. new: m23InstallerBase.inc / installGrub: Now uses the grub bootmanager as default. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / configureNetwork: Now configures eth0 only. cha: mkm23Debs: Added m23-vbox. cha: normalPartition: Now makes a gap of 2 MB before the root partition (for grub2). +++++ 2011-07-09 new: checkFstabAndMount: Checks the fstab for needed entries and adds them, if missing. Then mounts the devices patch 100446: BASH is now default interpreter. cha: Making BASH the shell of all scripts because DASH doesn't interpret all scripts correctly. patch 100445: Package fixes (some for Lenny), updates for new BASH. cha: m23Deb.inc, menuFunctions.inc, busyBoxFunctions.inc, kernelFunctions.inc: Removed "function" keyword and added missing "()". +++++ 2011-07-01 fix: m23-ldap/postinst: Now executes the LDAP caching optimisations only on Squeeze and newer (on Lenny they fail). cha: m23/postinst: Now check if the oldversion is set (in case of first time installation it is not). patch 100443: Table creation support for i18n. cha: version.php: Switched to 11.3. cha: m23/postinst: Now makes sure the i18n table is always empty. cha: m23/postinst: Code simplification for table changes. +++++ 2011-06-30 patch 100442: Many new client languages added. cha: */m23base.php: Translations added. cha: GNOME_install, KDE_install: Now uses I18N_getLangVars. cha: *: Now all m23inst.php includes are using I18N_m23instLanguage. new: I18N_m23instLanguage: Checks if a m23inst.php exists for the given language and returns "en" if not. cha: I18N_listClientLanguages: Now uses the new i18n functions. new: I18N_addClientLanguageToCache: Adds a new client language to the i18n DB cache. patch 100441: Changes to the i18n support of m23 and bootmedia updates. new: writeNewestChangelogToPatchInfo: Writes the newest patch info from the changelog to the patch.info file. cha: menuDeb: Now uses writeNewestChangelogToPatchInfo to prepare the patch.info before editing by hand. +++++ 2011-06-27 cha: createRFSBins: Added libudev.so.0 (needed by parted). cha: createRFScopyLib: Now shows error about missing library only when it is really needed. cha: Kernel configuration: Changed ramdisk size to 70000Kb. new: I18N_addLanguage: Adds a new language to the i18n table. new: I18N_countCachedLanguages: Counts the cached languages for a type. new: I18N_getAllCachedLanguages: Returns an associative array with the shortnames of the language as keys and the longnames as value. new: I18N_cacheWebinterfaceLanguages: Caches the language information from the language.info files to the DB. cha: I18N_listWebinterfaceLanguages: Now uses I18N_cacheWebinterfaceLanguages, I18N_getAllCachedLanguages and HTML_selection. cha: I18N_getLongLanguage: Removed. new: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Caches the client languages in the DB. +++++ 2011-06-26 new: I18N_listClientLanguages: Lists all languages, the m23 clients can be installed with. cha: createRFSBins: Removed LVM tools. cha: createRFSBinLinks: LVM tools are no symlinks anymore. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now uses Debian Squeeze packages too. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Package list adjusted to Debian Squeeze's packages. +++++ 2011-06-22 cha: I18N_getLangVars: Added "'" to the array keys. cha: I18N_listLanguages: Becomes I18N_listWebinterfaceLanguages and lists all languages, the m23 webinterface is available in, as option lines +++++ 2011-06-21 patch 100439: Smal fixes, soime for Debian Squeeze. cha: incPatchLevelInVersionPhp: Now adds the patch number to the changelog. cha: BURN_getDevice: Now uses explode. cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now english is the default language. +++++ 2011-06-20 fix: m23/postinst: Creates the dhcpd.conf if missing. fix: SF-hg-backup: Now merge is done at the right position. cha: SF-hg-backup: Now copies back changes to the m23 directory. +++++ 2011-06-07 fix: m23/postinst: Changed "[:blank:]" to "'[:blank:]'". cha: SF-hg-backup: Now pulls changes from HG too and performs a merge. +++++ 2011-06-05 patch 100609: Even more Squeeze improvements. cha: mkCert.sh: Many changes to make the certificates compatible with wget. cha: getApacheUser, getApacheGroup: Now don't complain, if httpd.conf doesn't exist. +++++ 2011-06-04 cha: mkCert.sh: Added extra parameters to the CA template. +++++ 2011-06-02 cha: m23/postinst: Now dhcpd.conf doesn't destroyed when upgrading on Debian Squeeze. cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now restarts the tftpd-hpa when installing on Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-05-22 cha: m23/postinst: Generation of the GPG key is now cha: m23-ldap/postinst: Now works under Debian Squeeze too. +++++ 2011-05-21 patch 100612: Some changes for installing m23 on Squeeze. cha: mkCert.sh: Rewritten with the help of certtool. cha: m23/control: Exchanged mkisofs with genisofs and cdrecord by wodim. cha: m23/postinst configDHCP: Now has support for Debian Squeeze. cha: m23-tftp/postinst configureTFTP: Now has support for Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-05-18 patch: Improved Linux Mint 9 installation speed by using a mirror. cha: SRCLST_genList: Add the Debian/Ubuntu extraDebs repository only, if it is not a halfSister distribution (Thx Arno) cha: Linux Mint 9: Changed pool to a mirror. patch 101017: Improved Linux Mint 9 installation speed by using a mirror. +++++ 2011-05-17 patch: Fixed package installation on clients. cha: install_packages.php: Now groups are listed in the title seperated with commata. fix: install_packages.php: Now works with normal clients again. patch 101018: Fixed package installation on clients. +++++ 2011-05-16 patch: Corrects the choosing of groups for assigning actions to them. fix: install_packages.php: Now uses the correct post variables to get the groups. patch 101019: Corrects the choosing of groups for assigning actions to them. +++++ 2011-05-07 patch: Zarafa installation add-ons. cha: m23ZarafaInstall.php: Public folder and admin account are now created. cha: m23ZarafaInstall.php: spam_header_name and spam_header_value are now cha: m23ZarafaInstall.php: The username of the MySQL user is now a random user name. new: HELPER_randomUsername: Generates a random username with a given length. patch 101020: Zarafa installation add-ons. +++++ 2011-05-03 new: menuDeb, m23UpdateInstFromm23Testing: Added update optimiser. +++++ 2011-05-02 patch: Smal fix against warning when choosing the distribution. new: m23Search: Searches the php files in /m23/inc and /m23/data+scripts for search terms. fix: client_distr.php: Added missing parameter PKG_addPackageSelection. patch: Server installation fixes. fix: m23 package: Now inccludes /m23/etc/.htpasswd.orig again. fix: updateSystem: Now doesn't exit the installer if the user doen't want to update the system. patch: Now priorities of special packages are given out correctly. patch 101021: Smal fix against warning when choosing the distribution. patch 101022: Server installation fixes. patch 101023: Now priorities of special packages are given out correctly. +++++ 2011-05-01 cha: PKG_addNormalJob, PKG_addSpecialPackages: Now have the distribution as extra parameter. +++++ 2011-04-30 cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages, PKG_addPackageSelection, PKG_addSpecialPackagesToWait4Aac: Now have the distribution as extra parameter. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now searching for special packages with search term works. +++++ 2011-04-29 patch: New 64 bit bootimages. fix: install_packages.php: Now the client ip is stored cha: HTML_esel: Now writes the the url of the iframe only if it the dog-ear is opened. cha: Updated 64 bit bootimages. patch 101024: New 64 bit bootimages. +++++ 2011-04-28 patch: Some more hardware detection addons (some for VMWare). new: m23hwscanner: Added base hardware scanner that used the hardware IDs that are stored in the modules. fix: CIR_enableDropbear: Now works with new m23hwdetect. patch: Some more hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). cha: Added more kernel modules. patch: Hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). cha: php_urlencode: Now uses the binary awk instead of BusyBox's version. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now makes sure sshd_config exists to remove complaining. patch 101025: Some more hardware detection addons (some for VMWare). patch 101026: Some more hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). patch 101027: Hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). +++++ 2011-04-27 cha: m23hwdetect/startUdev: Commented out udev calling execution. fix: createRFSDevs: Now includes path to the device node file. cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now doesn't overwrite existing files any more. cha: downloadExtractRFS, m23hwdetect: Removed udev. +++++ 2011-04-25 patch: Translations completed. cha: i18n/de/en/fr: Completed. patch: Fixes for updating from m23 11.1 to 11.2. cha: m23/postinst: Now makes sure that the password file for phpMyAdmin and phpLDAPAdmin exists. new: updateSQLIfOlder: Updates SQL information or executes SQL statements, if the current version of this packages is older than a given version. fix: client/server bootimages fstab: Corrected path to /dev/pts. patch: Zarafa installation fixes. cha: installZarafa: Now configures Apache with SSL if the SSL certificates are generated by m23. fix: m23ZarafaInstall.php: Now does "apt-get update" before the installation. patch 101028: Translations completed. patch 101029: Fixes for updating from m23 11.1 to 11.2. patch 101030: Zarafa installation fixes. +++++ 2011-04-23 patch: SSL fixes for Zarafa. cha: HELPER_createSelfSignedCAAndServerCertificate: Now exports an unecrypted variant of the server key. cha: configGateway: Sets ssl_certificate_file to empty. new: m23ZarafaInstall.php, m23ZarafaOptionPage.php: Extra script for installing a Zarafa server. release m23 rock 11.2 patch: Several adjustments for custom scripts. cha: checks.php: Clientname length is increased to 64 characters and allowes many more characters. cha: checkFQDN: Checks if a string contains only characters that are allowed in a FQDN. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now uses checkFQDN for checking the validity of the client name. patch 101031: SSL fixes for Zarafa. patch 101032: Several adjustments for custom scripts. +++++ 2011-04-22 cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Improved readability. +++++ 2011-04-21 cha: PKG_OptionPageHeader: Now store default values that are read from the package parameters to $layout['allvalues']. cha: PKG_OptionPageRender: Now reads default values from $layout['allvalues']. new: HELPER_createSelfSignedCAAndServerCertificate: Creates a selfsigned CA and a server certificate. +++++ 2011-04-20 fix: PKG_OptionPageRender: Now shows title of "selections". cha: PKG_OptionPageRender: Now has new renderble element "title". fix: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Now shows optionPages for special packages too. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Added missing distribution. +++++ 2011-04-18 cha: m23hwdetect: Exit on Ubuntu at once. cha: rescue_client.php: Now shows recues boot deactivation text, if deactivate is 1. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now doesn't complain about missing files during diff. fix: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Adds extra lines to allow SSH and local access to Ubuntu. +++++ 2011-04-17 new: checkForUsleep: Makes sure that there is an executable usleep. cha: addPartition: Now is more robust detecting the swap partition. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adjusts the root device in menu.lst. cha: loadFoundModules: Now the loading status is updated in the current line. cha: m23hwdetect: Now uses udev too. new: clientISO: Now includes udev. cha: clientISO/fstab: Adding devpts. fix: client_infoPage.php: Now remembers the client ID. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added udev. cha: package source lucid: Extended by "Textmode", lucid-updates and lucid-security. +++++ 2011-04-16 patch: Smaler fixes and extra security for m23@web. cha: m23 package: Now excludes /m23/etc/.htpasswd and /m23/etc/.phpMyLDAPAdminHtpasswd. new: m23/postinst: Now makes sure there is a .phpMyLDAPAdminHtpasswd to secure phpMyAdmin and phpLDAPAdmin. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now marks the empty space in the partition table, if there are no partitions at all too. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Fixed split to explode parameter conversation bug. fix: SCREDIT_showEditor: Now shows correct error message, if the script could not be written. fix: add_client.php: Now works with m23@web installed but not used again. patch 101033: Smaler fixes and extra security for m23@web. +++++ 2011-04-15 patch: m23@web fixes. fix: add_client.php: Now works without m23@web again. patch 101034: m23@web fixes. +++++ 2011-04-13 fix: statusBar.php, HTML_showStatusBar: Now works with m23@web too. +++++ 2011-04-10 patch: Patches for m23@web and pPXE added. new: MDK: Now uncludes gPXE build environment. fix: add_client.php: Now enables m23@web after clearing the session. fix: PKG_getAptArchOptions: Now works even if the m23 server is 64 bit and the client 32 bit. patch 101035: Patches for m23@web and pPXE added. +++++ 2011-04-08 patch: m23@web IP check fix and MAC address check. fix: CLIENT_addClient: No check for the IP if m23@web is active. new: checkMAC: Checks if a MAC address is valid. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now uses checkMAC. patch 101036: m23@web IP check fix and MAC address check. +++++ 2011-04-04 patch: Many hardware detection improvements. Some for Mac. cha: getDrives: Now filters out read-only filesystems (CD/DVD drives). new: downloadExtractRFS: Now converts the pci.ids database to the hwinfo DB format. fix: getPartType, getPartFS: Corrected position of value in the param string. fix: getDrives: Now only lists only real devices. cha: getDrives, getDriveInfo, getAllPartInfo: Now "types" "No" to avoid asking parted for user interaction if detecting strange partitions. cha: m23hwdetect: Now uses functions. cha: m23hwdetect: Adds all network modules, if no eth devices could be activated. patch 101037: Many hardware detection improvements. Some for Mac. +++++ 2011-04-03 cha: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Adjusted for changed layout of is.gd. +++++ 2011-03-30 patch: DB fix and networking for Mac. cha: Boot kernel incudes sky2 module statically. fix: m23/postinst: Increased the size of the field "normalPackage" in the table "clientjobs". (Thx AR) patch 101038: DB fix and networking for Mac. +++++ 2011-03-29 patch: New Linux kernel to cha: Updating boot kernel to and incuding Marvell network module statically. patch 101039: New Linux kernel to +++++ 2011-03-25 patch: More network modules in network boot kernel (Testing). cha: Activating more network modules in network boot kernel. patch 101040: More network modules in network boot kernel (Testing). +++++ 2011-03-21 fix: PKG_acceptJobs: Now show the message if additional packages were added. +++++ 2011-03-18 patch: Smal corrections for halfSister. cha: F14/sysMakeBootable: Now uses --force at grub2-install. fix: HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus: Corrected order of error message sending and calling wait4go. patch 101041: Smal corrections for halfSister. +++++ 2011-03-15 patch: Several fixes for the mass installation and improved halfSister support with lots of status messages. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes mkfifo. cha: createRFSBins: cp is now called with --force. patch 101042: Several fixes for the mass installation and improved halfSister support with lots of status messages. +++++ 2011-03-14 new: mdoc-HS.awk, mdoc-HS.sh: Producing LaTeX code for the documentation from the m23HSAdmin API used by Fedora 14. cha: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: Now adjusts the MBR installation place too. cha: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Now leaves a gap of 2 MB after every created partition new: F14/startLog: Starts logging stdout and stderr to /tmp/HSCommandExecutionStatus.message. new: F14/stopLog: Stops logging stdout and stderr to /tmp/HSCommandExecutionStatus.message. +++++ 2011-03-13 cha: F14/hookBeginAfterChroot: Now creates wait4go. cha: F14/sysHWsetup: Now ensures that hal is installed. cha: HS_wrapper: Now calls HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus. cha: MSR_logCommand, MSR_genSendCommand: New parameter "show": If set to true, the output is shown directly, if set to false, it is returned. new: F14/intEnableXBoot: Enables the start of graphical sessions on booting. new: F14/resetRet: Resets the file that contains the accumulated return codes of the commands to execute. new: F14/saveRet: Saves the return code of the last called tool to /tmp/HSCommandExecutionStatus.code. new: HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus: Sends a status message for the finished HS job and if there were errors, the log file too. cha: HS_netConfig, HS_setPackageProxy, HS_setSourcesList: Now uses HS_wrapper. +++++ 2011-03-12 fix: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Fixed variable error. fix: FDISK_getDriveAndNr, FDISK_dev2LDevLPart, CLCFG_getMbrPart: Now used preg_split. fix: FDISK_delPart: Now included m23base.php only if called by the GUI. fix: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Added missing parameter. fix: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Fixed not always initalised variable. fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: Corrected camelCase variable error. cha: fdisk.php: Included all static associative array keys with '. cha: DHCP_restartDHCPserver: Now works with isc-dhcp-server too. +++++ 2011-03-11 patch: Fixing client definition. cha: concretised info message for (maybe) added jobs. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now stores the client name and id in the sessions to allow partitioning and formating of the virtual drive. patch: Smal fixes and new option "uploadtesting". fix: CRON_cronManagementDialog: Removed unneeded and (without m23shared installed) error producing code. new: menuDeb: Now has an extra option "uploadtesting" for uploading the m23 installation packages as testing. patch 101043: Fixing client definition. patch 101044: Smal fixes and new option "uploadtesting". +++++ 2011-03-10 cha: CLIENT_showDelDialog, HELPER_calcMBSize: Replaced "ereg_replace" with "preg_replace". +++++ 2011-03-07 cha: pkgInstallGnome, pkgInstallLXDE, pkgInstallXFce: Now removes package firstboot. cha: pkgInstallGnome: Now installs firefox and evolution. +++++ 2011-02-28 patch: Changed explode syntax in some files. patch: Smal changes to the fit the changes SF directories. Development guide and manuals updated. new: HTML_esel: Shows an dog-ear that can be opened to show "goos-habermann.de/m23ad". cha: HS_fetchAndExtractOSImage, CLCFG_debootstrap: Changed path to the new FRS directory. cha: Mercurial: Changed config file. cha: mdoc.sh: Now shows the file that is currently converted to LaTeX. cha: menuDevguide, menuManualStart, uploadClientPackagesToSF: Changed path to SF web directory. patch 101045: Changed explode syntax in some files. patch 101046: Smal changes to the fit the changes SF directories. Development guide and manuals updated. +++++ 2011-02-27 patch: Package source HS-Fedora14 fix. cha: Package source HS-Fedora14: Only enabling KDE and Textmode desktops. cha: mkm23Deb: Removed debug code. patch: Fix for accepting jobs. fix: PKG_acceptJobs: Now adds a normalInstall or normalRemove job only, if there are such waiting jobs. patch 101047: Package source HS-Fedora14 fix. patch 101048: Fix for accepting jobs. +++++ 2011-02-26 patch: Hardware detection improvements for the m23 server ISO. Now includes package source for halfSister Fedora 14. cha: m23hwdetect: Now gets additional information from hwinfo. cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Added bash needed by hwinfo. cha: createServerInstallISO: Removed old squid.conf replacement. cha: m23install.sh: Now executes /etc/init.d/m23hwdetect twice to make sure that all is detected. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports HS-Fedora14 too. cha: quickbuild.sh: Now includes m23Debs.inc from the current directory by adding "./" before m23Debs.inc. (Needed by Squeeze) cha: excludem23deb: Changed settings to match grep's new regular expression interpretation. patch 101049: Hardware detection improvements for the m23 server ISO. Now includes package source for halfSister Fedora 14. +++++ 2011-02-23 release m23 rock 11.1 patch: m23 rock 11.1 patch 101050: m23 rock 11.1 +++++ 2011-02-14 cha: pkgInstallKDE: Now removes package "firstboot" to disable asking for settings on first boot. +++++ 2011-02-11 cha: *: Changed "ereg" and "eregi" to "preg_match" and "split" to "explode". cha: phpMyAdmin: Updated to version +++++ 2011-01-29 cha: PKG_acceptJobs: Now combines all "waiting for accept" normal (de)installation jobs to one (de)installation job. cha: PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation, PKG_previewUpdateSystem: Now only calls CLCFG_copyClientPackageStatus, if the function exists (it does not in HS). fix: F14/netSetIPNetmask: Now sets the prefix correctly. cha: F14/sysSetLanguage: Now sets keyboard layout via system-config-keyboard. +++++ 2011-01-28 new: HS_pkgFullUpdate: Performs a full update of the installed packages. new: HS/m23updateInstall.php: Adjusted for HS. new: HS/m23UpdateSourcesListInstall.php: Adjusted for HS. +++++ 2011-01-26 new: F14/pkgWritePackageStatusFile: Generates the POST file to send the package infos. Generates the package status file /tmp/packagestatus and the file converted to POST format /tmp/packagestatus.post. new: HS_statusFileCommand: Generates the commands to send the package infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_statusFileCommand). new: HS/m23UpdatePackageInfosInstall.php: Now transfers package status infos to the m23 server. new: HS_pkgInstallGnome: Installs Gnome. new: HS_pkgInstallLXDE: Installs LXDE. new: HS_pkgInstallXFce: Installs XFce. new: HS_pkgDeinstall: Deinstalls one or more packages. new: HS/m23normalRemoveInstall.php: Now removes packages. +++++ 2011-01-25 cha: F14/pkgInstalledList: Now has extra optional parameter to store the list of installed files in. new: HS_pkgInstalledList: Lists the installed packages or writes the list to a file. new: HS/PKG_fastGetInstalledPackages: Uses HS_pkgInstalledList. new: HS_runClientPackageConfDB: Generates BASH code to import client package configuration settings from the DB into the client package configuration of the client. new: HS_wrapperHS_wrapperReturn: Creates a m23HSAdmin action with parameters and returns the result. new: HS_hookEndAfterChroot: Scripts that should be run at the end of the afterChroot. new: HS_pkgInstallPreview: Generates commands for getting a installation preview on the client. new: HS_pkgDeinstallPreview: Generates commands for getting a deinstallation preview on the client. new: HS/PKG_previewInstall: shows what happens if packages get (de)installed. +++++ 2011-01-24 cha: F14/netEnableSSHdAndImportKey: Now downloads the public ssh key of the m23 server. new: HS_pkgInstallX: Installs XOrg or another shipped X11 server. now: HS/m23xfree864Install.php: Added. +++++ 2011-01-23 fix: F14/sysSetRootPW: Now works. cha: F14/sysSetLanguage: Now installs language-support package. +++++ 2011-01-19 cha: F14/hookBeginAfterChroot: MAKDEV generic doesn't work, so use workaround. +++++ 2011-01-18 new: HS_pkgInstallKDE: Installs KDE. cha: netSetm23SSLCertificate: The Fedora version now has an extra check for openssl and double functionality: 1. Download the SSL cert if it doesn't exist on the client and the download URL is given. 2. Generate the hash for the key and move it to the right place if it exists. new: HS/m23KDEInstall.php: Install the KDE version shipped by the distribution. +++++ 2011-01-16 new: HS_sysMakeBootable: Makes the system bootable. cha: HS_fetchm23HSAdmin: Is now HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscanner and extendeds functionality: Now fetches the m23HSAdmin tool and m23hwscanner matching the given distribution. cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added Ubuntu Lucid Lynx. new: HS/PKG_getKernels: Generates an associative array with the available kernels for an architecture and distribution as keys and values. +++++ 2011-01-15 new: HS_sysAddFstabEntries: Generates commands to edit a given fstab, add new entries and remove old ones before. +++++ 2011-01-12 cha: HS_fetchAndExtractOSImage: Added usage of local compressed images with higher priority. +++++ 2011-01-10 new: HS_sysWriteCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Adds entries to crontab to check every 5 minutes for new jobs. new: CLCFG_getRootDeviceFS: Gets the filesystem of the root device. new: HS_sysInstallKernel: Installs a matching kernel. new: HS_netEnableNFSHome: Enables storing of home directories on a NFS server new: HS_netEnableLDAP: Enables LDAP login for a client. +++++ 2011-01-08 new: HS_sysAddUser: Creates a new user with home directoy and sets password. new: SERVER_getPublicSSHKeyOfm23Server: Returns the public SSH key of the m23 server. new: HS_netEnableSSHdAndImportKey: Enables the SSH daemon and adds a SSH key to let the m23 server log into the machine. new: HS_writeHosts: Writes the /etc/hosts file for the client new: HS_sysWriteM23fetchjob: Generates the m23fetchjob script and adds it to the init levels. +++++ 2011-01-07 fix: clientInstall: Now login is used as user name, if given. +++++ 2011-01-04 new: HS_sysSetm23ClientID: Sets the m23 client ID. new: HS_netEnableNTP: Enable getting the system time by NTP. new: HS_netDisableNTP: Disable getting the system time by NTP. new: HS_hookBeginAfterChroot: Scripts that should be run at the beginning of the afterChroot. new: HS_pkgInstallBasePackages: Installs basic packages. new: HS_netSetm23SSLCertificate: Downloads and stores the SSL public key of the m23 server into the correct directory. new: HS_sysSetLanguage: Sets the system language. new: HS_sysSetRootPW: Sets the root password. new: HS_setPackageProxy: Sets the proxy for the package management tool. new: HS_wrapper: Creates a m23HSAdmin action with parameters. new: HS_sysSetTimeZone: Sets the time zone. new: HS_sysHWsetup: Detects and configures new hardware +++++ 2011-01-03 new: HS_fetchAndExtractOSImage: Downloads and extracts a halfSister distribution. new: HS_netConfig: Sets IP, gatway, netmask, DNS and hostname. new: HS_fetchm23HSAdmin: Fetches the m23HSAdmin tool matching the given distribution. new: HS_setSourcesList: Writes the package sources list for the client's package manager. new: HS_normalUpdate: Performs a normal update of the installed packages. +++++ 2010-12-21 cha: createRFSBins, downloadExtractRFS: Added rsync. +++++ 2010-12-09 patch: Language fix 2 for Kubuntu fix: KDE_install: Now works with english language too. patch: Language fix for Kubuntu fix: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now works with english language too. patch 101051: Language fix 2 for Kubuntu patch 101052: Language fix for Kubuntu +++++ 2010-11-23 patch: Update preview fixes for assimilated clients. fix: m23instUpload: Now only deletes old packages. patch 101053: Update preview fixes for assimilated clients. +++++ 2010-11-22 fix: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now updates the list of available packages, if it is not there. This is needed on assimilated clients that did not install extra packages before. new: PKG_getAptArchOptions: Generates options to specify the architecture of a client that can be appended to an apt-get line. cha: PKG_searchFor, PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_downloadPool: Now are using PKG_getAptArchOptions. cha: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now uses architecture specific apt-get commands. +++++ 2010-11-20 patch: Smal fixes for VMs. cha: VM_startVMCommandFile, VM_stopVMCommandFile: Now works on remote hosts too. cha: VM_webAction: Now doesn't run starting and stopping of VMs in screen to get a proper status. patch 101054: Smal fixes for VMs. +++++ 2010-11-18 fix: includem23-mdk-basedeb: Removed not existing directory mdk/etc. patch: Fix for remote execution of scripts. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now handles script with "`" too. cha: CLIENT_query: Adjusted variable firewall to make searching for clients with special IPs possible. patch 101055: Fix for remote execution of scripts. +++++ 2010-11-17 cha: installDebs: Removed debug code. cha: ASSI_addClient: Now stores the password as encrypted root password in the DB (Thx TheGuv). +++++ 2010-11-16 patch: Some package building fixes. cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Commented out "ddcxinfo-knoppix" as there are errors building it. cha: hwdata-knoppix: Now includes current hardware detection information. fix: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: Now uses Etch archive to make it work again. fix: m23instUpload: Now uploads all packages to SF. cha: menuDeb: Commented out not used menu entry "uplinst". m23/postinst: Now replaces /dev/random with /dev/urandom temporarily while generating the SSL keys. patch: Shell compatibility for scripts. cha: md5Check, m23update.functions: Removed keyword "function" to make it more compatible. cha: filterFileList: Now uses force parameter of "mv" to make sure that the list is filtered without asking the user. patch 101056: Some package building fixes. patch 101057: Shell compatibility for scripts. +++++ 2010-11-15 patch: Fixes for client assimilisation. fix: client_details.php: Fixed link to extra action install-vmhostsw. cha: SRCLST_saveList: Changed variable firewall settings to allow import of all sources lists. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now adds m23debs source to sources.list even if there is another m23 source. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now appends the key to authorized keys file to preserve existing keys. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now only generates adduser commands, if a user and password is given. fix: CIR_writeClientID: Now writes the correct m23ClientID. patch 101058: Fixes for client assimilisation. +++++ 2010-11-14 patch: Switched VirtualBox packages back to 2.2.4. cha: Switched VirtualBox packages back to 2.2.4. patch 101059: Switched VirtualBox packages back to 2.2.4. +++++ 2010-11-12 patch: Patches for update and VNC sessions. cha: chrootSystem: Now removes (eventually existing) VirtualBox configuration to start with a clean config after server installation. cha: m23patch.php: Now includes dbConnect. cha: m23patch.php: Removed now-working size detection. fix: m23patch.php: Now uses correct path for getting update info texts. fix: chrootSystem: No deletes /home/m23-vbox/.vnc for a clean vnc configuration. cha: restoreVMsStates: Now calls the scripts with restored m23-vbox environment. patch 101060: Patches for update and VNC sessions. +++++ 2010-11-11 patch: Gives restoreVMsStates the correct access rights. fix: m23-vbox/postinstall: Now fixes access rights of restoreVMsStates. patch: Gives the screen directory for m23-vbox the correct access rights. fix: VM_startVM: Now gives the screen directory for m23-vbox the correct access rights. patch: Smal fixes for VMs. fix: VM_stopVM: Now calls VM_stopVMCommandFile. fix: VM_startVM: Now calls VM_startVMCommandFile. patch 101061: Gives restoreVMsStates the correct access rights. patch 101062: Gives the screen directory for m23-vbox the correct access rights. patch 101063: Smal fixes for VMs. +++++ 2010-11-10 patch: Version is now 10.5. Added Button for (de)activating network booting and installation partition can be used to install the MBR on. new: DHCP_isNetworkBootingActive: Checks, if a client has network booting enabled. cha: client_status.php: Rewritten. cha: CLIENT_showStatusSelection: Rewritten and function for (de)activating network booting. cha: client_distr.php: Now adds the installation partition to the list of drives that can be used to install the MBR on. patch 101064: Version is now 10.5. Added Button for (de)activating network booting and installation partition can be used to install the MBR on. +++++ 2010-11-09 patch: Support for Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu 10.04 LTS. patch 101065: Support for Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu 10.04 LTS. +++++ 2010-11-08 cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23XubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_aptGet. cha: CLCFG_aptGet: Now has routines that try to fix the Ubuntu "Hash Sum mismatch" error. cha: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_aptGet. cha: /mdk/server/iso: Removed obsolete files and directories. cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Now creates a symlink to the System-V-Init directory to get the VMs run that were started before the system was stopped. +++++ 2010-11-07 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now downloads libdbus-1-3 to be used for hwinfo. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes libdbus-1.so.3 into the bootimage. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Added a function that waits and loops until NO dpkg/apt-get/aptitude/adept process is running. new: m23-initscripts: Now has a postinst scripts that removes the System-V init links to hwcheck and m23-xorg-configurator if upstart is used. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now creates a reboot file to reboot the client after installing the VirtualBox addons. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now reboots the client after finishing the XOrg configuration, if the reboot file is set. cha: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Added another "apt-get install" round for Ubuntu's "hash sum mismatch" errors, that occurr randomly. +++++ 2010-11-06 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now reboots the client after installing the VirtualBox addons. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now works on Ubuntu 10.04 too. new: m23-initscripts: Now includes upstart startup files for the m23hwdetect and m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid and Linux Mint 9 KDE too and removes Ubuntu Gutsy. +++++ 2010-11-05 fix: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage. +++++ 2010-11-04 fix: install_packages.php: Now update runs CLIENT_startInstall. new: menuDeb: Menu entry to delete complete Squid cache. +++++ 2010-11-02 new: SERVER_deleteFile: Deletes a file from the server. new: VM_startVMCommandFile: Writes a command file with the command(s) to start the VM. new: VM_stopVMCommandFile: Removes automatical staring of a VM by removing the command file. cha: ASSI_prepareClient, CLCFG_installBasePackages: Added import of the m23 package sign keys (Thx TheGuv). +++++ 2010-10-31 cha: m23-initscripts: Package now includes the new m23hwdetect and has a dependency on hwinfo. +++++ 2010-10-30 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now extracts m23-initscripts. cha: hwcheck: Now is compatible to BusyBox. new: m23hwdetect: It is a three-pass hardware detection script. +++++ 2010-10-21 cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Added hwinfo. cha: linuxrc: Now uses hwinfo, hwsetup and discover to detect the hardware. +++++ 2010-10-20 fix: Added symlinks from /usr/share/hwdata to /usr/share/misc on the server installation CD and the client boot images. cha: linuxrc: Now discover scanns all busses. cha: Updated the Linux kernel to and enabling virtio devices. cha: discover-data 2.2010.10.18: Updated version of discover-data was downloaded from SID and uploaded to m23.sf.net/m23NetBootImageExtraDebs. cha: Updated pci.ids from pciids.sourceforge.net. +++++ 2010-10-07 patch: Online help fix. fix: fr/de/en:ldapSettings.hlp: Removed hint for LDAP installation, as the LDAP server is preinstalled and not installable via the webinterface. (Thx biZZa) patch: Smal changes and Ubuntu improvements. patch 101066: Online help fix. patch 101067: Smal changes and Ubuntu improvements. +++++ 2010-10-05 new: SF-hg-backup: New script to backup the m23 source to the Mercurial repository on SF. +++++ 2010-09-27 cha: CLCFG_setTimeZone: Now works on newer Ubuntus too. +++++ 2010-09-25 cha: CLCFG_language: Now contains another Ubuntu fix. +++++ 2010-09-24 fix: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: Now retuns false, if no waiting jobs are there. +++++ 2010-09-21 cha: extractFromCD: Now shows an error message, if the harddisk could not be mounted. patch: Improvements for VM compression. new: prepareOSForCompression: Makes a VM image better compressable. new: cleanOSForCompressing: Deletes some files before compressing the OS or VM. patch 101068: Improvements for VM compression. +++++ 2010-09-20 patch: Server installation fixes. fix: configureNetwork: Now deletes the persistent UDEV rules again. cha: m23hwscanner: Removed debug code. cha: getDrives: Now only reports devices that contain "dev" to avoid false output. patch 101069: Server installation fixes. +++++ 2010-09-18 patch: Smal fixes und updates. cha: Updated the bootimage for 64 bit. patch 101070: Smal fixes und updates. +++++ 2010-09-16 cha: getDrives: Now gives back multi devices even if parted doesn't list them. +++++ 2010-09-15 fix: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Now resets the session values correctly. cha: CIR_enableDropbear: Now sets the network boot password only, if the / is mounted with rootfs (that indicates that Linux is run from the RAM disk). release m23 rock 10.4 fix: getPartType, getPartFS: Now supports RAIDs that don't have a partition type. fix: PKG_hasOptions: Now detects correctly, if an option page exists. +++++ 2010-09-14 new: m23hwscanner: The m23 hardware scanner was re-written completely in version 3 and now uses BASH and not C anymore. new: mkhwscanner2: Builds the packages for new m23 hardware scanner. +++++ 2010-09-08 cha: FDISK_addPart: Now checks if the drive belongs to a RAID and shows an error message and exit, if yes. +++++ 2010-09-02 new: clientPartitionFormat.hlp: Added German and English help files. +++++ 2010-08-27 new: FDISK_getSupportedFS: Generates and returns an array with the list of supported file systems. new: FDISK_showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Shows the menu bar with integrated logic for FDISK_showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog. new: FDISK_showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog: Shows the new partition and formating screen. cha: FDISK_printColorDefinitions: Now uses FDISK_getSupportedFS. +++++ 2010-08-23 new: HELPER_arrayInsertBeforeKeynumber: Inserts a value into an array (that has simple numbers as keys) before a given key. new: HELPER_arrayReOrderKeynumbers: Changes all keys of the input array to simple ascending numbers, if the key of the inpur array is a number (if not, the key will be left unchanged). The order of the keys is preserved. cha: HELPER_arrayInsertBeforeKeynumber, HELPER_arrayInsertAfterKeynumber: Now use HELPER_arrayReOrderKeynumbers. new: FDISK_addRaidBeforeFormat: Generates and places a job to create a RAID on given drives/partitions before the formating of the RAID device. cha: FDISK_addRaidJobs: Now uses FDISK_addRaidBeforeFormat. cha: FDISK_raidJob: Is now obsolete. new: FDISK_getPartInfoIcon: Generates HTML code for showing an icon with status information about a drive or partition. new: FDISK_getDriveInfoIcon: Generates HTML code for showing an icon with status information about a drive. cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions, FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions2: Now has extra parameter filterOutSetRaidLvmLock: If set to true, drives and partitions with set raidLvmLock will not be listed. +++++ 2010-08-22 new HELPER_arrayInsertAfterKeynumber: Inserts a value into an array (that has simple numbers as keys) after a given key. +++++ 2010-08-21 new: HELPER_m23Array2Array: Converts an m23 array to a normal array. new: HELPER_array2m23Array: Converts a normal array to an m23 array. +++++ 2010-08-20 new: FDISK_getDevInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the drive and bolonging to a RAID. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now shows basic information for empty drives too. +++++ 2010-08-19 fix: FDISK_printBars: Now chooses the drive by clicking on an empty drive too. new: print_r2: Function like print_r, but sorts the entries, if the input is an array and converts newlines to HTML breaks. +++++ 2010-08-18 fix: FDISK_getUnusedMDs: Now works, if no MDs are present. fix: FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions2: Now generates an empty selection, if no drives and no partition matching the filter were found. +++++ 2010-08-12 new: FDISK_formatInstallAndSwappart: Adds jobs to format the installation and swap partitions and set the boot flag on the installation partition +++++ 2010-08-03 new: FDISK_swapFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for swapping. new: FDISK_installFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for installation. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now shows an icon for partitions that are used for installation or for swapping. +++++ 2010-08-02 fix: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now doesn't show the non-existing partition number for RAIDs. cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now has an extra parameter to decide, if the selector will contain the sizes, filesystems and types of the partitions and drives. new: FDISK_fstabAddDialog2: Dialog for adding fstab entries. This version uses the param and fstab parameters from the session. new: FDISK_delFstab: Removes an entry from the fstab array. cha: FDISK_listFstab: Now has buttons to delete fstab entries. +++++ 2010-07-26 new: FDISK_getUnusedMDs: Returns an associative array with the unused MDs (e.g. /dev/md0, /dev/md1, ...) as key and value. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now every partition has an info icon, that shows information about the device name of the partition, its filesystem and bolonging to a RAID. new: FDISK_getPartInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the partition, its filesystem and bolonging to a RAID. +++++ 2010-07-25 fix: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions: Partitions are not added on RAID drives, because partitions don't exist on RAIDs. +++++ 2010-07-24 fix: FDISK_autoPart: Now copies the drive keys and values of all drives with the virtual drive number > 0. This is needed to only re-partition and format the first drive and leave all other drives untouched. +++++ 2010-07-23 new: FDISK_showAllPartTables: Shows the partition tables of all drives specified for the current client and stored in the session. new: FDISK_printAllBars2: Shows the partition bars of all drives specified for the current client, that is stored in the session. new: FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions2: Generates and defines a selection that contains all drives and partitions of a given client. new: HTML_JSMenuOpener: Opens a menu entry when moving the mouse over the title and closes all other entries of the same menu. new: HTML_JSMenuCloseAllEntries: Closes all menu entries for a menu. This should be called at the end of a page to get it executed after loading. +++++ 2010-07-22 cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions: Now has an extra parameter to decide, if the array will contain the sizes, filesystems and types of the partitions and drives. cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions: Now uses the device names as keys for the associative array. +++++ 2010-07-21 cha: FDISK_listPartTable, FDISK_printBars: Added JavaScript code to mark the partition or free space the in the partition table the mouse is over in the partition bar. +++++ 2010-07-20 new: FDISK_getPartitionByType: Gets the FIRST partition matching a partition type. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now marks free spaces and partitions that lay into an extended partition. +++++ 2010-07-19 new: FDISK_getBelongingRaidDev: Searches for the RAID device, a physical partition belongs to, if it is part of a RAID. cha: FDISK_autoPart: Now destroys a RAID, if the physical partitions it is build from, are located on the first drive. cha: FDISK_delPart: Now has an extra parameter, that destroys the RAID, the partition belongs to. +++++ 2010-07-15 cha: FDISK_virtualDestroyRAID: Now is FDISK_virtualDeleteDrive. new: FDISK_deleteDriveFromParam: Deletes all drive and partition parameters of a drive from param without correcting any order. cha: FDISK_virtualDestroyRAID: Now uses FDISK_deleteDriveFromParam. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now uses white as background color to show drives without partitions as empty. +++++ 2010-07-14 cha: FDISK_virtualDeletePartition,FDISK_virtualAddPartition: Now have an generic algorithm that detects all variables belonging to a partition and moves them. new: FDISK_deletePartitionFromParam: Deletes all partition parameters of a partition from param without correcting the other partitions. +++++ 2010-07-13 cha: FDISK_listPartitions: Now the device number can be set to -1, to list all partitions on all devices. new: FDISK_definePartitionSelection: Defines a HTML selection with the partitions (/dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, ...) of a device cha: FDISK_printBars: Now has optional JavaScript code that calls the JS function emptySpace(), if empty parts of the drive are clicked, selectPartition(), if a partition is clicked and showPartTable(), if the mouse is over the bar. +++++ 2010-07-12 new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIExtendedStepDeletePartitions: Shows the sub-dialog for deleting partitions in the extended partitioning and formating dialog. cha: FDISK_addNewPartitionDialog: Becomes FDISK_showFdiskGUIExtendedStepAddNewPartition. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionExtendedPartStep: Stores the extended partitioning step and sets the help page and title in the session. new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIExtendedStepFormatPartitions: Shows a dialog for formating partitions. new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIlistPartJobs: Shows a list of all waiting partitioning and fromating jobs. fix: FDISK_delPart: Now complains and denys deletion of the partition if it belongs to RAID. new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIDialog: Now checks if the button BUT_changeDrive (defined by FDISK_showFdiskGUIDriveInfoDialog) was clicked and change the installation drive accordingly fix: FDISK_virtualDeletePartition: Now works together with partitions that are used for RAIDs. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now marks partitions that are used to build a RAID with "+R". cha: FDISK_listPartTable: Now marks partitions that are used to build a RAID with "+RAID". cha: FDISK_listPartTable: Now adds information about the partitions, the RAID is build from, if it's a RAID. new: FDISK_virtualDestroyRAID: Deletes a RAID drive from param assigned thru $vDev. cha: FDISK_delPart: Now can destroy RAID drives too. +++++ 2010-07-11 new: FDISK_showFdiskExistingMethod: Shows the dialog for formating of existing partitions. new: FDISK_showFdiskExtendedMethod: Shows the dialog for extended partitioning and formating. +++++ 2010-07-10 new: FDISK_showFdiskDialog: Shows the whole partition and formating dialog. new: FDISK_showFdiskDialogEnd: Shows the block at the end of the partitioning and formating dialog with partition and file system information about the currently selected drive and buttons for resetting and refreshing the dialog. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionClient: Returns the client name to partition and format. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionParam: Stores the partition parameters in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionInstallDrive: Stores the installation drive in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionvDevInstall: Stores the internal virtual installation drive number in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionFreeSpaces: Stores the free space parts of the installation drive in the session or recalculates them for the current installation drive. new: FDISK_showFdiskDriveInfoDialog: Shows a block with partitioning and file system information for the currently choosen installation drive. It contains dialog for changing the installation drive. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionHelpPage: Stores the help page in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionPage: Stores the page in the session. new: FDISK_showFdiskTitle: Returns and/or shows the current title of the partitioning and formating. new: FDISK_showFdiskAutoMethod: Shows the dialog for automatic partitioning and formating. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionPartJobs: Stores the partition jobs in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionSetter: Generic function to store values in the client partition and format session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionInstPart: Stores the installation partition in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionSwapPart: Stores the swap partition in the session. new: FDISK_finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Does some final checks, starts the partitioning and formating and switches to the distribution selection page. +++++ 2010-07-09 new: HELPER_debugBacktraceToFile: Writes/Appends debug information about all calling functions and parameters into a file. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Sets back all session variables for partitioning and formating a client. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionPartMethod: Stores the partitioning method in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionTitle: Stores the partitioning title in the session. new: FDISK_showFdiskSelectPartitionMethod: Shows a dialog for choosing the partitioning method and storing the method. +++++ 2010-07-06 cha: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: Now blanks the status bar text too. new: grub with ext4 support: Created a patched grub 0.97 version with ext4 support and uploaded packages to m23.sf.net/m23NetBootImageExtraDebs. +++++ 2010-07-04 fix: MSR_statusBar: If no percent value is set, the percent amount will not be set to 0 anymore. +++++ 2010-07-03 new: parted with ext4 support: Created a patched parted 1.8.8 version with ext4 support and uploaded packages at m23.sf.net/m23NetBootImageExtraDebs. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added sources for m23NetBootImageExtraDebs and a fixed source for Debian Etch. fix: HTML_getElementValue: Now has special handling for checkboxes. (Thx lakul) fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now has special handling for getSystemtimeByNTP, installPrinter and addNewLocalLogin checkboxes. +++++ 2010-07-02 fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Now stores getSystemtimeByNTP, installPrinter and addNewLocalLogin correctly in the DB. (Thx lakul) cha: mkRelease: Now adds Origin and Suite to the Release file. +++++ 2010-06-29 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now exits, if the client should be changed and no distribution is selected. (Thx lakul) fix: HTML_getElementValue: Another fix for checkboxes. (Thx lakul) +++++ 2010-06-28 cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog, FDISK_colorFS, FDISK_listSupportedFS, FDISK_genPartedCommands, FDISK_printColorDefinitions, createRFSBinLinks: Added support for EXT4. cha: Updated client kernel to 2.6.34. cha: Increased ramdisk size to 50MB. +++++ 2010-06-27 new: countStatusBarIncPoints.sh: Calculates the total amount of MSR_statusBarIncCommand points per file for all PHP files in the current directory. cha: m23gnome2Install.php, m23KDE3Install.php, m23KDEwoodyInstall.php, m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23normalInstall.php, m23normalRemoveInstall.php, m23PrinterConfigInstall.php, m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23updateInstall.php, m23UpdatePackageInfosInstall.php, m23UpdateSourcesListInstall.php, m23VirtualBoxInstall.php, m23XFceInstall.php, m23xfree864Install.php, m23XInstall.php, m23XubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23AddUserInstall.php, m23AssimilateInstall.php, m23fdiskFormatInstall.php, m23RebootInstall.php, m23RescueInstall.php, m23setStatusGreenInstall.php, m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now are including status percent points set with MSR_statusBarIncCommand. +++++ 2010-06-26 new: HTML_setStatusBarStatusByName: Sets new percent value and/or new status text by clientname AND status bar name. new: HTML_setStatusBarStatusByID: Sets new percent value and/or new status text by status bar ID. cha: HTML_setStatusBarStatus: Now is more generic. new: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: Calculates the value of a percent point according to the amount of waiting packages and stores the result in the DB. new: HTML_incStatusBarPercentByName: Increments the status bar percent by a given amount. cha: CLIENT_startInstall: (Re)Calculates the he value of a percent point according for the status bar "installStatus". new: MSR_statusBarCommand: Command to set a new percent value and/or new status text for the current client and for the "installStatus" status bar. new: MSR_statusBarInc: Increments the status bar percent by a given amount for the current client and for the "installStatus" status bar. new: MSR_statusBarIncCommand($percent): Command to increment the status bar percent by a given amount for the current client and for the "installStatus" status bar. +++++ 2010-06-25 new: MSR_genericSendCommand: Generates a generic command for sending information from the client to the server. new: MSR_statusBar: Sets new percent value and/or new status text. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now creates a new status bar for the installation cha: GNOME_install, m23FdiskFormatInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. +++++ 2010-06-24 new: HTML_showStatusBarHTML: Shows the status bar, that is drawn in the iframe (this function is only called by statusBar.php). new: HTML_showStatusBar: Shows the iframe for a status bar. This actually displays the status bar. new: HTML_newStatusBar: Shows the iframe for a status bar. This actually displays the status bar. new: statusBar.php: Script for showing the status bar in the iframe. new: developersPlayground.php: Test page for testing new m23 functions. new: HTML_getStatusBarID: Returns the status bar ID of the searched status bar. cha: index.css: Titles now have a nice shadow. new: HTML_setStatusBarStatus: Sets new percent value and/or new status text. cha: GNOME_install, m23FdiskFormatInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. +++++ 2010-06-23 patch: Improvements and fixes for the client add dialog. fix: HTML_getElementValue: Now should work together with the checkboxes. (Thx lakul) fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now checks the right variables, if the page was run first, for CB_getSystemtimeByNTP, CB_addNewLocalLogin, CB_installPrinter. (Thx lakul) cha: CLIENT_addClient: If a readonly LDAP server should be used, m23 doesn't need a login name and doesn't complain about an empty login name in this case. (Thx lakul) patch 101071: Improvements and fixes for the client add dialog. +++++ 2010-05-06 cha: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Changed shortening service from bit.ly to is.gd, because bit.ly made automated website usage impossible. +++++ 2010-04-30 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now doesn't complain about missing parameter, if non-interactive mode is used. release m23 rock 10.3 patch: Some improvements in the documentation and the installation process. patch 101072: Some improvements in the documentation and the installation process. +++++ 2010-04-29 cha: install18N.*: Added link to www.goos-habermann.de. cha: showNetworkDialog: Now recommends a censorship-free DNS. new: Added video section to the m23 community page. new: Added KVM installation howto to the installation guide. cha: extractFile: Now checks, if the file status file can be found and exits the loop, if it is not there. cha: Updated manuals in French. +++++ 2010-04-22 cha: Updated manuals in German and English. +++++ 2010-04-18 patch: Removed unneeded ISOs from m23-mdk-client package. cha: Removed unneeded ISOs from m23-mdk-client package. patch: Links for downloading 32 and 64 bit ISOs added to the "make boot CD" page. cha: VM_setVBoxAddonAsDefault, VM_getVBoxAddonDefaultVersion: Now don't show error messages, if files could not be found. cha: BURN_checkISO: Added parameter to set the architecture of the ISO. new: BURN_getISOSize: Gets the size of an ISO. cha: makeBootCD.php: Now shows links for downloading 32 and 64 bit ISOs. patch: Improved hardware detection. Added help for usage with external DHCP. VirtualBox addons installation improvements. Some fixes. patch 101073: Removed unneeded ISOs from m23-mdk-client package. patch 101074: Links for downloading 32 and 64 bit ISOs added to the "make boot CD" page. patch 101075: Improved hardware detection. Added help for usage with external DHCP. VirtualBox addons installation improvements. Some fixes. +++++ 2010-04-15 new: externalDHCP.hlp: Help file for using m23 together with an external DHCP server. cha: support.php: Updated contact information and redesign. +++++ 2010-04-14 cha: HELP_getHelp: Now has tag for linking to other m23 help pages. fix: helpViewer.php: Fixed getting the heading. +++++ 2010-04-12 new: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Posts a message to Twitter and FaceBook and shortens the Twitter message if needed. cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now uses twitterFaceBook-Message.sh. new: m23uploadChangelog: Uploads tha changelog and now uses twitterFaceBook-Message.sh. cha: VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Now shows the currently installed VirtualBox version of the host. new: VM_getVBoxVersion: Get the currently installed VirtualBox version of the host. +++++ 2010-04-09 cha: VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Now only downloads the index if it is missing or older than 5 minutes. new: VM_setVBoxAddonAsDefault: Sets a choosen VirtualBox addition package version as default. new: VM_downloadedVBoxAddons: Lists all VirtualBox addition package versions that can be downloaded from the m23 server. new: VM_getVBoxAddonDefaultVersion: Gets the version number of the VirtualBox addition package. +++++ 2010-04-08 cha: menuDeb: Now has an extra menu entry to delete all Packages files from local Squid. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now logs more info to the logfile /var/log/m23-VBox-Addon-Install.log cha: HTML_multiSelection: Now replaces "bad" characters in the HTML checkbox name with underscore. new: VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Returns an array with the version numers of all VirtualBox addition ISOs that are 2.0.0 and above. new: VM_wasVBoxAddonDownloaded: Checks, if the VirtualBox addition for a selected version was downloaded to the m23 server. new: VM_VBOXaddonDownloadDialog: Shows a dialog for downloading the VirtualBox additions to the m23 server. new: VM_downloadVBOXaddons: Downloads the VirtualBox addition ISOs and extracts the addition installers for Linux. new: VM_generateVBOXaddonDownloadCMD: Generates the download commands to download a VirtualBox addition ISO and to extract the addition installers for Linux. +++++ 2010-04-07 new: m23-xorg-configurator: Init script that starts m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh in case of changes on graphic card, mouse or kernel on startup. +++++ 2010-04-06 cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now posts to Facebook too. +++++ 2010-04-02 new: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now downloads the VirtualBox addons from the net, if they are not available as package or from the m23 server. +++++ 2010-04-01 new: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Generator for xorg.conf with 4 different methods. cha: hwcheck: Now calls m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh. Function xconfig removed. cha: mkm23extradeb: Now creates m23-initscripts too. fix: CLIENT_getDebconfDB, PKG_getClientPackages: Now don't runcate the output. +++++ 2010-03-30 fix: burnCD: Re-included the script for buring m23 client installation CDs in the server. fix: m23instUpload: Fixed path error. new: /mdk/m23helper/VBox-64: Tools for running 64 bit VirtualBox in a chroot on a 32 bit system with 64 bit kernel. new: CLCFG_makeDev: Creates the device nodes in /dev by downloading and extracting an archive containing the device nodes and if this fails running MAKEDEV. cha: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php: Now works without dpkg-architecture. +++++ 2010-03-28 new: CLIENT_getDistribution: Returns the distribution of a client. new: CLIENT_getOption: Returns an option of a client. new: PKG_isSpecialPackageAvailableForClient: Checks if a special package is available for the client's distribution. new: CLIENT_extraWebAction: Executes extra actions from the client details page. cha: client_details.php: Now has an extra button to install the VM host software. +++++ 2010-03-27 cha: PKG_getSpecialPackageInfo: Now returns false, if no information could be got. +++++ 2010-03-17 release: m23 rock 10.2 patch: Adds support for changing debconf values from the m23 webinterfaces. Speed improvements for starting client recovery. cha: m23/postinst: Changes "normalPackage" row of the table "clientjobs" to "LONGTEXT". cha: PKG_getClientPackages: Now uses the SQL function GROUPS_CONCAT to generate the string of all found packages to improve the speed. cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now uses changed behaviour of PKG_getClientPackages. patch 101076: Adds support for changing debconf values from the m23 webinterfaces. Speed improvements for starting client recovery. +++++ 2010-03-15 cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages, PKG_hasOptions: Now has extra parameter for the client's distribution release. cha: PKG_hasOptions: Option pages are now stored under /m23/data+scripts/m23admin/packages/$distr/$release/. new: SRCLST_getRelease: Gets a release from the sourceslist table. new: PKG_OptionPageHeader2: Starts the option page for debconf settings with all necessary options. new: PKG_OptionPageTail2: Generates the bottom of the OptionPage for debconf settings. new: PKG_OptionPageRender2: Renderes the layout of an OptionPage for debconf and stored the debconf settings into the DB. new: CLIENT_setDebconfDB: Sets debconf values for a client and a package. new: CLIENT_runDebconf: Generates BASH code to import debconf settings from the DB into the debconf of the client. cha: m23normalInstall.php: Now runs CLIENT_runDebconf. cha: m23normalInstall.php: Changed DB query result to associative array. new: getDebianTemplates: Downloads and extracts the templates of all Debian packages of a release and distribution. new: template2confpage.sh: Generates config pages for setting debconf values from the *.templates of the Debian packages of a distribution and release. +++++ 2010-03-14 new: HTML_multiSelection: Shows a list of checkboxes, that represent a value each. The values of checked checkboxes are stored in an array and returned. new: PKG_decodeDebconfDescription: Decodes and HTML-formats the description of a debconf template and extracts its title. +++++ 2010-03-13 new: CLIENT_getDebconfDB: Generates the debconf output as debconf-set-selections expects it from the DB value. new: CLIENT_getDebconfDBValue: Get the debconf value of a variable of a package. cha: m23/postinst: Adds a table to store debconf data. +++++ 2010-03-12 cha: m23/postinst: Adds a row to the clients table to store debconf data. patch: Debug status change fix. cha: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: Rewritten with new HTML functions. fix: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: Now works again. (Thx rluque) patch 101077: Debug status change fix. +++++ 2010-03-10 patch: Fixes for the group functions. cha: share-online.biz-uploader: Adjusted to changed parameters. new: GRP_showGroupsAndCount2: Replaces the not working GRP_showGroupsAndCount. cha: groups_overview.hlp: Adjusted to changed usage. cha: MSG_showUpdateInfo: Shows a message about clients who will update again. cha: GRP_desasterRecovery: Now shows bullets before the client names that will be recovered. patch 101078: Fixes for the group functions. +++++ 2010-03-09 fix: CLIENT_showJobs: Now shows the packages to remove in the job list. fix: MSG_showAddJobsInfo: Shows a message about assigned jobs again. +++++ 2010-02-27 release: m23 rock 10.1a patch: Client status fixes. patch 101079: Client status fixes. +++++ 2010-02-26 cha: PKG_downloadPool: Is now more robust when downloading packages cha: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php: Now tries to download the binary VirtualBox addition package and compiles it. fix: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php, m23AddUserInstall.php: Now don't change the client state to yellow. patch: Serveral fixes for virtual machines, rescuing, mass installation etc. fix: install_packages.php: The client is now only halted if it was not on before. fix: CLIENT_showStatusSelection: Now can set the client status again. cha: CLCFG_disableAvahiDaemon: Now rewrites resolv.conf. new: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php: Compiles the kernel module for the guest after the first boot. new: m23AddUserInstall.php: Adds a user. cha: clientInstall.php: Now adds an AddUser and a VBoxKernelModule job. cha: CLIENT_setAllParams: Now escapes values before inserting into the DB. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now updates Packages*. patch 101080: Serveral fixes for virtual machines, rescuing, mass installation etc. +++++ 2010-02-25 cha: VM_createVM, VM_activateNetbootCMD, VM_delVMCMD: Modified to make it work with changed parameters of newer VirtualBox versions. fix: fix-permissions: Now sets correct owner of /m23/vms/vbox. cha: checks.php: Added constants for VM creation. fix: VM_startVM: Another fix for "could not open default font 'fixed'" was added. fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now correct client name and mac for VMs are taken from VM creation. cha: client_details.php: Now show always the reload button. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now VM host in the selection and the information about the VM host are always synchronous. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Corrected layout. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now doesn't use the variables firewall for IP and MAC if client should be defined. +++++ 2010-02-24 cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now adds the user to sudoers to let him allow to become root if he knows the password. cha: CLCFG_language: Added a fix for /etc/default/locale at Ubuntu. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now moves the postinst of virtualbox-ose-guest-* out of the way, because it will fail if we use another kernel (boot kernel) that the system kernel. +++++ 2010-02-22 new: CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage: Configures upstart for normal running in an installed system. new: CLCFG_disableAvahiDaemon: Disables the avahi-daemon. +++++ 2010-02-21 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now removes the avahi daemon so it cannot destroy the resolv.conf. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now checks if KDE 4 is used and if yes install the m23 KDE 4 wallpaper. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now tries to install kde-l10n-XX too. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now installs extra multimedia codecs. cha: m23installerBase.inc: The server installation ISO can now make an optional online update. fix: rescue_client.php: Now rescues again. fix: recover_client.php: Now recovers again. new: CLCFG_configUpstartForChroot: Configures upstart to make it not fail installation. patch: Fix in administrator management. patch 101081: Fix in administrator management. fix: htaccess.php: Now can delete admins again. cha: htaccess.php: Added a "back" button to delete one admin after another. +++++ 2010-02-20 patch: Fix in package selection and introducing precached debootstraps. fix: install_packages.php: Package selections can be built again. cha: PKG_searchFor: Now sorts the found packages. +++++ 2010-02-18 cha: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Now mounts devpts. +++++ 2010-02-16 release: m23 rock 10.1 patch: All finished for m23 rock 10.1 +++++ 2010-02-15 cha: m23/postinst: Now creates /m23/tmp. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now shows less useless error messages. cha: translations/screenshots: Finished. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now replaces all ocurrences of update-grub with a smal script that calls lilo. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now replaces all ocurrences of update-grub with a smal script that calls lilo if lilo should be used. +++++ 2010-02-13 cha: PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage: Now adds a shutdown package if m23shared is active. +++++ 2010-02-11 fix: compileKernel: Now sets the extra version of the kernel correctly. cha: compileKernel: Now can compile 32 bit kernel on 64 bit machines. cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Now creating of RAID device nodes is quiet. +++++ 2010-02-08 cha: linuxrc: Now checks if there are specified modules in kernel parameter m23modules and load them. cha: linuxrc: Now checks if the ID of the m23 client was choosen by the m23clientID kernel parameter. +++++ 2010-02-03 cha: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Now creates entry in fstab to allow mounting of /sys. +++++ 2010-02-02 cha: pkgdetails.c: Updated from the package base-installer. cha: debootstrap: Updated to 1.0.20. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Added a loop that let debootstrap try to fetch all needed packages up to 10 times if errors occur. +++++ 2010-02-01 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now creating of device nodes is quiet. cha: debootstrap/ functions /wgetprogress: Added retries and timeouts for wget. +++++ 2010-01-30 cha: compileKernel: Now sets CC to gcc-4.3 to fix "Your version of gcc miscompiles the" issue. cha: compileKernel: Removed CROSS_COMPILE because it is not needed any more. +++++ 2010-01-28 cha: MASS_showGeneratorOptions, MASS_showOverview, PKGBUILDER_showUploadDialog, POOL_showCreatePackageIndex, POOL_showDownloadStatus, POOL_download, POOL_showSourcesList: Fixed layout. cha: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: Now returns an empty array, if no clients are found. cha: kh2p: Now doesn't overwrite existing screenshots. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Now asks if all or missing screeshots should be created. fix: makePDF-HTML.sh: Fixed path to the server installation ISO for placing the manual on the CD. +++++ 2010-01-27 cha: SERVER_addEtcHosts, SERVER_delEtcHosts: Now are not executed if running m23shared. fix: HWINFO_printPartitions, MASS_showTableDefinition: Fixed layout. +++++ 2010-01-26 cha: client_dists.php: Now shows more information overview about the distribution to install. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: grub is now the default bootloader. cha: head.php: Changing layout and removing server software. cha: Debian package functions on the server now use seperate directories for each m23shared customer. cha: CIR_transferClientIP, CIR_waitForNextJob: wget calls are "quiet" if client is not in debug mode. fix: MSR_partHwDataCommand: Now lspci reports names of found PCI hardware data. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now deletes lock file before touching, to make sure the correct user is creating the lock file. cha: linuxrc: Stops dhclient to make sure that the IP configuration will not be changed during installation now. cha: issue: Added a hint, that the password may be changed by m23. cha: fix-permissions: Now doesn't change the permissions of the files in /m23/tmp. cha: m23SHARED_getAllm23sharedUsers: Now has extra parameter, if it is set to true, only m23shared users with existing bill table will be returned. +++++ 2010-01-25 cha: work.php: Now sets client debug status in a session parameter. cha: *: wget calls are "quiet" if client is not in debug mode. new: MSR_curDynIP: Sets the current IP of a client with dynamic IP. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: If the client has a dynamic IP, its IP will be announced to the m23 server on every call of m23fetchjob. cha: PKG_addShutdownPackage: Now doesn't add a shutdown package if m23shared is running. cha: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Now checks if a line with "listening" is the last line in the log file. If it's not, there may be another DHCP server. new: CIR_transferClientIP: Transfers the current IP of a m23shared client to the m23 server. cha: m23PresetupInstall: Now calls CIR_transferClientIP. +++++ 2010-01-24 cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now disables showing of LDAP and NFS settings if in m23shared mode. cha: client_details.php: Now uses the IP of the client to access CUPS. +++++ 2010-01-21 cha: createRFSBinLinks, createRFSBins: Now uses reset from tset. new: linuxrc: Now uses a dialog screen to show hardware probing. cha: createRFSISO: Now can set the m23server parameter in the isolinux.cfg via extra parameter. cha: createRFSISO: Has optional directory parameter where to move the created ISO to. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now checkes if there is a screen called m23fetchjob and exists if it was found. new: CLCFG_writeCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Adds entries to crontab to check every 5 minutes for new jobs. +++++ 2010-01-20 cha: clients_overview.php: Exchanged the up/down HTML arrows with images because not all browsers did show the arrows correctly. cha: createRFSISO: Can now create ISOs with an m23 server set as kernel parameter. +++++ 2010-01-19 fix: CLIENT_getClientName: Now works with m23shared. cha: Got rid off the cvs directory and links in the /m23 directory. fix: setStatus.php, setClientStatus.php, postMessage.php: Corrected path to m23shared.php. cha: linuxrc: Added a nice dialog for entering the m23shared client name. fix: CLCFG_interfaces, CLCFG_debootstrap: Disabling temporary static configuration of the network card if in DHCP mode. +++++ 2010-01-18 cha: m23/postinst: Now adds "LOCK TABLES" to the permissions of m23dbroot. cha: finishBuilding: Now stores/restores and sets user, group and access mode of conffiles if the file exists. +++++ 2010-01-17 cha: MAIL_getGpgKeyList: Now doesn't trow error messages if no keys are found. fix: m23/postinst: Now creates /m23/root-only. cha: m23/postinst: Now creates an user with GPG key for signing eMails and the backups. cha: mkm23Deb: Now includes the GPG user in mailConfig.php. cha: quickBuild.sh: Now increases the patch number on every call. +++++ 2010-01-16 cha: m23/control: Added php5-curl and php5-mcrypt as required packages. +++++ 2010-01-14 cha: m23SHARED_showBill: Now doesn't wrap descriptions any more. cha: index.css: Titles aren't wrapped any more. +++++ 2010-01-13 fix: install_packages.php: Fixed missing action parameter. fix: GRP_showSelDistrSources: Fixed layout. new: MAIL_AESencode: AES encryptes a message with a key. cha: MAIL_sendAESMail: Now uses MAIL_AESencode. cha: m23SHARED_new: Now adds 5 clients to the bill to let the customer see how much he would have to pay. new: m23SHARED_deleteBills: Deletes all bills. +++++ 2010-01-12 cha: mkm23Deb: Now cleans mailConf.php. +++++ 2010-01-09 cha: m23/postinst: Now creates a new cron secret file if it doesn't exist. +++++ 2010-01-08 new: m23SHARED_markForDeletion: Marks the current user's data for deletion and disable his login. new: m23SHARED_deleteUserdataFromDB: Deletes user data not needed for archiving purpose. new: m23SHARED_isMarkedForDeletion: Checks if the current user is marked for deletion. cha: m23SHARED_sendAllBillMails: Now calls m23SHARED_deleteUserdataFromDB if m23SHARED_isMarkedForDeletion is true. +++++ 2010-01-07 cha: client_backup.php, client_createImage.php, client_debug.php, client_infoPage.php, client_packages.php, client_partition.php, clients_overview.php, client_status.php, recover_client.php, rescue_client.php, install_packages.php, update_packages.php: Now works with "register globals = off". cha: HELP_showHelp, MSG_showInfo, MSG_showError, MSG_showAddJobsInfo, MSG_showUpdateInfo: Language parameter is now optionally and all calls were changed to languageless mode. cha: makeBootCD.php, SCREDIT_showEditor, scriptEditor.php: Fixed layout. +++++ 2010-01-04 cha: client_distr.php, client_packages.php, client_partition.php, create_group.php, group_actions.php, customerCenter.php, m23sharedAdmin.php, menu.php, plginstall.php, plgoverview.php, client_sourceslist.php, install_packages.php, packageBuilder.php, poolBuilder.php, update_packages.php, capture.php, daemonsAndPrograms.php, serverSettings.php, serverStatus.php, update.php, makeBootCD.php, makeBootDisk.php: Now are using HTML_setPage. cha: ASSI_showClientAddDialog: Rewritten with HTML functions. cha: head.php: Now works with "register globals = off". +++++ 2010-01-03 cha: sourceslist.php, preferences.php, setClientStatus.php, setStatus.php, setLog.php: Added CHECK_FW rules. cha: PKG_getSpecialPackagePriority: Now returns integers. fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: Now sets the language for dpkg to C. fix: pingIP: Now works again. cha: assimilate.php, backup.php, client.php, fdisk.php, groups.php, imaging.php, scredit.php: Now are using HTML_setPage. cha: client_addtogroup.php: Rewritten. +++++ 2010-01-02 cha: groups.php, fdisk.php, messageReceive.php, remotevar.php: Added CHECK_FW rules. new: CHECK_text2db: Makes a text safe for using it in the database. new: CHECK_db2text: Converts a string from the DB format to a normal string. +++++ 2010-01-01 cha: db.php, packages.php: Added CHECK_FW rules. +++++ 2009-12-30 new: CHECK_letFWDie: Lets the variable checking firewall die with error message and info why and where it stopped executing the script. new: CHECK_FW: Variable checking firewall, that checks a bunch of variables if they contain only valid characters. +++++ 2009-12-22 cha: checkIP: Now uses more strict checking whether an IP is valid or not. +++++ 2009-12-21 new: CHECK_int: Checks if the input value is an integer and shuts down the application if not. new: CHECK_float: Checks if the input value is a float number and shuts down the application if not. new: CHECK_strAlpha: Checks if the input value is a string that contains only characters and shuts down the application if it's not. new: CHECK_strAlphaNum: Checks if the input value is a string that contains only characters and digits and shuts down the application if it's not. new: CHECK_str: Checks if the input string only contains valid characters and is not longer than the maximum length and shuts down the application if not. +++++ 2009-12-20 new: helpViewer.php: Standalone or integrated help file viewer. new: de/en/serverRestore.hlp +++++ 2009-12-18 new: HTML_showPagePrintButton: Shows a print button that allows easy printing of the current m23 administration interface. cha: index.php: Now shows the printer button on top of every page. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now proxy and port are unset if m23shared is running. new: m23SHARED_getInformationForBootingYourClientLink: Generates a link to the help page information for booting the client. new: de/m23SharedBootingYourClient.hlp +++++ 2009-12-17 new: m23SHARED_showPriceListTable: Shows a table with the price list. new: customerCenter.hlp +++++ 2009-12-16 cha: Finished translations. +++++ 2009-12-15 new: Some translations. +++++ 2009-12-11 new: SERVERBACKUP_runBackupNowDialog: Shows a dialog for starting the server backup manually at once. new: m23SHARED_calculateBill: Calculates the bill for a choosen month in a selected year. new: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Generates a list of existing server backups. new: SERVERBACKUP_rmBackup: Removes server backup. new: SERVERBACKUP_backupOverviewDialog: Shows a dialog with overview of all existing server backups with possibility for deletion. +++++ 2009-12-10 new: de/cron.inc, de/manageGPGKeysDialog.inc, de/m23ServerBackup.hlp: Added help files for new functions. +++++ 2009-12-09 new: SERVER_runningInScreen: Returns "true" if a screen session with a given name exists for a given user. +++++ 2009-12-08 new: SERVERBACKUP_showConfigurationDialog: Shows a dialog for configuring the server backup. new: MAIL_importGPGKey: Imports an GPG key into the bunch of GPG keys. new: MAIL_deleteGPGKey: Deletes an GPG key from the bunch of GPG keys. new: MAIL_manageGPGKeysDialog: Shows a dialog for importing and deleting GPG keys. new: HTML_textArea: Shows a text area to insert text. new: MAIL_sendMail: Sends a mail, that may be GPG encrypted and contain an attachement via the cryptmail gateway. +++++ 2009-12-07 new: MAIL_getGpgKeyList: Gets the list of known GPG keys/identities. new: SERVER_getFileContents: Get the contents of any file (even if only readable by root). new: SERVER_putFileContents: Stores a text to a file and changes it's mode, user and group. new: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupConfiguration: Gets the server backup configuration. new: SERVERBACKUP_storeBackupConfiguration: Stores the server backup configuration. +++++ 2009-12-06 fix: EDIT_deleteMatching: Now removes newlines from the search string. new: CRON_getNextIdentifierNr: Calculates the next higher identifier number from a given identifier. new: CRON_cronManagementDialog: Shows a dialog for viewing, adding and deleting crontab entries for a given user, command and identifier. new: CRON_cronEntryDeletionDialog: Shows a a list of crontab entries matching the identifier with deletion option. new: CRON_translateEveryIntervallValue: Translates a time value with possible intervall into a human readable string. +++++ 2009-12-04 new: CRON_addJobDayly: Runs a command every day at a specified time. cha: MSG_showInfo, MSG_showError, MSG_showWarning: language parameter is now optional. new: CRON_getEntriesByIdentifier: Parses the crontab for all lines matching the identifier. new: CRON_getTimeBaseArray: Returns an associative array that contains the timebases for cron that are supported by m23. new: CRON_getDayOfWeekArray: Returns an associative array that contains the week day names for cron. new: CRON_checkMinute: Checks if a minute value is valid. new: CRON_checkHour: Checks if a hour value is valid. +++++ 2009-12-03 new: CRON_addJobHourly: Runs a command every N hours. new: CRON_addJobWeekly: Runs a command every week at a specified time. +++++ 2009-12-02 new: CRON_genCronEntry: Creates a cron line to insert into crontab. new: CRON_addJob: Adds a command to the crontab. new: CRON_rmJob: Removes an entry from the crontab. +++++ 2009-12-01 cha: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: Now returns false if the file could not be donwloaded. +++++ 2009-11-27 new: m23SHARED_showLicenseDialog: Shows a dialog for viewing and changing the license and paid client amount. new: m23SHARED_showAdminDialog: Shows a dialog for the admin to search users for and change values. new: m23SHARED_blockAccount: Blocks or unblocks an account. new: m23SHARED_isAccountBlocked: Checks if an account is blocked. new: m23SHARED_showAddExtraBillDialog: Shows a dialog for adding extra entries to the bill. new: m23SHARED_showBillDialog: Shows a dialog for viewing and choosing the bill. +++++ 2009-11-26 new: m23SHARED_allUserDBQuery: Executes an SQL query on all m23shared databases and returns an associated array with all results. new: m23SHARED_getUserByResident: Gets the user name of m23shared customer by the resident name. new: m23SHARED_getUserByCustomerNr: Gets the user name of m23shared customer by the customer number. new: m23SHARED_getUserByInfo: Gets the user name of m23shared customer by searching all m23shared DBs for var and value in the remotevar table. +++++ 2009-11-25 new: m23SHARED_priceFormater: Formats a price with two digit decimal place. new: m23SHARED_downloadBillPDFLink: Generates a HTML link that points to the script that generates the bill for a given monath and year. new: m23SHARED_showDonationDialog: Shows a dialog where the user can donate to the m23 project. new: m23SHARED_addExtraBill: Adds an extra entry to the bill. new: m23SHARED_showBootMediaDownloadDialog: Shows a dialog with download icons for the different boot media. +++++ 2009-11-24 new: m23SHARED_getSalutationsArray: Returns an array with salutation forms. new: m23SHARED_switchUser: Changes the current m23shared user. new: m23SHARED_getSalutationHeadline: Returns a saluation headline that can be used as beginning of an email. new: m23SHARED_sendAllBillMails: Sends the bills of all users from the previous month as PDF attachement. This should be run at the beginning of a month. new: m23SHARED_prepareBillMailSending: Prepares the bill mail sending queue. new: m23SHARED_markBillMailAsSent: Marks a bill mail as sent. +++++ 2009-11-17 new: m23SHARED_getCustomerAddress: Returns HTML formatted address information for the current customer. new: m23SHARED_unusedPaidClientsAvailable: Checks if there are unused paid clients and shows an error message if not. new: m23SHARED_getAllm23sharedUsers: Gets all m23shared users. +++++ 2009-11-12 new: m23SHARED_setAddress: Sets address information for the current customer. +++++ 2009-11-11 new: m23SHARED_getPayTypeArray: Returns an array with the nummeric pay types as index and the human readable translations as values. new: m23SHARED_setBankAccount: Sets bank account information for the current customer. new: MAIL_attach: Attaches a file to the message body of the mail and changes the mail header. new: m23SHARED_changeClientAmount: Changes the amount of paid clients for the current customer. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerBankHTML: Returns HTML formatted bank account information for the current customer. +++++ 2009-11-09 new: m23SHARED_generateActivationKey: Calculates the customer number by current time and random value and stores it into the DB. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerNr: Returns the customer number for this customer. new: SERVER_multiMkDir: Creates a directory and all needed directories on the way to the destination path. new: m23SHARED_pdfBill: Generates a bill in PDF format for a choosen month in a selected year. new: m23SHARED_getCurrentUser: Returns the current m23shared user. new: m23SHARED_getLicenseType: Returns the m23shared license of the current m23shared user. +++++ 2009-11-07 cha: HTML_selection: Now returns the shown list element if none was selected. new: m23SHARED_getBillDates: Returns an array filled with all month and years where bills are present. cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Background image should be changeable now (Thx thomas). +++++ 2009-11-05 new: PDF_init: Inits some basic variables for PDF creation. new: PDF_output: Shows the created PDF. +++++ 2009-11-04 new: PDF_showTableRow: Shows a table row with a variable amount of entries. new: PDF_showTableHeader: Inits some values for starting a new PDF table. new: PDF_showTableEnd: Prints the PDF table. +++++ 2009-11-03 new: MAIL_cryptMailServer: Server part for sending AES mails. cha: m23SHARED_gpgMail: Is now MAIL_gpgMail and can encode big messages via temporary file now. new: MAIL_getHeader: Generates a mail header with sender and reply-to field, mail software and a BCC to send a copy to the admin. +++++ 2009-11-02 new: SERVER_changeHtpasswd: Changes the password of a user in a htpasswd file. new: m23SHARED_changePasswordDialog: Tries to change the password for the current m23shared user and shows an error or sucess message. Both of the entered passwords must be identically. new: m23SHARED_changePasswordDialog: Tries to change the eMail for the current m23shared user and shows an error or sucess message. +++++ 2009-10-31 new: m23SHARED_sendAdminMail: Sends an GPG encrypted eMail to the admin. +++++ 2009-10-29 new: HTML_showTableHeading: Shows a table heading row with a variable amount of entries. The parameters are shown side by side as rows in a table. If more than one HTML_showTableRow commands are executed in one table it is needed to always use the same amount of paramaters in each call. new: m23SHARED_showBill: Shows the bill for a selected month. new: m23SHARED_gpgMail: Encrypts a message with GPG for a given eMail address. +++++ 2009-10-28 new: m23SHARED_sendActivationMail: Prepares and sends the activation mail. new: m23SHARED_getActivationKey: Returns the activation key for this customer. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerEmail: Returns the eMail address of customer. new: m23SHARED_setCustomerEmail: Sets the eMail address of customer. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerLanguage: Returns the language setting for this customer. new: m23SHARED_setCustomerLanguage: Sets the language for this customer. new: m23SHARED_setRealName: Sets the real name of the customer. new: m23SHARED_getRealName: Returns the real name of the customer. new: m23SHARED_sendActivationMail: Prepares and sends the welcome mail. new: m23SHARED_activate: Activates a customer account identified by user and activation code, makes some checks if the data is correct and sends a welcome email. +++++ 2009-10-27 new: m23SHARED_sendAESMail: Sends an AES encrypted eMail to a crypt mail gateway. +++++ 2009-10-26 new: DB_queryNoDie: Executes a SQL query and returns the resource id to access the result. new: m23SHARED_getPayTypeHumanReadable: Returns the license and payment type of the m23shared/enterprise account as human readable string. new: m23SHARED_getMonthlyFee: Calculates the monthly fee with the given amount af paid clients. new: m23SHARED_generateActivationKey: Calculates a random activation key and stores it into the DB. +++++ 2009-10-24 cha: HTML_showTableEnd, HTML_showTableHeader: Removed unneeded HTML tags. new: HTML_showTableRow: Shows a table row with a variable amount of entries. The parameters are shown side by side as rows in a table. If more than one HTML_showTableRow commands are executed in one table it is needed to always use the same amount of paramaters in each call. +++++ 2009-10-23 cha: HTML_showTableHeader: Now has parameter to choose the CSS class of the inner table. cha: index.css: Some improvements for readableness of tables. +++++ 2009-10-21 new: CLIENT_getClientAmount: Gets the amount of all clients. new: m23SHARED_paidClients: Calculates and returns the amount of clients the customer has paid for. new: m23SHARED_evaluationEndDate: Generates a string with the end date and time in current selected language of the evaluation period. +++++ 2009-10-20 fix: m23xfree864Install.php: Now only enables vboxvideo if the VirtualBox addon package could be found. +++++ 2009-10-19 cha: PKG_previewUpdateSystem, PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation: Now are changing the client name on m23shared clients to the complete m23shared client name to store the package status information in a directory with complete m23shared client name and not without the DB name. +++++ 2009-10-18 cha: PKG_previewUpdateSystem, PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation: Now doesn't try to copy the current package status file via SCP before the preview if m23shared is active. cha: m23UpdatePackageInfos.php: Now uses MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand instead of MSR_statusFileCommand to reduce transferred data. new: MSR_copyClientPackageStatus: Writes a sent full or difference package status file to the correct directory. new: MSR_importDiffFile: Writes a sent full or difference file to the destination. new: MSR_copyDiffFileFromClient: Sends a file from the client to the server and tries to send only the changes towards an existing file on the server. new: MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand: Generates commands to transfer the package status file from the client to the server. +++++ 2009-10-17 cha: CLIENT_getAskingParams: Checks if a m23shared client name is set and returns its parameters. cha: CIR_waitForNextJob: Now adds the client ID to the request if it is available. cha: CLCFG_resolvConf: Now doesn't store an empty resolv.conf. +++++ 2009-10-16 cha: mkCert.sh: Now can create certificates for choosen hosts. cha: postMessage.php, setStatus.php, setClientStatus.php: Now include m23shared.php optionally. cha: CLCFG_interfaces: Now has $clientParams as parameter and can configure the interfaces with DHCP settings. +++++ 2009-10-15 cha: linuxrc: Now checks if the m23 server was given via kernel parameters. cha: linuxrc: Now asks for the m23 client ID or uses the given hostname if the m23 server was given via kernel parameter. cha: m23SHARED_getDBnameByClient: Checks if the m23 client ID begins with "m23S" to determine if the client ID belongs to a m23shared client. new: m23SHARED_getCompleteClientName: Returns the complete name of a m23 shared client ($_SESSION variables need to be set). new: m23SHARED_getServerIP: Returns the FQDN of the m23shared server. cha: getServerIP: Now calls m23SHARED_getServerIP if m23shared is active. cha: CIR_writeClientID: Now has $clientParams as parameter and uses m23SHARED_getCompleteClientName as ID if m23shared is active. +++++ 2009-10-12 cha: DHCP_rmClient: Now removes the client only from dhcpd.conf if the client doesn't use gPXE. cha: exportDBInitTable: Now auto increment start values are stripped from the SQL dump. cha: quickBuild.sh: Now builds m23shared package too. +++++ 2009-10-11 cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Checks if a m23shared client exists and give it out directly if there is one now. cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: If m23shared is active, print the DB name in front of the client name. cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now doesn't show network setting if the client uses gPXE or DHCP. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now has parameter to choose different boot methods. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now activates network boot if PXE or Etherboot is choosen only. new: dhclient-script: Added a modificated version that can set the hostname of the client. +++++ 2009-10-10 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now disables network settings if gPXE/DHCP is selected. cha: HTML_storableSelection, HTML_selection: Added parameter to add JavaScript. cha: client_details.php: Made some options disappearing for m23shared. cha: index.php: Disable some pages for m23shared. cha: head.php: Now show the currently logged in user and a logout link. cha: index.php: Redesigned and logout option added. cha: m23base.php: Removed spaces in front of the lines. cha: CLIENT_addChangeElement: Now adds changeElements only if they didn't exist before. +++++ 2009-10-09 new: m23SHARED_DBname: Generates a database name for m23 shared by input and salt. new: m23SHARED_getDBnameByInterface: Calculates the database name for m23 shared by setting in the user interface new: m23SHARED_getDBnameByClient: Gets the database name for m23 shared as part of the client ID. new: m23SHARED_init: Checks if a m23shared environment is present, sets the variables in the session and chooses the according DB. new: m23SHARED_new: Adds a new m23shared user and creates a new DB. new: m23SHARED_setLicense: Sets the maximum allowed amount of clients and the evaluation time in days. new: m23SHARED_evaluationDaysLeft: Calculates how many days are left from evaluation period. cha: PLG_listMenuPlugins: Now exists if m23shared is active. cha: menu.php: Now doen't show some entries if m23shared is active. +++++ 2009-10-08 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php, exportDBInitTable: Now accept list of sources lists to export from command line arguments. new: SERVER_delFromHtpasswd: Removes a user with password to a htpasswd file. new: SERVER_addToHtpasswd: Adds a new user with password to a htpasswd file. +++++ 2009-10-05 cha: dbConnect: Now supports clients with m23shared +++++ 2009-09-30 cha: VM_startVM: Added font path to fix font error of vnc4server. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now can re-use existing virtual harddisks. +++++ 2009-09-10 cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now checks if the m23 client is run in VirtualBox and try to install the VirtualBox guest addons. cha: KDE_install: Now installs m23-kde4-wallpaper. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now configures the display drivers for VirtualBox and VMWare. +++++ 2009-09-07 cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now creates backups of the client packages to the FRS. new: m23-skel/postinst: Adds setting of the .kde4 home directory if KDE 4 is installed to "profile" in /etc/skel. cha: m23-skel/postinst: Now disables start of kaboom. +++++ 2009-09-05 cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now has another fallback to create a working xorg.conf. cha: .profile: Now checks if KDE4 is installed and sets KDEHOME. +++++ 2009-09-01 cha: hwcheck, printconf, alsa-autoconfig: Added LSB parts to the headers of the scripts. +++++ 2009-08-31 cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now CLCFG_language is executed before the user is added. cha: CLCFG_language: Now changes the skel so that the keyboard in KDE is set to the client's language settings. cha: kdeglobals: Added font antialiasing cha: plasma-desktop-appletsrc: Now uses ~/Desktop as dektop directory. +++++ 2009-08-21 cha: menuManualStart.sh: Adjusted urls to the new file release system of SourceForge. new: uploadFRS: Uploads files to the new FRS of SF. This will replace the sf-upload calls. cha: uploadPDFFRS, m23instUpload: Now uses uploadFRS. +++++ 2009-06-29 cha: m23patch.php: Now checks if a (maybe) in apt.conf set proxy is pingable. The m23 0.8.5 VM and ISO came with a false preset proxy for APT upgrades on the m23 server. +++++ 2009-06-25 patch: Fixes assimilisation of Ubuntu cumputers that don't report a valid IP. Added search option in the client overview dialog. +++++ 2009-06-21 cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now doesn't overwrites the IP because it may be reported false by some Ubuntu versions. new: CLCFG_createScreenRC: Creates the (under Ubuntu) needed settings for screen. new: DB_getLikeableColumns: Returns an associative array that contains all fields of a table that can be searched by LIKE. cha: CLIENT_query: Added parameter with search string to search all clients for and only list matching clients or all if $search is empty. cha: clients_overview: Added search dialog. +++++ 2009-06-16 fix: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Fixed URL to the m23 community page article. +++++ 2009-06-14 patch: Server installation CD updates. cha: installLilo: Uninstalls grub now. cha: installLilo: Now adds large-memory option to lilo.conf if it's missing. patch: Small changes for the m23 server installtion cd. cha: installDebs: Now adds m23 server repository to sources.list. +++++ 2009-06-12 cha: m23-ldap/postinst: Now adds an LDAP group. patch: Fix for the LiLo filter. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: Fix for the LiLo filter. patch: Changes to support LiLo better. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now filters out double entries in lilo.conf. This may happen on RAID systems and hinder lilo to install. cha: installLilo: Links update-grub to lilo now. +++++ 2009-06-10 cha: m23-box/postinst: New code to disable VirtualBox OSE registration dialog. patch: Update for the graphical VirtualBox OSE console. cha: VboxVMStarter: Now sets the background image via xloadimage. new: Created background image for the graphical VirtualBox OSE console. +++++ 2009-06-09 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed Debian Sarge from the sources list. patch: Small changes for VirtualBox environment. cha: serverStatus.php: Changed IP to ping. cha: work.php: Now waits if the partition and format job is active and no distribution is set. Only this way the inode size can be set on Etch. cha: VboxVMStarter: Now starts flwm. cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Adjusted configuration to VirtualBox 2.2.4 OSE. +++++ 2009-06-08 patch: Small changes and update for VirtualBox OSE. new: Creates new VirtualBox 2.2.4 OSE packages. cha: m23/postinst: Links update-grub to lilo now. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Links update-grub to lilo now, if lilo is the bootmanager. cha: HTML_listSelection: Now processes the input array only if it is an array. patch: 64 bit compatiblity for the m23 VirtualBox environment. cha: m23-vbox: Can now be installed on 64 bit machines. cha: m23-vbox: Switched window manager from olvwm to flwm. +++++ 2009-06-07 patch: Version change and small changes. release 0.8.5 +++++ 2009-06-06 cha: createOSImage: Now uses maximum compression settings for 7-Zip to compress the OS image. cha: menuDoc: Now can be executed as root (if needed). patch: Fix for language setting in mass install. fix: MASS_startInstall: Now copies the language setting from the defined client. patch: Fixes for mass installation and BackupPC. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now sets the current page. Needed for continuing the client definition process. +++++ 2009-06-05 cha: add_client.php: Now uses settings from session. cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now uses client name from session. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now saves in the session that the next dialog is the disk define dialog if client definition is selected. +++++ 2009-06-04 fix: BACKUP_addAdmin: Now restarts the Apache after changing the accounts for BackupPC. patch: Changes for grub on Etch. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now has an extra parameter for settings of mkfs.ext2 and mkfs.ext3. cha: m23fdiskFormat: Now sets the size of the inodes to 128 bytes for Debian Etch (this is needed for the grub in Etch.) patch: texlive is now optional and is installed only when running menuDoc. cha: menuDoc: Now checks for LaTeX environtment and installs the needed packages if missing. +++++ 2009-06-03 patch: Fixes for the DHCP detection and the maximum size of the harddisk when installing the m23 server from the ISO. cha: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Added a link to the DHCP warner log file that contains the rouge DHCP server. fix: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Another fix and now only foreign DHCP servers get detected. fix: setClientStatus.php: Now includes vm.php what enbales setting a client to status green. cha: getDrives: Now calculates the size of the harddisk via sfdisk. This should correct installation problems on big drives. Tested with a VirtualBox virtual harddisk of 2TB. patch: Fix for the SSH key creation when installing from the server installation CD. fix: startBaseInstallation: Now creates new SSH keys on installation again. +++++ 2009-06-02 patch: Fix for the DHCP warning dialog. fix: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Now uses the correct DHCP UDP port for scanning. patch: Added missing package latex2html for Debian. new: Created latex2html package. patch: Small changes for the server installation ISO. cha: installDebs: Now installs and configures m23-vbox with the installation ISO. cha: createRFSBins: Special handling for 7-Zip binary. cha: installDebs: Now removes "http://m23debs" from sources.list +++++ 2009-05-29 cha: HTML_listSelection: Changed logic for normal arrays as variables and values. fix: uploadHtml: Adjusted the server for extracting the development guide. cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now posts the URL to the article on the m23 community page too. fix: makeDoc.sh: Fixed path for copying the development documentation. +++++ 2009-05-27 cha: html2tex.sh: Reducing image size to make the screenshots fit on the paper of the documentation. +++++ 2009-05-25 cha: kh2p: Now compresses the PNGs for the manual by color reduction to approx. a third. cha: m23updateChangelog: Now posts the development messages of the last day to Twitter. new: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Posts all articles that are newer than the newest article in the previous run to Twitter. +++++ 2009-05-24 patch: Small fixes to improove compatibility of grub with some partitions. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now sets the type of the partition via sfdisk. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes sfdisk. fix: CLCFG_changeUser: Now sets the password correctly (Thx Doc). fix: m23changeClientInstall.php: Now sets the root password correctly. +++++ 2009-05-22 patch: French translation completed. new: fr/createVM.hlp: Added French translation. new: fr/welcome.hlp: Added French translation. +++++ 2009-05-17 patch: Fixes for the message box and the package creation of the MDK. fix: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader, MSG_showMessageBox, MSG_showMessageBoxFooter: Now shows the message again if it is not returned. fix: simpleBuild: Now never creates empty packages if there are no changed files. release 0.8.3 patch: Redesign of the welcome page with included online blogs of current m23 events. cha: en/de welcome.hlp: Completely rewritten. +++++ 2009-05-15 new: MSG_DeActivateBlogDialog: Creates a dialog to en/disable a blog. The displaying state is written to the DB. cha: welcome.php: The status blogs can get (de)activated now. +++++ 2009-05-14 cha: welcome.php: Now shows the m23 status blogs as part of the welcome message. cha: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader, MSG_showMessageBoxFooter, MSG_showMessageBox: Now have an extra parameter to set if the HTML output should be returned rather than show. cha: MSG_showRSSFeed: Is now MSG_getRSSFeed and returns the HTML rss output cha: MSG_showm23DevelopmentBlog: Is now MSG_getm23DevelopmentBlog and returns the HTML output of the development blog cha: MSG_showm23UpdateFeed: Is now MSG_getm23UpdateFeed and returns the HTML output of the update feed +++++ 2009-04-22 cha: SERVER_runningInBackground: Now checks screen to check if a process is running. new: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Shows an error message if there is found another DHCP server on the net. +++++ 2009-04-16 cha: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: New parameter to choose if the file should be overwritten even if the new file is empty. cha: UPDATE_getInfo, MSG_showm23UpdateFeed: Now don't overwrite the cached files if the new file is epmty. new: MSG_showWarning: Shows the warning block for the warning messages. cha: client_distr.php: Added a warning message if Ubuntu is choosen. +++++ 2009-04-14 patch: RSS feed and other news support on the welcome page. new: MSG_showRSSFeed: Shows a RSS feed. new: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: Downloads a file if it is not older than a given time and returns its contents. cha: UPDATE_getInfo: Now uses HELPER_getRemoteFileContents and has an extra parameter to check for updates after a given time. New: MSG_showm23UpdateFeed: Shows the m23 server update feed. new: MSG_showm23DevelopmentBlog: Shows the m23 development blog. +++++ 2009-04-09 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed exporting all Ubuntu releases but Gutsy and removed Debian Woody. +++++ 2009-04-08 patch: Some fixes and script updates. +++++ 2009-04-07 cha: checkForx86_64Toolchain: Now downloads and installs the a binutils package that can handle the new amd64 format of the Debian Lenny binary files. new: Created a 64 bit package of VirtualBox OSE 2.1.4. cha: m23/postinst: Now writes cpu type and speed to the database on localhost. new: en/createVM.hlp: Finished translation. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost, VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Added code for preseting while screenshot making. cha: index.css: Font sizes are now set to 15. Liberation Sans is now the default font. cha: *: MSG_showNewFeature removed from all files. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added screenshot for creating a VM. +++++ 2009-04-06 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now activates network booting for the VM. cha: client_directConnection.hlp: Added ticks around the network boot password to make it easier to copy and paste in FF. fix: HTML_selection: Now the security check allows the correct value. cha: createRFSBins: Add badblocks tool to the bootimage. cha: bootimage: Updated the base to Debian Lenny. +++++ 2009-04-04 new: de/createVM.hlp: New help file for creating a virtual machine. cha: VBoxVNCStarter: Start xclock to make the VNC screen get updated every second. +++++ 2009-04-02 patch: Virtualisation added. new: CLIENT_showDelDialog: Shows the dialog for deleting a client. new: HTML_setPage: Sets the m23 page as hidden value. cha: delete_client.php: Now uses CLIENT_showDelDialog and CLIENT_showDelDialog. +++++ 2009-04-01 new: VM_delete: Deletes a virtual machine from a VM host. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: New parameter to delete the VM too. +++++ 2009-03-29 new: VM_webAction: Executes an action for a VM controlled by the web UI. new: VM_activateNetboot: (De)Activates network booting of a VM. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now (de)activates network booting on VMs. new: VM_stopVM: Generates a BASH command to stop a virtual machine. new: VM_pauseVM: Generates a BASH command to pause a virtual machine. new: VM_resumeVM: Generates a BASH command to resume a virtual machine. +++++ 2009-03-28 new: VM_getHTMLStatusBlock: Generates and returns a status block in a HTML table with informations (VM host, VM software, VM power switch state, visual console URL and password, VM NICs) about the selected VM client. new: VM_vmSwNr2Name: Converts the VM software constant (VM_SW_*) to the human readable name. +++++ 2009-03-27 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now sets the client's VM settings if it's VM. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Can be preseeded with MAC, clientname, VM software and host if created by VM creation page. new: VM_activateNetbootCMD: Generates a BASH command line to (de)activate network booting of a VM. new: VM_convertSwitchStatusInfo: Returns the status of a VM guest in several ways. +++++ 2009-03-26 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now makes proposals for DNS, netmask, IP and gateway. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now shows a link for adding the VM client after its sucessful creation. +++++ 2009-03-25 cha: HTML_showFormHeader: Now stores the client name and ID in the session if the information could be received by GET. new: CLIENT_addChangeElement: Generates a HTML dialog element for changing a client property. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses CLIENT_addChangeElement. cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now doesn't have parameters any more. The client name is taken from $_SESSION['clientName'] and the elements to change from $_SESSION['changeElements']. new: getServerGateway: Returnes the gateway of the m23 server +++++ 2009-03-24 cha: PKG_listKernels: Removed new: PKG_getKernels: Generates an associative array with the available kernels for an architecture and distribution as keys and values. Replaces PKG_listKernels. fix: LDAP_listServers: Now doesn't list LDAP servers with empty names. cha: LDAP_listServers: Now returns an associative array with the LDAP server names as keys and values. cha: HELPER_passGenerator: Generates semi-random passwords via pwgen or DB_genPassword. cha: CLIENT2_showAddDialog: Now generates user and root password via HELPER_passGenerator. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Complete re-design with new functions. +++++ 2009-03-23 new: HTML_submitDefine: Defines but does not show a button. new: HTML_submitCheck: Checks if a previously defined button was clicked. cha: HTML_selection, HTML_checkBox: Added support for saving the value to the session. new: HTML_storableCheckBox: Shows a check box with label with loading and storing the checking state to and from the session. new: HTML_storableSelection: Shows a list of radio buttons or a selection with loading and storing the checking state to and from the session. +++++ 2009-03-22 fix: HTML_input: Now accepts the maxlength parameter. cha: HTML2_selection: Removed. new: HTML_getElementValue: Gets the value for a HTML element by the session data or POST value. new: HELPER_array2AssociativeArray: Copies the values of an array as keys AND values to a new assiciative array. cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: Removed. cha: PREF_saveAllPreferenceValues, PREF_saveAllPreferenceValues: Now take the preference name from $_SESSION['preferenceName'] and not from the arguments. cha: PREF_getClientPreferences: Added parameter directOutput. If enabled the preference names will be given out as a HTML option list. If disabled an array with the preference names as key and value will be returned. new: PREF_showPreferenceManager: Shows a dialog to load and delete existing preferences and to create new preferences. new: PREF_preferenceLoadManagerHandler: Executes loading and deletion of preferences after pressing the according buttons and defines the buttons for PREF_showPreferenceManager(); new: PREF_preferenceSaveManagerHandler: Executes the saving of preferences. +++++ 2009-03-21 new: CLIENT_DETAILS_beginCategory: Starts a new named section for icons. new: CLIENT_DETAILS_endCategory: Ends the previously opened icon section. new: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon: Adds an icon in a section. new: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon2: Adds an icon in a section that can link to all URLs. cha: client_details.php: Redesigned with the CLIENT_DETAILS_* functions. new: VM_getSWandHost: Gets the VM software and VM host of a m23 client. new: VM_getStatus: Returns the current status of a VM guest. new: PREF_loadAllPreferenceValues: Loads all values of a preference into the session. new: PREF_saveAllPreferenceValues: Saves all values of a session into the preference. +++++ 2009-03-20 cha: HTML_showFormEnd: Now stores all session in a hidden variable. cha: HTML_showFormHeader: Now reads the session data stored in a hidden variable. new: VM_getAllVMHosts: Returns a list of all VM hosts with a choosen virtualisation software. new: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Shows a dialog parts for choosing the VM host. new: VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Shows a dialog part with information about the chose VM host. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now filters out unwanted SSH messages. cha: CLIENT_query: Now can filter for all VM clients run on a host. cha: CLIENT_showClietInfoMenu: Removed. new: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Shows a dialog to create a new VM on the chosen host. +++++ 2009-03-19 new: m23VirtualBoxInstall.php: Script for installing the VirtualBox OSE virtualisation solution on an m23 client. new: CLIENT_getCurrentFreeSpaceInDir: Get the amount of free space in a given directory on a client or localhost. new: CLIENT_getCurrentMemoryUsage: Gets the amount of free and total memory on a client or localhost. +++++ 2009-03-18 cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Now makes the m23 server a VBOX server by setting software type and virtualisation role in the database if the package is installed on the m23 server. new: VM_setHostInDB: Sets the password for the login to the visual management console on the host for all guests, the host flag and the type of used virtualisation software. cha: VM_setVisualPassword: Replaced by VM_setHostInDB. cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Transfers virtualisation software type and password to the m23 server if the package is installed on an m23 client. +++++ 2009-03-17 new: CLIENT_getClientID: Returnes the ID of the calling client. new: VM_statusIcons: Returns HTML codes that include the VM status icons of the client. cha: CLIENT_generateHTMLStatusBar: Now uses VM_statusIcons. new: VM_setVisualPassword: Sets the password for the login to the visual management console on the host for all guests. new: VM_setVisualURL: Sets the URL to connect to the visual management console. cha: vnc4server-m23-vbox: Added parameter for the IP of the m23 server. cha: VBoxVNCStarter: Now sends the visual connection URL to the m23 server. +++++ 2009-03-16 new: CLIENT_getActiveNetDevices: Checks for active network devices on a client or localhost. new: HTML2_selection: Shows a list of radio buttons or a selection. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now adds a unique ID after every job name. cha: VM functions: Now use the constant VM_SW_VBOX for VirtualBox. +++++ 2009-03-11 new: vnc4server-m23-vbox: Modificated version of the vnc4server script. Added support for starting VirtualBox VMs in a new virtual desktop accessible via VNC. This gives a remote VNC desktop that runs a VirtualBox OSE session and is a replacement for the VRDP feature of the closed source edition of VirtualBox. new: VBoxVNCStarter: Starts some tools for the VNC desktop like window manager (olvwm), xterm, and VirtualBox OSE. new: killCurrentVNCSession.sh: Shows a dialog window on the VNC desktop to shut down the tools VBoxVNCStarter started. +++++ 2009-03-10 new: VM_delVM: Deletes a virtual machine. new: VM_createVM: Creates a virtual machine. new: VM_startVM: Starts a virtual machine. new: HELPER_randomMAC: Generates a random MAC address. new: VM_status: Gets the current status of a virtual machine. new: VM_parseVBOXdisk: Parses a harddisk/DVD/floppy status line of VirtualBox. new: VM_parseVBOXstate: Parses the status (on, off, paused) line of VirtualBox. fix: SERVER_runInBackground, CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now load the right environment variables for the current user. new: VM_parseVBOXNic: Parses the status line of a virtual network card. +++++ 2009-03-09 new: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Runs a script with "screen" in the background or under a plain BASH under a given user. The script can be executed on the local machine "localhost" or a remote client that is accessible via SSH with a public key and without a password. +++++ 2009-03-07 new: VM_createDiskImage: Creates a new empty virtual harddisk image file. +++++ 2009-03-06 cha: simpleBuild: Now has an extra parameter to force building the package even if there are no changed files. new: m23-vbox: New package for configuring VirtualBox OSE on the m23 server. +++++ 2009-03-05 cha: m23/postinst: Adds a check to make configuring fail on all systems but Debian. +++++ 2009-02-26 cha: makePackages: Now calls mkRelease to make sure that Releases and Releases.gpg are up-to-date. cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now tftp-hpa works if IPV6 is enabled. +++++ 2009-02-23 fix: newsletterGenerator2.sh: Now includes the first line of each article. +++++ 2009-02-21 cha: m23/postinst: Now imports the key that is used to sign the m23 packages. release 0.7.1 cha: m23/postinst: Added logic to detect if the Apache 2 is used. cha: m23/postinst: Now configures all found PHP versions. +++++ 2009-01-26 new: mkRelease: Makes the Release file and signs it. cha: menuDeb: Now creates and signs the Release file on uploading. +++++ 2008-12-18 release 0.7.0 patch: m23 should be installable on amd64 now. cha: m23 package: Added a "conflicts" line to make sure that the packages can't be installed by APT on Ubuntu because Ubuntu is no supported platform for the m23 server. cha: m23 package: Switched architecture to "all" to make it installable on amd64, too. cha: HELPER_grubMd5Crypt: Added parameter for the length of the MD5 password salt. cha: encryptShadow: Now uses HELPER_grubMd5Crypt to encrypt the shadow password MD5. +++++ 2008-11-18 patch: Packages now compatible with Debian Lenny and Apache 2.x. Additional language support for Gnome. The key bit size of the SSL certificates is increased to 4096 and contain a random serial number that makes them compatibile with Firefox 3.x now. Support for extra SATA controlers like the virtual SATA controler of VirtualBox was added. release 0.6.8 +++++ 2008-11-17 fix: menuManualStart.sh: Now correct links are produced for downloading the PDF. (Thx Andre) cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now supports restarting of the openbsd-inetd. cha: CLCFG_language: Now adds language setting to /etc/default/locale too. cha: CLCFG_language: Now sets language for Gnome session too. +++++ 2008-11-12 new: getApacheUser: Get the user Apache 1 or 2 is executed under. new: getApacheGroup: Get the group Apache 1 or 2 is executed under. cha: mkCert.sh, fix-permissions: Now use getApacheUser and getApacheGroup. +++++ 2008-11-11 cha: m23-ldap: Now supports Apache 2 and PHP 5. cha: BACKUP_addAdmin: Now supports Apache 2. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports Debian Lenny too. fix: postint: Now deletes all unused "default" groups. +++++ 2008-11-10 cha: mkCert.sh: Increased key bit size to 4096. cha: mkCert.sh: Included the server ip into the X.509 certificate signing Request cha: mkCert.sh: Now generates a 16 digit random serial number for the SSL certificate. cha: mkCert.sh: Detection of the user and group Apache 2 is run under now works. cha: enable-ssl: Has support for Apache 2 now. +++++ 2008-11-08 fix: dodgerFilesGetFileList: Now lists the needed files again. +++++ 2008-11-07 cha: CIR_detectSCSI, getDrives: Added ahci generic SATA module. +++++ 2008-11-05 patch: Fixed corruption of software RAIDs. Added selection box for choosing the drive to install the MBR on. release 0.6.5 new: Completed help files. cha: bootimages: Build new bootimages with fixed checkdisklabel included. +++++ 2008-11-04 new: client_distr.php: Added selection box for choosing the drive to install the MBR on. +++++ 2008-11-01 fix: checkdisklabel: Removed the recreation of the partition table if a "loop" partition table ist found. This should fix the corruption of software raids. (Thx Yann for the hint) +++++ 2008-10-25 patch: Security enhancement for the bootmanager. Now installs extra language packages on Ubuntu. Fixed installation of the pure Gnome2 package. release 0.6.4 fix: m23gnome2Install.php: Included missing file (without was installation not possible). cha: install_packages.php: Now uses PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage instead of PKG_addShutdownPackage too. cha: KDE_install: Now installs Gnome language pack too. cha: Gnome_install: Now installs KDE language pack too. cha: CLCFG_language: Now tries to install language-pack-XX. +++++ 2008-10-24 cha: PKG_getPackageStatus: Commented out unused code. new: PKG_countJobsWithStatus: Counts named jobs on a client that have a special status. new: PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage: Adds a shutdown or a reboot package. No new job is addedm if there is already a waiting shutdown or reboot job. A shutdown package is added if the client can't be pinged and a reboot package if it is reachable via the network. cha: clientInstall.php: Now uses for all distributions PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage instead of PKG_addShutdownPackage. +++++ 2008-10-22 new: CLCFG_addGrubPassword: Adds a password line to the grub configuration to lock the edit line of bootmanager. new: CLCFG_addLiloPassword: Adds a password line to the LiLo configuration to lock the edit line of bootmanager. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now uses CLCFG_addGrubPassword and CLCFG_addLiloPassword. cha: client_distr.php: Removed debug code. +++++ 2008-10-21 new: HELPER_grubMd5Crypt: Encrypts a password to the MD5 hash as expected by grub. patch: Adjusted pool builder and added support for getting the base packages on new Debian versions. In addition small changes to KDE installation. release: 0.6.3 +++++ 2008-10-20 new: HELPER_putFileContents: Writes data to a file. cha: PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages: Now has 2 methods to figure out the base packages for the distributions. This should now work with all relesaed. A caching routine is included too to speed up the slow calculation of debootstrap. +++++ 2008-10-18 cha: POOL_makeRepository: Now contains fixing code to correct Release files that are missing the information stored in conf/distributions. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Added options to allow the download of packages from broken package sources. +++++ 2008-10-14 cha: KDE_install: Now installs gtk-qt-engine. new: m23-skel: Added media change icon to KDE's kicker. +++++ 2008-10-04 fix: PKG_addPackageSelection: Now accepts jobs without parameters. +++++ 2008-10-03 new: m23KDE4Gnome2Install.php: Script for parallel installation of KDE 4 and Gnome 2 desktop. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now uses dexconf for creating xorg.conf. cha: index.php: Now shows the page name as window title. +++++ 2008-10-02 cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now sets the default depth for XOrg to 24 bits. cha: clientConfigCommon.php: Now contains GNOME_installLoginManager, GNOME_install and GNOME_prepare. patch: Speeds up the client desaster recovery. release: 0.6.1 fix: clients_overview.php: Now remembers the action after sorting the clients. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF, uploadHtml, menuDevguide: Changed server because of SourceForge's structure changes. cha: CLCFG_writeHosts: Now sets /var/run/screen to 777 instead of CLCFG_installBasePackages. +++++ 2008-09-29 cha: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: Now sorts the clients. cha: m23normalInstall.php: Now reports dependend packages that got installed automatically and sets these install jobs to done. new: MSR_markm23normalAsDone: Marks comming m23normal install jobs as done if the packages they would install are already installed. This may happen when a package with dependencies is installed. new: PKG_fastGetInstalledPackages: Gets a list of all installed packages (faster than dpkg --get-selections). new: PKG_fastGetNewInstalledPackages: Gets new installed packages by comparing status files (before and after the installation). +++++ 2008-09-27 cha: client_partition.php: Now uses the first drive to install the bootloader. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adds all mouse modules that contain "mouse" in their names to the modules file to load them on system start. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now sets /var/run/screen to 777. +++++ 2008-09-24 release: 0.6.0 ISO +++++ 2008-09-21 patch: Package scripts improvements. cha: startBaseInstallation: Now creates a semi-random password for the LDAP server. cha: startBaseInstallation: Now removes remains from a existing LDAP database. +++++ 2008-09-20 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now has a non-interactive mode that doesn't ask if the virtual network devices should be created. +++++ 2008-09-19 new: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now deletes all contents of the tables in the m23 database. +++++ 2008-09-17 patch: Adds Ubuntu root enabler. new: ASSI_addUbuntuRoot: Enables the root account in Ubuntu if a Ubuntu installation is found. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now calls ASSI_addUbuntuRoot. patch: New kernel for client and server and code cleaning. cha: Updated kernel to for client and server. +++++ 2008-09-03 cha: CLCFG_resolvConf, CLCFG_aptConf, CLCFG_sourceslist: Now suppresses warinings if a non-existing file is attempted to get deleted. cha: CLCFG_installUsrM23: Deleted, because the files are now in the package m23-skel. +++++ 2008-09-02 patch: Some fixes and completed french translation. cha: KDE_prepare, KDE_install, KDE_installLoginManager: Moved to clientConfigCommon.php cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now has parameter to switch between KDE 3 and 4. cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog: Now lists swap partitions from the curious (new) type. (Thx Wolfgang) fix: client_partition.php: Now shows the correct heading for re-using existing partitions. +++++ 2008-08-18 cha: m23KDE3Install.php, m23gnome2Install.php: Installation parts are now split into seperated functions. cha: RAID_create: Tried to fix corruption of raids that were visible on mounting. Added logging and additional creation of the md device node with mknod and changed parameters of mdadm. +++++ 2008-08-14 cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Removing of partitions isn't critically any more. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adds all mouse modules to the modules file to load them on system start. new: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Makes sure the needed device nodes for the boot device are created. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now adds +x file attribute to m23fetchjob. +++++ 2008-08-05 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now with extra check for the (probable) faulty update-grub of Ubuntu Hardy/Intrepid. +++++ 2008-08-04 cha: checkdisklabel: Now only executes mklabel if parted doesn't return warnings. This suppresses a parted stack smashing error. cha: m23hwscanner: Changed the code to remove some compiler warnings. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added extra checks for Ubuntu Hardy/Intrepid to install GRUB correcty. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Extra checking for m23hwscanner, because m23hwscanner-ubuntu can not be installed on newer Ubuntu version. Instead the normal m23hwscanner is needed and installed here. +++++ 2008-08-02 patch: Eye candy for KDE and GRUB, some fixes and pre-release for m23 0.6.0. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Removed parameter $skelDir. cha: CLCFG_lilo2Grub: Now adds default kernel to start and timeout for user selection to the menu.lst. fix: PKG_listKernels: Now the choosen first kernel is the first in the list. new: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Adds the version number to a Debian or Ubuntu release. +++++ 2008-08-01 cha: deleteOldDoubles: Now works in the current directory. new: m23-skel: New package that replaces the usrm23.tar.gz file. new: m23-ksplash: New package that sets a m23 rock theme for ksplash. cha: clientInstall.php: Now install m23-ksplash instead of usrm23.tar.gz. cha: m23KDE3Install.php, m23Kubuntudesktop.php: Now isntall m23-ksplash. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Removed seconds from file creation information. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: Fixed possibly occurring grub installation error. cha: mkextradeb is now mkhwscanner. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now uses rsync without md5Check. cha: Removed not needed index files for uploadClientPackagesToSF. cha: menuDeb: Menu entry m23extra is now hwscanner. new: menuDeb: Added a new menu entry for building m23-skel and m23-ksplash with the name "m23extra". new: deleteDoublesmakeIndexAndReturn: Deletes package doubles and recreate the package index. new: m23-grub-splash: Package for installing a m23 splash image to the GRUB boot manager. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs m23-grub-splash together with grub. +++++ 2008-07-31 m23InstallerBase.inc, CLCFG_interfaces: Now removes old stored udev network device(s) to avoid network device numbering. de/en help files: Both translations now contain the same symbols and are (hopefully) correlative now. +++++ 2008-07-28 cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now checks for missing I18N symbols in the help text and indicates in which file they are missing. +++++ 2008-06-10 patch: Added not updated packages. patch: Better GRUB support and kernel update to cha: Increased size of kernel ramdisk size to 45MB. cha: Upgraded kernel to new: fixRamdisksize: Now updates the ramdisk sizes of all PXE config files to the current size value. +++++ 2008-06-04 new: CLCFG_lilo2Grub: Installs and runs the lilo.conf to Grub's menu.lst converter cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs lilo or grub as bootloader. +++++ 2008-06-02 new: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Added support for Grub +++++ 2008-05-26 cha: deleteOldDoubles: Nod is safe for Debian packages with different architectures in the same directory. +++++ 2008-05-15 cha: wget: Made a backport of wget from Lenny to Etch to support files bigger than 2GB. fix: m23/postinst: Now writes only a new dhcpd.conf if it's empty or reconfiguring is choosen (Thx Uli). +++++ 2008-05-08 cha: IMG_showImageManagement: Now show sizes in MB. patch: Added English and German translation. +++++ 2008-05-07 cha: de/en client_distr.hlp: Added hints for choosing the MBR. +++++ 2008-04-23 patch: Some enhancements and fixes for the imaging feature. fix: IMG_clientCreate: Now saves the written megabytes to the status file after the dd has terminated. +++++ 2008-04-22 new: IMG_installMBR: Installs the MBR on the client. cha: CLCFG_writeMBR: Is now replaced by IMG_installMBR and so commented out. new: EDIT_genClientm23Random: Generates BASH code to calculate a client-side random MD5 hash that is stored in the variable $m23Random. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adds a random password to lilo.conf to secure lilo against changing kernel parameters on the prompt. fix: IMG_clientCreate: Fixed status code. +++++ 2008-04-21 cha: IMG_getFormatCompressionFromFile: Extra parameter for checing for a MBR file. +++++ 2008-04-16 new: IMG_storeMBR: Sends the master boot record of the hard disk to the server. cha: IMG_getAllImages: Now doesn't show the MBR files any more. fix: IMG_getAllImages: Now shows the corrects size of images bigger than 4 GB. +++++ 2008-04-15 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now uses openvpn to create and delete the tun devices. cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now re-sets the IP and gateway of the real network connected devices on executing the disable script. new: MSR_m23ImagerMBR: Saves the received master boot record to a file after cecking the MD5. cha: IMG_showImageManagement: Deletes the mbr file of an image too if found. +++++ 2008-04-10 new: MSR_genSendBinayFileCommand: Sends a binary file to postMessage.php. In contrast to MSR_genSendCommand MSR_genSendBinayFileCommand is binary safe. new: MSR_decodeClientSideBase64: Decodes the slightly modificated base64 input stream created from MSR_clientSideBase64Encode. new: MSR_clientSideBase64Encode: Encodes a given file to (a slighly different, + is converted to - for sending it as post variable via wget) base64 format and appends the output to statusdata.post. There are two methods for generating the base64 output. First the native uuencode tool that is very fast and second a plattform idependent implementation of base64 encode in AWK taken from the HylaFAX package. +++++ 2008-04-02 cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Added button to execute waiting commands at once. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now writes the LILO bootloader in the installation partition too. +++++ 2008-03-14 IMG_clientCreate: Added status bar showing the progress of image creation. +++++ 2008-03-13 cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Creation of an imaging is now done from a network booted client. new: CLIENT_resetAndInstall: Resets or wakes the client to boot from network and run jobs. +++++ 2008-03-12 new: CLCFG_dialogGaugeProcPos: Generates the BASH code for showing a dialog with status bar that uses /proc/pid/fdinfo for current file position. new: IMG_getExtractedSize: Gets the size of the extracted image by its name. cha: IMG_clientRestore: Now uses CLCFG_dialogGaugeProcPos to show a nice status bar on writing the image. +++++ 2008-03-11 cha: checkdisklabel: Now sets loop partition tables to msdos to allow partitioning after RAID setup. fix: SCREDIT_newScriptTemplate: Now has correct path for m23CommonInstallRoutines.php, sets status to "done" and executes next job afterwards. +++++ 2008-03-10 cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now installs m23-initscripts. cha: work.php: Imaging sets no distribution value cha: PKG_getClientPackages: Now can filter the found packages by status. cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Now shows packages to install in the parameter of m23normal. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now enables ChallengeResponseAuthentication in sshd_config. +++++ 2008-03-02 cha: showRootPwDialog: Adjusted size of the password dialogs. patch: A bit smaler system image. cha: m23image.tar.7z: Added Midnight Commander. cha: createOSImage: Now excludes the initrd.img* files. They are not needed because they are re-created on server installation. patch: Fixes package errors. fix: m23/postinst: BackupPC config file will now get configured properly. fix: m23/postinst: The empty old version string is empty on e first time installation and will not be checked if the version to install is newer. This suppresses a faulty error message. cha: configureNetwork: Now allways creates 4 network devices. +++++ 2008-02-28 patch: Little changes only. cha: getDrives: Now uses the dialog's gauge element to show a status bar while probing the modules. new: startDropBear: Skript for starting dropbear ssh daemon from the server installation CD. +++++ 2008-02-27 fix: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports fake package source "imaging" (Thx Uli). +++++ 2008-02-26 patch: Completed packages. +++++ 2008-02-25 cha: Updated the Debian Etch operating system archive. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added screenshot making for the script editor. cha: fr/scriptEditor.hlp: French translation completed (Thx Maren). cha: phpMyAdmin: Updated to version 2.11.4. +++++ 2008-02-24 patch: Now with complete script editor and pool builder with support for amd64 architecture. cha: POOL_prepare, POOL_download: Now has a parameter for the CPU architecture. new: en/de scriptEditor.hlp: Added help files for the script editor. new: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader: Shows the header of the help block for the online help. new: MSG_showMessageBoxFooter: Shows the footer of the message block for the online help. cha: MSG_showMessageBox: Now uses MSG_showMessageBoxHeader and MSG_showMessageBoxFooter. +++++ 2008-02-15 new: SERVER_sendScriptToSF: Uploads a script to m23.sf.net for public use. fix: HELPER_listFilesInDir: Only sorts file names if there are more than one files. fix: compileKernel: Now really deletes old modules before copying new. +++++ 2008-02-14 cha: Updated kernel of the client bootimage to new: addm23CommandsToCodepress: adds all m23 PHP commands to the PHP.js of codepress to highlight m23 commands like normal PHP commands. patch: Corrected syntax error in the work.php. fix: work.php: Corrected syntax error (Thx Jose). +++++ 2008-01-16 patch: Now includes the sources list for Ubuntu Gutsy and the beginning of the new integrated script editor. +++++ 2008-01-15 new: Created a directory for storing user scripts. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages, PKG_getSpecialPackageInfo, work.php: Now search in the user script directory too. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now shows an icon in front of user created scripts. new: HELPER_listFilesInDir: Lists all files in a directory and returns an array with all file names. new: SCREDIT_newScriptTemplate: Returns a template for a basic script. new: Included CodePress into m23 to allow syntax highlighting in the browser. new: menu.php, index.php: Added menu entry for the script editor. new: SCREDIT_showEditor: Shows a script editor with syntax highlighting if JavaScript is enabled or a normal textarea input dialog. +++++ 2008-01-09 patch: Support for Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon and Ubuntu assimilisation. cha: en/de client_assimilate.hlp: Changed for Ubuntu assimilisation. +++++ 2008-01-07 cha: plink: Patched plink to disable question for adding unknow key. Now runs non-intercative. cha: MSR_clientSettings, MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now check for the client's architecture too. +++++ 2007-12-26 new: plink-ubuntu: Special version to execute commands via SSH as root on Ubuntu systems. cha: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: Can now run commands on Ubuntu systems. cha: ASSI_showClientAddDialog, ASSI_addClient: Added option for assimilating Ubuntu systems. +++++ 2007-12-22 cha: Updated the Ubuntu debootstrap to support Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now creates a symlink for the new debootstrap version. new: New souces list for Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon. +++++ 2007-12-03 patch: Help texts updated. cha: en/de/fr/client_add.hlp: Now with adjusted help texts. patch: Minor fixes new version number. cha: Incremented version number to 0.5.8. +++++ 2007-12-02 cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Now sets default display manager to gdm if it's not done by the packages. patch: Minor fixes for server installation. fix: getDrives: Now detects scsi drives in a more generic way. fix: Added needed link from the Debian pkgdetails-amd64 to Ubuntu debootstrap directory. +++++ 2007-11-27 cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now shows architecture and kernel name. cha: m23/postinst: Adds architecture option with i386 to all clients if it's missing. patch: Lots of changes for 64 bit clients. Improved hardware detection, lots of fixes. +++++ 2007-11-26 cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Errors about not found release file are not critically any more. cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now can change kernel and architecture in database. cha: PKG_updatePackageInfo, PKG_searchFor: Now with optional architecture parameter. cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now lists kernels for the selected architecture. +++++ 2007-11-22 fix: CLCFG_installUsrM23: Doesn't remove skel directory any more to add desktop icons for CD/DVD and harddisk drives. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Added selection to edit the used kernel. +++++ 2007-11-20 new: compileKernel: Now makes a distclean if the current compile architecture and the previously differs. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Falure on creating partitions is not critically any more. cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall, CLCFG_hwdetect: Removed installation of packages xf86config-knoppix and ddcxinfo-knoppix. +++++ 2007-11-13 cha: linuxrc: Now runs the hardware detection programms hwsetup and discover to guarantee a maximum of detection. cha: m23hwscanner.c: Added more generic logic to detect swap partitions. +++++ 2007-11-08 cha: Added package xorgconfig-knoppix to getBuildKnoppixDebs. new: Patch for xorgconfig-knoppix to add extra detection of PS/2 mice. new: Patch for xf86config-knoppix to add extra detection of PS/2 mice. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now uses xorgconfig-knoppix for XOrg cha: hwcheck: Now includes configuration file creation for XFree86 and XOrg via mkxf86config or mkxorgconfig. cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Creates 32 bit hwsetup package on 32 bit systems and 64 bit package on a 64 bit system. cha: m23hwscanner.c: Added more generic logic for finding CD devices. +++++ 2007-11-05 cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Now creates a i386 only hwsetup package. new: Build native amd64 hwsetup package. new: yaird packages: Build i386 and amd64 yaird packages from SID for all Debian versions. The new package is needed for building initrds for newer kernel versions. cha: prepareBuilding: Added a wait for key press. +++++ 2007-10-26 cha: Build new Debian package for pciutils 2.2.7. fix: kudzu.c: Fixed a crash on amd64 arch. cha: mkStaticKnoppix: Patch the makefiles different to use the new kudzu. cha: mkStaticKnoppix: Add a warning if the package could not be created. +++++ 2007-10-19 cha: BusyBox: Added getopts support. cha: createRFSBins: Added discover discover-modprobe discover-pkginstall discover-config. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now fetches a special pkgdetails version for amd64 systems. cha: DISTR_baseInstall: Now calls CLCFG_debootstrap with the choosen architecture. +++++ 2007-10-18 cha: DHCP_activateBoot, DHCP_writePXEcfg: Now with support for different architectures. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Added selection for architecture i386 or amd64. cha: createRFSDevs: Now gives out an error message if the directory for the device nodes could not get created. +++++ 2007-09-29 cha: createRFSBins: Now can figure out libraries needed amd64 executables. cha: createRFSBins: Now copies the binaries fo the choosen architecture if it's not the host's architecture. +++++ 2007-09-27 fix: listBusyBoxVersions: Now lists BusyBox source archives again after changing BusyBox's server configuration. cha: compileKernel: Improved amd64 support and adding of IA32 emulation in 64 bit kernels. cha: checkForx86_64Toolchain: Now uses timeouts for getting the cross compiler Debian package. cha: listConfigFiles: Removed dependency of current CPU architecture to enable "forking" of i386 config files for using in amd64 kernels. new: EDIT_addIfNotExists: Adds a line to a textfile if the search pattern could not be found. fix: x86_64 should not be converted to ia64. +++++ 2007-09-05 cha: m23/postinst: No locally stored packages (e.g. in extraDebs) don't get cached any more. +++++ 2007-09-04 fix: parted package: Removed files that got included wrongly. +++++ 2007-09-03 patch: Little pool builder patch. cha: PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Now sorts the files before listing. cha: POOL_makeRepository: Now contains code to fix Packages index files with empty Depends lines. +++++ 2007-08-21 patch: Small changes. cha: GRP_getDistrsAndSourcesLists: Check if no groupname is given and then give out all sources lists and distributions. fix: quickbuild.sh: Now supports building of package m23-mdk. +++++ 2007-08-17 patch: Another BackupPC SSH fix. fix: m23/postinst: Disabled strong verification of SSH keys. patch: BackupPC SSH key copying fixed. fix: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Removed copying of SSH key. This is now done by the m23 package. patch: Small fixes for the CD. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now sets more values via debconf. fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Removed . that caused syntax error in the client config files. patch: Made scripts for configuring BackupPC more robustly. fix: m23/postinst: Make BackupPC use the same password file than m23. cha: m23/postinst: Additional check for the existence of the BackupPC SSH key in authorized_keys. cha: m23/postinst: Make sure the BackupPC Apache include file is included in httpd.conf. cha: m23/postinst: Make sure all m23 admins are known to BackupPC. patch: Development guide updated. cha: Development guide: Updated. +++++ 2007-08-15 patch: Updated manuals and completed french translation. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog, CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions, GRP_showGroupsAndCount: Removed hint for new feature. new: fr/serverStatus.hlp: Translated. fix: m23.postinst: Creation of dhcpd.conf works again. patch: Updates to the package postinst, little corrections. fix: quickbuild.sh: Now works even if menuStart was not called before. cha: m23.postinst: Execution of the SQL files is only done if the SQL files are existing. cha: m23.postinst: Now creats the extraDebs directory with empty indices if it doesn't exist. cha: m23.postinst: Increased the size of the fields "cpu" and "MHz" in the table "clients". fix: m23XFceInstall.php: Added package xdm. +++++ 2007-08-14 new: array_keysSearch: Searches for a key in an associative array that matches a regular expression. cha: PKGBUILDER_showDialog: Creates the directory for the extra Debian packages if it doesn't exist. patch: Little corrections and support for multiple hardware of the same type fix: uploadHtml: Changed extracting command order. cha: uploadHtml: Now stores the archive under /tmp. cha: menuStart: Added checking for root permission on some entries. cha: menuClientISO, menuServerISO, menuDoc, menuDeb: Added checking for the current user and print out an error message and exit the script if it's the wrong user. +++++ 2007-08-13 cha: m23KDE3Install: Added kmix to the installed packages. cha: checkdisklabel (client side): Now uses same code as the version in m23InstallerBase.inc. new: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Logging of (un)sucessfully partition and formating attempts. +++++ 2007-08-10 new: getHardwareData: Support for multiple network, graphic, ISA and soundcards. cha: HWINFO_getNetworkCards, HWINFO_getGraficCards, HWINFO_getSoundCards: Better output. Elements are devided by breaks. cha: HWINFO_getCPU: Now returns name and speed of all CPUs. cha: HWINFO_getMhz: Removed. cha: Changed size of field "cpu" in the table "clients" to 255 to allow informations about multiple CPUs. cha: getHardwareData: Now stores names and speeds of all CPUs. cha: m23hwscanner: Found Linux systems are now written only with the device name only to lilo.conf. (e.g. sdb1 instead of /dev/sdb1) cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Added ata_piix to modules list. +++++ 2007-08-06 cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Detection of default display manager setting is read from /etc/init.d/gdm. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Now sets LDAP server and base DN in libnss-ldap.conf. (Thx Marian) +++++ 2007-07-19 cha: m23-mdk: Added dependency for 7-Zip. patch: Corrections of the pool builder. Additional patches to the Etch based server installation CD. cha: createOSImage, extractFile: Now uses 7-Zip for compressing. cha: checkdisklabel: Now integrated in m23InstallerBase.inc. fix: checkdisklabel: Changed to new parted version. Error messages about unrecognised disklabel are printed on stderr. new: addPoolToISO.sh: Script for compressing and adding an existing downloaded package source to the server installation CD. cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Added 7-Zip. fix: kh2p: Removed read. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added packageBuilder. cha: manual.tex: Added packageBuilder.hlp.tex. +++++ 2007-07-18 cha: PKG_downloadPool, pool.php: Replaced all log writing commands with "2>&1 | tee -a". cha: PKG_downloadPool, POOL_createExtendedPackageIndex, POOL_makeRepository: Now uses SERVER_runInBackground instead of directly calling screen. fix: m23image: Removed proxy settings from apt.conf. fix: m23/postinst: Creates MySQL m23dbroot user with less privileges because ALL PRIVILEGES is not possible. +++++ 2007-07-14 cha: m23/postinst: Now sets the php memory limit to 32MB. cha: mkDeb: Now removes backup files. cha: printconf: Now only gets executed on "start" or "restart". +++++ 2007-07-13 new: printconf: New script in m23-initscripts that scans for new printers and adds them. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Now activates printconf via symlink. +++++ 2007-07-12 fix: POOL_makeRepository: Now deleted old scripts. patch: EtherBoot images now working again and compressed. New server status log for posting in the m23 forum. +++++ 2007-07-10 new: client_details.php: Added icon for CUPS. Now can access the CUPS server of the m23 clients. new: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Configures CUPS for administration thru the m23 server and allows all clients in the network to print on the remote printer. fix: PKG_addPackageSelection: Now adds only valid packages. fix: EDIT_commentout: Now works if only the match parameter is given. fix: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Now installs the printer packages one by one to make sure that the most possible amount is installed. +++++ 2007-07-09 fix: createRFSEtherboot: Now compresses the initrd to decrease the image size. fix: createRFSEtherboot: Now uses the old working mknbi-linux again. new: CLIENT_query: Now can sort the list after client status, name, install date and last changed date. fix: POOL_createExtendedPackageIndex: Now corrects Packages* files on creation if there are empty "Depends" lines. +++++ 2007-07-02 new: SERVER_checkDiskFree: Reports the free space of all mounted media. new: SERVER_checkRunInVM: Checks if the m23 server is executed in a virtual machine or on native hardware. new: SERVER_checkKernel: Returns the kernel information string of "uname -a". +++++ 2007-06-25 new: SERVER_checkDownload: Downloads a special file from m23.sf.net and checks if the size and md5 sum are matching. new: SERVER_getOS: Returns the version string of the distribution. new: SERVER_getInstallationMedium: Tries to figure out how the m23 server was installed cha: head.php: Added link to the server status page. cha: index.php: Added entry for the server status page. new: serverStatus.php: Added page for showing a server status log for posting in the m23 forum. fix: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: Now can add special packages. +++++ 2007-06-21 cha: client_distr.php: Now supports installation of a package selection together with the OS. new: PKG_addPackageSelection: Adds a package selections to the list of packages to install. Uses most code of PKG_addRecommendPackages. cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: Now uses PKG_addPackageSelection. +++++ 2007-06-14 cha: m23 ldap package: Now asks for the ldap password only if it's not in the debconf. +++++ 2007-06-13 patch: Some changes for Debian Etch based server installation CD. new: m23 server installation CD: OS is now Debian Etch. cha: configureNetwork: Now adds network interfaces eth0 to eth3 if the setup is executed in VMware. This is needed because ist is not predictable what interface name will be used for the pcnet32 device. cha: installI18n.de / en: Slashes corrections. Added http in front of the m23 page url. cha: EDIT_prepareStr: Removed addslashes because it lead to errors in the phpldapadmin config file. +++++ 2007-06-11 cha: installLilo: Now is Etch compatible. fix: m23 server installation CD: Added missign genpw tool. +++++ 2007-06-04 patch: Package fix. fix: package m23: Corrected error in the postinst (BackupPC part). +++++ 2007-06-03 patch: Added Debian Etch package sources list. fix: package m23: Now includes Etch package sources list. fix: package m23: Creates BackupPC SSH key only once. +++++ 2007-05-30 cha: PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Add files excepting the package index files are removable. cha: excludem23deb: Now excludes the files in /m23/data+scripts/extraDebs +++++ 2007-05-25 patch: New package builder for distributing files and directory trees to the clients. fix: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now returns a text with the error description if the package source doesn't exist. +++++ 2007-05-24 new: PKGBUILDER_tar2deb: Converts a tar file (with bzip2 or gzip compression) into a Debian package. new: HELPER_getFileContents: Returnes the maximum file upload size allowed by php.ini. new: Help for packageBuilder. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir, SRCLST_genList: Now adds special source for extra packages. +++++ 2007-05-23 new: PKGBUILDER_showUploadDialog: Shows a dilog for uploading the tar files with checking of the file extension. new: convertTarToDeb: converts a tar with gzip or bzip2 compression to a Debian package. +++++ 2007-05-19 cha: mkStaticKnoppix: Now includes the newest pci.ids into the package hwdata-knoppix. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Commented out download of pci.ids. +++++ 2007-05-18 new: SERVER_rootFreeSpace: Shows an error message if the free space of the root partition is low. new: SERVER_tmpNotWritable: Shows an error message if /tmp is not writable. cha: menu.php: Added SERVER_tmpNotWritable, SERVER_dynamicIPWarn and SERVER_rootFreeSpace. cha: head.php: Removed uptime and system load and redesigned. cha: getServerIP: Shortened function. Is it faster now? new: SERVER_dynamicIPWarn: Shows an error message if the m23 server has a dynmic IP address. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now downloads the PCI ID database from pciids.sourceforge.net. +++++ 2007-05-16 patch: Enhancements for Debian Etch clients and some fixes. fix: hwcheck: Now does not get executed at shutdown any more. cha: m23KDE3Install: KDM configuring now uses scripts to adjust kdmrc and backgroundrc that are shipped with the package. cha: m23KDE3Install: Some extra debconf values for Debian Sarge. cha: DMI_getParam: Now support the new dmidecode output (Thx MartinUni). cha: m23KDE3Install: More lokalisation of KDM. +++++ 2007-05-15 new: EDIT_commentoutInsert: Comments out a matched line and inserts a new line after it. cha: hwcheck: Adjusts module path of XOrg is used. This is needed for Debian Etch. +++++ 2007-05-11 cha: MSR_partHwDataCommand: Adjustment to the code change of m23hwscanner. cha: m23hwscanner: Now stores the partition and hardware information directly to /tmp/partHwData.post. new: buildm23hwscannerAll: build the 32bit m23hwscanner statically and dynamically with "all" as architecture. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now extracts m23hwscanner all architectures version.. patch: Integrated user management for BackupPC. cha: htaccess.php: Now adds and removes users to /etc/backuppc/htpasswd too. +++++ 2007-05-10 patch: Better BackupPC integration. new: package m23: Configuration of BackupPC. +++++ 2007-05-09 fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Added missing tranfer method. new: m23/postinst: Now includes a part for configuring BackupPC. +++++ 2007-05-08 fix: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Added mounting of /sys to make installation of Debian Etch clients possible. cha: SERVER_addLineToFile, SERVER_delLineFromFile: Now are using a random filename for the temporary script. fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Now adds the needed line to /etc/backuppc/hosts. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now has support for mkinitrd.yaird. +++++ 2007-05-07 patch: Another parted patch and Debian Etch sources list. fix: parted: Now compiled without libreadline. new: Package sources list for Debian Etch. patch: Now the client boot CD should work on all systems. new: Devguide: Added section for patching and compiling parted. fix: Recompiled parted to remove silly debugging information of libparted that makes the output of m23hwscanner corrupt. (Thx MartinUni) +++++ 2007-04-28 fix: compileKernel: Now deletes the old modules. +++++ 2007-04-26 patch: Etch compatible packages. +++++ 2007-04-25 cha: m23-ldap/postinst template config: Added extra dialog for asking the LDAP server's admin password if it can't be read from debconf. This is needed for Debian Etch. +++++ 2007-04-24 cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now checks if inetd.conf should be configured (not needed on Etch). cha: m23/postinst: Now configures the DHCPd on Etch correctly. cha: excludem23-mdk-debsdeb: Now excludes changing indices of the changed, new and deleted files of the packages. +++++ 2007-04-20 fix: makeBootCD.php, BURN_checkISO: Corrected path to the ISO (Thx MartinUni). +++++ 2007-04-19 cha: m23/control: Adjusted squid.conf editing for Debian Etch. +++++ 2007-04-17 patch: Little changes. cha: welcome.hlp: Changed welcome text to the current political status. cha: m23-mdk: Added build-essential to the dependency list (Thx freemind). cha: Added "press Enter to continue" stop points to allow viewing of possibly existing error messages. +++++ 2007-04-16 patch: Assimilation of Debian clients reactivated. Building of client bootimages should work now. Client job fetching problems should be gone now. cha: createRFSBins: Now contains a routine to check that the needed Debian packages are downloaded and extracted. fix: Added missing directories to m23-mdk-client-server (Thx Bjoern). fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now stores the work.php under the correct name (Thx Bjoern). +++++ 2007-04-11 fix: /m23/bin/plink: Reincluded. Now the client assimisation should work again. (Thx joyfm) +++++ 2007-04-05 new: Script to setup network interfaces for VirtualBox to allow the guest machines to have access to the host machine and among themselves. new: newsletterGenerator.sh: Script for generating newsletters from the news of the m23 page. fix: mkIndex: Now can handle file names with spaces. +++++ 2007-04-03 patch: Adjustment for the new m23hwscanner. fix: makePackages: Now scans for packages in all architectures. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: Adds a link to libparted to make the new m23hwscanner work. +++++ 2007-04-02 cha: excludem23-mdk-debs: Adjusted to exclude unwanted files. patch: Added missing package m23-mdk-debs. fix: mkm23Debs: Added missing package m23-mdk-debs. fix: Fixed path in menuDeb's directuplinst patch: Now all empty directories are included in the Debian packages and EtherBoot bootimages are included again. fix: tftp: Adds missing EtherBoot bootimages. new: mkIndex: Now included empty directories. cha: simpleBuild: Removed mkMissingDirectories.sh functionality. +++++ 2007-03-30 patch: Little fix of checkdisklabel. fix: checkdisklabel: Adjusted to parted's new behaviour to show error messages on stdout and not on stderr anymore. patch: Fixed faulty parted. fix: parted-1.8.6: Replaces the faulty parted 1.7.1 shipped with Debian Etch. cha: parted-1.8.6: Patched that the default size unit is MB. This will make harddisk and detection more accurate. new: Uploaded patched parted to dodger-tools. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now takes parted from dodger-tools. +++++ 2007-03-29 patch: New version 0.5.5. new: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Add permission to udev that all users can access the audio device (Thx Michael J.). +++++ 2007-03-27 fix: m23-ldap: Removed "conffiles" because the listed config file isn't part in the package so the package didn't build. cha: m23install.sh: Loads German keyborad if "de" is selected. cha: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: Disabled deleting of all jobs on the destination machine. (Thx Bjoern) cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Now sets lower timeouts to enable booting of clients with LDAP support when the LDAP server isn't accessible (Thx Michael J.). +++++ 2007-03-26 new: menuBusyBox: Shows a menu for downloading and buildung BusyBox fix: menuBusyBox: Now begins with "make menuconfig" after choosing the BusyBox directory. new: menuBusyBoxDownload: Shows a menu of all available BusyBox versions, downloads and extracts the selected release and assigns the BusyBox patches (if available). new: uploadPDFFRS: Uploads single PDF files to the doc "directory" in the m23 SF file release system. fix: uploadHtml: Now really extracts the HTML files ;-) cha: uploadHtml: Added status information. new: User manual and devguide in version 0.5.5. cha: Updated sf-upload to 3.06. +++++ 2007-03-25 new: uploadHtml: Compresses and uploads a html directory to SF. cha: control file of m23-mdk-client and m23-mdk-server are using "Conflicts" and "Provides" directives now to remove the old packages. cha: Updated m23image.tb2 and removed user pmiller. cha: fix-permissions: Removed permission changing of m23 MySQL directory. fix: menuServerISO: Transfer now uses the correct path for the osimage. cha: Removed unneeded files from /m23/bin. cha: kh2p: Now uses khtml2png2. new: dodgerFilesGetFileList: Get all m23 files and directories are owned by the user dodger and stores the result in the file /tmp/dodgerFiles.lst. new: dodgerFilesChangeUser: Change user of all files and adirectories stored in /tmp/dodgerFiles.lst. cha: mkm23Deb: Now uses dodgerFilesChangeUser and dodgerFilesGetFileList to change the "working user" of the m23 files forth and back. +++++ 2007-03-21 cha: mkStaticKnoppix: dpkg-buildpackage now uses fakeroot. So normal users can build the packages. new: kudzu: Made a new patched version of kudzu based on the old patched kudzu and the kudzu-knoppix. fix: hwsetup: Recompiled with the new patched kudzu. cha: Package m23-mdk-bootcd is now m23-mdk-server and control file contains "Replaces" directive. cha: Package m23-mdk-bootimage is now m23-mdk-client and control file contains "Replaces" directive. new: Package m23-mdk-client-server: Contains common client and server parts. +++++ 2007-03-20 cha: createRFSISO: Enhancing mkisofs command: Long filenames, Rock Ridge, producer, CD name etc. cha: configureNetwork: Removed debug code. cha: chrootSystem: Now creates /var/run/screen/S-root too. cha: createServerInstallISO: Removed copying of the translation files. cha: getDrives: Changing code for getting harddisk size with parted because the parted output changed. cha: createRFSDevs: Now creates symlink for using loadkeymap. cha: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: Now uses my kudzu-patched-dev instead of kudzu-knoppix-dev. cha: kudzu-patched: Recompiled package on Sarge. Now it should work on Etch and Sarge. cha: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: Now uses locally stored kudzu-knoppix-* packages. cha: isolinux.cfg: Server now uses the same isolinux.cfg than the client. +++++ 2007-03-19 cha: makeusrm23, mkusrm23.sh: Removed. Functionality is now in mkusrm23. cha: menuBootCD.hlp: Updated. cha: mkm23Deb: Now uses exportDBInitTable for serverFunctions.inc. cha: menuServerISO: Removed exportDB. Is not needed any more because the DB initalisation is done in the Debian package. cha: exportDBInitTable: Added status messages. cha: exportDBInitTable: Removed creation of m23MySQL-Init.sh. cha: burnServerISO: Removed. Extended funtionality (e.g. selection of the CD recorder) is now in burnClientOrServerISO. cha: findClientOrServerISO: finds the current client or server ISO and prints the full path to the ISO or an error message. cha: m23install.sh: Does not include m23InstallerConfigure.inc any more. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now contains extractFile, extractBaseFiles, configureMySQLmycnf, configureNetwork that were removed from m23InstallerConfigure.inc +++++ 2007-03-14 cha: menuBootCD renamed to menuServerISO cha: menuStart: adjusted cha: menuServerISO: Now uses menuVars cha: Removed mk-m23.bz2.sh, makem23.tb2 cha: Moved functionality of makem23image.tb2 to createOSImage and added menuVars support. cha: createRFSISO: Boot CD iso prefix is now variable. cha: Moved functionality of makeCD.sh to createServerInstallISO and added menuVars support. new: createServerInstallISO: Creates the ISO image for burnung the m23 server installation CD. cha: menuServerISO: Switched menu logic from if-then to case. cha: Moved functionality of exportDBInitTable.sh to exportDBInitTable and added menuVars support. cha: Removed menuKernelBuilder.sh because functionality is in menuKernelBuilder. new: burnClientOrServerISO: burns the server installation CD or the client boot CD. +++++ 2007-03-13 cha: createRFSBins: Now copies libnss_compat.so.2 too: This is needed for authentification in dropbrear. cha: checkdisklabel: Now uses find instead of fsize. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Including dm-tools from Dodger-Tools. cha: wait4go/make.sh: Now builds i386 and amd64 versions and puts them into the compiled directories. fix: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Removed "-r0" from the ext3 formating command. fix: md5sum: Removed BusyBox version because it calculates wrong values. new: uploadClientPackagesToSF: uploads new and changed clients packages to SF cha: deleted uploadNew: Replaced by uploadClientPackagesToSF. cha: menuDeb: Now uses uploadClientPackagesToSF. +++++ 2007-03-12 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now uses MSR_getm23clientIDCMD to include /m23clientID to the client's request. (Thx dermartn) new: makePackages: creates the Debian package index (Packages, Packages.gz, Packages.bz2) cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now copies the files form completeExtracted too. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Extracts packages from the local repository too. cha: makePackages: Now scans for packages in all architectures. new: localArchAptSource: downloads and extracts the source of the Debian packages +++++ 2007-03-11 cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Now includes functionality of mkstaticdeb. cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Build all packages with architecture "all" and static (if possible). new: mkStaticKnoppix: builds a static Knoppix Debian package new: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: prepares the building of Knoppix packages e.g. makes a local sources.list and downloads the kudzu development files. +++++ 2007-03-08 cha: m23extradeb: Now builds 32 and 64 bit debs new: buildm23hwscanner32: build the 32bit m23hwscanner statically and dynamically new: buildm23hwscanner64: build the 64bit m23hwscanner statically and dynamically new: preparem23hwscanner64Build: downloads needed amd64 libraries, sets the cross compiler flag or installs the cross compiler new: localArchAptUpdate: updates the package info database for a locally stored sources.list and a given architecture new: localArchAptDownload: downloads Debian packages with dependencies for the currently selected architecture fix: clientInstall.php: Added user to group plugdev to enable auto mouning of usb devices. (Thx MartinUni) +++++ 2007-03-07 fix: m23hwscanner.c: Fixed compile error. cha: CIR_waitForNextJob: Now uses SSL. cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools, CIR_waitForNextJob: Removed fsize. cha: createRFSDevs: Now has cache function to store device nodes in a tar.gz file. cha: createRFSBins: Now uses createRFScopyLib. new: createRFScopyLib: copies a single library (with full name e.g. libnss_dns.so.2) to the RFS cha: bootimage: ping is now native to copy libnss-dns.so* automatically. cha: dhclient-script: Removed "inet" from ifconfig calls. cha: screen: Patched 4.0.3 to make it run without utmp. +++++ 2007-03-01 cha: isolinux.cfg: Now has timeout. This means the boot CD starts automatically after 5 seconds. cha: menuKernelBuilder.sh now is in function menuKernelBuilder cha: listKernelVersions: Better sorting of kernel versions cha: downloadExtractRootFiles: Now uses local cache directory. cha: downloadExtractRootFiles: Switched from Sid to Etch. new: compileBusyBox: compiles BusyBox for the selected architecture and copies the binary and links to the compiled directory new: checkForx86_64Toolchain: checks if the toolchain for cross compiling to x86_64 is installed new: Cross compiler and toolchain for creating x86_64 code on i386 machines. This will be used in the new MDK to generate 64Bit Linux kernels, BusyBox, etc. new: Debian package for the cross compiler and toolchain new: menuVarDel: removes a global variable from /tmp/menuVars. new: createRFSFinishInitrd: Umounts the initrd image, configures the kernel file and compresses initrd. These steps are needed to build the bootimages. new: createRFSImage: Creates an empty image file for the root filesystem new: createRFSCopyKernelNModules: copies the kernel and modules to the root filesystem new: createRFSEtherboot: creates the Etherboot bootimage from the root filesystem new: createRFSPXE: creates the PXE bootimage from the root filesystem new: createRFSISO: creates a bootable ISO from the root filesystem +++++ 2007-01-30 fix: menuOldConfig: corrected additional newline. new: getKernelArch: shows the current Kernel format (i386 or ia64) new: getKernelStoreDirWithArch: shows the directory where the architecture dependend kernel should be stored new: getModulesStoreDirWithArch:shows the directory where the architecture dependend kernel modules should be stored new: createRootFSBins: copies all listed executables with their libraries (and in addition their links) to the root filesystem new: makeLinks: makes one or more links to an existing file new: createRootFSDevs: creates generic device nodes in the root filesystem new: createRootFSBinLinks: creates links to multicall binaries +++++ 2007-01-25 new: Added packages dmtools and mencoder-easy to the SF pool. fix: expertPartition: Now sets correct variables to support custom partitioning. Thx marian. cha: Updated menuDebs.hlp. new: menuDeb: Now supports direct uploads of packages. patch: Little network calculating fix and user edited configuration files are not overwritten by updates packages any more. cha: m23-ldap: Added conffiles. Thx marian. +++++ 2007-01-23 cha: checks.php: Code enhancment. fix: CLCFG_interfaces: Now uses correct functions CLIENT_getSubnet and CLIENT_getBroadcast for calculating network and broadcast. Thx Obergandhi and n0ll4k. +++++ 2006-12-20 new: archFunctions.inc: Functions for building the bootimage for different architectures new: getBuildArch: shows the current build architecture for m23 kernel, bootimage, busybox new: getDebianArch: shows the current Debian format (i386 or amd64) new: menuSelectArch: Shows a menu for selecting the current build architecture new: downloadExtractRootFiles: Downloads basic packages of a choosen architecture and extracts the contents. new: menuVarAdd: Sets global variables and values stored in /tmp/menuVars. cha: menuKernelBuilder.sh: +++++ 2006-11-28 new: My upload scripts are now under /mdk/m23helper/uploadEngine. patch: Better packages with new sources lists for Ubuntu Edgy, Dapper and Feisty. new: exportDBsourceslist: Exports the sources lists. cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now uses exportDBsourceslist. +++++ 2006-11-27 patch: Support for Ubuntu Dapper and Edgy and enhanced support for Gnome. +++++ 2006-11-25 cha: m23gnome2Install: Now sets the m23 background. +++++ 2006-11-24 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now links to libparted-1.7.so.1 in addition. cha: m23gnome2Install: Now installs language pack. +++++ 2006-11-23 cha: m23 website update. new: changeDepArch.sh: Script for changing the architecture of a Debian package. +++++ 2006-11-21 fix: m23hwscanner: Increased variables for storing boot and root devices. No deleting of the root device any more. Now boot and root devices with 10 and more characters are possible. cha: install_packages.php: Now does all package jobs at once (tries to start the jobs via SSH). cha: mkDeb: Command line parameters are stored in named variables. cha: mkstaticdeb, mkDeb: Added comments, now can choose a different acritecture and store directory for the resulting Debian package files. cha: mkextradebs: Now makes fake amd64 packages in a different directory. +++++ 2006-11-20 patch: Support for Ubuntu Edgy and Ubuntu Dapper. cha: mkDeb: Now can edit control to change the architecture of the package. cha: mkextradeb: Now builds amd64 and i386 packages of m23-hwscanner-ubuntu, m23-hwscanner and m23-initscripts. cha: m23-initscripts: Now patches xorg.conf on Ubuntu 6.06 too. Thx Soeldi cha: m23-initscripts, m23-hwscanner-ubuntu, m23-hwscanner: Changed architecture of the deb to any. The should be nstallable on amd64 too. Thx tradehaven. +++++ 2006-11-17 patch: Support for new Ubuntu versions. +++++ 2006-11-16 fix: PKG_searchFor, PKG_downloadPool, PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now are working with packages sources that contain spaces and other special characters in their names. Thx Bjoern, marian and tradehaven for their hints. new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu: Updates the debootstrap scripts for Ubuntu and returns the www path to the files new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScripts: Updates the debootstrap scripts for Debian or Ubuntu and returns the www path to the files cha: debootstrap: Updated Ubuntu version of debootstrap. cha: ubuntu/ clientInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu. +++++ 2006-11-14 patch: Litte fix in the phpMyAdmin config file. patch: Minimal changes on the m23-mdk-bootimage. Only needed if you want to build your own bootimages. fix: m23-mdk-bootimage: Now adds needed directories. Thx Bjoern, n0ll4k for the hint. cha: excludem23-mdk-bootcddeb: Added Packages.* to avoid recreation of the package every time. +++++ 2006-11-10 patch: Another LDAP fix and support for Ubuntu 6.10. fix: m23-ldap: Sometimes the m23-LDAP entry wasn't added in the m23 interface. cha: m23-ldap: I was reported that the phpldapadmin/config.php can contain \' instead of '. This will lead to a nonfunctional m23 interface. I couldn't reproduce this behaviour, but I've added correction code to convert \' to '. So the config.php should be ok now. Thx Bjoern. +++++ 2006-11-09 cha: m23-initscripts: In Ubuntu 6.10 it is needed to remove a line from xorg.conf to start X properly. The new initscripts will detect this Ubuntu release and adjust xorg.conf. Thx Soldi. +++++ 2006-11-08 patch: Fixes problems with LDAP and DHCP. fix: m23-ldap: Package now configures needed settings for LDAP and phpLDAPadmin. The LDAP server should run out-of-the-box now. +++++ 2006-10-30 cha: DHCP_addClient: Now adds new entries at the top of the dhcpd.conf. This makes it possible to use the dhcp server on the m23 server for giving out IPs for clients in a range. Thx MisterA. new: DHCP_restartDHCPserver: Restarts the DHCP server. Fix: DHCP_rmClient, DHCP_addClient: Now are using DHCP_restartDHCPserver. This propagates status changes in dhcpd.conf on every call. Thx MisterA for the hint. fix: CLIENT_deleteClient: Now the PXE entry of clients that never got installed will be removed on removing the client. Thx MisterA for the hint. +++++ 2006-10-04 cha: m23 page: New icons for Debian, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, m23 and m23-update. cha: m23 page: Disabled borders on images. new: m23 page: Installation guide in German and English. new: m23 page: Scripts for short links to downloads and news articles. patch: Introduces software RAIDs. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Upload now uses rsync. +++++ 2006-09-30 cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Added detection for RAIDs. cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Added code that tries 10 times to install the gnome packages, because I had sometimes problems installing it. +++++ 2006-09-29 fix: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now doesn't delete existing tables any more. fix: excludem23deb: Now allows phpMyAdmin.png. cha: UPDATE_running(): Now checks against the running screen session. +++++ 2006-09-26 fix: makeCD.sh: Now uses getRamDiskSize to get the correct size of the ram disk. new: manual: Better screenshot input data. new: manual: German version updated und uploaded. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added add_RAID. cha: client_partition.php: Better support for making screenshots. +++++ 2006-09-23 new: Added help text for RAIDs in german and english. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Corrected symlink to m23fetchjob. cha: m23hwscanner: Now has support for detecting RAID systems. fix: m23hwscanner: Now detects all initrd.imgs cha: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: Now works even if dev_amount isn't set. cha: client_partition.php: Now calculates and stores the device to install the MBR of the bootloader in in an extra option. new: CLCFG_getMbrPart: Returns the device to install the MBR of the bootloader in. cha: POOL_makeRepository, POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Now works if the CD/DVD mount point is a symlink. cha: FDISK_getAfterPartition: Now rounds up the percentage value. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now doesn't use FDISK_getAfterLastPartition any more. cha: HWINFO_printPartitions: Now shows partition table too. +++++ 2006-09-04 new: FDISK_raidJob: Generates a job to create a RAID on given drives/partitions. new: FDISK_addRaidJobs: Generates jobs to create all RAIDs. new: FDISK_buildRaidDialog: Shows a dialog for creating RAIDs of different types and assign real drives or partitions. cha: FDISK_listPartJobs: Now lists RAID jobs. cha: FDISK_listPartitions: Now lists only partitions that aren't used for a RAID or that lay on a drive that isn't used for a RAID as a whole. cha: FDISK_addDrivePartitionToRaid: Now locks drives that are used for a RAID as a whole or partitions that are used in a RAID. cha: FDISK_listPartitions: Now lists RAID devices too. cha: FDISK_formatPart: Now "formats" the fake RAID partition to adjust param. cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now lists all partitions that can be used for installation or swapping. cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now lists only partitions that aren't used for a RAID or that lay on a drive that isn't used for a RAID as a whole. cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog: Removed unneeded parameter vDev. fix: client_partition.php: Now shows a heading for "delete partition" step. new: FDISK_addFstab: Adds a new entry to the fstab that is stored in the param array. new: FDISK_listFstab: Generates a HTML table with all defined mountpoints. cha: HTML_showEditLine, HTML_showSubmitButton: Removed new: HTML_input: HTML text or password edit line. new: FDISK_fstabAddDialog: Dialog for adding fstab entries. +++++ 2006-09-03 cha: uasort_cmpMakeFirst: removed new: array_makeFirst: replaces uasort_cmpMakeFirst. new: FDISK_getDrivePartitionSize: Calculates the size of a drive or partition. new: FDISK_listRaidTable: Get informations about the assigned real drives/partitions of a RAID. +++++ 2006-09-02 cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions, FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions: New parameter pathFilter: Set this to another value than false if you want only devices with a given string in it. If you add an "!" the beginning all is given out that doesn't contains the filter string (without the "!"). fix: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: Now can search for partition number 2 (and higher). new: FDISK_addDrivePartitionToRaid: Adds a drive or partition to a RAID. +++++ 2006-09-01 cha: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: Now works with multi devices too. new: FDISK_virtualAddDrive: Adds a new drive to the param array. cha: uasort_cmpMakeFirst: Now sorts the other elements. +++++ 2006-08-26 cha: client_partition.php: Introduced some constants for the extended partition steps. cha: client_partition.php: Code beautifying. new: client_partition.php: Added selections for choosing extended partitioning with RAID and/or LVM. new: HTML_submit: Shows a submit button. new: uasort_cmpMakeFirst: Special sort function that makes a special element the first element and leaves the other elements in its previous order. new: HTML_selection: Shows a list of radio buttons or a selection. cha: client_partition.php: Now uses HTML_selection. cha: FDISK_listPartTable: Now includes HTML table code and table headings. new: FDISK_addNewPartitionDialog: Shows a dialog for adding partitions. +++++ 2006-08-24 new: RAID_create: Creates a RAID of different drives or partitions. new: LVM_init: Scans for existing volume groups and activated all found volumes. new: LVM_createVolumeGroup: Creates a volume group. With multiple calls you can join multiple devices or partitions to. new: LVM_createLogicalVolume: Creates a logical volume. This logical volume can be used like a normal partition. +++++ 2006-08-21 cha: menuDeb: Now creates the update infor files. cha: menuStart: Commented out "update" entry. cha: makeCD.sh: Now adjusts the size of the ramdisk in isolinux.cfg with the value of kernelRamDisk.inc. +++++ 2006-08-14 patch: Some changes, fixes and preparations for the m23 Debian packages. cha: m23patch: Changed code to work with the new m23 Debian packages. cha: menuBootCD: Commented out making tar bz2 archives for m23 and mdk. +++++ 2006-08-03 cha: m23 package: Added warning if there is no static ip. cha: mkCert.sh: Uses hostname for the certificate if no static ip is found. fix: chrootSystem: Now copys m23hwscanner. fix: chrootSystem: Now uses correct parameter for m23hwscanner. +++++ 2006-08-01 cha: chrootSystem: genFstab -> m23hwscanner cha: htaccess.php: now uses htpasswd for deleting admins. +++++ 2006-07-31 cha: bootCD: Updated parted + libraries. cha: getDrives: Added SATA detection. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Removed functions that are replaced by the postints of the packages. cha: bootCD: Replaced BusyBox's tr command with the native version because of segmentation faults. +++++ 2006-07-30 cha: bootCD: Updated the tools nd libraries to the same versions as included in the bootimage. +++++ 2006-07-26 patch: Updates to a full featured "change client" dialog cha: MSR_decodeMessage: new command type "clientChange" new: PKG_getClientbyPackageID: gets the clientname that owns a selected package ID cha: postMessage.php: now includes "packages.php" new: MSR_clientChangeCommand: sends the ID of a "m23changeClient" job to the server. new: PKG_getInfoFromPackageID: gets a row from "clientjobs" for a given package ID cha: PKG_getClientbyPackageID, PKG_getPackageParams: now are using PKG_getInfoFromPackageID new: PKG_getClientIDbyPackageID: returns the ID of a client that owns a selected package ID cha: CLIENT_changeClient: changes client's DHCP entry and restarts DHCP server, if client is "red" or "yellow" fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now shows correct boottype in "clientChange" mode cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: after a changing a client the dialog isn't shown anymore new: CLIENT_changeClient: a status report is shown after a client has been changed new: MSR_clientChange: executes changes of a "m23changeClient" job on the server. new: de/en/ edit_client.hlp: help files for the "change client" dialog cha: edit_client.php: now shows help fix: de/en/fr/ welcome.hlp: corrected spelling new: icons for client and server new: MSG_showNewFeature: shows the new feature block cha: edit_client.php: now has a forum and uses MSG_showNewFeature +++++ 2006-07-04 fix: mkm23Debs: Fixed path for temporary files. cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now generates SQL statements for deleting sources lists that sould be replaced by newer versions. +++++ 2006-06-23 new: incPatchLevelInVersionPhp: Increments the patch level in the version.php cha: mkm23Debs: Now calls incPatchLevelInVersionPhp. cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Added SATA controler auto probing. +++++ 2006-06-21 new: updatePackages: Updates the Packages(.gz/bz2) new: newPackages: Checks for new and changes packages that should get uploaded. cha: menuDeb: menu now with entries for generating m23 server software packages. +++++ 2006-06-15 new: mkNewPackage: Script for generating templates for new packages from an old package. cha: MDK is now splitted into serveral packages. new: Uncountable changes to the m23 and MDK Debian packages. +++++ 2006-06-13 patch: Fixing installations stucking installations, bootimage updates. Experimental Ubuntu Drapper support. new: CLCFG_aptGet: Executes an APT command with parameters and tries to install/remove as many packages as possible. If the packages could not get installed in a bunch try to install the packges one by one. new: XubuntuDesktopInstall: Installs the minimalistic XFce4 desktop on Ubuntu systems. +++++ 2006-06-10 fix: CLCFG_executeAfterChroot: "cp" from the new BusyBox needs an additional parameter to copy special files. cha: bootimage: Replaced insmod, lsmod, modprobe by its native versions. +++++ 2006-06-05 new: started building Debian packages for m23. +++++ 2006-06-03 new: debootstrap: Adding Ubuntu Drapper Drake script. cha: CLCFG_listUbuntuReleases: Changed distribution to "debian". Ubuntu and Debian should use the same debootstrap scripts. patch: Updates for the bootimage: Kernel, hardware detection, BusyBox and tools. Added partimage. +++++ 2006-06-02 fix: knoppix.functions: downloadSource: changed not working AWK code to PHP. Now the newest source package should be downloaded. new: getNewestFileVersion: Gets the newest file (deb or tar.gz) from a list of files with version informations in the file name. cha: knoppix.functions: downloadSource: Now uses getNewestFileVersion. cha: getKnoppixHwdata, getKnoppixHwsetup, getKnoppixDDCxinfo: Adjusted to operate with getNewestFileVersion. fix: mkBootImage.sh: Corrected paths for copying hwsetup and ddcxinfo. +++++ 2006-06-01 cha: bootimage /bootCD: Updated kernel to 2.6.16-19 new: bootimage: Added partimage new: knoppix.functions: updateIndex: checks if the package index is not older than an hour or updates the index. new: knoppix.functions: downloadSource: downloads the source of KNOPPIX package +++++ 2006-05-29 new: bootimage: Added several TTYs the user can log in. new: bootimage: German keyboard layout loadable. +++++ 2006-05-27 patch: New desktops for Ubuntu and Kubuntu. Upgrade of the pool builder to make it work with different DVDs. Udates of the bootimages. new: KubuntuDesktopInstall: Special Kubuntu desktop installation script that installs KDE desktop with Kubuntu adjustements. cha: bootimage /bootCD : Added USB keyboard support and device mapper with crypto. new: bootimage: Added dmtools. +++++ 2006-05-25 cha: bootimage: Changing init to native version (BusyBox isn't used any more). cha: bootimage: inittab: changed to new init style. cha: Debian/ Ubuntu: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: removed obsolete packages. new: CLCFG_getDebianReleasesGeneric: Generates an array of the different releases (e.g. sarge, sid, woody, potato) of a distribution. cha: CLCFG_listDebianReleasesGeneric: Now uses HTML_listSelection and CLCFG_getDebianReleasesGeneric. cha: POOL_makeRepository: Now creates symbolic links from the data directory of the pool to all know release names. This establishes compatibility between the DVD/CD and debootstrap. +++++ 2006-05-23 fix: bootimage: Updating the tools in the bootimage to solve the problem of wrongly detected partitions. Partitions formated with ext3 were seen by parted and other tools as linux-swap. +++++ 2006-05-21 new: UbuntuDesktopInstall: Special desktop installation script for Ubuntu systems. +++++ 2006-05-20 cha: POOL_showLoadDeleteCreate: Now deletes the copy skript on showing the pool builder start page. This should fix the lock problem with copying CDs/DVDs. cha: m23KDEInstall: Now with autodetection of package names. cha: apt-get install: Added --force-yes to all "apt-get install" calls to make them work with packages that can't get authentificated +++++ 2006-05-10 patch: Now Ubuntu CDs can be used with the poolbuilder. fix: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: Now shows correct mount devices. cha: POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Now guesses release name of Ubuntu CDs. +++++ 2006-03-28 patch: Ubuntu installs reenabled and first SVN files. cha: exclude*: Removed /m23/data+scripts/distr/debian/debootstrap from exclusion. fix: deboostrap: Now reenables Ubuntu installs. new: Added SubVersion files to the directories. +++++ 2006-02-08 patch: Automatic image storage directory creation. fix: IMG_getAllImages: Now creates the image storage directory if it doesn't exist. (thx Stephan) +++++ 2006-01-24 patch: Makes client bootimage bootable again. fix: bootimage: now boots again. +++++ 2006-01-04 patch: KDM keyboard fix. fix: m23KDE3Install: Fixes the sporadically appearing error of non-working keyboards in KDM. (thx Stefan) +++++ 2006-01-02 new: Created final m23 0.5 halfBaked ISO fix: mkRescue.sh: the return code of the wrong command line was used to detect if the initrd was created correctly. +++++ 2006-01-01 patch: WOL fix fix: CLIENT_wol: now calls the existing tool etherwake. (thy milman) patch: Syncronised with 0.5.0 final. New welcome page. cha: menu.php: entry for bug reports now points to the question FAQ cha: en/de/fr welcome.hlp: Updated +++++ 2005-12-20 patch: Fixes background installation of packages on clients being "online". Few fixes and changes. fix: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now copies /root/.ssh/ id_dsa.pub over /m23/data+scripts/ packages/baseSys/ authorized_keys to allways distribute the current SSH key. +++++ 2005-12-13 cha: configureNetwork: Now sets hostname via "hostname". cha: configureSquid: Gets hostname from /etc/hostname. fix: installI18N.de/en: Now shows correct drive while swap and boot partition creation. fix: getDrives: Fixed harddisk size detection problem due to a new version of parted. patch: Fixes the installer. Complete onlien help in english, french and german. fix: getDrives: Removed debug code that preselects /dev/sda as installation drive. (thx milman) fix: Fixed a few HTML errors in the online help cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: Now displays errors directly and stops if errors occurres. cha: bootCD/ README: Updated cha: version.php: Now is halfBaked-RC2 +++++ 2005-12-12 cha: en/de/fr manual.tex: Added hyperrefs. You can jump to a special page by clicking on the chapter title in contents. new: checkTex.sh: Simple checker for the generated LaTeX files. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Added entry for checkTex.sh. +++++ 2005-12-06 patch: This brings your m23 server to the 0.5 halfBaked RC1. Lots of fixes, complete online help (french too), tool updates (e.g. khtml2png, phpMyAdmin). new: Complete french online help (thx Maren) cha: makeCD.sh: Now copies language files to the iso directory cha: configureSquid: Now comments out existing "visible_hostname" settings new: EDIT_countMatches: Generates BASH code that counts how many times the search string can be found in the file. This can be used in ` `. cha: EDIT_replace: Adjustments for AWK. new: delValuesFromArray: deletes all entries in the array $arr with values stored in the array $delVals. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: New parameter runInScreen: Set to true if the execution should be done in "screen". False executes it under the normal BASH. new: BACKUP_getAdmins: Stores informations about known administrators in the BackupPC configuration file in variables. new: BACKUP_addAdmin: Adds an admin to the config.pl configuration file of BackupPC. new: BACKUP_delAdmin: Deletes an admin from the config.pl configuration file of BackupPC. cha: htaccess.php: Now uses BACKUP_addAdmin and BACKUP_delAdmin. +++++ 2005-12-04 cha: EDIT_insertAfterLineNumber, EDIT_insertAtLineNumber, EDIT_insertLineNumber: New parameter addIfNotExists: set to true, if the the line should be added only if the line doesn't exist. false, if the line should be added on every execution. fix: LDAP_installServer: Installation should work now. Password is now encrypted by debconf. fix: LDAP_addPosix: Set familyname to "-" if it's empty. cha: fix-permissions: Add /m23/doc and /m23/bin to fix. cha: menuTranslator: Now filters out backup files from upload. cha: installI18N.de: Now is up to date. cha: mkRescue.sh: Now removes backup files before compressing. +++++ 2005-12-01 cha: enable-ssl: Added command line parameter that disables installation of the SSL package +++++ 2005-11-30 new: New server installer mostly finished cha: bootCD: updated parted to 1.6.25 cha: bootCD: updated Linux to cha: m23install.sh: Now makes suggestions for netmask, network, broadcast and DNS partly calculated by ipcalc +++++ 2005-11-29 cha: makem23image.tb2: Image file is now called m23image.tb2 cha: makem23image.tb2: Now exclude MySQL DB directory /var/lib/mysql +++++ 2005-11-24 cha: DHCP_setBootimage: Symlink is made in /m23/tftp and doesn't contain full path now. This is needed by tftpd-hpa. cha: dhcpd.conf: "root-path" has to be "/" now. This is needed by tftpd-hpa. +++++ 2005-11-23 cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now compresses SQL dumps with bzip2 fix: makeusrm23: Changed path from debimg to debian cha: mkIndex: Now sorts the output file list and makes entries unique cha: exchanged atftpd with tftpd-hpa new: createMissingDirsCommands: Generate commands to create directories that are missing in the file list +++++ 2005-11-22 cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now uses user and password from /etc/mysql/debian.cnf cha: menuBootCD: Added entry for exportDBInitTable.sh new: sarge-install.sh: Installer for Sarge new: m23InstallerConfigure.inc: Configure functions for the new m23 installer +++++ 2005-11-20 cha: md5Check: mkIndex: Now can create a file list. cha: mk-m23.bz2.sh: Now uses file list function of md5Check. fix: exclude0, exclude4Update: fixed regular expressions +++++ 2005-11-18 cha: de/en/fr: Adjusted manual.tex new: checkMissingLatexHelp.sh: Searches for missing LaTeX files in the manual.tex files. fix: CAPTURE_load: Now merges current $_GET and stored GET cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Last adjustments cha: menuManualStart.sh: Added entry for checkMissingLatexHelp.sh. new: CAPTURE_showMarker: Shows a new column with a marker that is used for autodetecting the screenshot size by khtml2png. new: CAPTURE_showTableWith: Adds a width element if in captureLoad mode. cha: index.php: Added CAPTURE_showTableWith() to force a minimum width for the main table. +++++ 2005-11-16 patch: Updated khtml2png (and nearby I'm the new maintainer of this project) and help files. Masstools and client change dialog now know NTP, printer detection and time zones. A few minor fixes. cha: version: Switched to 0.5.0 halfBaked-RC1. new: manageImageFiles.hlp: Added cha: client_add.hlp, daemonsAndPrograms.hlp, mi_step3.hlp: Updated fix: MASS_propertyKeys: Removed doubled key "login" +++++ 2005-11-14 new: HELPER_getTimeZones: Searches for all time zones. cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: Now uses HELPER_getTimeZones. cha: MASS_showOverview: Added support for NTP, login name and time zone. cha: massInstall.php: Added support for NTP, login name and time zone. cha: MASS_showOverview: Now sets time zone and NTP to the value from the defined client. +++++ 2005-11-13 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: added support for time zone, NTP and printer detection new: PKG_addNormalJob: Adds a normal package to the installation queue. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now sets the correct status for defined clients. cha: FDISK_defineDrive: Now accepts size values with "GB". cha: MASS_I18NTokey, MASS_keyToI18N: Added new keys. +++++ 2005-11-12 cha: khtml2png: Now can detect the size of the screenshot by the position of a HTML element. cha: kh2p: Now uses the autodetect feature of khtml2png. cha: CAPTURE_showJSScreenshotHint: Removed. Is not needed any more due to new version of khtml2png cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Removed screenshot measurements. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added some additional pages. +++++ 2005-11-09 new: CAPTURE_showJSScreenshotHint: Lets pop up a JavaScript window that contains information about the measurement of the screenshot if capture mode is on. cha: changelog: Now uses the new date format for all entries (thx AWK) cha: MSG_showNewFeature: Now hides the new feature box if the server is in capture or load capture mode. +++++ 2005-11-08 cha: index.php: Added JavaScript code that calculates the with and height of the screenshots. cha: HELP_getHelp: Added JavaScript readable HTML code that stores the top position and topic of the help box. +++++ 2005-11-07 patch: MDK now conatins support for m23/Translator new: menuTranslator: Now can download all articles from m23/Translator in the m23 project page new: menuTranslator: Use "meld" to synchronise downloaded and local articles and get changed files new: menuTranslator: List all files that have been changed and that should uploaded to SF new: menuTranslator: Uploads all changed files ordered by languages and directories +++++ 2005-11-06 patch: Support for Ubuntu Breezy, timezones, printer detection and NTP settings. cha: menuDoc: added entry for translator cha: POOL_create: now shows an error message if the poolname contains spaces. (thx Olaf) +++++ 2005-11-05 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now can use "mkinitramfs" that is used under Ubuntu cha: m23KDE3Install: now works with the variant of Ubuntu Breezy cha: m23xfree864Install: now installs XOrg too +++++ 2005-11-04 cha: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: moved to clientConfigCommon new: m23-hwscanner-ubuntu: package with dynamic linked m23-hwscanner cha: mkextradeb: now makes m23hwscanner-ubuntu package cha: ubuntu/ DISTR_afterChrootInstall: now installs m23hwscanner-ubuntu and creates a link for libparted +++++ 2005-11-03 cha: debian/ubuntu clientInstall: now sets the timezone new: CLCFG_setTimeZone: Sets the timezone of a client. cha: debian/ubuntu clientInstall: now installs NTP package or not cha: CLIENT_addClient: now adds printer detection package or not cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: new parameter country: two letter country name that is used to select a timezone if none is set with $first. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: added logic for NTP, printer and timezone. +++++ 2005-11-02 fix: PKG_addSpecialPackages: now uses POST to get the package parameters cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: Creates a selection with all POSIX timezones. new: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Installs printer drivers and detects local printers. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: added elements for NTP, printer and timezone. +++++ 2005-11-01 patch: Fixes problems with relicts of the old debimg "distribution" cha: changed date format of the changelog ;-) cha: Updated phpMyAdmin to 2.6.4-pl3 fix: clientConfigCommon, clientconfig, clientInstall: removed relicts from the old debimg "distribution" cha: moved needed files from debimg to debian cha: Updated sf-upload to 2.01 new: m23/Translator is now part of the MDK +++++ 2005-10-30 patch: A big patch containing creation and installation of images, new boot images and editor for job management. cha: client_distr.hlp: added hint for imaging new: client_crateImage.hlp: new help file for imaging +++++ 2005-10-29 new: CLCFG_writeMBR: Writes the MBR on a list of drives for a list of partitions to activate. new: CLIENT_isBasesystemInstalledFromImage: Detects if the base system should be installed from an image. cha: DISTR_listDistributions: now can put an empty fake distribution on top of the list. cha: imaging/ m23baseSysInstall: now can install other distributions cha: clientInstall: base system copy routine can no be disabled +++++ 2005-10-28 new: MSR_m23ImagerSize: Sets the size of the decompressed image in its file name. new: IMG_getAllImagesSel: Returns an selection that contains all image names as values and additional informations as shown name. cha: CLCFG_mountRootDir: new parameter $mountPoint cha: clientConfig, client_distr: changed from GET to POST new: IMG_clientRestore: Restores an image file on the client. new: IMG_clientRestoreAll: Restores all images on the client. new: IMG_setFilenameSize: Sets the size of the extracted image in its name. +++++ 2005-10-22 new: IMG_makeExtension: Creates an extension for a given format and compression. new: IMG_getFormatCompressionFromFile: Checks the extension of a filename and writes its format and compression to the parameters. cha: moved LDAP, manage administrators and update from the menu to the server settings page new: IMG_getAllImages: Returns an array with informations about all existing image files. new: IMG_showImageManagement: Shows a dialog with all existing image files with the possibillity to delete them. +++++ 2005-10-21 cha: HELP_getHelp: now can show man pages. new: IMG_getImageFormatSelection: Generates a selection that contains all drives and partitions of a given client. new: IMG_serverCreate: Starts a server programm on the m23 server that stores an image. new: IMG_clientCreate: Creates an image from the client and transfers it to the server. new: IMG_showCreateImage: Shows a dialog for creating an image. +++++ 2005-10-20 new: FDISK_listIDrivesAndPartitions: Generates a selection that contains all drives and partitions of a given client. +++++ 2005-10-19 new: PKG_executeOnClientJobs: Executes a sql statement on all package IDs. cha: PKG_removeFromJobList: now uses PKG_executeOnClientJobs cha: client_waitingjobs.php: is now client_changeJobs.php cha: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: is now CLIENT_showJobs cha: CLIENT_showJobs: shows all jobs and can delete or set them to rerun or done +++++ 2005-10-18 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: now supports LDAP, home on NFS and local logins cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now supports LDAP, home on NFS and local logins cha: m23clientChangeInstall: now sets the nfs home server, enables ldap and local logins +++++ 2005-10-17 new: mdoc.awk, mdoc.sh : replacement for the mdoc C tool cha: makeDoc.sh: now uses mdoc.sh +++++ 2005-10-11 Functions for the subproject m23/Translator new: DB_connect: Connects to the data base. new: DB_query: Executes a SQL query. new: DIFF_showDiff: Shows differences between two articles. new: HTML_listSelection: shows a selection with options stored in an array new: HTML_showTableHeader: prints the header of a shadowed table new: HTML_showTableEnd: prints the end of a shadowed table new: HTML_showFormHeader: Shows the header of a formular new: HTML_showFormEnd: Shows the end of a formular new: I18N_loadLanguage: Reads the I18N keys and their native translations from the language file or the cache in the $_SESSION array. new: LANG_addNew: Checks if a user name/password combination is valid (password is set) or a user name exists (password is empty). new: LANG_getLongName: Returns the long name of a language. new: LANG_getID: Returns the ID of a language for a selected language name or short name. new: LANG_getAll: Returns an array with the language short names as array keys and the corresponding long names as values new: LANG_showAddNew: Shows a dialog to add a new language. new: LOGIN_new: Stores a new user in the DB. new: LOGIN_check: Checks if a user name/password combination is valid (password is set) or a user name exists (password is empty). new: LOGIN_showLogin: Shows a login page, checks user name and password, can jump to the register page and jumps to the page "main" on login success. new: LOGIN_showRegister: Shows a user registration page, checks if both passwords are identically, registers new user names and can jump to the login page after successfull registration. new: LOGIN_logout: Logs out the user new: LOGIN_getUserParams: Returns the value of a parameter for a selected user name. new: LOGIN_getUserID: Returns the user ID for a selected user name. new: LOGIN_checkPermission: Checks if the user has a selected permission. new: LOGIN_showUsers: Shows a list of the user with the possibillity to change permissions and delete users. new: PAGE_showMain: Shows the main page with a subpage in the lower part of the screen. new: PAGE_reloadIndexPHP: Reloads the main page without any GET parameter. new: PAGE_help: Shows a box with a help message. new: implodeAssoc: makes a string from an assiciative array new: explodeAssoc: makes an associative array from a string new: SESS_get: Returns the value of the session identified by the session ID of the client. new: SESS_end: Deletes the session entry for the client ID. new: SESS_load: Returns the session values or starts a new session. new: SESS_save: Saves the session array. new: SESS_start: Starts a new session and returns its ID or returns the ID of the current session. new: SESS_getID: Returns the session ID from cookie, globals, post or get variable. new: SESS_getIDUrl: Returns a string with session ID and variable name that can be used in an URL or as hidden parameter. new: SESS_cleanOld: Deletes session entries older than 2 hours. new: NEXT_finished: Tries to delete setup.php. new: NEXT_addAdmin: Adds an administrator account. new: NEXT_welcome: Jumps to the next page after the welcome screen. new: NEXT_checkConfigAccess: Jumps to the next page after the check for write access on config.php. new: CHECK_config: Checks for write permission on config.php. new: NEXT_dbSetup: Checks the entered values, adds a new database, tables and edits config.php. new: showPage: Shows a page with title, HTML body and next button. If the button is pressed a given function is called. new: jumpPage: Jumps to a given page. new: TRANS_delete: Deletes a file together with all its articles. new: TRANS_createDirectory: Creates a new directory. new: TRANS_getDirectoryID: Returns the ID of a directory. new: TRANS_touchFile: Creates an empty file in a directory. new: TRANS_getFileID: Returns the ID of a directory. new: TRANS_addTranslation: Adds a new original article new: TRANS_addOriginal: Adds a new original article new: TRANS_showOverview: Shows an overview over all translations with action links. new: TRANS_showArticleActions: Shows links with possible actions for a selected file in a selected directory. new: TRANS_viewArticle: Shows an article viewer. new: TRANS_editArticle: Shows an article editor/translator. new: TRANS_getOriginals: Returns informations about original articles for a given file. new: TRANS_getOldTranslations: Returns an array with tIDs and times of old articles by a given fID and lID. new: TRANS_getArticleInformation: Returns informations about the article. new: TRANS_getNewestTID: Returns the tID of the newest translation of a file for a given language. new: TRANS_getNewestOriginal: Returns the tID of the newest article matching the file and language ID of the selected translation. new: TRANS_getFileName: Returns the file name of a file ID. new: TRANS_editOriginal: Shows an editor for editing an original article. new: RANS_showEditor: Shows a translation viewer or translator. fix: DMI_getParam: now works with dmidecode 2.7 +++++ 2005-09-21 patch: Several fixes that may correct boot problems on some clients. New french help texts. fix: should fix access problems with config.php cha: HTML_showTableEnd, HTML_showTableHeader: new parameter fix: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: corrected function call of CLCFG_language (has only two parameters) cha: CLCFG_language: now uses I18N_getLangVars cha: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: Downloads debootstrap if it isn't installed in the mer directory fix: m23-initscripts: now doesn't deletes /etc/environment anymore (thx irgendwer) fix: bootimage: new version of dmidecode that runs on new hardware (thx TeeSee) fix: bootimage: there seem to be false bootimages on some servers (thx Alf, irgendwer) new: fr/help: french help texts for the pool builder, LDAP settings, client assimilation, edit client, client backup (thx Maren) +++++ 2005-09-16 new: WIKIBOT_connect: Connects the m23wikibot to the wiki server. new: WIKIBOT_post: Posts an article to a wiki page. new: WIKIBOT_postHelpFile: Posts a file in a selected language to the wiki and adds links to the wiki pages in other languages. new: WIKIBOT_fetch: Returns the article of a wiki page. new: WIKIBOT_getWikiLink: Returns a wiki link. new: WIKIBOT_getAllHelpFiles: Returns an array with all help file names. new: WIKIBOT_getOverviewPage: Returns an overview page that conatins all wiki links to help pages in all supported languages. new: WIKIBOT_uploadAllHelpFiles: Uploads all help files and generates an overview page. patch: Big fix + english help for the pool builder (thx to Patrick Jäger). new: help files for the pool builder new: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Checks if there are help files missing in some language fix: add_client: now calls LDAP_checkphpLdapAdminConfiguration to make sure the needed config file exists. (thx Alf) cha: moved outdated br and it help files to /mdk/outdated/help and i18n files to /mdk/outdated/i18n/ +++++ 2005-09-13 fix: HELP_getHelp: now interprets I18N variables with index fix: POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: now gets the correct codename of the ditribution +++++ 2005-09-12 new: POOL_showSourcesList: Shows the sources list of a selected package source. new: POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Reads the distribution and the release name from a mounted CD and writes these information to the variables. new: POOL_makeRepository: Generates a package source from packages stored in one directory. new: POOL_prepare: Generates the needed configuration file for reprepro. new: PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages: Returns the list of base packages that are downloaded by debootstrap for a special release. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: added checkbox for downloading base packages cha: PKG_downloadPool: changed parameters +++++ 2005-09-11 cha: POOL_createSimplePackageIndex: removed fix: SRCLST_showEditor: now loads the correct package list cha: PKG_downloadPool: now uses --force-yes cha: POOL_create: now checks if the pool directory exists cha: menuUpdate: now makes backups of old index files patch: Adds client assimilation functionality. new: combinePatches: script for merging patches to one new fix: some scripts had MAC line feeds, converted them back to Linux format fix: makeTar: added missing ! cha: de/en/ client_assimilate.hlp: added hint for Ubuntu +++++ 2005-09-10 cha: client_assimilate: added MSG_showNewFeature new: /m23/bin/plink: script for automatic SSH connections fix: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: now uses /m23/bin/plink +++++ 2005-09-09 new: de/en/ client_assimilate.hlp: help files for the assimilation dialog cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: now detects Ubuntu cha: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: changes parameters fix: CIR_waitForNextJob: now the loop is quitted correctly after the job has been fetched +++++ 2005-09-07 new: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: Connects to a client over the Putty SSH client and executes a command new: ASSI_addClient: Adds needed data for assimilating a client. new: ASSI_showClientAddDialog: Shows a dialog for adding a client to assimilate. cha: CLIENT_setLastmodify: new extra parameter "client" cha: CIR_writeClientID: now tries to remove /m23clientID before writing cha: m23Presetup: new extra parameter to disable SCSI and dropbear cha: MSR_getClientSettings: is now MSR_getClientSettingsCommand and has no parameters cha: CLIENT_addClient: new pararameter clientAddType cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog, MASS_startInstall: changed due to CLIENT_addClient cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: extra parameter rootPath +++++ 2005-09-03 new: SRCLST_cleanList: Returns an array with all lines of the sources list that contain Debian sources new: SRCLST_matchList: Returns the name of the sources list that matches the searched sources list contents for the distribution or false new: MSR_getClientSettings: Generates a script to gather network, release, distribution, login, LDAP and kernel informations for client import on the client new: LDAP_matchLDAPserver: Searches for the name of a LDAP server and returns the name of the found server or false new: CLIENT_setAllParams: Sets all parameters in the columns of a client new: MSR_clientSettings: Imports the clients settings +++++ 2005-09-02 new: SRCLST_getListnames: Returns an array that contains all sourceslist names new: icon for client assimilation patch: Adds backup support with BackupPC new: BACKUP_showClientSettings: Shows the dialog for starting and configuring BackupPC for a special client new: BACKUP_getBackupDirs: Returns the comma seperated list of directories that should be backupped on the client cha: EDIT_addIfNotExists: now doesn't use AWK any more (problems with ') new: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Saves the list of backup diretories oo the client in the BackupPC file fix: HELP_getHelp: now replaces I18N keys correctly if they contain parts of other keys new: en/de client_backup.hlp: new help for backup +++++ 2005-09-01 new: icons for backup new: addToHosts.php: adds all clients with IP address to /etc/hosts and /etc/backuppc/hosts cha: client_details: added backup icon +++++ 2005-08-31 new: EDIT_addIfNotExists: Adds a new line if the search pattern cannot be found. new: EDIT_deleteMatching: Deletes all lines matching the regular expression new: SERVER_addLineToFile: Adds (if the search pattern can't be found) a line to a file on the server new: SERVER_delLineFromFile: Deletes lines from the file that match the search pattern new: SERVER_addEtcHosts: Adds a host to /etc/hosts and /etc/backuppc/hosts (if it doesn't exists allready) new: SERVER_delEtcHosts: Deletes a host entry from /etc/hosts and /etc/backuppc/hosts cha: CLIENT_addClient: now uses SERVER_addEtcHosts cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: now uses SERVER_delEtcHosts +++++ 2005-08-30 patch: Added module aic79xx in SCSI detection. cha: en/de mi_step2: added new LDAP specific parts cha: CIR_detectSCSI: added aic79xx module +++++ 2005-08-29 patch: Some improvements in massinstall. fix: FDISK_autoPart: added missing parameter in the call of FDISK_addJob cha: FDISK_autoPart: if the swap size is smaller than 256MB set it to 256MB +++++ 2005-08-28 fix: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: now deletes old jobs from the destination client fix: MASS_startInstall: the client is added to the groups only if adding the client fix: MASS_showTableDefinition: corrected amount of shown rows cha: MASS_getAllFromFile: now removes white spaces from the begin and end of the read strings patch: Adds missing tables fix: DB: added missing tables cha: menuUpdate: now has a security check to prevent unintentional updates of the index +++++ 2005-08-27 patch: New experimental functions for combining LDAP and home on NFS with mass installation. new: LDAP_getNextID: Returns the next higher than the highest ID new: LDAP_getNextUserID: Returns the next higher than the highest user ID new: LDAP_addNewID: Adds a new ID to the table of used IDs or returns "false" if the ID exists new: LDAP_deleteID: Delets an ID from the table of used IDs new: LDAP_addNewUserID: Adds a new user ID to the table new: LDAP_addNewGroupID: Adds a new user ID to the table new: LDAP_getNextGroupID: Returns the next higher than the highest group ID cha: LDAP_addPosix: now uses LDAP_addNewUserID and LDAP_addNewGroupID cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now uses LDAP_getNextGroupID and LDAP_getNextUserID cha: MASS_showGeneratorOptions: added group and user ID generation cha: MASS_saveGeneratorOptions: now saves group and user ID generation settings new: MASS_loginGenerator: generates the selected amount of logins cha: HTML_listSelection: now shows the label if there is selected a value new: LDAP_getFreeIDs: Returns an array with free IDs of the selected type. new: LDAP_getFreeUserIDs: Returns an array with free user IDs of the selected type. new: LDAP_getFreeGroupIDs: Returns an array with free group IDs of the selected type. cha: MASS_startInstall: now supports LDAP and home on NFS. +++++ 2005-08-26 new: LDAP_I18NLdapType: Returns the human readable description of the LDAP usage type cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: added define settings for LDAP and NFS cha: MASS_propertyKeys: added keys for LDAP and NFS cha: MASS_keyToI18N: added translations for LDAP and NFS +++++ 2005-08-25 patch: You can choose the writing speed for the client boot CDs now. cha: makeBootCD: the user can now select the speed for burning the client boot CDs (thx MikeschTheCat) cha: burn/ burnCD.sh: changes for speed selection cha: en/de/ makeBootCD: adjusted fix: menuUpdate: now sf-upload uses .bz2 as upload file type cha: menuUpdate: added error message if there was a problem during the upload to SF patch: New SF server side update mechanism cha: menuUpdate: now stores size of the tb2 in .size cha: m23patch: now reads file size from .size new: now include sf-upload 1.18 cha: menuUpdate: now uses sf-upload to upload the tb2 +++++ 2005-08-19 cha: Patch files are now on the SourceForge mirrors and should speed up the update of your m23 servers cha: m23patch.php: Now fetches the tar.bz2 part of the patches from the SourceForge mirror +++++ 2005-08-18 patch: added missing ldapSettings.php patch: Enhanced LDAP support: Can read and write LDAP-accounts and install OpenLDAP. Much other enhancements and updated help. new: en/de/ ldapSettings.hlp: new cha: en/de/ client_add.hlp: adjustet texts to new features +++++ 2005-08-15 cha: HELP_getHelp: replaces i18n variables in the help text cha: de/en/fr help: now contains i18n variables +++++ 2005-08-14 new: SERVER_runningInBackground: Returns "true" if a lock file for a given job name is existing. cha: SERVER_programmStatus: new parameter "canBeInstalled": set to "true" if the programm can be installed by the package name cha: SERVER_programmStatus: if there is no informational text status point is now shown on the left side cha: daemonsAndPrograms: now shows the status of OpenLDAP +++++ 2005-08-13 new: EDIT_deleteLines: Deletes lines from a given line number to a given line number new: EDIT_deleteLinesAmount: Deletes N lines from a given line number new: LDAP_listServers: Returns an array with all known LDAP servers new: LDAP_checkphpLdapAdminConfiguration: Checks if the phpLDAPadmin configuration file is existing and creates it if it's missing new: LDAP_delServerFromphpLdapAdmin: Deletes a LDAP server from the phpLDAPadmin configuration file. new: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Shows a dialog for adding, removing and changing LDAP servers. new: LDAP_loadServer: Loads the variables from a LDAP server. cha: LDAP_connectFull: removed new: LDAP_makeConnection: Connects to a LDAP server. new: LDAP_connectServer: Connects with read/write access to the LDAP server on the m23 server. cha: LDAP_addPosix: new parameter and now uses LDAP_connectServer cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now has an input line for the user name cha: clientInstall: now tries to get the login name from clientoptions cha: LDAP_addPosix: forename and familyname are now stored in utf8 cha: CLIENT_addClient: now uses LDAP_addPosix cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: now checks if the local account should be created cha: work.php: now includes ldap cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: now the only parameter is the client's options array new: SERVER_runInBackground: Runs a script with "screen" in the background under a given user cha: SERVER_checkPackageInstalled: now is 5 times faster (thx AWK ;)) cha: EDIT_prepareStr: now designed to be used with AWK cha: EDIT_prepareStr: new parameter "forSearch": set to true, if the string should be used as a search string new: LDAP_installServer: Generates a script that installs and configures an openLDAP server cha: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: now uses LDAP_installServer +++++ 2005-08-12 new: LDAP_connectFull: Connects with read/write access to the LDAP server on the m23 server. new: LDAP_addPosix: Adds a posix account to the LDAP server and encrypts the password with MD5. cha: EDIT_insert: removed cha: EDIT_insertBefore: removed cha: EDIT_insertAfter: removed new: EDIT_searchLastLineNumber: searches for the last line that contains "searchLine" and stores the line number in the BASH variable "m23searchLine" new: LDAP_fqdn2dn: Returns the DN converted from a FQDN new: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin: Adds a LDAP server to the phpLDAPadmin configuration cha: index, menu: added entries for LDAP +++++ 2005-08-09 patch: Adds basic LDAP and NFS support cha: en/de client_add.hlp: added part about LDAP and NFS cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: now uses CLIENT_enableLDAP and CLCFG_enableNFSHome cha: CLIENT_enableLDAP: extra parameter to use the m23 server as ldap server cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now all LDAP and NFS values are handled patch: Fix of the client boot ISO, new LDAP and EDIT functions, better update script on the server installation CD fix: exclude4Update, exclude0: corrected regular expression fix: recompliled server ISO kernel for the client boot CD to adjust the size of the ramdisk (thx Mikesch) fix: updatem23.sh: now uses the password for accessing the DB (thx Mikesch) +++++ 2005-08-07 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: NFS home support was moved to CLCFG_enableNFSHome new: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: enables storing of home directories on a NFS server cha: work.php: now include edit.php +++++ 2005-08-05 cha: EDIT_commentOutLine: changed parameters cha: EDIT_commentOutLine, EDIT_uncomment: now are using AWK cha: EDIT_commentOutLine: is now called EDIT_commentout and now comments out lines in range or matching lines +++++ 2005-08-03 cha: CLCFG_installUsrM23: now links /etc/skel to the m23 skel new: EDIT_replace: replaces $searchLine with $replaceText new: EDIT_insert: inserts text BEFORE or AFTER the searched line new: EDIT_prepareStr: changes the string to make it compatible with sed new: EDIT_insertBefore: inserts text BEFORE the searched line new: EDIT_insertAfter: inserts text AFTER the searched line new: EDIT_savePerms: saves the permissions and owner of a file new: EDIT_restorePerms: restores previously saved file permissions and owner new: EDIT_searchNextLineNumber: searches for the next line number that contains "searchLine" new: EDIT_searchLineNumber: searches for the first line that contains "searchLine" and stores the line number in the BASH variable "m23searchLine" new: EDIT_insertLineNumber: inserts a text AT or AFTER a line number new: EDIT_insertAtLineNumber: inserts a text AT a line number new: EDIT_insertAfterLineNumber: inserts a text AFTER a line number new: EDIT_commentOutLine: comments out a line new: EDIT_uncomment: uncomments all with m23 commented lines of a file new: EDIT_calc: calculates changes of the variable +++++ 2005-08-01 new: CLIENT_enableLDAP: enables LDAP logins on client. +++++ 2005-07-30 patch: Desaster recovery can now be started for multiple clients or groups. cha: GRP_HTMLBackToDetails, GRP_showDelDialog, GRP_HTMLBackToOverview: set border of the icons to 0 new: GRP_desasterRecovery: recovers all selected clients and shows a message afterwards cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: now uses GRP_desasterRecovery cha: clients_overview: now has "desaster recover" function for multiple clients patch: Now the adjustment of partitions should work during mass installation. cha: disabled (obsolete) distribution ERPOSS cha: FDISK_virtualAddPartition, FDISK_addJob: new parameter "devNr" new: FDISK_AFPselectDrive: selects a drive from the settings in "options" and from available drives. new: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: scales all partitions sizes to match the full disk size. new: FDISK_AFPgetPartSizes: writes the sizes of the installation, swap and other partitions to the variables. fix: FDISK_AFPgetPartSizes: now detects the partitions correctly cha: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: fdiskDefinedSize is set to 0 afterwards. so the fdisk parameters are ajusted only once. +++++ 2005-07-29 fix: m23patch.php: now the size of the tb2 files is shown correctly cha: m23patch.php: now sizes are shown in MB cha: MENU_showEntry, client_details, head: set border of the icons to 0 cha: new icon for "edit" cha: massInstall, add_client: shows MSG_showNewFeature fix: CLIENT_deleteClient: now deletes client's log cha: FDISK_addJob: additional parameter "fullPath" +++++ 2005-07-27 patch: The "change client" dialog should now support all client side changes. Bootimage kernel updated to cha: CLIENT_changeClient: removed debug code fix: CLIENT_changeClient: DHCP server gets reconfigured and restarted if ip, mac or netmask changes and the client hast "red" or "yellow" status new: /mdk/bin/ start.sh: deletes old session values and calls menuStart new: bootimage: now with kernel and all network modules fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now the current client name is used for the job if it should be changed fix: CLIENT_changeClient: always change both otherwise the "no changed" DNS won't be written to /etc/resolv.conf fix: CLCFG_changeUser: now uses the new username and not the encrypted password as new username cha: edit_client.php: now uses CLIENT_HTMLBackToDetails cha: CLCFG_changeUser: can change password for root with encrypted password +++++ 2005-07-25 fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now all entered values are used cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: values that can't be set on the client (e.g. mac) are disabled in the dialog cha: CLCFG_changeUser: if old and new username are equal no change code is generated cha: sendClientStageStatus, sendClientStatus: now are sending the m23clientID new: /mdk/outdated: contains sources that aren't used anymore, but can be usefull in the future cha: DB_rmSafeUser, DB_remoteRmSafeUserStatus, DB_rmUser, DB_addUser: moved to outdated new: MSR_getm23clientIDCMD: returns the BASH code for storing the m23clientID in the BASH variable "varid" cha: sendClientStatus, sendClientStageStatus, returnClientStageStatus, sendClientLogStatus, executeNextWork, MSR_statusFileCommand, MSR_genSendCommand, MSR_partHwDataCommand: now are using MSR_getm23clientIDCMD +++++ 2005-07-22 patch: New "Change client" dialog, that can change some settings of the client. fix: clientInstall: DISTR_afterChrootInstall is now at the right place new: CLCFG_changeUser: changes the settings of an useraccount on a client cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: changed parameters: shows the dialog for adding, defining or changing a client cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now loads the client values new: CLIENT_changeClient: changes values of the clients cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now uses CLIENT_changeClient +++++ 2005-07-20 cha: menuUpdate: now *.info are the last uploaded files patch: Correction of permissions and fdisk parameter adjustments fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: now adjusts the parameters of the m23fdiskFormat job +++++ 2005-07-15 fix: corrected permissions of /m23/data+scripts/gfx patch: Enhanced debugging mode, now all characters in passwords are possible fix: CLIENT_isAskingInDebugMode: now works cha: MSR_importLog: now doesn't urldecode cha: CLIENT_showLog: now urldecodes the log fix: CLIENT_showLog: now shows complete yellow status logs containing a "°" cha: CLIENT_showLog: now shows logs preformated cha: CLIENT_addClient: disabled password character check +++++ 2005-07-14 cha: CLCFG_genFstab, CLCFG_genFakeFstab: removed "-v" at MAKEDEV to disable verify mode +++++ 2005-07-13 patch: should enable installation with the new debootstrap cha: sourceslist: stable is now Sarge, removed multiple Sid and Sarge entries cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now uses extra parameter "-r" for mkinitrd cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now uses MAKEDEV with "cd /dev; ./MAKEDEV -v generic" fix: CIR_detectSCSI: fixed output of current probed module fix: executeNextWork: now detects id patch: fixes wrong permissions of /tmp fix: corrected /tmp permissions +++++ 2005-07-12 patch: fixes errors occuring with the new version of debootstrap cha: CIR_detectSCSI: removed ".o" from module names fix: bootimage: made symlink from busybox to read (needed by new debootstrap) cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: removed wrong error message fix: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: now fetches missing pkgdetails patch: fixes problem with earlier updates cha: m23install.template: function md5check is no longer a funktion (BusyBox doesn't like functions) fix: now installs new certificates needed for newer wget versions (thx zloty) fix: now adds needed dbrootpw file for enabling write access of updates to the DB: updates now the m23 sources lists +++++ 2005-07-08 patch: New + changed sources lists, fixed mount error, ramdisk size detection cha: CLCFG_mountRootDir: check if root device was mounted before and unmounts it if it was mounted cha: welcome.*: added "thank you" for your help against software patents cha: DB: added new and changed m23 sources lists cha: sources.list: commented out non-us servers from server's sources.list new: getRamDiskSize: gets the ramdisk size of the kernel from the kernel config file cha: mkBootImage.sh, mkRescue.sh: now uses getRamDiskSize to create a ramdisk image of the correct size new: mkBootImage.sh: writes kernelRamDisk.inc that contains a variable that helds the kernel ramdisk size cha: DHCP_writePXEcfg: now uses kernelRamDisk.inc cha: menuClientISO, menuBootCD: now writes kernel variables every time new: bootimage: now contains SATA modules and SCSI emulation +++++ 2005-07-06 patch: minor change of boot parameter cha: DHCP_writePXEcfg: changed ramdisk size to 25000 +++++ 2005-07-03 patch: updated phpMyAdmin to 2.6.3 cha: updated phpMyAdmin to 2.6.3 +++++ 2005-07-01 patch: some minor fixes and changes fix: UPDATE_doUpdate: now deletes log file after the job has finished (thx to Daniel) cha: update.php: shows "update in progress" message if the update is started (thx to Daniel) cha: makeCD.sh: generates MD5s of the important files cha: m23install.tempate: checks the MD5s of the important files and exits if there is an error extracting the archivs cha: GRP_delClientFromGroup: now can delete a client from all groups (thx to Daniel) fix: CLIENT_deleteClient: now removes a client from all groups (thx to Daniel) cha: makeBootDisk: now better error message handling (thx to Daniel) +++++ 2005-06-17 fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: corrected filter criteria the get all package names patch: Patch for: gnome2, Debian unstable and PCMCIA network cards. new: CLCFG_copySSLCert: fetches the SSL certificate from the server and copys it to the client cha: clientInstall: now uses CLCFG_copySSLCert cha: mkCert.sh: now calculates the hash of the server certificate and copies the certificate to packages/baseSys fix: m23gnome2Install: fixed fetch new jow loop +++++ 2005-06-10 patch: Fixes problems with packages names fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: now gets the complete packages names fix: MSR_importPackageStatus: fixed name conversion of packages names containing + +++++ 2005-06-09 patch: Fixes problems with harddisk detections. Linux kernel for the client network boot. fix: POOL_createExtendedPackageIndex: now moves files with "force" new: makeIt for m23hwscanner fix: m23hwscanner: & is now urlencoded; this fixes problems with hardware identification like partition information cha: copyKernelNModules: now works with the new kernel version numbering new: bootimage: now uses Linux cha: bootimage: changed tool under bin cha: mkBootImage.sh: initrd is now 25000 KB +++++ 2005-06-02 patch: Ubuntu support +++++ 2005-06-01 fix: CLCFG_debootstrap: now the current debootstrap is downloaded from the server cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: additionalPackages: space seperated list of additional packages that should be installed during bootstrapping new: HELPER_getApacheGroup: returnes the group of the Apache user cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: now keeps the files in /m23/data+scripts/distr/debian/debootstrap and overwrites with newer versions new: CLCFG_writeClientID: writes the client ID to /m23clientID cha: CLIENT_getClientName: now uses /m23clientID cha: getClientLanguage: now uses CLIENT_getClientName new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: updates the debootstrap scripts for Debian and returns the www path to the files new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu: updates the debootstrap scripts for Ubuntu and returns the www path to the files cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: now can use CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian or CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu cha: clientInstall: now uses CIR_writeClientID cha: CLCFG_listDebianReleasesGeneric: is now more generic to support different Debian based distributions and filters out releases with "buildd" cha: CLCFG_listDebianReleases, CLCFG_listUbuntuReleases: lists distribution specific kernel images cha: PKG_listKernels: now filters for kernel images containing "-image" new: new package sources lists for Ubuntu cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: additional check for correct executed debootstrap new: squidClean: script to erase all data from the Squid cache +++++ 2005-05-11 patch: installation of the required packages for installation in the background and kernel configuration. +++++ 2005-04-20 patch: software patent warning and new translation cha: de/en/fr/ welcome.hlp: added software patent warning new: en/ poolBuilderCreate EditDelete.hlp: translated +++++ 2005-04-07 patch: Two little patches fix: POOL_showReadCD: now can be used with mount points containing a new line at the end (reported by Jaqui) fix: client_packages: now the control center link contains the client ID to make it possible to return to the client's control center (reported by zloty) patch: Fixes drive selection problem in the poolBuilder fix: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: now works with diffrent formats of in /etc/fstab +++++ 2005-04-01 patch: A few fixes cha: menu: the extra icon is now the main icon cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: now shows distribution specific files too fix: clients_overview: link under client jobs number now contains the client ID, this makes it possible to use the control center link to return to the client's control center (reported by zloty) cha: MSR_importLog: now decodes urlencoded special characters fix: en/m23base: fixed missing or false named translation strings (reported by Peter) new: checkLang: new tool that shows the differences (in variables) between the German and another I18N language file cha: /etc/profile: now PATH contains /usr/bin etc. (reported by zloty) +++++ 2005-03-29 cha: POOL_create: now tries to create the base pool directory +++++ 2005-03-28 patch: Some improvements and fixes in the poolBuilder. new: de/poolBuilder: german help texts for the poolBuilder fix: POOL_showLoadDeleteCreate, POOL_setProperty, POOL_getProperty: now safe against empty pool names new: MENU_startGroup: shows the start of a menu group new: MENU_endGroup: shows the end of a menu group cha: MENU_showEntry: now uses tables to format the menu entries cha: poolBuilder: check if user wants to continue without selecting a pool cha: MENU_showEntry: if icon name isn't set, no icon is shown cha: PLG_listMenuPlugins: now uses MENU_showEntry cha: HELP_getHelp: if no help file is found nothing is returned cha: UPDATE_getInfo: now has an icon for patches +++++ 2005-03-25 fix: POOL_getPools: now only returns pool directories fix: poolBuilder: disabled showing of nonexistent help pages fix: phpMyAdmin: now isn't configured to use localhost as server url any more +++++ 2005-03-24 fix: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: now return correct fake client names cha: HTML_listSelection: new logic: set first to "false" to disable writing the first entry. cha: PKG_savePackagesList: now can delete packages lists too new: PKG_deletePackagesList: deletes a packages list new: PKG_preparePackageDir: creates the needed files + sources list in a directory to use it for "local apt". cha: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now uses PKG_preparePackageDir new: POOL_download: shows error messages if the checks for distribution, sourceslist or packages are failing. Otherwise starts the distribution specific download routine. new: POOL_showDownloadStatus: shows the package download status of a pool new: POOL_createSimplePackageIndex: creates the Packages* index files for the pool (it has only one directoy containing all packages) new: PKG_downloadPool: downloads packages from a sources list to a directory cha: poolBuilder: now includes support for download packages +++++ 2005-03-23 new: POOL_getDir: returns the directory of the pool fix: config.inc.php: now doesn't set localhost a absoluteUri cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: returns false, if there was an error cha: client_distr: disables "install distribution" button and shows an error message if there is an error new: PKG_getClientPackages: returns an array or a blank seperated list of all packages installed on a client new: PKG_getPackagesListMarker: returns the string to mark client names to store packages new: PKG_savePackagesList: returns an array or a blank seperated list of all packages installed on a client new: PKG_loadPackagesList: returns an array or a blank seperated list of all packages in the list +++++ 2005-03-22 cha: POOL_createPackageIndex: now stores the sourceslist as property cha: client_sourceslist functionality is now in SRCLST_showEditor new: SRCLST_showEditor: shows an editor for sources lists new: CLIENT_getNames: returns an array with all clients new: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: returns an array with all clients having packages installed +++++ 2005-03-18 cha: index: now includes helper new: POOL_showReadCD: shows a dialog for copying the CD contents to the pool new: HELPER_getApacheUser: returnes the name of the Apache user new: HELPER_getFileContents: returnes the contents of a file (the file is read to a maximum of 5 MB) new: POOL_readCD: copys the CD contents to the pool new: POOL_createPackageIndex: creates the Packages* index files for the pool new: POOL_showCreatePackageIndex: shows information (status of the Packages* generation, sources.list) about the currently generated pool new: POOL_getSize: returns the size of a pool in MB +++++ 2005-03-16 new: POOL_getProperty: returns the contents of a property file new: POOL_setProperty: sets the contents of a property file new: POOL_create: creates a new pool directory and type property file new: POOL_delete: deletes a pool new: POOL_showLoadDeleteCreate: shows a dialog for loading, deleting and creating a pool +++++ 2005-03-15 fix: UPDATE_getInfo: now shows all icons cha: fr/m23base, help: corrections (client becomes poste client) cha: UPDATE_getInfo: icons are shown before the entries of the patch text +++++ 2005-03-11 cha: fr/de: m23base: now include english m23base as fallback language fix: md5Check: now uses modification time to detect file changes cha: UPDATE_doUpdate: now sets a lock file before the update and deletes it afterwards new: UPDATE_running: checks, if an update is running (returns true otherwise false) cha: update: shows an error message if an update is running cha: update: now uses POST cha: m23KDE3install, m23KDEwoody, m23gnome2, m23X, m23XFce: added executeNextWork cha: work: let all asking clients sleep for 60 seconds and ask again, if an update is running +++++ 2005-03-08 cha: md5Check: checkChanges: now checks, if index$1.md5 is present cha: md5Check: makeTar: now stores permissions and user/group information cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: now doesn't copy the HTML version of the manual to the CD cha: makeDoc.sh: now doesn't copy the HTML version of the developer's guide to the CD cha: fix-permissions: now touches dhcpd.leases +++++ 2005-03-06 fix: hwcheck: now loads mousedev to enable PS/2 mouse detection cha: CLIENT_reset, CLIENT_sshFetchJob: now sets UserKnownHostsFile to /dev/null and other options to make sshing possible if known_hosts contains old entries cha: CLCFG_copyClientPackageStatus: the same for scp fix: m23normalRemoveInstall: sets status back to green after removing fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: now send full package name (set terminal columns to 3000 to outflank dpkg --list) cha: md5Check: now uses a fingerprint (time,ID,permission) instead of MD5 to recognise file changes cha: menuUpdate: can now upload the newest patches cha: menuUpdate: asks for a description after creating the tar +++++ 2005-03-03 cha: hwcheck: commented out alsa special code cha: mkDeb: now can automatical increment the patchversion of the debs +++++ 2005-03-02 cha: debian/ clientInstall: added package hotplug cha: hwcheck: new code for detecting changes in hardware and creation of XF86Config +++++ 2005-02-25 fix: m23gnome2Install: adjusted settings for gdm.conf cha: de/client_sourceslist.hlp: described new functions +++++ 2005-02-24 fix: hwsetup: again troubles with hwsetup: The statified Knoppix version stalls on Sarge :( The problem is that the support for psaux devices is broken in the newer versions of kudzu. So I took the psaux.c/h from kudzu 0.99, copied it to 1.1.67 and made new debs from the patched code. With these debs hwsetup can be build with working psaux support ;) cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: now installs the needed patched kudzu packages cha: uploadNew: shows files before uploading cha: m23gnome2Install: now removes xdm and sets default display manager cha: m23-initscripts: S10hwcheck is now S37hwcheck +++++ 2005-02-23 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: now checks, if the debootstrap update file is not older than 12 hours cha: db/sourceslist: added field "release" cha: migrate: adds field "release" cha: SRCLST_saveList: now has extra parameter "release" cha: client_sourceslist: now loads and stores the release cha: db/sourceslist: added field "desktops" new: SRCLST_querySourceslists: returns the result of the DB query after sourceslists for a special distribution new: DISTR_listCommaSeperated: returns a normal array with the values of the specified variable (e.g. var: GUIs => result: [0] => Textmode [1] => KDE3 [2] => KDEwoody ...) new: DISTR_commaSeperatedSelections: returns a selection with certain values (specified thru $variable) from the distribution text file cha: SRCLST_saveList: now stores selected desktops new: DISTR_getDesktopsCBList: returns a checkbox list with desktops for a certain distribution. Desktops included in the array $selectedDesktops are checked. new: DISTR_getSelectedDesktopsArr: returns an array with selected desktops from the list generated by DISTR_getDesktopsCBList new: DISTR_getSelectedDesktopsStr: returns a string with selected desktops (seperated by "###") from the list generated by DISTR_getDesktopsCBList new: SRCLST_getDesktopList: returnes an array with all supported desktops new: SRCLST_showDesktopsSel: returnes a selections with all desktops supported by the sources list cha: client_sourceslist: now stores the supported desktops for each sources list cha: client_distr: the selection of the sources list now determines distribution, release and supported desktops. This avoids incompatible combinations of distribution, release and desktop if the package source was set up correctly ;) +++++ 2005-02-22 cha: hwcheck: added code for vmware cha: PKG_listKernels: new sorting code fix: PKG_listKernels: selected kernel is now shown first +++++ 2005-02-21 cha: squid.conf: new filter settings cha: makeCD.sh: copies a modified squid.conf to the CD cha: m23install.template: now uses and modfies squid.conf from the conf dir +++++ 2005-02-15 cha: */clientInstall: now installs m23-hwsetup fix: FDISK_formatExisting: now stores the partitions fix: hwcheck: now calls mkxf86config, if XF86Config is missing new: uploadNew: uploads new and changed debs and Packages* cha: menuDeb: now uses uploadNew +++++ 2005-02-14 fix: hwsetup: now detects PS/2 mice. It's a workaround that uses the hwsetup from Knoppix 3.7 and makes a static executable (with statifier) from it. +++++ 2005-02-04 new: excludeTar: filter list with patterns to exclude unneeded files and directories from the mdk.tb2 and m23.tb2 cha: mk-m23.bz2.sh, mk_mdk.tb2: now are using excludeTar new: UPDATE_doUpdate: downloads and executes the update script. new: UPDATE_getUrl: returnes a correct URL to the update source new: UPDATE_getInfo: returns the information text from the URL cha: update: now uses the new update functions new: m23patch: script for generating the patch script and update information +++++ 2005-02-02 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: added support for the right arrow cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: shows the error message, if there should be errors with pdflatex fix: help/en: few HTML code corrections cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: most code rewritten: now uses a temporary database to create the initalisation database and writes a script for installing the database cha: m23install.template: now uses the script from exportDBInitTable.sh cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: the HTML and PDF manual are linked to the m23 and MDK documentation directory new: addDummyFiles: adds empty dummy files into all subdirectories starting from the given directory new: delDummyFiles: removes the dummy files from all subdirectories starting from the given directory cha: mk_mdk.tb2, mk-m23.bz2: now are using addDummyFiles and delDummyFiles cha: fix-permissions: now calls delDummyFiles for /m23 and /mdk cha: exclude0: adjusted filter parameters new: de/en/fr manuals: can now be builded again new: m23.sf.net: neat client installation image +++++ 2005-02-01 cha: MASS_keyToI18N: now knows the "ignore" key cha: MASS_showTableDefinition: now uses key and not the I18N values for the row selections cha: makeScreenshots.sh: adjusted screenshot sizes cha: menuStart: added menuUpdate cha: menuStart.hlp: updated new: fr/ daemonsAndPrograms.hlp fix: HELP_showHelpTex: fixed table generation fix: help/fr: several HTML code corrections +++++ 2005-01-31 cha: md5Check: now can use different in/exclude files and tar.bz2 store files cha: md5Check: new function moveIndex(): replace the old index with the new new: menuUpdate: menu for building updates new: makeAutomaticPatch: checks for changes and makes a tar.bz2 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: now supports "¼" +++++ 2005-01-30 new: md5Check: generates an index from the files in /m23 and /mdk, can detect changes and make a bz2 tar from the changes. +++++ 2005-01-28 cha: getNewestDeb: removed new: dlKnoppixDeb.php: is a improved version of findNewestKnoppixDeb. now downloads the newest version of a package from the knoppix server cha: mkKnoppix-static: renamed to getBuildKnoppixDebs cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: now uses dlKnoppixDeb.php cha: menuDeb: now calls getBuildKnoppixDebs cha: debian/ info.txt: added installed size information for the user interfaces cha: makeScreenshots.sh: switched back to PNG screenshots cha: HELP_showHelpTex: pictures are now included cha: HELP_showHelpTex: added routine for converting french special characters fix: menuScreenshot.sh: the correct error message is shown, if the entered passwords don't match cha: index: now tries to read the language from /m23/tmp/screenshot.lang. this can hold a language during screenshot making cha: setGUIlang: removed cha: makeScreenshots.sh: now sets /m23/tmp/screenshot.lang and don't uses setGUIlang any more cha: makeScreenshots.sh: adjusted heigth +++++ 2005-01-27 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: improved LaTeX output new: findNewestKnoppixDeb: new tool to find the newest version of a package from the knoppix server +++++ 2005-01-26 cha: all help files: are using the same text formating style now cha: all help files: are now on the same content level new: docView: quick and dirty script for viewing the help files without opening the corresponding m23 page cha: HELP_showHelp: is now HELP_getHelp and the HTML code is not shown but returned new: HELP_showHelp: wrapper to replace the old HELP_showHelp function new: HELP_showHelpTex: shows the help file converted to LaTeX code +++++ 2005-01-24 new: en/daemonsAndPrograms cha: HELP_showHelp: now can include files in help files cha: CLIENT_generateHTMLStatusBar: now the status icons are left aligned new: packageTypes.inc, statusColor.inc, packageSelections.inc: stored help text which are the same in multiple help files cha: clientBuilder - client_distr.hlp: changed to new text style +++++ 2005-01-23 fix: uncountable fixes in the help texts cha: htaccess: now uses MSG_showInfo and MSG_showError cha: index.css: added new entry for menu highlighting new: MENU_showEntry: generates a menu entry, highlights it (if selected) and removes menu entry formatting tags from the menu entry label cha: menu: now uses MENU_showEntry, so activated entries are highlighted +++++ 2005-01-22 cha: serverImage: removed PPP and installed kernel 2.6.10-i386 new: prepareChangelog: stores the complete changelog and the newest 5 entries in different files fix: mk_mdk.tb2: now symbolic links are stored too cha: version: changed to pre3 ;-) +++++ 2005-01-21 cha: m23install.template: changed arguments from "test" and "cp" to make it compatible to the BusyBox test cha: bootCD: serveral changes on the root file system cha: bootCD: now installation is possible again +++++ 2005-01-20 cha: getKnoppix*: now fetches the files from the /mdk/m23Debs/deb cha: bootCD: kernel is now 2.6.10 cha: bootCD: rebuild BusyBox to disable error messages +++++ 2005-01-19 cha: bootCD: most tools are unsing BusyBox 1.00 now cha: bootCD: hwsetup updated +++++ 2005-01-18 cha: fdisk: removed debug code cha: mk_mdk.tb2: now build a list of all files to store and doesn't need clean_mdk and unclean_mdk any more cha: clean_mdk, unclean_mdk: deleted, are not needed any more fix: severals fixes in the germen help texts new: knoppix.functions: function to get a package with the newest version number cha: getKnoppix*: are using the function from knoppix.functions new: french translation updated +++++ 2005-01-17 new: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: returnes an array with all mount points listed in /etc/fstab new: pool.php: functions for administrating package pools new: POOL_selectPoolType: shows buttons for selecting the type of pool and returns the pressed button +++++ 2005-01-16 cha: index: menu has now a width of 150 pixel cha: de/ m23base: formated menu entries cha: menu/ index: added entry for the poolBuilder +++++ 2005-01-14 fix: mkKnoppix-static: now fetches the newest versions of xf86config-knoppix and hwdata-knoppix +++++ 2005-01-12 fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: error in error message fix: client_distr: now gets correct devices for installation and swap drive cha: mkDiffTar: finished +++++ 2005-01-11 cha: PKG_listKernels: now returns false, if no kernel information could be retrieved fix: cds2pool: now copys the CDs (a variable can't really be empty AND have the value "n") cha: en/ m23base: updated new: mkDiffTar: first codes of s script to make a tar from all files that have been changed from a specified date +++++ 2005-01-10 cha: clean_mdk, unclean_mdk: now moved the kernel directories of bootCD and bootimage cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: now shows always a message fix: bootimage kernel config: increased size of the ramdisk +++++ 2005-01-09 cha: help/ index: changed to make the whole screen width available for the GUI +++++ 2005-01-05 new: mkextradeb: now builds the m23 extra debs + m23hwscanner package cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: doesn't copy m23hwscanner any more cha: menudeb: now uses mkextradeb cha: debian/ erposs/ DISTR_afterChrootInstall: are now installing cha: CLCFG_genFstab: removed an ocurring warning message during kernel installation fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now shows messages from stdout and stderr new: HELPER_grep: returnes all lines from $string seperated by $cut that contain $search new: SRCLST_getMirror($sourceName): returns the mirror from the sources list cha: debian/ clientInstall: now uses SRCLST_getMirror cha: de,en/ client_sourceslist.hlp: added description for mirror format new: +++++ 2005-01-02 fix: client_partition: after formating "select distribution" is activated at once fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now shows errors from stderr +++++ 2004-12-16 cha: menuKernelBuilder: creates kernel store directory +++++ 2004-12-15 new: kernelFunctions.inc: copies the kernel and modules to the boot CD or bootimage cha: bootCD: updated kernel to 2.4.28 cha: m23install.template: updated script for the new kernel cha: copyKernelNModules: now works with 2.6.x kernels too +++++ 2004-12-12 cha: kernelFunctions.inc: getKernelVersions.sh is now included cha: kernelFunctions.inc: menuKernelBranch.sh is included as function checkKernelBranch cha: kernelFunctions.inc: menuKernelDownload.sh is included as function menuKernelDownload cha: kernelFunctions.inc: menuSelectKernelDir.sh is included as function checkKernelDir fix: listKernelVersions: kernels are now sorted correctly (newst kernel on top) new: kernelFunctions.inc: compileKernel: compiles the kernel +++++ 2004-12-10 cha: menuSelectKernelDir, menuKernelDownload: deletes temp file at the end new: menuKernelOldConfig: select the old configuration file to copy to the new kernel source dir and copies back the new configure file to the config dir cha: menuKernelBuilder: added menuKernelOldConfig new: kernelFunctions.inc: functions for kernel handling in the MDK +++++ 2004-12-08 new: getKernelVersions: shows a sorted list of all kernels of a branch (e.g. 2.6) new: menuKernelDownload: menu for downloading and extracting a kernel cha: menuBootCD: new entry for kernel new: menuKernelBuilder: menu for generating kernels new: menuSelectKernelDir: selects the kernel source directory new: menuKernelBranch: writes the kernel branch (2.4 or 2.6) to /tmp/m23kernelBranch +++++ 2004-12-06 fix: woody-install: ssh keys are generated and copied to the m23 directory +++++ 2004-12-03 cha: SERVER_isProgramRunning: code shortend new: SERVER_checkPackageInstalled: checks if a certain package is installed new: SERVER_daemonStartStop: starts, stops and restarts daemons new: SERVER_installTool: installs a tool on the server new: daemonsAndPrograms: page for seeing status information about daemons and helper programms new: de/ daemonsAndPrograms: help file new: SERVER_apacheInfo: returnes an information string for the Apache server new: SERVER_mysqlInfo: returnes an information string for the MySQL server new: SERVER_dhcpInfo: returnes an information string for (of course ;-) ) the DHCP server new: SERVER_programmStatusTableHeader: shows the header of the table needed for the programm status lines +++++ 2004-12-02 cha: serverSettings: added phpMyAdmin cha: index: added daemons and programs page cha: index: now includes server.php fix: BURN_listBurners: now only runs with "sudo" (don't ask why ;-) ) cha: HTML_listSelection: can show now names and send different values for the same entry to the server new: daemonsAndPrograms: new page for managing the daemons and programs on the server new: SERVER_isProgramRunning: checks if a certain program is running and returns true, if yes "no" otherwise new: SERVER_programmStatus: shows a row with information about the status of a certain program, with the possibillity to start, stop or restart the program. +++++ 2004-11-29 fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: several fixes and now seems to work cha: m23fdiskFormat: now calls FDISK_adjustFdiskParams +++++ 2004-11-28 new: FDISK_getDriveAndNr: splits a path (e.g. /dev/hda1) in the device (/dev/hda) and the device number (1). The device is returned as element 0 and the number as element 1 in an array. new: getNextFdiskFormatJobNr: returnes the next free job number for the parameters of a m23fdiskFormat job. (e.g. there are used the following parameters: command0 = rm, command1= add. Then the next command number to use will be command2 => return value is 2) fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: lot of fixes in the code +++++ 2004-11-26 fix: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: get correct device number, if it's the first partition +++++ 2004-11-25 fix: work, debugScreen, setClientStatus, setLog, setStatus, postMessage: now include capture.php cha: FDISK_formatExisting: now works with the combined device, size and filesystem strings of FDISK_listInstPartSelector cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: doesn't change the default entry to the device name, but keeps the whole information string cha: client_partition: the "format client" button is disabled, if not all settings have been made +++++ 2004-11-24 cha: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: code completed. debugging follows ;) +++++ 2004-11-23 cha: FDISK_defineDrive: extra parameters for disk tollerance new: FDISK_getDiskType: returnes the type of the drive (DISK_TYPE_IDE, DISK_TYPE_SCSI) new: helper.php: helper functions that did not fit into another include file new: HELPER_calcMBSize: calculates the size in MB from a given input that can be a GB value or measured in % cha: de/diskDefine.hlp: help for the new disk definition dialog cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: added new elemnts for the individual adjustment of the partitions new: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: adjusts the installation and swap drive for a derived client, based on the defined client settings +++++ 2004-11-18 new: copied DB m23 to m23captured cha: CAPTURE_deActivate, CAPTURE_isActive: now uses /m23/tmp/captureSave to store the state cha: CAPTURE_showMessageBox: now links directly to the capture page cha: dbConnect: selects the DB to use automatical cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: added new HTML elements for disk optimisation +++++ 2004-11-17 fix: makeScreenshots: corrected name of client rescue image fix: html2tex: now generates correct output, if there is no new line between heading and text cha: html2tex: new parameter for image scaling cha: makeTexHelp: fetched image scaling factors from /mdk/doc /manual /screenshots/ scalingTable fix: html2tex: removed aditional '*' in chapter cha: de/en: install_packages: changed HTML format fix: groups_overview: fixed HTML error new: en/diskDefine cha: de/diskDefine: changed HTML format new: en/mi_step3, mi_step4 +++++ 2004-11-16 cha: CAPTURE_showEntries: entries are now ordered by name and step cha: client_distr: added support for capturing cha: CAPTURE_captureAll, CAPTURE_getKeys: new parameter cha: plginstall, htaccess, client_details: added help page new: de/en: plginstall.hlp, htaccess.hlp, clientdetails.hlp, clientinfo_hardware, clientinfo_clientLog, clientinfo_addToGroup, clientinfo_delFromGroup cha: makeScreenshots: table for x direction cropping cha: client_packages: moved table code to CLIENT_listPackages cha: GRP_doClientMoreGroups: corrected table cha: client_infoPage: added help files cha: makeScreenshots: added all needed pages +++++ 2004-11-15 cha: makeTexHelp: deletes the help backup files before the conversion to Tex cha: kh2p: images can be generated in different formats. the file extension chooses the file type. cha: html2tex: line break after each image cha: khtml2png: better code, that scrolls only if needed cha: khtml2png: changed project to Kdevelop 3 new: khtml2png/makeDeb: script for generating the deb for khtml2png +++++ 2004-11-14 cha: CAPTURE_getKeys, CAPTURE_load: changed glue to '???' there were errors with the glue of the partition information new: makeScreenshots: added screenshots for the setup pages cha: CAPTURE_load: sets the page to POST and GET +++++ 2004-11-12 cha: de/m23base: all verbs are now starting with an upper case character new: CAPTURE_showEntries: shows a table of the captured pages with the possibility to delete entries. new: CAPTURE_deleteById: deletes a capture entry. cha: CAPTURE_captureAll: changed parameters cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine, massInstall: added CAPTURE_captureAll new: CAPTURE_getKeys: gets all POST or GET variables and returnes all keys and values as an assiciative array. Values of buttons are filtered out. new: capture: page for (de)activating the capturing and see and delete captured pages cha: makeScreenshots.sh: added screenshots for mass installation +++++ 2004-11-11 new: capture.php: routines storing and loading POST and GET values in forms new: CAPTURE_captureAll: stores all POST and GET variables to the DB new: CAPTURE_load: loads all POST and GET variables for a special page from the DB to emulate the user input while makeing a screenshot new: RMV_rm4IP: removes a variable for a slelected ip cha: RMV_rm: now uses RMV_rm4IP new: CAPTURE_deActivate: (de)activates capturing the POST, GET values new: CAPTURE_isActive: returnes true, if capturing of POST, GET values is activated. otherwise false new: CAPTURE_captureImg: returnes the status image URL of the current capture state new: CAPTURE_showMessageBox: shows a message box, if capturing is enabled cha: serverSettings: removed test code and added capture toggle button cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: added CAPTURE_captureAll cha: kh2p: adjustet to match the new parameters of khtml2png fix: khtml2png: this fix is really evil: the width of the screenshots was oversized by 65 pixel. Now the width is decremented with 65 and it works. A good fix will follow, if I have time. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: some adjustments to the new kh2p and captured values +++++ 2004-11-10 new: another hack of khtml2png: now scrolls in x and y direction, that enables it to make screenshots that are wider then the screen width. +++++ 2004-11-06 cha: makeBootCD: the ISO image size is shown, if it exists, otherwise an error message is shown cha: disabled outdated Portuguese and Italian language files new: en/makeBootCD.hlp +++++ 2004-11-04 fix: BURN_showLog: no log textarea is shown, if log file doesn't exit cha: BURN_burn, BURN_blank: setting of the burner state has been moved to burnCD and blankCD new: BURN_checkISO: checks, if the client ISO exist and create i otherwise new: de/makeBootCD.hlp +++++ 2004-10-29 new: index: new entry for burning CDs cha: menu: new entry for burning CDs new: BURN_listBurners: returnes a selection of the available burners new: blankCD: script to blank a CD new: BURN_getDevice: returnes the device name for cdrecord from a specific burner new: BURN_burn: burns an ISO new: BURN_getStatus: returns the status of the burner (BURNSTATE_IDLE, BURNSTATE_BLANK, BURNSTATE_BURN) new: BURN_showLog: shows a status info window about the current burner state +++++ 2004-10-27 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: changed timeout for fetching the job to 5 seconds and retries to 2 fix: pingIP: now uses sudo to allow the Apache user to use it cha: mkKnoppix-static: now adds the needed souce to sources.list, if it is not present cha: DB: root user is now secured with a password cha: DB: added m23dbuser for normal DB operations new: updated to phpMyAdmin 2.6.0-pl2 cha: fix-permissions: sets permissions for /m23/root-only cha: exportDBInitTable.sh, m23install.template, backupMysql.sh, restoreMysql.sh, add-erposs3.sh: DB root needs a password, fetched from /m23/root-only/dbrootpw cha: /m23/ftp:removed directory with an old pure-ftpd version cha: mkCert.sh: new security function to ensure, that the server certificate was created +++++ 2004-10-26 cha: makeCD.sh: now stores information about the ISO file size and date in /mdk/ bootCD/ISO.info cha: menuBootCD: used /mdk/ bootCD/ISO.info cha: makeCD.sh: application and preparer ID are written to the ISO cha: clean_mdk, mk-m23.bz2.sh: remove backup files before creating the archives fix: clean_mdk, unclean_mdk: now move the renamed m23 server ISO cha: mk-m23.bz2.sh: m23 DB isn't stored in the bz2 any more cha: m23install.template: uses m23DBInit.sql to instal the database cha: m23install.template: hdparm warning messages about not existing CD rom drives aren't shown any more cha: index: now fetches page name from POST with first priority, GET has second priority fix: m23ShutDownInstall: uses "halt" command for shutdown + and sets job to "done" +++++ 2004-10-25 cha: woody-install.sh: "skip-networking" is not commented out any more cha: woody-install.sh: calls now enables SSL new: m23server: updated system new: m23server: installed and run localepurge: saves 26968K by deleting unused locales and man pages. DE, FR, EN are still installed. fix: fr/m23inst: now has correct PHP code cha: m23install.template: builds a certificate +++++ 2004-10-23 fix: exportDBInitTable.sh: writes the needed default group entry to the DB +++++ 2004-10-22 cha: HELP_showHelp: now uses paragraphs instead of table structures to generate the table code. This makes it possible to use tables in the help files. cha: MASS_startInstall: returnes a message about the state of the created clients (error, ok) cha: massInstall: save button is hidden, if installation has been started cha: massInstall: shows status about created clients +++++ 2004-10-18 fix: FDISK_defineDrive: doubled "/dev/" in path definition +++++ 2004-10-16 fix: m23hwscanner: a " ," was printed before the type variable, there was no proper recognisation of the data tape, now fixed ;) fix: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: search vPart for the extended partition now works fix: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: fixed another vPart finding bug with logical partitions +++++ 2004-10-15 cha: makeCD.sh: now generates rock ridge entensions too cha: makeDoc.sh: copies the HTML documentation in the correct directory on the CD cha: updatem23.sh: now calls migrate.php cha: makeCD.sh: the ISO file name contains the version and code name. +++++ 2004-10-14 cha: de/en.hlp: clients_overview: white status new: en.hlp: clientBuilder, mi_step0, mi_step1, mi_step2: translated cha: en: m23base: missing parts translated cha: m23XFceInstall: now installs sudo and configures /etc/sudoers to make shutdown and reboot in XFce possible +++++ 2004-10-13 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: now sets do_boot_enable to "No" in kernel-img.conf. there are new questions while installing the kernel, that don't allow automatic installation of the kernel if do_boot_enable is set to "Yes". Lilo is run afterwards, so there is no problem booting the client. +++++ 2004-10-09 new: CLCFG_genFakeFstab: generates a fake /etc/fstab that only contains the lines for proc and the root partition (this is used to make the kernel install correctly) cha: debian/clientInstall: mow uses CLCFG_genFakeFstab +++++ 2004-09-30 cha: */clientInstall: m23hwscanner has to be run twice: 1. generate a fstab to make the kernel install correctly 2. generate a new lilo.cong & fstab to make lilo install cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: now copies dmidecode and checkdisklabel too fix: m23hwscanner: bugfixes +++++ 2004-09-29 new: m23hwscanner: now contains the functionality of genFstab without calling parted anymore cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: copies m23hwscanner from the ramdisk to the installation partition cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now uses m23hwscanner, adjusted parameters cha: */clientInstall: now uses new parameter format of CLCFG_genFstab +++++ 2004-09-26 cha: checkdisklabel: normal output is piped to /dev/null, because it should not be written to the POST data fix: m23hwscanner: now calculates the values for partitions smaller than 1GB correctly cha: CLCFG_activateDMA: now tries to activate /dev/hda - /dev/hdz and writes a log message only, if a device could be activated fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: error message is shown once now cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: after adding the client the dialog isn't shown anymore fix: FDISK_autoPart: now swap partition is formated cha: getKnoppixDDCxinfo, getKnoppixHwdata, getKnoppixHwsetup: adjusted because of the changes on the developer.linuxtag.net server +++++ 2004-09-25 new: bootimage: added /usr/share/misc/pci.ids, needed for lspci to show names of hardware devices cha: mkBootImage.sh: copies /usr/share/misc/pci.ids to bootimage during creation cha: HWINFO_getHDSize: returnes the sizes of all harddisks in a string, sperated by html breaks cha: client_partition: titles are saved from step to step in the extended partition dialogs fix: client_distr: after extended partitioning the install and swap partition is transfered correctly cha: checkdisklabel: new code for new device format (/dev/...) cha: m23hwscanner: now calls the new checkdisklabel cha: debian/DISTR_baseInstall: adjusted mounting of root partition to the new format +++++ 2004-09-24 fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now gets the correct boot type +++++ 2004-09-23 cha: pingIP: removed debug code new: bootimage: with m23hwscanner and needed libs new: bootimage: added lspci +++++ 2004-09-22 cha: FDISK_formatJob, FDISK_addJob, FDISK_rmJob, FDISK_listPartJobs: ported to new format fix: FDISK_autoPart: now deletes all partitions new: FDISK_formatJob: enables the booting flag on a partition new: FDISK_genPartedCommands: returnes the partition and formation commands that are generated from partJobs. cha: FDISK_getAfterPartition: space in extended partitions is calculated correctly and factor can be 0 now. this means the amount of free space in MB is returned. cha: FDISK_listPartJobs: now includes table code fix: FDISK_checkFreeSpace: correct run statement in for loop cha: MSR_importPartHwData, MIGR_partitions: the filesystem is set to -1 if it is an extended partition cha: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: removed erroneous code cha: m23fdiskFormatInstall: adjusted for new partition and format format +++++ 2004-09-21 cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog, FDISK_listInstPartSelector, FDISK_getBiggestValueOf, FDISK_findDevNrPosition, FDISK_devNrExists, FDISK_nextLogicalDevNr, FDISK_countPartitions, FDISK_virtualAddPartition, FDISK_virtualDeletePartition, FDISK_correctLogical, FDISK_formatExisting, FDISK_delPart, FDISK_addPart, FDISK_showDiskDefine, FDISK_formatPart: migrated cha: FDISK_partAmount, FDISK_countExtendedPartition, FDISK_countPrimaryPartitions, FDISK_countLogicalPartitions, FDISK_getNextPrimary, FDISK_getNextLogical, FDISK_genPartBlock, FDISK_deleteExtendedFromParam, FDISK_setPartParam, FDISK_getDiskSize, FDISK_overwriteBlock, FDISK_getPartParam, FDISK_getJobTypeOption, FDISK_getJobCommand, FDISK_getJobType, FDISK_getJobOption, FDISK_printRmJob, FDISK_printAddJob, FDISK_printAddFSJob, FDISK_printBFlagJob, FDISK_printFormatJob, FDISK_calcChanges, FDISK_rearrangeLogical, FDISK_getDevNrFromDev, FDISK_getBiggestDevNr, FDISK_getPartitionBlocks: removed new: delFromArray: deletes all entries in the array $arr assigned by the keys stored in the array $delKeys. the new array without the entries in $delKeys is returned. new: FDISK_partCreationSelect: retunes a selection for selecting a partition type to create. cha: FDISK_formatExisting: partitions for swap and installations can be on different drives now cha: FDISK_listSupportedFS: now uses HTML_listSelection cha: FDISK_getAfterLastPartition: if there is a bit of free space return 1 to show free space in the bar fix: FDISK_getFreeSpaces: returnes correct value, if there are no partitions new: extended partitioning seems to work with new format new: fdisk.php: much smaler code saved 883 lines +++++ 2004-09-20 fix: FDISK_listPartTable: no shows free space after the last partition correctly cha: FDISK_printBars, FDISK_checkFreeSpace, FDISK_listPartitions: migrated cha: FDISK_getFreeSpaceBeforeFristPartition, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartitionPercent, FDISK_getFreeSpaceAfterLastPartition, FDISK_getAfterLastPartitionPercent: are now removed, because they were used at one place only and were wrapper functions for FDISK_getAfterLastPartition or FDISK_getBeforeFristPartition. The main functions are used directly now. +++++ 2004-09-17 cha: FDISK_getFreeSpaceAfterLastPartition, FDISK_listPartTable: migrated to new fdisk format and adjusted parameters fix: FDISK_getAfterLastPartition: now uses always the last partition +++++ 2004-09-14 new: MIGR_partitions: converts param string partition information to the new assiciative array format. new: MSR_importPartHwData: imports partition and hanrdware informationen cha/fix: m23hwscanner: several fixes cha: FDISK_getPartitions, FDISK_getAllDrives, FDISK_selectDrives, FDISK_formatJob, FDISK_defineDrive, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartition, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartitionPercent, FDISK_getPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterLastPartition, FDISK_getAfterLastPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterPartition, FDISK_getAfterPartitionPercent, FDISK_printAllBars cha: HTML_listSelection: now writes the first entry back to the first variable cha: FDISK_selectDrives: now uses HTML_listSelection cha: FDISK_getInstallDrive: renamed to FDISK_getFirstDrive cha: FDISK_replaceParamPart: removed, seems to be never used ;) new: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: searches a special device (e.g. /dev/hda2) and writes the virtual device and partition numbers to the variables. These values can be used to access the file system via $param["dev$vDev"."part$vPart"."_fs"] cha: FDISK_getBeforeFristPartition, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterLastPartition, FDISK_getPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterLastPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterPartition, FDISK_getAfterPartitionPercent: changed parameters new: FDISK_printBars: enough functions ported to make is work! +++++ 2004-09-13 new: MSR_partHwDataCommand: generates the commands to send partition and hardware info cha: DMI_getParam: now uses \n as seperator cha: m23PresetupInstall: now ueses MSR_partHwDataCommand new: migrate: script for converting old partitions and dmi formats to the new one new: MIGR_dmi: converts the DMI string from the old format (line ent marked with '?') to the new (marked wit '\n'); +++++ 2004-09-12 new: m23hwscanner: new C tool, that gatheres hardware and partition information and shows an associative array, that can be send via wget. This tool will replace the old partinfodb. +++++ 2004-09-11 cha: clients_overview: changed names in the actions selection fix: DHCP_rmClient: now returnes true, if all is ok new: CLIENT_deleteClient: deletes a client and shows an optional message cha: clients_overview: link for delete now contains the client name cha: delete_client: now uses CLIENT_deleteClient cha: clients_overview: can now delete multiple clients cha: CLIENT_addClient: presetup job is set to a priority of 0 cha: PKG_addStatusJob: if it is a special package the priority is checked, before a existing job is replaced by the new one cha: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: values are now alinged on top cha: getPackageParams: renamed to PKG_getPackageParams cha: getPackageParamsVar: renamed to PKG_getPackageParamsVar new: PKG_getPackageIDsByName: returnes all IDs as an array for jobs matching the client and job name and are a normal or special package. +++++ 2004-09-10 fix: MASS_showGeneratorOptions: if first shown, the length for the first login password is set to 8 to make generation of the example passwords possible new: MASS_getLongestLength: returnes the length of the longest entry in the array or max if bigger than max fix: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: now netmasks are checked correctly fix: pingIP: now returnes true and false as boolean values and not as strings cha: CLIENT_addClient: new parameter to select, if the root password should be encrypted new: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: copies all with a selected status jobs from one client to another cha: PKG_copyWait4accPackagesToClient: now uses PKG_copyPackagesToClient new: MASS_startInstall: starts the installation of all client with all paramaters defined in the table new: MASS_showOverview: shows a table with all generated client settings, that can be edited new: massInstall: seems to work mostly ;-) +++++ 2004-09-09 new: isProgrammInstalled: returnes true if a programm can be used new: pingIP: tests, if someone is answering the ping on a given IP address. returnes true, if someone answers cha: CLIENT_isrunning: now uses pingIP new: MASS_ipGenerator: generates the selected amount of IPs in the selected ranges. Only IPs are generated that aren't in use by m23 or (if activated) pingable. new: MASS_minMaxIP: calculates the possible minimum and maximum IP of a given netmask. The IPs are returned as an array: index 0 = minimum; index 1 = maximum. new: getServerNetmask: returnes the netmask of the m23 server new: MASS_passGenerator: generates the selected amount of passwords with a random algorithm or the genpw tool. new: MASS_generateNetmask: generate netmasks from ip addresses via network class definitions. new: MASS_generateClientNames: generates client names through appending of numbers. new: MASS_saveGeneratorOptions: saves all geneator options to EGKparams new: MASS_showGeneratorOptions: shows the dialog for configuring the generator options new: MASS_getAllFromFile: returnes all values from one key of the DB file as an array. +++++ 2004-09-08 cha: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: now checks if properties have been assigned more times cha: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: now checks if needed properties have not been assigned cha: MASS_showFileFormatDialog: added i18n support new: de/mi_step0-2.hlp: help files for mass install steps 1-3 new: MASS_getXProperties: returnes the amount and keys of a secial kind (enter, generate, keep, hand, file) +++++ 2004-09-07 new: MASS_showFileFormatDialog: shows a dialog that lets the user select a DB file and assign the columns to the fields of the file new: MASS_propertyKeys: returns the keys for all properties new: MASS_keyToI18N: converts the property names to I18N names new: MASS_I18NTokey: converts the I18N names to property names new: MASS_showTableDefinition: shows a dialog that lets the user define which field in the DB file should be assigned to which property new: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: saved the assignments from field number to property and other information to EGKparams and performes a simple check, to verify that the values of the properties are valuable. An error message is returned or an empty string, if all is ok. new: MASS_openDBFile: opens a DB file new: MASS_readDBFile: reads a line from the DB file and returnes an associated array with the properties as key and the fields of the file as values. new: MASS_readDBFileRaw: reads a line from the DB file and returnes the fields splitted to a normal array. new: MASS_closeDBFile: closes the DB file. +++++ 2004-09-06 cha: CLIENT_getStatusimage: added status for define cha: CLIENT_query: additional state and operator cha: clients_overview: clientBuilder clients are shown as installable clients fix: install_packages: if page is in install mode, the button has the right label cha: clients_overview: switch/case sets variable for help page cha: CLIENT_showStatusSelection: now shows define status cha: index: added massInstall page cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: new parameter to select, if you want values to be generated,entered or kept new: massTools: routines for mass installations new: MASS_EGKradioBoxes: Generates HTML code for showing 3 elements, that can be each a "radio button", selection "disabled" or "always selected". new: MASS_FHradioBoxes: Generates HTML code for showing 2 radio buttons for selecting file or handy source new: MASS_showFileHandDialog: shows a dialog for selecting "by file" or "by hand" for the "enter" properties. +++++ 2004-09-05 cha: support: added newsletter and icons cha: menu: added newsletter and questionaire to menu cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog, CLIENT_addClient: extra parameter for client definition new: FDISK_defineDrive: defines drive information for the clientBuilder new: FDISK_showDiskDefine: shows a dialog for defining the type and size of the fake drive for the cha: add_client: changes to insert clientBuilder functions +++++ 2004-09-03 new: en: editPackageSelection.hlp: help for package selection editing dialog new: dir /m23/data+scripts/m23admin/masstools/: for masstool plugins cha: menu: added mass tools entries new: icons: mass tools +++++ 2004-09-02 cha: PKG_getPackageStatus: if distr is empty only the action status is shown cha: install_packages: can now delete package selections new: de: editPackageSelection.hlp: help for package selection editing dialog +++++ 2004-09-01 fix: GRP_getDistrsAndSourcesLists: if there are arrays in the parameters new values are added fix: install_packages: checked package type is safed for page refresh new: PKG_getAllPackageSelections: returns all package selection names new: PKG_showAllPackageSelections: returns all package selection as HTML selection cha: install_packages: added list of package selections + delete button +++++ 2004-08-31 fix: PKG_savePackageselection: deletes all packages from selection before saving packages cha: install_packages: stores package selection name cha: install_packages: if package selection name is empty get the first selected package selection name new: PKG_deletePackageselection: delete all packages from package selection cha: menu: added entry for changing of package selections cha: install_packages: started to make editiong of package selections possible +++++ 2004-08-24 fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: now the table is included in correct table tags +++++ 2004-08-23 new: MSG_showUpdateInfo: showes a info message about the stored update jobs cha: end/de: groups_overview.hlp: rewritten cha: end/de: install_packages.hlp: some changes new: MSG_showUpdateInfo: showes a info message about stored jobs on N clients +++++ 2004-08-22 new: en/de: update_packages.hlp +++++ 2004-08-21 cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: get to post cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: now adds m23normaleremove jobs cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: shows with an icon, if the package should be de/installed cha: install_packages: shows correct help file, if in deinstall mode cha: PKG_listRecommendPackages: new selection, to select if the packages should be (de)installed or use the saved action cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: new parameter to select if the packages should be (de)installed or use the saved action cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: added titles for the status icons cha: en/de: install_packages.hlp: adjusted new: GRP_getAllPackages: shows a list of all packages on all clients in the selected groups. the packages can be selected by checkboxes fix: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: now uses correct url for deinstalling packages fix: install_packages: serveral little fixes for showing correct deinstallation page cha: install_packages: now includes update function cha: clients_overview: link to update has been changed +++++ 2004-08-16 cha: PKG_savePackageselection: uses MSG_showInfo and new extra parameter to switch showing of this message on and off cha: PKG_listRecommendPackages: now uses html table functions cha: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: added support for m23normalRemove +++++ 2004-08-15 cha: CLIENT_listPackages: radioboxes to checkboxes and no "do changes" button after each 30 lines cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: now shows m23normalRemove jobs correctly new: PKG_discardRemoveJob: discards all remove jobs from the clientjobs table, that match the param cha: PKG_rmSelectedPackages: now discards remove jobs cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: different checkbox base names for normal and normalRemove jobs cha: install_packages: ability to search for packages to remove, mark and deinstall these packages cha: MSR_decodeMessage: added stupport for transfering the package status file new: MSR_genSendCommand: sends file to postMessage.php new: MSR_importStatusFile: reads status file data from the post data and store it under /m23/var/cache/ clients/clientName /packageStatus new: MSR_statusFileCommand: generates the commands to send the package infos and package status file cha: m23UpdatePackage InfosInstall: now uses MSR_statusFileCommand cha: MSR_logCommand: now uses MSR_genSendCommand +++++ 2004-08-14 cha: client_distr: after saving of data: no title and no table is shown fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: uses previously entered root and first passwords after loading of a preference cha: m23XFceInstall: removed gdm, added logging of package installation fix: deinstall_packages: now uses correct i18n for search button fix: deinstall_packages: fixed spelling of BUT_previewDenstallation cha: deinstall_packages: now uses shadowed table cha: CLIENT_acceptChanges: changed method from GET to POST cha: clients_overview: if in deinstall mode, the action link is now page = installpackages with additional action deinstall cha: index.php: commented out deinstallpackages new: PKG_addRemovePackagesToWait4Aac: adds a remove job to waiting 4 accept status new: PKG_remNormalPackages: adds normal deinstallation jobs to db cha: renamed PKG_copyWaitingPackagesToClient to PKG_copyWait4accPackagesToClient +++++ 2004-08-12 new: m23XFceInstall: installs XFce as additional desktop system on the clients new: m23XInstall: installs X11 only cha: debian/info.txt: added XFce and X cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: now shows distribution and package source name new: GRP_showSelDistrSources: shows a dialog for selection of distribution and package source name. The choices are taken form distr and packagesource values of the clients in the group. If there is only one entry for one or both of the values, the value is written back to the input variable otherwise a HTML selection is shown. new: GRP_listAllClientsInGroups: returns an array with all client names contained in the groups cha: install_packages: if in groupmode: generates a one time client name, to make work with more administrators on one sever possible cha: rescaled m23.png: now looks smoother new: PKG_copyWaitingPackagesToClient: copies the waiting jobs from one client to another new: GRP_HTMLBackToOverview: generates HTML code to return to the group overview page new: install_packages: shows GRP_HTMLBackToOverview instead of CLIENT_HTMLBackToDetails if in group mode new: install_packages: assigns jobs to all clients in the group cha: PKG_addNormalPackages, PKG_rmSelectedPackages: changed method from GET to POST cha: PKG_acceptJobs: new parameter cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: has now a selection for the action (install, deinstall) +++++ 2004-08-10 cha: packages_install: preview button is only be shown, if on a a single client new: GRP_listAllClientsInGroup: returns an array that consists of all client names that are in a group new: GRP_getDistrsAndSourcesLists: writes the differnt distributions and package sources of the clients in a group as array to the both variables new: html.php: functions for generating often used HTML code new: HTML_listSelection: shows a selection with options stored in an array new: HTML_showTableHeader: prints the header of a shadowed table new: HTML_showTableEnd: prints the end of a shadowed table +++++ 2004-08-06 new: CLIENT_showAddDialog: shows the dialog for adding a client cha: add_client: most code has been moved to CLIENT_showAddDialog cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: uses POST method for sending the data cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: selection of groups for package installation cha: packages_install: now uses POST cha: packages_install: gets and manages groups cha: packages_install: title shows, if groups or a client is selected +++++ 2004-08-05 new: PKG_countJobs: counts all packages of a client with a given status cha: PKG_countSelectedpackages: now uses PKG_countJobs new: PKG_countPackages: counts all packages on a client cha: clients_overview: removed SQL code and replaced it by PKG_countJobs and PKG_countPackages cha: clients_overview: code cleaning: changed if, else, elseif to switch, case cha: GRP_showClientGroups: now can generate links to the group pages cha: clients_overview: removed rescue and recovery, are now in the client details new: CLIENT_query: returnes the result of a query for getting all clients matching selected states and groupNames. Empty values are interpreted as 'all' for this kind of value. cha: clients_overview: shows group name in the title if one is selected cha: group_actions: removed listClients action cha: commented out GRP_showClientsInGroup and GRP_listClientsInGroup (are not used any more) cha: GRP_doClientMoreGroups: removed debug code cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: now uses GRP_showClientGroups +++++ 2004-08-03 new: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: generates a table with all groupnames and the amount of clients in each group new: GRP_listGroupsAndCount: returnes a associative array with all groupnames and the amount of clients in each group cha: clients_overview: most code removed and replaces by GRP_showGroupsAndCount new: GRP_listClientsInGroup: returnes an associative array containing all clients and clientids in the group new: GRP_showClientsInGroup: generates a table showing all clients and clientids in the group cha: group_details: most code removed and replaces by GRP_showClientsInGroup cha: index.php: added group actions cha: renamed GRP_delClientToGroup to GRP_delClientFromGroup new: GRP_HTMLBackToDetails: generates HTML code to return to the group details page new: GRP_countClients: returns the amount of client of a certain group fix: GRP_listGroupsAndCount: now shows all groups (with 0 clients) new: GRP_ren: renames a group new: GRP_showGeneralInfo: shows a table with general information about the group new: GRP_showRenDialog: shows a dialog to rename a group new: GRP_moveClientToGroup: moves a client from one group to another new: GRP_listGroups: returnes all groups in an array new: GRP_groupSelection: generates a HTML selection with all groups as options new: GRP_showDelDialog: shows a dialog for deleting a group cha: add_client: now uses GRP_groupSelection cha: CLIENT_addClient: now uses GRP_addClientToGroup cha: client_overview: link to the addtogroup page has client as new parameter new: client_details: buttons for adding and removing the client to and from groups new: client_infoPage: functions for adding and removing the client to and from groups new: GRP_doClientMoreGroups: dialog and logic for adding and removing the client to and from multiple groups new: GRP_listClientGroups: returnes an array containing all groups a client is in new: GRP_showClientGroups: shows a list containing all groups a client is in +++++ 2004-08-02 fix: setLog: now sends logging information cha: messageReceive: added comments to the functions cha: bootimage: linuxrc: fetched script is stored as work.php new: work.php: if client is in debug mode the generated script is send back to the server cha: client_distr.php: after submitting the installation job, the selection dialog is hidden fix: CLCFG_sourceslist: messageReceive.php is now included only once cha: CLIENT_showLog: PHP errors are marked red fix: *: removed including of messageReceive.php (is now included in work.php) new: groups.php: for groups functions new: GRP_exists: checks, if a group exists new: GRP_add: adds a group cha: create_group.php: uses group functions new: GRP_getIdByName: gets the Id of a groupname new: GRP_del: deletes all clients from the group and the group itself cha: removed "groupname" from table "clients" new: CLIENT_getId: returnes the id of a client new: GRP_isClientInGroup: returnes true, if a client is in the selected group, otherwise false new: GRP_addClientToGroup: adds a client to a group new: GRP_delClientToGroup: removes a client from a group +++++ 2004-08-01 cha: client_distr: now works in 3 steps +++++ 2004-07-31 cha: m23ERPOSSInstall: new error detection code cha: *: tee command now logs stderr to the log files cha: makeDoc.sh: noe deletes backup files before generating tex files with mdoc new: CLIENT_showLog: checks for an log error and colors it red fix: m23ERPOSSInstall: log files are written after the ocurrance of an error fix: m23ERPOSSInstall: something is changing resolv.conf, interfaces and hostname: it gets overwritten by m23 at the end of the installation new: m23ERPOSSInstall: kdm debconf settings + kdm is now the default window manager cha: add-erposs3.sh: sourceslist entry is only added if none exists cha: erposs/ clientInstall: now doesn't use the proxy for debootstrap fix: erposs/ clientConfig: CLCFG_getEnd Configuration: now removes files before fetching them with wget fix: erposs/ clientConfig: corrected spelling error removee to remove cha: de,en/ clients_ overview.hlp: added some sentences for the new version new: distribution icon for erposs3 cha: erposs/ info.txt: adjusted for new icon +++++ 2004-07-30 cha: CCC: CLCFG_executeAfterChroot: copies screen logs to the installation partition fix: CCC: removed "`" from if cases cha: m23xfree86Install, m23KDE3Install: now uses CLCFG_dialogInfoBox cha: rescue_client, recover_c, delete_c: added icons cha: m23xfree86Install: commented out "tee" for logging (stopps while processing package x-window-system) fix: CLIENT_showDbugSelection: fixed spelling fix: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: now setting and showing of the debug state works cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: new parameter "isCritical" cha: erposs/ DISTR_after ChrootInstall: installation of dialog fix: CLCFG_getEnd Configuration: makes needed directories cha: m23ERPOSSInstall: logging of erposs packages fix: m23ERPOSSInstall: executes next job new: client_details: added client log cha: client_log: removed cha: CLCFG_addUser: new parameter for skeleton directory cha: debian/ clientInstall: added parameter in call of CLCFG_addUser cha: CLCFG_addUser: commented out copying of skel files by cp and making of home dir: now done by the adduser command +++++ 2004-07-29 cha: client_packages: removed menu cha: menu.php: commented out the menu entries for recovery + rescue new: CLIENT_isInDebugMode: returnes "true", if the asking client is in debug mode fix: client: changed debug code from "DEBUG" to "debug" fix: RMV_set4IP: now updates existing variables new: debugScreen: generates the /etc/screenrc file on the client, that enables logging the whole screen output to /tmp/screen.* cha: linuxrc: now downloads and executes the debugScreen cha: client_overview: shows link to control center page, if in overview mode new: some new icons cha: menu.php: traffic lights after the installation steps new: CLIENT_HTML BackToDetails: generates HTML code for returning to the client controll center page cha: client_waitingjobs, c_status, c_debug, recover_c, rescue_c, c_infoPage, update_packages, install_p, deinstall_p, c_packages: added links to the client control center page new: CLIENT_showDirect ConnectionHelp: returnes the help file for directConnection and replaces place holders with the correct values cha: CLIENT_showHardwareInfo: changed order: hardware info first, then partition info +++++ 2004-07-27 cha: debian/ CCC: CLCFG_genFstab: mounting proc isn't a critical error any more new: bootimage: added vt100 terminfo cha: bootimage: screen: adjusted path to screenrc fix: RMV_set4IP: now uses the ip in the parameter cha: CIR_enableDropbear: now copies the authorized key from the server cha: debian/ clientInstall.php: activates dropbear cha: en/de: client_direct Connection.hlp: changed parameter of ssh to avoid "man in the middle" warings cha: CIR_detectSCSI: output of the detection routine now looks nicer cha: index.php: changed clientcritical to clientinfo cha: clients_overview.php: jumps to the correct position on the client_details page new: client_infoPage: shows information about a client depending on the parameter +++++ 2004-07-26 cha: DEBUG_isInDebugMode renamed to CLIENT_isInDebugMode and DEBUG_toggleDebugMode to CLIENT_toggleDebugMode new: CLIENT_getStatusimage: return the image name with the correct color new: index.php: added clientdebug page new: CLIENT_generate HTMLStatusBar: generates HTML code containing the status of the client with links to the pages new: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: shows a dialog that lets you select the current debug state of a client new: client_debug.php: page for selection of the client debug state new: PKG_rmAllSpecial PackagesByName: deletes all special packages from a client matching the package name new: PKG_countSpecialPackages: counts the special packages of a clients matching the package name and status cha: PKG_countWaitingJobs now uses PKG_countSpecialPackages cha: bootimage: linuxrc: screen session is now named m23install cha: *: screen session name: changed to m23install new: de/en: client_client DirectConnection.hlp +++++ 2004-07-25 new: debug.php: DEBUG_isInDebugMode: returnes "true", if a client is in debug mode cha: client.php: CLIENT_addClient: now uses function encryptShadow new: add_client.php: now generates a random password for the root login into the netbootimage new: CIR_enableDropbear(): sets up and starts dropbear SSH server new: devguide: new chapter for patching screen new: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now shows the bootimage root password new: linuxrc: now starts a screen session cha: /m23/inc/distr /clientConfigCommon.php: removed, was unused fix: debian: CLCFG_interfaces: removed misarranged "fi" new: DEBUG_toggleDebugMode: en/disables the debug mode of a client cha: client_critical.php, CLIENT_show StatusSelection: adjusted for new status icons cha: CLIENT_list CriticalClients: added icon cha: menu.php: added icons +++++ 2004-07-23 cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: debootstrap error doesn't set client to critical status cha: debian/ cCC.php: CLCFG_interfaces: no logging for "gateway setup" cha: mkBootImage.sh: number of notes for the image are now 3000 and comented out knoppix files fetching cha: bootimage: exchanged all libs with never versions cha: bootimage: added /etc/terminfo/ l/linux +++++ 2004-07-22 cha: clientsOverview.php: added critical clients cha: CLIENT_listCriticalClients: now counts the critical clients and links to the critical clients overview page new: HELP_getHelpString: returns the help block for the online help new: en,de: client_status.hlp cha: client_critical.php: added 3 different ways to bring the client to a normal state +++++ 2004-07-21 cha: menu.php: added "update" under packages new: clientsoverview.php: every second output line is colored blue for better client differentation new: index.php: added updatepackages entry new: packages.php: PKG_showPreviewUpdateSystem: generates HTML code woth inormation about the update preview new: PKG_previewUpdateSystem: returns the information of an system update request fix: m23normalInstall.php: now correct distribution name is fetched new: m23updateInstall.php: package for undating the client system new: wait4go: little C tool, that stops the console till "go" is entered cha: db.php: sendClientLogStatus: new parameter critical: if it is set to "true" the execution of the script is stopped and a local rescue console is opened cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: copies wait4go to the installation partition cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: critical messages lead to excution of the local shell new: db.php: new client status STATUS_CRITICAL cha: exchanged all numeric client status' with the constant names cha: message.php: MSG_showError, MSG_showInfo: if language is set to "none", there will be no box subject cha: message.php: MSG_showMessageBox, MSG_showError, MSG_showInfo: new parameter width new: client.php: CLIENT_listCriticalClients: lists clients with critical status' new: menu.php: added listing of critical clients new: client_critical.php: new client page to bring client in a non critical status +++++ 2004-07-18 new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_hideKernelWarnings: hides the kernel warnungs new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: generates the m23fetchjob script new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_executeAfterChroot: prepares for pivot_root and does it and executes afterChroot new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_dialogAllBox: generates the BASH code for showing different types of dialog boxes new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_dialogMsgBox: generates the BASH code for showing an dialog message box new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_dialogInfoBox: generates the BASH code for showing an dialog infobox cha: debian/ clientInstall.php: exchanged code parts with new functions fix: m23normalRemoveInstall.php: now removes packages cha: en,de/wellcome.hlp: added software patents warning +++++ 2004-07-16 fix: m23ERPOSSInstall.php: has now correct file name cha: m23ERPOSSInstall.php: added setting of PATH environment variable new: bootimage, bootCD: new parted version 1.6.11 fix: erposs/ clientInstall.php: copies parted from the ramdisk to the install partition fix: erposs/ clientInstall.php: corrected name of kernel new: new package repository for missing package(s): screen cha: debimg/ clientConfig.php: commented out CLCFG_writeHosts: is already included in clientConfigCommon.php cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_hwdetect now installs: the necessary packages fix: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getEndConfiguration: corrected pathes for fetching the files +++++ 2004-07-15 cha: clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: additional paramaters new: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getERPOSSMirror: figures out the server + path containing the ERPOSS instalation files new: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getDebconfTemplates: fetches the debconf templates from the m23 server and extracts them cha: add-erposs3.sh: new sources list new: add-erposs3.sh: copies a lot of template files from the CD new: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getEndConfiguration: does some configuration at the end of the ERPOSS installation new: m23ERPOSSInstall.php: installs the desktop and all other needed packages for ERPOSS +++++ 2004-07-14 cha: moved CLCFG_installBasePackages, CLCFG_setDebconf, CLCFG_writeHosts and CLCFG_downgradeExt from debian/clientConfig to clientConfigCommon cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_installBasePackages changed parameters cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: stripped out some common install routines for all Debian like distributions: CLCFG_activateDMA, CLCFG_mountRootDir, CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools cha: m23RescueInstall.php: now detects SCSI controlers + loads modules cha: m23PresetupInstall.php: moved CIR_detectSCSI and CIR_waitForNextJob to m23CommonInstall Routines.php fix: client_distr.php: if the distribution variable is empty, set it to "debian" cha: CIR_detectSCSI: now only checks once for scsi controlers fix: booimage: the init of BusyBox 1-pre10 is broken: switched init to BusyBox 1-pre1 new: /mdk/bootimage/ BusyBox-configs: stores the BusyBox config files +++++ 2004-07-12 new: script for installing the "ERPOSS3 Behördendesktop" CD on the m23 server +++++ 2004-07-10 fix: bootimage: fixed some problems with the new BusyBox cha: linuxrc: now fetches the first job with SSL encryption fix: clientConfigCommon.php: corrected URL for authorized_keys new: package sources with/without KDE3 in woody fix: debian/info.txt: corrected spelling cha: added description for Textmode and Gnome cha: added the KDE shipped with Woody new: m23KDEwoodyInstall.php: is used to install the KDE shipped with Woody +++++ 2004-07-05 cha: sensitive data is now fetched SSL encrypted from the server fix: manual/makePDF-HTML.sh: copies HTML + PDF files to the server installation ISO cha: devguide/makeDoc.sh: now copies the HTML version of the devguide to the server installation ISO cha: bootimage: changed to BusyBox 1-pre10 +++++ 2004-07-04 new: mkCert.sh: creates a SSL certificate for usage with Apache SSL new: enable-ssl: first try for installing and configure all needed to enable SSL in Apache +++++ 2004-05-21 fix: debian/packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: set return value to "true" to enable offline mode +++++ 2004-05-20 fix: m23gnome2Install.php: Gnome 2.x is now installable (2 ';' were missing) cha: client.php: CLIENT_getSubnet: better code (thx to 2borg) new: client.php: CLIENT_getBroadcast: calculates the boradcast IP (thx to 2borg) fix: fixed link to the development guide in the menu new: created and made available the update from 0.4.8 to 0.4.9 cha: SRCLST_package InformationOlderThan: added check for the file /m23/etc/offlineMode. if it is found the function always returnes false. +++++ 2004-05-05 cha: menu.php: now includes the french manual, if french is the m23 admin interface language cha: version.php: changed to "final" +++++ 2004-04-30 cha: client_distr.php: new default distribution is "debian" and not "debimg" cha: moved info.txt and debimg.tgz to m23-extra new: created package m23-extra for parts not included in the normal m23 new: script to install m23 on a normal woody server cha: MDK: clean_mdk: now moves bootimage/initrd.gz cha: MDK: unclean_mdk: now moves bootimage/initrd.gz new: server boot CD: added README file cha: makeCD.sh: now generates cleaned m23 database and stores it on CD cha: MDK: makeCD.sh: now generates with Joliet and Rock Ridge extensions fix: woody-install.sh: enabled authentification +++++ 2004-04-29 new: exportDBInitTable.sh: exports a cleaned m23 database for installation of a new server +++++ 2004-04-28 cha: help.php, distr.php, server.php, packages.php, i18n.php, sourceslist.php, plugin.php, db.php: added length parameter to fgets function cha: dhcp.php: added code for selecting the correct dhcp server startup command new: db.php: isMySQL3used: checks if MySQL 3 is installed and returnes true if v3 is found, otherwise false cha: db.php: DB_addUser: added code to make it work with the old MySQL version 3 cha: fix-permissions: now autodetects user + groupname of the apache process new: devguide: added complete code to the MySQL-C++ chapter +++++ 2004-04-27 fix: en+de/ client_distr.hlp, client_add.hlp: fixed error in LaTex code generation cha: corrections in the english manual and help files +++++ 2004-04-09 cha: add_client.php: added package proxy + port cha: add_client.php: package proxy settings are stored in client options cha: client.php: CLIENT_addClient: now adds client options too cha: clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_aptConf: only add the APT proxy lines if the proxy IP is not empty cha: */clientInstall.php: APT proxy settings are taken from clients options cha: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: uses package proxy settings cha: debian/clientInstall.php: DISTR_baseInstall: uses package proxy settings in CLCFG_debootstrap fix: debian/packages.php: tries to sort the kernerl list if there is a list fix: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: only sets the proxy if its IP is not empty cha: de+en/client_add.hlp: added help about the package proxy setting +++++ 2004-04-07 cha: packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now returnes an error message, if an error occurs cha: packages.php: PKG_searchFor, PKG_listPackages: checks of the logfile isn't false cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_checkList: checks of the logfile isn't false cha: packages.php: PKG_searchFor: returns false if the search can't be started fix: install_packages.php: don't close the table if there occurs an error cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_genSelection($selName, $first, $distr): now shows sources lists that belong to the distribution only cha: client_distr.php, client_sourceslist.php: changed parameters for SRCLST_genSelection fix: packages.php: PKG_getPackageStatus: handles "normal packages" correctly now new: bootCD/updatem23.sh: a script for updating the installed m23 version with the version contained on the CD cha: serverupdate.hlp: added hint about the update script new: made new installation ISO 0.4.8 shiver-pre5 +++++ 2004-04-05 fix: stable sources.list: added KDE 3.2 source +++++ 2004-04-02 new: devguide: added new chapter for the MDK menue system cha: MDK/menuBootCD, menuManuelStart, menuDevguide , menuClientISO: added help entry new: menuBootCD.hlp: help file for menuBootCD new: menuManual.hlp: help file for generating the manual new: menuDevguide.hlp: help file for generating the development guide +++++ 2004-04-01 new: manual: finished exglis translation cha: clients.php: CLIENT_getSubnet: changed algorithmus: parts of the IP are copied only if there is 255 in the netmask. cha: m23.sf.net: english manual uploaded +++++ 2004-03-28 new: manual/introduction.tex: has been translated to english +++++ 2004-03-27 cha: menu.php: added a "report a bug" item fix: support.php: corrected path to the image cha: khtml2png: has been mostly rewritten, because KDE 3.2 now uses an optimisation that doesn't draw widgets that aren't visible. With the old tool it is impossible to make screenshots bigger than the screen. The new tool scrolls the contents of the HTML page and makes different screenshots that are appended to one image. cha: MDK/kh2p: changed parameters for khtml2png and now fetches the HTML page before capturing +++++ 2004-03-25 fix: MDK/menuClientISO: now builds the client ISO fix: MDK/mkBootImage.sh: copies the modules from the server installation cd to the client boot cd, to make the modules loadable fix: MDK: removed file "rescue" from the bootimage directory (saves 24 MB from the client boot CD) cha: MDK/bootimage: linuxrc: now shows the MAC addresses +++++ 2004-03-13 cha: client_add.hlp, clients_overview.hlp: changed to unordered list cha: fdisk-automatic.hlp, deinstall_packages.hlp, fdisk-extended3.hlp, makeBootDisk.hlp, fdisk-existing.hlp: changed to ordered list cha: MDK/html2tes.sh: most code rewritten: now uses html2latex fix: fdisk-extended2.hlp: corrected code cha: german manual has better layout +++++ 2004-03-12 cha: m23client-debconf: changed timezone to Europe +++++ 2004-03-11 fix: MDK/m23install.template: removed "/" after route option in dhcpd.conf fix: debian/clientConfig.php: CLCFG_installBasePackages: installs necessary packages for setting the keyboard in the console fix: work.php: if a script doesn't exist set the job to "done" and execute next job fix: client_distr.php: reordered code so distributions can be selected cha: checks.php: checkNormalKeys: allows "_" +++++ 2004-03-09 cha: MDK/m23-debconf-woody: removed dependencies fix: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_saveList: the sources.list is only deleted if it exists fix: debian/packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: logfile is now written fix: client_sourceslist.php: now trims whitespaces from sources list and description fix: rescue_client.php: now shows correct help page fix: client.php: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: delete all client package information cha: client.php: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: tries to wrap the parameter string after 80 characters fix: m23normalInstall.php: sets status back to green after the installation fix: */packages.php: PKG_listSpecialpackages: removed '>' in table header cha: m23UpdateSourcesListInstall.php: changed priority to 12 to avoid too early execution fix: packages.php: PKG_listParams: fixed doubled "
" fix: packages.php: PKG_listSelectedpackages: fixed column numbers for packagename and normalPackage fix: packages.php: PKG_discardNormalJob: false SQL statement generated cha: install_packages.php: repositionated buttons fix: fdisk.php: FDISK_listSupportedFS: removed reiserfs, because there is no code to format with reiser cha: debian/clientConfig.php: renamed CLCFG_downgradeExt3 to CLCFG_downgradeExt and included code to downgrade ext2 partitions cha: debian/clientInstall.php: adjusted for usage of CLCFG_downgradeExt fix: client.php: CLIENT_addClient: now installdate is set ;) fix: client.php: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: shows now installdate and lastmodifies in human readable format new: BUILD/UPLOAD ISO: m23shiver-0.4.8-pre3 +++++ 2004-03-08 cha: debian/clientConfigInstall.php: CLCFG_listDebianReleases: new parameter first cha: */packages.php: PKG_listKernels: new parameter first fix: */packages.php: PKG_listKernels: now first is the first kernel name new: preferences.php: PREF_putAllOptions( $prefName, $options): stores all settings in the options array to the preferences new: debimg/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_getSetOption($getvar, $optvar, $options): checks if a variable is set an places its value under the variable name in the options array new: debimg/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_options2HiddenForm( $options): generates hidden fields with the values of the option array new: debimg/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_hiddenForm2options( $options): reads the option values of the hidden fields and adds them to the options array cha: client_distr.php: moved refresh button to the bottom new: preferences.php: PREF_getAllValues( $prefName, $options): gets all preferences and adds them to the options array new: client_dist.php: now stores/ restores the preferences correctly cha: PKG_getPackageStatus( $client, $package, $distr, $params, $normalPackage): code rewritten and new parameters cha: work.php: now includes sourceslist.php fix: rescue_client.php: started recover :( new: client.php: CLIENT_getStatusimage( $status): return the image name with the correct color cha: client.php: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: fixed status color fix: rescue_client.php: now starts DHCP booting cha: version.php: changed to 0.4.8 shiver-pre3 new: help files: client_waitingjobs, rescue_client cha: clients_overview.php: now uses CLIENT_getStatusimage cha: clients_overview.php: click on the status color calles the page "clientstatus" cha: index.php: added "clientstatus" new: client.php: CLIENT_showStatusSelection( $client): shows a dialog that lets you select the current status of a client +++++ 2004-03-07 cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_saveList: removes sources.list after saving cha: debian/packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: updates the package cache if sources.list doesn't exist cha: m23KDE3Install.php: create /dev/raw1394 to make the installer quiet new: packages.php: PKG_updateSourcesListAtAllClients( $sourcename): updates the sources.list at all clients using it cha: client.php: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: now shows m23normal jobs correctly new: packages.php: PKG_removeFromJobList( $packageIDList): removes all jobs identified by the IDs in packageIDList cha: client.php: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: can now remove package jobs cha: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: calles "apt-get clean" +++++ 2004-03-05 cha: deinstall_packages.php, install_packages.php, recover_client.php, */clientInstall.php fix: debian/cientConfig.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: removed nonexisting package libstdc++5 cha: messageReceive.php: MSR_importLog: removed debug code fix: MDK: mkstaticdeb: fixed problem with ddcxinfo-knoppix that had no LDFAGS line cha: MDK: /mdk/m23Debs/debs: added wget_1.9.1-3.backports.org.1_i386.deb because the woody wget version is too old to handle --post-file fix: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: fixed the BASH code for getting the count of packages new: updated phpMyAdmin to version 2.5.6 cha: work.php: if there is a problem finding the package to execute: try to execute the next one cha: debian/clientInstall.php: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: installs the new wget cha: m23KDE3Install.php: removed starting of sshd cha: m23/skel/.kde/Autostart/passwd: changed command and rebuild usrm23.tar.gz +++++ 2004-03-04 new: messageReceive.php: MSR_decodeMessage(): checks the type of the message and cals the right procedure new: messageReceive.php: MSR_importPackageStatus(): imports the data from a package status message to the database cha: m23copyPackageStatusToServerInstall.php: removed cha: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: has now complete new code, that doesn't uses wget to transfer the data ro the server cha: packages.php: PKG_changeClientPackageAction($client, $package, $action): renamed from PKG_changeClientPackageStatus cha: packages.php: PKG_setClientPackageWait4Rm, PKG_setClientPackageInstalledOK: adjusted cha: packages.php: CLIENT_listPackages: adjusted cha: deinstall_packages.php, client_packages.php: now includes distribution packages.php cha: packages.php: moved PKG_translateClientPackageStatus to debian/packages.php cha: debian/packages.php: PKG_translateClientPackageStatus: code rewritten for better status description cha: client.php: CLIENT_getPossibleActions: uses PKG_isInstalled cha: debian/packages.php: PKG_isInstalled($status): checks if a package is installed depending on the status cha: sourceslist.php, m23gnome2Install.php, m23xfree864Install.php, m23KDE3Install.php, CLCFG_sourceslist(): doesn't use log2db any more cha: */clientInstall.php: removed log2db +++++ 2004-03-03 new: german manual: finished files: manual.tex, serverinstallation.tex, requirements.tex, firststeps.tex and introduction.tex fix: html2tex.sh: fixed problems with "-" and bold cha: menuManualStart.sh: added status for the html and pdf files cha: makePDF.sh: moved to makePDF-HTML.sh and added generation of HTML files new: menuManualStart.sh: added upload menu item cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: copies the HTML files to /m23/doc/manual/ cha: menu.php: now uses the new m23 manual cha: makeDoc.sh: now generates only HTML and PDF files new: menuDevguide: new menu for the generation and upload of the development guide cha: menuStart.sh: has a new menu item to generate the documents fix: devGuide: exchanged symbols that produced errors in HTML output cha: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: now only produces a short package status file on the client new: MDK: m23helper/ clientpackagestatus2db: imports the package status files from the temporary directory to the database new: m23copyPackageStatusToServerInstall.php: copys the short package status file from the client to the server and impots it into the database cha: deinstall_packages.php, install_packages.php, recover_client.php, */clientInstall.php: added package job m23copyPackageStatusToServer new: MDK: m23-initscripts: Debian package for installing some initscripts cha: MDK: menuDeb: added new m23 extra package m23-initscripts cha: debian/cientConfig.php: CLCFG_installBasePackages: added the installation of m23-initscripts +++++ 2004-03-02 new: MDK: new: remotevar.php: RMV_exists4IP($var, $ip): checks if a variable exists for a certain IP fix: remotevar.php: RMV_set4IP: uses RMV_exists4IP to check if the variable has to be added or updated cha: khtml2png: hacked the source so it wontt make errors displaying some HTML elements cha: MDK: html2tex: removes "noheading" and parses
tags new: MDK: loadExampleDB, restoreCurrentDB: loads a example database for making screenshots and restores the old one new: MDK: menuLanguage.sh: menu to select the language for generating screenshots and the Tex documentation new: MDK: makeScreenshots.sh: generates screenshots for the selected languages new: MDK: makeTexHelp.sh: generates Tex files for the selected languages new: MDK: menuManualStart.sh: menu for generating all the manual new: german manual: main page for the german manual new: german manual: introduction for the german manual new: german manual: screenshots from the server installation new: german manual: server installation page new: MDK: makePDF.sh: generates the manual(s) as PDF files for the selected languages +++++ 2004-02-29 new: MDK: mkstaticdeb, mkKnoppix-static: generates static Debian packages from Knoppix tools new: MDK: menuDeb: Menu for generating m23 Debian packages new: MDK: mkDeb: build a special m23 Debian package new: MDK: mkpackages: generates the Package* files cha: MDK: menuStart: added the deb builder menu cha: debian/clientConfig.php: CLCFG_setDebconf: systems without debconf-set-selections install the m23-debconf-woody package fix: index.css: removed out-commented line with false color konquerer had problems with fix: MDK: mkstaticdeb: now removes the Depends line in control fix: inc/help/*: changed false HTML-comments from \$KERNEL_NAME new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_interfaces: generates a script for writing the /etc/network/interfaces file new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_hostname: wrtites the hostname file new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_resolvConf: sets DNS entries new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_aptConf: proxy settings for downloading Debian packages cha: m23baseSysInstall.php: commented out fetching of the old script files cha: afterChrootInstall.php: exchanged the old scripts with the functions above +++++ 2004-01-02 cha: changed location of m23biglogo.png to /m23/gfx new: m23-start.png cha: m23/index.php: new layout + gfx cha: welcome.hlp: changed path of m23biglogo.png new: clientConfig.php: functions for configuring the client new: db.php: encryptShadow: function to encrypt password for the shadow file cha: m23admin/index.php: added clientConfig.php to the includes cha: db.php: removed enable_proxy and disable_proxy new: client.php.php: CLIENT_getAskingParams(), CLIENT_getParams($clientName): functions to get parameters of a client new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_genFstab($clientID): generates the command for generation of the fstab file +++++ 2003-12-07 fix: apt-search: information about installable packages is now updated correctly fix: m23baseSysInstall.php: now fetches the right file: aptconf.php and not hostname.php fix: mkxf86config-special.sh: set ps/2 as default protocol for ps/2 mouse +++++ 2003-12-06 cha: /etc/ssh/ssh_config: set "StrictHostKeyChecking no", so ssh won't ask for confirming new fingerprints cha: m23xf864Install.php: added mkxf86config creation of the XF86Config files cha: hwdetect.php: removed mkxf86config creation of the XF86Config files cha: m23inst.php-de: ä -> ae, ü -> ue cha: cleaned some unused files from /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys cha: baseSysInstall.php: fetches aptconf.php new: aptconf.php: generates a apt.conf file for the client that enables the proxy cha: removed enable_proxy() and disable_proxy() from all files. this is replaced by setting the proxy in apt.conf +++++ 2003-12-04 fix: hwsetup.php: fixed file name for mkxf86config cha: m23image.bz2: removed some old files fix: fdisk.php: FDISK_selectDrives: if $first is empty don't let it be the first drive fix: fdisk.php: FDISK_getPartParam and FDISK_partAmount: returns 0 if the device is empty: removes some warnings from the partition dialog ;) cha: db.php: added newlines before wget commands to make programming errors more difficult +++++ 2003-12-02 fix: /m23/bim/mk-m23.bz2.sh: corrected pathes: files that should be cleaned are in /tmp/m23 and not m23 ;). So the master password was not enabled, PXE and Etherboot files were not deleted before making the m23.bz2 file. fix: parted in the client bootimages was not statical linked: new bootimages for PXE and Etherboot new: new m23 server installation ISO. May be the last build before the RC3 release ;) +++++ 2003-11-27 cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_genList: added knoppix deb source cha: hwdetect.php: install following knoppix packages: hwsetup hwdata-knoppix ddcxinfo-knoppix xf86config-knoppix cha: hwdetect.php: commented out all routines to get the needed files, that are replaced with the deb packages cha: hwdetect.php: adjusted pathes to the files cha: plugin.php: exchanged all error and info messages with the versions from message.php new: /m23/bin/pscheck: script to check if a process is running fix: /m23/bin/phpDebug, /m23/bin/phpNormal: checks if apache is running. if not start it +++++ 2003-11-26 cha: /mdk/bin/menuBootCD: transfers the m23image.bz2 to (mostly for internal purpose) fix: new server image to fix the PATH error and update of the system cha: plugin.php: now uses message.php for its messages +++++ 2003-11-25 new: script for download statistic on m23.sf.net +++++ 2003-11-23 new: /mdk/bin/extractDeb: can extract the files from a deb file +++++ 2003-11-20 cha: /m23/inc/version.php: m23_codename is now "shiver-rc3" fix: Server-Image: /etc/profiles: PATH contains now /sbin, /usr/sbin (thx Henry) +++++ 2003-11-19 fix: getKnoppix*: binaries are now taken from the debs and not compliled from the tar.gzs fix: bootImage: now contain 3Com driver (thx Zugschlus) +++++ 2003-11-14 fix: Corrections in english help files +++++ 2003-11-13 fix: corrected headings in client partitioning fix: FDISK_formatExisting: returns param with empty partitions fix: FDISK_formatExisting: removed false error message fix: /mdk/bin/getKnoppix*: corrected version information new: /mdk/bin/getKnoppixDDCxinfo: DDCinfos gets the DDC parameters from the monitor now included and will be used by mkxf86config.sh +++++ 11-18+19-03 new: Script: Read menus from DEBs +++++ 05-01-2003 Hauke index.php - changed language detection scheme to fix double click for language change debimg.tgz - removed hwcheck from rc2-5, added hwcheck to rcS - added ntpsync to rcS - updated kernel to 2.4.21-rc1 - removed interface.* files from /root - made new debimg.tgz dhcp.php - fix: DHCP_rmClient, trimmed clientname - added return code to DHCP_rmClient delete_client.php - added return message add_client.php - shortened delay by client adding +++++ 04-30-2003 Hauke m23BaseSysInstall.php - commented out getBootFS(), seems to be not used any more - added debug flag for disabling dialog messages afterChrootInstall.php - " m23FdiskFormatInstall.php- " - removed obsolete code m23KdeInstall.php - added debug flag for disabling dialog messages m23PreSetupInstall.php - " log2db - fixed help message - fixed compiler warnings partinfodb - removed output of sql statement +++++ 04-29-2003 Hauke remortevar.php - added, for saving remote variables on the server, usefull, if cookies are disabled +++++ 04-22 - 04-28-2003 Hauke - countless changes for multi language support +++++ 04-21-2003 Hauke plugin.inc - added error messages for failed downloads - fixed an error in plugin updates - some changes to the layout: only error messages are shown help.inc - help files are now under inc/help/de +++++ 04-20-2003 Hauke plugin.inc - added PLG_showPluginOverview, PLG_delete - deinstallation of plugins works - update works +++++ 04-19-2003 Hauke plugins - new table plugins plugin.inc - added PLG_install, PLG_getTempDir, PLG_getFilename, PLG_realInstall, PLG_DBInstall, PLG_checkOverwriting, PLG_getPlugin, PLG_showDownloadStatus - installation of plugins works +++++ 04-18-2003 Hauke log2db - changed sql query method, now logfiles can be send easier client.inc - CLIENT_showLog, entries get colored - CLIENT_showLog, logfiles are correctly shown pxelinux.cfg - local boot of clients works now (with hint of Daniel) +++++ 04-17-2003 Hauke dbimg.tgz - added ntpdate + execute @ startup - added hdparm + dma autodetection @ startup - added libmysqlclient m23remasterImg.sh - fixed: /oldroot and / aren't tared log2db - introducing tool, saves logfiles to db +++++ 04-13-2003 Hauke client.inc - added CLIENT_reset client.inc - CLIENT_desasterRecovery: clients will be automatically reseted partinfodb - now sends cpu speed to server db.inc - introducing sendClientLogStatus() db - added table "clientlogs" setLog.php - logs script events to clientlogs db.inc - added deleteClientLogs(), deletes the client logs +++++ 04-13-2003 Daniel client_showwaitingjobs - fixed, so only done packages are shown afterChrootInstall.php - Added clockset of client via NTP client.inc - Added Function CLIENT_isrunning +++++ 03-05-2003 Hauke fdisk.php - changed parameters of FDISK_autoPart($clientName,&$command, $dev, $param) - amount of partitons is now calculated with the param string+++++ - amount of partitons is now calculated with the param string +++++ 2019-06-14 patch 101273: Smal translation fixes. +++++ 2019-06-12 fix: ucs.php: Removed empty line at the beginning. (THX FABR) fix: */m23base.php: Added missing $I18N_setup_client_tooltip. (THX FABR) +++++ 2019-06-08 cha: dlhttrack: Now uses dt_sf_rsyncWrapper instead of rsync. cha: dlhttrack: Now creates and deletes a temporary directory for creating the offline copies. +++++ 2019-06-06 patch 101271: m23-autoTest enhancements. cha: CAutoTest::waitForTrigger, ::triggerTypeToConstant, ::parseActionFromXML, ::checkTriggerResult, ::executeTriggerAction: Now can run SSH commands on the virtualisation server and check the results. new: AUTOTEST_sshVMServer: Executes commands on virtualisation server. +++++ 2019-06-05 patch 101270: Smal fixes. fix: m23 / postinst: Now creates /var/spool/squid and /var/log/squid with working access rights. fix: CAutoTest::loadXMLFile: Now runs AUTOTEST_getSeleniumSafeString on the included files too. patch 101269: m23-autoTest enhancements. new: AUTOTEST_VM_export_m23ServerISO_as_OVA: Exports a VM, that was installed via the m23 server installation ISO, to OVA file. new: CAutoTest::VMexportm23ServerISOasOVA: Calls AUTOTEST_VM_export_m23ServerISO_as_OVA. +++++ 2019-06-04 patch 101268: Compatibility fixes for Debian 8. new: autoTestScriptGenerator.php: Generates test sequences for m23-autoTest for m23 servers with Debian 8 + 9 (32 and 64 bits), UCS 4.3 + 4.4., Raspbian, localhost and m23 server installation ISO. fix: m23 / control: Now depends strongly on php-bz2, but does'n require it, if PHP 5 is used. This makes it compatible with Debian 8 (again). fix: m23 / postinst: Configuring Squid is compatible with Debian 8 (again). patch 101265: Added French characters to CONF_ALLOWEDCHARACTERS. fix: checks.php: Added French characters to CONF_ALLOWEDCHARACTERS. +++++ 2019-06-03 patch: Release 19.1 release 19.1 +++++ 2019-05-27 cha: index.php: session_start is called after including CPool*.php to fix "incomplete object php" when opening poolBuilder after client's overview again. (THX FABR) +++++ 2019-05-22 cha:IMG_clientRestore: Now activates FSEnlargeWrapper for all image formats. cha: m23-initscripts / postinst: Now configures Linux Mint 18 clients with systemd settings. cha: CGPGSign::setGPGID($id): Now returns false, if no valid ID is given. cha: MSR_clientSideBase64Encode: Now uses the base64 tool as second option and AWK as third. cha: MSR_clientSideBase64Encode: Now sets LC_ALL=C before using the AWK script for generating the bas64 output. Seems to be needed now. cha: FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions: Added new parameter to list only partitions. cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Now only shows partitions and no drives as clonig source. cha: IMG_getAllMBRs: Now returns generic MBR only. Cloned MBRs don't seem to work anymore. cha: * / client_distr.hlp: Commented out the parts of the help files that describe deactivated options. +++++ 2019-05-21 cha: PKG_addUser: Has a new parameter to choose, if groups for Debian and Ubuntu systems are added and the job chooses the groups when it is executed on the system. cha: m23AdduserInstall.php: Special mode to find out what groups should be used for a newly created user. fix: partcloneWrapper, FSEnlargeWrapper: Now are detecting file system correctly on EFI systems too. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now package source lists from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list too. cha: FSEnlargeWrapper: ext file systems are resized online now. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Set only the sources list, if it's imaging. +++++ 2019-05-20 cha: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Removed adding of additional jobs and configuring like another distribution. new: CLCFG_executeNextWorkEveryMinute: Runs executeNextWork in a loop every minute and shows a status message about elapsed waiting time. cha: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Now uses CLCFG_executeNextWorkEveryMinute. cha: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Now detects the dirstribution (Debian or Ubuntu) by /etc/issue or sources.list*. cha: imaging / CLCFG_addDistributionSpecificOptions, CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Removed option to configure restores image like a distribution. +++++ 2019-05-18 new: imaging / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Generates a script that is executed after the chrooting. new: client_distr.php: Added warning if Imaging is choosen. +++++ 2019-05-17 fix: partcloneWrapper: Now detects file system correctly. cha: IMG_showImageManagement: Now has a refresh button. fix: IMG_getFormatCompressionFromFile: Now correct decompression method is figured out. cha: menu.php: Commented out RAS. cha: head.php: Now shows the link to the questionnaire if the webinterface language is German only. cha: HTML_liveLogArea: Increasing the minimum data length for detecting a change to > 1, because clientLiveLog.php gives out a newline if no changes are there. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now has an additional parameter, to set if it was called to reconfigure a distribution that was installed by imaging. +++++ 2019-05-10 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now uses "--no-proxy" when downloading the compressed base system archive with wget. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now checks the integrity of the 7-Zip compressed base system archive and repeats the download until it is valid. +++++ 2019-05-09 cha: CATSG::nextClientsArray: Became CATSG::nextClientsArray and is executed in CATSG::generate for each server. cha: CATSG::log: Now the client names are framed with "#" in the BASH scripts to make them more prominent. new: CATSG::getStopFile: Get the name of the stop file. cha: CATSG::generate: Resulting BASH scripts now are stopping, if a stop file exists. cha: CATSG::generate: Now the resulting BASH scripts are skipping clients that are marked as "OK" in the log file. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now checks for running on UCS before checking the network boot state. cha: UCS_addClient, UCS_enableClientPXEBoot: Now are returning messages from udm. cha: MSG_showEmergencyError: Shows the ermergency error message with a JavaScript "back" button and stops the script afterwards. cha: UCS_enableClientPXEBoot: Now calls MSG_showEmergencyError in case of an UDM message. cha: CATSG::simplifyNames: Now Simplifies 'amd64' and 'i386' too. +++++ 2019-05-08 cha: CAutoTest::isAnswerFoundInTriggerResult: Now decodes HTML entities (with special handling of "'") when translating I18N variables. new: CATSG::getWebinterfaceLang: Gets the language of the m23 webinterface. cha: CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey: Now moves wgetrc out of the way before installing wget. cha: CATSG::getEnvironmentWebinterfaceLang, CATSG::getVMName; Now are using getWebinterfaceLang. +++++ 2019-05-07 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / installDebs: Commented out the installation of m23-vbox. cha: mkCert.sh: Now sets the beginning of the certificate validity to 2019-01-01. cha: m23 / postinst: Now redirects more errors to /m23/log/m23PostinstNonCriticalErrorMessages.log. cha: m23 / postinst: Now the m23 server adds itself to the client's table, if no information about it can be read from the table. +++++ 2019-05-06 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / installDebs: Now removes m23debs.list too. cha: * / linuxrc: Now suppresses kernel and modules messages (except panic) from appearing on the console cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now suppresses error messages when trying to change ownership of files. cha: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now goes back to "installing base system" message after hardware detection is finished. new: CATSG::initWebinterfaceLangArray: Generates an array with information about the languages of the m23 webinterface. new: CATSG::nextWebinterfaceLang: Sets the language of the m23 webinterface to the next (or first) available language in the language array. new: CATSG::getEnvironmentWebinterfaceLang: Returnes command line environment variable to set the language of the m23 webinterface. cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Now uses "--part-type" instead of the deprecated "-c" for the sfdisk call. cha: AutoTest::parseAnswersFromXML: Now if the attribute "sshanswer" is set, it will be used as wanted answer instead of the HTML parameter (eg. in clientInfo['keyValueStore'] only, if present. fix: partcloneWrapper: Adjustements to current versions of parted and partclone (THX FABR) cha: client / linuxrc: Improved output on screen: Coloured messages and less unimportant error messages. (THX FABR) cha: client / linuxrc: Usage of haveged is configurable by parameter now. (THX FABR) cha: archFunctions / makeLinks: Now gives out a message, if the destination symlink is already existing. (THX FABR) cha: kernelFunctions.inc: Now jumps back to MDK's menu from 'make menuconfig' after pressing a key. Give us a chance to see error messages. (THX FABR) cha: rfsFunctions.inc: Now uses force parameter when deleting (some) files. (THX FABR) +++++ 2019-04-29 new: m23InstallerBase.inc / copyDebs: Copies the Debian packages from the ISO to the installation partition and prepares the system to execute afterRebootSetup.sh at first boot. +++++ 2019-04-28 cha: menuManual.hlp, menuDevguide.hlp: Updated and made more precise. +++++ 2019-04-27 new: menuFork, menuFork.hlp: Added help function. cha: menuServerISO.hlp, menuClientISO.hlp, menuStart.hlp: Updated and made more precise. fix: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult: Now uses correct comparision for $found == $shouldbefound for bad. +++++ 2019-04-26 new: CLIENT_getSSHKeyorPasswordOptions: Generates SSH options for using sshpass (password given) or SSH public key (no password given). cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now uses CLIENT_getSSHKeyorPasswordOptions. cha: CAutoTest::VMCreate, VMStop, VMStart: Now are giving out debug messages via CAutoTest::debugPrint. cha: CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML, executeTriggerAction: Added wait action. +++++ 2019-04-25 cha: m23 / postinst: Now disables systemd's PrivateTmp for Apache in service files that were copied to /etc/systemd/system/. cha: VM_stopVM: Now stops the VM only if it exists. cha: CLIENT_filterLinesFromLiveScreenRecording: Added 'lost connection' and 'Permission denied'. fix: AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer: Corrected running of client commands from local m23 server. +++++ 2019-04-24 cha: Updated Linux Kernel to 4.9.170. cha: CATSG::getVMName: Now the return string includes the client architecture. new: CATSG::toggleClientArch: Toggles the client's architecture from amd64 to i386 and reverse. new: CATSG::getClientArchEnvironmentVariable: Returnes command line environment variable to create an i386 client or nothing, if the client's architecture should be amd64. cha: client_distr.php: Now allows the start of the distribution only, if a kernel was selected. Otherwise shows an error message. +++++ 2019-04-19 cha: serverInfoBroadcast, serverInfoGateway, serverInfoDNS, serverInfoIP, serverInfoNetmask: Now are filtering out all parts that are not a valid IP address. fix: m23 / postinst: Fixed adjustment of old clients without architecture. (THX FABR) cha: m23 / postinst: Now only calls m23customPatch.php if there are patch files. cha: m23 / postinst: Now redirects mysql errors to /m23/log/m23PostinstSQL.log, because error messages (eg. creation of existing tables or databases) aren't errors from m23's view. Overwriting of tables and databases would be a fatal error. +++++ 2019-04-18 new: nonM23CreateOSImage: Creates a tar.7z image of the currently installed (non m23) system fix: configureNetwork: Removed wrong space after IP address. +++++ 2019-04-16 cha: /mdk/client+server/updatedDebianPackages: Removed outdated files. cha: createRFScopyLib: Now checks the architecture of libraries (32- or 64-bits) before copying them. +++++ 2019-04-15 cha: Removed outdated m23 plugins directory /mdk/m23plugin, dependency from m23-mdk/control, SF-hg-backup and build instructions from mkm23Debs. cha: m23 / postinst: Now removed bad SSH keys from files only if they are existing. cha: m23 / postinst: Now (re-)creates .../baseSys/authorized_keys if it's empty. cha: VM_stopVM: Now tries 10 times to shutdown the VM with a pause of 3 seconds between attempts. +++++ 2019-04-13 new: Added Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic *OptionPages.php. +++++ 2019-04-12 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap, PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerURL: Now are using HTTPs connections for wget. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh / checkNoXorgConfNeeded: Now checks and returns (but does not delete xorg.conf), if the installed Xorg version will run well without a xorg.conf new: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh / removeNotNeededXorgConf: Removes xorg.conf, if the installed Xorg version will run well without a xorg.conf cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh / configXOrgVBox: Now calls checkNoXorgConfNeeded to find out, if xorg.conf is needed. cha: install_packages.php: Now shows the message about a maybe outdated package index only, if a search term was given. cha: client_distr.php: Disabled Ubuntu warning. cha: Removed outdated Ubuntu and Debian *OptionPages.php. +++++ 2019-04-11 fix: createRFScopyLib: Now filters out 32 or 64 bit libs depending on the build architecture. +++++ 2019-04-09 fix: downloadExtractRFS: Removed non-existing Wheezy sources. fix: downloadExtractRFS: Removed now non-existing packages. cha: createRFSBins: Disabled usage of allLibs.txt. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / startBaseInstallation: Now uses existing LDAP database. +++++ 2019-04-08 new: getCPUDebianArch: Shows the native CPU architecture of the distribution. cha: CAutoTest::parseXML: Changed priority of answers. Now it is bad, good and warn. cha: CATSG::simplifyNames: Now filters case-sensitive. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: xorgThereSoStop: Now calls checkNoXorgConfNeeded to remove a unneeded xorg.conf. cha: cleanOSForCompressing: Now configures /etc/default/grub and /etc/network/interfaces to use traditional network interface names. cha: head.php: Updated links. fix: m23 / postinst: Fixed generation of random password. cha: PKGBUILDER_tar2deb: Now removes Packages* from the extradebs directory. new: checkForCrossGCC: Checks, if DPKG extra architecture and packages for cross compiling (i386 <=> amd64) are installed. (THX FABR) cha: compileBusyBox: Now calls checkForCrossGCC and uses parameters to cross-compile BusyBox. (THX FABR) fix: m23-ldap / postinst: Fixed path to config.php. +++++ 2019-04-02 new: tarBusyBox-compiled+symlinks: Creates a compressed tar file with the BusyBox binaries for i386 and amd64 and the symlinks to them. +++++ 2019-04-01 cha: compileBusyBox: Removed cross compiling (doesn't work anymore). cha: menuClientISO: Now sources /mdk/globalVars before sourcing include files. +++++ 2019-03-29 cha: exportDBInitTable: Removed "Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca", "Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela", "Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa". +++++ 2019-03-28 new: CATSG::initClientsArray: Generates an array with information about client distributions including available desktops. new: CATSG::initServerArray: Generates an array with information about m23 server targets. new: CATSG::pickDesktops: Randomly picks desktops from the list of desktops that are available in the distribution. new: CATSG::simplifyNames: Simplifies server, sourceslist and desktop names. new: CATSG::getVMName: Generates a (unique) name for the VM. new: CATSG::getFileName: Generic filename generator. new: CATSG::getLogFile: Get the log filename. new: CATSG::getBashFile: Get the name of the BASH file that contains the full test set for an m23 server. new: CATSG::log: Logs BASH code with the resulting exit and (optionally) exits when a failure occurs. cha: exportDBInitTable: Removed "devuanjessie", "trusty", "HS-Fedora14", "HS-opensuse11.4", "HS-centos62", "precise", "precise+Xorg-updates", "wheezy". +++++ 2019-03-26 cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now calls ssh with LC_ALL=C. new: SRCLST_getExportedListNames: Generates an array with all sources lists that are exported by /mdk/bin/exportDBsourceslist.php. +++++ 2019-03-25 new: AUTOTEST_VM_stop: Stops a VM. new: CAutoTest::VMStop: Stops a virtual machine. +++++ 2019-03-24 cha: CLIENT_filterLinesFromLiveScreenRecording: Added additional filter strings from CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now uses HELPER_filterOutUnwantedSSHErrors instead of filtering the lines directly. +++++ 2019-03-23 cha: AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer: Added "-o ServerAliveInterval=60 -o ServerAliveCountMax=1". +++++ 2019-03-22 cha: AUTOTEST_VM_hostSanityCheck: Now checks for tesseract and convert (ImageMagick) too. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen: Now uses tesseract too. cha: CAutoTest::isConsecutiveIdenticalMessage: Now counts the repeated identical messages. cha: CAutoTest::showAndLogMessage: Now shows the amount of repeated identical messages. cha: AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer: Added connection timout of 15 seconds. +++++ 2019-03-21 cha: CLCFG_executeAfterChroot: Now calls /tmp/afterChrootInstall.sh with "bash /tmp/afterChrootInstall.sh" and not as executable script. Needed for Ubuntu 18.04. and Linux Mint 19.x now. +++++ 2019-03-20 cha: menuClientISO: Now shows info messages to indicate the called subroutines. new: CAutoTest::isConsecutiveIdenticalMessage: Checks, if an consecutive identical message was assigned in the last call. cha: CAutoTest::showAndLogMessage: Now has an optional parameter to filter out consecutive identical messages. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_delete: Now stops the VM before deleting. +++++ 2019-03-19 cha: UCS_enableClientLDAP: Now calls CLCFG_patchNsswitchForLDAP to configure /etc/nsswitch.conf. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Additional parameter to redirect stderr and not shown on in the console. +++++ 2019-03-18 cha: CAutoTest::nextCurElement: Now shows and logs a heading for the new test block instead of CAutoTest::setTriggered. new: AUTOTEST_createLDAPUserAndGroup: Creates an LDAP user and group on the local LDAD server and shows an info message, if creation was sucessfully or a warning with the direct message from the LDAP server. new: autoTestHacks.php: Page for special functions that can be triggered by m23 autoTest. +++++ 2019-03-17 new: HELPER_indentLines: Intents all lines by putting an intent string in front of them. +++++ 2019-03-16 cha: CAutoTest::elemOk: Renamed to CAutoTest::elemGood. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now returns stderr too when in direct execution mode. new: HELPER_filterOutUnwantedSSHOutputs: Filters out unwanted lines from SSH client. cha: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult: Now jumps out of the foreach loop to not process "warn" or "bad" events after a "good" event. cha: CAutoTest::showAndLogMessage: Now UTF8 decodes the message. +++++ 2019-03-15 cha: CAutoTest::setTriggered: Now shows and logs a heading for the new test block if it is triggered. +++++ 2019-03-13 cha: CAutoTest::isAnswerFoundInTriggerResult: Now checks, if the answer is NOT found in the result, if the answer string begins with "!". cha: CAutoTest::getLogFileName: Now returns "autoTest-startup.log", if the constant "VM_NAME" is not set. fix: client / linuxrc: Increased the timeout for fetching the first job from 2 seconds to 10 minutes. +++++ 2019-03-12 cha: serverInfoIP: Now removes the amount network bits from the IP (if present). cha: m23 / postinst: Removed outdated functions to figure out the IP and broadcast address. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now has an additional parameter to use password authentification for conneting clients via SSH. fix: VM_startVMInExistingXSession, AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen: Now the VM name is in quotation marks to allow names with spaces. +++++ 2019-03-11 cha: CAutoTest::defineConstantsFromXML: Becomes CAutoTest::internalValuesFromXML and reads now the variables section of an XML file and imports the variables into the array with runtime variables. cha: CAutoTest::__construct, CAutoTest::parseXML, CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction, CAutoTest::getISO, CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult, CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Now are using interal variables instead of constants. new: CAutoTest::internalVariablesToConstants: Maps internal variables to constants (for backward compatibility). new: CAutoTest::isDebug: Checks, if autoTest is in debug mode (variable AT_debug is set). new: CAutoTest::debugPrint: Shows a message (, array or object in human readable form) and logs it to the log file, if autoTest is in debug mode. +++++ 2019-03-10 cha: CAutoTest::parseAnswersFromXML: Now answers can include a password. cah: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult, CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction, CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Now can evaluate passwords. +++++ 2019-03-08 cha: CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Now supports TRIGGER_SEL_SOURCENOT_CONTAINS too. cha: CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Constants in the trigger parameter are now replaced by AUTOTEST_replaceConstantsInString. cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now sets m23createImage jobs to status done, so they won't be executed during recovery. new: CIR_rootInRamdiskOrExit: Checks, if root is stored on the ramdisk and exits the script, if not. cha: m23createImageInstall.php: Now calls CIR_rootInRamdiskOrExit to not make any changes on the HDD/SSD. +++++ 2019-03-04 cha: m23 / postinst: Now configures squid.conf to shutdown after 5 seconds. (THX FABR) cha: m23 / postinst: Now excludes loopback device from listening devices in /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server. (THX FABR) cha: m23 / postinst: Now doesn't insert code for loading mysql.so when running PHP 7.0 anymore. (THX FABR) +++++ 2019-03-01 new: CAutoTest::importEnvironmentVariables: Imports environment variables starting with 'AT_' into the runtime variables array. cha: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult, CAutoTest::triggerTypeToConstant: Added sel_sourcenotcontains new: CAutoTest::evaluateSetVar: Parses the value of an "setVar" attribute from an aarray with information about the answer and sets it to the runtime variables array, if it seems to be valid. cha: CAutoTest::elemOk, elemWarn, elemBad: Parameter is now an array with information about the answer. cha: CAutoTest::elemOk, elemWarn, elemBad: Now are calling CAutoTest::evaluateSetVar. new: CAutoTest::evaluateRunIf: Checks, if the condition of the runIf attribute is met. cha: CAutoTest::addToSequence: Now has an additional parameter for the value of the runIf attribute. cha: CAutoTest::parseXML: Now parses runIf attributes too. new: CAutoTest::isXMLTEST: Check, if the only the XML should be parsed. +++++ 2019-02-28 cha: AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer: Now has an optional parameter to set the SSH password. cha: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult, CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Now uses password parameter when calling AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer. cha: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult: Added true trigger for good/warn/bad. new: CAutoTest::gotSeleniumDriverID: Returnes true, if a Selenium webdriver ID was acquired. cha: CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML: Added SSH command action. new: AUTOTEST_getSeleniumSafeString: Urldecodes characters that were made it safe for usage in Selenium and SimpleXMLElement. new: CAutoTest::getStatusDescriptionInBraces: Returns a status string with optional description in braces. cha: CAutoTest::parseAnswersFromXML: Now answers can include a description. new: dieWithExitCode: Let the script die with a message on stderr and exit code. +++++ 2019-02-27 new: VM_restoreSnapshot: Restores a snapshot. new: AUTOTEST_VM_restoreSnapshot: Stops a VM and restores a snapshot. +++++ 2019-02-26 fix: m23 / postinst: Now uses the correct variable for integer representation of the old version. (THX FABR) +++++ 2019-02-25 fix: CLCFG_setSystime: Now sets the date/time by year, month, day, hour and minute to avoid problems with timezones. +++++ 2019-02-18 cha: CAutoTest::defineConstantsFromXML: Now constants defined by settings files can be overwrite with environment variables. +++++ 2019-02-17 new: I18N_getAllTranslationsForAllVariables: Translates all I18N variables (in all languages) to their language dependent strings. cha: CAutoTest::parseAnswersFromXML: Now adds cmd parameter. cha: CAutoTest::parseTriggerFromXML: Now urldecodes the parameters. fix: install_packages.php: Now adds the m23UpdatePackageInfos job again. cha: CAutoTest::__construct: Now adds a callback function for handling Ctrl+C. +++++ 2019-02-14 cha: CAutoTest::parseXML: Added mode for testing the webinterface only. fix: AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer: Now uses correct parameter if m23 server and autoTest machine are identically. +++++ 2019-02-13 cha: CAutoTest::VMCreate: Now deletes a maybe existing VM with the given name before. +++++ 2019-02-04 cha: clientLiveLogComplete.php: Now reads the log file line wise to handle big log files. +++++ 2019-01-29 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now m23fetchjob pings the m23 server in a loop until the ping attempt was successfully. Only then the m23 client tries to fetch the work.php. +++++ 2019-01-19 new: CAutoTest::freeSeleniumDriverID: Frees the used Selenium webdriver ID. new: CAutoTest::__destruct: Destructor for this CAutoTest object. +++++ 2019-01-15 new: CAutoTest::seleniumExecExtra: Runs an action on the HTTP2SeleniumBridge. new: CAutoTest::getSeleniumDriverID: Gives the Selenium webdriver ID this instance should use or let the programm die, if all are used. +++++ 2019-01-09 cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "LinuxMint 19.1 Tessa" +++++ 2018-11-29 new: HELPER_str_equal_UTF8ISO: Checks, if two strings are equal independent from their encodings (UTF-8 or ISO). cha: CAutoTest::isAnswerFoundInTriggerResult, isAnswerFoundInTriggerResult: Now are using HELPER_str_equal_UTF8ISO. new: CAutoTest::seleniumReload: Reloads the currently loaded page. +++++ 2018-11-28 cha: CAutoTest::readSettings: Now tries to read settings.m23test from the home directory first, then tries the current directory. +++++ 2018-11-27 fix: CLCFG_setSystime: Now uses seconds since 1970. +++++ 2018-11-26 fix: client / linuxrc, createRFSBins, downloadExtractRFS: Added and started haveged to fill the random pool faster. Using haveged will remove the delay when wget connects via SSL the first time. +++++ 2018-11-22 fix: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: Now converts a comma to a point in float values before using it in an SQL statement. +++++ 2018-11-19 cha: compileKernel: Now makes sure, the CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU driver is not included in the i386 kernel. +++++ 2018-11-18 cha: compileKernel: Now cleans out the compiled objects when the architecture is changed. cha: checkKernelDir: Now filters out any tar files cha: Updated Linux Kernel to 4.9.137. +++++ 2018-11-17 cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "LinuxMint 19 Tara". m23Mint19CinnamonInstall.php cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now greeter-session line is only added, if it has a value. cha: m23-initscripts / postinst: Added support for Linux Mint 19. +++++ 2018-11-16 cha: SERVER_sendScriptToSF: Changed URL to HTTPs. cha: convert_hd: Updated from https://github.com/openSUSE/hwinfo/raw/master/src/ids/convert_hd. cha: createRFSBins: Now exits, if no Linux kernel was compiled for the chosen architecture. +++++ 2018-11-13 cha: CLCFG_disableAvahiDaemon: Deactivated. +++++ 2018-10-30 cha: checks.php: Added '&' to the list of allowed characters. cha: serverInfoBroadcast, serverInfoGateway, serverInfoIP: Made more robust. +++++ 2018-10-17 cha: head.php: Now shows server IP. fix: CmCP::setExitCode: Now uses correct variable. +++++ 2018-09-24 cha: m23DuplicateToFRS, m23instUpload: More workarounds for SourceForge's random SSH key denial. +++++ 2018-09-23 new: CFDiskBasic::createFormatPartition: Creates and formats a partition. new: CFDiskBasic::PM_auto500GBsysSwapData: Automatically partitions and formats the first 500GB a disk. It creates a system, swap and data partition. cha: CFDiskGUI::showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Added PM_auto500GBsysSwapData. +++++ 2018-09-22 patch 101167: Fixes for editing clients and Kerberos settings for UCS 4.2 fix: edit_client.php, client_details.php: The new clearSession variable loads the client name and ID into the session. Without it the client name and ID would be set one time only and not changed afterwards. As consequence one client could be edited only. cha: UCS_enableClientLDAP: Updated Kerberos settings to UCS 4.2. +++++ 2018-09-21 fix: edit_client.php, client_details.php: The new clearSession variable loads the client name and ID into the session. Without it the client name and ID would be set one time only and not changed afterwards. As consequence one client could be edited only. +++++ 2018-08-30 new: CAutoTest::getTriggerAttributes: Returns the attributes (additional parameters) for execution of the current sequence element. cha: CAutoTest::parseTriggerFromXML, CAutoTest::addToSequence, CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult, CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Added trigger attributes parameter and logic. +++++ 2018-08-28 cha: client / linuxrc: Now asks for settings, if no valid work.php could be downloaded. cha: m23-roms: Removed outdated Etherboot images for floppy disks. cha: m23 / control: Removed "Depends" to "m23-roms". cha: m23Backup, m23Restore, m23-vbox / postinst, m23shared / postinst, DB_getSuperUserPassword, DB_getSuperUserName: Now are using getMySQL-UserParam.sh and getMySQL-PasswordParam.sh. cha: /mdk/outdated: Deleted very old files and directories. cha: m23Backup: Now saves the current IP of the server. cha: m23Restore: Now replaces the saved IP address with the current IP in the SQL dump before restoring. +++++ 2018-08-27 new: /m23/bin/serverInfoBroadcast: Shows the broadcast address of the m23 server. new: /m23/bin/serverInfoGateway: Shows the gateway address of the m23 server. cha: m23/postinst, m23-ldap/postinst: Now uses serverInfoDNS, serverInfoBroadcast, serverInfoIP and serverInfoGateway. cha: exportDBInitTable: Now uses getMySQL-PasswordParam.sh and getMySQL-UserParam.sh. new: /m23/bin/getApacheUser: Get Apache user and group new: /m23/bin/getApacheGroup: Get the group Apache 1 or 2 is executed under. cha: serverFunctions.inc / getApacheUser: Now uses /m23/bin/getApacheUser. cha: serverFunctions.inc / getApacheGroup: Now uses /m23/bin/getApacheGroup. cha: m23 / control: Removed "mknbi" from Recommends. +++++ 2018-08-15 new: AUTOTEST_sshTunnelOverServer: Executes commands on a client indirectly, that is reachable over an m23 server only. +++++ 2018-08-12 cha: SRCLST_genSelection: Now sets the value for the options. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen: Now recognises characters in the screenshots with four OCR settings. +++++ 2018-08-11 new: CAutoTest::loadXMLFile: Loads an XML file, replaces problematic characters and includes other files. new: AUTOTEST_VM_hostSanityCheck: Checks the existence of tools on the VM host. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen: Now recognises characters in the screenshots with two OCR settings. new: AUTOTEST_getSeleniumSafeString: Replaces characters in a string to make it safe for usage in Selenium and SimpleXMLElement. cha: CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction and CAutoTest::loadXMLFile: Now are using AUTOTEST_getSeleniumSafeString. +++++ 2018-08-10 cha: VM_startVMInExistingXSession: New code to find the X session, if the old routine fails. cha: CAutoTest::readAndDefineOrDieXML: Removed. new: AUTOTEST_SEL_getURLByMatch: Searches for one URL in the given HTML code that must contain all search terms. new: AUTOTEST_replaceConstantsInString: Searches for variable declarations in a string and replaces them with the values of according constants. cha: CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction: Now uses AUTOTEST_replaceConstantsInString on all action parameters. +++++ 2018-08-09 new: CAutoTest::seleniumGetSource: Gets the current page source of the selenium browser into the output page. new: CAutoTest::isAnswerFoundInTriggerResult: Checks, if a trigger result contains an answer. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_create: Now stores the MAC of the VM in a constant after successfully VM creation. cha: CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML: Now replaces the action, if it's a placeholder for a constant. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_create: Now creates VMs with enabled network booting. new: CAutoTest::executePHPFunction: Executes a PHP function with (optional) parameters. cha: CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction: Now uses CAutoTest::executePHPFunction. +++++ 2018-08-08 cha: HELPER_getContentFromURL: Now has an extra parameter, the if set to true, the system wide proxy will be used, otherwise a direct connection is attempted. new: CAutoTest::seleniumHostRunning: Checks, if the HTTP2SeleniumBridge is running. new: I18N_getAllTranslationsForVariable: Returns all translations for a given variable. +++++ 2018-08-07 new: CAutoTest::seleniumExec: Runs a command on the HTTP2SeleniumBridge. new: CAutoTest::seleniumGetStatus: Gets the status message(s) of the HTTP2SeleniumBridge. +++++ 2018-08-06 cha: CAutoTest::addToSequenc, CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML: Added test action attributes. cha: CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML: Now parses Selenium actions. new: CAutoTest::getExecAttributes: Returns the attributes (additional parameters) for execution of the current sequence element. +++++ 2018-07-20 cha: UCS_enableClientLDAP: Updated Kerberos settings to UCS 4.2. +++++ 2018-07-12 new: /m23/bin/serverInfoIP: Shows the IP of the m23 server. cha: getServerIP: Now uses /m23/bin/serverInfoIP. new: /m23/bin/serverInfoNetmask: Shows the netmask of the m23 server. cha: getServerNetmask: Now uses /m23/bin/serverInfoNetmask. new: /m23/bin/serverInfoDNS: Shows the 1st DNS IP that is used by the m23 server. cha: getDNSServers: Now uses /m23/bin/serverInfoDNS. new: /m23/bin/serverInfoMySQLAccessParams: Shows the username and password parameter for mysql and mysqldump. cha: m23 / postinst: Now uses serverInfoMySQLAccessParams. +++++ 2018-07-11 patch 101161: Better support of faulty SSDs. cha: m23client-*.iso: Updated client boot ISOs. +++++ 2018-07-10 cha: CFDiskIO::getMknodCommand: Now splits the mknod commands by newlines. cha: CLCFG_mountRootDir: Now uses the mount command with rereadPartTable to check readability of the root (and maybe existing UEFI) partition. cha: CFDiskBasic::rereadPartTable: Now has extra parameter for changing the command for testing the readability of a device. cha: CFDiskBasic::rereadPartTable: Now re-reads the partition table until a given device is readable. fix: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now doesn't try to convert the package sources name into LDAP server type. fix: CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey: flase -> false. cha: CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey: Now tries to install wget via APT. +++++ 2018-07-09 patch 101155: Improved UEFI support. new: m23-amd64-linux-4.9.110.conf: Kernel configuration with enabled framebuffer and other options needed for UEFI to show visible output on some hardware. cha: Updated Linux Kernel to 4.9.110. cha: CFDiskBasic::rereadPartTable: Now re-reads the partition table 5 times with a delay of 15 seconds between attempts. +++++ 2018-07-06 cha: menuClientISO: Now creates the m23shared.goos-habermann.de ISO only if the storing directory exists. cha: compileKernel: Added kernel settings for framebuffer devices needed on UEFI cha: menuClientISO: Commented out creation of Etherboot images. +++++ 2018-07-04 patch 101147: Clarification of the online help. cha: */serverBackup.hlp: Commented out share-online.biz. cha: */serverRestore.hlp: Added hint about identical IP of backuped and restored UCS. patch 101146: Encoding fix for UCS newer than 4.1. fix m23/postinst: Now encodes files to UTF-8 for UCS newer than 4.1 only once (and not again on a dpkg-reconfigure). patch 101144: Now skip restoration of /etc if run on UCS. cha: m23Restore: Now skip restoration of /etc if run on UCS. patch 101143: Improvements for m23 server backup/restore on UCS plattform. cha: m23Backup: Now works with passwordless MySQL/MariaDB servers. cha: m23Backup: Now adds user generated custom patches. cha: m23Backup: Now doesn't backup openLDAP configuration. cha: m23Restore: Now skips restoration of packages and debconf if run on UCS. patch 101142: Now works with passwordless MySQL/MariaDB servers. cha: m23Restore: Now works with passwordless MySQL/MariaDB servers. patch 101141: m23 backup now backups /home/grdmgpg directory only (and not all /home/* directories) when run on UCS. cha: createBackupList: Now backups /home/grdmgpg directory only (and not all /home/* directories) when run on UCS. +++++ 2018-07-03 cha: compileKernel: Now includes the framebuffer console. cha: MSG_DeActivateBlogDialog: Now blogs are disabled by default. +++++ 2018-06-27 patch 101140: Now sets additional EFI parameters. cha: compileKernel: Now sets additional EFI parameters. +++++ 2018-06-20 patch 101139: Cross plattform building fix. cha: createRFSBins: Now works on 32 bit Debian 9 with 64 bit client OS. +++++ 2018-06-18 patch 101138: Little improvements and fixes for systemD on Ubuntu 18.04. cha: m23 / postinst: Now uses all m23 custom patches in /m23/m23customPatch. cha: m23 / postinst: Calls "/m23/bin/m23cli.php GPG_set1stKey" now. new: GPG_set1stKey.php: Sets the 1st available GPG key as package pool sign key cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now runs "dpkg-reconfigure m23-initscripts" as default. cha: UCS_addClient: Added new patch area. +++++ 2018-06-12 cha: CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey: Now imports the (locally stored) m23 client package sign key too. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now uses CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey. +++++ 2018-06-11 cha: MAIL_getGpgKeyList: Now filters out encrypt-only-keys when listing private keys. cha: checks.php: Now sets the locale for ctype_alpha and other functions at the beginning. +++++ 2018-06-06 fix: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Added "apt-get update" after importing keys. fix: m23 / postinst: Now doesn't call recode on source code, because it can be destroyed in some cases. patch 101118: Minor bugfixes and new minimalistic Gnome based Ubuntu desktop with minimal set of applications. +++++ 2018-06-05 fix: m23 / postinst: Now calls recode on files and not symlinks. Symlinks get converted to normal files by recode. +++++ 2018-06-04 fix: index.php: session_start now is called before 1st access to the session array. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now explicitly allows unsigned packages sources and packages sources signed with unknow GPG keys. +++++ 2018-06-01 cha: quickBuild.sh: Now the option m23-ucs-extra-4.3 generates a special package for UCS 4.3. new: m23-ucs-extra-4.3: Package with special handling for updating m23 from UCS 4.2 to UCS 4.3. new: m23UbuntudesktopMinimal1804Install.php, UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added a minimalistic Gnome based Ubuntu desktop with minimal set of applications. +++++ 2018-05-29 cha: getServerNetmask: Commented out unused UCS code. +++++ 2018-05-24 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now removes snap apps and reinstalls the same tools by normal Debian packages. +++++ 2018-05-09 cha: m23instUpload: Now tries 100 times to get proper MD5 sums from the uploaded files before it gives up. cha: m23instUpload: Now downloads the m23* packages and makes MD5 check afterwards. +++++ 2018-05-08 cha: installLocalm23DebsOnUCS: Now uses sshpass to give the password "testtest" to scp and ssh commands. patch 101101: Release 18.2 release 18.2 cha: checkMissingScreenshots.sh: Now uses manual.tex to find out the names of the screenshot files. +++++ 2018-05-02 cha: m23 / control: Added sshpass as additional dependency. cha: /m23/bin/plink, plink-ubuntu: Now are using sshpass + ssh instead of plink. +++++ 2018-04-30 new: copyPasteTestm23ServerInstall: Lines of BASH code for copying & pasting to install an m23 server from a local test repository. new: gitCloneAndMeldTranslations: Downloads the translations from gitlab and merges them with meld. +++++ 2018-04-25 cha: m23 / postinst: Now detects the name of the init script via file name. +++++ 2018-04-24 cha: m23 / postinst: Now disables systemd redirecting /tmp of PHP processes to separte directories. cha: m23 / postinst: Now restarts Squid as long until it is availabe via port 2323 +++++ 2018-04-22 cha: getClientIP, CLIENT_getClientName: Now are using "$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']" instead of "getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')" to find out the client's IP. +++++ 2018-04-21 cha: VM_createVM: Added parameter to choose the CPU architecture of the VM. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now has selection for choosing the CPU architecture of the VM to create. +++++ 2018-04-19 cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now tries the given user for the scp command and uses root, if it doesn't work. cha: CLIENT_getActiveNetDevices: New parameters to enable skipping of loop and eql devices in the output array. cha: VM_webAction: New parameter to start the VM in visual mode always. cha: VM_rebootAndActivateNetboot: Now calls VM_webAction with activated VNC. +++++ 2018-04-18 cha: CLIENT_getActiveNetDevices: Now uses output of 'ip', if ifconfig's output could not be parsed +++++ 2018-04-16 new: VM_isHost: Check, if an m23 client is an VM host. +++++ 2018-04-15 cha: CHECK_FW: Now accepts filter '0' without warning. +++++ 2018-04-12 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Enabled "home on NFS" option for m23 on UCS. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: New parameter acceptyDSSKeys: Set to true, if SSH-DSS keys should be re-enabled. cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Now disables ext4 feature metadata_csum. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now start dbus (needed by blueman). (THX TS) +++++ 2018-04-11 new: rmOldM23VarCacheM23aptLists: Removes old cached APT lists files. cha: m23/postinst: Adds rmOldM23VarCacheM23aptLists to /etc/crontab. cha: UCS_enableClientLDAP: Call of pam-auth-update needs "--force" parameter for Ubuntu 18.04. +++++ 2018-04-09 cha: m23/postinst: Now encodes info.txt files to UTF-8 for newer than UCS 4.1. cha: client_overview.php: Now has redo action for client recovery. +++++ 2018-03-23 cha: check-UCS-unmaintained: Now compatible with UCS 4.3. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Ubuntu-Bionic". +++++ 2018-03-21 cha: install_packages.php, serverFeatures.php, CLIENT_showJobs, work.php, PKG_listSelectedpackages: Added (optional) installation reason. (THX TS) new: CLIENT_sendPlymouthMessage: If Plymouth is running, display a message. (THX TS) new: CLIENT_sendNotifySendMessage: Send message to all users using notify-send. (THX TS) new: CLIENT_sendM23FetchJobFinishedMessage: queues a notify-send message, which is displayed when all updates are installed. (THX TS) cha: MSR_decodeMessage: Added monitor handling. (THX TS) new: MSR_addMonitor: monitor to database and Filesystem (avoiding blob). (THX TS) new: MSR_listMonitors: monitors stored in the m23 database. (THX TS) new: SERVER_isInstallReasonEnabled: Determines, if the install reason feature is enabled. (THX TS) new: SERVER_setInstallReasonEnabled: Enables the install reason feature. (THX TS) cha: m23/postinst: Added table "monitors". (THX TS) new: natsort.php: Sorts lines given via stdin in natural order (numeric parts are sorted as numeric values) or reverse order. cha: deleteOldDoubles: Now uses natsort.php. +++++ 2018-02-19 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now disables Gnome's initial configuration diolog. new: UBUNTU_desktopInstall, m23UbuntuMate1804Install.php, m23UbuntuGnome1804Install.php, m23UbuntuXubuntu1804Install.php, m23UbuntuLubuntu1804Install.php, m23UbuntuBudgie1804Install.php, m23Ubuntudesktop1804Install.php, m23UbuntuKubuntu1804Install.php: Added support for the desktops Mate, Gnome 3, Xfce, LXDE, Budgie, Ubuntu and KDE on Ubuntu 18.04. cha: m23/postinst: Now generates a GPG key, if user grdmgpg is not present (THX TS). +++++ 2018-02-16 cha: m23xfree86Install.php: Now doesn't try to install ddcxinfo-knoppix on Ubuntu 18.04. +++++ 2018-02-15 CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now removed unwanted characters form the MAC by JavaScript. CLIENT_showAddDialog: Increased amount of max allowed characters in MAC field, to allow MACs with ':' separators. cha: ubuntu/DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Added package ifupdown. +++++ 2018-02-14 new: CLCFG_setSystime: Sets the system time of the client to about the same time of the m23 server. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now calls CLCFG_setSystime to make sure, the SSL certificates are valid (system time must be never than certificate creation time). cha: CClient::setMAC: Now calls CLIENT_convertMac to remove possibly existing separators from MAC. +++++ 2018-02-13 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added another "apt-get update" before installing m23hwscanner (Needed for Ubuntu 18.04). cha: HTML_storableInput: Now has an optional parameter for adding extra HTML/JavaScript code to the INPUT element. +++++ 2018-02-09 new: m23gdm3Install.php: Installs GDM3 and removes xdm. cha: add_client.php: Now uses CSS to visualise selected/deselected state of groups. cha: client_details.php: Now shows a client setup icon when the client is in yellow status. +++++ 2018-02-07 cha: install_packages.php: Now shows a hint for updating the package index if no packages were found. cha: install_packages.php: Now checks, if the search term contains valid characters only and give out an info messange and remove unwanted characters new: HTML_waitAnimation: Defines HTML code for showing a waiting animation and onClick code for insering into buttons. The JavaScript showing function is given out where the PHP function is called. cha: install_packages.php: Now uses HTML_waitAnimation. cha: client_distr.php: Now shows a waiting animation when information about Linux kernels are fetched. cha: ubuntu/imaging/DISTR_startInstall: Now adds m23deactivateaptdaily job. new: CLCFG_disableAptSystemdDaily: Deactivates systemd apt-daily.timer. new: m23deactivateaptdailyInstall.php: Deactivates systemd apt-daily.timer. cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_disableAptSystemdDaily. +++++ 2018-02-06 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now installs command-not-found and bash-completion too. fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: Now removes additional "'" from the cache file name. +++++ 2018-02-05 cha: index*.css: Added style for showing selected/deselected icon in front of option lists. cha: client_distr.php: Now uses CSS to visualise selected/deselected state of package selections. +++++ 2018-01-29 cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Now gives out an error message on the client'c console in case that the client could not be identified as m23 client. +++++ 2018-01-26 cha: de/client_assimilate.hlp: Added hint for adding the client ID to the assimilisation command. +++++ 2018-01-23 cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added Ubuntu Bionic Beaver. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now installs net-tools too. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob, CLCFG_genFstab, UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall, CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Added same cases like in Ubuntu Xenial. +++++ 2018-01-22 patch 101084: Updated documentation and scripts for managing m23 releases. cha: m23-release-howto.tex: Added section for updating the m23admin-offline-copy. cha: makeDoc.sh: Now uses the "-interaction nonstopmode" from pdflatex. cha: m23cli.php: Added includes needed for GF_changeIPs. +++++ 2018-01-18 new: getMySQL-PasswordParam.sh: Get the password parameter to call MySQL/MariaDB CLI tools new: getMySQL-UserParam.sh: Get the user parameter to call MySQL/MariaDB CLI tools new: export-dataset.sh: Creates an SQL dump for generating the offline demo from cha: dlhttrack: Now makes offline copies in all m23 languages and uploads the copies. +++++ 2018-01-12 new: CMSLinkCreator.sh: Creates link files for the CMS for ISO, appliance or RaspBerry Pi image. +++++ 2018-01-10 patch 101082: Release 18.1 release 18.1 cha: ubuntu/DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now moves wgetrc out of the way before installing wget and move wgetrc back afterwards. Needed sometimes (!) when m23 server is and UCS and client distribution Linux Mint 18.3 32bits. +++++ 2018-01-09 new: installLocalm23DebsOnUCS: Prepares an UCS for installation of local m23 packages and installs them. +++++ 2017-12-30 new: DB_getTableColumns: Creates an associative array with table and column names and their data types and codepages (collation). +++++ 2017-12-29 cha: CLIENT_showJobs, PKG_listSelectedpackages, install_packages.php: Disabled reason. cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "LinuxMint 18.3 Sylvia". cha: CLCFG_installMintDM: Now disables CPU intensive fading. Background is now changing every 5 minutes only. cha: m23 / control: Added php7.0-bz2 as (possible) dependency. cha: PKG_countPackages: Switched back to counting without triggers. +++++ 2017-12-28 fix: CFDiskIO::getPartDevs: Now returns partitions without file system when file systems to be excluded are empty. cha: HTML_showPagePrintButton: Now shows a button for jumping to the help text too. cha: HELP_getHelp: Now has a jump anchor for the help button. cha: makeBootMedia.php: Redesigned. +++++ 2017-12-27 cha: makeBootCD*: Becomes makeBootMedia*. cha: menu.php: Removed tools section. cha: menu.php: makeBootMedia now in clients section. +++++ 2017-12-26 cha: CFDiskIO::genManualFstab: Now calls CFDiskIO::getNVMeMknodCommand. new: CFDiskIO::getNVMeMknodCommand: Generates the mknod commands for creating the NVMe devices. cha: CFDiskBasic::getMknodCommand: Becomes CFDiskIO::getMknodCommand. cha: m23hwscanner / scanDisksPartitions: Now works with NVMe devices. +++++ 2017-12-25 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now starts MariaDB when Linux is still running from the ISO. +++++ 2017-12-15 cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Added m23customPatch area for changing the display manager. +++++ 2017-12-13 cha: menuManualStart.sh: Commented out screenshot entry. +++++ 2017-12-12 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now has extra parameter for disabling the installation of language packs. new: m23Unity3DMinimal1604Install.php: Installs a minimalistic Unity 3D desktop for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with German language. +++++ 2017-12-10 cha: m23 / template / postinst / config: Now asks for a new password for the pi user, if it is still the default password. +++++ 2017-12-05 cha: VM_createVM: Now creates VMs with OSType Debian_64 and 32MB video RAM on VirtualBox > 2. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now suggests 1024 MB RAM. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now calls ssh without user name (will use root). cha: VM_createDiskImage: Now works with VirtualBox > 4 too. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now shows an error message, if a client with the wanted VM name exists before. cha: VM_setHostInDB, VM_setGuestInDB, VM_setVisualURL: Now uses an empty array as base for setting the new parameters. +++++ 2017-12-04 cha: phpMyAdmin: Update to version 4.7.6. cha: client_add_label_description.inc, externalDHCP.hlp: Added information about boot media and fetchJobManual. +++++ 2017-12-01 new: DB_changeAllCollations: Changes the codepage for the collation of all text fields in all tables of a database. new: DB_getSuperUserPassword: Returns the password (or empty) of the super MySQL/MariaDB user. new: DB_getSuperUserName: Returns the name of the super MySQL/MariaDB user. +++++ 2017-11-24 fix: clients_overview.php: Now shows the clients online status column only, if the feature is activated. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now deletes GPG keys in new format too. cha: m23 / postinst: Now updates/creates the m23 server entry in the client table only, if there is no localhost with the given IP. +++++ 2017-11-23 cha: UPDATE_doUpdate: Now makes sure the package repository is included and upgrades the m23 server. cha: update.php: Now shows a warning, if the page is opened on UCS. cha: serverSettings.php: Now shows update icon on UCS too. cha: clients_overview.php, CLIENT_generateHTMLDedicatedAndReachableStatus: Now are using HTML title instead of CSS tooltip. cha: SERVERBACKUP_showConfigurationDialog: Deactivated share-online.biz. cha: m23 / postinst: Now works on Debian 9 too: Only creates an GPG key, if it's missing. Detected by "gpg --list-secret-keys" cha: exportDBInitTable: Now works with tables containing triggers. cha: m23 / postinst: Now has special handling for Squid 3 using squid.conf. +++++ 2017-11-22 new: EDIT_appendToFile: Appends a text to a file on a client. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now configures sshd_config to allow root logins with SSH key. +++++ 2017-11-21 cha: CXhprof.php: Now uses SERVER_getServerBoolSetting and SERVER_setServerBoolSetting. Unneeded converting functions were removed. No extra table for storing the states needed anymore. cha: m23 / control: Added fping as dependency. new: SERVER_startUpdateClientOnlineInDBBackgroundJob: Starts a background job to update the online status of the clients cyclically. new: updateClientOnlineInDB.php: Script to update the online status of the clients in the DB cyclically. cha: SERVER_setClientOnlineStatusEnabled: Now starts or stops the background job to update the online status of the clients cyclically. +++++ 2017-11-18 cha: addBaseScanner: Now scans for USB modules too. cha: CLCFG_hwdetect: Disabled run of hwsetup, if module usbnet is loaded. +++++ 2017-11-14 new: GF_changeIPs.php: Changes the IPs and netmasks of the m23 clients in the m23 DB and UCS LDAP. new: CLIENT_getNetmaskFromBitAmount: Gets the netmask by the amount of set bits. new: CHECK_ip: Checks, if an IP is (syntactically) valid. new: UCS_getGenericNetworkName: Generates a generic name for a network object in UCS. new: UCS_networkObjectExists: Checks, if a network object exists in the UCS. new: UCS_ensureNetworkObjectExists: Makes sure that the network object exists in the UCS. new: UCS_getFirstElementFromDN: Gets the first value of a distinguished name. +++++ 2017-11-13 new: UCS_createNetworkObject: Creates a new network object in the UCS LDAP. fix: client_distr.php: Now gets the name to store the client prefrences under. new: clientISO / fetchJobManual: Reads the IP of an m23 server and downloads and executes a work.php. new: pool2ISO: Script for generation an ISO image containing the packages from a pool. +++++ 2017-11-08 new: UCS_getClientLDAPInfo: Get information about a client stored in the UCS LDAP. new: UCS_getNetworkLDAPInfo: Get information about a network stored in the UCS LDAP. new: UCS_getAllClientNamesLDAP: Gets all client names stored in the LDAP of the UCS. +++++ 2017-11-07 new: CLIENT_getNetmaskBits: Gets the amount if set bits of a netmask. new: UCS_modifyClientIP: Modifies the IP of a client in the UCS LDAP. +++++ 2017-11-06 cha: DB_escapeString: Removed. Semi-duplicate of CHECK_text2db. +++++ 2017-11-03 cha: xhprof_runs.php list_runs: Added links for deleting reports. cha: xhprof_html / index.php: Added function and switch for deleting reports. +++++ 2017-11-01 cha: adjustControl: Now adds lines to the control file if missing. +++++ 2017-10-30 new: xhprof_shutdown: Shutdowns xhprof. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::_construct: Constructor for new CXhprof objects. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::loadXhprofSettings: Loads current Xhprof settings from database. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::showXhprofDialog: Shows a dialog for editing the Xhprof settings. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::setActive: Sets profiling active/inactive. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::getActive: Gets profiling active/inactive. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::isXhprofActive: Returns true if Xhprof is active. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::setSave: Toggles Xhprof to save data. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::getSave: Gets save setting of Xhprof. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::doSave: Returns true if Xhprof shall save data. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::save: Saves Xhprof settings to database. (THX TS) new: de / xhprof.hlp: Help file for the profiling feature. cha: clients_overview.php: Now reads the amount of packages directly from the clients.trg_sum_clientpackages. cha: CClient::generateHTMLStatusBar: Now calls VM_statusIcons with aditional parameters. new: CClient::getVMRole: Returns the client's vmRole. new: CClient::getVmSoftware: Returns the client's vmSoftware. +++++ 2017-10-29 cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Additional values for the call of CLIENT_generateHTMLStatusBar. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_isrunning: Prepared to use CLIENT_isDedicatedAndReachable. new: PKG_recountAllClientPackages: Recounts all packages of a client and updates corresponding fields in the database. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_generateHTMLStatusBar, VM_statusIcons: Now are using additional parameters to reduce DB queries. (THX TS) new: xhprof_init: Enables xhprof, if it is available and should be activated. (THX TS) +++++ 2017-10-28 cha: m23 / postinst: Many SQL speed improvements. (THX TS) cha: PKG_countPackages: Prepared to use SQL triggers for getting the amount of client's packages. (THX TS) +++++ 2017-10-27 cha: serverSettings.php: Now shows an optional icon for xhprof. +++++ 2017-10-24 cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now adds a client to clientgroups, if at least one group is choosen. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses pre-sets "default" group. +++++ 2017-10-23 new: DB_escapeString: Escapes given String according to database specifications. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_query: Simplified building the SQL query. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Now shows a reason for each job. (THX TS) cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds a field for reason in the clientjobs table. (THX TS) new: PKG_changeInstallReasonSelectedPackages: Changes the priority of selected wait4acc packages. (THX TS) cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Added columns for reason. (THX TS) cha: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: Added fields for reason. (THX TS) cha: install_packages.php: Added adding/editing a reason for the jobs. +++++ 2017-10-20 new: MSR_setOnline: Sets the online-state of a client. (THX TS) cha: MSR_decodeMessage: Added switch for MSR_setOnline. +++++ 2017-10-19 cha: index.css, index_fb.css: Added tooltips. (THX TS) +++++ 2017-10-18 new: SERVER_setServerBoolSetting: Sets a bool value of a server setting. new: SERVER_getServerBoolSetting: Gets the boolean value of a server setting. new: SERVER_isLiveLogDisabled: Determines, if live logging should be disabled globally for all clients. new: SERVER_setLiveLogDisabled: Sets/Unsets live disabling of logging globally for all clients. new: SERVER_isUpdatePackageInfosDisabled: Determines, if the updatePackageInfos job should NOT be added to any clients. new: SERVER_setUpdatePackageInfosDisabled: Sets/Unsets the updatePackageInfos job should NOT be added to any clients. new: SERVER_isClientOnlineStatusEnabled: Determines, if the online status of all clients should be detected and shown. new: SERVER_setClientOnlineStatusEnabled: Sets/Unsets if the online status of all clients should be detected and shown. cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds a field for online status in the client's table. new: serverFeatures.php: New page for (de)activating optional m23 server features. cha: serverSettings.php / index.php: Added serverFeatures page. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now exits the function if the live log is disabled. cha: client_details.php: Now doesn't show the live log area if live logging is disabled. cha: install_packages.php: Now doesn't add the update package status job, if it is disabled by feature setting. new: CLIENT_generateHTMLDedicatedAndReachableStatus: Generates HTML code and tooltip containing the status of the client showing if it's dedicated and reachable. (THX TS) new: CLIENT_isDedicatedAndReachable: Checks, if a client is dedicated to this M23-Server and reachable. (THX TS) cha: clients_overview.php: Shows online status of the clients, if the feature is enabled. +++++ 2017-10-17 cha: PREF_putValue, PREF_loadAllPreferenceValues: Now works with arrays as values. +++++ 2017-10-16 cha: CSystemProxy::__construct: Now detects Squid's config file and init script name. cha: CSystemProxy::writeSquidConf: Now uses Squid's detected config file and init script name. cha: m23 / postinst: Added "%no-protection" to the GPG key generation config file to make it work on Debian 9. new: CLIENT_showLastLogError: Prints the last error in the client log. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_showLog: Now shows client log, if client is in critical state. (THX TS) new: HTML_storableMultiSelection: Shows a list of radio buttons or a selection with loading and storing the checking state to and from the session. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_sshFetchJob: Now has a timeout of 3 seconds and runs as detached thread. +++++ 2017-10-12 cha: configureNetwork: Now set network setting temporarily to allow updates during installation. cha: installGrub: Now removes resume configuration of initramfs-tools that may contain the (invalid) UUID of the swap partition for suspend/hibernation. +++++ 2017-10-11 cha: configureMySQLmycnf: Deactivated reading of root user name and password for MariaDB, because no password is needed when logged in as "root" and MariaDB user is "root" too. cha: m23 / control: Added parted as additional dependency. cha: createRFSBins: Added libraries to include by hand. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added Debian 9 package sources. cha: createRFSBins: Now filters out faulty dependencies. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Removed package module-init-tools from download list. +++++ 2017-10-10 patch Added NVMe support. Fix for adding clients in DHCP mode. cha: index.php: Commented out questionaire. cha: clients_overview.php: Now shows the client ID near the client name. cha: Updated Linux Kernel to 4.9.54. +++++ 2017-10-06 fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now doesn't check recommended IP anymore when in DHCP mode. +++++ 2017-09-20 new: CFDiskIO::isNVMe: Checks, if a device string is an NVMe. cha: CFDiskIO::getpDiskAndpPartFromDev, CFDiskIO::isDevValidDiskPartitionOrRaid, CFDiskIO::getPartitionDev: Now have support for NVMes. cha: CFDiskGUI::getHTMLColorForFilesystemOrType: Now has dummy color for FAT. new: CFDiskIO::getDevBypDiskpPart: Returns device string with pDisk and partition number correctly combined. cha: CFDiskBasic::autoPartitionDisk, CFDiskGUI::listPartJobs, CFDiskBasic::createInstallPartition, CFDiskBasic::createSwapPartition, CFDiskBasic::deleteAllPartitionsOnDisk, CFDiskBasic::createUEFIPartition: Now are using CFDiskIO::getDevBypDiskpPart. +++++ 2017-09-19 cha: HWMiniInit.sh: Added loading of USB keyboard module. cha: HWMiniInit.sh: Added loading of NVMe module and creation of device nodes. cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now copies files from /mdk/client+server/extraRFS into the client's and server's bootimages. +++++ 2017-09-14 fix: checkKernelBranch: Labeling of kernel versions corrected. fix: mkm23Debs: Added building of m23-mdk-client-server. +++++ 2017-08-31 patch 101013: Corrected deactivating of network booting on non-UCS m23 servers. fix: DHCP_activateBoot: Corrected deactivating of network booting. +++++ 2017-07-24 patch 101008: Network bootimages now enable baseScanner. cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now copies m23hwdetect too. cha: createRFSBins: Now copies kmod too. fix: addBaseScanner: Now checks for modinfo in /bin too (needed for run in network bootimage). +++++ 2017-07-11 patch 101006: lightdm configuration to allow shutdown by normal users. new: CLCFG_addPAMtoDM: Adds PAM modules (if present) to the pam.d configuration files. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM, CLCFG_installMintDM: Added call to CLCFG_addPAMtoDM. +++++ 2017-06-27 patch 101005: Test procedure improvements (documentation + script). cha: m23admin-offline-copy: Additional SQL dumps added. cha: quickbuild.sh: Now creates Packages* for m23-ucs-extra in its separated directory. new: addLocalm23ServerRepository: Adds local test repository for m23 server packages to the test machine. new: addUCSTestRepository: Adds the UCS online test repository with uploaded m23 server packages to the test machine. +++++ 2017-06-26 patch 101003: Adjustements for UCS. cha: CLIENT_touchLogFile: Now uses SERVER_multiMkDir instead of mkdir. fix: SERVER_multiMkDir: Corrected variable name. cha: clientChangeLog*: Now includes server.php and helper.php. patch 101002: Encoding for UCS 4.1. cha: m23/postinst: No UTF-8 for UCS 4.1. +++++ 2017-06-24 patch 101001: Release 17.2 release 17.2 cha: Added Debian 9 to I18N_readLoginFromUCSLDAPSupportedDistros. +++++ 2017-06-23 cha: cron.php: Now sets language as global value. cha: getServerNetmask: Now compatible with new network device names. +++++ 2017-06-20 cha: CClient::__construct, CChecks::checkClientname: Now are checking, if a number was given as name for a (new) client, what is not allowed. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now escapes "'". +++++ 2017-06-19 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now tries for 60 minutes to fetch the cache file. cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands, FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now use force parameter. new: CLIENT_addClientlogsOk: Adds an entry into the client's status log with "ok" status. new: CLIENT_addClientlogsFailure: Adds an entry into the client's status log with "failure" status. new: CLIENT_addClientlogsUnknown: Adds an entry into the client's status log with "unknown" status. cha: CClient::checkAutoUpdate: Now writes success and fail into the client's log. fix: index.php: Logout now works better without trying to reload the page. +++++ 2017-06-18 new: CLIENT_insertIntoClientlogs: Adds an entry into the client's status log. +++++ 2017-06-15 cha: listKernelVersions, menuKernelDownload: Now uses HTTPs instead of FTP for accessing kernel.org. cha: createRFSBins: Now gets the needed libs by objdump and ldd. cha: createRFScopyLib: Now creates a file with all libraries needed for running the tools of the bootimage, if CPU architecture of the m23 server and the bootimage are identically. cha: createRFSBins: Now adds (maybe missing) libaries from library list file, if CPU architecture of the m23 server and the bootimage are not identically. cha: bootimage: Now uses Linux Kernel 4.9.32. +++++ 2017-06-14 cha: m23/postinst/getCSExternIP, MSR_curDynIPCommand, checkAlternativeM23Server: Now checks, if the IP is valid, that my be given back by a CloudStack virtual switch or by a faulty configured gateway. +++++ 2017-05-31 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added support for Devuan. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "devuanjessie". +++++ 2017-05-20 new: CClientLister::getAllAutoUpdateClientNames: Gets an array with the clients that currently run autoUpdate. cha: inc/*.php: Added mdoc header. +++++ 2017-05-17 cha: getServerNetmask: Now gets the netmask from an eth device only. +++++ 2017-05-11 new: CRON_addJobMinutely: Runs a command every N minutes. new: CRON_isEntryPresent: Checks, if a crontab entry is present with a given identifier. new: CAutoUpdate::getSetAmount: Get the amount of update sets. new: CAutoUpdate::configureCron: Adds and removes the crontab entry dynamically when the first update set gets created or the last gets deleted. new: CAutoUpdate::showAutoUpdateManager: Shows a dialog for viewing, creating, changing and deleting automatic update sets. +++++ 2017-05-10 cha: m23/postinst: Now makes sure that /m23/log is writable by the Apache user. fix: m23CronStarter: Corrected checking of returned error messages. +++++ 2017-05-09 new: HELPER_logToFile: Adds text to an exclusively opened log file. cha: PKG_addStatusJob: Removed unneeded calls to figure out distribution and sources list variables, that are never used. cha: CClient::addNormalJob, CClient::addSpecialJob: Don't call includeDistributionSpecificPackagesPHP anymore, because only non-distribution-specific functions are needed. cha: PKG_getSpecialPackagePriority: Now sets distribution name to "debian", if $distr parameter is empty. cha: CClient::getSourcesList: Now returns empty string, if no sources list is set instead of dying. cha: CClient::addUpdateSourcesListJob: Now adds the update job only if a sources list is set. +++++ 2017-05-08 cha: PKG_executeOnClientJobs: Now safe against invalid job IDs. +++++ 2017-04-26 new: CAutoUpdate::isTimeToRunNow: Checks, if the given set should be run now. new: CAutoUpdate::activateNextTimlySet: Activates the next set with the oldest timestamp that should be executed now. cha: CAutoUpdate::getRunningClients: Renamed to CAutoUpdate::getAllClientnames and added parameter to get all or clients or clients running an auto update only. new: CAutoUpdate::startNewClients: Starts auto update on a given amount of clients that haven't run auto update for at least one day. new: CAutoUpdate::run: Chooses the set that should be run now and starts new auto update on clients. +++++ 2017-04-25 new: CClient::addShutdownPackage: Adds a shutdown package, but only if the client is NOT running. new: PKG_getHigestIDOfSpecialPackage: Gets the highest ID of a special package. +++++ 2017-04-24 cha: HTML_showTableRow: Now accepts additional HTML attributes in first parameters as array. new: CClient::startAutoUpdate: Starts auto update on a client. cha: GRP_listAllClientsInGroups: Now has an extra parameter, that if set to true, only clients with auto update job will be listed. cha: CAutoUpdate::getActiveSet: Renamed to CAutoUpdate::getActiveSetID. new: CAutoUpdate::getActiveSet: Gets the active set or false, if none is active or no sets are present. new: CAutoUpdate::getActiveGroups: Gets the groups from the current active set. new: CAutoUpdate::getRunningClients: Gets the clients in all groups of the active set. new: CClient::hasAutoUpdateJob: Checks, if the client has an auto update job. new: CClient::getAutoUpdate_lastAttempt: Gives back the timestamp of the last assignment of an auto update job. new: CClient::stopAutoUpdate: Stops the auto update after successful or failed attempt. new: CClient::checkAutoUpdate: Checks, if an auto update is (physically) running or if it has failed or finished. +++++ 2017-04-20 new: CAutoUpdate::setParallelUpdates: Sets the amount of parallel updates for a set. new: CAutoUpdate::setType: Sets the type for a set. new: CAutoUpdate::getUpdateTypeTranslation: Returns the whole translation array with update type as key and the translation as value or the translation for a given constant. new: CAutoUpdate::getType: Gets the type of a set as constant value or in translated form. new: CAutoUpdate::getParallelUpdates: Gets the amount of parallel updates in a set. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now removes mintupdate. +++++ 2017-04-18 new: CAutoUpdate::getImgButtonParams: Checks, if an image button was pressed and extracts the two parameters from it. +++++ 2017-04-12 new: CAutoUpdate::addGroup: Adds a client group for running the updates on them. new: CAutoUpdate::delGroup: Deletes a group. new: CAutoUpdate::getAllGroupsHumanReadable: Generate a list of all groups (with optional button for deleting an entry). +++++ 2017-04-11 new: HELPER_splitDayHourMinuteString: Splits a combined numeric day and hour/minute string into day and hour/minute. new: I18N_getHumanReadableDayHourMinute: Converts a combined numeric day and hour/minute string into a human readable day and hour/minute string. new: CAutoUpdate::addStartEnd: Adds a start end range for running the updates. new: CAutoUpdate::saveSets: Saves all changed sets to the DB. new: CAutoUpdate::getAllStartsEndsHumanReadable: Generate a list of all time ranges (with optional button for deleting an entry). new: CAutoUpdate::delStartEnd: Deletes a start end range. +++++ 2017-04-10 new: CAutoUpdate::getActiveSet: Gets the ID of the active set or NULL, if none is active or no sets are present. new: CAutoUpdate::addEntry: Adds an entry to the schedule. new: CAutoUpdate::getAllSets: Generates an array with all sets and the according information for each set. new: CAutoUpdate::isASetActive: Checks, if a set is active. new: CAutoUpdate::activateSet: Activates one set and deactivates all other sets. new: CAutoUpdate::activateNextSet: Activates the next set with the oldest timestamp. new: CAutoUpdate::delEntry: Deletes one set. new: I18N_getWeekDayArray: Generates an array with all week days as value and week day numbers as keys (Monday = 1, Sunday = 7). new: HTML_weekdayTimeChooser: Creates a picker for weekday and hour/minute (with 15 minute steps). +++++ 2017-04-06 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed "LinuxMint 13". +++++ 2017-03-31 cha: PKG_listRecommendPackages: Now the "do not change" is the first adding option. cha: install_packages.php: Now sets the 1st selected package selection as storing name for the package selection, if the package selection name is empty +++++ 2017-03-28 cha: CLCFG_installMintDM: Now hides the user list. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now removes tilda. +++++ 2017-03-04 cha: m23-skel: Disables settings for Mate desktop. +++++ 2017-03-03 cha: createRFSImage: Now uses mkfs.ext2 to make sure that an ext2 filesystem is created. +++++ 2017-02-23 fix: SERVER_programmStatus, MSG_showNewFeature, POOL_showReadCD, GRP_getDistrsAndSourcesLists, SRCLST_showEditor, CLIENT_isBasesystemInstalledFromImage, CLIENT_showJobs, CLIENT_getNames, MASS_readDBFile MASS_showTableDefinition, MASS_showOverview, debian / clientInstall.php, debian / m23changeClientInstall.php, CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions, ubuntu / m23changeClientInstall.php, halfSister / clientInstall.php: Now uses string (as array key) instead of non set constants that were automatically converted to strings. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now reconfigures m23-initscripts on Debian 9. cha: debian / clientInstall.php: Now calles CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob with the used release name. Used for special handling on Debian 9. cha: LinuxMint 18.1 Serena: Enabled KDE and Xfce. +++++ 2017-02-22 cha: m23-initscripts / postinst: Now generated .service files for systemd on Debian 9. +++++ 2017-02-18 cha: debian / clienInstall.php, m23x2goServerInstall.php, CLCFG_language, CLCFG_genFstab, CLCFG_language : Now supports Debian 9. +++++ 2017-02-17 fix: LDAP_loadServer: Corrected name for the LDAP config values. cha: LDAP_addPosix: Now gives back an error message string, in case of an error. cha: CClient::addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Adjusted to LDAP_addPosix's return value. +++++ 2017-02-15 cha: EDIT_searchLastLineNumber: Now is more robust against faulty search strings. cha: LDAP_makeConnection: Now uses secure connection. +++++ 2017-02-14 cha: exportDBInitTable: Now works on MariaDB too. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes sure that MariaDB uses latin1 and not 4-byte utf8 which would lead to an exceeding of the 1000 bytes limit for unique keys. +++++ 2017-02-13 cha: m23 / control: Now installs MariaDB as alternative to MySQL. fix: MSESS_load: Now accesses array element or variable only, if it exists. fix: : Now presets variables. cha: HELP_showHelpTex: Exchanged deprecated spliti with preg_split. fix: geshi.php, 00_fpdf_codebar.class.php, 02_fpdf_formulaire.class.php, mypdf.class.php, 99_fpdf_protection.class.php, 01_fpdf_bookmark.class.php: Corrected "PHP 4 constructors are now deprecated". +++++ 2017-02-09 cha: m23 / postinst: Now figures out the broadcast address on Debian 9 too. cha: db.php: Makes sure that there is a value set for m23Shared in the session array. fix: CLIENT_showStatusSelection: Now presets variables. cha: DHCP_isNetworkBootingActive, DHCP_exportDHCPSettingsForExternalDHCPServer, DHCP_delDynamicRange, DHCP_addLineToDHCPDConf, DHCP_restartDHCPserver, DHCP_rmClient, DHCP_setBootimage: Now uses SERVER_runInBackground instead of sudo calls. cha: DHCP_removePXEcfg, DHCP_rmClient: Now uses SERVER_deleteFile. +++++ 2017-02-07 new: LDAP_getValueFromConfigLine: Returns the value from a phpLDAPadmin configuration line. cha: LDAP_listServers: Now works with phpLDAPadmin 1.2.3/git. +++++ 2017-02-06 fix: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Now accesses array element or variable only, if it exists. cha: m23-ldap / postinst: Now figures out the IP on Debian 9 too. cha: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin, LDAP_checkphpLdapAdminConfiguration, LDAP_delServerFromphpLdapAdmin, LDAP_loadServer: Now works with phpLDAPadmin 1.2.3/git. new: /m23/bin/phpLDAPadminConfigMigration.sh: Converts the config from old phpLDAPadmin to new format used in phpLDAPadmin 1.2.3/git. cha: SERVER_multiMkDir: Now can create directories for a given user. cha: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Removed installation of openLDAP from webinterface. +++++ 2017-02-05 fix: add_client.php, LDAP_loadServer, LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Now accesses array element or variable only, if it exists. fix: CLIENT_addClient, CLIENT_getSubnet, CLIENT_getBroadcast: Now presets variables. cha: m23 / control: Added net-tools as dependency to make ifconfig available. cha: getServerNetmask: Now compatible with Debian 9. fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now works, if no client (not even localhost) is defined in the DB. fix:LDAP_connectServer, LDAP_addPosix, LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Now uses string (as array key) instead of non set constants that were automatically converted to strings. +++++ 2017-02-02 fix: PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage, PKG_addShutdownPackage, PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation, PKG_previewUpdateSystem, CFDiskIO::getPartitionFileSystem, CFDiskIO::getPartitionAmountOfType, DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator, client_distr.php, CFDiskIO::getExtendedVPart, debian + ubuntu / clientConfig.php, CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions, PKG_getKernels: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: client_distr.php, PKG_getKernels: Now presets variables. cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added Ubuntu Xenial and Debian Stretch. new: optionPages for Debian Stretch and Ubuntu Xenial. +++++ 2017-02-01 fix: PKG_combinem23normal, CPackageStatusCompare::__construct, CLIENT_addClient, add_client.php, getAscDescHeader, HTML_setStatusBarStatus, MSG_show, CFDiskGUI::getCurrentDiskDev, CClient::isUEFIActive, CFDiskIO::getDiskDev, CFDiskIO::getPartDevs, HTML_jQueryMenuHeader, HTML_jQueryMenuHeader, client_partition.php: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: getDiskInfoString, CFDiskGUI::getPartInfoString: Now presets variables. fix: PKG_addNormalPackages: Corrected return value. fix: getPartInfoString: Removed empty and unused parameter $pPart from findFstabMountPointByDev call. cha: HTML_getOriginalUploadFilename: Now returns NULL, if no original file name is given. fix: CC_mountPoint: Created missing fireall constant. +++++ 2017-01-30 cha: getServerIP: Now compatible with Debian 9. fix: PKG_getAllPackageSelections, SRCLST_getListnames, SRCLST_cleanList: Now presets variables. cha: GRP_showSelDistrSources: Now groupnames can be set to NULL to show all distributions and sources lists. cha: install_packages.php: Now packagessources mode is not handled as group mode anymore. fix: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now shows error message on APT errors. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes sure, that /m23/var/cache/m23apt exists and is owned by www-data. +++++ 2017-01-27 fix: install_packages.php: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: install_packages.php: Now presets variables. +++++ 2017-01-26 cha: m23/postinst: Now makes sure that the userPackages directory is writable by Apache. cha: dem23Client.sh: Now removes lines from sources.list. fix: GRP_showGroupsAndCount, GRP_showSelDistrSources, HTML_getValidSelected, CScredit::__construct, CScredit::show, HTML_jQueryReStoreYWindowPosition, SRCLST_showEditor, DISTR_getSelectedDesktopsArr, DISTR_getDescriptionValues, DISTR_geti18nValue: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: GRP_listGroupsAndCount, GRP_showGroupsAndCount, GRP_listAllClientsInGroup, client_install.hlp, CLIENT_query, MAIL_getGpgKeyList, PKGBUILDER_listFiles, SRCLST_querySourceslists: Now presets variables. fix: DISTR_getSelectedDesktopsArr, debian + ubuntu + halfSister/ clientConfig.php: Now uses string (as array key) instead of non set constants that were automatically converted to strings. cha: HTML_submit, HTML_submitDefine: Now has an extra parameter. If set to true, HTML element constants will be defined even if there is a previously defined constant with the same name. This will run into an error and helps debugging. cha: PREF_preferenceLoadManagerHandler: Now doesn't define HTML elements twice. fix: ubuntu / info.txt: Fixed entry for UbuntuXubuntu1604. +++++ 2017-01-25 fix: PKG_rmSelectedPackages, PKG_changePrioritySelectedPackages: Corrected return value. fix: PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation: Now includes the language file. fix: PKG_addStatusJob, GRP_doClientMoreGroups, FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions, HTML_listSelection, HTML_listSelection, SERVER_addEtcHosts, SERVER_delEtcHosts, CLIENT_addChangeElement, CLIENT_showAddDialog, add_client.php, CClient::getNetworkBootTypesArrayForSelection(): Now accesses array element only, if it exists. cha: client_backup.php, client_createImage.php: Now has a "back to control center" link. fix: IMG_showCreateImage: Commented out double declaration of HTML elements. cha: m23 / postinst: Now figures out the IP on Debian 9 too. fix: add_client.php: Removed alternative help file selection by CLIENT_showAddDialog, because CLIENT_showAddDialog never returned a value. cha: I18N_listClientLanguages: Access variable by name stored in variable adjusted to PHP 7. fix: HELPER_passGenerator: Parameter for MASS_passGenerator. +++++ 2017-01-24 cha: phpMyAdmin: Updated to 4.6.6. fix: DMI_getParam, DMI_getBoard, DMI_getBios, HWINFO_getCPU, debian / packages.php, client_packages.php, install_packages.php, SRCLST_getParameter, CLIENT_showJobs: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: DMI_getParam, CFDiskIO::convertPartitioning2Array, client_packages.php, install_packages.php: Now presets variables. +++++ 2017-01-23 fix: HTML_getElementValue, index.php, HTML_imgSwitch, CLIENT_showGeneralInfo, I18N_convertToHumanReadableName, client_details.php: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: CLIENT_getOverviewSearchLine, HTML_showTableRow, VM_getHTMLStatusBlock, CLIENT_showGeneralInfo, HTML_showStatusBarHTML: Now presets variables. fix: CloudStackClient.php: Corrected doubled variable names in function declaration. +++++ 2017-01-22 cha: m23 /postinst: Adjustments for Debian 9. +++++ 2017-01-19 patch 100948: Development documentation improvement. new: m23-Release-Tabelle.odt: Table for checking the tasks for a new m23 release. +++++ 2017-01-10 patch 100947: Now supports Linux Mint 18.1 Serena (Mate and Cinnamon). cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "LinuxMint 18.1 Serena". +++++ 2017-01-07 patch 100946: Smal improvents and fix for UCS. fix: DHCP_writePXEcfg: Now sets the access rights of the PXE file to 755 (needed on UCS). cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed "squeeze", "squeeze+libreoffice" and "Linux Mint 9 KDE". cha: Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Now configures sshd_config to allow SSH login as root with password. +++++ 2017-01-05 release 17.1 +++++ 2017-01-04 fix: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Adjusted for changed systemd package in Linux Mint 17.x. +++++ 2017-01-02 fix: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now closes the screen session on the m23 server when the screen session on the m23 client is finished. +++++ 2016-12-20 new: CLIENT_filterLinesFromLiveScreenRecording: Filters out unwanted lines from the live log. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now exits the loop when the SSH connection was closed. cha: HELPER_getNewLogLines: Now has an optional parameter for a function to filter the lines before adding them to the output. +++++ 2016-12-07 patch 100942: UCS fixes. fix: m23/postinst: Now creates group "grdmgpg" with gid 55001 on UCS to make creation of grdmgpg user possible. +++++ 2016-12-06 cha: SRCLST_sourceListExists: Made compatible with UCS. +++++ 2016-12-02 cha: m23Deb.inc / mkRelease: Now uses SHA256 for hashing the GPG signature. +++++ 2016-12-01 new: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Rewritten to find the files that need translation. fix: CLIENT_getOverviewSearchLine: Now shows the search term even after opening the client's overview page in a new tab. +++++ 2016-11-29 cha: m23hwdetect: Removed "$remote_fs" from start/stop condition. +++++ 2016-11-28 cha: menu.php: Added entry to compare package status. new: de / comparePackageStatus.hlp: Help file for the compare package status. +++++ 2016-11-25 new: HTML_getOriginalUploadFilename: Get the original file name of an uploaded file. new: CPackageStatusCompare::__construct: Constructor for new CPackageStatusCompare objects. new: CPackageStatusCompare::__destruct: Destructor for a CPackageStatusCompare object. new: CPackageStatusCompare::save: Saves parameters as hidden POST values. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setFile: Sets a file name, if the given parameter is a valid file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setFile1: Sets a 1st file name, if the given parameter is a valid file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setFile2: Sets a 2nd file name, if the given parameter is a valid file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setClient: Sets a client, if the given parameter is a valid client name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setClient1: Sets a client, if the given parameter is a valid client name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setClient2: Sets a client, if the given parameter is a valid client name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isClientSet: Checks, if the client is set. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isClient1Set: Checks, if the 1st client is set. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isClient2Set: Checks, if the 2nd client is set. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isFile1Set: Checks, if the 1st combined variable stores a file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isFile2Set: Checks, if the 2st combined variable stores a file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::getVersionStatus: Gets an array with, the package file name, the version and the status. new: CPackageStatusCompare::getStatusFile: Gets the file name of a package status file. If a client name is give, a temporary package status file will be written. new: CPackageStatusCompare::showStatusRow: Gets the file name of a package status file. If a client name is give, a temporary package status file will be written. new: CPackageStatusCompare::diff: Compares two package status files. new: CPackageStatusCompare::show: Shows the comparing dialog. +++++ 2016-11-24 cha: clients_overview.php: Now has a new action to compare the package status of two clients. new: PKG_getPackageStatusCSV: Exports the packages of a client in tabulator separated CSV. +++++ 2016-11-23 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now configures VirtualBox without generating xorg.conf on LinuxMint 18 when run in LM18. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now doesn't do anything, if /etc/sysconfig/disableConfig is present. cha: menuDeb: Now stops Squid before and starts it after all changes to the Squid cache. +++++ 2016-11-22 cha: CGPGSign::showErrorAndDie: Changed to CGPGSign::showWarningAndDie to show a warning message. fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / normalPartition: Now creates swap partition again. +++++ 2016-11-21 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now has two checks, that may run into critical client status and that test if the base system archive was downloaded and extracted sucessfully. new: CGPGSign::showErrorAndDie: Shows an "internal" error message or a message for the m23 administrator and destroys the object afterwards. cha: CGPGSign::setGPGID, CGPGSign::getGPGID: Now are using showErrorAndDie. +++++ 2016-11-17 cha: index_fb.css: Now disabled submit buttons are visible as disabled. +++++ 2016-11-16 new: delete_client.help: Help page for deleting a client. cha: CLIENT_showDelDialog: Added information for removing m23 dependencies form an m23 ex client. new: CLCFG_installSDDM: Installs the SDDM display manager. cha: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Now has a m23customPatch area to deactivate the warning about other existing DHCP servers. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now has a more generic approach to detect the release name of Debian based distributions (Ubuntu and Linux Mint) +++++ 2016-11-15 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now downloads the package isc-dhcp-client instead of (non existing) dhcp3-client. +++++ 2016-11-11 cha: m23 / postinst: Now executes /m23/bin/postinstHook.sh if existing. +++++ 2016-11-10 new: EDIT_commentoutAll: Comments out all matching lines. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "LinuxMint 18 Sarah". new: m23Mint18CinnamonInstall.php: Installs Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon Desktop. new: m23Mint18MateInstall.php: Installs Linux Mint 18 Mate Desktop. new: m23Mint18XfceInstall.php: Installs Xfce desktop on Linux Mint 18. +++++ 2016-11-09 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added support for KDE in Linux Mint 18. new: m23Mint18KDEInstall.php: Installs Linux Mint 18 KDE Desktop. +++++ 2016-11-08 cha: debian / ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: More generic approach to detect Xenial based dirstributions and Linux Mint 18. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now used grub2 for LinuxMint 18. +++++ 2016-11-07 patch 100926: Exchanged m23 server repository on SourceForge with a self hosted repository. cha: m23installerBase.inc / installDebs, m23VirtualBoxInstall.php, DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression, Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Now are using m23inst.goos-habermann.de as repository for the m23 server installation . +++++ 2016-11-04 patch 100925: Disables creation or definition of a client with the name of an existing client. Fixes package transfer from client to m23 server. fix: PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Server, PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Client: Corrected port number. cha: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: New parameter to disable the system proxy. cha: CClient::getClientCurrentWorkPHP: Now fetches the script without system proxy. cha: configXOrgVMware: Now installs open-vm-tools. cha: CFDiskIO::__construct: Now transfers the check mode to the parent object. +++++ 2016-11-03 patch 100923: Code improvements. cha: head.php, HTML_selection, HTML_showFormHeader, VM_GUIstepCheckHost, VM_GUIstepSelectHost, MENU_showEntry, menu.php, CAPTURE_load, CAPTURE_showMarker, CAPTURE_showTableWith, HELP_showHelp: Improved code to generate less PHP notices. fix: Cm23Admin::getCSS: Corrected case error. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now shows a warning, if no hosts for the given VM software could be found. +++++ 2016-10-24 release 16.3 fix: SRCLST_showAlternativeArchitectureSelection: Now doesn't delete the client options when changing the architecture. new: CLCFG_installXDM: Installs the XDM display manager. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now uses XDM for Gnome in Ubuntu 16.04. +++++ 2016-10-18 patch 100921: Now interprets IDs with partially containing other IDs in m23customPatch correctly. cha: CmCP::loadSourceFile: Now interprets IDs with partially containing other IDs correctly. (Thx TS) +++++ 2016-10-12 patch 100920: Now uses goos-habermann.de as mirror for m23 clients. cha: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Now uses goos-habermann.de as mirror. patch 100919: Disables all SourceForge mirrors for m23 clients. cha: SRCLST_possiblem23debsMirrors: Commented out all SourceForge mirrors. patch 100918: New networkbootimages. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: New m23customPatch area "CLCFG_copySSLCertSSLCertificatesPermissions". cha: m23hwdetect: Now adds nic ID of DELL Optiplex 5040/7040. +++++ 2016-10-10 patch 100915: Changes for m23 16.3. cha: m23 / postinst: Now generates SSH RSA keys. +++++ 2016-10-06 new: EDIT_replaceLineElseAdd: Deletes all lines, that match regular expression, afterwards adds a given line (Thx TS) +++++ 2016-09-26 cha: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now installs apt-transport-https before the base packages, because SourceForge now uses HTTPs transparently for distributing the Debian packages. +++++ 2016-09-05 patch 100913: Added new recovering option to combine identical jobs. cha: client_details.php: New icon for client recovery with combining identical jobs. cha: recover_client.php: Option for client recovery with combining identical jobs. new: PKG_getDuplicatedIdenticalJobs: Returns an array with a list of all jobs that are identical by package, priority, status and params. new: PKG_removeDuplicatedIdenticalJobs: Removes all jobs that are identical by package, priority, status and params omitting the first job. new: CLIENT_recoverClientCombineJobs: Recover a client: all client jobs are done again, status is set to 0, all identical jobs are combines. +++++ 2016-08-24 new: CLIENT_isAssimilated: Checks, if a client was assimilated. fix: ASSI_prepareClient: Now calls MSR_curDynIPCommand instead of a non-existing function. fix: work.php: Now doesn't wait for finishing the download of the base archive on assimilated clients. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Corrected escaping of BASH code for writing m23fetchjob. +++++ 2016-07-28 patch 101015: System proxy improvements. new: HELPER_hostname2IP: Gets the IP of a known host. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyHostIP: Gets the proxy IP. cha: CSystemProxy::writeSquidConf: Now uses the IP of the proxy to write to the Squid configuration file. patch: System proxy improvements. +++++ 2016-07-20 cha: m23/postinst: Now uses direct access to the m23 server in m23's Squid. cha: CSystemProxy::showProxyDialog: Now hides the password, when opening the dialog. +++++ 2016-07-19 patch 100911: Added option to change the group description. new: GRP_setDescrGroup: Sets the description of a client group. new: GRP_showChangeDescriptionDialog: shows a dialog to change the group description cha: group_actions.php: Now can change the group description. cha: group_details.php: Added icon for changing the group description. +++++ 2016-07-16 fix: CClient:save: Now stores the serialized key value store to the DB, but keeps the associative key value store array in memory to allow multiple calls of the save method. +++++ 2016-07-15 fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Added missing SQL statement in "ip" case. +++++ 2016-07-13 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now configures the system to use BASH as default shell. patch 100909: Added management for the admins of the m23 webinterface. new: cli-modules/addm23Admin.php: Creates a new admin account for the m23 webinterface. new: cli-modules/delm23Admin.php: Deletes an admin account of the m23 webinterface. new: cli-modules/listm23Admins.php: Lists the admin accounts of the m23 webinterface. cha: Cm23Admin::delete: Now works without warning in CLI mode. cha: BACKUP_delAdmin: Now has support for Apache 2.x. +++++ 2016-07-06 patch 100908: System proxy improvements. cha: CSYSTEMPROXY_getEnvironmentVariables: Removed unused parameter for returning the result (now the result is always returned). fix: CSYSTEMPROXY_getProxySettingsFromAPT: Now gives correct result, if the APT config file, but no proxy line is present. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now uses SRCLST_loadSourceList instead of SRCLST_loadSourceListFromDB. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses the server IP for extraDebs. +++++ 2016-07-05 patch 100906: Added system proxy. cha: addToHosts.php, migrate.php, m23shared.php, capture.php, CClientLister.php, CClient.php, CFDiskAlles.php, CFDiskIO.php, client.php, db.php, fdisk.php, groups.php, i18n.php, messageReceive.php, packages.php, plugin.php, preferences.php, remotevar.php, sourceslist.php and vm.php: Renamed function calls form "db_query" to "DB_query". +++++ 2016-07-04 new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getAptGetProxyParamter: Generates the apt-get proxy parameters. cha: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall, PKG_preparePackageDir, CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScripts: Now are using CSYSTEMPROXY_getAptGetProxyParamter. cha: SERVER_checkDownload, PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages, CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScripts, HELPER_getRemoteFileContents, PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server, PLG_getPlugin, PLG_getUpdateFile, UPDATE_doUpdate, VM_generateVBOXaddonDownloadCMD and VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Now are using CSYSTEMPROXY_getEnvironmentVariables. cha: CSystemProxy::writeSquidConf: Now restarts Squid 3. cha: serverSettings.php: Added system proxy icon. +++++ 2016-06-30 new: CSystemProxy::setProxyScheme: Sets the proxy scheme (http/ftp). new: CSystemProxy::save: Saves the proxy settings in all configuration files. new: CSystemProxy::writeSquidConf: Writes the (parent) proxy settings to the Squid configuration or removed them. new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getUserPasswordString: Creates a string with the user/password combination ($user:$pass@). new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getEnvironmentVariables: Generates BASH proxy variables. new: CSystemProxy::writeAPTProxyConf: Writes the proxy settings to the APT configuration file or comments them out. +++++ 2016-06-29 new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getProxySettingsFromAPT: Parses the (maybe existing) proxy settings from the local APT config file. new: CSystemProxy::loadProxySettings: Loads the proxy settings (from APT config file). new: CSystemProxy::isProxyActive: Checks, if a proxy is actively used. new: CSystemProxy::areProxySettingsAvailable: Checks, if proxy settings are available. new: CSYSTEMPROXY_addCurlProxySettings: Sets proxy settings for curl, if a proxy is active. cha: HELPER_getContentFromURL, SERVER_sendScriptToSF: Now are calling CSYSTEMPROXY_addCurlProxySettings. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyHost: Gets the proxy host/servername. new: CSystemProxy::usesUserPassword: Checks, if the proxy uses user/password authetification. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyUser: Gets the proxy authentification username. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyPassword: Gets the proxy authentification password. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyScheme: Gets the proxy scheme (http/ftp). new: CSystemProxy::getProxyPort: Gets the proxy port. new: CSystemProxy::getUserPasswordString: Creates a string with the user/password combination ($user:$pass@). new: CSystemProxy::setProxyActive: Activated or deactivates a proxy. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyHost: Sets the proxy host/servername. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyUser: Sets the proxy authentification username. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyPassword: Sets the proxy authentification password. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyPort: Sets the proxy port. +++++ 2016-06-28 patch 100905: Linux 4.4, improvements for sources lists handling. cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now supports TDM. +++++ 2016-06-24 new: SRCLST_sourceListExists: Checks, if a named sources list exists. cha: CPool::setPoolSourceslist: Now creates an initial package sources list. +++++ 2016-06-23 cha: archFunctions.inc / localArchAptUpdate: Now excludes package sources from /etc/apt/sources.list.d. cha: kernelFunctions.inc / compileKernel: Changed gcc-4.4 to gcc (for Debian Jessie). cha: kernelFunctions.inc / compileKernel: Removed call of checkForx86_64Toolchain. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now removes the log file and writes the sources.list on every call. +++++ 2016-06-22 cha: listKernelVersions: Now supports Linux 4.x. +++++ 2016-06-19 patch 100903: Preparing m23 16.3. cha: CGPGSign::hasConfigFile: Now uses SERVER_fileExists. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now adds only installed packages of a client to the download list. +++++ 2016-06-18 new: CClientLister::addKeyValueStoreFilter: Adds a filter to get only clients that have a key value pair set the client's key value store. new: CClientLister::getAllMatchingClients: Gets all clients matching all active filters. new: DB_getArrayAssoc: Fetches all results from a query. +++++ 2016-06-17 cha: m23 / postinst: Adds new field "keyValueStore" to the table "clients". new: CClient::setKeyValueStore: Sets a value in the key value store of the client. new: CClient::getKeyValueStore: Gets a value from the key value store of the client. cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: Was deleted and replaced by GRP_showGroupsAndCount2. cha: groups_overview.php: Now calls GRP_showGroupsAndCount. +++++ 2016-06-16 cha: CLCFG_installFirmware: Now filters out faulty bladerf firmware package. new; CPoolGUI::DEFINE_updatePackageIndexAndReSignPool: Defines a button for re-creating the Packages files and to re-sign the Release file. cha: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_start: Now uses DEFINE_reSignPool. cha: CPool::convertPackagesToRepository: Has a new parameter to let the task run in screen or not. +++++ 2016-06-15 cha: GRP_add: Now has a new parameter for the group description. +++++ 2016-06-14 cha: GRP_listGroupsAndCount: Now includes the group descriptions into the array too. cha: GRP_showGeneralInfo: Now shows group descriptions too. +++++ 2016-06-13 cha: CGPGSign::checkKey: New paramter for the ID of the GPG key. cha: CGPGSign::getKeySelectionDialog: Now checks the validity of the GPG (usable as public and private key) before setting it. cha: PKG_convertPackagesToRepository: Now creates a XZ compressed version of Packages. +++++ 2016-06-12 new: CmCP::setExitCode: Sets the exit code. new: CmCP::setPatchType: Sets the patch type (change or del). new: CmCP::patchSourceFile: Does the actual patching. new: CmCP::loadSourceFile: Loads the source file (the file to patch) and finds the line numbers with the patch area. new: CmCP::checkCommandLineParameters: Checks, if the correct amount of command line parameters is given and assigns them to the private variables. new: CmCP::loadPatchFile: Checks and loads the patch file. new: CmCP::dieOnErrors: Shows the usage info, shows the errors messages and stops the script, if there are error messages. new: CmCP::showFilesWithPatchableAreasAndExit: Shows the PHP file under /m23 that have patchable areas. new: CmCP::addErrorMessage: Adds an error message to the error message stack. new: CmCP::hasErrors: Checks, if there are error messages. +++++ 2016-06-10 cha: getArchList: Now gives out "amd64" first. new: CPool::signRelease, PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Now are signing the Release file as Release.gpg and InRelease. new: CGPGSign::getKeySelectionDialog: Generates a dialog to choose the GPG used for signing the pools. cha: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_start: Now calls CGPGSign::getKeySelectionDialog. new: PKGBUILDER_showKeySelectionDialog: Shows a dialog for choosing the GPG signing key for the extra packages. cha: PKGBUILDER_showDialog: Now calls PKGBUILDER_showKeySelectionDialog. +++++ 2016-06-09 new: MAIL_gpgCheckKey: Checks, if a GPG key ID has a valid private or public key. new: CGPGSign::checkKey: Checks, if the GPG is valid as public and private key. new: MAIL_gpgGettKey: Gets the public GPG key as ASCII. new: CGPGSign::exportPublicSignKey: Exports the public key to the webserver directory. new: CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey: Generates BASH code to import the local package pool key (if it exists) on the client's APT system. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now calls CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey. new: CGPGSign::gpgSignClear: Creates a clear text signature file for a given private GPG key ID and input file. cha: convertPackagesToRepository: Now signs the Releases file. +++++ 2016-06-08 cha: MAIL_getGpgKeyList: Now has an extra parameter, if it is set to true, available secret keys are listed. new: CGPGSign::hasConfigFile: Checks, if the config file exists. new: CGPGSign::loadConfigFile: Loads the config file. new: CGPGSign::writeConfigFile: Writes the config file. new: CGPGSign::setGPGID: Sets the GPG ID to use. new: CGPGSign::getGPGID: Gets the GPG ID to use. new: CGPGSign::setStoreMode: Sets the configuration file store or load mode. new: CGPGSign::getStoreMode: Gets the configuration file store or load mode. new: MAIL_gpgSignDetached: Creates a detached signature file for a given private GPG key ID and input file. new: MAIL_gpgSign: Creates a signature file for a given private GPG key ID and input file with GPG parameters. new: CGPGSign::getKeyInfo: Gets information about the used GPG key. +++++ 2016-06-07 cha: menuDeb: Now works with Squid 3 too. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Has a new parameter and if it is set, the list with the supported GUIs will be shown otherwise omitted. new: HELPER_resetNewLogLines: Resets the line number of the last read line. new: CPool::resetDownloadLog: Deletes the aptDownload.log file and resets the line number of the last read line. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now tries again and again until a new package list could be downloaded. +++++ 2016-06-06 cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now deletes old lock files. new: poolAJAXLogs.php: Shows different status information about a pool. cha: CPoolGUI::show: Now shows the heading directly to show allways the correct heading. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_downloadPool: Now are exiting the BASH script in case of an error. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now removes "[0-9]%.." from the Debian package filenames. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now calls PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server. +++++ 2016-06-04 cha: CPool::startDownloadToPool: Now adds the result form PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages only, if it is a string (contains packages). fix: HELPER_xargsRecursive: Now works with arrays with only one element and doesn't miss out the last element on arrays with uneven amount of elements. +++++ 2016-06-03 cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds a description field to the groups table. new: GRP_getDescrGroup: Gets the description of a client group. (Thx TS) new: GRP_getNameById: gets the groupname of an Id. (Thx TS) fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now lists special packages that are stored in userPackages only once. new: HELPER_showScriptHeader: Shows a header for own scripts, that creates a log file with the package name and the start time. Sends the log file to the m23 server and shows an installation dialog on the client's screen. (Thx TS) new: HELPER_showScriptFooter: Shows a header for own scripts, that saves the script end time to a log file and sends it to the m23 server. Sets status bar to 100% and marks the job as done. Afterwards executes the next job. (Thx TS) +++++ 2016-06-01 cha: massInstall.php: Marked array keys as strings. cha: massInstall.php, menu.php, head.php, clients_overview.php, DIALOG_start, update.php: Added m23customPatch area. new: EDIT_sedSearchAddInsert: Generates a sed command line to insert text before (SED_insertBefore) or after (SED_insertAfter) a searched line. +++++ 2016-05-29 cha: CHECK_letFWDie: Now works with objects that were passed as arguments. +++++ 2016-05-28 cha: array_makeFirst: Now doesn't insert an entry to the top of the array, if the entry is NULL. +++++ 2016-05-22 cha: mkm23extradeb: Now creates the m23hwscanner package too. +++++ 2016-05-09 patch 100894: Added Gnome as additional client desktop under Ubuntu 16.04. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added Gnome for Ubuntu 16.04. new: m23Ubuntu1604GnomeInstall.php: Installs Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Gnome Desktop. +++++ 2016-05-01 patch 100893: Added Ubuntu 16.04 in the list of distributions supported by UCS LDAP. cha: */m23base.php: Added Ubuntu 16.04 in the list of distributions supported by UCS LDAP in $I18N_readLoginFromUCSLDAPSupportedDistros. +++++ 2016-04-27 patch 100892: Release m23 rock 16.2. fix: CLCFG_interfaces: Removed '-A' parameter from 'ps', because it is not available in BusyBox' ps version. cha: *m23updateInstall.php: Now updates the list of available packages before updating. cha: listBusyBoxVersions: Now filters out BusyBox releases that start with "busybox-0". +++++ 2016-04-24 release 16.2 new: SFMirrorSwitcher.sh: Exchanges an old SourceForge mirror with a new one in the m23 CMS, server install ISO and sourceslist.php. +++++ 2016-04-22 cha: SRCLST_possiblem23debsMirrors: Replaced skylink mirror by heanet. cha: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Now uses the release name as part of the background job name. +++++ 2016-04-19 cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now can only be run, if the development version is active. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now escapes the parameters for the init script correctly. cha: readHelp.php: Now sets the language to suppress the warning. +++++ 2016-04-18 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now the created m23fetchjob file will exit when called with "stop" parameter. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now checks for changes between the German help files in the m23 development and release directories to find files that have to translated. +++++ 2016-04-15 cha: CLCFG_genFstab, m23x2goServerInstall.php, m23-initscripts / postinst: Now uses lsb_release to detect Ubuntu 16.04. +++++ 2016-04-14 new: CClient::addUpdateJob: Adds a job to update the client to the installation queue. new: CClient::addNormalUpdateJob: Adds a job to perform a normal update of the client. new: CClient::addCompleteUpdateJob: Adds a job to perform a complete update of the client. new: m23cli / updateComplete: Updates a client completely (apt-get dist-upgrade) new: m23cli / updateNormal: Updates a client in normal mode (apt-get upgrade) +++++ 2016-04-05 cha: m23/postinst: Now activates garbage collection of PHP sessions. cha: HELPER_getTimeZones: Now has values for countries listed by I18N_listClientLanguages. +++++ 2016-04-04 cha: ASSI_showClientAddDialog: Dialog has a new checkbox, if set to true, the client uses a dynamic IP address cha: ASSI_addClient: Now has a new parameter, if set to true, the client uses a dynamic IP address cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now can add assimilated clients with dynamic IPs. fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now suggests the correct client language, if the m23 webinterface is in English. +++++ 2016-04-01 cha: SRCLST_getWorkingm23debsMirror: Now returns 'http://m23debs.goos-habermann.de' if executed on UCS. cha: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Now uses goos-habermann.de as repository when the m23 server is on UCS because apt-cacher-ng has sometimes problems with the SF mirrors. new: meldFileDevelVsRelease: Compares and merges a file from development with the according file from release branch. +++++ 2016-03-31 new: meldFileDevelVsRelease: Compares and merges a file from development with the according file from release branch. +++++ 2016-03-30 new: PKG_baseSysDownloadedCompletelyTom23Server: Checks, if the debootstrap cache file was downloaded completely to the m23 server. cha: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Now returns true, if the download is completed, otherwise false. cha: work.php: Now waits until the debootstrap cache file is downloaded completely to the m23 server. +++++ 2016-03-29 cha: m23-mdk-base: Now includes /mdk/autoTest cha: ubuntu / CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Now has support for Ubuntu 16.04. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Ubuntu-Xenial". +++++ 2016-03-25 cha: m23Search: Now filters out finds in geshi files. +++++ 2016-03-22 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now has an extra parameter for setting the distribution release for special handling of some releases. +++++ 2016-03-19 cha: MSR_curDynIPCommand: Now the generated m23fetchjob works on Debian 8 too. +++++ 2016-03-16 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob, hwcheck, m23hwdetect, m23-xorg-configurator: Changed "Required-Start" and "Required-Stop" to "$local_fs $syslog $remote_fs". +++++ 2016-03-13 cha: signBaseSys.sh: Now doesn't overwrite existing signature files. cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Now works on Ubuntu 16.04 too. +++++ 2016-03-12 cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Added Mate. +++++ 2016-03-11 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added Ubunty for Ubuntu 16.04. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added Ubuntu 16.04. cha: UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall: Now writes a sshd_config that supports the SSH keys from the m23 server. new: m23Unity3D1604Install.php: Installs the Unity 3D desktop for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. +++++ 2016-03-10 cha: m23 / postinst: Additional checks to prevent warnings. cha: fix-permissions: Now hides a possible warning. +++++ 2016-03-02 cha: client_add_label_descriptions.inc: Removed Lilo, because Lilo is not supported anymore. cha: externalDHCP.hlp: Added hint about /m23/bin/externalDHCPControl.sh. +++++ 2016-02-04 fix: createRFSBins: Now finds the binary in (more / all?) cases, by excluding klibc. release 16.1 +++++ 2016-01-19 patch 100837: Preparations for 16.1 release. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now checks for missing comments in the .hlp and .inc files. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now creates a tar file with the .hlp and .inc files to translate. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now creates a log file. +++++ 2016-01-04 cha: sources.list / debian 6: Added LTS, upgraded TDE source to R14.x. cha: sources.list / debian 7: Upgraded TDE source to R14.x. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa". cha: TRINITY_installLoginManager: Now calls "update-rc.d tdm-trinity defaults" if /etc/init.d/tdm-trinity is present. +++++ 2015-12-07 new: externalDHCPControl.sh: Script for controlling an external DHCP server. new: DHCP_runScript: Runs the script for controlling an external DHCP server. cha: DHCP_rmClient, DHCP_addClient: Now are calling DHCP_runScript. +++++ 2015-11-28 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now shows a text about by the UCS LDAP supported client distributions. +++++ 2015-11-27 new: UCS_openFirewallPort: Opens a port on the UCS firewall. cha: IMG_serverCreate: Now opens the image transfer port in the UCS firewall, if run on UCS. cha: m23-tftp / postinst: Now opens the TFTP port in the UCS firewall, if run on UCS. +++++ 2015-11-24 cha: SCREDIT_showEditor: Make sure the line endings are in the correct format +++++ 2015-11-22 cha: UCS_enableClientPXEBoot, UCS_disableClientPXEBoot: New udm commands. +++++ 2015-11-18 cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Now installs the language packs by default. +++++ 2015-11-02 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now calls UCS_enableClientLDAP, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now stops adding the client, if there is an error from calling addToCredentialsToLDAPServer. +++++ 2015-11-01 fix: m23 / m23-tftp / m23-ldap / config: Now works on Debian again. +++++ 2015-10-29 cha: CClient::addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Now calls UCS_udmSuccessOrErrorMessage to check, if an udm error occurred. new: UCS_getUsedIPs: Gets a list with all used IPs managed or known by UCS. cha: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now excludes the IPs managed (or known) by UCS. +++++ 2015-10-28 new: UCS_udmSuccessOrErrorMessage: Takes the output from an udm command and checks for the return code (must be a single number in the last line). If the return code is non-zero, all lines above the last line are treated as error message and written to $errorMessage. +++++ 2015-10-27 new: UCS_delClient: Removes a client from the UCS LDAP. cha: getServerNetmask: Now scans bridges on UCS too. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: Now calls UCS_delClient, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cah: DHCP_activateBoot: Now can deaktivate network boot on UCS too. new: UCS_getEtc_ucr_master: Gets the contents for /etc/univention/ucr_master on the client. new: UCS_enableClientLDAP: Enables LDAP authentification on the client on the UCS. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Now calls UCS_enableClientLDAP, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now shows special LDAP setting and no NFS option, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Now calls UCS_addLDAPUser, if the m23 server runs on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-25 new: m23cli / UCS_addUCSClientTom23ClientPreferences.php: Adds an UCS client to the client preferences in m23. new: UCS_setClientDistrAndRelease: Sets the distribution and the release of a client to the UCS LDAP. cha: client_distr.php: Now calls UCS_setClientDistrAndRelease. +++++ 2015-10-24 cha: getDNSServers: Now works on UCS too. cha: getServerNetmask: Now works on UCS too. +++++ 2015-10-23 cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now disables SSL certificate checking, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: m23/postinst: Now copies the UCS SSL certificate to /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys. cha: m23/postinst: Now opens port 2323 in the UCS firewall for Squid. +++++ 2015-10-21 new: CClient::addClientToUCS: Adds the client to UCS if the m23 server runs on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-19 cha: m23-tftp / postinst / preinst: Special settings for UCS: Removes /etc/init.d/tftp-hpa and replaces it with a symlink to /bin/true to avoid error in the tftp-hpa postinst. cha: m23 / config / postinst: Now configures MySQL, Squid and sudoers on UCS without querying debconf. +++++ 2015-10-16 cha: serverSettings.php: Now hides some icon when run on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-15 cha: m23 / m23-ldap / m23-tftp: Many script changes to run on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-14 new: UCS_delUCSClientFromm23ClientPreferences: Removes an UCS client from the client preferences in m23. new: UCS_getPrefnameByClient: Generates the preference name for an UCS client. new: UCS_addUCSClientTom23ClientPreferences: Adds an UCS client to the client preferences in m23. new: UCS_addClient: Adds a client to the UCS LDAP. new: UCS_enableClientPXEBoot: Activates PXE booting of a client that is in the UCS LDAP via the univention-dhcp. new: UCS_disableClientPXEBoot: Deactivates PXE booting of a client that is in the UCS LDAP via the univention-dhcp. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now calls UCS_enableClientPXEBoot when run on UCS. cha: DHCP_rmClient: Now calls UCS_disableClientPXEBoot when run on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-13 cha: m23 / postinst: Now accepts UCS too. cha: m23 / control: Adds univention-dhcp as optional dependency. new: HELPER_isExecutedOnUCS: Checks, if it is run on UCS. +++++ 2015-09-07 patch: Smal fix for DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression. patch 100797: Smal fix for DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression. fix: DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression: Now the m23 server package repository is really added to the sources.list. patch 100796: Now suggests texlive and texlive-lang-french. cha: m23-mdk-doc: Now suggests texlive and texlive-lang-french. patch 100795: Now included the m23 package sign key. cha: SERVER_importGPGPackageSignKey: Now uses the GPG key that is included in the m23 Debian package. patch 101016: Smal fix for DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression. +++++ 2015-09-06 patch 100794: User manual fixes. new: checkForMissingHTML2LatexEntities.sh: Script to find HTML entities that are missing in the HTML to LaTeX translation index. fix: HELP_showHelpTex: Corrected LaTeX table generation. cha: HELP_showHelpTex: Now all used HTML entities are converted to LaTeX. cha: makeTexHelp.sh: Now makes sure that the encoding is correct. +++++ 2015-09-03 release 15.2 patch 100793: Changes for m23 15.2. cha: TRINITY_install: Adjusted for TDE R14.0.1. +++++ 2015-09-02 fix: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Corrected variable names. cha: pingIP: Now calling ping with sudo (needed on Debian 8). +++++ 2015-09-01 new: SERVER_importGPGPackageSignKey: Imports the m23 GPG package sign key. new: signBaseSys.sh: Signs the baseSys archives and uploads the signature files. new: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Downloads the debootstrap cache file to the m23 server and checks its validity (by signature). cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now calls PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server. +++++ 2015-08-30 new: SERVER_getAptGetInstallCommand: Returns the apt-get commands to install a tool on the server. cha: SERVER_installTool: Now uses SERVER_getAptGetInstallCommand. new: SERVER_installToolInBackground: Installs a tool on the server in background. +++++ 2015-08-28 new: basesys2deb.sh: Converts the compressed baseSys archives to Debian packages. +++++ 2015-08-26 cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Now works on Debian 8 too. +++++ 2015-08-21 cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now checks, if the client is running systemd and disables killing of processes (like screen) after SSH disconnects. +++++ 2015-08-20 cha: CLIENT_reset: Now uses CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now has a timeout for SSH connections. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Hack for systemd: Needed by SSH server under systemd. Otherwise screen sessions that are started via SSH are stopped when the SSH disconnects. +++++ 2015-08-18 cha: m23/postinst: Changed cache setting for Squid 3. m23installerBase.inc / installDebs: Now checks for a m23 server package mirror in the sources.list. +++++ 2015-08-17 fix: createRFSBins: Now makes sure, that the found file is from the temp directory and not the local root filesystem. +++++ 2015-07-27 cha: m23Backup: Now stores the firewall settings too. new: firewall.php: Page for changing and (de)activating the firewall. new: de / firewall.hlp: +++++ 2015-07-26 new: CFirewall::exportRules: Exports the set iptables rules to a rule file (generated with iptables-save). new: CFirewall::putScript: Writes script code in the iptables script. new: CFirewall::executeScript: Executes the iptables script. new: HELPER_grepCount: Counts the lines from $string seperated by $cut that contain $search. new: CFirewall::activateInInterfaces: Activates auto-loading of the iptables rules in the interfaces file. new: CFirewall::isActive: Checks, if auto-loading of the iptables rules in the interfaces file is active. new: HELPER_grepNot: Returnes all lines from $string seperated by $cut that do NOT contain $search. new: CFirewall::activate: Activates the firewall. new: CFirewall::deactivate: Deactivates the firewall. new: CFirewall::getSatusIconHTML: Generates a HTML status icon to indicate the status of the firewall. +++++ 2015-07-23 new: HELPER_netmaskAmountOfSetBits: Calculates the amount of set bits in a network mask (as used in the short form of netmasks). new: HELPER_networkCalculator: Calculates the network IP by a given IP and the netmask. new: getServerNetwork: Get the network IP of the m23 server. new: CFirewall::clearIPtablesSettings: Clears all currently set iptables rules. new: CFirewall::scriptFileExists: Checks, if the iptables script file exists. new: CFirewall::rulesFileExists: Checks, if the iptables rules file exists. new: CFirewall::writeDefaultScript: Writes the default iptables script, if there is no script. new: CFirewall::getScript: Gets the contents of the iptables script. +++++ 2015-07-20 cha: HELPER_getContentFromURL: Now has an extra parameter, to allow partial downloads. cha: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheSfURL: Now returns an alternate mirror, if the file from the 1st host is not valid. cha: up-frs-basesys: Now uploads the basesys to goos-habermann.de too. +++++ 2015-07-18 cha: configXOrgVMware: Now doesn't detect vmxnet3 driver as VMWare guest. cha: setLog.php, setStatus.php: Included the required files for CLIENT_getClientName. new: SRCLST_possiblem23debsMirrors: Returns an array with mirrors for m23 debs. new: SRCLST_checkm23debsMirror: Checks, if the url contains a valid mirror for m23debs. new: SRCLST_getWorkingm23debsMirror: Get the url of a working m23debs mirror. cha: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Now is SRCLST_loadSourceListFromDB. new: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Loads and returnes the package source list and tries to find a valid mirror for m23debs. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now uploads the packages to goos-habermann.de too. cha: CLIENT_showLog: Now checks, if the status message and its status are separated by "°" or "?". +++++ 2015-07-17 new: DISTR_getDesktopDescription: Returns the description for the given desktop in the given distribution preferedly in the language of the m23 webinterface. cha: client_distr.php: Now uses DISTR_getDesktopDescription. +++++ 2015-07-16 cha: mkRelease: Now creates a signed inRelease file (required for newer APT versions) too. new: CClient::usesDynamicIP: Checks if the client uses dynamic IPs. cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Allows setting of client name by ID by clients with dynamic IPs. +++++ 2015-07-15 cha: IMG_getImageFormatSelection, IMG_showCreateImage: Now are using HTML API 2 to save values on missing image name. cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Now suggests a random port number for image transfer. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela". +++++ 2015-07-14 cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Now allows setting of client name or ID only, if the request comes from the client itself or the m23 server. +++++ 2015-07-13 cha: SRCLST_getStorageFS: Now returns the input file system, if the sourceslist name is "imaging". +++++ 2015-07-07 fix: m23createImageInstall.php: Fixed double including of dhcp.php. fix: imaging.php: Removed quotes around constant names. cha: m23RebootInstall.php: Now calls "reboot" without full path (needed for the new network boot image). +++++ 2015-07-06 patch 100782: Fixes client integration. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now sets needed client value(s) before integration. (THX bartelfisch) +++++ 2015-07-04 new: CLIENT_getToDetailsURL: Generates the link to the client's control center page. cha: CLIENT_HTMLBackToDetails: Now calls CLIENT_getToDetailsURL. cha: recover_client.php, rescue_client.php: Now return back to client's control center page if "No" is choosen. +++++ 2015-07-03 patch 100781: Fixes image selection. fix: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now uses the new functions for getting the partitions and drives. (THX slaky) cha: client_distr: Now calls CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions with the new optional client parameter. +++++ 2015-06-28 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca". +++++ 2015-06-25 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now uses MySQLi. cha: m23-vbox / control: Packages adjusted to match Debian 8 available packages. +++++ 2015-06-22 cha: checkFstabAndMount: Now creates the mountpounts too. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes sure, innoDB is enabled. +++++ 2015-06-21 cha: installGrub: Now uses grub 2. cha: getNextLoop: Now uses losetup -f instead of trying to find an unused loop device by incrementing the numbers. cha: createRFSBins: Now filters out script and statically linked files. +++++ 2015-06-18 cha: CLCFG_resolvConf: Now adds the backup resolv.conf to /etc/resolv.conf, if it is not included already. new: m23Debian8CinnamonFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Cinnamon desktop. new: m23Debian8GnomeFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Gnome desktop. new: m23Debian8KdeFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Kde desktop. new: m23Debian8LxdeFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full LXDE desktop. new: m23Debian8XfceFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Xfce desktop. +++++ 2015-06-17 cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Added support for Gnome, LXDE, KDE, Cinnamon and Xfce. cha: CLCFG_resolvConf: Now makes sure that the resolv.conf doesn't get destroyed by NetworkManager. +++++ 2015-06-16 new: m23Debian8MateInstall.php: Installs a minimal Mate desktop under Debian 8. new: m23Debian8MateInstallFull.php: Installs a full Mate desktop under Debian 8. +++++ 2015-06-15 new: CLCFG_installDesktopLanguagePackage: Installs some additional language packages for (KDE / Gnome) desktops. +++++ 2015-06-13 cha: debian / PKG_getKernels: Now sorts packages with the given arch on top of the output array. new: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Installs a Debian desktop. +++++ 2015-06-12 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh / configXOrgVMware: Now doesn't detect a VM running in VirtualBox as a VM running in VMWare. cha: debian / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now chooses the package "grub-pc" for Debian Jessie. +++++ 2015-06-10 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs grub-pc on Debian 8. +++++ 2015-06-09 new: DB_getConnection: Gets the MySQLi connection. new: DB_setConnection: Sets the MySQLi connection to use globally. new: DB_isConnectionValid: Checks, if the MySQLi connection is valid. +++++ 2015-06-08 cha: CLIENT_getAskingParams, CLIENT_getParams, IMG_showCreateImage, HTML_newStatusBar, SERVER_mysqlInfo, DB_queryNoDie, DB_query, m23SHARED_switchUser, dbConnect, m23SHARED_new, m23SHARED_init, MAIL_cryptMailServer, */m23normalInstall.php, */m23normalRemoveInstall.php, */m23updateInstall.php: Changed to MySQLi. +++++ 2015-06-07 patch 100773: More compatibility for Debian 8. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now sreates a service file to restore the VM states, if systemd is used. cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added Debian 8. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added Debian 8. +++++ 2015-06-05 patch 100771: Enables PHP's short tags in php.ini for cli. cha: m23 / postinst: Now enables PHP's short tags in php.ini for cli. +++++ 2015-06-04 patch 100770: Improved server backup and integrated script debugging. cha: menuDeb: Now complatible with Debian 8' dialog. +++++ 2015-05-31 cha: showCurrentWorkPHP.php: Now enables reporting of all PHP errors if called with a script name. +++++ 2015-05-25 cha: m23Backup, m23Restore: Now backups and restores openLDAP and BackupPC settings too. +++++ 2015-05-23 patch 100769: Support for Squid 3. cha: m23 / postinst / configureSquid: Now supports Squid 3 too. +++++ 2015-05-20 patch 100768: Smal postinst fix for configuring BackupPC. fix: m23 / postinst / configureBackupPC: Now includes needed helper.php. patch 100767: More compatibility for Debian 8. cha: m23 / postinst / configureApache: Now sets character encoding for PHP. patch 100766: More compatibility for Debian 8. cha: m23 / postinst / configureApache: Special handling for Apache 2.4. patch 100764: Smal changes for SF and Debian 8. cha: m23instUpload: Now checks, if the Debian packages, that were downloaded as test, match the original MD5 sum. cha: m23DuplicateToFRS, m23instUpload: Adjusted paths to the new SF FRS. +++++ 2015-05-19 cha: m23 / postinst: Now enables PHP's short tags in php.ini. +++++ 2015-05-18 cha: enable-ssh: Changes for Apache 2.4. +++++ 2015-05-15 patch 100764: Changed dependencies to make it installable on Debian 8 (for future developement). cha: m23 / control: Changed dependencies to make it installable on Debian 8 (for future developement). +++++ 2015-05-14 patch 100763: Added elementary OS with patheon as additional desktop. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports "elementary OS" too. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now has support for phanteon greeter too. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now has support for elementary OS too. cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now uses the if od the article to check, if the article was posted already. cha: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Now converts HTML characters into "normal" characters. +++++ 2015-05-12 patch 100762: Added scripts for generating offline demo. new: m23admin-offline-copy: Scripts for generating offline demo from the m23 admin interface. cha: GRP_getIdByName: Now returns false, if no matching group is found. patch 100761: IP management works now with clients without IP or MAC too. cha: CClient::getMAC, CClient::getIP: Now are having an extra parameter, that will returned in case of an error, if set to another value, than 'null'. cha: CClientLister::showClientList: Now calls CClient::getMAC and CClient::getIP with parameter, to give back an empty string in case of an error. +++++ 2015-05-04 patch 100760: Kernel change due to sticking during HD writing while installing the m23 server from ISO. cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Kernel 3.18. cha: debian / CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now has an extra parameter to set the distribution to use. (Needed, because the function is called by the Ubuntu equivalent). cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptionsUbuntu: Now calls CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions with "ubuntu" parameter. cha: Changed to Kernel 3.18.12 because of sticking during HD writing while installing the m23 server from ISO. cha: sources.list wheezy: Now uses official Trinity mirror. cha: TRINITY_install: Now makes a symbolic link from /opt/trinity/bin/startkde to /bin/starttrinity so the x2go client can use the TRINITY desktop profile. +++++ 2015-05-02 patch 100759: Smal fixes. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / startBaseInstallation: Deactivated calling of the online update dialog. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now doesn't show the extraction anymore, because the output is too slow in graphic/textmode. +++++ 2015-05-01 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now uses vorboss.dl.sourceforge.net. cha: CClient::getFamilyname: Now return empty string, if no family name is given. patch 100758: Updated the sources lists to the new server vorboss.dl.sourceforge.net. +++++ 2015-04-29 release 15.1 patch 100757: All complete for 15.1. Now only testing of the packages. cha: Translations complete. +++++ 2015-04-28 cha: PKG_addPackageSelection: Now splits normal package lines, that may contain multiple package names. +++++ 2015-04-27 cha: HWINFO_printPartitions: Now is using CFDiskGUI::printAllBars, ::showAllPartTables and ::showColorDefinitions. new: CFDiskGUI::getHDSizes: Returnes the sizes of all harddisks in a string, sperated by given line separator. cha: HWINFO_getHDSize: Now uses CFDiskGUI::getHDSizes. new: HTML_jQueryReStoreYWindowPosition: Generates jQuery code for storing the Y scroll position of the window and to restore the position after a submit. cha: HTML_jQueryMenuHeader, CScredit::show: Now are calling HTML_jQueryReStoreYWindowPosition. cha: Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Now removes some more packages. +++++ 2015-04-21 new: m23Debs.inc / addm23CommandsToACE : Adds all m23 PHP commands to the mode-php.js of ace to highlight m23 commands like normal PHP commands. cha: mkm23Debs: Now calls addm23CommandsToACE. +++++ 2015-04-19 new: CScredit::saveScript: Saves the script in the editor to the file. cha: de / client_add_label_descriptions.inc: Added UEFI boottype and architecture cha: de / clientBuilder.hlp: Added hint for UEFI. cha: de / scriptEditor.inc: Added the new function descriptions of the editor. +++++ 2015-04-18 new: CFDiskIO::findAndSetEFIBootPartDev: Searches for the first vfat partitions and if one if found, sets it as EFI boot partition. cha: MSR_importPartHwData: Now calls findAndSetEFIBootPartDev. cha: m23hwscanner / getPartFS: Now works with GPT partitions too. +++++ 2015-04-17 cha: disableNetworkOnDHCP: Now works, if the client should be defined. +++++ 2015-04-16 new: CScredit::getViewScriptOutputDialog: Generates a dialog with JavaScript to choose a client and to open the script output viewer for the currentry saved script. new: PKG_removeSpecialFromJobList: Removes a special job from the joblist identified by package name and priority. new: CClient::delSpecialJob: Removes a special job from the joblist identified by package name and priority. new: CScredit::getCurrentScriptFilenameWithoutInstallPhp: Gets the current script filename without "Install.php" at its end. cha: CClient::getClientCurrentWorkPHP: Now has an optional job parameter, and if set, this job will be taken instead of the job with the lowest priority. +++++ 2015-04-15 fix: client_distr.php: Corrected variable name typo. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now sets system in UEFI mode, if UEFI booting is choosen. +++++ 2015-04-13 cha: createRFSISO: Now creates 64 bit UEFI bootable ISOs. +++++ 2015-04-10 cha: HTML_selection: Now sets the id on selections too. new: CScredit::getCurrentScript: Get the text of the editor window. new: CScredit::setCurrentScript: Set the text of the editor window. new: CScredit::deleteCurrentScript: Deletes the current script, if one is loaded. new: CScredit::loadOnlineScript: Loads an online script into the editor. new: CScredit::getOnlineScriptDialog: Generates a dialog with JavaScript to get information about online scripts with download option. +++++ 2015-04-09 new: CScredit::isNotSaved: Returns if there is no script in the editor (after submitting). new: CScredit::getNextOnlineScriptInfo: Gets an information about all scripts that are available online. Every call of the function fetches the information about one script. new: CScredit::updateOnlineScriptInfo: Downloads the information about online available scripts. +++++ 2015-04-08 new: CScredit::uploadScript: Checks, if all needed information are given before uploading the script. +++++ 2015-04-03 new: CScredit::setCurrentScriptFilename: Corrects the given filename to have it a valid prefix and suffix and sets it as current file name. new: CScredit::getCurrentScriptFilename: Gets the current script filename. new: CScredit::getCurrentScriptFilenameFullPath: Gets the current script filename with full path. new: CScredit::getLocalScriptFilenames: Gets the filenames of local scripts. new: CScredit::show: Shows a script editor with syntax highlighting. new: CScredit::getNewScriptTemplate: Returns a template for a basic script. +++++ 2015-04-01 cha: SCREDIT_newScriptTemplate: Added GPL header. cha: SCREDIT_showEditor: Now uses the Ace editor (http://ace.c9.io). +++++ 2015-03-30 new: SCREDIT_correctScriptFilename: Corrects the given filename to have it a valid prefix and suffix. +++++ 2015-03-23 new: HELPER_URIencode: Encodes a string like the JavaScript function URIencode would do it. +++++ 2015-03-17 fix: DHCP_activateBoot: Fixed writing of the PXE entry. +++++ 2015-03-16 new: SRCLST_doesDistrSupportEFI: Checks, if a sources list contains a distribution that supports EFI. new: SRCLST_getListnamesWithEfiSupport: Gets a list with all sources lists that support EFI. new: SRCLST_showErrorIfClientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi: Shows an error message, if the client uses EFI and the choosen sources list doesn't. new: SRCLST_clientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi: Checks, if the client uses EFI and the choosen sources list doesn't. cha: client_distr.php: Now uses SRCLST_clientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi and SRCLST_showErrorIfClientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi. +++++ 2015-03-15 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now chooses amd64 architecture, if UEFI booting is selected. cha: CClient::setBootType: Now shecks, if client should be booted via EFI and if is uses another architecture than amd64. +++++ 2015-03-14 cha: CLCFG_efi: Configures the client for UEFI booting. +++++ 2015-03-13 cha: CFDiskIO::isNewPartitionOfTypeCreatable: Now an EFI partition is only possible, if there is an EFI boot partition. cha: CFDiskIO::changeToEfiPartitionTypeIfInUefiMode: Now returns the maybe unchanged type for isFreeSpaceBetween. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: +++++ 2015-03-12 cha: CFDiskIO::collidesWithPartitionOfType: If the type may be now "-1" to match all partition types. new: CClient::unsetEFIBootPartDev: Unsets the EFI boot partition of the client (by removing the variable in the client info). cha: CFDiskIO::resetWantedPartitioningAndSteps: Now calls CClient::unsetEFIBootPartDev. cha: CFDiskIO::backToPreviousPartitionStep: Now unsets the EFI boot partition, if it doesn't exist anymore. cha: CFDiskGUI::finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Now checks for the EFI boot partition of EFI systems too. new: setEFIStartEndPositionIfEFIBootPartitionTypeIsSet: Checks, if the type of the new partition to be creates is "efi-boot" and if yes, changes the start and end position of the partition. +++++ 2015-03-11 cha: CFDiskIO::isFreeSpaceBetween, CFDiskIO::getCreatablePartitionTypes, CFDiskIO::isNewPartitionOfTypeCreatable: Added support for EFI partitions. cha: CFDiskIO::virtualAddPartition: Added check for disallowing EFI partitions on BIOS systems and vice versa. new: CClient::getInstPargetEFIPartDevtDev: Gets the EFI partition of the client. new: CClient::setEFIPartDev: Sets the EFI partition of the client. cha: CFDiskBasic::makeInstPartBootable: Becomes CFDiskBasic::makeInstOrEFIPartBootable and has support for EFI partitions now. new: CFDiskBasic::EFItypeAndGUIDJob: Sets EFI boot partition type and GUID for the EFI boot partition and adds it to the list of partition steps. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added gdisk. cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Now Sets EFI boot partition type and GUID for the EFI boot partition too. +++++ 2015-03-10 cha: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionTypeTranslator: Added EFI partition. new: CFDiskIO::getPrimaryOrEfiPartitionType: Returns a primary (on BIOS booted systems) or an EFI (on UEFI booted systems). new: CFDiskIO::changeToEfiPartitionTypeIfInUefiMode: Changes a given primary partition type to an EFI partition type on UEFI booted systems. cha: CFDiskBasic::createPartition: Now calls changeToEfiPartitionTypeIfInUefiMode. new: CFDiskIO::nextPrimaryDevNr: Gets the next free EFI (physical) partition number. cha: CFDiskIO::getNextFreePhysicalVirtualPartitionNumber: Added support for EFI partitions. +++++ 2015-03-09 cha: clientISO / linuxrc: Now remounts the ramdisk to make it writable on UEFI too. +++++ 2015-03-08 cha: kernelFunction.inc / compileKernel: Added extra options needed for EFI on x86_64. cha: CChecks::checkBootType: Added BOOTTYPE_GRUB2EFIX64. new: CClient::getNetworkBootTypesArrayForSelection: Generates an array with all avaialable network boot types for using it in a selection. cha: DHCP_addClient: Added support for UEFI. cha: m23 / postinst: Now changes the ramdisk size in /m23/tftp/grub/grub.cfg too. +++++ 2015-03-02 new: client_details.php: Added icon for deleting the current client. +++++ 2015-02-28 fix: m23HSAdmin* / sysAddFstabEntry: Now splits the parameter string correctly. new: client_add_label_descriptions.inc: Common help include file for client_add.hlp and clientBuilder.hlp. +++++ 2015-02-27 fix: CFDiskIO::FDISK_getOldStyleFstabArrayForHalfSister: Now adds the amount of fstab entries to the output array. +++++ 2015-02-26 cha: m23hwscanner / getDrives: Now filteres out DVD drives (only matters, if there is inserted a disc). +++++ 2015-02-25 cha: CFDiskIO::FDISK_adjustFstabParam: Removed (identically with CFDiskIO::adjustFstabParam). +++++ 2015-02-23 cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskSaveToDB: Now makes sure that all disk sizes are stored on a defined client. fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Fixed layout when the partition and format dialog is opened after defining a client. +++++ 2015-02-12 cha: client_distr.php: Now doesn't store fstab information in client's options anymore (outdated). cha: CFDiskBasic::deleteAllPartitionsOnDisk: Now returns on RAID disks. +++++ 2015-02-11 fix: CFDiskIO::fdiskAddFstab: Now gives back the correct values. cha: CFDiskIO::setCFDiskTemp: Now copies fstab too. new: CFDiskIO::isDevValidDiskPartitionOrRaid: Checks, if a given device name is a valid disk, partition or RAID device. cha: CHECK_FW: Now returns true, if there are no errors. cha: CHECK_deviceName: Now has an optional parameter and if set to true, RAIDs are allowed too. cha: CChecks::checkMountDev: Now allows RAIDs too. +++++ 2015-02-10 cha: CClient::setCFDiskTemp: Becomes CFDiskIO::setCFDiskTemp. new: CFDiskIO::getDefinedDiskSizes: Gets the defined disk devices and their sizes. cha: CFDiskIO::saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB: Now has an optional parameter and if set to true, the disk devices and their sizes should be saved even if the client is NOT a defined client. new: CFDiskIO::saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB: Saves the disk devices and their sizes to the DB. new: CFDiskIO::addPartitionStepAtTheBeginning: Adds a step at the beginning of the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays. cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartitionJob, deletePartition: Now are having an optional parameter and if set to true, the job will be added at the beginning of the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays. +++++ 2015-02-09 cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now Copies the current version of m23hwscanner. +++++ 2015-02-07 cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Kernel 3.16. cha: listKernelVersions: Now searches for xz compressed archives. new: menuVarReset: Resets (deletes) all variable files. cha: menuKernelDownload: Now checks for the compression type of the kernel archive and chooses the correct decompression parameter for tar. new: m23hwscanner/checkUEFI: Checks, if UEFI is active and stores the result in the associative array. new: CClient::setUEFI: Sets the UEFI usage of the client. cha: bootimage: Now uses Linux Kernel 3.16. new: CClient::isUEFIActive: Returns, if the client uses UEFI. cha: CClient::save: Now skips 'CFDiskTemp', because it has to be changed by CFDiskIO only. new: CClient::isHalfSisterClient: Returns, if the client uses a halfSister distribution. new: CFDiskIO::FDISK_getOldStyleFstabArrayForHalfSister: Gets the fstab entries in the old style array format that is used by HS_sysAddFstabEntries. cha: CFDiskIO::genManualFstab: Now can be used for halfSister clients too. +++++ 2015-02-06 cha: CFDiskIO::resetWantedPartitioning: Renamed to resetWantedPartitioningAndSteps. new: CFDiskIO::resetWantedPartitioning: Resets the wantedPartitioning array by replacing it with the contents of the client's current partitioning. cha: MSR_importPartHwData, CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now are calling resetWantedPartitioning. new: CFDiskIO::getUnusedDiskDev: Returns an associative array with the unused device names (e.g. /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, ...) as key and value. cha: CFDiskGUI::showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Now adds a menu entry for creating virtual disk, if the client is a defined client. +++++ 2015-02-04 new: CFDiskIO::fdiskAddFstab: Gets an entry to from the fstab array. Can be called more times to get all entries. new: CFDiskIO::genManualFstab: Generates commands to edit a given fstab, add new entries and remove old ones before. new: CFDiskIO::adjustFstabParam: Adjusts the parameter block of a fstab line to make it use an supported FS. new: CFDiskIO::FDISK_genManualFstab: Generates commands to edit a given fstab, add new entries and remove old ones before. new: CFDiskIO::FDISK_adjustFstabParam: Adjust the parameter block of a fstab line to make it use an supported FS. cha: CFDiskIO::genManualFstab: Now calls CFDiskIO::FDISK_genManualFstab, if old fstab data is used on the client. +++++ 2015-02-02 new: CClient::setCFDiskTemp: Sets CFDiskTemp of the client. new: CFDiskBasic::deleteDeviceFromRaid: Deletes a partition or disk from a RAID disk. cha: CFDiskGUI::getRaidTable: Now has an extra button and if it is set to true, each line with a real disk/partition gets an extra button for deleting it from the RAID. +++++ 2015-02-01 new: getAllDebianDesktopPackages: Get all packages from tasksel, that install desktops. new: CClient::isDefinedClient: Checks, if the client is defined client. cha: compressedDebootstrap: Now makes sure that p7zip-full (7za), debootstrap and dpkg-dev (dpkg-architecture) are installed. new: CFDiskIO::saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB: Saves the disk devices and their sizes to the DB, if the client is a defined client. cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskSaveToDB: Now calls saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB. new: CFDiskIO::getDefinedDiskSizesFromDB: Gets (if called on a derived client) the disk devices and their sizes from the defined client (this client was derived from). cha: CFDiskBasic::fdiskAdjustPartitioning: Now uses getDefinedDiskSizesFromDB. +++++ 2015-01-31 cha: CFDiskIO::getPartitionFileSystem, getPartitionType, getPartitionEnd, getPartitionStart, getPartAmount: Is now RAID safe. new: CFDiskIO::discardUndo: Discards all undo steps. cha: CFDiskGUI::finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Now calls CFDiskIO::discardUndo. new: CFDiskIO::addPartitionStepBeforeFormat: Adds a step to the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays before the formating of the RAID device (given in the $partJob). new: CFDiskIO::addPartitionStepBeforeFormatArray: Adds a step to the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays before the formating of the RAID device (given in the $partJob). new: CFDiskIO::maximumDevicesForRaidReached: Checks, if the the maximum amount of devices building the RAID is reached. +++++ 2015-01-30 new: CClient::unsetInstPartDev: Unsets the installation partition of the client (by removing the variable in the client info). new: CClient::unsetSwapPartDev: Unsets the swap partition of the client (by removing the variable in the client info). cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartition: Now unsets the installation or swap partition variable of the client (if $dev is installation or swap partition). cha: CClient::getProperty: Now has an optional error value parameter and if set, it will be returned, if the property is not set. new: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionTypeTranslator: Translates the partition types. new: CFDiskIO::getNotFS: Generates and returns an array with the list of not filesystems (free space or unformated partitions). cha: CFDiskIO::showColorDefinitions: Now shows the "not filesystems" too. +++++ 2015-01-29 new: CFDiskGUI::getFileSystemTranslator: Translates the filesystem names. new: CFDiskGUI::getExtraCSSForExtended: Returns CSS code for marking partitions or free space on the extended partition. +++++ 2015-01-25 new: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionExtraIconHTML: Returns HTML code for showing an icon for installation or swap partition. +++++ 2015-01-23 new: CFDiskIO::isTypeFreeSpace: Checks, if a given partition type means "free space". new: CFDiskGUI::getFreeSpaceHTMLColor: Gets the HTML color for marking free space. new: CFDiskGUI::showFreeSpaceBarBlock: Shows a block for with free space in the bar visualising the partitioning of a disk. new: CFDiskGUI::showEmptyDiskTable: Shows a table with block for an empty disk (if the disk has no partitions) +++++ 2015-01-22 new: CFDiskGUI::newDiskLayout: Updates the disk layout for a given disk, if it is not in the cache. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryStart: Gets the start position of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryEnd: Gets the end position of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntrySize: Gets the size of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryType: Gets the type of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryFileSystem: Gets the filesystem of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntriesAmount: Gets the amount of disk layout entries. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryDev: Gets the device name of a disk layout entry. +++++ 2015-01-21 new: CFDiskGUI::addDiskLayoutEntry: Adds a new entry (partition or free space on a disk) to the disk layout (for rendering only). new: CFDiskGUI::newDiskLayout: Creates a new disk layout for a given disk. +++++ 2015-01-18 new: CFDiskIO::getPreviousPartitionStep: Get the previous partition steps and wanted partitioning from the last action. +++++ 2015-01-16 new: CFDiskIO::updateUndoMd5: Updates the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning and partitionSteps arrays. new: CFDiskIO::getUndoMd5: Gets the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning and partitionSteps arrays. new: CFDiskIO::addUndo: Adds an undo step to the undoArray. +++++ 2015-01-14 new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionStepsMd5: Gets the md5 sum of the partitionSteps array. new: CFDiskIO::updatePartitionStepsMd5: Updates the md5 sum of the partitionSteps array in $this->partitionStepsMd5. +++++ 2015-01-13 new: CFDiskIO::getPossiblePartitionTypesBetween: Get a list of partition types that can be created in a range on a disk. new: CFDiskGUI::getJSSelectPartTypeForNewPartitions: Get the first entry of the list of partition types that can be created in a range on a disk as selectPartTypeForNewPartitions JavaScript function. new: CFDiskGUI::printAllBars: Shows the partition bars of all disks specified for the current client. +++++ 2015-01-12 new: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionPercent: Calculates the percentual size of a selected partition in comparison to the disk size. cha: CFDiskBasic::deleteRaid: Now calls CFDiskBasic::deletePartition, if the given device is NOT a RAID device. cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartition: Now call CFDiskBasic::deleteRaid, if the given device is a RAID device or if a RAID should be destroyed. new: CFDiskGUI::listPartJobs: Show all part jobs in the table. new: CFDiskGUI::showAllPartTables: Shows the partition tables of all disks for the current client. new: CFDiskGUI::listPartTable: Shows the partition information for a disk as table. new: CFDiskGUI::getRaidTable: Get informations about the assigned real disks/partitions of a RAID. new: CFDiskGUI::showColorDefinitions: Shows the color definitions for the supported filesystems. new: CFDiskGUI::fstabAddDialog: Shows a dialog (with logic) for adding fstab entries. new: CFDiskIO::fdiskDelFstabEntry: Removes an entry from the fstab array. new: CFDiskGUI::getFstabTable: Generates a HTML table with all fstab entries and logic for deleting entries. +++++ 2015-01-11 cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskSaveToDB: Now stores the fstab array too. cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskLoadFromDB: Now loads the fstab array too. cha: CHECK_deviceName: Now has an extra parameter for choosing that a disk or partition are valid. cha: CHECK_FW: Now uses extra parameter of CHECK_deviceName too. new: CChecks::checkMountDev: Checks if the device name for mounting a disk or partition is valid. cha: CHECK_mointPoint: Checks if the input value is a valid mountpoint. new: CChecks::checkMountPoint: Checks if the input value is a valid mountpoint. cha: CHECK_FW: Now uses CHECK_mointPoint too. new: CFDiskIO::fdiskAddFstab: Adds a new entry to the fstab array. new: CFDiskIO::fdiskGetFstabArray: Gets the fstab of a client as array. new: CFDiskIO::findFstabMountPointByDev: Searches a client's fstab for a device and figures out the according mountpoint. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the drive and bolonging to a RAID. new: CFDiskGUI::getPartInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the partition, its filesystem and bolonging to a RAID. new: CFDiskBasic::makeInstPartBootable: Enables the booting flag on the installation partition by adding a job. +++++ 2015-01-10 new: CFDiskBasic::deleteAllPartitionsOnDisk: Deletes all partitions on a disk. new: CClient::setFdiskAdjustmentType: Sets adjustment type for disk layouts of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Gets adjustment type for disk layouts of derived clients. new: CChecks::checkFdiskAdjustmentSpecifiedDev: Checks if the device name for the disk of the defined client is valid. new: CClient::setFdiskAdjustmentSpecifiedDev: Sets the disk device of the defined disk on a define client. new: CClient::getFdiskAdjustmentSpecifiedDev: Gets the disk device of the defined disk on a define client. new: CFDiskBasic::fdiskAdjustPartitioningLinearScale: Scales all partitions sizes to match the full disk size. new: CFDiskBasic::fdiskAdjustPartitioning: Adjusts the disk for a derived client, based on the defined client's settings new: CFDiskGUI::finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Does some final checks, adds the partitioning and formating job and switches to the distribution selection page. new: CFDiskIO::swapFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for swapping. new: CFDiskIO::installFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for installation. new: CFDiskGUI::fdiskSessionSetter: Generic function to store values in the client partition and format session or loads them. new: CFDiskGUI::fdiskSessionPage: Stores the page in the session or loads it. new: CFDiskGUI::fdiskSessionHelpPage: Stores the help page in the session or loads it. new: CFDiskGUI::showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Shows the menu bar with integrated logic for CFDiskGUI::showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog. new: CFDiskGUI::getHTMLColorForFilesystem: Get HTML color code for a given filesystem. new: CFDiskGUI::getPartInfoIcon: Generates HTML code for showing an icon with status information about a drive or partition. +++++ 2015-01-09 new: CFDiskGUI::getCurrentDiskDev: Returns the currently choosen (in the GUI) disk device name. new: CFDiskGUI::getCurrentDiskvDev: Returns the currently choosen (in the GUI) virtual disk number. new: CFDiskGUI::getCurrentPartDev: Returns the currently choosen (in the GUI) partition device name. new: CFDiskGUI::setInstPartDev: Sets the installation partition of the client. new: CFDiskGUI::setSwapPartDev: Sets the swap partition of the client. new: CClient::getSwapPartDev: Gets the swap partition of the client. new: CClient::getInstPartDev: Gets the installation partition of the client. new: CFDiskGUI::getInstPartDev: Gets the installation partition of the client. new: CFDiskGUI::getSwapPartDev: Gets the swap partition of the client. new: CFDiskBasic::assignDeviceToRaid: Adds a partition or disk to a RAID disk. new: CChecks::checkSizeInMB: Checks if a size in MB is valid. new: CChecks::checkDiskDefinedSize: Checks if a size (in MB) for the defined disk is valid. new: CClient::setFDiskDefinedSize: Sets the size of the disk of a defined client. new: CChecks::checkFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Checks if a size (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for the upper tolerance is valid. new: CChecks::checkFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Checks if a size (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for the lower tolerance is valid. new: CChecks::setFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Sets the lower tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CChecks::setFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Sets the upper tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Gets the lower tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Gets the upper tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Gets the size of the disk of a defined client. new: CClient::isDerivedClient: Checks, if the client is derived from a defined client. +++++ 2015-01-08 new: CFDiskIO::getPartDevs: Returns an array with the partitions (/dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, ...) of a disk or all disks. new: CFDiskIO::getSupportedFS: Generates and returns an array with the list of supported file systems. +++++ 2015-01-05 new: CFDiskIO::getCreatablePartitionTypes: Creates an array with the types of partitions that could be created on a disk. +++++ 2015-01-04 new: CFDiskIO::mayPartitioningBeChanged: Checks, if the whole disk or at least one partition on the disk is used in a RAID. cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartition, createPartition: Now mayLogicalPartitionsBeChanged is replaced by mayPartitioningBeChanged. +++++ 2014-12-21 new: CFDiskTest::addLineToReplay: Adds a line to the run log file. new: CFDiskTest::rand: Reads a random value from the replay file, if in replay mode or puts a calculated random value to the replay file. +++++ 2014-12-20 new: CFDiskTest::nextTurn: Is called at the beginning of the next testing turn. Chooses a disk for testing, if there are more disks given. new: CFDiskIO::mayLogicalPartitionsBeChanged: Checks if the logical partitions may be changed on the given disk. If one logical partition on the disk is assigned to a RAID, none of the other logical partitions may be removed or added, because the numbering of the partitions will change afterwards and bring the RAID into a faulty state. +++++ 2014-12-14 new: CFDiskBasic::getMknodCommand: Generates the mknod command for a given /dev/sdX(Y) device (disk or partition). new: CFDiskBasic::getMknodCommandsForDeviceArray: Generates the mknod commands for given /dev/sdX(Y) devices (disks or partitions). cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Now calls getMknodCommand and getMknodCommandsForDeviceArray. +++++ 2014-12-10 new: CFDiskBasic::createRaidJobForRaid: Generates the jobs to create a given RAID. cha: CFDiskBasic::createAllRaidJobs: Now calls CFDiskBasic::createRaidJobForRaid. +++++ 2014-12-06 new: CFDiskIO::backToPreviousPartitionStep: Jumps back in the partition history by one step. fix: CFDiskIO::virtualDeleteDrive: Now works correctly. +++++ 2014-12-05 new: CFDiskIO::getRaidCompleteParameters: Writes the constraints for building a RAID of a given level to the parameter variables. cha: CFDiskIO::isRaidComplete: Now uses CFDiskIO::getRaidCompleteParameters. new: CFDiskTest::areThereEnoughFreePartitionsToBuildTheRaid: Checks, if there are enough unused partitions to build a RAID of a given level. +++++ 2014-12-04 new: CFDiskIO::sortDiskKeyByDev: Sorts the elements with numeric keys (disks) of the input array by the subkey 'dev'. The numeric keys will be ascending and in the same order than the ascending subkey 'dev' with /dev/mdX at the end. cha: CFDiskIO::virtualAddDisk: Now calls CFDiskIO::sortDiskKeyByDev. +++++ 2014-12-02 cha: CFDiskTest::getRaidsFromClient: Now adds the size of the RAID. fix: CFDiskIO::updateRAIDSize: Now uses the correct virtual disk number for assigning the size. +++++ 2014-12-01 new: VM_CloudStackDisablePortForwarding: Deletes a port forwarding rule for a virtual machine, with private port and public port being the same (CLOUDSTACK_X2GO_PORTNUMBER). cha: VM_delete: Now calls VM_CloudStackDisablePortForwarding. new: CFDiskIO::getUsedMDs: Returns an associative array with the used MDs (e.g. /dev/md0, /dev/md1, ...) as key and value. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomUsedMD: Returns a random used MD. new: CFDiskTest::randomCreateRaid: Tries to create a new RAID with randomly choosen partitions and with random RAID level. new: CFDiskTest::randomDeleteRaid: Picks a random RAID and tries to delete it. +++++ 2014-11-30 cha: m23Backup: Now saves more settings. new: CFDiskBasic::deleteRaidJob: Generates a RAID deletion job and adds it to the list of partition steps. new: CFDiskIO::virtualDeleteRaidDisk: Deletes a RAID disk and removes the RAID locks from all devices building it. new: CFDiskBasic::deleteRaid: Deletes a RAID disk. +++++ 2014-11-24 new: m23cli / getGreenClientNames.php: Fetches the names of all clients with green status. cha: HTML_checkBoxCheckAll: Now returns an empty array, if there are not checked check boxes. +++++ 2014-11-22 new: m23cli / getClientNames.php: Fetches the names of all clients. +++++ 2014-11-18 new: PKG_getClientsByPackages: Gets all clients that have the specific packages (not) installed (or with another given status). new: PKG_getClientsWithWaitingJobs: Gets all clients that have waiting jobs. new: m23cli / getClientsWithPackageNotInstalled.php: Lists all clients that have a NOT package installed. new: m23cli / getClientsWithWaitingJobs.php: Lists all clients that have waiting jobs. +++++ 2014-11-17 new: CClient::wol: Wakes a client over the network. new: m23cli / wol.php: Wakes a client over the network. new: CClient::isPingable: Checks, if the client can be pinged over the network. cha: CLIENT_sshFetchJob: Now has an extra (optional) parameter for the client's IP. new: CClient::sshFetchJob: Connects to the client via SSH and lets the next job fetch and execute it in a screen (named "m23install"). new: m23cli / sshFetchJob.php: Connects to the client via SSH and lets the next job fetch and execute it in a screen (named "m23install"). new: CClientLister::isVisibleByPingableFilter: Checks, if only clients that can (not) be pinged should be shown and if the given client matches the filter rule. new: CClientLister::setVisibleByPingableFilter: Sets the pingable filter rule (show only clients that can (not) be pinged or all clients). cha: CClientLister::showClientList: Now filters out the client, if it is not matching the rule of the pingable filter new: CClientLister::getClientNames: Gets an array with all clients matching the filter rules. new: m23cli / listOnlineClients.php: Shows the clients that can be pinged. new: m23cli / listOfflineClients.php: Shows the clients that can NOT be pinged. new: CClient::executeBySSH: Runs a script under a plain BASH with root rights on the client. new: m23cli / executeBySSH.php: Runs a commands under a plain BASH with root rights on the client. +++++ 2014-11-15 new: CFDiskTest::getRandomRaidLevel: Returns an random RAID level. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomUnusedMD: Returns an random unused MD. +++++ 2014-11-14 new: CClient::addUpdatePackageInfosJob: Adds a job to update the package information of the client to the installation queue. new: installSpecialPackage.php: Installs a special package on a client. new: CFDiskTest::getRaidsFromClient: Fetches current RAID information from the current client. +++++ 2014-11-13 new: CFDiskBasic::raidJob: Generates a RAID creation job and adds it to the list of partition steps. new: CFDiskBasic::createAllRaidJobs: Generates the jobs to create all RAIDs. +++++ 2014-11-12 new: CFDiskTest::showDebugConsistencyClientVirtualArray: Shows a debug information about the current state of virtual and client consistency. new: CFDiskTest::randomTest: Randomly creates, formates and deletes partitions of random size, type and with random file file systems. new: CFDiskIO::areAllRaidsComplete: Checks, if all RAID disk are complete (needed numbers of disks/partitions were added). +++++ 2014-11-11 new: CFDiskIO::getRaidLevelNumbers: Returns an array with valid RAID levels. new: CFDiskIO::isRaidLevelNumberValid: Checks, if a number is a valid RAID level. new: CFDiskIO::setRaidLevel: Sets the RAID level on a new RAID disk. new: CFDiskIO::getDiskSize: Returns the RAID level of RAID disk. new: CFDiskIO::addDevToRaid: Adds a device (disk or partition) to the list of devices building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getvrDevNrByrDev: Returns the (virtual) number of the given device building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::delDevFromRaid: Removes a device (disk or partition) from the list of devices building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getRaidDevsBuildingDiskAmount: Returns the amount of the devices building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::isRaidComplete: Checks, if there are too less or too much devices building the RAID or if the amount is not a multiple of needed devices. new: CFDiskIO::updateRAIDSize: Updates the usable size of the RAID new: CFDiskIO::doesDiskHavePartitionsLockedByRaid: Checks if the disk has at least one partition that was assigned to a RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getUnusedMDs: Returns an associative array with the unused MDs (e.g. /dev/md0, /dev/md1, ...) as key and value. +++++ 2014-11-10 new: PKG_getClientsWithPackage: Gets all clients that have the specific package installed (or with another status). new: getClientsWithPackageInstalled.php: Lists all clients that have a package installed. new: CClient::includeDistributionSpecificPackagesPHP: Includes distribution specific packages.php. new: CClient::addNormalJob: Adds a normal package to the installation queue. new: CClient::addSpecialJob: Adds a special package to the installation queue. new: CClient::addUpdateSourcesListJob: Adds a job to update the package souurce of the client to the installation queue. new: CFDiskIO::getClientObject: Gets the client object, of the client the partitioning belongs to. new: CFDiskBasic::createUEFIPartition: Creates a new UEFI partition with a size of 512 MB at the start of the disk (if possible). new: CFDiskIO::virtualAddDisk: Adds a new virtual disk. new: CFDiskIO::createRaidDisk: Creates a new RAID disk. +++++ 2014-11-09 new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionDev: Returns the device of a partition (eg. /dev/sda1). new: CFDiskIO::isDiskLockedByRaid: Checks, if a disk is locked, because it is part of a RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionSize: Returns the size of a virtual partition. new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionDevs: Returns an array with all partition devices (/dev/sdXY) as key and value. new: CFDiskBasic::createInstallPartition: Creates and formats an installation partition and makes it bootable. The created partition is stored in the client parameters as installation partition. new: CFDiskBasic::createSwapPartition: Creates and formats a swap partition. The created partition is stored in the client parameters as swap partition. +++++ 2014-11-07 new: CFDiskIO::getLogicalpParts: Builds an array with all physical partition numbers of the logical partitions. new: CFDiskIO::correctLogical: Algorithm changed and uses getLogicalpParts. +++++ 2014-11-06 new: CFDiskIO::collidesWithPartitionOfType: Checks if a partition (to be created) defined by start and end position would collide with existing partitions of given type. cha: CFDiskIO::isFreeSpaceBetween: Now uses CFDiskIO::collidesWithPartitionOfType. +++++ 2014-11-05 new: CFDiskIO::sortPartitionKeyByStart: Sorts the elements with numeric keys of the input array by the subkey 'start' and copies all other elements unchanged. The numeric keys will be ascending and in the same order than the ascending subkey 'start'. +++++ 2014-11-04 cha: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader: Now shows the message type in CLI too. new: CFDiskTest::getTestDiskDev: Gets the disk device that is used for testing. new: CFDiskTest::getTestDiskvDisk: Gets the vDisk for the testing fisk. new: CFDiskTest::getRadomStartEnd: Gets random start / end positions (in MB) for e.g. creating new partitions on the test disk. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomPartitionType: Returns an random partition type. new: CFDiskTest::randomCreatePartition: Tries to create a new partition on the test disk with random type and start and end position. new: CFDiskTest::randomDeletePartition: Tries to delete a randomly picked partition on the test disk. new: CFDiskTest::randomFormatPartition: Tries to format a randomly picked partition on the test disk. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomFilesystem: Returns an random filesytem. +++++ 2014-11-03 new: CFDiskTest::getDiskArrayFromClient: Returns the disk array with all drives and their partitions. new: CFDiskIO::getWantedPartitioning: Returns the wantedPartitioning array. new: CFDiskTest::checkPartitionConsistency: Checks for consistancy of the partioning between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. Exists the script, if it is not consistent. new: CFDiskTest::createPartition: Creates a new partition on a disk (if possible) and checks for consistancy of the partioning between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. new: CFDiskTest::deletePartition: Deletes a partition from a disk and checks for consistancy of the partioning between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. new: CFDiskTest::formatPartition: Formats a partition. new: CFDiskTest::checkConsistencyvDiskvPartKey: Checks for consistancy of $vDisk and $vPart keys between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. Differences will be inserted into $this->diffConsistency. new: CFDiskTest::checkConsistencyDiskKey: Checks for consistancy of $vDisk keys between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. Differences will be inserted into $this->diffConsistency. new: CFDiskTest::checkBothSetKey: Checks if a key exists in virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now doesn't show "Warning: Permanently added ..." anymore. +++++ 2014-11-02 new: CFDiskIO::shiftPartitionStep: Gets the first element of the partitionSteps array and deletes it. new: CFDiskIO::isDevRaid: Checks, if a device string is a RAID. new: CFDiskBasic::rereadPartTable: Let the OS re-read the partition table. new: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Generates commands for creating and deletion of partitions, formating or building RAIDs. new: CFDiskTest::getPartInfoWithparted: Fetches current partitioning and formating of the current client from a given disk. new: CFDiskTest::executePartedCommands: Executes all partitioning and formating commands on the given client. +++++ 2014-10-30 new: CFDiskIO::getpDiskAndpPartFromDev: Splits a device (e.g. /dev/hda1) in the physical disk (/dev/hda) and the partition number (1). new: CFDiskIO::setPartitionFileSystem: Sets the file system of a partition. new: CFDiskBasic::formatPartition: Formats a partition. +++++ 2014-10-29 new: CFDiskIO::virtualDeleteDrive: Deletes a (RAID) disk and corrects the disk array. new: CFDiskIO::setDiskPartLockedByRaid: Sets or unsets the RAID lock of a partition or disk. new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionNumber: Returns the physical partition number of a virtual partition. new: CFDiskIO::getvPartBypPart: Returns the virtual partition number searched by the physical partition number. new: CFDiskIO::correctLogical: Corrects the order of the logical partitions after deleting a physical partition. new: CFDiskBasic::rmJob: Generates a partition removal job. new: CFDiskBasic::addJob: Generates a partition add job. new: CFDiskBasic::bootflagJob: Enables the booting flag on a partition. new: CFDiskBasic::formatJob: Generates a partition format job. new: CFDiskIO::isDiskRaid: Checks, if a disk is a RAID. +++++ 2014-10-28 new: CFDiskBasic::getBiggestLowestValueOf: Gets the biggest or lowest value from all partitions of a given type. new: CFDiskBasic::getBiggestValueOf: Gets the biggest value from all partitions of a given type. new: CFDiskBasic::getLowestValueOf: Gets the lowest value from all partitions of a given type. new: CFDiskBasic::updateFreeSpaces: Updates the free spaces array of all disks. new: CFDiskBasic::isPartitionLockedByRaid: Checks, if a partition is locked, because it is part of a RAID. new: CFDiskBasic::getRaidDevs: Returns an array with all disk or partition devices building the RAID of the disk (if it is a RAID). new: CFDiskBasic::getDiskDev: Returns the device name (e.g. /dev/sda) for a virtual disk. new: CFDiskBasic::getBelongingRaidDev: Searches for the RAID device, a physical partition belongs to, if it is part of a RAID. +++++ 2014-10-27 new: CFDiskBasic::getFreeSpacesOnDisk: Gets the free spaces on disk. new: CFDiskBasic::virtualDelPartition: Deletes a partition from the internal array. new: CFDiskBasic::devNrExists: Checks if a certain (physical) partition number exists. new: CFDiskBasic::nextLogicalDevNr: Gets the next free logical (physical) partition number. new: CFDiskBasic::nextPrimaryDevNr: Gets the next free primary (physical) partition number. +++++ 2014-10-26 cha: restoreBTServer: Now starts after MySQL. +++++ 2014-10-25 cha: SERVER_programmStatus: Now vertically aligns the columns to the top. cha: BT_status: Now has parameters for returning the result or showing it directly and converting the ASCII line breaks to HTML line breaks. cha: m23/postinst: Now copies the SSH key to the m23 webserver directory, if the key is missing there. +++++ 2014-10-24 cha: packageBuilder.php: Added creation of .torrent files. +++++ 2014-10-23 cha: m23 / postinst: Now creates a symlink to the System-V-Init directory to get the Bittorrent tracker and initial client, if there are .torrent files in the share directory. new: SERVER_commandAvailable: Checks, if a given command is available for the given user. new: BT_dlFile: Starts a Bittorrent download. new: BT_status: Shows status information about the (maybe) running Bittorrent tracker and initial client. new: BT_checkSoftware: Checks, if a Bittorrent software (client + tracker) is installed. new: BT_stopService: Stops a Bittorrent service. new: BT_startService: Starts a Bittorrent service. new: BT_stopTracker: Stops the Bittorrent tracker. new: BT_startTracker: Starts the tracker. new: BT_restartTracker: Restarts the tracker. new: BT_autostart: Starts Bittorrent tracker and initial client when there are .torrent files in the share directory. new: BT_updateWhitelist: Updates the white list with all allowed torrent files on the tracker. new: BT_createTorrent: Creates a torrent file and adds it to the white list. new: BT_startClient: Starts the Bittorrent client. new: BT_stopClient: Stops the Bittorrent client. new: BT_restartClient: Restarts the client. +++++ 2014-10-22 new: opentracker-installer: Compiles and installs opentracker. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now runs better on the command line. +++++ 2014-10-21 new: BT_dlFile: Starts a Bittorrent download. +++++ 2014-10-15 SERVER_commandAvailable: Checks, if a given command is available for the given user. +++++ 2014-10-04 new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionAmountOfType: Count all partitions of a selected type on a disk. new: CFFiskBasic::isDiskNotLockedByRaidAgainstCreationOfNewPartition: Checks if a new partition can be created or if the complete disk is used for RAID. new: CFFiskBasic::isDiskPartLockedByRaid: Checks, if a partition or disk is used as RAID. new: CFFiskBasic::isNewPartitionOfTypeCreatable: Checks if a new partition from a certain type can be created. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionStart: Returns the start position (in MB) of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionEnd: Returns the end position (in MB) of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionType: Returns the type of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionFileSystem: Returns the file system of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getAfterPartition: Gets the free space after the selected partition. +++++ 2014-10-03 new: CFFiskBasic::getDiskDevs: Returns an array with all disk devices (/dev/sdX) as key and value. new: CFFiskBasic::getDiskAmount: Returns amount of disks. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartAmount: Returns the of partitions of a given disk. new: CFFiskBasic::dev2diskDevPartNr: Returns an array with all disk devices (/dev/sdX) as key and value. +++++ 2014-10-01 new: CFFiskBasic::__construct: Constructor for new CFFiskBasic objects. The object holds all information about the partitioning (of a client and loads the values from the DB). new: CFFiskBasic::setClientName: Sets the client name, if given via constructor. new: CFFiskBasic::getClientName: Gets the client name, if set via constructor. new: CFFiskBasic::getProperty: Returns the given variable, if it is set or dies with an error message. new: CDFiskBasic::getCurrentPartitioning: Returns the current (physical) partitioning (of a client). new: CFFiskBasic::setCurrentPartitioning: Sets the current (physical) partitioning (of a client). new: CFFiskBasic::loadFromDB: Loads the current (physical) partitioning of a client and CFDiskTemp values. new: CFFiskBasic::resetWantedPartitioning: Resets the wantedPartitioning array by replacing it with the contents of the clien's current partitioning. new: CFFiskBasic::addWantedPartitioningUndo: Adds an undo step to the wantedPartitioningUndoArray array. new: CFFiskBasic::getWantedPartitioningMd5: Gets the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning array. new: CFFiskBasic::updateWantedPartitioningMd5: Updates the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning array in $this->wantedPartitioningMd5. +++++ 2014-09-16 cha: update_packages.php: Now start the update progress on the client via SSH etc. +++++ 2014-08-09 patch 100751: Mirror change for the m23 server installation packages. cha: Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Updated mirror. release 14.2 patch 100749: Contains all changes for m23 rock 14.2. +++++ 2014-08-06 cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now chmod's /var/run/screen to 775. fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo, PKG_preparePackageDir: Now is able to create diretories with spaces in the name. fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: Now checks for (eventually) missing package search cache file. +++++ 2014-08-05 cha: en / fr / i18n and help: Completed. +++++ 2014-07-30 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed then outdated and unsupported package sources lists "unstable", "sid", "testing", "lucid" and "lenny". +++++ 2014-07-28 new: CLIENT_getAllClientNames: Gets the names of all clients. new: m23cli / getSourcesList: Shows the contents of a package sources list. +++++ 2014-07-27 new: CLI_getModuleExitcodes: Gets the exit codes about a given module. cha: CLI_getModuleParameterLine: Now returns information about (optionall) exit code(s). cha: CHECK_FW: Disables showing the PHP warning, when using a one character rule. new: m23cli / getClientMac: Shows the MAC address of a client. new: m23cli / isClientPingable: Checks, if a client could be pinged. cha: CLIENT_query: No warnings, when used from CLI. new: m23cli / getGroupIPs: Fetches the IPs of all clients in a group. +++++ 2014-07-26 new: CAutoTest::getLogFileName: Get the file name for the log file. new: CAutoTest::addToLogFile: Appends lines to the log file. new: CAutoTest::getTimestampString: Returns the date and time in human readable form. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen: Now uses a character statistics function to choose different parameters for gocr, if the recognisation seems to have failed. +++++ 2014-07-25 cha: CAutoTest::VMCreate: Now calls AUTOTEST_VM_enableCapture. new: AUTOTEST_VM_enableCapture: Enables capturing the screen of a VM to a movie file. new: CAutoTest::getMovieFileName: Get the movie file name for capturing the VM's screen. +++++ 2014-07-24 new: AUTOTEST_executePHPFunction: Executes a PHP function with (optionall) parameters. +++++ 2014-07-23 new: CAutoTest::triggerTypeToConstant: Tries to convert the trigger type (string) to a trigger type constant. new: CAutoTest::getAnswersA: Returns the array with the answers of the current sequence element. new: VM_captureVMScreenAsMovie: Enables/disables capturing the screens of a VM to a movie file. +++++ 2014-07-20 new: AUTOTEST_VM_ejectBootISO: Disables booting from ISO and enables HDD booting. +++++ 2014-07-17 new: DISTR_getUbuntuUserGroups: Returns the default groups an user of a Ubuntu system should be in. new: DISTR_getDebianUserGroups: Returns the default groups an user of a Debian system should be in. cha: PKG_addUbuntuUser: Now is using DISTR_getUbuntuUserGroups. cha: PKG_addDebianUser: Now is using DISTR_getDebianUserGroups. new: EDIT_writeToFile: Writes a text to a file on a client. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now uses EDIT_writeToFile for Debian Wheezy. +++++ 2014-07-15 cha: PKG_addUbuntuUser: Added group "scanner". cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu, CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now adds the local user groups to LDAP users by configuring /etc/security/group.conf. +++++ 2014-07-09 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Added special debconf settings for Ubuntu 14.04 and Linux Mint 17. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Added special settings for common-account. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Removed settings that were tried to be written to a non-existing directory. cha: LDAP_addPosix: Now adds new groups in LDAP or adds users to existing group. +++++ 2014-07-07 cha: debian / ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now makes a dist-upgrade. +++++ 2014-07-03 cha: FDISK_showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Now shows an error message, if no HD was found. +++++ 2014-07-02 cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now has an extra parameter, that, if set to true, will add a shutdown or reboot package. cha: CLIENT_backToRed: Now doesn't add a shutdown or reboot package. new: CAutoTest::readAndDefineOrDieXML: Checks, is a given variable has a value that is not NULL (it was read via XML) or let the programm die with an error. new: CAutoTest::readSettings: Reads basic settings from settings.m23test and sets them as constants. +++++ 2014-06-30 cha: UBUNTU_installLanguagePacks: Now deinstalls k3b, if it was installed by a language pack and was not installed before. +++++ 2014-06-23 new: fixPHPFilePermissionsAndCR: Script that changes the PHP files to enable access via the Apache user and removes CR. +++++ 2014-06-18 cha: CLCFG_language: Now deinstalls k3b, if it was installed by a language pack and was not installed before. +++++ 2014-06-17 fix: debian / halfSister / m23updateInstall.php: Now includes the client install language file. fix: update_packages.php: Added missing $_GET['id'] variable. cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Now installs the Ubuntu 14.04 x2go packages on Linux Mint 17 too. +++++ 2014-06-12 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now includes support for Mate and Cinnamon desktops of Linux Mint 17. +++++ 2014-06-10 cha: CLCFG_installMintDM: Now uses different settings for Linux Mint 17. +++++ 2014-06-02 new: CAutoTest::VMCreate: Creates a new VM with virtual hard drive in VirtualBox and (optionally) inserts a bootable ISO into a VM. new: CAutoTest::VMStart: Starts a virtual machine in an existing X session. new: CAutoTest::setISO: Sets the filename and path of the ISO image for booting. new: CAutoTest::getISO: Get the filename and path to the ISO image for booting. new: CAutoTest::isVM: Check, if the the test should be run in a VM. new: CAutoTest::getVM_hdsize: Get the hard disk size of the virtual machine (to create). new: CAutoTest::getVMRam: Get the ram size of the virtual machine (to create). new: CAutoTest::getMachine: Get the name of the (real or virtual) machine, the test is run on. new: CAutoTest::setTriggered: Sets the trigger state ofthe current sequence event. new: CAutoTest::isTriggered: Checks, if the current sequence event was triggered. new: CAutoTest::setTimeout: Sets the timeout for the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::decTimeout: Decrements the remaining time for the timeout. new: CAutoTest::addToSequence: Adds an element to the sequence. new: CAutoTest::matchArray: Checks, if the search text is found in one of the texts contained in the array. new: CAutoTest::getGoodA: Returns the array with the good states of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getWarnA: Returns the array with the warning states of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getBadA: Returns the array with the bad states of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getTriggerType: Returns the trigger type of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getTriggerParam: Returns the trigger parameter of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getExecType: Returns the type of execution of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getExecParam: Returns the parameter for execution of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult: Checks, if the result (e.g. from AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen) is found in the good, warn or bad array and executes the matching element finish handler. new: CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction: Executes the action of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Waits for a trigger event, to execute the action. new: CAutoTest::getCurElement: Returns the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::nextCurElement: Increments the current sequence element number. new: CAutoTest::elemOk: The current sequence elements was finished sucessfully. new: CAutoTest::elemWarn: The current sequence elements was finished with a warning. new: CAutoTest::elemBad: There was an error in the current sequence element, so the execution must bestopped. new: CAutoTest::setVariableFromXML: Returns the input value when it is not NULL or exists the script with an error message. new: CAutoTest::parseTriggerFromXML: Parses the trigger and its type from the XML. new: CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML: Parses the action and its type from the XML. new: CAutoTest::parseArrayFromXML: Parses an (good, warn, bad) array from the XML. new: CAutoTest::parseXML: Parses the XML test description file. +++++ 2014-06-01 fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now makes sure that the result IP is between calculated max and min IP. +++++ 2014-05-31 cha: VM_parseVBOXstate: Code rewritten to work with all VirtualBox versions. cha: VM_parseVBOXNic: Now interprets bridged interface too. new: AUTOTEST_insertBootISO: Inserts a bootable ISO into a VM. new: AUTOTEST_keyboardWrite: Emulates the keystrokes into a VM. new: AUTOTEST_getStatus: Parses the complete status of a VM. new: AUTOTEST_isRunning: Checks if a VM is switched on. +++++ 2014-05-29 cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Changed execution order so the login banner is not part of the returned output. new: VM_insertBootISO: Inserts a bootable ISO into a VM. new: HELPER_calcScancodes: Converts an input string that may contain special keys into scancodes (e.g. for usage with VirtualBox) +++++ 2014-05-28 new: AUTOTEST_createVM: Creates a new VM with virtual hard drive in VirtualBox. new: AUTOTEST_deleteVM: Deletes a VM and its virtual hard drive from VirtualBox. new: AUTOTEST_startVM: Starts a virtual machine in an existing X session. new: VM_startVMInExistingXSession: Starts a virtual machine in an existing X session. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now calls scp and screen with sudo, when not run from the command line. cha: VM_createDiskImage, VM_createVM: Now are having an extra paramater for choosing the image location. +++++ 2014-05-27 cha: CLIENT_getIPbyName: Now returns the client name, if run on CLI. +++++ 2014-05-25 new: CLIENT_copyDebconfDB: Copies all debconf values from one client to another. cha: MASS_startInstall: Now calls CLIENT_copyDebconfDB. +++++ 2014-05-18 cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Added support for Ubuntu 14.04. cha: countLinesInFile: Now has an extra parameter, if set to true, empty lines are ignored. cha: MASS_showOverview: Now ignores empty lines on database files. fix: MASS_startInstall: Now the 2nd DNS is copied correctly (THX Rainer). +++++ 2014-05-16 cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now installs lightdm when run on Ubuntu 14.04. +++++ 2014-05-15 cha: MASS_readDBFileRaw: Now removes whitespaces at the beginning and at the end of the DB file (THX Rainer). +++++ 2014-05-14 cha: GNOME3_install: Now installs language-pack-gnome-XX too. cha: UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall, UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Added dpkg-divert rules for udev. cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: Now changes characters in the LaTex files before running latex2html and changing back afterwards. +++++ 2014-04-29 cha: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Now symlinks modemmanager and whoopsie to true. +++++ 2014-04-28 new: m23Lubuntu1404Install.php: Full lubuntu/Xfce desktop. new: m23UnityFull1404Install.php: Full Unity 3D desktop for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. +++++ 2014-04-27 new: m23LubuntuCore1404Install.php: Minimalistic lubuntu/Xfce desktop. new: m23Unity3D1404Install.php: Minimal Unity 3D desktop for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added lubuntu/Xfce and Unity 3D desktop. +++++ 2014-04-24 cha: CLCFG_language: Now adds $PATH to /etc/environment. +++++ 2014-04-20 cha: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Now creates menu.lst on Ubuntu Trusty. +++++ 2014-04-06 cha: createNewBazaarRepo: Improved included .bzrignore. +++++ 2014-04-03 new: HELPER_filesize: Gets the correct file size of a file, even if it is bigger than 2 GB. cha: PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Now calls HELPER_filesize. cha: DISTR_getDesktopsCBList: Now returns, if no distribution is given. +++++ 2014-03-20 cha: createInitrd: Now removes initrd and creates empty ones with the names of the installed packages. +++++ 2014-02-12 patch 100741: Re-enables group renaming and server backup. fix: group_actions.php: Corrected reading of group name and group action to re-enable renaming of groups. (THX CLUBSKIES) fix: m23Backup / createBackupList: Added missing "then" and "fi". (THX CLUBSKIES) +++++ 2014-02-05 cha: createNewBazaarRepo: Now uses a hand-crafted .bzrignore file. +++++ 2014-01-26 cha: prepareOSDorCompression: Now sure that m23debs.list is deleted. +++++ 2014-01-25 release 14.1 patch 100740: Release of m23 rock 14.1. +++++ 2014-01-23 cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now modprobes ext2-4. fix: linuxrc: Now links dhclient-script from /bin to /sbin. +++++ 2014-01-22 new: optimiseAllPNGs: Script for optimising all PNGs in the manual screenshot directories. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Added menu entry for optimiseAllPNGs. +++++ 2014-01-21 fix: getServerNetmask: Added full path to ifconfig. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now sets /dev/sda on top of the list. fix: PKG_getSearchCacheFileName: Now adds "'" around the file name to support distributions with spaces in the name. +++++ 2014-01-20 cha: PKGBUILDER_tar2deb: Now changed the access rights of all files to 755 before creating a new package index. +++++ 2014-01-19 menuDeb: Now ensures that development packages are uploaded into the development repository and release packages are uploaded into the release repository. +++++ 2014-01-07 new: checkForMissingi18n.sh: Script for checking for missing I18N translations. +++++ 2014-01-04 fix: MSR_clientSettings: Now sets the architecture in the imported sources list too. fix: SRCLST_getArchitectures: Now returns "i386" when no architecture can be get from the sources list. fix: PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Now reads "Installed-Size" from *Packages and uses empty line as package separator. +++++ 2014-01-01 cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now calls nl2br on the kernel variable in case that there are more than one kernels. cha: de / createVM.hlp: Added CloudStack. +++++ 2013-12-31 cha: m23-initscripts / control: Changed the package hwinfo from "Depends" to "Recommends". +++++ 2013-12-28 cha: ASSI_addUbuntuRoot: Now sets a random password for user root, if the root account is not enabled. +++++ 2013-12-22 patch 100721: Removal of bad SSH keys for the backuppc and root users. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes a bunch of bad SSH keys for the backuppc and root users. cha: mkm23Deb: Now deletes tmp/m23-install only. cha: i18n and help: Added "Apache" and "®" to CloudStack. +++++ 2013-12-21 fix: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now uses the extra parameter correctly when set to true, the names of all installed packages will be combined to a m23normal and all revomed to a m23normalRemove job. cha: CLIENT_resetAndInstall: Now calls CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording too. cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery.php: Now calls PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage. cha: VM_rebootChangeBootDevice: Now stops and starts the VM, when it is CloudStack. +++++ 2013-12-20 patch 100719: Assimilastion doesn't remove the root password any more. fix: m23PresetupInstall.php: Now doesn't set (empty) password when assimilating a client (THX jaywalker). cha: m23 / postinst: Now accepts "Raspbian" as valid dirtribution too. fix: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now returns false if there is no host for the choosen virtualisation solution. fix: VM_getAllVMHosts: Now doesn't exit on CloudStack even if the CloudStack object couldn't be fetched. cha: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Now uses defaults as mount parameter in fstab. +++++ 2013-12-19 patch 100718: Removes the bad test SSH key of the backuppc user. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes the bad SSH key for the backuppc user too. patch 100717: Removes the bad SSH key from the m23 client. cha: m23updateAuthorizedKeysInstall.php: Now removes the bad SSH key before. patch 100716: Added job for updating the authorized_keys file with the public SSH key of the m23 server. new: m23updateAuthorizedKeysInstall.php: Updates the authorized_keys file with the public SSH key of the m23 server. patch 100714: Removes the bad test SSH key. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes the bad SSH key. cha: startBaseInstallation, cleanOSForCompressing: Now deletes /root/.ssh/authorized_keys, /root/.ssh/id_dsa*, /var/lib/backuppc/.ssh/* to remove maybe existing SSH keys (THX jaywalker). +++++ 2013-12-18 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Removed IDE devices, because they are called sdX now. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now doesn't overwrite the boot type with a wrong value. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now tries to mount /home. May be helpful in case of NFS. cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Changed priority to 125 so it gets executed after system boot. +++++ 2013-12-17 new: mk-nfs-server-home: Script for installing an configuring a simple NFS server. cha: CChecks::checkNfshomeserver: Now checks for the existence of ':'. +++++ 2013-12-16 fix: en / m23inst.php: Added missing translations. fix: CClient::addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Now stores the LDAP credentials. +++++ 2013-12-15 new: I18N_number_format: Converts numbers to the language specific number formating. cha: PKG_listRecommendPackages, m23SHARED_priceFormater, SERVERBACKUP_backupOverviewDialog, PKG_listPackages, IMG_showImageManagement and VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Now are using I18N_number_format. cha: PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Now package sizes are stored in KB too. new: CClient::copyMassOptions: Copies the mass installation options (if present). cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Making Partclone the default method. cha: HELP_getHelp: Now uses escapeshellarg to secure the name of the man page. cha: debian / PKG_getKernels: Now filters out "grub-imageboot". +++++ 2013-12-11 fix: MASS_startInstall: Now adds boot type, distribution and release too. new: CClient::setDistribution: Sets the distribution of the client. new: CChecks::checkDistribution: Checks if a distribution name is valid. new: CClient::setRelease: Sets the distribution release of the client. new: CChecks::checkRelease: Checks if a release name is valid. new: CClient::copyImagingParameters: Copies the imaging parameters (if present). cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now calls setDistribution, setRelease and copyImagingParameters. new: CHECK_deviceName: Checks if the input value is a valid device name for a HD drive or partition. new: CChecks::checkSwapPart: Checks if the device name for the swap partition is valid. new: CChecks::checkInstPart: Checks if the device name for the installation partition is valid. new: CClient::setInstPart: Sets the installation partition of the client. new: CClient::setSwapPart: Sets the swap partition of the client. +++++ 2013-12-10 cha: getDNSServers: Now has a fallback, if no DNS servers could be fetched. +++++ 2013-12-08 fix: Added symlink for m23AddUserInstall.php to /m23/data+scripts/packages (for imaging). fix: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Corrected parameter for user creation. +++++ 2013-12-03 fix: CLCFG_addDistributionSpecificOptions: Now values from checkboxes are set correctly in the options array. cha: DISTR_startInstall: Now adds the x2go server installation job, if set in the options. cha: debian / CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Adds a checkbox for adding the x2go server installation job. +++++ 2013-11-28 cha: partcloneWrapper: Changed logging from /tmp/partclone.log to /dev/null. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now calls CLCFG_disablePlymouth. +++++ 2013-11-27 fix: SERVER_runningInScreen: Corrected regular expression. cha: SERVER_logLocalScreenSessionToFile: Now deletes the logfile at the beginning. cha: update.php: Now shows the live log right after clicking the update button. fix: UPDATE_running: Now uses SERVER_runningInScreen. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now trims the input values. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now uses PXE as default, if no boot type is set. cha: createRFSBins: Added the tools resize_reiserfs, resize2fs and xfs_growfs. new: FSEnlargeWrapper: Enlarges the file system on a given partition to match the size of the partition. cha: IMG_clientRestore: Now adds FSEnlargeWrapper to the BASH code if restored by dd. +++++ 2013-11-26 cha: HTML_newStatusBar: Now uses 5 seconds as default refresh time. fix: imaging / halfSister / clientConfig.php: Added 100 percent for the status bar. new: CLIENT_resetStatusBar: Resets the percent points to 0 for the pending jobs on a client. fix: halfSister / clientConfig.php: Now sets $CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions. new: PKG_addHSUser: Adds a job for creating an user on a halfSister client cha: HS_sysAddUser: Now has parameter for user and group IDs. cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Now is placed under /m23/inc/distr/ debian/packages with symlink to ubuntu. +++++ 2013-11-20 cha: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: New parameter to recalculate the remaining percent value of the status barfor better fitting. +++++ 2013-11-19 new: debian / halfSister / PKG_updatePackageSearchCacheFile: Updates the compressed package search file. new: debian / PKG_getLongPackageDescription: Gets the description of a package. cha: PKG_translateClientjobsStatus: Added translation for 'error'. +++++ 2013-11-18 fix: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now calls PKG_updatePackageInfo with correct parameters. cha: PKG_updatePackageInfo: Now updates the package index only every 5 hours, when not forced. cha: SRCLST_packageInformationOlderThan, PKG_updatePackageInfo: Now writes the time when the status file was last modified to a new parameter. new: SRCLST_packageInformationChangeTime: Returns the time point when the package information was changed last. cha: SRCLST_packageInformationOlderThan: Now calls SRCLST_packageInformationChangeTime. +++++ 2013-11-17 cha: PKG_searchFor: Now package names are unique again. new: PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Generates commands to create a compressed package search file. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now calls PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD. new: PKG_getSearchCacheFileName: Returns the full path to the compressed package search file. new: PKG_searchPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Generates BASH commands to search a compressed package search file. cha: PKG_searchFor: Now uses PKG_searchPackageSearchCacheFileCMD. fix: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now always touches the status file to update the modification time. +++++ 2013-11-14 cha: getServerNetmask: Now tries to get the netmask from networkdevices eth0 to eth9. cha: IMG_clientRestore: Added support for partclone. +++++ 2013-11-13 cha: IMG_clientCreate: Added timeout for netcat transfer. cha: IMG_clientCreate: Gauge now disabled when using partclone. cha: IMG_clientCreate, IMG_showCreateImage: Added support for partclone. +++++ 2013-11-12 cha: GRP_showSelDistrSources: Now shows a different message for choosing the distribution and sources list, when a package selection without clients should be created. cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Now are adding partclone to the bootimage. new: partcloneWrapper: Calls the correct partclone tool depending on the file system of the partition. +++++ 2013-11-11 cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Now optionally adds UID and GID. new: PKG_addUser: Adds a job for creating an user on the client. new: PKG_addUbuntuUser: Adds a job for creating an user on a Ubuntu client. new: PKG_addDebianUser: Adds a job for creating an user on a Debian client. cha: debian / clientInstall.php: Now calls PKG_addDebianUser. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls PKG_addUbuntuUser. new postinst / getCSExternIP: Get the external IP of this server, if run in CloudStack. fix: group_actions.php: Now gets the groupname from the URL. cha: enable-ssl: Now if an additional IP is given, makes it be used as default. +++++ 2013-11-09 patch 100694: Fixes installation of Ubuntu images with upstart. cha: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Now adds the package m23configUpstartForNormalUsage, if the extra distribution is ubuntu. cha: imaging / m23configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now is a symlink too. cha: VM_rebootChangeBootDevice: Now doesn't stop and start the VM when run on CloudStack, because this will stop the VM before it can send the job's "done" status. +++++ 2013-11-08 cha: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Now adds the package m23configUpstartForNormalUsage, if the extra distribution is ubuntu. cha: imaging / m23configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now is a symlink too. +++++ 2013-11-05 patch 100692: Fixes for image creation. fix: m23createImageInstall.php: Sends correct extracted size of the created image. fix: m23createImageInstall.php: Now deactivates the network booting. cha: m23 / postinst: Now uses the half of (during the configuration) available disk space as maximum for the size of the squid cache. new: VM_CloudStackDeleteClientVM: Deletes a virtual machine for use with m23 in CloudStack, only a cloudstack admin can recover it +++++ 2013-11-02 patch 100691: Fixes selection of images when using imaging as client distribution (THX IPB). fix: imaging / clientConfig.php: Added missing function variable for showDistributionSpecificOptions. new: update.php: Now adds a live status of the update progress. new: SERVER_logLocalScreenSessionToFile: Logs the output of a local screen session to a file. +++++ 2013-11-01 cha: install_packages.php: Now shows an error message and exists when in group mode and no group name is given. cha: install_packages.php: Now shows an error message when the serarch button is clicked without entering a search term. +++++ 2013-10-30 cha: serverSettings.php: Rearanged the icons. Added a new "extra" category. new: de / serverSettings.hlp: Added help page for the server settings page. fix: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Now returns an empty array, if no backups are present. fix: htaccess.php: Now administrators can be deleted when there are two or more. cha: MSG_showMessageBoxFooter, MSG_showMessageBoxHeader: Now are generating HTML code only when not in CLI mode. new: HELPER_isExecutedInCLI: Checks, if it is run in CLI. +++++ 2013-10-28 new: CLCFG_disablePlymouth: Disables the plymouth. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_disablePlymouth. +++++ 2013-10-23 cha: VM_CloudStack_getObject: Now has parameters to set the API entpoint, the API key and the secret API key. cha: VM_CloudStackEditConfFileGUI: Renamed to VM_CloudStackConfigGUI. new: VM_CloudStackCheckConstants: Checks, if the given constant values are valid. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now gives back the VM host. cha: Added help for CloudStack. +++++ 2013-10-21 new: VM_isCloudStackClient: Checks, if the client is run in CloudStack. cha: PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage: Now reboots the client when run in CloudStack. +++++ 2013-10-19 new: VM_CloudStackEnablePortForwarding: creates a port forwarding rule for a virtual machine, with private port and public port being the same new: VM_CloudStackUploadIso: uploads and registers a new bootable ISO file into cloudstack from a given website new: VM_CloudStackWriteConfFile: Writes the CloudStack config file or writes a basic config file, if it does not exist. new: VM_CloudStackEditConfFileGUI: Shows a dialog for editing the CloudStack config file. +++++ 2013-10-15 patch 100686: Now works with Debian 7.2. fix: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now works with Debian 7.2. +++++ 2013-10-07 cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now has optional parameters for user and group ID. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now adds ther user m23cupsadmin with user and group ID 523. +++++ 2013-10-06 new: VM_CloudStackSendSetVisualURL: Sends the visual URL (:22) to the m23 server, if run under CloudStack. cha: VM_setVisualURL: Now uses the host part of the URL, if vmHostIP is empty. fix: CLCFG_writeCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Corrected entry for every 5 minutes. new: MSR_curDynIPCommand: Generates the commands to transfer the current dynamic IP of the m23 client to the server. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now uses MSR_curDynIPCommand. cha: CIR_transferClientIP: Now calls MSR_curDynIPCommand. +++++ 2013-10-05 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now installs isc-dhcp-client too. new: VM_CloudStackStartVM: starts a virtual machine in CloudStack cha: VM_startVM: Now uses VM_CloudStackStartVM too. new: VM_CloudStackStopVM: stops a virtual machine in CloudStack cha: VM_stopVM: Now uses VM_CloudStackStopVM too. new: VM_CloudStackGetVMStatus: gets the status of a virtual machine new: VM_CloudStackClientName2ClientID: returns the Cloudstack-ID of a client with the given client host name new: VM_CloudStackNetBootActivate: attaches/exchanges or removes (if any) a network boot ISO to or from the client cha: VM_rebootChangeBootDevice: Now uses VM_CloudStackNetBootActivate too. cha: VM_status: Now may returns an array containing the status of the VM. +++++ 2013-10-03 cha: Checks::checkBootType: Added gpxe. cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Now accepts client's hostname via m23clientID GET parameter. cha: CLIENT_isAskingInDebugMode, CLIENT_getAskingParams: Now uses CLIENT_getClientName. cha: CLIENT_getClientID: Now uses CLIENT_getAskingParams. cha: clientISO / linuxrc: Now creates /dev/vdaX devices. cha: CLCFG_makeDev: Now creates /dev/vdaX devices. +++++ 2013-10-02 new: HELPER_getContentFromURL: Downloads an URL via curl and gives back the site code. new: VM_CloudStack_getServerIP: Gets the external m23 server IP if the m23 server is run as CloudStack VM. cha: getServerGateway, getServerNetmask: Now uses a more general approach to find out the gateway/router IP. +++++ 2013-10-01 cha: getServerIP: Now supports CloudStack too. +++++ 2013-09-30 new: VM_CloudStack_available: Checks, if the CloudStack configuration file is included and contains the needed constants. cha: VM_vmSwNr2Name, VM_getAllVMHosts: Now supports CloudStack too. new: VM_CloudStack_getObject: Gets a new CloudStackClient object. new: VM_CloudStack_getVersion: Gets the version of CloudStack. +++++ 2013-09-27 new: CClient::setNetRootPwd: Generates and sets the netboot root password. new: CClient::getNetRootPwd: Gets the netboot root password. +++++ 2013-09-26 new: CClient::setGetSystemtimeByNTP: Sets, if the system time should be set by NTP. new: CClient::getGetSystemtimeByNTP: Checks, if the system time should be set by NTP. new: CClient::setAddNewLocalLogin: Sets, if the local login should be created. new: CClient::getAddNewLocalLogin: Checks, if the local login should be created. new: CClient::setBoolProperty: Sets a boolean value in the client's settings. new: CClient::setInstallPrinter: Sets, if the local printer should be detected/installed. new: CClient::getInstallPrinter: Checks, if the local printer should be detected/installed. new: CClient::getLanguage: Gets the the language of the client. new: CClient::setTimeZone: Sets the the timezone of the client. new: CClient::getTimeZone: Gets the the timezone of the client. new: HELPER_getBootLoaders: Returns a list of available bootloaders. new: CClient::setBootloader: Sets the the bootloader of the client. new: CClient::getBootloader: Gets the the bootloader of the client. new: CClient::getClientGroup: Gets the m23 group of the client. new:CChecks::checkNfshomeserver: Checks if the NFS share is valid. new: CClient::setNfshomeserver: Sets the NFS share of the client. new: CClient::getNfshomeserver: Gets the NFS share of the client. +++++ 2013-09-24 new: CClient::setArch: Set the CPU architecture of the client. cha: CChecks::checkProxy: Now checks that IP and port are both empty or set too. cha: m23/postinst: Now figures out IP, netmask and gateway if the settings were given by a DHCP server. +++++ 2013-09-23 patch 100685: Now the groupnames can contain white spaces without getting stopped by the variable firewall. fix: checks.php: Now CC_groupnameOrEmpty accepts white spaces (Thx Oliver). +++++ 2013-09-18 fix: CHECK_str, CHECK_strAlphaNum, CHECK_strAlpha: Now returns false, if the input value is empty and empty values are not allowed. cha: CHECK_FW: Now ignores empty input values only when in firewall and not in check mode. +++++ 2013-09-16 cha: CClient::destroy: Now removes the client from the server's /etc/hosts. cha: CClient::setIP: Now adds the client to the server's /etc/hosts. new: CClient::addJob: Adds a job to the client's job table. new: CClient::startInstall: Starts the installation on the client. new: CClient::setInstallationStatusBar: Sets new percent value and/or new status text on the client's installation status bar. new: CChecks::checkUserGroupIDs: Checks the user ID and group ID are valid. new: CClient::setUserGroupIDs: Sets the user ID and group ID (for LDAP). new: CClient::getGroupID: Returns the (LDAP) group ID. new: CClient::getUserID: Returns the (LDAP) user ID. new: CClient::setLDAPServer: Sets the LDAP server. new: CClient::getLDAPServer: Returns the LDAP server of the client. new: CClient::getLogin: Returns the user's login. new: CClient::getFamilyname: Returns the user's familyname. new: CClient::getForename: Returns the user's forename. new: CClient::getFirstpw: Returns the user's first password. new: CClient::addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Adds the credentials of the main (desktop) user to the given LDAP server. new: CChecks::checkGroupname: Checks if the groupname is valid. new: CClient::addToClientGroup: Adds the client to an m23 client group. +++++ 2013-09-15 new: CClient::setRootPassword: Sets the root password for the client. cha: CHECK_FW: Now has an extra check mode for minumum length of the input value. new: CChecks::checkRootpassword: Checks if the root password is valid. new: CChecks::checkLanguage: Checks if the language is valid. new: CClient::setLanguage: Sets the the language of the client. +++++ 2013-09-14 cha: CClient::__construct: Now has a parameter to check the input variable. cha: CPoolFromClientDebsGUI, CPoolFromClientGUI, CLIENT_addClient: Now are using the new CClient constructor. new: CChecks::checkForename: Checks if the user's forename is valid. new: CChecks::checkFamilyname: Checks if the user's familyname is valid. new: CChecks::checkOffice: Checks if the given office name is valid. new: CChecks::checkEmail: Checks if the given eMail is valid (or optionally empty). new: CClient::setUserDetails: Generates HTML code for returning to the client control center page. new: CChecks::checkProxy: Checks the IP and port of the package proxy. new: CClient::setPackageProxy: Sets the IP and port of the package proxy. new: CChecks::checkLogin: Checks if the given login is valid. new: LDAP_getTypes: Returns an array with the known LDAP types. new: CClient::setLDAPType: Sets the LDAP type. new: CClient::getLDAPType: Returns the LDAP type of the client. new: CChecks::firstpw: Checks if the first name's password is valid. +++++ 2013-09-13 new: CClient::setDNS: Sets the main and (optionally) the backup DNS server(s). new: CClient::getDNS1: Returns the IP of the main DNS server. new: CClient::getDNS2: Returns the IP of the backup DNS server (if set). +++++ 2013-09-12 patch 100684: Replaces medibuntu.org (obsolete) with videolan.org in the Linux Mint sources lists. cha: Replaced "http://packages.medibuntu.org" with "http://download.videolan.org" in the sources lists "Linux Mint 13 Maya" and "Linux Mint 9 KDE", because medibuntu.org is obsolete now. +++++ 2013-09-05 patch 100683: Now the list of available kernels is updated on refresh. new: forkFunctions.inc / downloadBazaarRepo: Downloads a Bazaar repository to the current directory. new: forkFunctions.inc / createNewBazaarRepo: Adds the files and directories of the current directory to a new Bazaar repository cha: forkFunctions.inc / copym23: Now calls createNewBazaarRepo. +++++ 2013-09-04 cha: SRCLST_packageInformationOlderThan: Now checks for a minimum size of the lists directory too. patch 100682: Improved merging of release and development changelog. cha: m23uploadChangelog: Now uses mergeChangelog. new: forkFunctions.inc / mergeChangelog: Merges the changelogs from release and development tree (if both are existing) or just copies the existing changelog. +++++ 2013-09-02 new: forkFunctions.inc / getm23Dir: description Shows the full path to the active m23 directory or exits with an error. new: forkFunctions.inc / getmdkDir: Shows the full path to the active mdk directory or exits with an error. patch 100681: Added new option to disable root access via sudo for Ubuntu-derivatives, deactivation of SSL check now works, kernel list now sorted with generic kernels first. new: CLCFG_disableSudoRootLogin: Disables getting root rights of normal users via sudo. new: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptionsUbuntu: Shows additional distribution specific options for Ubuntu. cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount2: now shows group table with alternating line colors and mouseover effect. new: HELPER_compareLengthAbc: new function to compare strings first by length and then by alphabet. new: HELPER_sortByLength: new function to sort arrays by length and alphabet-position of their values. cha: m23/inc/debian/packages.php: function to get kernel list (PKG_getKernels) now outputs an ordered kernel list. cha: m23/inc/halfSister/packages.php: function to get kernel list (PKG_getKernels) now outputs an ordered kernel list. cha: CLCFG_addDistributionSpecificOptions: Now adds 'disableSSLCertCheck' and 'CB_disableSSLCertCheck'. +++++ 2013-08-28 patch 100680: Many improvements to the m23 cli. +++++ 2013-08-27 new: CLI_getModulePath: Checks, if a module exists and builds the full path to the module file. new: CLI_getModuleInfo: Gets information about a given module. new: CLI_getModuleDescription: Gets the description about a given module. new: CLI_getModuleParameter: Gets the parameter(s) about a given module. new: CLI_getModuleParameterLine: Gets the information line with module name and parameter(s) about a given module. new: CLI_showAllModuleDescription: Shows a list of all modules with their descriptions. patch 100679: CSS improvements. cha: CSS improvements: Now the current row the mouse points to in many tables is highlighted. +++++ 2013-08-26 patch 100678: Fix for the mass installation dialog and smal fixes. fix: massInstall.php: Fixed call time pass by reference. fix: CLCFG_monoRemove: Corrects syntax if BASH's [ ]. new: HELPER_trimValue: Runs trim on the input parameter and writes the result back. new: PKG_cleanPackageLine: Removes unwanted characters from a line containing package names and makes sure that there is only one line without line breaks. cha: PKG_addStatusJob: Now calls PKG_cleanPackageLine on normal package installation or removal. +++++ 2013-08-24 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine, BURN_blank, CPoolLister::__construct: Commented out debug code. cha: print_r2, calculator.php, themeChoice.php: Now uses echo instead of print. cha: check.php: Removed. +++++ 2013-08-22 patch 100677: Corrects output of the package selection optimisation. fix: PKG_combinem23normal: Now adds the needed space between the package names. +++++ 2013-08-19 patch 100676: Fixed update buttons. fix: install_packages.php: Now the update button is shown only when in update mode. +++++ 2013-08-18 release 13.2 patch 100675: Smal fix for package installation, updated documentation. new: Translations complete. New manuals and development guide. fix: install_packages.php: Now the client name is stored. +++++ 2013-08-17 patch 100674: New network bootimages to add SSH login (e.g for client's realtime status) again. cha: createRFSBins: Now adds libnsl.so.1 for dropbear. patch 100673: Configuration for the netbootimages. cha: BusyBox config: Now the BB's internal functions are used to handle /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd. new: DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression: Removes unneeded packages from a Raspbian installation and prepares for compression. +++++ 2013-08-14 patch 100672: Presetup works now on Wheezy bootimages. fix: CIR_waitForNextJob: Increased check size for empty fetched work.phps to 15 bytes. patch 100671: Fixes for Debian Wheezy booimages. cha: *.php: Changed all BASH "test" calls to "[ ]" syntax. new: workPhpName: Generates an unique name for storing the work.php file. cha: executeNextWork, CIR_waitForNextJob: Now uses workPhpName. +++++ 2013-08-13 patch 100670: Support for Linux Mint assimisation, Debian Wheezy based netbootimages, option for disabling the SSL certificate check for all clients. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now uses the BASH version of hwsetup. +++++ 2013-08-12 cha: Kernel configuration: Changed ramdisk size to 80MB. +++++ 2013-08-11 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now checks, if the new IP is nonused. +++++ 2013-08-10 fix: HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscannerByOS: Now the end mark for HSFETCHEOF is set correctly. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now disables ssl certificate checks for Linux Mint 11 and above. new: SERVER_isSSLCertCheckDisabled: Now determines, if the SSL certificate check is disabled globally for all clients. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now calls SERVER_isSSLCertCheckDisabled. new: SERVER_setSSLCertCheckDisabled: Sets, if the SSL certificate check is disabled globally for all clients. new: HTML_imgSwitch: Defines an image button with two states and a text next to it. cha: serverSettings.php: Now has a button to (de)activate the SSL certificate check globally for all clients. +++++ 2013-08-06 new: SERVER_setServerSetting: Sets the value of a server setting. new: SERVER_getServerSetting: Gets the value of a server setting. new: SERVER_existsServerSetting: Checks, if a named server setting exists in the DB. cha: head.php: Now checks, if this is the development version and adjust the coloring of the header. +++++ 2013-08-05 cha: moveDevel2Release: Now calls /mdk/doc/changelog-merger.php. new: changelog-merger.php: Script for merging the changelogs of development and release versions. patch 100669: Export of DHCP setting, optimisation of installation jobs with multiple packages, preparation for assimilsation of halfSister distributions. +++++ 2013-08-01 cha: m23 / postinst: Now increase the size of the normalPackage field to LONGTEXT in the table recommendpackages. new: PKG_combinem23normal: Combines the package names of multiple entries for m23normal and m23normalRemove jobs ind a package selection. cha: PKG_addPackageToPackageselection: Now calls PKG_combinem23normal. +++++ 2013-07-30 new: m23Debs.inc / rsyncUploadSpeedLimit: Determines the maximum upload speed. cha: install_packages.php: Now is using the HTML functions as often as possible. +++++ 2013-07-18 cha: install_packages.php: Now imports and exports the preselected packages of a clients from and to files. new: PKG_importSelectedPackagesFromFile: Imports space-seperated packages from a file and adds them to the wait4acc/selected packages of a client. new: HTML_uploadFile: Shows a dialog for uploading image files. new: HTML_urlButton: Defines a link that appears like a button. +++++ 2013-07-17 cha: menuDeb / uploadtesting: Now uploads the files directly to FRS. cha: menuServerISO: Now shows the architecture too. +++++ 2013-07-15 cha: m23-tftp / postinst: Now restores backuped bootimages from /m23/tftp/bak2.6. new: PKG_exportSelectedPackages: Exports the wait4acc/selected packages of a client. +++++ 2013-07-13 cha: ASSI_prepareClient, MSR_getClientSettingsCommand, MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand, MSR_statusFileCommand: Now are checking, if a halfSister compatible distribution was found and skips the Debian-based distributions setup. new: HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscannerByOS: Fetches the m23HSAdmin tool and m23hwscanner by detection of the OS. new: HS_ASSI_prepareClient: Prepares a halfSister client for assimilisation. new: HS_ASSI_statusFileCommand: Generates the commands to send the package infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_statusFileCommand) if this is an halfSister client to be assimilated. new: HS_getClientSettingsCommand: Generates the commands to send the client infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_getClientSettingsCommand). new: HS_ASSI_getClientSettingsCommand: Generates the commands to send the client infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_getClientSettingsCommand) if this is an halfSister client to be assimilated. cha: m23AssimilateInstall.php: Now uses halfSister functions too. new: DHCP_exportDHCPSettingsForExternalDHCPServer: Exports the DHCP settings of m23 clients that are booting over the network and adds settings for external DHCP servers. cha: de/en/fr client_distr.hlp, manageImageFiles.hlp, client_createImage.hlp: Improved help files concerning imaging. new: exportDHCPSettings.php: Calls DHCP_exportDHCPSettingsForExternalDHCPServer. +++++ 2013-07-10 patch 100668: More adjustments for Debian 7. cha: Package source "wheezy" now includes Triniy desktop 3.5.13. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now doesn't export "wheezy+squeeze+TDE" anymore. +++++ 2013-07-07 cha: htaccess.php: Now uses the mothods of the classes Cm23AdminLister and Cm23Admin. cha: createInitrd: Now creates empty *initrd.img files to satisfy depmod of Debian Wheezy. +++++ 2013-07-06 fix: createRFSBins: Now processes links correctly. cha: downloadExtractRFS / createRFSBins: Switched to Debian Wheezy. +++++ 2013-06-27 cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now has a new option to disable the SSL certificate check of wget. cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Added checkbox to disable the SSL certificate check of wget. cha: debin / clientInstall.php: +++++ 2013-06-25 cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added "wheezy". +++++ 2013-06-24 new: debian-update-howto.tex: Mini howto for patch 100667: Added LXDE, GNOME 3 and TDE for Debian 7. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports "wheezy" and "wheezy+squeeze+TDE" (for installing TDE with all needed packages from Squeeze) too. +++++ 2013-06-22 cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now has an extra parameter, if set to true, an additional line with "session-wrapper=/etc/X11/Xsession" will be added. new: LXDE_install: Installs the LXDE desktop. new: GNOME3_install: Installs the GNOME 3 desktop. +++++ 2013-06-18 cha: CLCFG_language: Now has an extra parameter for setting the release name of the distribution (for special handling). +++++ 2013-06-17 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs grub2 on Debian 7. cha: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Special handling for udev in Debian 7. fix: I18N_addLanguage: Now works with m23shared too. patch 100666: Netboot images are using Kernel 2.9.5 now to (hopefully) fix the problem with older SATA controlers. cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Linux Kernel 3.9. +++++ 2013-06-14 cha: excludem23-tftpdeb: Now excludes clonezilla images. +++++ 2013-06-11 fix: PKG_addPackageToPackageselection: Now stores all selected special packages to the selection. (THX FW). cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Linux Kernel 3.4. +++++ 2013-06-07 fix: group_details.php: Now titles are links no more. +++++ 2013-06-05 patch 100665: Fix for PXE IP calculation. fix: DHCP_calcPXEIP: Now calculates teh numbers correctly on all IPs. +++++ 2013-05-19 patch 100664: Corrected order of inclusion of Cm23Admin.php. fix: index.php: Corrected order of inclusion of Cm23Admin.php. +++++ 2013-05-14 patch 100663: Translations and server installation CD setup help text enhancements. cha: de / en / fr: Translations updated. cha: Cm23Admin.php: Introduced translated I18N tags. cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds the grdmgpg line in sudoers only if it is missing. cha: showNetworkDialog: Now shows a hint for choosing a valid hostname. cha: configureNetwork: Now filters out all 192.168.1.* IPs from /etc/hosts before adding the IP of the server. cha: m23 / postinst: Fixes /etc/sudoers, if there are more than one entry for grdmgpg. +++++ 2013-05-12 patch 100662: French translation enhancements. cha: French translation enhanced (THX Philippe). patch 100661: Added package sources list for "Linux Mint 13 Maya". cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports "Linux Mint 13 Maya" too. +++++ 2013-05-11 patch 100646: Correct detection of patch number. fix: getNextPatchlevel: Now works with release or development version only present. release 13.1 patch 100645: All things for 13.1 included ;-) cha: New manuals and development guide. cha: Added missing screenshots. fix: HELP_showHelpTex: Now converts _ correctly. cha: Translations completed. cha: changelog merged. new: optimisePNGs: Optimises PNGs for size with the help of pngquant. +++++ 2013-05-05 fix: mkRelease: Now uses the correct user for signing the Release file. +++++ 2013-05-03 new: CPoolFromClientDebsGUI::addm23BuildPoolFromClientDebsJob: Adds a m23BuildPoolFromClientDebs job to the client. +++++ 2013-04-30 fix: MSG_getRSSFeed: Now works with RSS time/dates that contain a timezone. new: PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Server: Starts a server to receive the Debian packages from an m23 client. new: PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Client: Client to send the Debian packages to the m23 client. cha: CPool::downloadDebsFromClient: Now uses PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Server. +++++ 2013-04-29 new: PKG_rsyncDebsFromClientToServer: Copies all the Debian packages from a client to a given directory on the server via rsync. cha: message.php: changed MSG_showWarning to represent new CSS element warningtable cha: index.css / index_fb.css: added element warningtable cha: reworked CSS for warning messages cha: fdisk.php: exchanged several css classes cha: HTML_jQueryMenu: exchanged css class cha: FDISK_listPartTable exchanged subtable for partTables css class cha: changed both css files cha: FDISK_printBars added css id fdiskbar cha: HTML_showTitle deleted two br cha: FDISK_showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog removed background color +++++ 2013-04-28 cha: CPoolLister::getPoolNames: Now returns an array with the all found pool names or empty array. cha: CPool::setPoolType: Now supports CPoolLister::POOL_TYPE_USECLIENTDEBS too. new: m23BuildPoolFromClientDebsInstall.php: Builds a pool from the Debian packages present on the given client. cha: CPoolFromClientGUI::__construct($clientName): Now doesn't call downloadPackagesAndCreatePool. cha: CPool::downloadPackagesAndCreatePool: Now has the clientname as optional parameter (only needed when downloadDebsFromClient is used). new: CPool::downloadDebsFromClient: Checks, if all pre-requirements for downloading packages to the pool are satisfied. Then starts the routine to download the packages directly from the client. new: MSR_buildPoolFromClientDebs: Builds a CPoolFromClientDebsGUI object and starts the download of the packages from the client to the server and the creation of the pool. new: MSR_buildPoolFromClientDebsCMD: Generates the commands to start the process for building a CPoolFromClientDebsGUI object and to start the download of the packages from the client to the server and the creation of the pool. +++++ 2013-04-23 cha: SERVER_runningInScreen: Changing grep's regexp from single [ to double [[. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now reads all lines from ca.hash and creates hash files on the client. cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Add IPv4 mode on Raspberry Pi. cha: mkCert.sh: Now calls the old hash routine (on new openssl) and the normal routine (on old openssl). So one or two hashes are added. cha: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon: Now wraps the title after 30 characters. +++++ 2013-04-22 fix: PKG_convertPackagesToRepository: Now urlencodes '%' characters. new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheFilename: Returns the file name of the debootstrap cache file (without path). new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheSfURL: Returns the URL to the debootstrap cache file on the SourceForge server. new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerURL: Returns the URL to the debootstrap cache file on the m23 server. new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerFile: Returns the full path to the debootstrap cache file on the m23 server. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now uses PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerFile, PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerURL and PKG_getDebootstrapCacheSfURL. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now downloads the debootstrap cache file too. +++++ 2013-04-17 fix: welcome.php: Fixed call time pass by reference. +++++ 2013-04-16 cha: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_convertPackagesToRepositoryStatus: Removed AJAX status. cha: DISTR_listDistributions: Now filters out baseSysFileLists. +++++ 2013-04-14 cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now sets APT::Force-LoopBreak=true and Acquire::Retries=5. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now uses HELPER_xargsRecursive for downloading the packages. cha: CPoolFromClientGUI::__construct: Now doesn't download the base packages. +++++ 2013-04-13 new: HELPER_xargsRecursive: Executes a BASH command with a list of arguments. If the BASH command fails, the argument list is split in two parts and recursively executed again. +++++ 2013-04-07 cha: CPoolFromClientGUI::__construct: Now creates a package selection too. new: CPoolFromClientGUI::saveInObjectStorage: Saves this object in the object storage. new: CPoolFromClientGUI:: showCheckboxForAddingm23BuildPoolFromClientPackage: Shows a checkbox, that adds a m23BuildPoolFromClient job when checked. cha: client_distr.php: Now calls CPoolFromClientGUI:: showCheckboxForAddingm23BuildPoolFromClientPackage. +++++ 2013-04-06 new: poolFromClient.php: Dialog for creating a pool and package selection from a client's installed packages. cha: remodeled CSS to hold absolute font sizes +++++ 2013-04-05 new: CPoolFromClientGUI::getCOSStatusHumanReadable: Translates the status code (COSSTATUS_*) into human readable word(s). new: CPoolFromClientGUI::getCOSStatus: Gets the status code (COSSTATUS_*). new: CPoolFromClientGUI::runCOSLoop: Function that is called on every run of CObjectStorageManager::getAllObjectsByRes. cha: CObjectStorageManager::getAllObjectsByRes: Now saves the (maybe changed object) after calling runCOSLoop. cha: CPool::startDownloadToPool: Now has an extra parameter to set if the commands for downloading the packages will be returned instead of executed. cha: debian / PKG_downloadPool: Now always returns the commands for downloading the packages. new: CPool::isPackageTaskRunning: Checks if a packages task (download to the pool or creating the pool from downloaded files) is running. cha: CPool::isDownloadRunning, CPool::isConvertPackagesToRepositoryRunning: Now are calling CPool::isPackageTaskRunning. new: CPool::downloadPackagesAndCreatePool: Downloads packages and creates a pool from them in one combined screen session. new: CPool::addPoolStatusFileCommand: Generates BASH code that sets a status in the pool status file. new: CPool::getPoolStatusFileContents: Gets the contents of the pool status file. new: m23BuildPoolFromClient.php: Builds a pool (on the m23 server) from the packages installed on the client. new: CPool::getPoolStatusFileName: Returns the name of the pool status file. +++++ 2013-04-04 new: CObjectStorageManager::getCOSI18NVariable: Gets the contents of an I18N variable for the object (if it exists). new: CObjectStorageManager::getCOSDescription: Gets the description for a given object class. new: CObjectStorageManager::getCOSName: Gets the (human readable) name for a given object class. new: CObjectStorage::statusCodeToHumanReadable: Translates a status code (COSSTATUS_*) into human readable word(s). +++++ 2013-04-03 cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now removes the lock file before every call of apt-get. new: CPoolGUI::getHelpPage: Returns the current help page. new: CPoolGUI::getHeading: Returns the current heading. +++++ 2013-04-02 new: PKG_convertPackagesToRepository: Generates commands for creating a package source from packages stored in one directory. cha: CPool::convertPackagesToRepository: Now calls PKG_convertPackagesToRepository. new: debian / PKG_preparePool: Generates the needed configuration file for reprepro. cha: CPool::preparePool(): Now calls PKG_preparePool. +++++ 2013-03-30 cha: DHCP_calcPXEIP: Now uses native PHP functions. +++++ 2013-03-24 patch 100631: Added CObjectStorage and CObjectStorageManager classes. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now has a new parameter that, if set to true, the commands for downloading the packages will be returned instead of executed. new: CObjectStorageManager::showList: Shows a list of existing objects matching criteria set by getBy* functions. new: CPool::checkForDistributionSpecificPackageFunction: Checks for a distribution specific package function in the distribution's packages.php file and generates an error message in case it cannot be found. +++++ 2013-03-23 new: CObjectStorageManager::saveObject: Saves or updates an object in the DB. new: CObjectStorageManager::getAllObjectsByRes: Fetches all objects from the DB that can be read via the given MySQL ressource ID. new: CObjectStorageManager::getByIdent: Fetches all objects from the DB that match an identifier. new: CObjectStorageManager::getByClass: Fetches all objects from the DB that match a class. new: CObjectStorageManager::getByIdentClass: Fetches an object from the DB that match an identifier and a class. new: CObjectStorage::__construct: Constructor for new CObjectStorage objects. The object saves/updates or loads an object. new: CObjectStorage::getObjectMethodReturnValue: Checks, if an objects implements a method, calls it and returns the return value. If the method is unimplemented, an error value will be returned. new: CObjectStorage::getCOSStatus: Gets the status code of the object. new: CObjectStorage::getCOSStatusHumanReadable: Gets the human readable status of the object. new: CObjectStorage::getObject: Gets the object. new: CObjectStorage::__destruct: Destructor for storing changed values of the object back to the DB. new: CObjectStorageManager::deleteObject: Deletes an object from the DB that match an identifier and a class. +++++ 2013-03-19 new: CClient::getRelease: Returns the distribution release of the client. new: CClient::getDistribution: Returns the distribution of the client. new: CClient::getSourcesList: Returns the sources list of the client. new: CPoolFromClientGUI::getImportPoolName: Returns the name of this pool. new: CPoolFromClientGUI::setImportPoolName: Sets the name of this pool by the client name. new: CClient::getArch: Returns the architecture of the client. new: CClient::getClientWorkPHPURL: Returns the URL to the work.php for this client. new: CClient::getClientCurrentWorkPHP: Returns the current contents of the work.php for this client. cha: CClient::__construct: Added optional parameter that sets, if the client with the given name must exist. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Added CLCFG_installFirmware. cha: checkForx86_64Toolchain: Now creates the missing links for the crt* files (THX motey). cha: m23-mdk-client: Added libxml-perl and libxml-writer-perl as dependency. +++++ 2013-03-18 patch 100629: Adjustments for the bootimages and m23 kernels (amd64 and i386). new: hwpartner-tool / waitforhttp: Waits for at least 15 HTTP connections. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Removed lilo from the bootloader list. cha: Kernel configuration: Changed ramdisk size to 81920Kb. +++++ 2013-03-17 cha: debian / clientInstall.php: Added CLCFG_installFirmware. patch 100628: Several changes for the upcoming m23 rock 13.1. new: CLCFG_monoRemove: Removes mono packages and installs gnote when tomboy was installed before. new: CLCFG_installFirmware: Installs available firmware packages. +++++ 2013-03-16 fix: PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages: Now works again and uses pre-cached files generated by mkAllBaseSysFileLists. cha: mkm23Deb: Now calls mkAllBaseSysFileLists. new: mkAllBaseSysFileLists: Generates a list of all base system packages for all (Debian/Ubuntu) releases cha: m23 / control: Added apt-utils to the dependencies. cha: SERVERBACKUP_showConfigurationDialog: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_encryptAndUploadBackup cha: SERVERBACKUP_runBackupNowDialog: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_runServerBackupNow add: HTML_showSmallTitle: function which shows a title of the second tier cha: cron.php: replaced HTML_showTitle by HTML_showSmallTitle for $I18N_cronTimeBase and $I18N_addCronEntry cha: VM_VBOXaddonDownloadDialog: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_downloadableVBoxAddons, $I18N_downloadStatus and $I18N_chooseDefaultVersion cha: CIPManagement::singleSettingsAddDialog: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_singleClientsNetworksettings) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPManagement::showUsedIPsAndMACs: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_usedIPs) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showRangesList: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_lockedIpRanges) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showDynamicRangesList: corrected function description, HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_dynamicIpRanges) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showRangesAddingDialog: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_IPRanges) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showSearchDialog: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_search) instead of HTML_showTitle +++++ 2013-03-15 cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Added #!/bin/sh to indentify the afterChrootInstall.sh script. +++++ 2013-03-12 cha: client / linuxrc: Removed ps' parameter '-A', because it doesn't exist in this BusyBox release cha: PKGBUILDER_showUploadDialog, PKGBUILDER_listFiles: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' cha: SRCLST_showEditor: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' cha: DISTR_getDesktopsCBList: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' cha: install_packages.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for I18N_found_packages and $I18N_preselected_packages cha: makeBootCD.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_used_burner, $I18N_make_bootcd, $I18N_blank_cdrw cha: burn.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_burner_status cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_daemons cha: serverSettings.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_components, $I18N_system, $I18N_serverHacks +++++ 2013-03-11 cha: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: Now uses the mount point as array key. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now uses the package proxy of the m23 server. new: showCurrentWorkPHP.php: Shows the current work.php contents for the client. new: CClient::getBackToDetailsLink: Generates HTML code for returning to the client control center page. new: HTML_sourceViewer: Creates a source viewer area that polls source code from a given URL. +++++ 2013-03-06 cha: createRFSBins: Removed "init" form the list of native tools (now in BusyBox) cha: server / etc / inittab: Changed to match format of BusyBox's init. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now adds firmware-linux-nonfree. +++++ 2013-03-05 cha: PKG_savePackageselection: Now has extra parameter for setting the status of the clientjobs that should be added. cha: PKG_addPackageToPackageselection: Removed $client parameter. cha: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: Now is called PKG_addPackageToPackageselection. new: CClient::getClientPackages: Returns an array or a space separated list of all packages installed on a client +++++ 2013-02-26 cha: index_fb.css: changed button layout cha: PREF_showPreferenceManager(): removed ridges from table in subtable2 which looked bad in both CSS and added padding because first word was cut off +++++ 2013-02-25 m23hwscanner: Now checks for (needed) parted and exits, if it is not found. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / chrootSystem: Added workaround for missing modules.dep to disable the repeated showing of the "FATAL" error. +++++ 2013-02-24 fix: extractFile: Now gets the PID of the 7-Zip process more precisely. cha: m23install.sh: Now should work with all USB keyboards. cha: Cm23Admin.php: added layout for themeChoice in getCSS cha: index.css: added shadow to subhighlight class cha: index_fb.css: added class for framed images cha: index.css: added class for framed images cha: themeChoice.php: changed layout +++++ 2013-02-23 cha: serverSettings.php: added themeChoice cha: index.php: added themeChoice, added showMessages for m23Admin new: /misc/themeChoice.php: introduced theme choice page +++++ 2013-02-22 new: HTML_AJAXAutoSubmit: Defines AJAX code that clicks a submit button when the given URL returns 'submit'. The defined constant should be used as LAST part of the $extra parameter in the HTML_submit function. new: HTML_getOutputBuffer: Gets the complete (previously rendered) HTML output buffer. new: HTML_setOutputBuffer: Sets (replaces) the complete (previously rendered) HTML output buffer, that will be sent to the webbrowser. +++++ 2013-02-19 new: CChecks::checkPoolName: Checks if the pool name is valid. new: CChecks::genericCHECK_FW: Generic checking routine, that checks if an input value matches a rule. cha: CHECK_strAlpha, CHECK_strAlphaNum, CHECK_int, CHECK_float, CHECK_str: Now has an extra parameter that set to true if you want to return (instead of aborting the program) when an error in the input is found. new: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_convertPackagesToRepositoryStatus: Shows information (status of the Packages* generation, sources.list) about the currently generated pool. new: CPoolGUI::DEFINE_convertPackagesToRepositoryStatus: Defines dialog elements for the status of the Packages* and sources.list generation of the currently generated pool. new: CPoolGUI::DEFINE_showDownloadStatus: Defines HTML elements for the package download status of a pool. new: CPool::stopDownloadToPool: Stops the download of packages to the pool. +++++ 2013-02-18 new: poolSizeLog.php: Shows the size of a given pool. new: convertPackagesToRepositoryLog.php: Shows the contents of the convert packages to repository log file. new: HTML_liveSpan: Creates a span that updates itself via AJAX by polling from a given URL. new: CPool::getConvertPackagesToRepositoryLogName: Returns the full file name of the convert packages to repository log file. new: CPool::getConvertPackagesToRepositoryLogNewLines: Gets the last (new) lines of the (growing) convert packages to repository log file. new: CPool::isConvertPackagesToRepositoryRunning: Checks if the conversation of downloaded packages to a repository is running. new: CPool::getDownloadLogNewLines: Gets the last (new) lines of the (growing) download log file. new: HELPER_getNewLogLines: Gets the last (new) lines of a (growing) log file. cha: clientLiveLog.php: Now uses HELPER_getNewLogLines. +++++ 2013-02-17 new: CPool::convertPackagesToRepository: Generates a package source from packages stored in one directory. +++++ 2013-02-13 new: poolDownloadLog.php: Shows the contents of the APT log file (download of packages to a pool) for a given pool. +++++ 2013-02-12 new: CPool::isDownloadRunning: Checks if a download of packages to the pool is running. new: CPool::getDownloadLogContents: Gets the contents of the download log file. +++++ 2013-02-11 new: CMessageManager::deleteAllMessages: Deletes all messages from the message stack. new: disconnectLoop: Disconnect loop devices that match the search string. cha: createRFSFinishInitrd: Now calls disconnectLoop. +++++ 2013-02-10 cha: listBusyBoxVersions: Changed to look for tar.bz2. +++++ 2013-02-09 cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Linux kernel 3.2. cha: listKernelVersions, menuKernelDownload: Now has support for Linux kernels 3.x. +++++ 2013-02-08 new: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_startPackageDownload: Starts the download of packages to the pool and shows a button to go back to the start, if there were errors or a button to go to the download status page, if all is well. new: CPool::startDownloadToPool: Checks, if all pre-requirements for downloading packages to the pool are satisfied. Then starts the distribution specific download routine. new: CPool::getPoolImportedFromSourceslist: Gets the complete sourceslist that was used to download the packages into the pool. new: CPool::setPoolImportedFromSourceslist: Sets the complete sourceslist that was used to download the packages into the pool. new: CPool::getPoolDistribution: Gets the distribution value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolDistribution: Sets the distribution value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolImportedPackageList: Gets the list of packages that were downloaded (or have to be downloaded) into the pool. new: CPool::setPoolImportedPackageList: Sets the list of packages that were downloaded (or have to be downloaded) into the pool. new: CPool::hasPoolDownloadBasePackages: Checks, if base packages should be downloaded. new: CPool::setPoolDownloadBasePackages: Sets, if base packages should be downloaded. new: CPool::preparePool: Generates the needed configuration file for reprepro. +++++ 2013-02-06 new: CPoolGUI::show: Shows the start dialog for creating, adding, deleting and changing pools. cha: CPool::DIALOG_start now is CPoolGUI::DIALOG_start. cha: CPool::DEFINE_nextStepCopyDownloadPackages now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_nextStepCopyDownloadPackages. cha: CPool::DEFINE_changePoolDescription now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_changePoolDescription. cha: CPool::DEFINE_loadDeletePool now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_loadDeletePool. cha: CPool::DEFINE_createBasicPool now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_createBasicPool. +++++ 2013-02-05 new: CPool::DIALOG_start: Shows the start dialog for creating, adding, deleting and changing pools. new: CPool::DEFINE_nextStepCopyDownloadPackages: Defines a button for going to the next step (copy or download of packages). new: CPool::DEFINE_loadDeletePool: Defines dialog elements for loading or deleting a pool. new: CPool::DEFINE_createBasicPool: Defines dialog elements for creating a basic pool. cha: CPool::HTML_createBasicPool: Replaced by CPool::DEFINE_createBasicPool. new: CPool::DEFINE_changePoolDescription: Defines dialog elements for changing the pool description. new: CPool::getPoolDescription: Gets the description value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolDescription: Sets the description value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolDir: Gets the directory of the pool. +++++ 2013-02-04 new: CPool::getPoolName: Gets the name of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolName: Sets the name of the pool and create the pool directory. new: CPool::createBasicPool: Sets the name, type and architecture of the pool and creates the pool directory. new: CPool::HTML_createBasicPool: Generates a dialog for creating a basic pool. +++++ 2013-02-03 new: CPool::getPoolSourceslist: description Gets the sourceslist value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolSourceslist: Sets the sourceslist value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolRelease: Gets the release value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolRelease:Sets the release value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolType: Gets the type value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolArch: Sets the type value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolArch: Gets the architecture value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolArch: Sets the architecture value of the pool. new: CPool::setProperty: Writes the contents of a property file new: CPool::getProperty: Reads the contents of a property file new: CPool::getSize: Calculates the disk usage of a pool. new: CPool::setPoolDir: Sets the name of the pool and makes sure, the pool directory exists. new: CPool::destroyPool: Deletes the pool cha: i18n.php: introduced constant for list of languages and removed that list from function I18N_m23instLanguage($shortLanguage) cha: /m23admin/index.php: included the two new classes +++++ 2013-01-28 cha: m23-xorg-configuratior: Now doesn't exit in Linux Mint 13 (that is based on Ubuntu 12.04) cha: m23-skel / postinst: Now adds dconf settings for Cinnamon when execured on Linux Mint 13. new: sources list precise+Xorg-updates: Normal Ubuntu 12.04 sources list including updates for Xorg (e.g. includes updated Intel drivers). cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports precise+Xorg-updates too. cha: m23-xorg-configurator-wait.conf: Added mdm to the list of display managers. +++++ 2013-01-27 cha: de / redo_client.hlp: Added German translation. cha: CLCFG_installMintDM: Now sets the default display manager in /etc/skel/.dmrc too. cha: forkFunctions.inc / diffExcludeMeld: Now complains, if not executed under an X11 session and without meld installed. +++++ 2013-01-26 cha: m23-skel: Added dconf settings for Cinnamon. +++++ 2013-01-23 cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Now adds the normal user to the root group, so the user can be given root rights by giving him the root password. cha: class Cm23Admin: added functionality to add and delete admins cha: DB table 'clients': extended table by one column +++++ 2013-01-22 new: class Cm23AdminLister new: class Cm23Admin new: DB table 'clients' +++++ 2013-01-20 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now adds debconf settings for samba. +++++ 2013-01-19 new: CLCFG_setDebConfDM: Sets the display manager in debconf. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now uses CLCFG_setDebConfDM. new: CLCFG_installMintDM: Installs the Linux Mint DM display manager. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now can install different display managers. +++++ 2013-01-18 fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now excludes xxx.yyy.zzz.0 IPs. cha: forkFunctions.inc / startDaemons, forkFunctions.inc / stopDaemons: Now starts/stops tftpd-hpa too. cha: ubuntu / info.txt: Now adds Mint13Cinnamon desktop environment. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now contains a list of basic packages for Linux Mint 13. +++++ 2013-01-17 cha menuFork: Now allows all access to the X session of the non root user. cha menuFork: Added new forkFunctions.inc / linkOrTouchINT: Makes a link, if there is an original file, otherwise create an empty file. new forkFunctions.inc / copyNewFilesINT: Copies new files (that didn't exist in the CURRENT fork, but in the OTHER fork) to the CURRENT fork. cha: m23/inc/calculator.php: numbers are now rendered in calculator-typical order cha: 'Fresh Blue' theme: revamped calculator +++++ 2013-01-16 cha: FDISK_findDevNrPosition, CMessageManager::addInfoMessage, CMessageManager::addWarningMessage, CMessageManager::addErrorMessage: Corrected deprecated call-time pass-by-reference. +++++ 2013-01-15 fix: CLCFG_interfaces: Now uses correct path to ethtool (Thx FP). +++++ 2013-01-14 new forkFunctions.inc / diffExcludeMeld: Checks for differences between a development and a release directory and calls meld with the changed files. cha: CSS File for m23 'Fresh Blue' theme added and modified cha: packageBuilder.php, m23base: added $fileSizeByte for file list in package architect fix: .HELP_getHelp: added parameter to remove empty helptable on welcome page fix: welcome.hlp: closed fix: VM_getAllVMHosts: now returns empty array if no vmhosts available +++++ 2013-01-12 cha: incPatchLevelInVersionPhp: Now calls getNextPatchlevel. new: forkFunctions.inc / getNextPatchlevel: Shows the next available patch number. cha: forkFunctions.inc / moveDevel2Release: Now removes the -devel tag from the codename +++++ 2013-01-11 cha: menuDeb / build: Now generates a patch info file only when not in development mode. cha: m23uploadChangelog: Now uploads the changelog from the m23 devel directory and only if in development mode. cha: SF-hg-backup: Now changes the directory, if m23/MDK are in development mode. cha: isDevelExit: Removed. new forkFunctions.inc / getm23ReleaseDir: Shows the full path to the m23 release directory or exits with an error. new forkFunctions.inc / getm23DevelDir: Shows the full path to the m23 development directory or exits with an error. new forkFunctions.inc / getmdkReleaseDir: Shows the full path to the MDK release directory or exits with an error. new forkFunctions.inc / getmdkDevelDir: Shows the full path to the MDK development directory or exits with an error. +++++ 2013-01-09 cha: ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Added "cron" to the base package list. +++++ 2013-01-08 patch 100617: Workaround for Ubuntu kernel question. fix: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Now creates empty /boot/grub/menu.lst for disabling the new non debconf Ubuntu kernel question. cha: index.css: Now aligns contents of subtables on the top of each row. +++++ 2013-01-02 cha: menuBootCD.hlp: Renamed to menuServerISO.hlp. cha: menuServerISO.hlp, menuClientISO.hlp, menuDevguide.hlp, menuManual.hlp: Updated. +++++ 2013-01-01 cha: menuStart: Added "fork". cha: menuStart.hlp: Updated help to the current menu entries. cha: menuDeb: Removed "mkusrm23". cha: menuDoc: Removed "translator". new forkFunctions.inc / forkStatusMessage: Generates a status text with the currently active fork (development or release), the release and development directories of m23/MDK. new forkFunctions.inc / isDevelExit: Checks if /m23 and /mdk are linking to the development version. new forkFunctions.inc / startDaemons: Starts the MySQL and Apache 2 daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / stopDaemons: Stops the MySQL and Apache 2 daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / isDevelReturn: Checks if /m23 and /mdk are linking to the development version. new forkFunctions.inc / showExcludeRule: Shows a file/directory excluding rule in human readable form. new forkFunctions.inc / checkLinksNDirs: Checks, if /m23 and /mdk are symlinks and the development directories are not existing new forkFunctions.inc / infoBeforeStart: Shows an info message about what would be done and asks to continue or not new forkFunctions.inc / copym23: Copies the m23 release version to a new development version directory. new forkFunctions.inc / copymdk: Copies the mdk release version to a new development version directory. new forkFunctions.inc / switchRelease: Switches to the (hopefully existing) release version and restarts the daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / switchDevel: Switches to the (hopefully existing) development version and restarts the daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / makeDevel: Creates a development copy of the release directory. new forkFunctions.inc / makeSymlinkm23mdk: Moves the directories /mdk and /m23 to /mdk-dir and /m23-dir. Then creates symlinks form /m23-dir to /m23 and /mdk-dir to /mdk. new forkFunctions.inc / moveDevel2Release: Makes the development version the current release and moves the (now old) release to outdated. new menuFork: Menu for calling different functions of forkFunctions. +++++ 2012-12-14 cha: debian / clinetInstall.php: Now adds the user to the grous lp and scanner. +++++ 2012-12-11 release 12.4 cha: prepareOSDorCompression: Now makes sure that m23debs is removed from sources.list. +++++ 2012-12-10 patch 100616: French language updated. cha: French manuals updated. fix: HTML_submit: Now works with special characters too (that might exist in French strings). +++++ 2012-12-07 cha: m23-initscripts / postinst: Now doesn't show error messages, if non existing files could not be deleted. (THX AR) patch 100614: Smal fix for CUPS management. fix: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now uses an MD5 hash as password for m23cupsadmin, that contains never "illegal" characters. patch 100613: Smal fix for CUPS management. cha: fr: Documentation and translations finished (THX Maren, Philippe). +++++ 2012-12-06 fix: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Fixed addind the user m23cupsadmin to the group lpadmin. patch 100611: New system user for managing the CUPS server on the m23 clients and additional logging of (de)installation jobs. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now adds a new system user for managing the CUPS server with random password. (Sponsored by AR) cha: client_details.php: Now embeds the m23 CUPS username and password in the URL of the printer icon. (Sponsored by AR) +++++ 2012-12-03 cha: CLCFG_aptGet: Now sends success or fail status to the client's log and in case of an error the apt-get output too. +++++ 2012-11-24 patch 100610: Another fix for EDIT_insertLineNumber. fix: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now removes newlines and other unwanted characters form the line number. patch 100608: Smal and important fix for EDIT_insertLineNumber. cha: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin: Switched back the inserting algorithm. fix: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now doesn't convert the line number to int, because it can be a BASH variable name too. patch Now escapes the search line in EDIT_searchLastLineNumber. fix: EDIT_searchLastLineNumber: Now escapes the search line. patch 100607: New LDAP servers are now inserting before the closing PHP tag. +++++ 2012-11-23 cha: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin: New LDAP servers are now inserting before the closing PHP tag. +++++ 2012-11-22 patch 100606: Documentation for German and English finished and smal fixes for editing a client. cha: version.php: Changed to 12.4. +++++ 2012-11-20 cha: menuDeb: Removed "hwscanner" menu entry, because the hwscanner doesn't need compiling any more. cha: de/en: Documentation and translations finished (THX Maren). +++++ 2012-11-12 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Added images for the modi "Keep or increase system partition" and "Percentage adjustment". +++++ 2012-10-29 fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Now uses the variable firewall correctly on MACs now. fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Now sets proxy setting correctly. +++++ 2012-10-22 patch 100603: Smal fix for IP management and enhancement of XOrg configurator. +++++ 2012-10-20 fix: hwpartner-tool: Corrected requirements for the tests. fix: hwpartner-tool / soundTest: Now runs the correct amount of given output channels. +++++ 2012-10-16 cha: m23-xorg-configurator.conf: checkNoXorgConfNeeded: Checks, if Xorg will run well without an xorg.conf (Xorg version 1.11.3 or higher). +++++ 2012-10-15 cha: hwpartner-tool: Added opticalTest (Thx Maren). +++++ 2012-10-11 fix: m23/postinst: Fixed backup file name for dhcpd.conf cha: m23/postinst: Now removes the possible space before 'host'. patch 100601: Enhances client filtering. cha: CClientLister::getClient: Now uses OR combination to filter the results. patch 100599: Some corrections for the IP management. cha: checkNotInRange: Now checks for dynamic and static ranges. patch 100599: Added IP management. cha: CC_groupname: Now limits the group name to 200 character. +++++ 2012-10-10 cha: DISTR_startInstall: Now installs an extra package that configures upstart for normal running in an installed system. +++++ 2012-10-09 fix: CLCFG_language: Now should create the correct locales on Ubuntu (Thx AR). +++++ 2012-10-08 new: CMessageManager::addMessage: Generic function for adding a message to a message queue. new: CMessageManager::addInfoMessage: Adds an info message to the info message stack and sets the info flag. new: CMessageManager::addWarningMessage: Adds a warning message to the warning message stack and sets the warning flag. new: CMessageManager::popInfoMessagesHTML: Returns all info messages and deletes the info message stack. new: CMessageManager::popWarningMessagesHTML: Returns all warning messages and deletes the warning message stack. new: CMessageManager::hasInfo: Returns if there are infos. new: CMessageManager::hasWarnings: Returns if there are warnings. new: CMessageManager::showInfo: Shows existing info messages in an info box if there are any. new: CMessageManager::showWarning: Shows (hopefully not) existing warning messages in a warning box if there are any. new: CMessageManager::showMessages: Shows all existing messages in the according boxes. cha: m23/postinst: Now converts the old dhcpd.conf format to the new format. new: DHCP_delSubnetDefinition: Removes a subnet definition from the dhcpd.conf. new: DHCP_getNetmaskOfDynamicRanges: Gets the netmask of a dynamic range identified by the first IP of the range. cha: DHCP_addSubnetDefinition: Now adds an empty subnet only when no dynamic range with the same subnet is defined. +++++ 2012-10-05 new: IPRanges::getAllLockedRanges: Gets all locked IP ranges in their otiginal format. cha: IPRanges: Renamed to CIPRanges. new: CIPRanges::getAllLockedIPsInt: Gets all locked IPs as int values. cha: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now adds locked ranges by calling CIPRanges::getAllLockedIPsInt. +++++ 2012-10-04 cha: debian/PKG_searchFor: Now gets all architectures of the sources list via array as parameter and gets package info about all choosen architectures. +++++ 2012-10-03 new: HTML_checkBoxCheckAll: Generates an array with all checked checkboxes. It assumes that the names of the checkboxes begin with 'CB_' and the value of a checked checkbox is 1. new: CClientLister::generateHTMLClientNameIdCheckbox: Generates a checkbox for a client and its ID. new: CClientLister::importCheckedClientNamesIds: Imports the clientnames/IDs of the checked checkboxes. new: CClientLister::getCheckedClientNames: Returns name (as key) and ID (as value) of checked clients as array. new: CClientLister::setClientListExtraLine: Sets the extra line that will be shown at the end of the client list. new: CClientLister::showClientListExtraLine: Shows the extra line at the end of the client list. new: CClient::isNetbootActive: Check, if network booting is active for the client. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now returns true on successfully restarting the DHCP server. new: CClient::deactivateNetboot: Deactivates network booting for the client. new: CClientLister::destroy: Destroys a client finally. +++++ 2012-10-02 new: HTML_submitImg: Defines a graphical submit button. new: CClientLister::getAscDescHeader: Generates a sorting header with column title and ascending/descending button. new: CClientLister::getStatusHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's status. new: CClientLister::getClientNameHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's name. new: CClientLister::getInstallDateHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's installation date. new: CClientLister::getLastModifyHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's last modifikation date. new: CClientLister::sortLines: Does extra line sorting of special fields, that could not be sorted by SQL. new: CClientLister::cmpArrayElements: Builds a sorting function that compares the colums of two arrays. new: CClientLister::getColumnNrWithContinousNumber: Figures to column number which contains the continous numbers. new: CClientLister::getColumnNrToSort: Figures out to column number which contains the values to sort. new: CClientLister::isAscending: Checks if the sorting of the column is ascending. new: CClientLister::getJobsHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's waiting. new: CClientLister::getGroupHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's groups. +++++ 2012-10-01 new: CClientLister::setOutputColumns: Sets the sequence of the columns to show in the output table. new: CClientLister::showClientListHeader: Shows the table header of the client output list. new: CClientLister::showClientTable: Shows the table with matching clients and their given columns. new: CClient::getID: Returns the ID of the client. new: CClient::generateHTMLStatusBar: Generates HTML code containing the status of the client with links to the pages. cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Now sorts the normal packages by name (Thx AR). cha: PKG_listPackages: Now assigns the first architecture of the sources list to PKG_searchFor (Thx AR). new: CClient::getModifyDateHumanReadable: Returns the last modified date in human readable form. new: CClient::getInstallDateHumanReadable: Returns the installation date in human readable form. new: CClient::generateHTMLClientNameBar: Generates an URL with the client name linking to the client details page. new: CClient::generateHTMLPackagesBar: Generates an URL with the amount of the client's packages linking to the client packages page. new: CClient::generateHTMLWaitingAllJobsBar: Generates an URL with the amount of the client's waiting jobs and all jobs linking to the change jobs page. cha: GRP_showClientGroups: Nos has an extra parameter if set to true, the list will be shown, if set to false returned instead. cha: CClientLister::getActionString: Becomes CClient::getActionString. new: CClientLister::getActionString: Gets the action string. +++++ 2012-09-29 new: CClientLister::getActionString: Generates the action string (e.g. an URL for GET) new: CClientLister::setActionString: Sets the action string, where CLIENT_NAME will be replaced by the actual name of the client and CLIENT_ID by its ID. +++++ 2012-09-28 new: CClientLister::resetGetting: Sets back the MySQL connection to initalise a new search and getting of clients from the beginning. +++++ 2012-09-27 new: CClientLister::addStatusFilter: Adds an OR filter to get only clients that gave the given status (stati). new: CClientLister::addGroupFilter: Adds the group filter to get only clients that are into the given group. new: CClientLister::addSearchFilter: Adds a search filter to get only clients that match the search word in at least one table field. new: CClientLister::setAscending: Sets the output ordering ascending (default) or descending. new: CClientLister::vmRunOnHostFilter: Sets a filter to only give out virtual clients that are hosted on a given VM host. new: CClientLister::getClient: Gets a client matching all active filters. This can be called many times. +++++ 2012-09-26 new: HTML_manipulateOutputBuffer: Manipulates the output buffer with already generated HTML code and replaces all occurrences the search term with the replace term. new: MSG_showMessageBoxPlaceholder: Shows a placeholder for message boxes at the position of execution. new: MSG_placeOrReturnMessageBox: Replaces a (maybe) existing message box placeholder with the given text. cha: MSG_showMessageBox: Now uses MSG_placeOrReturnMessageBox. cha: MSG_showMessageBoxPlaceholder: Now calls MSG_showMessageBoxPlaceholder. cha: HTML_showTableRow: Now color marks the row if the first parameter is true. new: CClientLister::setOrderBy: Sets the ordering method for generating the output. +++++ 2012-09-25 new: DHCP_getDynamicRanges: Gets all dynamic IP ranges from the dhcpd.conf. new: DHCP_delDynamicRange: Removes a dynamic IP range from the dhcpd.conf and reboots the DHCP server. new: IPRanges::delDynamicRange: Removes a dynamic IP range from the dhcpd.conf and restarts the DHCP server. new: IPRanges::showRangesAddingDialog: Shows a dialog for adding Ip ranges to lock or to distribute IP settings dynamically via DHCP. new: IPRanges::showSearchDialog: Shows a search dialog. new: IPRanges::getSearchWord: Gets the current unfiltered search word of the search dialog. new: IPRanges::getSearchIP: Gets the current valid IP of the search dialog or false. new: CIPManagement::singleSettingsAddDialog: Shows a dialog for locking client settings (clientname, IP, MAC) or for adding the settings to the DHCP server. new: CIPManagement::showUsedIPsAndMACs: Shows a list of clients/IPs/MACs matching the search term. new: CIPManagement::showDialog: Shows the IP management dialog. +++++ 2012-09-24 cha: ip2longSafe: Now gives back the input, if it is a number. new: IPRanges::findRanges: Finds an IP range that includes a given IP address or all IP ranges. new: IPRanges::getRanges: Finds an IP range that includes a given IP address or all IP ranges. new: IPRanges::checkNotInRange: Checks, if an IP is not part of any IP ranges. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: IPRanges::lockRange: Adds a new IP range to the list of locked IP ranges. new: IPRanges::unlockRange: Deletes an IP range from the list of locked IP ranges. new: IPRanges::showList: Shows a list with locked IP ranges with the possibillity to delete single ranges. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now uses CChecks as far as possible. new: HTML_showTitle: Shows a title. new: DHCP_addDynamicRange: Adds a dynamic IP range to the dhcpd.conf. new: IPRanges::addDynamicRange: Adds a dynamic IP range to the dhcpd.conf and reboots the DHCP server. new: DHCP_addSubnetDefinition: Adds the subnet definition to the dhcpd.conf to let the DHCP server give out network information to clients to other subnets. new: DHCP_lineNumberAffterLastClient: Gets the line number with the last client definition in the dhcpd.conf. +++++ 2012-09-22 cha: DHCP_activateBoot, DHCP_addClient: Now are handling 'none' boot type. new: DHCP_addLineToDHCPDConf: Adds a line to the dhcpd.conf file. new: CClient::activateNetboot: Activates network booting for the client. new: CChecks::checkNonusedClientname: Checks if a client name is valid and if the client doesn't exist and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. cha: checkClientname: Now has extra parameter to check, if the client is nonexisting. new: CClient::getProperty: Gets a client property from $this->clientInfo and dies, if this property is not set. cha: CClient::getBootType, CClient::getStatus, CClient::getGateway, CClient::getMAC, CClient::getNetmask, CClient::getIP, CClient::getClientName: Now are using getProperty. new: CClient::getInstallDate: Returns the installation date. new: CClient::getModifyDate: Returns the last modified date. +++++ 2012-09-20 cha: CLIENT_getStatusimage: Added status blocked. cha: DHCP_addClient: Has a new parameter if set to true, the boot type is set for the client in the DB. new: CClient::setGateway: Sets the client's status. new: CClient::getStatus: Returns the client's status. new: CChecks::checkStatus: Checks if if the client status number is valid. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CClient::setGateway: Sets the gateway address for the client. new: CClient::getGateway: Returns the client's gateway. new: CClient::setMAC: Sets the MAC address of the client. new: CClient::getMAC: Returns the client's MAC. new: CClient::setClientName: Renames a client. new: CClient::getClientName: Returns the name of the client. new: CClient::setIP: Sets the IP of the client to an unsused IP. new: CClient::getIP: Returns the client's IP. new: CClient::setNetmask: Sets the netmask of the client. new: CClient::getNetmask: Returns the client's netmask. new: CMessageManager::addErrorMessage: Adds an error message to the error message stack and sets the error flag. new: CMessageManager::popErrorMessages: Returns all error messages and deletes the error message stack. new: CMessageManager::hasErrors: Returns if there are errors. new: CMessageManager::showError: Shows (hopefully not) existing error messages in an error box if there are any. new: CChecks::checkIPRange: Checks if the input IPs are valid and if the first IP is "smaler" than the second. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. +++++ 2012-09-18 new: CChecks::checkMAC: Checks if a MAC is valid (and optionally if it is not in use) and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkNonusedMAC: Checks if a MAC is valid and if it is not in use. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CClientLister::isMatchingClientPresent: Checks if at least one clients with a given key-value-combination is found. new: CClientLister::IPexists: checks if an IP with the selected IP exists and returns true if yes, otherwise false new: CClientLister::MACexists: checks if a mac with the selected mac exists and returns true if yes, otherwise false new: CClientLister::ClientExists: checks if a client with the selected name exists and returns true if yes, otherwise false new: CChecks::checkNonusedIP: Checks if an IP is not in use and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkIPGeneric: Checks if an IP is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkIP: Checks if an IP is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkDNS1: Checks if the 1st DNS server has an valid IP and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkDNS2: Checks if the 2nd DNS server has an valid IP and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkGateway: Checks if the gateway has an valid IP and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error.new: new: CChecks::checkClientname: Checks if a client name is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkNetmask: Checks if the netmask is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. +++++ 2012-09-17 new: CClient::__construct: Constructor for new CClient objects. The object holds all information about a single client and loads the values from the DB. new: CClient::__destruct: Destructor for a CClient object. Before the object is removed from the RAM, all client settings are written to the DB. new: CClient::save: Saves the client parameters and options to the DB. new: CClient::updateModifyDate: Updates the last modified date. new: CClient::updateInstallDate: Updates the installed date. patch 100598: Corrected deprecated call-time pass-by-reference. +++++ 2012-09-13 new: MSG_show: Shows the message block for the messages. (Thx Maren) cha: MSG_showInfo, MSG_showError, MSG_showWarning: Now uses MSG_show. fix: FDISK_addDrivePartitionToRaid, FDISK_addFstab, FDISK_addPart, FDISK_addRaidBeforeFormat, FDISK_autoPart, FDISK_delFstab, FDISK_delPart, FDISK_dev2LDevLPart, FDISK_formatExisting, FDISK_formatPart, FDISK_fstabAddDialog, HTML_listSelection, HTML_storableCheckBox, HTML_storableInput, HTML_storableSelection, IMG_getFormatCompressionFromFile, MAIL_attach, PKG_listRecommendSubPackages, POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Corrected deprecated call-time pass-by-reference. +++++ 2012-09-12 patch 100597: Fixes testing of amd64 only pools in the sources list editor. new: HTML_multiCheckBox: Defines a list of checkboxes, that represent a value each. The values of checked checkboxes are stored in an array and returned. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now calls SRCLST_checkList with the first choosen architecture. cha: HTML_multiCheckBox: Becomes HTML_multiCheckBoxShow. patch 100596: Added prototype for IP management. new: ipManagement.php: Dialog for managing IP settings for non m23 clients. +++++ 2012-09-10 new: HTML_hiddenVar: Create a hidden HTML variable to store values in an HTML form. patch 100595: Added subnet support to the m23 DHCP server. +++++ 2012-09-07 fix: poolBuilder.php: Now sets preferenceForceHTMLReloadValues on loading an moved call to HTML_showFormHeader on top to set the pool type and the architecture correctly (Thx screen). new: DHCP_addSubnetDefinition: Adds the subnet definition to the dhcpd.conf to let the DHCP server give out network information to clients to other subnets. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now calls DHCP_addSubnetDefinition. cha: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now makes sure, th line number is a valid int. cha: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now adds the text at the end of the file, if the line number is not found in the file. cha: client_partition.php: Moved code to fdisk.php. cha: fdisk.php: Moved unused functions to fdisk-old.php. +++++ 2012-09-06 cha: FDISK_autoPart: Added paramters for minimum and maximum swap partition sizes (Sponsored by AR) cha: FDISK_showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Now has two schemata for automatic partitioning. +++++ 2012-09-05 cha: DHCP_addClient: Now adds "option subnet-mask". +++++ 2012-08-31 patch 100594: Support for subnets, additional usage of jQuery, some smal fixes and improvements. cha: DHCP_addClient: Added gateway to the parameters. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now adds "option broadcast-address" and "option routers" to the dhcpd.conf lines. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Changed call of DHCP_addClient. +++++ 2012-08-30 cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Removed call of DHCP_removePXEcfg in DHCP_activateBoot, because DHCP_rmClient calls DHCP_removePXEcfg. +++++ 2012-08-26 cha: hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Becomes hwpartner-tool. new: hwpartner-loadtest.sh / cardTest: Checks the flash cards (SD, MMC, ...) by mounting, writing and reading a prepared card +++++ 2012-08-25 cha: hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Integrated hwpartner-info, hwpartner-Soundtest. cha hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Added USB port testing. +++++ 2012-08-24 fix: hwpartner-loadtest.sh / LAMPprepare: Now shows the IP of the system. cha: hwpartner-info: Now shows information about all devices of the same kind. +++++ 2012-08-23 fix: POOL_readCD: Now calls POOL_prepare with the choosen architecture. +++++ 2012-08-17 new: CHECK_safeFilename: Make sure, the file/directory name is safe and doesn't contain evil characters. new: HELPER_rmRecursive: Removes a directory with sub-directories and contained files. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient, CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now are calling CLIENT_removeServerCache. cha: CLIENT_removeLiveLogFile: Remplaced by CLIENT_removeServerCache. new: CLIENT_removeServerCache: Removes the client cache on the m23 server. cha: hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Load test script for testing different parts of workstations and servers. +++++ 2012-08-16 cha: LAMPLoadTest.php: Some improvements and creanups. +++++ 2012-08-15 new: LAMPLoadTest.php: Load test script for LAMP systems that tests CPU, memory, MySQL and file system. fix: en / de / fr / client_add.hlp: Corrected syntax for MACs. (Thx Maren) +++++ 2012-08-10 cha: convertTarToDeb: Now uses "z" parameter for extraction of tar files. (Thx FW) cha: m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls "poweroff" as first priority. +++++ 2012-08-09 cha: HTML_jQueryMenuHeader, HTML_jQueryMenuEnd: Now are storing and restoring the Y position of the content in the browser window. +++++ 2012-08-08 new: CLIENT_removeLiveLogFile: Removes the live log file of a given client. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now adds time and date to the log file. +++++ 2012-08-07 new: jQuery.css: New CSS file for the new jQuery menu. +++++ 2012-08-06 cha: client_partition.php: Now uses HTML_jQueryMenu, HTML_jQueryMenuHeader and HTML_jQueryMenuEnd instead of HTML_JSMenuOpener. cha: checkNetmask: Now checks the netmask for correct values (and not only for correct "spelling"). (Thx Maren) new: HTML_jQueryMenu: Creates an entry for the jQuery accordion menu new: HTML_jQueryMenuHeader: Generate code for beginning a the jQuery accordion menu.: new: HTML_jQueryMenuEnd: Generates code for ending a the jQuery accordion menu. new: CLCFG_activateBOOT_DEGRADED: Activates BOOT_DEGRADED on Ubuntu 12.04 to allow booting from degraded RAIDs. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now calls CLCFG_activateBOOT_DEGRADED. new: CLCFG_copyMBRToAllDevices: Copies the MBR code from the boot device to all other devices. +++++ 2012-08-05 cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector, client_distr.php: Now uses FDISK_mdToEndOfArray. new: FDISK_findFstabMountPointByDev: Searches a client's fstab for a device and figures out the according mount point. (Now documented) new: FDISK_getFstabArray: Gets the fstab of a client as array. (Now documented) cha: clientLiveLog.php: Now encodes output into UTF-8. new: FDISK_mdToEndOfArray: Orders all MD devices from the input array to the end of the output array. +++++ 2012-08-04 cha: client_details.php: Now has a link to clientLiveLogComplete.php. new: clientLiveLogComplete.php: Shows the complete live log of a client. new: CLIENT_touchLiveLogFile: Touches the live log file of a given client and returns the full name of the log file (with directory). fix: CLCFG_genFstab: "--force" parameter for grub is not valid any more. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added a fallback grub installation routine. fix: recover_client.php: Now the jobs are re-done instead of (false) setting the client back to "added". +++++ 2012-08-03 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now duplicates the MBR code to all devices. cha: client/linuxrc: Now fetches the public SSH key of the m23 server and start dropbear. cha: CIR_enableDropbear: Now sets the root password even if dropbear is running. cha: CIR_enableDropbear: Now copies (instead of moving) the .ssh directory to /. +++++ 2012-08-02 fix: FDISK_genPartedCommands, FDISK_delPart: Now destroys RAIDs too. +++++ 2012-07-18 menuDep: Now uses bash as interpreter. +++++ 2012-07-13 patch 100593: New variants for setting a client back and reinstalling it again. new: CLIENT_backToRed: Sets a client back to red state, as it was just after adding it. (Sponsored by AR) cha: recover_client.php: Now can be used to run CLIENT_backToRed. (Sponsored by AR) cha: client_details.php: Now has an extra button to call recover_client.php with the CLIENT_backToRed option. (Sponsored by AR) +++++ 2012-07-11 new: dhcpd.conf2dnsmasq.d.sh: Script for converting the dhcpd.conf to the dnsmasq config file. +++++ 2012-07-03 cha: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon, CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon2: Now has an extra parameter for the tooltip text that is shown when the mouse is over the icon. cha: redo_client.hlp: Added help. +++++ 2012-06-27 cha: m23Restore: Now removes old persistent-net.rules. +++++ 2012-06-26 new: bafh_neu.py: Adds new excuses from http://identi.ca/api/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=bastardausrede to bafh_ausreden.php. (Thx Maren) cha: bafh_ausreden.php: Updated. (Thx Maren) +++++ 2012-06-25 cha: MASS_readDBFile: Now returns false if the DB line was empty. (Thx AR) cha: MASS_showOverview: Now adds new lines only if there are input values. (Thx AR) cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now has a new paramter that if set to true, the normal installation and removal jobs are combined to a m23normal and a m23normalRemove job otherwise the jobs are switched back to waiting status. cha: recover_client.php: Rewritten and now can be used to execute the jobs of a client again. cha: client_details.php: Now has an extra button to call recover_client.php with the redo jobs option. +++++ 2012-06-03 release 12.3 patch 100592: Corrected calculation of next free client IP. fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now works on empty servers too. patch 100591: Sources list changes for Ubuntu 12.04. cha: precise: Added option pages. cha: sources list / precise: Deactivated not working desktops. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports precise too. patch 100590: Corrects option page password elements and enables Ubuntu 12.04 textmode installation. fix: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage when Textmode is the desktop. +++++ 2012-06-02 fix: PKG_OptionPageRender2: Now shows password enter options too. cha: CLCFG_interfaces: Now adds a WOL activating line to /etc/network/interfaces. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now installs ethtool tool. cha: client / linuxrc: Now asks for network settings if no settings could be obtained via DHCP. +++++ 2012-06-01 fix: CLIENT_query: If all clients running on a special VM host should be searched, no search string is allowed +++++ 2012-05-21 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: Now converts • to LaTex. cha: de / en / fr / manual.tex: Plugin section removed. cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: Now doesn't stop on errors/warnings. +++++ 2012-05-20 patch 100589: Changed positions to the boot method changing funktions. cha: fr / m23base.php: Exchanged all "'" by "'". cha: m23RebootInstall.php, m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls DHCP_activateBoot. cha: setClientStatus.php: Now doesn't disable network booting any more. +++++ 2012-05-19 patch 100588: Many enhancements for m23's virtualisation. cha: kernel config: Now the Linux kernels are configured to show IDE devices as /dev/sd*. cha: compileKernel: Now uses gcc-4.4 now. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Removed converting /dev/hd* to /dev/sd*. cha: VM_stopVM, VM_pauseVM, VM_resumeVM, VM_createDiskImage, VM_delVMCMD, VM_activateNetbootCMD, VM_createVM, VM_status: Now VM names are safed by quotation marks. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now uses short connection timeouts and attempts. +++++ 2012-05-18 cha: VM_activateNetboot: Now uses VM_rebootAndActivateNetboot and VM_rebootAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall. new: VM_rebootAndActivateNetboot: Reboots an VM and activates network booting. cha: TRINITY_install: Now fetches the GPG key to check the signature of the trinity packages from m23.sf.net. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Added pseudo terminal tty allocation forcing parameter for ssh. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now screen sessions are started via exec. +++++ 2012-05-17 fix: rebootAndDisableNetboot, shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Now really disables network booting. cha: rebootAndDisableNetboot, shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Now are waiting for 10 seconds before stopping the VM. fix: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Fixed execution in screen. +++++ 2012-05-16 patch 100582: Many changes and fixes for the VirtualBox integration. cha: HTML_getElementValue: Now uses special settings for CLIENT_showAddDialog, when used to add an m23 VM to use default values for the check boxes. +++++ 2012-05-15 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now convert /dev/hd* to /dev/sd* in grub's menu.lst/grub.cfg cha: rebootAndDisableNetboot: Now gets/sets the display number before starting the VM again. cha: HTML_checkboxChangerButtons: Added tool tips. +++++ 2012-05-14 cha: MASS_minMaxIP: Replaced by a speed enhanced version (more than 5x times faster). new: ip2longSafe: Special version of ip2long that is safe on 32 bit machines. new: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Get the next free IP address that can be used as m23 client. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses CLIENT_getNextFreeIp to make an IP proposal. +++++ 2012-05-13 new: VM_rebootAndDisableNetboot: Generates a BASH command to reboot an VM and to disable network booting. new: rebootAndDisableNetboot: Reboots an VM and disables network booting. cha: m23RebootInstall.php: Now calls VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall. new: VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall: Reboots an VM and disables network booting. new: VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall: Shuts down an VM and disables network booting. new: VM_shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Generates a BASH command to shut down an VM and to disable network booting. new: shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Stops a VM and disables network booting on it. cha: m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall. cha: m23-skel: Updated KDE 4 settings to give the desktop a brighter appearance. +++++ 2012-05-12 new: VM_shutdownVMAfterInstall: Shuts down an VM and disables network booting. cha: m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls VM_shutdownVMAfterInstall. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now installs the greeter package too. cha: CLCFG_configUpstartForChroot: Now checks if /sbin/initctl is a symlink, so it can be executed more times without leading to faults. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForChroot after base install again. +++++ 2012-05-11 cha: VM_createVM: Now uses hardware virtualsiation if available. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now shows special packages that are symlinks. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now disables MOTD for root and m23-vbox. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now sorts the packages. cha: VM_createDiskImage: Now is compatible to VirtualBox 4.x. +++++ 2012-05-10 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now works under Ubuntu 12.04 too. +++++ 2012-05-08 patch 100578: Added calculator, minor improvements. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Added dynamical deactivation for SSL certification checks on Ubuntu from 11.04 to 10. +++++ 2012-05-07 cha: client_distr.php: Now shows a "back to control center" link after assigning the OS. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now shows heading for dialog and the status bar. new: CALC_add_number: Adds a number to the calculator. (Thx MH) new: CALC_add_sign: Adds a sign to the calculator. (Thx MH) new: CALC_add_equals: Adds an equal sign to the calculator and calculates the result. (Thx MH) new: CALC_add_dec: Adds a decimal point. (Thx MH) new: CALC_showCalculator: Shows a simple calculator. (Thx MH) +++++ 2012-05-06 patch 100566: Improved Ubuntu 12.04 support. cha: m23-xorg-configurator.conf: Now makes sure that it is started before the display manager. cha: configXOrgconfigure: Now makes sure that Xorg is not running. fix: configXOrgconfigure: Now uses dynamic path to xorg.conf.new. cha: xorgThereSoStop: Now adds reboot statement. +++++ 2012-05-05 cha: xorgThereSoStop: Now makes sure that the /etc/sysconfig(2)/vbox files are existing. +++++ 2012-05-04 new: CLCFG_installLightDM: Installs the light DM display manager. new: CLCFG_setDebConf: Sets debconf settings. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Added driver packages for Ubuntu. cha: CLCFG_fixAPTImmediateConfigure: Becomes UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall. new: UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall: Corrects the settings for Ubuntu after the base packages are installed. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall and UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall. cha: configXOrgconfigure: Now figures out the dsiplay manager on systems that have initscripts converted to upstart. +++++ 2012-04-30 patch 100565: Added initial support for Ubuntu 12.04. fix: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Corrected path for wgetrc when not executed in the chroot. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now re-configures the openssh-server. +++++ 2012-04-29 cha: configXOrgVBox: Now checks for vboxvideo_drv.so at another directory too. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_fixAPTImmediateConfigure when executed on Ubuntu 12.04. new: CLCFG_fixAPTImmediateConfigure: Corrects the settings for APT on Ubuntu 12.04. cha: CLCFG_getDebianReleasesGeneric: Now sorts the list of releases. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now streams all output channels to the server, cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now removes network-interface-security.conf to prevent asking for installation of the maintainer script. cha: work.php: Now stops the real-time client logging when the status switches to green. +++++ 2012-04-27 new: CLIENT_liveLogJobName: Generates the job name of the sever's live log job. new: CLIENT_stopLiveScreenRecording: Stops the screen installation session for real-time client logging. cha: liveLogArea: Now has an extra parameter for the maximum amount of lines to show in the log area. +++++ 2012-04-26 cha: serverSettings.php: Now the HTML anchors are closed. cha: UPDATE_running: Now works together with CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording. +++++ 2012-04-25 new: CLIENT_getAllAsRes: Creates and executes an SQL statement for getting all values of all clients. cha: GRP_listClientGroups: Added sorting of the client groups (Thx AR). cha: PKG_listRecommendSubPackages: Added sorting of the normal package names and the package name (Thx AR). +++++ 2012-04-24 new: HELPER_showBAfH: Shows the German BAfH excuse of the day (Thx MH). new: bafh.php: Shows the German BAfH excuse of the day. cha: serverSettings.php: Shows an icon for +++++ 2012-04-21 cha: m23RebootInstall.php, m23ShutdownInstall.php: Changed priority to 100. cha: SRCLST_alternativeFS: Now ext3 is the default FS if none is found in the package sources list. cha: CLIENT_startInstall: Now calls CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording. +++++ 2012-04-20 cha: dbConnect: Changed to mysql_pconnect. new: HTML_liveLogArea: Creates a log area that updates itself via AJAX by polling from a given URL. new: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Saves a screen installation session to a log file on the server in real-time. The server runs a screen for consecutively connecting the client. new: CLIENT_touchLogFile: Touches a log file in the client's directorya and returns the full name of the log file (with directory). +++++ 2012-04-14 cha: m23RescueInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_copySSLCert, CIR_setDateAndTimeTemorarily and CIR_writeClientID. +++++ 2012-04-13 fix: PKG_getClientjobsStatus: Now works for special packages too. cha: install_packages.php: Added an extra checkbox for choosing to search complete package descriptions/sizes on Debian/Ubuntu. cha: debian / PKG_listPackages: Now has an extra parameter, if set to true, the full package description and sizes are fetched (time consuming). cha: downloadExtractRFS, package sources list "lenny": Changed Lenny sources to Debian archive. cha: install_packages.php: Now uses more of m23's HTML functions. +++++ 2012-04-12 patch 100563: Now the user can choose multiple package selections for base installation. cha: PKG_multiPackageSelectionsSelection: Now uses PKG_multiPackageSelectionsSelection to let the user choose multiple package selections. cha: PKG_rmNormalJob, PKG_addNormalJob: Now has an extra parameter for choosing the priority of the job. new: PKG_multiPackageSelectionsSelection: Generates a multi selection with all package selections. cha: mkRelease: Now deletes the Release.gpg file, if it has zero size. cha: SRCLST_showEditor, PKG_OptionPageRender2: Now uses HTML_multiCheckBox. new: HTML_getValidSelected: Checks for a valid selected value from a list of possible values. In case the value could not be found, a default value is taken. cha: HTML_selection: Now has an extra parameter for generating a multi selection , where the user can select multiple entries. cha: HTML_multiSelection: Renamed to HTML_multiCheckBox. +++++ 2012-04-06 cha: clients_overview.php: Now user more functions from the HTML api and CLIENT_getOverviewSearchLine and CLIENT_showOverviewSearchDialog. new: CLIENT_getOverviewSearchLine: Checks all client search dialogs and returns the current search term. new: CLIENT_showOverviewSearchDialog: Shows a client search dialog for the client overview. cha: HTML_submitDefine: Now has an extra parameter for adding options to the HTML tag. +++++ 2012-04-05 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added openssh-client. cha: createRFSBins: Added scp. +++++ 2012-04-03 patch 100562: Now changed priorities can be saved as package selection and packages can be checked, unchecked and the selection inverted. cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Now uses HTML_checkboxChangerButtons and HTML_jsCheckboxChanger. new: HTML_checkboxChangerButtons: Defines buttons for changing all check boxes. new: HTML_jsCheckboxChanger: Generates JavaScript code for changing all check boxes. cha: install_packages.php: Now the action default action for packages in a package selection is "install" (Thx AR). cha: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: Added extra parameter for the priority. cha: PKG_savePackageselection, PKG_addPackageSelection: Now gets the package priority from the wait4acc jobs. +++++ 2012-04-02 patch 100561: Adds changing of the package priority. new: PKG_changePrioritySelectedPackages: Changes the priority of selected wait4acc packages. cha: install_packages.php: Now the priority of packages can be changed. +++++ 2012-03-25 patch 100560: Build and upload improvements. release 12.2 fix: cleanOSForCompressing: Now stops and starts Squid at the correct position in the script. fix: m23instUpload: Now copies Release.gpg and Release too. +++++ 2012-03-24 patch 100559: Some partitioning improvements and fixes. cha: en / de / fr / welcome.hlp: Aligned. +++++ 2012-03-23 fix: COS6.2 / sysHWsetup: Now re-builds the initramfs' with RAID support, when RAID is used. cha: HS / clientInstall.php: $rootDevice* becomes $InstPart*. cha: FDISK_printAllBars, FDISK_printBars, FDISK_getDriveInfoIcon,FDISK_getPartInfoIcon, FDISK_getDriveInfoString, FDISK_getPartInfoString: Now are having an extra parameter for fstab information. cha: FDISK_getDriveInfoIcon,FDISK_getPartInfoIcon: Now are showing the mountpoint as alternative texts. +++++ 2012-03-22 cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Now shuts down or reboots the client after creating the image. cha: HS / clientInstall.php: Now creates the fstab entries earlier after chroot and mounts them. +++++ 2012-03-19 cha: m23createImageInstall.php: Now starts dropbear and copies the SSL certificates. +++++ 2012-03-18 cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now calls partprobe, blockdev and "hdparm -z" after partition adding or deletion. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes partprobe. fix: FDISK_printBars: Now the indicator in the partition table jumps to the correct logical partition. fix: m23hwscanner / getPartFS: Now detects the file system of a RAID partition too. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added Squeeze security/update sources and adjusted Etch source. +++++ 2012-03-17 cha: COS6.2, F14, OS11.4 / sysHWsetup: Now activates the software raid. patch 100558: Corrects the update page. cha: menuDeb / uploadtesting: Now duplicates the testing repository to FRS. +++++ 2012-03-14 fix: update.php: Fixed syntax error (Thx AR). patch 100555: Fixes unsigned package source error on openSUSE's update repository. cha: OS11.4 / m23HSAdmin: Now calls zypper with --no-gpgp-checks. +++++ 2012-03-13 patch 100554: Now includes CentOS 6.2 too. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports HS-centos62 too. +++++ 2012-03-12 patch 100553: Many updates and changes for supporting CentOS 6.2. cha: version.php: Changed version to 12.2. fix: debian / m23changeClientInstall.php: Corrected parameters for CLCFG_changeUser. +++++ 2012-03-11 new: checkForMissingHSFunctions.sh: Script for checking the different implementations of m23HSAdmin, if all functions are included in all implementations new: OS11.4, F14: sysChangeUserPass: Changes the password of a user. new: OS11.4, F14: sysChangeUserName: Changes an username. +++++ 2012-03-07 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now changing of the login name is supported too. +++++ 2012-03-06 new: HS_sysChangeUser: changes the settings of an useraccount on a client new: COS6.2: sysChangeUserPass: Changes the password of a user. new: COS6.2: sysChangeUserName: Changes an username. +++++ 2012-03-05 cha: COS6.2: netEnableLDAP: Now works. new: HS / m23changeClientInstall.php: Now has a halfSister version. new: COS6.2: netEnableNFSHome: Now works. +++++ 2012-03-04 new: m23HSAdmin-tester: Script with some testing routines for m23HSAdmin. cha: KDE_install: Added check for kde-plasma-desktop package (used by Ubuntu 12.04). +++++ 2012-03-01 cha: HS-CentOS6.2-i386.tar.7z: Made smaler archive with all packages reinstalled. new: HS-CentOS6.2-amd64.tar.7z: Created a working 64 bit version. +++++ 2012-02-25 cha: COS6.2: sysMakeBootable: Now generates modules.dep. +++++ 2012-02-22 cha: packages_install.php: Now shows a waiting animation while the package search is running. +++++ 2012-02-20 cha: PKG_getPackageSize: Becomes PKG_getPackageDescriptionSize and shows the long desfription of each package. cha: PKG_addStatusJob: Now adds the installation size of the package. cha: HS / debian / PKG_listPackages: Now adds the installed size of the package to the package name in the checkbox. cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages, PKG_listRecommendPackages, HS / debian / PKG_listPackages: Now shows sizes in MB. cha: HS / debian / PKG_listPackages: Now converts special characters in the descriptions to HTML codes. +++++ 2012-02-19 cha: COS6.2: pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now gets the package description and the installed size of the packages too. cha: HS/PKG_listPackages: Now makes found packages unique and shows the complete description. +++++ 2012-02-18 cha: COS6.2: pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now works. +++++ 2012-02-14 cha: menu.php: Commented out all plugin parts. +++++ 2012-02-12 cha: COS6.2: sysMakeBootable: Now works and sorts the newest kernel on top of the grub list. +++++ 2012-02-04 new: HS_pkgUpdateCache: Updates the list of available packages. cha: CLCFG_hwdetect: Now makes sure that usleep exists. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now disables SSL certificate verification for Ubuntu precise. cha: m23fdiskFormatInstall.php: Now makes sure that m23raid.log exists. +++++ 2012-02-03 patch 100552: Password and logout improvements. cha: SERVER_addToHtpasswd: Now allowes arbitrary passwords. cha: index.php: Now redirects to the admin page after logging out. +++++ 2012-01-31 cha: menuDevguide, menuManualStart.sh: Now creates and uploads a CMS download link page for the manuals. +++++ 2012-01-17 patch 100551: Manual fstab entries are now added and mounted. fix: debian / ubuntu / halfSister: Added FDISK_genManualFstab after CLCFG_genFstab to create extra fstab entries. +++++ 2012-01-12 patch 100550: Manual updates. cha: Developer manual updated. cha: User manual updated. patch 100549: Automatic partition and format now uses ext4. cha: FDISK_autoPart: Now uses ext4. patch 100548: Fixes Linux Mint 9 mirror and RAS. new: HELPER_ucrc32: Returns the unsigned crc32 sum of an input value. cha: RAS_showRegistration: Now uses HELPER_ucrc32. +++++ 2012-01-10 fix: Linux Mint 9: Corrected down mirror in package sources list. +++++ 2012-01-08 patch 100547: DHCP and VirtualBox additions installation enhancements. new: DHCP_bootTypeToNewFormat: Converts a boolean boot type to the new string format. +++++ 2012-01-07 cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now uploads the files to webspace and FRS. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now has a special diff and non existing file check routine. new: CIR_setDateAndTimeTemorarily: Sets the date and time by calling 'date' temporarily. cha: m23PresetupInstall: Now calls CIR_setDateAndTimeTemorarily. +++++ 2012-01-05 cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now checks if the vbox file under sysconfig and sysconfig2 exists and adds the error codes to the result of vdiff. fix: DHCP_activateBoot: Now activates network booting only if it was not activated before and vice versa. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now has an extra parameter to specify the boot type. cha: CLIENT_addClient, CLIENT_deleteClient, CLIENT_changeClient: Now are using DHCP_activateBoot only. +++++ 2012-01-02 patch 100545: Installation fixes for openSUSE. fix: OS11.4 / pkgInstallXFce: Now chooses xfce as default WM. +++++ 2012-01-01 fix: OS11.4 / sysWriteCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Now stops cron to make sure that it will not influence the installation procedure new: check_baseSysAvailability: Nagios script that checks an URL on SourceForge for a file that should be available or not. cha: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCache, pkgInstall, pkgInstallPreview, pkgDeinstall, pkgDeinstallPreview, pkgNormalUpdate, pkgNormalUpdatePreview, pkgFullUpdate, pkgFullUpdatePreview, pkgListContents, sysSetLanguage, sysCleanSystem: Now are calling the proxy deactivation script. cha: OS11.4 / pkgSetPackageProxy: Now creates a script for deactivating the proxy. cha: Package sources unstable, sid, testing, lucid, lenny, Linux Mint 9 KDE, squeeze, squeeze+libreoffice: Now are using switch.dl.sourceforge.net for the m23 client packages. +++++ 2011-12-31 new: check_debSourceChecker: Nagios script for testing Debian repositories. cha: OS11.4 / pkgInstallGnome: Added sleeps after every command (maybe this fixes breaking the installation ;-)). cha: OS11.4 / pkgInstallGnome: Now installs teh apckage MozillaFirefox instead of firefox, because firefox was removed. cha: Package sources squeeze+libreoffice, squeeze: Now are using switch.dl.sourceforge.net as Trinity mirror. +++++ 2011-12-30 release 12.1 +++++ 2011-12-28 patch 100544: Fixes and improvements. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now adds and removes the entries in the dhcpd.conf. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now uses DHCP_rmClient. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now marks the entries by alternating colors. +++++ 2011-12-25 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Changed the code that detects if a caching file is available on SF. +++++ 2011-12-23 patch 100543: openSUSE fixes. cha: OS11.4: pkgUpdateCache: Another try to get the caching of packages working again. +++++ 2011-12-22 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Renamed squeeze+backports to squeeze+libreoffice. new: Package sources list squeeze+libreoffice, that includes the backports and enables the libreoffice packages. +++++ 2011-12-20 cha: PKG_downloadPool, PKG_searchFor, PKG_getPackageSize, PKG_printStatus, PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now are configuring APT to not use local sourceslist.d files. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses a loop to create needed directories. cha: PKG_addAPTConfigFiles: Now handles preferences.d too. +++++ 2011-12-19 cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now checks if xorg.conf has at least one line. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now the check for the Virtualbox guest source package is not included anymore. +++++ 2011-12-18 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now is more generic and has new checking routines for package availability. patch 100539: openSUSE changes. cha: OS11.4: sysImportConfDB: Now returns always 0. +++++ 2011-12-16 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now works with new VirtualBox addition ISOs. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now works usernames and passwords with one character. patch 100537: openSUSE changes. cha: OS11.4: pkgInstallX: Now returns always 0. +++++ 2011-12-14 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Made "client can now be started" message more visible. cha: Changed mirror in OpenSUSE 11.4 package sources list. cha: update.php: Added a refresh button to see if the update is still running. +++++ 2011-12-12 patch 100536: Now the package search functions on the m23 server are using configuration files too. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses the name of the package sources list as parameter. cha: SRCLST_getValue: Now converts the list from DB format to normal format. cha: PKG_addAPTConfigFiles: Creates the config files for the package manager on the m23 server. fix: SRCLST_showEditor: Now can handle sources lists that are containing '"'. cha: PKG_searchFor, PKG_getPackageSize, PKG_printStatus, PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_previewInstallDeinstall, PKG_downloadPool: Now are including apt.conf.d with config files. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now creates apt.conf.d too. patch 100535: Package sources lists may now configure the package manager and are including supported file systems and a fallback file system. new: CLCFG_sourceslistCreateConfigFiles: Creates config files for the package manager. cha: CLCFG_sourceslist: Now calls CLCFG_sourceslistCreateConfigFiles. +++++ 2011-12-11 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed etch from the list and added squeeze+backports. new: SRCLST_getAddToFile: Returns addToFile paremters from the given sources list as an associative array, where file name and file contents are seperated. cha: SRCLST_getParameter: Now returns all found lines in an array. cha: SRCLST_supportedFS, SRCLST_alternativeFS, SRCLST_getMirror: Adjusted to the new output format of SRCLST_getParameter. +++++ 2011-12-10 new: SRCLST_getParameter: Returns a special parameter from the given sources list. cha: SRCLST_getMirror: Now uses SRCLST_getParameter. new: SRCLST_alternativeFS: Returns the alternative file system that is supported by the OS. new: SRCLST_supportedFS: Returns an array with file systems that supported by the OS. new: SRCLST_getStorageFS: Returns a file systems that can be used to install the OS and to store data. A wished file system is given and an alternative FS is returned, if this FS is not supported. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now uses SRCLST_getStorageFS. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now has an extra parameter for the sources list. cha: m23fdiskFormatInstall.php: Now calls FDISK_genPartedCommands with the sources list parameter. new: FDISK_adjustFstabParam: Adjust the parameter block of a fstab line to make it use an supported FS. cha: FDISK_genManualFstab, HS_sysAddFstabEntries: Now are calling FDISK_adjustFstabParam to adjust the FS of the fstab line and are having an extra parameter for choosing the name of the sources list. cha: debian / halfSister / clientInstall.php: Adjusted parameters for FDISK_genManualFstab and HS_sysAddFstabEntries. +++++ 2011-12-05 patch 100534: New client added dialog. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now shows a message for starting the client after adding. +++++ 2011-12-04 cha: m23 / postinst: Now creates /m23/log patch 100533: Now removes m23RemoteAdministrationServiceOpenTunnel* from the m23 package. patch 100532: Many changes as preparation for the next m23 version. +++++ 2011-12-03 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / installDebs: Now uses switch.dl.sourceforge.net as package source for the m23 server installation. new: SERVER_killPID: Kills a process running under a given PID or sends a signal. new: RAS_getTunnelPid: Returns the PID of the tunnel that is opened on a given local port. cha: RAS_showStartStopRemove: Now shows two seperate status leds for the www and ssh tunnel. cha: RAS_isRunning: Now has an extra parameter to choose if all services should be checked, or a specific service name. new: RAS_tunnelOpenHTMLStatus: Generates a HTML status line for a tunnel. +++++ 2011-12-02 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now reads the baseSys files from the FRS again. cha: SERVER_getFileContents: Now has no length limit of the output. +++++ 2011-11-27 cha: mkCert.sh: Now generates SSL certificates expiring after 10 years. +++++ 2011-11-26 cha: CLIENT_DETAILS_beginCategory: Now closed the
tag. +++++ 2011-11-24 cha: m23Search: Now filters out OptionPage.php and is caseinsensitive. new: RAS_getChatPassword: Returns and stored the chat password to the m23 server. new: RAS_getChatUser: Returns chat user to the m23 server. new: RAS_chatWindow: Shows the chat window for RAS. +++++ 2011-11-23 cha: m23Backup / createBackupList: Added RAS tunnel scripts. new: RAS_getChatPassword: Returns and stored the chat password to the m23 server. +++++ 2011-11-22 cha: RASClient / clientCommands: Date format for start and stop time is now identically to the afclient format. cha: MENU_showEntry: Now shows the menu entry highlighted even when the current page is stored in POST. cha: client_changejobs.php: Now shows the client name in the title. +++++ 2011-11-21 new: RASServer: The RASServer for managing apf connections. new: RASClient: Script for managing the RASServer. cha: HTML_logArea: Now automatically jumps to the end of the log with JavaScript. +++++ 2011-11-20 new: java-jar-signer.sh: New script for signing jar applets to allow them access to any host. new: tightvnc-jviewer.jar: Is signed now and may access any VNC server in applet mode. cha: RAS_showAccountDataImport: Now has a back button, if there were errors. cha: RAS_importMsg: Now shows better error message, if no message block was given. cha: RAS_showStartStopRemove: Now has a security button for deleting RAS. +++++ 2011-11-15 new: SERVER_killBackgroundJob: Kills a job (that runs in screen) with a given name. new: HTML_logArea: Shows a text area for log information (readonly). +++++ 2011-11-14 new: RAS_showAccountDataImport: Shows a dialog for importing the RAS account data. new: RAS_showRegistration: Shows the registration dialog for a new RAS account. new: RAS_start: Starts the RAS tunnels. new: RAS_isRunning: Checks if the RAS tunnels are open. new: RAS_showStartStopRemove: Shows a dialog for starting, stopping and removing of RAS and status information. new: RAS_writeTunnelScripts: Writes the RAS tunnel scripts. cha: SERVER_daemonStartStop, SERVER_installTool, SERVER_addLineToFile, SERVER_deleteFile, SERVER_delLineFromFile: Now Returns true on successfully execution otherwise false. new: RAS_isInstalled: Checks if RAS is installed. new: RAS_remove: Removes all RAS settings. +++++ 2011-11-13 new: SERVER_insertLineNumber: Inserts a text AT or AFTER a line number or creates a new file with the given name, if it doesn't exists. cha: SERVER_putFileContents: Now returns true on success and false otherwise. cha: VM_getHTMLStatusBlock: Now shows a link (with access data) to vnc-viewer.php. new: vnc-viewer.php: Script for starting TightVNC Java applet. new: SERVER_addAdmin: Adds an administrator with all access rights. new: SERVER_delAdmin: Deletes an administrator with all access rights. new: SERVER_getM23RemoteAdministrationServiceMsg: Gets the account data block from pasted message. new: SERVER_getM23RemoteAdministrationServiceRandomKey: Generates a random key (once) for the m23 remote administration service and returns it on every call. new: HELPER_generateSalt: Generates a random salt string. +++++ 2011-10-23 release 11.4 patch 100529: Squid patch and translations. cha: german / english / french: Texts and translations done. fix: m23 / postinst: Now adds some needed ACLs to squid.conf. +++++ 2011-10-22 patch 100528: Squid patches and enhancements. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now stores the base systems in the web storage of SF to make it cacheble by Squid. cha: m23 / postinst / m23/configureSquid: Now writes a static squid.conf and configures it afterwards. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now re-configures sudo to ensure that /etc/sudoers exists. cha: m23 / postinst: Now removes and adds the patterns in squid.conf when reconfigured or the port is missing. fix: m23-vbox / postinst: Now sets a random password for the user m23-vbox. patch 100525: Smal enhancements for virtualisation. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now removes virtualbox-ose-guest-utils (if present), because the guest utils avoid the execution of the VirtualBox server. cha: CLCFG_setRootPassword: Now adds root to the sudoers file (if missing). cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now filters out the "stdin is not a terminal" error message. +++++ 2011-10-21 patch 100523: Backup signing enhancements and assimisation fixes. cha: m23 / postinst: GPG is named as backupsignkey to show its purpose. +++++ 2011-10-20 fix: MSR_clientSettings: Now removes whitespaces from the variables language, gid and uid. cha: mkm23extradeb: Now builds m23-vbox too. cha: m23 / postinst: Enabled creation of GPG key (needed for backup signing). cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / installDebs: Now removes pubring.gpg too. patch 100519: More imaging fixes and enhancements. cha: debian / ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now doesn't write the sources.list, if PKG_isReconfiguredWithExtraDistr is true. +++++ 2011-10-19 cha: debian / halfSister / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now doesn't run the base system installtion routines, if PKG_isReconfiguredWithExtraDistr is true. new: PKG_isReconfiguredWithExtraDistr: Checks, if the distribution is used for configuring a system that was installed via image. fix: CIR_WorkaroundForMissingModulesDep: Now creates modules.dep only if it doesn't exist. patch 100518: Imaging enhancements and modules.dep added to bootimages. cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now calls depmod to create modules.dep. cha: SRCLST_getValue: Now returns "imaging" in case that the sources list is "imaging" and "release" is asked. fix: imaging / CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now gets the partition information via FDISK_fdiskSessionParam. cha: PKG_translateClientjobsStatus: Now supports status "wait4acc". +++++ 2011-10-18 cha: m23createImageInstall.php: Now install "dialog". cha: m23 / postinst: Disabled creation of GPG key. patch 100517: Imaging enhancements and templates for Debian Squeeze and Ubuntu Lucid added. cha: m23createImageInstall.php: Changed array keys to constant strings. cha: MSR_clientSettings: A valid family name is generated, even if the name has only one word. new: Added templates for Debian Squeeze and Ubuntu Lucid. cha: template2confpage.sh: Now uses bash as interpreter. fix: template2confpage.sh: Since "default" seems to be a keyword in awk now, the variable is called "default2" now. +++++ 2011-10-17 cha: MSR_genericSendCommand: Now has optional parameter to pass extra parameters to wget. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes sure that there is no user test. patch 100516: Language enhancements. new: I18N_convertToHumanReadableName: Converts a short language into a human readable name. cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now shows the client language too. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now loads /etc/default/locale, if present. cha: version.php: Switched to 11.4. patch 100515: Fixes for imaging, GPG and VirtualBox. fix: work.php: Now includes vm.php to re-enable imaging. cha: client_status.hlp: Now includes statusColors.inc. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now has another method to compile the kernel module on newer VirtualBox OSE versions. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes old GPG line and localhost alias from sudoers. +++++ 2011-10-16 patch 100531: Enabling assimilisation for Ubuntu 11.10. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now deactivates the checking of SSL certificates by wget, when Ubuntu 11.10 is found. +++++ 2011-10-15 patch 100514: Client assimilation enhancement. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now handles the language too. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now gets the client language. +++++ 2011-10-14 cha: SERVERBACKUP_showConfigurationDialog: Added checking for selected GPG key. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / startBaseInstallation: More keyboard configuration. +++++ 2011-10-13 cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now sends user and group ID as seperate values. cha: MSR_clientSettings: New code for setting user and group ID. patch 100513: DMI enhancements. cha: CLIENT_showHardwareInfo: Now uses DMI_getAllTextBox. new: DMI_getAllTextBox: Get all DMI info in a text box. cha: DMI_getBios: Now decodes the features block. cha: DMI_getSlot: Now shows features. cha: DMI_getCache: Changed, to get the cache level. cha: DMI_getBios: Changed, to get the BIOS rom size. cha: HWINFO_getCPU: Now shows the correct amount of CPUs, even if the system was booted from a non-SMP kernel. cha: DMI_getBios: Changed, so dmi information can be read on dmi 2.9. cha: DMI_getBoard: Now gets the manufacturer on dmi 2.9. cha: DMI_getParam: Now works with dmi 2.9 too. cha: createRFSBins: Removed explicitly adding of ld-2.3.6.so. cha: createRFScopyLib: Now prints extra error information in case of errors. +++++ 2011-10-11 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now uses bash as shell. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh / waitForFreeLock: Now waits 10 seconds, if lsof cannot be found. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now installs "lsof". fix: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Corrected entry for French. +++++ 2011-10-09 patch 100512: Client bootimage (amd64) now includes libresolv.so.2. cha: client bootimage (amd64): Re-build with libresolv.so.2 included. patch 100511: Added Trinity Desktop Environment support. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now deletes /var/log/exim4/paniclog. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes libresolv.so.2 explicitly on amd64. cha: CLIENT_showJobs, CLIENT_listPackages, PKG_listSelectedpackages, PKG_listPackages: Now colors the lines in blue and gray alternating to improve readability. cha: m23-ksplash / control /postinst: Now works with Trinity too. new: TRINITY_installLoginManager: Installs the Trinity login manager KDM. cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now has an extra patameter for Trinity. cha: sourceslist / squeeze: Added sources for Trinity and added the Trinity desktop. +++++ 2011-10-08 cha: client_partition.php: Now resets the client name too, if clearSession is set. cha: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Now has extra parameter to delete the name of the client too. cha: m23 / postinst: Now copies (and maybe creates) the SSH key to /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys/authorized_keys, if it does not exist before. cha: m23: Now excludes authorized_keys. cha: updateDB: Now includes the emptying routines for the i18n tables. cha: m23 / postinst: Now calls updateDB on every run. new: m23 / postinst / updateDB: Updates the MySQL DB from m23.sql.bz2. patch 100508: Many improvements for Debian Squeeze. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports squeeze too. cha: m23XFceInstall.php: Debian and Ubuntu are using the same file now. cha: menuDeb: Entries are labeled more precisely. cha: m23-skel: Now gstreamer is the default phonon backend. cha: KDE_install: Now tries to install phonon-backend-gstreamer on KDE 4. +++++ 2011-10-07 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now tries to install virtualbox-ose-guest-dkms too. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now gets the timezone too. fix: m23 / postinst: Now gpg execution via sudo as grdmgpg should work now. fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / mountInstMedium: Now uses a fixed (and hopefully complete) list of possible devices to find the drive containing the m23 server installation CD (Thx Stephan, Bernd). +++++ 2011-10-06 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / startBaseInstallation: Now sets the language via keyboard-configuration too. cha: CLCFG_language: Now sets language via keyboard-configuration too. cha: CLCFG_interfaces: Now deletes the "/etc/udev/rules.d/*persistent-net.rules". cha: m23hwdetect/loadFoundModules: Now doesn't show newlines after the found modules. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Fixed escaping. cha: MSR_importPackageStatus: Now urldecodes package version texts too. +++++ 2011-10-04 cha: configXOrgBasicConfig: Now stores mouse and video driver in the config files. cha: printconf: Now checks if the tool printconf is present and exists if not. fix: m23-xorg-configurator: Now works, if hardware info files are missing. fix: activateNet: Now activates network cards only, if not they were not active before. +++++ 2011-10-03 cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now sets fore and family name in all cases. patch 100507: Fixes for assimilation. fix: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Correcting username detection and IP given by network-manager. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now installs finger and debconf-utils too. +++++ 2011-10-01 cha: m23-initscripts: Added symlink to m23hwdetect. cha: CLCFG_writeCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Now uses a short version for the "every 5 minutes" setting in crontab. cha: m23hwdetect, hwcheck: Added dependency information in the LSB header. cha: m23hwdetect: Added LSB header. cha: m23hwdetect: Now uses /bin/bash. +++++ 2011-09-30 patch 100506: Improvements for client assimilsation. Some changes for Debian Squeeze. cha: m23AssimilateInstall.php: Now calls MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand and MSR_statusFileCommand to get a proper package installtion status. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now uses HELPER_netmaskCalculator. new: HELPER_netmaskCalculator: Converts a short netmask (e.g. 24 for into the decimal notation. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now gets network settings form Network Manager too. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now detects LinuxMint as Ubuntu. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now splits the combined name of the main user into fore and family name. cha: m23/postinst: Now configures Squid that it caches *.tar.7z too. +++++ 2011-09-29 cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now tries to get fore and family name of the main user. +++++ 2011-09-27 cha: CLCFG_language: Now converts the entries of the m23 generated locale.gen to the new format on Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-09-26 fix: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Corrected missing newlines in locale settings. +++++ 2011-09-21 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now has a BASH function that calculates the amount of OS entries in the different grub configuration files. +++++ 2011-09-20 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now uses --force on grub installation. cha: PKG_getKernels: Now uses the search terms "linux image" and "kernel image" to find the Linux kernels. new: CIR_WorkaroundForMissingModulesDep: Workaround for missing modules.dep to disable the repeated showing of the "FATAL" error. cha: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CIR_WorkaroundForMissingModulesDep. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now should be working with the grub of Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-09-12 patch 100505: m23 user manual updated. cha: de / en / fr: User manual updated. fix: makePDF-HTML.sh: Fixed access rights of /m23/doc/manual/. cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Now uses PKG_translateClientjobsStatus. +++++ 2011-09-11 patch 100504: Debootstrap cache enhancement. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now checks if a local cache file is present in /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys/. patch 100503: Patches for OpenSuse 11.4. cha: HS-opensuse11.4: Disabled LXDE in the sources list. fix: OS11.4: netSetIPNetmask: Now sets the IP and netmask statically. cha: HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus: Now doesn't complain if HSCommandExecutionStatus.code doen't exist. cha: F14 / OS11.4: startLog: Now removes the pipe before creating. +++++ 2011-09-08 patch 100502: Fix for BackupPC. fix: m23 / postinst: Another change of access rights for index.cgi. cha: update.php: Now uses MSG_showInfo when an update is running (in the other case). patch 100501: Fixes for BackupPC and improved server restore. cha: m23Restore: Now checks for the backup archives before starting the restore. fix: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Fixed command for filtering out dot directories. patch 100500: Fixes for BackupPC. cha: packageBuilder.hlp, client_backup.hlp: Adjusted improved help texts. fix: m23 / postinst: Changes access rights for index.cgi. cha: m23 / postinst: Shortening of the sed commands. +++++ 2011-09-07 patch 100499: Fixes for package selections and package search. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses SERVER_runInBackground instead of exec. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now removed lock and script file after execution. fix: UPDATE_getInfo: Now shows every entry only once. cha: update.php: Now uses MSG_showInfo when an update is running. patch 100498: Fixes for BackupPC. fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Now the transfer method is not added on every update of the backup config file. fix: BACKUP_showClientSettings, BACKUP_getBackupDirs, BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Now converts the client name to lower, because BackupPC needs lower case client names for the backup config files. +++++ 2011-09-06 patch 100497: Fixes for package selections. cha: PKG_getClientjobsStatus: Now uses PKG_translateClientjobsStatus. new: PKG_translateClientjobsStatus: Translates the clientjobs status from the DB into a human readable form. cha: PKG_addNormalJob: Now has priority for normal installation jobs hardcoded. cha: PKG_getPackageStatus: Is now PKG_getClientjobsStatus. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupConfiguration: Now uses SERVER_fileExists. fix: BACKUP_getBackupDirs: Now doesn't convert the client name to lower case (faulty). new: SERVER_fileExists: Checks if a file exits, that the Apache user has never access to. fix: m23 / postinst: Fixed access rights to make BackupPC usable by the apache user (and not only by user backuppc). +++++ 2011-09-05 patch 100496: French translation finished. cha: fr/ m23base.php, capture.hlp: French translation finished. patch 100495: Enhancements for the server backup, improved integration of Ubuntu clients and VirtualBox addon downloads. cha: capture.php: Added warning to not click the icons. fix: VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Now lists VirtualBox addons with two or more digits in the last part of the version number. cha: excludem23deb: Now excludes /m23/log/ too. cha: UPDATE_getInfo: Now shows a message if no updates are available. cha: installI18N.en/de: Texts updated. fix: postMessage.php: Now includes edit.php (needed for assimilating some Ubuntu clients). cha: messageReceive.php: Now all array constants are excaped. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Now the list is completely empty if no backups are existing. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Now creates the backup directory if it does not exist. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupConfiguration: Now creates serverBackup.conf if it doesn not exist. patch 100494: Enhancements and fixes for "Daemons and Programs". cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: Now uses SERVER_LDAPInfo too. new: SERVER_LDAPInfo: Returnes an information string for the LDAP server. cha: * / daemonsAndPrograms.hlp: Commented out the part about helper tools. fix: SERVER_apacheInfo: Now reports the Apache version. cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: Now works with the new daemons. cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: Disabled installation of addons because they are dependencies of the package m23. cha: m23/postinst: Now clears all values from table i18n in the DB m23captured too. patch 100493: Smal fixes for the server status page and m23captured. cha: head.php: The menu in the header is now more scalable. fix: SERVER_checkRunInVM: Now works with new VirtualBox version too. fix: serverStatus.php: Changed the IP for the internet connection check to make it working again. cha: I18N_addLanguage: Now adds the languages in the database m23captured too. cha: DB: Added table "i18n" to database m23captured. +++++ 2011-09-02 patch 100492: Fix for openSUSE LDAP and restarting the graphical login manager disabled. fix: OS11.4 / netEnableLDAP: Now calls resetRet, because some LDAP packages may be installed already what leads to an error. +++++ 2011-08-31 fix: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Disabled restarting the graphical login manager. +++++ 2011-08-28 patch 100491: More LDAP patches and upload enhancements. cha: menuDeb / directuplinst: Now calls m23UpdateInstFromm23Testing. cha: m23UpdateInstFromm23Testing: Now merges files of m23testing before uploading from localhost. cha: F14 / netEnableLDAP: Should be working now. cha: OS11.4 / F14 / netSetLDAPServer: Is netEnableLDAP now. cha: HS / clientInstall.php: Now calls HS_netEnableLDAP. +++++ 2011-08-26 patch 100490: LDAP and package signing fixes/enhancements. new: F14 / netSetLDAPServer: First attempt to enable LDAP on Fedora 14. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now restarts the graphical login manager. cha: OS11.4 / netSetLDAPServer: Should work now. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now installs the package "gnupg" instead of "gpg". +++++ 2011-08-21 patch 100489: m23 server installation improvements. cha: m23install.sh: Now sets LC_ALL and LANG with lang_LANG. cha: m23install.sh: Now loads the key file only if it exists. patch 100608: opensuse Gnome desktop enhancement. cha: OS11.4 / sysImportConfDB: Now resets the log at the end. patch 100487: Client recovery improvements. fix: PKG_getClientPackages: Now reports every package only once. cha: recover_client.php: Now calls PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage. +++++ 2011-08-20 patch 100486: Database structure fixes. cha: m23 / postinst: Now increases the size of language in the table clients. fix: m23 / postinst: Corrected integer versions to get checked by updateSQLIfOlder for updates. +++++ 2011-08-19 patch 100485: opensuse keyboard enhancements. cha: OS11.4: sysSetLanguage: Now has a table with the keyboard layout names of yast2. cha: OS11.4: sysSetLanguage: Now uses a trick to set the keyboard language. +++++ 2011-08-14 patch 100484: Language setting improved for Debian/Ubuntu and package status import now working for a big amount of packages. cha: MSR_importPackageStatus: Now urldecodes package names. cha: MSR_importPackageStatus: Now calls HELPER_importAllIntoPOST. new: HELPER_importAllIntoPOST: Imports all values into the $_POST array in case that there are too much array keys for the normal processing. fix: CLCFG_language: Now console-setup should be configured correctly. patch 100483: Language fixes and printer installation for HS / Fedora 14. fix: CLCFG_language: Now console-setup is installed before the file with the available languages is read. fix: imaging.php: Fixed naming of the constants. cha: HS / m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now calls HS_sysInstallPrinter before HS_sysConfigurePrinter. new: HS_sysInstallPrinter: Installs the printer software. +++++ 2011-08-13 patch 100482: Language fixes and halfSister updates. cha: HS / m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now calls HS_sysConfigurePrinter. new: HS_sysConfigurePrinter: Detects and installs printer(s). fix: HS/m23LXDEInstall.php: Removed call to non existing function CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. fix: KDE_installLoginManager: Now sets the keyboard layout correctly in KDE 4. +++++ 2011-08-12 patch 100481: Added opensuse 11.4 sources list. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports HS-opensuse11.4 too. patch 100480: More openSUSE fixes. +++++ 2011-08-10 cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Added workaround for setting the keyboard layout without yast2. +++++ 2011-08-08 new: OS11.4 / netSetLDAPServer: Enables LDAP login for a client. +++++ 2011-08-07 patch 100479: Added missing log file. fix: KDE_install: Added missing log file. patch 100478: openSUSE package cache corrections. fix: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Corrected condition for updating the cache. cha: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Removed hashing (may corrupt the package cache file). patch 100477: Language fixes. fix: CLCFG_language: Corrected syntax error. fix: KDE_install: Now sends the log file on errors. patch 100476: Language enhancements/fix. cha: KDE_install: Removed checking code that may halt on non-critical language pack installation error. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now has more logic to calculate the correct language settings. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now sets the layout in the XOrg config file (if it exists). patch 100475: Language enhancements/fix. cha: CLCFG_language: Now configures console-setup (seems to be needed by Ubuntu to configure the gmd correctly). fix: KDE_install: Corrected faulty line break. +++++ 2011-08-06 patch 100474: Keyboard layout setting for gdm. cha: GNOME_installLoginManager: Another attempt to pre-select the keyboard layout. patch 100473: More halfSister and openSUSE fixes. fix: HS / clientInstall.php: Now the client name and the file system of the root partition is correct. fix: HS_sysMakeBootable: Removed extra parameter. cha: OS11.4 / pkgInstall: Now sets the error code of zypper to 0, if 4 is given, because "4" means "nothing to do" and this should not be marked as error. new: OS11.4 / m23HSAdmin: Now uses the m23 proxy for downloading packages. +++++ 2011-08-05 patch 100472: NFS mount patch. fix: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Now exists if no NSF server is given. patch 100471: Language enhancements. cha: pkgInstallKDE: Now installs the language packages. cha: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now calls GNOME_install. patch 100470: Language enhancements. cha: m23*ubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23MintKDEInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_installApplicationLanguagePackages. new: CLCFG_installApplicationLanguagePackages: Installs some additional language packages for installed applications with seperate language packs. fix: CLCFG_disableNFSHome: Now disables NFS only if it was mounted before. fix: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Fixed Danish keyboard. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Increased disk size and ram size. +++++ 2011-08-04 patch 100469: New openSuSE patches. fix: OS11.4/hookBeginAfterChroot: Fixed wait4go. cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Now calls CLIENT_recalculateStatusBar when changes are accepted. cha: HS_setSourcesList: Now doesn't add empty lines before and after the sources list. fix: OS11.4/pkgSetSourcesList: Now makes sure that the package sources list doesn't contain carriage returns. patch 100468: Visual enhancements and home on NFS can now be disabled. +++++ 2011-08-02 cha: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Now calls CLCFG_disableNFSHome, if the NFS address is empty. new: CLCFG_disableNFSHome: Disables storing of home directories on a NFS server. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Improved readability. +++++ 2011-08-01 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now shows an error message if no valid disk size is entered. cha: index.css: Table rows are now highlighted when the mouse is over. cha: index.css: Disabled showing of scroll bars in Google Chrome (and maybe other webkit based browser). +++++ 2011-07-31 patch 100467: Mass install corrections. fix: MASS_startInstall: The client group is now assigned correctly. +++++ 2011-07-30 cha: massInstall.php: Now doesn't show the help box after saving the last step. patch 100466: NFS fixes. cha: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Re-written to work on Ubuntu and doesn't use the automounter any more. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now adds the LDAP account after all input errors have been solved. +++++ 2011-07-29 cha: m23*ubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now shows the status message via CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now uses I18N_getLangVars and $lV[packagelang]. patch 100465: LDAP fixes. fix: CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now the re-installation is non-interactive. fix: LDAP_addPosix: The password is now hashed correctly. fix: activateNet: Now uses /sbin/ifconfig instead of /bin/ifconfig (what only exists in the network bootimage). cha: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Now all languages are using utf8 (if possible). +++++ 2011-07-28 patch 100464: LDAP fix. new: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu, CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now two functions with different names are uses. patch 100463: LDAP patches and two LDAP implementations for Debian and Ubuntu. new: CLCFG_patchNsswitchForLDAP: Patches /etc/nsswitch.conf for usage with LDAP. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Now two seperate functions for Ubuntu and Debian are existing. cha: CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now re-installs upstart. cha: addBaseScanner: Now stores the IDs of the modules in a directory containing the kernel version. cha: m23 / postinst: Now shows no errors when an existing directory is created again. patch 100462: Installation fixes. fix: debian / ubuntu / clienInstall.php: Now has no (false) fallback to forename if the login is empty (or set). patch 100461: LDAP rewritten. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Rewritten. cha: EDIT_uncomment, EDIT_commentout, EDIT_insertLineNumber, EDIT_replace, EDIT_deleteLines, EDIT_deleteLinesAmount, EDIT_deleteMatching: Changed the name of the temporary edit file. +++++ 2011-07-27 cha: LDAP_getNextID: Now makes sure that at least one ID is present in the DB and returns ID beginning from 1001. +++++ 2011-07-25 patch 100460: LDAP management fixed. fix: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Now shows an error, if another LDAP server with the same name should be added. cha: PREF_preferenceLoadManagerHandler: Now shows a message when storing the preference. +++++ 2011-07-24 patch 100458: Fixes for virtualisation. Smal improvements. fix: VM_webAction: Now runs headless sessions in screen. fix: VM_parseVBOXstate: Corrected explode string. cha: FDISK_swapFilesystems: Added another swap file system signature. cha: SRCLST_showAlternativeArchitectureSelection: Now returns the wanted architecture, if the architecture or the sources list name parameter is empty. +++++ 2011-07-23 cha: CLIENT_startInstall, CLIENT_resetAndInstall: Now calls CLIENT_recalculateStatusBar. new: CLIENT_recalculateStatusBar: Recalculates the percent points for the pending jobs on a client. new: SRCLST_showAlternativeArchitectureSelection: Shows a list with available CPU architectures of the sources list, in case that the wanted architecture is not available in the sources list. The alternative architecture will be written to the arch option of the client. new: getArchList: Returns an associative array with the supported CPU architectures as key and value. cha: SRCLST_showEditor, CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses getArchList. +++++ 2011-07-21 patch 100456: Many client languages added and architecture selection added to the sources list editor. cha: client_distr.php: Now checks if the architecture of the client is supported by the sources list and sets the client's architecture to i386 if not. new: SRCLST_isArchAvailable: Checks if a given architecture is supported by the sources list. new: SRCLST_saveArchitectures: Saves the architectures for package source list. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now shows check boxes for the CPU architecture of the sources list. cha: SRCLST_showArchsSel, SRCLST_getArchsList: Removed- cha: SRCLST_checkList: Now checks, if the test can be performed (on HS currently not possible). cha: HTML_checkBox, HTML_multiSelection: Now has an extra option to force the setting of the check box to the state of $defaultCheck. new: SRCLST_getArchitectures: Returnes a list of all CPU architectures supported by the sources list. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Enlarged edit box. cha: F14 / pkgInstallKDE: Many languages added. +++++ 2011-07-20 cha: F14 / sysSetLanguage: Many languages added. cha: OS11.4, F14 / pkgInstallKDE: Now uses a table to store the language packages. new: OS11.4, F14 / sysGetm23Language: Shows the m23 language as two/five-character code. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now stores language information in /etc/sysconfig/i18n. fix: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Now the client name is preserved. +++++ 2011-07-18 patch 100455: Fixes for client assimisation. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Commented out debug code. fix: SRCLST_saveList: Now makes sure that sources lists with special characters are stored correctly. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: New code for dectecting the kernel package. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now detects installation and swap partitions that are UUIDs. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Added dash as supported shell. cha: * / welcome.hlp: Fixed link positions and head position. cha: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now works. patch 100454: Offline package search in Fedora 14, m23 server installation fixes and new m23 questionnaire added. new: HTML_getQuestionnaireURL: Returns the complete URL to the m23 questionnaire in the language of the webinterface. new: HTML_questionnaire: Shows the questionnairem window. fix: SRCLST_showEditor: Now sources lists can be deleted again and the name of the sources list to delete is shown correctly. +++++ 2011-07-15 cha: HS/PKG_listPackages: Search key is now case insensitive. new: HS_getPackageCacheName: Returns the complete name (including path) of the package cache. cha: HS_pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now pipes the contents of the sources list into pkgUpdateCacheOnServer. fix: F14/pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now removes control sequences from the URL. cha: F14/pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now reads the contents of the package source from stdin. +++++ 2011-07-14 new: HS_getm23HSAdminPath: Calculates the complete local path (including the file name) to m23HSAdmin for a choosen distribution release. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / chrootSystem: Now makes sure all device nodes are present in the chrooted environment. +++++ 2011-07-12 fix: HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscanner: Corrected variable naming ($distr should be $release). +++++ 2011-07-11 fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / configureMySQLmycnf: Fixed missing user/password. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / mountInstMedium: Now makes sure that the (maybe) needed /dev/hda ... /dev/hdd are existing. fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / normalPartition: Added missing "/dev/". +++++ 2011-07-10 cha: quickBuild.sh, mkm23Debs: Now copies the m23-vbox package to the client package directory. cha: killCurrentVNCSession.sh: Now uses zenity on systems where Xdialog is not available. patch 100450: Changes for the server installation CD. fix: exportDBInitTable: Now uses '[:blank:]'. cha: configureMySQLmycnf: Now truncs all tables by a table list read from the DB. new: m23InstallerBase.inc / createInitrd: Creates the initrds for all installed kernel. new: m23InstallerBase.inc / installGrub: Now uses the grub bootmanager as default. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / configureNetwork: Now configures eth0 only. cha: mkm23Debs: Added m23-vbox. cha: normalPartition: Now makes a gap of 2 MB before the root partition (for grub2). +++++ 2011-07-09 new: checkFstabAndMount: Checks the fstab for needed entries and adds them, if missing. Then mounts the devices patch 100446: BASH is now default interpreter. cha: Making BASH the shell of all scripts because DASH doesn't interpret all scripts correctly. patch 100445: Package fixes (some for Lenny), updates for new BASH. cha: m23Deb.inc, menuFunctions.inc, busyBoxFunctions.inc, kernelFunctions.inc: Removed "function" keyword and added missing "()". +++++ 2011-07-01 fix: m23-ldap/postinst: Now executes the LDAP caching optimisations only on Squeeze and newer (on Lenny they fail). cha: m23/postinst: Now check if the oldversion is set (in case of first time installation it is not). patch 100443: Table creation support for i18n. cha: version.php: Switched to 11.3. cha: m23/postinst: Now makes sure the i18n table is always empty. cha: m23/postinst: Code simplification for table changes. +++++ 2011-06-30 patch 100442: Many new client languages added. cha: */m23base.php: Translations added. cha: GNOME_install, KDE_install: Now uses I18N_getLangVars. cha: *: Now all m23inst.php includes are using I18N_m23instLanguage. new: I18N_m23instLanguage: Checks if a m23inst.php exists for the given language and returns "en" if not. cha: I18N_listClientLanguages: Now uses the new i18n functions. new: I18N_addClientLanguageToCache: Adds a new client language to the i18n DB cache. patch 100441: Changes to the i18n support of m23 and bootmedia updates. new: writeNewestChangelogToPatchInfo: Writes the newest patch info from the changelog to the patch.info file. cha: menuDeb: Now uses writeNewestChangelogToPatchInfo to prepare the patch.info before editing by hand. +++++ 2011-06-27 cha: createRFSBins: Added libudev.so.0 (needed by parted). cha: createRFScopyLib: Now shows error about missing library only when it is really needed. cha: Kernel configuration: Changed ramdisk size to 70000Kb. new: I18N_addLanguage: Adds a new language to the i18n table. new: I18N_countCachedLanguages: Counts the cached languages for a type. new: I18N_getAllCachedLanguages: Returns an associative array with the shortnames of the language as keys and the longnames as value. new: I18N_cacheWebinterfaceLanguages: Caches the language information from the language.info files to the DB. cha: I18N_listWebinterfaceLanguages: Now uses I18N_cacheWebinterfaceLanguages, I18N_getAllCachedLanguages and HTML_selection. cha: I18N_getLongLanguage: Removed. new: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Caches the client languages in the DB. +++++ 2011-06-26 new: I18N_listClientLanguages: Lists all languages, the m23 clients can be installed with. cha: createRFSBins: Removed LVM tools. cha: createRFSBinLinks: LVM tools are no symlinks anymore. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now uses Debian Squeeze packages too. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Package list adjusted to Debian Squeeze's packages. +++++ 2011-06-22 cha: I18N_getLangVars: Added "'" to the array keys. cha: I18N_listLanguages: Becomes I18N_listWebinterfaceLanguages and lists all languages, the m23 webinterface is available in, as option lines +++++ 2011-06-21 patch 100439: Smal fixes, soime for Debian Squeeze. cha: incPatchLevelInVersionPhp: Now adds the patch number to the changelog. cha: BURN_getDevice: Now uses explode. cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now english is the default language. +++++ 2011-06-20 fix: m23/postinst: Creates the dhcpd.conf if missing. fix: SF-hg-backup: Now merge is done at the right position. cha: SF-hg-backup: Now copies back changes to the m23 directory. +++++ 2011-06-07 fix: m23/postinst: Changed "[:blank:]" to "'[:blank:]'". cha: SF-hg-backup: Now pulls changes from HG too and performs a merge. +++++ 2011-06-05 patch 100609: Even more Squeeze improvements. cha: mkCert.sh: Many changes to make the certificates compatible with wget. cha: getApacheUser, getApacheGroup: Now don't complain, if httpd.conf doesn't exist. +++++ 2011-06-04 cha: mkCert.sh: Added extra parameters to the CA template. +++++ 2011-06-02 cha: m23/postinst: Now dhcpd.conf doesn't destroyed when upgrading on Debian Squeeze. cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now restarts the tftpd-hpa when installing on Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-05-22 cha: m23/postinst: Generation of the GPG key is now cha: m23-ldap/postinst: Now works under Debian Squeeze too. +++++ 2011-05-21 patch 100612: Some changes for installing m23 on Squeeze. cha: mkCert.sh: Rewritten with the help of certtool. cha: m23/control: Exchanged mkisofs with genisofs and cdrecord by wodim. cha: m23/postinst configDHCP: Now has support for Debian Squeeze. cha: m23-tftp/postinst configureTFTP: Now has support for Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-05-18 patch: Improved Linux Mint 9 installation speed by using a mirror. cha: SRCLST_genList: Add the Debian/Ubuntu extraDebs repository only, if it is not a halfSister distribution (Thx Arno) cha: Linux Mint 9: Changed pool to a mirror. patch 101017: Improved Linux Mint 9 installation speed by using a mirror. +++++ 2011-05-17 patch: Fixed package installation on clients. cha: install_packages.php: Now groups are listed in the title seperated with commata. fix: install_packages.php: Now works with normal clients again. patch 101018: Fixed package installation on clients. +++++ 2011-05-16 patch: Corrects the choosing of groups for assigning actions to them. fix: install_packages.php: Now uses the correct post variables to get the groups. patch 101019: Corrects the choosing of groups for assigning actions to them. +++++ 2011-05-07 patch: Zarafa installation add-ons. cha: m23ZarafaInstall.php: Public folder and admin account are now created. cha: m23ZarafaInstall.php: spam_header_name and spam_header_value are now cha: m23ZarafaInstall.php: The username of the MySQL user is now a random user name. new: HELPER_randomUsername: Generates a random username with a given length. patch 101020: Zarafa installation add-ons. +++++ 2011-05-03 new: menuDeb, m23UpdateInstFromm23Testing: Added update optimiser. +++++ 2011-05-02 patch: Smal fix against warning when choosing the distribution. new: m23Search: Searches the php files in /m23/inc and /m23/data+scripts for search terms. fix: client_distr.php: Added missing parameter PKG_addPackageSelection. patch: Server installation fixes. fix: m23 package: Now inccludes /m23/etc/.htpasswd.orig again. fix: updateSystem: Now doesn't exit the installer if the user doen't want to update the system. patch: Now priorities of special packages are given out correctly. patch 101021: Smal fix against warning when choosing the distribution. patch 101022: Server installation fixes. patch 101023: Now priorities of special packages are given out correctly. +++++ 2011-05-01 cha: PKG_addNormalJob, PKG_addSpecialPackages: Now have the distribution as extra parameter. +++++ 2011-04-30 cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages, PKG_addPackageSelection, PKG_addSpecialPackagesToWait4Aac: Now have the distribution as extra parameter. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now searching for special packages with search term works. +++++ 2011-04-29 patch: New 64 bit bootimages. fix: install_packages.php: Now the client ip is stored cha: HTML_esel: Now writes the the url of the iframe only if it the dog-ear is opened. cha: Updated 64 bit bootimages. patch 101024: New 64 bit bootimages. +++++ 2011-04-28 patch: Some more hardware detection addons (some for VMWare). new: m23hwscanner: Added base hardware scanner that used the hardware IDs that are stored in the modules. fix: CIR_enableDropbear: Now works with new m23hwdetect. patch: Some more hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). cha: Added more kernel modules. patch: Hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). cha: php_urlencode: Now uses the binary awk instead of BusyBox's version. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now makes sure sshd_config exists to remove complaining. patch 101025: Some more hardware detection addons (some for VMWare). patch 101026: Some more hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). patch 101027: Hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). +++++ 2011-04-27 cha: m23hwdetect/startUdev: Commented out udev calling execution. fix: createRFSDevs: Now includes path to the device node file. cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now doesn't overwrite existing files any more. cha: downloadExtractRFS, m23hwdetect: Removed udev. +++++ 2011-04-25 patch: Translations completed. cha: i18n/de/en/fr: Completed. patch: Fixes for updating from m23 11.1 to 11.2. cha: m23/postinst: Now makes sure that the password file for phpMyAdmin and phpLDAPAdmin exists. new: updateSQLIfOlder: Updates SQL information or executes SQL statements, if the current version of this packages is older than a given version. fix: client/server bootimages fstab: Corrected path to /dev/pts. patch: Zarafa installation fixes. cha: installZarafa: Now configures Apache with SSL if the SSL certificates are generated by m23. fix: m23ZarafaInstall.php: Now does "apt-get update" before the installation. patch 101028: Translations completed. patch 101029: Fixes for updating from m23 11.1 to 11.2. patch 101030: Zarafa installation fixes. +++++ 2011-04-23 patch: SSL fixes for Zarafa. cha: HELPER_createSelfSignedCAAndServerCertificate: Now exports an unecrypted variant of the server key. cha: configGateway: Sets ssl_certificate_file to empty. new: m23ZarafaInstall.php, m23ZarafaOptionPage.php: Extra script for installing a Zarafa server. release m23 rock 11.2 patch: Several adjustments for custom scripts. cha: checks.php: Clientname length is increased to 64 characters and allowes many more characters. cha: checkFQDN: Checks if a string contains only characters that are allowed in a FQDN. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now uses checkFQDN for checking the validity of the client name. patch 101031: SSL fixes for Zarafa. patch 101032: Several adjustments for custom scripts. +++++ 2011-04-22 cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Improved readability. +++++ 2011-04-21 cha: PKG_OptionPageHeader: Now store default values that are read from the package parameters to $layout['allvalues']. cha: PKG_OptionPageRender: Now reads default values from $layout['allvalues']. new: HELPER_createSelfSignedCAAndServerCertificate: Creates a selfsigned CA and a server certificate. +++++ 2011-04-20 fix: PKG_OptionPageRender: Now shows title of "selections". cha: PKG_OptionPageRender: Now has new renderble element "title". fix: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Now shows optionPages for special packages too. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Added missing distribution. +++++ 2011-04-18 cha: m23hwdetect: Exit on Ubuntu at once. cha: rescue_client.php: Now shows recues boot deactivation text, if deactivate is 1. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now doesn't complain about missing files during diff. fix: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Adds extra lines to allow SSH and local access to Ubuntu. +++++ 2011-04-17 new: checkForUsleep: Makes sure that there is an executable usleep. cha: addPartition: Now is more robust detecting the swap partition. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adjusts the root device in menu.lst. cha: loadFoundModules: Now the loading status is updated in the current line. cha: m23hwdetect: Now uses udev too. new: clientISO: Now includes udev. cha: clientISO/fstab: Adding devpts. fix: client_infoPage.php: Now remembers the client ID. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added udev. cha: package source lucid: Extended by "Textmode", lucid-updates and lucid-security. +++++ 2011-04-16 patch: Smaler fixes and extra security for m23@web. cha: m23 package: Now excludes /m23/etc/.htpasswd and /m23/etc/.phpMyLDAPAdminHtpasswd. new: m23/postinst: Now makes sure there is a .phpMyLDAPAdminHtpasswd to secure phpMyAdmin and phpLDAPAdmin. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now marks the empty space in the partition table, if there are no partitions at all too. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Fixed split to explode parameter conversation bug. fix: SCREDIT_showEditor: Now shows correct error message, if the script could not be written. fix: add_client.php: Now works with m23@web installed but not used again. patch 101033: Smaler fixes and extra security for m23@web. +++++ 2011-04-15 patch: m23@web fixes. fix: add_client.php: Now works without m23@web again. patch 101034: m23@web fixes. +++++ 2011-04-13 fix: statusBar.php, HTML_showStatusBar: Now works with m23@web too. +++++ 2011-04-10 patch: Patches for m23@web and pPXE added. new: MDK: Now uncludes gPXE build environment. fix: add_client.php: Now enables m23@web after clearing the session. fix: PKG_getAptArchOptions: Now works even if the m23 server is 64 bit and the client 32 bit. patch 101035: Patches for m23@web and pPXE added. +++++ 2011-04-08 patch: m23@web IP check fix and MAC address check. fix: CLIENT_addClient: No check for the IP if m23@web is active. new: checkMAC: Checks if a MAC address is valid. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now uses checkMAC. patch 101036: m23@web IP check fix and MAC address check. +++++ 2011-04-04 patch: Many hardware detection improvements. Some for Mac. cha: getDrives: Now filters out read-only filesystems (CD/DVD drives). new: downloadExtractRFS: Now converts the pci.ids database to the hwinfo DB format. fix: getPartType, getPartFS: Corrected position of value in the param string. fix: getDrives: Now only lists only real devices. cha: getDrives, getDriveInfo, getAllPartInfo: Now "types" "No" to avoid asking parted for user interaction if detecting strange partitions. cha: m23hwdetect: Now uses functions. cha: m23hwdetect: Adds all network modules, if no eth devices could be activated. patch 101037: Many hardware detection improvements. Some for Mac. +++++ 2011-04-03 cha: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Adjusted for changed layout of is.gd. +++++ 2011-03-30 patch: DB fix and networking for Mac. cha: Boot kernel incudes sky2 module statically. fix: m23/postinst: Increased the size of the field "normalPackage" in the table "clientjobs". (Thx AR) patch 101038: DB fix and networking for Mac. +++++ 2011-03-29 patch: New Linux kernel to cha: Updating boot kernel to and incuding Marvell network module statically. patch 101039: New Linux kernel to +++++ 2011-03-25 patch: More network modules in network boot kernel (Testing). cha: Activating more network modules in network boot kernel. patch 101040: More network modules in network boot kernel (Testing). +++++ 2011-03-21 fix: PKG_acceptJobs: Now show the message if additional packages were added. +++++ 2011-03-18 patch: Smal corrections for halfSister. cha: F14/sysMakeBootable: Now uses --force at grub2-install. fix: HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus: Corrected order of error message sending and calling wait4go. patch 101041: Smal corrections for halfSister. +++++ 2011-03-15 patch: Several fixes for the mass installation and improved halfSister support with lots of status messages. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes mkfifo. cha: createRFSBins: cp is now called with --force. patch 101042: Several fixes for the mass installation and improved halfSister support with lots of status messages. +++++ 2011-03-14 new: mdoc-HS.awk, mdoc-HS.sh: Producing LaTeX code for the documentation from the m23HSAdmin API used by Fedora 14. cha: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: Now adjusts the MBR installation place too. cha: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Now leaves a gap of 2 MB after every created partition new: F14/startLog: Starts logging stdout and stderr to /tmp/HSCommandExecutionStatus.message. new: F14/stopLog: Stops logging stdout and stderr to /tmp/HSCommandExecutionStatus.message. +++++ 2011-03-13 cha: F14/hookBeginAfterChroot: Now creates wait4go. cha: F14/sysHWsetup: Now ensures that hal is installed. cha: HS_wrapper: Now calls HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus. cha: MSR_logCommand, MSR_genSendCommand: New parameter "show": If set to true, the output is shown directly, if set to false, it is returned. new: F14/intEnableXBoot: Enables the start of graphical sessions on booting. new: F14/resetRet: Resets the file that contains the accumulated return codes of the commands to execute. new: F14/saveRet: Saves the return code of the last called tool to /tmp/HSCommandExecutionStatus.code. new: HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus: Sends a status message for the finished HS job and if there were errors, the log file too. cha: HS_netConfig, HS_setPackageProxy, HS_setSourcesList: Now uses HS_wrapper. +++++ 2011-03-12 fix: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Fixed variable error. fix: FDISK_getDriveAndNr, FDISK_dev2LDevLPart, CLCFG_getMbrPart: Now used preg_split. fix: FDISK_delPart: Now included m23base.php only if called by the GUI. fix: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Added missing parameter. fix: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Fixed not always initalised variable. fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: Corrected camelCase variable error. cha: fdisk.php: Included all static associative array keys with '. cha: DHCP_restartDHCPserver: Now works with isc-dhcp-server too. +++++ 2011-03-11 patch: Fixing client definition. cha: concretised info message for (maybe) added jobs. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now stores the client name and id in the sessions to allow partitioning and formating of the virtual drive. patch: Smal fixes and new option "uploadtesting". fix: CRON_cronManagementDialog: Removed unneeded and (without m23shared installed) error producing code. new: menuDeb: Now has an extra option "uploadtesting" for uploading the m23 installation packages as testing. patch 101043: Fixing client definition. patch 101044: Smal fixes and new option "uploadtesting". +++++ 2011-03-10 cha: CLIENT_showDelDialog, HELPER_calcMBSize: Replaced "ereg_replace" with "preg_replace". +++++ 2011-03-07 cha: pkgInstallGnome, pkgInstallLXDE, pkgInstallXFce: Now removes package firstboot. cha: pkgInstallGnome: Now installs firefox and evolution. +++++ 2011-02-28 patch: Changed explode syntax in some files. patch: Smal changes to the fit the changes SF directories. Development guide and manuals updated. new: HTML_esel: Shows an dog-ear that can be opened to show "goos-habermann.de/m23ad". cha: HS_fetchAndExtractOSImage, CLCFG_debootstrap: Changed path to the new FRS directory. cha: Mercurial: Changed config file. cha: mdoc.sh: Now shows the file that is currently converted to LaTeX. cha: menuDevguide, menuManualStart, uploadClientPackagesToSF: Changed path to SF web directory. patch 101045: Changed explode syntax in some files. patch 101046: Smal changes to the fit the changes SF directories. Development guide and manuals updated. +++++ 2011-02-27 patch: Package source HS-Fedora14 fix. cha: Package source HS-Fedora14: Only enabling KDE and Textmode desktops. cha: mkm23Deb: Removed debug code. patch: Fix for accepting jobs. fix: PKG_acceptJobs: Now adds a normalInstall or normalRemove job only, if there are such waiting jobs. patch 101047: Package source HS-Fedora14 fix. patch 101048: Fix for accepting jobs. +++++ 2011-02-26 patch: Hardware detection improvements for the m23 server ISO. Now includes package source for halfSister Fedora 14. cha: m23hwdetect: Now gets additional information from hwinfo. cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Added bash needed by hwinfo. cha: createServerInstallISO: Removed old squid.conf replacement. cha: m23install.sh: Now executes /etc/init.d/m23hwdetect twice to make sure that all is detected. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports HS-Fedora14 too. cha: quickbuild.sh: Now includes m23Debs.inc from the current directory by adding "./" before m23Debs.inc. (Needed by Squeeze) cha: excludem23deb: Changed settings to match grep's new regular expression interpretation. patch 101049: Hardware detection improvements for the m23 server ISO. Now includes package source for halfSister Fedora 14. +++++ 2011-02-23 release m23 rock 11.1 patch: m23 rock 11.1 patch 101050: m23 rock 11.1 +++++ 2011-02-14 cha: pkgInstallKDE: Now removes package "firstboot" to disable asking for settings on first boot. +++++ 2011-02-11 cha: *: Changed "ereg" and "eregi" to "preg_match" and "split" to "explode". cha: phpMyAdmin: Updated to version +++++ 2011-01-29 cha: PKG_acceptJobs: Now combines all "waiting for accept" normal (de)installation jobs to one (de)installation job. cha: PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation, PKG_previewUpdateSystem: Now only calls CLCFG_copyClientPackageStatus, if the function exists (it does not in HS). fix: F14/netSetIPNetmask: Now sets the prefix correctly. cha: F14/sysSetLanguage: Now sets keyboard layout via system-config-keyboard. +++++ 2011-01-28 new: HS_pkgFullUpdate: Performs a full update of the installed packages. new: HS/m23updateInstall.php: Adjusted for HS. new: HS/m23UpdateSourcesListInstall.php: Adjusted for HS. +++++ 2011-01-26 new: F14/pkgWritePackageStatusFile: Generates the POST file to send the package infos. Generates the package status file /tmp/packagestatus and the file converted to POST format /tmp/packagestatus.post. new: HS_statusFileCommand: Generates the commands to send the package infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_statusFileCommand). new: HS/m23UpdatePackageInfosInstall.php: Now transfers package status infos to the m23 server. new: HS_pkgInstallGnome: Installs Gnome. new: HS_pkgInstallLXDE: Installs LXDE. new: HS_pkgInstallXFce: Installs XFce. new: HS_pkgDeinstall: Deinstalls one or more packages. new: HS/m23normalRemoveInstall.php: Now removes packages. +++++ 2011-01-25 cha: F14/pkgInstalledList: Now has extra optional parameter to store the list of installed files in. new: HS_pkgInstalledList: Lists the installed packages or writes the list to a file. new: HS/PKG_fastGetInstalledPackages: Uses HS_pkgInstalledList. new: HS_runClientPackageConfDB: Generates BASH code to import client package configuration settings from the DB into the client package configuration of the client. new: HS_wrapperHS_wrapperReturn: Creates a m23HSAdmin action with parameters and returns the result. new: HS_hookEndAfterChroot: Scripts that should be run at the end of the afterChroot. new: HS_pkgInstallPreview: Generates commands for getting a installation preview on the client. new: HS_pkgDeinstallPreview: Generates commands for getting a deinstallation preview on the client. new: HS/PKG_previewInstall: shows what happens if packages get (de)installed. +++++ 2011-01-24 cha: F14/netEnableSSHdAndImportKey: Now downloads the public ssh key of the m23 server. new: HS_pkgInstallX: Installs XOrg or another shipped X11 server. now: HS/m23xfree864Install.php: Added. +++++ 2011-01-23 fix: F14/sysSetRootPW: Now works. cha: F14/sysSetLanguage: Now installs language-support package. +++++ 2011-01-19 cha: F14/hookBeginAfterChroot: MAKDEV generic doesn't work, so use workaround. +++++ 2011-01-18 new: HS_pkgInstallKDE: Installs KDE. cha: netSetm23SSLCertificate: The Fedora version now has an extra check for openssl and double functionality: 1. Download the SSL cert if it doesn't exist on the client and the download URL is given. 2. Generate the hash for the key and move it to the right place if it exists. new: HS/m23KDEInstall.php: Install the KDE version shipped by the distribution. +++++ 2011-01-16 new: HS_sysMakeBootable: Makes the system bootable. cha: HS_fetchm23HSAdmin: Is now HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscanner and extendeds functionality: Now fetches the m23HSAdmin tool and m23hwscanner matching the given distribution. cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added Ubuntu Lucid Lynx. new: HS/PKG_getKernels: Generates an associative array with the available kernels for an architecture and distribution as keys and values. +++++ 2011-01-15 new: HS_sysAddFstabEntries: Generates commands to edit a given fstab, add new entries and remove old ones before. +++++ 2011-01-12 cha: HS_fetchAndExtractOSImage: Added usage of local compressed images with higher priority. +++++ 2011-01-10 new: HS_sysWriteCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Adds entries to crontab to check every 5 minutes for new jobs. new: CLCFG_getRootDeviceFS: Gets the filesystem of the root device. new: HS_sysInstallKernel: Installs a matching kernel. new: HS_netEnableNFSHome: Enables storing of home directories on a NFS server new: HS_netEnableLDAP: Enables LDAP login for a client. +++++ 2011-01-08 new: HS_sysAddUser: Creates a new user with home directoy and sets password. new: SERVER_getPublicSSHKeyOfm23Server: Returns the public SSH key of the m23 server. new: HS_netEnableSSHdAndImportKey: Enables the SSH daemon and adds a SSH key to let the m23 server log into the machine. new: HS_writeHosts: Writes the /etc/hosts file for the client new: HS_sysWriteM23fetchjob: Generates the m23fetchjob script and adds it to the init levels. +++++ 2011-01-07 fix: clientInstall: Now login is used as user name, if given. +++++ 2011-01-04 new: HS_sysSetm23ClientID: Sets the m23 client ID. new: HS_netEnableNTP: Enable getting the system time by NTP. new: HS_netDisableNTP: Disable getting the system time by NTP. new: HS_hookBeginAfterChroot: Scripts that should be run at the beginning of the afterChroot. new: HS_pkgInstallBasePackages: Installs basic packages. new: HS_netSetm23SSLCertificate: Downloads and stores the SSL public key of the m23 server into the correct directory. new: HS_sysSetLanguage: Sets the system language. new: HS_sysSetRootPW: Sets the root password. new: HS_setPackageProxy: Sets the proxy for the package management tool. new: HS_wrapper: Creates a m23HSAdmin action with parameters. new: HS_sysSetTimeZone: Sets the time zone. new: HS_sysHWsetup: Detects and configures new hardware +++++ 2011-01-03 new: HS_fetchAndExtractOSImage: Downloads and extracts a halfSister distribution. new: HS_netConfig: Sets IP, gatway, netmask, DNS and hostname. new: HS_fetchm23HSAdmin: Fetches the m23HSAdmin tool matching the given distribution. new: HS_setSourcesList: Writes the package sources list for the client's package manager. new: HS_normalUpdate: Performs a normal update of the installed packages. +++++ 2010-12-21 cha: createRFSBins, downloadExtractRFS: Added rsync. +++++ 2010-12-09 patch: Language fix 2 for Kubuntu fix: KDE_install: Now works with english language too. patch: Language fix for Kubuntu fix: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now works with english language too. patch 101051: Language fix 2 for Kubuntu patch 101052: Language fix for Kubuntu +++++ 2010-11-23 patch: Update preview fixes for assimilated clients. fix: m23instUpload: Now only deletes old packages. patch 101053: Update preview fixes for assimilated clients. +++++ 2010-11-22 fix: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now updates the list of available packages, if it is not there. This is needed on assimilated clients that did not install extra packages before. new: PKG_getAptArchOptions: Generates options to specify the architecture of a client that can be appended to an apt-get line. cha: PKG_searchFor, PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_downloadPool: Now are using PKG_getAptArchOptions. cha: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now uses architecture specific apt-get commands. +++++ 2010-11-20 patch: Smal fixes for VMs. cha: VM_startVMCommandFile, VM_stopVMCommandFile: Now works on remote hosts too. cha: VM_webAction: Now doesn't run starting and stopping of VMs in screen to get a proper status. patch 101054: Smal fixes for VMs. +++++ 2010-11-18 fix: includem23-mdk-basedeb: Removed not existing directory mdk/etc. patch: Fix for remote execution of scripts. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now handles script with "`" too. cha: CLIENT_query: Adjusted variable firewall to make searching for clients with special IPs possible. patch 101055: Fix for remote execution of scripts. +++++ 2010-11-17 cha: installDebs: Removed debug code. cha: ASSI_addClient: Now stores the password as encrypted root password in the DB (Thx TheGuv). +++++ 2010-11-16 patch: Some package building fixes. cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Commented out "ddcxinfo-knoppix" as there are errors building it. cha: hwdata-knoppix: Now includes current hardware detection information. fix: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: Now uses Etch archive to make it work again. fix: m23instUpload: Now uploads all packages to SF. cha: menuDeb: Commented out not used menu entry "uplinst". m23/postinst: Now replaces /dev/random with /dev/urandom temporarily while generating the SSL keys. patch: Shell compatibility for scripts. cha: md5Check, m23update.functions: Removed keyword "function" to make it more compatible. cha: filterFileList: Now uses force parameter of "mv" to make sure that the list is filtered without asking the user. patch 101056: Some package building fixes. patch 101057: Shell compatibility for scripts. +++++ 2010-11-15 patch: Fixes for client assimilisation. fix: client_details.php: Fixed link to extra action install-vmhostsw. cha: SRCLST_saveList: Changed variable firewall settings to allow import of all sources lists. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now adds m23debs source to sources.list even if there is another m23 source. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now appends the key to authorized keys file to preserve existing keys. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now only generates adduser commands, if a user and password is given. fix: CIR_writeClientID: Now writes the correct m23ClientID. patch 101058: Fixes for client assimilisation. +++++ 2010-11-14 patch: Switched VirtualBox packages back to 2.2.4. cha: Switched VirtualBox packages back to 2.2.4. patch 101059: Switched VirtualBox packages back to 2.2.4. +++++ 2010-11-12 patch: Patches for update and VNC sessions. cha: chrootSystem: Now removes (eventually existing) VirtualBox configuration to start with a clean config after server installation. cha: m23patch.php: Now includes dbConnect. cha: m23patch.php: Removed now-working size detection. fix: m23patch.php: Now uses correct path for getting update info texts. fix: chrootSystem: No deletes /home/m23-vbox/.vnc for a clean vnc configuration. cha: restoreVMsStates: Now calls the scripts with restored m23-vbox environment. patch 101060: Patches for update and VNC sessions. +++++ 2010-11-11 patch: Gives restoreVMsStates the correct access rights. fix: m23-vbox/postinstall: Now fixes access rights of restoreVMsStates. patch: Gives the screen directory for m23-vbox the correct access rights. fix: VM_startVM: Now gives the screen directory for m23-vbox the correct access rights. patch: Smal fixes for VMs. fix: VM_stopVM: Now calls VM_stopVMCommandFile. fix: VM_startVM: Now calls VM_startVMCommandFile. patch 101061: Gives restoreVMsStates the correct access rights. patch 101062: Gives the screen directory for m23-vbox the correct access rights. patch 101063: Smal fixes for VMs. +++++ 2010-11-10 patch: Version is now 10.5. Added Button for (de)activating network booting and installation partition can be used to install the MBR on. new: DHCP_isNetworkBootingActive: Checks, if a client has network booting enabled. cha: client_status.php: Rewritten. cha: CLIENT_showStatusSelection: Rewritten and function for (de)activating network booting. cha: client_distr.php: Now adds the installation partition to the list of drives that can be used to install the MBR on. patch 101064: Version is now 10.5. Added Button for (de)activating network booting and installation partition can be used to install the MBR on. +++++ 2010-11-09 patch: Support for Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu 10.04 LTS. patch 101065: Support for Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu 10.04 LTS. +++++ 2010-11-08 cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23XubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_aptGet. cha: CLCFG_aptGet: Now has routines that try to fix the Ubuntu "Hash Sum mismatch" error. cha: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_aptGet. cha: /mdk/server/iso: Removed obsolete files and directories. cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Now creates a symlink to the System-V-Init directory to get the VMs run that were started before the system was stopped. +++++ 2010-11-07 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now downloads libdbus-1-3 to be used for hwinfo. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes libdbus-1.so.3 into the bootimage. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Added a function that waits and loops until NO dpkg/apt-get/aptitude/adept process is running. new: m23-initscripts: Now has a postinst scripts that removes the System-V init links to hwcheck and m23-xorg-configurator if upstart is used. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now creates a reboot file to reboot the client after installing the VirtualBox addons. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now reboots the client after finishing the XOrg configuration, if the reboot file is set. cha: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Added another "apt-get install" round for Ubuntu's "hash sum mismatch" errors, that occurr randomly. +++++ 2010-11-06 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now reboots the client after installing the VirtualBox addons. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now works on Ubuntu 10.04 too. new: m23-initscripts: Now includes upstart startup files for the m23hwdetect and m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid and Linux Mint 9 KDE too and removes Ubuntu Gutsy. +++++ 2010-11-05 fix: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage. +++++ 2010-11-04 fix: install_packages.php: Now update runs CLIENT_startInstall. new: menuDeb: Menu entry to delete complete Squid cache. +++++ 2010-11-02 new: SERVER_deleteFile: Deletes a file from the server. new: VM_startVMCommandFile: Writes a command file with the command(s) to start the VM. new: VM_stopVMCommandFile: Removes automatical staring of a VM by removing the command file. cha: ASSI_prepareClient, CLCFG_installBasePackages: Added import of the m23 package sign keys (Thx TheGuv). +++++ 2010-10-31 cha: m23-initscripts: Package now includes the new m23hwdetect and has a dependency on hwinfo. +++++ 2010-10-30 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now extracts m23-initscripts. cha: hwcheck: Now is compatible to BusyBox. new: m23hwdetect: It is a three-pass hardware detection script. +++++ 2010-10-21 cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Added hwinfo. cha: linuxrc: Now uses hwinfo, hwsetup and discover to detect the hardware. +++++ 2010-10-20 fix: Added symlinks from /usr/share/hwdata to /usr/share/misc on the server installation CD and the client boot images. cha: linuxrc: Now discover scanns all busses. cha: Updated the Linux kernel to and enabling virtio devices. cha: discover-data 2.2010.10.18: Updated version of discover-data was downloaded from SID and uploaded to m23.sf.net/m23NetBootImageExtraDebs. cha: Updated pci.ids from pciids.sourceforge.net. +++++ 2010-10-07 patch: Online help fix. fix: fr/de/en:ldapSettings.hlp: Removed hint for LDAP installation, as the LDAP server is preinstalled and not installable via the webinterface. (Thx biZZa) patch: Smal changes and Ubuntu improvements. patch 101066: Online help fix. patch 101067: Smal changes and Ubuntu improvements. +++++ 2010-10-05 new: SF-hg-backup: New script to backup the m23 source to the Mercurial repository on SF. +++++ 2010-09-27 cha: CLCFG_setTimeZone: Now works on newer Ubuntus too. +++++ 2010-09-25 cha: CLCFG_language: Now contains another Ubuntu fix. +++++ 2010-09-24 fix: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: Now retuns false, if no waiting jobs are there. +++++ 2010-09-21 cha: extractFromCD: Now shows an error message, if the harddisk could not be mounted. patch: Improvements for VM compression. new: prepareOSForCompression: Makes a VM image better compressable. new: cleanOSForCompressing: Deletes some files before compressing the OS or VM. patch 101068: Improvements for VM compression. +++++ 2010-09-20 patch: Server installation fixes. fix: configureNetwork: Now deletes the persistent UDEV rules again. cha: m23hwscanner: Removed debug code. cha: getDrives: Now only reports devices that contain "dev" to avoid false output. patch 101069: Server installation fixes. +++++ 2010-09-18 patch: Smal fixes und updates. cha: Updated the bootimage for 64 bit. patch 101070: Smal fixes und updates. +++++ 2010-09-16 cha: getDrives: Now gives back multi devices even if parted doesn't list them. +++++ 2010-09-15 fix: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Now resets the session values correctly. cha: CIR_enableDropbear: Now sets the network boot password only, if the / is mounted with rootfs (that indicates that Linux is run from the RAM disk). release m23 rock 10.4 fix: getPartType, getPartFS: Now supports RAIDs that don't have a partition type. fix: PKG_hasOptions: Now detects correctly, if an option page exists. +++++ 2010-09-14 new: m23hwscanner: The m23 hardware scanner was re-written completely in version 3 and now uses BASH and not C anymore. new: mkhwscanner2: Builds the packages for new m23 hardware scanner. +++++ 2010-09-08 cha: FDISK_addPart: Now checks if the drive belongs to a RAID and shows an error message and exit, if yes. +++++ 2010-09-02 new: clientPartitionFormat.hlp: Added German and English help files. +++++ 2010-08-27 new: FDISK_getSupportedFS: Generates and returns an array with the list of supported file systems. new: FDISK_showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Shows the menu bar with integrated logic for FDISK_showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog. new: FDISK_showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog: Shows the new partition and formating screen. cha: FDISK_printColorDefinitions: Now uses FDISK_getSupportedFS. +++++ 2010-08-23 new: HELPER_arrayInsertBeforeKeynumber: Inserts a value into an array (that has simple numbers as keys) before a given key. new: HELPER_arrayReOrderKeynumbers: Changes all keys of the input array to simple ascending numbers, if the key of the inpur array is a number (if not, the key will be left unchanged). The order of the keys is preserved. cha: HELPER_arrayInsertBeforeKeynumber, HELPER_arrayInsertAfterKeynumber: Now use HELPER_arrayReOrderKeynumbers. new: FDISK_addRaidBeforeFormat: Generates and places a job to create a RAID on given drives/partitions before the formating of the RAID device. cha: FDISK_addRaidJobs: Now uses FDISK_addRaidBeforeFormat. cha: FDISK_raidJob: Is now obsolete. new: FDISK_getPartInfoIcon: Generates HTML code for showing an icon with status information about a drive or partition. new: FDISK_getDriveInfoIcon: Generates HTML code for showing an icon with status information about a drive. cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions, FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions2: Now has extra parameter filterOutSetRaidLvmLock: If set to true, drives and partitions with set raidLvmLock will not be listed. +++++ 2010-08-22 new HELPER_arrayInsertAfterKeynumber: Inserts a value into an array (that has simple numbers as keys) after a given key. +++++ 2010-08-21 new: HELPER_m23Array2Array: Converts an m23 array to a normal array. new: HELPER_array2m23Array: Converts a normal array to an m23 array. +++++ 2010-08-20 new: FDISK_getDevInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the drive and bolonging to a RAID. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now shows basic information for empty drives too. +++++ 2010-08-19 fix: FDISK_printBars: Now chooses the drive by clicking on an empty drive too. new: print_r2: Function like print_r, but sorts the entries, if the input is an array and converts newlines to HTML breaks. +++++ 2010-08-18 fix: FDISK_getUnusedMDs: Now works, if no MDs are present. fix: FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions2: Now generates an empty selection, if no drives and no partition matching the filter were found. +++++ 2010-08-12 new: FDISK_formatInstallAndSwappart: Adds jobs to format the installation and swap partitions and set the boot flag on the installation partition +++++ 2010-08-03 new: FDISK_swapFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for swapping. new: FDISK_installFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for installation. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now shows an icon for partitions that are used for installation or for swapping. +++++ 2010-08-02 fix: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now doesn't show the non-existing partition number for RAIDs. cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now has an extra parameter to decide, if the selector will contain the sizes, filesystems and types of the partitions and drives. new: FDISK_fstabAddDialog2: Dialog for adding fstab entries. This version uses the param and fstab parameters from the session. new: FDISK_delFstab: Removes an entry from the fstab array. cha: FDISK_listFstab: Now has buttons to delete fstab entries. +++++ 2010-07-26 new: FDISK_getUnusedMDs: Returns an associative array with the unused MDs (e.g. /dev/md0, /dev/md1, ...) as key and value. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now every partition has an info icon, that shows information about the device name of the partition, its filesystem and bolonging to a RAID. new: FDISK_getPartInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the partition, its filesystem and bolonging to a RAID. +++++ 2010-07-25 fix: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions: Partitions are not added on RAID drives, because partitions don't exist on RAIDs. +++++ 2010-07-24 fix: FDISK_autoPart: Now copies the drive keys and values of all drives with the virtual drive number > 0. This is needed to only re-partition and format the first drive and leave all other drives untouched. +++++ 2010-07-23 new: FDISK_showAllPartTables: Shows the partition tables of all drives specified for the current client and stored in the session. new: FDISK_printAllBars2: Shows the partition bars of all drives specified for the current client, that is stored in the session. new: FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions2: Generates and defines a selection that contains all drives and partitions of a given client. new: HTML_JSMenuOpener: Opens a menu entry when moving the mouse over the title and closes all other entries of the same menu. new: HTML_JSMenuCloseAllEntries: Closes all menu entries for a menu. This should be called at the end of a page to get it executed after loading. +++++ 2010-07-22 cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions: Now has an extra parameter to decide, if the array will contain the sizes, filesystems and types of the partitions and drives. cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions: Now uses the device names as keys for the associative array. +++++ 2010-07-21 cha: FDISK_listPartTable, FDISK_printBars: Added JavaScript code to mark the partition or free space the in the partition table the mouse is over in the partition bar. +++++ 2010-07-20 new: FDISK_getPartitionByType: Gets the FIRST partition matching a partition type. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now marks free spaces and partitions that lay into an extended partition. +++++ 2010-07-19 new: FDISK_getBelongingRaidDev: Searches for the RAID device, a physical partition belongs to, if it is part of a RAID. cha: FDISK_autoPart: Now destroys a RAID, if the physical partitions it is build from, are located on the first drive. cha: FDISK_delPart: Now has an extra parameter, that destroys the RAID, the partition belongs to. +++++ 2010-07-15 cha: FDISK_virtualDestroyRAID: Now is FDISK_virtualDeleteDrive. new: FDISK_deleteDriveFromParam: Deletes all drive and partition parameters of a drive from param without correcting any order. cha: FDISK_virtualDestroyRAID: Now uses FDISK_deleteDriveFromParam. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now uses white as background color to show drives without partitions as empty. +++++ 2010-07-14 cha: FDISK_virtualDeletePartition,FDISK_virtualAddPartition: Now have an generic algorithm that detects all variables belonging to a partition and moves them. new: FDISK_deletePartitionFromParam: Deletes all partition parameters of a partition from param without correcting the other partitions. +++++ 2010-07-13 cha: FDISK_listPartitions: Now the device number can be set to -1, to list all partitions on all devices. new: FDISK_definePartitionSelection: Defines a HTML selection with the partitions (/dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, ...) of a device cha: FDISK_printBars: Now has optional JavaScript code that calls the JS function emptySpace(), if empty parts of the drive are clicked, selectPartition(), if a partition is clicked and showPartTable(), if the mouse is over the bar. +++++ 2010-07-12 new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIExtendedStepDeletePartitions: Shows the sub-dialog for deleting partitions in the extended partitioning and formating dialog. cha: FDISK_addNewPartitionDialog: Becomes FDISK_showFdiskGUIExtendedStepAddNewPartition. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionExtendedPartStep: Stores the extended partitioning step and sets the help page and title in the session. new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIExtendedStepFormatPartitions: Shows a dialog for formating partitions. new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIlistPartJobs: Shows a list of all waiting partitioning and fromating jobs. fix: FDISK_delPart: Now complains and denys deletion of the partition if it belongs to RAID. new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIDialog: Now checks if the button BUT_changeDrive (defined by FDISK_showFdiskGUIDriveInfoDialog) was clicked and change the installation drive accordingly fix: FDISK_virtualDeletePartition: Now works together with partitions that are used for RAIDs. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now marks partitions that are used to build a RAID with "+R". cha: FDISK_listPartTable: Now marks partitions that are used to build a RAID with "+RAID". cha: FDISK_listPartTable: Now adds information about the partitions, the RAID is build from, if it's a RAID. new: FDISK_virtualDestroyRAID: Deletes a RAID drive from param assigned thru $vDev. cha: FDISK_delPart: Now can destroy RAID drives too. +++++ 2010-07-11 new: FDISK_showFdiskExistingMethod: Shows the dialog for formating of existing partitions. new: FDISK_showFdiskExtendedMethod: Shows the dialog for extended partitioning and formating. +++++ 2010-07-10 new: FDISK_showFdiskDialog: Shows the whole partition and formating dialog. new: FDISK_showFdiskDialogEnd: Shows the block at the end of the partitioning and formating dialog with partition and file system information about the currently selected drive and buttons for resetting and refreshing the dialog. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionClient: Returns the client name to partition and format. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionParam: Stores the partition parameters in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionInstallDrive: Stores the installation drive in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionvDevInstall: Stores the internal virtual installation drive number in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionFreeSpaces: Stores the free space parts of the installation drive in the session or recalculates them for the current installation drive. new: FDISK_showFdiskDriveInfoDialog: Shows a block with partitioning and file system information for the currently choosen installation drive. It contains dialog for changing the installation drive. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionHelpPage: Stores the help page in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionPage: Stores the page in the session. new: FDISK_showFdiskTitle: Returns and/or shows the current title of the partitioning and formating. new: FDISK_showFdiskAutoMethod: Shows the dialog for automatic partitioning and formating. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionPartJobs: Stores the partition jobs in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionSetter: Generic function to store values in the client partition and format session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionInstPart: Stores the installation partition in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionSwapPart: Stores the swap partition in the session. new: FDISK_finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Does some final checks, starts the partitioning and formating and switches to the distribution selection page. +++++ 2010-07-09 new: HELPER_debugBacktraceToFile: Writes/Appends debug information about all calling functions and parameters into a file. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Sets back all session variables for partitioning and formating a client. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionPartMethod: Stores the partitioning method in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionTitle: Stores the partitioning title in the session. new: FDISK_showFdiskSelectPartitionMethod: Shows a dialog for choosing the partitioning method and storing the method. +++++ 2010-07-06 cha: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: Now blanks the status bar text too. new: grub with ext4 support: Created a patched grub 0.97 version with ext4 support and uploaded packages to m23.sf.net/m23NetBootImageExtraDebs. +++++ 2010-07-04 fix: MSR_statusBar: If no percent value is set, the percent amount will not be set to 0 anymore. +++++ 2010-07-03 new: parted with ext4 support: Created a patched parted 1.8.8 version with ext4 support and uploaded packages at m23.sf.net/m23NetBootImageExtraDebs. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added sources for m23NetBootImageExtraDebs and a fixed source for Debian Etch. fix: HTML_getElementValue: Now has special handling for checkboxes. (Thx lakul) fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now has special handling for getSystemtimeByNTP, installPrinter and addNewLocalLogin checkboxes. +++++ 2010-07-02 fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Now stores getSystemtimeByNTP, installPrinter and addNewLocalLogin correctly in the DB. (Thx lakul) cha: mkRelease: Now adds Origin and Suite to the Release file. +++++ 2010-06-29 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now exits, if the client should be changed and no distribution is selected. (Thx lakul) fix: HTML_getElementValue: Another fix for checkboxes. (Thx lakul) +++++ 2010-06-28 cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog, FDISK_colorFS, FDISK_listSupportedFS, FDISK_genPartedCommands, FDISK_printColorDefinitions, createRFSBinLinks: Added support for EXT4. cha: Updated client kernel to 2.6.34. cha: Increased ramdisk size to 50MB. +++++ 2010-06-27 new: countStatusBarIncPoints.sh: Calculates the total amount of MSR_statusBarIncCommand points per file for all PHP files in the current directory. cha: m23gnome2Install.php, m23KDE3Install.php, m23KDEwoodyInstall.php, m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23normalInstall.php, m23normalRemoveInstall.php, m23PrinterConfigInstall.php, m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23updateInstall.php, m23UpdatePackageInfosInstall.php, m23UpdateSourcesListInstall.php, m23VirtualBoxInstall.php, m23XFceInstall.php, m23xfree864Install.php, m23XInstall.php, m23XubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23AddUserInstall.php, m23AssimilateInstall.php, m23fdiskFormatInstall.php, m23RebootInstall.php, m23RescueInstall.php, m23setStatusGreenInstall.php, m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now are including status percent points set with MSR_statusBarIncCommand. +++++ 2010-06-26 new: HTML_setStatusBarStatusByName: Sets new percent value and/or new status text by clientname AND status bar name. new: HTML_setStatusBarStatusByID: Sets new percent value and/or new status text by status bar ID. cha: HTML_setStatusBarStatus: Now is more generic. new: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: Calculates the value of a percent point according to the amount of waiting packages and stores the result in the DB. new: HTML_incStatusBarPercentByName: Increments the status bar percent by a given amount. cha: CLIENT_startInstall: (Re)Calculates the he value of a percent point according for the status bar "installStatus". new: MSR_statusBarCommand: Command to set a new percent value and/or new status text for the current client and for the "installStatus" status bar. new: MSR_statusBarInc: Increments the status bar percent by a given amount for the current client and for the "installStatus" status bar. new: MSR_statusBarIncCommand($percent): Command to increment the status bar percent by a given amount for the current client and for the "installStatus" status bar. +++++ 2010-06-25 new: MSR_genericSendCommand: Generates a generic command for sending information from the client to the server. new: MSR_statusBar: Sets new percent value and/or new status text. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now creates a new status bar for the installation cha: GNOME_install, m23FdiskFormatInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. +++++ 2010-06-24 new: HTML_showStatusBarHTML: Shows the status bar, that is drawn in the iframe (this function is only called by statusBar.php). new: HTML_showStatusBar: Shows the iframe for a status bar. This actually displays the status bar. new: HTML_newStatusBar: Shows the iframe for a status bar. This actually displays the status bar. new: statusBar.php: Script for showing the status bar in the iframe. new: developersPlayground.php: Test page for testing new m23 functions. new: HTML_getStatusBarID: Returns the status bar ID of the searched status bar. cha: index.css: Titles now have a nice shadow. new: HTML_setStatusBarStatus: Sets new percent value and/or new status text. cha: GNOME_install, m23FdiskFormatInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. +++++ 2010-06-23 patch: Improvements and fixes for the client add dialog. fix: HTML_getElementValue: Now should work together with the checkboxes. (Thx lakul) fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now checks the right variables, if the page was run first, for CB_getSystemtimeByNTP, CB_addNewLocalLogin, CB_installPrinter. (Thx lakul) cha: CLIENT_addClient: If a readonly LDAP server should be used, m23 doesn't need a login name and doesn't complain about an empty login name in this case. (Thx lakul) patch 101071: Improvements and fixes for the client add dialog. +++++ 2010-05-06 cha: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Changed shortening service from bit.ly to is.gd, because bit.ly made automated website usage impossible. +++++ 2010-04-30 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now doesn't complain about missing parameter, if non-interactive mode is used. release m23 rock 10.3 patch: Some improvements in the documentation and the installation process. patch 101072: Some improvements in the documentation and the installation process. +++++ 2010-04-29 cha: install18N.*: Added link to www.goos-habermann.de. cha: showNetworkDialog: Now recommends a censorship-free DNS. new: Added video section to the m23 community page. new: Added KVM installation howto to the installation guide. cha: extractFile: Now checks, if the file status file can be found and exits the loop, if it is not there. cha: Updated manuals in French. +++++ 2010-04-22 cha: Updated manuals in German and English. +++++ 2010-04-18 patch: Removed unneeded ISOs from m23-mdk-client package. cha: Removed unneeded ISOs from m23-mdk-client package. patch: Links for downloading 32 and 64 bit ISOs added to the "make boot CD" page. cha: VM_setVBoxAddonAsDefault, VM_getVBoxAddonDefaultVersion: Now don't show error messages, if files could not be found. cha: BURN_checkISO: Added parameter to set the architecture of the ISO. new: BURN_getISOSize: Gets the size of an ISO. cha: makeBootCD.php: Now shows links for downloading 32 and 64 bit ISOs. patch: Improved hardware detection. Added help for usage with external DHCP. VirtualBox addons installation improvements. Some fixes. patch 101073: Removed unneeded ISOs from m23-mdk-client package. patch 101074: Links for downloading 32 and 64 bit ISOs added to the "make boot CD" page. patch 101075: Improved hardware detection. Added help for usage with external DHCP. VirtualBox addons installation improvements. Some fixes. +++++ 2010-04-15 new: externalDHCP.hlp: Help file for using m23 together with an external DHCP server. cha: support.php: Updated contact information and redesign. +++++ 2010-04-14 cha: HELP_getHelp: Now has tag for linking to other m23 help pages. fix: helpViewer.php: Fixed getting the heading. +++++ 2010-04-12 new: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Posts a message to Twitter and FaceBook and shortens the Twitter message if needed. cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now uses twitterFaceBook-Message.sh. new: m23uploadChangelog: Uploads tha changelog and now uses twitterFaceBook-Message.sh. cha: VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Now shows the currently installed VirtualBox version of the host. new: VM_getVBoxVersion: Get the currently installed VirtualBox version of the host. +++++ 2010-04-09 cha: VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Now only downloads the index if it is missing or older than 5 minutes. new: VM_setVBoxAddonAsDefault: Sets a choosen VirtualBox addition package version as default. new: VM_downloadedVBoxAddons: Lists all VirtualBox addition package versions that can be downloaded from the m23 server. new: VM_getVBoxAddonDefaultVersion: Gets the version number of the VirtualBox addition package. +++++ 2010-04-08 cha: menuDeb: Now has an extra menu entry to delete all Packages files from local Squid. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now logs more info to the logfile /var/log/m23-VBox-Addon-Install.log cha: HTML_multiSelection: Now replaces "bad" characters in the HTML checkbox name with underscore. new: VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Returns an array with the version numers of all VirtualBox addition ISOs that are 2.0.0 and above. new: VM_wasVBoxAddonDownloaded: Checks, if the VirtualBox addition for a selected version was downloaded to the m23 server. new: VM_VBOXaddonDownloadDialog: Shows a dialog for downloading the VirtualBox additions to the m23 server. new: VM_downloadVBOXaddons: Downloads the VirtualBox addition ISOs and extracts the addition installers for Linux. new: VM_generateVBOXaddonDownloadCMD: Generates the download commands to download a VirtualBox addition ISO and to extract the addition installers for Linux. +++++ 2010-04-07 new: m23-xorg-configurator: Init script that starts m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh in case of changes on graphic card, mouse or kernel on startup. +++++ 2010-04-06 cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now posts to Facebook too. +++++ 2010-04-02 new: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now downloads the VirtualBox addons from the net, if they are not available as package or from the m23 server. +++++ 2010-04-01 new: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Generator for xorg.conf with 4 different methods. cha: hwcheck: Now calls m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh. Function xconfig removed. cha: mkm23extradeb: Now creates m23-initscripts too. fix: CLIENT_getDebconfDB, PKG_getClientPackages: Now don't runcate the output. +++++ 2010-03-30 fix: burnCD: Re-included the script for buring m23 client installation CDs in the server. fix: m23instUpload: Fixed path error. new: /mdk/m23helper/VBox-64: Tools for running 64 bit VirtualBox in a chroot on a 32 bit system with 64 bit kernel. new: CLCFG_makeDev: Creates the device nodes in /dev by downloading and extracting an archive containing the device nodes and if this fails running MAKEDEV. cha: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php: Now works without dpkg-architecture. +++++ 2010-03-28 new: CLIENT_getDistribution: Returns the distribution of a client. new: CLIENT_getOption: Returns an option of a client. new: PKG_isSpecialPackageAvailableForClient: Checks if a special package is available for the client's distribution. new: CLIENT_extraWebAction: Executes extra actions from the client details page. cha: client_details.php: Now has an extra button to install the VM host software. +++++ 2010-03-27 cha: PKG_getSpecialPackageInfo: Now returns false, if no information could be got. +++++ 2010-03-17 release: m23 rock 10.2 patch: Adds support for changing debconf values from the m23 webinterfaces. Speed improvements for starting client recovery. cha: m23/postinst: Changes "normalPackage" row of the table "clientjobs" to "LONGTEXT". cha: PKG_getClientPackages: Now uses the SQL function GROUPS_CONCAT to generate the string of all found packages to improve the speed. cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now uses changed behaviour of PKG_getClientPackages. patch 101076: Adds support for changing debconf values from the m23 webinterfaces. Speed improvements for starting client recovery. +++++ 2010-03-15 cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages, PKG_hasOptions: Now has extra parameter for the client's distribution release. cha: PKG_hasOptions: Option pages are now stored under /m23/data+scripts/m23admin/packages/$distr/$release/. new: SRCLST_getRelease: Gets a release from the sourceslist table. new: PKG_OptionPageHeader2: Starts the option page for debconf settings with all necessary options. new: PKG_OptionPageTail2: Generates the bottom of the OptionPage for debconf settings. new: PKG_OptionPageRender2: Renderes the layout of an OptionPage for debconf and stored the debconf settings into the DB. new: CLIENT_setDebconfDB: Sets debconf values for a client and a package. new: CLIENT_runDebconf: Generates BASH code to import debconf settings from the DB into the debconf of the client. cha: m23normalInstall.php: Now runs CLIENT_runDebconf. cha: m23normalInstall.php: Changed DB query result to associative array. new: getDebianTemplates: Downloads and extracts the templates of all Debian packages of a release and distribution. new: template2confpage.sh: Generates config pages for setting debconf values from the *.templates of the Debian packages of a distribution and release. +++++ 2010-03-14 new: HTML_multiSelection: Shows a list of checkboxes, that represent a value each. The values of checked checkboxes are stored in an array and returned. new: PKG_decodeDebconfDescription: Decodes and HTML-formats the description of a debconf template and extracts its title. +++++ 2010-03-13 new: CLIENT_getDebconfDB: Generates the debconf output as debconf-set-selections expects it from the DB value. new: CLIENT_getDebconfDBValue: Get the debconf value of a variable of a package. cha: m23/postinst: Adds a table to store debconf data. +++++ 2010-03-12 cha: m23/postinst: Adds a row to the clients table to store debconf data. patch: Debug status change fix. cha: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: Rewritten with new HTML functions. fix: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: Now works again. (Thx rluque) patch 101077: Debug status change fix. +++++ 2010-03-10 patch: Fixes for the group functions. cha: share-online.biz-uploader: Adjusted to changed parameters. new: GRP_showGroupsAndCount2: Replaces the not working GRP_showGroupsAndCount. cha: groups_overview.hlp: Adjusted to changed usage. cha: MSG_showUpdateInfo: Shows a message about clients who will update again. cha: GRP_desasterRecovery: Now shows bullets before the client names that will be recovered. patch 101078: Fixes for the group functions. +++++ 2010-03-09 fix: CLIENT_showJobs: Now shows the packages to remove in the job list. fix: MSG_showAddJobsInfo: Shows a message about assigned jobs again. +++++ 2010-02-27 release: m23 rock 10.1a patch: Client status fixes. patch 101079: Client status fixes. +++++ 2010-02-26 cha: PKG_downloadPool: Is now more robust when downloading packages cha: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php: Now tries to download the binary VirtualBox addition package and compiles it. fix: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php, m23AddUserInstall.php: Now don't change the client state to yellow. patch: Serveral fixes for virtual machines, rescuing, mass installation etc. fix: install_packages.php: The client is now only halted if it was not on before. fix: CLIENT_showStatusSelection: Now can set the client status again. cha: CLCFG_disableAvahiDaemon: Now rewrites resolv.conf. new: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php: Compiles the kernel module for the guest after the first boot. new: m23AddUserInstall.php: Adds a user. cha: clientInstall.php: Now adds an AddUser and a VBoxKernelModule job. cha: CLIENT_setAllParams: Now escapes values before inserting into the DB. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now updates Packages*. patch 101080: Serveral fixes for virtual machines, rescuing, mass installation etc. +++++ 2010-02-25 cha: VM_createVM, VM_activateNetbootCMD, VM_delVMCMD: Modified to make it work with changed parameters of newer VirtualBox versions. fix: fix-permissions: Now sets correct owner of /m23/vms/vbox. cha: checks.php: Added constants for VM creation. fix: VM_startVM: Another fix for "could not open default font 'fixed'" was added. fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now correct client name and mac for VMs are taken from VM creation. cha: client_details.php: Now show always the reload button. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now VM host in the selection and the information about the VM host are always synchronous. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Corrected layout. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now doesn't use the variables firewall for IP and MAC if client should be defined. +++++ 2010-02-24 cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now adds the user to sudoers to let him allow to become root if he knows the password. cha: CLCFG_language: Added a fix for /etc/default/locale at Ubuntu. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now moves the postinst of virtualbox-ose-guest-* out of the way, because it will fail if we use another kernel (boot kernel) that the system kernel. +++++ 2010-02-22 new: CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage: Configures upstart for normal running in an installed system. new: CLCFG_disableAvahiDaemon: Disables the avahi-daemon. +++++ 2010-02-21 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now removes the avahi daemon so it cannot destroy the resolv.conf. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now checks if KDE 4 is used and if yes install the m23 KDE 4 wallpaper. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now tries to install kde-l10n-XX too. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now installs extra multimedia codecs. cha: m23installerBase.inc: The server installation ISO can now make an optional online update. fix: rescue_client.php: Now rescues again. fix: recover_client.php: Now recovers again. new: CLCFG_configUpstartForChroot: Configures upstart to make it not fail installation. patch: Fix in administrator management. patch 101081: Fix in administrator management. fix: htaccess.php: Now can delete admins again. cha: htaccess.php: Added a "back" button to delete one admin after another. +++++ 2010-02-20 patch: Fix in package selection and introducing precached debootstraps. fix: install_packages.php: Package selections can be built again. cha: PKG_searchFor: Now sorts the found packages. +++++ 2010-02-18 cha: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Now mounts devpts. +++++ 2010-02-16 release: m23 rock 10.1 patch: All finished for m23 rock 10.1 +++++ 2010-02-15 cha: m23/postinst: Now creates /m23/tmp. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now shows less useless error messages. cha: translations/screenshots: Finished. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now replaces all ocurrences of update-grub with a smal script that calls lilo. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now replaces all ocurrences of update-grub with a smal script that calls lilo if lilo should be used. +++++ 2010-02-13 cha: PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage: Now adds a shutdown package if m23shared is active. +++++ 2010-02-11 fix: compileKernel: Now sets the extra version of the kernel correctly. cha: compileKernel: Now can compile 32 bit kernel on 64 bit machines. cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Now creating of RAID device nodes is quiet. +++++ 2010-02-08 cha: linuxrc: Now checks if there are specified modules in kernel parameter m23modules and load them. cha: linuxrc: Now checks if the ID of the m23 client was choosen by the m23clientID kernel parameter. +++++ 2010-02-03 cha: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Now creates entry in fstab to allow mounting of /sys. +++++ 2010-02-02 cha: pkgdetails.c: Updated from the package base-installer. cha: debootstrap: Updated to 1.0.20. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Added a loop that let debootstrap try to fetch all needed packages up to 10 times if errors occur. +++++ 2010-02-01 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now creating of device nodes is quiet. cha: debootstrap/ functions /wgetprogress: Added retries and timeouts for wget. +++++ 2010-01-30 cha: compileKernel: Now sets CC to gcc-4.3 to fix "Your version of gcc miscompiles the" issue. cha: compileKernel: Removed CROSS_COMPILE because it is not needed any more. +++++ 2010-01-28 cha: MASS_showGeneratorOptions, MASS_showOverview, PKGBUILDER_showUploadDialog, POOL_showCreatePackageIndex, POOL_showDownloadStatus, POOL_download, POOL_showSourcesList: Fixed layout. cha: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: Now returns an empty array, if no clients are found. cha: kh2p: Now doesn't overwrite existing screenshots. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Now asks if all or missing screeshots should be created. fix: makePDF-HTML.sh: Fixed path to the server installation ISO for placing the manual on the CD. +++++ 2010-01-27 cha: SERVER_addEtcHosts, SERVER_delEtcHosts: Now are not executed if running m23shared. fix: HWINFO_printPartitions, MASS_showTableDefinition: Fixed layout. +++++ 2010-01-26 cha: client_dists.php: Now shows more information overview about the distribution to install. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: grub is now the default bootloader. cha: head.php: Changing layout and removing server software. cha: Debian package functions on the server now use seperate directories for each m23shared customer. cha: CIR_transferClientIP, CIR_waitForNextJob: wget calls are "quiet" if client is not in debug mode. fix: MSR_partHwDataCommand: Now lspci reports names of found PCI hardware data. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now deletes lock file before touching, to make sure the correct user is creating the lock file. cha: linuxrc: Stops dhclient to make sure that the IP configuration will not be changed during installation now. cha: issue: Added a hint, that the password may be changed by m23. cha: fix-permissions: Now doesn't change the permissions of the files in /m23/tmp. cha: m23SHARED_getAllm23sharedUsers: Now has extra parameter, if it is set to true, only m23shared users with existing bill table will be returned. +++++ 2010-01-25 cha: work.php: Now sets client debug status in a session parameter. cha: *: wget calls are "quiet" if client is not in debug mode. new: MSR_curDynIP: Sets the current IP of a client with dynamic IP. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: If the client has a dynamic IP, its IP will be announced to the m23 server on every call of m23fetchjob. cha: PKG_addShutdownPackage: Now doesn't add a shutdown package if m23shared is running. cha: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Now checks if a line with "listening" is the last line in the log file. If it's not, there may be another DHCP server. new: CIR_transferClientIP: Transfers the current IP of a m23shared client to the m23 server. cha: m23PresetupInstall: Now calls CIR_transferClientIP. +++++ 2010-01-24 cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now disables showing of LDAP and NFS settings if in m23shared mode. cha: client_details.php: Now uses the IP of the client to access CUPS. +++++ 2010-01-21 cha: createRFSBinLinks, createRFSBins: Now uses reset from tset. new: linuxrc: Now uses a dialog screen to show hardware probing. cha: createRFSISO: Now can set the m23server parameter in the isolinux.cfg via extra parameter. cha: createRFSISO: Has optional directory parameter where to move the created ISO to. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now checkes if there is a screen called m23fetchjob and exists if it was found. new: CLCFG_writeCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Adds entries to crontab to check every 5 minutes for new jobs. +++++ 2010-01-20 cha: clients_overview.php: Exchanged the up/down HTML arrows with images because not all browsers did show the arrows correctly. cha: createRFSISO: Can now create ISOs with an m23 server set as kernel parameter. +++++ 2010-01-19 fix: CLIENT_getClientName: Now works with m23shared. cha: Got rid off the cvs directory and links in the /m23 directory. fix: setStatus.php, setClientStatus.php, postMessage.php: Corrected path to m23shared.php. cha: linuxrc: Added a nice dialog for entering the m23shared client name. fix: CLCFG_interfaces, CLCFG_debootstrap: Disabling temporary static configuration of the network card if in DHCP mode. +++++ 2010-01-18 cha: m23/postinst: Now adds "LOCK TABLES" to the permissions of m23dbroot. cha: finishBuilding: Now stores/restores and sets user, group and access mode of conffiles if the file exists. +++++ 2010-01-17 cha: MAIL_getGpgKeyList: Now doesn't trow error messages if no keys are found. fix: m23/postinst: Now creates /m23/root-only. cha: m23/postinst: Now creates an user with GPG key for signing eMails and the backups. cha: mkm23Deb: Now includes the GPG user in mailConfig.php. cha: quickBuild.sh: Now increases the patch number on every call. +++++ 2010-01-16 cha: m23/control: Added php5-curl and php5-mcrypt as required packages. +++++ 2010-01-14 cha: m23SHARED_showBill: Now doesn't wrap descriptions any more. cha: index.css: Titles aren't wrapped any more. +++++ 2010-01-13 fix: install_packages.php: Fixed missing action parameter. fix: GRP_showSelDistrSources: Fixed layout. new: MAIL_AESencode: AES encryptes a message with a key. cha: MAIL_sendAESMail: Now uses MAIL_AESencode. cha: m23SHARED_new: Now adds 5 clients to the bill to let the customer see how much he would have to pay. new: m23SHARED_deleteBills: Deletes all bills. +++++ 2010-01-12 cha: mkm23Deb: Now cleans mailConf.php. +++++ 2010-01-09 cha: m23/postinst: Now creates a new cron secret file if it doesn't exist. +++++ 2010-01-08 new: m23SHARED_markForDeletion: Marks the current user's data for deletion and disable his login. new: m23SHARED_deleteUserdataFromDB: Deletes user data not needed for archiving purpose. new: m23SHARED_isMarkedForDeletion: Checks if the current user is marked for deletion. cha: m23SHARED_sendAllBillMails: Now calls m23SHARED_deleteUserdataFromDB if m23SHARED_isMarkedForDeletion is true. +++++ 2010-01-07 cha: client_backup.php, client_createImage.php, client_debug.php, client_infoPage.php, client_packages.php, client_partition.php, clients_overview.php, client_status.php, recover_client.php, rescue_client.php, install_packages.php, update_packages.php: Now works with "register globals = off". cha: HELP_showHelp, MSG_showInfo, MSG_showError, MSG_showAddJobsInfo, MSG_showUpdateInfo: Language parameter is now optionally and all calls were changed to languageless mode. cha: makeBootCD.php, SCREDIT_showEditor, scriptEditor.php: Fixed layout. +++++ 2010-01-04 cha: client_distr.php, client_packages.php, client_partition.php, create_group.php, group_actions.php, customerCenter.php, m23sharedAdmin.php, menu.php, plginstall.php, plgoverview.php, client_sourceslist.php, install_packages.php, packageBuilder.php, poolBuilder.php, update_packages.php, capture.php, daemonsAndPrograms.php, serverSettings.php, serverStatus.php, update.php, makeBootCD.php, makeBootDisk.php: Now are using HTML_setPage. cha: ASSI_showClientAddDialog: Rewritten with HTML functions. cha: head.php: Now works with "register globals = off". +++++ 2010-01-03 cha: sourceslist.php, preferences.php, setClientStatus.php, setStatus.php, setLog.php: Added CHECK_FW rules. cha: PKG_getSpecialPackagePriority: Now returns integers. fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: Now sets the language for dpkg to C. fix: pingIP: Now works again. cha: assimilate.php, backup.php, client.php, fdisk.php, groups.php, imaging.php, scredit.php: Now are using HTML_setPage. cha: client_addtogroup.php: Rewritten. +++++ 2010-01-02 cha: groups.php, fdisk.php, messageReceive.php, remotevar.php: Added CHECK_FW rules. new: CHECK_text2db: Makes a text safe for using it in the database. new: CHECK_db2text: Converts a string from the DB format to a normal string. +++++ 2010-01-01 cha: db.php, packages.php: Added CHECK_FW rules. +++++ 2009-12-30 new: CHECK_letFWDie: Lets the variable checking firewall die with error message and info why and where it stopped executing the script. new: CHECK_FW: Variable checking firewall, that checks a bunch of variables if they contain only valid characters. +++++ 2009-12-22 cha: checkIP: Now uses more strict checking whether an IP is valid or not. +++++ 2009-12-21 new: CHECK_int: Checks if the input value is an integer and shuts down the application if not. new: CHECK_float: Checks if the input value is a float number and shuts down the application if not. new: CHECK_strAlpha: Checks if the input value is a string that contains only characters and shuts down the application if it's not. new: CHECK_strAlphaNum: Checks if the input value is a string that contains only characters and digits and shuts down the application if it's not. new: CHECK_str: Checks if the input string only contains valid characters and is not longer than the maximum length and shuts down the application if not. +++++ 2009-12-20 new: helpViewer.php: Standalone or integrated help file viewer. new: de/en/serverRestore.hlp +++++ 2009-12-18 new: HTML_showPagePrintButton: Shows a print button that allows easy printing of the current m23 administration interface. cha: index.php: Now shows the printer button on top of every page. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now proxy and port are unset if m23shared is running. new: m23SHARED_getInformationForBootingYourClientLink: Generates a link to the help page information for booting the client. new: de/m23SharedBootingYourClient.hlp +++++ 2009-12-17 new: m23SHARED_showPriceListTable: Shows a table with the price list. new: customerCenter.hlp +++++ 2009-12-16 cha: Finished translations. +++++ 2009-12-15 new: Some translations. +++++ 2009-12-11 new: SERVERBACKUP_runBackupNowDialog: Shows a dialog for starting the server backup manually at once. new: m23SHARED_calculateBill: Calculates the bill for a choosen month in a selected year. new: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Generates a list of existing server backups. new: SERVERBACKUP_rmBackup: Removes server backup. new: SERVERBACKUP_backupOverviewDialog: Shows a dialog with overview of all existing server backups with possibility for deletion. +++++ 2009-12-10 new: de/cron.inc, de/manageGPGKeysDialog.inc, de/m23ServerBackup.hlp: Added help files for new functions. +++++ 2009-12-09 new: SERVER_runningInScreen: Returns "true" if a screen session with a given name exists for a given user. +++++ 2009-12-08 new: SERVERBACKUP_showConfigurationDialog: Shows a dialog for configuring the server backup. new: MAIL_importGPGKey: Imports an GPG key into the bunch of GPG keys. new: MAIL_deleteGPGKey: Deletes an GPG key from the bunch of GPG keys. new: MAIL_manageGPGKeysDialog: Shows a dialog for importing and deleting GPG keys. new: HTML_textArea: Shows a text area to insert text. new: MAIL_sendMail: Sends a mail, that may be GPG encrypted and contain an attachement via the cryptmail gateway. +++++ 2009-12-07 new: MAIL_getGpgKeyList: Gets the list of known GPG keys/identities. new: SERVER_getFileContents: Get the contents of any file (even if only readable by root). new: SERVER_putFileContents: Stores a text to a file and changes it's mode, user and group. new: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupConfiguration: Gets the server backup configuration. new: SERVERBACKUP_storeBackupConfiguration: Stores the server backup configuration. +++++ 2009-12-06 fix: EDIT_deleteMatching: Now removes newlines from the search string. new: CRON_getNextIdentifierNr: Calculates the next higher identifier number from a given identifier. new: CRON_cronManagementDialog: Shows a dialog for viewing, adding and deleting crontab entries for a given user, command and identifier. new: CRON_cronEntryDeletionDialog: Shows a a list of crontab entries matching the identifier with deletion option. new: CRON_translateEveryIntervallValue: Translates a time value with possible intervall into a human readable string. +++++ 2009-12-04 new: CRON_addJobDayly: Runs a command every day at a specified time. cha: MSG_showInfo, MSG_showError, MSG_showWarning: language parameter is now optional. new: CRON_getEntriesByIdentifier: Parses the crontab for all lines matching the identifier. new: CRON_getTimeBaseArray: Returns an associative array that contains the timebases for cron that are supported by m23. new: CRON_getDayOfWeekArray: Returns an associative array that contains the week day names for cron. new: CRON_checkMinute: Checks if a minute value is valid. new: CRON_checkHour: Checks if a hour value is valid. +++++ 2009-12-03 new: CRON_addJobHourly: Runs a command every N hours. new: CRON_addJobWeekly: Runs a command every week at a specified time. +++++ 2009-12-02 new: CRON_genCronEntry: Creates a cron line to insert into crontab. new: CRON_addJob: Adds a command to the crontab. new: CRON_rmJob: Removes an entry from the crontab. +++++ 2009-12-01 cha: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: Now returns false if the file could not be donwloaded. +++++ 2009-11-27 new: m23SHARED_showLicenseDialog: Shows a dialog for viewing and changing the license and paid client amount. new: m23SHARED_showAdminDialog: Shows a dialog for the admin to search users for and change values. new: m23SHARED_blockAccount: Blocks or unblocks an account. new: m23SHARED_isAccountBlocked: Checks if an account is blocked. new: m23SHARED_showAddExtraBillDialog: Shows a dialog for adding extra entries to the bill. new: m23SHARED_showBillDialog: Shows a dialog for viewing and choosing the bill. +++++ 2009-11-26 new: m23SHARED_allUserDBQuery: Executes an SQL query on all m23shared databases and returns an associated array with all results. new: m23SHARED_getUserByResident: Gets the user name of m23shared customer by the resident name. new: m23SHARED_getUserByCustomerNr: Gets the user name of m23shared customer by the customer number. new: m23SHARED_getUserByInfo: Gets the user name of m23shared customer by searching all m23shared DBs for var and value in the remotevar table. +++++ 2009-11-25 new: m23SHARED_priceFormater: Formats a price with two digit decimal place. new: m23SHARED_downloadBillPDFLink: Generates a HTML link that points to the script that generates the bill for a given monath and year. new: m23SHARED_showDonationDialog: Shows a dialog where the user can donate to the m23 project. new: m23SHARED_addExtraBill: Adds an extra entry to the bill. new: m23SHARED_showBootMediaDownloadDialog: Shows a dialog with download icons for the different boot media. +++++ 2009-11-24 new: m23SHARED_getSalutationsArray: Returns an array with salutation forms. new: m23SHARED_switchUser: Changes the current m23shared user. new: m23SHARED_getSalutationHeadline: Returns a saluation headline that can be used as beginning of an email. new: m23SHARED_sendAllBillMails: Sends the bills of all users from the previous month as PDF attachement. This should be run at the beginning of a month. new: m23SHARED_prepareBillMailSending: Prepares the bill mail sending queue. new: m23SHARED_markBillMailAsSent: Marks a bill mail as sent. +++++ 2009-11-17 new: m23SHARED_getCustomerAddress: Returns HTML formatted address information for the current customer. new: m23SHARED_unusedPaidClientsAvailable: Checks if there are unused paid clients and shows an error message if not. new: m23SHARED_getAllm23sharedUsers: Gets all m23shared users. +++++ 2009-11-12 new: m23SHARED_setAddress: Sets address information for the current customer. +++++ 2009-11-11 new: m23SHARED_getPayTypeArray: Returns an array with the nummeric pay types as index and the human readable translations as values. new: m23SHARED_setBankAccount: Sets bank account information for the current customer. new: MAIL_attach: Attaches a file to the message body of the mail and changes the mail header. new: m23SHARED_changeClientAmount: Changes the amount of paid clients for the current customer. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerBankHTML: Returns HTML formatted bank account information for the current customer. +++++ 2009-11-09 new: m23SHARED_generateActivationKey: Calculates the customer number by current time and random value and stores it into the DB. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerNr: Returns the customer number for this customer. new: SERVER_multiMkDir: Creates a directory and all needed directories on the way to the destination path. new: m23SHARED_pdfBill: Generates a bill in PDF format for a choosen month in a selected year. new: m23SHARED_getCurrentUser: Returns the current m23shared user. new: m23SHARED_getLicenseType: Returns the m23shared license of the current m23shared user. +++++ 2009-11-07 cha: HTML_selection: Now returns the shown list element if none was selected. new: m23SHARED_getBillDates: Returns an array filled with all month and years where bills are present. cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Background image should be changeable now (Thx thomas). +++++ 2009-11-05 new: PDF_init: Inits some basic variables for PDF creation. new: PDF_output: Shows the created PDF. +++++ 2009-11-04 new: PDF_showTableRow: Shows a table row with a variable amount of entries. new: PDF_showTableHeader: Inits some values for starting a new PDF table. new: PDF_showTableEnd: Prints the PDF table. +++++ 2009-11-03 new: MAIL_cryptMailServer: Server part for sending AES mails. cha: m23SHARED_gpgMail: Is now MAIL_gpgMail and can encode big messages via temporary file now. new: MAIL_getHeader: Generates a mail header with sender and reply-to field, mail software and a BCC to send a copy to the admin. +++++ 2009-11-02 new: SERVER_changeHtpasswd: Changes the password of a user in a htpasswd file. new: m23SHARED_changePasswordDialog: Tries to change the password for the current m23shared user and shows an error or sucess message. Both of the entered passwords must be identically. new: m23SHARED_changePasswordDialog: Tries to change the eMail for the current m23shared user and shows an error or sucess message. +++++ 2009-10-31 new: m23SHARED_sendAdminMail: Sends an GPG encrypted eMail to the admin. +++++ 2009-10-29 new: HTML_showTableHeading: Shows a table heading row with a variable amount of entries. The parameters are shown side by side as rows in a table. If more than one HTML_showTableRow commands are executed in one table it is needed to always use the same amount of paramaters in each call. new: m23SHARED_showBill: Shows the bill for a selected month. new: m23SHARED_gpgMail: Encrypts a message with GPG for a given eMail address. +++++ 2009-10-28 new: m23SHARED_sendActivationMail: Prepares and sends the activation mail. new: m23SHARED_getActivationKey: Returns the activation key for this customer. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerEmail: Returns the eMail address of customer. new: m23SHARED_setCustomerEmail: Sets the eMail address of customer. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerLanguage: Returns the language setting for this customer. new: m23SHARED_setCustomerLanguage: Sets the language for this customer. new: m23SHARED_setRealName: Sets the real name of the customer. new: m23SHARED_getRealName: Returns the real name of the customer. new: m23SHARED_sendActivationMail: Prepares and sends the welcome mail. new: m23SHARED_activate: Activates a customer account identified by user and activation code, makes some checks if the data is correct and sends a welcome email. +++++ 2009-10-27 new: m23SHARED_sendAESMail: Sends an AES encrypted eMail to a crypt mail gateway. +++++ 2009-10-26 new: DB_queryNoDie: Executes a SQL query and returns the resource id to access the result. new: m23SHARED_getPayTypeHumanReadable: Returns the license and payment type of the m23shared/enterprise account as human readable string. new: m23SHARED_getMonthlyFee: Calculates the monthly fee with the given amount af paid clients. new: m23SHARED_generateActivationKey: Calculates a random activation key and stores it into the DB. +++++ 2009-10-24 cha: HTML_showTableEnd, HTML_showTableHeader: Removed unneeded HTML tags. new: HTML_showTableRow: Shows a table row with a variable amount of entries. The parameters are shown side by side as rows in a table. If more than one HTML_showTableRow commands are executed in one table it is needed to always use the same amount of paramaters in each call. +++++ 2009-10-23 cha: HTML_showTableHeader: Now has parameter to choose the CSS class of the inner table. cha: index.css: Some improvements for readableness of tables. +++++ 2009-10-21 new: CLIENT_getClientAmount: Gets the amount of all clients. new: m23SHARED_paidClients: Calculates and returns the amount of clients the customer has paid for. new: m23SHARED_evaluationEndDate: Generates a string with the end date and time in current selected language of the evaluation period. +++++ 2009-10-20 fix: m23xfree864Install.php: Now only enables vboxvideo if the VirtualBox addon package could be found. +++++ 2009-10-19 cha: PKG_previewUpdateSystem, PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation: Now are changing the client name on m23shared clients to the complete m23shared client name to store the package status information in a directory with complete m23shared client name and not without the DB name. +++++ 2009-10-18 cha: PKG_previewUpdateSystem, PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation: Now doesn't try to copy the current package status file via SCP before the preview if m23shared is active. cha: m23UpdatePackageInfos.php: Now uses MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand instead of MSR_statusFileCommand to reduce transferred data. new: MSR_copyClientPackageStatus: Writes a sent full or difference package status file to the correct directory. new: MSR_importDiffFile: Writes a sent full or difference file to the destination. new: MSR_copyDiffFileFromClient: Sends a file from the client to the server and tries to send only the changes towards an existing file on the server. new: MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand: Generates commands to transfer the package status file from the client to the server. +++++ 2009-10-17 cha: CLIENT_getAskingParams: Checks if a m23shared client name is set and returns its parameters. cha: CIR_waitForNextJob: Now adds the client ID to the request if it is available. cha: CLCFG_resolvConf: Now doesn't store an empty resolv.conf. +++++ 2009-10-16 cha: mkCert.sh: Now can create certificates for choosen hosts. cha: postMessage.php, setStatus.php, setClientStatus.php: Now include m23shared.php optionally. cha: CLCFG_interfaces: Now has $clientParams as parameter and can configure the interfaces with DHCP settings. +++++ 2009-10-15 cha: linuxrc: Now checks if the m23 server was given via kernel parameters. cha: linuxrc: Now asks for the m23 client ID or uses the given hostname if the m23 server was given via kernel parameter. cha: m23SHARED_getDBnameByClient: Checks if the m23 client ID begins with "m23S" to determine if the client ID belongs to a m23shared client. new: m23SHARED_getCompleteClientName: Returns the complete name of a m23 shared client ($_SESSION variables need to be set). new: m23SHARED_getServerIP: Returns the FQDN of the m23shared server. cha: getServerIP: Now calls m23SHARED_getServerIP if m23shared is active. cha: CIR_writeClientID: Now has $clientParams as parameter and uses m23SHARED_getCompleteClientName as ID if m23shared is active. +++++ 2009-10-12 cha: DHCP_rmClient: Now removes the client only from dhcpd.conf if the client doesn't use gPXE. cha: exportDBInitTable: Now auto increment start values are stripped from the SQL dump. cha: quickBuild.sh: Now builds m23shared package too. +++++ 2009-10-11 cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Checks if a m23shared client exists and give it out directly if there is one now. cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: If m23shared is active, print the DB name in front of the client name. cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now doesn't show network setting if the client uses gPXE or DHCP. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now has parameter to choose different boot methods. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now activates network boot if PXE or Etherboot is choosen only. new: dhclient-script: Added a modificated version that can set the hostname of the client. +++++ 2009-10-10 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now disables network settings if gPXE/DHCP is selected. cha: HTML_storableSelection, HTML_selection: Added parameter to add JavaScript. cha: client_details.php: Made some options disappearing for m23shared. cha: index.php: Disable some pages for m23shared. cha: head.php: Now show the currently logged in user and a logout link. cha: index.php: Redesigned and logout option added. cha: m23base.php: Removed spaces in front of the lines. cha: CLIENT_addChangeElement: Now adds changeElements only if they didn't exist before. +++++ 2009-10-09 new: m23SHARED_DBname: Generates a database name for m23 shared by input and salt. new: m23SHARED_getDBnameByInterface: Calculates the database name for m23 shared by setting in the user interface new: m23SHARED_getDBnameByClient: Gets the database name for m23 shared as part of the client ID. new: m23SHARED_init: Checks if a m23shared environment is present, sets the variables in the session and chooses the according DB. new: m23SHARED_new: Adds a new m23shared user and creates a new DB. new: m23SHARED_setLicense: Sets the maximum allowed amount of clients and the evaluation time in days. new: m23SHARED_evaluationDaysLeft: Calculates how many days are left from evaluation period. cha: PLG_listMenuPlugins: Now exists if m23shared is active. cha: menu.php: Now doen't show some entries if m23shared is active. +++++ 2009-10-08 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php, exportDBInitTable: Now accept list of sources lists to export from command line arguments. new: SERVER_delFromHtpasswd: Removes a user with password to a htpasswd file. new: SERVER_addToHtpasswd: Adds a new user with password to a htpasswd file. +++++ 2009-10-05 cha: dbConnect: Now supports clients with m23shared +++++ 2009-09-30 cha: VM_startVM: Added font path to fix font error of vnc4server. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now can re-use existing virtual harddisks. +++++ 2009-09-10 cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now checks if the m23 client is run in VirtualBox and try to install the VirtualBox guest addons. cha: KDE_install: Now installs m23-kde4-wallpaper. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now configures the display drivers for VirtualBox and VMWare. +++++ 2009-09-07 cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now creates backups of the client packages to the FRS. new: m23-skel/postinst: Adds setting of the .kde4 home directory if KDE 4 is installed to "profile" in /etc/skel. cha: m23-skel/postinst: Now disables start of kaboom. +++++ 2009-09-05 cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now has another fallback to create a working xorg.conf. cha: .profile: Now checks if KDE4 is installed and sets KDEHOME. +++++ 2009-09-01 cha: hwcheck, printconf, alsa-autoconfig: Added LSB parts to the headers of the scripts. +++++ 2009-08-31 cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now CLCFG_language is executed before the user is added. cha: CLCFG_language: Now changes the skel so that the keyboard in KDE is set to the client's language settings. cha: kdeglobals: Added font antialiasing cha: plasma-desktop-appletsrc: Now uses ~/Desktop as dektop directory. +++++ 2009-08-21 cha: menuManualStart.sh: Adjusted urls to the new file release system of SourceForge. new: uploadFRS: Uploads files to the new FRS of SF. This will replace the sf-upload calls. cha: uploadPDFFRS, m23instUpload: Now uses uploadFRS. +++++ 2009-06-29 cha: m23patch.php: Now checks if a (maybe) in apt.conf set proxy is pingable. The m23 0.8.5 VM and ISO came with a false preset proxy for APT upgrades on the m23 server. +++++ 2009-06-25 patch: Fixes assimilisation of Ubuntu cumputers that don't report a valid IP. Added search option in the client overview dialog. +++++ 2009-06-21 cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now doesn't overwrites the IP because it may be reported false by some Ubuntu versions. new: CLCFG_createScreenRC: Creates the (under Ubuntu) needed settings for screen. new: DB_getLikeableColumns: Returns an associative array that contains all fields of a table that can be searched by LIKE. cha: CLIENT_query: Added parameter with search string to search all clients for and only list matching clients or all if $search is empty. cha: clients_overview: Added search dialog. +++++ 2009-06-16 fix: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Fixed URL to the m23 community page article. +++++ 2009-06-14 patch: Server installation CD updates. cha: installLilo: Uninstalls grub now. cha: installLilo: Now adds large-memory option to lilo.conf if it's missing. patch: Small changes for the m23 server installtion cd. cha: installDebs: Now adds m23 server repository to sources.list. +++++ 2009-06-12 cha: m23-ldap/postinst: Now adds an LDAP group. patch: Fix for the LiLo filter. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: Fix for the LiLo filter. patch: Changes to support LiLo better. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now filters out double entries in lilo.conf. This may happen on RAID systems and hinder lilo to install. cha: installLilo: Links update-grub to lilo now. +++++ 2009-06-10 cha: m23-box/postinst: New code to disable VirtualBox OSE registration dialog. patch: Update for the graphical VirtualBox OSE console. cha: VboxVMStarter: Now sets the background image via xloadimage. new: Created background image for the graphical VirtualBox OSE console. +++++ 2009-06-09 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed Debian Sarge from the sources list. patch: Small changes for VirtualBox environment. cha: serverStatus.php: Changed IP to ping. cha: work.php: Now waits if the partition and format job is active and no distribution is set. Only this way the inode size can be set on Etch. cha: VboxVMStarter: Now starts flwm. cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Adjusted configuration to VirtualBox 2.2.4 OSE. +++++ 2009-06-08 patch: Small changes and update for VirtualBox OSE. new: Creates new VirtualBox 2.2.4 OSE packages. cha: m23/postinst: Links update-grub to lilo now. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Links update-grub to lilo now, if lilo is the bootmanager. cha: HTML_listSelection: Now processes the input array only if it is an array. patch: 64 bit compatiblity for the m23 VirtualBox environment. cha: m23-vbox: Can now be installed on 64 bit machines. cha: m23-vbox: Switched window manager from olvwm to flwm. +++++ 2009-06-07 patch: Version change and small changes. release 0.8.5 +++++ 2009-06-06 cha: createOSImage: Now uses maximum compression settings for 7-Zip to compress the OS image. cha: menuDoc: Now can be executed as root (if needed). patch: Fix for language setting in mass install. fix: MASS_startInstall: Now copies the language setting from the defined client. patch: Fixes for mass installation and BackupPC. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now sets the current page. Needed for continuing the client definition process. +++++ 2009-06-05 cha: add_client.php: Now uses settings from session. cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now uses client name from session. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now saves in the session that the next dialog is the disk define dialog if client definition is selected. +++++ 2009-06-04 fix: BACKUP_addAdmin: Now restarts the Apache after changing the accounts for BackupPC. patch: Changes for grub on Etch. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now has an extra parameter for settings of mkfs.ext2 and mkfs.ext3. cha: m23fdiskFormat: Now sets the size of the inodes to 128 bytes for Debian Etch (this is needed for the grub in Etch.) patch: texlive is now optional and is installed only when running menuDoc. cha: menuDoc: Now checks for LaTeX environtment and installs the needed packages if missing. +++++ 2009-06-03 patch: Fixes for the DHCP detection and the maximum size of the harddisk when installing the m23 server from the ISO. cha: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Added a link to the DHCP warner log file that contains the rouge DHCP server. fix: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Another fix and now only foreign DHCP servers get detected. fix: setClientStatus.php: Now includes vm.php what enbales setting a client to status green. cha: getDrives: Now calculates the size of the harddisk via sfdisk. This should correct installation problems on big drives. Tested with a VirtualBox virtual harddisk of 2TB. patch: Fix for the SSH key creation when installing from the server installation CD. fix: startBaseInstallation: Now creates new SSH keys on installation again. +++++ 2009-06-02 patch: Fix for the DHCP warning dialog. fix: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Now uses the correct DHCP UDP port for scanning. patch: Added missing package latex2html for Debian. new: Created latex2html package. patch: Small changes for the server installation ISO. cha: installDebs: Now installs and configures m23-vbox with the installation ISO. cha: createRFSBins: Special handling for 7-Zip binary. cha: installDebs: Now removes "http://m23debs" from sources.list +++++ 2009-05-29 cha: HTML_listSelection: Changed logic for normal arrays as variables and values. fix: uploadHtml: Adjusted the server for extracting the development guide. cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now posts the URL to the article on the m23 community page too. fix: makeDoc.sh: Fixed path for copying the development documentation. +++++ 2009-05-27 cha: html2tex.sh: Reducing image size to make the screenshots fit on the paper of the documentation. +++++ 2009-05-25 cha: kh2p: Now compresses the PNGs for the manual by color reduction to approx. a third. cha: m23updateChangelog: Now posts the development messages of the last day to Twitter. new: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Posts all articles that are newer than the newest article in the previous run to Twitter. +++++ 2009-05-24 patch: Small fixes to improove compatibility of grub with some partitions. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now sets the type of the partition via sfdisk. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes sfdisk. fix: CLCFG_changeUser: Now sets the password correctly (Thx Doc). fix: m23changeClientInstall.php: Now sets the root password correctly. +++++ 2009-05-22 patch: French translation completed. new: fr/createVM.hlp: Added French translation. new: fr/welcome.hlp: Added French translation. +++++ 2009-05-17 patch: Fixes for the message box and the package creation of the MDK. fix: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader, MSG_showMessageBox, MSG_showMessageBoxFooter: Now shows the message again if it is not returned. fix: simpleBuild: Now never creates empty packages if there are no changed files. release 0.8.3 patch: Redesign of the welcome page with included online blogs of current m23 events. cha: en/de welcome.hlp: Completely rewritten. +++++ 2009-05-15 new: MSG_DeActivateBlogDialog: Creates a dialog to en/disable a blog. The displaying state is written to the DB. cha: welcome.php: The status blogs can get (de)activated now. +++++ 2009-05-14 cha: welcome.php: Now shows the m23 status blogs as part of the welcome message. cha: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader, MSG_showMessageBoxFooter, MSG_showMessageBox: Now have an extra parameter to set if the HTML output should be returned rather than show. cha: MSG_showRSSFeed: Is now MSG_getRSSFeed and returns the HTML rss output cha: MSG_showm23DevelopmentBlog: Is now MSG_getm23DevelopmentBlog and returns the HTML output of the development blog cha: MSG_showm23UpdateFeed: Is now MSG_getm23UpdateFeed and returns the HTML output of the update feed +++++ 2009-04-22 cha: SERVER_runningInBackground: Now checks screen to check if a process is running. new: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Shows an error message if there is found another DHCP server on the net. +++++ 2009-04-16 cha: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: New parameter to choose if the file should be overwritten even if the new file is empty. cha: UPDATE_getInfo, MSG_showm23UpdateFeed: Now don't overwrite the cached files if the new file is epmty. new: MSG_showWarning: Shows the warning block for the warning messages. cha: client_distr.php: Added a warning message if Ubuntu is choosen. +++++ 2009-04-14 patch: RSS feed and other news support on the welcome page. new: MSG_showRSSFeed: Shows a RSS feed. new: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: Downloads a file if it is not older than a given time and returns its contents. cha: UPDATE_getInfo: Now uses HELPER_getRemoteFileContents and has an extra parameter to check for updates after a given time. New: MSG_showm23UpdateFeed: Shows the m23 server update feed. new: MSG_showm23DevelopmentBlog: Shows the m23 development blog. +++++ 2009-04-09 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed exporting all Ubuntu releases but Gutsy and removed Debian Woody. +++++ 2009-04-08 patch: Some fixes and script updates. +++++ 2009-04-07 cha: checkForx86_64Toolchain: Now downloads and installs the a binutils package that can handle the new amd64 format of the Debian Lenny binary files. new: Created a 64 bit package of VirtualBox OSE 2.1.4. cha: m23/postinst: Now writes cpu type and speed to the database on localhost. new: en/createVM.hlp: Finished translation. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost, VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Added code for preseting while screenshot making. cha: index.css: Font sizes are now set to 15. Liberation Sans is now the default font. cha: *: MSG_showNewFeature removed from all files. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added screenshot for creating a VM. +++++ 2009-04-06 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now activates network booting for the VM. cha: client_directConnection.hlp: Added ticks around the network boot password to make it easier to copy and paste in FF. fix: HTML_selection: Now the security check allows the correct value. cha: createRFSBins: Add badblocks tool to the bootimage. cha: bootimage: Updated the base to Debian Lenny. +++++ 2009-04-04 new: de/createVM.hlp: New help file for creating a virtual machine. cha: VBoxVNCStarter: Start xclock to make the VNC screen get updated every second. +++++ 2009-04-02 patch: Virtualisation added. new: CLIENT_showDelDialog: Shows the dialog for deleting a client. new: HTML_setPage: Sets the m23 page as hidden value. cha: delete_client.php: Now uses CLIENT_showDelDialog and CLIENT_showDelDialog. +++++ 2009-04-01 new: VM_delete: Deletes a virtual machine from a VM host. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: New parameter to delete the VM too. +++++ 2009-03-29 new: VM_webAction: Executes an action for a VM controlled by the web UI. new: VM_activateNetboot: (De)Activates network booting of a VM. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now (de)activates network booting on VMs. new: VM_stopVM: Generates a BASH command to stop a virtual machine. new: VM_pauseVM: Generates a BASH command to pause a virtual machine. new: VM_resumeVM: Generates a BASH command to resume a virtual machine. +++++ 2009-03-28 new: VM_getHTMLStatusBlock: Generates and returns a status block in a HTML table with informations (VM host, VM software, VM power switch state, visual console URL and password, VM NICs) about the selected VM client. new: VM_vmSwNr2Name: Converts the VM software constant (VM_SW_*) to the human readable name. +++++ 2009-03-27 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now sets the client's VM settings if it's VM. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Can be preseeded with MAC, clientname, VM software and host if created by VM creation page. new: VM_activateNetbootCMD: Generates a BASH command line to (de)activate network booting of a VM. new: VM_convertSwitchStatusInfo: Returns the status of a VM guest in several ways. +++++ 2009-03-26 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now makes proposals for DNS, netmask, IP and gateway. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now shows a link for adding the VM client after its sucessful creation. +++++ 2009-03-25 cha: HTML_showFormHeader: Now stores the client name and ID in the session if the information could be received by GET. new: CLIENT_addChangeElement: Generates a HTML dialog element for changing a client property. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses CLIENT_addChangeElement. cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now doesn't have parameters any more. The client name is taken from $_SESSION['clientName'] and the elements to change from $_SESSION['changeElements']. new: getServerGateway: Returnes the gateway of the m23 server +++++ 2009-03-24 cha: PKG_listKernels: Removed new: PKG_getKernels: Generates an associative array with the available kernels for an architecture and distribution as keys and values. Replaces PKG_listKernels. fix: LDAP_listServers: Now doesn't list LDAP servers with empty names. cha: LDAP_listServers: Now returns an associative array with the LDAP server names as keys and values. cha: HELPER_passGenerator: Generates semi-random passwords via pwgen or DB_genPassword. cha: CLIENT2_showAddDialog: Now generates user and root password via HELPER_passGenerator. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Complete re-design with new functions. +++++ 2009-03-23 new: HTML_submitDefine: Defines but does not show a button. new: HTML_submitCheck: Checks if a previously defined button was clicked. cha: HTML_selection, HTML_checkBox: Added support for saving the value to the session. new: HTML_storableCheckBox: Shows a check box with label with loading and storing the checking state to and from the session. new: HTML_storableSelection: Shows a list of radio buttons or a selection with loading and storing the checking state to and from the session. +++++ 2009-03-22 fix: HTML_input: Now accepts the maxlength parameter. cha: HTML2_selection: Removed. new: HTML_getElementValue: Gets the value for a HTML element by the session data or POST value. new: HELPER_array2AssociativeArray: Copies the values of an array as keys AND values to a new assiciative array. cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: Removed. cha: PREF_saveAllPreferenceValues, PREF_saveAllPreferenceValues: Now take the preference name from $_SESSION['preferenceName'] and not from the arguments. cha: PREF_getClientPreferences: Added parameter directOutput. If enabled the preference names will be given out as a HTML option list. If disabled an array with the preference names as key and value will be returned. new: PREF_showPreferenceManager: Shows a dialog to load and delete existing preferences and to create new preferences. new: PREF_preferenceLoadManagerHandler: Executes loading and deletion of preferences after pressing the according buttons and defines the buttons for PREF_showPreferenceManager(); new: PREF_preferenceSaveManagerHandler: Executes the saving of preferences. +++++ 2009-03-21 new: CLIENT_DETAILS_beginCategory: Starts a new named section for icons. new: CLIENT_DETAILS_endCategory: Ends the previously opened icon section. new: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon: Adds an icon in a section. new: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon2: Adds an icon in a section that can link to all URLs. cha: client_details.php: Redesigned with the CLIENT_DETAILS_* functions. new: VM_getSWandHost: Gets the VM software and VM host of a m23 client. new: VM_getStatus: Returns the current status of a VM guest. new: PREF_loadAllPreferenceValues: Loads all values of a preference into the session. new: PREF_saveAllPreferenceValues: Saves all values of a session into the preference. +++++ 2009-03-20 cha: HTML_showFormEnd: Now stores all session in a hidden variable. cha: HTML_showFormHeader: Now reads the session data stored in a hidden variable. new: VM_getAllVMHosts: Returns a list of all VM hosts with a choosen virtualisation software. new: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Shows a dialog parts for choosing the VM host. new: VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Shows a dialog part with information about the chose VM host. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now filters out unwanted SSH messages. cha: CLIENT_query: Now can filter for all VM clients run on a host. cha: CLIENT_showClietInfoMenu: Removed. new: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Shows a dialog to create a new VM on the chosen host. +++++ 2009-03-19 new: m23VirtualBoxInstall.php: Script for installing the VirtualBox OSE virtualisation solution on an m23 client. new: CLIENT_getCurrentFreeSpaceInDir: Get the amount of free space in a given directory on a client or localhost. new: CLIENT_getCurrentMemoryUsage: Gets the amount of free and total memory on a client or localhost. +++++ 2009-03-18 cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Now makes the m23 server a VBOX server by setting software type and virtualisation role in the database if the package is installed on the m23 server. new: VM_setHostInDB: Sets the password for the login to the visual management console on the host for all guests, the host flag and the type of used virtualisation software. cha: VM_setVisualPassword: Replaced by VM_setHostInDB. cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Transfers virtualisation software type and password to the m23 server if the package is installed on an m23 client. +++++ 2009-03-17 new: CLIENT_getClientID: Returnes the ID of the calling client. new: VM_statusIcons: Returns HTML codes that include the VM status icons of the client. cha: CLIENT_generateHTMLStatusBar: Now uses VM_statusIcons. new: VM_setVisualPassword: Sets the password for the login to the visual management console on the host for all guests. new: VM_setVisualURL: Sets the URL to connect to the visual management console. cha: vnc4server-m23-vbox: Added parameter for the IP of the m23 server. cha: VBoxVNCStarter: Now sends the visual connection URL to the m23 server. +++++ 2009-03-16 new: CLIENT_getActiveNetDevices: Checks for active network devices on a client or localhost. new: HTML2_selection: Shows a list of radio buttons or a selection. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now adds a unique ID after every job name. cha: VM functions: Now use the constant VM_SW_VBOX for VirtualBox. +++++ 2009-03-11 new: vnc4server-m23-vbox: Modificated version of the vnc4server script. Added support for starting VirtualBox VMs in a new virtual desktop accessible via VNC. This gives a remote VNC desktop that runs a VirtualBox OSE session and is a replacement for the VRDP feature of the closed source edition of VirtualBox. new: VBoxVNCStarter: Starts some tools for the VNC desktop like window manager (olvwm), xterm, and VirtualBox OSE. new: killCurrentVNCSession.sh: Shows a dialog window on the VNC desktop to shut down the tools VBoxVNCStarter started. +++++ 2009-03-10 new: VM_delVM: Deletes a virtual machine. new: VM_createVM: Creates a virtual machine. new: VM_startVM: Starts a virtual machine. new: HELPER_randomMAC: Generates a random MAC address. new: VM_status: Gets the current status of a virtual machine. new: VM_parseVBOXdisk: Parses a harddisk/DVD/floppy status line of VirtualBox. new: VM_parseVBOXstate: Parses the status (on, off, paused) line of VirtualBox. fix: SERVER_runInBackground, CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now load the right environment variables for the current user. new: VM_parseVBOXNic: Parses the status line of a virtual network card. +++++ 2009-03-09 new: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Runs a script with "screen" in the background or under a plain BASH under a given user. The script can be executed on the local machine "localhost" or a remote client that is accessible via SSH with a public key and without a password. +++++ 2009-03-07 new: VM_createDiskImage: Creates a new empty virtual harddisk image file. +++++ 2009-03-06 cha: simpleBuild: Now has an extra parameter to force building the package even if there are no changed files. new: m23-vbox: New package for configuring VirtualBox OSE on the m23 server. +++++ 2009-03-05 cha: m23/postinst: Adds a check to make configuring fail on all systems but Debian. +++++ 2009-02-26 cha: makePackages: Now calls mkRelease to make sure that Releases and Releases.gpg are up-to-date. cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now tftp-hpa works if IPV6 is enabled. +++++ 2009-02-23 fix: newsletterGenerator2.sh: Now includes the first line of each article. +++++ 2009-02-21 cha: m23/postinst: Now imports the key that is used to sign the m23 packages. release 0.7.1 cha: m23/postinst: Added logic to detect if the Apache 2 is used. cha: m23/postinst: Now configures all found PHP versions. +++++ 2009-01-26 new: mkRelease: Makes the Release file and signs it. cha: menuDeb: Now creates and signs the Release file on uploading. +++++ 2008-12-18 release 0.7.0 patch: m23 should be installable on amd64 now. cha: m23 package: Added a "conflicts" line to make sure that the packages can't be installed by APT on Ubuntu because Ubuntu is no supported platform for the m23 server. cha: m23 package: Switched architecture to "all" to make it installable on amd64, too. cha: HELPER_grubMd5Crypt: Added parameter for the length of the MD5 password salt. cha: encryptShadow: Now uses HELPER_grubMd5Crypt to encrypt the shadow password MD5. +++++ 2008-11-18 patch: Packages now compatible with Debian Lenny and Apache 2.x. Additional language support for Gnome. The key bit size of the SSL certificates is increased to 4096 and contain a random serial number that makes them compatibile with Firefox 3.x now. Support for extra SATA controlers like the virtual SATA controler of VirtualBox was added. release 0.6.8 +++++ 2008-11-17 fix: menuManualStart.sh: Now correct links are produced for downloading the PDF. (Thx Andre) cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now supports restarting of the openbsd-inetd. cha: CLCFG_language: Now adds language setting to /etc/default/locale too. cha: CLCFG_language: Now sets language for Gnome session too. +++++ 2008-11-12 new: getApacheUser: Get the user Apache 1 or 2 is executed under. new: getApacheGroup: Get the group Apache 1 or 2 is executed under. cha: mkCert.sh, fix-permissions: Now use getApacheUser and getApacheGroup. +++++ 2008-11-11 cha: m23-ldap: Now supports Apache 2 and PHP 5. cha: BACKUP_addAdmin: Now supports Apache 2. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports Debian Lenny too. fix: postint: Now deletes all unused "default" groups. +++++ 2008-11-10 cha: mkCert.sh: Increased key bit size to 4096. cha: mkCert.sh: Included the server ip into the X.509 certificate signing Request cha: mkCert.sh: Now generates a 16 digit random serial number for the SSL certificate. cha: mkCert.sh: Detection of the user and group Apache 2 is run under now works. cha: enable-ssl: Has support for Apache 2 now. +++++ 2008-11-08 fix: dodgerFilesGetFileList: Now lists the needed files again. +++++ 2008-11-07 cha: CIR_detectSCSI, getDrives: Added ahci generic SATA module. +++++ 2008-11-05 patch: Fixed corruption of software RAIDs. Added selection box for choosing the drive to install the MBR on. release 0.6.5 new: Completed help files. cha: bootimages: Build new bootimages with fixed checkdisklabel included. +++++ 2008-11-04 new: client_distr.php: Added selection box for choosing the drive to install the MBR on. +++++ 2008-11-01 fix: checkdisklabel: Removed the recreation of the partition table if a "loop" partition table ist found. This should fix the corruption of software raids. (Thx Yann for the hint) +++++ 2008-10-25 patch: Security enhancement for the bootmanager. Now installs extra language packages on Ubuntu. Fixed installation of the pure Gnome2 package. release 0.6.4 fix: m23gnome2Install.php: Included missing file (without was installation not possible). cha: install_packages.php: Now uses PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage instead of PKG_addShutdownPackage too. cha: KDE_install: Now installs Gnome language pack too. cha: Gnome_install: Now installs KDE language pack too. cha: CLCFG_language: Now tries to install language-pack-XX. +++++ 2008-10-24 cha: PKG_getPackageStatus: Commented out unused code. new: PKG_countJobsWithStatus: Counts named jobs on a client that have a special status. new: PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage: Adds a shutdown or a reboot package. No new job is addedm if there is already a waiting shutdown or reboot job. A shutdown package is added if the client can't be pinged and a reboot package if it is reachable via the network. cha: clientInstall.php: Now uses for all distributions PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage instead of PKG_addShutdownPackage. +++++ 2008-10-22 new: CLCFG_addGrubPassword: Adds a password line to the grub configuration to lock the edit line of bootmanager. new: CLCFG_addLiloPassword: Adds a password line to the LiLo configuration to lock the edit line of bootmanager. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now uses CLCFG_addGrubPassword and CLCFG_addLiloPassword. cha: client_distr.php: Removed debug code. +++++ 2008-10-21 new: HELPER_grubMd5Crypt: Encrypts a password to the MD5 hash as expected by grub. patch: Adjusted pool builder and added support for getting the base packages on new Debian versions. In addition small changes to KDE installation. release: 0.6.3 +++++ 2008-10-20 new: HELPER_putFileContents: Writes data to a file. cha: PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages: Now has 2 methods to figure out the base packages for the distributions. This should now work with all relesaed. A caching routine is included too to speed up the slow calculation of debootstrap. +++++ 2008-10-18 cha: POOL_makeRepository: Now contains fixing code to correct Release files that are missing the information stored in conf/distributions. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Added options to allow the download of packages from broken package sources. +++++ 2008-10-14 cha: KDE_install: Now installs gtk-qt-engine. new: m23-skel: Added media change icon to KDE's kicker. +++++ 2008-10-04 fix: PKG_addPackageSelection: Now accepts jobs without parameters. +++++ 2008-10-03 new: m23KDE4Gnome2Install.php: Script for parallel installation of KDE 4 and Gnome 2 desktop. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now uses dexconf for creating xorg.conf. cha: index.php: Now shows the page name as window title. +++++ 2008-10-02 cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now sets the default depth for XOrg to 24 bits. cha: clientConfigCommon.php: Now contains GNOME_installLoginManager, GNOME_install and GNOME_prepare. patch: Speeds up the client desaster recovery. release: 0.6.1 fix: clients_overview.php: Now remembers the action after sorting the clients. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF, uploadHtml, menuDevguide: Changed server because of SourceForge's structure changes. cha: CLCFG_writeHosts: Now sets /var/run/screen to 777 instead of CLCFG_installBasePackages. +++++ 2008-09-29 cha: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: Now sorts the clients. cha: m23normalInstall.php: Now reports dependend packages that got installed automatically and sets these install jobs to done. new: MSR_markm23normalAsDone: Marks comming m23normal install jobs as done if the packages they would install are already installed. This may happen when a package with dependencies is installed. new: PKG_fastGetInstalledPackages: Gets a list of all installed packages (faster than dpkg --get-selections). new: PKG_fastGetNewInstalledPackages: Gets new installed packages by comparing status files (before and after the installation). +++++ 2008-09-27 cha: client_partition.php: Now uses the first drive to install the bootloader. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adds all mouse modules that contain "mouse" in their names to the modules file to load them on system start. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now sets /var/run/screen to 777. +++++ 2008-09-24 release: 0.6.0 ISO +++++ 2008-09-21 patch: Package scripts improvements. cha: startBaseInstallation: Now creates a semi-random password for the LDAP server. cha: startBaseInstallation: Now removes remains from a existing LDAP database. +++++ 2008-09-20 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now has a non-interactive mode that doesn't ask if the virtual network devices should be created. +++++ 2008-09-19 new: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now deletes all contents of the tables in the m23 database. +++++ 2008-09-17 patch: Adds Ubuntu root enabler. new: ASSI_addUbuntuRoot: Enables the root account in Ubuntu if a Ubuntu installation is found. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now calls ASSI_addUbuntuRoot. patch: New kernel for client and server and code cleaning. cha: Updated kernel to for client and server. +++++ 2008-09-03 cha: CLCFG_resolvConf, CLCFG_aptConf, CLCFG_sourceslist: Now suppresses warinings if a non-existing file is attempted to get deleted. cha: CLCFG_installUsrM23: Deleted, because the files are now in the package m23-skel. +++++ 2008-09-02 patch: Some fixes and completed french translation. cha: KDE_prepare, KDE_install, KDE_installLoginManager: Moved to clientConfigCommon.php cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now has parameter to switch between KDE 3 and 4. cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog: Now lists swap partitions from the curious (new) type. (Thx Wolfgang) fix: client_partition.php: Now shows the correct heading for re-using existing partitions. +++++ 2008-08-18 cha: m23KDE3Install.php, m23gnome2Install.php: Installation parts are now split into seperated functions. cha: RAID_create: Tried to fix corruption of raids that were visible on mounting. Added logging and additional creation of the md device node with mknod and changed parameters of mdadm. +++++ 2008-08-14 cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Removing of partitions isn't critically any more. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adds all mouse modules to the modules file to load them on system start. new: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Makes sure the needed device nodes for the boot device are created. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now adds +x file attribute to m23fetchjob. +++++ 2008-08-05 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now with extra check for the (probable) faulty update-grub of Ubuntu Hardy/Intrepid. +++++ 2008-08-04 cha: checkdisklabel: Now only executes mklabel if parted doesn't return warnings. This suppresses a parted stack smashing error. cha: m23hwscanner: Changed the code to remove some compiler warnings. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added extra checks for Ubuntu Hardy/Intrepid to install GRUB correcty. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Extra checking for m23hwscanner, because m23hwscanner-ubuntu can not be installed on newer Ubuntu version. Instead the normal m23hwscanner is needed and installed here. +++++ 2008-08-02 patch: Eye candy for KDE and GRUB, some fixes and pre-release for m23 0.6.0. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Removed parameter $skelDir. cha: CLCFG_lilo2Grub: Now adds default kernel to start and timeout for user selection to the menu.lst. fix: PKG_listKernels: Now the choosen first kernel is the first in the list. new: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Adds the version number to a Debian or Ubuntu release. +++++ 2008-08-01 cha: deleteOldDoubles: Now works in the current directory. new: m23-skel: New package that replaces the usrm23.tar.gz file. new: m23-ksplash: New package that sets a m23 rock theme for ksplash. cha: clientInstall.php: Now install m23-ksplash instead of usrm23.tar.gz. cha: m23KDE3Install.php, m23Kubuntudesktop.php: Now isntall m23-ksplash. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Removed seconds from file creation information. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: Fixed possibly occurring grub installation error. cha: mkextradeb is now mkhwscanner. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now uses rsync without md5Check. cha: Removed not needed index files for uploadClientPackagesToSF. cha: menuDeb: Menu entry m23extra is now hwscanner. new: menuDeb: Added a new menu entry for building m23-skel and m23-ksplash with the name "m23extra". new: deleteDoublesmakeIndexAndReturn: Deletes package doubles and recreate the package index. new: m23-grub-splash: Package for installing a m23 splash image to the GRUB boot manager. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs m23-grub-splash together with grub. +++++ 2008-07-31 m23InstallerBase.inc, CLCFG_interfaces: Now removes old stored udev network device(s) to avoid network device numbering. de/en help files: Both translations now contain the same symbols and are (hopefully) correlative now. +++++ 2008-07-28 cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now checks for missing I18N symbols in the help text and indicates in which file they are missing. +++++ 2008-06-10 patch: Added not updated packages. patch: Better GRUB support and kernel update to cha: Increased size of kernel ramdisk size to 45MB. cha: Upgraded kernel to new: fixRamdisksize: Now updates the ramdisk sizes of all PXE config files to the current size value. +++++ 2008-06-04 new: CLCFG_lilo2Grub: Installs and runs the lilo.conf to Grub's menu.lst converter cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs lilo or grub as bootloader. +++++ 2008-06-02 new: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Added support for Grub +++++ 2008-05-26 cha: deleteOldDoubles: Nod is safe for Debian packages with different architectures in the same directory. +++++ 2008-05-15 cha: wget: Made a backport of wget from Lenny to Etch to support files bigger than 2GB. fix: m23/postinst: Now writes only a new dhcpd.conf if it's empty or reconfiguring is choosen (Thx Uli). +++++ 2008-05-08 cha: IMG_showImageManagement: Now show sizes in MB. patch: Added English and German translation. +++++ 2008-05-07 cha: de/en client_distr.hlp: Added hints for choosing the MBR. +++++ 2008-04-23 patch: Some enhancements and fixes for the imaging feature. fix: IMG_clientCreate: Now saves the written megabytes to the status file after the dd has terminated. +++++ 2008-04-22 new: IMG_installMBR: Installs the MBR on the client. cha: CLCFG_writeMBR: Is now replaced by IMG_installMBR and so commented out. new: EDIT_genClientm23Random: Generates BASH code to calculate a client-side random MD5 hash that is stored in the variable $m23Random. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adds a random password to lilo.conf to secure lilo against changing kernel parameters on the prompt. fix: IMG_clientCreate: Fixed status code. +++++ 2008-04-21 cha: IMG_getFormatCompressionFromFile: Extra parameter for checing for a MBR file. +++++ 2008-04-16 new: IMG_storeMBR: Sends the master boot record of the hard disk to the server. cha: IMG_getAllImages: Now doesn't show the MBR files any more. fix: IMG_getAllImages: Now shows the corrects size of images bigger than 4 GB. +++++ 2008-04-15 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now uses openvpn to create and delete the tun devices. cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now re-sets the IP and gateway of the real network connected devices on executing the disable script. new: MSR_m23ImagerMBR: Saves the received master boot record to a file after cecking the MD5. cha: IMG_showImageManagement: Deletes the mbr file of an image too if found. +++++ 2008-04-10 new: MSR_genSendBinayFileCommand: Sends a binary file to postMessage.php. In contrast to MSR_genSendCommand MSR_genSendBinayFileCommand is binary safe. new: MSR_decodeClientSideBase64: Decodes the slightly modificated base64 input stream created from MSR_clientSideBase64Encode. new: MSR_clientSideBase64Encode: Encodes a given file to (a slighly different, + is converted to - for sending it as post variable via wget) base64 format and appends the output to statusdata.post. There are two methods for generating the base64 output. First the native uuencode tool that is very fast and second a plattform idependent implementation of base64 encode in AWK taken from the HylaFAX package. +++++ 2008-04-02 cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Added button to execute waiting commands at once. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now writes the LILO bootloader in the installation partition too. +++++ 2008-03-14 IMG_clientCreate: Added status bar showing the progress of image creation. +++++ 2008-03-13 cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Creation of an imaging is now done from a network booted client. new: CLIENT_resetAndInstall: Resets or wakes the client to boot from network and run jobs. +++++ 2008-03-12 new: CLCFG_dialogGaugeProcPos: Generates the BASH code for showing a dialog with status bar that uses /proc/pid/fdinfo for current file position. new: IMG_getExtractedSize: Gets the size of the extracted image by its name. cha: IMG_clientRestore: Now uses CLCFG_dialogGaugeProcPos to show a nice status bar on writing the image. +++++ 2008-03-11 cha: checkdisklabel: Now sets loop partition tables to msdos to allow partitioning after RAID setup. fix: SCREDIT_newScriptTemplate: Now has correct path for m23CommonInstallRoutines.php, sets status to "done" and executes next job afterwards. +++++ 2008-03-10 cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now installs m23-initscripts. cha: work.php: Imaging sets no distribution value cha: PKG_getClientPackages: Now can filter the found packages by status. cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Now shows packages to install in the parameter of m23normal. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now enables ChallengeResponseAuthentication in sshd_config. +++++ 2008-03-02 cha: showRootPwDialog: Adjusted size of the password dialogs. patch: A bit smaler system image. cha: m23image.tar.7z: Added Midnight Commander. cha: createOSImage: Now excludes the initrd.img* files. They are not needed because they are re-created on server installation. patch: Fixes package errors. fix: m23/postinst: BackupPC config file will now get configured properly. fix: m23/postinst: The empty old version string is empty on e first time installation and will not be checked if the version to install is newer. This suppresses a faulty error message. cha: configureNetwork: Now allways creates 4 network devices. +++++ 2008-02-28 patch: Little changes only. cha: getDrives: Now uses the dialog's gauge element to show a status bar while probing the modules. new: startDropBear: Skript for starting dropbear ssh daemon from the server installation CD. +++++ 2008-02-27 fix: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports fake package source "imaging" (Thx Uli). +++++ 2008-02-26 patch: Completed packages. +++++ 2008-02-25 cha: Updated the Debian Etch operating system archive. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added screenshot making for the script editor. cha: fr/scriptEditor.hlp: French translation completed (Thx Maren). cha: phpMyAdmin: Updated to version 2.11.4. +++++ 2008-02-24 patch: Now with complete script editor and pool builder with support for amd64 architecture. cha: POOL_prepare, POOL_download: Now has a parameter for the CPU architecture. new: en/de scriptEditor.hlp: Added help files for the script editor. new: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader: Shows the header of the help block for the online help. new: MSG_showMessageBoxFooter: Shows the footer of the message block for the online help. cha: MSG_showMessageBox: Now uses MSG_showMessageBoxHeader and MSG_showMessageBoxFooter. +++++ 2008-02-15 new: SERVER_sendScriptToSF: Uploads a script to m23.sf.net for public use. fix: HELPER_listFilesInDir: Only sorts file names if there are more than one files. fix: compileKernel: Now really deletes old modules before copying new. +++++ 2008-02-14 cha: Updated kernel of the client bootimage to new: addm23CommandsToCodepress: adds all m23 PHP commands to the PHP.js of codepress to highlight m23 commands like normal PHP commands. patch: Corrected syntax error in the work.php. fix: work.php: Corrected syntax error (Thx Jose). +++++ 2008-01-16 patch: Now includes the sources list for Ubuntu Gutsy and the beginning of the new integrated script editor. +++++ 2008-01-15 new: Created a directory for storing user scripts. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages, PKG_getSpecialPackageInfo, work.php: Now search in the user script directory too. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now shows an icon in front of user created scripts. new: HELPER_listFilesInDir: Lists all files in a directory and returns an array with all file names. new: SCREDIT_newScriptTemplate: Returns a template for a basic script. new: Included CodePress into m23 to allow syntax highlighting in the browser. new: menu.php, index.php: Added menu entry for the script editor. new: SCREDIT_showEditor: Shows a script editor with syntax highlighting if JavaScript is enabled or a normal textarea input dialog. +++++ 2008-01-09 patch: Support for Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon and Ubuntu assimilisation. cha: en/de client_assimilate.hlp: Changed for Ubuntu assimilisation. +++++ 2008-01-07 cha: plink: Patched plink to disable question for adding unknow key. Now runs non-intercative. cha: MSR_clientSettings, MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now check for the client's architecture too. +++++ 2007-12-26 new: plink-ubuntu: Special version to execute commands via SSH as root on Ubuntu systems. cha: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: Can now run commands on Ubuntu systems. cha: ASSI_showClientAddDialog, ASSI_addClient: Added option for assimilating Ubuntu systems. +++++ 2007-12-22 cha: Updated the Ubuntu debootstrap to support Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now creates a symlink for the new debootstrap version. new: New souces list for Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon. +++++ 2007-12-03 patch: Help texts updated. cha: en/de/fr/client_add.hlp: Now with adjusted help texts. patch: Minor fixes new version number. cha: Incremented version number to 0.5.8. +++++ 2007-12-02 cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Now sets default display manager to gdm if it's not done by the packages. patch: Minor fixes for server installation. fix: getDrives: Now detects scsi drives in a more generic way. fix: Added needed link from the Debian pkgdetails-amd64 to Ubuntu debootstrap directory. +++++ 2007-11-27 cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now shows architecture and kernel name. cha: m23/postinst: Adds architecture option with i386 to all clients if it's missing. patch: Lots of changes for 64 bit clients. Improved hardware detection, lots of fixes. +++++ 2007-11-26 cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Errors about not found release file are not critically any more. cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now can change kernel and architecture in database. cha: PKG_updatePackageInfo, PKG_searchFor: Now with optional architecture parameter. cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now lists kernels for the selected architecture. +++++ 2007-11-22 fix: CLCFG_installUsrM23: Doesn't remove skel directory any more to add desktop icons for CD/DVD and harddisk drives. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Added selection to edit the used kernel. +++++ 2007-11-20 new: compileKernel: Now makes a distclean if the current compile architecture and the previously differs. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Falure on creating partitions is not critically any more. cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall, CLCFG_hwdetect: Removed installation of packages xf86config-knoppix and ddcxinfo-knoppix. +++++ 2007-11-13 cha: linuxrc: Now runs the hardware detection programms hwsetup and discover to guarantee a maximum of detection. cha: m23hwscanner.c: Added more generic logic to detect swap partitions. +++++ 2007-11-08 cha: Added package xorgconfig-knoppix to getBuildKnoppixDebs. new: Patch for xorgconfig-knoppix to add extra detection of PS/2 mice. new: Patch for xf86config-knoppix to add extra detection of PS/2 mice. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now uses xorgconfig-knoppix for XOrg cha: hwcheck: Now includes configuration file creation for XFree86 and XOrg via mkxf86config or mkxorgconfig. cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Creates 32 bit hwsetup package on 32 bit systems and 64 bit package on a 64 bit system. cha: m23hwscanner.c: Added more generic logic for finding CD devices. +++++ 2007-11-05 cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Now creates a i386 only hwsetup package. new: Build native amd64 hwsetup package. new: yaird packages: Build i386 and amd64 yaird packages from SID for all Debian versions. The new package is needed for building initrds for newer kernel versions. cha: prepareBuilding: Added a wait for key press. +++++ 2007-10-26 cha: Build new Debian package for pciutils 2.2.7. fix: kudzu.c: Fixed a crash on amd64 arch. cha: mkStaticKnoppix: Patch the makefiles different to use the new kudzu. cha: mkStaticKnoppix: Add a warning if the package could not be created. +++++ 2007-10-19 cha: BusyBox: Added getopts support. cha: createRFSBins: Added discover discover-modprobe discover-pkginstall discover-config. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now fetches a special pkgdetails version for amd64 systems. cha: DISTR_baseInstall: Now calls CLCFG_debootstrap with the choosen architecture. +++++ 2007-10-18 cha: DHCP_activateBoot, DHCP_writePXEcfg: Now with support for different architectures. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Added selection for architecture i386 or amd64. cha: createRFSDevs: Now gives out an error message if the directory for the device nodes could not get created. +++++ 2007-09-29 cha: createRFSBins: Now can figure out libraries needed amd64 executables. cha: createRFSBins: Now copies the binaries fo the choosen architecture if it's not the host's architecture. +++++ 2007-09-27 fix: listBusyBoxVersions: Now lists BusyBox source archives again after changing BusyBox's server configuration. cha: compileKernel: Improved amd64 support and adding of IA32 emulation in 64 bit kernels. cha: checkForx86_64Toolchain: Now uses timeouts for getting the cross compiler Debian package. cha: listConfigFiles: Removed dependency of current CPU architecture to enable "forking" of i386 config files for using in amd64 kernels. new: EDIT_addIfNotExists: Adds a line to a textfile if the search pattern could not be found. fix: x86_64 should not be converted to ia64. +++++ 2007-09-05 cha: m23/postinst: No locally stored packages (e.g. in extraDebs) don't get cached any more. +++++ 2007-09-04 fix: parted package: Removed files that got included wrongly. +++++ 2007-09-03 patch: Little pool builder patch. cha: PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Now sorts the files before listing. cha: POOL_makeRepository: Now contains code to fix Packages index files with empty Depends lines. +++++ 2007-08-21 patch: Small changes. cha: GRP_getDistrsAndSourcesLists: Check if no groupname is given and then give out all sources lists and distributions. fix: quickbuild.sh: Now supports building of package m23-mdk. +++++ 2007-08-17 patch: Another BackupPC SSH fix. fix: m23/postinst: Disabled strong verification of SSH keys. patch: BackupPC SSH key copying fixed. fix: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Removed copying of SSH key. This is now done by the m23 package. patch: Small fixes for the CD. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now sets more values via debconf. fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Removed . that caused syntax error in the client config files. patch: Made scripts for configuring BackupPC more robustly. fix: m23/postinst: Make BackupPC use the same password file than m23. cha: m23/postinst: Additional check for the existence of the BackupPC SSH key in authorized_keys. cha: m23/postinst: Make sure the BackupPC Apache include file is included in httpd.conf. cha: m23/postinst: Make sure all m23 admins are known to BackupPC. patch: Development guide updated. cha: Development guide: Updated. +++++ 2007-08-15 patch: Updated manuals and completed french translation. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog, CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions, GRP_showGroupsAndCount: Removed hint for new feature. new: fr/serverStatus.hlp: Translated. fix: m23.postinst: Creation of dhcpd.conf works again. patch: Updates to the package postinst, little corrections. fix: quickbuild.sh: Now works even if menuStart was not called before. cha: m23.postinst: Execution of the SQL files is only done if the SQL files are existing. cha: m23.postinst: Now creats the extraDebs directory with empty indices if it doesn't exist. cha: m23.postinst: Increased the size of the fields "cpu" and "MHz" in the table "clients". fix: m23XFceInstall.php: Added package xdm. +++++ 2007-08-14 new: array_keysSearch: Searches for a key in an associative array that matches a regular expression. cha: PKGBUILDER_showDialog: Creates the directory for the extra Debian packages if it doesn't exist. patch: Little corrections and support for multiple hardware of the same type fix: uploadHtml: Changed extracting command order. cha: uploadHtml: Now stores the archive under /tmp. cha: menuStart: Added checking for root permission on some entries. cha: menuClientISO, menuServerISO, menuDoc, menuDeb: Added checking for the current user and print out an error message and exit the script if it's the wrong user. +++++ 2007-08-13 cha: m23KDE3Install: Added kmix to the installed packages. cha: checkdisklabel (client side): Now uses same code as the version in m23InstallerBase.inc. new: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Logging of (un)sucessfully partition and formating attempts. +++++ 2007-08-10 new: getHardwareData: Support for multiple network, graphic, ISA and soundcards. cha: HWINFO_getNetworkCards, HWINFO_getGraficCards, HWINFO_getSoundCards: Better output. Elements are devided by breaks. cha: HWINFO_getCPU: Now returns name and speed of all CPUs. cha: HWINFO_getMhz: Removed. cha: Changed size of field "cpu" in the table "clients" to 255 to allow informations about multiple CPUs. cha: getHardwareData: Now stores names and speeds of all CPUs. cha: m23hwscanner: Found Linux systems are now written only with the device name only to lilo.conf. (e.g. sdb1 instead of /dev/sdb1) cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Added ata_piix to modules list. +++++ 2007-08-06 cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Detection of default display manager setting is read from /etc/init.d/gdm. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Now sets LDAP server and base DN in libnss-ldap.conf. (Thx Marian) +++++ 2007-07-19 cha: m23-mdk: Added dependency for 7-Zip. patch: Corrections of the pool builder. Additional patches to the Etch based server installation CD. cha: createOSImage, extractFile: Now uses 7-Zip for compressing. cha: checkdisklabel: Now integrated in m23InstallerBase.inc. fix: checkdisklabel: Changed to new parted version. Error messages about unrecognised disklabel are printed on stderr. new: addPoolToISO.sh: Script for compressing and adding an existing downloaded package source to the server installation CD. cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Added 7-Zip. fix: kh2p: Removed read. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added packageBuilder. cha: manual.tex: Added packageBuilder.hlp.tex. +++++ 2007-07-18 cha: PKG_downloadPool, pool.php: Replaced all log writing commands with "2>&1 | tee -a". cha: PKG_downloadPool, POOL_createExtendedPackageIndex, POOL_makeRepository: Now uses SERVER_runInBackground instead of directly calling screen. fix: m23image: Removed proxy settings from apt.conf. fix: m23/postinst: Creates MySQL m23dbroot user with less privileges because ALL PRIVILEGES is not possible. +++++ 2007-07-14 cha: m23/postinst: Now sets the php memory limit to 32MB. cha: mkDeb: Now removes backup files. cha: printconf: Now only gets executed on "start" or "restart". +++++ 2007-07-13 new: printconf: New script in m23-initscripts that scans for new printers and adds them. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Now activates printconf via symlink. +++++ 2007-07-12 fix: POOL_makeRepository: Now deleted old scripts. patch: EtherBoot images now working again and compressed. New server status log for posting in the m23 forum. +++++ 2007-07-10 new: client_details.php: Added icon for CUPS. Now can access the CUPS server of the m23 clients. new: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Configures CUPS for administration thru the m23 server and allows all clients in the network to print on the remote printer. fix: PKG_addPackageSelection: Now adds only valid packages. fix: EDIT_commentout: Now works if only the match parameter is given. fix: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Now installs the printer packages one by one to make sure that the most possible amount is installed. +++++ 2007-07-09 fix: createRFSEtherboot: Now compresses the initrd to decrease the image size. fix: createRFSEtherboot: Now uses the old working mknbi-linux again. new: CLIENT_query: Now can sort the list after client status, name, install date and last changed date. fix: POOL_createExtendedPackageIndex: Now corrects Packages* files on creation if there are empty "Depends" lines. +++++ 2007-07-02 new: SERVER_checkDiskFree: Reports the free space of all mounted media. new: SERVER_checkRunInVM: Checks if the m23 server is executed in a virtual machine or on native hardware. new: SERVER_checkKernel: Returns the kernel information string of "uname -a". +++++ 2007-06-25 new: SERVER_checkDownload: Downloads a special file from m23.sf.net and checks if the size and md5 sum are matching. new: SERVER_getOS: Returns the version string of the distribution. new: SERVER_getInstallationMedium: Tries to figure out how the m23 server was installed cha: head.php: Added link to the server status page. cha: index.php: Added entry for the server status page. new: serverStatus.php: Added page for showing a server status log for posting in the m23 forum. fix: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: Now can add special packages. +++++ 2007-06-21 cha: client_distr.php: Now supports installation of a package selection together with the OS. new: PKG_addPackageSelection: Adds a package selections to the list of packages to install. Uses most code of PKG_addRecommendPackages. cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: Now uses PKG_addPackageSelection. +++++ 2007-06-14 cha: m23 ldap package: Now asks for the ldap password only if it's not in the debconf. +++++ 2007-06-13 patch: Some changes for Debian Etch based server installation CD. new: m23 server installation CD: OS is now Debian Etch. cha: configureNetwork: Now adds network interfaces eth0 to eth3 if the setup is executed in VMware. This is needed because ist is not predictable what interface name will be used for the pcnet32 device. cha: installI18n.de / en: Slashes corrections. Added http in front of the m23 page url. cha: EDIT_prepareStr: Removed addslashes because it lead to errors in the phpldapadmin config file. +++++ 2007-06-11 cha: installLilo: Now is Etch compatible. fix: m23 server installation CD: Added missign genpw tool. +++++ 2007-06-04 patch: Package fix. fix: package m23: Corrected error in the postinst (BackupPC part). +++++ 2007-06-03 patch: Added Debian Etch package sources list. fix: package m23: Now includes Etch package sources list. fix: package m23: Creates BackupPC SSH key only once. +++++ 2007-05-30 cha: PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Add files excepting the package index files are removable. cha: excludem23deb: Now excludes the files in /m23/data+scripts/extraDebs +++++ 2007-05-25 patch: New package builder for distributing files and directory trees to the clients. fix: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now returns a text with the error description if the package source doesn't exist. +++++ 2007-05-24 new: PKGBUILDER_tar2deb: Converts a tar file (with bzip2 or gzip compression) into a Debian package. new: HELPER_getFileContents: Returnes the maximum file upload size allowed by php.ini. new: Help for packageBuilder. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir, SRCLST_genList: Now adds special source for extra packages. +++++ 2007-05-23 new: PKGBUILDER_showUploadDialog: Shows a dilog for uploading the tar files with checking of the file extension. new: convertTarToDeb: converts a tar with gzip or bzip2 compression to a Debian package. +++++ 2007-05-19 cha: mkStaticKnoppix: Now includes the newest pci.ids into the package hwdata-knoppix. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Commented out download of pci.ids. +++++ 2007-05-18 new: SERVER_rootFreeSpace: Shows an error message if the free space of the root partition is low. new: SERVER_tmpNotWritable: Shows an error message if /tmp is not writable. cha: menu.php: Added SERVER_tmpNotWritable, SERVER_dynamicIPWarn and SERVER_rootFreeSpace. cha: head.php: Removed uptime and system load and redesigned. cha: getServerIP: Shortened function. Is it faster now? new: SERVER_dynamicIPWarn: Shows an error message if the m23 server has a dynmic IP address. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now downloads the PCI ID database from pciids.sourceforge.net. +++++ 2007-05-16 patch: Enhancements for Debian Etch clients and some fixes. fix: hwcheck: Now does not get executed at shutdown any more. cha: m23KDE3Install: KDM configuring now uses scripts to adjust kdmrc and backgroundrc that are shipped with the package. cha: m23KDE3Install: Some extra debconf values for Debian Sarge. cha: DMI_getParam: Now support the new dmidecode output (Thx MartinUni). cha: m23KDE3Install: More lokalisation of KDM. +++++ 2007-05-15 new: EDIT_commentoutInsert: Comments out a matched line and inserts a new line after it. cha: hwcheck: Adjusts module path of XOrg is used. This is needed for Debian Etch. +++++ 2007-05-11 cha: MSR_partHwDataCommand: Adjustment to the code change of m23hwscanner. cha: m23hwscanner: Now stores the partition and hardware information directly to /tmp/partHwData.post. new: buildm23hwscannerAll: build the 32bit m23hwscanner statically and dynamically with "all" as architecture. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now extracts m23hwscanner all architectures version.. patch: Integrated user management for BackupPC. cha: htaccess.php: Now adds and removes users to /etc/backuppc/htpasswd too. +++++ 2007-05-10 patch: Better BackupPC integration. new: package m23: Configuration of BackupPC. +++++ 2007-05-09 fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Added missing tranfer method. new: m23/postinst: Now includes a part for configuring BackupPC. +++++ 2007-05-08 fix: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Added mounting of /sys to make installation of Debian Etch clients possible. cha: SERVER_addLineToFile, SERVER_delLineFromFile: Now are using a random filename for the temporary script. fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Now adds the needed line to /etc/backuppc/hosts. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now has support for mkinitrd.yaird. +++++ 2007-05-07 patch: Another parted patch and Debian Etch sources list. fix: parted: Now compiled without libreadline. new: Package sources list for Debian Etch. patch: Now the client boot CD should work on all systems. new: Devguide: Added section for patching and compiling parted. fix: Recompiled parted to remove silly debugging information of libparted that makes the output of m23hwscanner corrupt. (Thx MartinUni) +++++ 2007-04-28 fix: compileKernel: Now deletes the old modules. +++++ 2007-04-26 patch: Etch compatible packages. +++++ 2007-04-25 cha: m23-ldap/postinst template config: Added extra dialog for asking the LDAP server's admin password if it can't be read from debconf. This is needed for Debian Etch. +++++ 2007-04-24 cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now checks if inetd.conf should be configured (not needed on Etch). cha: m23/postinst: Now configures the DHCPd on Etch correctly. cha: excludem23-mdk-debsdeb: Now excludes changing indices of the changed, new and deleted files of the packages. +++++ 2007-04-20 fix: makeBootCD.php, BURN_checkISO: Corrected path to the ISO (Thx MartinUni). +++++ 2007-04-19 cha: m23/control: Adjusted squid.conf editing for Debian Etch. +++++ 2007-04-17 patch: Little changes. cha: welcome.hlp: Changed welcome text to the current political status. cha: m23-mdk: Added build-essential to the dependency list (Thx freemind). cha: Added "press Enter to continue" stop points to allow viewing of possibly existing error messages. +++++ 2007-04-16 patch: Assimilation of Debian clients reactivated. Building of client bootimages should work now. Client job fetching problems should be gone now. cha: createRFSBins: Now contains a routine to check that the needed Debian packages are downloaded and extracted. fix: Added missing directories to m23-mdk-client-server (Thx Bjoern). fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now stores the work.php under the correct name (Thx Bjoern). +++++ 2007-04-11 fix: /m23/bin/plink: Reincluded. Now the client assimisation should work again. (Thx joyfm) +++++ 2007-04-05 new: Script to setup network interfaces for VirtualBox to allow the guest machines to have access to the host machine and among themselves. new: newsletterGenerator.sh: Script for generating newsletters from the news of the m23 page. fix: mkIndex: Now can handle file names with spaces. +++++ 2007-04-03 patch: Adjustment for the new m23hwscanner. fix: makePackages: Now scans for packages in all architectures. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: Adds a link to libparted to make the new m23hwscanner work. +++++ 2007-04-02 cha: excludem23-mdk-debs: Adjusted to exclude unwanted files. patch: Added missing package m23-mdk-debs. fix: mkm23Debs: Added missing package m23-mdk-debs. fix: Fixed path in menuDeb's directuplinst patch: Now all empty directories are included in the Debian packages and EtherBoot bootimages are included again. fix: tftp: Adds missing EtherBoot bootimages. new: mkIndex: Now included empty directories. cha: simpleBuild: Removed mkMissingDirectories.sh functionality. +++++ 2007-03-30 patch: Little fix of checkdisklabel. fix: checkdisklabel: Adjusted to parted's new behaviour to show error messages on stdout and not on stderr anymore. patch: Fixed faulty parted. fix: parted-1.8.6: Replaces the faulty parted 1.7.1 shipped with Debian Etch. cha: parted-1.8.6: Patched that the default size unit is MB. This will make harddisk and detection more accurate. new: Uploaded patched parted to dodger-tools. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now takes parted from dodger-tools. +++++ 2007-03-29 patch: New version 0.5.5. new: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Add permission to udev that all users can access the audio device (Thx Michael J.). +++++ 2007-03-27 fix: m23-ldap: Removed "conffiles" because the listed config file isn't part in the package so the package didn't build. cha: m23install.sh: Loads German keyborad if "de" is selected. cha: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: Disabled deleting of all jobs on the destination machine. (Thx Bjoern) cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Now sets lower timeouts to enable booting of clients with LDAP support when the LDAP server isn't accessible (Thx Michael J.). +++++ 2007-03-26 new: menuBusyBox: Shows a menu for downloading and buildung BusyBox fix: menuBusyBox: Now begins with "make menuconfig" after choosing the BusyBox directory. new: menuBusyBoxDownload: Shows a menu of all available BusyBox versions, downloads and extracts the selected release and assigns the BusyBox patches (if available). new: uploadPDFFRS: Uploads single PDF files to the doc "directory" in the m23 SF file release system. fix: uploadHtml: Now really extracts the HTML files ;-) cha: uploadHtml: Added status information. new: User manual and devguide in version 0.5.5. cha: Updated sf-upload to 3.06. +++++ 2007-03-25 new: uploadHtml: Compresses and uploads a html directory to SF. cha: control file of m23-mdk-client and m23-mdk-server are using "Conflicts" and "Provides" directives now to remove the old packages. cha: Updated m23image.tb2 and removed user pmiller. cha: fix-permissions: Removed permission changing of m23 MySQL directory. fix: menuServerISO: Transfer now uses the correct path for the osimage. cha: Removed unneeded files from /m23/bin. cha: kh2p: Now uses khtml2png2. new: dodgerFilesGetFileList: Get all m23 files and directories are owned by the user dodger and stores the result in the file /tmp/dodgerFiles.lst. new: dodgerFilesChangeUser: Change user of all files and adirectories stored in /tmp/dodgerFiles.lst. cha: mkm23Deb: Now uses dodgerFilesChangeUser and dodgerFilesGetFileList to change the "working user" of the m23 files forth and back. +++++ 2007-03-21 cha: mkStaticKnoppix: dpkg-buildpackage now uses fakeroot. So normal users can build the packages. new: kudzu: Made a new patched version of kudzu based on the old patched kudzu and the kudzu-knoppix. fix: hwsetup: Recompiled with the new patched kudzu. cha: Package m23-mdk-bootcd is now m23-mdk-server and control file contains "Replaces" directive. cha: Package m23-mdk-bootimage is now m23-mdk-client and control file contains "Replaces" directive. new: Package m23-mdk-client-server: Contains common client and server parts. +++++ 2007-03-20 cha: createRFSISO: Enhancing mkisofs command: Long filenames, Rock Ridge, producer, CD name etc. cha: configureNetwork: Removed debug code. cha: chrootSystem: Now creates /var/run/screen/S-root too. cha: createServerInstallISO: Removed copying of the translation files. cha: getDrives: Changing code for getting harddisk size with parted because the parted output changed. cha: createRFSDevs: Now creates symlink for using loadkeymap. cha: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: Now uses my kudzu-patched-dev instead of kudzu-knoppix-dev. cha: kudzu-patched: Recompiled package on Sarge. Now it should work on Etch and Sarge. cha: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: Now uses locally stored kudzu-knoppix-* packages. cha: isolinux.cfg: Server now uses the same isolinux.cfg than the client. +++++ 2007-03-19 cha: makeusrm23, mkusrm23.sh: Removed. Functionality is now in mkusrm23. cha: menuBootCD.hlp: Updated. cha: mkm23Deb: Now uses exportDBInitTable for serverFunctions.inc. cha: menuServerISO: Removed exportDB. Is not needed any more because the DB initalisation is done in the Debian package. cha: exportDBInitTable: Added status messages. cha: exportDBInitTable: Removed creation of m23MySQL-Init.sh. cha: burnServerISO: Removed. Extended funtionality (e.g. selection of the CD recorder) is now in burnClientOrServerISO. cha: findClientOrServerISO: finds the current client or server ISO and prints the full path to the ISO or an error message. cha: m23install.sh: Does not include m23InstallerConfigure.inc any more. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now contains extractFile, extractBaseFiles, configureMySQLmycnf, configureNetwork that were removed from m23InstallerConfigure.inc +++++ 2007-03-14 cha: menuBootCD renamed to menuServerISO cha: menuStart: adjusted cha: menuServerISO: Now uses menuVars cha: Removed mk-m23.bz2.sh, makem23.tb2 cha: Moved functionality of makem23image.tb2 to createOSImage and added menuVars support. cha: createRFSISO: Boot CD iso prefix is now variable. cha: Moved functionality of makeCD.sh to createServerInstallISO and added menuVars support. new: createServerInstallISO: Creates the ISO image for burnung the m23 server installation CD. cha: menuServerISO: Switched menu logic from if-then to case. cha: Moved functionality of exportDBInitTable.sh to exportDBInitTable and added menuVars support. cha: Removed menuKernelBuilder.sh because functionality is in menuKernelBuilder. new: burnClientOrServerISO: burns the server installation CD or the client boot CD. +++++ 2007-03-13 cha: createRFSBins: Now copies libnss_compat.so.2 too: This is needed for authentification in dropbrear. cha: checkdisklabel: Now uses find instead of fsize. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Including dm-tools from Dodger-Tools. cha: wait4go/make.sh: Now builds i386 and amd64 versions and puts them into the compiled directories. fix: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Removed "-r0" from the ext3 formating command. fix: md5sum: Removed BusyBox version because it calculates wrong values. new: uploadClientPackagesToSF: uploads new and changed clients packages to SF cha: deleted uploadNew: Replaced by uploadClientPackagesToSF. cha: menuDeb: Now uses uploadClientPackagesToSF. +++++ 2007-03-12 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now uses MSR_getm23clientIDCMD to include /m23clientID to the client's request. (Thx dermartn) new: makePackages: creates the Debian package index (Packages, Packages.gz, Packages.bz2) cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now copies the files form completeExtracted too. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Extracts packages from the local repository too. cha: makePackages: Now scans for packages in all architectures. new: localArchAptSource: downloads and extracts the source of the Debian packages +++++ 2007-03-11 cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Now includes functionality of mkstaticdeb. cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Build all packages with architecture "all" and static (if possible). new: mkStaticKnoppix: builds a static Knoppix Debian package new: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: prepares the building of Knoppix packages e.g. makes a local sources.list and downloads the kudzu development files. +++++ 2007-03-08 cha: m23extradeb: Now builds 32 and 64 bit debs new: buildm23hwscanner32: build the 32bit m23hwscanner statically and dynamically new: buildm23hwscanner64: build the 64bit m23hwscanner statically and dynamically new: preparem23hwscanner64Build: downloads needed amd64 libraries, sets the cross compiler flag or installs the cross compiler new: localArchAptUpdate: updates the package info database for a locally stored sources.list and a given architecture new: localArchAptDownload: downloads Debian packages with dependencies for the currently selected architecture fix: clientInstall.php: Added user to group plugdev to enable auto mouning of usb devices. (Thx MartinUni) +++++ 2007-03-07 fix: m23hwscanner.c: Fixed compile error. cha: CIR_waitForNextJob: Now uses SSL. cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools, CIR_waitForNextJob: Removed fsize. cha: createRFSDevs: Now has cache function to store device nodes in a tar.gz file. cha: createRFSBins: Now uses createRFScopyLib. new: createRFScopyLib: copies a single library (with full name e.g. libnss_dns.so.2) to the RFS cha: bootimage: ping is now native to copy libnss-dns.so* automatically. cha: dhclient-script: Removed "inet" from ifconfig calls. cha: screen: Patched 4.0.3 to make it run without utmp. +++++ 2007-03-01 cha: isolinux.cfg: Now has timeout. This means the boot CD starts automatically after 5 seconds. cha: menuKernelBuilder.sh now is in function menuKernelBuilder cha: listKernelVersions: Better sorting of kernel versions cha: downloadExtractRootFiles: Now uses local cache directory. cha: downloadExtractRootFiles: Switched from Sid to Etch. new: compileBusyBox: compiles BusyBox for the selected architecture and copies the binary and links to the compiled directory new: checkForx86_64Toolchain: checks if the toolchain for cross compiling to x86_64 is installed new: Cross compiler and toolchain for creating x86_64 code on i386 machines. This will be used in the new MDK to generate 64Bit Linux kernels, BusyBox, etc. new: Debian package for the cross compiler and toolchain new: menuVarDel: removes a global variable from /tmp/menuVars. new: createRFSFinishInitrd: Umounts the initrd image, configures the kernel file and compresses initrd. These steps are needed to build the bootimages. new: createRFSImage: Creates an empty image file for the root filesystem new: createRFSCopyKernelNModules: copies the kernel and modules to the root filesystem new: createRFSEtherboot: creates the Etherboot bootimage from the root filesystem new: createRFSPXE: creates the PXE bootimage from the root filesystem new: createRFSISO: creates a bootable ISO from the root filesystem +++++ 2007-01-30 fix: menuOldConfig: corrected additional newline. new: getKernelArch: shows the current Kernel format (i386 or ia64) new: getKernelStoreDirWithArch: shows the directory where the architecture dependend kernel should be stored new: getModulesStoreDirWithArch:shows the directory where the architecture dependend kernel modules should be stored new: createRootFSBins: copies all listed executables with their libraries (and in addition their links) to the root filesystem new: makeLinks: makes one or more links to an existing file new: createRootFSDevs: creates generic device nodes in the root filesystem new: createRootFSBinLinks: creates links to multicall binaries +++++ 2007-01-25 new: Added packages dmtools and mencoder-easy to the SF pool. fix: expertPartition: Now sets correct variables to support custom partitioning. Thx marian. cha: Updated menuDebs.hlp. new: menuDeb: Now supports direct uploads of packages. patch: Little network calculating fix and user edited configuration files are not overwritten by updates packages any more. cha: m23-ldap: Added conffiles. Thx marian. +++++ 2007-01-23 cha: checks.php: Code enhancment. fix: CLCFG_interfaces: Now uses correct functions CLIENT_getSubnet and CLIENT_getBroadcast for calculating network and broadcast. Thx Obergandhi and n0ll4k. +++++ 2006-12-20 new: archFunctions.inc: Functions for building the bootimage for different architectures new: getBuildArch: shows the current build architecture for m23 kernel, bootimage, busybox new: getDebianArch: shows the current Debian format (i386 or amd64) new: menuSelectArch: Shows a menu for selecting the current build architecture new: downloadExtractRootFiles: Downloads basic packages of a choosen architecture and extracts the contents. new: menuVarAdd: Sets global variables and values stored in /tmp/menuVars. cha: menuKernelBuilder.sh: +++++ 2006-11-28 new: My upload scripts are now under /mdk/m23helper/uploadEngine. patch: Better packages with new sources lists for Ubuntu Edgy, Dapper and Feisty. new: exportDBsourceslist: Exports the sources lists. cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now uses exportDBsourceslist. +++++ 2006-11-27 patch: Support for Ubuntu Dapper and Edgy and enhanced support for Gnome. +++++ 2006-11-25 cha: m23gnome2Install: Now sets the m23 background. +++++ 2006-11-24 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now links to libparted-1.7.so.1 in addition. cha: m23gnome2Install: Now installs language pack. +++++ 2006-11-23 cha: m23 website update. new: changeDepArch.sh: Script for changing the architecture of a Debian package. +++++ 2006-11-21 fix: m23hwscanner: Increased variables for storing boot and root devices. No deleting of the root device any more. Now boot and root devices with 10 and more characters are possible. cha: install_packages.php: Now does all package jobs at once (tries to start the jobs via SSH). cha: mkDeb: Command line parameters are stored in named variables. cha: mkstaticdeb, mkDeb: Added comments, now can choose a different acritecture and store directory for the resulting Debian package files. cha: mkextradebs: Now makes fake amd64 packages in a different directory. +++++ 2006-11-20 patch: Support for Ubuntu Edgy and Ubuntu Dapper. cha: mkDeb: Now can edit control to change the architecture of the package. cha: mkextradeb: Now builds amd64 and i386 packages of m23-hwscanner-ubuntu, m23-hwscanner and m23-initscripts. cha: m23-initscripts: Now patches xorg.conf on Ubuntu 6.06 too. Thx Soeldi cha: m23-initscripts, m23-hwscanner-ubuntu, m23-hwscanner: Changed architecture of the deb to any. The should be nstallable on amd64 too. Thx tradehaven. +++++ 2006-11-17 patch: Support for new Ubuntu versions. +++++ 2006-11-16 fix: PKG_searchFor, PKG_downloadPool, PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now are working with packages sources that contain spaces and other special characters in their names. Thx Bjoern, marian and tradehaven for their hints. new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu: Updates the debootstrap scripts for Ubuntu and returns the www path to the files new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScripts: Updates the debootstrap scripts for Debian or Ubuntu and returns the www path to the files cha: debootstrap: Updated Ubuntu version of debootstrap. cha: ubuntu/ clientInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu. +++++ 2006-11-14 patch: Litte fix in the phpMyAdmin config file. patch: Minimal changes on the m23-mdk-bootimage. Only needed if you want to build your own bootimages. fix: m23-mdk-bootimage: Now adds needed directories. Thx Bjoern, n0ll4k for the hint. cha: excludem23-mdk-bootcddeb: Added Packages.* to avoid recreation of the package every time. +++++ 2006-11-10 patch: Another LDAP fix and support for Ubuntu 6.10. fix: m23-ldap: Sometimes the m23-LDAP entry wasn't added in the m23 interface. cha: m23-ldap: I was reported that the phpldapadmin/config.php can contain \' instead of '. This will lead to a nonfunctional m23 interface. I couldn't reproduce this behaviour, but I've added correction code to convert \' to '. So the config.php should be ok now. Thx Bjoern. +++++ 2006-11-09 cha: m23-initscripts: In Ubuntu 6.10 it is needed to remove a line from xorg.conf to start X properly. The new initscripts will detect this Ubuntu release and adjust xorg.conf. Thx Soldi. +++++ 2006-11-08 patch: Fixes problems with LDAP and DHCP. fix: m23-ldap: Package now configures needed settings for LDAP and phpLDAPadmin. The LDAP server should run out-of-the-box now. +++++ 2006-10-30 cha: DHCP_addClient: Now adds new entries at the top of the dhcpd.conf. This makes it possible to use the dhcp server on the m23 server for giving out IPs for clients in a range. Thx MisterA. new: DHCP_restartDHCPserver: Restarts the DHCP server. Fix: DHCP_rmClient, DHCP_addClient: Now are using DHCP_restartDHCPserver. This propagates status changes in dhcpd.conf on every call. Thx MisterA for the hint. fix: CLIENT_deleteClient: Now the PXE entry of clients that never got installed will be removed on removing the client. Thx MisterA for the hint. +++++ 2006-10-04 cha: m23 page: New icons for Debian, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, m23 and m23-update. cha: m23 page: Disabled borders on images. new: m23 page: Installation guide in German and English. new: m23 page: Scripts for short links to downloads and news articles. patch: Introduces software RAIDs. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Upload now uses rsync. +++++ 2006-09-30 cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Added detection for RAIDs. cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Added code that tries 10 times to install the gnome packages, because I had sometimes problems installing it. +++++ 2006-09-29 fix: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now doesn't delete existing tables any more. fix: excludem23deb: Now allows phpMyAdmin.png. cha: UPDATE_running(): Now checks against the running screen session. +++++ 2006-09-26 fix: makeCD.sh: Now uses getRamDiskSize to get the correct size of the ram disk. new: manual: Better screenshot input data. new: manual: German version updated und uploaded. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added add_RAID. cha: client_partition.php: Better support for making screenshots. +++++ 2006-09-23 new: Added help text for RAIDs in german and english. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Corrected symlink to m23fetchjob. cha: m23hwscanner: Now has support for detecting RAID systems. fix: m23hwscanner: Now detects all initrd.imgs cha: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: Now works even if dev_amount isn't set. cha: client_partition.php: Now calculates and stores the device to install the MBR of the bootloader in in an extra option. new: CLCFG_getMbrPart: Returns the device to install the MBR of the bootloader in. cha: POOL_makeRepository, POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Now works if the CD/DVD mount point is a symlink. cha: FDISK_getAfterPartition: Now rounds up the percentage value. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now doesn't use FDISK_getAfterLastPartition any more. cha: HWINFO_printPartitions: Now shows partition table too. +++++ 2006-09-04 new: FDISK_raidJob: Generates a job to create a RAID on given drives/partitions. new: FDISK_addRaidJobs: Generates jobs to create all RAIDs. new: FDISK_buildRaidDialog: Shows a dialog for creating RAIDs of different types and assign real drives or partitions. cha: FDISK_listPartJobs: Now lists RAID jobs. cha: FDISK_listPartitions: Now lists only partitions that aren't used for a RAID or that lay on a drive that isn't used for a RAID as a whole. cha: FDISK_addDrivePartitionToRaid: Now locks drives that are used for a RAID as a whole or partitions that are used in a RAID. cha: FDISK_listPartitions: Now lists RAID devices too. cha: FDISK_formatPart: Now "formats" the fake RAID partition to adjust param. cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now lists all partitions that can be used for installation or swapping. cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now lists only partitions that aren't used for a RAID or that lay on a drive that isn't used for a RAID as a whole. cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog: Removed unneeded parameter vDev. fix: client_partition.php: Now shows a heading for "delete partition" step. new: FDISK_addFstab: Adds a new entry to the fstab that is stored in the param array. new: FDISK_listFstab: Generates a HTML table with all defined mountpoints. cha: HTML_showEditLine, HTML_showSubmitButton: Removed new: HTML_input: HTML text or password edit line. new: FDISK_fstabAddDialog: Dialog for adding fstab entries. +++++ 2006-09-03 cha: uasort_cmpMakeFirst: removed new: array_makeFirst: replaces uasort_cmpMakeFirst. new: FDISK_getDrivePartitionSize: Calculates the size of a drive or partition. new: FDISK_listRaidTable: Get informations about the assigned real drives/partitions of a RAID. +++++ 2006-09-02 cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions, FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions: New parameter pathFilter: Set this to another value than false if you want only devices with a given string in it. If you add an "!" the beginning all is given out that doesn't contains the filter string (without the "!"). fix: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: Now can search for partition number 2 (and higher). new: FDISK_addDrivePartitionToRaid: Adds a drive or partition to a RAID. +++++ 2006-09-01 cha: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: Now works with multi devices too. new: FDISK_virtualAddDrive: Adds a new drive to the param array. cha: uasort_cmpMakeFirst: Now sorts the other elements. +++++ 2006-08-26 cha: client_partition.php: Introduced some constants for the extended partition steps. cha: client_partition.php: Code beautifying. new: client_partition.php: Added selections for choosing extended partitioning with RAID and/or LVM. new: HTML_submit: Shows a submit button. new: uasort_cmpMakeFirst: Special sort function that makes a special element the first element and leaves the other elements in its previous order. new: HTML_selection: Shows a list of radio buttons or a selection. cha: client_partition.php: Now uses HTML_selection. cha: FDISK_listPartTable: Now includes HTML table code and table headings. new: FDISK_addNewPartitionDialog: Shows a dialog for adding partitions. +++++ 2006-08-24 new: RAID_create: Creates a RAID of different drives or partitions. new: LVM_init: Scans for existing volume groups and activated all found volumes. new: LVM_createVolumeGroup: Creates a volume group. With multiple calls you can join multiple devices or partitions to. new: LVM_createLogicalVolume: Creates a logical volume. This logical volume can be used like a normal partition. +++++ 2006-08-21 cha: menuDeb: Now creates the update infor files. cha: menuStart: Commented out "update" entry. cha: makeCD.sh: Now adjusts the size of the ramdisk in isolinux.cfg with the value of kernelRamDisk.inc. +++++ 2006-08-14 patch: Some changes, fixes and preparations for the m23 Debian packages. cha: m23patch: Changed code to work with the new m23 Debian packages. cha: menuBootCD: Commented out making tar bz2 archives for m23 and mdk. +++++ 2006-08-03 cha: m23 package: Added warning if there is no static ip. cha: mkCert.sh: Uses hostname for the certificate if no static ip is found. fix: chrootSystem: Now copys m23hwscanner. fix: chrootSystem: Now uses correct parameter for m23hwscanner. +++++ 2006-08-01 cha: chrootSystem: genFstab -> m23hwscanner cha: htaccess.php: now uses htpasswd for deleting admins. +++++ 2006-07-31 cha: bootCD: Updated parted + libraries. cha: getDrives: Added SATA detection. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Removed functions that are replaced by the postints of the packages. cha: bootCD: Replaced BusyBox's tr command with the native version because of segmentation faults. +++++ 2006-07-30 cha: bootCD: Updated the tools nd libraries to the same versions as included in the bootimage. +++++ 2006-07-26 patch: Updates to a full featured "change client" dialog cha: MSR_decodeMessage: new command type "clientChange" new: PKG_getClientbyPackageID: gets the clientname that owns a selected package ID cha: postMessage.php: now includes "packages.php" new: MSR_clientChangeCommand: sends the ID of a "m23changeClient" job to the server. new: PKG_getInfoFromPackageID: gets a row from "clientjobs" for a given package ID cha: PKG_getClientbyPackageID, PKG_getPackageParams: now are using PKG_getInfoFromPackageID new: PKG_getClientIDbyPackageID: returns the ID of a client that owns a selected package ID cha: CLIENT_changeClient: changes client's DHCP entry and restarts DHCP server, if client is "red" or "yellow" fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now shows correct boottype in "clientChange" mode cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: after a changing a client the dialog isn't shown anymore new: CLIENT_changeClient: a status report is shown after a client has been changed new: MSR_clientChange: executes changes of a "m23changeClient" job on the server. new: de/en/ edit_client.hlp: help files for the "change client" dialog cha: edit_client.php: now shows help fix: de/en/fr/ welcome.hlp: corrected spelling new: icons for client and server new: MSG_showNewFeature: shows the new feature block cha: edit_client.php: now has a forum and uses MSG_showNewFeature +++++ 2006-07-04 fix: mkm23Debs: Fixed path for temporary files. cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now generates SQL statements for deleting sources lists that sould be replaced by newer versions. +++++ 2006-06-23 new: incPatchLevelInVersionPhp: Increments the patch level in the version.php cha: mkm23Debs: Now calls incPatchLevelInVersionPhp. cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Added SATA controler auto probing. +++++ 2006-06-21 new: updatePackages: Updates the Packages(.gz/bz2) new: newPackages: Checks for new and changes packages that should get uploaded. cha: menuDeb: menu now with entries for generating m23 server software packages. +++++ 2006-06-15 new: mkNewPackage: Script for generating templates for new packages from an old package. cha: MDK is now splitted into serveral packages. new: Uncountable changes to the m23 and MDK Debian packages. +++++ 2006-06-13 patch: Fixing installations stucking installations, bootimage updates. Experimental Ubuntu Drapper support. new: CLCFG_aptGet: Executes an APT command with parameters and tries to install/remove as many packages as possible. If the packages could not get installed in a bunch try to install the packges one by one. new: XubuntuDesktopInstall: Installs the minimalistic XFce4 desktop on Ubuntu systems. +++++ 2006-06-10 fix: CLCFG_executeAfterChroot: "cp" from the new BusyBox needs an additional parameter to copy special files. cha: bootimage: Replaced insmod, lsmod, modprobe by its native versions. +++++ 2006-06-05 new: started building Debian packages for m23. +++++ 2006-06-03 new: debootstrap: Adding Ubuntu Drapper Drake script. cha: CLCFG_listUbuntuReleases: Changed distribution to "debian". Ubuntu and Debian should use the same debootstrap scripts. patch: Updates for the bootimage: Kernel, hardware detection, BusyBox and tools. Added partimage. +++++ 2006-06-02 fix: knoppix.functions: downloadSource: changed not working AWK code to PHP. Now the newest source package should be downloaded. new: getNewestFileVersion: Gets the newest file (deb or tar.gz) from a list of files with version informations in the file name. cha: knoppix.functions: downloadSource: Now uses getNewestFileVersion. cha: getKnoppixHwdata, getKnoppixHwsetup, getKnoppixDDCxinfo: Adjusted to operate with getNewestFileVersion. fix: mkBootImage.sh: Corrected paths for copying hwsetup and ddcxinfo. +++++ 2006-06-01 cha: bootimage /bootCD: Updated kernel to 2.6.16-19 new: bootimage: Added partimage new: knoppix.functions: updateIndex: checks if the package index is not older than an hour or updates the index. new: knoppix.functions: downloadSource: downloads the source of KNOPPIX package +++++ 2006-05-29 new: bootimage: Added several TTYs the user can log in. new: bootimage: German keyboard layout loadable. +++++ 2006-05-27 patch: New desktops for Ubuntu and Kubuntu. Upgrade of the pool builder to make it work with different DVDs. Udates of the bootimages. new: KubuntuDesktopInstall: Special Kubuntu desktop installation script that installs KDE desktop with Kubuntu adjustements. cha: bootimage /bootCD : Added USB keyboard support and device mapper with crypto. new: bootimage: Added dmtools. +++++ 2006-05-25 cha: bootimage: Changing init to native version (BusyBox isn't used any more). cha: bootimage: inittab: changed to new init style. cha: Debian/ Ubuntu: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: removed obsolete packages. new: CLCFG_getDebianReleasesGeneric: Generates an array of the different releases (e.g. sarge, sid, woody, potato) of a distribution. cha: CLCFG_listDebianReleasesGeneric: Now uses HTML_listSelection and CLCFG_getDebianReleasesGeneric. cha: POOL_makeRepository: Now creates symbolic links from the data directory of the pool to all know release names. This establishes compatibility between the DVD/CD and debootstrap. +++++ 2006-05-23 fix: bootimage: Updating the tools in the bootimage to solve the problem of wrongly detected partitions. Partitions formated with ext3 were seen by parted and other tools as linux-swap. +++++ 2006-05-21 new: UbuntuDesktopInstall: Special desktop installation script for Ubuntu systems. +++++ 2006-05-20 cha: POOL_showLoadDeleteCreate: Now deletes the copy skript on showing the pool builder start page. This should fix the lock problem with copying CDs/DVDs. cha: m23KDEInstall: Now with autodetection of package names. cha: apt-get install: Added --force-yes to all "apt-get install" calls to make them work with packages that can't get authentificated +++++ 2006-05-10 patch: Now Ubuntu CDs can be used with the poolbuilder. fix: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: Now shows correct mount devices. cha: POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Now guesses release name of Ubuntu CDs. +++++ 2006-03-28 patch: Ubuntu installs reenabled and first SVN files. cha: exclude*: Removed /m23/data+scripts/distr/debian/debootstrap from exclusion. fix: deboostrap: Now reenables Ubuntu installs. new: Added SubVersion files to the directories. +++++ 2006-02-08 patch: Automatic image storage directory creation. fix: IMG_getAllImages: Now creates the image storage directory if it doesn't exist. (thx Stephan) +++++ 2006-01-24 patch: Makes client bootimage bootable again. fix: bootimage: now boots again. +++++ 2006-01-04 patch: KDM keyboard fix. fix: m23KDE3Install: Fixes the sporadically appearing error of non-working keyboards in KDM. (thx Stefan) +++++ 2006-01-02 new: Created final m23 0.5 halfBaked ISO fix: mkRescue.sh: the return code of the wrong command line was used to detect if the initrd was created correctly. +++++ 2006-01-01 patch: WOL fix fix: CLIENT_wol: now calls the existing tool etherwake. (thy milman) patch: Syncronised with 0.5.0 final. New welcome page. cha: menu.php: entry for bug reports now points to the question FAQ cha: en/de/fr welcome.hlp: Updated +++++ 2005-12-20 patch: Fixes background installation of packages on clients being "online". Few fixes and changes. fix: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now copies /root/.ssh/ id_dsa.pub over /m23/data+scripts/ packages/baseSys/ authorized_keys to allways distribute the current SSH key. +++++ 2005-12-13 cha: configureNetwork: Now sets hostname via "hostname". cha: configureSquid: Gets hostname from /etc/hostname. fix: installI18N.de/en: Now shows correct drive while swap and boot partition creation. fix: getDrives: Fixed harddisk size detection problem due to a new version of parted. patch: Fixes the installer. Complete onlien help in english, french and german. fix: getDrives: Removed debug code that preselects /dev/sda as installation drive. (thx milman) fix: Fixed a few HTML errors in the online help cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: Now displays errors directly and stops if errors occurres. cha: bootCD/ README: Updated cha: version.php: Now is halfBaked-RC2 +++++ 2005-12-12 cha: en/de/fr manual.tex: Added hyperrefs. You can jump to a special page by clicking on the chapter title in contents. new: checkTex.sh: Simple checker for the generated LaTeX files. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Added entry for checkTex.sh. +++++ 2005-12-06 patch: This brings your m23 server to the 0.5 halfBaked RC1. Lots of fixes, complete online help (french too), tool updates (e.g. khtml2png, phpMyAdmin). new: Complete french online help (thx Maren) cha: makeCD.sh: Now copies language files to the iso directory cha: configureSquid: Now comments out existing "visible_hostname" settings new: EDIT_countMatches: Generates BASH code that counts how many times the search string can be found in the file. This can be used in ` `. cha: EDIT_replace: Adjustments for AWK. new: delValuesFromArray: deletes all entries in the array $arr with values stored in the array $delVals. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: New parameter runInScreen: Set to true if the execution should be done in "screen". False executes it under the normal BASH. new: BACKUP_getAdmins: Stores informations about known administrators in the BackupPC configuration file in variables. new: BACKUP_addAdmin: Adds an admin to the config.pl configuration file of BackupPC. new: BACKUP_delAdmin: Deletes an admin from the config.pl configuration file of BackupPC. cha: htaccess.php: Now uses BACKUP_addAdmin and BACKUP_delAdmin. +++++ 2005-12-04 cha: EDIT_insertAfterLineNumber, EDIT_insertAtLineNumber, EDIT_insertLineNumber: New parameter addIfNotExists: set to true, if the the line should be added only if the line doesn't exist. false, if the line should be added on every execution. fix: LDAP_installServer: Installation should work now. Password is now encrypted by debconf. fix: LDAP_addPosix: Set familyname to "-" if it's empty. cha: fix-permissions: Add /m23/doc and /m23/bin to fix. cha: menuTranslator: Now filters out backup files from upload. cha: installI18N.de: Now is up to date. cha: mkRescue.sh: Now removes backup files before compressing. +++++ 2005-12-01 cha: enable-ssl: Added command line parameter that disables installation of the SSL package +++++ 2005-11-30 new: New server installer mostly finished cha: bootCD: updated parted to 1.6.25 cha: bootCD: updated Linux to cha: m23install.sh: Now makes suggestions for netmask, network, broadcast and DNS partly calculated by ipcalc +++++ 2005-11-29 cha: makem23image.tb2: Image file is now called m23image.tb2 cha: makem23image.tb2: Now exclude MySQL DB directory /var/lib/mysql +++++ 2005-11-24 cha: DHCP_setBootimage: Symlink is made in /m23/tftp and doesn't contain full path now. This is needed by tftpd-hpa. cha: dhcpd.conf: "root-path" has to be "/" now. This is needed by tftpd-hpa. +++++ 2005-11-23 cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now compresses SQL dumps with bzip2 fix: makeusrm23: Changed path from debimg to debian cha: mkIndex: Now sorts the output file list and makes entries unique cha: exchanged atftpd with tftpd-hpa new: createMissingDirsCommands: Generate commands to create directories that are missing in the file list +++++ 2005-11-22 cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now uses user and password from /etc/mysql/debian.cnf cha: menuBootCD: Added entry for exportDBInitTable.sh new: sarge-install.sh: Installer for Sarge new: m23InstallerConfigure.inc: Configure functions for the new m23 installer +++++ 2005-11-20 cha: md5Check: mkIndex: Now can create a file list. cha: mk-m23.bz2.sh: Now uses file list function of md5Check. fix: exclude0, exclude4Update: fixed regular expressions +++++ 2005-11-18 cha: de/en/fr: Adjusted manual.tex new: checkMissingLatexHelp.sh: Searches for missing LaTeX files in the manual.tex files. fix: CAPTURE_load: Now merges current $_GET and stored GET cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Last adjustments cha: menuManualStart.sh: Added entry for checkMissingLatexHelp.sh. new: CAPTURE_showMarker: Shows a new column with a marker that is used for autodetecting the screenshot size by khtml2png. new: CAPTURE_showTableWith: Adds a width element if in captureLoad mode. cha: index.php: Added CAPTURE_showTableWith() to force a minimum width for the main table. +++++ 2005-11-16 patch: Updated khtml2png (and nearby I'm the new maintainer of this project) and help files. Masstools and client change dialog now know NTP, printer detection and time zones. A few minor fixes. cha: version: Switched to 0.5.0 halfBaked-RC1. new: manageImageFiles.hlp: Added cha: client_add.hlp, daemonsAndPrograms.hlp, mi_step3.hlp: Updated fix: MASS_propertyKeys: Removed doubled key "login" +++++ 2005-11-14 new: HELPER_getTimeZones: Searches for all time zones. cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: Now uses HELPER_getTimeZones. cha: MASS_showOverview: Added support for NTP, login name and time zone. cha: massInstall.php: Added support for NTP, login name and time zone. cha: MASS_showOverview: Now sets time zone and NTP to the value from the defined client. +++++ 2005-11-13 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: added support for time zone, NTP and printer detection new: PKG_addNormalJob: Adds a normal package to the installation queue. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now sets the correct status for defined clients. cha: FDISK_defineDrive: Now accepts size values with "GB". cha: MASS_I18NTokey, MASS_keyToI18N: Added new keys. +++++ 2005-11-12 cha: khtml2png: Now can detect the size of the screenshot by the position of a HTML element. cha: kh2p: Now uses the autodetect feature of khtml2png. cha: CAPTURE_showJSScreenshotHint: Removed. Is not needed any more due to new version of khtml2png cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Removed screenshot measurements. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added some additional pages. +++++ 2005-11-09 new: CAPTURE_showJSScreenshotHint: Lets pop up a JavaScript window that contains information about the measurement of the screenshot if capture mode is on. cha: changelog: Now uses the new date format for all entries (thx AWK) cha: MSG_showNewFeature: Now hides the new feature box if the server is in capture or load capture mode. +++++ 2005-11-08 cha: index.php: Added JavaScript code that calculates the with and height of the screenshots. cha: HELP_getHelp: Added JavaScript readable HTML code that stores the top position and topic of the help box. +++++ 2005-11-07 patch: MDK now conatins support for m23/Translator new: menuTranslator: Now can download all articles from m23/Translator in the m23 project page new: menuTranslator: Use "meld" to synchronise downloaded and local articles and get changed files new: menuTranslator: List all files that have been changed and that should uploaded to SF new: menuTranslator: Uploads all changed files ordered by languages and directories +++++ 2005-11-06 patch: Support for Ubuntu Breezy, timezones, printer detection and NTP settings. cha: menuDoc: added entry for translator cha: POOL_create: now shows an error message if the poolname contains spaces. (thx Olaf) +++++ 2005-11-05 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now can use "mkinitramfs" that is used under Ubuntu cha: m23KDE3Install: now works with the variant of Ubuntu Breezy cha: m23xfree864Install: now installs XOrg too +++++ 2005-11-04 cha: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: moved to clientConfigCommon new: m23-hwscanner-ubuntu: package with dynamic linked m23-hwscanner cha: mkextradeb: now makes m23hwscanner-ubuntu package cha: ubuntu/ DISTR_afterChrootInstall: now installs m23hwscanner-ubuntu and creates a link for libparted +++++ 2005-11-03 cha: debian/ubuntu clientInstall: now sets the timezone new: CLCFG_setTimeZone: Sets the timezone of a client. cha: debian/ubuntu clientInstall: now installs NTP package or not cha: CLIENT_addClient: now adds printer detection package or not cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: new parameter country: two letter country name that is used to select a timezone if none is set with $first. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: added logic for NTP, printer and timezone. +++++ 2005-11-02 fix: PKG_addSpecialPackages: now uses POST to get the package parameters cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: Creates a selection with all POSIX timezones. new: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Installs printer drivers and detects local printers. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: added elements for NTP, printer and timezone. +++++ 2005-11-01 patch: Fixes problems with relicts of the old debimg "distribution" cha: changed date format of the changelog ;-) cha: Updated phpMyAdmin to 2.6.4-pl3 fix: clientConfigCommon, clientconfig, clientInstall: removed relicts from the old debimg "distribution" cha: moved needed files from debimg to debian cha: Updated sf-upload to 2.01 new: m23/Translator is now part of the MDK +++++ 2005-10-30 patch: A big patch containing creation and installation of images, new boot images and editor for job management. cha: client_distr.hlp: added hint for imaging new: client_crateImage.hlp: new help file for imaging +++++ 2005-10-29 new: CLCFG_writeMBR: Writes the MBR on a list of drives for a list of partitions to activate. new: CLIENT_isBasesystemInstalledFromImage: Detects if the base system should be installed from an image. cha: DISTR_listDistributions: now can put an empty fake distribution on top of the list. cha: imaging/ m23baseSysInstall: now can install other distributions cha: clientInstall: base system copy routine can no be disabled +++++ 2005-10-28 new: MSR_m23ImagerSize: Sets the size of the decompressed image in its file name. new: IMG_getAllImagesSel: Returns an selection that contains all image names as values and additional informations as shown name. cha: CLCFG_mountRootDir: new parameter $mountPoint cha: clientConfig, client_distr: changed from GET to POST new: IMG_clientRestore: Restores an image file on the client. new: IMG_clientRestoreAll: Restores all images on the client. new: IMG_setFilenameSize: Sets the size of the extracted image in its name. +++++ 2005-10-22 new: IMG_makeExtension: Creates an extension for a given format and compression. new: IMG_getFormatCompressionFromFile: Checks the extension of a filename and writes its format and compression to the parameters. cha: moved LDAP, manage administrators and update from the menu to the server settings page new: IMG_getAllImages: Returns an array with informations about all existing image files. new: IMG_showImageManagement: Shows a dialog with all existing image files with the possibillity to delete them. +++++ 2005-10-21 cha: HELP_getHelp: now can show man pages. new: IMG_getImageFormatSelection: Generates a selection that contains all drives and partitions of a given client. new: IMG_serverCreate: Starts a server programm on the m23 server that stores an image. new: IMG_clientCreate: Creates an image from the client and transfers it to the server. new: IMG_showCreateImage: Shows a dialog for creating an image. +++++ 2005-10-20 new: FDISK_listIDrivesAndPartitions: Generates a selection that contains all drives and partitions of a given client. +++++ 2005-10-19 new: PKG_executeOnClientJobs: Executes a sql statement on all package IDs. cha: PKG_removeFromJobList: now uses PKG_executeOnClientJobs cha: client_waitingjobs.php: is now client_changeJobs.php cha: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: is now CLIENT_showJobs cha: CLIENT_showJobs: shows all jobs and can delete or set them to rerun or done +++++ 2005-10-18 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: now supports LDAP, home on NFS and local logins cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now supports LDAP, home on NFS and local logins cha: m23clientChangeInstall: now sets the nfs home server, enables ldap and local logins +++++ 2005-10-17 new: mdoc.awk, mdoc.sh : replacement for the mdoc C tool cha: makeDoc.sh: now uses mdoc.sh +++++ 2005-10-11 Functions for the subproject m23/Translator new: DB_connect: Connects to the data base. new: DB_query: Executes a SQL query. new: DIFF_showDiff: Shows differences between two articles. new: HTML_listSelection: shows a selection with options stored in an array new: HTML_showTableHeader: prints the header of a shadowed table new: HTML_showTableEnd: prints the end of a shadowed table new: HTML_showFormHeader: Shows the header of a formular new: HTML_showFormEnd: Shows the end of a formular new: I18N_loadLanguage: Reads the I18N keys and their native translations from the language file or the cache in the $_SESSION array. new: LANG_addNew: Checks if a user name/password combination is valid (password is set) or a user name exists (password is empty). new: LANG_getLongName: Returns the long name of a language. new: LANG_getID: Returns the ID of a language for a selected language name or short name. new: LANG_getAll: Returns an array with the language short names as array keys and the corresponding long names as values new: LANG_showAddNew: Shows a dialog to add a new language. new: LOGIN_new: Stores a new user in the DB. new: LOGIN_check: Checks if a user name/password combination is valid (password is set) or a user name exists (password is empty). new: LOGIN_showLogin: Shows a login page, checks user name and password, can jump to the register page and jumps to the page "main" on login success. new: LOGIN_showRegister: Shows a user registration page, checks if both passwords are identically, registers new user names and can jump to the login page after successfull registration. new: LOGIN_logout: Logs out the user new: LOGIN_getUserParams: Returns the value of a parameter for a selected user name. new: LOGIN_getUserID: Returns the user ID for a selected user name. new: LOGIN_checkPermission: Checks if the user has a selected permission. new: LOGIN_showUsers: Shows a list of the user with the possibillity to change permissions and delete users. new: PAGE_showMain: Shows the main page with a subpage in the lower part of the screen. new: PAGE_reloadIndexPHP: Reloads the main page without any GET parameter. new: PAGE_help: Shows a box with a help message. new: implodeAssoc: makes a string from an assiciative array new: explodeAssoc: makes an associative array from a string new: SESS_get: Returns the value of the session identified by the session ID of the client. new: SESS_end: Deletes the session entry for the client ID. new: SESS_load: Returns the session values or starts a new session. new: SESS_save: Saves the session array. new: SESS_start: Starts a new session and returns its ID or returns the ID of the current session. new: SESS_getID: Returns the session ID from cookie, globals, post or get variable. new: SESS_getIDUrl: Returns a string with session ID and variable name that can be used in an URL or as hidden parameter. new: SESS_cleanOld: Deletes session entries older than 2 hours. new: NEXT_finished: Tries to delete setup.php. new: NEXT_addAdmin: Adds an administrator account. new: NEXT_welcome: Jumps to the next page after the welcome screen. new: NEXT_checkConfigAccess: Jumps to the next page after the check for write access on config.php. new: CHECK_config: Checks for write permission on config.php. new: NEXT_dbSetup: Checks the entered values, adds a new database, tables and edits config.php. new: showPage: Shows a page with title, HTML body and next button. If the button is pressed a given function is called. new: jumpPage: Jumps to a given page. new: TRANS_delete: Deletes a file together with all its articles. new: TRANS_createDirectory: Creates a new directory. new: TRANS_getDirectoryID: Returns the ID of a directory. new: TRANS_touchFile: Creates an empty file in a directory. new: TRANS_getFileID: Returns the ID of a directory. new: TRANS_addTranslation: Adds a new original article new: TRANS_addOriginal: Adds a new original article new: TRANS_showOverview: Shows an overview over all translations with action links. new: TRANS_showArticleActions: Shows links with possible actions for a selected file in a selected directory. new: TRANS_viewArticle: Shows an article viewer. new: TRANS_editArticle: Shows an article editor/translator. new: TRANS_getOriginals: Returns informations about original articles for a given file. new: TRANS_getOldTranslations: Returns an array with tIDs and times of old articles by a given fID and lID. new: TRANS_getArticleInformation: Returns informations about the article. new: TRANS_getNewestTID: Returns the tID of the newest translation of a file for a given language. new: TRANS_getNewestOriginal: Returns the tID of the newest article matching the file and language ID of the selected translation. new: TRANS_getFileName: Returns the file name of a file ID. new: TRANS_editOriginal: Shows an editor for editing an original article. new: RANS_showEditor: Shows a translation viewer or translator. fix: DMI_getParam: now works with dmidecode 2.7 +++++ 2005-09-21 patch: Several fixes that may correct boot problems on some clients. New french help texts. fix: should fix access problems with config.php cha: HTML_showTableEnd, HTML_showTableHeader: new parameter fix: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: corrected function call of CLCFG_language (has only two parameters) cha: CLCFG_language: now uses I18N_getLangVars cha: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: Downloads debootstrap if it isn't installed in the mer directory fix: m23-initscripts: now doesn't deletes /etc/environment anymore (thx irgendwer) fix: bootimage: new version of dmidecode that runs on new hardware (thx TeeSee) fix: bootimage: there seem to be false bootimages on some servers (thx Alf, irgendwer) new: fr/help: french help texts for the pool builder, LDAP settings, client assimilation, edit client, client backup (thx Maren) +++++ 2005-09-16 new: WIKIBOT_connect: Connects the m23wikibot to the wiki server. new: WIKIBOT_post: Posts an article to a wiki page. new: WIKIBOT_postHelpFile: Posts a file in a selected language to the wiki and adds links to the wiki pages in other languages. new: WIKIBOT_fetch: Returns the article of a wiki page. new: WIKIBOT_getWikiLink: Returns a wiki link. new: WIKIBOT_getAllHelpFiles: Returns an array with all help file names. new: WIKIBOT_getOverviewPage: Returns an overview page that conatins all wiki links to help pages in all supported languages. new: WIKIBOT_uploadAllHelpFiles: Uploads all help files and generates an overview page. patch: Big fix + english help for the pool builder (thx to Patrick Jäger). new: help files for the pool builder new: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Checks if there are help files missing in some language fix: add_client: now calls LDAP_checkphpLdapAdminConfiguration to make sure the needed config file exists. (thx Alf) cha: moved outdated br and it help files to /mdk/outdated/help and i18n files to /mdk/outdated/i18n/ +++++ 2005-09-13 fix: HELP_getHelp: now interprets I18N variables with index fix: POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: now gets the correct codename of the ditribution +++++ 2005-09-12 new: POOL_showSourcesList: Shows the sources list of a selected package source. new: POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Reads the distribution and the release name from a mounted CD and writes these information to the variables. new: POOL_makeRepository: Generates a package source from packages stored in one directory. new: POOL_prepare: Generates the needed configuration file for reprepro. new: PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages: Returns the list of base packages that are downloaded by debootstrap for a special release. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: added checkbox for downloading base packages cha: PKG_downloadPool: changed parameters +++++ 2005-09-11 cha: POOL_createSimplePackageIndex: removed fix: SRCLST_showEditor: now loads the correct package list cha: PKG_downloadPool: now uses --force-yes cha: POOL_create: now checks if the pool directory exists cha: menuUpdate: now makes backups of old index files patch: Adds client assimilation functionality. new: combinePatches: script for merging patches to one new fix: some scripts had MAC line feeds, converted them back to Linux format fix: makeTar: added missing ! cha: de/en/ client_assimilate.hlp: added hint for Ubuntu +++++ 2005-09-10 cha: client_assimilate: added MSG_showNewFeature new: /m23/bin/plink: script for automatic SSH connections fix: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: now uses /m23/bin/plink +++++ 2005-09-09 new: de/en/ client_assimilate.hlp: help files for the assimilation dialog cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: now detects Ubuntu cha: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: changes parameters fix: CIR_waitForNextJob: now the loop is quitted correctly after the job has been fetched +++++ 2005-09-07 new: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: Connects to a client over the Putty SSH client and executes a command new: ASSI_addClient: Adds needed data for assimilating a client. new: ASSI_showClientAddDialog: Shows a dialog for adding a client to assimilate. cha: CLIENT_setLastmodify: new extra parameter "client" cha: CIR_writeClientID: now tries to remove /m23clientID before writing cha: m23Presetup: new extra parameter to disable SCSI and dropbear cha: MSR_getClientSettings: is now MSR_getClientSettingsCommand and has no parameters cha: CLIENT_addClient: new pararameter clientAddType cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog, MASS_startInstall: changed due to CLIENT_addClient cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: extra parameter rootPath +++++ 2005-09-03 new: SRCLST_cleanList: Returns an array with all lines of the sources list that contain Debian sources new: SRCLST_matchList: Returns the name of the sources list that matches the searched sources list contents for the distribution or false new: MSR_getClientSettings: Generates a script to gather network, release, distribution, login, LDAP and kernel informations for client import on the client new: LDAP_matchLDAPserver: Searches for the name of a LDAP server and returns the name of the found server or false new: CLIENT_setAllParams: Sets all parameters in the columns of a client new: MSR_clientSettings: Imports the clients settings +++++ 2005-09-02 new: SRCLST_getListnames: Returns an array that contains all sourceslist names new: icon for client assimilation patch: Adds backup support with BackupPC new: BACKUP_showClientSettings: Shows the dialog for starting and configuring BackupPC for a special client new: BACKUP_getBackupDirs: Returns the comma seperated list of directories that should be backupped on the client cha: EDIT_addIfNotExists: now doesn't use AWK any more (problems with ') new: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Saves the list of backup diretories oo the client in the BackupPC file fix: HELP_getHelp: now replaces I18N keys correctly if they contain parts of other keys new: en/de client_backup.hlp: new help for backup +++++ 2005-09-01 new: icons for backup new: addToHosts.php: adds all clients with IP address to /etc/hosts and /etc/backuppc/hosts cha: client_details: added backup icon +++++ 2005-08-31 new: EDIT_addIfNotExists: Adds a new line if the search pattern cannot be found. new: EDIT_deleteMatching: Deletes all lines matching the regular expression new: SERVER_addLineToFile: Adds (if the search pattern can't be found) a line to a file on the server new: SERVER_delLineFromFile: Deletes lines from the file that match the search pattern new: SERVER_addEtcHosts: Adds a host to /etc/hosts and /etc/backuppc/hosts (if it doesn't exists allready) new: SERVER_delEtcHosts: Deletes a host entry from /etc/hosts and /etc/backuppc/hosts cha: CLIENT_addClient: now uses SERVER_addEtcHosts cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: now uses SERVER_delEtcHosts +++++ 2005-08-30 patch: Added module aic79xx in SCSI detection. cha: en/de mi_step2: added new LDAP specific parts cha: CIR_detectSCSI: added aic79xx module +++++ 2005-08-29 patch: Some improvements in massinstall. fix: FDISK_autoPart: added missing parameter in the call of FDISK_addJob cha: FDISK_autoPart: if the swap size is smaller than 256MB set it to 256MB +++++ 2005-08-28 fix: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: now deletes old jobs from the destination client fix: MASS_startInstall: the client is added to the groups only if adding the client fix: MASS_showTableDefinition: corrected amount of shown rows cha: MASS_getAllFromFile: now removes white spaces from the begin and end of the read strings patch: Adds missing tables fix: DB: added missing tables cha: menuUpdate: now has a security check to prevent unintentional updates of the index +++++ 2005-08-27 patch: New experimental functions for combining LDAP and home on NFS with mass installation. new: LDAP_getNextID: Returns the next higher than the highest ID new: LDAP_getNextUserID: Returns the next higher than the highest user ID new: LDAP_addNewID: Adds a new ID to the table of used IDs or returns "false" if the ID exists new: LDAP_deleteID: Delets an ID from the table of used IDs new: LDAP_addNewUserID: Adds a new user ID to the table new: LDAP_addNewGroupID: Adds a new user ID to the table new: LDAP_getNextGroupID: Returns the next higher than the highest group ID cha: LDAP_addPosix: now uses LDAP_addNewUserID and LDAP_addNewGroupID cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now uses LDAP_getNextGroupID and LDAP_getNextUserID cha: MASS_showGeneratorOptions: added group and user ID generation cha: MASS_saveGeneratorOptions: now saves group and user ID generation settings new: MASS_loginGenerator: generates the selected amount of logins cha: HTML_listSelection: now shows the label if there is selected a value new: LDAP_getFreeIDs: Returns an array with free IDs of the selected type. new: LDAP_getFreeUserIDs: Returns an array with free user IDs of the selected type. new: LDAP_getFreeGroupIDs: Returns an array with free group IDs of the selected type. cha: MASS_startInstall: now supports LDAP and home on NFS. +++++ 2005-08-26 new: LDAP_I18NLdapType: Returns the human readable description of the LDAP usage type cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: added define settings for LDAP and NFS cha: MASS_propertyKeys: added keys for LDAP and NFS cha: MASS_keyToI18N: added translations for LDAP and NFS +++++ 2005-08-25 patch: You can choose the writing speed for the client boot CDs now. cha: makeBootCD: the user can now select the speed for burning the client boot CDs (thx MikeschTheCat) cha: burn/ burnCD.sh: changes for speed selection cha: en/de/ makeBootCD: adjusted fix: menuUpdate: now sf-upload uses .bz2 as upload file type cha: menuUpdate: added error message if there was a problem during the upload to SF patch: New SF server side update mechanism cha: menuUpdate: now stores size of the tb2 in .size cha: m23patch: now reads file size from .size new: now include sf-upload 1.18 cha: menuUpdate: now uses sf-upload to upload the tb2 +++++ 2005-08-19 cha: Patch files are now on the SourceForge mirrors and should speed up the update of your m23 servers cha: m23patch.php: Now fetches the tar.bz2 part of the patches from the SourceForge mirror +++++ 2005-08-18 patch: added missing ldapSettings.php patch: Enhanced LDAP support: Can read and write LDAP-accounts and install OpenLDAP. Much other enhancements and updated help. new: en/de/ ldapSettings.hlp: new cha: en/de/ client_add.hlp: adjustet texts to new features +++++ 2005-08-15 cha: HELP_getHelp: replaces i18n variables in the help text cha: de/en/fr help: now contains i18n variables +++++ 2005-08-14 new: SERVER_runningInBackground: Returns "true" if a lock file for a given job name is existing. cha: SERVER_programmStatus: new parameter "canBeInstalled": set to "true" if the programm can be installed by the package name cha: SERVER_programmStatus: if there is no informational text status point is now shown on the left side cha: daemonsAndPrograms: now shows the status of OpenLDAP +++++ 2005-08-13 new: EDIT_deleteLines: Deletes lines from a given line number to a given line number new: EDIT_deleteLinesAmount: Deletes N lines from a given line number new: LDAP_listServers: Returns an array with all known LDAP servers new: LDAP_checkphpLdapAdminConfiguration: Checks if the phpLDAPadmin configuration file is existing and creates it if it's missing new: LDAP_delServerFromphpLdapAdmin: Deletes a LDAP server from the phpLDAPadmin configuration file. new: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Shows a dialog for adding, removing and changing LDAP servers. new: LDAP_loadServer: Loads the variables from a LDAP server. cha: LDAP_connectFull: removed new: LDAP_makeConnection: Connects to a LDAP server. new: LDAP_connectServer: Connects with read/write access to the LDAP server on the m23 server. cha: LDAP_addPosix: new parameter and now uses LDAP_connectServer cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now has an input line for the user name cha: clientInstall: now tries to get the login name from clientoptions cha: LDAP_addPosix: forename and familyname are now stored in utf8 cha: CLIENT_addClient: now uses LDAP_addPosix cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: now checks if the local account should be created cha: work.php: now includes ldap cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: now the only parameter is the client's options array new: SERVER_runInBackground: Runs a script with "screen" in the background under a given user cha: SERVER_checkPackageInstalled: now is 5 times faster (thx AWK ;)) cha: EDIT_prepareStr: now designed to be used with AWK cha: EDIT_prepareStr: new parameter "forSearch": set to true, if the string should be used as a search string new: LDAP_installServer: Generates a script that installs and configures an openLDAP server cha: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: now uses LDAP_installServer +++++ 2005-08-12 new: LDAP_connectFull: Connects with read/write access to the LDAP server on the m23 server. new: LDAP_addPosix: Adds a posix account to the LDAP server and encrypts the password with MD5. cha: EDIT_insert: removed cha: EDIT_insertBefore: removed cha: EDIT_insertAfter: removed new: EDIT_searchLastLineNumber: searches for the last line that contains "searchLine" and stores the line number in the BASH variable "m23searchLine" new: LDAP_fqdn2dn: Returns the DN converted from a FQDN new: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin: Adds a LDAP server to the phpLDAPadmin configuration cha: index, menu: added entries for LDAP +++++ 2005-08-09 patch: Adds basic LDAP and NFS support cha: en/de client_add.hlp: added part about LDAP and NFS cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: now uses CLIENT_enableLDAP and CLCFG_enableNFSHome cha: CLIENT_enableLDAP: extra parameter to use the m23 server as ldap server cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now all LDAP and NFS values are handled patch: Fix of the client boot ISO, new LDAP and EDIT functions, better update script on the server installation CD fix: exclude4Update, exclude0: corrected regular expression fix: recompliled server ISO kernel for the client boot CD to adjust the size of the ramdisk (thx Mikesch) fix: updatem23.sh: now uses the password for accessing the DB (thx Mikesch) +++++ 2005-08-07 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: NFS home support was moved to CLCFG_enableNFSHome new: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: enables storing of home directories on a NFS server cha: work.php: now include edit.php +++++ 2005-08-05 cha: EDIT_commentOutLine: changed parameters cha: EDIT_commentOutLine, EDIT_uncomment: now are using AWK cha: EDIT_commentOutLine: is now called EDIT_commentout and now comments out lines in range or matching lines +++++ 2005-08-03 cha: CLCFG_installUsrM23: now links /etc/skel to the m23 skel new: EDIT_replace: replaces $searchLine with $replaceText new: EDIT_insert: inserts text BEFORE or AFTER the searched line new: EDIT_prepareStr: changes the string to make it compatible with sed new: EDIT_insertBefore: inserts text BEFORE the searched line new: EDIT_insertAfter: inserts text AFTER the searched line new: EDIT_savePerms: saves the permissions and owner of a file new: EDIT_restorePerms: restores previously saved file permissions and owner new: EDIT_searchNextLineNumber: searches for the next line number that contains "searchLine" new: EDIT_searchLineNumber: searches for the first line that contains "searchLine" and stores the line number in the BASH variable "m23searchLine" new: EDIT_insertLineNumber: inserts a text AT or AFTER a line number new: EDIT_insertAtLineNumber: inserts a text AT a line number new: EDIT_insertAfterLineNumber: inserts a text AFTER a line number new: EDIT_commentOutLine: comments out a line new: EDIT_uncomment: uncomments all with m23 commented lines of a file new: EDIT_calc: calculates changes of the variable +++++ 2005-08-01 new: CLIENT_enableLDAP: enables LDAP logins on client. +++++ 2005-07-30 patch: Desaster recovery can now be started for multiple clients or groups. cha: GRP_HTMLBackToDetails, GRP_showDelDialog, GRP_HTMLBackToOverview: set border of the icons to 0 new: GRP_desasterRecovery: recovers all selected clients and shows a message afterwards cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: now uses GRP_desasterRecovery cha: clients_overview: now has "desaster recover" function for multiple clients patch: Now the adjustment of partitions should work during mass installation. cha: disabled (obsolete) distribution ERPOSS cha: FDISK_virtualAddPartition, FDISK_addJob: new parameter "devNr" new: FDISK_AFPselectDrive: selects a drive from the settings in "options" and from available drives. new: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: scales all partitions sizes to match the full disk size. new: FDISK_AFPgetPartSizes: writes the sizes of the installation, swap and other partitions to the variables. fix: FDISK_AFPgetPartSizes: now detects the partitions correctly cha: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: fdiskDefinedSize is set to 0 afterwards. so the fdisk parameters are ajusted only once. +++++ 2005-07-29 fix: m23patch.php: now the size of the tb2 files is shown correctly cha: m23patch.php: now sizes are shown in MB cha: MENU_showEntry, client_details, head: set border of the icons to 0 cha: new icon for "edit" cha: massInstall, add_client: shows MSG_showNewFeature fix: CLIENT_deleteClient: now deletes client's log cha: FDISK_addJob: additional parameter "fullPath" +++++ 2005-07-27 patch: The "change client" dialog should now support all client side changes. Bootimage kernel updated to cha: CLIENT_changeClient: removed debug code fix: CLIENT_changeClient: DHCP server gets reconfigured and restarted if ip, mac or netmask changes and the client hast "red" or "yellow" status new: /mdk/bin/ start.sh: deletes old session values and calls menuStart new: bootimage: now with kernel and all network modules fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now the current client name is used for the job if it should be changed fix: CLIENT_changeClient: always change both otherwise the "no changed" DNS won't be written to /etc/resolv.conf fix: CLCFG_changeUser: now uses the new username and not the encrypted password as new username cha: edit_client.php: now uses CLIENT_HTMLBackToDetails cha: CLCFG_changeUser: can change password for root with encrypted password +++++ 2005-07-25 fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now all entered values are used cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: values that can't be set on the client (e.g. mac) are disabled in the dialog cha: CLCFG_changeUser: if old and new username are equal no change code is generated cha: sendClientStageStatus, sendClientStatus: now are sending the m23clientID new: /mdk/outdated: contains sources that aren't used anymore, but can be usefull in the future cha: DB_rmSafeUser, DB_remoteRmSafeUserStatus, DB_rmUser, DB_addUser: moved to outdated new: MSR_getm23clientIDCMD: returns the BASH code for storing the m23clientID in the BASH variable "varid" cha: sendClientStatus, sendClientStageStatus, returnClientStageStatus, sendClientLogStatus, executeNextWork, MSR_statusFileCommand, MSR_genSendCommand, MSR_partHwDataCommand: now are using MSR_getm23clientIDCMD +++++ 2005-07-22 patch: New "Change client" dialog, that can change some settings of the client. fix: clientInstall: DISTR_afterChrootInstall is now at the right place new: CLCFG_changeUser: changes the settings of an useraccount on a client cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: changed parameters: shows the dialog for adding, defining or changing a client cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now loads the client values new: CLIENT_changeClient: changes values of the clients cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now uses CLIENT_changeClient +++++ 2005-07-20 cha: menuUpdate: now *.info are the last uploaded files patch: Correction of permissions and fdisk parameter adjustments fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: now adjusts the parameters of the m23fdiskFormat job +++++ 2005-07-15 fix: corrected permissions of /m23/data+scripts/gfx patch: Enhanced debugging mode, now all characters in passwords are possible fix: CLIENT_isAskingInDebugMode: now works cha: MSR_importLog: now doesn't urldecode cha: CLIENT_showLog: now urldecodes the log fix: CLIENT_showLog: now shows complete yellow status logs containing a "°" cha: CLIENT_showLog: now shows logs preformated cha: CLIENT_addClient: disabled password character check +++++ 2005-07-14 cha: CLCFG_genFstab, CLCFG_genFakeFstab: removed "-v" at MAKEDEV to disable verify mode +++++ 2005-07-13 patch: should enable installation with the new debootstrap cha: sourceslist: stable is now Sarge, removed multiple Sid and Sarge entries cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now uses extra parameter "-r" for mkinitrd cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now uses MAKEDEV with "cd /dev; ./MAKEDEV -v generic" fix: CIR_detectSCSI: fixed output of current probed module fix: executeNextWork: now detects id patch: fixes wrong permissions of /tmp fix: corrected /tmp permissions +++++ 2005-07-12 patch: fixes errors occuring with the new version of debootstrap cha: CIR_detectSCSI: removed ".o" from module names fix: bootimage: made symlink from busybox to read (needed by new debootstrap) cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: removed wrong error message fix: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: now fetches missing pkgdetails patch: fixes problem with earlier updates cha: m23install.template: function md5check is no longer a funktion (BusyBox doesn't like functions) fix: now installs new certificates needed for newer wget versions (thx zloty) fix: now adds needed dbrootpw file for enabling write access of updates to the DB: updates now the m23 sources lists +++++ 2005-07-08 patch: New + changed sources lists, fixed mount error, ramdisk size detection cha: CLCFG_mountRootDir: check if root device was mounted before and unmounts it if it was mounted cha: welcome.*: added "thank you" for your help against software patents cha: DB: added new and changed m23 sources lists cha: sources.list: commented out non-us servers from server's sources.list new: getRamDiskSize: gets the ramdisk size of the kernel from the kernel config file cha: mkBootImage.sh, mkRescue.sh: now uses getRamDiskSize to create a ramdisk image of the correct size new: mkBootImage.sh: writes kernelRamDisk.inc that contains a variable that helds the kernel ramdisk size cha: DHCP_writePXEcfg: now uses kernelRamDisk.inc cha: menuClientISO, menuBootCD: now writes kernel variables every time new: bootimage: now contains SATA modules and SCSI emulation +++++ 2005-07-06 patch: minor change of boot parameter cha: DHCP_writePXEcfg: changed ramdisk size to 25000 +++++ 2005-07-03 patch: updated phpMyAdmin to 2.6.3 cha: updated phpMyAdmin to 2.6.3 +++++ 2005-07-01 patch: some minor fixes and changes fix: UPDATE_doUpdate: now deletes log file after the job has finished (thx to Daniel) cha: update.php: shows "update in progress" message if the update is started (thx to Daniel) cha: makeCD.sh: generates MD5s of the important files cha: m23install.tempate: checks the MD5s of the important files and exits if there is an error extracting the archivs cha: GRP_delClientFromGroup: now can delete a client from all groups (thx to Daniel) fix: CLIENT_deleteClient: now removes a client from all groups (thx to Daniel) cha: makeBootDisk: now better error message handling (thx to Daniel) +++++ 2005-06-17 fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: corrected filter criteria the get all package names patch: Patch for: gnome2, Debian unstable and PCMCIA network cards. new: CLCFG_copySSLCert: fetches the SSL certificate from the server and copys it to the client cha: clientInstall: now uses CLCFG_copySSLCert cha: mkCert.sh: now calculates the hash of the server certificate and copies the certificate to packages/baseSys fix: m23gnome2Install: fixed fetch new jow loop +++++ 2005-06-10 patch: Fixes problems with packages names fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: now gets the complete packages names fix: MSR_importPackageStatus: fixed name conversion of packages names containing + +++++ 2005-06-09 patch: Fixes problems with harddisk detections. Linux kernel for the client network boot. fix: POOL_createExtendedPackageIndex: now moves files with "force" new: makeIt for m23hwscanner fix: m23hwscanner: & is now urlencoded; this fixes problems with hardware identification like partition information cha: copyKernelNModules: now works with the new kernel version numbering new: bootimage: now uses Linux cha: bootimage: changed tool under bin cha: mkBootImage.sh: initrd is now 25000 KB +++++ 2005-06-02 patch: Ubuntu support +++++ 2005-06-01 fix: CLCFG_debootstrap: now the current debootstrap is downloaded from the server cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: additionalPackages: space seperated list of additional packages that should be installed during bootstrapping new: HELPER_getApacheGroup: returnes the group of the Apache user cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: now keeps the files in /m23/data+scripts/distr/debian/debootstrap and overwrites with newer versions new: CLCFG_writeClientID: writes the client ID to /m23clientID cha: CLIENT_getClientName: now uses /m23clientID cha: getClientLanguage: now uses CLIENT_getClientName new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: updates the debootstrap scripts for Debian and returns the www path to the files new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu: updates the debootstrap scripts for Ubuntu and returns the www path to the files cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: now can use CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian or CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu cha: clientInstall: now uses CIR_writeClientID cha: CLCFG_listDebianReleasesGeneric: is now more generic to support different Debian based distributions and filters out releases with "buildd" cha: CLCFG_listDebianReleases, CLCFG_listUbuntuReleases: lists distribution specific kernel images cha: PKG_listKernels: now filters for kernel images containing "-image" new: new package sources lists for Ubuntu cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: additional check for correct executed debootstrap new: squidClean: script to erase all data from the Squid cache +++++ 2005-05-11 patch: installation of the required packages for installation in the background and kernel configuration. +++++ 2005-04-20 patch: software patent warning and new translation cha: de/en/fr/ welcome.hlp: added software patent warning new: en/ poolBuilderCreate EditDelete.hlp: translated +++++ 2005-04-07 patch: Two little patches fix: POOL_showReadCD: now can be used with mount points containing a new line at the end (reported by Jaqui) fix: client_packages: now the control center link contains the client ID to make it possible to return to the client's control center (reported by zloty) patch: Fixes drive selection problem in the poolBuilder fix: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: now works with diffrent formats of in /etc/fstab +++++ 2005-04-01 patch: A few fixes cha: menu: the extra icon is now the main icon cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: now shows distribution specific files too fix: clients_overview: link under client jobs number now contains the client ID, this makes it possible to use the control center link to return to the client's control center (reported by zloty) cha: MSR_importLog: now decodes urlencoded special characters fix: en/m23base: fixed missing or false named translation strings (reported by Peter) new: checkLang: new tool that shows the differences (in variables) between the German and another I18N language file cha: /etc/profile: now PATH contains /usr/bin etc. (reported by zloty) +++++ 2005-03-29 cha: POOL_create: now tries to create the base pool directory +++++ 2005-03-28 patch: Some improvements and fixes in the poolBuilder. new: de/poolBuilder: german help texts for the poolBuilder fix: POOL_showLoadDeleteCreate, POOL_setProperty, POOL_getProperty: now safe against empty pool names new: MENU_startGroup: shows the start of a menu group new: MENU_endGroup: shows the end of a menu group cha: MENU_showEntry: now uses tables to format the menu entries cha: poolBuilder: check if user wants to continue without selecting a pool cha: MENU_showEntry: if icon name isn't set, no icon is shown cha: PLG_listMenuPlugins: now uses MENU_showEntry cha: HELP_getHelp: if no help file is found nothing is returned cha: UPDATE_getInfo: now has an icon for patches +++++ 2005-03-25 fix: POOL_getPools: now only returns pool directories fix: poolBuilder: disabled showing of nonexistent help pages fix: phpMyAdmin: now isn't configured to use localhost as server url any more +++++ 2005-03-24 fix: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: now return correct fake client names cha: HTML_listSelection: new logic: set first to "false" to disable writing the first entry. cha: PKG_savePackagesList: now can delete packages lists too new: PKG_deletePackagesList: deletes a packages list new: PKG_preparePackageDir: creates the needed files + sources list in a directory to use it for "local apt". cha: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now uses PKG_preparePackageDir new: POOL_download: shows error messages if the checks for distribution, sourceslist or packages are failing. Otherwise starts the distribution specific download routine. new: POOL_showDownloadStatus: shows the package download status of a pool new: POOL_createSimplePackageIndex: creates the Packages* index files for the pool (it has only one directoy containing all packages) new: PKG_downloadPool: downloads packages from a sources list to a directory cha: poolBuilder: now includes support for download packages +++++ 2005-03-23 new: POOL_getDir: returns the directory of the pool fix: config.inc.php: now doesn't set localhost a absoluteUri cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: returns false, if there was an error cha: client_distr: disables "install distribution" button and shows an error message if there is an error new: PKG_getClientPackages: returns an array or a blank seperated list of all packages installed on a client new: PKG_getPackagesListMarker: returns the string to mark client names to store packages new: PKG_savePackagesList: returns an array or a blank seperated list of all packages installed on a client new: PKG_loadPackagesList: returns an array or a blank seperated list of all packages in the list +++++ 2005-03-22 cha: POOL_createPackageIndex: now stores the sourceslist as property cha: client_sourceslist functionality is now in SRCLST_showEditor new: SRCLST_showEditor: shows an editor for sources lists new: CLIENT_getNames: returns an array with all clients new: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: returns an array with all clients having packages installed +++++ 2005-03-18 cha: index: now includes helper new: POOL_showReadCD: shows a dialog for copying the CD contents to the pool new: HELPER_getApacheUser: returnes the name of the Apache user new: HELPER_getFileContents: returnes the contents of a file (the file is read to a maximum of 5 MB) new: POOL_readCD: copys the CD contents to the pool new: POOL_createPackageIndex: creates the Packages* index files for the pool new: POOL_showCreatePackageIndex: shows information (status of the Packages* generation, sources.list) about the currently generated pool new: POOL_getSize: returns the size of a pool in MB +++++ 2005-03-16 new: POOL_getProperty: returns the contents of a property file new: POOL_setProperty: sets the contents of a property file new: POOL_create: creates a new pool directory and type property file new: POOL_delete: deletes a pool new: POOL_showLoadDeleteCreate: shows a dialog for loading, deleting and creating a pool +++++ 2005-03-15 fix: UPDATE_getInfo: now shows all icons cha: fr/m23base, help: corrections (client becomes poste client) cha: UPDATE_getInfo: icons are shown before the entries of the patch text +++++ 2005-03-11 cha: fr/de: m23base: now include english m23base as fallback language fix: md5Check: now uses modification time to detect file changes cha: UPDATE_doUpdate: now sets a lock file before the update and deletes it afterwards new: UPDATE_running: checks, if an update is running (returns true otherwise false) cha: update: shows an error message if an update is running cha: update: now uses POST cha: m23KDE3install, m23KDEwoody, m23gnome2, m23X, m23XFce: added executeNextWork cha: work: let all asking clients sleep for 60 seconds and ask again, if an update is running +++++ 2005-03-08 cha: md5Check: checkChanges: now checks, if index$1.md5 is present cha: md5Check: makeTar: now stores permissions and user/group information cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: now doesn't copy the HTML version of the manual to the CD cha: makeDoc.sh: now doesn't copy the HTML version of the developer's guide to the CD cha: fix-permissions: now touches dhcpd.leases +++++ 2005-03-06 fix: hwcheck: now loads mousedev to enable PS/2 mouse detection cha: CLIENT_reset, CLIENT_sshFetchJob: now sets UserKnownHostsFile to /dev/null and other options to make sshing possible if known_hosts contains old entries cha: CLCFG_copyClientPackageStatus: the same for scp fix: m23normalRemoveInstall: sets status back to green after removing fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: now send full package name (set terminal columns to 3000 to outflank dpkg --list) cha: md5Check: now uses a fingerprint (time,ID,permission) instead of MD5 to recognise file changes cha: menuUpdate: can now upload the newest patches cha: menuUpdate: asks for a description after creating the tar +++++ 2005-03-03 cha: hwcheck: commented out alsa special code cha: mkDeb: now can automatical increment the patchversion of the debs +++++ 2005-03-02 cha: debian/ clientInstall: added package hotplug cha: hwcheck: new code for detecting changes in hardware and creation of XF86Config +++++ 2005-02-25 fix: m23gnome2Install: adjusted settings for gdm.conf cha: de/client_sourceslist.hlp: described new functions +++++ 2005-02-24 fix: hwsetup: again troubles with hwsetup: The statified Knoppix version stalls on Sarge :( The problem is that the support for psaux devices is broken in the newer versions of kudzu. So I took the psaux.c/h from kudzu 0.99, copied it to 1.1.67 and made new debs from the patched code. With these debs hwsetup can be build with working psaux support ;) cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: now installs the needed patched kudzu packages cha: uploadNew: shows files before uploading cha: m23gnome2Install: now removes xdm and sets default display manager cha: m23-initscripts: S10hwcheck is now S37hwcheck +++++ 2005-02-23 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: now checks, if the debootstrap update file is not older than 12 hours cha: db/sourceslist: added field "release" cha: migrate: adds field "release" cha: SRCLST_saveList: now has extra parameter "release" cha: client_sourceslist: now loads and stores the release cha: db/sourceslist: added field "desktops" new: SRCLST_querySourceslists: returns the result of the DB query after sourceslists for a special distribution new: DISTR_listCommaSeperated: returns a normal array with the values of the specified variable (e.g. var: GUIs => result: [0] => Textmode [1] => KDE3 [2] => KDEwoody ...) new: DISTR_commaSeperatedSelections: returns a selection with certain values (specified thru $variable) from the distribution text file cha: SRCLST_saveList: now stores selected desktops new: DISTR_getDesktopsCBList: returns a checkbox list with desktops for a certain distribution. Desktops included in the array $selectedDesktops are checked. new: DISTR_getSelectedDesktopsArr: returns an array with selected desktops from the list generated by DISTR_getDesktopsCBList new: DISTR_getSelectedDesktopsStr: returns a string with selected desktops (seperated by "###") from the list generated by DISTR_getDesktopsCBList new: SRCLST_getDesktopList: returnes an array with all supported desktops new: SRCLST_showDesktopsSel: returnes a selections with all desktops supported by the sources list cha: client_sourceslist: now stores the supported desktops for each sources list cha: client_distr: the selection of the sources list now determines distribution, release and supported desktops. This avoids incompatible combinations of distribution, release and desktop if the package source was set up correctly ;) +++++ 2005-02-22 cha: hwcheck: added code for vmware cha: PKG_listKernels: new sorting code fix: PKG_listKernels: selected kernel is now shown first +++++ 2005-02-21 cha: squid.conf: new filter settings cha: makeCD.sh: copies a modified squid.conf to the CD cha: m23install.template: now uses and modfies squid.conf from the conf dir +++++ 2005-02-15 cha: */clientInstall: now installs m23-hwsetup fix: FDISK_formatExisting: now stores the partitions fix: hwcheck: now calls mkxf86config, if XF86Config is missing new: uploadNew: uploads new and changed debs and Packages* cha: menuDeb: now uses uploadNew +++++ 2005-02-14 fix: hwsetup: now detects PS/2 mice. It's a workaround that uses the hwsetup from Knoppix 3.7 and makes a static executable (with statifier) from it. +++++ 2005-02-04 new: excludeTar: filter list with patterns to exclude unneeded files and directories from the mdk.tb2 and m23.tb2 cha: mk-m23.bz2.sh, mk_mdk.tb2: now are using excludeTar new: UPDATE_doUpdate: downloads and executes the update script. new: UPDATE_getUrl: returnes a correct URL to the update source new: UPDATE_getInfo: returns the information text from the URL cha: update: now uses the new update functions new: m23patch: script for generating the patch script and update information +++++ 2005-02-02 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: added support for the right arrow cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: shows the error message, if there should be errors with pdflatex fix: help/en: few HTML code corrections cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: most code rewritten: now uses a temporary database to create the initalisation database and writes a script for installing the database cha: m23install.template: now uses the script from exportDBInitTable.sh cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: the HTML and PDF manual are linked to the m23 and MDK documentation directory new: addDummyFiles: adds empty dummy files into all subdirectories starting from the given directory new: delDummyFiles: removes the dummy files from all subdirectories starting from the given directory cha: mk_mdk.tb2, mk-m23.bz2: now are using addDummyFiles and delDummyFiles cha: fix-permissions: now calls delDummyFiles for /m23 and /mdk cha: exclude0: adjusted filter parameters new: de/en/fr manuals: can now be builded again new: m23.sf.net: neat client installation image +++++ 2005-02-01 cha: MASS_keyToI18N: now knows the "ignore" key cha: MASS_showTableDefinition: now uses key and not the I18N values for the row selections cha: makeScreenshots.sh: adjusted screenshot sizes cha: menuStart: added menuUpdate cha: menuStart.hlp: updated new: fr/ daemonsAndPrograms.hlp fix: HELP_showHelpTex: fixed table generation fix: help/fr: several HTML code corrections +++++ 2005-01-31 cha: md5Check: now can use different in/exclude files and tar.bz2 store files cha: md5Check: new function moveIndex(): replace the old index with the new new: menuUpdate: menu for building updates new: makeAutomaticPatch: checks for changes and makes a tar.bz2 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: now supports "¼" +++++ 2005-01-30 new: md5Check: generates an index from the files in /m23 and /mdk, can detect changes and make a bz2 tar from the changes. +++++ 2005-01-28 cha: getNewestDeb: removed new: dlKnoppixDeb.php: is a improved version of findNewestKnoppixDeb. now downloads the newest version of a package from the knoppix server cha: mkKnoppix-static: renamed to getBuildKnoppixDebs cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: now uses dlKnoppixDeb.php cha: menuDeb: now calls getBuildKnoppixDebs cha: debian/ info.txt: added installed size information for the user interfaces cha: makeScreenshots.sh: switched back to PNG screenshots cha: HELP_showHelpTex: pictures are now included cha: HELP_showHelpTex: added routine for converting french special characters fix: menuScreenshot.sh: the correct error message is shown, if the entered passwords don't match cha: index: now tries to read the language from /m23/tmp/screenshot.lang. this can hold a language during screenshot making cha: setGUIlang: removed cha: makeScreenshots.sh: now sets /m23/tmp/screenshot.lang and don't uses setGUIlang any more cha: makeScreenshots.sh: adjusted heigth +++++ 2005-01-27 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: improved LaTeX output new: findNewestKnoppixDeb: new tool to find the newest version of a package from the knoppix server +++++ 2005-01-26 cha: all help files: are using the same text formating style now cha: all help files: are now on the same content level new: docView: quick and dirty script for viewing the help files without opening the corresponding m23 page cha: HELP_showHelp: is now HELP_getHelp and the HTML code is not shown but returned new: HELP_showHelp: wrapper to replace the old HELP_showHelp function new: HELP_showHelpTex: shows the help file converted to LaTeX code +++++ 2005-01-24 new: en/daemonsAndPrograms cha: HELP_showHelp: now can include files in help files cha: CLIENT_generateHTMLStatusBar: now the status icons are left aligned new: packageTypes.inc, statusColor.inc, packageSelections.inc: stored help text which are the same in multiple help files cha: clientBuilder - client_distr.hlp: changed to new text style +++++ 2005-01-23 fix: uncountable fixes in the help texts cha: htaccess: now uses MSG_showInfo and MSG_showError cha: index.css: added new entry for menu highlighting new: MENU_showEntry: generates a menu entry, highlights it (if selected) and removes menu entry formatting tags from the menu entry label cha: menu: now uses MENU_showEntry, so activated entries are highlighted +++++ 2005-01-22 cha: serverImage: removed PPP and installed kernel 2.6.10-i386 new: prepareChangelog: stores the complete changelog and the newest 5 entries in different files fix: mk_mdk.tb2: now symbolic links are stored too cha: version: changed to pre3 ;-) +++++ 2005-01-21 cha: m23install.template: changed arguments from "test" and "cp" to make it compatible to the BusyBox test cha: bootCD: serveral changes on the root file system cha: bootCD: now installation is possible again +++++ 2005-01-20 cha: getKnoppix*: now fetches the files from the /mdk/m23Debs/deb cha: bootCD: kernel is now 2.6.10 cha: bootCD: rebuild BusyBox to disable error messages +++++ 2005-01-19 cha: bootCD: most tools are unsing BusyBox 1.00 now cha: bootCD: hwsetup updated +++++ 2005-01-18 cha: fdisk: removed debug code cha: mk_mdk.tb2: now build a list of all files to store and doesn't need clean_mdk and unclean_mdk any more cha: clean_mdk, unclean_mdk: deleted, are not needed any more fix: severals fixes in the germen help texts new: knoppix.functions: function to get a package with the newest version number cha: getKnoppix*: are using the function from knoppix.functions new: french translation updated +++++ 2005-01-17 new: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: returnes an array with all mount points listed in /etc/fstab new: pool.php: functions for administrating package pools new: POOL_selectPoolType: shows buttons for selecting the type of pool and returns the pressed button +++++ 2005-01-16 cha: index: menu has now a width of 150 pixel cha: de/ m23base: formated menu entries cha: menu/ index: added entry for the poolBuilder +++++ 2005-01-14 fix: mkKnoppix-static: now fetches the newest versions of xf86config-knoppix and hwdata-knoppix +++++ 2005-01-12 fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: error in error message fix: client_distr: now gets correct devices for installation and swap drive cha: mkDiffTar: finished +++++ 2005-01-11 cha: PKG_listKernels: now returns false, if no kernel information could be retrieved fix: cds2pool: now copys the CDs (a variable can't really be empty AND have the value "n") cha: en/ m23base: updated new: mkDiffTar: first codes of s script to make a tar from all files that have been changed from a specified date +++++ 2005-01-10 cha: clean_mdk, unclean_mdk: now moved the kernel directories of bootCD and bootimage cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: now shows always a message fix: bootimage kernel config: increased size of the ramdisk +++++ 2005-01-09 cha: help/ index: changed to make the whole screen width available for the GUI +++++ 2005-01-05 new: mkextradeb: now builds the m23 extra debs + m23hwscanner package cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: doesn't copy m23hwscanner any more cha: menudeb: now uses mkextradeb cha: debian/ erposs/ DISTR_afterChrootInstall: are now installing cha: CLCFG_genFstab: removed an ocurring warning message during kernel installation fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now shows messages from stdout and stderr new: HELPER_grep: returnes all lines from $string seperated by $cut that contain $search new: SRCLST_getMirror($sourceName): returns the mirror from the sources list cha: debian/ clientInstall: now uses SRCLST_getMirror cha: de,en/ client_sourceslist.hlp: added description for mirror format new: +++++ 2005-01-02 fix: client_partition: after formating "select distribution" is activated at once fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now shows errors from stderr +++++ 2004-12-16 cha: menuKernelBuilder: creates kernel store directory +++++ 2004-12-15 new: kernelFunctions.inc: copies the kernel and modules to the boot CD or bootimage cha: bootCD: updated kernel to 2.4.28 cha: m23install.template: updated script for the new kernel cha: copyKernelNModules: now works with 2.6.x kernels too +++++ 2004-12-12 cha: kernelFunctions.inc: getKernelVersions.sh is now included cha: kernelFunctions.inc: menuKernelBranch.sh is included as function checkKernelBranch cha: kernelFunctions.inc: menuKernelDownload.sh is included as function menuKernelDownload cha: kernelFunctions.inc: menuSelectKernelDir.sh is included as function checkKernelDir fix: listKernelVersions: kernels are now sorted correctly (newst kernel on top) new: kernelFunctions.inc: compileKernel: compiles the kernel +++++ 2004-12-10 cha: menuSelectKernelDir, menuKernelDownload: deletes temp file at the end new: menuKernelOldConfig: select the old configuration file to copy to the new kernel source dir and copies back the new configure file to the config dir cha: menuKernelBuilder: added menuKernelOldConfig new: kernelFunctions.inc: functions for kernel handling in the MDK +++++ 2004-12-08 new: getKernelVersions: shows a sorted list of all kernels of a branch (e.g. 2.6) new: menuKernelDownload: menu for downloading and extracting a kernel cha: menuBootCD: new entry for kernel new: menuKernelBuilder: menu for generating kernels new: menuSelectKernelDir: selects the kernel source directory new: menuKernelBranch: writes the kernel branch (2.4 or 2.6) to /tmp/m23kernelBranch +++++ 2004-12-06 fix: woody-install: ssh keys are generated and copied to the m23 directory +++++ 2004-12-03 cha: SERVER_isProgramRunning: code shortend new: SERVER_checkPackageInstalled: checks if a certain package is installed new: SERVER_daemonStartStop: starts, stops and restarts daemons new: SERVER_installTool: installs a tool on the server new: daemonsAndPrograms: page for seeing status information about daemons and helper programms new: de/ daemonsAndPrograms: help file new: SERVER_apacheInfo: returnes an information string for the Apache server new: SERVER_mysqlInfo: returnes an information string for the MySQL server new: SERVER_dhcpInfo: returnes an information string for (of course ;-) ) the DHCP server new: SERVER_programmStatusTableHeader: shows the header of the table needed for the programm status lines +++++ 2004-12-02 cha: serverSettings: added phpMyAdmin cha: index: added daemons and programs page cha: index: now includes server.php fix: BURN_listBurners: now only runs with "sudo" (don't ask why ;-) ) cha: HTML_listSelection: can show now names and send different values for the same entry to the server new: daemonsAndPrograms: new page for managing the daemons and programs on the server new: SERVER_isProgramRunning: checks if a certain program is running and returns true, if yes "no" otherwise new: SERVER_programmStatus: shows a row with information about the status of a certain program, with the possibillity to start, stop or restart the program. +++++ 2004-11-29 fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: several fixes and now seems to work cha: m23fdiskFormat: now calls FDISK_adjustFdiskParams +++++ 2004-11-28 new: FDISK_getDriveAndNr: splits a path (e.g. /dev/hda1) in the device (/dev/hda) and the device number (1). The device is returned as element 0 and the number as element 1 in an array. new: getNextFdiskFormatJobNr: returnes the next free job number for the parameters of a m23fdiskFormat job. (e.g. there are used the following parameters: command0 = rm, command1= add. Then the next command number to use will be command2 => return value is 2) fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: lot of fixes in the code +++++ 2004-11-26 fix: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: get correct device number, if it's the first partition +++++ 2004-11-25 fix: work, debugScreen, setClientStatus, setLog, setStatus, postMessage: now include capture.php cha: FDISK_formatExisting: now works with the combined device, size and filesystem strings of FDISK_listInstPartSelector cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: doesn't change the default entry to the device name, but keeps the whole information string cha: client_partition: the "format client" button is disabled, if not all settings have been made +++++ 2004-11-24 cha: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: code completed. debugging follows ;) +++++ 2004-11-23 cha: FDISK_defineDrive: extra parameters for disk tollerance new: FDISK_getDiskType: returnes the type of the drive (DISK_TYPE_IDE, DISK_TYPE_SCSI) new: helper.php: helper functions that did not fit into another include file new: HELPER_calcMBSize: calculates the size in MB from a given input that can be a GB value or measured in % cha: de/diskDefine.hlp: help for the new disk definition dialog cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: added new elemnts for the individual adjustment of the partitions new: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: adjusts the installation and swap drive for a derived client, based on the defined client settings +++++ 2004-11-18 new: copied DB m23 to m23captured cha: CAPTURE_deActivate, CAPTURE_isActive: now uses /m23/tmp/captureSave to store the state cha: CAPTURE_showMessageBox: now links directly to the capture page cha: dbConnect: selects the DB to use automatical cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: added new HTML elements for disk optimisation +++++ 2004-11-17 fix: makeScreenshots: corrected name of client rescue image fix: html2tex: now generates correct output, if there is no new line between heading and text cha: html2tex: new parameter for image scaling cha: makeTexHelp: fetched image scaling factors from /mdk/doc /manual /screenshots/ scalingTable fix: html2tex: removed aditional '*' in chapter cha: de/en: install_packages: changed HTML format fix: groups_overview: fixed HTML error new: en/diskDefine cha: de/diskDefine: changed HTML format new: en/mi_step3, mi_step4 +++++ 2004-11-16 cha: CAPTURE_showEntries: entries are now ordered by name and step cha: client_distr: added support for capturing cha: CAPTURE_captureAll, CAPTURE_getKeys: new parameter cha: plginstall, htaccess, client_details: added help page new: de/en: plginstall.hlp, htaccess.hlp, clientdetails.hlp, clientinfo_hardware, clientinfo_clientLog, clientinfo_addToGroup, clientinfo_delFromGroup cha: makeScreenshots: table for x direction cropping cha: client_packages: moved table code to CLIENT_listPackages cha: GRP_doClientMoreGroups: corrected table cha: client_infoPage: added help files cha: makeScreenshots: added all needed pages +++++ 2004-11-15 cha: makeTexHelp: deletes the help backup files before the conversion to Tex cha: kh2p: images can be generated in different formats. the file extension chooses the file type. cha: html2tex: line break after each image cha: khtml2png: better code, that scrolls only if needed cha: khtml2png: changed project to Kdevelop 3 new: khtml2png/makeDeb: script for generating the deb for khtml2png +++++ 2004-11-14 cha: CAPTURE_getKeys, CAPTURE_load: changed glue to '???' there were errors with the glue of the partition information new: makeScreenshots: added screenshots for the setup pages cha: CAPTURE_load: sets the page to POST and GET +++++ 2004-11-12 cha: de/m23base: all verbs are now starting with an upper case character new: CAPTURE_showEntries: shows a table of the captured pages with the possibility to delete entries. new: CAPTURE_deleteById: deletes a capture entry. cha: CAPTURE_captureAll: changed parameters cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine, massInstall: added CAPTURE_captureAll new: CAPTURE_getKeys: gets all POST or GET variables and returnes all keys and values as an assiciative array. Values of buttons are filtered out. new: capture: page for (de)activating the capturing and see and delete captured pages cha: makeScreenshots.sh: added screenshots for mass installation +++++ 2004-11-11 new: capture.php: routines storing and loading POST and GET values in forms new: CAPTURE_captureAll: stores all POST and GET variables to the DB new: CAPTURE_load: loads all POST and GET variables for a special page from the DB to emulate the user input while makeing a screenshot new: RMV_rm4IP: removes a variable for a slelected ip cha: RMV_rm: now uses RMV_rm4IP new: CAPTURE_deActivate: (de)activates capturing the POST, GET values new: CAPTURE_isActive: returnes true, if capturing of POST, GET values is activated. otherwise false new: CAPTURE_captureImg: returnes the status image URL of the current capture state new: CAPTURE_showMessageBox: shows a message box, if capturing is enabled cha: serverSettings: removed test code and added capture toggle button cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: added CAPTURE_captureAll cha: kh2p: adjustet to match the new parameters of khtml2png fix: khtml2png: this fix is really evil: the width of the screenshots was oversized by 65 pixel. Now the width is decremented with 65 and it works. A good fix will follow, if I have time. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: some adjustments to the new kh2p and captured values +++++ 2004-11-10 new: another hack of khtml2png: now scrolls in x and y direction, that enables it to make screenshots that are wider then the screen width. +++++ 2004-11-06 cha: makeBootCD: the ISO image size is shown, if it exists, otherwise an error message is shown cha: disabled outdated Portuguese and Italian language files new: en/makeBootCD.hlp +++++ 2004-11-04 fix: BURN_showLog: no log textarea is shown, if log file doesn't exit cha: BURN_burn, BURN_blank: setting of the burner state has been moved to burnCD and blankCD new: BURN_checkISO: checks, if the client ISO exist and create i otherwise new: de/makeBootCD.hlp +++++ 2004-10-29 new: index: new entry for burning CDs cha: menu: new entry for burning CDs new: BURN_listBurners: returnes a selection of the available burners new: blankCD: script to blank a CD new: BURN_getDevice: returnes the device name for cdrecord from a specific burner new: BURN_burn: burns an ISO new: BURN_getStatus: returns the status of the burner (BURNSTATE_IDLE, BURNSTATE_BLANK, BURNSTATE_BURN) new: BURN_showLog: shows a status info window about the current burner state +++++ 2004-10-27 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: changed timeout for fetching the job to 5 seconds and retries to 2 fix: pingIP: now uses sudo to allow the Apache user to use it cha: mkKnoppix-static: now adds the needed souce to sources.list, if it is not present cha: DB: root user is now secured with a password cha: DB: added m23dbuser for normal DB operations new: updated to phpMyAdmin 2.6.0-pl2 cha: fix-permissions: sets permissions for /m23/root-only cha: exportDBInitTable.sh, m23install.template, backupMysql.sh, restoreMysql.sh, add-erposs3.sh: DB root needs a password, fetched from /m23/root-only/dbrootpw cha: /m23/ftp:removed directory with an old pure-ftpd version cha: mkCert.sh: new security function to ensure, that the server certificate was created +++++ 2004-10-26 cha: makeCD.sh: now stores information about the ISO file size and date in /mdk/ bootCD/ISO.info cha: menuBootCD: used /mdk/ bootCD/ISO.info cha: makeCD.sh: application and preparer ID are written to the ISO cha: clean_mdk, mk-m23.bz2.sh: remove backup files before creating the archives fix: clean_mdk, unclean_mdk: now move the renamed m23 server ISO cha: mk-m23.bz2.sh: m23 DB isn't stored in the bz2 any more cha: m23install.template: uses m23DBInit.sql to instal the database cha: m23install.template: hdparm warning messages about not existing CD rom drives aren't shown any more cha: index: now fetches page name from POST with first priority, GET has second priority fix: m23ShutDownInstall: uses "halt" command for shutdown + and sets job to "done" +++++ 2004-10-25 cha: woody-install.sh: "skip-networking" is not commented out any more cha: woody-install.sh: calls now enables SSL new: m23server: updated system new: m23server: installed and run localepurge: saves 26968K by deleting unused locales and man pages. DE, FR, EN are still installed. fix: fr/m23inst: now has correct PHP code cha: m23install.template: builds a certificate +++++ 2004-10-23 fix: exportDBInitTable.sh: writes the needed default group entry to the DB +++++ 2004-10-22 cha: HELP_showHelp: now uses paragraphs instead of table structures to generate the table code. This makes it possible to use tables in the help files. cha: MASS_startInstall: returnes a message about the state of the created clients (error, ok) cha: massInstall: save button is hidden, if installation has been started cha: massInstall: shows status about created clients +++++ 2004-10-18 fix: FDISK_defineDrive: doubled "/dev/" in path definition +++++ 2004-10-16 fix: m23hwscanner: a " ," was printed before the type variable, there was no proper recognisation of the data tape, now fixed ;) fix: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: search vPart for the extended partition now works fix: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: fixed another vPart finding bug with logical partitions +++++ 2004-10-15 cha: makeCD.sh: now generates rock ridge entensions too cha: makeDoc.sh: copies the HTML documentation in the correct directory on the CD cha: updatem23.sh: now calls migrate.php cha: makeCD.sh: the ISO file name contains the version and code name. +++++ 2004-10-14 cha: de/en.hlp: clients_overview: white status new: en.hlp: clientBuilder, mi_step0, mi_step1, mi_step2: translated cha: en: m23base: missing parts translated cha: m23XFceInstall: now installs sudo and configures /etc/sudoers to make shutdown and reboot in XFce possible +++++ 2004-10-13 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: now sets do_boot_enable to "No" in kernel-img.conf. there are new questions while installing the kernel, that don't allow automatic installation of the kernel if do_boot_enable is set to "Yes". Lilo is run afterwards, so there is no problem booting the client. +++++ 2004-10-09 new: CLCFG_genFakeFstab: generates a fake /etc/fstab that only contains the lines for proc and the root partition (this is used to make the kernel install correctly) cha: debian/clientInstall: mow uses CLCFG_genFakeFstab +++++ 2004-09-30 cha: */clientInstall: m23hwscanner has to be run twice: 1. generate a fstab to make the kernel install correctly 2. generate a new lilo.cong & fstab to make lilo install cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: now copies dmidecode and checkdisklabel too fix: m23hwscanner: bugfixes +++++ 2004-09-29 new: m23hwscanner: now contains the functionality of genFstab without calling parted anymore cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: copies m23hwscanner from the ramdisk to the installation partition cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now uses m23hwscanner, adjusted parameters cha: */clientInstall: now uses new parameter format of CLCFG_genFstab +++++ 2004-09-26 cha: checkdisklabel: normal output is piped to /dev/null, because it should not be written to the POST data fix: m23hwscanner: now calculates the values for partitions smaller than 1GB correctly cha: CLCFG_activateDMA: now tries to activate /dev/hda - /dev/hdz and writes a log message only, if a device could be activated fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: error message is shown once now cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: after adding the client the dialog isn't shown anymore fix: FDISK_autoPart: now swap partition is formated cha: getKnoppixDDCxinfo, getKnoppixHwdata, getKnoppixHwsetup: adjusted because of the changes on the developer.linuxtag.net server +++++ 2004-09-25 new: bootimage: added /usr/share/misc/pci.ids, needed for lspci to show names of hardware devices cha: mkBootImage.sh: copies /usr/share/misc/pci.ids to bootimage during creation cha: HWINFO_getHDSize: returnes the sizes of all harddisks in a string, sperated by html breaks cha: client_partition: titles are saved from step to step in the extended partition dialogs fix: client_distr: after extended partitioning the install and swap partition is transfered correctly cha: checkdisklabel: new code for new device format (/dev/...) cha: m23hwscanner: now calls the new checkdisklabel cha: debian/DISTR_baseInstall: adjusted mounting of root partition to the new format +++++ 2004-09-24 fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now gets the correct boot type +++++ 2004-09-23 cha: pingIP: removed debug code new: bootimage: with m23hwscanner and needed libs new: bootimage: added lspci +++++ 2004-09-22 cha: FDISK_formatJob, FDISK_addJob, FDISK_rmJob, FDISK_listPartJobs: ported to new format fix: FDISK_autoPart: now deletes all partitions new: FDISK_formatJob: enables the booting flag on a partition new: FDISK_genPartedCommands: returnes the partition and formation commands that are generated from partJobs. cha: FDISK_getAfterPartition: space in extended partitions is calculated correctly and factor can be 0 now. this means the amount of free space in MB is returned. cha: FDISK_listPartJobs: now includes table code fix: FDISK_checkFreeSpace: correct run statement in for loop cha: MSR_importPartHwData, MIGR_partitions: the filesystem is set to -1 if it is an extended partition cha: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: removed erroneous code cha: m23fdiskFormatInstall: adjusted for new partition and format format +++++ 2004-09-21 cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog, FDISK_listInstPartSelector, FDISK_getBiggestValueOf, FDISK_findDevNrPosition, FDISK_devNrExists, FDISK_nextLogicalDevNr, FDISK_countPartitions, FDISK_virtualAddPartition, FDISK_virtualDeletePartition, FDISK_correctLogical, FDISK_formatExisting, FDISK_delPart, FDISK_addPart, FDISK_showDiskDefine, FDISK_formatPart: migrated cha: FDISK_partAmount, FDISK_countExtendedPartition, FDISK_countPrimaryPartitions, FDISK_countLogicalPartitions, FDISK_getNextPrimary, FDISK_getNextLogical, FDISK_genPartBlock, FDISK_deleteExtendedFromParam, FDISK_setPartParam, FDISK_getDiskSize, FDISK_overwriteBlock, FDISK_getPartParam, FDISK_getJobTypeOption, FDISK_getJobCommand, FDISK_getJobType, FDISK_getJobOption, FDISK_printRmJob, FDISK_printAddJob, FDISK_printAddFSJob, FDISK_printBFlagJob, FDISK_printFormatJob, FDISK_calcChanges, FDISK_rearrangeLogical, FDISK_getDevNrFromDev, FDISK_getBiggestDevNr, FDISK_getPartitionBlocks: removed new: delFromArray: deletes all entries in the array $arr assigned by the keys stored in the array $delKeys. the new array without the entries in $delKeys is returned. new: FDISK_partCreationSelect: retunes a selection for selecting a partition type to create. cha: FDISK_formatExisting: partitions for swap and installations can be on different drives now cha: FDISK_listSupportedFS: now uses HTML_listSelection cha: FDISK_getAfterLastPartition: if there is a bit of free space return 1 to show free space in the bar fix: FDISK_getFreeSpaces: returnes correct value, if there are no partitions new: extended partitioning seems to work with new format new: fdisk.php: much smaler code saved 883 lines +++++ 2004-09-20 fix: FDISK_listPartTable: no shows free space after the last partition correctly cha: FDISK_printBars, FDISK_checkFreeSpace, FDISK_listPartitions: migrated cha: FDISK_getFreeSpaceBeforeFristPartition, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartitionPercent, FDISK_getFreeSpaceAfterLastPartition, FDISK_getAfterLastPartitionPercent: are now removed, because they were used at one place only and were wrapper functions for FDISK_getAfterLastPartition or FDISK_getBeforeFristPartition. The main functions are used directly now. +++++ 2004-09-17 cha: FDISK_getFreeSpaceAfterLastPartition, FDISK_listPartTable: migrated to new fdisk format and adjusted parameters fix: FDISK_getAfterLastPartition: now uses always the last partition +++++ 2004-09-14 new: MIGR_partitions: converts param string partition information to the new assiciative array format. new: MSR_importPartHwData: imports partition and hanrdware informationen cha/fix: m23hwscanner: several fixes cha: FDISK_getPartitions, FDISK_getAllDrives, FDISK_selectDrives, FDISK_formatJob, FDISK_defineDrive, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartition, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartitionPercent, FDISK_getPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterLastPartition, FDISK_getAfterLastPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterPartition, FDISK_getAfterPartitionPercent, FDISK_printAllBars cha: HTML_listSelection: now writes the first entry back to the first variable cha: FDISK_selectDrives: now uses HTML_listSelection cha: FDISK_getInstallDrive: renamed to FDISK_getFirstDrive cha: FDISK_replaceParamPart: removed, seems to be never used ;) new: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: searches a special device (e.g. /dev/hda2) and writes the virtual device and partition numbers to the variables. These values can be used to access the file system via $param["dev$vDev"."part$vPart"."_fs"] cha: FDISK_getBeforeFristPartition, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterLastPartition, FDISK_getPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterLastPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterPartition, FDISK_getAfterPartitionPercent: changed parameters new: FDISK_printBars: enough functions ported to make is work! +++++ 2004-09-13 new: MSR_partHwDataCommand: generates the commands to send partition and hardware info cha: DMI_getParam: now uses \n as seperator cha: m23PresetupInstall: now ueses MSR_partHwDataCommand new: migrate: script for converting old partitions and dmi formats to the new one new: MIGR_dmi: converts the DMI string from the old format (line ent marked with '?') to the new (marked wit '\n'); +++++ 2004-09-12 new: m23hwscanner: new C tool, that gatheres hardware and partition information and shows an associative array, that can be send via wget. This tool will replace the old partinfodb. +++++ 2004-09-11 cha: clients_overview: changed names in the actions selection fix: DHCP_rmClient: now returnes true, if all is ok new: CLIENT_deleteClient: deletes a client and shows an optional message cha: clients_overview: link for delete now contains the client name cha: delete_client: now uses CLIENT_deleteClient cha: clients_overview: can now delete multiple clients cha: CLIENT_addClient: presetup job is set to a priority of 0 cha: PKG_addStatusJob: if it is a special package the priority is checked, before a existing job is replaced by the new one cha: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: values are now alinged on top cha: getPackageParams: renamed to PKG_getPackageParams cha: getPackageParamsVar: renamed to PKG_getPackageParamsVar new: PKG_getPackageIDsByName: returnes all IDs as an array for jobs matching the client and job name and are a normal or special package. +++++ 2004-09-10 fix: MASS_showGeneratorOptions: if first shown, the length for the first login password is set to 8 to make generation of the example passwords possible new: MASS_getLongestLength: returnes the length of the longest entry in the array or max if bigger than max fix: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: now netmasks are checked correctly fix: pingIP: now returnes true and false as boolean values and not as strings cha: CLIENT_addClient: new parameter to select, if the root password should be encrypted new: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: copies all with a selected status jobs from one client to another cha: PKG_copyWait4accPackagesToClient: now uses PKG_copyPackagesToClient new: MASS_startInstall: starts the installation of all client with all paramaters defined in the table new: MASS_showOverview: shows a table with all generated client settings, that can be edited new: massInstall: seems to work mostly ;-) +++++ 2004-09-09 new: isProgrammInstalled: returnes true if a programm can be used new: pingIP: tests, if someone is answering the ping on a given IP address. returnes true, if someone answers cha: CLIENT_isrunning: now uses pingIP new: MASS_ipGenerator: generates the selected amount of IPs in the selected ranges. Only IPs are generated that aren't in use by m23 or (if activated) pingable. new: MASS_minMaxIP: calculates the possible minimum and maximum IP of a given netmask. The IPs are returned as an array: index 0 = minimum; index 1 = maximum. new: getServerNetmask: returnes the netmask of the m23 server new: MASS_passGenerator: generates the selected amount of passwords with a random algorithm or the genpw tool. new: MASS_generateNetmask: generate netmasks from ip addresses via network class definitions. new: MASS_generateClientNames: generates client names through appending of numbers. new: MASS_saveGeneratorOptions: saves all geneator options to EGKparams new: MASS_showGeneratorOptions: shows the dialog for configuring the generator options new: MASS_getAllFromFile: returnes all values from one key of the DB file as an array. +++++ 2004-09-08 cha: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: now checks if properties have been assigned more times cha: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: now checks if needed properties have not been assigned cha: MASS_showFileFormatDialog: added i18n support new: de/mi_step0-2.hlp: help files for mass install steps 1-3 new: MASS_getXProperties: returnes the amount and keys of a secial kind (enter, generate, keep, hand, file) +++++ 2004-09-07 new: MASS_showFileFormatDialog: shows a dialog that lets the user select a DB file and assign the columns to the fields of the file new: MASS_propertyKeys: returns the keys for all properties new: MASS_keyToI18N: converts the property names to I18N names new: MASS_I18NTokey: converts the I18N names to property names new: MASS_showTableDefinition: shows a dialog that lets the user define which field in the DB file should be assigned to which property new: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: saved the assignments from field number to property and other information to EGKparams and performes a simple check, to verify that the values of the properties are valuable. An error message is returned or an empty string, if all is ok. new: MASS_openDBFile: opens a DB file new: MASS_readDBFile: reads a line from the DB file and returnes an associated array with the properties as key and the fields of the file as values. new: MASS_readDBFileRaw: reads a line from the DB file and returnes the fields splitted to a normal array. new: MASS_closeDBFile: closes the DB file. +++++ 2004-09-06 cha: CLIENT_getStatusimage: added status for define cha: CLIENT_query: additional state and operator cha: clients_overview: clientBuilder clients are shown as installable clients fix: install_packages: if page is in install mode, the button has the right label cha: clients_overview: switch/case sets variable for help page cha: CLIENT_showStatusSelection: now shows define status cha: index: added massInstall page cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: new parameter to select, if you want values to be generated,entered or kept new: massTools: routines for mass installations new: MASS_EGKradioBoxes: Generates HTML code for showing 3 elements, that can be each a "radio button", selection "disabled" or "always selected". new: MASS_FHradioBoxes: Generates HTML code for showing 2 radio buttons for selecting file or handy source new: MASS_showFileHandDialog: shows a dialog for selecting "by file" or "by hand" for the "enter" properties. +++++ 2004-09-05 cha: support: added newsletter and icons cha: menu: added newsletter and questionaire to menu cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog, CLIENT_addClient: extra parameter for client definition new: FDISK_defineDrive: defines drive information for the clientBuilder new: FDISK_showDiskDefine: shows a dialog for defining the type and size of the fake drive for the cha: add_client: changes to insert clientBuilder functions +++++ 2004-09-03 new: en: editPackageSelection.hlp: help for package selection editing dialog new: dir /m23/data+scripts/m23admin/masstools/: for masstool plugins cha: menu: added mass tools entries new: icons: mass tools +++++ 2004-09-02 cha: PKG_getPackageStatus: if distr is empty only the action status is shown cha: install_packages: can now delete package selections new: de: editPackageSelection.hlp: help for package selection editing dialog +++++ 2004-09-01 fix: GRP_getDistrsAndSourcesLists: if there are arrays in the parameters new values are added fix: install_packages: checked package type is safed for page refresh new: PKG_getAllPackageSelections: returns all package selection names new: PKG_showAllPackageSelections: returns all package selection as HTML selection cha: install_packages: added list of package selections + delete button +++++ 2004-08-31 fix: PKG_savePackageselection: deletes all packages from selection before saving packages cha: install_packages: stores package selection name cha: install_packages: if package selection name is empty get the first selected package selection name new: PKG_deletePackageselection: delete all packages from package selection cha: menu: added entry for changing of package selections cha: install_packages: started to make editiong of package selections possible +++++ 2004-08-24 fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: now the table is included in correct table tags +++++ 2004-08-23 new: MSG_showUpdateInfo: showes a info message about the stored update jobs cha: end/de: groups_overview.hlp: rewritten cha: end/de: install_packages.hlp: some changes new: MSG_showUpdateInfo: showes a info message about stored jobs on N clients +++++ 2004-08-22 new: en/de: update_packages.hlp +++++ 2004-08-21 cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: get to post cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: now adds m23normaleremove jobs cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: shows with an icon, if the package should be de/installed cha: install_packages: shows correct help file, if in deinstall mode cha: PKG_listRecommendPackages: new selection, to select if the packages should be (de)installed or use the saved action cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: new parameter to select if the packages should be (de)installed or use the saved action cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: added titles for the status icons cha: en/de: install_packages.hlp: adjusted new: GRP_getAllPackages: shows a list of all packages on all clients in the selected groups. the packages can be selected by checkboxes fix: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: now uses correct url for deinstalling packages fix: install_packages: serveral little fixes for showing correct deinstallation page cha: install_packages: now includes update function cha: clients_overview: link to update has been changed +++++ 2004-08-16 cha: PKG_savePackageselection: uses MSG_showInfo and new extra parameter to switch showing of this message on and off cha: PKG_listRecommendPackages: now uses html table functions cha: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: added support for m23normalRemove +++++ 2004-08-15 cha: CLIENT_listPackages: radioboxes to checkboxes and no "do changes" button after each 30 lines cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: now shows m23normalRemove jobs correctly new: PKG_discardRemoveJob: discards all remove jobs from the clientjobs table, that match the param cha: PKG_rmSelectedPackages: now discards remove jobs cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: different checkbox base names for normal and normalRemove jobs cha: install_packages: ability to search for packages to remove, mark and deinstall these packages cha: MSR_decodeMessage: added stupport for transfering the package status file new: MSR_genSendCommand: sends file to postMessage.php new: MSR_importStatusFile: reads status file data from the post data and store it under /m23/var/cache/ clients/clientName /packageStatus new: MSR_statusFileCommand: generates the commands to send the package infos and package status file cha: m23UpdatePackage InfosInstall: now uses MSR_statusFileCommand cha: MSR_logCommand: now uses MSR_genSendCommand +++++ 2004-08-14 cha: client_distr: after saving of data: no title and no table is shown fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: uses previously entered root and first passwords after loading of a preference cha: m23XFceInstall: removed gdm, added logging of package installation fix: deinstall_packages: now uses correct i18n for search button fix: deinstall_packages: fixed spelling of BUT_previewDenstallation cha: deinstall_packages: now uses shadowed table cha: CLIENT_acceptChanges: changed method from GET to POST cha: clients_overview: if in deinstall mode, the action link is now page = installpackages with additional action deinstall cha: index.php: commented out deinstallpackages new: PKG_addRemovePackagesToWait4Aac: adds a remove job to waiting 4 accept status new: PKG_remNormalPackages: adds normal deinstallation jobs to db cha: renamed PKG_copyWaitingPackagesToClient to PKG_copyWait4accPackagesToClient +++++ 2004-08-12 new: m23XFceInstall: installs XFce as additional desktop system on the clients new: m23XInstall: installs X11 only cha: debian/info.txt: added XFce and X cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: now shows distribution and package source name new: GRP_showSelDistrSources: shows a dialog for selection of distribution and package source name. The choices are taken form distr and packagesource values of the clients in the group. If there is only one entry for one or both of the values, the value is written back to the input variable otherwise a HTML selection is shown. new: GRP_listAllClientsInGroups: returns an array with all client names contained in the groups cha: install_packages: if in groupmode: generates a one time client name, to make work with more administrators on one sever possible cha: rescaled m23.png: now looks smoother new: PKG_copyWaitingPackagesToClient: copies the waiting jobs from one client to another new: GRP_HTMLBackToOverview: generates HTML code to return to the group overview page new: install_packages: shows GRP_HTMLBackToOverview instead of CLIENT_HTMLBackToDetails if in group mode new: install_packages: assigns jobs to all clients in the group cha: PKG_addNormalPackages, PKG_rmSelectedPackages: changed method from GET to POST cha: PKG_acceptJobs: new parameter cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: has now a selection for the action (install, deinstall) +++++ 2004-08-10 cha: packages_install: preview button is only be shown, if on a a single client new: GRP_listAllClientsInGroup: returns an array that consists of all client names that are in a group new: GRP_getDistrsAndSourcesLists: writes the differnt distributions and package sources of the clients in a group as array to the both variables new: html.php: functions for generating often used HTML code new: HTML_listSelection: shows a selection with options stored in an array new: HTML_showTableHeader: prints the header of a shadowed table new: HTML_showTableEnd: prints the end of a shadowed table +++++ 2004-08-06 new: CLIENT_showAddDialog: shows the dialog for adding a client cha: add_client: most code has been moved to CLIENT_showAddDialog cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: uses POST method for sending the data cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: selection of groups for package installation cha: packages_install: now uses POST cha: packages_install: gets and manages groups cha: packages_install: title shows, if groups or a client is selected +++++ 2004-08-05 new: PKG_countJobs: counts all packages of a client with a given status cha: PKG_countSelectedpackages: now uses PKG_countJobs new: PKG_countPackages: counts all packages on a client cha: clients_overview: removed SQL code and replaced it by PKG_countJobs and PKG_countPackages cha: clients_overview: code cleaning: changed if, else, elseif to switch, case cha: GRP_showClientGroups: now can generate links to the group pages cha: clients_overview: removed rescue and recovery, are now in the client details new: CLIENT_query: returnes the result of a query for getting all clients matching selected states and groupNames. Empty values are interpreted as 'all' for this kind of value. cha: clients_overview: shows group name in the title if one is selected cha: group_actions: removed listClients action cha: commented out GRP_showClientsInGroup and GRP_listClientsInGroup (are not used any more) cha: GRP_doClientMoreGroups: removed debug code cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: now uses GRP_showClientGroups +++++ 2004-08-03 new: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: generates a table with all groupnames and the amount of clients in each group new: GRP_listGroupsAndCount: returnes a associative array with all groupnames and the amount of clients in each group cha: clients_overview: most code removed and replaces by GRP_showGroupsAndCount new: GRP_listClientsInGroup: returnes an associative array containing all clients and clientids in the group new: GRP_showClientsInGroup: generates a table showing all clients and clientids in the group cha: group_details: most code removed and replaces by GRP_showClientsInGroup cha: index.php: added group actions cha: renamed GRP_delClientToGroup to GRP_delClientFromGroup new: GRP_HTMLBackToDetails: generates HTML code to return to the group details page new: GRP_countClients: returns the amount of client of a certain group fix: GRP_listGroupsAndCount: now shows all groups (with 0 clients) new: GRP_ren: renames a group new: GRP_showGeneralInfo: shows a table with general information about the group new: GRP_showRenDialog: shows a dialog to rename a group new: GRP_moveClientToGroup: moves a client from one group to another new: GRP_listGroups: returnes all groups in an array new: GRP_groupSelection: generates a HTML selection with all groups as options new: GRP_showDelDialog: shows a dialog for deleting a group cha: add_client: now uses GRP_groupSelection cha: CLIENT_addClient: now uses GRP_addClientToGroup cha: client_overview: link to the addtogroup page has client as new parameter new: client_details: buttons for adding and removing the client to and from groups new: client_infoPage: functions for adding and removing the client to and from groups new: GRP_doClientMoreGroups: dialog and logic for adding and removing the client to and from multiple groups new: GRP_listClientGroups: returnes an array containing all groups a client is in new: GRP_showClientGroups: shows a list containing all groups a client is in +++++ 2004-08-02 fix: setLog: now sends logging information cha: messageReceive: added comments to the functions cha: bootimage: linuxrc: fetched script is stored as work.php new: work.php: if client is in debug mode the generated script is send back to the server cha: client_distr.php: after submitting the installation job, the selection dialog is hidden fix: CLCFG_sourceslist: messageReceive.php is now included only once cha: CLIENT_showLog: PHP errors are marked red fix: *: removed including of messageReceive.php (is now included in work.php) new: groups.php: for groups functions new: GRP_exists: checks, if a group exists new: GRP_add: adds a group cha: create_group.php: uses group functions new: GRP_getIdByName: gets the Id of a groupname new: GRP_del: deletes all clients from the group and the group itself cha: removed "groupname" from table "clients" new: CLIENT_getId: returnes the id of a client new: GRP_isClientInGroup: returnes true, if a client is in the selected group, otherwise false new: GRP_addClientToGroup: adds a client to a group new: GRP_delClientToGroup: removes a client from a group +++++ 2004-08-01 cha: client_distr: now works in 3 steps +++++ 2004-07-31 cha: m23ERPOSSInstall: new error detection code cha: *: tee command now logs stderr to the log files cha: makeDoc.sh: noe deletes backup files before generating tex files with mdoc new: CLIENT_showLog: checks for an log error and colors it red fix: m23ERPOSSInstall: log files are written after the ocurrance of an error fix: m23ERPOSSInstall: something is changing resolv.conf, interfaces and hostname: it gets overwritten by m23 at the end of the installation new: m23ERPOSSInstall: kdm debconf settings + kdm is now the default window manager cha: add-erposs3.sh: sourceslist entry is only added if none exists cha: erposs/ clientInstall: now doesn't use the proxy for debootstrap fix: erposs/ clientConfig: CLCFG_getEnd Configuration: now removes files before fetching them with wget fix: erposs/ clientConfig: corrected spelling error removee to remove cha: de,en/ clients_ overview.hlp: added some sentences for the new version new: distribution icon for erposs3 cha: erposs/ info.txt: adjusted for new icon +++++ 2004-07-30 cha: CCC: CLCFG_executeAfterChroot: copies screen logs to the installation partition fix: CCC: removed "`" from if cases cha: m23xfree86Install, m23KDE3Install: now uses CLCFG_dialogInfoBox cha: rescue_client, recover_c, delete_c: added icons cha: m23xfree86Install: commented out "tee" for logging (stopps while processing package x-window-system) fix: CLIENT_showDbugSelection: fixed spelling fix: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: now setting and showing of the debug state works cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: new parameter "isCritical" cha: erposs/ DISTR_after ChrootInstall: installation of dialog fix: CLCFG_getEnd Configuration: makes needed directories cha: m23ERPOSSInstall: logging of erposs packages fix: m23ERPOSSInstall: executes next job new: client_details: added client log cha: client_log: removed cha: CLCFG_addUser: new parameter for skeleton directory cha: debian/ clientInstall: added parameter in call of CLCFG_addUser cha: CLCFG_addUser: commented out copying of skel files by cp and making of home dir: now done by the adduser command +++++ 2004-07-29 cha: client_packages: removed menu cha: menu.php: commented out the menu entries for recovery + rescue new: CLIENT_isInDebugMode: returnes "true", if the asking client is in debug mode fix: client: changed debug code from "DEBUG" to "debug" fix: RMV_set4IP: now updates existing variables new: debugScreen: generates the /etc/screenrc file on the client, that enables logging the whole screen output to /tmp/screen.* cha: linuxrc: now downloads and executes the debugScreen cha: client_overview: shows link to control center page, if in overview mode new: some new icons cha: menu.php: traffic lights after the installation steps new: CLIENT_HTML BackToDetails: generates HTML code for returning to the client controll center page cha: client_waitingjobs, c_status, c_debug, recover_c, rescue_c, c_infoPage, update_packages, install_p, deinstall_p, c_packages: added links to the client control center page new: CLIENT_showDirect ConnectionHelp: returnes the help file for directConnection and replaces place holders with the correct values cha: CLIENT_showHardwareInfo: changed order: hardware info first, then partition info +++++ 2004-07-27 cha: debian/ CCC: CLCFG_genFstab: mounting proc isn't a critical error any more new: bootimage: added vt100 terminfo cha: bootimage: screen: adjusted path to screenrc fix: RMV_set4IP: now uses the ip in the parameter cha: CIR_enableDropbear: now copies the authorized key from the server cha: debian/ clientInstall.php: activates dropbear cha: en/de: client_direct Connection.hlp: changed parameter of ssh to avoid "man in the middle" warings cha: CIR_detectSCSI: output of the detection routine now looks nicer cha: index.php: changed clientcritical to clientinfo cha: clients_overview.php: jumps to the correct position on the client_details page new: client_infoPage: shows information about a client depending on the parameter +++++ 2004-07-26 cha: DEBUG_isInDebugMode renamed to CLIENT_isInDebugMode and DEBUG_toggleDebugMode to CLIENT_toggleDebugMode new: CLIENT_getStatusimage: return the image name with the correct color new: index.php: added clientdebug page new: CLIENT_generate HTMLStatusBar: generates HTML code containing the status of the client with links to the pages new: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: shows a dialog that lets you select the current debug state of a client new: client_debug.php: page for selection of the client debug state new: PKG_rmAllSpecial PackagesByName: deletes all special packages from a client matching the package name new: PKG_countSpecialPackages: counts the special packages of a clients matching the package name and status cha: PKG_countWaitingJobs now uses PKG_countSpecialPackages cha: bootimage: linuxrc: screen session is now named m23install cha: *: screen session name: changed to m23install new: de/en: client_client DirectConnection.hlp +++++ 2004-07-25 new: debug.php: DEBUG_isInDebugMode: returnes "true", if a client is in debug mode cha: client.php: CLIENT_addClient: now uses function encryptShadow new: add_client.php: now generates a random password for the root login into the netbootimage new: CIR_enableDropbear(): sets up and starts dropbear SSH server new: devguide: new chapter for patching screen new: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now shows the bootimage root password new: linuxrc: now starts a screen session cha: /m23/inc/distr /clientConfigCommon.php: removed, was unused fix: debian: CLCFG_interfaces: removed misarranged "fi" new: DEBUG_toggleDebugMode: en/disables the debug mode of a client cha: client_critical.php, CLIENT_show StatusSelection: adjusted for new status icons cha: CLIENT_list CriticalClients: added icon cha: menu.php: added icons +++++ 2004-07-23 cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: debootstrap error doesn't set client to critical status cha: debian/ cCC.php: CLCFG_interfaces: no logging for "gateway setup" cha: mkBootImage.sh: number of notes for the image are now 3000 and comented out knoppix files fetching cha: bootimage: exchanged all libs with never versions cha: bootimage: added /etc/terminfo/ l/linux +++++ 2004-07-22 cha: clientsOverview.php: added critical clients cha: CLIENT_listCriticalClients: now counts the critical clients and links to the critical clients overview page new: HELP_getHelpString: returns the help block for the online help new: en,de: client_status.hlp cha: client_critical.php: added 3 different ways to bring the client to a normal state +++++ 2004-07-21 cha: menu.php: added "update" under packages new: clientsoverview.php: every second output line is colored blue for better client differentation new: index.php: added updatepackages entry new: packages.php: PKG_showPreviewUpdateSystem: generates HTML code woth inormation about the update preview new: PKG_previewUpdateSystem: returns the information of an system update request fix: m23normalInstall.php: now correct distribution name is fetched new: m23updateInstall.php: package for undating the client system new: wait4go: little C tool, that stops the console till "go" is entered cha: db.php: sendClientLogStatus: new parameter critical: if it is set to "true" the execution of the script is stopped and a local rescue console is opened cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: copies wait4go to the installation partition cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: critical messages lead to excution of the local shell new: db.php: new client status STATUS_CRITICAL cha: exchanged all numeric client status' with the constant names cha: message.php: MSG_showError, MSG_showInfo: if language is set to "none", there will be no box subject cha: message.php: MSG_showMessageBox, MSG_showError, MSG_showInfo: new parameter width new: client.php: CLIENT_listCriticalClients: lists clients with critical status' new: menu.php: added listing of critical clients new: client_critical.php: new client page to bring client in a non critical status +++++ 2004-07-18 new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_hideKernelWarnings: hides the kernel warnungs new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: generates the m23fetchjob script new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_executeAfterChroot: prepares for pivot_root and does it and executes afterChroot new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_dialogAllBox: generates the BASH code for showing different types of dialog boxes new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_dialogMsgBox: generates the BASH code for showing an dialog message box new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_dialogInfoBox: generates the BASH code for showing an dialog infobox cha: debian/ clientInstall.php: exchanged code parts with new functions fix: m23normalRemoveInstall.php: now removes packages cha: en,de/wellcome.hlp: added software patents warning +++++ 2004-07-16 fix: m23ERPOSSInstall.php: has now correct file name cha: m23ERPOSSInstall.php: added setting of PATH environment variable new: bootimage, bootCD: new parted version 1.6.11 fix: erposs/ clientInstall.php: copies parted from the ramdisk to the install partition fix: erposs/ clientInstall.php: corrected name of kernel new: new package repository for missing package(s): screen cha: debimg/ clientConfig.php: commented out CLCFG_writeHosts: is already included in clientConfigCommon.php cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_hwdetect now installs: the necessary packages fix: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getEndConfiguration: corrected pathes for fetching the files +++++ 2004-07-15 cha: clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: additional paramaters new: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getERPOSSMirror: figures out the server + path containing the ERPOSS instalation files new: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getDebconfTemplates: fetches the debconf templates from the m23 server and extracts them cha: add-erposs3.sh: new sources list new: add-erposs3.sh: copies a lot of template files from the CD new: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getEndConfiguration: does some configuration at the end of the ERPOSS installation new: m23ERPOSSInstall.php: installs the desktop and all other needed packages for ERPOSS +++++ 2004-07-14 cha: moved CLCFG_installBasePackages, CLCFG_setDebconf, CLCFG_writeHosts and CLCFG_downgradeExt from debian/clientConfig to clientConfigCommon cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_installBasePackages changed parameters cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: stripped out some common install routines for all Debian like distributions: CLCFG_activateDMA, CLCFG_mountRootDir, CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools cha: m23RescueInstall.php: now detects SCSI controlers + loads modules cha: m23PresetupInstall.php: moved CIR_detectSCSI and CIR_waitForNextJob to m23CommonInstall Routines.php fix: client_distr.php: if the distribution variable is empty, set it to "debian" cha: CIR_detectSCSI: now only checks once for scsi controlers fix: booimage: the init of BusyBox 1-pre10 is broken: switched init to BusyBox 1-pre1 new: /mdk/bootimage/ BusyBox-configs: stores the BusyBox config files +++++ 2004-07-12 new: script for installing the "ERPOSS3 Behördendesktop" CD on the m23 server +++++ 2004-07-10 fix: bootimage: fixed some problems with the new BusyBox cha: linuxrc: now fetches the first job with SSL encryption fix: clientConfigCommon.php: corrected URL for authorized_keys new: package sources with/without KDE3 in woody fix: debian/info.txt: corrected spelling cha: added description for Textmode and Gnome cha: added the KDE shipped with Woody new: m23KDEwoodyInstall.php: is used to install the KDE shipped with Woody +++++ 2004-07-05 cha: sensitive data is now fetched SSL encrypted from the server fix: manual/makePDF-HTML.sh: copies HTML + PDF files to the server installation ISO cha: devguide/makeDoc.sh: now copies the HTML version of the devguide to the server installation ISO cha: bootimage: changed to BusyBox 1-pre10 +++++ 2004-07-04 new: mkCert.sh: creates a SSL certificate for usage with Apache SSL new: enable-ssl: first try for installing and configure all needed to enable SSL in Apache +++++ 2004-05-21 fix: debian/packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: set return value to "true" to enable offline mode +++++ 2004-05-20 fix: m23gnome2Install.php: Gnome 2.x is now installable (2 ';' were missing) cha: client.php: CLIENT_getSubnet: better code (thx to 2borg) new: client.php: CLIENT_getBroadcast: calculates the boradcast IP (thx to 2borg) fix: fixed link to the development guide in the menu new: created and made available the update from 0.4.8 to 0.4.9 cha: SRCLST_package InformationOlderThan: added check for the file /m23/etc/offlineMode. if it is found the function always returnes false. +++++ 2004-05-05 cha: menu.php: now includes the french manual, if french is the m23 admin interface language cha: version.php: changed to "final" +++++ 2004-04-30 cha: client_distr.php: new default distribution is "debian" and not "debimg" cha: moved info.txt and debimg.tgz to m23-extra new: created package m23-extra for parts not included in the normal m23 new: script to install m23 on a normal woody server cha: MDK: clean_mdk: now moves bootimage/initrd.gz cha: MDK: unclean_mdk: now moves bootimage/initrd.gz new: server boot CD: added README file cha: makeCD.sh: now generates cleaned m23 database and stores it on CD cha: MDK: makeCD.sh: now generates with Joliet and Rock Ridge extensions fix: woody-install.sh: enabled authentification +++++ 2004-04-29 new: exportDBInitTable.sh: exports a cleaned m23 database for installation of a new server +++++ 2004-04-28 cha: help.php, distr.php, server.php, packages.php, i18n.php, sourceslist.php, plugin.php, db.php: added length parameter to fgets function cha: dhcp.php: added code for selecting the correct dhcp server startup command new: db.php: isMySQL3used: checks if MySQL 3 is installed and returnes true if v3 is found, otherwise false cha: db.php: DB_addUser: added code to make it work with the old MySQL version 3 cha: fix-permissions: now autodetects user + groupname of the apache process new: devguide: added complete code to the MySQL-C++ chapter +++++ 2004-04-27 fix: en+de/ client_distr.hlp, client_add.hlp: fixed error in LaTex code generation cha: corrections in the english manual and help files +++++ 2004-04-09 cha: add_client.php: added package proxy + port cha: add_client.php: package proxy settings are stored in client options cha: client.php: CLIENT_addClient: now adds client options too cha: clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_aptConf: only add the APT proxy lines if the proxy IP is not empty cha: */clientInstall.php: APT proxy settings are taken from clients options cha: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: uses package proxy settings cha: debian/clientInstall.php: DISTR_baseInstall: uses package proxy settings in CLCFG_debootstrap fix: debian/packages.php: tries to sort the kernerl list if there is a list fix: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: only sets the proxy if its IP is not empty cha: de+en/client_add.hlp: added help about the package proxy setting +++++ 2004-04-07 cha: packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now returnes an error message, if an error occurs cha: packages.php: PKG_searchFor, PKG_listPackages: checks of the logfile isn't false cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_checkList: checks of the logfile isn't false cha: packages.php: PKG_searchFor: returns false if the search can't be started fix: install_packages.php: don't close the table if there occurs an error cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_genSelection($selName, $first, $distr): now shows sources lists that belong to the distribution only cha: client_distr.php, client_sourceslist.php: changed parameters for SRCLST_genSelection fix: packages.php: PKG_getPackageStatus: handles "normal packages" correctly now new: bootCD/updatem23.sh: a script for updating the installed m23 version with the version contained on the CD cha: serverupdate.hlp: added hint about the update script new: made new installation ISO 0.4.8 shiver-pre5 +++++ 2004-04-05 fix: stable sources.list: added KDE 3.2 source +++++ 2004-04-02 new: devguide: added new chapter for the MDK menue system cha: MDK/menuBootCD, menuManuelStart, menuDevguide , menuClientISO: added help entry new: menuBootCD.hlp: help file for menuBootCD new: menuManual.hlp: help file for generating the manual new: menuDevguide.hlp: help file for generating the development guide +++++ 2004-04-01 new: manual: finished exglis translation cha: clients.php: CLIENT_getSubnet: changed algorithmus: parts of the IP are copied only if there is 255 in the netmask. cha: m23.sf.net: english manual uploaded +++++ 2004-03-28 new: manual/introduction.tex: has been translated to english +++++ 2004-03-27 cha: menu.php: added a "report a bug" item fix: support.php: corrected path to the image cha: khtml2png: has been mostly rewritten, because KDE 3.2 now uses an optimisation that doesn't draw widgets that aren't visible. With the old tool it is impossible to make screenshots bigger than the screen. The new tool scrolls the contents of the HTML page and makes different screenshots that are appended to one image. cha: MDK/kh2p: changed parameters for khtml2png and now fetches the HTML page before capturing +++++ 2004-03-25 fix: MDK/menuClientISO: now builds the client ISO fix: MDK/mkBootImage.sh: copies the modules from the server installation cd to the client boot cd, to make the modules loadable fix: MDK: removed file "rescue" from the bootimage directory (saves 24 MB from the client boot CD) cha: MDK/bootimage: linuxrc: now shows the MAC addresses +++++ 2004-03-13 cha: client_add.hlp, clients_overview.hlp: changed to unordered list cha: fdisk-automatic.hlp, deinstall_packages.hlp, fdisk-extended3.hlp, makeBootDisk.hlp, fdisk-existing.hlp: changed to ordered list cha: MDK/html2tes.sh: most code rewritten: now uses html2latex fix: fdisk-extended2.hlp: corrected code cha: german manual has better layout +++++ 2004-03-12 cha: m23client-debconf: changed timezone to Europe +++++ 2004-03-11 fix: MDK/m23install.template: removed "/" after route option in dhcpd.conf fix: debian/clientConfig.php: CLCFG_installBasePackages: installs necessary packages for setting the keyboard in the console fix: work.php: if a script doesn't exist set the job to "done" and execute next job fix: client_distr.php: reordered code so distributions can be selected cha: checks.php: checkNormalKeys: allows "_" +++++ 2004-03-09 cha: MDK/m23-debconf-woody: removed dependencies fix: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_saveList: the sources.list is only deleted if it exists fix: debian/packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: logfile is now written fix: client_sourceslist.php: now trims whitespaces from sources list and description fix: rescue_client.php: now shows correct help page fix: client.php: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: delete all client package information cha: client.php: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: tries to wrap the parameter string after 80 characters fix: m23normalInstall.php: sets status back to green after the installation fix: */packages.php: PKG_listSpecialpackages: removed '>' in table header cha: m23UpdateSourcesListInstall.php: changed priority to 12 to avoid too early execution fix: packages.php: PKG_listParams: fixed doubled "
" fix: packages.php: PKG_listSelectedpackages: fixed column numbers for packagename and normalPackage fix: packages.php: PKG_discardNormalJob: false SQL statement generated cha: install_packages.php: repositionated buttons fix: fdisk.php: FDISK_listSupportedFS: removed reiserfs, because there is no code to format with reiser cha: debian/clientConfig.php: renamed CLCFG_downgradeExt3 to CLCFG_downgradeExt and included code to downgrade ext2 partitions cha: debian/clientInstall.php: adjusted for usage of CLCFG_downgradeExt fix: client.php: CLIENT_addClient: now installdate is set ;) fix: client.php: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: shows now installdate and lastmodifies in human readable format new: BUILD/UPLOAD ISO: m23shiver-0.4.8-pre3 +++++ 2004-03-08 cha: debian/clientConfigInstall.php: CLCFG_listDebianReleases: new parameter first cha: */packages.php: PKG_listKernels: new parameter first fix: */packages.php: PKG_listKernels: now first is the first kernel name new: preferences.php: PREF_putAllOptions( $prefName, $options): stores all settings in the options array to the preferences new: debimg/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_getSetOption($getvar, $optvar, $options): checks if a variable is set an places its value under the variable name in the options array new: debimg/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_options2HiddenForm( $options): generates hidden fields with the values of the option array new: debimg/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_hiddenForm2options( $options): reads the option values of the hidden fields and adds them to the options array cha: client_distr.php: moved refresh button to the bottom new: preferences.php: PREF_getAllValues( $prefName, $options): gets all preferences and adds them to the options array new: client_dist.php: now stores/ restores the preferences correctly cha: PKG_getPackageStatus( $client, $package, $distr, $params, $normalPackage): code rewritten and new parameters cha: work.php: now includes sourceslist.php fix: rescue_client.php: started recover :( new: client.php: CLIENT_getStatusimage( $status): return the image name with the correct color cha: client.php: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: fixed status color fix: rescue_client.php: now starts DHCP booting cha: version.php: changed to 0.4.8 shiver-pre3 new: help files: client_waitingjobs, rescue_client cha: clients_overview.php: now uses CLIENT_getStatusimage cha: clients_overview.php: click on the status color calles the page "clientstatus" cha: index.php: added "clientstatus" new: client.php: CLIENT_showStatusSelection( $client): shows a dialog that lets you select the current status of a client +++++ 2004-03-07 cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_saveList: removes sources.list after saving cha: debian/packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: updates the package cache if sources.list doesn't exist cha: m23KDE3Install.php: create /dev/raw1394 to make the installer quiet new: packages.php: PKG_updateSourcesListAtAllClients( $sourcename): updates the sources.list at all clients using it cha: client.php: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: now shows m23normal jobs correctly new: packages.php: PKG_removeFromJobList( $packageIDList): removes all jobs identified by the IDs in packageIDList cha: client.php: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: can now remove package jobs cha: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: calles "apt-get clean" +++++ 2004-03-05 cha: deinstall_packages.php, install_packages.php, recover_client.php, */clientInstall.php fix: debian/cientConfig.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: removed nonexisting package libstdc++5 cha: messageReceive.php: MSR_importLog: removed debug code fix: MDK: mkstaticdeb: fixed problem with ddcxinfo-knoppix that had no LDFAGS line cha: MDK: /mdk/m23Debs/debs: added wget_1.9.1-3.backports.org.1_i386.deb because the woody wget version is too old to handle --post-file fix: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: fixed the BASH code for getting the count of packages new: updated phpMyAdmin to version 2.5.6 cha: work.php: if there is a problem finding the package to execute: try to execute the next one cha: debian/clientInstall.php: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: installs the new wget cha: m23KDE3Install.php: removed starting of sshd cha: m23/skel/.kde/Autostart/passwd: changed command and rebuild usrm23.tar.gz +++++ 2004-03-04 new: messageReceive.php: MSR_decodeMessage(): checks the type of the message and cals the right procedure new: messageReceive.php: MSR_importPackageStatus(): imports the data from a package status message to the database cha: m23copyPackageStatusToServerInstall.php: removed cha: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: has now complete new code, that doesn't uses wget to transfer the data ro the server cha: packages.php: PKG_changeClientPackageAction($client, $package, $action): renamed from PKG_changeClientPackageStatus cha: packages.php: PKG_setClientPackageWait4Rm, PKG_setClientPackageInstalledOK: adjusted cha: packages.php: CLIENT_listPackages: adjusted cha: deinstall_packages.php, client_packages.php: now includes distribution packages.php cha: packages.php: moved PKG_translateClientPackageStatus to debian/packages.php cha: debian/packages.php: PKG_translateClientPackageStatus: code rewritten for better status description cha: client.php: CLIENT_getPossibleActions: uses PKG_isInstalled cha: debian/packages.php: PKG_isInstalled($status): checks if a package is installed depending on the status cha: sourceslist.php, m23gnome2Install.php, m23xfree864Install.php, m23KDE3Install.php, CLCFG_sourceslist(): doesn't use log2db any more cha: */clientInstall.php: removed log2db +++++ 2004-03-03 new: german manual: finished files: manual.tex, serverinstallation.tex, requirements.tex, firststeps.tex and introduction.tex fix: html2tex.sh: fixed problems with "-" and bold cha: menuManualStart.sh: added status for the html and pdf files cha: makePDF.sh: moved to makePDF-HTML.sh and added generation of HTML files new: menuManualStart.sh: added upload menu item cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: copies the HTML files to /m23/doc/manual/ cha: menu.php: now uses the new m23 manual cha: makeDoc.sh: now generates only HTML and PDF files new: menuDevguide: new menu for the generation and upload of the development guide cha: menuStart.sh: has a new menu item to generate the documents fix: devGuide: exchanged symbols that produced errors in HTML output cha: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: now only produces a short package status file on the client new: MDK: m23helper/ clientpackagestatus2db: imports the package status files from the temporary directory to the database new: m23copyPackageStatusToServerInstall.php: copys the short package status file from the client to the server and impots it into the database cha: deinstall_packages.php, install_packages.php, recover_client.php, */clientInstall.php: added package job m23copyPackageStatusToServer new: MDK: m23-initscripts: Debian package for installing some initscripts cha: MDK: menuDeb: added new m23 extra package m23-initscripts cha: debian/cientConfig.php: CLCFG_installBasePackages: added the installation of m23-initscripts +++++ 2004-03-02 new: MDK: new: remotevar.php: RMV_exists4IP($var, $ip): checks if a variable exists for a certain IP fix: remotevar.php: RMV_set4IP: uses RMV_exists4IP to check if the variable has to be added or updated cha: khtml2png: hacked the source so it wontt make errors displaying some HTML elements cha: MDK: html2tex: removes "noheading" and parses
tags new: MDK: loadExampleDB, restoreCurrentDB: loads a example database for making screenshots and restores the old one new: MDK: menuLanguage.sh: menu to select the language for generating screenshots and the Tex documentation new: MDK: makeScreenshots.sh: generates screenshots for the selected languages new: MDK: makeTexHelp.sh: generates Tex files for the selected languages new: MDK: menuManualStart.sh: menu for generating all the manual new: german manual: main page for the german manual new: german manual: introduction for the german manual new: german manual: screenshots from the server installation new: german manual: server installation page new: MDK: makePDF.sh: generates the manual(s) as PDF files for the selected languages +++++ 2004-02-29 new: MDK: mkstaticdeb, mkKnoppix-static: generates static Debian packages from Knoppix tools new: MDK: menuDeb: Menu for generating m23 Debian packages new: MDK: mkDeb: build a special m23 Debian package new: MDK: mkpackages: generates the Package* files cha: MDK: menuStart: added the deb builder menu cha: debian/clientConfig.php: CLCFG_setDebconf: systems without debconf-set-selections install the m23-debconf-woody package fix: index.css: removed out-commented line with false color konquerer had problems with fix: MDK: mkstaticdeb: now removes the Depends line in control fix: inc/help/*: changed false HTML-comments from \$KERNEL_NAME new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_interfaces: generates a script for writing the /etc/network/interfaces file new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_hostname: wrtites the hostname file new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_resolvConf: sets DNS entries new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_aptConf: proxy settings for downloading Debian packages cha: m23baseSysInstall.php: commented out fetching of the old script files cha: afterChrootInstall.php: exchanged the old scripts with the functions above +++++ 2004-01-02 cha: changed location of m23biglogo.png to /m23/gfx new: m23-start.png cha: m23/index.php: new layout + gfx cha: welcome.hlp: changed path of m23biglogo.png new: clientConfig.php: functions for configuring the client new: db.php: encryptShadow: function to encrypt password for the shadow file cha: m23admin/index.php: added clientConfig.php to the includes cha: db.php: removed enable_proxy and disable_proxy new: client.php.php: CLIENT_getAskingParams(), CLIENT_getParams($clientName): functions to get parameters of a client new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_genFstab($clientID): generates the command for generation of the fstab file +++++ 2003-12-07 fix: apt-search: information about installable packages is now updated correctly fix: m23baseSysInstall.php: now fetches the right file: aptconf.php and not hostname.php fix: mkxf86config-special.sh: set ps/2 as default protocol for ps/2 mouse +++++ 2003-12-06 cha: /etc/ssh/ssh_config: set "StrictHostKeyChecking no", so ssh won't ask for confirming new fingerprints cha: m23xf864Install.php: added mkxf86config creation of the XF86Config files cha: hwdetect.php: removed mkxf86config creation of the XF86Config files cha: m23inst.php-de: ä -> ae, ü -> ue cha: cleaned some unused files from /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys cha: baseSysInstall.php: fetches aptconf.php new: aptconf.php: generates a apt.conf file for the client that enables the proxy cha: removed enable_proxy() and disable_proxy() from all files. this is replaced by setting the proxy in apt.conf +++++ 2003-12-04 fix: hwsetup.php: fixed file name for mkxf86config cha: m23image.bz2: removed some old files fix: fdisk.php: FDISK_selectDrives: if $first is empty don't let it be the first drive fix: fdisk.php: FDISK_getPartParam and FDISK_partAmount: returns 0 if the device is empty: removes some warnings from the partition dialog ;) cha: db.php: added newlines before wget commands to make programming errors more difficult +++++ 2003-12-02 fix: /m23/bim/mk-m23.bz2.sh: corrected pathes: files that should be cleaned are in /tmp/m23 and not m23 ;). So the master password was not enabled, PXE and Etherboot files were not deleted before making the m23.bz2 file. fix: parted in the client bootimages was not statical linked: new bootimages for PXE and Etherboot new: new m23 server installation ISO. May be the last build before the RC3 release ;) +++++ 2003-11-27 cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_genList: added knoppix deb source cha: hwdetect.php: install following knoppix packages: hwsetup hwdata-knoppix ddcxinfo-knoppix xf86config-knoppix cha: hwdetect.php: commented out all routines to get the needed files, that are replaced with the deb packages cha: hwdetect.php: adjusted pathes to the files cha: plugin.php: exchanged all error and info messages with the versions from message.php new: /m23/bin/pscheck: script to check if a process is running fix: /m23/bin/phpDebug, /m23/bin/phpNormal: checks if apache is running. if not start it +++++ 2003-11-26 cha: /mdk/bin/menuBootCD: transfers the m23image.bz2 to (mostly for internal purpose) fix: new server image to fix the PATH error and update of the system cha: plugin.php: now uses message.php for its messages +++++ 2003-11-25 new: script for download statistic on m23.sf.net +++++ 2003-11-23 new: /mdk/bin/extractDeb: can extract the files from a deb file +++++ 2003-11-20 cha: /m23/inc/version.php: m23_codename is now "shiver-rc3" fix: Server-Image: /etc/profiles: PATH contains now /sbin, /usr/sbin (thx Henry) +++++ 2003-11-19 fix: getKnoppix*: binaries are now taken from the debs and not compliled from the tar.gzs fix: bootImage: now contain 3Com driver (thx Zugschlus) +++++ 2003-11-14 fix: Corrections in english help files +++++ 2003-11-13 fix: corrected headings in client partitioning fix: FDISK_formatExisting: returns param with empty partitions fix: FDISK_formatExisting: removed false error message fix: /mdk/bin/getKnoppix*: corrected version information new: /mdk/bin/getKnoppixDDCxinfo: DDCinfos gets the DDC parameters from the monitor now included and will be used by mkxf86config.sh +++++ 11-18+19-03 new: Script: Read menus from DEBs +++++ 05-01-2003 Hauke index.php - changed language detection scheme to fix double click for language change debimg.tgz - removed hwcheck from rc2-5, added hwcheck to rcS - added ntpsync to rcS - updated kernel to 2.4.21-rc1 - removed interface.* files from /root - made new debimg.tgz dhcp.php - fix: DHCP_rmClient, trimmed clientname - added return code to DHCP_rmClient delete_client.php - added return message add_client.php - shortened delay by client adding +++++ 04-30-2003 Hauke m23BaseSysInstall.php - commented out getBootFS(), seems to be not used any more - added debug flag for disabling dialog messages afterChrootInstall.php - " m23FdiskFormatInstall.php- " - removed obsolete code m23KdeInstall.php - added debug flag for disabling dialog messages m23PreSetupInstall.php - " log2db - fixed help message - fixed compiler warnings partinfodb - removed output of sql statement +++++ 04-29-2003 Hauke remortevar.php - added, for saving remote variables on the server, usefull, if cookies are disabled +++++ 04-22 - 04-28-2003 Hauke - countless changes for multi language support +++++ 04-21-2003 Hauke plugin.inc - added error messages for failed downloads - fixed an error in plugin updates - some changes to the layout: only error messages are shown help.inc - help files are now under inc/help/de +++++ 04-20-2003 Hauke plugin.inc - added PLG_showPluginOverview, PLG_delete - deinstallation of plugins works - update works +++++ 04-19-2003 Hauke plugins - new table plugins plugin.inc - added PLG_install, PLG_getTempDir, PLG_getFilename, PLG_realInstall, PLG_DBInstall, PLG_checkOverwriting, PLG_getPlugin, PLG_showDownloadStatus - installation of plugins works +++++ 04-18-2003 Hauke log2db - changed sql query method, now logfiles can be send easier client.inc - CLIENT_showLog, entries get colored - CLIENT_showLog, logfiles are correctly shown pxelinux.cfg - local boot of clients works now (with hint of Daniel) +++++ 04-17-2003 Hauke dbimg.tgz - added ntpdate + execute @ startup - added hdparm + dma autodetection @ startup - added libmysqlclient m23remasterImg.sh - fixed: /oldroot and / aren't tared log2db - introducing tool, saves logfiles to db +++++ 04-13-2003 Hauke client.inc - added CLIENT_reset client.inc - CLIENT_desasterRecovery: clients will be automatically reseted partinfodb - now sends cpu speed to server db.inc - introducing sendClientLogStatus() db - added table "clientlogs" setLog.php - logs script events to clientlogs db.inc - added deleteClientLogs(), deletes the client logs +++++ 04-13-2003 Daniel client_showwaitingjobs - fixed, so only done packages are shown afterChrootInstall.php - Added clockset of client via NTP client.inc - Added Function CLIENT_isrunning +++++ 03-05-2003 Hauke fdisk.php - changed parameters of FDISK_autoPart($clientName,&$command, $dev, $param) - amount of partitons is now calculated with the param string+++++ - amount of partitons is now calculated with the param string +++++ 2018-01-22 patch 101084: Updated documentation and scripts for managing m23 releases. cha: m23-release-howto.tex: Added section for updating the m23admin-offline-copy. cha: makeDoc.sh: Now uses the "-interaction nonstopmode" from pdflatex. cha: m23cli.php: Added includes needed for GF_changeIPs. +++++ 2018-01-18 new: getMySQL-PasswordParam.sh: Get the password parameter to call MySQL/MariaDB CLI tools new: getMySQL-UserParam.sh: Get the user parameter to call MySQL/MariaDB CLI tools new: export-dataset.sh: Creates an SQL dump for generating the offline demo from cha: dlhttrack: Now makes offline copies in all m23 languages and uploads the copies. +++++ 2018-01-12 new: CMSLinkCreator.sh: Creates link files for the CMS for ISO, appliance or RaspBerry Pi image. +++++ 2018-01-10 patch 101082: Release 18.1 release 18.1 cha: ubuntu/DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now moves wgetrc out of the way before installing wget and move wgetrc back afterwards. Needed sometimes (!) when m23 server is and UCS and client distribution Linux Mint 18.3 32bits. +++++ 2018-01-09 new: installLocalm23DebsOnUCS: Prepares an UCS for installation of local m23 packages and installs them. +++++ 2017-12-30 new: DB_getTableColumns: Creates an associative array with table and column names and their data types and codepages (collation). +++++ 2017-12-29 cha: CLIENT_showJobs, PKG_listSelectedpackages, install_packages.php: Disabled reason. cha: exportDBInitTable: Added "LinuxMint 18.3 Sylvia". cha: CLCFG_installMintDM: Now disables CPU intensive fading. Background is now changing every 5 minutes only. cha: m23 / control: Added php7.0-bz2 as (possible) dependency. cha: PKG_countPackages: Switched back to counting without triggers. +++++ 2017-12-28 fix: CFDiskIO::getPartDevs: Now returns partitions without file system when file systems to be excluded are empty. cha: HTML_showPagePrintButton: Now shows a button for jumping to the help text too. cha: HELP_getHelp: Now has a jump anchor for the help button. cha: makeBootMedia.php: Redesigned. +++++ 2017-12-27 cha: makeBootCD*: Becomes makeBootMedia*. cha: menu.php: Removed tools section. cha: menu.php: makeBootMedia now in clients section. +++++ 2017-12-26 cha: CFDiskIO::genManualFstab: Now calls CFDiskIO::getNVMeMknodCommand. new: CFDiskIO::getNVMeMknodCommand: Generates the mknod commands for creating the NVMe devices. cha: CFDiskBasic::getMknodCommand: Becomes CFDiskIO::getMknodCommand. cha: m23hwscanner / scanDisksPartitions: Now works with NVMe devices. +++++ 2017-12-25 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now starts MariaDB when Linux is still running from the ISO. +++++ 2017-12-15 cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Added m23customPatch area for changing the display manager. +++++ 2017-12-13 cha: menuManualStart.sh: Commented out screenshot entry. +++++ 2017-12-12 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now has extra parameter for disabling the installation of language packs. new: m23Unity3DMinimal1604Install.php: Installs a minimalistic Unity 3D desktop for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with German language. +++++ 2017-12-10 cha: m23 / template / postinst / config: Now asks for a new password for the pi user, if it is still the default password. +++++ 2017-12-05 cha: VM_createVM: Now creates VMs with OSType Debian_64 and 32MB video RAM on VirtualBox > 2. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now suggests 1024 MB RAM. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now calls ssh without user name (will use root). cha: VM_createDiskImage: Now works with VirtualBox > 4 too. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now shows an error message, if a client with the wanted VM name exists before. cha: VM_setHostInDB, VM_setGuestInDB, VM_setVisualURL: Now uses an empty array as base for setting the new parameters. +++++ 2017-12-04 cha: phpMyAdmin: Update to version 4.7.6. cha: client_add_label_description.inc, externalDHCP.hlp: Added information about boot media and fetchJobManual. +++++ 2017-12-01 new: DB_changeAllCollations: Changes the codepage for the collation of all text fields in all tables of a database. new: DB_getSuperUserPassword: Returns the password (or empty) of the super MySQL/MariaDB user. new: DB_getSuperUserName: Returns the name of the super MySQL/MariaDB user. +++++ 2017-11-24 fix: clients_overview.php: Now shows the clients online status column only, if the feature is activated. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now deletes GPG keys in new format too. cha: m23 / postinst: Now updates/creates the m23 server entry in the client table only, if there is no localhost with the given IP. +++++ 2017-11-23 cha: UPDATE_doUpdate: Now makes sure the package repository is included and upgrades the m23 server. cha: update.php: Now shows a warning, if the page is opened on UCS. cha: serverSettings.php: Now shows update icon on UCS too. cha: clients_overview.php, CLIENT_generateHTMLDedicatedAndReachableStatus: Now are using HTML title instead of CSS tooltip. cha: SERVERBACKUP_showConfigurationDialog: Deactivated share-online.biz. cha: m23 / postinst: Now works on Debian 9 too: Only creates an GPG key, if it's missing. Detected by "gpg --list-secret-keys" cha: exportDBInitTable: Now works with tables containing triggers. cha: m23 / postinst: Now has special handling for Squid 3 using squid.conf. +++++ 2017-11-22 new: EDIT_appendToFile: Appends a text to a file on a client. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now configures sshd_config to allow root logins with SSH key. +++++ 2017-11-21 cha: CXhprof.php: Now uses SERVER_getServerBoolSetting and SERVER_setServerBoolSetting. Unneeded converting functions were removed. No extra table for storing the states needed anymore. cha: m23 / control: Added fping as dependency. new: SERVER_startUpdateClientOnlineInDBBackgroundJob: Starts a background job to update the online status of the clients cyclically. new: updateClientOnlineInDB.php: Script to update the online status of the clients in the DB cyclically. cha: SERVER_setClientOnlineStatusEnabled: Now starts or stops the background job to update the online status of the clients cyclically. +++++ 2017-11-18 cha: addBaseScanner: Now scans for USB modules too. cha: CLCFG_hwdetect: Disabled run of hwsetup, if module usbnet is loaded. +++++ 2017-11-14 new: GF_changeIPs.php: Changes the IPs and netmasks of the m23 clients in the m23 DB and UCS LDAP. new: CLIENT_getNetmaskFromBitAmount: Gets the netmask by the amount of set bits. new: CHECK_ip: Checks, if an IP is (syntactically) valid. new: UCS_getGenericNetworkName: Generates a generic name for a network object in UCS. new: UCS_networkObjectExists: Checks, if a network object exists in the UCS. new: UCS_ensureNetworkObjectExists: Makes sure that the network object exists in the UCS. new: UCS_getFirstElementFromDN: Gets the first value of a distinguished name. +++++ 2017-11-13 new: UCS_createNetworkObject: Creates a new network object in the UCS LDAP. fix: client_distr.php: Now gets the name to store the client prefrences under. new: clientISO / fetchJobManual: Reads the IP of an m23 server and downloads and executes a work.php. new: pool2ISO: Script for generation an ISO image containing the packages from a pool. +++++ 2017-11-08 new: UCS_getClientLDAPInfo: Get information about a client stored in the UCS LDAP. new: UCS_getNetworkLDAPInfo: Get information about a network stored in the UCS LDAP. new: UCS_getAllClientNamesLDAP: Gets all client names stored in the LDAP of the UCS. +++++ 2017-11-07 new: CLIENT_getNetmaskBits: Gets the amount if set bits of a netmask. new: UCS_modifyClientIP: Modifies the IP of a client in the UCS LDAP. +++++ 2017-11-06 cha: DB_escapeString: Removed. Semi-duplicate of CHECK_text2db. +++++ 2017-11-03 cha: xhprof_runs.php list_runs: Added links for deleting reports. cha: xhprof_html / index.php: Added function and switch for deleting reports. +++++ 2017-11-01 cha: adjustControl: Now adds lines to the control file if missing. +++++ 2017-10-30 new: xhprof_shutdown: Shutdowns xhprof. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::_construct: Constructor for new CXhprof objects. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::loadXhprofSettings: Loads current Xhprof settings from database. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::showXhprofDialog: Shows a dialog for editing the Xhprof settings. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::setActive: Sets profiling active/inactive. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::getActive: Gets profiling active/inactive. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::isXhprofActive: Returns true if Xhprof is active. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::setSave: Toggles Xhprof to save data. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::getSave: Gets save setting of Xhprof. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::doSave: Returns true if Xhprof shall save data. (THX TS) new: CXhprof::save: Saves Xhprof settings to database. (THX TS) new: de / xhprof.hlp: Help file for the profiling feature. cha: clients_overview.php: Now reads the amount of packages directly from the clients.trg_sum_clientpackages. cha: CClient::generateHTMLStatusBar: Now calls VM_statusIcons with aditional parameters. new: CClient::getVMRole: Returns the client's vmRole. new: CClient::getVmSoftware: Returns the client's vmSoftware. +++++ 2017-10-29 cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Additional values for the call of CLIENT_generateHTMLStatusBar. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_isrunning: Prepared to use CLIENT_isDedicatedAndReachable. new: PKG_recountAllClientPackages: Recounts all packages of a client and updates corresponding fields in the database. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_generateHTMLStatusBar, VM_statusIcons: Now are using additional parameters to reduce DB queries. (THX TS) new: xhprof_init: Enables xhprof, if it is available and should be activated. (THX TS) +++++ 2017-10-28 cha: m23 / postinst: Many SQL speed improvements. (THX TS) cha: PKG_countPackages: Prepared to use SQL triggers for getting the amount of client's packages. (THX TS) +++++ 2017-10-27 cha: serverSettings.php: Now shows an optional icon for xhprof. +++++ 2017-10-24 cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now adds a client to clientgroups, if at least one group is choosen. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses pre-sets "default" group. +++++ 2017-10-23 new: DB_escapeString: Escapes given String according to database specifications. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_query: Simplified building the SQL query. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Now shows a reason for each job. (THX TS) cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds a field for reason in the clientjobs table. (THX TS) new: PKG_changeInstallReasonSelectedPackages: Changes the priority of selected wait4acc packages. (THX TS) cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Added columns for reason. (THX TS) cha: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: Added fields for reason. (THX TS) cha: install_packages.php: Added adding/editing a reason for the jobs. +++++ 2017-10-20 new: MSR_setOnline: Sets the online-state of a client. (THX TS) cha: MSR_decodeMessage: Added switch for MSR_setOnline. +++++ 2017-10-19 cha: index.css, index_fb.css: Added tooltips. (THX TS) +++++ 2017-10-18 new: SERVER_setServerBoolSetting: Sets a bool value of a server setting. new: SERVER_getServerBoolSetting: Gets the boolean value of a server setting. new: SERVER_isLiveLogDisabled: Determines, if live logging should be disabled globally for all clients. new: SERVER_setLiveLogDisabled: Sets/Unsets live disabling of logging globally for all clients. new: SERVER_isUpdatePackageInfosDisabled: Determines, if the updatePackageInfos job should NOT be added to any clients. new: SERVER_setUpdatePackageInfosDisabled: Sets/Unsets the updatePackageInfos job should NOT be added to any clients. new: SERVER_isClientOnlineStatusEnabled: Determines, if the online status of all clients should be detected and shown. new: SERVER_setClientOnlineStatusEnabled: Sets/Unsets if the online status of all clients should be detected and shown. cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds a field for online status in the client's table. new: serverFeatures.php: New page for (de)activating optional m23 server features. cha: serverSettings.php / index.php: Added serverFeatures page. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now exits the function if the live log is disabled. cha: client_details.php: Now doesn't show the live log area if live logging is disabled. cha: install_packages.php: Now doesn't add the update package status job, if it is disabled by feature setting. new: CLIENT_generateHTMLDedicatedAndReachableStatus: Generates HTML code and tooltip containing the status of the client showing if it's dedicated and reachable. (THX TS) new: CLIENT_isDedicatedAndReachable: Checks, if a client is dedicated to this M23-Server and reachable. (THX TS) cha: clients_overview.php: Shows online status of the clients, if the feature is enabled. +++++ 2017-10-17 cha: PREF_putValue, PREF_loadAllPreferenceValues: Now works with arrays as values. +++++ 2017-10-16 cha: CSystemProxy::__construct: Now detects Squid's config file and init script name. cha: CSystemProxy::writeSquidConf: Now uses Squid's detected config file and init script name. cha: m23 / postinst: Added "%no-protection" to the GPG key generation config file to make it work on Debian 9. new: CLIENT_showLastLogError: Prints the last error in the client log. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_showLog: Now shows client log, if client is in critical state. (THX TS) new: HTML_storableMultiSelection: Shows a list of radio buttons or a selection with loading and storing the checking state to and from the session. (THX TS) cha: CLIENT_sshFetchJob: Now has a timeout of 3 seconds and runs as detached thread. +++++ 2017-10-12 cha: configureNetwork: Now set network setting temporarily to allow updates during installation. cha: installGrub: Now removes resume configuration of initramfs-tools that may contain the (invalid) UUID of the swap partition for suspend/hibernation. +++++ 2017-10-11 cha: configureMySQLmycnf: Deactivated reading of root user name and password for MariaDB, because no password is needed when logged in as "root" and MariaDB user is "root" too. cha: m23 / control: Added parted as additional dependency. cha: createRFSBins: Added libraries to include by hand. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added Debian 9 package sources. cha: createRFSBins: Now filters out faulty dependencies. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Removed package module-init-tools from download list. +++++ 2017-10-10 patch Added NVMe support. Fix for adding clients in DHCP mode. cha: index.php: Commented out questionaire. cha: clients_overview.php: Now shows the client ID near the client name. cha: Updated Linux Kernel to 4.9.54. +++++ 2017-10-06 fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now doesn't check recommended IP anymore when in DHCP mode. +++++ 2017-09-20 new: CFDiskIO::isNVMe: Checks, if a device string is an NVMe. cha: CFDiskIO::getpDiskAndpPartFromDev, CFDiskIO::isDevValidDiskPartitionOrRaid, CFDiskIO::getPartitionDev: Now have support for NVMes. cha: CFDiskGUI::getHTMLColorForFilesystemOrType: Now has dummy color for FAT. new: CFDiskIO::getDevBypDiskpPart: Returns device string with pDisk and partition number correctly combined. cha: CFDiskBasic::autoPartitionDisk, CFDiskGUI::listPartJobs, CFDiskBasic::createInstallPartition, CFDiskBasic::createSwapPartition, CFDiskBasic::deleteAllPartitionsOnDisk, CFDiskBasic::createUEFIPartition: Now are using CFDiskIO::getDevBypDiskpPart. +++++ 2017-09-19 cha: HWMiniInit.sh: Added loading of USB keyboard module. cha: HWMiniInit.sh: Added loading of NVMe module and creation of device nodes. cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now copies files from /mdk/client+server/extraRFS into the client's and server's bootimages. +++++ 2017-09-14 fix: checkKernelBranch: Labeling of kernel versions corrected. fix: mkm23Debs: Added building of m23-mdk-client-server. +++++ 2017-08-31 patch 101013: Corrected deactivating of network booting on non-UCS m23 servers. fix: DHCP_activateBoot: Corrected deactivating of network booting. +++++ 2017-07-24 patch 101008: Network bootimages now enable baseScanner. cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now copies m23hwdetect too. cha: createRFSBins: Now copies kmod too. fix: addBaseScanner: Now checks for modinfo in /bin too (needed for run in network bootimage). +++++ 2017-07-11 patch 101006: lightdm configuration to allow shutdown by normal users. new: CLCFG_addPAMtoDM: Adds PAM modules (if present) to the pam.d configuration files. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM, CLCFG_installMintDM: Added call to CLCFG_addPAMtoDM. +++++ 2017-06-27 patch 101005: Test procedure improvements (documentation + script). cha: m23admin-offline-copy: Additional SQL dumps added. cha: quickbuild.sh: Now creates Packages* for m23-ucs-extra in its separated directory. new: addLocalm23ServerRepository: Adds local test repository for m23 server packages to the test machine. new: addUCSTestRepository: Adds the UCS online test repository with uploaded m23 server packages to the test machine. +++++ 2017-06-26 patch 101003: Adjustements for UCS. cha: CLIENT_touchLogFile: Now uses SERVER_multiMkDir instead of mkdir. fix: SERVER_multiMkDir: Corrected variable name. cha: clientChangeLog*: Now includes server.php and helper.php. patch 101002: Encoding for UCS 4.1. cha: m23/postinst: No UTF-8 for UCS 4.1. +++++ 2017-06-24 patch 101001: Release 17.2 release 17.2 cha: Added Debian 9 to I18N_readLoginFromUCSLDAPSupportedDistros. +++++ 2017-06-23 cha: cron.php: Now sets language as global value. cha: getServerNetmask: Now compatible with new network device names. +++++ 2017-06-20 cha: CClient::__construct, CChecks::checkClientname: Now are checking, if a number was given as name for a (new) client, what is not allowed. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now escapes "'". +++++ 2017-06-19 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now tries for 60 minutes to fetch the cache file. cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands, FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now use force parameter. new: CLIENT_addClientlogsOk: Adds an entry into the client's status log with "ok" status. new: CLIENT_addClientlogsFailure: Adds an entry into the client's status log with "failure" status. new: CLIENT_addClientlogsUnknown: Adds an entry into the client's status log with "unknown" status. cha: CClient::checkAutoUpdate: Now writes success and fail into the client's log. fix: index.php: Logout now works better without trying to reload the page. +++++ 2017-06-18 new: CLIENT_insertIntoClientlogs: Adds an entry into the client's status log. +++++ 2017-06-15 cha: listKernelVersions, menuKernelDownload: Now uses HTTPs instead of FTP for accessing kernel.org. cha: createRFSBins: Now gets the needed libs by objdump and ldd. cha: createRFScopyLib: Now creates a file with all libraries needed for running the tools of the bootimage, if CPU architecture of the m23 server and the bootimage are identically. cha: createRFSBins: Now adds (maybe missing) libaries from library list file, if CPU architecture of the m23 server and the bootimage are not identically. cha: bootimage: Now uses Linux Kernel 4.9.32. +++++ 2017-06-14 cha: m23/postinst/getCSExternIP, MSR_curDynIPCommand, checkAlternativeM23Server: Now checks, if the IP is valid, that my be given back by a CloudStack virtual switch or by a faulty configured gateway. +++++ 2017-05-31 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added support for Devuan. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "devuanjessie". +++++ 2017-05-20 new: CClientLister::getAllAutoUpdateClientNames: Gets an array with the clients that currently run autoUpdate. cha: inc/*.php: Added mdoc header. +++++ 2017-05-17 cha: getServerNetmask: Now gets the netmask from an eth device only. +++++ 2017-05-11 new: CRON_addJobMinutely: Runs a command every N minutes. new: CRON_isEntryPresent: Checks, if a crontab entry is present with a given identifier. new: CAutoUpdate::getSetAmount: Get the amount of update sets. new: CAutoUpdate::configureCron: Adds and removes the crontab entry dynamically when the first update set gets created or the last gets deleted. new: CAutoUpdate::showAutoUpdateManager: Shows a dialog for viewing, creating, changing and deleting automatic update sets. +++++ 2017-05-10 cha: m23/postinst: Now makes sure that /m23/log is writable by the Apache user. fix: m23CronStarter: Corrected checking of returned error messages. +++++ 2017-05-09 new: HELPER_logToFile: Adds text to an exclusively opened log file. cha: PKG_addStatusJob: Removed unneeded calls to figure out distribution and sources list variables, that are never used. cha: CClient::addNormalJob, CClient::addSpecialJob: Don't call includeDistributionSpecificPackagesPHP anymore, because only non-distribution-specific functions are needed. cha: PKG_getSpecialPackagePriority: Now sets distribution name to "debian", if $distr parameter is empty. cha: CClient::getSourcesList: Now returns empty string, if no sources list is set instead of dying. cha: CClient::addUpdateSourcesListJob: Now adds the update job only if a sources list is set. +++++ 2017-05-08 cha: PKG_executeOnClientJobs: Now safe against invalid job IDs. +++++ 2017-04-26 new: CAutoUpdate::isTimeToRunNow: Checks, if the given set should be run now. new: CAutoUpdate::activateNextTimlySet: Activates the next set with the oldest timestamp that should be executed now. cha: CAutoUpdate::getRunningClients: Renamed to CAutoUpdate::getAllClientnames and added parameter to get all or clients or clients running an auto update only. new: CAutoUpdate::startNewClients: Starts auto update on a given amount of clients that haven't run auto update for at least one day. new: CAutoUpdate::run: Chooses the set that should be run now and starts new auto update on clients. +++++ 2017-04-25 new: CClient::addShutdownPackage: Adds a shutdown package, but only if the client is NOT running. new: PKG_getHigestIDOfSpecialPackage: Gets the highest ID of a special package. +++++ 2017-04-24 cha: HTML_showTableRow: Now accepts additional HTML attributes in first parameters as array. new: CClient::startAutoUpdate: Starts auto update on a client. cha: GRP_listAllClientsInGroups: Now has an extra parameter, that if set to true, only clients with auto update job will be listed. cha: CAutoUpdate::getActiveSet: Renamed to CAutoUpdate::getActiveSetID. new: CAutoUpdate::getActiveSet: Gets the active set or false, if none is active or no sets are present. new: CAutoUpdate::getActiveGroups: Gets the groups from the current active set. new: CAutoUpdate::getRunningClients: Gets the clients in all groups of the active set. new: CClient::hasAutoUpdateJob: Checks, if the client has an auto update job. new: CClient::getAutoUpdate_lastAttempt: Gives back the timestamp of the last assignment of an auto update job. new: CClient::stopAutoUpdate: Stops the auto update after successful or failed attempt. new: CClient::checkAutoUpdate: Checks, if an auto update is (physically) running or if it has failed or finished. +++++ 2017-04-20 new: CAutoUpdate::setParallelUpdates: Sets the amount of parallel updates for a set. new: CAutoUpdate::setType: Sets the type for a set. new: CAutoUpdate::getUpdateTypeTranslation: Returns the whole translation array with update type as key and the translation as value or the translation for a given constant. new: CAutoUpdate::getType: Gets the type of a set as constant value or in translated form. new: CAutoUpdate::getParallelUpdates: Gets the amount of parallel updates in a set. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now removes mintupdate. +++++ 2017-04-18 new: CAutoUpdate::getImgButtonParams: Checks, if an image button was pressed and extracts the two parameters from it. +++++ 2017-04-12 new: CAutoUpdate::addGroup: Adds a client group for running the updates on them. new: CAutoUpdate::delGroup: Deletes a group. new: CAutoUpdate::getAllGroupsHumanReadable: Generate a list of all groups (with optional button for deleting an entry). +++++ 2017-04-11 new: HELPER_splitDayHourMinuteString: Splits a combined numeric day and hour/minute string into day and hour/minute. new: I18N_getHumanReadableDayHourMinute: Converts a combined numeric day and hour/minute string into a human readable day and hour/minute string. new: CAutoUpdate::addStartEnd: Adds a start end range for running the updates. new: CAutoUpdate::saveSets: Saves all changed sets to the DB. new: CAutoUpdate::getAllStartsEndsHumanReadable: Generate a list of all time ranges (with optional button for deleting an entry). new: CAutoUpdate::delStartEnd: Deletes a start end range. +++++ 2017-04-10 new: CAutoUpdate::getActiveSet: Gets the ID of the active set or NULL, if none is active or no sets are present. new: CAutoUpdate::addEntry: Adds an entry to the schedule. new: CAutoUpdate::getAllSets: Generates an array with all sets and the according information for each set. new: CAutoUpdate::isASetActive: Checks, if a set is active. new: CAutoUpdate::activateSet: Activates one set and deactivates all other sets. new: CAutoUpdate::activateNextSet: Activates the next set with the oldest timestamp. new: CAutoUpdate::delEntry: Deletes one set. new: I18N_getWeekDayArray: Generates an array with all week days as value and week day numbers as keys (Monday = 1, Sunday = 7). new: HTML_weekdayTimeChooser: Creates a picker for weekday and hour/minute (with 15 minute steps). +++++ 2017-04-06 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed "LinuxMint 13". +++++ 2017-03-31 cha: PKG_listRecommendPackages: Now the "do not change" is the first adding option. cha: install_packages.php: Now sets the 1st selected package selection as storing name for the package selection, if the package selection name is empty +++++ 2017-03-28 cha: CLCFG_installMintDM: Now hides the user list. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now removes tilda. +++++ 2017-03-04 cha: m23-skel: Disables settings for Mate desktop. +++++ 2017-03-03 cha: createRFSImage: Now uses mkfs.ext2 to make sure that an ext2 filesystem is created. +++++ 2017-02-23 fix: SERVER_programmStatus, MSG_showNewFeature, POOL_showReadCD, GRP_getDistrsAndSourcesLists, SRCLST_showEditor, CLIENT_isBasesystemInstalledFromImage, CLIENT_showJobs, CLIENT_getNames, MASS_readDBFile MASS_showTableDefinition, MASS_showOverview, debian / clientInstall.php, debian / m23changeClientInstall.php, CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions, ubuntu / m23changeClientInstall.php, halfSister / clientInstall.php: Now uses string (as array key) instead of non set constants that were automatically converted to strings. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now reconfigures m23-initscripts on Debian 9. cha: debian / clientInstall.php: Now calles CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob with the used release name. Used for special handling on Debian 9. cha: LinuxMint 18.1 Serena: Enabled KDE and Xfce. +++++ 2017-02-22 cha: m23-initscripts / postinst: Now generated .service files for systemd on Debian 9. +++++ 2017-02-18 cha: debian / clienInstall.php, m23x2goServerInstall.php, CLCFG_language, CLCFG_genFstab, CLCFG_language : Now supports Debian 9. +++++ 2017-02-17 fix: LDAP_loadServer: Corrected name for the LDAP config values. cha: LDAP_addPosix: Now gives back an error message string, in case of an error. cha: CClient::addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Adjusted to LDAP_addPosix's return value. +++++ 2017-02-15 cha: EDIT_searchLastLineNumber: Now is more robust against faulty search strings. cha: LDAP_makeConnection: Now uses secure connection. +++++ 2017-02-14 cha: exportDBInitTable: Now works on MariaDB too. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes sure that MariaDB uses latin1 and not 4-byte utf8 which would lead to an exceeding of the 1000 bytes limit for unique keys. +++++ 2017-02-13 cha: m23 / control: Now installs MariaDB as alternative to MySQL. fix: MSESS_load: Now accesses array element or variable only, if it exists. fix: : Now presets variables. cha: HELP_showHelpTex: Exchanged deprecated spliti with preg_split. fix: geshi.php, 00_fpdf_codebar.class.php, 02_fpdf_formulaire.class.php, mypdf.class.php, 99_fpdf_protection.class.php, 01_fpdf_bookmark.class.php: Corrected "PHP 4 constructors are now deprecated". +++++ 2017-02-09 cha: m23 / postinst: Now figures out the broadcast address on Debian 9 too. cha: db.php: Makes sure that there is a value set for m23Shared in the session array. fix: CLIENT_showStatusSelection: Now presets variables. cha: DHCP_isNetworkBootingActive, DHCP_exportDHCPSettingsForExternalDHCPServer, DHCP_delDynamicRange, DHCP_addLineToDHCPDConf, DHCP_restartDHCPserver, DHCP_rmClient, DHCP_setBootimage: Now uses SERVER_runInBackground instead of sudo calls. cha: DHCP_removePXEcfg, DHCP_rmClient: Now uses SERVER_deleteFile. +++++ 2017-02-07 new: LDAP_getValueFromConfigLine: Returns the value from a phpLDAPadmin configuration line. cha: LDAP_listServers: Now works with phpLDAPadmin 1.2.3/git. +++++ 2017-02-06 fix: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Now accesses array element or variable only, if it exists. cha: m23-ldap / postinst: Now figures out the IP on Debian 9 too. cha: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin, LDAP_checkphpLdapAdminConfiguration, LDAP_delServerFromphpLdapAdmin, LDAP_loadServer: Now works with phpLDAPadmin 1.2.3/git. new: /m23/bin/phpLDAPadminConfigMigration.sh: Converts the config from old phpLDAPadmin to new format used in phpLDAPadmin 1.2.3/git. cha: SERVER_multiMkDir: Now can create directories for a given user. cha: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Removed installation of openLDAP from webinterface. +++++ 2017-02-05 fix: add_client.php, LDAP_loadServer, LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Now accesses array element or variable only, if it exists. fix: CLIENT_addClient, CLIENT_getSubnet, CLIENT_getBroadcast: Now presets variables. cha: m23 / control: Added net-tools as dependency to make ifconfig available. cha: getServerNetmask: Now compatible with Debian 9. fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now works, if no client (not even localhost) is defined in the DB. fix:LDAP_connectServer, LDAP_addPosix, LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Now uses string (as array key) instead of non set constants that were automatically converted to strings. +++++ 2017-02-02 fix: PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage, PKG_addShutdownPackage, PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation, PKG_previewUpdateSystem, CFDiskIO::getPartitionFileSystem, CFDiskIO::getPartitionAmountOfType, DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator, client_distr.php, CFDiskIO::getExtendedVPart, debian + ubuntu / clientConfig.php, CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions, PKG_getKernels: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: client_distr.php, PKG_getKernels: Now presets variables. cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added Ubuntu Xenial and Debian Stretch. new: optionPages for Debian Stretch and Ubuntu Xenial. +++++ 2017-02-01 fix: PKG_combinem23normal, CPackageStatusCompare::__construct, CLIENT_addClient, add_client.php, getAscDescHeader, HTML_setStatusBarStatus, MSG_show, CFDiskGUI::getCurrentDiskDev, CClient::isUEFIActive, CFDiskIO::getDiskDev, CFDiskIO::getPartDevs, HTML_jQueryMenuHeader, HTML_jQueryMenuHeader, client_partition.php: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: getDiskInfoString, CFDiskGUI::getPartInfoString: Now presets variables. fix: PKG_addNormalPackages: Corrected return value. fix: getPartInfoString: Removed empty and unused parameter $pPart from findFstabMountPointByDev call. cha: HTML_getOriginalUploadFilename: Now returns NULL, if no original file name is given. fix: CC_mountPoint: Created missing fireall constant. +++++ 2017-01-30 cha: getServerIP: Now compatible with Debian 9. fix: PKG_getAllPackageSelections, SRCLST_getListnames, SRCLST_cleanList: Now presets variables. cha: GRP_showSelDistrSources: Now groupnames can be set to NULL to show all distributions and sources lists. cha: install_packages.php: Now packagessources mode is not handled as group mode anymore. fix: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now shows error message on APT errors. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes sure, that /m23/var/cache/m23apt exists and is owned by www-data. +++++ 2017-01-27 fix: install_packages.php: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: install_packages.php: Now presets variables. +++++ 2017-01-26 cha: m23/postinst: Now makes sure that the userPackages directory is writable by Apache. cha: dem23Client.sh: Now removes lines from sources.list. fix: GRP_showGroupsAndCount, GRP_showSelDistrSources, HTML_getValidSelected, CScredit::__construct, CScredit::show, HTML_jQueryReStoreYWindowPosition, SRCLST_showEditor, DISTR_getSelectedDesktopsArr, DISTR_getDescriptionValues, DISTR_geti18nValue: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: GRP_listGroupsAndCount, GRP_showGroupsAndCount, GRP_listAllClientsInGroup, client_install.hlp, CLIENT_query, MAIL_getGpgKeyList, PKGBUILDER_listFiles, SRCLST_querySourceslists: Now presets variables. fix: DISTR_getSelectedDesktopsArr, debian + ubuntu + halfSister/ clientConfig.php: Now uses string (as array key) instead of non set constants that were automatically converted to strings. cha: HTML_submit, HTML_submitDefine: Now has an extra parameter. If set to true, HTML element constants will be defined even if there is a previously defined constant with the same name. This will run into an error and helps debugging. cha: PREF_preferenceLoadManagerHandler: Now doesn't define HTML elements twice. fix: ubuntu / info.txt: Fixed entry for UbuntuXubuntu1604. +++++ 2017-01-25 fix: PKG_rmSelectedPackages, PKG_changePrioritySelectedPackages: Corrected return value. fix: PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation: Now includes the language file. fix: PKG_addStatusJob, GRP_doClientMoreGroups, FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions, HTML_listSelection, HTML_listSelection, SERVER_addEtcHosts, SERVER_delEtcHosts, CLIENT_addChangeElement, CLIENT_showAddDialog, add_client.php, CClient::getNetworkBootTypesArrayForSelection(): Now accesses array element only, if it exists. cha: client_backup.php, client_createImage.php: Now has a "back to control center" link. fix: IMG_showCreateImage: Commented out double declaration of HTML elements. cha: m23 / postinst: Now figures out the IP on Debian 9 too. fix: add_client.php: Removed alternative help file selection by CLIENT_showAddDialog, because CLIENT_showAddDialog never returned a value. cha: I18N_listClientLanguages: Access variable by name stored in variable adjusted to PHP 7. fix: HELPER_passGenerator: Parameter for MASS_passGenerator. +++++ 2017-01-24 cha: phpMyAdmin: Updated to 4.6.6. fix: DMI_getParam, DMI_getBoard, DMI_getBios, HWINFO_getCPU, debian / packages.php, client_packages.php, install_packages.php, SRCLST_getParameter, CLIENT_showJobs: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: DMI_getParam, CFDiskIO::convertPartitioning2Array, client_packages.php, install_packages.php: Now presets variables. +++++ 2017-01-23 fix: HTML_getElementValue, index.php, HTML_imgSwitch, CLIENT_showGeneralInfo, I18N_convertToHumanReadableName, client_details.php: Now accesses array element only, if it exists. fix: CLIENT_getOverviewSearchLine, HTML_showTableRow, VM_getHTMLStatusBlock, CLIENT_showGeneralInfo, HTML_showStatusBarHTML: Now presets variables. fix: CloudStackClient.php: Corrected doubled variable names in function declaration. +++++ 2017-01-22 cha: m23 /postinst: Adjustments for Debian 9. +++++ 2017-01-19 patch 100948: Development documentation improvement. new: m23-Release-Tabelle.odt: Table for checking the tasks for a new m23 release. +++++ 2017-01-10 patch 100947: Now supports Linux Mint 18.1 Serena (Mate and Cinnamon). cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "LinuxMint 18.1 Serena". +++++ 2017-01-07 patch 100946: Smal improvents and fix for UCS. fix: DHCP_writePXEcfg: Now sets the access rights of the PXE file to 755 (needed on UCS). cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed "squeeze", "squeeze+libreoffice" and "Linux Mint 9 KDE". cha: Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Now configures sshd_config to allow SSH login as root with password. +++++ 2017-01-05 release 17.1 +++++ 2017-01-04 fix: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Adjusted for changed systemd package in Linux Mint 17.x. +++++ 2017-01-02 fix: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now closes the screen session on the m23 server when the screen session on the m23 client is finished. +++++ 2016-12-20 new: CLIENT_filterLinesFromLiveScreenRecording: Filters out unwanted lines from the live log. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now exits the loop when the SSH connection was closed. cha: HELPER_getNewLogLines: Now has an optional parameter for a function to filter the lines before adding them to the output. +++++ 2016-12-07 patch 100942: UCS fixes. fix: m23/postinst: Now creates group "grdmgpg" with gid 55001 on UCS to make creation of grdmgpg user possible. +++++ 2016-12-06 cha: SRCLST_sourceListExists: Made compatible with UCS. +++++ 2016-12-02 cha: m23Deb.inc / mkRelease: Now uses SHA256 for hashing the GPG signature. +++++ 2016-12-01 new: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Rewritten to find the files that need translation. fix: CLIENT_getOverviewSearchLine: Now shows the search term even after opening the client's overview page in a new tab. +++++ 2016-11-29 cha: m23hwdetect: Removed "$remote_fs" from start/stop condition. +++++ 2016-11-28 cha: menu.php: Added entry to compare package status. new: de / comparePackageStatus.hlp: Help file for the compare package status. +++++ 2016-11-25 new: HTML_getOriginalUploadFilename: Get the original file name of an uploaded file. new: CPackageStatusCompare::__construct: Constructor for new CPackageStatusCompare objects. new: CPackageStatusCompare::__destruct: Destructor for a CPackageStatusCompare object. new: CPackageStatusCompare::save: Saves parameters as hidden POST values. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setFile: Sets a file name, if the given parameter is a valid file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setFile1: Sets a 1st file name, if the given parameter is a valid file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setFile2: Sets a 2nd file name, if the given parameter is a valid file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setClient: Sets a client, if the given parameter is a valid client name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setClient1: Sets a client, if the given parameter is a valid client name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setClient2: Sets a client, if the given parameter is a valid client name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isClientSet: Checks, if the client is set. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isClient1Set: Checks, if the 1st client is set. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isClient2Set: Checks, if the 2nd client is set. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isFile1Set: Checks, if the 1st combined variable stores a file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isFile2Set: Checks, if the 2st combined variable stores a file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::getVersionStatus: Gets an array with, the package file name, the version and the status. new: CPackageStatusCompare::getStatusFile: Gets the file name of a package status file. If a client name is give, a temporary package status file will be written. new: CPackageStatusCompare::showStatusRow: Gets the file name of a package status file. If a client name is give, a temporary package status file will be written. new: CPackageStatusCompare::diff: Compares two package status files. new: CPackageStatusCompare::show: Shows the comparing dialog. +++++ 2016-11-24 cha: clients_overview.php: Now has a new action to compare the package status of two clients. new: PKG_getPackageStatusCSV: Exports the packages of a client in tabulator separated CSV. +++++ 2016-11-23 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now configures VirtualBox without generating xorg.conf on LinuxMint 18 when run in LM18. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now doesn't do anything, if /etc/sysconfig/disableConfig is present. cha: menuDeb: Now stops Squid before and starts it after all changes to the Squid cache. +++++ 2016-11-22 cha: CGPGSign::showErrorAndDie: Changed to CGPGSign::showWarningAndDie to show a warning message. fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / normalPartition: Now creates swap partition again. +++++ 2016-11-21 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now has two checks, that may run into critical client status and that test if the base system archive was downloaded and extracted sucessfully. new: CGPGSign::showErrorAndDie: Shows an "internal" error message or a message for the m23 administrator and destroys the object afterwards. cha: CGPGSign::setGPGID, CGPGSign::getGPGID: Now are using showErrorAndDie. +++++ 2016-11-17 cha: index_fb.css: Now disabled submit buttons are visible as disabled. +++++ 2016-11-16 new: delete_client.help: Help page for deleting a client. cha: CLIENT_showDelDialog: Added information for removing m23 dependencies form an m23 ex client. new: CLCFG_installSDDM: Installs the SDDM display manager. cha: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Now has a m23customPatch area to deactivate the warning about other existing DHCP servers. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now has a more generic approach to detect the release name of Debian based distributions (Ubuntu and Linux Mint) +++++ 2016-11-15 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now downloads the package isc-dhcp-client instead of (non existing) dhcp3-client. +++++ 2016-11-11 cha: m23 / postinst: Now executes /m23/bin/postinstHook.sh if existing. +++++ 2016-11-10 new: EDIT_commentoutAll: Comments out all matching lines. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "LinuxMint 18 Sarah". new: m23Mint18CinnamonInstall.php: Installs Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon Desktop. new: m23Mint18MateInstall.php: Installs Linux Mint 18 Mate Desktop. new: m23Mint18XfceInstall.php: Installs Xfce desktop on Linux Mint 18. +++++ 2016-11-09 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added support for KDE in Linux Mint 18. new: m23Mint18KDEInstall.php: Installs Linux Mint 18 KDE Desktop. +++++ 2016-11-08 cha: debian / ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: More generic approach to detect Xenial based dirstributions and Linux Mint 18. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now used grub2 for LinuxMint 18. +++++ 2016-11-07 patch 100926: Exchanged m23 server repository on SourceForge with a self hosted repository. cha: m23installerBase.inc / installDebs, m23VirtualBoxInstall.php, DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression, Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Now are using m23inst.goos-habermann.de as repository for the m23 server installation . +++++ 2016-11-04 patch 100925: Disables creation or definition of a client with the name of an existing client. Fixes package transfer from client to m23 server. fix: PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Server, PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Client: Corrected port number. cha: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: New parameter to disable the system proxy. cha: CClient::getClientCurrentWorkPHP: Now fetches the script without system proxy. cha: configXOrgVMware: Now installs open-vm-tools. cha: CFDiskIO::__construct: Now transfers the check mode to the parent object. +++++ 2016-11-03 patch 100923: Code improvements. cha: head.php, HTML_selection, HTML_showFormHeader, VM_GUIstepCheckHost, VM_GUIstepSelectHost, MENU_showEntry, menu.php, CAPTURE_load, CAPTURE_showMarker, CAPTURE_showTableWith, HELP_showHelp: Improved code to generate less PHP notices. fix: Cm23Admin::getCSS: Corrected case error. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now shows a warning, if no hosts for the given VM software could be found. +++++ 2016-10-24 release 16.3 fix: SRCLST_showAlternativeArchitectureSelection: Now doesn't delete the client options when changing the architecture. new: CLCFG_installXDM: Installs the XDM display manager. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now uses XDM for Gnome in Ubuntu 16.04. +++++ 2016-10-18 patch 100921: Now interprets IDs with partially containing other IDs in m23customPatch correctly. cha: CmCP::loadSourceFile: Now interprets IDs with partially containing other IDs correctly. (Thx TS) +++++ 2016-10-12 patch 100920: Now uses goos-habermann.de as mirror for m23 clients. cha: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Now uses goos-habermann.de as mirror. patch 100919: Disables all SourceForge mirrors for m23 clients. cha: SRCLST_possiblem23debsMirrors: Commented out all SourceForge mirrors. patch 100918: New networkbootimages. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: New m23customPatch area "CLCFG_copySSLCertSSLCertificatesPermissions". cha: m23hwdetect: Now adds nic ID of DELL Optiplex 5040/7040. +++++ 2016-10-10 patch 100915: Changes for m23 16.3. cha: m23 / postinst: Now generates SSH RSA keys. +++++ 2016-10-06 new: EDIT_replaceLineElseAdd: Deletes all lines, that match regular expression, afterwards adds a given line (Thx TS) +++++ 2016-09-26 cha: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now installs apt-transport-https before the base packages, because SourceForge now uses HTTPs transparently for distributing the Debian packages. +++++ 2016-09-05 patch 100913: Added new recovering option to combine identical jobs. cha: client_details.php: New icon for client recovery with combining identical jobs. cha: recover_client.php: Option for client recovery with combining identical jobs. new: PKG_getDuplicatedIdenticalJobs: Returns an array with a list of all jobs that are identical by package, priority, status and params. new: PKG_removeDuplicatedIdenticalJobs: Removes all jobs that are identical by package, priority, status and params omitting the first job. new: CLIENT_recoverClientCombineJobs: Recover a client: all client jobs are done again, status is set to 0, all identical jobs are combines. +++++ 2016-08-24 new: CLIENT_isAssimilated: Checks, if a client was assimilated. fix: ASSI_prepareClient: Now calls MSR_curDynIPCommand instead of a non-existing function. fix: work.php: Now doesn't wait for finishing the download of the base archive on assimilated clients. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Corrected escaping of BASH code for writing m23fetchjob. +++++ 2016-07-28 patch 101015: System proxy improvements. new: HELPER_hostname2IP: Gets the IP of a known host. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyHostIP: Gets the proxy IP. cha: CSystemProxy::writeSquidConf: Now uses the IP of the proxy to write to the Squid configuration file. +++++ 2016-07-20 cha: m23/postinst: Now uses direct access to the m23 server in m23's Squid. cha: CSystemProxy::showProxyDialog: Now hides the password, when opening the dialog. +++++ 2016-07-19 patch 100911: Added option to change the group description. new: GRP_setDescrGroup: Sets the description of a client group. new: GRP_showChangeDescriptionDialog: shows a dialog to change the group description cha: group_actions.php: Now can change the group description. cha: group_details.php: Added icon for changing the group description. +++++ 2016-07-16 fix: CClient:save: Now stores the serialized key value store to the DB, but keeps the associative key value store array in memory to allow multiple calls of the save method. +++++ 2016-07-15 fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Added missing SQL statement in "ip" case. +++++ 2016-07-13 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now configures the system to use BASH as default shell. patch 100909: Added management for the admins of the m23 webinterface. new: cli-modules/addm23Admin.php: Creates a new admin account for the m23 webinterface. new: cli-modules/delm23Admin.php: Deletes an admin account of the m23 webinterface. new: cli-modules/listm23Admins.php: Lists the admin accounts of the m23 webinterface. cha: Cm23Admin::delete: Now works without warning in CLI mode. cha: BACKUP_delAdmin: Now has support for Apache 2.x. +++++ 2016-07-06 patch 100908: System proxy improvements. cha: CSYSTEMPROXY_getEnvironmentVariables: Removed unused parameter for returning the result (now the result is always returned). fix: CSYSTEMPROXY_getProxySettingsFromAPT: Now gives correct result, if the APT config file, but no proxy line is present. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now uses SRCLST_loadSourceList instead of SRCLST_loadSourceListFromDB. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses the server IP for extraDebs. +++++ 2016-07-05 patch 100906: Added system proxy. cha: addToHosts.php, migrate.php, m23shared.php, capture.php, CClientLister.php, CClient.php, CFDiskAlles.php, CFDiskIO.php, client.php, db.php, fdisk.php, groups.php, i18n.php, messageReceive.php, packages.php, plugin.php, preferences.php, remotevar.php, sourceslist.php and vm.php: Renamed function calls form "db_query" to "DB_query". +++++ 2016-07-04 new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getAptGetProxyParamter: Generates the apt-get proxy parameters. cha: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall, PKG_preparePackageDir, CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScripts: Now are using CSYSTEMPROXY_getAptGetProxyParamter. cha: SERVER_checkDownload, PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages, CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScripts, HELPER_getRemoteFileContents, PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server, PLG_getPlugin, PLG_getUpdateFile, UPDATE_doUpdate, VM_generateVBOXaddonDownloadCMD and VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Now are using CSYSTEMPROXY_getEnvironmentVariables. cha: CSystemProxy::writeSquidConf: Now restarts Squid 3. cha: serverSettings.php: Added system proxy icon. +++++ 2016-06-30 new: CSystemProxy::setProxyScheme: Sets the proxy scheme (http/ftp). new: CSystemProxy::save: Saves the proxy settings in all configuration files. new: CSystemProxy::writeSquidConf: Writes the (parent) proxy settings to the Squid configuration or removed them. new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getUserPasswordString: Creates a string with the user/password combination ($user:$pass@). new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getEnvironmentVariables: Generates BASH proxy variables. new: CSystemProxy::writeAPTProxyConf: Writes the proxy settings to the APT configuration file or comments them out. +++++ 2016-06-29 new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getProxySettingsFromAPT: Parses the (maybe existing) proxy settings from the local APT config file. new: CSystemProxy::loadProxySettings: Loads the proxy settings (from APT config file). new: CSystemProxy::isProxyActive: Checks, if a proxy is actively used. new: CSystemProxy::areProxySettingsAvailable: Checks, if proxy settings are available. new: CSYSTEMPROXY_addCurlProxySettings: Sets proxy settings for curl, if a proxy is active. cha: HELPER_getContentFromURL, SERVER_sendScriptToSF: Now are calling CSYSTEMPROXY_addCurlProxySettings. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyHost: Gets the proxy host/servername. new: CSystemProxy::usesUserPassword: Checks, if the proxy uses user/password authetification. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyUser: Gets the proxy authentification username. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyPassword: Gets the proxy authentification password. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyScheme: Gets the proxy scheme (http/ftp). new: CSystemProxy::getProxyPort: Gets the proxy port. new: CSystemProxy::getUserPasswordString: Creates a string with the user/password combination ($user:$pass@). new: CSystemProxy::setProxyActive: Activated or deactivates a proxy. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyHost: Sets the proxy host/servername. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyUser: Sets the proxy authentification username. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyPassword: Sets the proxy authentification password. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyPort: Sets the proxy port. +++++ 2016-06-28 patch 100905: Linux 4.4, improvements for sources lists handling. cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now supports TDM. +++++ 2016-06-24 new: SRCLST_sourceListExists: Checks, if a named sources list exists. cha: CPool::setPoolSourceslist: Now creates an initial package sources list. +++++ 2016-06-23 cha: archFunctions.inc / localArchAptUpdate: Now excludes package sources from /etc/apt/sources.list.d. cha: kernelFunctions.inc / compileKernel: Changed gcc-4.4 to gcc (for Debian Jessie). cha: kernelFunctions.inc / compileKernel: Removed call of checkForx86_64Toolchain. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now removes the log file and writes the sources.list on every call. +++++ 2016-06-22 cha: listKernelVersions: Now supports Linux 4.x. +++++ 2016-06-19 patch 100903: Preparing m23 16.3. cha: CGPGSign::hasConfigFile: Now uses SERVER_fileExists. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now adds only installed packages of a client to the download list. +++++ 2016-06-18 new: CClientLister::addKeyValueStoreFilter: Adds a filter to get only clients that have a key value pair set the client's key value store. new: CClientLister::getAllMatchingClients: Gets all clients matching all active filters. new: DB_getArrayAssoc: Fetches all results from a query. +++++ 2016-06-17 cha: m23 / postinst: Adds new field "keyValueStore" to the table "clients". new: CClient::setKeyValueStore: Sets a value in the key value store of the client. new: CClient::getKeyValueStore: Gets a value from the key value store of the client. cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: Was deleted and replaced by GRP_showGroupsAndCount2. cha: groups_overview.php: Now calls GRP_showGroupsAndCount. +++++ 2016-06-16 cha: CLCFG_installFirmware: Now filters out faulty bladerf firmware package. new; CPoolGUI::DEFINE_updatePackageIndexAndReSignPool: Defines a button for re-creating the Packages files and to re-sign the Release file. cha: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_start: Now uses DEFINE_reSignPool. cha: CPool::convertPackagesToRepository: Has a new parameter to let the task run in screen or not. +++++ 2016-06-15 cha: GRP_add: Now has a new parameter for the group description. +++++ 2016-06-14 cha: GRP_listGroupsAndCount: Now includes the group descriptions into the array too. cha: GRP_showGeneralInfo: Now shows group descriptions too. +++++ 2016-06-13 cha: CGPGSign::checkKey: New paramter for the ID of the GPG key. cha: CGPGSign::getKeySelectionDialog: Now checks the validity of the GPG (usable as public and private key) before setting it. cha: PKG_convertPackagesToRepository: Now creates a XZ compressed version of Packages. +++++ 2016-06-12 new: CmCP::setExitCode: Sets the exit code. new: CmCP::setPatchType: Sets the patch type (change or del). new: CmCP::patchSourceFile: Does the actual patching. new: CmCP::loadSourceFile: Loads the source file (the file to patch) and finds the line numbers with the patch area. new: CmCP::checkCommandLineParameters: Checks, if the correct amount of command line parameters is given and assigns them to the private variables. new: CmCP::loadPatchFile: Checks and loads the patch file. new: CmCP::dieOnErrors: Shows the usage info, shows the errors messages and stops the script, if there are error messages. new: CmCP::showFilesWithPatchableAreasAndExit: Shows the PHP file under /m23 that have patchable areas. new: CmCP::addErrorMessage: Adds an error message to the error message stack. new: CmCP::hasErrors: Checks, if there are error messages. +++++ 2016-06-10 cha: getArchList: Now gives out "amd64" first. new: CPool::signRelease, PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Now are signing the Release file as Release.gpg and InRelease. new: CGPGSign::getKeySelectionDialog: Generates a dialog to choose the GPG used for signing the pools. cha: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_start: Now calls CGPGSign::getKeySelectionDialog. new: PKGBUILDER_showKeySelectionDialog: Shows a dialog for choosing the GPG signing key for the extra packages. cha: PKGBUILDER_showDialog: Now calls PKGBUILDER_showKeySelectionDialog. +++++ 2016-06-09 new: MAIL_gpgCheckKey: Checks, if a GPG key ID has a valid private or public key. new: CGPGSign::checkKey: Checks, if the GPG is valid as public and private key. new: MAIL_gpgGettKey: Gets the public GPG key as ASCII. new: CGPGSign::exportPublicSignKey: Exports the public key to the webserver directory. new: CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey: Generates BASH code to import the local package pool key (if it exists) on the client's APT system. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now calls CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey. new: CGPGSign::gpgSignClear: Creates a clear text signature file for a given private GPG key ID and input file. cha: convertPackagesToRepository: Now signs the Releases file. +++++ 2016-06-08 cha: MAIL_getGpgKeyList: Now has an extra parameter, if it is set to true, available secret keys are listed. new: CGPGSign::hasConfigFile: Checks, if the config file exists. new: CGPGSign::loadConfigFile: Loads the config file. new: CGPGSign::writeConfigFile: Writes the config file. new: CGPGSign::setGPGID: Sets the GPG ID to use. new: CGPGSign::getGPGID: Gets the GPG ID to use. new: CGPGSign::setStoreMode: Sets the configuration file store or load mode. new: CGPGSign::getStoreMode: Gets the configuration file store or load mode. new: MAIL_gpgSignDetached: Creates a detached signature file for a given private GPG key ID and input file. new: MAIL_gpgSign: Creates a signature file for a given private GPG key ID and input file with GPG parameters. new: CGPGSign::getKeyInfo: Gets information about the used GPG key. +++++ 2016-06-07 cha: menuDeb: Now works with Squid 3 too. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Has a new parameter and if it is set, the list with the supported GUIs will be shown otherwise omitted. new: HELPER_resetNewLogLines: Resets the line number of the last read line. new: CPool::resetDownloadLog: Deletes the aptDownload.log file and resets the line number of the last read line. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now tries again and again until a new package list could be downloaded. +++++ 2016-06-06 cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now deletes old lock files. new: poolAJAXLogs.php: Shows different status information about a pool. cha: CPoolGUI::show: Now shows the heading directly to show allways the correct heading. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_downloadPool: Now are exiting the BASH script in case of an error. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now removes "[0-9]%.." from the Debian package filenames. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now calls PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server. +++++ 2016-06-04 cha: CPool::startDownloadToPool: Now adds the result form PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages only, if it is a string (contains packages). fix: HELPER_xargsRecursive: Now works with arrays with only one element and doesn't miss out the last element on arrays with uneven amount of elements. +++++ 2016-06-03 cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds a description field to the groups table. new: GRP_getDescrGroup: Gets the description of a client group. (Thx TS) new: GRP_getNameById: gets the groupname of an Id. (Thx TS) fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now lists special packages that are stored in userPackages only once. new: HELPER_showScriptHeader: Shows a header for own scripts, that creates a log file with the package name and the start time. Sends the log file to the m23 server and shows an installation dialog on the client's screen. (Thx TS) new: HELPER_showScriptFooter: Shows a header for own scripts, that saves the script end time to a log file and sends it to the m23 server. Sets status bar to 100% and marks the job as done. Afterwards executes the next job. (Thx TS) +++++ 2016-06-01 cha: massInstall.php: Marked array keys as strings. cha: massInstall.php, menu.php, head.php, clients_overview.php, DIALOG_start, update.php: Added m23customPatch area. new: EDIT_sedSearchAddInsert: Generates a sed command line to insert text before (SED_insertBefore) or after (SED_insertAfter) a searched line. +++++ 2016-05-29 cha: CHECK_letFWDie: Now works with objects that were passed as arguments. +++++ 2016-05-28 cha: array_makeFirst: Now doesn't insert an entry to the top of the array, if the entry is NULL. +++++ 2016-05-22 cha: mkm23extradeb: Now creates the m23hwscanner package too. +++++ 2016-05-09 patch 100894: Added Gnome as additional client desktop under Ubuntu 16.04. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added Gnome for Ubuntu 16.04. new: m23Ubuntu1604GnomeInstall.php: Installs Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Gnome Desktop. +++++ 2016-05-01 patch 100893: Added Ubuntu 16.04 in the list of distributions supported by UCS LDAP. cha: */m23base.php: Added Ubuntu 16.04 in the list of distributions supported by UCS LDAP in $I18N_readLoginFromUCSLDAPSupportedDistros. +++++ 2016-04-27 patch 100892: Release m23 rock 16.2. fix: CLCFG_interfaces: Removed '-A' parameter from 'ps', because it is not available in BusyBox' ps version. cha: *m23updateInstall.php: Now updates the list of available packages before updating. cha: listBusyBoxVersions: Now filters out BusyBox releases that start with "busybox-0". +++++ 2016-04-24 release 16.2 new: SFMirrorSwitcher.sh: Exchanges an old SourceForge mirror with a new one in the m23 CMS, server install ISO and sourceslist.php. +++++ 2016-04-22 cha: SRCLST_possiblem23debsMirrors: Replaced skylink mirror by heanet. cha: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Now uses the release name as part of the background job name. +++++ 2016-04-19 cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now can only be run, if the development version is active. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now escapes the parameters for the init script correctly. cha: readHelp.php: Now sets the language to suppress the warning. +++++ 2016-04-18 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now the created m23fetchjob file will exit when called with "stop" parameter. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now checks for changes between the German help files in the m23 development and release directories to find files that have to translated. +++++ 2016-04-15 cha: CLCFG_genFstab, m23x2goServerInstall.php, m23-initscripts / postinst: Now uses lsb_release to detect Ubuntu 16.04. +++++ 2016-04-14 new: CClient::addUpdateJob: Adds a job to update the client to the installation queue. new: CClient::addNormalUpdateJob: Adds a job to perform a normal update of the client. new: CClient::addCompleteUpdateJob: Adds a job to perform a complete update of the client. new: m23cli / updateComplete: Updates a client completely (apt-get dist-upgrade) new: m23cli / updateNormal: Updates a client in normal mode (apt-get upgrade) +++++ 2016-04-05 cha: m23/postinst: Now activates garbage collection of PHP sessions. cha: HELPER_getTimeZones: Now has values for countries listed by I18N_listClientLanguages. +++++ 2016-04-04 cha: ASSI_showClientAddDialog: Dialog has a new checkbox, if set to true, the client uses a dynamic IP address cha: ASSI_addClient: Now has a new parameter, if set to true, the client uses a dynamic IP address cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now can add assimilated clients with dynamic IPs. fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now suggests the correct client language, if the m23 webinterface is in English. +++++ 2016-04-01 cha: SRCLST_getWorkingm23debsMirror: Now returns 'http://m23debs.goos-habermann.de' if executed on UCS. cha: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Now uses goos-habermann.de as repository when the m23 server is on UCS because apt-cacher-ng has sometimes problems with the SF mirrors. new: meldFileDevelVsRelease: Compares and merges a file from development with the according file from release branch. +++++ 2016-03-31 new: meldFileDevelVsRelease: Compares and merges a file from development with the according file from release branch. +++++ 2016-03-30 new: PKG_baseSysDownloadedCompletelyTom23Server: Checks, if the debootstrap cache file was downloaded completely to the m23 server. cha: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Now returns true, if the download is completed, otherwise false. cha: work.php: Now waits until the debootstrap cache file is downloaded completely to the m23 server. +++++ 2016-03-29 cha: m23-mdk-base: Now includes /mdk/autoTest cha: ubuntu / CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Now has support for Ubuntu 16.04. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Ubuntu-Xenial". +++++ 2016-03-25 cha: m23Search: Now filters out finds in geshi files. +++++ 2016-03-22 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now has an extra parameter for setting the distribution release for special handling of some releases. +++++ 2016-03-19 cha: MSR_curDynIPCommand: Now the generated m23fetchjob works on Debian 8 too. +++++ 2016-03-16 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob, hwcheck, m23hwdetect, m23-xorg-configurator: Changed "Required-Start" and "Required-Stop" to "$local_fs $syslog $remote_fs". +++++ 2016-03-13 cha: signBaseSys.sh: Now doesn't overwrite existing signature files. cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Now works on Ubuntu 16.04 too. +++++ 2016-03-12 cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Added Mate. +++++ 2016-03-11 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added Ubunty for Ubuntu 16.04. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added Ubuntu 16.04. cha: UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall: Now writes a sshd_config that supports the SSH keys from the m23 server. new: m23Unity3D1604Install.php: Installs the Unity 3D desktop for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. +++++ 2016-03-10 cha: m23 / postinst: Additional checks to prevent warnings. cha: fix-permissions: Now hides a possible warning. +++++ 2016-03-02 cha: client_add_label_descriptions.inc: Removed Lilo, because Lilo is not supported anymore. cha: externalDHCP.hlp: Added hint about /m23/bin/externalDHCPControl.sh. +++++ 2016-02-04 fix: createRFSBins: Now finds the binary in (more / all?) cases, by excluding klibc. release 16.1 +++++ 2016-01-19 patch 100837: Preparations for 16.1 release. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now checks for missing comments in the .hlp and .inc files. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now creates a tar file with the .hlp and .inc files to translate. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now creates a log file. +++++ 2016-01-04 cha: sources.list / debian 6: Added LTS, upgraded TDE source to R14.x. cha: sources.list / debian 7: Upgraded TDE source to R14.x. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa". cha: TRINITY_installLoginManager: Now calls "update-rc.d tdm-trinity defaults" if /etc/init.d/tdm-trinity is present. +++++ 2015-12-07 new: externalDHCPControl.sh: Script for controlling an external DHCP server. new: DHCP_runScript: Runs the script for controlling an external DHCP server. cha: DHCP_rmClient, DHCP_addClient: Now are calling DHCP_runScript. +++++ 2015-11-28 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now shows a text about by the UCS LDAP supported client distributions. +++++ 2015-11-27 new: UCS_openFirewallPort: Opens a port on the UCS firewall. cha: IMG_serverCreate: Now opens the image transfer port in the UCS firewall, if run on UCS. cha: m23-tftp / postinst: Now opens the TFTP port in the UCS firewall, if run on UCS. +++++ 2015-11-24 cha: SCREDIT_showEditor: Make sure the line endings are in the correct format +++++ 2015-11-22 cha: UCS_enableClientPXEBoot, UCS_disableClientPXEBoot: New udm commands. +++++ 2015-11-18 cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Now installs the language packs by default. +++++ 2015-11-02 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now calls UCS_enableClientLDAP, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now stops adding the client, if there is an error from calling addToCredentialsToLDAPServer. +++++ 2015-11-01 fix: m23 / m23-tftp / m23-ldap / config: Now works on Debian again. +++++ 2015-10-29 cha: CClient::addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Now calls UCS_udmSuccessOrErrorMessage to check, if an udm error occurred. new: UCS_getUsedIPs: Gets a list with all used IPs managed or known by UCS. cha: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now excludes the IPs managed (or known) by UCS. +++++ 2015-10-28 new: UCS_udmSuccessOrErrorMessage: Takes the output from an udm command and checks for the return code (must be a single number in the last line). If the return code is non-zero, all lines above the last line are treated as error message and written to $errorMessage. +++++ 2015-10-27 new: UCS_delClient: Removes a client from the UCS LDAP. cha: getServerNetmask: Now scans bridges on UCS too. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: Now calls UCS_delClient, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cah: DHCP_activateBoot: Now can deaktivate network boot on UCS too. new: UCS_getEtc_ucr_master: Gets the contents for /etc/univention/ucr_master on the client. new: UCS_enableClientLDAP: Enables LDAP authentification on the client on the UCS. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Now calls UCS_enableClientLDAP, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now shows special LDAP setting and no NFS option, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Now calls UCS_addLDAPUser, if the m23 server runs on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-25 new: m23cli / UCS_addUCSClientTom23ClientPreferences.php: Adds an UCS client to the client preferences in m23. new: UCS_setClientDistrAndRelease: Sets the distribution and the release of a client to the UCS LDAP. cha: client_distr.php: Now calls UCS_setClientDistrAndRelease. +++++ 2015-10-24 cha: getDNSServers: Now works on UCS too. cha: getServerNetmask: Now works on UCS too. +++++ 2015-10-23 cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now disables SSL certificate checking, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: m23/postinst: Now copies the UCS SSL certificate to /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys. cha: m23/postinst: Now opens port 2323 in the UCS firewall for Squid. +++++ 2015-10-21 new: CClient::addClientToUCS: Adds the client to UCS if the m23 server runs on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-19 cha: m23-tftp / postinst / preinst: Special settings for UCS: Removes /etc/init.d/tftp-hpa and replaces it with a symlink to /bin/true to avoid error in the tftp-hpa postinst. cha: m23 / config / postinst: Now configures MySQL, Squid and sudoers on UCS without querying debconf. +++++ 2015-10-16 cha: serverSettings.php: Now hides some icon when run on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-15 cha: m23 / m23-ldap / m23-tftp: Many script changes to run on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-14 new: UCS_delUCSClientFromm23ClientPreferences: Removes an UCS client from the client preferences in m23. new: UCS_getPrefnameByClient: Generates the preference name for an UCS client. new: UCS_addUCSClientTom23ClientPreferences: Adds an UCS client to the client preferences in m23. new: UCS_addClient: Adds a client to the UCS LDAP. new: UCS_enableClientPXEBoot: Activates PXE booting of a client that is in the UCS LDAP via the univention-dhcp. new: UCS_disableClientPXEBoot: Deactivates PXE booting of a client that is in the UCS LDAP via the univention-dhcp. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now calls UCS_enableClientPXEBoot when run on UCS. cha: DHCP_rmClient: Now calls UCS_disableClientPXEBoot when run on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-13 cha: m23 / postinst: Now accepts UCS too. cha: m23 / control: Adds univention-dhcp as optional dependency. new: HELPER_isExecutedOnUCS: Checks, if it is run on UCS. +++++ 2015-09-07 patch: Smal fix for DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression. patch 100797: Smal fix for DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression. fix: DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression: Now the m23 server package repository is really added to the sources.list. patch 100796: Now suggests texlive and texlive-lang-french. cha: m23-mdk-doc: Now suggests texlive and texlive-lang-french. patch 100795: Now included the m23 package sign key. cha: SERVER_importGPGPackageSignKey: Now uses the GPG key that is included in the m23 Debian package. patch 101016: Smal fix for DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression. +++++ 2015-09-06 patch 100794: User manual fixes. new: checkForMissingHTML2LatexEntities.sh: Script to find HTML entities that are missing in the HTML to LaTeX translation index. fix: HELP_showHelpTex: Corrected LaTeX table generation. cha: HELP_showHelpTex: Now all used HTML entities are converted to LaTeX. cha: makeTexHelp.sh: Now makes sure that the encoding is correct. +++++ 2015-09-03 release 15.2 patch 100793: Changes for m23 15.2. cha: TRINITY_install: Adjusted for TDE R14.0.1. +++++ 2015-09-02 fix: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Corrected variable names. cha: pingIP: Now calling ping with sudo (needed on Debian 8). +++++ 2015-09-01 new: SERVER_importGPGPackageSignKey: Imports the m23 GPG package sign key. new: signBaseSys.sh: Signs the baseSys archives and uploads the signature files. new: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Downloads the debootstrap cache file to the m23 server and checks its validity (by signature). cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now calls PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server. +++++ 2015-08-30 new: SERVER_getAptGetInstallCommand: Returns the apt-get commands to install a tool on the server. cha: SERVER_installTool: Now uses SERVER_getAptGetInstallCommand. new: SERVER_installToolInBackground: Installs a tool on the server in background. +++++ 2015-08-28 new: basesys2deb.sh: Converts the compressed baseSys archives to Debian packages. +++++ 2015-08-26 cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Now works on Debian 8 too. +++++ 2015-08-21 cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now checks, if the client is running systemd and disables killing of processes (like screen) after SSH disconnects. +++++ 2015-08-20 cha: CLIENT_reset: Now uses CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now has a timeout for SSH connections. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Hack for systemd: Needed by SSH server under systemd. Otherwise screen sessions that are started via SSH are stopped when the SSH disconnects. +++++ 2015-08-18 cha: m23/postinst: Changed cache setting for Squid 3. m23installerBase.inc / installDebs: Now checks for a m23 server package mirror in the sources.list. +++++ 2015-08-17 fix: createRFSBins: Now makes sure, that the found file is from the temp directory and not the local root filesystem. +++++ 2015-07-27 cha: m23Backup: Now stores the firewall settings too. new: firewall.php: Page for changing and (de)activating the firewall. new: de / firewall.hlp: +++++ 2015-07-26 new: CFirewall::exportRules: Exports the set iptables rules to a rule file (generated with iptables-save). new: CFirewall::putScript: Writes script code in the iptables script. new: CFirewall::executeScript: Executes the iptables script. new: HELPER_grepCount: Counts the lines from $string seperated by $cut that contain $search. new: CFirewall::activateInInterfaces: Activates auto-loading of the iptables rules in the interfaces file. new: CFirewall::isActive: Checks, if auto-loading of the iptables rules in the interfaces file is active. new: HELPER_grepNot: Returnes all lines from $string seperated by $cut that do NOT contain $search. new: CFirewall::activate: Activates the firewall. new: CFirewall::deactivate: Deactivates the firewall. new: CFirewall::getSatusIconHTML: Generates a HTML status icon to indicate the status of the firewall. +++++ 2015-07-23 new: HELPER_netmaskAmountOfSetBits: Calculates the amount of set bits in a network mask (as used in the short form of netmasks). new: HELPER_networkCalculator: Calculates the network IP by a given IP and the netmask. new: getServerNetwork: Get the network IP of the m23 server. new: CFirewall::clearIPtablesSettings: Clears all currently set iptables rules. new: CFirewall::scriptFileExists: Checks, if the iptables script file exists. new: CFirewall::rulesFileExists: Checks, if the iptables rules file exists. new: CFirewall::writeDefaultScript: Writes the default iptables script, if there is no script. new: CFirewall::getScript: Gets the contents of the iptables script. +++++ 2015-07-20 cha: HELPER_getContentFromURL: Now has an extra parameter, to allow partial downloads. cha: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheSfURL: Now returns an alternate mirror, if the file from the 1st host is not valid. cha: up-frs-basesys: Now uploads the basesys to goos-habermann.de too. +++++ 2015-07-18 cha: configXOrgVMware: Now doesn't detect vmxnet3 driver as VMWare guest. cha: setLog.php, setStatus.php: Included the required files for CLIENT_getClientName. new: SRCLST_possiblem23debsMirrors: Returns an array with mirrors for m23 debs. new: SRCLST_checkm23debsMirror: Checks, if the url contains a valid mirror for m23debs. new: SRCLST_getWorkingm23debsMirror: Get the url of a working m23debs mirror. cha: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Now is SRCLST_loadSourceListFromDB. new: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Loads and returnes the package source list and tries to find a valid mirror for m23debs. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now uploads the packages to goos-habermann.de too. cha: CLIENT_showLog: Now checks, if the status message and its status are separated by "°" or "?". +++++ 2015-07-17 new: DISTR_getDesktopDescription: Returns the description for the given desktop in the given distribution preferedly in the language of the m23 webinterface. cha: client_distr.php: Now uses DISTR_getDesktopDescription. +++++ 2015-07-16 cha: mkRelease: Now creates a signed inRelease file (required for newer APT versions) too. new: CClient::usesDynamicIP: Checks if the client uses dynamic IPs. cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Allows setting of client name by ID by clients with dynamic IPs. +++++ 2015-07-15 cha: IMG_getImageFormatSelection, IMG_showCreateImage: Now are using HTML API 2 to save values on missing image name. cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Now suggests a random port number for image transfer. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela". +++++ 2015-07-14 cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Now allows setting of client name or ID only, if the request comes from the client itself or the m23 server. +++++ 2015-07-13 cha: SRCLST_getStorageFS: Now returns the input file system, if the sourceslist name is "imaging". +++++ 2015-07-07 fix: m23createImageInstall.php: Fixed double including of dhcp.php. fix: imaging.php: Removed quotes around constant names. cha: m23RebootInstall.php: Now calls "reboot" without full path (needed for the new network boot image). +++++ 2015-07-06 patch 100782: Fixes client integration. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now sets needed client value(s) before integration. (THX bartelfisch) +++++ 2015-07-04 new: CLIENT_getToDetailsURL: Generates the link to the client's control center page. cha: CLIENT_HTMLBackToDetails: Now calls CLIENT_getToDetailsURL. cha: recover_client.php, rescue_client.php: Now return back to client's control center page if "No" is choosen. +++++ 2015-07-03 patch 100781: Fixes image selection. fix: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now uses the new functions for getting the partitions and drives. (THX slaky) cha: client_distr: Now calls CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions with the new optional client parameter. +++++ 2015-06-28 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca". +++++ 2015-06-25 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now uses MySQLi. cha: m23-vbox / control: Packages adjusted to match Debian 8 available packages. +++++ 2015-06-22 cha: checkFstabAndMount: Now creates the mountpounts too. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes sure, innoDB is enabled. +++++ 2015-06-21 cha: installGrub: Now uses grub 2. cha: getNextLoop: Now uses losetup -f instead of trying to find an unused loop device by incrementing the numbers. cha: createRFSBins: Now filters out script and statically linked files. +++++ 2015-06-18 cha: CLCFG_resolvConf: Now adds the backup resolv.conf to /etc/resolv.conf, if it is not included already. new: m23Debian8CinnamonFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Cinnamon desktop. new: m23Debian8GnomeFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Gnome desktop. new: m23Debian8KdeFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Kde desktop. new: m23Debian8LxdeFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full LXDE desktop. new: m23Debian8XfceFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Xfce desktop. +++++ 2015-06-17 cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Added support for Gnome, LXDE, KDE, Cinnamon and Xfce. cha: CLCFG_resolvConf: Now makes sure that the resolv.conf doesn't get destroyed by NetworkManager. +++++ 2015-06-16 new: m23Debian8MateInstall.php: Installs a minimal Mate desktop under Debian 8. new: m23Debian8MateInstallFull.php: Installs a full Mate desktop under Debian 8. +++++ 2015-06-15 new: CLCFG_installDesktopLanguagePackage: Installs some additional language packages for (KDE / Gnome) desktops. +++++ 2015-06-13 cha: debian / PKG_getKernels: Now sorts packages with the given arch on top of the output array. new: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Installs a Debian desktop. +++++ 2015-06-12 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh / configXOrgVMware: Now doesn't detect a VM running in VirtualBox as a VM running in VMWare. cha: debian / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now chooses the package "grub-pc" for Debian Jessie. +++++ 2015-06-10 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs grub-pc on Debian 8. +++++ 2015-06-09 new: DB_getConnection: Gets the MySQLi connection. new: DB_setConnection: Sets the MySQLi connection to use globally. new: DB_isConnectionValid: Checks, if the MySQLi connection is valid. +++++ 2015-06-08 cha: CLIENT_getAskingParams, CLIENT_getParams, IMG_showCreateImage, HTML_newStatusBar, SERVER_mysqlInfo, DB_queryNoDie, DB_query, m23SHARED_switchUser, dbConnect, m23SHARED_new, m23SHARED_init, MAIL_cryptMailServer, */m23normalInstall.php, */m23normalRemoveInstall.php, */m23updateInstall.php: Changed to MySQLi. +++++ 2015-06-07 patch 100773: More compatibility for Debian 8. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now sreates a service file to restore the VM states, if systemd is used. cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added Debian 8. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added Debian 8. +++++ 2015-06-05 patch 100771: Enables PHP's short tags in php.ini for cli. cha: m23 / postinst: Now enables PHP's short tags in php.ini for cli. +++++ 2015-06-04 patch 100770: Improved server backup and integrated script debugging. cha: menuDeb: Now complatible with Debian 8' dialog. +++++ 2015-05-31 cha: showCurrentWorkPHP.php: Now enables reporting of all PHP errors if called with a script name. +++++ 2015-05-25 cha: m23Backup, m23Restore: Now backups and restores openLDAP and BackupPC settings too. +++++ 2015-05-23 patch 100769: Support for Squid 3. cha: m23 / postinst / configureSquid: Now supports Squid 3 too. +++++ 2015-05-20 patch 100768: Smal postinst fix for configuring BackupPC. fix: m23 / postinst / configureBackupPC: Now includes needed helper.php. patch 100767: More compatibility for Debian 8. cha: m23 / postinst / configureApache: Now sets character encoding for PHP. patch 100766: More compatibility for Debian 8. cha: m23 / postinst / configureApache: Special handling for Apache 2.4. patch 100764: Smal changes for SF and Debian 8. cha: m23instUpload: Now checks, if the Debian packages, that were downloaded as test, match the original MD5 sum. cha: m23DuplicateToFRS, m23instUpload: Adjusted paths to the new SF FRS. +++++ 2015-05-19 cha: m23 / postinst: Now enables PHP's short tags in php.ini. +++++ 2015-05-18 cha: enable-ssh: Changes for Apache 2.4. +++++ 2015-05-15 patch 100764: Changed dependencies to make it installable on Debian 8 (for future developement). cha: m23 / control: Changed dependencies to make it installable on Debian 8 (for future developement). +++++ 2015-05-14 patch 100763: Added elementary OS with patheon as additional desktop. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports "elementary OS" too. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now has support for phanteon greeter too. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now has support for elementary OS too. cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now uses the if od the article to check, if the article was posted already. cha: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Now converts HTML characters into "normal" characters. +++++ 2015-05-12 patch 100762: Added scripts for generating offline demo. new: m23admin-offline-copy: Scripts for generating offline demo from the m23 admin interface. cha: GRP_getIdByName: Now returns false, if no matching group is found. patch 100761: IP management works now with clients without IP or MAC too. cha: CClient::getMAC, CClient::getIP: Now are having an extra parameter, that will returned in case of an error, if set to another value, than 'null'. cha: CClientLister::showClientList: Now calls CClient::getMAC and CClient::getIP with parameter, to give back an empty string in case of an error. +++++ 2015-05-04 patch 100760: Kernel change due to sticking during HD writing while installing the m23 server from ISO. cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Kernel 3.18. cha: debian / CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now has an extra parameter to set the distribution to use. (Needed, because the function is called by the Ubuntu equivalent). cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptionsUbuntu: Now calls CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions with "ubuntu" parameter. cha: Changed to Kernel 3.18.12 because of sticking during HD writing while installing the m23 server from ISO. cha: sources.list wheezy: Now uses official Trinity mirror. cha: TRINITY_install: Now makes a symbolic link from /opt/trinity/bin/startkde to /bin/starttrinity so the x2go client can use the TRINITY desktop profile. +++++ 2015-05-02 patch 100759: Smal fixes. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / startBaseInstallation: Deactivated calling of the online update dialog. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now doesn't show the extraction anymore, because the output is too slow in graphic/textmode. +++++ 2015-05-01 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now uses vorboss.dl.sourceforge.net. cha: CClient::getFamilyname: Now return empty string, if no family name is given. patch 100758: Updated the sources lists to the new server vorboss.dl.sourceforge.net. +++++ 2015-04-29 release 15.1 patch 100757: All complete for 15.1. Now only testing of the packages. cha: Translations complete. +++++ 2015-04-28 cha: PKG_addPackageSelection: Now splits normal package lines, that may contain multiple package names. +++++ 2015-04-27 cha: HWINFO_printPartitions: Now is using CFDiskGUI::printAllBars, ::showAllPartTables and ::showColorDefinitions. new: CFDiskGUI::getHDSizes: Returnes the sizes of all harddisks in a string, sperated by given line separator. cha: HWINFO_getHDSize: Now uses CFDiskGUI::getHDSizes. new: HTML_jQueryReStoreYWindowPosition: Generates jQuery code for storing the Y scroll position of the window and to restore the position after a submit. cha: HTML_jQueryMenuHeader, CScredit::show: Now are calling HTML_jQueryReStoreYWindowPosition. cha: Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Now removes some more packages. +++++ 2015-04-21 new: m23Debs.inc / addm23CommandsToACE : Adds all m23 PHP commands to the mode-php.js of ace to highlight m23 commands like normal PHP commands. cha: mkm23Debs: Now calls addm23CommandsToACE. +++++ 2015-04-19 new: CScredit::saveScript: Saves the script in the editor to the file. cha: de / client_add_label_descriptions.inc: Added UEFI boottype and architecture cha: de / clientBuilder.hlp: Added hint for UEFI. cha: de / scriptEditor.inc: Added the new function descriptions of the editor. +++++ 2015-04-18 new: CFDiskIO::findAndSetEFIBootPartDev: Searches for the first vfat partitions and if one if found, sets it as EFI boot partition. cha: MSR_importPartHwData: Now calls findAndSetEFIBootPartDev. cha: m23hwscanner / getPartFS: Now works with GPT partitions too. +++++ 2015-04-17 cha: disableNetworkOnDHCP: Now works, if the client should be defined. +++++ 2015-04-16 new: CScredit::getViewScriptOutputDialog: Generates a dialog with JavaScript to choose a client and to open the script output viewer for the currentry saved script. new: PKG_removeSpecialFromJobList: Removes a special job from the joblist identified by package name and priority. new: CClient::delSpecialJob: Removes a special job from the joblist identified by package name and priority. new: CScredit::getCurrentScriptFilenameWithoutInstallPhp: Gets the current script filename without "Install.php" at its end. cha: CClient::getClientCurrentWorkPHP: Now has an optional job parameter, and if set, this job will be taken instead of the job with the lowest priority. +++++ 2015-04-15 fix: client_distr.php: Corrected variable name typo. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now sets system in UEFI mode, if UEFI booting is choosen. +++++ 2015-04-13 cha: createRFSISO: Now creates 64 bit UEFI bootable ISOs. +++++ 2015-04-10 cha: HTML_selection: Now sets the id on selections too. new: CScredit::getCurrentScript: Get the text of the editor window. new: CScredit::setCurrentScript: Set the text of the editor window. new: CScredit::deleteCurrentScript: Deletes the current script, if one is loaded. new: CScredit::loadOnlineScript: Loads an online script into the editor. new: CScredit::getOnlineScriptDialog: Generates a dialog with JavaScript to get information about online scripts with download option. +++++ 2015-04-09 new: CScredit::isNotSaved: Returns if there is no script in the editor (after submitting). new: CScredit::getNextOnlineScriptInfo: Gets an information about all scripts that are available online. Every call of the function fetches the information about one script. new: CScredit::updateOnlineScriptInfo: Downloads the information about online available scripts. +++++ 2015-04-08 new: CScredit::uploadScript: Checks, if all needed information are given before uploading the script. +++++ 2015-04-03 new: CScredit::setCurrentScriptFilename: Corrects the given filename to have it a valid prefix and suffix and sets it as current file name. new: CScredit::getCurrentScriptFilename: Gets the current script filename. new: CScredit::getCurrentScriptFilenameFullPath: Gets the current script filename with full path. new: CScredit::getLocalScriptFilenames: Gets the filenames of local scripts. new: CScredit::show: Shows a script editor with syntax highlighting. new: CScredit::getNewScriptTemplate: Returns a template for a basic script. +++++ 2015-04-01 cha: SCREDIT_newScriptTemplate: Added GPL header. cha: SCREDIT_showEditor: Now uses the Ace editor (http://ace.c9.io). +++++ 2015-03-30 new: SCREDIT_correctScriptFilename: Corrects the given filename to have it a valid prefix and suffix. +++++ 2015-03-23 new: HELPER_URIencode: Encodes a string like the JavaScript function URIencode would do it. +++++ 2015-03-17 fix: DHCP_activateBoot: Fixed writing of the PXE entry. +++++ 2015-03-16 new: SRCLST_doesDistrSupportEFI: Checks, if a sources list contains a distribution that supports EFI. new: SRCLST_getListnamesWithEfiSupport: Gets a list with all sources lists that support EFI. new: SRCLST_showErrorIfClientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi: Shows an error message, if the client uses EFI and the choosen sources list doesn't. new: SRCLST_clientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi: Checks, if the client uses EFI and the choosen sources list doesn't. cha: client_distr.php: Now uses SRCLST_clientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi and SRCLST_showErrorIfClientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi. +++++ 2015-03-15 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now chooses amd64 architecture, if UEFI booting is selected. cha: CClient::setBootType: Now shecks, if client should be booted via EFI and if is uses another architecture than amd64. +++++ 2015-03-14 cha: CLCFG_efi: Configures the client for UEFI booting. +++++ 2015-03-13 cha: CFDiskIO::isNewPartitionOfTypeCreatable: Now an EFI partition is only possible, if there is an EFI boot partition. cha: CFDiskIO::changeToEfiPartitionTypeIfInUefiMode: Now returns the maybe unchanged type for isFreeSpaceBetween. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: +++++ 2015-03-12 cha: CFDiskIO::collidesWithPartitionOfType: If the type may be now "-1" to match all partition types. new: CClient::unsetEFIBootPartDev: Unsets the EFI boot partition of the client (by removing the variable in the client info). cha: CFDiskIO::resetWantedPartitioningAndSteps: Now calls CClient::unsetEFIBootPartDev. cha: CFDiskIO::backToPreviousPartitionStep: Now unsets the EFI boot partition, if it doesn't exist anymore. cha: CFDiskGUI::finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Now checks for the EFI boot partition of EFI systems too. new: setEFIStartEndPositionIfEFIBootPartitionTypeIsSet: Checks, if the type of the new partition to be creates is "efi-boot" and if yes, changes the start and end position of the partition. +++++ 2015-03-11 cha: CFDiskIO::isFreeSpaceBetween, CFDiskIO::getCreatablePartitionTypes, CFDiskIO::isNewPartitionOfTypeCreatable: Added support for EFI partitions. cha: CFDiskIO::virtualAddPartition: Added check for disallowing EFI partitions on BIOS systems and vice versa. new: CClient::getInstPargetEFIPartDevtDev: Gets the EFI partition of the client. new: CClient::setEFIPartDev: Sets the EFI partition of the client. cha: CFDiskBasic::makeInstPartBootable: Becomes CFDiskBasic::makeInstOrEFIPartBootable and has support for EFI partitions now. new: CFDiskBasic::EFItypeAndGUIDJob: Sets EFI boot partition type and GUID for the EFI boot partition and adds it to the list of partition steps. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added gdisk. cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Now Sets EFI boot partition type and GUID for the EFI boot partition too. +++++ 2015-03-10 cha: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionTypeTranslator: Added EFI partition. new: CFDiskIO::getPrimaryOrEfiPartitionType: Returns a primary (on BIOS booted systems) or an EFI (on UEFI booted systems). new: CFDiskIO::changeToEfiPartitionTypeIfInUefiMode: Changes a given primary partition type to an EFI partition type on UEFI booted systems. cha: CFDiskBasic::createPartition: Now calls changeToEfiPartitionTypeIfInUefiMode. new: CFDiskIO::nextPrimaryDevNr: Gets the next free EFI (physical) partition number. cha: CFDiskIO::getNextFreePhysicalVirtualPartitionNumber: Added support for EFI partitions. +++++ 2015-03-09 cha: clientISO / linuxrc: Now remounts the ramdisk to make it writable on UEFI too. +++++ 2015-03-08 cha: kernelFunction.inc / compileKernel: Added extra options needed for EFI on x86_64. cha: CChecks::checkBootType: Added BOOTTYPE_GRUB2EFIX64. new: CClient::getNetworkBootTypesArrayForSelection: Generates an array with all avaialable network boot types for using it in a selection. cha: DHCP_addClient: Added support for UEFI. cha: m23 / postinst: Now changes the ramdisk size in /m23/tftp/grub/grub.cfg too. +++++ 2015-03-02 new: client_details.php: Added icon for deleting the current client. +++++ 2015-02-28 fix: m23HSAdmin* / sysAddFstabEntry: Now splits the parameter string correctly. new: client_add_label_descriptions.inc: Common help include file for client_add.hlp and clientBuilder.hlp. +++++ 2015-02-27 fix: CFDiskIO::FDISK_getOldStyleFstabArrayForHalfSister: Now adds the amount of fstab entries to the output array. +++++ 2015-02-26 cha: m23hwscanner / getDrives: Now filteres out DVD drives (only matters, if there is inserted a disc). +++++ 2015-02-25 cha: CFDiskIO::FDISK_adjustFstabParam: Removed (identically with CFDiskIO::adjustFstabParam). +++++ 2015-02-23 cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskSaveToDB: Now makes sure that all disk sizes are stored on a defined client. fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Fixed layout when the partition and format dialog is opened after defining a client. +++++ 2015-02-12 cha: client_distr.php: Now doesn't store fstab information in client's options anymore (outdated). cha: CFDiskBasic::deleteAllPartitionsOnDisk: Now returns on RAID disks. +++++ 2015-02-11 fix: CFDiskIO::fdiskAddFstab: Now gives back the correct values. cha: CFDiskIO::setCFDiskTemp: Now copies fstab too. new: CFDiskIO::isDevValidDiskPartitionOrRaid: Checks, if a given device name is a valid disk, partition or RAID device. cha: CHECK_FW: Now returns true, if there are no errors. cha: CHECK_deviceName: Now has an optional parameter and if set to true, RAIDs are allowed too. cha: CChecks::checkMountDev: Now allows RAIDs too. +++++ 2015-02-10 cha: CClient::setCFDiskTemp: Becomes CFDiskIO::setCFDiskTemp. new: CFDiskIO::getDefinedDiskSizes: Gets the defined disk devices and their sizes. cha: CFDiskIO::saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB: Now has an optional parameter and if set to true, the disk devices and their sizes should be saved even if the client is NOT a defined client. new: CFDiskIO::saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB: Saves the disk devices and their sizes to the DB. new: CFDiskIO::addPartitionStepAtTheBeginning: Adds a step at the beginning of the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays. cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartitionJob, deletePartition: Now are having an optional parameter and if set to true, the job will be added at the beginning of the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays. +++++ 2015-02-09 cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now Copies the current version of m23hwscanner. +++++ 2015-02-07 cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Kernel 3.16. cha: listKernelVersions: Now searches for xz compressed archives. new: menuVarReset: Resets (deletes) all variable files. cha: menuKernelDownload: Now checks for the compression type of the kernel archive and chooses the correct decompression parameter for tar. new: m23hwscanner/checkUEFI: Checks, if UEFI is active and stores the result in the associative array. new: CClient::setUEFI: Sets the UEFI usage of the client. cha: bootimage: Now uses Linux Kernel 3.16. new: CClient::isUEFIActive: Returns, if the client uses UEFI. cha: CClient::save: Now skips 'CFDiskTemp', because it has to be changed by CFDiskIO only. new: CClient::isHalfSisterClient: Returns, if the client uses a halfSister distribution. new: CFDiskIO::FDISK_getOldStyleFstabArrayForHalfSister: Gets the fstab entries in the old style array format that is used by HS_sysAddFstabEntries. cha: CFDiskIO::genManualFstab: Now can be used for halfSister clients too. +++++ 2015-02-06 cha: CFDiskIO::resetWantedPartitioning: Renamed to resetWantedPartitioningAndSteps. new: CFDiskIO::resetWantedPartitioning: Resets the wantedPartitioning array by replacing it with the contents of the client's current partitioning. cha: MSR_importPartHwData, CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now are calling resetWantedPartitioning. new: CFDiskIO::getUnusedDiskDev: Returns an associative array with the unused device names (e.g. /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, ...) as key and value. cha: CFDiskGUI::showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Now adds a menu entry for creating virtual disk, if the client is a defined client. +++++ 2015-02-04 new: CFDiskIO::fdiskAddFstab: Gets an entry to from the fstab array. Can be called more times to get all entries. new: CFDiskIO::genManualFstab: Generates commands to edit a given fstab, add new entries and remove old ones before. new: CFDiskIO::adjustFstabParam: Adjusts the parameter block of a fstab line to make it use an supported FS. new: CFDiskIO::FDISK_genManualFstab: Generates commands to edit a given fstab, add new entries and remove old ones before. new: CFDiskIO::FDISK_adjustFstabParam: Adjust the parameter block of a fstab line to make it use an supported FS. cha: CFDiskIO::genManualFstab: Now calls CFDiskIO::FDISK_genManualFstab, if old fstab data is used on the client. +++++ 2015-02-02 new: CClient::setCFDiskTemp: Sets CFDiskTemp of the client. new: CFDiskBasic::deleteDeviceFromRaid: Deletes a partition or disk from a RAID disk. cha: CFDiskGUI::getRaidTable: Now has an extra button and if it is set to true, each line with a real disk/partition gets an extra button for deleting it from the RAID. +++++ 2015-02-01 new: getAllDebianDesktopPackages: Get all packages from tasksel, that install desktops. new: CClient::isDefinedClient: Checks, if the client is defined client. cha: compressedDebootstrap: Now makes sure that p7zip-full (7za), debootstrap and dpkg-dev (dpkg-architecture) are installed. new: CFDiskIO::saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB: Saves the disk devices and their sizes to the DB, if the client is a defined client. cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskSaveToDB: Now calls saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB. new: CFDiskIO::getDefinedDiskSizesFromDB: Gets (if called on a derived client) the disk devices and their sizes from the defined client (this client was derived from). cha: CFDiskBasic::fdiskAdjustPartitioning: Now uses getDefinedDiskSizesFromDB. +++++ 2015-01-31 cha: CFDiskIO::getPartitionFileSystem, getPartitionType, getPartitionEnd, getPartitionStart, getPartAmount: Is now RAID safe. new: CFDiskIO::discardUndo: Discards all undo steps. cha: CFDiskGUI::finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Now calls CFDiskIO::discardUndo. new: CFDiskIO::addPartitionStepBeforeFormat: Adds a step to the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays before the formating of the RAID device (given in the $partJob). new: CFDiskIO::addPartitionStepBeforeFormatArray: Adds a step to the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays before the formating of the RAID device (given in the $partJob). new: CFDiskIO::maximumDevicesForRaidReached: Checks, if the the maximum amount of devices building the RAID is reached. +++++ 2015-01-30 new: CClient::unsetInstPartDev: Unsets the installation partition of the client (by removing the variable in the client info). new: CClient::unsetSwapPartDev: Unsets the swap partition of the client (by removing the variable in the client info). cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartition: Now unsets the installation or swap partition variable of the client (if $dev is installation or swap partition). cha: CClient::getProperty: Now has an optional error value parameter and if set, it will be returned, if the property is not set. new: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionTypeTranslator: Translates the partition types. new: CFDiskIO::getNotFS: Generates and returns an array with the list of not filesystems (free space or unformated partitions). cha: CFDiskIO::showColorDefinitions: Now shows the "not filesystems" too. +++++ 2015-01-29 new: CFDiskGUI::getFileSystemTranslator: Translates the filesystem names. new: CFDiskGUI::getExtraCSSForExtended: Returns CSS code for marking partitions or free space on the extended partition. +++++ 2015-01-25 new: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionExtraIconHTML: Returns HTML code for showing an icon for installation or swap partition. +++++ 2015-01-23 new: CFDiskIO::isTypeFreeSpace: Checks, if a given partition type means "free space". new: CFDiskGUI::getFreeSpaceHTMLColor: Gets the HTML color for marking free space. new: CFDiskGUI::showFreeSpaceBarBlock: Shows a block for with free space in the bar visualising the partitioning of a disk. new: CFDiskGUI::showEmptyDiskTable: Shows a table with block for an empty disk (if the disk has no partitions) +++++ 2015-01-22 new: CFDiskGUI::newDiskLayout: Updates the disk layout for a given disk, if it is not in the cache. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryStart: Gets the start position of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryEnd: Gets the end position of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntrySize: Gets the size of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryType: Gets the type of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryFileSystem: Gets the filesystem of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntriesAmount: Gets the amount of disk layout entries. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryDev: Gets the device name of a disk layout entry. +++++ 2015-01-21 new: CFDiskGUI::addDiskLayoutEntry: Adds a new entry (partition or free space on a disk) to the disk layout (for rendering only). new: CFDiskGUI::newDiskLayout: Creates a new disk layout for a given disk. +++++ 2015-01-18 new: CFDiskIO::getPreviousPartitionStep: Get the previous partition steps and wanted partitioning from the last action. +++++ 2015-01-16 new: CFDiskIO::updateUndoMd5: Updates the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning and partitionSteps arrays. new: CFDiskIO::getUndoMd5: Gets the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning and partitionSteps arrays. new: CFDiskIO::addUndo: Adds an undo step to the undoArray. +++++ 2015-01-14 new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionStepsMd5: Gets the md5 sum of the partitionSteps array. new: CFDiskIO::updatePartitionStepsMd5: Updates the md5 sum of the partitionSteps array in $this->partitionStepsMd5. +++++ 2015-01-13 new: CFDiskIO::getPossiblePartitionTypesBetween: Get a list of partition types that can be created in a range on a disk. new: CFDiskGUI::getJSSelectPartTypeForNewPartitions: Get the first entry of the list of partition types that can be created in a range on a disk as selectPartTypeForNewPartitions JavaScript function. new: CFDiskGUI::printAllBars: Shows the partition bars of all disks specified for the current client. +++++ 2015-01-12 new: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionPercent: Calculates the percentual size of a selected partition in comparison to the disk size. cha: CFDiskBasic::deleteRaid: Now calls CFDiskBasic::deletePartition, if the given device is NOT a RAID device. cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartition: Now call CFDiskBasic::deleteRaid, if the given device is a RAID device or if a RAID should be destroyed. new: CFDiskGUI::listPartJobs: Show all part jobs in the table. new: CFDiskGUI::showAllPartTables: Shows the partition tables of all disks for the current client. new: CFDiskGUI::listPartTable: Shows the partition information for a disk as table. new: CFDiskGUI::getRaidTable: Get informations about the assigned real disks/partitions of a RAID. new: CFDiskGUI::showColorDefinitions: Shows the color definitions for the supported filesystems. new: CFDiskGUI::fstabAddDialog: Shows a dialog (with logic) for adding fstab entries. new: CFDiskIO::fdiskDelFstabEntry: Removes an entry from the fstab array. new: CFDiskGUI::getFstabTable: Generates a HTML table with all fstab entries and logic for deleting entries. +++++ 2015-01-11 cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskSaveToDB: Now stores the fstab array too. cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskLoadFromDB: Now loads the fstab array too. cha: CHECK_deviceName: Now has an extra parameter for choosing that a disk or partition are valid. cha: CHECK_FW: Now uses extra parameter of CHECK_deviceName too. new: CChecks::checkMountDev: Checks if the device name for mounting a disk or partition is valid. cha: CHECK_mointPoint: Checks if the input value is a valid mountpoint. new: CChecks::checkMountPoint: Checks if the input value is a valid mountpoint. cha: CHECK_FW: Now uses CHECK_mointPoint too. new: CFDiskIO::fdiskAddFstab: Adds a new entry to the fstab array. new: CFDiskIO::fdiskGetFstabArray: Gets the fstab of a client as array. new: CFDiskIO::findFstabMountPointByDev: Searches a client's fstab for a device and figures out the according mountpoint. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the drive and bolonging to a RAID. new: CFDiskGUI::getPartInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the partition, its filesystem and bolonging to a RAID. new: CFDiskBasic::makeInstPartBootable: Enables the booting flag on the installation partition by adding a job. +++++ 2015-01-10 new: CFDiskBasic::deleteAllPartitionsOnDisk: Deletes all partitions on a disk. new: CClient::setFdiskAdjustmentType: Sets adjustment type for disk layouts of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Gets adjustment type for disk layouts of derived clients. new: CChecks::checkFdiskAdjustmentSpecifiedDev: Checks if the device name for the disk of the defined client is valid. new: CClient::setFdiskAdjustmentSpecifiedDev: Sets the disk device of the defined disk on a define client. new: CClient::getFdiskAdjustmentSpecifiedDev: Gets the disk device of the defined disk on a define client. new: CFDiskBasic::fdiskAdjustPartitioningLinearScale: Scales all partitions sizes to match the full disk size. new: CFDiskBasic::fdiskAdjustPartitioning: Adjusts the disk for a derived client, based on the defined client's settings new: CFDiskGUI::finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Does some final checks, adds the partitioning and formating job and switches to the distribution selection page. new: CFDiskIO::swapFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for swapping. new: CFDiskIO::installFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for installation. new: CFDiskGUI::fdiskSessionSetter: Generic function to store values in the client partition and format session or loads them. new: CFDiskGUI::fdiskSessionPage: Stores the page in the session or loads it. new: CFDiskGUI::fdiskSessionHelpPage: Stores the help page in the session or loads it. new: CFDiskGUI::showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Shows the menu bar with integrated logic for CFDiskGUI::showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog. new: CFDiskGUI::getHTMLColorForFilesystem: Get HTML color code for a given filesystem. new: CFDiskGUI::getPartInfoIcon: Generates HTML code for showing an icon with status information about a drive or partition. +++++ 2015-01-09 new: CFDiskGUI::getCurrentDiskDev: Returns the currently choosen (in the GUI) disk device name. new: CFDiskGUI::getCurrentDiskvDev: Returns the currently choosen (in the GUI) virtual disk number. new: CFDiskGUI::getCurrentPartDev: Returns the currently choosen (in the GUI) partition device name. new: CFDiskGUI::setInstPartDev: Sets the installation partition of the client. new: CFDiskGUI::setSwapPartDev: Sets the swap partition of the client. new: CClient::getSwapPartDev: Gets the swap partition of the client. new: CClient::getInstPartDev: Gets the installation partition of the client. new: CFDiskGUI::getInstPartDev: Gets the installation partition of the client. new: CFDiskGUI::getSwapPartDev: Gets the swap partition of the client. new: CFDiskBasic::assignDeviceToRaid: Adds a partition or disk to a RAID disk. new: CChecks::checkSizeInMB: Checks if a size in MB is valid. new: CChecks::checkDiskDefinedSize: Checks if a size (in MB) for the defined disk is valid. new: CClient::setFDiskDefinedSize: Sets the size of the disk of a defined client. new: CChecks::checkFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Checks if a size (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for the upper tolerance is valid. new: CChecks::checkFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Checks if a size (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for the lower tolerance is valid. new: CChecks::setFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Sets the lower tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CChecks::setFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Sets the upper tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Gets the lower tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Gets the upper tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Gets the size of the disk of a defined client. new: CClient::isDerivedClient: Checks, if the client is derived from a defined client. +++++ 2015-01-08 new: CFDiskIO::getPartDevs: Returns an array with the partitions (/dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, ...) of a disk or all disks. new: CFDiskIO::getSupportedFS: Generates and returns an array with the list of supported file systems. +++++ 2015-01-05 new: CFDiskIO::getCreatablePartitionTypes: Creates an array with the types of partitions that could be created on a disk. +++++ 2015-01-04 new: CFDiskIO::mayPartitioningBeChanged: Checks, if the whole disk or at least one partition on the disk is used in a RAID. cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartition, createPartition: Now mayLogicalPartitionsBeChanged is replaced by mayPartitioningBeChanged. +++++ 2014-12-21 new: CFDiskTest::addLineToReplay: Adds a line to the run log file. new: CFDiskTest::rand: Reads a random value from the replay file, if in replay mode or puts a calculated random value to the replay file. +++++ 2014-12-20 new: CFDiskTest::nextTurn: Is called at the beginning of the next testing turn. Chooses a disk for testing, if there are more disks given. new: CFDiskIO::mayLogicalPartitionsBeChanged: Checks if the logical partitions may be changed on the given disk. If one logical partition on the disk is assigned to a RAID, none of the other logical partitions may be removed or added, because the numbering of the partitions will change afterwards and bring the RAID into a faulty state. +++++ 2014-12-14 new: CFDiskBasic::getMknodCommand: Generates the mknod command for a given /dev/sdX(Y) device (disk or partition). new: CFDiskBasic::getMknodCommandsForDeviceArray: Generates the mknod commands for given /dev/sdX(Y) devices (disks or partitions). cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Now calls getMknodCommand and getMknodCommandsForDeviceArray. +++++ 2014-12-10 new: CFDiskBasic::createRaidJobForRaid: Generates the jobs to create a given RAID. cha: CFDiskBasic::createAllRaidJobs: Now calls CFDiskBasic::createRaidJobForRaid. +++++ 2014-12-06 new: CFDiskIO::backToPreviousPartitionStep: Jumps back in the partition history by one step. fix: CFDiskIO::virtualDeleteDrive: Now works correctly. +++++ 2014-12-05 new: CFDiskIO::getRaidCompleteParameters: Writes the constraints for building a RAID of a given level to the parameter variables. cha: CFDiskIO::isRaidComplete: Now uses CFDiskIO::getRaidCompleteParameters. new: CFDiskTest::areThereEnoughFreePartitionsToBuildTheRaid: Checks, if there are enough unused partitions to build a RAID of a given level. +++++ 2014-12-04 new: CFDiskIO::sortDiskKeyByDev: Sorts the elements with numeric keys (disks) of the input array by the subkey 'dev'. The numeric keys will be ascending and in the same order than the ascending subkey 'dev' with /dev/mdX at the end. cha: CFDiskIO::virtualAddDisk: Now calls CFDiskIO::sortDiskKeyByDev. +++++ 2014-12-02 cha: CFDiskTest::getRaidsFromClient: Now adds the size of the RAID. fix: CFDiskIO::updateRAIDSize: Now uses the correct virtual disk number for assigning the size. +++++ 2014-12-01 new: VM_CloudStackDisablePortForwarding: Deletes a port forwarding rule for a virtual machine, with private port and public port being the same (CLOUDSTACK_X2GO_PORTNUMBER). cha: VM_delete: Now calls VM_CloudStackDisablePortForwarding. new: CFDiskIO::getUsedMDs: Returns an associative array with the used MDs (e.g. /dev/md0, /dev/md1, ...) as key and value. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomUsedMD: Returns a random used MD. new: CFDiskTest::randomCreateRaid: Tries to create a new RAID with randomly choosen partitions and with random RAID level. new: CFDiskTest::randomDeleteRaid: Picks a random RAID and tries to delete it. +++++ 2014-11-30 cha: m23Backup: Now saves more settings. new: CFDiskBasic::deleteRaidJob: Generates a RAID deletion job and adds it to the list of partition steps. new: CFDiskIO::virtualDeleteRaidDisk: Deletes a RAID disk and removes the RAID locks from all devices building it. new: CFDiskBasic::deleteRaid: Deletes a RAID disk. +++++ 2014-11-24 new: m23cli / getGreenClientNames.php: Fetches the names of all clients with green status. cha: HTML_checkBoxCheckAll: Now returns an empty array, if there are not checked check boxes. +++++ 2014-11-22 new: m23cli / getClientNames.php: Fetches the names of all clients. +++++ 2014-11-18 new: PKG_getClientsByPackages: Gets all clients that have the specific packages (not) installed (or with another given status). new: PKG_getClientsWithWaitingJobs: Gets all clients that have waiting jobs. new: m23cli / getClientsWithPackageNotInstalled.php: Lists all clients that have a NOT package installed. new: m23cli / getClientsWithWaitingJobs.php: Lists all clients that have waiting jobs. +++++ 2014-11-17 new: CClient::wol: Wakes a client over the network. new: m23cli / wol.php: Wakes a client over the network. new: CClient::isPingable: Checks, if the client can be pinged over the network. cha: CLIENT_sshFetchJob: Now has an extra (optional) parameter for the client's IP. new: CClient::sshFetchJob: Connects to the client via SSH and lets the next job fetch and execute it in a screen (named "m23install"). new: m23cli / sshFetchJob.php: Connects to the client via SSH and lets the next job fetch and execute it in a screen (named "m23install"). new: CClientLister::isVisibleByPingableFilter: Checks, if only clients that can (not) be pinged should be shown and if the given client matches the filter rule. new: CClientLister::setVisibleByPingableFilter: Sets the pingable filter rule (show only clients that can (not) be pinged or all clients). cha: CClientLister::showClientList: Now filters out the client, if it is not matching the rule of the pingable filter new: CClientLister::getClientNames: Gets an array with all clients matching the filter rules. new: m23cli / listOnlineClients.php: Shows the clients that can be pinged. new: m23cli / listOfflineClients.php: Shows the clients that can NOT be pinged. new: CClient::executeBySSH: Runs a script under a plain BASH with root rights on the client. new: m23cli / executeBySSH.php: Runs a commands under a plain BASH with root rights on the client. +++++ 2014-11-15 new: CFDiskTest::getRandomRaidLevel: Returns an random RAID level. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomUnusedMD: Returns an random unused MD. +++++ 2014-11-14 new: CClient::addUpdatePackageInfosJob: Adds a job to update the package information of the client to the installation queue. new: installSpecialPackage.php: Installs a special package on a client. new: CFDiskTest::getRaidsFromClient: Fetches current RAID information from the current client. +++++ 2014-11-13 new: CFDiskBasic::raidJob: Generates a RAID creation job and adds it to the list of partition steps. new: CFDiskBasic::createAllRaidJobs: Generates the jobs to create all RAIDs. +++++ 2014-11-12 new: CFDiskTest::showDebugConsistencyClientVirtualArray: Shows a debug information about the current state of virtual and client consistency. new: CFDiskTest::randomTest: Randomly creates, formates and deletes partitions of random size, type and with random file file systems. new: CFDiskIO::areAllRaidsComplete: Checks, if all RAID disk are complete (needed numbers of disks/partitions were added). +++++ 2014-11-11 new: CFDiskIO::getRaidLevelNumbers: Returns an array with valid RAID levels. new: CFDiskIO::isRaidLevelNumberValid: Checks, if a number is a valid RAID level. new: CFDiskIO::setRaidLevel: Sets the RAID level on a new RAID disk. new: CFDiskIO::getDiskSize: Returns the RAID level of RAID disk. new: CFDiskIO::addDevToRaid: Adds a device (disk or partition) to the list of devices building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getvrDevNrByrDev: Returns the (virtual) number of the given device building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::delDevFromRaid: Removes a device (disk or partition) from the list of devices building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getRaidDevsBuildingDiskAmount: Returns the amount of the devices building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::isRaidComplete: Checks, if there are too less or too much devices building the RAID or if the amount is not a multiple of needed devices. new: CFDiskIO::updateRAIDSize: Updates the usable size of the RAID new: CFDiskIO::doesDiskHavePartitionsLockedByRaid: Checks if the disk has at least one partition that was assigned to a RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getUnusedMDs: Returns an associative array with the unused MDs (e.g. /dev/md0, /dev/md1, ...) as key and value. +++++ 2014-11-10 new: PKG_getClientsWithPackage: Gets all clients that have the specific package installed (or with another status). new: getClientsWithPackageInstalled.php: Lists all clients that have a package installed. new: CClient::includeDistributionSpecificPackagesPHP: Includes distribution specific packages.php. new: CClient::addNormalJob: Adds a normal package to the installation queue. new: CClient::addSpecialJob: Adds a special package to the installation queue. new: CClient::addUpdateSourcesListJob: Adds a job to update the package souurce of the client to the installation queue. new: CFDiskIO::getClientObject: Gets the client object, of the client the partitioning belongs to. new: CFDiskBasic::createUEFIPartition: Creates a new UEFI partition with a size of 512 MB at the start of the disk (if possible). new: CFDiskIO::virtualAddDisk: Adds a new virtual disk. new: CFDiskIO::createRaidDisk: Creates a new RAID disk. +++++ 2014-11-09 new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionDev: Returns the device of a partition (eg. /dev/sda1). new: CFDiskIO::isDiskLockedByRaid: Checks, if a disk is locked, because it is part of a RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionSize: Returns the size of a virtual partition. new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionDevs: Returns an array with all partition devices (/dev/sdXY) as key and value. new: CFDiskBasic::createInstallPartition: Creates and formats an installation partition and makes it bootable. The created partition is stored in the client parameters as installation partition. new: CFDiskBasic::createSwapPartition: Creates and formats a swap partition. The created partition is stored in the client parameters as swap partition. +++++ 2014-11-07 new: CFDiskIO::getLogicalpParts: Builds an array with all physical partition numbers of the logical partitions. new: CFDiskIO::correctLogical: Algorithm changed and uses getLogicalpParts. +++++ 2014-11-06 new: CFDiskIO::collidesWithPartitionOfType: Checks if a partition (to be created) defined by start and end position would collide with existing partitions of given type. cha: CFDiskIO::isFreeSpaceBetween: Now uses CFDiskIO::collidesWithPartitionOfType. +++++ 2014-11-05 new: CFDiskIO::sortPartitionKeyByStart: Sorts the elements with numeric keys of the input array by the subkey 'start' and copies all other elements unchanged. The numeric keys will be ascending and in the same order than the ascending subkey 'start'. +++++ 2014-11-04 cha: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader: Now shows the message type in CLI too. new: CFDiskTest::getTestDiskDev: Gets the disk device that is used for testing. new: CFDiskTest::getTestDiskvDisk: Gets the vDisk for the testing fisk. new: CFDiskTest::getRadomStartEnd: Gets random start / end positions (in MB) for e.g. creating new partitions on the test disk. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomPartitionType: Returns an random partition type. new: CFDiskTest::randomCreatePartition: Tries to create a new partition on the test disk with random type and start and end position. new: CFDiskTest::randomDeletePartition: Tries to delete a randomly picked partition on the test disk. new: CFDiskTest::randomFormatPartition: Tries to format a randomly picked partition on the test disk. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomFilesystem: Returns an random filesytem. +++++ 2014-11-03 new: CFDiskTest::getDiskArrayFromClient: Returns the disk array with all drives and their partitions. new: CFDiskIO::getWantedPartitioning: Returns the wantedPartitioning array. new: CFDiskTest::checkPartitionConsistency: Checks for consistancy of the partioning between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. Exists the script, if it is not consistent. new: CFDiskTest::createPartition: Creates a new partition on a disk (if possible) and checks for consistancy of the partioning between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. new: CFDiskTest::deletePartition: Deletes a partition from a disk and checks for consistancy of the partioning between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. new: CFDiskTest::formatPartition: Formats a partition. new: CFDiskTest::checkConsistencyvDiskvPartKey: Checks for consistancy of $vDisk and $vPart keys between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. Differences will be inserted into $this->diffConsistency. new: CFDiskTest::checkConsistencyDiskKey: Checks for consistancy of $vDisk keys between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. Differences will be inserted into $this->diffConsistency. new: CFDiskTest::checkBothSetKey: Checks if a key exists in virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now doesn't show "Warning: Permanently added ..." anymore. +++++ 2014-11-02 new: CFDiskIO::shiftPartitionStep: Gets the first element of the partitionSteps array and deletes it. new: CFDiskIO::isDevRaid: Checks, if a device string is a RAID. new: CFDiskBasic::rereadPartTable: Let the OS re-read the partition table. new: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Generates commands for creating and deletion of partitions, formating or building RAIDs. new: CFDiskTest::getPartInfoWithparted: Fetches current partitioning and formating of the current client from a given disk. new: CFDiskTest::executePartedCommands: Executes all partitioning and formating commands on the given client. +++++ 2014-10-30 new: CFDiskIO::getpDiskAndpPartFromDev: Splits a device (e.g. /dev/hda1) in the physical disk (/dev/hda) and the partition number (1). new: CFDiskIO::setPartitionFileSystem: Sets the file system of a partition. new: CFDiskBasic::formatPartition: Formats a partition. +++++ 2014-10-29 new: CFDiskIO::virtualDeleteDrive: Deletes a (RAID) disk and corrects the disk array. new: CFDiskIO::setDiskPartLockedByRaid: Sets or unsets the RAID lock of a partition or disk. new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionNumber: Returns the physical partition number of a virtual partition. new: CFDiskIO::getvPartBypPart: Returns the virtual partition number searched by the physical partition number. new: CFDiskIO::correctLogical: Corrects the order of the logical partitions after deleting a physical partition. new: CFDiskBasic::rmJob: Generates a partition removal job. new: CFDiskBasic::addJob: Generates a partition add job. new: CFDiskBasic::bootflagJob: Enables the booting flag on a partition. new: CFDiskBasic::formatJob: Generates a partition format job. new: CFDiskIO::isDiskRaid: Checks, if a disk is a RAID. +++++ 2014-10-28 new: CFDiskBasic::getBiggestLowestValueOf: Gets the biggest or lowest value from all partitions of a given type. new: CFDiskBasic::getBiggestValueOf: Gets the biggest value from all partitions of a given type. new: CFDiskBasic::getLowestValueOf: Gets the lowest value from all partitions of a given type. new: CFDiskBasic::updateFreeSpaces: Updates the free spaces array of all disks. new: CFDiskBasic::isPartitionLockedByRaid: Checks, if a partition is locked, because it is part of a RAID. new: CFDiskBasic::getRaidDevs: Returns an array with all disk or partition devices building the RAID of the disk (if it is a RAID). new: CFDiskBasic::getDiskDev: Returns the device name (e.g. /dev/sda) for a virtual disk. new: CFDiskBasic::getBelongingRaidDev: Searches for the RAID device, a physical partition belongs to, if it is part of a RAID. +++++ 2014-10-27 new: CFDiskBasic::getFreeSpacesOnDisk: Gets the free spaces on disk. new: CFDiskBasic::virtualDelPartition: Deletes a partition from the internal array. new: CFDiskBasic::devNrExists: Checks if a certain (physical) partition number exists. new: CFDiskBasic::nextLogicalDevNr: Gets the next free logical (physical) partition number. new: CFDiskBasic::nextPrimaryDevNr: Gets the next free primary (physical) partition number. +++++ 2014-10-26 cha: restoreBTServer: Now starts after MySQL. +++++ 2014-10-25 cha: SERVER_programmStatus: Now vertically aligns the columns to the top. cha: BT_status: Now has parameters for returning the result or showing it directly and converting the ASCII line breaks to HTML line breaks. cha: m23/postinst: Now copies the SSH key to the m23 webserver directory, if the key is missing there. +++++ 2014-10-24 cha: packageBuilder.php: Added creation of .torrent files. +++++ 2014-10-23 cha: m23 / postinst: Now creates a symlink to the System-V-Init directory to get the Bittorrent tracker and initial client, if there are .torrent files in the share directory. new: SERVER_commandAvailable: Checks, if a given command is available for the given user. new: BT_dlFile: Starts a Bittorrent download. new: BT_status: Shows status information about the (maybe) running Bittorrent tracker and initial client. new: BT_checkSoftware: Checks, if a Bittorrent software (client + tracker) is installed. new: BT_stopService: Stops a Bittorrent service. new: BT_startService: Starts a Bittorrent service. new: BT_stopTracker: Stops the Bittorrent tracker. new: BT_startTracker: Starts the tracker. new: BT_restartTracker: Restarts the tracker. new: BT_autostart: Starts Bittorrent tracker and initial client when there are .torrent files in the share directory. new: BT_updateWhitelist: Updates the white list with all allowed torrent files on the tracker. new: BT_createTorrent: Creates a torrent file and adds it to the white list. new: BT_startClient: Starts the Bittorrent client. new: BT_stopClient: Stops the Bittorrent client. new: BT_restartClient: Restarts the client. +++++ 2014-10-22 new: opentracker-installer: Compiles and installs opentracker. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now runs better on the command line. +++++ 2014-10-21 new: BT_dlFile: Starts a Bittorrent download. +++++ 2014-10-15 SERVER_commandAvailable: Checks, if a given command is available for the given user. +++++ 2014-10-04 new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionAmountOfType: Count all partitions of a selected type on a disk. new: CFFiskBasic::isDiskNotLockedByRaidAgainstCreationOfNewPartition: Checks if a new partition can be created or if the complete disk is used for RAID. new: CFFiskBasic::isDiskPartLockedByRaid: Checks, if a partition or disk is used as RAID. new: CFFiskBasic::isNewPartitionOfTypeCreatable: Checks if a new partition from a certain type can be created. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionStart: Returns the start position (in MB) of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionEnd: Returns the end position (in MB) of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionType: Returns the type of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionFileSystem: Returns the file system of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getAfterPartition: Gets the free space after the selected partition. +++++ 2014-10-03 new: CFFiskBasic::getDiskDevs: Returns an array with all disk devices (/dev/sdX) as key and value. new: CFFiskBasic::getDiskAmount: Returns amount of disks. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartAmount: Returns the of partitions of a given disk. new: CFFiskBasic::dev2diskDevPartNr: Returns an array with all disk devices (/dev/sdX) as key and value. +++++ 2014-10-01 new: CFFiskBasic::__construct: Constructor for new CFFiskBasic objects. The object holds all information about the partitioning (of a client and loads the values from the DB). new: CFFiskBasic::setClientName: Sets the client name, if given via constructor. new: CFFiskBasic::getClientName: Gets the client name, if set via constructor. new: CFFiskBasic::getProperty: Returns the given variable, if it is set or dies with an error message. new: CDFiskBasic::getCurrentPartitioning: Returns the current (physical) partitioning (of a client). new: CFFiskBasic::setCurrentPartitioning: Sets the current (physical) partitioning (of a client). new: CFFiskBasic::loadFromDB: Loads the current (physical) partitioning of a client and CFDiskTemp values. new: CFFiskBasic::resetWantedPartitioning: Resets the wantedPartitioning array by replacing it with the contents of the clien's current partitioning. new: CFFiskBasic::addWantedPartitioningUndo: Adds an undo step to the wantedPartitioningUndoArray array. new: CFFiskBasic::getWantedPartitioningMd5: Gets the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning array. new: CFFiskBasic::updateWantedPartitioningMd5: Updates the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning array in $this->wantedPartitioningMd5. +++++ 2014-09-16 cha: update_packages.php: Now start the update progress on the client via SSH etc. +++++ 2014-08-09 patch 100751: Mirror change for the m23 server installation packages. cha: Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Updated mirror. release 14.2 patch 100749: Contains all changes for m23 rock 14.2. +++++ 2014-08-06 cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now chmod's /var/run/screen to 775. fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo, PKG_preparePackageDir: Now is able to create diretories with spaces in the name. fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: Now checks for (eventually) missing package search cache file. +++++ 2014-08-05 cha: en / fr / i18n and help: Completed. +++++ 2014-07-30 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed then outdated and unsupported package sources lists "unstable", "sid", "testing", "lucid" and "lenny". +++++ 2014-07-28 new: CLIENT_getAllClientNames: Gets the names of all clients. new: m23cli / getSourcesList: Shows the contents of a package sources list. +++++ 2014-07-27 new: CLI_getModuleExitcodes: Gets the exit codes about a given module. cha: CLI_getModuleParameterLine: Now returns information about (optionall) exit code(s). cha: CHECK_FW: Disables showing the PHP warning, when using a one character rule. new: m23cli / getClientMac: Shows the MAC address of a client. new: m23cli / isClientPingable: Checks, if a client could be pinged. cha: CLIENT_query: No warnings, when used from CLI. new: m23cli / getGroupIPs: Fetches the IPs of all clients in a group. +++++ 2014-07-26 new: CAutoTest::getLogFileName: Get the file name for the log file. new: CAutoTest::addToLogFile: Appends lines to the log file. new: CAutoTest::getTimestampString: Returns the date and time in human readable form. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen: Now uses a character statistics function to choose different parameters for gocr, if the recognisation seems to have failed. +++++ 2014-07-25 cha: CAutoTest::VMCreate: Now calls AUTOTEST_VM_enableCapture. new: AUTOTEST_VM_enableCapture: Enables capturing the screen of a VM to a movie file. new: CAutoTest::getMovieFileName: Get the movie file name for capturing the VM's screen. +++++ 2014-07-24 new: AUTOTEST_executePHPFunction: Executes a PHP function with (optionall) parameters. +++++ 2014-07-23 new: CAutoTest::triggerTypeToConstant: Tries to convert the trigger type (string) to a trigger type constant. new: CAutoTest::getAnswersA: Returns the array with the answers of the current sequence element. new: VM_captureVMScreenAsMovie: Enables/disables capturing the screens of a VM to a movie file. +++++ 2014-07-20 new: AUTOTEST_VM_ejectBootISO: Disables booting from ISO and enables HDD booting. +++++ 2014-07-17 new: DISTR_getUbuntuUserGroups: Returns the default groups an user of a Ubuntu system should be in. new: DISTR_getDebianUserGroups: Returns the default groups an user of a Debian system should be in. cha: PKG_addUbuntuUser: Now is using DISTR_getUbuntuUserGroups. cha: PKG_addDebianUser: Now is using DISTR_getDebianUserGroups. new: EDIT_writeToFile: Writes a text to a file on a client. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now uses EDIT_writeToFile for Debian Wheezy. +++++ 2014-07-15 cha: PKG_addUbuntuUser: Added group "scanner". cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu, CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now adds the local user groups to LDAP users by configuring /etc/security/group.conf. +++++ 2014-07-09 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Added special debconf settings for Ubuntu 14.04 and Linux Mint 17. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Added special settings for common-account. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Removed settings that were tried to be written to a non-existing directory. cha: LDAP_addPosix: Now adds new groups in LDAP or adds users to existing group. +++++ 2014-07-07 cha: debian / ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now makes a dist-upgrade. +++++ 2014-07-03 cha: FDISK_showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Now shows an error message, if no HD was found. +++++ 2014-07-02 cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now has an extra parameter, that, if set to true, will add a shutdown or reboot package. cha: CLIENT_backToRed: Now doesn't add a shutdown or reboot package. new: CAutoTest::readAndDefineOrDieXML: Checks, is a given variable has a value that is not NULL (it was read via XML) or let the programm die with an error. new: CAutoTest::readSettings: Reads basic settings from settings.m23test and sets them as constants. +++++ 2014-06-30 cha: UBUNTU_installLanguagePacks: Now deinstalls k3b, if it was installed by a language pack and was not installed before. +++++ 2014-06-23 new: fixPHPFilePermissionsAndCR: Script that changes the PHP files to enable access via the Apache user and removes CR. +++++ 2014-06-18 cha: CLCFG_language: Now deinstalls k3b, if it was installed by a language pack and was not installed before. +++++ 2014-06-17 fix: debian / halfSister / m23updateInstall.php: Now includes the client install language file. fix: update_packages.php: Added missing $_GET['id'] variable. cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Now installs the Ubuntu 14.04 x2go packages on Linux Mint 17 too. +++++ 2014-06-12 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now includes support for Mate and Cinnamon desktops of Linux Mint 17. +++++ 2014-06-10 cha: CLCFG_installMintDM: Now uses different settings for Linux Mint 17. +++++ 2014-06-02 new: CAutoTest::VMCreate: Creates a new VM with virtual hard drive in VirtualBox and (optionally) inserts a bootable ISO into a VM. new: CAutoTest::VMStart: Starts a virtual machine in an existing X session. new: CAutoTest::setISO: Sets the filename and path of the ISO image for booting. new: CAutoTest::getISO: Get the filename and path to the ISO image for booting. new: CAutoTest::isVM: Check, if the the test should be run in a VM. new: CAutoTest::getVM_hdsize: Get the hard disk size of the virtual machine (to create). new: CAutoTest::getVMRam: Get the ram size of the virtual machine (to create). new: CAutoTest::getMachine: Get the name of the (real or virtual) machine, the test is run on. new: CAutoTest::setTriggered: Sets the trigger state ofthe current sequence event. new: CAutoTest::isTriggered: Checks, if the current sequence event was triggered. new: CAutoTest::setTimeout: Sets the timeout for the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::decTimeout: Decrements the remaining time for the timeout. new: CAutoTest::addToSequence: Adds an element to the sequence. new: CAutoTest::matchArray: Checks, if the search text is found in one of the texts contained in the array. new: CAutoTest::getGoodA: Returns the array with the good states of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getWarnA: Returns the array with the warning states of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getBadA: Returns the array with the bad states of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getTriggerType: Returns the trigger type of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getTriggerParam: Returns the trigger parameter of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getExecType: Returns the type of execution of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getExecParam: Returns the parameter for execution of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult: Checks, if the result (e.g. from AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen) is found in the good, warn or bad array and executes the matching element finish handler. new: CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction: Executes the action of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Waits for a trigger event, to execute the action. new: CAutoTest::getCurElement: Returns the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::nextCurElement: Increments the current sequence element number. new: CAutoTest::elemOk: The current sequence elements was finished sucessfully. new: CAutoTest::elemWarn: The current sequence elements was finished with a warning. new: CAutoTest::elemBad: There was an error in the current sequence element, so the execution must bestopped. new: CAutoTest::setVariableFromXML: Returns the input value when it is not NULL or exists the script with an error message. new: CAutoTest::parseTriggerFromXML: Parses the trigger and its type from the XML. new: CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML: Parses the action and its type from the XML. new: CAutoTest::parseArrayFromXML: Parses an (good, warn, bad) array from the XML. new: CAutoTest::parseXML: Parses the XML test description file. +++++ 2014-06-01 fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now makes sure that the result IP is between calculated max and min IP. +++++ 2014-05-31 cha: VM_parseVBOXstate: Code rewritten to work with all VirtualBox versions. cha: VM_parseVBOXNic: Now interprets bridged interface too. new: AUTOTEST_insertBootISO: Inserts a bootable ISO into a VM. new: AUTOTEST_keyboardWrite: Emulates the keystrokes into a VM. new: AUTOTEST_getStatus: Parses the complete status of a VM. new: AUTOTEST_isRunning: Checks if a VM is switched on. +++++ 2014-05-29 cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Changed execution order so the login banner is not part of the returned output. new: VM_insertBootISO: Inserts a bootable ISO into a VM. new: HELPER_calcScancodes: Converts an input string that may contain special keys into scancodes (e.g. for usage with VirtualBox) +++++ 2014-05-28 new: AUTOTEST_createVM: Creates a new VM with virtual hard drive in VirtualBox. new: AUTOTEST_deleteVM: Deletes a VM and its virtual hard drive from VirtualBox. new: AUTOTEST_startVM: Starts a virtual machine in an existing X session. new: VM_startVMInExistingXSession: Starts a virtual machine in an existing X session. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now calls scp and screen with sudo, when not run from the command line. cha: VM_createDiskImage, VM_createVM: Now are having an extra paramater for choosing the image location. +++++ 2014-05-27 cha: CLIENT_getIPbyName: Now returns the client name, if run on CLI. +++++ 2014-05-25 new: CLIENT_copyDebconfDB: Copies all debconf values from one client to another. cha: MASS_startInstall: Now calls CLIENT_copyDebconfDB. +++++ 2014-05-18 cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Added support for Ubuntu 14.04. cha: countLinesInFile: Now has an extra parameter, if set to true, empty lines are ignored. cha: MASS_showOverview: Now ignores empty lines on database files. fix: MASS_startInstall: Now the 2nd DNS is copied correctly (THX Rainer). +++++ 2014-05-16 cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now installs lightdm when run on Ubuntu 14.04. +++++ 2014-05-15 cha: MASS_readDBFileRaw: Now removes whitespaces at the beginning and at the end of the DB file (THX Rainer). +++++ 2014-05-14 cha: GNOME3_install: Now installs language-pack-gnome-XX too. cha: UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall, UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Added dpkg-divert rules for udev. cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: Now changes characters in the LaTex files before running latex2html and changing back afterwards. +++++ 2014-04-29 cha: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Now symlinks modemmanager and whoopsie to true. +++++ 2014-04-28 new: m23Lubuntu1404Install.php: Full lubuntu/Xfce desktop. new: m23UnityFull1404Install.php: Full Unity 3D desktop for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. +++++ 2014-04-27 new: m23LubuntuCore1404Install.php: Minimalistic lubuntu/Xfce desktop. new: m23Unity3D1404Install.php: Minimal Unity 3D desktop for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added lubuntu/Xfce and Unity 3D desktop. +++++ 2014-04-24 cha: CLCFG_language: Now adds $PATH to /etc/environment. +++++ 2014-04-20 cha: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Now creates menu.lst on Ubuntu Trusty. +++++ 2014-04-06 cha: createNewBazaarRepo: Improved included .bzrignore. +++++ 2014-04-03 new: HELPER_filesize: Gets the correct file size of a file, even if it is bigger than 2 GB. cha: PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Now calls HELPER_filesize. cha: DISTR_getDesktopsCBList: Now returns, if no distribution is given. +++++ 2014-03-20 cha: createInitrd: Now removes initrd and creates empty ones with the names of the installed packages. +++++ 2014-02-12 patch 100741: Re-enables group renaming and server backup. fix: group_actions.php: Corrected reading of group name and group action to re-enable renaming of groups. (THX CLUBSKIES) fix: m23Backup / createBackupList: Added missing "then" and "fi". (THX CLUBSKIES) +++++ 2014-02-05 cha: createNewBazaarRepo: Now uses a hand-crafted .bzrignore file. +++++ 2014-01-26 cha: prepareOSDorCompression: Now sure that m23debs.list is deleted. +++++ 2014-01-25 release 14.1 patch 100740: Release of m23 rock 14.1. +++++ 2014-01-23 cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now modprobes ext2-4. fix: linuxrc: Now links dhclient-script from /bin to /sbin. +++++ 2014-01-22 new: optimiseAllPNGs: Script for optimising all PNGs in the manual screenshot directories. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Added menu entry for optimiseAllPNGs. +++++ 2014-01-21 fix: getServerNetmask: Added full path to ifconfig. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now sets /dev/sda on top of the list. fix: PKG_getSearchCacheFileName: Now adds "'" around the file name to support distributions with spaces in the name. +++++ 2014-01-20 cha: PKGBUILDER_tar2deb: Now changed the access rights of all files to 755 before creating a new package index. +++++ 2014-01-19 menuDeb: Now ensures that development packages are uploaded into the development repository and release packages are uploaded into the release repository. +++++ 2014-01-07 new: checkForMissingi18n.sh: Script for checking for missing I18N translations. +++++ 2014-01-04 fix: MSR_clientSettings: Now sets the architecture in the imported sources list too. fix: SRCLST_getArchitectures: Now returns "i386" when no architecture can be get from the sources list. fix: PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Now reads "Installed-Size" from *Packages and uses empty line as package separator. +++++ 2014-01-01 cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now calls nl2br on the kernel variable in case that there are more than one kernels. cha: de / createVM.hlp: Added CloudStack. +++++ 2013-12-31 cha: m23-initscripts / control: Changed the package hwinfo from "Depends" to "Recommends". +++++ 2013-12-28 cha: ASSI_addUbuntuRoot: Now sets a random password for user root, if the root account is not enabled. +++++ 2013-12-22 patch 100721: Removal of bad SSH keys for the backuppc and root users. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes a bunch of bad SSH keys for the backuppc and root users. cha: mkm23Deb: Now deletes tmp/m23-install only. cha: i18n and help: Added "Apache" and "®" to CloudStack. +++++ 2013-12-21 fix: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now uses the extra parameter correctly when set to true, the names of all installed packages will be combined to a m23normal and all revomed to a m23normalRemove job. cha: CLIENT_resetAndInstall: Now calls CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording too. cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery.php: Now calls PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage. cha: VM_rebootChangeBootDevice: Now stops and starts the VM, when it is CloudStack. +++++ 2013-12-20 patch 100719: Assimilastion doesn't remove the root password any more. fix: m23PresetupInstall.php: Now doesn't set (empty) password when assimilating a client (THX jaywalker). cha: m23 / postinst: Now accepts "Raspbian" as valid dirtribution too. fix: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now returns false if there is no host for the choosen virtualisation solution. fix: VM_getAllVMHosts: Now doesn't exit on CloudStack even if the CloudStack object couldn't be fetched. cha: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Now uses defaults as mount parameter in fstab. +++++ 2013-12-19 patch 100718: Removes the bad test SSH key of the backuppc user. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes the bad SSH key for the backuppc user too. patch 100717: Removes the bad SSH key from the m23 client. cha: m23updateAuthorizedKeysInstall.php: Now removes the bad SSH key before. patch 100716: Added job for updating the authorized_keys file with the public SSH key of the m23 server. new: m23updateAuthorizedKeysInstall.php: Updates the authorized_keys file with the public SSH key of the m23 server. patch 100714: Removes the bad test SSH key. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes the bad SSH key. cha: startBaseInstallation, cleanOSForCompressing: Now deletes /root/.ssh/authorized_keys, /root/.ssh/id_dsa*, /var/lib/backuppc/.ssh/* to remove maybe existing SSH keys (THX jaywalker). +++++ 2013-12-18 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Removed IDE devices, because they are called sdX now. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now doesn't overwrite the boot type with a wrong value. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now tries to mount /home. May be helpful in case of NFS. cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Changed priority to 125 so it gets executed after system boot. +++++ 2013-12-17 new: mk-nfs-server-home: Script for installing an configuring a simple NFS server. cha: CChecks::checkNfshomeserver: Now checks for the existence of ':'. +++++ 2013-12-16 fix: en / m23inst.php: Added missing translations. fix: CClient::addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Now stores the LDAP credentials. +++++ 2013-12-15 new: I18N_number_format: Converts numbers to the language specific number formating. cha: PKG_listRecommendPackages, m23SHARED_priceFormater, SERVERBACKUP_backupOverviewDialog, PKG_listPackages, IMG_showImageManagement and VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Now are using I18N_number_format. cha: PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Now package sizes are stored in KB too. new: CClient::copyMassOptions: Copies the mass installation options (if present). cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Making Partclone the default method. cha: HELP_getHelp: Now uses escapeshellarg to secure the name of the man page. cha: debian / PKG_getKernels: Now filters out "grub-imageboot". +++++ 2013-12-11 fix: MASS_startInstall: Now adds boot type, distribution and release too. new: CClient::setDistribution: Sets the distribution of the client. new: CChecks::checkDistribution: Checks if a distribution name is valid. new: CClient::setRelease: Sets the distribution release of the client. new: CChecks::checkRelease: Checks if a release name is valid. new: CClient::copyImagingParameters: Copies the imaging parameters (if present). cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now calls setDistribution, setRelease and copyImagingParameters. new: CHECK_deviceName: Checks if the input value is a valid device name for a HD drive or partition. new: CChecks::checkSwapPart: Checks if the device name for the swap partition is valid. new: CChecks::checkInstPart: Checks if the device name for the installation partition is valid. new: CClient::setInstPart: Sets the installation partition of the client. new: CClient::setSwapPart: Sets the swap partition of the client. +++++ 2013-12-10 cha: getDNSServers: Now has a fallback, if no DNS servers could be fetched. +++++ 2013-12-08 fix: Added symlink for m23AddUserInstall.php to /m23/data+scripts/packages (for imaging). fix: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Corrected parameter for user creation. +++++ 2013-12-03 fix: CLCFG_addDistributionSpecificOptions: Now values from checkboxes are set correctly in the options array. cha: DISTR_startInstall: Now adds the x2go server installation job, if set in the options. cha: debian / CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Adds a checkbox for adding the x2go server installation job. +++++ 2013-11-28 cha: partcloneWrapper: Changed logging from /tmp/partclone.log to /dev/null. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now calls CLCFG_disablePlymouth. +++++ 2013-11-27 fix: SERVER_runningInScreen: Corrected regular expression. cha: SERVER_logLocalScreenSessionToFile: Now deletes the logfile at the beginning. cha: update.php: Now shows the live log right after clicking the update button. fix: UPDATE_running: Now uses SERVER_runningInScreen. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now trims the input values. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now uses PXE as default, if no boot type is set. cha: createRFSBins: Added the tools resize_reiserfs, resize2fs and xfs_growfs. new: FSEnlargeWrapper: Enlarges the file system on a given partition to match the size of the partition. cha: IMG_clientRestore: Now adds FSEnlargeWrapper to the BASH code if restored by dd. +++++ 2013-11-26 cha: HTML_newStatusBar: Now uses 5 seconds as default refresh time. fix: imaging / halfSister / clientConfig.php: Added 100 percent for the status bar. new: CLIENT_resetStatusBar: Resets the percent points to 0 for the pending jobs on a client. fix: halfSister / clientConfig.php: Now sets $CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions. new: PKG_addHSUser: Adds a job for creating an user on a halfSister client cha: HS_sysAddUser: Now has parameter for user and group IDs. cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Now is placed under /m23/inc/distr/ debian/packages with symlink to ubuntu. +++++ 2013-11-20 cha: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: New parameter to recalculate the remaining percent value of the status barfor better fitting. +++++ 2013-11-19 new: debian / halfSister / PKG_updatePackageSearchCacheFile: Updates the compressed package search file. new: debian / PKG_getLongPackageDescription: Gets the description of a package. cha: PKG_translateClientjobsStatus: Added translation for 'error'. +++++ 2013-11-18 fix: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now calls PKG_updatePackageInfo with correct parameters. cha: PKG_updatePackageInfo: Now updates the package index only every 5 hours, when not forced. cha: SRCLST_packageInformationOlderThan, PKG_updatePackageInfo: Now writes the time when the status file was last modified to a new parameter. new: SRCLST_packageInformationChangeTime: Returns the time point when the package information was changed last. cha: SRCLST_packageInformationOlderThan: Now calls SRCLST_packageInformationChangeTime. +++++ 2013-11-17 cha: PKG_searchFor: Now package names are unique again. new: PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Generates commands to create a compressed package search file. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now calls PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD. new: PKG_getSearchCacheFileName: Returns the full path to the compressed package search file. new: PKG_searchPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Generates BASH commands to search a compressed package search file. cha: PKG_searchFor: Now uses PKG_searchPackageSearchCacheFileCMD. fix: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now always touches the status file to update the modification time. +++++ 2013-11-14 cha: getServerNetmask: Now tries to get the netmask from networkdevices eth0 to eth9. cha: IMG_clientRestore: Added support for partclone. +++++ 2013-11-13 cha: IMG_clientCreate: Added timeout for netcat transfer. cha: IMG_clientCreate: Gauge now disabled when using partclone. cha: IMG_clientCreate, IMG_showCreateImage: Added support for partclone. +++++ 2013-11-12 cha: GRP_showSelDistrSources: Now shows a different message for choosing the distribution and sources list, when a package selection without clients should be created. cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Now are adding partclone to the bootimage. new: partcloneWrapper: Calls the correct partclone tool depending on the file system of the partition. +++++ 2013-11-11 cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Now optionally adds UID and GID. new: PKG_addUser: Adds a job for creating an user on the client. new: PKG_addUbuntuUser: Adds a job for creating an user on a Ubuntu client. new: PKG_addDebianUser: Adds a job for creating an user on a Debian client. cha: debian / clientInstall.php: Now calls PKG_addDebianUser. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls PKG_addUbuntuUser. new postinst / getCSExternIP: Get the external IP of this server, if run in CloudStack. fix: group_actions.php: Now gets the groupname from the URL. cha: enable-ssl: Now if an additional IP is given, makes it be used as default. +++++ 2013-11-09 patch 100694: Fixes installation of Ubuntu images with upstart. cha: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Now adds the package m23configUpstartForNormalUsage, if the extra distribution is ubuntu. cha: imaging / m23configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now is a symlink too. cha: VM_rebootChangeBootDevice: Now doesn't stop and start the VM when run on CloudStack, because this will stop the VM before it can send the job's "done" status. +++++ 2013-11-08 cha: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Now adds the package m23configUpstartForNormalUsage, if the extra distribution is ubuntu. cha: imaging / m23configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now is a symlink too. +++++ 2013-11-05 patch 100692: Fixes for image creation. fix: m23createImageInstall.php: Sends correct extracted size of the created image. fix: m23createImageInstall.php: Now deactivates the network booting. cha: m23 / postinst: Now uses the half of (during the configuration) available disk space as maximum for the size of the squid cache. new: VM_CloudStackDeleteClientVM: Deletes a virtual machine for use with m23 in CloudStack, only a cloudstack admin can recover it +++++ 2013-11-02 patch 100691: Fixes selection of images when using imaging as client distribution (THX IPB). fix: imaging / clientConfig.php: Added missing function variable for showDistributionSpecificOptions. new: update.php: Now adds a live status of the update progress. new: SERVER_logLocalScreenSessionToFile: Logs the output of a local screen session to a file. +++++ 2013-11-01 cha: install_packages.php: Now shows an error message and exists when in group mode and no group name is given. cha: install_packages.php: Now shows an error message when the serarch button is clicked without entering a search term. +++++ 2013-10-30 cha: serverSettings.php: Rearanged the icons. Added a new "extra" category. new: de / serverSettings.hlp: Added help page for the server settings page. fix: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Now returns an empty array, if no backups are present. fix: htaccess.php: Now administrators can be deleted when there are two or more. cha: MSG_showMessageBoxFooter, MSG_showMessageBoxHeader: Now are generating HTML code only when not in CLI mode. new: HELPER_isExecutedInCLI: Checks, if it is run in CLI. +++++ 2013-10-28 new: CLCFG_disablePlymouth: Disables the plymouth. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_disablePlymouth. +++++ 2013-10-23 cha: VM_CloudStack_getObject: Now has parameters to set the API entpoint, the API key and the secret API key. cha: VM_CloudStackEditConfFileGUI: Renamed to VM_CloudStackConfigGUI. new: VM_CloudStackCheckConstants: Checks, if the given constant values are valid. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now gives back the VM host. cha: Added help for CloudStack. +++++ 2013-10-21 new: VM_isCloudStackClient: Checks, if the client is run in CloudStack. cha: PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage: Now reboots the client when run in CloudStack. +++++ 2013-10-19 new: VM_CloudStackEnablePortForwarding: creates a port forwarding rule for a virtual machine, with private port and public port being the same new: VM_CloudStackUploadIso: uploads and registers a new bootable ISO file into cloudstack from a given website new: VM_CloudStackWriteConfFile: Writes the CloudStack config file or writes a basic config file, if it does not exist. new: VM_CloudStackEditConfFileGUI: Shows a dialog for editing the CloudStack config file. +++++ 2013-10-15 patch 100686: Now works with Debian 7.2. fix: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now works with Debian 7.2. +++++ 2013-10-07 cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now has optional parameters for user and group ID. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now adds ther user m23cupsadmin with user and group ID 523. +++++ 2013-10-06 new: VM_CloudStackSendSetVisualURL: Sends the visual URL (:22) to the m23 server, if run under CloudStack. cha: VM_setVisualURL: Now uses the host part of the URL, if vmHostIP is empty. fix: CLCFG_writeCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Corrected entry for every 5 minutes. new: MSR_curDynIPCommand: Generates the commands to transfer the current dynamic IP of the m23 client to the server. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now uses MSR_curDynIPCommand. cha: CIR_transferClientIP: Now calls MSR_curDynIPCommand. +++++ 2013-10-05 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now installs isc-dhcp-client too. new: VM_CloudStackStartVM: starts a virtual machine in CloudStack cha: VM_startVM: Now uses VM_CloudStackStartVM too. new: VM_CloudStackStopVM: stops a virtual machine in CloudStack cha: VM_stopVM: Now uses VM_CloudStackStopVM too. new: VM_CloudStackGetVMStatus: gets the status of a virtual machine new: VM_CloudStackClientName2ClientID: returns the Cloudstack-ID of a client with the given client host name new: VM_CloudStackNetBootActivate: attaches/exchanges or removes (if any) a network boot ISO to or from the client cha: VM_rebootChangeBootDevice: Now uses VM_CloudStackNetBootActivate too. cha: VM_status: Now may returns an array containing the status of the VM. +++++ 2013-10-03 cha: Checks::checkBootType: Added gpxe. cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Now accepts client's hostname via m23clientID GET parameter. cha: CLIENT_isAskingInDebugMode, CLIENT_getAskingParams: Now uses CLIENT_getClientName. cha: CLIENT_getClientID: Now uses CLIENT_getAskingParams. cha: clientISO / linuxrc: Now creates /dev/vdaX devices. cha: CLCFG_makeDev: Now creates /dev/vdaX devices. +++++ 2013-10-02 new: HELPER_getContentFromURL: Downloads an URL via curl and gives back the site code. new: VM_CloudStack_getServerIP: Gets the external m23 server IP if the m23 server is run as CloudStack VM. cha: getServerGateway, getServerNetmask: Now uses a more general approach to find out the gateway/router IP. +++++ 2013-10-01 cha: getServerIP: Now supports CloudStack too. +++++ 2013-09-30 new: VM_CloudStack_available: Checks, if the CloudStack configuration file is included and contains the needed constants. cha: VM_vmSwNr2Name, VM_getAllVMHosts: Now supports CloudStack too. new: VM_CloudStack_getObject: Gets a new CloudStackClient object. new: VM_CloudStack_getVersion: Gets the version of CloudStack. +++++ 2013-09-27 new: CClient::setNetRootPwd: Generates and sets the netboot root password. new: CClient::getNetRootPwd: Gets the netboot root password. +++++ 2013-09-26 new: CClient::setGetSystemtimeByNTP: Sets, if the system time should be set by NTP. new: CClient::getGetSystemtimeByNTP: Checks, if the system time should be set by NTP. new: CClient::setAddNewLocalLogin: Sets, if the local login should be created. new: CClient::getAddNewLocalLogin: Checks, if the local login should be created. new: CClient::setBoolProperty: Sets a boolean value in the client's settings. new: CClient::setInstallPrinter: Sets, if the local printer should be detected/installed. new: CClient::getInstallPrinter: Checks, if the local printer should be detected/installed. new: CClient::getLanguage: Gets the the language of the client. new: CClient::setTimeZone: Sets the the timezone of the client. new: CClient::getTimeZone: Gets the the timezone of the client. new: HELPER_getBootLoaders: Returns a list of available bootloaders. new: CClient::setBootloader: Sets the the bootloader of the client. new: CClient::getBootloader: Gets the the bootloader of the client. new: CClient::getClientGroup: Gets the m23 group of the client. new:CChecks::checkNfshomeserver: Checks if the NFS share is valid. new: CClient::setNfshomeserver: Sets the NFS share of the client. new: CClient::getNfshomeserver: Gets the NFS share of the client. +++++ 2013-09-24 new: CClient::setArch: Set the CPU architecture of the client. cha: CChecks::checkProxy: Now checks that IP and port are both empty or set too. cha: m23/postinst: Now figures out IP, netmask and gateway if the settings were given by a DHCP server. +++++ 2013-09-23 patch 100685: Now the groupnames can contain white spaces without getting stopped by the variable firewall. fix: checks.php: Now CC_groupnameOrEmpty accepts white spaces (Thx Oliver). +++++ 2013-09-18 fix: CHECK_str, CHECK_strAlphaNum, CHECK_strAlpha: Now returns false, if the input value is empty and empty values are not allowed. cha: CHECK_FW: Now ignores empty input values only when in firewall and not in check mode. +++++ 2013-09-16 cha: CClient::destroy: Now removes the client from the server's /etc/hosts. cha: CClient::setIP: Now adds the client to the server's /etc/hosts. new: CClient::addJob: Adds a job to the client's job table. new: CClient::startInstall: Starts the installation on the client. new: CClient::setInstallationStatusBar: Sets new percent value and/or new status text on the client's installation status bar. new: CChecks::checkUserGroupIDs: Checks the user ID and group ID are valid. new: CClient::setUserGroupIDs: Sets the user ID and group ID (for LDAP). new: CClient::getGroupID: Returns the (LDAP) group ID. new: CClient::getUserID: Returns the (LDAP) user ID. new: CClient::setLDAPServer: Sets the LDAP server. new: CClient::getLDAPServer: Returns the LDAP server of the client. new: CClient::getLogin: Returns the user's login. new: CClient::getFamilyname: Returns the user's familyname. new: CClient::getForename: Returns the user's forename. new: CClient::getFirstpw: Returns the user's first password. new: CClient::addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Adds the credentials of the main (desktop) user to the given LDAP server. new: CChecks::checkGroupname: Checks if the groupname is valid. new: CClient::addToClientGroup: Adds the client to an m23 client group. +++++ 2013-09-15 new: CClient::setRootPassword: Sets the root password for the client. cha: CHECK_FW: Now has an extra check mode for minumum length of the input value. new: CChecks::checkRootpassword: Checks if the root password is valid. new: CChecks::checkLanguage: Checks if the language is valid. new: CClient::setLanguage: Sets the the language of the client. +++++ 2013-09-14 cha: CClient::__construct: Now has a parameter to check the input variable. cha: CPoolFromClientDebsGUI, CPoolFromClientGUI, CLIENT_addClient: Now are using the new CClient constructor. new: CChecks::checkForename: Checks if the user's forename is valid. new: CChecks::checkFamilyname: Checks if the user's familyname is valid. new: CChecks::checkOffice: Checks if the given office name is valid. new: CChecks::checkEmail: Checks if the given eMail is valid (or optionally empty). new: CClient::setUserDetails: Generates HTML code for returning to the client control center page. new: CChecks::checkProxy: Checks the IP and port of the package proxy. new: CClient::setPackageProxy: Sets the IP and port of the package proxy. new: CChecks::checkLogin: Checks if the given login is valid. new: LDAP_getTypes: Returns an array with the known LDAP types. new: CClient::setLDAPType: Sets the LDAP type. new: CClient::getLDAPType: Returns the LDAP type of the client. new: CChecks::firstpw: Checks if the first name's password is valid. +++++ 2013-09-13 new: CClient::setDNS: Sets the main and (optionally) the backup DNS server(s). new: CClient::getDNS1: Returns the IP of the main DNS server. new: CClient::getDNS2: Returns the IP of the backup DNS server (if set). +++++ 2013-09-12 patch 100684: Replaces medibuntu.org (obsolete) with videolan.org in the Linux Mint sources lists. cha: Replaced "http://packages.medibuntu.org" with "http://download.videolan.org" in the sources lists "Linux Mint 13 Maya" and "Linux Mint 9 KDE", because medibuntu.org is obsolete now. +++++ 2013-09-05 patch 100683: Now the list of available kernels is updated on refresh. new: forkFunctions.inc / downloadBazaarRepo: Downloads a Bazaar repository to the current directory. new: forkFunctions.inc / createNewBazaarRepo: Adds the files and directories of the current directory to a new Bazaar repository cha: forkFunctions.inc / copym23: Now calls createNewBazaarRepo. +++++ 2013-09-04 cha: SRCLST_packageInformationOlderThan: Now checks for a minimum size of the lists directory too. patch 100682: Improved merging of release and development changelog. cha: m23uploadChangelog: Now uses mergeChangelog. new: forkFunctions.inc / mergeChangelog: Merges the changelogs from release and development tree (if both are existing) or just copies the existing changelog. +++++ 2013-09-02 new: forkFunctions.inc / getm23Dir: description Shows the full path to the active m23 directory or exits with an error. new: forkFunctions.inc / getmdkDir: Shows the full path to the active mdk directory or exits with an error. patch 100681: Added new option to disable root access via sudo for Ubuntu-derivatives, deactivation of SSL check now works, kernel list now sorted with generic kernels first. new: CLCFG_disableSudoRootLogin: Disables getting root rights of normal users via sudo. new: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptionsUbuntu: Shows additional distribution specific options for Ubuntu. cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount2: now shows group table with alternating line colors and mouseover effect. new: HELPER_compareLengthAbc: new function to compare strings first by length and then by alphabet. new: HELPER_sortByLength: new function to sort arrays by length and alphabet-position of their values. cha: m23/inc/debian/packages.php: function to get kernel list (PKG_getKernels) now outputs an ordered kernel list. cha: m23/inc/halfSister/packages.php: function to get kernel list (PKG_getKernels) now outputs an ordered kernel list. cha: CLCFG_addDistributionSpecificOptions: Now adds 'disableSSLCertCheck' and 'CB_disableSSLCertCheck'. +++++ 2013-08-28 patch 100680: Many improvements to the m23 cli. +++++ 2013-08-27 new: CLI_getModulePath: Checks, if a module exists and builds the full path to the module file. new: CLI_getModuleInfo: Gets information about a given module. new: CLI_getModuleDescription: Gets the description about a given module. new: CLI_getModuleParameter: Gets the parameter(s) about a given module. new: CLI_getModuleParameterLine: Gets the information line with module name and parameter(s) about a given module. new: CLI_showAllModuleDescription: Shows a list of all modules with their descriptions. patch 100679: CSS improvements. cha: CSS improvements: Now the current row the mouse points to in many tables is highlighted. +++++ 2013-08-26 patch 100678: Fix for the mass installation dialog and smal fixes. fix: massInstall.php: Fixed call time pass by reference. fix: CLCFG_monoRemove: Corrects syntax if BASH's [ ]. new: HELPER_trimValue: Runs trim on the input parameter and writes the result back. new: PKG_cleanPackageLine: Removes unwanted characters from a line containing package names and makes sure that there is only one line without line breaks. cha: PKG_addStatusJob: Now calls PKG_cleanPackageLine on normal package installation or removal. +++++ 2013-08-24 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine, BURN_blank, CPoolLister::__construct: Commented out debug code. cha: print_r2, calculator.php, themeChoice.php: Now uses echo instead of print. cha: check.php: Removed. +++++ 2013-08-22 patch 100677: Corrects output of the package selection optimisation. fix: PKG_combinem23normal: Now adds the needed space between the package names. +++++ 2013-08-19 patch 100676: Fixed update buttons. fix: install_packages.php: Now the update button is shown only when in update mode. +++++ 2013-08-18 release 13.2 patch 100675: Smal fix for package installation, updated documentation. new: Translations complete. New manuals and development guide. fix: install_packages.php: Now the client name is stored. +++++ 2013-08-17 patch 100674: New network bootimages to add SSH login (e.g for client's realtime status) again. cha: createRFSBins: Now adds libnsl.so.1 for dropbear. patch 100673: Configuration for the netbootimages. cha: BusyBox config: Now the BB's internal functions are used to handle /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd. new: DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression: Removes unneeded packages from a Raspbian installation and prepares for compression. +++++ 2013-08-14 patch 100672: Presetup works now on Wheezy bootimages. fix: CIR_waitForNextJob: Increased check size for empty fetched work.phps to 15 bytes. patch 100671: Fixes for Debian Wheezy booimages. cha: *.php: Changed all BASH "test" calls to "[ ]" syntax. new: workPhpName: Generates an unique name for storing the work.php file. cha: executeNextWork, CIR_waitForNextJob: Now uses workPhpName. +++++ 2013-08-13 patch 100670: Support for Linux Mint assimisation, Debian Wheezy based netbootimages, option for disabling the SSL certificate check for all clients. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now uses the BASH version of hwsetup. +++++ 2013-08-12 cha: Kernel configuration: Changed ramdisk size to 80MB. +++++ 2013-08-11 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now checks, if the new IP is nonused. +++++ 2013-08-10 fix: HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscannerByOS: Now the end mark for HSFETCHEOF is set correctly. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now disables ssl certificate checks for Linux Mint 11 and above. new: SERVER_isSSLCertCheckDisabled: Now determines, if the SSL certificate check is disabled globally for all clients. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now calls SERVER_isSSLCertCheckDisabled. new: SERVER_setSSLCertCheckDisabled: Sets, if the SSL certificate check is disabled globally for all clients. new: HTML_imgSwitch: Defines an image button with two states and a text next to it. cha: serverSettings.php: Now has a button to (de)activate the SSL certificate check globally for all clients. +++++ 2013-08-06 new: SERVER_setServerSetting: Sets the value of a server setting. new: SERVER_getServerSetting: Gets the value of a server setting. new: SERVER_existsServerSetting: Checks, if a named server setting exists in the DB. cha: head.php: Now checks, if this is the development version and adjust the coloring of the header. +++++ 2013-08-05 cha: moveDevel2Release: Now calls /mdk/doc/changelog-merger.php. new: changelog-merger.php: Script for merging the changelogs of development and release versions. patch 100669: Export of DHCP setting, optimisation of installation jobs with multiple packages, preparation for assimilsation of halfSister distributions. +++++ 2013-08-01 cha: m23 / postinst: Now increase the size of the normalPackage field to LONGTEXT in the table recommendpackages. new: PKG_combinem23normal: Combines the package names of multiple entries for m23normal and m23normalRemove jobs ind a package selection. cha: PKG_addPackageToPackageselection: Now calls PKG_combinem23normal. +++++ 2013-07-30 new: m23Debs.inc / rsyncUploadSpeedLimit: Determines the maximum upload speed. cha: install_packages.php: Now is using the HTML functions as often as possible. +++++ 2013-07-18 cha: install_packages.php: Now imports and exports the preselected packages of a clients from and to files. new: PKG_importSelectedPackagesFromFile: Imports space-seperated packages from a file and adds them to the wait4acc/selected packages of a client. new: HTML_uploadFile: Shows a dialog for uploading image files. new: HTML_urlButton: Defines a link that appears like a button. +++++ 2013-07-17 cha: menuDeb / uploadtesting: Now uploads the files directly to FRS. cha: menuServerISO: Now shows the architecture too. +++++ 2013-07-15 cha: m23-tftp / postinst: Now restores backuped bootimages from /m23/tftp/bak2.6. new: PKG_exportSelectedPackages: Exports the wait4acc/selected packages of a client. +++++ 2013-07-13 cha: ASSI_prepareClient, MSR_getClientSettingsCommand, MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand, MSR_statusFileCommand: Now are checking, if a halfSister compatible distribution was found and skips the Debian-based distributions setup. new: HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscannerByOS: Fetches the m23HSAdmin tool and m23hwscanner by detection of the OS. new: HS_ASSI_prepareClient: Prepares a halfSister client for assimilisation. new: HS_ASSI_statusFileCommand: Generates the commands to send the package infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_statusFileCommand) if this is an halfSister client to be assimilated. new: HS_getClientSettingsCommand: Generates the commands to send the client infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_getClientSettingsCommand). new: HS_ASSI_getClientSettingsCommand: Generates the commands to send the client infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_getClientSettingsCommand) if this is an halfSister client to be assimilated. cha: m23AssimilateInstall.php: Now uses halfSister functions too. new: DHCP_exportDHCPSettingsForExternalDHCPServer: Exports the DHCP settings of m23 clients that are booting over the network and adds settings for external DHCP servers. cha: de/en/fr client_distr.hlp, manageImageFiles.hlp, client_createImage.hlp: Improved help files concerning imaging. new: exportDHCPSettings.php: Calls DHCP_exportDHCPSettingsForExternalDHCPServer. +++++ 2013-07-10 patch 100668: More adjustments for Debian 7. cha: Package source "wheezy" now includes Triniy desktop 3.5.13. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now doesn't export "wheezy+squeeze+TDE" anymore. +++++ 2013-07-07 cha: htaccess.php: Now uses the mothods of the classes Cm23AdminLister and Cm23Admin. cha: createInitrd: Now creates empty *initrd.img files to satisfy depmod of Debian Wheezy. +++++ 2013-07-06 fix: createRFSBins: Now processes links correctly. cha: downloadExtractRFS / createRFSBins: Switched to Debian Wheezy. +++++ 2013-06-27 cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now has a new option to disable the SSL certificate check of wget. cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Added checkbox to disable the SSL certificate check of wget. cha: debin / clientInstall.php: +++++ 2013-06-25 cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added "wheezy". +++++ 2013-06-24 new: debian-update-howto.tex: Mini howto for patch 100667: Added LXDE, GNOME 3 and TDE for Debian 7. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports "wheezy" and "wheezy+squeeze+TDE" (for installing TDE with all needed packages from Squeeze) too. +++++ 2013-06-22 cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now has an extra parameter, if set to true, an additional line with "session-wrapper=/etc/X11/Xsession" will be added. new: LXDE_install: Installs the LXDE desktop. new: GNOME3_install: Installs the GNOME 3 desktop. +++++ 2013-06-18 cha: CLCFG_language: Now has an extra parameter for setting the release name of the distribution (for special handling). +++++ 2013-06-17 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs grub2 on Debian 7. cha: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Special handling for udev in Debian 7. fix: I18N_addLanguage: Now works with m23shared too. patch 100666: Netboot images are using Kernel 2.9.5 now to (hopefully) fix the problem with older SATA controlers. cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Linux Kernel 3.9. +++++ 2013-06-14 cha: excludem23-tftpdeb: Now excludes clonezilla images. +++++ 2013-06-11 fix: PKG_addPackageToPackageselection: Now stores all selected special packages to the selection. (THX FW). cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Linux Kernel 3.4. +++++ 2013-06-07 fix: group_details.php: Now titles are links no more. +++++ 2013-06-05 patch 100665: Fix for PXE IP calculation. fix: DHCP_calcPXEIP: Now calculates teh numbers correctly on all IPs. +++++ 2013-05-19 patch 100664: Corrected order of inclusion of Cm23Admin.php. fix: index.php: Corrected order of inclusion of Cm23Admin.php. +++++ 2013-05-14 patch 100663: Translations and server installation CD setup help text enhancements. cha: de / en / fr: Translations updated. cha: Cm23Admin.php: Introduced translated I18N tags. cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds the grdmgpg line in sudoers only if it is missing. cha: showNetworkDialog: Now shows a hint for choosing a valid hostname. cha: configureNetwork: Now filters out all 192.168.1.* IPs from /etc/hosts before adding the IP of the server. cha: m23 / postinst: Fixes /etc/sudoers, if there are more than one entry for grdmgpg. +++++ 2013-05-12 patch 100662: French translation enhancements. cha: French translation enhanced (THX Philippe). patch 100661: Added package sources list for "Linux Mint 13 Maya". cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports "Linux Mint 13 Maya" too. +++++ 2013-05-11 patch 100646: Correct detection of patch number. fix: getNextPatchlevel: Now works with release or development version only present. release 13.1 patch 100645: All things for 13.1 included ;-) cha: New manuals and development guide. cha: Added missing screenshots. fix: HELP_showHelpTex: Now converts _ correctly. cha: Translations completed. cha: changelog merged. new: optimisePNGs: Optimises PNGs for size with the help of pngquant. +++++ 2013-05-05 fix: mkRelease: Now uses the correct user for signing the Release file. +++++ 2013-05-03 new: CPoolFromClientDebsGUI::addm23BuildPoolFromClientDebsJob: Adds a m23BuildPoolFromClientDebs job to the client. +++++ 2013-04-30 fix: MSG_getRSSFeed: Now works with RSS time/dates that contain a timezone. new: PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Server: Starts a server to receive the Debian packages from an m23 client. new: PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Client: Client to send the Debian packages to the m23 client. cha: CPool::downloadDebsFromClient: Now uses PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Server. +++++ 2013-04-29 new: PKG_rsyncDebsFromClientToServer: Copies all the Debian packages from a client to a given directory on the server via rsync. cha: message.php: changed MSG_showWarning to represent new CSS element warningtable cha: index.css / index_fb.css: added element warningtable cha: reworked CSS for warning messages cha: fdisk.php: exchanged several css classes cha: HTML_jQueryMenu: exchanged css class cha: FDISK_listPartTable exchanged subtable for partTables css class cha: changed both css files cha: FDISK_printBars added css id fdiskbar cha: HTML_showTitle deleted two br cha: FDISK_showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog removed background color +++++ 2013-04-28 cha: CPoolLister::getPoolNames: Now returns an array with the all found pool names or empty array. cha: CPool::setPoolType: Now supports CPoolLister::POOL_TYPE_USECLIENTDEBS too. new: m23BuildPoolFromClientDebsInstall.php: Builds a pool from the Debian packages present on the given client. cha: CPoolFromClientGUI::__construct($clientName): Now doesn't call downloadPackagesAndCreatePool. cha: CPool::downloadPackagesAndCreatePool: Now has the clientname as optional parameter (only needed when downloadDebsFromClient is used). new: CPool::downloadDebsFromClient: Checks, if all pre-requirements for downloading packages to the pool are satisfied. Then starts the routine to download the packages directly from the client. new: MSR_buildPoolFromClientDebs: Builds a CPoolFromClientDebsGUI object and starts the download of the packages from the client to the server and the creation of the pool. new: MSR_buildPoolFromClientDebsCMD: Generates the commands to start the process for building a CPoolFromClientDebsGUI object and to start the download of the packages from the client to the server and the creation of the pool. +++++ 2013-04-23 cha: SERVER_runningInScreen: Changing grep's regexp from single [ to double [[. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now reads all lines from ca.hash and creates hash files on the client. cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Add IPv4 mode on Raspberry Pi. cha: mkCert.sh: Now calls the old hash routine (on new openssl) and the normal routine (on old openssl). So one or two hashes are added. cha: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon: Now wraps the title after 30 characters. +++++ 2013-04-22 fix: PKG_convertPackagesToRepository: Now urlencodes '%' characters. new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheFilename: Returns the file name of the debootstrap cache file (without path). new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheSfURL: Returns the URL to the debootstrap cache file on the SourceForge server. new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerURL: Returns the URL to the debootstrap cache file on the m23 server. new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerFile: Returns the full path to the debootstrap cache file on the m23 server. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now uses PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerFile, PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerURL and PKG_getDebootstrapCacheSfURL. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now downloads the debootstrap cache file too. +++++ 2013-04-17 fix: welcome.php: Fixed call time pass by reference. +++++ 2013-04-16 cha: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_convertPackagesToRepositoryStatus: Removed AJAX status. cha: DISTR_listDistributions: Now filters out baseSysFileLists. +++++ 2013-04-14 cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now sets APT::Force-LoopBreak=true and Acquire::Retries=5. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now uses HELPER_xargsRecursive for downloading the packages. cha: CPoolFromClientGUI::__construct: Now doesn't download the base packages. +++++ 2013-04-13 new: HELPER_xargsRecursive: Executes a BASH command with a list of arguments. If the BASH command fails, the argument list is split in two parts and recursively executed again. +++++ 2013-04-07 cha: CPoolFromClientGUI::__construct: Now creates a package selection too. new: CPoolFromClientGUI::saveInObjectStorage: Saves this object in the object storage. new: CPoolFromClientGUI:: showCheckboxForAddingm23BuildPoolFromClientPackage: Shows a checkbox, that adds a m23BuildPoolFromClient job when checked. cha: client_distr.php: Now calls CPoolFromClientGUI:: showCheckboxForAddingm23BuildPoolFromClientPackage. +++++ 2013-04-06 new: poolFromClient.php: Dialog for creating a pool and package selection from a client's installed packages. cha: remodeled CSS to hold absolute font sizes +++++ 2013-04-05 new: CPoolFromClientGUI::getCOSStatusHumanReadable: Translates the status code (COSSTATUS_*) into human readable word(s). new: CPoolFromClientGUI::getCOSStatus: Gets the status code (COSSTATUS_*). new: CPoolFromClientGUI::runCOSLoop: Function that is called on every run of CObjectStorageManager::getAllObjectsByRes. cha: CObjectStorageManager::getAllObjectsByRes: Now saves the (maybe changed object) after calling runCOSLoop. cha: CPool::startDownloadToPool: Now has an extra parameter to set if the commands for downloading the packages will be returned instead of executed. cha: debian / PKG_downloadPool: Now always returns the commands for downloading the packages. new: CPool::isPackageTaskRunning: Checks if a packages task (download to the pool or creating the pool from downloaded files) is running. cha: CPool::isDownloadRunning, CPool::isConvertPackagesToRepositoryRunning: Now are calling CPool::isPackageTaskRunning. new: CPool::downloadPackagesAndCreatePool: Downloads packages and creates a pool from them in one combined screen session. new: CPool::addPoolStatusFileCommand: Generates BASH code that sets a status in the pool status file. new: CPool::getPoolStatusFileContents: Gets the contents of the pool status file. new: m23BuildPoolFromClient.php: Builds a pool (on the m23 server) from the packages installed on the client. new: CPool::getPoolStatusFileName: Returns the name of the pool status file. +++++ 2013-04-04 new: CObjectStorageManager::getCOSI18NVariable: Gets the contents of an I18N variable for the object (if it exists). new: CObjectStorageManager::getCOSDescription: Gets the description for a given object class. new: CObjectStorageManager::getCOSName: Gets the (human readable) name for a given object class. new: CObjectStorage::statusCodeToHumanReadable: Translates a status code (COSSTATUS_*) into human readable word(s). +++++ 2013-04-03 cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now removes the lock file before every call of apt-get. new: CPoolGUI::getHelpPage: Returns the current help page. new: CPoolGUI::getHeading: Returns the current heading. +++++ 2013-04-02 new: PKG_convertPackagesToRepository: Generates commands for creating a package source from packages stored in one directory. cha: CPool::convertPackagesToRepository: Now calls PKG_convertPackagesToRepository. new: debian / PKG_preparePool: Generates the needed configuration file for reprepro. cha: CPool::preparePool(): Now calls PKG_preparePool. +++++ 2013-03-30 cha: DHCP_calcPXEIP: Now uses native PHP functions. +++++ 2013-03-24 patch 100631: Added CObjectStorage and CObjectStorageManager classes. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now has a new parameter that, if set to true, the commands for downloading the packages will be returned instead of executed. new: CObjectStorageManager::showList: Shows a list of existing objects matching criteria set by getBy* functions. new: CPool::checkForDistributionSpecificPackageFunction: Checks for a distribution specific package function in the distribution's packages.php file and generates an error message in case it cannot be found. +++++ 2013-03-23 new: CObjectStorageManager::saveObject: Saves or updates an object in the DB. new: CObjectStorageManager::getAllObjectsByRes: Fetches all objects from the DB that can be read via the given MySQL ressource ID. new: CObjectStorageManager::getByIdent: Fetches all objects from the DB that match an identifier. new: CObjectStorageManager::getByClass: Fetches all objects from the DB that match a class. new: CObjectStorageManager::getByIdentClass: Fetches an object from the DB that match an identifier and a class. new: CObjectStorage::__construct: Constructor for new CObjectStorage objects. The object saves/updates or loads an object. new: CObjectStorage::getObjectMethodReturnValue: Checks, if an objects implements a method, calls it and returns the return value. If the method is unimplemented, an error value will be returned. new: CObjectStorage::getCOSStatus: Gets the status code of the object. new: CObjectStorage::getCOSStatusHumanReadable: Gets the human readable status of the object. new: CObjectStorage::getObject: Gets the object. new: CObjectStorage::__destruct: Destructor for storing changed values of the object back to the DB. new: CObjectStorageManager::deleteObject: Deletes an object from the DB that match an identifier and a class. +++++ 2013-03-19 new: CClient::getRelease: Returns the distribution release of the client. new: CClient::getDistribution: Returns the distribution of the client. new: CClient::getSourcesList: Returns the sources list of the client. new: CPoolFromClientGUI::getImportPoolName: Returns the name of this pool. new: CPoolFromClientGUI::setImportPoolName: Sets the name of this pool by the client name. new: CClient::getArch: Returns the architecture of the client. new: CClient::getClientWorkPHPURL: Returns the URL to the work.php for this client. new: CClient::getClientCurrentWorkPHP: Returns the current contents of the work.php for this client. cha: CClient::__construct: Added optional parameter that sets, if the client with the given name must exist. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Added CLCFG_installFirmware. cha: checkForx86_64Toolchain: Now creates the missing links for the crt* files (THX motey). cha: m23-mdk-client: Added libxml-perl and libxml-writer-perl as dependency. +++++ 2013-03-18 patch 100629: Adjustments for the bootimages and m23 kernels (amd64 and i386). new: hwpartner-tool / waitforhttp: Waits for at least 15 HTTP connections. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Removed lilo from the bootloader list. cha: Kernel configuration: Changed ramdisk size to 81920Kb. +++++ 2013-03-17 cha: debian / clientInstall.php: Added CLCFG_installFirmware. patch 100628: Several changes for the upcoming m23 rock 13.1. new: CLCFG_monoRemove: Removes mono packages and installs gnote when tomboy was installed before. new: CLCFG_installFirmware: Installs available firmware packages. +++++ 2013-03-16 fix: PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages: Now works again and uses pre-cached files generated by mkAllBaseSysFileLists. cha: mkm23Deb: Now calls mkAllBaseSysFileLists. new: mkAllBaseSysFileLists: Generates a list of all base system packages for all (Debian/Ubuntu) releases cha: m23 / control: Added apt-utils to the dependencies. cha: SERVERBACKUP_showConfigurationDialog: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_encryptAndUploadBackup cha: SERVERBACKUP_runBackupNowDialog: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_runServerBackupNow add: HTML_showSmallTitle: function which shows a title of the second tier cha: cron.php: replaced HTML_showTitle by HTML_showSmallTitle for $I18N_cronTimeBase and $I18N_addCronEntry cha: VM_VBOXaddonDownloadDialog: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_downloadableVBoxAddons, $I18N_downloadStatus and $I18N_chooseDefaultVersion cha: CIPManagement::singleSettingsAddDialog: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_singleClientsNetworksettings) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPManagement::showUsedIPsAndMACs: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_usedIPs) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showRangesList: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_lockedIpRanges) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showDynamicRangesList: corrected function description, HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_dynamicIpRanges) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showRangesAddingDialog: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_IPRanges) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showSearchDialog: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_search) instead of HTML_showTitle +++++ 2013-03-15 cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Added #!/bin/sh to indentify the afterChrootInstall.sh script. +++++ 2013-03-12 cha: client / linuxrc: Removed ps' parameter '-A', because it doesn't exist in this BusyBox release cha: PKGBUILDER_showUploadDialog, PKGBUILDER_listFiles: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' cha: SRCLST_showEditor: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' cha: DISTR_getDesktopsCBList: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' cha: install_packages.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for I18N_found_packages and $I18N_preselected_packages cha: makeBootCD.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_used_burner, $I18N_make_bootcd, $I18N_blank_cdrw cha: burn.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_burner_status cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_daemons cha: serverSettings.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_components, $I18N_system, $I18N_serverHacks +++++ 2013-03-11 cha: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: Now uses the mount point as array key. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now uses the package proxy of the m23 server. new: showCurrentWorkPHP.php: Shows the current work.php contents for the client. new: CClient::getBackToDetailsLink: Generates HTML code for returning to the client control center page. new: HTML_sourceViewer: Creates a source viewer area that polls source code from a given URL. +++++ 2013-03-06 cha: createRFSBins: Removed "init" form the list of native tools (now in BusyBox) cha: server / etc / inittab: Changed to match format of BusyBox's init. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now adds firmware-linux-nonfree. +++++ 2013-03-05 cha: PKG_savePackageselection: Now has extra parameter for setting the status of the clientjobs that should be added. cha: PKG_addPackageToPackageselection: Removed $client parameter. cha: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: Now is called PKG_addPackageToPackageselection. new: CClient::getClientPackages: Returns an array or a space separated list of all packages installed on a client +++++ 2013-02-26 cha: index_fb.css: changed button layout cha: PREF_showPreferenceManager(): removed ridges from table in subtable2 which looked bad in both CSS and added padding because first word was cut off +++++ 2013-02-25 m23hwscanner: Now checks for (needed) parted and exits, if it is not found. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / chrootSystem: Added workaround for missing modules.dep to disable the repeated showing of the "FATAL" error. +++++ 2013-02-24 fix: extractFile: Now gets the PID of the 7-Zip process more precisely. cha: m23install.sh: Now should work with all USB keyboards. cha: Cm23Admin.php: added layout for themeChoice in getCSS cha: index.css: added shadow to subhighlight class cha: index_fb.css: added class for framed images cha: index.css: added class for framed images cha: themeChoice.php: changed layout +++++ 2013-02-23 cha: serverSettings.php: added themeChoice cha: index.php: added themeChoice, added showMessages for m23Admin new: /misc/themeChoice.php: introduced theme choice page +++++ 2013-02-22 new: HTML_AJAXAutoSubmit: Defines AJAX code that clicks a submit button when the given URL returns 'submit'. The defined constant should be used as LAST part of the $extra parameter in the HTML_submit function. new: HTML_getOutputBuffer: Gets the complete (previously rendered) HTML output buffer. new: HTML_setOutputBuffer: Sets (replaces) the complete (previously rendered) HTML output buffer, that will be sent to the webbrowser. +++++ 2013-02-19 new: CChecks::checkPoolName: Checks if the pool name is valid. new: CChecks::genericCHECK_FW: Generic checking routine, that checks if an input value matches a rule. cha: CHECK_strAlpha, CHECK_strAlphaNum, CHECK_int, CHECK_float, CHECK_str: Now has an extra parameter that set to true if you want to return (instead of aborting the program) when an error in the input is found. new: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_convertPackagesToRepositoryStatus: Shows information (status of the Packages* generation, sources.list) about the currently generated pool. new: CPoolGUI::DEFINE_convertPackagesToRepositoryStatus: Defines dialog elements for the status of the Packages* and sources.list generation of the currently generated pool. new: CPoolGUI::DEFINE_showDownloadStatus: Defines HTML elements for the package download status of a pool. new: CPool::stopDownloadToPool: Stops the download of packages to the pool. +++++ 2013-02-18 new: poolSizeLog.php: Shows the size of a given pool. new: convertPackagesToRepositoryLog.php: Shows the contents of the convert packages to repository log file. new: HTML_liveSpan: Creates a span that updates itself via AJAX by polling from a given URL. new: CPool::getConvertPackagesToRepositoryLogName: Returns the full file name of the convert packages to repository log file. new: CPool::getConvertPackagesToRepositoryLogNewLines: Gets the last (new) lines of the (growing) convert packages to repository log file. new: CPool::isConvertPackagesToRepositoryRunning: Checks if the conversation of downloaded packages to a repository is running. new: CPool::getDownloadLogNewLines: Gets the last (new) lines of the (growing) download log file. new: HELPER_getNewLogLines: Gets the last (new) lines of a (growing) log file. cha: clientLiveLog.php: Now uses HELPER_getNewLogLines. +++++ 2013-02-17 new: CPool::convertPackagesToRepository: Generates a package source from packages stored in one directory. +++++ 2013-02-13 new: poolDownloadLog.php: Shows the contents of the APT log file (download of packages to a pool) for a given pool. +++++ 2013-02-12 new: CPool::isDownloadRunning: Checks if a download of packages to the pool is running. new: CPool::getDownloadLogContents: Gets the contents of the download log file. +++++ 2013-02-11 new: CMessageManager::deleteAllMessages: Deletes all messages from the message stack. new: disconnectLoop: Disconnect loop devices that match the search string. cha: createRFSFinishInitrd: Now calls disconnectLoop. +++++ 2013-02-10 cha: listBusyBoxVersions: Changed to look for tar.bz2. +++++ 2013-02-09 cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Linux kernel 3.2. cha: listKernelVersions, menuKernelDownload: Now has support for Linux kernels 3.x. +++++ 2013-02-08 new: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_startPackageDownload: Starts the download of packages to the pool and shows a button to go back to the start, if there were errors or a button to go to the download status page, if all is well. new: CPool::startDownloadToPool: Checks, if all pre-requirements for downloading packages to the pool are satisfied. Then starts the distribution specific download routine. new: CPool::getPoolImportedFromSourceslist: Gets the complete sourceslist that was used to download the packages into the pool. new: CPool::setPoolImportedFromSourceslist: Sets the complete sourceslist that was used to download the packages into the pool. new: CPool::getPoolDistribution: Gets the distribution value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolDistribution: Sets the distribution value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolImportedPackageList: Gets the list of packages that were downloaded (or have to be downloaded) into the pool. new: CPool::setPoolImportedPackageList: Sets the list of packages that were downloaded (or have to be downloaded) into the pool. new: CPool::hasPoolDownloadBasePackages: Checks, if base packages should be downloaded. new: CPool::setPoolDownloadBasePackages: Sets, if base packages should be downloaded. new: CPool::preparePool: Generates the needed configuration file for reprepro. +++++ 2013-02-06 new: CPoolGUI::show: Shows the start dialog for creating, adding, deleting and changing pools. cha: CPool::DIALOG_start now is CPoolGUI::DIALOG_start. cha: CPool::DEFINE_nextStepCopyDownloadPackages now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_nextStepCopyDownloadPackages. cha: CPool::DEFINE_changePoolDescription now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_changePoolDescription. cha: CPool::DEFINE_loadDeletePool now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_loadDeletePool. cha: CPool::DEFINE_createBasicPool now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_createBasicPool. +++++ 2013-02-05 new: CPool::DIALOG_start: Shows the start dialog for creating, adding, deleting and changing pools. new: CPool::DEFINE_nextStepCopyDownloadPackages: Defines a button for going to the next step (copy or download of packages). new: CPool::DEFINE_loadDeletePool: Defines dialog elements for loading or deleting a pool. new: CPool::DEFINE_createBasicPool: Defines dialog elements for creating a basic pool. cha: CPool::HTML_createBasicPool: Replaced by CPool::DEFINE_createBasicPool. new: CPool::DEFINE_changePoolDescription: Defines dialog elements for changing the pool description. new: CPool::getPoolDescription: Gets the description value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolDescription: Sets the description value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolDir: Gets the directory of the pool. +++++ 2013-02-04 new: CPool::getPoolName: Gets the name of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolName: Sets the name of the pool and create the pool directory. new: CPool::createBasicPool: Sets the name, type and architecture of the pool and creates the pool directory. new: CPool::HTML_createBasicPool: Generates a dialog for creating a basic pool. +++++ 2013-02-03 new: CPool::getPoolSourceslist: description Gets the sourceslist value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolSourceslist: Sets the sourceslist value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolRelease: Gets the release value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolRelease:Sets the release value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolType: Gets the type value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolArch: Sets the type value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolArch: Gets the architecture value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolArch: Sets the architecture value of the pool. new: CPool::setProperty: Writes the contents of a property file new: CPool::getProperty: Reads the contents of a property file new: CPool::getSize: Calculates the disk usage of a pool. new: CPool::setPoolDir: Sets the name of the pool and makes sure, the pool directory exists. new: CPool::destroyPool: Deletes the pool cha: i18n.php: introduced constant for list of languages and removed that list from function I18N_m23instLanguage($shortLanguage) cha: /m23admin/index.php: included the two new classes +++++ 2013-01-28 cha: m23-xorg-configuratior: Now doesn't exit in Linux Mint 13 (that is based on Ubuntu 12.04) cha: m23-skel / postinst: Now adds dconf settings for Cinnamon when execured on Linux Mint 13. new: sources list precise+Xorg-updates: Normal Ubuntu 12.04 sources list including updates for Xorg (e.g. includes updated Intel drivers). cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports precise+Xorg-updates too. cha: m23-xorg-configurator-wait.conf: Added mdm to the list of display managers. +++++ 2013-01-27 cha: de / redo_client.hlp: Added German translation. cha: CLCFG_installMintDM: Now sets the default display manager in /etc/skel/.dmrc too. cha: forkFunctions.inc / diffExcludeMeld: Now complains, if not executed under an X11 session and without meld installed. +++++ 2013-01-26 cha: m23-skel: Added dconf settings for Cinnamon. +++++ 2013-01-23 cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Now adds the normal user to the root group, so the user can be given root rights by giving him the root password. cha: class Cm23Admin: added functionality to add and delete admins cha: DB table 'clients': extended table by one column +++++ 2013-01-22 new: class Cm23AdminLister new: class Cm23Admin new: DB table 'clients' +++++ 2013-01-20 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now adds debconf settings for samba. +++++ 2013-01-19 new: CLCFG_setDebConfDM: Sets the display manager in debconf. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now uses CLCFG_setDebConfDM. new: CLCFG_installMintDM: Installs the Linux Mint DM display manager. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now can install different display managers. +++++ 2013-01-18 fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now excludes xxx.yyy.zzz.0 IPs. cha: forkFunctions.inc / startDaemons, forkFunctions.inc / stopDaemons: Now starts/stops tftpd-hpa too. cha: ubuntu / info.txt: Now adds Mint13Cinnamon desktop environment. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now contains a list of basic packages for Linux Mint 13. +++++ 2013-01-17 cha menuFork: Now allows all access to the X session of the non root user. cha menuFork: Added new forkFunctions.inc / linkOrTouchINT: Makes a link, if there is an original file, otherwise create an empty file. new forkFunctions.inc / copyNewFilesINT: Copies new files (that didn't exist in the CURRENT fork, but in the OTHER fork) to the CURRENT fork. cha: m23/inc/calculator.php: numbers are now rendered in calculator-typical order cha: 'Fresh Blue' theme: revamped calculator +++++ 2013-01-16 cha: FDISK_findDevNrPosition, CMessageManager::addInfoMessage, CMessageManager::addWarningMessage, CMessageManager::addErrorMessage: Corrected deprecated call-time pass-by-reference. +++++ 2013-01-15 fix: CLCFG_interfaces: Now uses correct path to ethtool (Thx FP). +++++ 2013-01-14 new forkFunctions.inc / diffExcludeMeld: Checks for differences between a development and a release directory and calls meld with the changed files. cha: CSS File for m23 'Fresh Blue' theme added and modified cha: packageBuilder.php, m23base: added $fileSizeByte for file list in package architect fix: .HELP_getHelp: added parameter to remove empty helptable on welcome page fix: welcome.hlp: closed fix: VM_getAllVMHosts: now returns empty array if no vmhosts available +++++ 2013-01-12 cha: incPatchLevelInVersionPhp: Now calls getNextPatchlevel. new: forkFunctions.inc / getNextPatchlevel: Shows the next available patch number. cha: forkFunctions.inc / moveDevel2Release: Now removes the -devel tag from the codename +++++ 2013-01-11 cha: menuDeb / build: Now generates a patch info file only when not in development mode. cha: m23uploadChangelog: Now uploads the changelog from the m23 devel directory and only if in development mode. cha: SF-hg-backup: Now changes the directory, if m23/MDK are in development mode. cha: isDevelExit: Removed. new forkFunctions.inc / getm23ReleaseDir: Shows the full path to the m23 release directory or exits with an error. new forkFunctions.inc / getm23DevelDir: Shows the full path to the m23 development directory or exits with an error. new forkFunctions.inc / getmdkReleaseDir: Shows the full path to the MDK release directory or exits with an error. new forkFunctions.inc / getmdkDevelDir: Shows the full path to the MDK development directory or exits with an error. +++++ 2013-01-09 cha: ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Added "cron" to the base package list. +++++ 2013-01-08 patch 100617: Workaround for Ubuntu kernel question. fix: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Now creates empty /boot/grub/menu.lst for disabling the new non debconf Ubuntu kernel question. cha: index.css: Now aligns contents of subtables on the top of each row. +++++ 2013-01-02 cha: menuBootCD.hlp: Renamed to menuServerISO.hlp. cha: menuServerISO.hlp, menuClientISO.hlp, menuDevguide.hlp, menuManual.hlp: Updated. +++++ 2013-01-01 cha: menuStart: Added "fork". cha: menuStart.hlp: Updated help to the current menu entries. cha: menuDeb: Removed "mkusrm23". cha: menuDoc: Removed "translator". new forkFunctions.inc / forkStatusMessage: Generates a status text with the currently active fork (development or release), the release and development directories of m23/MDK. new forkFunctions.inc / isDevelExit: Checks if /m23 and /mdk are linking to the development version. new forkFunctions.inc / startDaemons: Starts the MySQL and Apache 2 daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / stopDaemons: Stops the MySQL and Apache 2 daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / isDevelReturn: Checks if /m23 and /mdk are linking to the development version. new forkFunctions.inc / showExcludeRule: Shows a file/directory excluding rule in human readable form. new forkFunctions.inc / checkLinksNDirs: Checks, if /m23 and /mdk are symlinks and the development directories are not existing new forkFunctions.inc / infoBeforeStart: Shows an info message about what would be done and asks to continue or not new forkFunctions.inc / copym23: Copies the m23 release version to a new development version directory. new forkFunctions.inc / copymdk: Copies the mdk release version to a new development version directory. new forkFunctions.inc / switchRelease: Switches to the (hopefully existing) release version and restarts the daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / switchDevel: Switches to the (hopefully existing) development version and restarts the daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / makeDevel: Creates a development copy of the release directory. new forkFunctions.inc / makeSymlinkm23mdk: Moves the directories /mdk and /m23 to /mdk-dir and /m23-dir. Then creates symlinks form /m23-dir to /m23 and /mdk-dir to /mdk. new forkFunctions.inc / moveDevel2Release: Makes the development version the current release and moves the (now old) release to outdated. new menuFork: Menu for calling different functions of forkFunctions. +++++ 2012-12-14 cha: debian / clinetInstall.php: Now adds the user to the grous lp and scanner. +++++ 2012-12-11 release 12.4 cha: prepareOSDorCompression: Now makes sure that m23debs is removed from sources.list. +++++ 2012-12-10 patch 100616: French language updated. cha: French manuals updated. fix: HTML_submit: Now works with special characters too (that might exist in French strings). +++++ 2012-12-07 cha: m23-initscripts / postinst: Now doesn't show error messages, if non existing files could not be deleted. (THX AR) patch 100614: Smal fix for CUPS management. fix: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now uses an MD5 hash as password for m23cupsadmin, that contains never "illegal" characters. patch 100613: Smal fix for CUPS management. cha: fr: Documentation and translations finished (THX Maren, Philippe). +++++ 2012-12-06 fix: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Fixed addind the user m23cupsadmin to the group lpadmin. patch 100611: New system user for managing the CUPS server on the m23 clients and additional logging of (de)installation jobs. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now adds a new system user for managing the CUPS server with random password. (Sponsored by AR) cha: client_details.php: Now embeds the m23 CUPS username and password in the URL of the printer icon. (Sponsored by AR) +++++ 2012-12-03 cha: CLCFG_aptGet: Now sends success or fail status to the client's log and in case of an error the apt-get output too. +++++ 2012-11-24 patch 100610: Another fix for EDIT_insertLineNumber. fix: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now removes newlines and other unwanted characters form the line number. patch 100608: Smal and important fix for EDIT_insertLineNumber. cha: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin: Switched back the inserting algorithm. fix: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now doesn't convert the line number to int, because it can be a BASH variable name too. patch Now escapes the search line in EDIT_searchLastLineNumber. fix: EDIT_searchLastLineNumber: Now escapes the search line. patch 100607: New LDAP servers are now inserting before the closing PHP tag. +++++ 2012-11-23 cha: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin: New LDAP servers are now inserting before the closing PHP tag. +++++ 2012-11-22 patch 100606: Documentation for German and English finished and smal fixes for editing a client. cha: version.php: Changed to 12.4. +++++ 2012-11-20 cha: menuDeb: Removed "hwscanner" menu entry, because the hwscanner doesn't need compiling any more. cha: de/en: Documentation and translations finished (THX Maren). +++++ 2012-11-12 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Added images for the modi "Keep or increase system partition" and "Percentage adjustment". +++++ 2012-10-29 fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Now uses the variable firewall correctly on MACs now. fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Now sets proxy setting correctly. +++++ 2012-10-22 patch 100603: Smal fix for IP management and enhancement of XOrg configurator. +++++ 2012-10-20 fix: hwpartner-tool: Corrected requirements for the tests. fix: hwpartner-tool / soundTest: Now runs the correct amount of given output channels. +++++ 2012-10-16 cha: m23-xorg-configurator.conf: checkNoXorgConfNeeded: Checks, if Xorg will run well without an xorg.conf (Xorg version 1.11.3 or higher). +++++ 2012-10-15 cha: hwpartner-tool: Added opticalTest (Thx Maren). +++++ 2012-10-11 fix: m23/postinst: Fixed backup file name for dhcpd.conf cha: m23/postinst: Now removes the possible space before 'host'. patch 100601: Enhances client filtering. cha: CClientLister::getClient: Now uses OR combination to filter the results. patch 100599: Some corrections for the IP management. cha: checkNotInRange: Now checks for dynamic and static ranges. patch 100599: Added IP management. cha: CC_groupname: Now limits the group name to 200 character. +++++ 2012-10-10 cha: DISTR_startInstall: Now installs an extra package that configures upstart for normal running in an installed system. +++++ 2012-10-09 fix: CLCFG_language: Now should create the correct locales on Ubuntu (Thx AR). +++++ 2012-10-08 new: CMessageManager::addMessage: Generic function for adding a message to a message queue. new: CMessageManager::addInfoMessage: Adds an info message to the info message stack and sets the info flag. new: CMessageManager::addWarningMessage: Adds a warning message to the warning message stack and sets the warning flag. new: CMessageManager::popInfoMessagesHTML: Returns all info messages and deletes the info message stack. new: CMessageManager::popWarningMessagesHTML: Returns all warning messages and deletes the warning message stack. new: CMessageManager::hasInfo: Returns if there are infos. new: CMessageManager::hasWarnings: Returns if there are warnings. new: CMessageManager::showInfo: Shows existing info messages in an info box if there are any. new: CMessageManager::showWarning: Shows (hopefully not) existing warning messages in a warning box if there are any. new: CMessageManager::showMessages: Shows all existing messages in the according boxes. cha: m23/postinst: Now converts the old dhcpd.conf format to the new format. new: DHCP_delSubnetDefinition: Removes a subnet definition from the dhcpd.conf. new: DHCP_getNetmaskOfDynamicRanges: Gets the netmask of a dynamic range identified by the first IP of the range. cha: DHCP_addSubnetDefinition: Now adds an empty subnet only when no dynamic range with the same subnet is defined. +++++ 2012-10-05 new: IPRanges::getAllLockedRanges: Gets all locked IP ranges in their otiginal format. cha: IPRanges: Renamed to CIPRanges. new: CIPRanges::getAllLockedIPsInt: Gets all locked IPs as int values. cha: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now adds locked ranges by calling CIPRanges::getAllLockedIPsInt. +++++ 2012-10-04 cha: debian/PKG_searchFor: Now gets all architectures of the sources list via array as parameter and gets package info about all choosen architectures. +++++ 2012-10-03 new: HTML_checkBoxCheckAll: Generates an array with all checked checkboxes. It assumes that the names of the checkboxes begin with 'CB_' and the value of a checked checkbox is 1. new: CClientLister::generateHTMLClientNameIdCheckbox: Generates a checkbox for a client and its ID. new: CClientLister::importCheckedClientNamesIds: Imports the clientnames/IDs of the checked checkboxes. new: CClientLister::getCheckedClientNames: Returns name (as key) and ID (as value) of checked clients as array. new: CClientLister::setClientListExtraLine: Sets the extra line that will be shown at the end of the client list. new: CClientLister::showClientListExtraLine: Shows the extra line at the end of the client list. new: CClient::isNetbootActive: Check, if network booting is active for the client. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now returns true on successfully restarting the DHCP server. new: CClient::deactivateNetboot: Deactivates network booting for the client. new: CClientLister::destroy: Destroys a client finally. +++++ 2012-10-02 new: HTML_submitImg: Defines a graphical submit button. new: CClientLister::getAscDescHeader: Generates a sorting header with column title and ascending/descending button. new: CClientLister::getStatusHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's status. new: CClientLister::getClientNameHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's name. new: CClientLister::getInstallDateHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's installation date. new: CClientLister::getLastModifyHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's last modifikation date. new: CClientLister::sortLines: Does extra line sorting of special fields, that could not be sorted by SQL. new: CClientLister::cmpArrayElements: Builds a sorting function that compares the colums of two arrays. new: CClientLister::getColumnNrWithContinousNumber: Figures to column number which contains the continous numbers. new: CClientLister::getColumnNrToSort: Figures out to column number which contains the values to sort. new: CClientLister::isAscending: Checks if the sorting of the column is ascending. new: CClientLister::getJobsHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's waiting. new: CClientLister::getGroupHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's groups. +++++ 2012-10-01 new: CClientLister::setOutputColumns: Sets the sequence of the columns to show in the output table. new: CClientLister::showClientListHeader: Shows the table header of the client output list. new: CClientLister::showClientTable: Shows the table with matching clients and their given columns. new: CClient::getID: Returns the ID of the client. new: CClient::generateHTMLStatusBar: Generates HTML code containing the status of the client with links to the pages. cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Now sorts the normal packages by name (Thx AR). cha: PKG_listPackages: Now assigns the first architecture of the sources list to PKG_searchFor (Thx AR). new: CClient::getModifyDateHumanReadable: Returns the last modified date in human readable form. new: CClient::getInstallDateHumanReadable: Returns the installation date in human readable form. new: CClient::generateHTMLClientNameBar: Generates an URL with the client name linking to the client details page. new: CClient::generateHTMLPackagesBar: Generates an URL with the amount of the client's packages linking to the client packages page. new: CClient::generateHTMLWaitingAllJobsBar: Generates an URL with the amount of the client's waiting jobs and all jobs linking to the change jobs page. cha: GRP_showClientGroups: Nos has an extra parameter if set to true, the list will be shown, if set to false returned instead. cha: CClientLister::getActionString: Becomes CClient::getActionString. new: CClientLister::getActionString: Gets the action string. +++++ 2012-09-29 new: CClientLister::getActionString: Generates the action string (e.g. an URL for GET) new: CClientLister::setActionString: Sets the action string, where CLIENT_NAME will be replaced by the actual name of the client and CLIENT_ID by its ID. +++++ 2012-09-28 new: CClientLister::resetGetting: Sets back the MySQL connection to initalise a new search and getting of clients from the beginning. +++++ 2012-09-27 new: CClientLister::addStatusFilter: Adds an OR filter to get only clients that gave the given status (stati). new: CClientLister::addGroupFilter: Adds the group filter to get only clients that are into the given group. new: CClientLister::addSearchFilter: Adds a search filter to get only clients that match the search word in at least one table field. new: CClientLister::setAscending: Sets the output ordering ascending (default) or descending. new: CClientLister::vmRunOnHostFilter: Sets a filter to only give out virtual clients that are hosted on a given VM host. new: CClientLister::getClient: Gets a client matching all active filters. This can be called many times. +++++ 2012-09-26 new: HTML_manipulateOutputBuffer: Manipulates the output buffer with already generated HTML code and replaces all occurrences the search term with the replace term. new: MSG_showMessageBoxPlaceholder: Shows a placeholder for message boxes at the position of execution. new: MSG_placeOrReturnMessageBox: Replaces a (maybe) existing message box placeholder with the given text. cha: MSG_showMessageBox: Now uses MSG_placeOrReturnMessageBox. cha: MSG_showMessageBoxPlaceholder: Now calls MSG_showMessageBoxPlaceholder. cha: HTML_showTableRow: Now color marks the row if the first parameter is true. new: CClientLister::setOrderBy: Sets the ordering method for generating the output. +++++ 2012-09-25 new: DHCP_getDynamicRanges: Gets all dynamic IP ranges from the dhcpd.conf. new: DHCP_delDynamicRange: Removes a dynamic IP range from the dhcpd.conf and reboots the DHCP server. new: IPRanges::delDynamicRange: Removes a dynamic IP range from the dhcpd.conf and restarts the DHCP server. new: IPRanges::showRangesAddingDialog: Shows a dialog for adding Ip ranges to lock or to distribute IP settings dynamically via DHCP. new: IPRanges::showSearchDialog: Shows a search dialog. new: IPRanges::getSearchWord: Gets the current unfiltered search word of the search dialog. new: IPRanges::getSearchIP: Gets the current valid IP of the search dialog or false. new: CIPManagement::singleSettingsAddDialog: Shows a dialog for locking client settings (clientname, IP, MAC) or for adding the settings to the DHCP server. new: CIPManagement::showUsedIPsAndMACs: Shows a list of clients/IPs/MACs matching the search term. new: CIPManagement::showDialog: Shows the IP management dialog. +++++ 2012-09-24 cha: ip2longSafe: Now gives back the input, if it is a number. new: IPRanges::findRanges: Finds an IP range that includes a given IP address or all IP ranges. new: IPRanges::getRanges: Finds an IP range that includes a given IP address or all IP ranges. new: IPRanges::checkNotInRange: Checks, if an IP is not part of any IP ranges. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: IPRanges::lockRange: Adds a new IP range to the list of locked IP ranges. new: IPRanges::unlockRange: Deletes an IP range from the list of locked IP ranges. new: IPRanges::showList: Shows a list with locked IP ranges with the possibillity to delete single ranges. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now uses CChecks as far as possible. new: HTML_showTitle: Shows a title. new: DHCP_addDynamicRange: Adds a dynamic IP range to the dhcpd.conf. new: IPRanges::addDynamicRange: Adds a dynamic IP range to the dhcpd.conf and reboots the DHCP server. new: DHCP_addSubnetDefinition: Adds the subnet definition to the dhcpd.conf to let the DHCP server give out network information to clients to other subnets. new: DHCP_lineNumberAffterLastClient: Gets the line number with the last client definition in the dhcpd.conf. +++++ 2012-09-22 cha: DHCP_activateBoot, DHCP_addClient: Now are handling 'none' boot type. new: DHCP_addLineToDHCPDConf: Adds a line to the dhcpd.conf file. new: CClient::activateNetboot: Activates network booting for the client. new: CChecks::checkNonusedClientname: Checks if a client name is valid and if the client doesn't exist and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. cha: checkClientname: Now has extra parameter to check, if the client is nonexisting. new: CClient::getProperty: Gets a client property from $this->clientInfo and dies, if this property is not set. cha: CClient::getBootType, CClient::getStatus, CClient::getGateway, CClient::getMAC, CClient::getNetmask, CClient::getIP, CClient::getClientName: Now are using getProperty. new: CClient::getInstallDate: Returns the installation date. new: CClient::getModifyDate: Returns the last modified date. +++++ 2012-09-20 cha: CLIENT_getStatusimage: Added status blocked. cha: DHCP_addClient: Has a new parameter if set to true, the boot type is set for the client in the DB. new: CClient::setGateway: Sets the client's status. new: CClient::getStatus: Returns the client's status. new: CChecks::checkStatus: Checks if if the client status number is valid. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CClient::setGateway: Sets the gateway address for the client. new: CClient::getGateway: Returns the client's gateway. new: CClient::setMAC: Sets the MAC address of the client. new: CClient::getMAC: Returns the client's MAC. new: CClient::setClientName: Renames a client. new: CClient::getClientName: Returns the name of the client. new: CClient::setIP: Sets the IP of the client to an unsused IP. new: CClient::getIP: Returns the client's IP. new: CClient::setNetmask: Sets the netmask of the client. new: CClient::getNetmask: Returns the client's netmask. new: CMessageManager::addErrorMessage: Adds an error message to the error message stack and sets the error flag. new: CMessageManager::popErrorMessages: Returns all error messages and deletes the error message stack. new: CMessageManager::hasErrors: Returns if there are errors. new: CMessageManager::showError: Shows (hopefully not) existing error messages in an error box if there are any. new: CChecks::checkIPRange: Checks if the input IPs are valid and if the first IP is "smaler" than the second. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. +++++ 2012-09-18 new: CChecks::checkMAC: Checks if a MAC is valid (and optionally if it is not in use) and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkNonusedMAC: Checks if a MAC is valid and if it is not in use. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CClientLister::isMatchingClientPresent: Checks if at least one clients with a given key-value-combination is found. new: CClientLister::IPexists: checks if an IP with the selected IP exists and returns true if yes, otherwise false new: CClientLister::MACexists: checks if a mac with the selected mac exists and returns true if yes, otherwise false new: CClientLister::ClientExists: checks if a client with the selected name exists and returns true if yes, otherwise false new: CChecks::checkNonusedIP: Checks if an IP is not in use and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkIPGeneric: Checks if an IP is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkIP: Checks if an IP is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkDNS1: Checks if the 1st DNS server has an valid IP and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkDNS2: Checks if the 2nd DNS server has an valid IP and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkGateway: Checks if the gateway has an valid IP and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error.new: new: CChecks::checkClientname: Checks if a client name is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkNetmask: Checks if the netmask is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. +++++ 2012-09-17 new: CClient::__construct: Constructor for new CClient objects. The object holds all information about a single client and loads the values from the DB. new: CClient::__destruct: Destructor for a CClient object. Before the object is removed from the RAM, all client settings are written to the DB. new: CClient::save: Saves the client parameters and options to the DB. new: CClient::updateModifyDate: Updates the last modified date. new: CClient::updateInstallDate: Updates the installed date. patch 100598: Corrected deprecated call-time pass-by-reference. +++++ 2012-09-13 new: MSG_show: Shows the message block for the messages. (Thx Maren) cha: MSG_showInfo, MSG_showError, MSG_showWarning: Now uses MSG_show. fix: FDISK_addDrivePartitionToRaid, FDISK_addFstab, FDISK_addPart, FDISK_addRaidBeforeFormat, FDISK_autoPart, FDISK_delFstab, FDISK_delPart, FDISK_dev2LDevLPart, FDISK_formatExisting, FDISK_formatPart, FDISK_fstabAddDialog, HTML_listSelection, HTML_storableCheckBox, HTML_storableInput, HTML_storableSelection, IMG_getFormatCompressionFromFile, MAIL_attach, PKG_listRecommendSubPackages, POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Corrected deprecated call-time pass-by-reference. +++++ 2012-09-12 patch 100597: Fixes testing of amd64 only pools in the sources list editor. new: HTML_multiCheckBox: Defines a list of checkboxes, that represent a value each. The values of checked checkboxes are stored in an array and returned. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now calls SRCLST_checkList with the first choosen architecture. cha: HTML_multiCheckBox: Becomes HTML_multiCheckBoxShow. patch 100596: Added prototype for IP management. new: ipManagement.php: Dialog for managing IP settings for non m23 clients. +++++ 2012-09-10 new: HTML_hiddenVar: Create a hidden HTML variable to store values in an HTML form. patch 100595: Added subnet support to the m23 DHCP server. +++++ 2012-09-07 fix: poolBuilder.php: Now sets preferenceForceHTMLReloadValues on loading an moved call to HTML_showFormHeader on top to set the pool type and the architecture correctly (Thx screen). new: DHCP_addSubnetDefinition: Adds the subnet definition to the dhcpd.conf to let the DHCP server give out network information to clients to other subnets. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now calls DHCP_addSubnetDefinition. cha: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now makes sure, th line number is a valid int. cha: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now adds the text at the end of the file, if the line number is not found in the file. cha: client_partition.php: Moved code to fdisk.php. cha: fdisk.php: Moved unused functions to fdisk-old.php. +++++ 2012-09-06 cha: FDISK_autoPart: Added paramters for minimum and maximum swap partition sizes (Sponsored by AR) cha: FDISK_showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Now has two schemata for automatic partitioning. +++++ 2012-09-05 cha: DHCP_addClient: Now adds "option subnet-mask". +++++ 2012-08-31 patch 100594: Support for subnets, additional usage of jQuery, some smal fixes and improvements. cha: DHCP_addClient: Added gateway to the parameters. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now adds "option broadcast-address" and "option routers" to the dhcpd.conf lines. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Changed call of DHCP_addClient. +++++ 2012-08-30 cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Removed call of DHCP_removePXEcfg in DHCP_activateBoot, because DHCP_rmClient calls DHCP_removePXEcfg. +++++ 2012-08-26 cha: hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Becomes hwpartner-tool. new: hwpartner-loadtest.sh / cardTest: Checks the flash cards (SD, MMC, ...) by mounting, writing and reading a prepared card +++++ 2012-08-25 cha: hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Integrated hwpartner-info, hwpartner-Soundtest. cha hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Added USB port testing. +++++ 2012-08-24 fix: hwpartner-loadtest.sh / LAMPprepare: Now shows the IP of the system. cha: hwpartner-info: Now shows information about all devices of the same kind. +++++ 2012-08-23 fix: POOL_readCD: Now calls POOL_prepare with the choosen architecture. +++++ 2012-08-17 new: CHECK_safeFilename: Make sure, the file/directory name is safe and doesn't contain evil characters. new: HELPER_rmRecursive: Removes a directory with sub-directories and contained files. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient, CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now are calling CLIENT_removeServerCache. cha: CLIENT_removeLiveLogFile: Remplaced by CLIENT_removeServerCache. new: CLIENT_removeServerCache: Removes the client cache on the m23 server. cha: hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Load test script for testing different parts of workstations and servers. +++++ 2012-08-16 cha: LAMPLoadTest.php: Some improvements and creanups. +++++ 2012-08-15 new: LAMPLoadTest.php: Load test script for LAMP systems that tests CPU, memory, MySQL and file system. fix: en / de / fr / client_add.hlp: Corrected syntax for MACs. (Thx Maren) +++++ 2012-08-10 cha: convertTarToDeb: Now uses "z" parameter for extraction of tar files. (Thx FW) cha: m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls "poweroff" as first priority. +++++ 2012-08-09 cha: HTML_jQueryMenuHeader, HTML_jQueryMenuEnd: Now are storing and restoring the Y position of the content in the browser window. +++++ 2012-08-08 new: CLIENT_removeLiveLogFile: Removes the live log file of a given client. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now adds time and date to the log file. +++++ 2012-08-07 new: jQuery.css: New CSS file for the new jQuery menu. +++++ 2012-08-06 cha: client_partition.php: Now uses HTML_jQueryMenu, HTML_jQueryMenuHeader and HTML_jQueryMenuEnd instead of HTML_JSMenuOpener. cha: checkNetmask: Now checks the netmask for correct values (and not only for correct "spelling"). (Thx Maren) new: HTML_jQueryMenu: Creates an entry for the jQuery accordion menu new: HTML_jQueryMenuHeader: Generate code for beginning a the jQuery accordion menu.: new: HTML_jQueryMenuEnd: Generates code for ending a the jQuery accordion menu. new: CLCFG_activateBOOT_DEGRADED: Activates BOOT_DEGRADED on Ubuntu 12.04 to allow booting from degraded RAIDs. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now calls CLCFG_activateBOOT_DEGRADED. new: CLCFG_copyMBRToAllDevices: Copies the MBR code from the boot device to all other devices. +++++ 2012-08-05 cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector, client_distr.php: Now uses FDISK_mdToEndOfArray. new: FDISK_findFstabMountPointByDev: Searches a client's fstab for a device and figures out the according mount point. (Now documented) new: FDISK_getFstabArray: Gets the fstab of a client as array. (Now documented) cha: clientLiveLog.php: Now encodes output into UTF-8. new: FDISK_mdToEndOfArray: Orders all MD devices from the input array to the end of the output array. +++++ 2012-08-04 cha: client_details.php: Now has a link to clientLiveLogComplete.php. new: clientLiveLogComplete.php: Shows the complete live log of a client. new: CLIENT_touchLiveLogFile: Touches the live log file of a given client and returns the full name of the log file (with directory). fix: CLCFG_genFstab: "--force" parameter for grub is not valid any more. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added a fallback grub installation routine. fix: recover_client.php: Now the jobs are re-done instead of (false) setting the client back to "added". +++++ 2012-08-03 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now duplicates the MBR code to all devices. cha: client/linuxrc: Now fetches the public SSH key of the m23 server and start dropbear. cha: CIR_enableDropbear: Now sets the root password even if dropbear is running. cha: CIR_enableDropbear: Now copies (instead of moving) the .ssh directory to /. +++++ 2012-08-02 fix: FDISK_genPartedCommands, FDISK_delPart: Now destroys RAIDs too. +++++ 2012-07-18 menuDep: Now uses bash as interpreter. +++++ 2012-07-13 patch 100593: New variants for setting a client back and reinstalling it again. new: CLIENT_backToRed: Sets a client back to red state, as it was just after adding it. (Sponsored by AR) cha: recover_client.php: Now can be used to run CLIENT_backToRed. (Sponsored by AR) cha: client_details.php: Now has an extra button to call recover_client.php with the CLIENT_backToRed option. (Sponsored by AR) +++++ 2012-07-11 new: dhcpd.conf2dnsmasq.d.sh: Script for converting the dhcpd.conf to the dnsmasq config file. +++++ 2012-07-03 cha: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon, CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon2: Now has an extra parameter for the tooltip text that is shown when the mouse is over the icon. cha: redo_client.hlp: Added help. +++++ 2012-06-27 cha: m23Restore: Now removes old persistent-net.rules. +++++ 2012-06-26 new: bafh_neu.py: Adds new excuses from http://identi.ca/api/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=bastardausrede to bafh_ausreden.php. (Thx Maren) cha: bafh_ausreden.php: Updated. (Thx Maren) +++++ 2012-06-25 cha: MASS_readDBFile: Now returns false if the DB line was empty. (Thx AR) cha: MASS_showOverview: Now adds new lines only if there are input values. (Thx AR) cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now has a new paramter that if set to true, the normal installation and removal jobs are combined to a m23normal and a m23normalRemove job otherwise the jobs are switched back to waiting status. cha: recover_client.php: Rewritten and now can be used to execute the jobs of a client again. cha: client_details.php: Now has an extra button to call recover_client.php with the redo jobs option. +++++ 2012-06-03 release 12.3 patch 100592: Corrected calculation of next free client IP. fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now works on empty servers too. patch 100591: Sources list changes for Ubuntu 12.04. cha: precise: Added option pages. cha: sources list / precise: Deactivated not working desktops. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports precise too. patch 100590: Corrects option page password elements and enables Ubuntu 12.04 textmode installation. fix: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage when Textmode is the desktop. +++++ 2012-06-02 fix: PKG_OptionPageRender2: Now shows password enter options too. cha: CLCFG_interfaces: Now adds a WOL activating line to /etc/network/interfaces. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now installs ethtool tool. cha: client / linuxrc: Now asks for network settings if no settings could be obtained via DHCP. +++++ 2012-06-01 fix: CLIENT_query: If all clients running on a special VM host should be searched, no search string is allowed +++++ 2012-05-21 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: Now converts • to LaTex. cha: de / en / fr / manual.tex: Plugin section removed. cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: Now doesn't stop on errors/warnings. +++++ 2012-05-20 patch 100589: Changed positions to the boot method changing funktions. cha: fr / m23base.php: Exchanged all "'" by "'". cha: m23RebootInstall.php, m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls DHCP_activateBoot. cha: setClientStatus.php: Now doesn't disable network booting any more. +++++ 2012-05-19 patch 100588: Many enhancements for m23's virtualisation. cha: kernel config: Now the Linux kernels are configured to show IDE devices as /dev/sd*. cha: compileKernel: Now uses gcc-4.4 now. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Removed converting /dev/hd* to /dev/sd*. cha: VM_stopVM, VM_pauseVM, VM_resumeVM, VM_createDiskImage, VM_delVMCMD, VM_activateNetbootCMD, VM_createVM, VM_status: Now VM names are safed by quotation marks. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now uses short connection timeouts and attempts. +++++ 2012-05-18 cha: VM_activateNetboot: Now uses VM_rebootAndActivateNetboot and VM_rebootAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall. new: VM_rebootAndActivateNetboot: Reboots an VM and activates network booting. cha: TRINITY_install: Now fetches the GPG key to check the signature of the trinity packages from m23.sf.net. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Added pseudo terminal tty allocation forcing parameter for ssh. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now screen sessions are started via exec. +++++ 2012-05-17 fix: rebootAndDisableNetboot, shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Now really disables network booting. cha: rebootAndDisableNetboot, shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Now are waiting for 10 seconds before stopping the VM. fix: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Fixed execution in screen. +++++ 2012-05-16 patch 100582: Many changes and fixes for the VirtualBox integration. cha: HTML_getElementValue: Now uses special settings for CLIENT_showAddDialog, when used to add an m23 VM to use default values for the check boxes. +++++ 2012-05-15 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now convert /dev/hd* to /dev/sd* in grub's menu.lst/grub.cfg cha: rebootAndDisableNetboot: Now gets/sets the display number before starting the VM again. cha: HTML_checkboxChangerButtons: Added tool tips. +++++ 2012-05-14 cha: MASS_minMaxIP: Replaced by a speed enhanced version (more than 5x times faster). new: ip2longSafe: Special version of ip2long that is safe on 32 bit machines. new: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Get the next free IP address that can be used as m23 client. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses CLIENT_getNextFreeIp to make an IP proposal. +++++ 2012-05-13 new: VM_rebootAndDisableNetboot: Generates a BASH command to reboot an VM and to disable network booting. new: rebootAndDisableNetboot: Reboots an VM and disables network booting. cha: m23RebootInstall.php: Now calls VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall. new: VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall: Reboots an VM and disables network booting. new: VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall: Shuts down an VM and disables network booting. new: VM_shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Generates a BASH command to shut down an VM and to disable network booting. new: shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Stops a VM and disables network booting on it. cha: m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall. cha: m23-skel: Updated KDE 4 settings to give the desktop a brighter appearance. +++++ 2012-05-12 new: VM_shutdownVMAfterInstall: Shuts down an VM and disables network booting. cha: m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls VM_shutdownVMAfterInstall. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now installs the greeter package too. cha: CLCFG_configUpstartForChroot: Now checks if /sbin/initctl is a symlink, so it can be executed more times without leading to faults. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForChroot after base install again. +++++ 2012-05-11 cha: VM_createVM: Now uses hardware virtualsiation if available. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now shows special packages that are symlinks. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now disables MOTD for root and m23-vbox. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now sorts the packages. cha: VM_createDiskImage: Now is compatible to VirtualBox 4.x. +++++ 2012-05-10 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now works under Ubuntu 12.04 too. +++++ 2012-05-08 patch 100578: Added calculator, minor improvements. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Added dynamical deactivation for SSL certification checks on Ubuntu from 11.04 to 10. +++++ 2012-05-07 cha: client_distr.php: Now shows a "back to control center" link after assigning the OS. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now shows heading for dialog and the status bar. new: CALC_add_number: Adds a number to the calculator. (Thx MH) new: CALC_add_sign: Adds a sign to the calculator. (Thx MH) new: CALC_add_equals: Adds an equal sign to the calculator and calculates the result. (Thx MH) new: CALC_add_dec: Adds a decimal point. (Thx MH) new: CALC_showCalculator: Shows a simple calculator. (Thx MH) +++++ 2012-05-06 patch 100566: Improved Ubuntu 12.04 support. cha: m23-xorg-configurator.conf: Now makes sure that it is started before the display manager. cha: configXOrgconfigure: Now makes sure that Xorg is not running. fix: configXOrgconfigure: Now uses dynamic path to xorg.conf.new. cha: xorgThereSoStop: Now adds reboot statement. +++++ 2012-05-05 cha: xorgThereSoStop: Now makes sure that the /etc/sysconfig(2)/vbox files are existing. +++++ 2012-05-04 new: CLCFG_installLightDM: Installs the light DM display manager. new: CLCFG_setDebConf: Sets debconf settings. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Added driver packages for Ubuntu. cha: CLCFG_fixAPTImmediateConfigure: Becomes UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall. new: UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall: Corrects the settings for Ubuntu after the base packages are installed. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall and UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall. cha: configXOrgconfigure: Now figures out the dsiplay manager on systems that have initscripts converted to upstart. +++++ 2012-04-30 patch 100565: Added initial support for Ubuntu 12.04. fix: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Corrected path for wgetrc when not executed in the chroot. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now re-configures the openssh-server. +++++ 2012-04-29 cha: configXOrgVBox: Now checks for vboxvideo_drv.so at another directory too. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_fixAPTImmediateConfigure when executed on Ubuntu 12.04. new: CLCFG_fixAPTImmediateConfigure: Corrects the settings for APT on Ubuntu 12.04. cha: CLCFG_getDebianReleasesGeneric: Now sorts the list of releases. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now streams all output channels to the server, cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now removes network-interface-security.conf to prevent asking for installation of the maintainer script. cha: work.php: Now stops the real-time client logging when the status switches to green. +++++ 2012-04-27 new: CLIENT_liveLogJobName: Generates the job name of the sever's live log job. new: CLIENT_stopLiveScreenRecording: Stops the screen installation session for real-time client logging. cha: liveLogArea: Now has an extra parameter for the maximum amount of lines to show in the log area. +++++ 2012-04-26 cha: serverSettings.php: Now the HTML anchors are closed. cha: UPDATE_running: Now works together with CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording. +++++ 2012-04-25 new: CLIENT_getAllAsRes: Creates and executes an SQL statement for getting all values of all clients. cha: GRP_listClientGroups: Added sorting of the client groups (Thx AR). cha: PKG_listRecommendSubPackages: Added sorting of the normal package names and the package name (Thx AR). +++++ 2012-04-24 new: HELPER_showBAfH: Shows the German BAfH excuse of the day (Thx MH). new: bafh.php: Shows the German BAfH excuse of the day. cha: serverSettings.php: Shows an icon for +++++ 2012-04-21 cha: m23RebootInstall.php, m23ShutdownInstall.php: Changed priority to 100. cha: SRCLST_alternativeFS: Now ext3 is the default FS if none is found in the package sources list. cha: CLIENT_startInstall: Now calls CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording. +++++ 2012-04-20 cha: dbConnect: Changed to mysql_pconnect. new: HTML_liveLogArea: Creates a log area that updates itself via AJAX by polling from a given URL. new: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Saves a screen installation session to a log file on the server in real-time. The server runs a screen for consecutively connecting the client. new: CLIENT_touchLogFile: Touches a log file in the client's directorya and returns the full name of the log file (with directory). +++++ 2012-04-14 cha: m23RescueInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_copySSLCert, CIR_setDateAndTimeTemorarily and CIR_writeClientID. +++++ 2012-04-13 fix: PKG_getClientjobsStatus: Now works for special packages too. cha: install_packages.php: Added an extra checkbox for choosing to search complete package descriptions/sizes on Debian/Ubuntu. cha: debian / PKG_listPackages: Now has an extra parameter, if set to true, the full package description and sizes are fetched (time consuming). cha: downloadExtractRFS, package sources list "lenny": Changed Lenny sources to Debian archive. cha: install_packages.php: Now uses more of m23's HTML functions. +++++ 2012-04-12 patch 100563: Now the user can choose multiple package selections for base installation. cha: PKG_multiPackageSelectionsSelection: Now uses PKG_multiPackageSelectionsSelection to let the user choose multiple package selections. cha: PKG_rmNormalJob, PKG_addNormalJob: Now has an extra parameter for choosing the priority of the job. new: PKG_multiPackageSelectionsSelection: Generates a multi selection with all package selections. cha: mkRelease: Now deletes the Release.gpg file, if it has zero size. cha: SRCLST_showEditor, PKG_OptionPageRender2: Now uses HTML_multiCheckBox. new: HTML_getValidSelected: Checks for a valid selected value from a list of possible values. In case the value could not be found, a default value is taken. cha: HTML_selection: Now has an extra parameter for generating a multi selection , where the user can select multiple entries. cha: HTML_multiSelection: Renamed to HTML_multiCheckBox. +++++ 2012-04-06 cha: clients_overview.php: Now user more functions from the HTML api and CLIENT_getOverviewSearchLine and CLIENT_showOverviewSearchDialog. new: CLIENT_getOverviewSearchLine: Checks all client search dialogs and returns the current search term. new: CLIENT_showOverviewSearchDialog: Shows a client search dialog for the client overview. cha: HTML_submitDefine: Now has an extra parameter for adding options to the HTML tag. +++++ 2012-04-05 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added openssh-client. cha: createRFSBins: Added scp. +++++ 2012-04-03 patch 100562: Now changed priorities can be saved as package selection and packages can be checked, unchecked and the selection inverted. cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Now uses HTML_checkboxChangerButtons and HTML_jsCheckboxChanger. new: HTML_checkboxChangerButtons: Defines buttons for changing all check boxes. new: HTML_jsCheckboxChanger: Generates JavaScript code for changing all check boxes. cha: install_packages.php: Now the action default action for packages in a package selection is "install" (Thx AR). cha: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: Added extra parameter for the priority. cha: PKG_savePackageselection, PKG_addPackageSelection: Now gets the package priority from the wait4acc jobs. +++++ 2012-04-02 patch 100561: Adds changing of the package priority. new: PKG_changePrioritySelectedPackages: Changes the priority of selected wait4acc packages. cha: install_packages.php: Now the priority of packages can be changed. +++++ 2012-03-25 patch 100560: Build and upload improvements. release 12.2 fix: cleanOSForCompressing: Now stops and starts Squid at the correct position in the script. fix: m23instUpload: Now copies Release.gpg and Release too. +++++ 2012-03-24 patch 100559: Some partitioning improvements and fixes. cha: en / de / fr / welcome.hlp: Aligned. +++++ 2012-03-23 fix: COS6.2 / sysHWsetup: Now re-builds the initramfs' with RAID support, when RAID is used. cha: HS / clientInstall.php: $rootDevice* becomes $InstPart*. cha: FDISK_printAllBars, FDISK_printBars, FDISK_getDriveInfoIcon,FDISK_getPartInfoIcon, FDISK_getDriveInfoString, FDISK_getPartInfoString: Now are having an extra parameter for fstab information. cha: FDISK_getDriveInfoIcon,FDISK_getPartInfoIcon: Now are showing the mountpoint as alternative texts. +++++ 2012-03-22 cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Now shuts down or reboots the client after creating the image. cha: HS / clientInstall.php: Now creates the fstab entries earlier after chroot and mounts them. +++++ 2012-03-19 cha: m23createImageInstall.php: Now starts dropbear and copies the SSL certificates. +++++ 2012-03-18 cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now calls partprobe, blockdev and "hdparm -z" after partition adding or deletion. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes partprobe. fix: FDISK_printBars: Now the indicator in the partition table jumps to the correct logical partition. fix: m23hwscanner / getPartFS: Now detects the file system of a RAID partition too. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added Squeeze security/update sources and adjusted Etch source. +++++ 2012-03-17 cha: COS6.2, F14, OS11.4 / sysHWsetup: Now activates the software raid. patch 100558: Corrects the update page. cha: menuDeb / uploadtesting: Now duplicates the testing repository to FRS. +++++ 2012-03-14 fix: update.php: Fixed syntax error (Thx AR). patch 100555: Fixes unsigned package source error on openSUSE's update repository. cha: OS11.4 / m23HSAdmin: Now calls zypper with --no-gpgp-checks. +++++ 2012-03-13 patch 100554: Now includes CentOS 6.2 too. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports HS-centos62 too. +++++ 2012-03-12 patch 100553: Many updates and changes for supporting CentOS 6.2. cha: version.php: Changed version to 12.2. fix: debian / m23changeClientInstall.php: Corrected parameters for CLCFG_changeUser. +++++ 2012-03-11 new: checkForMissingHSFunctions.sh: Script for checking the different implementations of m23HSAdmin, if all functions are included in all implementations new: OS11.4, F14: sysChangeUserPass: Changes the password of a user. new: OS11.4, F14: sysChangeUserName: Changes an username. +++++ 2012-03-07 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now changing of the login name is supported too. +++++ 2012-03-06 new: HS_sysChangeUser: changes the settings of an useraccount on a client new: COS6.2: sysChangeUserPass: Changes the password of a user. new: COS6.2: sysChangeUserName: Changes an username. +++++ 2012-03-05 cha: COS6.2: netEnableLDAP: Now works. new: HS / m23changeClientInstall.php: Now has a halfSister version. new: COS6.2: netEnableNFSHome: Now works. +++++ 2012-03-04 new: m23HSAdmin-tester: Script with some testing routines for m23HSAdmin. cha: KDE_install: Added check for kde-plasma-desktop package (used by Ubuntu 12.04). +++++ 2012-03-01 cha: HS-CentOS6.2-i386.tar.7z: Made smaler archive with all packages reinstalled. new: HS-CentOS6.2-amd64.tar.7z: Created a working 64 bit version. +++++ 2012-02-25 cha: COS6.2: sysMakeBootable: Now generates modules.dep. +++++ 2012-02-22 cha: packages_install.php: Now shows a waiting animation while the package search is running. +++++ 2012-02-20 cha: PKG_getPackageSize: Becomes PKG_getPackageDescriptionSize and shows the long desfription of each package. cha: PKG_addStatusJob: Now adds the installation size of the package. cha: HS / debian / PKG_listPackages: Now adds the installed size of the package to the package name in the checkbox. cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages, PKG_listRecommendPackages, HS / debian / PKG_listPackages: Now shows sizes in MB. cha: HS / debian / PKG_listPackages: Now converts special characters in the descriptions to HTML codes. +++++ 2012-02-19 cha: COS6.2: pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now gets the package description and the installed size of the packages too. cha: HS/PKG_listPackages: Now makes found packages unique and shows the complete description. +++++ 2012-02-18 cha: COS6.2: pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now works. +++++ 2012-02-14 cha: menu.php: Commented out all plugin parts. +++++ 2012-02-12 cha: COS6.2: sysMakeBootable: Now works and sorts the newest kernel on top of the grub list. +++++ 2012-02-04 new: HS_pkgUpdateCache: Updates the list of available packages. cha: CLCFG_hwdetect: Now makes sure that usleep exists. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now disables SSL certificate verification for Ubuntu precise. cha: m23fdiskFormatInstall.php: Now makes sure that m23raid.log exists. +++++ 2012-02-03 patch 100552: Password and logout improvements. cha: SERVER_addToHtpasswd: Now allowes arbitrary passwords. cha: index.php: Now redirects to the admin page after logging out. +++++ 2012-01-31 cha: menuDevguide, menuManualStart.sh: Now creates and uploads a CMS download link page for the manuals. +++++ 2012-01-17 patch 100551: Manual fstab entries are now added and mounted. fix: debian / ubuntu / halfSister: Added FDISK_genManualFstab after CLCFG_genFstab to create extra fstab entries. +++++ 2012-01-12 patch 100550: Manual updates. cha: Developer manual updated. cha: User manual updated. patch 100549: Automatic partition and format now uses ext4. cha: FDISK_autoPart: Now uses ext4. patch 100548: Fixes Linux Mint 9 mirror and RAS. new: HELPER_ucrc32: Returns the unsigned crc32 sum of an input value. cha: RAS_showRegistration: Now uses HELPER_ucrc32. +++++ 2012-01-10 fix: Linux Mint 9: Corrected down mirror in package sources list. +++++ 2012-01-08 patch 100547: DHCP and VirtualBox additions installation enhancements. new: DHCP_bootTypeToNewFormat: Converts a boolean boot type to the new string format. +++++ 2012-01-07 cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now uploads the files to webspace and FRS. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now has a special diff and non existing file check routine. new: CIR_setDateAndTimeTemorarily: Sets the date and time by calling 'date' temporarily. cha: m23PresetupInstall: Now calls CIR_setDateAndTimeTemorarily. +++++ 2012-01-05 cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now checks if the vbox file under sysconfig and sysconfig2 exists and adds the error codes to the result of vdiff. fix: DHCP_activateBoot: Now activates network booting only if it was not activated before and vice versa. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now has an extra parameter to specify the boot type. cha: CLIENT_addClient, CLIENT_deleteClient, CLIENT_changeClient: Now are using DHCP_activateBoot only. +++++ 2012-01-02 patch 100545: Installation fixes for openSUSE. fix: OS11.4 / pkgInstallXFce: Now chooses xfce as default WM. +++++ 2012-01-01 fix: OS11.4 / sysWriteCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Now stops cron to make sure that it will not influence the installation procedure new: check_baseSysAvailability: Nagios script that checks an URL on SourceForge for a file that should be available or not. cha: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCache, pkgInstall, pkgInstallPreview, pkgDeinstall, pkgDeinstallPreview, pkgNormalUpdate, pkgNormalUpdatePreview, pkgFullUpdate, pkgFullUpdatePreview, pkgListContents, sysSetLanguage, sysCleanSystem: Now are calling the proxy deactivation script. cha: OS11.4 / pkgSetPackageProxy: Now creates a script for deactivating the proxy. cha: Package sources unstable, sid, testing, lucid, lenny, Linux Mint 9 KDE, squeeze, squeeze+libreoffice: Now are using switch.dl.sourceforge.net for the m23 client packages. +++++ 2011-12-31 new: check_debSourceChecker: Nagios script for testing Debian repositories. cha: OS11.4 / pkgInstallGnome: Added sleeps after every command (maybe this fixes breaking the installation ;-)). cha: OS11.4 / pkgInstallGnome: Now installs teh apckage MozillaFirefox instead of firefox, because firefox was removed. cha: Package sources squeeze+libreoffice, squeeze: Now are using switch.dl.sourceforge.net as Trinity mirror. +++++ 2011-12-30 release 12.1 +++++ 2011-12-28 patch 100544: Fixes and improvements. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now adds and removes the entries in the dhcpd.conf. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now uses DHCP_rmClient. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now marks the entries by alternating colors. +++++ 2011-12-25 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Changed the code that detects if a caching file is available on SF. +++++ 2011-12-23 patch 100543: openSUSE fixes. cha: OS11.4: pkgUpdateCache: Another try to get the caching of packages working again. +++++ 2011-12-22 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Renamed squeeze+backports to squeeze+libreoffice. new: Package sources list squeeze+libreoffice, that includes the backports and enables the libreoffice packages. +++++ 2011-12-20 cha: PKG_downloadPool, PKG_searchFor, PKG_getPackageSize, PKG_printStatus, PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now are configuring APT to not use local sourceslist.d files. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses a loop to create needed directories. cha: PKG_addAPTConfigFiles: Now handles preferences.d too. +++++ 2011-12-19 cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now checks if xorg.conf has at least one line. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now the check for the Virtualbox guest source package is not included anymore. +++++ 2011-12-18 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now is more generic and has new checking routines for package availability. patch 100539: openSUSE changes. cha: OS11.4: sysImportConfDB: Now returns always 0. +++++ 2011-12-16 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now works with new VirtualBox addition ISOs. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now works usernames and passwords with one character. patch 100537: openSUSE changes. cha: OS11.4: pkgInstallX: Now returns always 0. +++++ 2011-12-14 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Made "client can now be started" message more visible. cha: Changed mirror in OpenSUSE 11.4 package sources list. cha: update.php: Added a refresh button to see if the update is still running. +++++ 2011-12-12 patch 100536: Now the package search functions on the m23 server are using configuration files too. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses the name of the package sources list as parameter. cha: SRCLST_getValue: Now converts the list from DB format to normal format. cha: PKG_addAPTConfigFiles: Creates the config files for the package manager on the m23 server. fix: SRCLST_showEditor: Now can handle sources lists that are containing '"'. cha: PKG_searchFor, PKG_getPackageSize, PKG_printStatus, PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_previewInstallDeinstall, PKG_downloadPool: Now are including apt.conf.d with config files. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now creates apt.conf.d too. patch 100535: Package sources lists may now configure the package manager and are including supported file systems and a fallback file system. new: CLCFG_sourceslistCreateConfigFiles: Creates config files for the package manager. cha: CLCFG_sourceslist: Now calls CLCFG_sourceslistCreateConfigFiles. +++++ 2011-12-11 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed etch from the list and added squeeze+backports. new: SRCLST_getAddToFile: Returns addToFile paremters from the given sources list as an associative array, where file name and file contents are seperated. cha: SRCLST_getParameter: Now returns all found lines in an array. cha: SRCLST_supportedFS, SRCLST_alternativeFS, SRCLST_getMirror: Adjusted to the new output format of SRCLST_getParameter. +++++ 2011-12-10 new: SRCLST_getParameter: Returns a special parameter from the given sources list. cha: SRCLST_getMirror: Now uses SRCLST_getParameter. new: SRCLST_alternativeFS: Returns the alternative file system that is supported by the OS. new: SRCLST_supportedFS: Returns an array with file systems that supported by the OS. new: SRCLST_getStorageFS: Returns a file systems that can be used to install the OS and to store data. A wished file system is given and an alternative FS is returned, if this FS is not supported. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now uses SRCLST_getStorageFS. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now has an extra parameter for the sources list. cha: m23fdiskFormatInstall.php: Now calls FDISK_genPartedCommands with the sources list parameter. new: FDISK_adjustFstabParam: Adjust the parameter block of a fstab line to make it use an supported FS. cha: FDISK_genManualFstab, HS_sysAddFstabEntries: Now are calling FDISK_adjustFstabParam to adjust the FS of the fstab line and are having an extra parameter for choosing the name of the sources list. cha: debian / halfSister / clientInstall.php: Adjusted parameters for FDISK_genManualFstab and HS_sysAddFstabEntries. +++++ 2011-12-05 patch 100534: New client added dialog. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now shows a message for starting the client after adding. +++++ 2011-12-04 cha: m23 / postinst: Now creates /m23/log patch 100533: Now removes m23RemoteAdministrationServiceOpenTunnel* from the m23 package. patch 100532: Many changes as preparation for the next m23 version. +++++ 2011-12-03 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / installDebs: Now uses switch.dl.sourceforge.net as package source for the m23 server installation. new: SERVER_killPID: Kills a process running under a given PID or sends a signal. new: RAS_getTunnelPid: Returns the PID of the tunnel that is opened on a given local port. cha: RAS_showStartStopRemove: Now shows two seperate status leds for the www and ssh tunnel. cha: RAS_isRunning: Now has an extra parameter to choose if all services should be checked, or a specific service name. new: RAS_tunnelOpenHTMLStatus: Generates a HTML status line for a tunnel. +++++ 2011-12-02 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now reads the baseSys files from the FRS again. cha: SERVER_getFileContents: Now has no length limit of the output. +++++ 2011-11-27 cha: mkCert.sh: Now generates SSL certificates expiring after 10 years. +++++ 2011-11-26 cha: CLIENT_DETAILS_beginCategory: Now closed the
tag. +++++ 2011-11-24 cha: m23Search: Now filters out OptionPage.php and is caseinsensitive. new: RAS_getChatPassword: Returns and stored the chat password to the m23 server. new: RAS_getChatUser: Returns chat user to the m23 server. new: RAS_chatWindow: Shows the chat window for RAS. +++++ 2011-11-23 cha: m23Backup / createBackupList: Added RAS tunnel scripts. new: RAS_getChatPassword: Returns and stored the chat password to the m23 server. +++++ 2011-11-22 cha: RASClient / clientCommands: Date format for start and stop time is now identically to the afclient format. cha: MENU_showEntry: Now shows the menu entry highlighted even when the current page is stored in POST. cha: client_changejobs.php: Now shows the client name in the title. +++++ 2011-11-21 new: RASServer: The RASServer for managing apf connections. new: RASClient: Script for managing the RASServer. cha: HTML_logArea: Now automatically jumps to the end of the log with JavaScript. +++++ 2011-11-20 new: java-jar-signer.sh: New script for signing jar applets to allow them access to any host. new: tightvnc-jviewer.jar: Is signed now and may access any VNC server in applet mode. cha: RAS_showAccountDataImport: Now has a back button, if there were errors. cha: RAS_importMsg: Now shows better error message, if no message block was given. cha: RAS_showStartStopRemove: Now has a security button for deleting RAS. +++++ 2011-11-15 new: SERVER_killBackgroundJob: Kills a job (that runs in screen) with a given name. new: HTML_logArea: Shows a text area for log information (readonly). +++++ 2011-11-14 new: RAS_showAccountDataImport: Shows a dialog for importing the RAS account data. new: RAS_showRegistration: Shows the registration dialog for a new RAS account. new: RAS_start: Starts the RAS tunnels. new: RAS_isRunning: Checks if the RAS tunnels are open. new: RAS_showStartStopRemove: Shows a dialog for starting, stopping and removing of RAS and status information. new: RAS_writeTunnelScripts: Writes the RAS tunnel scripts. cha: SERVER_daemonStartStop, SERVER_installTool, SERVER_addLineToFile, SERVER_deleteFile, SERVER_delLineFromFile: Now Returns true on successfully execution otherwise false. new: RAS_isInstalled: Checks if RAS is installed. new: RAS_remove: Removes all RAS settings. +++++ 2011-11-13 new: SERVER_insertLineNumber: Inserts a text AT or AFTER a line number or creates a new file with the given name, if it doesn't exists. cha: SERVER_putFileContents: Now returns true on success and false otherwise. cha: VM_getHTMLStatusBlock: Now shows a link (with access data) to vnc-viewer.php. new: vnc-viewer.php: Script for starting TightVNC Java applet. new: SERVER_addAdmin: Adds an administrator with all access rights. new: SERVER_delAdmin: Deletes an administrator with all access rights. new: SERVER_getM23RemoteAdministrationServiceMsg: Gets the account data block from pasted message. new: SERVER_getM23RemoteAdministrationServiceRandomKey: Generates a random key (once) for the m23 remote administration service and returns it on every call. new: HELPER_generateSalt: Generates a random salt string. +++++ 2011-10-23 release 11.4 patch 100529: Squid patch and translations. cha: german / english / french: Texts and translations done. fix: m23 / postinst: Now adds some needed ACLs to squid.conf. +++++ 2011-10-22 patch 100528: Squid patches and enhancements. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now stores the base systems in the web storage of SF to make it cacheble by Squid. cha: m23 / postinst / m23/configureSquid: Now writes a static squid.conf and configures it afterwards. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now re-configures sudo to ensure that /etc/sudoers exists. cha: m23 / postinst: Now removes and adds the patterns in squid.conf when reconfigured or the port is missing. fix: m23-vbox / postinst: Now sets a random password for the user m23-vbox. patch 100525: Smal enhancements for virtualisation. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now removes virtualbox-ose-guest-utils (if present), because the guest utils avoid the execution of the VirtualBox server. cha: CLCFG_setRootPassword: Now adds root to the sudoers file (if missing). cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now filters out the "stdin is not a terminal" error message. +++++ 2011-10-21 patch 100523: Backup signing enhancements and assimisation fixes. cha: m23 / postinst: GPG is named as backupsignkey to show its purpose. +++++ 2011-10-20 fix: MSR_clientSettings: Now removes whitespaces from the variables language, gid and uid. cha: mkm23extradeb: Now builds m23-vbox too. cha: m23 / postinst: Enabled creation of GPG key (needed for backup signing). cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / installDebs: Now removes pubring.gpg too. patch 100519: More imaging fixes and enhancements. cha: debian / ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now doesn't write the sources.list, if PKG_isReconfiguredWithExtraDistr is true. +++++ 2011-10-19 cha: debian / halfSister / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now doesn't run the base system installtion routines, if PKG_isReconfiguredWithExtraDistr is true. new: PKG_isReconfiguredWithExtraDistr: Checks, if the distribution is used for configuring a system that was installed via image. fix: CIR_WorkaroundForMissingModulesDep: Now creates modules.dep only if it doesn't exist. patch 100518: Imaging enhancements and modules.dep added to bootimages. cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now calls depmod to create modules.dep. cha: SRCLST_getValue: Now returns "imaging" in case that the sources list is "imaging" and "release" is asked. fix: imaging / CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now gets the partition information via FDISK_fdiskSessionParam. cha: PKG_translateClientjobsStatus: Now supports status "wait4acc". +++++ 2011-10-18 cha: m23createImageInstall.php: Now install "dialog". cha: m23 / postinst: Disabled creation of GPG key. patch 100517: Imaging enhancements and templates for Debian Squeeze and Ubuntu Lucid added. cha: m23createImageInstall.php: Changed array keys to constant strings. cha: MSR_clientSettings: A valid family name is generated, even if the name has only one word. new: Added templates for Debian Squeeze and Ubuntu Lucid. cha: template2confpage.sh: Now uses bash as interpreter. fix: template2confpage.sh: Since "default" seems to be a keyword in awk now, the variable is called "default2" now. +++++ 2011-10-17 cha: MSR_genericSendCommand: Now has optional parameter to pass extra parameters to wget. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes sure that there is no user test. patch 100516: Language enhancements. new: I18N_convertToHumanReadableName: Converts a short language into a human readable name. cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now shows the client language too. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now loads /etc/default/locale, if present. cha: version.php: Switched to 11.4. patch 100515: Fixes for imaging, GPG and VirtualBox. fix: work.php: Now includes vm.php to re-enable imaging. cha: client_status.hlp: Now includes statusColors.inc. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now has another method to compile the kernel module on newer VirtualBox OSE versions. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes old GPG line and localhost alias from sudoers. +++++ 2011-10-16 patch 100531: Enabling assimilisation for Ubuntu 11.10. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now deactivates the checking of SSL certificates by wget, when Ubuntu 11.10 is found. +++++ 2011-10-15 patch 100514: Client assimilation enhancement. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now handles the language too. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now gets the client language. +++++ 2011-10-14 cha: SERVERBACKUP_showConfigurationDialog: Added checking for selected GPG key. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / startBaseInstallation: More keyboard configuration. +++++ 2011-10-13 cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now sends user and group ID as seperate values. cha: MSR_clientSettings: New code for setting user and group ID. patch 100513: DMI enhancements. cha: CLIENT_showHardwareInfo: Now uses DMI_getAllTextBox. new: DMI_getAllTextBox: Get all DMI info in a text box. cha: DMI_getBios: Now decodes the features block. cha: DMI_getSlot: Now shows features. cha: DMI_getCache: Changed, to get the cache level. cha: DMI_getBios: Changed, to get the BIOS rom size. cha: HWINFO_getCPU: Now shows the correct amount of CPUs, even if the system was booted from a non-SMP kernel. cha: DMI_getBios: Changed, so dmi information can be read on dmi 2.9. cha: DMI_getBoard: Now gets the manufacturer on dmi 2.9. cha: DMI_getParam: Now works with dmi 2.9 too. cha: createRFSBins: Removed explicitly adding of ld-2.3.6.so. cha: createRFScopyLib: Now prints extra error information in case of errors. +++++ 2011-10-11 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now uses bash as shell. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh / waitForFreeLock: Now waits 10 seconds, if lsof cannot be found. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now installs "lsof". fix: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Corrected entry for French. +++++ 2011-10-09 patch 100512: Client bootimage (amd64) now includes libresolv.so.2. cha: client bootimage (amd64): Re-build with libresolv.so.2 included. patch 100511: Added Trinity Desktop Environment support. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now deletes /var/log/exim4/paniclog. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes libresolv.so.2 explicitly on amd64. cha: CLIENT_showJobs, CLIENT_listPackages, PKG_listSelectedpackages, PKG_listPackages: Now colors the lines in blue and gray alternating to improve readability. cha: m23-ksplash / control /postinst: Now works with Trinity too. new: TRINITY_installLoginManager: Installs the Trinity login manager KDM. cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now has an extra patameter for Trinity. cha: sourceslist / squeeze: Added sources for Trinity and added the Trinity desktop. +++++ 2011-10-08 cha: client_partition.php: Now resets the client name too, if clearSession is set. cha: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Now has extra parameter to delete the name of the client too. cha: m23 / postinst: Now copies (and maybe creates) the SSH key to /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys/authorized_keys, if it does not exist before. cha: m23: Now excludes authorized_keys. cha: updateDB: Now includes the emptying routines for the i18n tables. cha: m23 / postinst: Now calls updateDB on every run. new: m23 / postinst / updateDB: Updates the MySQL DB from m23.sql.bz2. patch 100508: Many improvements for Debian Squeeze. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports squeeze too. cha: m23XFceInstall.php: Debian and Ubuntu are using the same file now. cha: menuDeb: Entries are labeled more precisely. cha: m23-skel: Now gstreamer is the default phonon backend. cha: KDE_install: Now tries to install phonon-backend-gstreamer on KDE 4. +++++ 2011-10-07 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now tries to install virtualbox-ose-guest-dkms too. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now gets the timezone too. fix: m23 / postinst: Now gpg execution via sudo as grdmgpg should work now. fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / mountInstMedium: Now uses a fixed (and hopefully complete) list of possible devices to find the drive containing the m23 server installation CD (Thx Stephan, Bernd). +++++ 2011-10-06 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / startBaseInstallation: Now sets the language via keyboard-configuration too. cha: CLCFG_language: Now sets language via keyboard-configuration too. cha: CLCFG_interfaces: Now deletes the "/etc/udev/rules.d/*persistent-net.rules". cha: m23hwdetect/loadFoundModules: Now doesn't show newlines after the found modules. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Fixed escaping. cha: MSR_importPackageStatus: Now urldecodes package version texts too. +++++ 2011-10-04 cha: configXOrgBasicConfig: Now stores mouse and video driver in the config files. cha: printconf: Now checks if the tool printconf is present and exists if not. fix: m23-xorg-configurator: Now works, if hardware info files are missing. fix: activateNet: Now activates network cards only, if not they were not active before. +++++ 2011-10-03 cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now sets fore and family name in all cases. patch 100507: Fixes for assimilation. fix: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Correcting username detection and IP given by network-manager. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now installs finger and debconf-utils too. +++++ 2011-10-01 cha: m23-initscripts: Added symlink to m23hwdetect. cha: CLCFG_writeCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Now uses a short version for the "every 5 minutes" setting in crontab. cha: m23hwdetect, hwcheck: Added dependency information in the LSB header. cha: m23hwdetect: Added LSB header. cha: m23hwdetect: Now uses /bin/bash. +++++ 2011-09-30 patch 100506: Improvements for client assimilsation. Some changes for Debian Squeeze. cha: m23AssimilateInstall.php: Now calls MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand and MSR_statusFileCommand to get a proper package installtion status. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now uses HELPER_netmaskCalculator. new: HELPER_netmaskCalculator: Converts a short netmask (e.g. 24 for into the decimal notation. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now gets network settings form Network Manager too. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now detects LinuxMint as Ubuntu. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now splits the combined name of the main user into fore and family name. cha: m23/postinst: Now configures Squid that it caches *.tar.7z too. +++++ 2011-09-29 cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now tries to get fore and family name of the main user. +++++ 2011-09-27 cha: CLCFG_language: Now converts the entries of the m23 generated locale.gen to the new format on Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-09-26 fix: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Corrected missing newlines in locale settings. +++++ 2011-09-21 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now has a BASH function that calculates the amount of OS entries in the different grub configuration files. +++++ 2011-09-20 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now uses --force on grub installation. cha: PKG_getKernels: Now uses the search terms "linux image" and "kernel image" to find the Linux kernels. new: CIR_WorkaroundForMissingModulesDep: Workaround for missing modules.dep to disable the repeated showing of the "FATAL" error. cha: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CIR_WorkaroundForMissingModulesDep. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now should be working with the grub of Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-09-12 patch 100505: m23 user manual updated. cha: de / en / fr: User manual updated. fix: makePDF-HTML.sh: Fixed access rights of /m23/doc/manual/. cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Now uses PKG_translateClientjobsStatus. +++++ 2011-09-11 patch 100504: Debootstrap cache enhancement. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now checks if a local cache file is present in /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys/. patch 100503: Patches for OpenSuse 11.4. cha: HS-opensuse11.4: Disabled LXDE in the sources list. fix: OS11.4: netSetIPNetmask: Now sets the IP and netmask statically. cha: HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus: Now doesn't complain if HSCommandExecutionStatus.code doen't exist. cha: F14 / OS11.4: startLog: Now removes the pipe before creating. +++++ 2011-09-08 patch 100502: Fix for BackupPC. fix: m23 / postinst: Another change of access rights for index.cgi. cha: update.php: Now uses MSG_showInfo when an update is running (in the other case). patch 100501: Fixes for BackupPC and improved server restore. cha: m23Restore: Now checks for the backup archives before starting the restore. fix: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Fixed command for filtering out dot directories. patch 100500: Fixes for BackupPC. cha: packageBuilder.hlp, client_backup.hlp: Adjusted improved help texts. fix: m23 / postinst: Changes access rights for index.cgi. cha: m23 / postinst: Shortening of the sed commands. +++++ 2011-09-07 patch 100499: Fixes for package selections and package search. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses SERVER_runInBackground instead of exec. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now removed lock and script file after execution. fix: UPDATE_getInfo: Now shows every entry only once. cha: update.php: Now uses MSG_showInfo when an update is running. patch 100498: Fixes for BackupPC. fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Now the transfer method is not added on every update of the backup config file. fix: BACKUP_showClientSettings, BACKUP_getBackupDirs, BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Now converts the client name to lower, because BackupPC needs lower case client names for the backup config files. +++++ 2011-09-06 patch 100497: Fixes for package selections. cha: PKG_getClientjobsStatus: Now uses PKG_translateClientjobsStatus. new: PKG_translateClientjobsStatus: Translates the clientjobs status from the DB into a human readable form. cha: PKG_addNormalJob: Now has priority for normal installation jobs hardcoded. cha: PKG_getPackageStatus: Is now PKG_getClientjobsStatus. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupConfiguration: Now uses SERVER_fileExists. fix: BACKUP_getBackupDirs: Now doesn't convert the client name to lower case (faulty). new: SERVER_fileExists: Checks if a file exits, that the Apache user has never access to. fix: m23 / postinst: Fixed access rights to make BackupPC usable by the apache user (and not only by user backuppc). +++++ 2011-09-05 patch 100496: French translation finished. cha: fr/ m23base.php, capture.hlp: French translation finished. patch 100495: Enhancements for the server backup, improved integration of Ubuntu clients and VirtualBox addon downloads. cha: capture.php: Added warning to not click the icons. fix: VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Now lists VirtualBox addons with two or more digits in the last part of the version number. cha: excludem23deb: Now excludes /m23/log/ too. cha: UPDATE_getInfo: Now shows a message if no updates are available. cha: installI18N.en/de: Texts updated. fix: postMessage.php: Now includes edit.php (needed for assimilating some Ubuntu clients). cha: messageReceive.php: Now all array constants are excaped. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Now the list is completely empty if no backups are existing. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Now creates the backup directory if it does not exist. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupConfiguration: Now creates serverBackup.conf if it doesn not exist. patch 100494: Enhancements and fixes for "Daemons and Programs". cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: Now uses SERVER_LDAPInfo too. new: SERVER_LDAPInfo: Returnes an information string for the LDAP server. cha: * / daemonsAndPrograms.hlp: Commented out the part about helper tools. fix: SERVER_apacheInfo: Now reports the Apache version. cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: Now works with the new daemons. cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: Disabled installation of addons because they are dependencies of the package m23. cha: m23/postinst: Now clears all values from table i18n in the DB m23captured too. patch 100493: Smal fixes for the server status page and m23captured. cha: head.php: The menu in the header is now more scalable. fix: SERVER_checkRunInVM: Now works with new VirtualBox version too. fix: serverStatus.php: Changed the IP for the internet connection check to make it working again. cha: I18N_addLanguage: Now adds the languages in the database m23captured too. cha: DB: Added table "i18n" to database m23captured. +++++ 2011-09-02 patch 100492: Fix for openSUSE LDAP and restarting the graphical login manager disabled. fix: OS11.4 / netEnableLDAP: Now calls resetRet, because some LDAP packages may be installed already what leads to an error. +++++ 2011-08-31 fix: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Disabled restarting the graphical login manager. +++++ 2011-08-28 patch 100491: More LDAP patches and upload enhancements. cha: menuDeb / directuplinst: Now calls m23UpdateInstFromm23Testing. cha: m23UpdateInstFromm23Testing: Now merges files of m23testing before uploading from localhost. cha: F14 / netEnableLDAP: Should be working now. cha: OS11.4 / F14 / netSetLDAPServer: Is netEnableLDAP now. cha: HS / clientInstall.php: Now calls HS_netEnableLDAP. +++++ 2011-08-26 patch 100490: LDAP and package signing fixes/enhancements. new: F14 / netSetLDAPServer: First attempt to enable LDAP on Fedora 14. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now restarts the graphical login manager. cha: OS11.4 / netSetLDAPServer: Should work now. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now installs the package "gnupg" instead of "gpg". +++++ 2011-08-21 patch 100489: m23 server installation improvements. cha: m23install.sh: Now sets LC_ALL and LANG with lang_LANG. cha: m23install.sh: Now loads the key file only if it exists. patch 100608: opensuse Gnome desktop enhancement. cha: OS11.4 / sysImportConfDB: Now resets the log at the end. patch 100487: Client recovery improvements. fix: PKG_getClientPackages: Now reports every package only once. cha: recover_client.php: Now calls PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage. +++++ 2011-08-20 patch 100486: Database structure fixes. cha: m23 / postinst: Now increases the size of language in the table clients. fix: m23 / postinst: Corrected integer versions to get checked by updateSQLIfOlder for updates. +++++ 2011-08-19 patch 100485: opensuse keyboard enhancements. cha: OS11.4: sysSetLanguage: Now has a table with the keyboard layout names of yast2. cha: OS11.4: sysSetLanguage: Now uses a trick to set the keyboard language. +++++ 2011-08-14 patch 100484: Language setting improved for Debian/Ubuntu and package status import now working for a big amount of packages. cha: MSR_importPackageStatus: Now urldecodes package names. cha: MSR_importPackageStatus: Now calls HELPER_importAllIntoPOST. new: HELPER_importAllIntoPOST: Imports all values into the $_POST array in case that there are too much array keys for the normal processing. fix: CLCFG_language: Now console-setup should be configured correctly. patch 100483: Language fixes and printer installation for HS / Fedora 14. fix: CLCFG_language: Now console-setup is installed before the file with the available languages is read. fix: imaging.php: Fixed naming of the constants. cha: HS / m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now calls HS_sysInstallPrinter before HS_sysConfigurePrinter. new: HS_sysInstallPrinter: Installs the printer software. +++++ 2011-08-13 patch 100482: Language fixes and halfSister updates. cha: HS / m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now calls HS_sysConfigurePrinter. new: HS_sysConfigurePrinter: Detects and installs printer(s). fix: HS/m23LXDEInstall.php: Removed call to non existing function CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. fix: KDE_installLoginManager: Now sets the keyboard layout correctly in KDE 4. +++++ 2011-08-12 patch 100481: Added opensuse 11.4 sources list. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports HS-opensuse11.4 too. patch 100480: More openSUSE fixes. +++++ 2011-08-10 cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Added workaround for setting the keyboard layout without yast2. +++++ 2011-08-08 new: OS11.4 / netSetLDAPServer: Enables LDAP login for a client. +++++ 2011-08-07 patch 100479: Added missing log file. fix: KDE_install: Added missing log file. patch 100478: openSUSE package cache corrections. fix: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Corrected condition for updating the cache. cha: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Removed hashing (may corrupt the package cache file). patch 100477: Language fixes. fix: CLCFG_language: Corrected syntax error. fix: KDE_install: Now sends the log file on errors. patch 100476: Language enhancements/fix. cha: KDE_install: Removed checking code that may halt on non-critical language pack installation error. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now has more logic to calculate the correct language settings. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now sets the layout in the XOrg config file (if it exists). patch 100475: Language enhancements/fix. cha: CLCFG_language: Now configures console-setup (seems to be needed by Ubuntu to configure the gmd correctly). fix: KDE_install: Corrected faulty line break. +++++ 2011-08-06 patch 100474: Keyboard layout setting for gdm. cha: GNOME_installLoginManager: Another attempt to pre-select the keyboard layout. patch 100473: More halfSister and openSUSE fixes. fix: HS / clientInstall.php: Now the client name and the file system of the root partition is correct. fix: HS_sysMakeBootable: Removed extra parameter. cha: OS11.4 / pkgInstall: Now sets the error code of zypper to 0, if 4 is given, because "4" means "nothing to do" and this should not be marked as error. new: OS11.4 / m23HSAdmin: Now uses the m23 proxy for downloading packages. +++++ 2011-08-05 patch 100472: NFS mount patch. fix: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Now exists if no NSF server is given. patch 100471: Language enhancements. cha: pkgInstallKDE: Now installs the language packages. cha: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now calls GNOME_install. patch 100470: Language enhancements. cha: m23*ubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23MintKDEInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_installApplicationLanguagePackages. new: CLCFG_installApplicationLanguagePackages: Installs some additional language packages for installed applications with seperate language packs. fix: CLCFG_disableNFSHome: Now disables NFS only if it was mounted before. fix: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Fixed Danish keyboard. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Increased disk size and ram size. +++++ 2011-08-04 patch 100469: New openSuSE patches. fix: OS11.4/hookBeginAfterChroot: Fixed wait4go. cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Now calls CLIENT_recalculateStatusBar when changes are accepted. cha: HS_setSourcesList: Now doesn't add empty lines before and after the sources list. fix: OS11.4/pkgSetSourcesList: Now makes sure that the package sources list doesn't contain carriage returns. patch 100468: Visual enhancements and home on NFS can now be disabled. +++++ 2011-08-02 cha: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Now calls CLCFG_disableNFSHome, if the NFS address is empty. new: CLCFG_disableNFSHome: Disables storing of home directories on a NFS server. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Improved readability. +++++ 2011-08-01 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now shows an error message if no valid disk size is entered. cha: index.css: Table rows are now highlighted when the mouse is over. cha: index.css: Disabled showing of scroll bars in Google Chrome (and maybe other webkit based browser). +++++ 2011-07-31 patch 100467: Mass install corrections. fix: MASS_startInstall: The client group is now assigned correctly. +++++ 2011-07-30 cha: massInstall.php: Now doesn't show the help box after saving the last step. patch 100466: NFS fixes. cha: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Re-written to work on Ubuntu and doesn't use the automounter any more. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now adds the LDAP account after all input errors have been solved. +++++ 2011-07-29 cha: m23*ubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now shows the status message via CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now uses I18N_getLangVars and $lV[packagelang]. patch 100465: LDAP fixes. fix: CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now the re-installation is non-interactive. fix: LDAP_addPosix: The password is now hashed correctly. fix: activateNet: Now uses /sbin/ifconfig instead of /bin/ifconfig (what only exists in the network bootimage). cha: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Now all languages are using utf8 (if possible). +++++ 2011-07-28 patch 100464: LDAP fix. new: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu, CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now two functions with different names are uses. patch 100463: LDAP patches and two LDAP implementations for Debian and Ubuntu. new: CLCFG_patchNsswitchForLDAP: Patches /etc/nsswitch.conf for usage with LDAP. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Now two seperate functions for Ubuntu and Debian are existing. cha: CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now re-installs upstart. cha: addBaseScanner: Now stores the IDs of the modules in a directory containing the kernel version. cha: m23 / postinst: Now shows no errors when an existing directory is created again. patch 100462: Installation fixes. fix: debian / ubuntu / clienInstall.php: Now has no (false) fallback to forename if the login is empty (or set). patch 100461: LDAP rewritten. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Rewritten. cha: EDIT_uncomment, EDIT_commentout, EDIT_insertLineNumber, EDIT_replace, EDIT_deleteLines, EDIT_deleteLinesAmount, EDIT_deleteMatching: Changed the name of the temporary edit file. +++++ 2011-07-27 cha: LDAP_getNextID: Now makes sure that at least one ID is present in the DB and returns ID beginning from 1001. +++++ 2011-07-25 patch 100460: LDAP management fixed. fix: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Now shows an error, if another LDAP server with the same name should be added. cha: PREF_preferenceLoadManagerHandler: Now shows a message when storing the preference. +++++ 2011-07-24 patch 100458: Fixes for virtualisation. Smal improvements. fix: VM_webAction: Now runs headless sessions in screen. fix: VM_parseVBOXstate: Corrected explode string. cha: FDISK_swapFilesystems: Added another swap file system signature. cha: SRCLST_showAlternativeArchitectureSelection: Now returns the wanted architecture, if the architecture or the sources list name parameter is empty. +++++ 2011-07-23 cha: CLIENT_startInstall, CLIENT_resetAndInstall: Now calls CLIENT_recalculateStatusBar. new: CLIENT_recalculateStatusBar: Recalculates the percent points for the pending jobs on a client. new: SRCLST_showAlternativeArchitectureSelection: Shows a list with available CPU architectures of the sources list, in case that the wanted architecture is not available in the sources list. The alternative architecture will be written to the arch option of the client. new: getArchList: Returns an associative array with the supported CPU architectures as key and value. cha: SRCLST_showEditor, CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses getArchList. +++++ 2011-07-21 patch 100456: Many client languages added and architecture selection added to the sources list editor. cha: client_distr.php: Now checks if the architecture of the client is supported by the sources list and sets the client's architecture to i386 if not. new: SRCLST_isArchAvailable: Checks if a given architecture is supported by the sources list. new: SRCLST_saveArchitectures: Saves the architectures for package source list. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now shows check boxes for the CPU architecture of the sources list. cha: SRCLST_showArchsSel, SRCLST_getArchsList: Removed- cha: SRCLST_checkList: Now checks, if the test can be performed (on HS currently not possible). cha: HTML_checkBox, HTML_multiSelection: Now has an extra option to force the setting of the check box to the state of $defaultCheck. new: SRCLST_getArchitectures: Returnes a list of all CPU architectures supported by the sources list. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Enlarged edit box. cha: F14 / pkgInstallKDE: Many languages added. +++++ 2011-07-20 cha: F14 / sysSetLanguage: Many languages added. cha: OS11.4, F14 / pkgInstallKDE: Now uses a table to store the language packages. new: OS11.4, F14 / sysGetm23Language: Shows the m23 language as two/five-character code. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now stores language information in /etc/sysconfig/i18n. fix: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Now the client name is preserved. +++++ 2011-07-18 patch 100455: Fixes for client assimisation. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Commented out debug code. fix: SRCLST_saveList: Now makes sure that sources lists with special characters are stored correctly. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: New code for dectecting the kernel package. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now detects installation and swap partitions that are UUIDs. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Added dash as supported shell. cha: * / welcome.hlp: Fixed link positions and head position. cha: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now works. patch 100454: Offline package search in Fedora 14, m23 server installation fixes and new m23 questionnaire added. new: HTML_getQuestionnaireURL: Returns the complete URL to the m23 questionnaire in the language of the webinterface. new: HTML_questionnaire: Shows the questionnairem window. fix: SRCLST_showEditor: Now sources lists can be deleted again and the name of the sources list to delete is shown correctly. +++++ 2011-07-15 cha: HS/PKG_listPackages: Search key is now case insensitive. new: HS_getPackageCacheName: Returns the complete name (including path) of the package cache. cha: HS_pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now pipes the contents of the sources list into pkgUpdateCacheOnServer. fix: F14/pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now removes control sequences from the URL. cha: F14/pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now reads the contents of the package source from stdin. +++++ 2011-07-14 new: HS_getm23HSAdminPath: Calculates the complete local path (including the file name) to m23HSAdmin for a choosen distribution release. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / chrootSystem: Now makes sure all device nodes are present in the chrooted environment. +++++ 2011-07-12 fix: HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscanner: Corrected variable naming ($distr should be $release). +++++ 2011-07-11 fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / configureMySQLmycnf: Fixed missing user/password. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / mountInstMedium: Now makes sure that the (maybe) needed /dev/hda ... /dev/hdd are existing. fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / normalPartition: Added missing "/dev/". +++++ 2011-07-10 cha: quickBuild.sh, mkm23Debs: Now copies the m23-vbox package to the client package directory. cha: killCurrentVNCSession.sh: Now uses zenity on systems where Xdialog is not available. patch 100450: Changes for the server installation CD. fix: exportDBInitTable: Now uses '[:blank:]'. cha: configureMySQLmycnf: Now truncs all tables by a table list read from the DB. new: m23InstallerBase.inc / createInitrd: Creates the initrds for all installed kernel. new: m23InstallerBase.inc / installGrub: Now uses the grub bootmanager as default. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / configureNetwork: Now configures eth0 only. cha: mkm23Debs: Added m23-vbox. cha: normalPartition: Now makes a gap of 2 MB before the root partition (for grub2). +++++ 2011-07-09 new: checkFstabAndMount: Checks the fstab for needed entries and adds them, if missing. Then mounts the devices patch 100446: BASH is now default interpreter. cha: Making BASH the shell of all scripts because DASH doesn't interpret all scripts correctly. patch 100445: Package fixes (some for Lenny), updates for new BASH. cha: m23Deb.inc, menuFunctions.inc, busyBoxFunctions.inc, kernelFunctions.inc: Removed "function" keyword and added missing "()". +++++ 2011-07-01 fix: m23-ldap/postinst: Now executes the LDAP caching optimisations only on Squeeze and newer (on Lenny they fail). cha: m23/postinst: Now check if the oldversion is set (in case of first time installation it is not). patch 100443: Table creation support for i18n. cha: version.php: Switched to 11.3. cha: m23/postinst: Now makes sure the i18n table is always empty. cha: m23/postinst: Code simplification for table changes. +++++ 2011-06-30 patch 100442: Many new client languages added. cha: */m23base.php: Translations added. cha: GNOME_install, KDE_install: Now uses I18N_getLangVars. cha: *: Now all m23inst.php includes are using I18N_m23instLanguage. new: I18N_m23instLanguage: Checks if a m23inst.php exists for the given language and returns "en" if not. cha: I18N_listClientLanguages: Now uses the new i18n functions. new: I18N_addClientLanguageToCache: Adds a new client language to the i18n DB cache. patch 100441: Changes to the i18n support of m23 and bootmedia updates. new: writeNewestChangelogToPatchInfo: Writes the newest patch info from the changelog to the patch.info file. cha: menuDeb: Now uses writeNewestChangelogToPatchInfo to prepare the patch.info before editing by hand. +++++ 2011-06-27 cha: createRFSBins: Added libudev.so.0 (needed by parted). cha: createRFScopyLib: Now shows error about missing library only when it is really needed. cha: Kernel configuration: Changed ramdisk size to 70000Kb. new: I18N_addLanguage: Adds a new language to the i18n table. new: I18N_countCachedLanguages: Counts the cached languages for a type. new: I18N_getAllCachedLanguages: Returns an associative array with the shortnames of the language as keys and the longnames as value. new: I18N_cacheWebinterfaceLanguages: Caches the language information from the language.info files to the DB. cha: I18N_listWebinterfaceLanguages: Now uses I18N_cacheWebinterfaceLanguages, I18N_getAllCachedLanguages and HTML_selection. cha: I18N_getLongLanguage: Removed. new: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Caches the client languages in the DB. +++++ 2011-06-26 new: I18N_listClientLanguages: Lists all languages, the m23 clients can be installed with. cha: createRFSBins: Removed LVM tools. cha: createRFSBinLinks: LVM tools are no symlinks anymore. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now uses Debian Squeeze packages too. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Package list adjusted to Debian Squeeze's packages. +++++ 2011-06-22 cha: I18N_getLangVars: Added "'" to the array keys. cha: I18N_listLanguages: Becomes I18N_listWebinterfaceLanguages and lists all languages, the m23 webinterface is available in, as option lines +++++ 2011-06-21 patch 100439: Smal fixes, soime for Debian Squeeze. cha: incPatchLevelInVersionPhp: Now adds the patch number to the changelog. cha: BURN_getDevice: Now uses explode. cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now english is the default language. +++++ 2011-06-20 fix: m23/postinst: Creates the dhcpd.conf if missing. fix: SF-hg-backup: Now merge is done at the right position. cha: SF-hg-backup: Now copies back changes to the m23 directory. +++++ 2011-06-07 fix: m23/postinst: Changed "[:blank:]" to "'[:blank:]'". cha: SF-hg-backup: Now pulls changes from HG too and performs a merge. +++++ 2011-06-05 patch 100609: Even more Squeeze improvements. cha: mkCert.sh: Many changes to make the certificates compatible with wget. cha: getApacheUser, getApacheGroup: Now don't complain, if httpd.conf doesn't exist. +++++ 2011-06-04 cha: mkCert.sh: Added extra parameters to the CA template. +++++ 2011-06-02 cha: m23/postinst: Now dhcpd.conf doesn't destroyed when upgrading on Debian Squeeze. cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now restarts the tftpd-hpa when installing on Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-05-22 cha: m23/postinst: Generation of the GPG key is now cha: m23-ldap/postinst: Now works under Debian Squeeze too. +++++ 2011-05-21 patch 100612: Some changes for installing m23 on Squeeze. cha: mkCert.sh: Rewritten with the help of certtool. cha: m23/control: Exchanged mkisofs with genisofs and cdrecord by wodim. cha: m23/postinst configDHCP: Now has support for Debian Squeeze. cha: m23-tftp/postinst configureTFTP: Now has support for Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-05-18 patch: Improved Linux Mint 9 installation speed by using a mirror. cha: SRCLST_genList: Add the Debian/Ubuntu extraDebs repository only, if it is not a halfSister distribution (Thx Arno) cha: Linux Mint 9: Changed pool to a mirror. patch 101017: Improved Linux Mint 9 installation speed by using a mirror. +++++ 2011-05-17 patch: Fixed package installation on clients. cha: install_packages.php: Now groups are listed in the title seperated with commata. fix: install_packages.php: Now works with normal clients again. patch 101018: Fixed package installation on clients. +++++ 2011-05-16 patch: Corrects the choosing of groups for assigning actions to them. fix: install_packages.php: Now uses the correct post variables to get the groups. patch 101019: Corrects the choosing of groups for assigning actions to them. +++++ 2011-05-07 patch: Zarafa installation add-ons. cha: m23ZarafaInstall.php: Public folder and admin account are now created. cha: m23ZarafaInstall.php: spam_header_name and spam_header_value are now cha: m23ZarafaInstall.php: The username of the MySQL user is now a random user name. new: HELPER_randomUsername: Generates a random username with a given length. patch 101020: Zarafa installation add-ons. +++++ 2011-05-03 new: menuDeb, m23UpdateInstFromm23Testing: Added update optimiser. +++++ 2011-05-02 patch: Smal fix against warning when choosing the distribution. new: m23Search: Searches the php files in /m23/inc and /m23/data+scripts for search terms. fix: client_distr.php: Added missing parameter PKG_addPackageSelection. patch: Server installation fixes. fix: m23 package: Now inccludes /m23/etc/.htpasswd.orig again. fix: updateSystem: Now doesn't exit the installer if the user doen't want to update the system. patch: Now priorities of special packages are given out correctly. patch 101021: Smal fix against warning when choosing the distribution. patch 101022: Server installation fixes. patch 101023: Now priorities of special packages are given out correctly. +++++ 2011-05-01 cha: PKG_addNormalJob, PKG_addSpecialPackages: Now have the distribution as extra parameter. +++++ 2011-04-30 cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages, PKG_addPackageSelection, PKG_addSpecialPackagesToWait4Aac: Now have the distribution as extra parameter. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now searching for special packages with search term works. +++++ 2011-04-29 patch: New 64 bit bootimages. fix: install_packages.php: Now the client ip is stored cha: HTML_esel: Now writes the the url of the iframe only if it the dog-ear is opened. cha: Updated 64 bit bootimages. patch 101024: New 64 bit bootimages. +++++ 2011-04-28 patch: Some more hardware detection addons (some for VMWare). new: m23hwscanner: Added base hardware scanner that used the hardware IDs that are stored in the modules. fix: CIR_enableDropbear: Now works with new m23hwdetect. patch: Some more hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). cha: Added more kernel modules. patch: Hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). cha: php_urlencode: Now uses the binary awk instead of BusyBox's version. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now makes sure sshd_config exists to remove complaining. patch 101025: Some more hardware detection addons (some for VMWare). patch 101026: Some more hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). patch 101027: Hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). +++++ 2011-04-27 cha: m23hwdetect/startUdev: Commented out udev calling execution. fix: createRFSDevs: Now includes path to the device node file. cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now doesn't overwrite existing files any more. cha: downloadExtractRFS, m23hwdetect: Removed udev. +++++ 2011-04-25 patch: Translations completed. cha: i18n/de/en/fr: Completed. patch: Fixes for updating from m23 11.1 to 11.2. cha: m23/postinst: Now makes sure that the password file for phpMyAdmin and phpLDAPAdmin exists. new: updateSQLIfOlder: Updates SQL information or executes SQL statements, if the current version of this packages is older than a given version. fix: client/server bootimages fstab: Corrected path to /dev/pts. patch: Zarafa installation fixes. cha: installZarafa: Now configures Apache with SSL if the SSL certificates are generated by m23. fix: m23ZarafaInstall.php: Now does "apt-get update" before the installation. patch 101028: Translations completed. patch 101029: Fixes for updating from m23 11.1 to 11.2. patch 101030: Zarafa installation fixes. +++++ 2011-04-23 patch: SSL fixes for Zarafa. cha: HELPER_createSelfSignedCAAndServerCertificate: Now exports an unecrypted variant of the server key. cha: configGateway: Sets ssl_certificate_file to empty. new: m23ZarafaInstall.php, m23ZarafaOptionPage.php: Extra script for installing a Zarafa server. release m23 rock 11.2 patch: Several adjustments for custom scripts. cha: checks.php: Clientname length is increased to 64 characters and allowes many more characters. cha: checkFQDN: Checks if a string contains only characters that are allowed in a FQDN. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now uses checkFQDN for checking the validity of the client name. patch 101031: SSL fixes for Zarafa. patch 101032: Several adjustments for custom scripts. +++++ 2011-04-22 cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Improved readability. +++++ 2011-04-21 cha: PKG_OptionPageHeader: Now store default values that are read from the package parameters to $layout['allvalues']. cha: PKG_OptionPageRender: Now reads default values from $layout['allvalues']. new: HELPER_createSelfSignedCAAndServerCertificate: Creates a selfsigned CA and a server certificate. +++++ 2011-04-20 fix: PKG_OptionPageRender: Now shows title of "selections". cha: PKG_OptionPageRender: Now has new renderble element "title". fix: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Now shows optionPages for special packages too. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Added missing distribution. +++++ 2011-04-18 cha: m23hwdetect: Exit on Ubuntu at once. cha: rescue_client.php: Now shows recues boot deactivation text, if deactivate is 1. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now doesn't complain about missing files during diff. fix: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Adds extra lines to allow SSH and local access to Ubuntu. +++++ 2011-04-17 new: checkForUsleep: Makes sure that there is an executable usleep. cha: addPartition: Now is more robust detecting the swap partition. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adjusts the root device in menu.lst. cha: loadFoundModules: Now the loading status is updated in the current line. cha: m23hwdetect: Now uses udev too. new: clientISO: Now includes udev. cha: clientISO/fstab: Adding devpts. fix: client_infoPage.php: Now remembers the client ID. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added udev. cha: package source lucid: Extended by "Textmode", lucid-updates and lucid-security. +++++ 2011-04-16 patch: Smaler fixes and extra security for m23@web. cha: m23 package: Now excludes /m23/etc/.htpasswd and /m23/etc/.phpMyLDAPAdminHtpasswd. new: m23/postinst: Now makes sure there is a .phpMyLDAPAdminHtpasswd to secure phpMyAdmin and phpLDAPAdmin. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now marks the empty space in the partition table, if there are no partitions at all too. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Fixed split to explode parameter conversation bug. fix: SCREDIT_showEditor: Now shows correct error message, if the script could not be written. fix: add_client.php: Now works with m23@web installed but not used again. patch 101033: Smaler fixes and extra security for m23@web. +++++ 2011-04-15 patch: m23@web fixes. fix: add_client.php: Now works without m23@web again. patch 101034: m23@web fixes. +++++ 2011-04-13 fix: statusBar.php, HTML_showStatusBar: Now works with m23@web too. +++++ 2011-04-10 patch: Patches for m23@web and pPXE added. new: MDK: Now uncludes gPXE build environment. fix: add_client.php: Now enables m23@web after clearing the session. fix: PKG_getAptArchOptions: Now works even if the m23 server is 64 bit and the client 32 bit. patch 101035: Patches for m23@web and pPXE added. +++++ 2011-04-08 patch: m23@web IP check fix and MAC address check. fix: CLIENT_addClient: No check for the IP if m23@web is active. new: checkMAC: Checks if a MAC address is valid. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now uses checkMAC. patch 101036: m23@web IP check fix and MAC address check. +++++ 2011-04-04 patch: Many hardware detection improvements. Some for Mac. cha: getDrives: Now filters out read-only filesystems (CD/DVD drives). new: downloadExtractRFS: Now converts the pci.ids database to the hwinfo DB format. fix: getPartType, getPartFS: Corrected position of value in the param string. fix: getDrives: Now only lists only real devices. cha: getDrives, getDriveInfo, getAllPartInfo: Now "types" "No" to avoid asking parted for user interaction if detecting strange partitions. cha: m23hwdetect: Now uses functions. cha: m23hwdetect: Adds all network modules, if no eth devices could be activated. patch 101037: Many hardware detection improvements. Some for Mac. +++++ 2011-04-03 cha: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Adjusted for changed layout of is.gd. +++++ 2011-03-30 patch: DB fix and networking for Mac. cha: Boot kernel incudes sky2 module statically. fix: m23/postinst: Increased the size of the field "normalPackage" in the table "clientjobs". (Thx AR) patch 101038: DB fix and networking for Mac. +++++ 2011-03-29 patch: New Linux kernel to cha: Updating boot kernel to and incuding Marvell network module statically. patch 101039: New Linux kernel to +++++ 2011-03-25 patch: More network modules in network boot kernel (Testing). cha: Activating more network modules in network boot kernel. patch 101040: More network modules in network boot kernel (Testing). +++++ 2011-03-21 fix: PKG_acceptJobs: Now show the message if additional packages were added. +++++ 2011-03-18 patch: Smal corrections for halfSister. cha: F14/sysMakeBootable: Now uses --force at grub2-install. fix: HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus: Corrected order of error message sending and calling wait4go. patch 101041: Smal corrections for halfSister. +++++ 2011-03-15 patch: Several fixes for the mass installation and improved halfSister support with lots of status messages. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes mkfifo. cha: createRFSBins: cp is now called with --force. patch 101042: Several fixes for the mass installation and improved halfSister support with lots of status messages. +++++ 2011-03-14 new: mdoc-HS.awk, mdoc-HS.sh: Producing LaTeX code for the documentation from the m23HSAdmin API used by Fedora 14. cha: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: Now adjusts the MBR installation place too. cha: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Now leaves a gap of 2 MB after every created partition new: F14/startLog: Starts logging stdout and stderr to /tmp/HSCommandExecutionStatus.message. new: F14/stopLog: Stops logging stdout and stderr to /tmp/HSCommandExecutionStatus.message. +++++ 2011-03-13 cha: F14/hookBeginAfterChroot: Now creates wait4go. cha: F14/sysHWsetup: Now ensures that hal is installed. cha: HS_wrapper: Now calls HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus. cha: MSR_logCommand, MSR_genSendCommand: New parameter "show": If set to true, the output is shown directly, if set to false, it is returned. new: F14/intEnableXBoot: Enables the start of graphical sessions on booting. new: F14/resetRet: Resets the file that contains the accumulated return codes of the commands to execute. new: F14/saveRet: Saves the return code of the last called tool to /tmp/HSCommandExecutionStatus.code. new: HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus: Sends a status message for the finished HS job and if there were errors, the log file too. cha: HS_netConfig, HS_setPackageProxy, HS_setSourcesList: Now uses HS_wrapper. +++++ 2011-03-12 fix: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Fixed variable error. fix: FDISK_getDriveAndNr, FDISK_dev2LDevLPart, CLCFG_getMbrPart: Now used preg_split. fix: FDISK_delPart: Now included m23base.php only if called by the GUI. fix: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Added missing parameter. fix: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Fixed not always initalised variable. fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: Corrected camelCase variable error. cha: fdisk.php: Included all static associative array keys with '. cha: DHCP_restartDHCPserver: Now works with isc-dhcp-server too. +++++ 2011-03-11 patch: Fixing client definition. cha: concretised info message for (maybe) added jobs. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now stores the client name and id in the sessions to allow partitioning and formating of the virtual drive. patch: Smal fixes and new option "uploadtesting". fix: CRON_cronManagementDialog: Removed unneeded and (without m23shared installed) error producing code. new: menuDeb: Now has an extra option "uploadtesting" for uploading the m23 installation packages as testing. patch 101043: Fixing client definition. patch 101044: Smal fixes and new option "uploadtesting". +++++ 2011-03-10 cha: CLIENT_showDelDialog, HELPER_calcMBSize: Replaced "ereg_replace" with "preg_replace". +++++ 2011-03-07 cha: pkgInstallGnome, pkgInstallLXDE, pkgInstallXFce: Now removes package firstboot. cha: pkgInstallGnome: Now installs firefox and evolution. +++++ 2011-02-28 patch: Changed explode syntax in some files. patch: Smal changes to the fit the changes SF directories. Development guide and manuals updated. new: HTML_esel: Shows an dog-ear that can be opened to show "goos-habermann.de/m23ad". cha: HS_fetchAndExtractOSImage, CLCFG_debootstrap: Changed path to the new FRS directory. cha: Mercurial: Changed config file. cha: mdoc.sh: Now shows the file that is currently converted to LaTeX. cha: menuDevguide, menuManualStart, uploadClientPackagesToSF: Changed path to SF web directory. patch 101045: Changed explode syntax in some files. patch 101046: Smal changes to the fit the changes SF directories. Development guide and manuals updated. +++++ 2011-02-27 patch: Package source HS-Fedora14 fix. cha: Package source HS-Fedora14: Only enabling KDE and Textmode desktops. cha: mkm23Deb: Removed debug code. patch: Fix for accepting jobs. fix: PKG_acceptJobs: Now adds a normalInstall or normalRemove job only, if there are such waiting jobs. patch 101047: Package source HS-Fedora14 fix. patch 101048: Fix for accepting jobs. +++++ 2011-02-26 patch: Hardware detection improvements for the m23 server ISO. Now includes package source for halfSister Fedora 14. cha: m23hwdetect: Now gets additional information from hwinfo. cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Added bash needed by hwinfo. cha: createServerInstallISO: Removed old squid.conf replacement. cha: m23install.sh: Now executes /etc/init.d/m23hwdetect twice to make sure that all is detected. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports HS-Fedora14 too. cha: quickbuild.sh: Now includes m23Debs.inc from the current directory by adding "./" before m23Debs.inc. (Needed by Squeeze) cha: excludem23deb: Changed settings to match grep's new regular expression interpretation. patch 101049: Hardware detection improvements for the m23 server ISO. Now includes package source for halfSister Fedora 14. +++++ 2011-02-23 release m23 rock 11.1 patch: m23 rock 11.1 patch 101050: m23 rock 11.1 +++++ 2011-02-14 cha: pkgInstallKDE: Now removes package "firstboot" to disable asking for settings on first boot. +++++ 2011-02-11 cha: *: Changed "ereg" and "eregi" to "preg_match" and "split" to "explode". cha: phpMyAdmin: Updated to version +++++ 2011-01-29 cha: PKG_acceptJobs: Now combines all "waiting for accept" normal (de)installation jobs to one (de)installation job. cha: PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation, PKG_previewUpdateSystem: Now only calls CLCFG_copyClientPackageStatus, if the function exists (it does not in HS). fix: F14/netSetIPNetmask: Now sets the prefix correctly. cha: F14/sysSetLanguage: Now sets keyboard layout via system-config-keyboard. +++++ 2011-01-28 new: HS_pkgFullUpdate: Performs a full update of the installed packages. new: HS/m23updateInstall.php: Adjusted for HS. new: HS/m23UpdateSourcesListInstall.php: Adjusted for HS. +++++ 2011-01-26 new: F14/pkgWritePackageStatusFile: Generates the POST file to send the package infos. Generates the package status file /tmp/packagestatus and the file converted to POST format /tmp/packagestatus.post. new: HS_statusFileCommand: Generates the commands to send the package infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_statusFileCommand). new: HS/m23UpdatePackageInfosInstall.php: Now transfers package status infos to the m23 server. new: HS_pkgInstallGnome: Installs Gnome. new: HS_pkgInstallLXDE: Installs LXDE. new: HS_pkgInstallXFce: Installs XFce. new: HS_pkgDeinstall: Deinstalls one or more packages. new: HS/m23normalRemoveInstall.php: Now removes packages. +++++ 2011-01-25 cha: F14/pkgInstalledList: Now has extra optional parameter to store the list of installed files in. new: HS_pkgInstalledList: Lists the installed packages or writes the list to a file. new: HS/PKG_fastGetInstalledPackages: Uses HS_pkgInstalledList. new: HS_runClientPackageConfDB: Generates BASH code to import client package configuration settings from the DB into the client package configuration of the client. new: HS_wrapperHS_wrapperReturn: Creates a m23HSAdmin action with parameters and returns the result. new: HS_hookEndAfterChroot: Scripts that should be run at the end of the afterChroot. new: HS_pkgInstallPreview: Generates commands for getting a installation preview on the client. new: HS_pkgDeinstallPreview: Generates commands for getting a deinstallation preview on the client. new: HS/PKG_previewInstall: shows what happens if packages get (de)installed. +++++ 2011-01-24 cha: F14/netEnableSSHdAndImportKey: Now downloads the public ssh key of the m23 server. new: HS_pkgInstallX: Installs XOrg or another shipped X11 server. now: HS/m23xfree864Install.php: Added. +++++ 2011-01-23 fix: F14/sysSetRootPW: Now works. cha: F14/sysSetLanguage: Now installs language-support package. +++++ 2011-01-19 cha: F14/hookBeginAfterChroot: MAKDEV generic doesn't work, so use workaround. +++++ 2011-01-18 new: HS_pkgInstallKDE: Installs KDE. cha: netSetm23SSLCertificate: The Fedora version now has an extra check for openssl and double functionality: 1. Download the SSL cert if it doesn't exist on the client and the download URL is given. 2. Generate the hash for the key and move it to the right place if it exists. new: HS/m23KDEInstall.php: Install the KDE version shipped by the distribution. +++++ 2011-01-16 new: HS_sysMakeBootable: Makes the system bootable. cha: HS_fetchm23HSAdmin: Is now HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscanner and extendeds functionality: Now fetches the m23HSAdmin tool and m23hwscanner matching the given distribution. cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added Ubuntu Lucid Lynx. new: HS/PKG_getKernels: Generates an associative array with the available kernels for an architecture and distribution as keys and values. +++++ 2011-01-15 new: HS_sysAddFstabEntries: Generates commands to edit a given fstab, add new entries and remove old ones before. +++++ 2011-01-12 cha: HS_fetchAndExtractOSImage: Added usage of local compressed images with higher priority. +++++ 2011-01-10 new: HS_sysWriteCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Adds entries to crontab to check every 5 minutes for new jobs. new: CLCFG_getRootDeviceFS: Gets the filesystem of the root device. new: HS_sysInstallKernel: Installs a matching kernel. new: HS_netEnableNFSHome: Enables storing of home directories on a NFS server new: HS_netEnableLDAP: Enables LDAP login for a client. +++++ 2011-01-08 new: HS_sysAddUser: Creates a new user with home directoy and sets password. new: SERVER_getPublicSSHKeyOfm23Server: Returns the public SSH key of the m23 server. new: HS_netEnableSSHdAndImportKey: Enables the SSH daemon and adds a SSH key to let the m23 server log into the machine. new: HS_writeHosts: Writes the /etc/hosts file for the client new: HS_sysWriteM23fetchjob: Generates the m23fetchjob script and adds it to the init levels. +++++ 2011-01-07 fix: clientInstall: Now login is used as user name, if given. +++++ 2011-01-04 new: HS_sysSetm23ClientID: Sets the m23 client ID. new: HS_netEnableNTP: Enable getting the system time by NTP. new: HS_netDisableNTP: Disable getting the system time by NTP. new: HS_hookBeginAfterChroot: Scripts that should be run at the beginning of the afterChroot. new: HS_pkgInstallBasePackages: Installs basic packages. new: HS_netSetm23SSLCertificate: Downloads and stores the SSL public key of the m23 server into the correct directory. new: HS_sysSetLanguage: Sets the system language. new: HS_sysSetRootPW: Sets the root password. new: HS_setPackageProxy: Sets the proxy for the package management tool. new: HS_wrapper: Creates a m23HSAdmin action with parameters. new: HS_sysSetTimeZone: Sets the time zone. new: HS_sysHWsetup: Detects and configures new hardware +++++ 2011-01-03 new: HS_fetchAndExtractOSImage: Downloads and extracts a halfSister distribution. new: HS_netConfig: Sets IP, gatway, netmask, DNS and hostname. new: HS_fetchm23HSAdmin: Fetches the m23HSAdmin tool matching the given distribution. new: HS_setSourcesList: Writes the package sources list for the client's package manager. new: HS_normalUpdate: Performs a normal update of the installed packages. +++++ 2010-12-21 cha: createRFSBins, downloadExtractRFS: Added rsync. +++++ 2010-12-09 patch: Language fix 2 for Kubuntu fix: KDE_install: Now works with english language too. patch: Language fix for Kubuntu fix: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now works with english language too. patch 101051: Language fix 2 for Kubuntu patch 101052: Language fix for Kubuntu +++++ 2010-11-23 patch: Update preview fixes for assimilated clients. fix: m23instUpload: Now only deletes old packages. patch 101053: Update preview fixes for assimilated clients. +++++ 2010-11-22 fix: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now updates the list of available packages, if it is not there. This is needed on assimilated clients that did not install extra packages before. new: PKG_getAptArchOptions: Generates options to specify the architecture of a client that can be appended to an apt-get line. cha: PKG_searchFor, PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_downloadPool: Now are using PKG_getAptArchOptions. cha: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now uses architecture specific apt-get commands. +++++ 2010-11-20 patch: Smal fixes for VMs. cha: VM_startVMCommandFile, VM_stopVMCommandFile: Now works on remote hosts too. cha: VM_webAction: Now doesn't run starting and stopping of VMs in screen to get a proper status. patch 101054: Smal fixes for VMs. +++++ 2010-11-18 fix: includem23-mdk-basedeb: Removed not existing directory mdk/etc. patch: Fix for remote execution of scripts. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now handles script with "`" too. cha: CLIENT_query: Adjusted variable firewall to make searching for clients with special IPs possible. patch 101055: Fix for remote execution of scripts. +++++ 2010-11-17 cha: installDebs: Removed debug code. cha: ASSI_addClient: Now stores the password as encrypted root password in the DB (Thx TheGuv). +++++ 2010-11-16 patch: Some package building fixes. cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Commented out "ddcxinfo-knoppix" as there are errors building it. cha: hwdata-knoppix: Now includes current hardware detection information. fix: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: Now uses Etch archive to make it work again. fix: m23instUpload: Now uploads all packages to SF. cha: menuDeb: Commented out not used menu entry "uplinst". m23/postinst: Now replaces /dev/random with /dev/urandom temporarily while generating the SSL keys. patch: Shell compatibility for scripts. cha: md5Check, m23update.functions: Removed keyword "function" to make it more compatible. cha: filterFileList: Now uses force parameter of "mv" to make sure that the list is filtered without asking the user. patch 101056: Some package building fixes. patch 101057: Shell compatibility for scripts. +++++ 2010-11-15 patch: Fixes for client assimilisation. fix: client_details.php: Fixed link to extra action install-vmhostsw. cha: SRCLST_saveList: Changed variable firewall settings to allow import of all sources lists. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now adds m23debs source to sources.list even if there is another m23 source. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now appends the key to authorized keys file to preserve existing keys. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now only generates adduser commands, if a user and password is given. fix: CIR_writeClientID: Now writes the correct m23ClientID. patch 101058: Fixes for client assimilisation. +++++ 2010-11-14 patch: Switched VirtualBox packages back to 2.2.4. cha: Switched VirtualBox packages back to 2.2.4. patch 101059: Switched VirtualBox packages back to 2.2.4. +++++ 2010-11-12 patch: Patches for update and VNC sessions. cha: chrootSystem: Now removes (eventually existing) VirtualBox configuration to start with a clean config after server installation. cha: m23patch.php: Now includes dbConnect. cha: m23patch.php: Removed now-working size detection. fix: m23patch.php: Now uses correct path for getting update info texts. fix: chrootSystem: No deletes /home/m23-vbox/.vnc for a clean vnc configuration. cha: restoreVMsStates: Now calls the scripts with restored m23-vbox environment. patch 101060: Patches for update and VNC sessions. +++++ 2010-11-11 patch: Gives restoreVMsStates the correct access rights. fix: m23-vbox/postinstall: Now fixes access rights of restoreVMsStates. patch: Gives the screen directory for m23-vbox the correct access rights. fix: VM_startVM: Now gives the screen directory for m23-vbox the correct access rights. patch: Smal fixes for VMs. fix: VM_stopVM: Now calls VM_stopVMCommandFile. fix: VM_startVM: Now calls VM_startVMCommandFile. patch 101061: Gives restoreVMsStates the correct access rights. patch 101062: Gives the screen directory for m23-vbox the correct access rights. patch 101063: Smal fixes for VMs. +++++ 2010-11-10 patch: Version is now 10.5. Added Button for (de)activating network booting and installation partition can be used to install the MBR on. new: DHCP_isNetworkBootingActive: Checks, if a client has network booting enabled. cha: client_status.php: Rewritten. cha: CLIENT_showStatusSelection: Rewritten and function for (de)activating network booting. cha: client_distr.php: Now adds the installation partition to the list of drives that can be used to install the MBR on. patch 101064: Version is now 10.5. Added Button for (de)activating network booting and installation partition can be used to install the MBR on. +++++ 2010-11-09 patch: Support for Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu 10.04 LTS. patch 101065: Support for Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu 10.04 LTS. +++++ 2010-11-08 cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23XubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_aptGet. cha: CLCFG_aptGet: Now has routines that try to fix the Ubuntu "Hash Sum mismatch" error. cha: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_aptGet. cha: /mdk/server/iso: Removed obsolete files and directories. cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Now creates a symlink to the System-V-Init directory to get the VMs run that were started before the system was stopped. +++++ 2010-11-07 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now downloads libdbus-1-3 to be used for hwinfo. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes libdbus-1.so.3 into the bootimage. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Added a function that waits and loops until NO dpkg/apt-get/aptitude/adept process is running. new: m23-initscripts: Now has a postinst scripts that removes the System-V init links to hwcheck and m23-xorg-configurator if upstart is used. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now creates a reboot file to reboot the client after installing the VirtualBox addons. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now reboots the client after finishing the XOrg configuration, if the reboot file is set. cha: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Added another "apt-get install" round for Ubuntu's "hash sum mismatch" errors, that occurr randomly. +++++ 2010-11-06 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now reboots the client after installing the VirtualBox addons. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now works on Ubuntu 10.04 too. new: m23-initscripts: Now includes upstart startup files for the m23hwdetect and m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid and Linux Mint 9 KDE too and removes Ubuntu Gutsy. +++++ 2010-11-05 fix: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage. +++++ 2010-11-04 fix: install_packages.php: Now update runs CLIENT_startInstall. new: menuDeb: Menu entry to delete complete Squid cache. +++++ 2010-11-02 new: SERVER_deleteFile: Deletes a file from the server. new: VM_startVMCommandFile: Writes a command file with the command(s) to start the VM. new: VM_stopVMCommandFile: Removes automatical staring of a VM by removing the command file. cha: ASSI_prepareClient, CLCFG_installBasePackages: Added import of the m23 package sign keys (Thx TheGuv). +++++ 2010-10-31 cha: m23-initscripts: Package now includes the new m23hwdetect and has a dependency on hwinfo. +++++ 2010-10-30 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now extracts m23-initscripts. cha: hwcheck: Now is compatible to BusyBox. new: m23hwdetect: It is a three-pass hardware detection script. +++++ 2010-10-21 cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Added hwinfo. cha: linuxrc: Now uses hwinfo, hwsetup and discover to detect the hardware. +++++ 2010-10-20 fix: Added symlinks from /usr/share/hwdata to /usr/share/misc on the server installation CD and the client boot images. cha: linuxrc: Now discover scanns all busses. cha: Updated the Linux kernel to and enabling virtio devices. cha: discover-data 2.2010.10.18: Updated version of discover-data was downloaded from SID and uploaded to m23.sf.net/m23NetBootImageExtraDebs. cha: Updated pci.ids from pciids.sourceforge.net. +++++ 2010-10-07 patch: Online help fix. fix: fr/de/en:ldapSettings.hlp: Removed hint for LDAP installation, as the LDAP server is preinstalled and not installable via the webinterface. (Thx biZZa) patch: Smal changes and Ubuntu improvements. patch 101066: Online help fix. patch 101067: Smal changes and Ubuntu improvements. +++++ 2010-10-05 new: SF-hg-backup: New script to backup the m23 source to the Mercurial repository on SF. +++++ 2010-09-27 cha: CLCFG_setTimeZone: Now works on newer Ubuntus too. +++++ 2010-09-25 cha: CLCFG_language: Now contains another Ubuntu fix. +++++ 2010-09-24 fix: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: Now retuns false, if no waiting jobs are there. +++++ 2010-09-21 cha: extractFromCD: Now shows an error message, if the harddisk could not be mounted. patch: Improvements for VM compression. new: prepareOSForCompression: Makes a VM image better compressable. new: cleanOSForCompressing: Deletes some files before compressing the OS or VM. patch 101068: Improvements for VM compression. +++++ 2010-09-20 patch: Server installation fixes. fix: configureNetwork: Now deletes the persistent UDEV rules again. cha: m23hwscanner: Removed debug code. cha: getDrives: Now only reports devices that contain "dev" to avoid false output. patch 101069: Server installation fixes. +++++ 2010-09-18 patch: Smal fixes und updates. cha: Updated the bootimage for 64 bit. patch 101070: Smal fixes und updates. +++++ 2010-09-16 cha: getDrives: Now gives back multi devices even if parted doesn't list them. +++++ 2010-09-15 fix: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Now resets the session values correctly. cha: CIR_enableDropbear: Now sets the network boot password only, if the / is mounted with rootfs (that indicates that Linux is run from the RAM disk). release m23 rock 10.4 fix: getPartType, getPartFS: Now supports RAIDs that don't have a partition type. fix: PKG_hasOptions: Now detects correctly, if an option page exists. +++++ 2010-09-14 new: m23hwscanner: The m23 hardware scanner was re-written completely in version 3 and now uses BASH and not C anymore. new: mkhwscanner2: Builds the packages for new m23 hardware scanner. +++++ 2010-09-08 cha: FDISK_addPart: Now checks if the drive belongs to a RAID and shows an error message and exit, if yes. +++++ 2010-09-02 new: clientPartitionFormat.hlp: Added German and English help files. +++++ 2010-08-27 new: FDISK_getSupportedFS: Generates and returns an array with the list of supported file systems. new: FDISK_showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Shows the menu bar with integrated logic for FDISK_showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog. new: FDISK_showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog: Shows the new partition and formating screen. cha: FDISK_printColorDefinitions: Now uses FDISK_getSupportedFS. +++++ 2010-08-23 new: HELPER_arrayInsertBeforeKeynumber: Inserts a value into an array (that has simple numbers as keys) before a given key. new: HELPER_arrayReOrderKeynumbers: Changes all keys of the input array to simple ascending numbers, if the key of the inpur array is a number (if not, the key will be left unchanged). The order of the keys is preserved. cha: HELPER_arrayInsertBeforeKeynumber, HELPER_arrayInsertAfterKeynumber: Now use HELPER_arrayReOrderKeynumbers. new: FDISK_addRaidBeforeFormat: Generates and places a job to create a RAID on given drives/partitions before the formating of the RAID device. cha: FDISK_addRaidJobs: Now uses FDISK_addRaidBeforeFormat. cha: FDISK_raidJob: Is now obsolete. new: FDISK_getPartInfoIcon: Generates HTML code for showing an icon with status information about a drive or partition. new: FDISK_getDriveInfoIcon: Generates HTML code for showing an icon with status information about a drive. cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions, FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions2: Now has extra parameter filterOutSetRaidLvmLock: If set to true, drives and partitions with set raidLvmLock will not be listed. +++++ 2010-08-22 new HELPER_arrayInsertAfterKeynumber: Inserts a value into an array (that has simple numbers as keys) after a given key. +++++ 2010-08-21 new: HELPER_m23Array2Array: Converts an m23 array to a normal array. new: HELPER_array2m23Array: Converts a normal array to an m23 array. +++++ 2010-08-20 new: FDISK_getDevInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the drive and bolonging to a RAID. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now shows basic information for empty drives too. +++++ 2010-08-19 fix: FDISK_printBars: Now chooses the drive by clicking on an empty drive too. new: print_r2: Function like print_r, but sorts the entries, if the input is an array and converts newlines to HTML breaks. +++++ 2010-08-18 fix: FDISK_getUnusedMDs: Now works, if no MDs are present. fix: FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions2: Now generates an empty selection, if no drives and no partition matching the filter were found. +++++ 2010-08-12 new: FDISK_formatInstallAndSwappart: Adds jobs to format the installation and swap partitions and set the boot flag on the installation partition +++++ 2010-08-03 new: FDISK_swapFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for swapping. new: FDISK_installFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for installation. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now shows an icon for partitions that are used for installation or for swapping. +++++ 2010-08-02 fix: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now doesn't show the non-existing partition number for RAIDs. cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now has an extra parameter to decide, if the selector will contain the sizes, filesystems and types of the partitions and drives. new: FDISK_fstabAddDialog2: Dialog for adding fstab entries. This version uses the param and fstab parameters from the session. new: FDISK_delFstab: Removes an entry from the fstab array. cha: FDISK_listFstab: Now has buttons to delete fstab entries. +++++ 2010-07-26 new: FDISK_getUnusedMDs: Returns an associative array with the unused MDs (e.g. /dev/md0, /dev/md1, ...) as key and value. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now every partition has an info icon, that shows information about the device name of the partition, its filesystem and bolonging to a RAID. new: FDISK_getPartInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the partition, its filesystem and bolonging to a RAID. +++++ 2010-07-25 fix: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions: Partitions are not added on RAID drives, because partitions don't exist on RAIDs. +++++ 2010-07-24 fix: FDISK_autoPart: Now copies the drive keys and values of all drives with the virtual drive number > 0. This is needed to only re-partition and format the first drive and leave all other drives untouched. +++++ 2010-07-23 new: FDISK_showAllPartTables: Shows the partition tables of all drives specified for the current client and stored in the session. new: FDISK_printAllBars2: Shows the partition bars of all drives specified for the current client, that is stored in the session. new: FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions2: Generates and defines a selection that contains all drives and partitions of a given client. new: HTML_JSMenuOpener: Opens a menu entry when moving the mouse over the title and closes all other entries of the same menu. new: HTML_JSMenuCloseAllEntries: Closes all menu entries for a menu. This should be called at the end of a page to get it executed after loading. +++++ 2010-07-22 cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions: Now has an extra parameter to decide, if the array will contain the sizes, filesystems and types of the partitions and drives. cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions: Now uses the device names as keys for the associative array. +++++ 2010-07-21 cha: FDISK_listPartTable, FDISK_printBars: Added JavaScript code to mark the partition or free space the in the partition table the mouse is over in the partition bar. +++++ 2010-07-20 new: FDISK_getPartitionByType: Gets the FIRST partition matching a partition type. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now marks free spaces and partitions that lay into an extended partition. +++++ 2010-07-19 new: FDISK_getBelongingRaidDev: Searches for the RAID device, a physical partition belongs to, if it is part of a RAID. cha: FDISK_autoPart: Now destroys a RAID, if the physical partitions it is build from, are located on the first drive. cha: FDISK_delPart: Now has an extra parameter, that destroys the RAID, the partition belongs to. +++++ 2010-07-15 cha: FDISK_virtualDestroyRAID: Now is FDISK_virtualDeleteDrive. new: FDISK_deleteDriveFromParam: Deletes all drive and partition parameters of a drive from param without correcting any order. cha: FDISK_virtualDestroyRAID: Now uses FDISK_deleteDriveFromParam. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now uses white as background color to show drives without partitions as empty. +++++ 2010-07-14 cha: FDISK_virtualDeletePartition,FDISK_virtualAddPartition: Now have an generic algorithm that detects all variables belonging to a partition and moves them. new: FDISK_deletePartitionFromParam: Deletes all partition parameters of a partition from param without correcting the other partitions. +++++ 2010-07-13 cha: FDISK_listPartitions: Now the device number can be set to -1, to list all partitions on all devices. new: FDISK_definePartitionSelection: Defines a HTML selection with the partitions (/dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, ...) of a device cha: FDISK_printBars: Now has optional JavaScript code that calls the JS function emptySpace(), if empty parts of the drive are clicked, selectPartition(), if a partition is clicked and showPartTable(), if the mouse is over the bar. +++++ 2010-07-12 new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIExtendedStepDeletePartitions: Shows the sub-dialog for deleting partitions in the extended partitioning and formating dialog. cha: FDISK_addNewPartitionDialog: Becomes FDISK_showFdiskGUIExtendedStepAddNewPartition. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionExtendedPartStep: Stores the extended partitioning step and sets the help page and title in the session. new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIExtendedStepFormatPartitions: Shows a dialog for formating partitions. new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIlistPartJobs: Shows a list of all waiting partitioning and fromating jobs. fix: FDISK_delPart: Now complains and denys deletion of the partition if it belongs to RAID. new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIDialog: Now checks if the button BUT_changeDrive (defined by FDISK_showFdiskGUIDriveInfoDialog) was clicked and change the installation drive accordingly fix: FDISK_virtualDeletePartition: Now works together with partitions that are used for RAIDs. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now marks partitions that are used to build a RAID with "+R". cha: FDISK_listPartTable: Now marks partitions that are used to build a RAID with "+RAID". cha: FDISK_listPartTable: Now adds information about the partitions, the RAID is build from, if it's a RAID. new: FDISK_virtualDestroyRAID: Deletes a RAID drive from param assigned thru $vDev. cha: FDISK_delPart: Now can destroy RAID drives too. +++++ 2010-07-11 new: FDISK_showFdiskExistingMethod: Shows the dialog for formating of existing partitions. new: FDISK_showFdiskExtendedMethod: Shows the dialog for extended partitioning and formating. +++++ 2010-07-10 new: FDISK_showFdiskDialog: Shows the whole partition and formating dialog. new: FDISK_showFdiskDialogEnd: Shows the block at the end of the partitioning and formating dialog with partition and file system information about the currently selected drive and buttons for resetting and refreshing the dialog. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionClient: Returns the client name to partition and format. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionParam: Stores the partition parameters in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionInstallDrive: Stores the installation drive in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionvDevInstall: Stores the internal virtual installation drive number in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionFreeSpaces: Stores the free space parts of the installation drive in the session or recalculates them for the current installation drive. new: FDISK_showFdiskDriveInfoDialog: Shows a block with partitioning and file system information for the currently choosen installation drive. It contains dialog for changing the installation drive. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionHelpPage: Stores the help page in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionPage: Stores the page in the session. new: FDISK_showFdiskTitle: Returns and/or shows the current title of the partitioning and formating. new: FDISK_showFdiskAutoMethod: Shows the dialog for automatic partitioning and formating. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionPartJobs: Stores the partition jobs in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionSetter: Generic function to store values in the client partition and format session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionInstPart: Stores the installation partition in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionSwapPart: Stores the swap partition in the session. new: FDISK_finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Does some final checks, starts the partitioning and formating and switches to the distribution selection page. +++++ 2010-07-09 new: HELPER_debugBacktraceToFile: Writes/Appends debug information about all calling functions and parameters into a file. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Sets back all session variables for partitioning and formating a client. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionPartMethod: Stores the partitioning method in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionTitle: Stores the partitioning title in the session. new: FDISK_showFdiskSelectPartitionMethod: Shows a dialog for choosing the partitioning method and storing the method. +++++ 2010-07-06 cha: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: Now blanks the status bar text too. new: grub with ext4 support: Created a patched grub 0.97 version with ext4 support and uploaded packages to m23.sf.net/m23NetBootImageExtraDebs. +++++ 2010-07-04 fix: MSR_statusBar: If no percent value is set, the percent amount will not be set to 0 anymore. +++++ 2010-07-03 new: parted with ext4 support: Created a patched parted 1.8.8 version with ext4 support and uploaded packages at m23.sf.net/m23NetBootImageExtraDebs. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added sources for m23NetBootImageExtraDebs and a fixed source for Debian Etch. fix: HTML_getElementValue: Now has special handling for checkboxes. (Thx lakul) fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now has special handling for getSystemtimeByNTP, installPrinter and addNewLocalLogin checkboxes. +++++ 2010-07-02 fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Now stores getSystemtimeByNTP, installPrinter and addNewLocalLogin correctly in the DB. (Thx lakul) cha: mkRelease: Now adds Origin and Suite to the Release file. +++++ 2010-06-29 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now exits, if the client should be changed and no distribution is selected. (Thx lakul) fix: HTML_getElementValue: Another fix for checkboxes. (Thx lakul) +++++ 2010-06-28 cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog, FDISK_colorFS, FDISK_listSupportedFS, FDISK_genPartedCommands, FDISK_printColorDefinitions, createRFSBinLinks: Added support for EXT4. cha: Updated client kernel to 2.6.34. cha: Increased ramdisk size to 50MB. +++++ 2010-06-27 new: countStatusBarIncPoints.sh: Calculates the total amount of MSR_statusBarIncCommand points per file for all PHP files in the current directory. cha: m23gnome2Install.php, m23KDE3Install.php, m23KDEwoodyInstall.php, m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23normalInstall.php, m23normalRemoveInstall.php, m23PrinterConfigInstall.php, m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23updateInstall.php, m23UpdatePackageInfosInstall.php, m23UpdateSourcesListInstall.php, m23VirtualBoxInstall.php, m23XFceInstall.php, m23xfree864Install.php, m23XInstall.php, m23XubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23AddUserInstall.php, m23AssimilateInstall.php, m23fdiskFormatInstall.php, m23RebootInstall.php, m23RescueInstall.php, m23setStatusGreenInstall.php, m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now are including status percent points set with MSR_statusBarIncCommand. +++++ 2010-06-26 new: HTML_setStatusBarStatusByName: Sets new percent value and/or new status text by clientname AND status bar name. new: HTML_setStatusBarStatusByID: Sets new percent value and/or new status text by status bar ID. cha: HTML_setStatusBarStatus: Now is more generic. new: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: Calculates the value of a percent point according to the amount of waiting packages and stores the result in the DB. new: HTML_incStatusBarPercentByName: Increments the status bar percent by a given amount. cha: CLIENT_startInstall: (Re)Calculates the he value of a percent point according for the status bar "installStatus". new: MSR_statusBarCommand: Command to set a new percent value and/or new status text for the current client and for the "installStatus" status bar. new: MSR_statusBarInc: Increments the status bar percent by a given amount for the current client and for the "installStatus" status bar. new: MSR_statusBarIncCommand($percent): Command to increment the status bar percent by a given amount for the current client and for the "installStatus" status bar. +++++ 2010-06-25 new: MSR_genericSendCommand: Generates a generic command for sending information from the client to the server. new: MSR_statusBar: Sets new percent value and/or new status text. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now creates a new status bar for the installation cha: GNOME_install, m23FdiskFormatInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. +++++ 2010-06-24 new: HTML_showStatusBarHTML: Shows the status bar, that is drawn in the iframe (this function is only called by statusBar.php). new: HTML_showStatusBar: Shows the iframe for a status bar. This actually displays the status bar. new: HTML_newStatusBar: Shows the iframe for a status bar. This actually displays the status bar. new: statusBar.php: Script for showing the status bar in the iframe. new: developersPlayground.php: Test page for testing new m23 functions. new: HTML_getStatusBarID: Returns the status bar ID of the searched status bar. cha: index.css: Titles now have a nice shadow. new: HTML_setStatusBarStatus: Sets new percent value and/or new status text. cha: GNOME_install, m23FdiskFormatInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. +++++ 2010-06-23 patch: Improvements and fixes for the client add dialog. fix: HTML_getElementValue: Now should work together with the checkboxes. (Thx lakul) fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now checks the right variables, if the page was run first, for CB_getSystemtimeByNTP, CB_addNewLocalLogin, CB_installPrinter. (Thx lakul) cha: CLIENT_addClient: If a readonly LDAP server should be used, m23 doesn't need a login name and doesn't complain about an empty login name in this case. (Thx lakul) patch 101071: Improvements and fixes for the client add dialog. +++++ 2010-05-06 cha: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Changed shortening service from bit.ly to is.gd, because bit.ly made automated website usage impossible. +++++ 2010-04-30 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now doesn't complain about missing parameter, if non-interactive mode is used. release m23 rock 10.3 patch: Some improvements in the documentation and the installation process. patch 101072: Some improvements in the documentation and the installation process. +++++ 2010-04-29 cha: install18N.*: Added link to www.goos-habermann.de. cha: showNetworkDialog: Now recommends a censorship-free DNS. new: Added video section to the m23 community page. new: Added KVM installation howto to the installation guide. cha: extractFile: Now checks, if the file status file can be found and exits the loop, if it is not there. cha: Updated manuals in French. +++++ 2010-04-22 cha: Updated manuals in German and English. +++++ 2010-04-18 patch: Removed unneeded ISOs from m23-mdk-client package. cha: Removed unneeded ISOs from m23-mdk-client package. patch: Links for downloading 32 and 64 bit ISOs added to the "make boot CD" page. cha: VM_setVBoxAddonAsDefault, VM_getVBoxAddonDefaultVersion: Now don't show error messages, if files could not be found. cha: BURN_checkISO: Added parameter to set the architecture of the ISO. new: BURN_getISOSize: Gets the size of an ISO. cha: makeBootCD.php: Now shows links for downloading 32 and 64 bit ISOs. patch: Improved hardware detection. Added help for usage with external DHCP. VirtualBox addons installation improvements. Some fixes. patch 101073: Removed unneeded ISOs from m23-mdk-client package. patch 101074: Links for downloading 32 and 64 bit ISOs added to the "make boot CD" page. patch 101075: Improved hardware detection. Added help for usage with external DHCP. VirtualBox addons installation improvements. Some fixes. +++++ 2010-04-15 new: externalDHCP.hlp: Help file for using m23 together with an external DHCP server. cha: support.php: Updated contact information and redesign. +++++ 2010-04-14 cha: HELP_getHelp: Now has tag for linking to other m23 help pages. fix: helpViewer.php: Fixed getting the heading. +++++ 2010-04-12 new: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Posts a message to Twitter and FaceBook and shortens the Twitter message if needed. cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now uses twitterFaceBook-Message.sh. new: m23uploadChangelog: Uploads tha changelog and now uses twitterFaceBook-Message.sh. cha: VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Now shows the currently installed VirtualBox version of the host. new: VM_getVBoxVersion: Get the currently installed VirtualBox version of the host. +++++ 2010-04-09 cha: VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Now only downloads the index if it is missing or older than 5 minutes. new: VM_setVBoxAddonAsDefault: Sets a choosen VirtualBox addition package version as default. new: VM_downloadedVBoxAddons: Lists all VirtualBox addition package versions that can be downloaded from the m23 server. new: VM_getVBoxAddonDefaultVersion: Gets the version number of the VirtualBox addition package. +++++ 2010-04-08 cha: menuDeb: Now has an extra menu entry to delete all Packages files from local Squid. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now logs more info to the logfile /var/log/m23-VBox-Addon-Install.log cha: HTML_multiSelection: Now replaces "bad" characters in the HTML checkbox name with underscore. new: VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Returns an array with the version numers of all VirtualBox addition ISOs that are 2.0.0 and above. new: VM_wasVBoxAddonDownloaded: Checks, if the VirtualBox addition for a selected version was downloaded to the m23 server. new: VM_VBOXaddonDownloadDialog: Shows a dialog for downloading the VirtualBox additions to the m23 server. new: VM_downloadVBOXaddons: Downloads the VirtualBox addition ISOs and extracts the addition installers for Linux. new: VM_generateVBOXaddonDownloadCMD: Generates the download commands to download a VirtualBox addition ISO and to extract the addition installers for Linux. +++++ 2010-04-07 new: m23-xorg-configurator: Init script that starts m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh in case of changes on graphic card, mouse or kernel on startup. +++++ 2010-04-06 cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now posts to Facebook too. +++++ 2010-04-02 new: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now downloads the VirtualBox addons from the net, if they are not available as package or from the m23 server. +++++ 2010-04-01 new: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Generator for xorg.conf with 4 different methods. cha: hwcheck: Now calls m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh. Function xconfig removed. cha: mkm23extradeb: Now creates m23-initscripts too. fix: CLIENT_getDebconfDB, PKG_getClientPackages: Now don't runcate the output. +++++ 2010-03-30 fix: burnCD: Re-included the script for buring m23 client installation CDs in the server. fix: m23instUpload: Fixed path error. new: /mdk/m23helper/VBox-64: Tools for running 64 bit VirtualBox in a chroot on a 32 bit system with 64 bit kernel. new: CLCFG_makeDev: Creates the device nodes in /dev by downloading and extracting an archive containing the device nodes and if this fails running MAKEDEV. cha: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php: Now works without dpkg-architecture. +++++ 2010-03-28 new: CLIENT_getDistribution: Returns the distribution of a client. new: CLIENT_getOption: Returns an option of a client. new: PKG_isSpecialPackageAvailableForClient: Checks if a special package is available for the client's distribution. new: CLIENT_extraWebAction: Executes extra actions from the client details page. cha: client_details.php: Now has an extra button to install the VM host software. +++++ 2010-03-27 cha: PKG_getSpecialPackageInfo: Now returns false, if no information could be got. +++++ 2010-03-17 release: m23 rock 10.2 patch: Adds support for changing debconf values from the m23 webinterfaces. Speed improvements for starting client recovery. cha: m23/postinst: Changes "normalPackage" row of the table "clientjobs" to "LONGTEXT". cha: PKG_getClientPackages: Now uses the SQL function GROUPS_CONCAT to generate the string of all found packages to improve the speed. cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now uses changed behaviour of PKG_getClientPackages. patch 101076: Adds support for changing debconf values from the m23 webinterfaces. Speed improvements for starting client recovery. +++++ 2010-03-15 cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages, PKG_hasOptions: Now has extra parameter for the client's distribution release. cha: PKG_hasOptions: Option pages are now stored under /m23/data+scripts/m23admin/packages/$distr/$release/. new: SRCLST_getRelease: Gets a release from the sourceslist table. new: PKG_OptionPageHeader2: Starts the option page for debconf settings with all necessary options. new: PKG_OptionPageTail2: Generates the bottom of the OptionPage for debconf settings. new: PKG_OptionPageRender2: Renderes the layout of an OptionPage for debconf and stored the debconf settings into the DB. new: CLIENT_setDebconfDB: Sets debconf values for a client and a package. new: CLIENT_runDebconf: Generates BASH code to import debconf settings from the DB into the debconf of the client. cha: m23normalInstall.php: Now runs CLIENT_runDebconf. cha: m23normalInstall.php: Changed DB query result to associative array. new: getDebianTemplates: Downloads and extracts the templates of all Debian packages of a release and distribution. new: template2confpage.sh: Generates config pages for setting debconf values from the *.templates of the Debian packages of a distribution and release. +++++ 2010-03-14 new: HTML_multiSelection: Shows a list of checkboxes, that represent a value each. The values of checked checkboxes are stored in an array and returned. new: PKG_decodeDebconfDescription: Decodes and HTML-formats the description of a debconf template and extracts its title. +++++ 2010-03-13 new: CLIENT_getDebconfDB: Generates the debconf output as debconf-set-selections expects it from the DB value. new: CLIENT_getDebconfDBValue: Get the debconf value of a variable of a package. cha: m23/postinst: Adds a table to store debconf data. +++++ 2010-03-12 cha: m23/postinst: Adds a row to the clients table to store debconf data. patch: Debug status change fix. cha: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: Rewritten with new HTML functions. fix: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: Now works again. (Thx rluque) patch 101077: Debug status change fix. +++++ 2010-03-10 patch: Fixes for the group functions. cha: share-online.biz-uploader: Adjusted to changed parameters. new: GRP_showGroupsAndCount2: Replaces the not working GRP_showGroupsAndCount. cha: groups_overview.hlp: Adjusted to changed usage. cha: MSG_showUpdateInfo: Shows a message about clients who will update again. cha: GRP_desasterRecovery: Now shows bullets before the client names that will be recovered. patch 101078: Fixes for the group functions. +++++ 2010-03-09 fix: CLIENT_showJobs: Now shows the packages to remove in the job list. fix: MSG_showAddJobsInfo: Shows a message about assigned jobs again. +++++ 2010-02-27 release: m23 rock 10.1a patch: Client status fixes. patch 101079: Client status fixes. +++++ 2010-02-26 cha: PKG_downloadPool: Is now more robust when downloading packages cha: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php: Now tries to download the binary VirtualBox addition package and compiles it. fix: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php, m23AddUserInstall.php: Now don't change the client state to yellow. patch: Serveral fixes for virtual machines, rescuing, mass installation etc. fix: install_packages.php: The client is now only halted if it was not on before. fix: CLIENT_showStatusSelection: Now can set the client status again. cha: CLCFG_disableAvahiDaemon: Now rewrites resolv.conf. new: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php: Compiles the kernel module for the guest after the first boot. new: m23AddUserInstall.php: Adds a user. cha: clientInstall.php: Now adds an AddUser and a VBoxKernelModule job. cha: CLIENT_setAllParams: Now escapes values before inserting into the DB. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now updates Packages*. patch 101080: Serveral fixes for virtual machines, rescuing, mass installation etc. +++++ 2010-02-25 cha: VM_createVM, VM_activateNetbootCMD, VM_delVMCMD: Modified to make it work with changed parameters of newer VirtualBox versions. fix: fix-permissions: Now sets correct owner of /m23/vms/vbox. cha: checks.php: Added constants for VM creation. fix: VM_startVM: Another fix for "could not open default font 'fixed'" was added. fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now correct client name and mac for VMs are taken from VM creation. cha: client_details.php: Now show always the reload button. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now VM host in the selection and the information about the VM host are always synchronous. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Corrected layout. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now doesn't use the variables firewall for IP and MAC if client should be defined. +++++ 2010-02-24 cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now adds the user to sudoers to let him allow to become root if he knows the password. cha: CLCFG_language: Added a fix for /etc/default/locale at Ubuntu. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now moves the postinst of virtualbox-ose-guest-* out of the way, because it will fail if we use another kernel (boot kernel) that the system kernel. +++++ 2010-02-22 new: CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage: Configures upstart for normal running in an installed system. new: CLCFG_disableAvahiDaemon: Disables the avahi-daemon. +++++ 2010-02-21 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now removes the avahi daemon so it cannot destroy the resolv.conf. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now checks if KDE 4 is used and if yes install the m23 KDE 4 wallpaper. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now tries to install kde-l10n-XX too. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now installs extra multimedia codecs. cha: m23installerBase.inc: The server installation ISO can now make an optional online update. fix: rescue_client.php: Now rescues again. fix: recover_client.php: Now recovers again. new: CLCFG_configUpstartForChroot: Configures upstart to make it not fail installation. patch: Fix in administrator management. patch 101081: Fix in administrator management. fix: htaccess.php: Now can delete admins again. cha: htaccess.php: Added a "back" button to delete one admin after another. +++++ 2010-02-20 patch: Fix in package selection and introducing precached debootstraps. fix: install_packages.php: Package selections can be built again. cha: PKG_searchFor: Now sorts the found packages. +++++ 2010-02-18 cha: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Now mounts devpts. +++++ 2010-02-16 release: m23 rock 10.1 patch: All finished for m23 rock 10.1 +++++ 2010-02-15 cha: m23/postinst: Now creates /m23/tmp. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now shows less useless error messages. cha: translations/screenshots: Finished. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now replaces all ocurrences of update-grub with a smal script that calls lilo. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now replaces all ocurrences of update-grub with a smal script that calls lilo if lilo should be used. +++++ 2010-02-13 cha: PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage: Now adds a shutdown package if m23shared is active. +++++ 2010-02-11 fix: compileKernel: Now sets the extra version of the kernel correctly. cha: compileKernel: Now can compile 32 bit kernel on 64 bit machines. cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Now creating of RAID device nodes is quiet. +++++ 2010-02-08 cha: linuxrc: Now checks if there are specified modules in kernel parameter m23modules and load them. cha: linuxrc: Now checks if the ID of the m23 client was choosen by the m23clientID kernel parameter. +++++ 2010-02-03 cha: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Now creates entry in fstab to allow mounting of /sys. +++++ 2010-02-02 cha: pkgdetails.c: Updated from the package base-installer. cha: debootstrap: Updated to 1.0.20. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Added a loop that let debootstrap try to fetch all needed packages up to 10 times if errors occur. +++++ 2010-02-01 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now creating of device nodes is quiet. cha: debootstrap/ functions /wgetprogress: Added retries and timeouts for wget. +++++ 2010-01-30 cha: compileKernel: Now sets CC to gcc-4.3 to fix "Your version of gcc miscompiles the" issue. cha: compileKernel: Removed CROSS_COMPILE because it is not needed any more. +++++ 2010-01-28 cha: MASS_showGeneratorOptions, MASS_showOverview, PKGBUILDER_showUploadDialog, POOL_showCreatePackageIndex, POOL_showDownloadStatus, POOL_download, POOL_showSourcesList: Fixed layout. cha: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: Now returns an empty array, if no clients are found. cha: kh2p: Now doesn't overwrite existing screenshots. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Now asks if all or missing screeshots should be created. fix: makePDF-HTML.sh: Fixed path to the server installation ISO for placing the manual on the CD. +++++ 2010-01-27 cha: SERVER_addEtcHosts, SERVER_delEtcHosts: Now are not executed if running m23shared. fix: HWINFO_printPartitions, MASS_showTableDefinition: Fixed layout. +++++ 2010-01-26 cha: client_dists.php: Now shows more information overview about the distribution to install. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: grub is now the default bootloader. cha: head.php: Changing layout and removing server software. cha: Debian package functions on the server now use seperate directories for each m23shared customer. cha: CIR_transferClientIP, CIR_waitForNextJob: wget calls are "quiet" if client is not in debug mode. fix: MSR_partHwDataCommand: Now lspci reports names of found PCI hardware data. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now deletes lock file before touching, to make sure the correct user is creating the lock file. cha: linuxrc: Stops dhclient to make sure that the IP configuration will not be changed during installation now. cha: issue: Added a hint, that the password may be changed by m23. cha: fix-permissions: Now doesn't change the permissions of the files in /m23/tmp. cha: m23SHARED_getAllm23sharedUsers: Now has extra parameter, if it is set to true, only m23shared users with existing bill table will be returned. +++++ 2010-01-25 cha: work.php: Now sets client debug status in a session parameter. cha: *: wget calls are "quiet" if client is not in debug mode. new: MSR_curDynIP: Sets the current IP of a client with dynamic IP. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: If the client has a dynamic IP, its IP will be announced to the m23 server on every call of m23fetchjob. cha: PKG_addShutdownPackage: Now doesn't add a shutdown package if m23shared is running. cha: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Now checks if a line with "listening" is the last line in the log file. If it's not, there may be another DHCP server. new: CIR_transferClientIP: Transfers the current IP of a m23shared client to the m23 server. cha: m23PresetupInstall: Now calls CIR_transferClientIP. +++++ 2010-01-24 cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now disables showing of LDAP and NFS settings if in m23shared mode. cha: client_details.php: Now uses the IP of the client to access CUPS. +++++ 2010-01-21 cha: createRFSBinLinks, createRFSBins: Now uses reset from tset. new: linuxrc: Now uses a dialog screen to show hardware probing. cha: createRFSISO: Now can set the m23server parameter in the isolinux.cfg via extra parameter. cha: createRFSISO: Has optional directory parameter where to move the created ISO to. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now checkes if there is a screen called m23fetchjob and exists if it was found. new: CLCFG_writeCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Adds entries to crontab to check every 5 minutes for new jobs. +++++ 2010-01-20 cha: clients_overview.php: Exchanged the up/down HTML arrows with images because not all browsers did show the arrows correctly. cha: createRFSISO: Can now create ISOs with an m23 server set as kernel parameter. +++++ 2010-01-19 fix: CLIENT_getClientName: Now works with m23shared. cha: Got rid off the cvs directory and links in the /m23 directory. fix: setStatus.php, setClientStatus.php, postMessage.php: Corrected path to m23shared.php. cha: linuxrc: Added a nice dialog for entering the m23shared client name. fix: CLCFG_interfaces, CLCFG_debootstrap: Disabling temporary static configuration of the network card if in DHCP mode. +++++ 2010-01-18 cha: m23/postinst: Now adds "LOCK TABLES" to the permissions of m23dbroot. cha: finishBuilding: Now stores/restores and sets user, group and access mode of conffiles if the file exists. +++++ 2010-01-17 cha: MAIL_getGpgKeyList: Now doesn't trow error messages if no keys are found. fix: m23/postinst: Now creates /m23/root-only. cha: m23/postinst: Now creates an user with GPG key for signing eMails and the backups. cha: mkm23Deb: Now includes the GPG user in mailConfig.php. cha: quickBuild.sh: Now increases the patch number on every call. +++++ 2010-01-16 cha: m23/control: Added php5-curl and php5-mcrypt as required packages. +++++ 2010-01-14 cha: m23SHARED_showBill: Now doesn't wrap descriptions any more. cha: index.css: Titles aren't wrapped any more. +++++ 2010-01-13 fix: install_packages.php: Fixed missing action parameter. fix: GRP_showSelDistrSources: Fixed layout. new: MAIL_AESencode: AES encryptes a message with a key. cha: MAIL_sendAESMail: Now uses MAIL_AESencode. cha: m23SHARED_new: Now adds 5 clients to the bill to let the customer see how much he would have to pay. new: m23SHARED_deleteBills: Deletes all bills. +++++ 2010-01-12 cha: mkm23Deb: Now cleans mailConf.php. +++++ 2010-01-09 cha: m23/postinst: Now creates a new cron secret file if it doesn't exist. +++++ 2010-01-08 new: m23SHARED_markForDeletion: Marks the current user's data for deletion and disable his login. new: m23SHARED_deleteUserdataFromDB: Deletes user data not needed for archiving purpose. new: m23SHARED_isMarkedForDeletion: Checks if the current user is marked for deletion. cha: m23SHARED_sendAllBillMails: Now calls m23SHARED_deleteUserdataFromDB if m23SHARED_isMarkedForDeletion is true. +++++ 2010-01-07 cha: client_backup.php, client_createImage.php, client_debug.php, client_infoPage.php, client_packages.php, client_partition.php, clients_overview.php, client_status.php, recover_client.php, rescue_client.php, install_packages.php, update_packages.php: Now works with "register globals = off". cha: HELP_showHelp, MSG_showInfo, MSG_showError, MSG_showAddJobsInfo, MSG_showUpdateInfo: Language parameter is now optionally and all calls were changed to languageless mode. cha: makeBootCD.php, SCREDIT_showEditor, scriptEditor.php: Fixed layout. +++++ 2010-01-04 cha: client_distr.php, client_packages.php, client_partition.php, create_group.php, group_actions.php, customerCenter.php, m23sharedAdmin.php, menu.php, plginstall.php, plgoverview.php, client_sourceslist.php, install_packages.php, packageBuilder.php, poolBuilder.php, update_packages.php, capture.php, daemonsAndPrograms.php, serverSettings.php, serverStatus.php, update.php, makeBootCD.php, makeBootDisk.php: Now are using HTML_setPage. cha: ASSI_showClientAddDialog: Rewritten with HTML functions. cha: head.php: Now works with "register globals = off". +++++ 2010-01-03 cha: sourceslist.php, preferences.php, setClientStatus.php, setStatus.php, setLog.php: Added CHECK_FW rules. cha: PKG_getSpecialPackagePriority: Now returns integers. fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: Now sets the language for dpkg to C. fix: pingIP: Now works again. cha: assimilate.php, backup.php, client.php, fdisk.php, groups.php, imaging.php, scredit.php: Now are using HTML_setPage. cha: client_addtogroup.php: Rewritten. +++++ 2010-01-02 cha: groups.php, fdisk.php, messageReceive.php, remotevar.php: Added CHECK_FW rules. new: CHECK_text2db: Makes a text safe for using it in the database. new: CHECK_db2text: Converts a string from the DB format to a normal string. +++++ 2010-01-01 cha: db.php, packages.php: Added CHECK_FW rules. +++++ 2009-12-30 new: CHECK_letFWDie: Lets the variable checking firewall die with error message and info why and where it stopped executing the script. new: CHECK_FW: Variable checking firewall, that checks a bunch of variables if they contain only valid characters. +++++ 2009-12-22 cha: checkIP: Now uses more strict checking whether an IP is valid or not. +++++ 2009-12-21 new: CHECK_int: Checks if the input value is an integer and shuts down the application if not. new: CHECK_float: Checks if the input value is a float number and shuts down the application if not. new: CHECK_strAlpha: Checks if the input value is a string that contains only characters and shuts down the application if it's not. new: CHECK_strAlphaNum: Checks if the input value is a string that contains only characters and digits and shuts down the application if it's not. new: CHECK_str: Checks if the input string only contains valid characters and is not longer than the maximum length and shuts down the application if not. +++++ 2009-12-20 new: helpViewer.php: Standalone or integrated help file viewer. new: de/en/serverRestore.hlp +++++ 2009-12-18 new: HTML_showPagePrintButton: Shows a print button that allows easy printing of the current m23 administration interface. cha: index.php: Now shows the printer button on top of every page. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now proxy and port are unset if m23shared is running. new: m23SHARED_getInformationForBootingYourClientLink: Generates a link to the help page information for booting the client. new: de/m23SharedBootingYourClient.hlp +++++ 2009-12-17 new: m23SHARED_showPriceListTable: Shows a table with the price list. new: customerCenter.hlp +++++ 2009-12-16 cha: Finished translations. +++++ 2009-12-15 new: Some translations. +++++ 2009-12-11 new: SERVERBACKUP_runBackupNowDialog: Shows a dialog for starting the server backup manually at once. new: m23SHARED_calculateBill: Calculates the bill for a choosen month in a selected year. new: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Generates a list of existing server backups. new: SERVERBACKUP_rmBackup: Removes server backup. new: SERVERBACKUP_backupOverviewDialog: Shows a dialog with overview of all existing server backups with possibility for deletion. +++++ 2009-12-10 new: de/cron.inc, de/manageGPGKeysDialog.inc, de/m23ServerBackup.hlp: Added help files for new functions. +++++ 2009-12-09 new: SERVER_runningInScreen: Returns "true" if a screen session with a given name exists for a given user. +++++ 2009-12-08 new: SERVERBACKUP_showConfigurationDialog: Shows a dialog for configuring the server backup. new: MAIL_importGPGKey: Imports an GPG key into the bunch of GPG keys. new: MAIL_deleteGPGKey: Deletes an GPG key from the bunch of GPG keys. new: MAIL_manageGPGKeysDialog: Shows a dialog for importing and deleting GPG keys. new: HTML_textArea: Shows a text area to insert text. new: MAIL_sendMail: Sends a mail, that may be GPG encrypted and contain an attachement via the cryptmail gateway. +++++ 2009-12-07 new: MAIL_getGpgKeyList: Gets the list of known GPG keys/identities. new: SERVER_getFileContents: Get the contents of any file (even if only readable by root). new: SERVER_putFileContents: Stores a text to a file and changes it's mode, user and group. new: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupConfiguration: Gets the server backup configuration. new: SERVERBACKUP_storeBackupConfiguration: Stores the server backup configuration. +++++ 2009-12-06 fix: EDIT_deleteMatching: Now removes newlines from the search string. new: CRON_getNextIdentifierNr: Calculates the next higher identifier number from a given identifier. new: CRON_cronManagementDialog: Shows a dialog for viewing, adding and deleting crontab entries for a given user, command and identifier. new: CRON_cronEntryDeletionDialog: Shows a a list of crontab entries matching the identifier with deletion option. new: CRON_translateEveryIntervallValue: Translates a time value with possible intervall into a human readable string. +++++ 2009-12-04 new: CRON_addJobDayly: Runs a command every day at a specified time. cha: MSG_showInfo, MSG_showError, MSG_showWarning: language parameter is now optional. new: CRON_getEntriesByIdentifier: Parses the crontab for all lines matching the identifier. new: CRON_getTimeBaseArray: Returns an associative array that contains the timebases for cron that are supported by m23. new: CRON_getDayOfWeekArray: Returns an associative array that contains the week day names for cron. new: CRON_checkMinute: Checks if a minute value is valid. new: CRON_checkHour: Checks if a hour value is valid. +++++ 2009-12-03 new: CRON_addJobHourly: Runs a command every N hours. new: CRON_addJobWeekly: Runs a command every week at a specified time. +++++ 2009-12-02 new: CRON_genCronEntry: Creates a cron line to insert into crontab. new: CRON_addJob: Adds a command to the crontab. new: CRON_rmJob: Removes an entry from the crontab. +++++ 2009-12-01 cha: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: Now returns false if the file could not be donwloaded. +++++ 2009-11-27 new: m23SHARED_showLicenseDialog: Shows a dialog for viewing and changing the license and paid client amount. new: m23SHARED_showAdminDialog: Shows a dialog for the admin to search users for and change values. new: m23SHARED_blockAccount: Blocks or unblocks an account. new: m23SHARED_isAccountBlocked: Checks if an account is blocked. new: m23SHARED_showAddExtraBillDialog: Shows a dialog for adding extra entries to the bill. new: m23SHARED_showBillDialog: Shows a dialog for viewing and choosing the bill. +++++ 2009-11-26 new: m23SHARED_allUserDBQuery: Executes an SQL query on all m23shared databases and returns an associated array with all results. new: m23SHARED_getUserByResident: Gets the user name of m23shared customer by the resident name. new: m23SHARED_getUserByCustomerNr: Gets the user name of m23shared customer by the customer number. new: m23SHARED_getUserByInfo: Gets the user name of m23shared customer by searching all m23shared DBs for var and value in the remotevar table. +++++ 2009-11-25 new: m23SHARED_priceFormater: Formats a price with two digit decimal place. new: m23SHARED_downloadBillPDFLink: Generates a HTML link that points to the script that generates the bill for a given monath and year. new: m23SHARED_showDonationDialog: Shows a dialog where the user can donate to the m23 project. new: m23SHARED_addExtraBill: Adds an extra entry to the bill. new: m23SHARED_showBootMediaDownloadDialog: Shows a dialog with download icons for the different boot media. +++++ 2009-11-24 new: m23SHARED_getSalutationsArray: Returns an array with salutation forms. new: m23SHARED_switchUser: Changes the current m23shared user. new: m23SHARED_getSalutationHeadline: Returns a saluation headline that can be used as beginning of an email. new: m23SHARED_sendAllBillMails: Sends the bills of all users from the previous month as PDF attachement. This should be run at the beginning of a month. new: m23SHARED_prepareBillMailSending: Prepares the bill mail sending queue. new: m23SHARED_markBillMailAsSent: Marks a bill mail as sent. +++++ 2009-11-17 new: m23SHARED_getCustomerAddress: Returns HTML formatted address information for the current customer. new: m23SHARED_unusedPaidClientsAvailable: Checks if there are unused paid clients and shows an error message if not. new: m23SHARED_getAllm23sharedUsers: Gets all m23shared users. +++++ 2009-11-12 new: m23SHARED_setAddress: Sets address information for the current customer. +++++ 2009-11-11 new: m23SHARED_getPayTypeArray: Returns an array with the nummeric pay types as index and the human readable translations as values. new: m23SHARED_setBankAccount: Sets bank account information for the current customer. new: MAIL_attach: Attaches a file to the message body of the mail and changes the mail header. new: m23SHARED_changeClientAmount: Changes the amount of paid clients for the current customer. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerBankHTML: Returns HTML formatted bank account information for the current customer. +++++ 2009-11-09 new: m23SHARED_generateActivationKey: Calculates the customer number by current time and random value and stores it into the DB. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerNr: Returns the customer number for this customer. new: SERVER_multiMkDir: Creates a directory and all needed directories on the way to the destination path. new: m23SHARED_pdfBill: Generates a bill in PDF format for a choosen month in a selected year. new: m23SHARED_getCurrentUser: Returns the current m23shared user. new: m23SHARED_getLicenseType: Returns the m23shared license of the current m23shared user. +++++ 2009-11-07 cha: HTML_selection: Now returns the shown list element if none was selected. new: m23SHARED_getBillDates: Returns an array filled with all month and years where bills are present. cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Background image should be changeable now (Thx thomas). +++++ 2009-11-05 new: PDF_init: Inits some basic variables for PDF creation. new: PDF_output: Shows the created PDF. +++++ 2009-11-04 new: PDF_showTableRow: Shows a table row with a variable amount of entries. new: PDF_showTableHeader: Inits some values for starting a new PDF table. new: PDF_showTableEnd: Prints the PDF table. +++++ 2009-11-03 new: MAIL_cryptMailServer: Server part for sending AES mails. cha: m23SHARED_gpgMail: Is now MAIL_gpgMail and can encode big messages via temporary file now. new: MAIL_getHeader: Generates a mail header with sender and reply-to field, mail software and a BCC to send a copy to the admin. +++++ 2009-11-02 new: SERVER_changeHtpasswd: Changes the password of a user in a htpasswd file. new: m23SHARED_changePasswordDialog: Tries to change the password for the current m23shared user and shows an error or sucess message. Both of the entered passwords must be identically. new: m23SHARED_changePasswordDialog: Tries to change the eMail for the current m23shared user and shows an error or sucess message. +++++ 2009-10-31 new: m23SHARED_sendAdminMail: Sends an GPG encrypted eMail to the admin. +++++ 2009-10-29 new: HTML_showTableHeading: Shows a table heading row with a variable amount of entries. The parameters are shown side by side as rows in a table. If more than one HTML_showTableRow commands are executed in one table it is needed to always use the same amount of paramaters in each call. new: m23SHARED_showBill: Shows the bill for a selected month. new: m23SHARED_gpgMail: Encrypts a message with GPG for a given eMail address. +++++ 2009-10-28 new: m23SHARED_sendActivationMail: Prepares and sends the activation mail. new: m23SHARED_getActivationKey: Returns the activation key for this customer. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerEmail: Returns the eMail address of customer. new: m23SHARED_setCustomerEmail: Sets the eMail address of customer. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerLanguage: Returns the language setting for this customer. new: m23SHARED_setCustomerLanguage: Sets the language for this customer. new: m23SHARED_setRealName: Sets the real name of the customer. new: m23SHARED_getRealName: Returns the real name of the customer. new: m23SHARED_sendActivationMail: Prepares and sends the welcome mail. new: m23SHARED_activate: Activates a customer account identified by user and activation code, makes some checks if the data is correct and sends a welcome email. +++++ 2009-10-27 new: m23SHARED_sendAESMail: Sends an AES encrypted eMail to a crypt mail gateway. +++++ 2009-10-26 new: DB_queryNoDie: Executes a SQL query and returns the resource id to access the result. new: m23SHARED_getPayTypeHumanReadable: Returns the license and payment type of the m23shared/enterprise account as human readable string. new: m23SHARED_getMonthlyFee: Calculates the monthly fee with the given amount af paid clients. new: m23SHARED_generateActivationKey: Calculates a random activation key and stores it into the DB. +++++ 2009-10-24 cha: HTML_showTableEnd, HTML_showTableHeader: Removed unneeded HTML tags. new: HTML_showTableRow: Shows a table row with a variable amount of entries. The parameters are shown side by side as rows in a table. If more than one HTML_showTableRow commands are executed in one table it is needed to always use the same amount of paramaters in each call. +++++ 2009-10-23 cha: HTML_showTableHeader: Now has parameter to choose the CSS class of the inner table. cha: index.css: Some improvements for readableness of tables. +++++ 2009-10-21 new: CLIENT_getClientAmount: Gets the amount of all clients. new: m23SHARED_paidClients: Calculates and returns the amount of clients the customer has paid for. new: m23SHARED_evaluationEndDate: Generates a string with the end date and time in current selected language of the evaluation period. +++++ 2009-10-20 fix: m23xfree864Install.php: Now only enables vboxvideo if the VirtualBox addon package could be found. +++++ 2009-10-19 cha: PKG_previewUpdateSystem, PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation: Now are changing the client name on m23shared clients to the complete m23shared client name to store the package status information in a directory with complete m23shared client name and not without the DB name. +++++ 2009-10-18 cha: PKG_previewUpdateSystem, PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation: Now doesn't try to copy the current package status file via SCP before the preview if m23shared is active. cha: m23UpdatePackageInfos.php: Now uses MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand instead of MSR_statusFileCommand to reduce transferred data. new: MSR_copyClientPackageStatus: Writes a sent full or difference package status file to the correct directory. new: MSR_importDiffFile: Writes a sent full or difference file to the destination. new: MSR_copyDiffFileFromClient: Sends a file from the client to the server and tries to send only the changes towards an existing file on the server. new: MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand: Generates commands to transfer the package status file from the client to the server. +++++ 2009-10-17 cha: CLIENT_getAskingParams: Checks if a m23shared client name is set and returns its parameters. cha: CIR_waitForNextJob: Now adds the client ID to the request if it is available. cha: CLCFG_resolvConf: Now doesn't store an empty resolv.conf. +++++ 2009-10-16 cha: mkCert.sh: Now can create certificates for choosen hosts. cha: postMessage.php, setStatus.php, setClientStatus.php: Now include m23shared.php optionally. cha: CLCFG_interfaces: Now has $clientParams as parameter and can configure the interfaces with DHCP settings. +++++ 2009-10-15 cha: linuxrc: Now checks if the m23 server was given via kernel parameters. cha: linuxrc: Now asks for the m23 client ID or uses the given hostname if the m23 server was given via kernel parameter. cha: m23SHARED_getDBnameByClient: Checks if the m23 client ID begins with "m23S" to determine if the client ID belongs to a m23shared client. new: m23SHARED_getCompleteClientName: Returns the complete name of a m23 shared client ($_SESSION variables need to be set). new: m23SHARED_getServerIP: Returns the FQDN of the m23shared server. cha: getServerIP: Now calls m23SHARED_getServerIP if m23shared is active. cha: CIR_writeClientID: Now has $clientParams as parameter and uses m23SHARED_getCompleteClientName as ID if m23shared is active. +++++ 2009-10-12 cha: DHCP_rmClient: Now removes the client only from dhcpd.conf if the client doesn't use gPXE. cha: exportDBInitTable: Now auto increment start values are stripped from the SQL dump. cha: quickBuild.sh: Now builds m23shared package too. +++++ 2009-10-11 cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Checks if a m23shared client exists and give it out directly if there is one now. cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: If m23shared is active, print the DB name in front of the client name. cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now doesn't show network setting if the client uses gPXE or DHCP. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now has parameter to choose different boot methods. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now activates network boot if PXE or Etherboot is choosen only. new: dhclient-script: Added a modificated version that can set the hostname of the client. +++++ 2009-10-10 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now disables network settings if gPXE/DHCP is selected. cha: HTML_storableSelection, HTML_selection: Added parameter to add JavaScript. cha: client_details.php: Made some options disappearing for m23shared. cha: index.php: Disable some pages for m23shared. cha: head.php: Now show the currently logged in user and a logout link. cha: index.php: Redesigned and logout option added. cha: m23base.php: Removed spaces in front of the lines. cha: CLIENT_addChangeElement: Now adds changeElements only if they didn't exist before. +++++ 2009-10-09 new: m23SHARED_DBname: Generates a database name for m23 shared by input and salt. new: m23SHARED_getDBnameByInterface: Calculates the database name for m23 shared by setting in the user interface new: m23SHARED_getDBnameByClient: Gets the database name for m23 shared as part of the client ID. new: m23SHARED_init: Checks if a m23shared environment is present, sets the variables in the session and chooses the according DB. new: m23SHARED_new: Adds a new m23shared user and creates a new DB. new: m23SHARED_setLicense: Sets the maximum allowed amount of clients and the evaluation time in days. new: m23SHARED_evaluationDaysLeft: Calculates how many days are left from evaluation period. cha: PLG_listMenuPlugins: Now exists if m23shared is active. cha: menu.php: Now doen't show some entries if m23shared is active. +++++ 2009-10-08 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php, exportDBInitTable: Now accept list of sources lists to export from command line arguments. new: SERVER_delFromHtpasswd: Removes a user with password to a htpasswd file. new: SERVER_addToHtpasswd: Adds a new user with password to a htpasswd file. +++++ 2009-10-05 cha: dbConnect: Now supports clients with m23shared +++++ 2009-09-30 cha: VM_startVM: Added font path to fix font error of vnc4server. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now can re-use existing virtual harddisks. +++++ 2009-09-10 cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now checks if the m23 client is run in VirtualBox and try to install the VirtualBox guest addons. cha: KDE_install: Now installs m23-kde4-wallpaper. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now configures the display drivers for VirtualBox and VMWare. +++++ 2009-09-07 cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now creates backups of the client packages to the FRS. new: m23-skel/postinst: Adds setting of the .kde4 home directory if KDE 4 is installed to "profile" in /etc/skel. cha: m23-skel/postinst: Now disables start of kaboom. +++++ 2009-09-05 cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now has another fallback to create a working xorg.conf. cha: .profile: Now checks if KDE4 is installed and sets KDEHOME. +++++ 2009-09-01 cha: hwcheck, printconf, alsa-autoconfig: Added LSB parts to the headers of the scripts. +++++ 2009-08-31 cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now CLCFG_language is executed before the user is added. cha: CLCFG_language: Now changes the skel so that the keyboard in KDE is set to the client's language settings. cha: kdeglobals: Added font antialiasing cha: plasma-desktop-appletsrc: Now uses ~/Desktop as dektop directory. +++++ 2009-08-21 cha: menuManualStart.sh: Adjusted urls to the new file release system of SourceForge. new: uploadFRS: Uploads files to the new FRS of SF. This will replace the sf-upload calls. cha: uploadPDFFRS, m23instUpload: Now uses uploadFRS. +++++ 2009-06-29 cha: m23patch.php: Now checks if a (maybe) in apt.conf set proxy is pingable. The m23 0.8.5 VM and ISO came with a false preset proxy for APT upgrades on the m23 server. +++++ 2009-06-25 patch: Fixes assimilisation of Ubuntu cumputers that don't report a valid IP. Added search option in the client overview dialog. +++++ 2009-06-21 cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now doesn't overwrites the IP because it may be reported false by some Ubuntu versions. new: CLCFG_createScreenRC: Creates the (under Ubuntu) needed settings for screen. new: DB_getLikeableColumns: Returns an associative array that contains all fields of a table that can be searched by LIKE. cha: CLIENT_query: Added parameter with search string to search all clients for and only list matching clients or all if $search is empty. cha: clients_overview: Added search dialog. +++++ 2009-06-16 fix: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Fixed URL to the m23 community page article. +++++ 2009-06-14 patch: Server installation CD updates. cha: installLilo: Uninstalls grub now. cha: installLilo: Now adds large-memory option to lilo.conf if it's missing. patch: Small changes for the m23 server installtion cd. cha: installDebs: Now adds m23 server repository to sources.list. +++++ 2009-06-12 cha: m23-ldap/postinst: Now adds an LDAP group. patch: Fix for the LiLo filter. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: Fix for the LiLo filter. patch: Changes to support LiLo better. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now filters out double entries in lilo.conf. This may happen on RAID systems and hinder lilo to install. cha: installLilo: Links update-grub to lilo now. +++++ 2009-06-10 cha: m23-box/postinst: New code to disable VirtualBox OSE registration dialog. patch: Update for the graphical VirtualBox OSE console. cha: VboxVMStarter: Now sets the background image via xloadimage. new: Created background image for the graphical VirtualBox OSE console. +++++ 2009-06-09 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed Debian Sarge from the sources list. patch: Small changes for VirtualBox environment. cha: serverStatus.php: Changed IP to ping. cha: work.php: Now waits if the partition and format job is active and no distribution is set. Only this way the inode size can be set on Etch. cha: VboxVMStarter: Now starts flwm. cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Adjusted configuration to VirtualBox 2.2.4 OSE. +++++ 2009-06-08 patch: Small changes and update for VirtualBox OSE. new: Creates new VirtualBox 2.2.4 OSE packages. cha: m23/postinst: Links update-grub to lilo now. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Links update-grub to lilo now, if lilo is the bootmanager. cha: HTML_listSelection: Now processes the input array only if it is an array. patch: 64 bit compatiblity for the m23 VirtualBox environment. cha: m23-vbox: Can now be installed on 64 bit machines. cha: m23-vbox: Switched window manager from olvwm to flwm. +++++ 2009-06-07 patch: Version change and small changes. release 0.8.5 +++++ 2009-06-06 cha: createOSImage: Now uses maximum compression settings for 7-Zip to compress the OS image. cha: menuDoc: Now can be executed as root (if needed). patch: Fix for language setting in mass install. fix: MASS_startInstall: Now copies the language setting from the defined client. patch: Fixes for mass installation and BackupPC. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now sets the current page. Needed for continuing the client definition process. +++++ 2009-06-05 cha: add_client.php: Now uses settings from session. cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now uses client name from session. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now saves in the session that the next dialog is the disk define dialog if client definition is selected. +++++ 2009-06-04 fix: BACKUP_addAdmin: Now restarts the Apache after changing the accounts for BackupPC. patch: Changes for grub on Etch. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now has an extra parameter for settings of mkfs.ext2 and mkfs.ext3. cha: m23fdiskFormat: Now sets the size of the inodes to 128 bytes for Debian Etch (this is needed for the grub in Etch.) patch: texlive is now optional and is installed only when running menuDoc. cha: menuDoc: Now checks for LaTeX environtment and installs the needed packages if missing. +++++ 2009-06-03 patch: Fixes for the DHCP detection and the maximum size of the harddisk when installing the m23 server from the ISO. cha: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Added a link to the DHCP warner log file that contains the rouge DHCP server. fix: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Another fix and now only foreign DHCP servers get detected. fix: setClientStatus.php: Now includes vm.php what enbales setting a client to status green. cha: getDrives: Now calculates the size of the harddisk via sfdisk. This should correct installation problems on big drives. Tested with a VirtualBox virtual harddisk of 2TB. patch: Fix for the SSH key creation when installing from the server installation CD. fix: startBaseInstallation: Now creates new SSH keys on installation again. +++++ 2009-06-02 patch: Fix for the DHCP warning dialog. fix: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Now uses the correct DHCP UDP port for scanning. patch: Added missing package latex2html for Debian. new: Created latex2html package. patch: Small changes for the server installation ISO. cha: installDebs: Now installs and configures m23-vbox with the installation ISO. cha: createRFSBins: Special handling for 7-Zip binary. cha: installDebs: Now removes "http://m23debs" from sources.list +++++ 2009-05-29 cha: HTML_listSelection: Changed logic for normal arrays as variables and values. fix: uploadHtml: Adjusted the server for extracting the development guide. cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now posts the URL to the article on the m23 community page too. fix: makeDoc.sh: Fixed path for copying the development documentation. +++++ 2009-05-27 cha: html2tex.sh: Reducing image size to make the screenshots fit on the paper of the documentation. +++++ 2009-05-25 cha: kh2p: Now compresses the PNGs for the manual by color reduction to approx. a third. cha: m23updateChangelog: Now posts the development messages of the last day to Twitter. new: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Posts all articles that are newer than the newest article in the previous run to Twitter. +++++ 2009-05-24 patch: Small fixes to improove compatibility of grub with some partitions. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now sets the type of the partition via sfdisk. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes sfdisk. fix: CLCFG_changeUser: Now sets the password correctly (Thx Doc). fix: m23changeClientInstall.php: Now sets the root password correctly. +++++ 2009-05-22 patch: French translation completed. new: fr/createVM.hlp: Added French translation. new: fr/welcome.hlp: Added French translation. +++++ 2009-05-17 patch: Fixes for the message box and the package creation of the MDK. fix: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader, MSG_showMessageBox, MSG_showMessageBoxFooter: Now shows the message again if it is not returned. fix: simpleBuild: Now never creates empty packages if there are no changed files. release 0.8.3 patch: Redesign of the welcome page with included online blogs of current m23 events. cha: en/de welcome.hlp: Completely rewritten. +++++ 2009-05-15 new: MSG_DeActivateBlogDialog: Creates a dialog to en/disable a blog. The displaying state is written to the DB. cha: welcome.php: The status blogs can get (de)activated now. +++++ 2009-05-14 cha: welcome.php: Now shows the m23 status blogs as part of the welcome message. cha: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader, MSG_showMessageBoxFooter, MSG_showMessageBox: Now have an extra parameter to set if the HTML output should be returned rather than show. cha: MSG_showRSSFeed: Is now MSG_getRSSFeed and returns the HTML rss output cha: MSG_showm23DevelopmentBlog: Is now MSG_getm23DevelopmentBlog and returns the HTML output of the development blog cha: MSG_showm23UpdateFeed: Is now MSG_getm23UpdateFeed and returns the HTML output of the update feed +++++ 2009-04-22 cha: SERVER_runningInBackground: Now checks screen to check if a process is running. new: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Shows an error message if there is found another DHCP server on the net. +++++ 2009-04-16 cha: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: New parameter to choose if the file should be overwritten even if the new file is empty. cha: UPDATE_getInfo, MSG_showm23UpdateFeed: Now don't overwrite the cached files if the new file is epmty. new: MSG_showWarning: Shows the warning block for the warning messages. cha: client_distr.php: Added a warning message if Ubuntu is choosen. +++++ 2009-04-14 patch: RSS feed and other news support on the welcome page. new: MSG_showRSSFeed: Shows a RSS feed. new: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: Downloads a file if it is not older than a given time and returns its contents. cha: UPDATE_getInfo: Now uses HELPER_getRemoteFileContents and has an extra parameter to check for updates after a given time. New: MSG_showm23UpdateFeed: Shows the m23 server update feed. new: MSG_showm23DevelopmentBlog: Shows the m23 development blog. +++++ 2009-04-09 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed exporting all Ubuntu releases but Gutsy and removed Debian Woody. +++++ 2009-04-08 patch: Some fixes and script updates. +++++ 2009-04-07 cha: checkForx86_64Toolchain: Now downloads and installs the a binutils package that can handle the new amd64 format of the Debian Lenny binary files. new: Created a 64 bit package of VirtualBox OSE 2.1.4. cha: m23/postinst: Now writes cpu type and speed to the database on localhost. new: en/createVM.hlp: Finished translation. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost, VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Added code for preseting while screenshot making. cha: index.css: Font sizes are now set to 15. Liberation Sans is now the default font. cha: *: MSG_showNewFeature removed from all files. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added screenshot for creating a VM. +++++ 2009-04-06 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now activates network booting for the VM. cha: client_directConnection.hlp: Added ticks around the network boot password to make it easier to copy and paste in FF. fix: HTML_selection: Now the security check allows the correct value. cha: createRFSBins: Add badblocks tool to the bootimage. cha: bootimage: Updated the base to Debian Lenny. +++++ 2009-04-04 new: de/createVM.hlp: New help file for creating a virtual machine. cha: VBoxVNCStarter: Start xclock to make the VNC screen get updated every second. +++++ 2009-04-02 patch: Virtualisation added. new: CLIENT_showDelDialog: Shows the dialog for deleting a client. new: HTML_setPage: Sets the m23 page as hidden value. cha: delete_client.php: Now uses CLIENT_showDelDialog and CLIENT_showDelDialog. +++++ 2009-04-01 new: VM_delete: Deletes a virtual machine from a VM host. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: New parameter to delete the VM too. +++++ 2009-03-29 new: VM_webAction: Executes an action for a VM controlled by the web UI. new: VM_activateNetboot: (De)Activates network booting of a VM. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now (de)activates network booting on VMs. new: VM_stopVM: Generates a BASH command to stop a virtual machine. new: VM_pauseVM: Generates a BASH command to pause a virtual machine. new: VM_resumeVM: Generates a BASH command to resume a virtual machine. +++++ 2009-03-28 new: VM_getHTMLStatusBlock: Generates and returns a status block in a HTML table with informations (VM host, VM software, VM power switch state, visual console URL and password, VM NICs) about the selected VM client. new: VM_vmSwNr2Name: Converts the VM software constant (VM_SW_*) to the human readable name. +++++ 2009-03-27 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now sets the client's VM settings if it's VM. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Can be preseeded with MAC, clientname, VM software and host if created by VM creation page. new: VM_activateNetbootCMD: Generates a BASH command line to (de)activate network booting of a VM. new: VM_convertSwitchStatusInfo: Returns the status of a VM guest in several ways. +++++ 2009-03-26 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now makes proposals for DNS, netmask, IP and gateway. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now shows a link for adding the VM client after its sucessful creation. +++++ 2009-03-25 cha: HTML_showFormHeader: Now stores the client name and ID in the session if the information could be received by GET. new: CLIENT_addChangeElement: Generates a HTML dialog element for changing a client property. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses CLIENT_addChangeElement. cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now doesn't have parameters any more. The client name is taken from $_SESSION['clientName'] and the elements to change from $_SESSION['changeElements']. new: getServerGateway: Returnes the gateway of the m23 server +++++ 2009-03-24 cha: PKG_listKernels: Removed new: PKG_getKernels: Generates an associative array with the available kernels for an architecture and distribution as keys and values. Replaces PKG_listKernels. fix: LDAP_listServers: Now doesn't list LDAP servers with empty names. cha: LDAP_listServers: Now returns an associative array with the LDAP server names as keys and values. cha: HELPER_passGenerator: Generates semi-random passwords via pwgen or DB_genPassword. cha: CLIENT2_showAddDialog: Now generates user and root password via HELPER_passGenerator. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Complete re-design with new functions. +++++ 2009-03-23 new: HTML_submitDefine: Defines but does not show a button. new: HTML_submitCheck: Checks if a previously defined button was clicked. cha: HTML_selection, HTML_checkBox: Added support for saving the value to the session. new: HTML_storableCheckBox: Shows a check box with label with loading and storing the checking state to and from the session. new: HTML_storableSelection: Shows a list of radio buttons or a selection with loading and storing the checking state to and from the session. +++++ 2009-03-22 fix: HTML_input: Now accepts the maxlength parameter. cha: HTML2_selection: Removed. new: HTML_getElementValue: Gets the value for a HTML element by the session data or POST value. new: HELPER_array2AssociativeArray: Copies the values of an array as keys AND values to a new assiciative array. cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: Removed. cha: PREF_saveAllPreferenceValues, PREF_saveAllPreferenceValues: Now take the preference name from $_SESSION['preferenceName'] and not from the arguments. cha: PREF_getClientPreferences: Added parameter directOutput. If enabled the preference names will be given out as a HTML option list. If disabled an array with the preference names as key and value will be returned. new: PREF_showPreferenceManager: Shows a dialog to load and delete existing preferences and to create new preferences. new: PREF_preferenceLoadManagerHandler: Executes loading and deletion of preferences after pressing the according buttons and defines the buttons for PREF_showPreferenceManager(); new: PREF_preferenceSaveManagerHandler: Executes the saving of preferences. +++++ 2009-03-21 new: CLIENT_DETAILS_beginCategory: Starts a new named section for icons. new: CLIENT_DETAILS_endCategory: Ends the previously opened icon section. new: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon: Adds an icon in a section. new: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon2: Adds an icon in a section that can link to all URLs. cha: client_details.php: Redesigned with the CLIENT_DETAILS_* functions. new: VM_getSWandHost: Gets the VM software and VM host of a m23 client. new: VM_getStatus: Returns the current status of a VM guest. new: PREF_loadAllPreferenceValues: Loads all values of a preference into the session. new: PREF_saveAllPreferenceValues: Saves all values of a session into the preference. +++++ 2009-03-20 cha: HTML_showFormEnd: Now stores all session in a hidden variable. cha: HTML_showFormHeader: Now reads the session data stored in a hidden variable. new: VM_getAllVMHosts: Returns a list of all VM hosts with a choosen virtualisation software. new: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Shows a dialog parts for choosing the VM host. new: VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Shows a dialog part with information about the chose VM host. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now filters out unwanted SSH messages. cha: CLIENT_query: Now can filter for all VM clients run on a host. cha: CLIENT_showClietInfoMenu: Removed. new: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Shows a dialog to create a new VM on the chosen host. +++++ 2009-03-19 new: m23VirtualBoxInstall.php: Script for installing the VirtualBox OSE virtualisation solution on an m23 client. new: CLIENT_getCurrentFreeSpaceInDir: Get the amount of free space in a given directory on a client or localhost. new: CLIENT_getCurrentMemoryUsage: Gets the amount of free and total memory on a client or localhost. +++++ 2009-03-18 cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Now makes the m23 server a VBOX server by setting software type and virtualisation role in the database if the package is installed on the m23 server. new: VM_setHostInDB: Sets the password for the login to the visual management console on the host for all guests, the host flag and the type of used virtualisation software. cha: VM_setVisualPassword: Replaced by VM_setHostInDB. cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Transfers virtualisation software type and password to the m23 server if the package is installed on an m23 client. +++++ 2009-03-17 new: CLIENT_getClientID: Returnes the ID of the calling client. new: VM_statusIcons: Returns HTML codes that include the VM status icons of the client. cha: CLIENT_generateHTMLStatusBar: Now uses VM_statusIcons. new: VM_setVisualPassword: Sets the password for the login to the visual management console on the host for all guests. new: VM_setVisualURL: Sets the URL to connect to the visual management console. cha: vnc4server-m23-vbox: Added parameter for the IP of the m23 server. cha: VBoxVNCStarter: Now sends the visual connection URL to the m23 server. +++++ 2009-03-16 new: CLIENT_getActiveNetDevices: Checks for active network devices on a client or localhost. new: HTML2_selection: Shows a list of radio buttons or a selection. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now adds a unique ID after every job name. cha: VM functions: Now use the constant VM_SW_VBOX for VirtualBox. +++++ 2009-03-11 new: vnc4server-m23-vbox: Modificated version of the vnc4server script. Added support for starting VirtualBox VMs in a new virtual desktop accessible via VNC. This gives a remote VNC desktop that runs a VirtualBox OSE session and is a replacement for the VRDP feature of the closed source edition of VirtualBox. new: VBoxVNCStarter: Starts some tools for the VNC desktop like window manager (olvwm), xterm, and VirtualBox OSE. new: killCurrentVNCSession.sh: Shows a dialog window on the VNC desktop to shut down the tools VBoxVNCStarter started. +++++ 2009-03-10 new: VM_delVM: Deletes a virtual machine. new: VM_createVM: Creates a virtual machine. new: VM_startVM: Starts a virtual machine. new: HELPER_randomMAC: Generates a random MAC address. new: VM_status: Gets the current status of a virtual machine. new: VM_parseVBOXdisk: Parses a harddisk/DVD/floppy status line of VirtualBox. new: VM_parseVBOXstate: Parses the status (on, off, paused) line of VirtualBox. fix: SERVER_runInBackground, CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now load the right environment variables for the current user. new: VM_parseVBOXNic: Parses the status line of a virtual network card. +++++ 2009-03-09 new: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Runs a script with "screen" in the background or under a plain BASH under a given user. The script can be executed on the local machine "localhost" or a remote client that is accessible via SSH with a public key and without a password. +++++ 2009-03-07 new: VM_createDiskImage: Creates a new empty virtual harddisk image file. +++++ 2009-03-06 cha: simpleBuild: Now has an extra parameter to force building the package even if there are no changed files. new: m23-vbox: New package for configuring VirtualBox OSE on the m23 server. +++++ 2009-03-05 cha: m23/postinst: Adds a check to make configuring fail on all systems but Debian. +++++ 2009-02-26 cha: makePackages: Now calls mkRelease to make sure that Releases and Releases.gpg are up-to-date. cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now tftp-hpa works if IPV6 is enabled. +++++ 2009-02-23 fix: newsletterGenerator2.sh: Now includes the first line of each article. +++++ 2009-02-21 cha: m23/postinst: Now imports the key that is used to sign the m23 packages. release 0.7.1 cha: m23/postinst: Added logic to detect if the Apache 2 is used. cha: m23/postinst: Now configures all found PHP versions. +++++ 2009-01-26 new: mkRelease: Makes the Release file and signs it. cha: menuDeb: Now creates and signs the Release file on uploading. +++++ 2008-12-18 release 0.7.0 patch: m23 should be installable on amd64 now. cha: m23 package: Added a "conflicts" line to make sure that the packages can't be installed by APT on Ubuntu because Ubuntu is no supported platform for the m23 server. cha: m23 package: Switched architecture to "all" to make it installable on amd64, too. cha: HELPER_grubMd5Crypt: Added parameter for the length of the MD5 password salt. cha: encryptShadow: Now uses HELPER_grubMd5Crypt to encrypt the shadow password MD5. +++++ 2008-11-18 patch: Packages now compatible with Debian Lenny and Apache 2.x. Additional language support for Gnome. The key bit size of the SSL certificates is increased to 4096 and contain a random serial number that makes them compatibile with Firefox 3.x now. Support for extra SATA controlers like the virtual SATA controler of VirtualBox was added. release 0.6.8 +++++ 2008-11-17 fix: menuManualStart.sh: Now correct links are produced for downloading the PDF. (Thx Andre) cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now supports restarting of the openbsd-inetd. cha: CLCFG_language: Now adds language setting to /etc/default/locale too. cha: CLCFG_language: Now sets language for Gnome session too. +++++ 2008-11-12 new: getApacheUser: Get the user Apache 1 or 2 is executed under. new: getApacheGroup: Get the group Apache 1 or 2 is executed under. cha: mkCert.sh, fix-permissions: Now use getApacheUser and getApacheGroup. +++++ 2008-11-11 cha: m23-ldap: Now supports Apache 2 and PHP 5. cha: BACKUP_addAdmin: Now supports Apache 2. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports Debian Lenny too. fix: postint: Now deletes all unused "default" groups. +++++ 2008-11-10 cha: mkCert.sh: Increased key bit size to 4096. cha: mkCert.sh: Included the server ip into the X.509 certificate signing Request cha: mkCert.sh: Now generates a 16 digit random serial number for the SSL certificate. cha: mkCert.sh: Detection of the user and group Apache 2 is run under now works. cha: enable-ssl: Has support for Apache 2 now. +++++ 2008-11-08 fix: dodgerFilesGetFileList: Now lists the needed files again. +++++ 2008-11-07 cha: CIR_detectSCSI, getDrives: Added ahci generic SATA module. +++++ 2008-11-05 patch: Fixed corruption of software RAIDs. Added selection box for choosing the drive to install the MBR on. release 0.6.5 new: Completed help files. cha: bootimages: Build new bootimages with fixed checkdisklabel included. +++++ 2008-11-04 new: client_distr.php: Added selection box for choosing the drive to install the MBR on. +++++ 2008-11-01 fix: checkdisklabel: Removed the recreation of the partition table if a "loop" partition table ist found. This should fix the corruption of software raids. (Thx Yann for the hint) +++++ 2008-10-25 patch: Security enhancement for the bootmanager. Now installs extra language packages on Ubuntu. Fixed installation of the pure Gnome2 package. release 0.6.4 fix: m23gnome2Install.php: Included missing file (without was installation not possible). cha: install_packages.php: Now uses PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage instead of PKG_addShutdownPackage too. cha: KDE_install: Now installs Gnome language pack too. cha: Gnome_install: Now installs KDE language pack too. cha: CLCFG_language: Now tries to install language-pack-XX. +++++ 2008-10-24 cha: PKG_getPackageStatus: Commented out unused code. new: PKG_countJobsWithStatus: Counts named jobs on a client that have a special status. new: PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage: Adds a shutdown or a reboot package. No new job is addedm if there is already a waiting shutdown or reboot job. A shutdown package is added if the client can't be pinged and a reboot package if it is reachable via the network. cha: clientInstall.php: Now uses for all distributions PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage instead of PKG_addShutdownPackage. +++++ 2008-10-22 new: CLCFG_addGrubPassword: Adds a password line to the grub configuration to lock the edit line of bootmanager. new: CLCFG_addLiloPassword: Adds a password line to the LiLo configuration to lock the edit line of bootmanager. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now uses CLCFG_addGrubPassword and CLCFG_addLiloPassword. cha: client_distr.php: Removed debug code. +++++ 2008-10-21 new: HELPER_grubMd5Crypt: Encrypts a password to the MD5 hash as expected by grub. patch: Adjusted pool builder and added support for getting the base packages on new Debian versions. In addition small changes to KDE installation. release: 0.6.3 +++++ 2008-10-20 new: HELPER_putFileContents: Writes data to a file. cha: PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages: Now has 2 methods to figure out the base packages for the distributions. This should now work with all relesaed. A caching routine is included too to speed up the slow calculation of debootstrap. +++++ 2008-10-18 cha: POOL_makeRepository: Now contains fixing code to correct Release files that are missing the information stored in conf/distributions. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Added options to allow the download of packages from broken package sources. +++++ 2008-10-14 cha: KDE_install: Now installs gtk-qt-engine. new: m23-skel: Added media change icon to KDE's kicker. +++++ 2008-10-04 fix: PKG_addPackageSelection: Now accepts jobs without parameters. +++++ 2008-10-03 new: m23KDE4Gnome2Install.php: Script for parallel installation of KDE 4 and Gnome 2 desktop. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now uses dexconf for creating xorg.conf. cha: index.php: Now shows the page name as window title. +++++ 2008-10-02 cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now sets the default depth for XOrg to 24 bits. cha: clientConfigCommon.php: Now contains GNOME_installLoginManager, GNOME_install and GNOME_prepare. patch: Speeds up the client desaster recovery. release: 0.6.1 fix: clients_overview.php: Now remembers the action after sorting the clients. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF, uploadHtml, menuDevguide: Changed server because of SourceForge's structure changes. cha: CLCFG_writeHosts: Now sets /var/run/screen to 777 instead of CLCFG_installBasePackages. +++++ 2008-09-29 cha: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: Now sorts the clients. cha: m23normalInstall.php: Now reports dependend packages that got installed automatically and sets these install jobs to done. new: MSR_markm23normalAsDone: Marks comming m23normal install jobs as done if the packages they would install are already installed. This may happen when a package with dependencies is installed. new: PKG_fastGetInstalledPackages: Gets a list of all installed packages (faster than dpkg --get-selections). new: PKG_fastGetNewInstalledPackages: Gets new installed packages by comparing status files (before and after the installation). +++++ 2008-09-27 cha: client_partition.php: Now uses the first drive to install the bootloader. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adds all mouse modules that contain "mouse" in their names to the modules file to load them on system start. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now sets /var/run/screen to 777. +++++ 2008-09-24 release: 0.6.0 ISO +++++ 2008-09-21 patch: Package scripts improvements. cha: startBaseInstallation: Now creates a semi-random password for the LDAP server. cha: startBaseInstallation: Now removes remains from a existing LDAP database. +++++ 2008-09-20 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now has a non-interactive mode that doesn't ask if the virtual network devices should be created. +++++ 2008-09-19 new: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now deletes all contents of the tables in the m23 database. +++++ 2008-09-17 patch: Adds Ubuntu root enabler. new: ASSI_addUbuntuRoot: Enables the root account in Ubuntu if a Ubuntu installation is found. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now calls ASSI_addUbuntuRoot. patch: New kernel for client and server and code cleaning. cha: Updated kernel to for client and server. +++++ 2008-09-03 cha: CLCFG_resolvConf, CLCFG_aptConf, CLCFG_sourceslist: Now suppresses warinings if a non-existing file is attempted to get deleted. cha: CLCFG_installUsrM23: Deleted, because the files are now in the package m23-skel. +++++ 2008-09-02 patch: Some fixes and completed french translation. cha: KDE_prepare, KDE_install, KDE_installLoginManager: Moved to clientConfigCommon.php cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now has parameter to switch between KDE 3 and 4. cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog: Now lists swap partitions from the curious (new) type. (Thx Wolfgang) fix: client_partition.php: Now shows the correct heading for re-using existing partitions. +++++ 2008-08-18 cha: m23KDE3Install.php, m23gnome2Install.php: Installation parts are now split into seperated functions. cha: RAID_create: Tried to fix corruption of raids that were visible on mounting. Added logging and additional creation of the md device node with mknod and changed parameters of mdadm. +++++ 2008-08-14 cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Removing of partitions isn't critically any more. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adds all mouse modules to the modules file to load them on system start. new: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Makes sure the needed device nodes for the boot device are created. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now adds +x file attribute to m23fetchjob. +++++ 2008-08-05 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now with extra check for the (probable) faulty update-grub of Ubuntu Hardy/Intrepid. +++++ 2008-08-04 cha: checkdisklabel: Now only executes mklabel if parted doesn't return warnings. This suppresses a parted stack smashing error. cha: m23hwscanner: Changed the code to remove some compiler warnings. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added extra checks for Ubuntu Hardy/Intrepid to install GRUB correcty. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Extra checking for m23hwscanner, because m23hwscanner-ubuntu can not be installed on newer Ubuntu version. Instead the normal m23hwscanner is needed and installed here. +++++ 2008-08-02 patch: Eye candy for KDE and GRUB, some fixes and pre-release for m23 0.6.0. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Removed parameter $skelDir. cha: CLCFG_lilo2Grub: Now adds default kernel to start and timeout for user selection to the menu.lst. fix: PKG_listKernels: Now the choosen first kernel is the first in the list. new: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Adds the version number to a Debian or Ubuntu release. +++++ 2008-08-01 cha: deleteOldDoubles: Now works in the current directory. new: m23-skel: New package that replaces the usrm23.tar.gz file. new: m23-ksplash: New package that sets a m23 rock theme for ksplash. cha: clientInstall.php: Now install m23-ksplash instead of usrm23.tar.gz. cha: m23KDE3Install.php, m23Kubuntudesktop.php: Now isntall m23-ksplash. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Removed seconds from file creation information. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: Fixed possibly occurring grub installation error. cha: mkextradeb is now mkhwscanner. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now uses rsync without md5Check. cha: Removed not needed index files for uploadClientPackagesToSF. cha: menuDeb: Menu entry m23extra is now hwscanner. new: menuDeb: Added a new menu entry for building m23-skel and m23-ksplash with the name "m23extra". new: deleteDoublesmakeIndexAndReturn: Deletes package doubles and recreate the package index. new: m23-grub-splash: Package for installing a m23 splash image to the GRUB boot manager. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs m23-grub-splash together with grub. +++++ 2008-07-31 m23InstallerBase.inc, CLCFG_interfaces: Now removes old stored udev network device(s) to avoid network device numbering. de/en help files: Both translations now contain the same symbols and are (hopefully) correlative now. +++++ 2008-07-28 cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now checks for missing I18N symbols in the help text and indicates in which file they are missing. +++++ 2008-06-10 patch: Added not updated packages. patch: Better GRUB support and kernel update to cha: Increased size of kernel ramdisk size to 45MB. cha: Upgraded kernel to new: fixRamdisksize: Now updates the ramdisk sizes of all PXE config files to the current size value. +++++ 2008-06-04 new: CLCFG_lilo2Grub: Installs and runs the lilo.conf to Grub's menu.lst converter cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs lilo or grub as bootloader. +++++ 2008-06-02 new: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Added support for Grub +++++ 2008-05-26 cha: deleteOldDoubles: Nod is safe for Debian packages with different architectures in the same directory. +++++ 2008-05-15 cha: wget: Made a backport of wget from Lenny to Etch to support files bigger than 2GB. fix: m23/postinst: Now writes only a new dhcpd.conf if it's empty or reconfiguring is choosen (Thx Uli). +++++ 2008-05-08 cha: IMG_showImageManagement: Now show sizes in MB. patch: Added English and German translation. +++++ 2008-05-07 cha: de/en client_distr.hlp: Added hints for choosing the MBR. +++++ 2008-04-23 patch: Some enhancements and fixes for the imaging feature. fix: IMG_clientCreate: Now saves the written megabytes to the status file after the dd has terminated. +++++ 2008-04-22 new: IMG_installMBR: Installs the MBR on the client. cha: CLCFG_writeMBR: Is now replaced by IMG_installMBR and so commented out. new: EDIT_genClientm23Random: Generates BASH code to calculate a client-side random MD5 hash that is stored in the variable $m23Random. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adds a random password to lilo.conf to secure lilo against changing kernel parameters on the prompt. fix: IMG_clientCreate: Fixed status code. +++++ 2008-04-21 cha: IMG_getFormatCompressionFromFile: Extra parameter for checing for a MBR file. +++++ 2008-04-16 new: IMG_storeMBR: Sends the master boot record of the hard disk to the server. cha: IMG_getAllImages: Now doesn't show the MBR files any more. fix: IMG_getAllImages: Now shows the corrects size of images bigger than 4 GB. +++++ 2008-04-15 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now uses openvpn to create and delete the tun devices. cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now re-sets the IP and gateway of the real network connected devices on executing the disable script. new: MSR_m23ImagerMBR: Saves the received master boot record to a file after cecking the MD5. cha: IMG_showImageManagement: Deletes the mbr file of an image too if found. +++++ 2008-04-10 new: MSR_genSendBinayFileCommand: Sends a binary file to postMessage.php. In contrast to MSR_genSendCommand MSR_genSendBinayFileCommand is binary safe. new: MSR_decodeClientSideBase64: Decodes the slightly modificated base64 input stream created from MSR_clientSideBase64Encode. new: MSR_clientSideBase64Encode: Encodes a given file to (a slighly different, + is converted to - for sending it as post variable via wget) base64 format and appends the output to statusdata.post. There are two methods for generating the base64 output. First the native uuencode tool that is very fast and second a plattform idependent implementation of base64 encode in AWK taken from the HylaFAX package. +++++ 2008-04-02 cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Added button to execute waiting commands at once. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now writes the LILO bootloader in the installation partition too. +++++ 2008-03-14 IMG_clientCreate: Added status bar showing the progress of image creation. +++++ 2008-03-13 cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Creation of an imaging is now done from a network booted client. new: CLIENT_resetAndInstall: Resets or wakes the client to boot from network and run jobs. +++++ 2008-03-12 new: CLCFG_dialogGaugeProcPos: Generates the BASH code for showing a dialog with status bar that uses /proc/pid/fdinfo for current file position. new: IMG_getExtractedSize: Gets the size of the extracted image by its name. cha: IMG_clientRestore: Now uses CLCFG_dialogGaugeProcPos to show a nice status bar on writing the image. +++++ 2008-03-11 cha: checkdisklabel: Now sets loop partition tables to msdos to allow partitioning after RAID setup. fix: SCREDIT_newScriptTemplate: Now has correct path for m23CommonInstallRoutines.php, sets status to "done" and executes next job afterwards. +++++ 2008-03-10 cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now installs m23-initscripts. cha: work.php: Imaging sets no distribution value cha: PKG_getClientPackages: Now can filter the found packages by status. cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Now shows packages to install in the parameter of m23normal. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now enables ChallengeResponseAuthentication in sshd_config. +++++ 2008-03-02 cha: showRootPwDialog: Adjusted size of the password dialogs. patch: A bit smaler system image. cha: m23image.tar.7z: Added Midnight Commander. cha: createOSImage: Now excludes the initrd.img* files. They are not needed because they are re-created on server installation. patch: Fixes package errors. fix: m23/postinst: BackupPC config file will now get configured properly. fix: m23/postinst: The empty old version string is empty on e first time installation and will not be checked if the version to install is newer. This suppresses a faulty error message. cha: configureNetwork: Now allways creates 4 network devices. +++++ 2008-02-28 patch: Little changes only. cha: getDrives: Now uses the dialog's gauge element to show a status bar while probing the modules. new: startDropBear: Skript for starting dropbear ssh daemon from the server installation CD. +++++ 2008-02-27 fix: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports fake package source "imaging" (Thx Uli). +++++ 2008-02-26 patch: Completed packages. +++++ 2008-02-25 cha: Updated the Debian Etch operating system archive. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added screenshot making for the script editor. cha: fr/scriptEditor.hlp: French translation completed (Thx Maren). cha: phpMyAdmin: Updated to version 2.11.4. +++++ 2008-02-24 patch: Now with complete script editor and pool builder with support for amd64 architecture. cha: POOL_prepare, POOL_download: Now has a parameter for the CPU architecture. new: en/de scriptEditor.hlp: Added help files for the script editor. new: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader: Shows the header of the help block for the online help. new: MSG_showMessageBoxFooter: Shows the footer of the message block for the online help. cha: MSG_showMessageBox: Now uses MSG_showMessageBoxHeader and MSG_showMessageBoxFooter. +++++ 2008-02-15 new: SERVER_sendScriptToSF: Uploads a script to m23.sf.net for public use. fix: HELPER_listFilesInDir: Only sorts file names if there are more than one files. fix: compileKernel: Now really deletes old modules before copying new. +++++ 2008-02-14 cha: Updated kernel of the client bootimage to new: addm23CommandsToCodepress: adds all m23 PHP commands to the PHP.js of codepress to highlight m23 commands like normal PHP commands. patch: Corrected syntax error in the work.php. fix: work.php: Corrected syntax error (Thx Jose). +++++ 2008-01-16 patch: Now includes the sources list for Ubuntu Gutsy and the beginning of the new integrated script editor. +++++ 2008-01-15 new: Created a directory for storing user scripts. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages, PKG_getSpecialPackageInfo, work.php: Now search in the user script directory too. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now shows an icon in front of user created scripts. new: HELPER_listFilesInDir: Lists all files in a directory and returns an array with all file names. new: SCREDIT_newScriptTemplate: Returns a template for a basic script. new: Included CodePress into m23 to allow syntax highlighting in the browser. new: menu.php, index.php: Added menu entry for the script editor. new: SCREDIT_showEditor: Shows a script editor with syntax highlighting if JavaScript is enabled or a normal textarea input dialog. +++++ 2008-01-09 patch: Support for Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon and Ubuntu assimilisation. cha: en/de client_assimilate.hlp: Changed for Ubuntu assimilisation. +++++ 2008-01-07 cha: plink: Patched plink to disable question for adding unknow key. Now runs non-intercative. cha: MSR_clientSettings, MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now check for the client's architecture too. +++++ 2007-12-26 new: plink-ubuntu: Special version to execute commands via SSH as root on Ubuntu systems. cha: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: Can now run commands on Ubuntu systems. cha: ASSI_showClientAddDialog, ASSI_addClient: Added option for assimilating Ubuntu systems. +++++ 2007-12-22 cha: Updated the Ubuntu debootstrap to support Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now creates a symlink for the new debootstrap version. new: New souces list for Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon. +++++ 2007-12-03 patch: Help texts updated. cha: en/de/fr/client_add.hlp: Now with adjusted help texts. patch: Minor fixes new version number. cha: Incremented version number to 0.5.8. +++++ 2007-12-02 cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Now sets default display manager to gdm if it's not done by the packages. patch: Minor fixes for server installation. fix: getDrives: Now detects scsi drives in a more generic way. fix: Added needed link from the Debian pkgdetails-amd64 to Ubuntu debootstrap directory. +++++ 2007-11-27 cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now shows architecture and kernel name. cha: m23/postinst: Adds architecture option with i386 to all clients if it's missing. patch: Lots of changes for 64 bit clients. Improved hardware detection, lots of fixes. +++++ 2007-11-26 cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Errors about not found release file are not critically any more. cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now can change kernel and architecture in database. cha: PKG_updatePackageInfo, PKG_searchFor: Now with optional architecture parameter. cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now lists kernels for the selected architecture. +++++ 2007-11-22 fix: CLCFG_installUsrM23: Doesn't remove skel directory any more to add desktop icons for CD/DVD and harddisk drives. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Added selection to edit the used kernel. +++++ 2007-11-20 new: compileKernel: Now makes a distclean if the current compile architecture and the previously differs. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Falure on creating partitions is not critically any more. cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall, CLCFG_hwdetect: Removed installation of packages xf86config-knoppix and ddcxinfo-knoppix. +++++ 2007-11-13 cha: linuxrc: Now runs the hardware detection programms hwsetup and discover to guarantee a maximum of detection. cha: m23hwscanner.c: Added more generic logic to detect swap partitions. +++++ 2007-11-08 cha: Added package xorgconfig-knoppix to getBuildKnoppixDebs. new: Patch for xorgconfig-knoppix to add extra detection of PS/2 mice. new: Patch for xf86config-knoppix to add extra detection of PS/2 mice. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now uses xorgconfig-knoppix for XOrg cha: hwcheck: Now includes configuration file creation for XFree86 and XOrg via mkxf86config or mkxorgconfig. cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Creates 32 bit hwsetup package on 32 bit systems and 64 bit package on a 64 bit system. cha: m23hwscanner.c: Added more generic logic for finding CD devices. +++++ 2007-11-05 cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Now creates a i386 only hwsetup package. new: Build native amd64 hwsetup package. new: yaird packages: Build i386 and amd64 yaird packages from SID for all Debian versions. The new package is needed for building initrds for newer kernel versions. cha: prepareBuilding: Added a wait for key press. +++++ 2007-10-26 cha: Build new Debian package for pciutils 2.2.7. fix: kudzu.c: Fixed a crash on amd64 arch. cha: mkStaticKnoppix: Patch the makefiles different to use the new kudzu. cha: mkStaticKnoppix: Add a warning if the package could not be created. +++++ 2007-10-19 cha: BusyBox: Added getopts support. cha: createRFSBins: Added discover discover-modprobe discover-pkginstall discover-config. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now fetches a special pkgdetails version for amd64 systems. cha: DISTR_baseInstall: Now calls CLCFG_debootstrap with the choosen architecture. +++++ 2007-10-18 cha: DHCP_activateBoot, DHCP_writePXEcfg: Now with support for different architectures. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Added selection for architecture i386 or amd64. cha: createRFSDevs: Now gives out an error message if the directory for the device nodes could not get created. +++++ 2007-09-29 cha: createRFSBins: Now can figure out libraries needed amd64 executables. cha: createRFSBins: Now copies the binaries fo the choosen architecture if it's not the host's architecture. +++++ 2007-09-27 fix: listBusyBoxVersions: Now lists BusyBox source archives again after changing BusyBox's server configuration. cha: compileKernel: Improved amd64 support and adding of IA32 emulation in 64 bit kernels. cha: checkForx86_64Toolchain: Now uses timeouts for getting the cross compiler Debian package. cha: listConfigFiles: Removed dependency of current CPU architecture to enable "forking" of i386 config files for using in amd64 kernels. new: EDIT_addIfNotExists: Adds a line to a textfile if the search pattern could not be found. fix: x86_64 should not be converted to ia64. +++++ 2007-09-05 cha: m23/postinst: No locally stored packages (e.g. in extraDebs) don't get cached any more. +++++ 2007-09-04 fix: parted package: Removed files that got included wrongly. +++++ 2007-09-03 patch: Little pool builder patch. cha: PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Now sorts the files before listing. cha: POOL_makeRepository: Now contains code to fix Packages index files with empty Depends lines. +++++ 2007-08-21 patch: Small changes. cha: GRP_getDistrsAndSourcesLists: Check if no groupname is given and then give out all sources lists and distributions. fix: quickbuild.sh: Now supports building of package m23-mdk. +++++ 2007-08-17 patch: Another BackupPC SSH fix. fix: m23/postinst: Disabled strong verification of SSH keys. patch: BackupPC SSH key copying fixed. fix: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Removed copying of SSH key. This is now done by the m23 package. patch: Small fixes for the CD. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now sets more values via debconf. fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Removed . that caused syntax error in the client config files. patch: Made scripts for configuring BackupPC more robustly. fix: m23/postinst: Make BackupPC use the same password file than m23. cha: m23/postinst: Additional check for the existence of the BackupPC SSH key in authorized_keys. cha: m23/postinst: Make sure the BackupPC Apache include file is included in httpd.conf. cha: m23/postinst: Make sure all m23 admins are known to BackupPC. patch: Development guide updated. cha: Development guide: Updated. +++++ 2007-08-15 patch: Updated manuals and completed french translation. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog, CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions, GRP_showGroupsAndCount: Removed hint for new feature. new: fr/serverStatus.hlp: Translated. fix: m23.postinst: Creation of dhcpd.conf works again. patch: Updates to the package postinst, little corrections. fix: quickbuild.sh: Now works even if menuStart was not called before. cha: m23.postinst: Execution of the SQL files is only done if the SQL files are existing. cha: m23.postinst: Now creats the extraDebs directory with empty indices if it doesn't exist. cha: m23.postinst: Increased the size of the fields "cpu" and "MHz" in the table "clients". fix: m23XFceInstall.php: Added package xdm. +++++ 2007-08-14 new: array_keysSearch: Searches for a key in an associative array that matches a regular expression. cha: PKGBUILDER_showDialog: Creates the directory for the extra Debian packages if it doesn't exist. patch: Little corrections and support for multiple hardware of the same type fix: uploadHtml: Changed extracting command order. cha: uploadHtml: Now stores the archive under /tmp. cha: menuStart: Added checking for root permission on some entries. cha: menuClientISO, menuServerISO, menuDoc, menuDeb: Added checking for the current user and print out an error message and exit the script if it's the wrong user. +++++ 2007-08-13 cha: m23KDE3Install: Added kmix to the installed packages. cha: checkdisklabel (client side): Now uses same code as the version in m23InstallerBase.inc. new: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Logging of (un)sucessfully partition and formating attempts. +++++ 2007-08-10 new: getHardwareData: Support for multiple network, graphic, ISA and soundcards. cha: HWINFO_getNetworkCards, HWINFO_getGraficCards, HWINFO_getSoundCards: Better output. Elements are devided by breaks. cha: HWINFO_getCPU: Now returns name and speed of all CPUs. cha: HWINFO_getMhz: Removed. cha: Changed size of field "cpu" in the table "clients" to 255 to allow informations about multiple CPUs. cha: getHardwareData: Now stores names and speeds of all CPUs. cha: m23hwscanner: Found Linux systems are now written only with the device name only to lilo.conf. (e.g. sdb1 instead of /dev/sdb1) cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Added ata_piix to modules list. +++++ 2007-08-06 cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Detection of default display manager setting is read from /etc/init.d/gdm. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Now sets LDAP server and base DN in libnss-ldap.conf. (Thx Marian) +++++ 2007-07-19 cha: m23-mdk: Added dependency for 7-Zip. patch: Corrections of the pool builder. Additional patches to the Etch based server installation CD. cha: createOSImage, extractFile: Now uses 7-Zip for compressing. cha: checkdisklabel: Now integrated in m23InstallerBase.inc. fix: checkdisklabel: Changed to new parted version. Error messages about unrecognised disklabel are printed on stderr. new: addPoolToISO.sh: Script for compressing and adding an existing downloaded package source to the server installation CD. cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Added 7-Zip. fix: kh2p: Removed read. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added packageBuilder. cha: manual.tex: Added packageBuilder.hlp.tex. +++++ 2007-07-18 cha: PKG_downloadPool, pool.php: Replaced all log writing commands with "2>&1 | tee -a". cha: PKG_downloadPool, POOL_createExtendedPackageIndex, POOL_makeRepository: Now uses SERVER_runInBackground instead of directly calling screen. fix: m23image: Removed proxy settings from apt.conf. fix: m23/postinst: Creates MySQL m23dbroot user with less privileges because ALL PRIVILEGES is not possible. +++++ 2007-07-14 cha: m23/postinst: Now sets the php memory limit to 32MB. cha: mkDeb: Now removes backup files. cha: printconf: Now only gets executed on "start" or "restart". +++++ 2007-07-13 new: printconf: New script in m23-initscripts that scans for new printers and adds them. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Now activates printconf via symlink. +++++ 2007-07-12 fix: POOL_makeRepository: Now deleted old scripts. patch: EtherBoot images now working again and compressed. New server status log for posting in the m23 forum. +++++ 2007-07-10 new: client_details.php: Added icon for CUPS. Now can access the CUPS server of the m23 clients. new: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Configures CUPS for administration thru the m23 server and allows all clients in the network to print on the remote printer. fix: PKG_addPackageSelection: Now adds only valid packages. fix: EDIT_commentout: Now works if only the match parameter is given. fix: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Now installs the printer packages one by one to make sure that the most possible amount is installed. +++++ 2007-07-09 fix: createRFSEtherboot: Now compresses the initrd to decrease the image size. fix: createRFSEtherboot: Now uses the old working mknbi-linux again. new: CLIENT_query: Now can sort the list after client status, name, install date and last changed date. fix: POOL_createExtendedPackageIndex: Now corrects Packages* files on creation if there are empty "Depends" lines. +++++ 2007-07-02 new: SERVER_checkDiskFree: Reports the free space of all mounted media. new: SERVER_checkRunInVM: Checks if the m23 server is executed in a virtual machine or on native hardware. new: SERVER_checkKernel: Returns the kernel information string of "uname -a". +++++ 2007-06-25 new: SERVER_checkDownload: Downloads a special file from m23.sf.net and checks if the size and md5 sum are matching. new: SERVER_getOS: Returns the version string of the distribution. new: SERVER_getInstallationMedium: Tries to figure out how the m23 server was installed cha: head.php: Added link to the server status page. cha: index.php: Added entry for the server status page. new: serverStatus.php: Added page for showing a server status log for posting in the m23 forum. fix: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: Now can add special packages. +++++ 2007-06-21 cha: client_distr.php: Now supports installation of a package selection together with the OS. new: PKG_addPackageSelection: Adds a package selections to the list of packages to install. Uses most code of PKG_addRecommendPackages. cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: Now uses PKG_addPackageSelection. +++++ 2007-06-14 cha: m23 ldap package: Now asks for the ldap password only if it's not in the debconf. +++++ 2007-06-13 patch: Some changes for Debian Etch based server installation CD. new: m23 server installation CD: OS is now Debian Etch. cha: configureNetwork: Now adds network interfaces eth0 to eth3 if the setup is executed in VMware. This is needed because ist is not predictable what interface name will be used for the pcnet32 device. cha: installI18n.de / en: Slashes corrections. Added http in front of the m23 page url. cha: EDIT_prepareStr: Removed addslashes because it lead to errors in the phpldapadmin config file. +++++ 2007-06-11 cha: installLilo: Now is Etch compatible. fix: m23 server installation CD: Added missign genpw tool. +++++ 2007-06-04 patch: Package fix. fix: package m23: Corrected error in the postinst (BackupPC part). +++++ 2007-06-03 patch: Added Debian Etch package sources list. fix: package m23: Now includes Etch package sources list. fix: package m23: Creates BackupPC SSH key only once. +++++ 2007-05-30 cha: PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Add files excepting the package index files are removable. cha: excludem23deb: Now excludes the files in /m23/data+scripts/extraDebs +++++ 2007-05-25 patch: New package builder for distributing files and directory trees to the clients. fix: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now returns a text with the error description if the package source doesn't exist. +++++ 2007-05-24 new: PKGBUILDER_tar2deb: Converts a tar file (with bzip2 or gzip compression) into a Debian package. new: HELPER_getFileContents: Returnes the maximum file upload size allowed by php.ini. new: Help for packageBuilder. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir, SRCLST_genList: Now adds special source for extra packages. +++++ 2007-05-23 new: PKGBUILDER_showUploadDialog: Shows a dilog for uploading the tar files with checking of the file extension. new: convertTarToDeb: converts a tar with gzip or bzip2 compression to a Debian package. +++++ 2007-05-19 cha: mkStaticKnoppix: Now includes the newest pci.ids into the package hwdata-knoppix. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Commented out download of pci.ids. +++++ 2007-05-18 new: SERVER_rootFreeSpace: Shows an error message if the free space of the root partition is low. new: SERVER_tmpNotWritable: Shows an error message if /tmp is not writable. cha: menu.php: Added SERVER_tmpNotWritable, SERVER_dynamicIPWarn and SERVER_rootFreeSpace. cha: head.php: Removed uptime and system load and redesigned. cha: getServerIP: Shortened function. Is it faster now? new: SERVER_dynamicIPWarn: Shows an error message if the m23 server has a dynmic IP address. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now downloads the PCI ID database from pciids.sourceforge.net. +++++ 2007-05-16 patch: Enhancements for Debian Etch clients and some fixes. fix: hwcheck: Now does not get executed at shutdown any more. cha: m23KDE3Install: KDM configuring now uses scripts to adjust kdmrc and backgroundrc that are shipped with the package. cha: m23KDE3Install: Some extra debconf values for Debian Sarge. cha: DMI_getParam: Now support the new dmidecode output (Thx MartinUni). cha: m23KDE3Install: More lokalisation of KDM. +++++ 2007-05-15 new: EDIT_commentoutInsert: Comments out a matched line and inserts a new line after it. cha: hwcheck: Adjusts module path of XOrg is used. This is needed for Debian Etch. +++++ 2007-05-11 cha: MSR_partHwDataCommand: Adjustment to the code change of m23hwscanner. cha: m23hwscanner: Now stores the partition and hardware information directly to /tmp/partHwData.post. new: buildm23hwscannerAll: build the 32bit m23hwscanner statically and dynamically with "all" as architecture. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now extracts m23hwscanner all architectures version.. patch: Integrated user management for BackupPC. cha: htaccess.php: Now adds and removes users to /etc/backuppc/htpasswd too. +++++ 2007-05-10 patch: Better BackupPC integration. new: package m23: Configuration of BackupPC. +++++ 2007-05-09 fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Added missing tranfer method. new: m23/postinst: Now includes a part for configuring BackupPC. +++++ 2007-05-08 fix: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Added mounting of /sys to make installation of Debian Etch clients possible. cha: SERVER_addLineToFile, SERVER_delLineFromFile: Now are using a random filename for the temporary script. fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Now adds the needed line to /etc/backuppc/hosts. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now has support for mkinitrd.yaird. +++++ 2007-05-07 patch: Another parted patch and Debian Etch sources list. fix: parted: Now compiled without libreadline. new: Package sources list for Debian Etch. patch: Now the client boot CD should work on all systems. new: Devguide: Added section for patching and compiling parted. fix: Recompiled parted to remove silly debugging information of libparted that makes the output of m23hwscanner corrupt. (Thx MartinUni) +++++ 2007-04-28 fix: compileKernel: Now deletes the old modules. +++++ 2007-04-26 patch: Etch compatible packages. +++++ 2007-04-25 cha: m23-ldap/postinst template config: Added extra dialog for asking the LDAP server's admin password if it can't be read from debconf. This is needed for Debian Etch. +++++ 2007-04-24 cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now checks if inetd.conf should be configured (not needed on Etch). cha: m23/postinst: Now configures the DHCPd on Etch correctly. cha: excludem23-mdk-debsdeb: Now excludes changing indices of the changed, new and deleted files of the packages. +++++ 2007-04-20 fix: makeBootCD.php, BURN_checkISO: Corrected path to the ISO (Thx MartinUni). +++++ 2007-04-19 cha: m23/control: Adjusted squid.conf editing for Debian Etch. +++++ 2007-04-17 patch: Little changes. cha: welcome.hlp: Changed welcome text to the current political status. cha: m23-mdk: Added build-essential to the dependency list (Thx freemind). cha: Added "press Enter to continue" stop points to allow viewing of possibly existing error messages. +++++ 2007-04-16 patch: Assimilation of Debian clients reactivated. Building of client bootimages should work now. Client job fetching problems should be gone now. cha: createRFSBins: Now contains a routine to check that the needed Debian packages are downloaded and extracted. fix: Added missing directories to m23-mdk-client-server (Thx Bjoern). fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now stores the work.php under the correct name (Thx Bjoern). +++++ 2007-04-11 fix: /m23/bin/plink: Reincluded. Now the client assimisation should work again. (Thx joyfm) +++++ 2007-04-05 new: Script to setup network interfaces for VirtualBox to allow the guest machines to have access to the host machine and among themselves. new: newsletterGenerator.sh: Script for generating newsletters from the news of the m23 page. fix: mkIndex: Now can handle file names with spaces. +++++ 2007-04-03 patch: Adjustment for the new m23hwscanner. fix: makePackages: Now scans for packages in all architectures. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: Adds a link to libparted to make the new m23hwscanner work. +++++ 2007-04-02 cha: excludem23-mdk-debs: Adjusted to exclude unwanted files. patch: Added missing package m23-mdk-debs. fix: mkm23Debs: Added missing package m23-mdk-debs. fix: Fixed path in menuDeb's directuplinst patch: Now all empty directories are included in the Debian packages and EtherBoot bootimages are included again. fix: tftp: Adds missing EtherBoot bootimages. new: mkIndex: Now included empty directories. cha: simpleBuild: Removed mkMissingDirectories.sh functionality. +++++ 2007-03-30 patch: Little fix of checkdisklabel. fix: checkdisklabel: Adjusted to parted's new behaviour to show error messages on stdout and not on stderr anymore. patch: Fixed faulty parted. fix: parted-1.8.6: Replaces the faulty parted 1.7.1 shipped with Debian Etch. cha: parted-1.8.6: Patched that the default size unit is MB. This will make harddisk and detection more accurate. new: Uploaded patched parted to dodger-tools. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now takes parted from dodger-tools. +++++ 2007-03-29 patch: New version 0.5.5. new: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Add permission to udev that all users can access the audio device (Thx Michael J.). +++++ 2007-03-27 fix: m23-ldap: Removed "conffiles" because the listed config file isn't part in the package so the package didn't build. cha: m23install.sh: Loads German keyborad if "de" is selected. cha: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: Disabled deleting of all jobs on the destination machine. (Thx Bjoern) cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Now sets lower timeouts to enable booting of clients with LDAP support when the LDAP server isn't accessible (Thx Michael J.). +++++ 2007-03-26 new: menuBusyBox: Shows a menu for downloading and buildung BusyBox fix: menuBusyBox: Now begins with "make menuconfig" after choosing the BusyBox directory. new: menuBusyBoxDownload: Shows a menu of all available BusyBox versions, downloads and extracts the selected release and assigns the BusyBox patches (if available). new: uploadPDFFRS: Uploads single PDF files to the doc "directory" in the m23 SF file release system. fix: uploadHtml: Now really extracts the HTML files ;-) cha: uploadHtml: Added status information. new: User manual and devguide in version 0.5.5. cha: Updated sf-upload to 3.06. +++++ 2007-03-25 new: uploadHtml: Compresses and uploads a html directory to SF. cha: control file of m23-mdk-client and m23-mdk-server are using "Conflicts" and "Provides" directives now to remove the old packages. cha: Updated m23image.tb2 and removed user pmiller. cha: fix-permissions: Removed permission changing of m23 MySQL directory. fix: menuServerISO: Transfer now uses the correct path for the osimage. cha: Removed unneeded files from /m23/bin. cha: kh2p: Now uses khtml2png2. new: dodgerFilesGetFileList: Get all m23 files and directories are owned by the user dodger and stores the result in the file /tmp/dodgerFiles.lst. new: dodgerFilesChangeUser: Change user of all files and adirectories stored in /tmp/dodgerFiles.lst. cha: mkm23Deb: Now uses dodgerFilesChangeUser and dodgerFilesGetFileList to change the "working user" of the m23 files forth and back. +++++ 2007-03-21 cha: mkStaticKnoppix: dpkg-buildpackage now uses fakeroot. So normal users can build the packages. new: kudzu: Made a new patched version of kudzu based on the old patched kudzu and the kudzu-knoppix. fix: hwsetup: Recompiled with the new patched kudzu. cha: Package m23-mdk-bootcd is now m23-mdk-server and control file contains "Replaces" directive. cha: Package m23-mdk-bootimage is now m23-mdk-client and control file contains "Replaces" directive. new: Package m23-mdk-client-server: Contains common client and server parts. +++++ 2007-03-20 cha: createRFSISO: Enhancing mkisofs command: Long filenames, Rock Ridge, producer, CD name etc. cha: configureNetwork: Removed debug code. cha: chrootSystem: Now creates /var/run/screen/S-root too. cha: createServerInstallISO: Removed copying of the translation files. cha: getDrives: Changing code for getting harddisk size with parted because the parted output changed. cha: createRFSDevs: Now creates symlink for using loadkeymap. cha: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: Now uses my kudzu-patched-dev instead of kudzu-knoppix-dev. cha: kudzu-patched: Recompiled package on Sarge. Now it should work on Etch and Sarge. cha: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: Now uses locally stored kudzu-knoppix-* packages. cha: isolinux.cfg: Server now uses the same isolinux.cfg than the client. +++++ 2007-03-19 cha: makeusrm23, mkusrm23.sh: Removed. Functionality is now in mkusrm23. cha: menuBootCD.hlp: Updated. cha: mkm23Deb: Now uses exportDBInitTable for serverFunctions.inc. cha: menuServerISO: Removed exportDB. Is not needed any more because the DB initalisation is done in the Debian package. cha: exportDBInitTable: Added status messages. cha: exportDBInitTable: Removed creation of m23MySQL-Init.sh. cha: burnServerISO: Removed. Extended funtionality (e.g. selection of the CD recorder) is now in burnClientOrServerISO. cha: findClientOrServerISO: finds the current client or server ISO and prints the full path to the ISO or an error message. cha: m23install.sh: Does not include m23InstallerConfigure.inc any more. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now contains extractFile, extractBaseFiles, configureMySQLmycnf, configureNetwork that were removed from m23InstallerConfigure.inc +++++ 2007-03-14 cha: menuBootCD renamed to menuServerISO cha: menuStart: adjusted cha: menuServerISO: Now uses menuVars cha: Removed mk-m23.bz2.sh, makem23.tb2 cha: Moved functionality of makem23image.tb2 to createOSImage and added menuVars support. cha: createRFSISO: Boot CD iso prefix is now variable. cha: Moved functionality of makeCD.sh to createServerInstallISO and added menuVars support. new: createServerInstallISO: Creates the ISO image for burnung the m23 server installation CD. cha: menuServerISO: Switched menu logic from if-then to case. cha: Moved functionality of exportDBInitTable.sh to exportDBInitTable and added menuVars support. cha: Removed menuKernelBuilder.sh because functionality is in menuKernelBuilder. new: burnClientOrServerISO: burns the server installation CD or the client boot CD. +++++ 2007-03-13 cha: createRFSBins: Now copies libnss_compat.so.2 too: This is needed for authentification in dropbrear. cha: checkdisklabel: Now uses find instead of fsize. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Including dm-tools from Dodger-Tools. cha: wait4go/make.sh: Now builds i386 and amd64 versions and puts them into the compiled directories. fix: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Removed "-r0" from the ext3 formating command. fix: md5sum: Removed BusyBox version because it calculates wrong values. new: uploadClientPackagesToSF: uploads new and changed clients packages to SF cha: deleted uploadNew: Replaced by uploadClientPackagesToSF. cha: menuDeb: Now uses uploadClientPackagesToSF. +++++ 2007-03-12 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now uses MSR_getm23clientIDCMD to include /m23clientID to the client's request. (Thx dermartn) new: makePackages: creates the Debian package index (Packages, Packages.gz, Packages.bz2) cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now copies the files form completeExtracted too. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Extracts packages from the local repository too. cha: makePackages: Now scans for packages in all architectures. new: localArchAptSource: downloads and extracts the source of the Debian packages +++++ 2007-03-11 cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Now includes functionality of mkstaticdeb. cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Build all packages with architecture "all" and static (if possible). new: mkStaticKnoppix: builds a static Knoppix Debian package new: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: prepares the building of Knoppix packages e.g. makes a local sources.list and downloads the kudzu development files. +++++ 2007-03-08 cha: m23extradeb: Now builds 32 and 64 bit debs new: buildm23hwscanner32: build the 32bit m23hwscanner statically and dynamically new: buildm23hwscanner64: build the 64bit m23hwscanner statically and dynamically new: preparem23hwscanner64Build: downloads needed amd64 libraries, sets the cross compiler flag or installs the cross compiler new: localArchAptUpdate: updates the package info database for a locally stored sources.list and a given architecture new: localArchAptDownload: downloads Debian packages with dependencies for the currently selected architecture fix: clientInstall.php: Added user to group plugdev to enable auto mouning of usb devices. (Thx MartinUni) +++++ 2007-03-07 fix: m23hwscanner.c: Fixed compile error. cha: CIR_waitForNextJob: Now uses SSL. cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools, CIR_waitForNextJob: Removed fsize. cha: createRFSDevs: Now has cache function to store device nodes in a tar.gz file. cha: createRFSBins: Now uses createRFScopyLib. new: createRFScopyLib: copies a single library (with full name e.g. libnss_dns.so.2) to the RFS cha: bootimage: ping is now native to copy libnss-dns.so* automatically. cha: dhclient-script: Removed "inet" from ifconfig calls. cha: screen: Patched 4.0.3 to make it run without utmp. +++++ 2007-03-01 cha: isolinux.cfg: Now has timeout. This means the boot CD starts automatically after 5 seconds. cha: menuKernelBuilder.sh now is in function menuKernelBuilder cha: listKernelVersions: Better sorting of kernel versions cha: downloadExtractRootFiles: Now uses local cache directory. cha: downloadExtractRootFiles: Switched from Sid to Etch. new: compileBusyBox: compiles BusyBox for the selected architecture and copies the binary and links to the compiled directory new: checkForx86_64Toolchain: checks if the toolchain for cross compiling to x86_64 is installed new: Cross compiler and toolchain for creating x86_64 code on i386 machines. This will be used in the new MDK to generate 64Bit Linux kernels, BusyBox, etc. new: Debian package for the cross compiler and toolchain new: menuVarDel: removes a global variable from /tmp/menuVars. new: createRFSFinishInitrd: Umounts the initrd image, configures the kernel file and compresses initrd. These steps are needed to build the bootimages. new: createRFSImage: Creates an empty image file for the root filesystem new: createRFSCopyKernelNModules: copies the kernel and modules to the root filesystem new: createRFSEtherboot: creates the Etherboot bootimage from the root filesystem new: createRFSPXE: creates the PXE bootimage from the root filesystem new: createRFSISO: creates a bootable ISO from the root filesystem +++++ 2007-01-30 fix: menuOldConfig: corrected additional newline. new: getKernelArch: shows the current Kernel format (i386 or ia64) new: getKernelStoreDirWithArch: shows the directory where the architecture dependend kernel should be stored new: getModulesStoreDirWithArch:shows the directory where the architecture dependend kernel modules should be stored new: createRootFSBins: copies all listed executables with their libraries (and in addition their links) to the root filesystem new: makeLinks: makes one or more links to an existing file new: createRootFSDevs: creates generic device nodes in the root filesystem new: createRootFSBinLinks: creates links to multicall binaries +++++ 2007-01-25 new: Added packages dmtools and mencoder-easy to the SF pool. fix: expertPartition: Now sets correct variables to support custom partitioning. Thx marian. cha: Updated menuDebs.hlp. new: menuDeb: Now supports direct uploads of packages. patch: Little network calculating fix and user edited configuration files are not overwritten by updates packages any more. cha: m23-ldap: Added conffiles. Thx marian. +++++ 2007-01-23 cha: checks.php: Code enhancment. fix: CLCFG_interfaces: Now uses correct functions CLIENT_getSubnet and CLIENT_getBroadcast for calculating network and broadcast. Thx Obergandhi and n0ll4k. +++++ 2006-12-20 new: archFunctions.inc: Functions for building the bootimage for different architectures new: getBuildArch: shows the current build architecture for m23 kernel, bootimage, busybox new: getDebianArch: shows the current Debian format (i386 or amd64) new: menuSelectArch: Shows a menu for selecting the current build architecture new: downloadExtractRootFiles: Downloads basic packages of a choosen architecture and extracts the contents. new: menuVarAdd: Sets global variables and values stored in /tmp/menuVars. cha: menuKernelBuilder.sh: +++++ 2006-11-28 new: My upload scripts are now under /mdk/m23helper/uploadEngine. patch: Better packages with new sources lists for Ubuntu Edgy, Dapper and Feisty. new: exportDBsourceslist: Exports the sources lists. cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now uses exportDBsourceslist. +++++ 2006-11-27 patch: Support for Ubuntu Dapper and Edgy and enhanced support for Gnome. +++++ 2006-11-25 cha: m23gnome2Install: Now sets the m23 background. +++++ 2006-11-24 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now links to libparted-1.7.so.1 in addition. cha: m23gnome2Install: Now installs language pack. +++++ 2006-11-23 cha: m23 website update. new: changeDepArch.sh: Script for changing the architecture of a Debian package. +++++ 2006-11-21 fix: m23hwscanner: Increased variables for storing boot and root devices. No deleting of the root device any more. Now boot and root devices with 10 and more characters are possible. cha: install_packages.php: Now does all package jobs at once (tries to start the jobs via SSH). cha: mkDeb: Command line parameters are stored in named variables. cha: mkstaticdeb, mkDeb: Added comments, now can choose a different acritecture and store directory for the resulting Debian package files. cha: mkextradebs: Now makes fake amd64 packages in a different directory. +++++ 2006-11-20 patch: Support for Ubuntu Edgy and Ubuntu Dapper. cha: mkDeb: Now can edit control to change the architecture of the package. cha: mkextradeb: Now builds amd64 and i386 packages of m23-hwscanner-ubuntu, m23-hwscanner and m23-initscripts. cha: m23-initscripts: Now patches xorg.conf on Ubuntu 6.06 too. Thx Soeldi cha: m23-initscripts, m23-hwscanner-ubuntu, m23-hwscanner: Changed architecture of the deb to any. The should be nstallable on amd64 too. Thx tradehaven. +++++ 2006-11-17 patch: Support for new Ubuntu versions. +++++ 2006-11-16 fix: PKG_searchFor, PKG_downloadPool, PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now are working with packages sources that contain spaces and other special characters in their names. Thx Bjoern, marian and tradehaven for their hints. new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu: Updates the debootstrap scripts for Ubuntu and returns the www path to the files new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScripts: Updates the debootstrap scripts for Debian or Ubuntu and returns the www path to the files cha: debootstrap: Updated Ubuntu version of debootstrap. cha: ubuntu/ clientInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu. +++++ 2006-11-14 patch: Litte fix in the phpMyAdmin config file. patch: Minimal changes on the m23-mdk-bootimage. Only needed if you want to build your own bootimages. fix: m23-mdk-bootimage: Now adds needed directories. Thx Bjoern, n0ll4k for the hint. cha: excludem23-mdk-bootcddeb: Added Packages.* to avoid recreation of the package every time. +++++ 2006-11-10 patch: Another LDAP fix and support for Ubuntu 6.10. fix: m23-ldap: Sometimes the m23-LDAP entry wasn't added in the m23 interface. cha: m23-ldap: I was reported that the phpldapadmin/config.php can contain \' instead of '. This will lead to a nonfunctional m23 interface. I couldn't reproduce this behaviour, but I've added correction code to convert \' to '. So the config.php should be ok now. Thx Bjoern. +++++ 2006-11-09 cha: m23-initscripts: In Ubuntu 6.10 it is needed to remove a line from xorg.conf to start X properly. The new initscripts will detect this Ubuntu release and adjust xorg.conf. Thx Soldi. +++++ 2006-11-08 patch: Fixes problems with LDAP and DHCP. fix: m23-ldap: Package now configures needed settings for LDAP and phpLDAPadmin. The LDAP server should run out-of-the-box now. +++++ 2006-10-30 cha: DHCP_addClient: Now adds new entries at the top of the dhcpd.conf. This makes it possible to use the dhcp server on the m23 server for giving out IPs for clients in a range. Thx MisterA. new: DHCP_restartDHCPserver: Restarts the DHCP server. Fix: DHCP_rmClient, DHCP_addClient: Now are using DHCP_restartDHCPserver. This propagates status changes in dhcpd.conf on every call. Thx MisterA for the hint. fix: CLIENT_deleteClient: Now the PXE entry of clients that never got installed will be removed on removing the client. Thx MisterA for the hint. +++++ 2006-10-04 cha: m23 page: New icons for Debian, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, m23 and m23-update. cha: m23 page: Disabled borders on images. new: m23 page: Installation guide in German and English. new: m23 page: Scripts for short links to downloads and news articles. patch: Introduces software RAIDs. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Upload now uses rsync. +++++ 2006-09-30 cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Added detection for RAIDs. cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Added code that tries 10 times to install the gnome packages, because I had sometimes problems installing it. +++++ 2006-09-29 fix: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now doesn't delete existing tables any more. fix: excludem23deb: Now allows phpMyAdmin.png. cha: UPDATE_running(): Now checks against the running screen session. +++++ 2006-09-26 fix: makeCD.sh: Now uses getRamDiskSize to get the correct size of the ram disk. new: manual: Better screenshot input data. new: manual: German version updated und uploaded. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added add_RAID. cha: client_partition.php: Better support for making screenshots. +++++ 2006-09-23 new: Added help text for RAIDs in german and english. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Corrected symlink to m23fetchjob. cha: m23hwscanner: Now has support for detecting RAID systems. fix: m23hwscanner: Now detects all initrd.imgs cha: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: Now works even if dev_amount isn't set. cha: client_partition.php: Now calculates and stores the device to install the MBR of the bootloader in in an extra option. new: CLCFG_getMbrPart: Returns the device to install the MBR of the bootloader in. cha: POOL_makeRepository, POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Now works if the CD/DVD mount point is a symlink. cha: FDISK_getAfterPartition: Now rounds up the percentage value. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now doesn't use FDISK_getAfterLastPartition any more. cha: HWINFO_printPartitions: Now shows partition table too. +++++ 2006-09-04 new: FDISK_raidJob: Generates a job to create a RAID on given drives/partitions. new: FDISK_addRaidJobs: Generates jobs to create all RAIDs. new: FDISK_buildRaidDialog: Shows a dialog for creating RAIDs of different types and assign real drives or partitions. cha: FDISK_listPartJobs: Now lists RAID jobs. cha: FDISK_listPartitions: Now lists only partitions that aren't used for a RAID or that lay on a drive that isn't used for a RAID as a whole. cha: FDISK_addDrivePartitionToRaid: Now locks drives that are used for a RAID as a whole or partitions that are used in a RAID. cha: FDISK_listPartitions: Now lists RAID devices too. cha: FDISK_formatPart: Now "formats" the fake RAID partition to adjust param. cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now lists all partitions that can be used for installation or swapping. cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now lists only partitions that aren't used for a RAID or that lay on a drive that isn't used for a RAID as a whole. cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog: Removed unneeded parameter vDev. fix: client_partition.php: Now shows a heading for "delete partition" step. new: FDISK_addFstab: Adds a new entry to the fstab that is stored in the param array. new: FDISK_listFstab: Generates a HTML table with all defined mountpoints. cha: HTML_showEditLine, HTML_showSubmitButton: Removed new: HTML_input: HTML text or password edit line. new: FDISK_fstabAddDialog: Dialog for adding fstab entries. +++++ 2006-09-03 cha: uasort_cmpMakeFirst: removed new: array_makeFirst: replaces uasort_cmpMakeFirst. new: FDISK_getDrivePartitionSize: Calculates the size of a drive or partition. new: FDISK_listRaidTable: Get informations about the assigned real drives/partitions of a RAID. +++++ 2006-09-02 cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions, FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions: New parameter pathFilter: Set this to another value than false if you want only devices with a given string in it. If you add an "!" the beginning all is given out that doesn't contains the filter string (without the "!"). fix: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: Now can search for partition number 2 (and higher). new: FDISK_addDrivePartitionToRaid: Adds a drive or partition to a RAID. +++++ 2006-09-01 cha: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: Now works with multi devices too. new: FDISK_virtualAddDrive: Adds a new drive to the param array. cha: uasort_cmpMakeFirst: Now sorts the other elements. +++++ 2006-08-26 cha: client_partition.php: Introduced some constants for the extended partition steps. cha: client_partition.php: Code beautifying. new: client_partition.php: Added selections for choosing extended partitioning with RAID and/or LVM. new: HTML_submit: Shows a submit button. new: uasort_cmpMakeFirst: Special sort function that makes a special element the first element and leaves the other elements in its previous order. new: HTML_selection: Shows a list of radio buttons or a selection. cha: client_partition.php: Now uses HTML_selection. cha: FDISK_listPartTable: Now includes HTML table code and table headings. new: FDISK_addNewPartitionDialog: Shows a dialog for adding partitions. +++++ 2006-08-24 new: RAID_create: Creates a RAID of different drives or partitions. new: LVM_init: Scans for existing volume groups and activated all found volumes. new: LVM_createVolumeGroup: Creates a volume group. With multiple calls you can join multiple devices or partitions to. new: LVM_createLogicalVolume: Creates a logical volume. This logical volume can be used like a normal partition. +++++ 2006-08-21 cha: menuDeb: Now creates the update infor files. cha: menuStart: Commented out "update" entry. cha: makeCD.sh: Now adjusts the size of the ramdisk in isolinux.cfg with the value of kernelRamDisk.inc. +++++ 2006-08-14 patch: Some changes, fixes and preparations for the m23 Debian packages. cha: m23patch: Changed code to work with the new m23 Debian packages. cha: menuBootCD: Commented out making tar bz2 archives for m23 and mdk. +++++ 2006-08-03 cha: m23 package: Added warning if there is no static ip. cha: mkCert.sh: Uses hostname for the certificate if no static ip is found. fix: chrootSystem: Now copys m23hwscanner. fix: chrootSystem: Now uses correct parameter for m23hwscanner. +++++ 2006-08-01 cha: chrootSystem: genFstab -> m23hwscanner cha: htaccess.php: now uses htpasswd for deleting admins. +++++ 2006-07-31 cha: bootCD: Updated parted + libraries. cha: getDrives: Added SATA detection. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Removed functions that are replaced by the postints of the packages. cha: bootCD: Replaced BusyBox's tr command with the native version because of segmentation faults. +++++ 2006-07-30 cha: bootCD: Updated the tools nd libraries to the same versions as included in the bootimage. +++++ 2006-07-26 patch: Updates to a full featured "change client" dialog cha: MSR_decodeMessage: new command type "clientChange" new: PKG_getClientbyPackageID: gets the clientname that owns a selected package ID cha: postMessage.php: now includes "packages.php" new: MSR_clientChangeCommand: sends the ID of a "m23changeClient" job to the server. new: PKG_getInfoFromPackageID: gets a row from "clientjobs" for a given package ID cha: PKG_getClientbyPackageID, PKG_getPackageParams: now are using PKG_getInfoFromPackageID new: PKG_getClientIDbyPackageID: returns the ID of a client that owns a selected package ID cha: CLIENT_changeClient: changes client's DHCP entry and restarts DHCP server, if client is "red" or "yellow" fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now shows correct boottype in "clientChange" mode cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: after a changing a client the dialog isn't shown anymore new: CLIENT_changeClient: a status report is shown after a client has been changed new: MSR_clientChange: executes changes of a "m23changeClient" job on the server. new: de/en/ edit_client.hlp: help files for the "change client" dialog cha: edit_client.php: now shows help fix: de/en/fr/ welcome.hlp: corrected spelling new: icons for client and server new: MSG_showNewFeature: shows the new feature block cha: edit_client.php: now has a forum and uses MSG_showNewFeature +++++ 2006-07-04 fix: mkm23Debs: Fixed path for temporary files. cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now generates SQL statements for deleting sources lists that sould be replaced by newer versions. +++++ 2006-06-23 new: incPatchLevelInVersionPhp: Increments the patch level in the version.php cha: mkm23Debs: Now calls incPatchLevelInVersionPhp. cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Added SATA controler auto probing. +++++ 2006-06-21 new: updatePackages: Updates the Packages(.gz/bz2) new: newPackages: Checks for new and changes packages that should get uploaded. cha: menuDeb: menu now with entries for generating m23 server software packages. +++++ 2006-06-15 new: mkNewPackage: Script for generating templates for new packages from an old package. cha: MDK is now splitted into serveral packages. new: Uncountable changes to the m23 and MDK Debian packages. +++++ 2006-06-13 patch: Fixing installations stucking installations, bootimage updates. Experimental Ubuntu Drapper support. new: CLCFG_aptGet: Executes an APT command with parameters and tries to install/remove as many packages as possible. If the packages could not get installed in a bunch try to install the packges one by one. new: XubuntuDesktopInstall: Installs the minimalistic XFce4 desktop on Ubuntu systems. +++++ 2006-06-10 fix: CLCFG_executeAfterChroot: "cp" from the new BusyBox needs an additional parameter to copy special files. cha: bootimage: Replaced insmod, lsmod, modprobe by its native versions. +++++ 2006-06-05 new: started building Debian packages for m23. +++++ 2006-06-03 new: debootstrap: Adding Ubuntu Drapper Drake script. cha: CLCFG_listUbuntuReleases: Changed distribution to "debian". Ubuntu and Debian should use the same debootstrap scripts. patch: Updates for the bootimage: Kernel, hardware detection, BusyBox and tools. Added partimage. +++++ 2006-06-02 fix: knoppix.functions: downloadSource: changed not working AWK code to PHP. Now the newest source package should be downloaded. new: getNewestFileVersion: Gets the newest file (deb or tar.gz) from a list of files with version informations in the file name. cha: knoppix.functions: downloadSource: Now uses getNewestFileVersion. cha: getKnoppixHwdata, getKnoppixHwsetup, getKnoppixDDCxinfo: Adjusted to operate with getNewestFileVersion. fix: mkBootImage.sh: Corrected paths for copying hwsetup and ddcxinfo. +++++ 2006-06-01 cha: bootimage /bootCD: Updated kernel to 2.6.16-19 new: bootimage: Added partimage new: knoppix.functions: updateIndex: checks if the package index is not older than an hour or updates the index. new: knoppix.functions: downloadSource: downloads the source of KNOPPIX package +++++ 2006-05-29 new: bootimage: Added several TTYs the user can log in. new: bootimage: German keyboard layout loadable. +++++ 2006-05-27 patch: New desktops for Ubuntu and Kubuntu. Upgrade of the pool builder to make it work with different DVDs. Udates of the bootimages. new: KubuntuDesktopInstall: Special Kubuntu desktop installation script that installs KDE desktop with Kubuntu adjustements. cha: bootimage /bootCD : Added USB keyboard support and device mapper with crypto. new: bootimage: Added dmtools. +++++ 2006-05-25 cha: bootimage: Changing init to native version (BusyBox isn't used any more). cha: bootimage: inittab: changed to new init style. cha: Debian/ Ubuntu: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: removed obsolete packages. new: CLCFG_getDebianReleasesGeneric: Generates an array of the different releases (e.g. sarge, sid, woody, potato) of a distribution. cha: CLCFG_listDebianReleasesGeneric: Now uses HTML_listSelection and CLCFG_getDebianReleasesGeneric. cha: POOL_makeRepository: Now creates symbolic links from the data directory of the pool to all know release names. This establishes compatibility between the DVD/CD and debootstrap. +++++ 2006-05-23 fix: bootimage: Updating the tools in the bootimage to solve the problem of wrongly detected partitions. Partitions formated with ext3 were seen by parted and other tools as linux-swap. +++++ 2006-05-21 new: UbuntuDesktopInstall: Special desktop installation script for Ubuntu systems. +++++ 2006-05-20 cha: POOL_showLoadDeleteCreate: Now deletes the copy skript on showing the pool builder start page. This should fix the lock problem with copying CDs/DVDs. cha: m23KDEInstall: Now with autodetection of package names. cha: apt-get install: Added --force-yes to all "apt-get install" calls to make them work with packages that can't get authentificated +++++ 2006-05-10 patch: Now Ubuntu CDs can be used with the poolbuilder. fix: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: Now shows correct mount devices. cha: POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Now guesses release name of Ubuntu CDs. +++++ 2006-03-28 patch: Ubuntu installs reenabled and first SVN files. cha: exclude*: Removed /m23/data+scripts/distr/debian/debootstrap from exclusion. fix: deboostrap: Now reenables Ubuntu installs. new: Added SubVersion files to the directories. +++++ 2006-02-08 patch: Automatic image storage directory creation. fix: IMG_getAllImages: Now creates the image storage directory if it doesn't exist. (thx Stephan) +++++ 2006-01-24 patch: Makes client bootimage bootable again. fix: bootimage: now boots again. +++++ 2006-01-04 patch: KDM keyboard fix. fix: m23KDE3Install: Fixes the sporadically appearing error of non-working keyboards in KDM. (thx Stefan) +++++ 2006-01-02 new: Created final m23 0.5 halfBaked ISO fix: mkRescue.sh: the return code of the wrong command line was used to detect if the initrd was created correctly. +++++ 2006-01-01 patch: WOL fix fix: CLIENT_wol: now calls the existing tool etherwake. (thy milman) patch: Syncronised with 0.5.0 final. New welcome page. cha: menu.php: entry for bug reports now points to the question FAQ cha: en/de/fr welcome.hlp: Updated +++++ 2005-12-20 patch: Fixes background installation of packages on clients being "online". Few fixes and changes. fix: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now copies /root/.ssh/ id_dsa.pub over /m23/data+scripts/ packages/baseSys/ authorized_keys to allways distribute the current SSH key. +++++ 2005-12-13 cha: configureNetwork: Now sets hostname via "hostname". cha: configureSquid: Gets hostname from /etc/hostname. fix: installI18N.de/en: Now shows correct drive while swap and boot partition creation. fix: getDrives: Fixed harddisk size detection problem due to a new version of parted. patch: Fixes the installer. Complete onlien help in english, french and german. fix: getDrives: Removed debug code that preselects /dev/sda as installation drive. (thx milman) fix: Fixed a few HTML errors in the online help cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: Now displays errors directly and stops if errors occurres. cha: bootCD/ README: Updated cha: version.php: Now is halfBaked-RC2 +++++ 2005-12-12 cha: en/de/fr manual.tex: Added hyperrefs. You can jump to a special page by clicking on the chapter title in contents. new: checkTex.sh: Simple checker for the generated LaTeX files. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Added entry for checkTex.sh. +++++ 2005-12-06 patch: This brings your m23 server to the 0.5 halfBaked RC1. Lots of fixes, complete online help (french too), tool updates (e.g. khtml2png, phpMyAdmin). new: Complete french online help (thx Maren) cha: makeCD.sh: Now copies language files to the iso directory cha: configureSquid: Now comments out existing "visible_hostname" settings new: EDIT_countMatches: Generates BASH code that counts how many times the search string can be found in the file. This can be used in ` `. cha: EDIT_replace: Adjustments for AWK. new: delValuesFromArray: deletes all entries in the array $arr with values stored in the array $delVals. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: New parameter runInScreen: Set to true if the execution should be done in "screen". False executes it under the normal BASH. new: BACKUP_getAdmins: Stores informations about known administrators in the BackupPC configuration file in variables. new: BACKUP_addAdmin: Adds an admin to the config.pl configuration file of BackupPC. new: BACKUP_delAdmin: Deletes an admin from the config.pl configuration file of BackupPC. cha: htaccess.php: Now uses BACKUP_addAdmin and BACKUP_delAdmin. +++++ 2005-12-04 cha: EDIT_insertAfterLineNumber, EDIT_insertAtLineNumber, EDIT_insertLineNumber: New parameter addIfNotExists: set to true, if the the line should be added only if the line doesn't exist. false, if the line should be added on every execution. fix: LDAP_installServer: Installation should work now. Password is now encrypted by debconf. fix: LDAP_addPosix: Set familyname to "-" if it's empty. cha: fix-permissions: Add /m23/doc and /m23/bin to fix. cha: menuTranslator: Now filters out backup files from upload. cha: installI18N.de: Now is up to date. cha: mkRescue.sh: Now removes backup files before compressing. +++++ 2005-12-01 cha: enable-ssl: Added command line parameter that disables installation of the SSL package +++++ 2005-11-30 new: New server installer mostly finished cha: bootCD: updated parted to 1.6.25 cha: bootCD: updated Linux to cha: m23install.sh: Now makes suggestions for netmask, network, broadcast and DNS partly calculated by ipcalc +++++ 2005-11-29 cha: makem23image.tb2: Image file is now called m23image.tb2 cha: makem23image.tb2: Now exclude MySQL DB directory /var/lib/mysql +++++ 2005-11-24 cha: DHCP_setBootimage: Symlink is made in /m23/tftp and doesn't contain full path now. This is needed by tftpd-hpa. cha: dhcpd.conf: "root-path" has to be "/" now. This is needed by tftpd-hpa. +++++ 2005-11-23 cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now compresses SQL dumps with bzip2 fix: makeusrm23: Changed path from debimg to debian cha: mkIndex: Now sorts the output file list and makes entries unique cha: exchanged atftpd with tftpd-hpa new: createMissingDirsCommands: Generate commands to create directories that are missing in the file list +++++ 2005-11-22 cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now uses user and password from /etc/mysql/debian.cnf cha: menuBootCD: Added entry for exportDBInitTable.sh new: sarge-install.sh: Installer for Sarge new: m23InstallerConfigure.inc: Configure functions for the new m23 installer +++++ 2005-11-20 cha: md5Check: mkIndex: Now can create a file list. cha: mk-m23.bz2.sh: Now uses file list function of md5Check. fix: exclude0, exclude4Update: fixed regular expressions +++++ 2005-11-18 cha: de/en/fr: Adjusted manual.tex new: checkMissingLatexHelp.sh: Searches for missing LaTeX files in the manual.tex files. fix: CAPTURE_load: Now merges current $_GET and stored GET cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Last adjustments cha: menuManualStart.sh: Added entry for checkMissingLatexHelp.sh. new: CAPTURE_showMarker: Shows a new column with a marker that is used for autodetecting the screenshot size by khtml2png. new: CAPTURE_showTableWith: Adds a width element if in captureLoad mode. cha: index.php: Added CAPTURE_showTableWith() to force a minimum width for the main table. +++++ 2005-11-16 patch: Updated khtml2png (and nearby I'm the new maintainer of this project) and help files. Masstools and client change dialog now know NTP, printer detection and time zones. A few minor fixes. cha: version: Switched to 0.5.0 halfBaked-RC1. new: manageImageFiles.hlp: Added cha: client_add.hlp, daemonsAndPrograms.hlp, mi_step3.hlp: Updated fix: MASS_propertyKeys: Removed doubled key "login" +++++ 2005-11-14 new: HELPER_getTimeZones: Searches for all time zones. cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: Now uses HELPER_getTimeZones. cha: MASS_showOverview: Added support for NTP, login name and time zone. cha: massInstall.php: Added support for NTP, login name and time zone. cha: MASS_showOverview: Now sets time zone and NTP to the value from the defined client. +++++ 2005-11-13 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: added support for time zone, NTP and printer detection new: PKG_addNormalJob: Adds a normal package to the installation queue. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now sets the correct status for defined clients. cha: FDISK_defineDrive: Now accepts size values with "GB". cha: MASS_I18NTokey, MASS_keyToI18N: Added new keys. +++++ 2005-11-12 cha: khtml2png: Now can detect the size of the screenshot by the position of a HTML element. cha: kh2p: Now uses the autodetect feature of khtml2png. cha: CAPTURE_showJSScreenshotHint: Removed. Is not needed any more due to new version of khtml2png cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Removed screenshot measurements. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added some additional pages. +++++ 2005-11-09 new: CAPTURE_showJSScreenshotHint: Lets pop up a JavaScript window that contains information about the measurement of the screenshot if capture mode is on. cha: changelog: Now uses the new date format for all entries (thx AWK) cha: MSG_showNewFeature: Now hides the new feature box if the server is in capture or load capture mode. +++++ 2005-11-08 cha: index.php: Added JavaScript code that calculates the with and height of the screenshots. cha: HELP_getHelp: Added JavaScript readable HTML code that stores the top position and topic of the help box. +++++ 2005-11-07 patch: MDK now conatins support for m23/Translator new: menuTranslator: Now can download all articles from m23/Translator in the m23 project page new: menuTranslator: Use "meld" to synchronise downloaded and local articles and get changed files new: menuTranslator: List all files that have been changed and that should uploaded to SF new: menuTranslator: Uploads all changed files ordered by languages and directories +++++ 2005-11-06 patch: Support for Ubuntu Breezy, timezones, printer detection and NTP settings. cha: menuDoc: added entry for translator cha: POOL_create: now shows an error message if the poolname contains spaces. (thx Olaf) +++++ 2005-11-05 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now can use "mkinitramfs" that is used under Ubuntu cha: m23KDE3Install: now works with the variant of Ubuntu Breezy cha: m23xfree864Install: now installs XOrg too +++++ 2005-11-04 cha: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: moved to clientConfigCommon new: m23-hwscanner-ubuntu: package with dynamic linked m23-hwscanner cha: mkextradeb: now makes m23hwscanner-ubuntu package cha: ubuntu/ DISTR_afterChrootInstall: now installs m23hwscanner-ubuntu and creates a link for libparted +++++ 2005-11-03 cha: debian/ubuntu clientInstall: now sets the timezone new: CLCFG_setTimeZone: Sets the timezone of a client. cha: debian/ubuntu clientInstall: now installs NTP package or not cha: CLIENT_addClient: now adds printer detection package or not cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: new parameter country: two letter country name that is used to select a timezone if none is set with $first. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: added logic for NTP, printer and timezone. +++++ 2005-11-02 fix: PKG_addSpecialPackages: now uses POST to get the package parameters cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: Creates a selection with all POSIX timezones. new: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Installs printer drivers and detects local printers. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: added elements for NTP, printer and timezone. +++++ 2005-11-01 patch: Fixes problems with relicts of the old debimg "distribution" cha: changed date format of the changelog ;-) cha: Updated phpMyAdmin to 2.6.4-pl3 fix: clientConfigCommon, clientconfig, clientInstall: removed relicts from the old debimg "distribution" cha: moved needed files from debimg to debian cha: Updated sf-upload to 2.01 new: m23/Translator is now part of the MDK +++++ 2005-10-30 patch: A big patch containing creation and installation of images, new boot images and editor for job management. cha: client_distr.hlp: added hint for imaging new: client_crateImage.hlp: new help file for imaging +++++ 2005-10-29 new: CLCFG_writeMBR: Writes the MBR on a list of drives for a list of partitions to activate. new: CLIENT_isBasesystemInstalledFromImage: Detects if the base system should be installed from an image. cha: DISTR_listDistributions: now can put an empty fake distribution on top of the list. cha: imaging/ m23baseSysInstall: now can install other distributions cha: clientInstall: base system copy routine can no be disabled +++++ 2005-10-28 new: MSR_m23ImagerSize: Sets the size of the decompressed image in its file name. new: IMG_getAllImagesSel: Returns an selection that contains all image names as values and additional informations as shown name. cha: CLCFG_mountRootDir: new parameter $mountPoint cha: clientConfig, client_distr: changed from GET to POST new: IMG_clientRestore: Restores an image file on the client. new: IMG_clientRestoreAll: Restores all images on the client. new: IMG_setFilenameSize: Sets the size of the extracted image in its name. +++++ 2005-10-22 new: IMG_makeExtension: Creates an extension for a given format and compression. new: IMG_getFormatCompressionFromFile: Checks the extension of a filename and writes its format and compression to the parameters. cha: moved LDAP, manage administrators and update from the menu to the server settings page new: IMG_getAllImages: Returns an array with informations about all existing image files. new: IMG_showImageManagement: Shows a dialog with all existing image files with the possibillity to delete them. +++++ 2005-10-21 cha: HELP_getHelp: now can show man pages. new: IMG_getImageFormatSelection: Generates a selection that contains all drives and partitions of a given client. new: IMG_serverCreate: Starts a server programm on the m23 server that stores an image. new: IMG_clientCreate: Creates an image from the client and transfers it to the server. new: IMG_showCreateImage: Shows a dialog for creating an image. +++++ 2005-10-20 new: FDISK_listIDrivesAndPartitions: Generates a selection that contains all drives and partitions of a given client. +++++ 2005-10-19 new: PKG_executeOnClientJobs: Executes a sql statement on all package IDs. cha: PKG_removeFromJobList: now uses PKG_executeOnClientJobs cha: client_waitingjobs.php: is now client_changeJobs.php cha: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: is now CLIENT_showJobs cha: CLIENT_showJobs: shows all jobs and can delete or set them to rerun or done +++++ 2005-10-18 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: now supports LDAP, home on NFS and local logins cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now supports LDAP, home on NFS and local logins cha: m23clientChangeInstall: now sets the nfs home server, enables ldap and local logins +++++ 2005-10-17 new: mdoc.awk, mdoc.sh : replacement for the mdoc C tool cha: makeDoc.sh: now uses mdoc.sh +++++ 2005-10-11 Functions for the subproject m23/Translator new: DB_connect: Connects to the data base. new: DB_query: Executes a SQL query. new: DIFF_showDiff: Shows differences between two articles. new: HTML_listSelection: shows a selection with options stored in an array new: HTML_showTableHeader: prints the header of a shadowed table new: HTML_showTableEnd: prints the end of a shadowed table new: HTML_showFormHeader: Shows the header of a formular new: HTML_showFormEnd: Shows the end of a formular new: I18N_loadLanguage: Reads the I18N keys and their native translations from the language file or the cache in the $_SESSION array. new: LANG_addNew: Checks if a user name/password combination is valid (password is set) or a user name exists (password is empty). new: LANG_getLongName: Returns the long name of a language. new: LANG_getID: Returns the ID of a language for a selected language name or short name. new: LANG_getAll: Returns an array with the language short names as array keys and the corresponding long names as values new: LANG_showAddNew: Shows a dialog to add a new language. new: LOGIN_new: Stores a new user in the DB. new: LOGIN_check: Checks if a user name/password combination is valid (password is set) or a user name exists (password is empty). new: LOGIN_showLogin: Shows a login page, checks user name and password, can jump to the register page and jumps to the page "main" on login success. new: LOGIN_showRegister: Shows a user registration page, checks if both passwords are identically, registers new user names and can jump to the login page after successfull registration. new: LOGIN_logout: Logs out the user new: LOGIN_getUserParams: Returns the value of a parameter for a selected user name. new: LOGIN_getUserID: Returns the user ID for a selected user name. new: LOGIN_checkPermission: Checks if the user has a selected permission. new: LOGIN_showUsers: Shows a list of the user with the possibillity to change permissions and delete users. new: PAGE_showMain: Shows the main page with a subpage in the lower part of the screen. new: PAGE_reloadIndexPHP: Reloads the main page without any GET parameter. new: PAGE_help: Shows a box with a help message. new: implodeAssoc: makes a string from an assiciative array new: explodeAssoc: makes an associative array from a string new: SESS_get: Returns the value of the session identified by the session ID of the client. new: SESS_end: Deletes the session entry for the client ID. new: SESS_load: Returns the session values or starts a new session. new: SESS_save: Saves the session array. new: SESS_start: Starts a new session and returns its ID or returns the ID of the current session. new: SESS_getID: Returns the session ID from cookie, globals, post or get variable. new: SESS_getIDUrl: Returns a string with session ID and variable name that can be used in an URL or as hidden parameter. new: SESS_cleanOld: Deletes session entries older than 2 hours. new: NEXT_finished: Tries to delete setup.php. new: NEXT_addAdmin: Adds an administrator account. new: NEXT_welcome: Jumps to the next page after the welcome screen. new: NEXT_checkConfigAccess: Jumps to the next page after the check for write access on config.php. new: CHECK_config: Checks for write permission on config.php. new: NEXT_dbSetup: Checks the entered values, adds a new database, tables and edits config.php. new: showPage: Shows a page with title, HTML body and next button. If the button is pressed a given function is called. new: jumpPage: Jumps to a given page. new: TRANS_delete: Deletes a file together with all its articles. new: TRANS_createDirectory: Creates a new directory. new: TRANS_getDirectoryID: Returns the ID of a directory. new: TRANS_touchFile: Creates an empty file in a directory. new: TRANS_getFileID: Returns the ID of a directory. new: TRANS_addTranslation: Adds a new original article new: TRANS_addOriginal: Adds a new original article new: TRANS_showOverview: Shows an overview over all translations with action links. new: TRANS_showArticleActions: Shows links with possible actions for a selected file in a selected directory. new: TRANS_viewArticle: Shows an article viewer. new: TRANS_editArticle: Shows an article editor/translator. new: TRANS_getOriginals: Returns informations about original articles for a given file. new: TRANS_getOldTranslations: Returns an array with tIDs and times of old articles by a given fID and lID. new: TRANS_getArticleInformation: Returns informations about the article. new: TRANS_getNewestTID: Returns the tID of the newest translation of a file for a given language. new: TRANS_getNewestOriginal: Returns the tID of the newest article matching the file and language ID of the selected translation. new: TRANS_getFileName: Returns the file name of a file ID. new: TRANS_editOriginal: Shows an editor for editing an original article. new: RANS_showEditor: Shows a translation viewer or translator. fix: DMI_getParam: now works with dmidecode 2.7 +++++ 2005-09-21 patch: Several fixes that may correct boot problems on some clients. New french help texts. fix: should fix access problems with config.php cha: HTML_showTableEnd, HTML_showTableHeader: new parameter fix: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: corrected function call of CLCFG_language (has only two parameters) cha: CLCFG_language: now uses I18N_getLangVars cha: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: Downloads debootstrap if it isn't installed in the mer directory fix: m23-initscripts: now doesn't deletes /etc/environment anymore (thx irgendwer) fix: bootimage: new version of dmidecode that runs on new hardware (thx TeeSee) fix: bootimage: there seem to be false bootimages on some servers (thx Alf, irgendwer) new: fr/help: french help texts for the pool builder, LDAP settings, client assimilation, edit client, client backup (thx Maren) +++++ 2005-09-16 new: WIKIBOT_connect: Connects the m23wikibot to the wiki server. new: WIKIBOT_post: Posts an article to a wiki page. new: WIKIBOT_postHelpFile: Posts a file in a selected language to the wiki and adds links to the wiki pages in other languages. new: WIKIBOT_fetch: Returns the article of a wiki page. new: WIKIBOT_getWikiLink: Returns a wiki link. new: WIKIBOT_getAllHelpFiles: Returns an array with all help file names. new: WIKIBOT_getOverviewPage: Returns an overview page that conatins all wiki links to help pages in all supported languages. new: WIKIBOT_uploadAllHelpFiles: Uploads all help files and generates an overview page. patch: Big fix + english help for the pool builder (thx to Patrick Jäger). new: help files for the pool builder new: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Checks if there are help files missing in some language fix: add_client: now calls LDAP_checkphpLdapAdminConfiguration to make sure the needed config file exists. (thx Alf) cha: moved outdated br and it help files to /mdk/outdated/help and i18n files to /mdk/outdated/i18n/ +++++ 2005-09-13 fix: HELP_getHelp: now interprets I18N variables with index fix: POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: now gets the correct codename of the ditribution +++++ 2005-09-12 new: POOL_showSourcesList: Shows the sources list of a selected package source. new: POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Reads the distribution and the release name from a mounted CD and writes these information to the variables. new: POOL_makeRepository: Generates a package source from packages stored in one directory. new: POOL_prepare: Generates the needed configuration file for reprepro. new: PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages: Returns the list of base packages that are downloaded by debootstrap for a special release. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: added checkbox for downloading base packages cha: PKG_downloadPool: changed parameters +++++ 2005-09-11 cha: POOL_createSimplePackageIndex: removed fix: SRCLST_showEditor: now loads the correct package list cha: PKG_downloadPool: now uses --force-yes cha: POOL_create: now checks if the pool directory exists cha: menuUpdate: now makes backups of old index files patch: Adds client assimilation functionality. new: combinePatches: script for merging patches to one new fix: some scripts had MAC line feeds, converted them back to Linux format fix: makeTar: added missing ! cha: de/en/ client_assimilate.hlp: added hint for Ubuntu +++++ 2005-09-10 cha: client_assimilate: added MSG_showNewFeature new: /m23/bin/plink: script for automatic SSH connections fix: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: now uses /m23/bin/plink +++++ 2005-09-09 new: de/en/ client_assimilate.hlp: help files for the assimilation dialog cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: now detects Ubuntu cha: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: changes parameters fix: CIR_waitForNextJob: now the loop is quitted correctly after the job has been fetched +++++ 2005-09-07 new: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: Connects to a client over the Putty SSH client and executes a command new: ASSI_addClient: Adds needed data for assimilating a client. new: ASSI_showClientAddDialog: Shows a dialog for adding a client to assimilate. cha: CLIENT_setLastmodify: new extra parameter "client" cha: CIR_writeClientID: now tries to remove /m23clientID before writing cha: m23Presetup: new extra parameter to disable SCSI and dropbear cha: MSR_getClientSettings: is now MSR_getClientSettingsCommand and has no parameters cha: CLIENT_addClient: new pararameter clientAddType cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog, MASS_startInstall: changed due to CLIENT_addClient cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: extra parameter rootPath +++++ 2005-09-03 new: SRCLST_cleanList: Returns an array with all lines of the sources list that contain Debian sources new: SRCLST_matchList: Returns the name of the sources list that matches the searched sources list contents for the distribution or false new: MSR_getClientSettings: Generates a script to gather network, release, distribution, login, LDAP and kernel informations for client import on the client new: LDAP_matchLDAPserver: Searches for the name of a LDAP server and returns the name of the found server or false new: CLIENT_setAllParams: Sets all parameters in the columns of a client new: MSR_clientSettings: Imports the clients settings +++++ 2005-09-02 new: SRCLST_getListnames: Returns an array that contains all sourceslist names new: icon for client assimilation patch: Adds backup support with BackupPC new: BACKUP_showClientSettings: Shows the dialog for starting and configuring BackupPC for a special client new: BACKUP_getBackupDirs: Returns the comma seperated list of directories that should be backupped on the client cha: EDIT_addIfNotExists: now doesn't use AWK any more (problems with ') new: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Saves the list of backup diretories oo the client in the BackupPC file fix: HELP_getHelp: now replaces I18N keys correctly if they contain parts of other keys new: en/de client_backup.hlp: new help for backup +++++ 2005-09-01 new: icons for backup new: addToHosts.php: adds all clients with IP address to /etc/hosts and /etc/backuppc/hosts cha: client_details: added backup icon +++++ 2005-08-31 new: EDIT_addIfNotExists: Adds a new line if the search pattern cannot be found. new: EDIT_deleteMatching: Deletes all lines matching the regular expression new: SERVER_addLineToFile: Adds (if the search pattern can't be found) a line to a file on the server new: SERVER_delLineFromFile: Deletes lines from the file that match the search pattern new: SERVER_addEtcHosts: Adds a host to /etc/hosts and /etc/backuppc/hosts (if it doesn't exists allready) new: SERVER_delEtcHosts: Deletes a host entry from /etc/hosts and /etc/backuppc/hosts cha: CLIENT_addClient: now uses SERVER_addEtcHosts cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: now uses SERVER_delEtcHosts +++++ 2005-08-30 patch: Added module aic79xx in SCSI detection. cha: en/de mi_step2: added new LDAP specific parts cha: CIR_detectSCSI: added aic79xx module +++++ 2005-08-29 patch: Some improvements in massinstall. fix: FDISK_autoPart: added missing parameter in the call of FDISK_addJob cha: FDISK_autoPart: if the swap size is smaller than 256MB set it to 256MB +++++ 2005-08-28 fix: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: now deletes old jobs from the destination client fix: MASS_startInstall: the client is added to the groups only if adding the client fix: MASS_showTableDefinition: corrected amount of shown rows cha: MASS_getAllFromFile: now removes white spaces from the begin and end of the read strings patch: Adds missing tables fix: DB: added missing tables cha: menuUpdate: now has a security check to prevent unintentional updates of the index +++++ 2005-08-27 patch: New experimental functions for combining LDAP and home on NFS with mass installation. new: LDAP_getNextID: Returns the next higher than the highest ID new: LDAP_getNextUserID: Returns the next higher than the highest user ID new: LDAP_addNewID: Adds a new ID to the table of used IDs or returns "false" if the ID exists new: LDAP_deleteID: Delets an ID from the table of used IDs new: LDAP_addNewUserID: Adds a new user ID to the table new: LDAP_addNewGroupID: Adds a new user ID to the table new: LDAP_getNextGroupID: Returns the next higher than the highest group ID cha: LDAP_addPosix: now uses LDAP_addNewUserID and LDAP_addNewGroupID cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now uses LDAP_getNextGroupID and LDAP_getNextUserID cha: MASS_showGeneratorOptions: added group and user ID generation cha: MASS_saveGeneratorOptions: now saves group and user ID generation settings new: MASS_loginGenerator: generates the selected amount of logins cha: HTML_listSelection: now shows the label if there is selected a value new: LDAP_getFreeIDs: Returns an array with free IDs of the selected type. new: LDAP_getFreeUserIDs: Returns an array with free user IDs of the selected type. new: LDAP_getFreeGroupIDs: Returns an array with free group IDs of the selected type. cha: MASS_startInstall: now supports LDAP and home on NFS. +++++ 2005-08-26 new: LDAP_I18NLdapType: Returns the human readable description of the LDAP usage type cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: added define settings for LDAP and NFS cha: MASS_propertyKeys: added keys for LDAP and NFS cha: MASS_keyToI18N: added translations for LDAP and NFS +++++ 2005-08-25 patch: You can choose the writing speed for the client boot CDs now. cha: makeBootCD: the user can now select the speed for burning the client boot CDs (thx MikeschTheCat) cha: burn/ burnCD.sh: changes for speed selection cha: en/de/ makeBootCD: adjusted fix: menuUpdate: now sf-upload uses .bz2 as upload file type cha: menuUpdate: added error message if there was a problem during the upload to SF patch: New SF server side update mechanism cha: menuUpdate: now stores size of the tb2 in .size cha: m23patch: now reads file size from .size new: now include sf-upload 1.18 cha: menuUpdate: now uses sf-upload to upload the tb2 +++++ 2005-08-19 cha: Patch files are now on the SourceForge mirrors and should speed up the update of your m23 servers cha: m23patch.php: Now fetches the tar.bz2 part of the patches from the SourceForge mirror +++++ 2005-08-18 patch: added missing ldapSettings.php patch: Enhanced LDAP support: Can read and write LDAP-accounts and install OpenLDAP. Much other enhancements and updated help. new: en/de/ ldapSettings.hlp: new cha: en/de/ client_add.hlp: adjustet texts to new features +++++ 2005-08-15 cha: HELP_getHelp: replaces i18n variables in the help text cha: de/en/fr help: now contains i18n variables +++++ 2005-08-14 new: SERVER_runningInBackground: Returns "true" if a lock file for a given job name is existing. cha: SERVER_programmStatus: new parameter "canBeInstalled": set to "true" if the programm can be installed by the package name cha: SERVER_programmStatus: if there is no informational text status point is now shown on the left side cha: daemonsAndPrograms: now shows the status of OpenLDAP +++++ 2005-08-13 new: EDIT_deleteLines: Deletes lines from a given line number to a given line number new: EDIT_deleteLinesAmount: Deletes N lines from a given line number new: LDAP_listServers: Returns an array with all known LDAP servers new: LDAP_checkphpLdapAdminConfiguration: Checks if the phpLDAPadmin configuration file is existing and creates it if it's missing new: LDAP_delServerFromphpLdapAdmin: Deletes a LDAP server from the phpLDAPadmin configuration file. new: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Shows a dialog for adding, removing and changing LDAP servers. new: LDAP_loadServer: Loads the variables from a LDAP server. cha: LDAP_connectFull: removed new: LDAP_makeConnection: Connects to a LDAP server. new: LDAP_connectServer: Connects with read/write access to the LDAP server on the m23 server. cha: LDAP_addPosix: new parameter and now uses LDAP_connectServer cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now has an input line for the user name cha: clientInstall: now tries to get the login name from clientoptions cha: LDAP_addPosix: forename and familyname are now stored in utf8 cha: CLIENT_addClient: now uses LDAP_addPosix cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: now checks if the local account should be created cha: work.php: now includes ldap cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: now the only parameter is the client's options array new: SERVER_runInBackground: Runs a script with "screen" in the background under a given user cha: SERVER_checkPackageInstalled: now is 5 times faster (thx AWK ;)) cha: EDIT_prepareStr: now designed to be used with AWK cha: EDIT_prepareStr: new parameter "forSearch": set to true, if the string should be used as a search string new: LDAP_installServer: Generates a script that installs and configures an openLDAP server cha: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: now uses LDAP_installServer +++++ 2005-08-12 new: LDAP_connectFull: Connects with read/write access to the LDAP server on the m23 server. new: LDAP_addPosix: Adds a posix account to the LDAP server and encrypts the password with MD5. cha: EDIT_insert: removed cha: EDIT_insertBefore: removed cha: EDIT_insertAfter: removed new: EDIT_searchLastLineNumber: searches for the last line that contains "searchLine" and stores the line number in the BASH variable "m23searchLine" new: LDAP_fqdn2dn: Returns the DN converted from a FQDN new: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin: Adds a LDAP server to the phpLDAPadmin configuration cha: index, menu: added entries for LDAP +++++ 2005-08-09 patch: Adds basic LDAP and NFS support cha: en/de client_add.hlp: added part about LDAP and NFS cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: now uses CLIENT_enableLDAP and CLCFG_enableNFSHome cha: CLIENT_enableLDAP: extra parameter to use the m23 server as ldap server cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now all LDAP and NFS values are handled patch: Fix of the client boot ISO, new LDAP and EDIT functions, better update script on the server installation CD fix: exclude4Update, exclude0: corrected regular expression fix: recompliled server ISO kernel for the client boot CD to adjust the size of the ramdisk (thx Mikesch) fix: updatem23.sh: now uses the password for accessing the DB (thx Mikesch) +++++ 2005-08-07 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: NFS home support was moved to CLCFG_enableNFSHome new: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: enables storing of home directories on a NFS server cha: work.php: now include edit.php +++++ 2005-08-05 cha: EDIT_commentOutLine: changed parameters cha: EDIT_commentOutLine, EDIT_uncomment: now are using AWK cha: EDIT_commentOutLine: is now called EDIT_commentout and now comments out lines in range or matching lines +++++ 2005-08-03 cha: CLCFG_installUsrM23: now links /etc/skel to the m23 skel new: EDIT_replace: replaces $searchLine with $replaceText new: EDIT_insert: inserts text BEFORE or AFTER the searched line new: EDIT_prepareStr: changes the string to make it compatible with sed new: EDIT_insertBefore: inserts text BEFORE the searched line new: EDIT_insertAfter: inserts text AFTER the searched line new: EDIT_savePerms: saves the permissions and owner of a file new: EDIT_restorePerms: restores previously saved file permissions and owner new: EDIT_searchNextLineNumber: searches for the next line number that contains "searchLine" new: EDIT_searchLineNumber: searches for the first line that contains "searchLine" and stores the line number in the BASH variable "m23searchLine" new: EDIT_insertLineNumber: inserts a text AT or AFTER a line number new: EDIT_insertAtLineNumber: inserts a text AT a line number new: EDIT_insertAfterLineNumber: inserts a text AFTER a line number new: EDIT_commentOutLine: comments out a line new: EDIT_uncomment: uncomments all with m23 commented lines of a file new: EDIT_calc: calculates changes of the variable +++++ 2005-08-01 new: CLIENT_enableLDAP: enables LDAP logins on client. +++++ 2005-07-30 patch: Desaster recovery can now be started for multiple clients or groups. cha: GRP_HTMLBackToDetails, GRP_showDelDialog, GRP_HTMLBackToOverview: set border of the icons to 0 new: GRP_desasterRecovery: recovers all selected clients and shows a message afterwards cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: now uses GRP_desasterRecovery cha: clients_overview: now has "desaster recover" function for multiple clients patch: Now the adjustment of partitions should work during mass installation. cha: disabled (obsolete) distribution ERPOSS cha: FDISK_virtualAddPartition, FDISK_addJob: new parameter "devNr" new: FDISK_AFPselectDrive: selects a drive from the settings in "options" and from available drives. new: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: scales all partitions sizes to match the full disk size. new: FDISK_AFPgetPartSizes: writes the sizes of the installation, swap and other partitions to the variables. fix: FDISK_AFPgetPartSizes: now detects the partitions correctly cha: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: fdiskDefinedSize is set to 0 afterwards. so the fdisk parameters are ajusted only once. +++++ 2005-07-29 fix: m23patch.php: now the size of the tb2 files is shown correctly cha: m23patch.php: now sizes are shown in MB cha: MENU_showEntry, client_details, head: set border of the icons to 0 cha: new icon for "edit" cha: massInstall, add_client: shows MSG_showNewFeature fix: CLIENT_deleteClient: now deletes client's log cha: FDISK_addJob: additional parameter "fullPath" +++++ 2005-07-27 patch: The "change client" dialog should now support all client side changes. Bootimage kernel updated to cha: CLIENT_changeClient: removed debug code fix: CLIENT_changeClient: DHCP server gets reconfigured and restarted if ip, mac or netmask changes and the client hast "red" or "yellow" status new: /mdk/bin/ start.sh: deletes old session values and calls menuStart new: bootimage: now with kernel and all network modules fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now the current client name is used for the job if it should be changed fix: CLIENT_changeClient: always change both otherwise the "no changed" DNS won't be written to /etc/resolv.conf fix: CLCFG_changeUser: now uses the new username and not the encrypted password as new username cha: edit_client.php: now uses CLIENT_HTMLBackToDetails cha: CLCFG_changeUser: can change password for root with encrypted password +++++ 2005-07-25 fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now all entered values are used cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: values that can't be set on the client (e.g. mac) are disabled in the dialog cha: CLCFG_changeUser: if old and new username are equal no change code is generated cha: sendClientStageStatus, sendClientStatus: now are sending the m23clientID new: /mdk/outdated: contains sources that aren't used anymore, but can be usefull in the future cha: DB_rmSafeUser, DB_remoteRmSafeUserStatus, DB_rmUser, DB_addUser: moved to outdated new: MSR_getm23clientIDCMD: returns the BASH code for storing the m23clientID in the BASH variable "varid" cha: sendClientStatus, sendClientStageStatus, returnClientStageStatus, sendClientLogStatus, executeNextWork, MSR_statusFileCommand, MSR_genSendCommand, MSR_partHwDataCommand: now are using MSR_getm23clientIDCMD +++++ 2005-07-22 patch: New "Change client" dialog, that can change some settings of the client. fix: clientInstall: DISTR_afterChrootInstall is now at the right place new: CLCFG_changeUser: changes the settings of an useraccount on a client cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: changed parameters: shows the dialog for adding, defining or changing a client cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now loads the client values new: CLIENT_changeClient: changes values of the clients cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now uses CLIENT_changeClient +++++ 2005-07-20 cha: menuUpdate: now *.info are the last uploaded files patch: Correction of permissions and fdisk parameter adjustments fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: now adjusts the parameters of the m23fdiskFormat job +++++ 2005-07-15 fix: corrected permissions of /m23/data+scripts/gfx patch: Enhanced debugging mode, now all characters in passwords are possible fix: CLIENT_isAskingInDebugMode: now works cha: MSR_importLog: now doesn't urldecode cha: CLIENT_showLog: now urldecodes the log fix: CLIENT_showLog: now shows complete yellow status logs containing a "°" cha: CLIENT_showLog: now shows logs preformated cha: CLIENT_addClient: disabled password character check +++++ 2005-07-14 cha: CLCFG_genFstab, CLCFG_genFakeFstab: removed "-v" at MAKEDEV to disable verify mode +++++ 2005-07-13 patch: should enable installation with the new debootstrap cha: sourceslist: stable is now Sarge, removed multiple Sid and Sarge entries cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now uses extra parameter "-r" for mkinitrd cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now uses MAKEDEV with "cd /dev; ./MAKEDEV -v generic" fix: CIR_detectSCSI: fixed output of current probed module fix: executeNextWork: now detects id patch: fixes wrong permissions of /tmp fix: corrected /tmp permissions +++++ 2005-07-12 patch: fixes errors occuring with the new version of debootstrap cha: CIR_detectSCSI: removed ".o" from module names fix: bootimage: made symlink from busybox to read (needed by new debootstrap) cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: removed wrong error message fix: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: now fetches missing pkgdetails patch: fixes problem with earlier updates cha: m23install.template: function md5check is no longer a funktion (BusyBox doesn't like functions) fix: now installs new certificates needed for newer wget versions (thx zloty) fix: now adds needed dbrootpw file for enabling write access of updates to the DB: updates now the m23 sources lists +++++ 2005-07-08 patch: New + changed sources lists, fixed mount error, ramdisk size detection cha: CLCFG_mountRootDir: check if root device was mounted before and unmounts it if it was mounted cha: welcome.*: added "thank you" for your help against software patents cha: DB: added new and changed m23 sources lists cha: sources.list: commented out non-us servers from server's sources.list new: getRamDiskSize: gets the ramdisk size of the kernel from the kernel config file cha: mkBootImage.sh, mkRescue.sh: now uses getRamDiskSize to create a ramdisk image of the correct size new: mkBootImage.sh: writes kernelRamDisk.inc that contains a variable that helds the kernel ramdisk size cha: DHCP_writePXEcfg: now uses kernelRamDisk.inc cha: menuClientISO, menuBootCD: now writes kernel variables every time new: bootimage: now contains SATA modules and SCSI emulation +++++ 2005-07-06 patch: minor change of boot parameter cha: DHCP_writePXEcfg: changed ramdisk size to 25000 +++++ 2005-07-03 patch: updated phpMyAdmin to 2.6.3 cha: updated phpMyAdmin to 2.6.3 +++++ 2005-07-01 patch: some minor fixes and changes fix: UPDATE_doUpdate: now deletes log file after the job has finished (thx to Daniel) cha: update.php: shows "update in progress" message if the update is started (thx to Daniel) cha: makeCD.sh: generates MD5s of the important files cha: m23install.tempate: checks the MD5s of the important files and exits if there is an error extracting the archivs cha: GRP_delClientFromGroup: now can delete a client from all groups (thx to Daniel) fix: CLIENT_deleteClient: now removes a client from all groups (thx to Daniel) cha: makeBootDisk: now better error message handling (thx to Daniel) +++++ 2005-06-17 fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: corrected filter criteria the get all package names patch: Patch for: gnome2, Debian unstable and PCMCIA network cards. new: CLCFG_copySSLCert: fetches the SSL certificate from the server and copys it to the client cha: clientInstall: now uses CLCFG_copySSLCert cha: mkCert.sh: now calculates the hash of the server certificate and copies the certificate to packages/baseSys fix: m23gnome2Install: fixed fetch new jow loop +++++ 2005-06-10 patch: Fixes problems with packages names fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: now gets the complete packages names fix: MSR_importPackageStatus: fixed name conversion of packages names containing + +++++ 2005-06-09 patch: Fixes problems with harddisk detections. Linux kernel for the client network boot. fix: POOL_createExtendedPackageIndex: now moves files with "force" new: makeIt for m23hwscanner fix: m23hwscanner: & is now urlencoded; this fixes problems with hardware identification like partition information cha: copyKernelNModules: now works with the new kernel version numbering new: bootimage: now uses Linux cha: bootimage: changed tool under bin cha: mkBootImage.sh: initrd is now 25000 KB +++++ 2005-06-02 patch: Ubuntu support +++++ 2005-06-01 fix: CLCFG_debootstrap: now the current debootstrap is downloaded from the server cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: additionalPackages: space seperated list of additional packages that should be installed during bootstrapping new: HELPER_getApacheGroup: returnes the group of the Apache user cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: now keeps the files in /m23/data+scripts/distr/debian/debootstrap and overwrites with newer versions new: CLCFG_writeClientID: writes the client ID to /m23clientID cha: CLIENT_getClientName: now uses /m23clientID cha: getClientLanguage: now uses CLIENT_getClientName new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: updates the debootstrap scripts for Debian and returns the www path to the files new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu: updates the debootstrap scripts for Ubuntu and returns the www path to the files cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: now can use CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian or CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu cha: clientInstall: now uses CIR_writeClientID cha: CLCFG_listDebianReleasesGeneric: is now more generic to support different Debian based distributions and filters out releases with "buildd" cha: CLCFG_listDebianReleases, CLCFG_listUbuntuReleases: lists distribution specific kernel images cha: PKG_listKernels: now filters for kernel images containing "-image" new: new package sources lists for Ubuntu cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: additional check for correct executed debootstrap new: squidClean: script to erase all data from the Squid cache +++++ 2005-05-11 patch: installation of the required packages for installation in the background and kernel configuration. +++++ 2005-04-20 patch: software patent warning and new translation cha: de/en/fr/ welcome.hlp: added software patent warning new: en/ poolBuilderCreate EditDelete.hlp: translated +++++ 2005-04-07 patch: Two little patches fix: POOL_showReadCD: now can be used with mount points containing a new line at the end (reported by Jaqui) fix: client_packages: now the control center link contains the client ID to make it possible to return to the client's control center (reported by zloty) patch: Fixes drive selection problem in the poolBuilder fix: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: now works with diffrent formats of in /etc/fstab +++++ 2005-04-01 patch: A few fixes cha: menu: the extra icon is now the main icon cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: now shows distribution specific files too fix: clients_overview: link under client jobs number now contains the client ID, this makes it possible to use the control center link to return to the client's control center (reported by zloty) cha: MSR_importLog: now decodes urlencoded special characters fix: en/m23base: fixed missing or false named translation strings (reported by Peter) new: checkLang: new tool that shows the differences (in variables) between the German and another I18N language file cha: /etc/profile: now PATH contains /usr/bin etc. (reported by zloty) +++++ 2005-03-29 cha: POOL_create: now tries to create the base pool directory +++++ 2005-03-28 patch: Some improvements and fixes in the poolBuilder. new: de/poolBuilder: german help texts for the poolBuilder fix: POOL_showLoadDeleteCreate, POOL_setProperty, POOL_getProperty: now safe against empty pool names new: MENU_startGroup: shows the start of a menu group new: MENU_endGroup: shows the end of a menu group cha: MENU_showEntry: now uses tables to format the menu entries cha: poolBuilder: check if user wants to continue without selecting a pool cha: MENU_showEntry: if icon name isn't set, no icon is shown cha: PLG_listMenuPlugins: now uses MENU_showEntry cha: HELP_getHelp: if no help file is found nothing is returned cha: UPDATE_getInfo: now has an icon for patches +++++ 2005-03-25 fix: POOL_getPools: now only returns pool directories fix: poolBuilder: disabled showing of nonexistent help pages fix: phpMyAdmin: now isn't configured to use localhost as server url any more +++++ 2005-03-24 fix: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: now return correct fake client names cha: HTML_listSelection: new logic: set first to "false" to disable writing the first entry. cha: PKG_savePackagesList: now can delete packages lists too new: PKG_deletePackagesList: deletes a packages list new: PKG_preparePackageDir: creates the needed files + sources list in a directory to use it for "local apt". cha: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now uses PKG_preparePackageDir new: POOL_download: shows error messages if the checks for distribution, sourceslist or packages are failing. Otherwise starts the distribution specific download routine. new: POOL_showDownloadStatus: shows the package download status of a pool new: POOL_createSimplePackageIndex: creates the Packages* index files for the pool (it has only one directoy containing all packages) new: PKG_downloadPool: downloads packages from a sources list to a directory cha: poolBuilder: now includes support for download packages +++++ 2005-03-23 new: POOL_getDir: returns the directory of the pool fix: config.inc.php: now doesn't set localhost a absoluteUri cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: returns false, if there was an error cha: client_distr: disables "install distribution" button and shows an error message if there is an error new: PKG_getClientPackages: returns an array or a blank seperated list of all packages installed on a client new: PKG_getPackagesListMarker: returns the string to mark client names to store packages new: PKG_savePackagesList: returns an array or a blank seperated list of all packages installed on a client new: PKG_loadPackagesList: returns an array or a blank seperated list of all packages in the list +++++ 2005-03-22 cha: POOL_createPackageIndex: now stores the sourceslist as property cha: client_sourceslist functionality is now in SRCLST_showEditor new: SRCLST_showEditor: shows an editor for sources lists new: CLIENT_getNames: returns an array with all clients new: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: returns an array with all clients having packages installed +++++ 2005-03-18 cha: index: now includes helper new: POOL_showReadCD: shows a dialog for copying the CD contents to the pool new: HELPER_getApacheUser: returnes the name of the Apache user new: HELPER_getFileContents: returnes the contents of a file (the file is read to a maximum of 5 MB) new: POOL_readCD: copys the CD contents to the pool new: POOL_createPackageIndex: creates the Packages* index files for the pool new: POOL_showCreatePackageIndex: shows information (status of the Packages* generation, sources.list) about the currently generated pool new: POOL_getSize: returns the size of a pool in MB +++++ 2005-03-16 new: POOL_getProperty: returns the contents of a property file new: POOL_setProperty: sets the contents of a property file new: POOL_create: creates a new pool directory and type property file new: POOL_delete: deletes a pool new: POOL_showLoadDeleteCreate: shows a dialog for loading, deleting and creating a pool +++++ 2005-03-15 fix: UPDATE_getInfo: now shows all icons cha: fr/m23base, help: corrections (client becomes poste client) cha: UPDATE_getInfo: icons are shown before the entries of the patch text +++++ 2005-03-11 cha: fr/de: m23base: now include english m23base as fallback language fix: md5Check: now uses modification time to detect file changes cha: UPDATE_doUpdate: now sets a lock file before the update and deletes it afterwards new: UPDATE_running: checks, if an update is running (returns true otherwise false) cha: update: shows an error message if an update is running cha: update: now uses POST cha: m23KDE3install, m23KDEwoody, m23gnome2, m23X, m23XFce: added executeNextWork cha: work: let all asking clients sleep for 60 seconds and ask again, if an update is running +++++ 2005-03-08 cha: md5Check: checkChanges: now checks, if index$1.md5 is present cha: md5Check: makeTar: now stores permissions and user/group information cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: now doesn't copy the HTML version of the manual to the CD cha: makeDoc.sh: now doesn't copy the HTML version of the developer's guide to the CD cha: fix-permissions: now touches dhcpd.leases +++++ 2005-03-06 fix: hwcheck: now loads mousedev to enable PS/2 mouse detection cha: CLIENT_reset, CLIENT_sshFetchJob: now sets UserKnownHostsFile to /dev/null and other options to make sshing possible if known_hosts contains old entries cha: CLCFG_copyClientPackageStatus: the same for scp fix: m23normalRemoveInstall: sets status back to green after removing fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: now send full package name (set terminal columns to 3000 to outflank dpkg --list) cha: md5Check: now uses a fingerprint (time,ID,permission) instead of MD5 to recognise file changes cha: menuUpdate: can now upload the newest patches cha: menuUpdate: asks for a description after creating the tar +++++ 2005-03-03 cha: hwcheck: commented out alsa special code cha: mkDeb: now can automatical increment the patchversion of the debs +++++ 2005-03-02 cha: debian/ clientInstall: added package hotplug cha: hwcheck: new code for detecting changes in hardware and creation of XF86Config +++++ 2005-02-25 fix: m23gnome2Install: adjusted settings for gdm.conf cha: de/client_sourceslist.hlp: described new functions +++++ 2005-02-24 fix: hwsetup: again troubles with hwsetup: The statified Knoppix version stalls on Sarge :( The problem is that the support for psaux devices is broken in the newer versions of kudzu. So I took the psaux.c/h from kudzu 0.99, copied it to 1.1.67 and made new debs from the patched code. With these debs hwsetup can be build with working psaux support ;) cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: now installs the needed patched kudzu packages cha: uploadNew: shows files before uploading cha: m23gnome2Install: now removes xdm and sets default display manager cha: m23-initscripts: S10hwcheck is now S37hwcheck +++++ 2005-02-23 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: now checks, if the debootstrap update file is not older than 12 hours cha: db/sourceslist: added field "release" cha: migrate: adds field "release" cha: SRCLST_saveList: now has extra parameter "release" cha: client_sourceslist: now loads and stores the release cha: db/sourceslist: added field "desktops" new: SRCLST_querySourceslists: returns the result of the DB query after sourceslists for a special distribution new: DISTR_listCommaSeperated: returns a normal array with the values of the specified variable (e.g. var: GUIs => result: [0] => Textmode [1] => KDE3 [2] => KDEwoody ...) new: DISTR_commaSeperatedSelections: returns a selection with certain values (specified thru $variable) from the distribution text file cha: SRCLST_saveList: now stores selected desktops new: DISTR_getDesktopsCBList: returns a checkbox list with desktops for a certain distribution. Desktops included in the array $selectedDesktops are checked. new: DISTR_getSelectedDesktopsArr: returns an array with selected desktops from the list generated by DISTR_getDesktopsCBList new: DISTR_getSelectedDesktopsStr: returns a string with selected desktops (seperated by "###") from the list generated by DISTR_getDesktopsCBList new: SRCLST_getDesktopList: returnes an array with all supported desktops new: SRCLST_showDesktopsSel: returnes a selections with all desktops supported by the sources list cha: client_sourceslist: now stores the supported desktops for each sources list cha: client_distr: the selection of the sources list now determines distribution, release and supported desktops. This avoids incompatible combinations of distribution, release and desktop if the package source was set up correctly ;) +++++ 2005-02-22 cha: hwcheck: added code for vmware cha: PKG_listKernels: new sorting code fix: PKG_listKernels: selected kernel is now shown first +++++ 2005-02-21 cha: squid.conf: new filter settings cha: makeCD.sh: copies a modified squid.conf to the CD cha: m23install.template: now uses and modfies squid.conf from the conf dir +++++ 2005-02-15 cha: */clientInstall: now installs m23-hwsetup fix: FDISK_formatExisting: now stores the partitions fix: hwcheck: now calls mkxf86config, if XF86Config is missing new: uploadNew: uploads new and changed debs and Packages* cha: menuDeb: now uses uploadNew +++++ 2005-02-14 fix: hwsetup: now detects PS/2 mice. It's a workaround that uses the hwsetup from Knoppix 3.7 and makes a static executable (with statifier) from it. +++++ 2005-02-04 new: excludeTar: filter list with patterns to exclude unneeded files and directories from the mdk.tb2 and m23.tb2 cha: mk-m23.bz2.sh, mk_mdk.tb2: now are using excludeTar new: UPDATE_doUpdate: downloads and executes the update script. new: UPDATE_getUrl: returnes a correct URL to the update source new: UPDATE_getInfo: returns the information text from the URL cha: update: now uses the new update functions new: m23patch: script for generating the patch script and update information +++++ 2005-02-02 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: added support for the right arrow cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: shows the error message, if there should be errors with pdflatex fix: help/en: few HTML code corrections cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: most code rewritten: now uses a temporary database to create the initalisation database and writes a script for installing the database cha: m23install.template: now uses the script from exportDBInitTable.sh cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: the HTML and PDF manual are linked to the m23 and MDK documentation directory new: addDummyFiles: adds empty dummy files into all subdirectories starting from the given directory new: delDummyFiles: removes the dummy files from all subdirectories starting from the given directory cha: mk_mdk.tb2, mk-m23.bz2: now are using addDummyFiles and delDummyFiles cha: fix-permissions: now calls delDummyFiles for /m23 and /mdk cha: exclude0: adjusted filter parameters new: de/en/fr manuals: can now be builded again new: m23.sf.net: neat client installation image +++++ 2005-02-01 cha: MASS_keyToI18N: now knows the "ignore" key cha: MASS_showTableDefinition: now uses key and not the I18N values for the row selections cha: makeScreenshots.sh: adjusted screenshot sizes cha: menuStart: added menuUpdate cha: menuStart.hlp: updated new: fr/ daemonsAndPrograms.hlp fix: HELP_showHelpTex: fixed table generation fix: help/fr: several HTML code corrections +++++ 2005-01-31 cha: md5Check: now can use different in/exclude files and tar.bz2 store files cha: md5Check: new function moveIndex(): replace the old index with the new new: menuUpdate: menu for building updates new: makeAutomaticPatch: checks for changes and makes a tar.bz2 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: now supports "¼" +++++ 2005-01-30 new: md5Check: generates an index from the files in /m23 and /mdk, can detect changes and make a bz2 tar from the changes. +++++ 2005-01-28 cha: getNewestDeb: removed new: dlKnoppixDeb.php: is a improved version of findNewestKnoppixDeb. now downloads the newest version of a package from the knoppix server cha: mkKnoppix-static: renamed to getBuildKnoppixDebs cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: now uses dlKnoppixDeb.php cha: menuDeb: now calls getBuildKnoppixDebs cha: debian/ info.txt: added installed size information for the user interfaces cha: makeScreenshots.sh: switched back to PNG screenshots cha: HELP_showHelpTex: pictures are now included cha: HELP_showHelpTex: added routine for converting french special characters fix: menuScreenshot.sh: the correct error message is shown, if the entered passwords don't match cha: index: now tries to read the language from /m23/tmp/screenshot.lang. this can hold a language during screenshot making cha: setGUIlang: removed cha: makeScreenshots.sh: now sets /m23/tmp/screenshot.lang and don't uses setGUIlang any more cha: makeScreenshots.sh: adjusted heigth +++++ 2005-01-27 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: improved LaTeX output new: findNewestKnoppixDeb: new tool to find the newest version of a package from the knoppix server +++++ 2005-01-26 cha: all help files: are using the same text formating style now cha: all help files: are now on the same content level new: docView: quick and dirty script for viewing the help files without opening the corresponding m23 page cha: HELP_showHelp: is now HELP_getHelp and the HTML code is not shown but returned new: HELP_showHelp: wrapper to replace the old HELP_showHelp function new: HELP_showHelpTex: shows the help file converted to LaTeX code +++++ 2005-01-24 new: en/daemonsAndPrograms cha: HELP_showHelp: now can include files in help files cha: CLIENT_generateHTMLStatusBar: now the status icons are left aligned new: packageTypes.inc, statusColor.inc, packageSelections.inc: stored help text which are the same in multiple help files cha: clientBuilder - client_distr.hlp: changed to new text style +++++ 2005-01-23 fix: uncountable fixes in the help texts cha: htaccess: now uses MSG_showInfo and MSG_showError cha: index.css: added new entry for menu highlighting new: MENU_showEntry: generates a menu entry, highlights it (if selected) and removes menu entry formatting tags from the menu entry label cha: menu: now uses MENU_showEntry, so activated entries are highlighted +++++ 2005-01-22 cha: serverImage: removed PPP and installed kernel 2.6.10-i386 new: prepareChangelog: stores the complete changelog and the newest 5 entries in different files fix: mk_mdk.tb2: now symbolic links are stored too cha: version: changed to pre3 ;-) +++++ 2005-01-21 cha: m23install.template: changed arguments from "test" and "cp" to make it compatible to the BusyBox test cha: bootCD: serveral changes on the root file system cha: bootCD: now installation is possible again +++++ 2005-01-20 cha: getKnoppix*: now fetches the files from the /mdk/m23Debs/deb cha: bootCD: kernel is now 2.6.10 cha: bootCD: rebuild BusyBox to disable error messages +++++ 2005-01-19 cha: bootCD: most tools are unsing BusyBox 1.00 now cha: bootCD: hwsetup updated +++++ 2005-01-18 cha: fdisk: removed debug code cha: mk_mdk.tb2: now build a list of all files to store and doesn't need clean_mdk and unclean_mdk any more cha: clean_mdk, unclean_mdk: deleted, are not needed any more fix: severals fixes in the germen help texts new: knoppix.functions: function to get a package with the newest version number cha: getKnoppix*: are using the function from knoppix.functions new: french translation updated +++++ 2005-01-17 new: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: returnes an array with all mount points listed in /etc/fstab new: pool.php: functions for administrating package pools new: POOL_selectPoolType: shows buttons for selecting the type of pool and returns the pressed button +++++ 2005-01-16 cha: index: menu has now a width of 150 pixel cha: de/ m23base: formated menu entries cha: menu/ index: added entry for the poolBuilder +++++ 2005-01-14 fix: mkKnoppix-static: now fetches the newest versions of xf86config-knoppix and hwdata-knoppix +++++ 2005-01-12 fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: error in error message fix: client_distr: now gets correct devices for installation and swap drive cha: mkDiffTar: finished +++++ 2005-01-11 cha: PKG_listKernels: now returns false, if no kernel information could be retrieved fix: cds2pool: now copys the CDs (a variable can't really be empty AND have the value "n") cha: en/ m23base: updated new: mkDiffTar: first codes of s script to make a tar from all files that have been changed from a specified date +++++ 2005-01-10 cha: clean_mdk, unclean_mdk: now moved the kernel directories of bootCD and bootimage cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: now shows always a message fix: bootimage kernel config: increased size of the ramdisk +++++ 2005-01-09 cha: help/ index: changed to make the whole screen width available for the GUI +++++ 2005-01-05 new: mkextradeb: now builds the m23 extra debs + m23hwscanner package cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: doesn't copy m23hwscanner any more cha: menudeb: now uses mkextradeb cha: debian/ erposs/ DISTR_afterChrootInstall: are now installing cha: CLCFG_genFstab: removed an ocurring warning message during kernel installation fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now shows messages from stdout and stderr new: HELPER_grep: returnes all lines from $string seperated by $cut that contain $search new: SRCLST_getMirror($sourceName): returns the mirror from the sources list cha: debian/ clientInstall: now uses SRCLST_getMirror cha: de,en/ client_sourceslist.hlp: added description for mirror format new: +++++ 2005-01-02 fix: client_partition: after formating "select distribution" is activated at once fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now shows errors from stderr +++++ 2004-12-16 cha: menuKernelBuilder: creates kernel store directory +++++ 2004-12-15 new: kernelFunctions.inc: copies the kernel and modules to the boot CD or bootimage cha: bootCD: updated kernel to 2.4.28 cha: m23install.template: updated script for the new kernel cha: copyKernelNModules: now works with 2.6.x kernels too +++++ 2004-12-12 cha: kernelFunctions.inc: getKernelVersions.sh is now included cha: kernelFunctions.inc: menuKernelBranch.sh is included as function checkKernelBranch cha: kernelFunctions.inc: menuKernelDownload.sh is included as function menuKernelDownload cha: kernelFunctions.inc: menuSelectKernelDir.sh is included as function checkKernelDir fix: listKernelVersions: kernels are now sorted correctly (newst kernel on top) new: kernelFunctions.inc: compileKernel: compiles the kernel +++++ 2004-12-10 cha: menuSelectKernelDir, menuKernelDownload: deletes temp file at the end new: menuKernelOldConfig: select the old configuration file to copy to the new kernel source dir and copies back the new configure file to the config dir cha: menuKernelBuilder: added menuKernelOldConfig new: kernelFunctions.inc: functions for kernel handling in the MDK +++++ 2004-12-08 new: getKernelVersions: shows a sorted list of all kernels of a branch (e.g. 2.6) new: menuKernelDownload: menu for downloading and extracting a kernel cha: menuBootCD: new entry for kernel new: menuKernelBuilder: menu for generating kernels new: menuSelectKernelDir: selects the kernel source directory new: menuKernelBranch: writes the kernel branch (2.4 or 2.6) to /tmp/m23kernelBranch +++++ 2004-12-06 fix: woody-install: ssh keys are generated and copied to the m23 directory +++++ 2004-12-03 cha: SERVER_isProgramRunning: code shortend new: SERVER_checkPackageInstalled: checks if a certain package is installed new: SERVER_daemonStartStop: starts, stops and restarts daemons new: SERVER_installTool: installs a tool on the server new: daemonsAndPrograms: page for seeing status information about daemons and helper programms new: de/ daemonsAndPrograms: help file new: SERVER_apacheInfo: returnes an information string for the Apache server new: SERVER_mysqlInfo: returnes an information string for the MySQL server new: SERVER_dhcpInfo: returnes an information string for (of course ;-) ) the DHCP server new: SERVER_programmStatusTableHeader: shows the header of the table needed for the programm status lines +++++ 2004-12-02 cha: serverSettings: added phpMyAdmin cha: index: added daemons and programs page cha: index: now includes server.php fix: BURN_listBurners: now only runs with "sudo" (don't ask why ;-) ) cha: HTML_listSelection: can show now names and send different values for the same entry to the server new: daemonsAndPrograms: new page for managing the daemons and programs on the server new: SERVER_isProgramRunning: checks if a certain program is running and returns true, if yes "no" otherwise new: SERVER_programmStatus: shows a row with information about the status of a certain program, with the possibillity to start, stop or restart the program. +++++ 2004-11-29 fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: several fixes and now seems to work cha: m23fdiskFormat: now calls FDISK_adjustFdiskParams +++++ 2004-11-28 new: FDISK_getDriveAndNr: splits a path (e.g. /dev/hda1) in the device (/dev/hda) and the device number (1). The device is returned as element 0 and the number as element 1 in an array. new: getNextFdiskFormatJobNr: returnes the next free job number for the parameters of a m23fdiskFormat job. (e.g. there are used the following parameters: command0 = rm, command1= add. Then the next command number to use will be command2 => return value is 2) fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: lot of fixes in the code +++++ 2004-11-26 fix: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: get correct device number, if it's the first partition +++++ 2004-11-25 fix: work, debugScreen, setClientStatus, setLog, setStatus, postMessage: now include capture.php cha: FDISK_formatExisting: now works with the combined device, size and filesystem strings of FDISK_listInstPartSelector cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: doesn't change the default entry to the device name, but keeps the whole information string cha: client_partition: the "format client" button is disabled, if not all settings have been made +++++ 2004-11-24 cha: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: code completed. debugging follows ;) +++++ 2004-11-23 cha: FDISK_defineDrive: extra parameters for disk tollerance new: FDISK_getDiskType: returnes the type of the drive (DISK_TYPE_IDE, DISK_TYPE_SCSI) new: helper.php: helper functions that did not fit into another include file new: HELPER_calcMBSize: calculates the size in MB from a given input that can be a GB value or measured in % cha: de/diskDefine.hlp: help for the new disk definition dialog cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: added new elemnts for the individual adjustment of the partitions new: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: adjusts the installation and swap drive for a derived client, based on the defined client settings +++++ 2004-11-18 new: copied DB m23 to m23captured cha: CAPTURE_deActivate, CAPTURE_isActive: now uses /m23/tmp/captureSave to store the state cha: CAPTURE_showMessageBox: now links directly to the capture page cha: dbConnect: selects the DB to use automatical cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: added new HTML elements for disk optimisation +++++ 2004-11-17 fix: makeScreenshots: corrected name of client rescue image fix: html2tex: now generates correct output, if there is no new line between heading and text cha: html2tex: new parameter for image scaling cha: makeTexHelp: fetched image scaling factors from /mdk/doc /manual /screenshots/ scalingTable fix: html2tex: removed aditional '*' in chapter cha: de/en: install_packages: changed HTML format fix: groups_overview: fixed HTML error new: en/diskDefine cha: de/diskDefine: changed HTML format new: en/mi_step3, mi_step4 +++++ 2004-11-16 cha: CAPTURE_showEntries: entries are now ordered by name and step cha: client_distr: added support for capturing cha: CAPTURE_captureAll, CAPTURE_getKeys: new parameter cha: plginstall, htaccess, client_details: added help page new: de/en: plginstall.hlp, htaccess.hlp, clientdetails.hlp, clientinfo_hardware, clientinfo_clientLog, clientinfo_addToGroup, clientinfo_delFromGroup cha: makeScreenshots: table for x direction cropping cha: client_packages: moved table code to CLIENT_listPackages cha: GRP_doClientMoreGroups: corrected table cha: client_infoPage: added help files cha: makeScreenshots: added all needed pages +++++ 2004-11-15 cha: makeTexHelp: deletes the help backup files before the conversion to Tex cha: kh2p: images can be generated in different formats. the file extension chooses the file type. cha: html2tex: line break after each image cha: khtml2png: better code, that scrolls only if needed cha: khtml2png: changed project to Kdevelop 3 new: khtml2png/makeDeb: script for generating the deb for khtml2png +++++ 2004-11-14 cha: CAPTURE_getKeys, CAPTURE_load: changed glue to '???' there were errors with the glue of the partition information new: makeScreenshots: added screenshots for the setup pages cha: CAPTURE_load: sets the page to POST and GET +++++ 2004-11-12 cha: de/m23base: all verbs are now starting with an upper case character new: CAPTURE_showEntries: shows a table of the captured pages with the possibility to delete entries. new: CAPTURE_deleteById: deletes a capture entry. cha: CAPTURE_captureAll: changed parameters cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine, massInstall: added CAPTURE_captureAll new: CAPTURE_getKeys: gets all POST or GET variables and returnes all keys and values as an assiciative array. Values of buttons are filtered out. new: capture: page for (de)activating the capturing and see and delete captured pages cha: makeScreenshots.sh: added screenshots for mass installation +++++ 2004-11-11 new: capture.php: routines storing and loading POST and GET values in forms new: CAPTURE_captureAll: stores all POST and GET variables to the DB new: CAPTURE_load: loads all POST and GET variables for a special page from the DB to emulate the user input while makeing a screenshot new: RMV_rm4IP: removes a variable for a slelected ip cha: RMV_rm: now uses RMV_rm4IP new: CAPTURE_deActivate: (de)activates capturing the POST, GET values new: CAPTURE_isActive: returnes true, if capturing of POST, GET values is activated. otherwise false new: CAPTURE_captureImg: returnes the status image URL of the current capture state new: CAPTURE_showMessageBox: shows a message box, if capturing is enabled cha: serverSettings: removed test code and added capture toggle button cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: added CAPTURE_captureAll cha: kh2p: adjustet to match the new parameters of khtml2png fix: khtml2png: this fix is really evil: the width of the screenshots was oversized by 65 pixel. Now the width is decremented with 65 and it works. A good fix will follow, if I have time. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: some adjustments to the new kh2p and captured values +++++ 2004-11-10 new: another hack of khtml2png: now scrolls in x and y direction, that enables it to make screenshots that are wider then the screen width. +++++ 2004-11-06 cha: makeBootCD: the ISO image size is shown, if it exists, otherwise an error message is shown cha: disabled outdated Portuguese and Italian language files new: en/makeBootCD.hlp +++++ 2004-11-04 fix: BURN_showLog: no log textarea is shown, if log file doesn't exit cha: BURN_burn, BURN_blank: setting of the burner state has been moved to burnCD and blankCD new: BURN_checkISO: checks, if the client ISO exist and create i otherwise new: de/makeBootCD.hlp +++++ 2004-10-29 new: index: new entry for burning CDs cha: menu: new entry for burning CDs new: BURN_listBurners: returnes a selection of the available burners new: blankCD: script to blank a CD new: BURN_getDevice: returnes the device name for cdrecord from a specific burner new: BURN_burn: burns an ISO new: BURN_getStatus: returns the status of the burner (BURNSTATE_IDLE, BURNSTATE_BLANK, BURNSTATE_BURN) new: BURN_showLog: shows a status info window about the current burner state +++++ 2004-10-27 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: changed timeout for fetching the job to 5 seconds and retries to 2 fix: pingIP: now uses sudo to allow the Apache user to use it cha: mkKnoppix-static: now adds the needed souce to sources.list, if it is not present cha: DB: root user is now secured with a password cha: DB: added m23dbuser for normal DB operations new: updated to phpMyAdmin 2.6.0-pl2 cha: fix-permissions: sets permissions for /m23/root-only cha: exportDBInitTable.sh, m23install.template, backupMysql.sh, restoreMysql.sh, add-erposs3.sh: DB root needs a password, fetched from /m23/root-only/dbrootpw cha: /m23/ftp:removed directory with an old pure-ftpd version cha: mkCert.sh: new security function to ensure, that the server certificate was created +++++ 2004-10-26 cha: makeCD.sh: now stores information about the ISO file size and date in /mdk/ bootCD/ISO.info cha: menuBootCD: used /mdk/ bootCD/ISO.info cha: makeCD.sh: application and preparer ID are written to the ISO cha: clean_mdk, mk-m23.bz2.sh: remove backup files before creating the archives fix: clean_mdk, unclean_mdk: now move the renamed m23 server ISO cha: mk-m23.bz2.sh: m23 DB isn't stored in the bz2 any more cha: m23install.template: uses m23DBInit.sql to instal the database cha: m23install.template: hdparm warning messages about not existing CD rom drives aren't shown any more cha: index: now fetches page name from POST with first priority, GET has second priority fix: m23ShutDownInstall: uses "halt" command for shutdown + and sets job to "done" +++++ 2004-10-25 cha: woody-install.sh: "skip-networking" is not commented out any more cha: woody-install.sh: calls now enables SSL new: m23server: updated system new: m23server: installed and run localepurge: saves 26968K by deleting unused locales and man pages. DE, FR, EN are still installed. fix: fr/m23inst: now has correct PHP code cha: m23install.template: builds a certificate +++++ 2004-10-23 fix: exportDBInitTable.sh: writes the needed default group entry to the DB +++++ 2004-10-22 cha: HELP_showHelp: now uses paragraphs instead of table structures to generate the table code. This makes it possible to use tables in the help files. cha: MASS_startInstall: returnes a message about the state of the created clients (error, ok) cha: massInstall: save button is hidden, if installation has been started cha: massInstall: shows status about created clients +++++ 2004-10-18 fix: FDISK_defineDrive: doubled "/dev/" in path definition +++++ 2004-10-16 fix: m23hwscanner: a " ," was printed before the type variable, there was no proper recognisation of the data tape, now fixed ;) fix: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: search vPart for the extended partition now works fix: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: fixed another vPart finding bug with logical partitions +++++ 2004-10-15 cha: makeCD.sh: now generates rock ridge entensions too cha: makeDoc.sh: copies the HTML documentation in the correct directory on the CD cha: updatem23.sh: now calls migrate.php cha: makeCD.sh: the ISO file name contains the version and code name. +++++ 2004-10-14 cha: de/en.hlp: clients_overview: white status new: en.hlp: clientBuilder, mi_step0, mi_step1, mi_step2: translated cha: en: m23base: missing parts translated cha: m23XFceInstall: now installs sudo and configures /etc/sudoers to make shutdown and reboot in XFce possible +++++ 2004-10-13 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: now sets do_boot_enable to "No" in kernel-img.conf. there are new questions while installing the kernel, that don't allow automatic installation of the kernel if do_boot_enable is set to "Yes". Lilo is run afterwards, so there is no problem booting the client. +++++ 2004-10-09 new: CLCFG_genFakeFstab: generates a fake /etc/fstab that only contains the lines for proc and the root partition (this is used to make the kernel install correctly) cha: debian/clientInstall: mow uses CLCFG_genFakeFstab +++++ 2004-09-30 cha: */clientInstall: m23hwscanner has to be run twice: 1. generate a fstab to make the kernel install correctly 2. generate a new lilo.cong & fstab to make lilo install cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: now copies dmidecode and checkdisklabel too fix: m23hwscanner: bugfixes +++++ 2004-09-29 new: m23hwscanner: now contains the functionality of genFstab without calling parted anymore cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: copies m23hwscanner from the ramdisk to the installation partition cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now uses m23hwscanner, adjusted parameters cha: */clientInstall: now uses new parameter format of CLCFG_genFstab +++++ 2004-09-26 cha: checkdisklabel: normal output is piped to /dev/null, because it should not be written to the POST data fix: m23hwscanner: now calculates the values for partitions smaller than 1GB correctly cha: CLCFG_activateDMA: now tries to activate /dev/hda - /dev/hdz and writes a log message only, if a device could be activated fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: error message is shown once now cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: after adding the client the dialog isn't shown anymore fix: FDISK_autoPart: now swap partition is formated cha: getKnoppixDDCxinfo, getKnoppixHwdata, getKnoppixHwsetup: adjusted because of the changes on the developer.linuxtag.net server +++++ 2004-09-25 new: bootimage: added /usr/share/misc/pci.ids, needed for lspci to show names of hardware devices cha: mkBootImage.sh: copies /usr/share/misc/pci.ids to bootimage during creation cha: HWINFO_getHDSize: returnes the sizes of all harddisks in a string, sperated by html breaks cha: client_partition: titles are saved from step to step in the extended partition dialogs fix: client_distr: after extended partitioning the install and swap partition is transfered correctly cha: checkdisklabel: new code for new device format (/dev/...) cha: m23hwscanner: now calls the new checkdisklabel cha: debian/DISTR_baseInstall: adjusted mounting of root partition to the new format +++++ 2004-09-24 fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now gets the correct boot type +++++ 2004-09-23 cha: pingIP: removed debug code new: bootimage: with m23hwscanner and needed libs new: bootimage: added lspci +++++ 2004-09-22 cha: FDISK_formatJob, FDISK_addJob, FDISK_rmJob, FDISK_listPartJobs: ported to new format fix: FDISK_autoPart: now deletes all partitions new: FDISK_formatJob: enables the booting flag on a partition new: FDISK_genPartedCommands: returnes the partition and formation commands that are generated from partJobs. cha: FDISK_getAfterPartition: space in extended partitions is calculated correctly and factor can be 0 now. this means the amount of free space in MB is returned. cha: FDISK_listPartJobs: now includes table code fix: FDISK_checkFreeSpace: correct run statement in for loop cha: MSR_importPartHwData, MIGR_partitions: the filesystem is set to -1 if it is an extended partition cha: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: removed erroneous code cha: m23fdiskFormatInstall: adjusted for new partition and format format +++++ 2004-09-21 cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog, FDISK_listInstPartSelector, FDISK_getBiggestValueOf, FDISK_findDevNrPosition, FDISK_devNrExists, FDISK_nextLogicalDevNr, FDISK_countPartitions, FDISK_virtualAddPartition, FDISK_virtualDeletePartition, FDISK_correctLogical, FDISK_formatExisting, FDISK_delPart, FDISK_addPart, FDISK_showDiskDefine, FDISK_formatPart: migrated cha: FDISK_partAmount, FDISK_countExtendedPartition, FDISK_countPrimaryPartitions, FDISK_countLogicalPartitions, FDISK_getNextPrimary, FDISK_getNextLogical, FDISK_genPartBlock, FDISK_deleteExtendedFromParam, FDISK_setPartParam, FDISK_getDiskSize, FDISK_overwriteBlock, FDISK_getPartParam, FDISK_getJobTypeOption, FDISK_getJobCommand, FDISK_getJobType, FDISK_getJobOption, FDISK_printRmJob, FDISK_printAddJob, FDISK_printAddFSJob, FDISK_printBFlagJob, FDISK_printFormatJob, FDISK_calcChanges, FDISK_rearrangeLogical, FDISK_getDevNrFromDev, FDISK_getBiggestDevNr, FDISK_getPartitionBlocks: removed new: delFromArray: deletes all entries in the array $arr assigned by the keys stored in the array $delKeys. the new array without the entries in $delKeys is returned. new: FDISK_partCreationSelect: retunes a selection for selecting a partition type to create. cha: FDISK_formatExisting: partitions for swap and installations can be on different drives now cha: FDISK_listSupportedFS: now uses HTML_listSelection cha: FDISK_getAfterLastPartition: if there is a bit of free space return 1 to show free space in the bar fix: FDISK_getFreeSpaces: returnes correct value, if there are no partitions new: extended partitioning seems to work with new format new: fdisk.php: much smaler code saved 883 lines +++++ 2004-09-20 fix: FDISK_listPartTable: no shows free space after the last partition correctly cha: FDISK_printBars, FDISK_checkFreeSpace, FDISK_listPartitions: migrated cha: FDISK_getFreeSpaceBeforeFristPartition, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartitionPercent, FDISK_getFreeSpaceAfterLastPartition, FDISK_getAfterLastPartitionPercent: are now removed, because they were used at one place only and were wrapper functions for FDISK_getAfterLastPartition or FDISK_getBeforeFristPartition. The main functions are used directly now. +++++ 2004-09-17 cha: FDISK_getFreeSpaceAfterLastPartition, FDISK_listPartTable: migrated to new fdisk format and adjusted parameters fix: FDISK_getAfterLastPartition: now uses always the last partition +++++ 2004-09-14 new: MIGR_partitions: converts param string partition information to the new assiciative array format. new: MSR_importPartHwData: imports partition and hanrdware informationen cha/fix: m23hwscanner: several fixes cha: FDISK_getPartitions, FDISK_getAllDrives, FDISK_selectDrives, FDISK_formatJob, FDISK_defineDrive, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartition, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartitionPercent, FDISK_getPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterLastPartition, FDISK_getAfterLastPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterPartition, FDISK_getAfterPartitionPercent, FDISK_printAllBars cha: HTML_listSelection: now writes the first entry back to the first variable cha: FDISK_selectDrives: now uses HTML_listSelection cha: FDISK_getInstallDrive: renamed to FDISK_getFirstDrive cha: FDISK_replaceParamPart: removed, seems to be never used ;) new: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: searches a special device (e.g. /dev/hda2) and writes the virtual device and partition numbers to the variables. These values can be used to access the file system via $param["dev$vDev"."part$vPart"."_fs"] cha: FDISK_getBeforeFristPartition, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterLastPartition, FDISK_getPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterLastPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterPartition, FDISK_getAfterPartitionPercent: changed parameters new: FDISK_printBars: enough functions ported to make is work! +++++ 2004-09-13 new: MSR_partHwDataCommand: generates the commands to send partition and hardware info cha: DMI_getParam: now uses \n as seperator cha: m23PresetupInstall: now ueses MSR_partHwDataCommand new: migrate: script for converting old partitions and dmi formats to the new one new: MIGR_dmi: converts the DMI string from the old format (line ent marked with '?') to the new (marked wit '\n'); +++++ 2004-09-12 new: m23hwscanner: new C tool, that gatheres hardware and partition information and shows an associative array, that can be send via wget. This tool will replace the old partinfodb. +++++ 2004-09-11 cha: clients_overview: changed names in the actions selection fix: DHCP_rmClient: now returnes true, if all is ok new: CLIENT_deleteClient: deletes a client and shows an optional message cha: clients_overview: link for delete now contains the client name cha: delete_client: now uses CLIENT_deleteClient cha: clients_overview: can now delete multiple clients cha: CLIENT_addClient: presetup job is set to a priority of 0 cha: PKG_addStatusJob: if it is a special package the priority is checked, before a existing job is replaced by the new one cha: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: values are now alinged on top cha: getPackageParams: renamed to PKG_getPackageParams cha: getPackageParamsVar: renamed to PKG_getPackageParamsVar new: PKG_getPackageIDsByName: returnes all IDs as an array for jobs matching the client and job name and are a normal or special package. +++++ 2004-09-10 fix: MASS_showGeneratorOptions: if first shown, the length for the first login password is set to 8 to make generation of the example passwords possible new: MASS_getLongestLength: returnes the length of the longest entry in the array or max if bigger than max fix: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: now netmasks are checked correctly fix: pingIP: now returnes true and false as boolean values and not as strings cha: CLIENT_addClient: new parameter to select, if the root password should be encrypted new: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: copies all with a selected status jobs from one client to another cha: PKG_copyWait4accPackagesToClient: now uses PKG_copyPackagesToClient new: MASS_startInstall: starts the installation of all client with all paramaters defined in the table new: MASS_showOverview: shows a table with all generated client settings, that can be edited new: massInstall: seems to work mostly ;-) +++++ 2004-09-09 new: isProgrammInstalled: returnes true if a programm can be used new: pingIP: tests, if someone is answering the ping on a given IP address. returnes true, if someone answers cha: CLIENT_isrunning: now uses pingIP new: MASS_ipGenerator: generates the selected amount of IPs in the selected ranges. Only IPs are generated that aren't in use by m23 or (if activated) pingable. new: MASS_minMaxIP: calculates the possible minimum and maximum IP of a given netmask. The IPs are returned as an array: index 0 = minimum; index 1 = maximum. new: getServerNetmask: returnes the netmask of the m23 server new: MASS_passGenerator: generates the selected amount of passwords with a random algorithm or the genpw tool. new: MASS_generateNetmask: generate netmasks from ip addresses via network class definitions. new: MASS_generateClientNames: generates client names through appending of numbers. new: MASS_saveGeneratorOptions: saves all geneator options to EGKparams new: MASS_showGeneratorOptions: shows the dialog for configuring the generator options new: MASS_getAllFromFile: returnes all values from one key of the DB file as an array. +++++ 2004-09-08 cha: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: now checks if properties have been assigned more times cha: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: now checks if needed properties have not been assigned cha: MASS_showFileFormatDialog: added i18n support new: de/mi_step0-2.hlp: help files for mass install steps 1-3 new: MASS_getXProperties: returnes the amount and keys of a secial kind (enter, generate, keep, hand, file) +++++ 2004-09-07 new: MASS_showFileFormatDialog: shows a dialog that lets the user select a DB file and assign the columns to the fields of the file new: MASS_propertyKeys: returns the keys for all properties new: MASS_keyToI18N: converts the property names to I18N names new: MASS_I18NTokey: converts the I18N names to property names new: MASS_showTableDefinition: shows a dialog that lets the user define which field in the DB file should be assigned to which property new: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: saved the assignments from field number to property and other information to EGKparams and performes a simple check, to verify that the values of the properties are valuable. An error message is returned or an empty string, if all is ok. new: MASS_openDBFile: opens a DB file new: MASS_readDBFile: reads a line from the DB file and returnes an associated array with the properties as key and the fields of the file as values. new: MASS_readDBFileRaw: reads a line from the DB file and returnes the fields splitted to a normal array. new: MASS_closeDBFile: closes the DB file. +++++ 2004-09-06 cha: CLIENT_getStatusimage: added status for define cha: CLIENT_query: additional state and operator cha: clients_overview: clientBuilder clients are shown as installable clients fix: install_packages: if page is in install mode, the button has the right label cha: clients_overview: switch/case sets variable for help page cha: CLIENT_showStatusSelection: now shows define status cha: index: added massInstall page cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: new parameter to select, if you want values to be generated,entered or kept new: massTools: routines for mass installations new: MASS_EGKradioBoxes: Generates HTML code for showing 3 elements, that can be each a "radio button", selection "disabled" or "always selected". new: MASS_FHradioBoxes: Generates HTML code for showing 2 radio buttons for selecting file or handy source new: MASS_showFileHandDialog: shows a dialog for selecting "by file" or "by hand" for the "enter" properties. +++++ 2004-09-05 cha: support: added newsletter and icons cha: menu: added newsletter and questionaire to menu cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog, CLIENT_addClient: extra parameter for client definition new: FDISK_defineDrive: defines drive information for the clientBuilder new: FDISK_showDiskDefine: shows a dialog for defining the type and size of the fake drive for the cha: add_client: changes to insert clientBuilder functions +++++ 2004-09-03 new: en: editPackageSelection.hlp: help for package selection editing dialog new: dir /m23/data+scripts/m23admin/masstools/: for masstool plugins cha: menu: added mass tools entries new: icons: mass tools +++++ 2004-09-02 cha: PKG_getPackageStatus: if distr is empty only the action status is shown cha: install_packages: can now delete package selections new: de: editPackageSelection.hlp: help for package selection editing dialog +++++ 2004-09-01 fix: GRP_getDistrsAndSourcesLists: if there are arrays in the parameters new values are added fix: install_packages: checked package type is safed for page refresh new: PKG_getAllPackageSelections: returns all package selection names new: PKG_showAllPackageSelections: returns all package selection as HTML selection cha: install_packages: added list of package selections + delete button +++++ 2004-08-31 fix: PKG_savePackageselection: deletes all packages from selection before saving packages cha: install_packages: stores package selection name cha: install_packages: if package selection name is empty get the first selected package selection name new: PKG_deletePackageselection: delete all packages from package selection cha: menu: added entry for changing of package selections cha: install_packages: started to make editiong of package selections possible +++++ 2004-08-24 fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: now the table is included in correct table tags +++++ 2004-08-23 new: MSG_showUpdateInfo: showes a info message about the stored update jobs cha: end/de: groups_overview.hlp: rewritten cha: end/de: install_packages.hlp: some changes new: MSG_showUpdateInfo: showes a info message about stored jobs on N clients +++++ 2004-08-22 new: en/de: update_packages.hlp +++++ 2004-08-21 cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: get to post cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: now adds m23normaleremove jobs cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: shows with an icon, if the package should be de/installed cha: install_packages: shows correct help file, if in deinstall mode cha: PKG_listRecommendPackages: new selection, to select if the packages should be (de)installed or use the saved action cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: new parameter to select if the packages should be (de)installed or use the saved action cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: added titles for the status icons cha: en/de: install_packages.hlp: adjusted new: GRP_getAllPackages: shows a list of all packages on all clients in the selected groups. the packages can be selected by checkboxes fix: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: now uses correct url for deinstalling packages fix: install_packages: serveral little fixes for showing correct deinstallation page cha: install_packages: now includes update function cha: clients_overview: link to update has been changed +++++ 2004-08-16 cha: PKG_savePackageselection: uses MSG_showInfo and new extra parameter to switch showing of this message on and off cha: PKG_listRecommendPackages: now uses html table functions cha: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: added support for m23normalRemove +++++ 2004-08-15 cha: CLIENT_listPackages: radioboxes to checkboxes and no "do changes" button after each 30 lines cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: now shows m23normalRemove jobs correctly new: PKG_discardRemoveJob: discards all remove jobs from the clientjobs table, that match the param cha: PKG_rmSelectedPackages: now discards remove jobs cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: different checkbox base names for normal and normalRemove jobs cha: install_packages: ability to search for packages to remove, mark and deinstall these packages cha: MSR_decodeMessage: added stupport for transfering the package status file new: MSR_genSendCommand: sends file to postMessage.php new: MSR_importStatusFile: reads status file data from the post data and store it under /m23/var/cache/ clients/clientName /packageStatus new: MSR_statusFileCommand: generates the commands to send the package infos and package status file cha: m23UpdatePackage InfosInstall: now uses MSR_statusFileCommand cha: MSR_logCommand: now uses MSR_genSendCommand +++++ 2004-08-14 cha: client_distr: after saving of data: no title and no table is shown fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: uses previously entered root and first passwords after loading of a preference cha: m23XFceInstall: removed gdm, added logging of package installation fix: deinstall_packages: now uses correct i18n for search button fix: deinstall_packages: fixed spelling of BUT_previewDenstallation cha: deinstall_packages: now uses shadowed table cha: CLIENT_acceptChanges: changed method from GET to POST cha: clients_overview: if in deinstall mode, the action link is now page = installpackages with additional action deinstall cha: index.php: commented out deinstallpackages new: PKG_addRemovePackagesToWait4Aac: adds a remove job to waiting 4 accept status new: PKG_remNormalPackages: adds normal deinstallation jobs to db cha: renamed PKG_copyWaitingPackagesToClient to PKG_copyWait4accPackagesToClient +++++ 2004-08-12 new: m23XFceInstall: installs XFce as additional desktop system on the clients new: m23XInstall: installs X11 only cha: debian/info.txt: added XFce and X cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: now shows distribution and package source name new: GRP_showSelDistrSources: shows a dialog for selection of distribution and package source name. The choices are taken form distr and packagesource values of the clients in the group. If there is only one entry for one or both of the values, the value is written back to the input variable otherwise a HTML selection is shown. new: GRP_listAllClientsInGroups: returns an array with all client names contained in the groups cha: install_packages: if in groupmode: generates a one time client name, to make work with more administrators on one sever possible cha: rescaled m23.png: now looks smoother new: PKG_copyWaitingPackagesToClient: copies the waiting jobs from one client to another new: GRP_HTMLBackToOverview: generates HTML code to return to the group overview page new: install_packages: shows GRP_HTMLBackToOverview instead of CLIENT_HTMLBackToDetails if in group mode new: install_packages: assigns jobs to all clients in the group cha: PKG_addNormalPackages, PKG_rmSelectedPackages: changed method from GET to POST cha: PKG_acceptJobs: new parameter cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: has now a selection for the action (install, deinstall) +++++ 2004-08-10 cha: packages_install: preview button is only be shown, if on a a single client new: GRP_listAllClientsInGroup: returns an array that consists of all client names that are in a group new: GRP_getDistrsAndSourcesLists: writes the differnt distributions and package sources of the clients in a group as array to the both variables new: html.php: functions for generating often used HTML code new: HTML_listSelection: shows a selection with options stored in an array new: HTML_showTableHeader: prints the header of a shadowed table new: HTML_showTableEnd: prints the end of a shadowed table +++++ 2004-08-06 new: CLIENT_showAddDialog: shows the dialog for adding a client cha: add_client: most code has been moved to CLIENT_showAddDialog cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: uses POST method for sending the data cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: selection of groups for package installation cha: packages_install: now uses POST cha: packages_install: gets and manages groups cha: packages_install: title shows, if groups or a client is selected +++++ 2004-08-05 new: PKG_countJobs: counts all packages of a client with a given status cha: PKG_countSelectedpackages: now uses PKG_countJobs new: PKG_countPackages: counts all packages on a client cha: clients_overview: removed SQL code and replaced it by PKG_countJobs and PKG_countPackages cha: clients_overview: code cleaning: changed if, else, elseif to switch, case cha: GRP_showClientGroups: now can generate links to the group pages cha: clients_overview: removed rescue and recovery, are now in the client details new: CLIENT_query: returnes the result of a query for getting all clients matching selected states and groupNames. Empty values are interpreted as 'all' for this kind of value. cha: clients_overview: shows group name in the title if one is selected cha: group_actions: removed listClients action cha: commented out GRP_showClientsInGroup and GRP_listClientsInGroup (are not used any more) cha: GRP_doClientMoreGroups: removed debug code cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: now uses GRP_showClientGroups +++++ 2004-08-03 new: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: generates a table with all groupnames and the amount of clients in each group new: GRP_listGroupsAndCount: returnes a associative array with all groupnames and the amount of clients in each group cha: clients_overview: most code removed and replaces by GRP_showGroupsAndCount new: GRP_listClientsInGroup: returnes an associative array containing all clients and clientids in the group new: GRP_showClientsInGroup: generates a table showing all clients and clientids in the group cha: group_details: most code removed and replaces by GRP_showClientsInGroup cha: index.php: added group actions cha: renamed GRP_delClientToGroup to GRP_delClientFromGroup new: GRP_HTMLBackToDetails: generates HTML code to return to the group details page new: GRP_countClients: returns the amount of client of a certain group fix: GRP_listGroupsAndCount: now shows all groups (with 0 clients) new: GRP_ren: renames a group new: GRP_showGeneralInfo: shows a table with general information about the group new: GRP_showRenDialog: shows a dialog to rename a group new: GRP_moveClientToGroup: moves a client from one group to another new: GRP_listGroups: returnes all groups in an array new: GRP_groupSelection: generates a HTML selection with all groups as options new: GRP_showDelDialog: shows a dialog for deleting a group cha: add_client: now uses GRP_groupSelection cha: CLIENT_addClient: now uses GRP_addClientToGroup cha: client_overview: link to the addtogroup page has client as new parameter new: client_details: buttons for adding and removing the client to and from groups new: client_infoPage: functions for adding and removing the client to and from groups new: GRP_doClientMoreGroups: dialog and logic for adding and removing the client to and from multiple groups new: GRP_listClientGroups: returnes an array containing all groups a client is in new: GRP_showClientGroups: shows a list containing all groups a client is in +++++ 2004-08-02 fix: setLog: now sends logging information cha: messageReceive: added comments to the functions cha: bootimage: linuxrc: fetched script is stored as work.php new: work.php: if client is in debug mode the generated script is send back to the server cha: client_distr.php: after submitting the installation job, the selection dialog is hidden fix: CLCFG_sourceslist: messageReceive.php is now included only once cha: CLIENT_showLog: PHP errors are marked red fix: *: removed including of messageReceive.php (is now included in work.php) new: groups.php: for groups functions new: GRP_exists: checks, if a group exists new: GRP_add: adds a group cha: create_group.php: uses group functions new: GRP_getIdByName: gets the Id of a groupname new: GRP_del: deletes all clients from the group and the group itself cha: removed "groupname" from table "clients" new: CLIENT_getId: returnes the id of a client new: GRP_isClientInGroup: returnes true, if a client is in the selected group, otherwise false new: GRP_addClientToGroup: adds a client to a group new: GRP_delClientToGroup: removes a client from a group +++++ 2004-08-01 cha: client_distr: now works in 3 steps +++++ 2004-07-31 cha: m23ERPOSSInstall: new error detection code cha: *: tee command now logs stderr to the log files cha: makeDoc.sh: noe deletes backup files before generating tex files with mdoc new: CLIENT_showLog: checks for an log error and colors it red fix: m23ERPOSSInstall: log files are written after the ocurrance of an error fix: m23ERPOSSInstall: something is changing resolv.conf, interfaces and hostname: it gets overwritten by m23 at the end of the installation new: m23ERPOSSInstall: kdm debconf settings + kdm is now the default window manager cha: add-erposs3.sh: sourceslist entry is only added if none exists cha: erposs/ clientInstall: now doesn't use the proxy for debootstrap fix: erposs/ clientConfig: CLCFG_getEnd Configuration: now removes files before fetching them with wget fix: erposs/ clientConfig: corrected spelling error removee to remove cha: de,en/ clients_ overview.hlp: added some sentences for the new version new: distribution icon for erposs3 cha: erposs/ info.txt: adjusted for new icon +++++ 2004-07-30 cha: CCC: CLCFG_executeAfterChroot: copies screen logs to the installation partition fix: CCC: removed "`" from if cases cha: m23xfree86Install, m23KDE3Install: now uses CLCFG_dialogInfoBox cha: rescue_client, recover_c, delete_c: added icons cha: m23xfree86Install: commented out "tee" for logging (stopps while processing package x-window-system) fix: CLIENT_showDbugSelection: fixed spelling fix: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: now setting and showing of the debug state works cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: new parameter "isCritical" cha: erposs/ DISTR_after ChrootInstall: installation of dialog fix: CLCFG_getEnd Configuration: makes needed directories cha: m23ERPOSSInstall: logging of erposs packages fix: m23ERPOSSInstall: executes next job new: client_details: added client log cha: client_log: removed cha: CLCFG_addUser: new parameter for skeleton directory cha: debian/ clientInstall: added parameter in call of CLCFG_addUser cha: CLCFG_addUser: commented out copying of skel files by cp and making of home dir: now done by the adduser command +++++ 2004-07-29 cha: client_packages: removed menu cha: menu.php: commented out the menu entries for recovery + rescue new: CLIENT_isInDebugMode: returnes "true", if the asking client is in debug mode fix: client: changed debug code from "DEBUG" to "debug" fix: RMV_set4IP: now updates existing variables new: debugScreen: generates the /etc/screenrc file on the client, that enables logging the whole screen output to /tmp/screen.* cha: linuxrc: now downloads and executes the debugScreen cha: client_overview: shows link to control center page, if in overview mode new: some new icons cha: menu.php: traffic lights after the installation steps new: CLIENT_HTML BackToDetails: generates HTML code for returning to the client controll center page cha: client_waitingjobs, c_status, c_debug, recover_c, rescue_c, c_infoPage, update_packages, install_p, deinstall_p, c_packages: added links to the client control center page new: CLIENT_showDirect ConnectionHelp: returnes the help file for directConnection and replaces place holders with the correct values cha: CLIENT_showHardwareInfo: changed order: hardware info first, then partition info +++++ 2004-07-27 cha: debian/ CCC: CLCFG_genFstab: mounting proc isn't a critical error any more new: bootimage: added vt100 terminfo cha: bootimage: screen: adjusted path to screenrc fix: RMV_set4IP: now uses the ip in the parameter cha: CIR_enableDropbear: now copies the authorized key from the server cha: debian/ clientInstall.php: activates dropbear cha: en/de: client_direct Connection.hlp: changed parameter of ssh to avoid "man in the middle" warings cha: CIR_detectSCSI: output of the detection routine now looks nicer cha: index.php: changed clientcritical to clientinfo cha: clients_overview.php: jumps to the correct position on the client_details page new: client_infoPage: shows information about a client depending on the parameter +++++ 2004-07-26 cha: DEBUG_isInDebugMode renamed to CLIENT_isInDebugMode and DEBUG_toggleDebugMode to CLIENT_toggleDebugMode new: CLIENT_getStatusimage: return the image name with the correct color new: index.php: added clientdebug page new: CLIENT_generate HTMLStatusBar: generates HTML code containing the status of the client with links to the pages new: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: shows a dialog that lets you select the current debug state of a client new: client_debug.php: page for selection of the client debug state new: PKG_rmAllSpecial PackagesByName: deletes all special packages from a client matching the package name new: PKG_countSpecialPackages: counts the special packages of a clients matching the package name and status cha: PKG_countWaitingJobs now uses PKG_countSpecialPackages cha: bootimage: linuxrc: screen session is now named m23install cha: *: screen session name: changed to m23install new: de/en: client_client DirectConnection.hlp +++++ 2004-07-25 new: debug.php: DEBUG_isInDebugMode: returnes "true", if a client is in debug mode cha: client.php: CLIENT_addClient: now uses function encryptShadow new: add_client.php: now generates a random password for the root login into the netbootimage new: CIR_enableDropbear(): sets up and starts dropbear SSH server new: devguide: new chapter for patching screen new: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now shows the bootimage root password new: linuxrc: now starts a screen session cha: /m23/inc/distr /clientConfigCommon.php: removed, was unused fix: debian: CLCFG_interfaces: removed misarranged "fi" new: DEBUG_toggleDebugMode: en/disables the debug mode of a client cha: client_critical.php, CLIENT_show StatusSelection: adjusted for new status icons cha: CLIENT_list CriticalClients: added icon cha: menu.php: added icons +++++ 2004-07-23 cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: debootstrap error doesn't set client to critical status cha: debian/ cCC.php: CLCFG_interfaces: no logging for "gateway setup" cha: mkBootImage.sh: number of notes for the image are now 3000 and comented out knoppix files fetching cha: bootimage: exchanged all libs with never versions cha: bootimage: added /etc/terminfo/ l/linux +++++ 2004-07-22 cha: clientsOverview.php: added critical clients cha: CLIENT_listCriticalClients: now counts the critical clients and links to the critical clients overview page new: HELP_getHelpString: returns the help block for the online help new: en,de: client_status.hlp cha: client_critical.php: added 3 different ways to bring the client to a normal state +++++ 2004-07-21 cha: menu.php: added "update" under packages new: clientsoverview.php: every second output line is colored blue for better client differentation new: index.php: added updatepackages entry new: packages.php: PKG_showPreviewUpdateSystem: generates HTML code woth inormation about the update preview new: PKG_previewUpdateSystem: returns the information of an system update request fix: m23normalInstall.php: now correct distribution name is fetched new: m23updateInstall.php: package for undating the client system new: wait4go: little C tool, that stops the console till "go" is entered cha: db.php: sendClientLogStatus: new parameter critical: if it is set to "true" the execution of the script is stopped and a local rescue console is opened cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: copies wait4go to the installation partition cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: critical messages lead to excution of the local shell new: db.php: new client status STATUS_CRITICAL cha: exchanged all numeric client status' with the constant names cha: message.php: MSG_showError, MSG_showInfo: if language is set to "none", there will be no box subject cha: message.php: MSG_showMessageBox, MSG_showError, MSG_showInfo: new parameter width new: client.php: CLIENT_listCriticalClients: lists clients with critical status' new: menu.php: added listing of critical clients new: client_critical.php: new client page to bring client in a non critical status +++++ 2004-07-18 new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_hideKernelWarnings: hides the kernel warnungs new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: generates the m23fetchjob script new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_executeAfterChroot: prepares for pivot_root and does it and executes afterChroot new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_dialogAllBox: generates the BASH code for showing different types of dialog boxes new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_dialogMsgBox: generates the BASH code for showing an dialog message box new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_dialogInfoBox: generates the BASH code for showing an dialog infobox cha: debian/ clientInstall.php: exchanged code parts with new functions fix: m23normalRemoveInstall.php: now removes packages cha: en,de/wellcome.hlp: added software patents warning +++++ 2004-07-16 fix: m23ERPOSSInstall.php: has now correct file name cha: m23ERPOSSInstall.php: added setting of PATH environment variable new: bootimage, bootCD: new parted version 1.6.11 fix: erposs/ clientInstall.php: copies parted from the ramdisk to the install partition fix: erposs/ clientInstall.php: corrected name of kernel new: new package repository for missing package(s): screen cha: debimg/ clientConfig.php: commented out CLCFG_writeHosts: is already included in clientConfigCommon.php cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_hwdetect now installs: the necessary packages fix: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getEndConfiguration: corrected pathes for fetching the files +++++ 2004-07-15 cha: clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: additional paramaters new: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getERPOSSMirror: figures out the server + path containing the ERPOSS instalation files new: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getDebconfTemplates: fetches the debconf templates from the m23 server and extracts them cha: add-erposs3.sh: new sources list new: add-erposs3.sh: copies a lot of template files from the CD new: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getEndConfiguration: does some configuration at the end of the ERPOSS installation new: m23ERPOSSInstall.php: installs the desktop and all other needed packages for ERPOSS +++++ 2004-07-14 cha: moved CLCFG_installBasePackages, CLCFG_setDebconf, CLCFG_writeHosts and CLCFG_downgradeExt from debian/clientConfig to clientConfigCommon cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_installBasePackages changed parameters cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: stripped out some common install routines for all Debian like distributions: CLCFG_activateDMA, CLCFG_mountRootDir, CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools cha: m23RescueInstall.php: now detects SCSI controlers + loads modules cha: m23PresetupInstall.php: moved CIR_detectSCSI and CIR_waitForNextJob to m23CommonInstall Routines.php fix: client_distr.php: if the distribution variable is empty, set it to "debian" cha: CIR_detectSCSI: now only checks once for scsi controlers fix: booimage: the init of BusyBox 1-pre10 is broken: switched init to BusyBox 1-pre1 new: /mdk/bootimage/ BusyBox-configs: stores the BusyBox config files +++++ 2004-07-12 new: script for installing the "ERPOSS3 Behördendesktop" CD on the m23 server +++++ 2004-07-10 fix: bootimage: fixed some problems with the new BusyBox cha: linuxrc: now fetches the first job with SSL encryption fix: clientConfigCommon.php: corrected URL for authorized_keys new: package sources with/without KDE3 in woody fix: debian/info.txt: corrected spelling cha: added description for Textmode and Gnome cha: added the KDE shipped with Woody new: m23KDEwoodyInstall.php: is used to install the KDE shipped with Woody +++++ 2004-07-05 cha: sensitive data is now fetched SSL encrypted from the server fix: manual/makePDF-HTML.sh: copies HTML + PDF files to the server installation ISO cha: devguide/makeDoc.sh: now copies the HTML version of the devguide to the server installation ISO cha: bootimage: changed to BusyBox 1-pre10 +++++ 2004-07-04 new: mkCert.sh: creates a SSL certificate for usage with Apache SSL new: enable-ssl: first try for installing and configure all needed to enable SSL in Apache +++++ 2004-05-21 fix: debian/packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: set return value to "true" to enable offline mode +++++ 2004-05-20 fix: m23gnome2Install.php: Gnome 2.x is now installable (2 ';' were missing) cha: client.php: CLIENT_getSubnet: better code (thx to 2borg) new: client.php: CLIENT_getBroadcast: calculates the boradcast IP (thx to 2borg) fix: fixed link to the development guide in the menu new: created and made available the update from 0.4.8 to 0.4.9 cha: SRCLST_package InformationOlderThan: added check for the file /m23/etc/offlineMode. if it is found the function always returnes false. +++++ 2004-05-05 cha: menu.php: now includes the french manual, if french is the m23 admin interface language cha: version.php: changed to "final" +++++ 2004-04-30 cha: client_distr.php: new default distribution is "debian" and not "debimg" cha: moved info.txt and debimg.tgz to m23-extra new: created package m23-extra for parts not included in the normal m23 new: script to install m23 on a normal woody server cha: MDK: clean_mdk: now moves bootimage/initrd.gz cha: MDK: unclean_mdk: now moves bootimage/initrd.gz new: server boot CD: added README file cha: makeCD.sh: now generates cleaned m23 database and stores it on CD cha: MDK: makeCD.sh: now generates with Joliet and Rock Ridge extensions fix: woody-install.sh: enabled authentification +++++ 2004-04-29 new: exportDBInitTable.sh: exports a cleaned m23 database for installation of a new server +++++ 2004-04-28 cha: help.php, distr.php, server.php, packages.php, i18n.php, sourceslist.php, plugin.php, db.php: added length parameter to fgets function cha: dhcp.php: added code for selecting the correct dhcp server startup command new: db.php: isMySQL3used: checks if MySQL 3 is installed and returnes true if v3 is found, otherwise false cha: db.php: DB_addUser: added code to make it work with the old MySQL version 3 cha: fix-permissions: now autodetects user + groupname of the apache process new: devguide: added complete code to the MySQL-C++ chapter +++++ 2004-04-27 fix: en+de/ client_distr.hlp, client_add.hlp: fixed error in LaTex code generation cha: corrections in the english manual and help files +++++ 2004-04-09 cha: add_client.php: added package proxy + port cha: add_client.php: package proxy settings are stored in client options cha: client.php: CLIENT_addClient: now adds client options too cha: clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_aptConf: only add the APT proxy lines if the proxy IP is not empty cha: */clientInstall.php: APT proxy settings are taken from clients options cha: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: uses package proxy settings cha: debian/clientInstall.php: DISTR_baseInstall: uses package proxy settings in CLCFG_debootstrap fix: debian/packages.php: tries to sort the kernerl list if there is a list fix: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: only sets the proxy if its IP is not empty cha: de+en/client_add.hlp: added help about the package proxy setting +++++ 2004-04-07 cha: packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now returnes an error message, if an error occurs cha: packages.php: PKG_searchFor, PKG_listPackages: checks of the logfile isn't false cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_checkList: checks of the logfile isn't false cha: packages.php: PKG_searchFor: returns false if the search can't be started fix: install_packages.php: don't close the table if there occurs an error cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_genSelection($selName, $first, $distr): now shows sources lists that belong to the distribution only cha: client_distr.php, client_sourceslist.php: changed parameters for SRCLST_genSelection fix: packages.php: PKG_getPackageStatus: handles "normal packages" correctly now new: bootCD/updatem23.sh: a script for updating the installed m23 version with the version contained on the CD cha: serverupdate.hlp: added hint about the update script new: made new installation ISO 0.4.8 shiver-pre5 +++++ 2004-04-05 fix: stable sources.list: added KDE 3.2 source +++++ 2004-04-02 new: devguide: added new chapter for the MDK menue system cha: MDK/menuBootCD, menuManuelStart, menuDevguide , menuClientISO: added help entry new: menuBootCD.hlp: help file for menuBootCD new: menuManual.hlp: help file for generating the manual new: menuDevguide.hlp: help file for generating the development guide +++++ 2004-04-01 new: manual: finished exglis translation cha: clients.php: CLIENT_getSubnet: changed algorithmus: parts of the IP are copied only if there is 255 in the netmask. cha: m23.sf.net: english manual uploaded +++++ 2004-03-28 new: manual/introduction.tex: has been translated to english +++++ 2004-03-27 cha: menu.php: added a "report a bug" item fix: support.php: corrected path to the image cha: khtml2png: has been mostly rewritten, because KDE 3.2 now uses an optimisation that doesn't draw widgets that aren't visible. With the old tool it is impossible to make screenshots bigger than the screen. The new tool scrolls the contents of the HTML page and makes different screenshots that are appended to one image. cha: MDK/kh2p: changed parameters for khtml2png and now fetches the HTML page before capturing +++++ 2004-03-25 fix: MDK/menuClientISO: now builds the client ISO fix: MDK/mkBootImage.sh: copies the modules from the server installation cd to the client boot cd, to make the modules loadable fix: MDK: removed file "rescue" from the bootimage directory (saves 24 MB from the client boot CD) cha: MDK/bootimage: linuxrc: now shows the MAC addresses +++++ 2004-03-13 cha: client_add.hlp, clients_overview.hlp: changed to unordered list cha: fdisk-automatic.hlp, deinstall_packages.hlp, fdisk-extended3.hlp, makeBootDisk.hlp, fdisk-existing.hlp: changed to ordered list cha: MDK/html2tes.sh: most code rewritten: now uses html2latex fix: fdisk-extended2.hlp: corrected code cha: german manual has better layout +++++ 2004-03-12 cha: m23client-debconf: changed timezone to Europe +++++ 2004-03-11 fix: MDK/m23install.template: removed "/" after route option in dhcpd.conf fix: debian/clientConfig.php: CLCFG_installBasePackages: installs necessary packages for setting the keyboard in the console fix: work.php: if a script doesn't exist set the job to "done" and execute next job fix: client_distr.php: reordered code so distributions can be selected cha: checks.php: checkNormalKeys: allows "_" +++++ 2004-03-09 cha: MDK/m23-debconf-woody: removed dependencies fix: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_saveList: the sources.list is only deleted if it exists fix: debian/packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: logfile is now written fix: client_sourceslist.php: now trims whitespaces from sources list and description fix: rescue_client.php: now shows correct help page fix: client.php: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: delete all client package information cha: client.php: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: tries to wrap the parameter string after 80 characters fix: m23normalInstall.php: sets status back to green after the installation fix: */packages.php: PKG_listSpecialpackages: removed '>' in table header cha: m23UpdateSourcesListInstall.php: changed priority to 12 to avoid too early execution fix: packages.php: PKG_listParams: fixed doubled "
" fix: packages.php: PKG_listSelectedpackages: fixed column numbers for packagename and normalPackage fix: packages.php: PKG_discardNormalJob: false SQL statement generated cha: install_packages.php: repositionated buttons fix: fdisk.php: FDISK_listSupportedFS: removed reiserfs, because there is no code to format with reiser cha: debian/clientConfig.php: renamed CLCFG_downgradeExt3 to CLCFG_downgradeExt and included code to downgrade ext2 partitions cha: debian/clientInstall.php: adjusted for usage of CLCFG_downgradeExt fix: client.php: CLIENT_addClient: now installdate is set ;) fix: client.php: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: shows now installdate and lastmodifies in human readable format new: BUILD/UPLOAD ISO: m23shiver-0.4.8-pre3 +++++ 2004-03-08 cha: debian/clientConfigInstall.php: CLCFG_listDebianReleases: new parameter first cha: */packages.php: PKG_listKernels: new parameter first fix: */packages.php: PKG_listKernels: now first is the first kernel name new: preferences.php: PREF_putAllOptions( $prefName, $options): stores all settings in the options array to the preferences new: debimg/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_getSetOption($getvar, $optvar, $options): checks if a variable is set an places its value under the variable name in the options array new: debimg/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_options2HiddenForm( $options): generates hidden fields with the values of the option array new: debimg/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_hiddenForm2options( $options): reads the option values of the hidden fields and adds them to the options array cha: client_distr.php: moved refresh button to the bottom new: preferences.php: PREF_getAllValues( $prefName, $options): gets all preferences and adds them to the options array new: client_dist.php: now stores/ restores the preferences correctly cha: PKG_getPackageStatus( $client, $package, $distr, $params, $normalPackage): code rewritten and new parameters cha: work.php: now includes sourceslist.php fix: rescue_client.php: started recover :( new: client.php: CLIENT_getStatusimage( $status): return the image name with the correct color cha: client.php: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: fixed status color fix: rescue_client.php: now starts DHCP booting cha: version.php: changed to 0.4.8 shiver-pre3 new: help files: client_waitingjobs, rescue_client cha: clients_overview.php: now uses CLIENT_getStatusimage cha: clients_overview.php: click on the status color calles the page "clientstatus" cha: index.php: added "clientstatus" new: client.php: CLIENT_showStatusSelection( $client): shows a dialog that lets you select the current status of a client +++++ 2004-03-07 cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_saveList: removes sources.list after saving cha: debian/packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: updates the package cache if sources.list doesn't exist cha: m23KDE3Install.php: create /dev/raw1394 to make the installer quiet new: packages.php: PKG_updateSourcesListAtAllClients( $sourcename): updates the sources.list at all clients using it cha: client.php: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: now shows m23normal jobs correctly new: packages.php: PKG_removeFromJobList( $packageIDList): removes all jobs identified by the IDs in packageIDList cha: client.php: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: can now remove package jobs cha: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: calles "apt-get clean" +++++ 2004-03-05 cha: deinstall_packages.php, install_packages.php, recover_client.php, */clientInstall.php fix: debian/cientConfig.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: removed nonexisting package libstdc++5 cha: messageReceive.php: MSR_importLog: removed debug code fix: MDK: mkstaticdeb: fixed problem with ddcxinfo-knoppix that had no LDFAGS line cha: MDK: /mdk/m23Debs/debs: added wget_1.9.1-3.backports.org.1_i386.deb because the woody wget version is too old to handle --post-file fix: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: fixed the BASH code for getting the count of packages new: updated phpMyAdmin to version 2.5.6 cha: work.php: if there is a problem finding the package to execute: try to execute the next one cha: debian/clientInstall.php: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: installs the new wget cha: m23KDE3Install.php: removed starting of sshd cha: m23/skel/.kde/Autostart/passwd: changed command and rebuild usrm23.tar.gz +++++ 2004-03-04 new: messageReceive.php: MSR_decodeMessage(): checks the type of the message and cals the right procedure new: messageReceive.php: MSR_importPackageStatus(): imports the data from a package status message to the database cha: m23copyPackageStatusToServerInstall.php: removed cha: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: has now complete new code, that doesn't uses wget to transfer the data ro the server cha: packages.php: PKG_changeClientPackageAction($client, $package, $action): renamed from PKG_changeClientPackageStatus cha: packages.php: PKG_setClientPackageWait4Rm, PKG_setClientPackageInstalledOK: adjusted cha: packages.php: CLIENT_listPackages: adjusted cha: deinstall_packages.php, client_packages.php: now includes distribution packages.php cha: packages.php: moved PKG_translateClientPackageStatus to debian/packages.php cha: debian/packages.php: PKG_translateClientPackageStatus: code rewritten for better status description cha: client.php: CLIENT_getPossibleActions: uses PKG_isInstalled cha: debian/packages.php: PKG_isInstalled($status): checks if a package is installed depending on the status cha: sourceslist.php, m23gnome2Install.php, m23xfree864Install.php, m23KDE3Install.php, CLCFG_sourceslist(): doesn't use log2db any more cha: */clientInstall.php: removed log2db +++++ 2004-03-03 new: german manual: finished files: manual.tex, serverinstallation.tex, requirements.tex, firststeps.tex and introduction.tex fix: html2tex.sh: fixed problems with "-" and bold cha: menuManualStart.sh: added status for the html and pdf files cha: makePDF.sh: moved to makePDF-HTML.sh and added generation of HTML files new: menuManualStart.sh: added upload menu item cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: copies the HTML files to /m23/doc/manual/ cha: menu.php: now uses the new m23 manual cha: makeDoc.sh: now generates only HTML and PDF files new: menuDevguide: new menu for the generation and upload of the development guide cha: menuStart.sh: has a new menu item to generate the documents fix: devGuide: exchanged symbols that produced errors in HTML output cha: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: now only produces a short package status file on the client new: MDK: m23helper/ clientpackagestatus2db: imports the package status files from the temporary directory to the database new: m23copyPackageStatusToServerInstall.php: copys the short package status file from the client to the server and impots it into the database cha: deinstall_packages.php, install_packages.php, recover_client.php, */clientInstall.php: added package job m23copyPackageStatusToServer new: MDK: m23-initscripts: Debian package for installing some initscripts cha: MDK: menuDeb: added new m23 extra package m23-initscripts cha: debian/cientConfig.php: CLCFG_installBasePackages: added the installation of m23-initscripts +++++ 2004-03-02 new: MDK: new: remotevar.php: RMV_exists4IP($var, $ip): checks if a variable exists for a certain IP fix: remotevar.php: RMV_set4IP: uses RMV_exists4IP to check if the variable has to be added or updated cha: khtml2png: hacked the source so it wontt make errors displaying some HTML elements cha: MDK: html2tex: removes "noheading" and parses
tags new: MDK: loadExampleDB, restoreCurrentDB: loads a example database for making screenshots and restores the old one new: MDK: menuLanguage.sh: menu to select the language for generating screenshots and the Tex documentation new: MDK: makeScreenshots.sh: generates screenshots for the selected languages new: MDK: makeTexHelp.sh: generates Tex files for the selected languages new: MDK: menuManualStart.sh: menu for generating all the manual new: german manual: main page for the german manual new: german manual: introduction for the german manual new: german manual: screenshots from the server installation new: german manual: server installation page new: MDK: makePDF.sh: generates the manual(s) as PDF files for the selected languages +++++ 2004-02-29 new: MDK: mkstaticdeb, mkKnoppix-static: generates static Debian packages from Knoppix tools new: MDK: menuDeb: Menu for generating m23 Debian packages new: MDK: mkDeb: build a special m23 Debian package new: MDK: mkpackages: generates the Package* files cha: MDK: menuStart: added the deb builder menu cha: debian/clientConfig.php: CLCFG_setDebconf: systems without debconf-set-selections install the m23-debconf-woody package fix: index.css: removed out-commented line with false color konquerer had problems with fix: MDK: mkstaticdeb: now removes the Depends line in control fix: inc/help/*: changed false HTML-comments from \$KERNEL_NAME new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_interfaces: generates a script for writing the /etc/network/interfaces file new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_hostname: wrtites the hostname file new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_resolvConf: sets DNS entries new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_aptConf: proxy settings for downloading Debian packages cha: m23baseSysInstall.php: commented out fetching of the old script files cha: afterChrootInstall.php: exchanged the old scripts with the functions above +++++ 2004-01-02 cha: changed location of m23biglogo.png to /m23/gfx new: m23-start.png cha: m23/index.php: new layout + gfx cha: welcome.hlp: changed path of m23biglogo.png new: clientConfig.php: functions for configuring the client new: db.php: encryptShadow: function to encrypt password for the shadow file cha: m23admin/index.php: added clientConfig.php to the includes cha: db.php: removed enable_proxy and disable_proxy new: client.php.php: CLIENT_getAskingParams(), CLIENT_getParams($clientName): functions to get parameters of a client new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_genFstab($clientID): generates the command for generation of the fstab file +++++ 2003-12-07 fix: apt-search: information about installable packages is now updated correctly fix: m23baseSysInstall.php: now fetches the right file: aptconf.php and not hostname.php fix: mkxf86config-special.sh: set ps/2 as default protocol for ps/2 mouse +++++ 2003-12-06 cha: /etc/ssh/ssh_config: set "StrictHostKeyChecking no", so ssh won't ask for confirming new fingerprints cha: m23xf864Install.php: added mkxf86config creation of the XF86Config files cha: hwdetect.php: removed mkxf86config creation of the XF86Config files cha: m23inst.php-de: ä -> ae, ü -> ue cha: cleaned some unused files from /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys cha: baseSysInstall.php: fetches aptconf.php new: aptconf.php: generates a apt.conf file for the client that enables the proxy cha: removed enable_proxy() and disable_proxy() from all files. this is replaced by setting the proxy in apt.conf +++++ 2003-12-04 fix: hwsetup.php: fixed file name for mkxf86config cha: m23image.bz2: removed some old files fix: fdisk.php: FDISK_selectDrives: if $first is empty don't let it be the first drive fix: fdisk.php: FDISK_getPartParam and FDISK_partAmount: returns 0 if the device is empty: removes some warnings from the partition dialog ;) cha: db.php: added newlines before wget commands to make programming errors more difficult +++++ 2003-12-02 fix: /m23/bim/mk-m23.bz2.sh: corrected pathes: files that should be cleaned are in /tmp/m23 and not m23 ;). So the master password was not enabled, PXE and Etherboot files were not deleted before making the m23.bz2 file. fix: parted in the client bootimages was not statical linked: new bootimages for PXE and Etherboot new: new m23 server installation ISO. May be the last build before the RC3 release ;) +++++ 2003-11-27 cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_genList: added knoppix deb source cha: hwdetect.php: install following knoppix packages: hwsetup hwdata-knoppix ddcxinfo-knoppix xf86config-knoppix cha: hwdetect.php: commented out all routines to get the needed files, that are replaced with the deb packages cha: hwdetect.php: adjusted pathes to the files cha: plugin.php: exchanged all error and info messages with the versions from message.php new: /m23/bin/pscheck: script to check if a process is running fix: /m23/bin/phpDebug, /m23/bin/phpNormal: checks if apache is running. if not start it +++++ 2003-11-26 cha: /mdk/bin/menuBootCD: transfers the m23image.bz2 to (mostly for internal purpose) fix: new server image to fix the PATH error and update of the system cha: plugin.php: now uses message.php for its messages +++++ 2003-11-25 new: script for download statistic on m23.sf.net +++++ 2003-11-23 new: /mdk/bin/extractDeb: can extract the files from a deb file +++++ 2003-11-20 cha: /m23/inc/version.php: m23_codename is now "shiver-rc3" fix: Server-Image: /etc/profiles: PATH contains now /sbin, /usr/sbin (thx Henry) +++++ 2003-11-19 fix: getKnoppix*: binaries are now taken from the debs and not compliled from the tar.gzs fix: bootImage: now contain 3Com driver (thx Zugschlus) +++++ 2003-11-14 fix: Corrections in english help files +++++ 2003-11-13 fix: corrected headings in client partitioning fix: FDISK_formatExisting: returns param with empty partitions fix: FDISK_formatExisting: removed false error message fix: /mdk/bin/getKnoppix*: corrected version information new: /mdk/bin/getKnoppixDDCxinfo: DDCinfos gets the DDC parameters from the monitor now included and will be used by mkxf86config.sh +++++ 11-18+19-03 new: Script: Read menus from DEBs +++++ 05-01-2003 Hauke index.php - changed language detection scheme to fix double click for language change debimg.tgz - removed hwcheck from rc2-5, added hwcheck to rcS - added ntpsync to rcS - updated kernel to 2.4.21-rc1 - removed interface.* files from /root - made new debimg.tgz dhcp.php - fix: DHCP_rmClient, trimmed clientname - added return code to DHCP_rmClient delete_client.php - added return message add_client.php - shortened delay by client adding +++++ 04-30-2003 Hauke m23BaseSysInstall.php - commented out getBootFS(), seems to be not used any more - added debug flag for disabling dialog messages afterChrootInstall.php - " m23FdiskFormatInstall.php- " - removed obsolete code m23KdeInstall.php - added debug flag for disabling dialog messages m23PreSetupInstall.php - " log2db - fixed help message - fixed compiler warnings partinfodb - removed output of sql statement +++++ 04-29-2003 Hauke remortevar.php - added, for saving remote variables on the server, usefull, if cookies are disabled +++++ 04-22 - 04-28-2003 Hauke - countless changes for multi language support +++++ 04-21-2003 Hauke plugin.inc - added error messages for failed downloads - fixed an error in plugin updates - some changes to the layout: only error messages are shown help.inc - help files are now under inc/help/de +++++ 04-20-2003 Hauke plugin.inc - added PLG_showPluginOverview, PLG_delete - deinstallation of plugins works - update works +++++ 04-19-2003 Hauke plugins - new table plugins plugin.inc - added PLG_install, PLG_getTempDir, PLG_getFilename, PLG_realInstall, PLG_DBInstall, PLG_checkOverwriting, PLG_getPlugin, PLG_showDownloadStatus - installation of plugins works +++++ 04-18-2003 Hauke log2db - changed sql query method, now logfiles can be send easier client.inc - CLIENT_showLog, entries get colored - CLIENT_showLog, logfiles are correctly shown pxelinux.cfg - local boot of clients works now (with hint of Daniel) +++++ 04-17-2003 Hauke dbimg.tgz - added ntpdate + execute @ startup - added hdparm + dma autodetection @ startup - added libmysqlclient m23remasterImg.sh - fixed: /oldroot and / aren't tared log2db - introducing tool, saves logfiles to db +++++ 04-13-2003 Hauke client.inc - added CLIENT_reset client.inc - CLIENT_desasterRecovery: clients will be automatically reseted partinfodb - now sends cpu speed to server db.inc - introducing sendClientLogStatus() db - added table "clientlogs" setLog.php - logs script events to clientlogs db.inc - added deleteClientLogs(), deletes the client logs +++++ 04-13-2003 Daniel client_showwaitingjobs - fixed, so only done packages are shown afterChrootInstall.php - Added clockset of client via NTP client.inc - Added Function CLIENT_isrunning +++++ 03-05-2003 Hauke fdisk.php - changed parameters of FDISK_autoPart($clientName,&$command, $dev, $param) - amount of partitons is now calculated with the param string+++++ - amount of partitons is now calculated with the param string +++++ 2017-01-19 patch 100948: Development documentation improvement. new: m23-Release-Tabelle.odt: Table for checking the tasks for a new m23 release. +++++ 2017-01-10 patch 100947: Now supports Linux Mint 18.1 Serena (Mate and Cinnamon). cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "LinuxMint 18.1 Serena". +++++ 2017-01-07 patch 100946: Smal improvents and fix for UCS. fix: DHCP_writePXEcfg: Now sets the access rights of the PXE file to 755 (needed on UCS). cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed "squeeze", "squeeze+libreoffice" and "Linux Mint 9 KDE". cha: Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Now configures sshd_config to allow SSH login as root with password. +++++ 2017-01-05 release 17.1 +++++ 2017-01-04 fix: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Adjusted for changed systemd package in Linux Mint 17.x. +++++ 2017-01-02 fix: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now closes the screen session on the m23 server when the screen session on the m23 client is finished. +++++ 2016-12-20 new: CLIENT_filterLinesFromLiveScreenRecording: Filters out unwanted lines from the live log. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now exits the loop when the SSH connection was closed. cha: HELPER_getNewLogLines: Now has an optional parameter for a function to filter the lines before adding them to the output. +++++ 2016-12-07 patch 100942: UCS fixes. fix: m23/postinst: Now creates group "grdmgpg" with gid 55001 on UCS to make creation of grdmgpg user possible. +++++ 2016-12-06 cha: SRCLST_sourceListExists: Made compatible with UCS. +++++ 2016-12-02 cha: m23Deb.inc / mkRelease: Now uses SHA256 for hashing the GPG signature. +++++ 2016-12-01 new: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Rewritten to find the files that need translation. fix: CLIENT_getOverviewSearchLine: Now shows the search term even after opening the client's overview page in a new tab. +++++ 2016-11-29 cha: m23hwdetect: Removed "$remote_fs" from start/stop condition. +++++ 2016-11-28 cha: menu.php: Added entry to compare package status. new: de / comparePackageStatus.hlp: Help file for the compare package status. +++++ 2016-11-25 new: HTML_getOriginalUploadFilename: Get the original file name of an uploaded file. new: CPackageStatusCompare::__construct: Constructor for new CPackageStatusCompare objects. new: CPackageStatusCompare::__destruct: Destructor for a CPackageStatusCompare object. new: CPackageStatusCompare::save: Saves parameters as hidden POST values. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setFile: Sets a file name, if the given parameter is a valid file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setFile1: Sets a 1st file name, if the given parameter is a valid file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setFile2: Sets a 2nd file name, if the given parameter is a valid file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setClient: Sets a client, if the given parameter is a valid client name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setClient1: Sets a client, if the given parameter is a valid client name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::setClient2: Sets a client, if the given parameter is a valid client name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isClientSet: Checks, if the client is set. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isClient1Set: Checks, if the 1st client is set. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isClient2Set: Checks, if the 2nd client is set. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isFile1Set: Checks, if the 1st combined variable stores a file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::isFile2Set: Checks, if the 2st combined variable stores a file name. new: CPackageStatusCompare::getVersionStatus: Gets an array with, the package file name, the version and the status. new: CPackageStatusCompare::getStatusFile: Gets the file name of a package status file. If a client name is give, a temporary package status file will be written. new: CPackageStatusCompare::showStatusRow: Gets the file name of a package status file. If a client name is give, a temporary package status file will be written. new: CPackageStatusCompare::diff: Compares two package status files. new: CPackageStatusCompare::show: Shows the comparing dialog. +++++ 2016-11-24 cha: clients_overview.php: Now has a new action to compare the package status of two clients. new: PKG_getPackageStatusCSV: Exports the packages of a client in tabulator separated CSV. +++++ 2016-11-23 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now configures VirtualBox without generating xorg.conf on LinuxMint 18 when run in LM18. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now doesn't do anything, if /etc/sysconfig/disableConfig is present. cha: menuDeb: Now stops Squid before and starts it after all changes to the Squid cache. +++++ 2016-11-22 cha: CGPGSign::showErrorAndDie: Changed to CGPGSign::showWarningAndDie to show a warning message. fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / normalPartition: Now creates swap partition again. +++++ 2016-11-21 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now has two checks, that may run into critical client status and that test if the base system archive was downloaded and extracted sucessfully. new: CGPGSign::showErrorAndDie: Shows an "internal" error message or a message for the m23 administrator and destroys the object afterwards. cha: CGPGSign::setGPGID, CGPGSign::getGPGID: Now are using showErrorAndDie. +++++ 2016-11-17 cha: index_fb.css: Now disabled submit buttons are visible as disabled. +++++ 2016-11-16 new: delete_client.help: Help page for deleting a client. cha: CLIENT_showDelDialog: Added information for removing m23 dependencies form an m23 ex client. new: CLCFG_installSDDM: Installs the SDDM display manager. cha: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Now has a m23customPatch area to deactivate the warning about other existing DHCP servers. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now has a more generic approach to detect the release name of Debian based distributions (Ubuntu and Linux Mint) +++++ 2016-11-15 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now downloads the package isc-dhcp-client instead of (non existing) dhcp3-client. +++++ 2016-11-11 cha: m23 / postinst: Now executes /m23/bin/postinstHook.sh if existing. +++++ 2016-11-10 new: EDIT_commentoutAll: Comments out all matching lines. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "LinuxMint 18 Sarah". new: m23Mint18CinnamonInstall.php: Installs Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon Desktop. new: m23Mint18MateInstall.php: Installs Linux Mint 18 Mate Desktop. new: m23Mint18XfceInstall.php: Installs Xfce desktop on Linux Mint 18. +++++ 2016-11-09 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added support for KDE in Linux Mint 18. new: m23Mint18KDEInstall.php: Installs Linux Mint 18 KDE Desktop. +++++ 2016-11-08 cha: debian / ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: More generic approach to detect Xenial based dirstributions and Linux Mint 18. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now used grub2 for LinuxMint 18. +++++ 2016-11-07 patch 100926: Exchanged m23 server repository on SourceForge with a self hosted repository. cha: m23installerBase.inc / installDebs, m23VirtualBoxInstall.php, DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression, Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Now are using m23inst.goos-habermann.de as repository for the m23 server installation . +++++ 2016-11-04 patch 100925: Disables creation or definition of a client with the name of an existing client. Fixes package transfer from client to m23 server. fix: PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Server, PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Client: Corrected port number. cha: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: New parameter to disable the system proxy. cha: CClient::getClientCurrentWorkPHP: Now fetches the script without system proxy. cha: configXOrgVMware: Now installs open-vm-tools. cha: CFDiskIO::__construct: Now transfers the check mode to the parent object. +++++ 2016-11-03 patch 100923: Code improvements. cha: head.php, HTML_selection, HTML_showFormHeader, VM_GUIstepCheckHost, VM_GUIstepSelectHost, MENU_showEntry, menu.php, CAPTURE_load, CAPTURE_showMarker, CAPTURE_showTableWith, HELP_showHelp: Improved code to generate less PHP notices. fix: Cm23Admin::getCSS: Corrected case error. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now shows a warning, if no hosts for the given VM software could be found. +++++ 2016-10-24 release 16.3 fix: SRCLST_showAlternativeArchitectureSelection: Now doesn't delete the client options when changing the architecture. new: CLCFG_installXDM: Installs the XDM display manager. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now uses XDM for Gnome in Ubuntu 16.04. +++++ 2016-10-18 patch 100921: Now interprets IDs with partially containing other IDs in m23customPatch correctly. cha: CmCP::loadSourceFile: Now interprets IDs with partially containing other IDs correctly. (Thx TS) +++++ 2016-10-12 patch 100920: Now uses goos-habermann.de as mirror for m23 clients. cha: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Now uses goos-habermann.de as mirror. patch 100919: Disables all SourceForge mirrors for m23 clients. cha: SRCLST_possiblem23debsMirrors: Commented out all SourceForge mirrors. patch 100918: New networkbootimages. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: New m23customPatch area "CLCFG_copySSLCertSSLCertificatesPermissions". cha: m23hwdetect: Now adds nic ID of DELL Optiplex 5040/7040. +++++ 2016-10-10 patch 100915: Changes for m23 16.3. cha: m23 / postinst: Now generates SSH RSA keys. +++++ 2016-10-06 new: EDIT_replaceLineElseAdd: Deletes all lines, that match regular expression, afterwards adds a given line (Thx TS) +++++ 2016-09-26 cha: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now installs apt-transport-https before the base packages, because SourceForge now uses HTTPs transparently for distributing the Debian packages. +++++ 2016-09-05 patch 100913: Added new recovering option to combine identical jobs. cha: client_details.php: New icon for client recovery with combining identical jobs. cha: recover_client.php: Option for client recovery with combining identical jobs. new: PKG_getDuplicatedIdenticalJobs: Returns an array with a list of all jobs that are identical by package, priority, status and params. new: PKG_removeDuplicatedIdenticalJobs: Removes all jobs that are identical by package, priority, status and params omitting the first job. new: CLIENT_recoverClientCombineJobs: Recover a client: all client jobs are done again, status is set to 0, all identical jobs are combines. +++++ 2016-08-24 new: CLIENT_isAssimilated: Checks, if a client was assimilated. fix: ASSI_prepareClient: Now calls MSR_curDynIPCommand instead of a non-existing function. fix: work.php: Now doesn't wait for finishing the download of the base archive on assimilated clients. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Corrected escaping of BASH code for writing m23fetchjob. +++++ 2016-07-28 patch: System proxy improvements. new: HELPER_hostname2IP: Gets the IP of a known host. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyHostIP: Gets the proxy IP. cha: CSystemProxy::writeSquidConf: Now uses the IP of the proxy to write to the Squid configuration file. +++++ 2016-07-20 cha: m23/postinst: Now uses direct access to the m23 server in m23's Squid. cha: CSystemProxy::showProxyDialog: Now hides the password, when opening the dialog. +++++ 2016-07-19 patch 100911: Added option to change the group description. new: GRP_setDescrGroup: Sets the description of a client group. new: GRP_showChangeDescriptionDialog: shows a dialog to change the group description cha: group_actions.php: Now can change the group description. cha: group_details.php: Added icon for changing the group description. +++++ 2016-07-16 fix: CClient:save: Now stores the serialized key value store to the DB, but keeps the associative key value store array in memory to allow multiple calls of the save method. +++++ 2016-07-15 fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Added missing SQL statement in "ip" case. +++++ 2016-07-13 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now configures the system to use BASH as default shell. patch 100909: Added management for the admins of the m23 webinterface. new: cli-modules/addm23Admin.php: Creates a new admin account for the m23 webinterface. new: cli-modules/delm23Admin.php: Deletes an admin account of the m23 webinterface. new: cli-modules/listm23Admins.php: Lists the admin accounts of the m23 webinterface. cha: Cm23Admin::delete: Now works without warning in CLI mode. cha: BACKUP_delAdmin: Now has support for Apache 2.x. +++++ 2016-07-06 patch 100908: System proxy improvements. cha: CSYSTEMPROXY_getEnvironmentVariables: Removed unused parameter for returning the result (now the result is always returned). fix: CSYSTEMPROXY_getProxySettingsFromAPT: Now gives correct result, if the APT config file, but no proxy line is present. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now uses SRCLST_loadSourceList instead of SRCLST_loadSourceListFromDB. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses the server IP for extraDebs. +++++ 2016-07-05 patch 100906: Added system proxy. cha: addToHosts.php, migrate.php, m23shared.php, capture.php, CClientLister.php, CClient.php, CFDiskAlles.php, CFDiskIO.php, client.php, db.php, fdisk.php, groups.php, i18n.php, messageReceive.php, packages.php, plugin.php, preferences.php, remotevar.php, sourceslist.php and vm.php: Renamed function calls form "db_query" to "DB_query". +++++ 2016-07-04 new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getAptGetProxyParamter: Generates the apt-get proxy parameters. cha: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall, PKG_preparePackageDir, CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScripts: Now are using CSYSTEMPROXY_getAptGetProxyParamter. cha: SERVER_checkDownload, PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages, CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScripts, HELPER_getRemoteFileContents, PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server, PLG_getPlugin, PLG_getUpdateFile, UPDATE_doUpdate, VM_generateVBOXaddonDownloadCMD and VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Now are using CSYSTEMPROXY_getEnvironmentVariables. cha: CSystemProxy::writeSquidConf: Now restarts Squid 3. cha: serverSettings.php: Added system proxy icon. +++++ 2016-06-30 new: CSystemProxy::setProxyScheme: Sets the proxy scheme (http/ftp). new: CSystemProxy::save: Saves the proxy settings in all configuration files. new: CSystemProxy::writeSquidConf: Writes the (parent) proxy settings to the Squid configuration or removed them. new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getUserPasswordString: Creates a string with the user/password combination ($user:$pass@). new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getEnvironmentVariables: Generates BASH proxy variables. new: CSystemProxy::writeAPTProxyConf: Writes the proxy settings to the APT configuration file or comments them out. +++++ 2016-06-29 new: CSYSTEMPROXY_getProxySettingsFromAPT: Parses the (maybe existing) proxy settings from the local APT config file. new: CSystemProxy::loadProxySettings: Loads the proxy settings (from APT config file). new: CSystemProxy::isProxyActive: Checks, if a proxy is actively used. new: CSystemProxy::areProxySettingsAvailable: Checks, if proxy settings are available. new: CSYSTEMPROXY_addCurlProxySettings: Sets proxy settings for curl, if a proxy is active. cha: HELPER_getContentFromURL, SERVER_sendScriptToSF: Now are calling CSYSTEMPROXY_addCurlProxySettings. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyHost: Gets the proxy host/servername. new: CSystemProxy::usesUserPassword: Checks, if the proxy uses user/password authetification. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyUser: Gets the proxy authentification username. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyPassword: Gets the proxy authentification password. new: CSystemProxy::getProxyScheme: Gets the proxy scheme (http/ftp). new: CSystemProxy::getProxyPort: Gets the proxy port. new: CSystemProxy::getUserPasswordString: Creates a string with the user/password combination ($user:$pass@). new: CSystemProxy::setProxyActive: Activated or deactivates a proxy. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyHost: Sets the proxy host/servername. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyUser: Sets the proxy authentification username. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyPassword: Sets the proxy authentification password. new: CSystemProxy::setProxyPort: Sets the proxy port. +++++ 2016-06-28 patch 100905: Linux 4.4, improvements for sources lists handling. cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now supports TDM. +++++ 2016-06-24 new: SRCLST_sourceListExists: Checks, if a named sources list exists. cha: CPool::setPoolSourceslist: Now creates an initial package sources list. +++++ 2016-06-23 cha: archFunctions.inc / localArchAptUpdate: Now excludes package sources from /etc/apt/sources.list.d. cha: kernelFunctions.inc / compileKernel: Changed gcc-4.4 to gcc (for Debian Jessie). cha: kernelFunctions.inc / compileKernel: Removed call of checkForx86_64Toolchain. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now removes the log file and writes the sources.list on every call. +++++ 2016-06-22 cha: listKernelVersions: Now supports Linux 4.x. +++++ 2016-06-19 patch 100903: Preparing m23 16.3. cha: CGPGSign::hasConfigFile: Now uses SERVER_fileExists. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now adds only installed packages of a client to the download list. +++++ 2016-06-18 new: CClientLister::addKeyValueStoreFilter: Adds a filter to get only clients that have a key value pair set the client's key value store. new: CClientLister::getAllMatchingClients: Gets all clients matching all active filters. new: DB_getArrayAssoc: Fetches all results from a query. +++++ 2016-06-17 cha: m23 / postinst: Adds new field "keyValueStore" to the table "clients". new: CClient::setKeyValueStore: Sets a value in the key value store of the client. new: CClient::getKeyValueStore: Gets a value from the key value store of the client. cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: Was deleted and replaced by GRP_showGroupsAndCount2. cha: groups_overview.php: Now calls GRP_showGroupsAndCount. +++++ 2016-06-16 cha: CLCFG_installFirmware: Now filters out faulty bladerf firmware package. new; CPoolGUI::DEFINE_updatePackageIndexAndReSignPool: Defines a button for re-creating the Packages files and to re-sign the Release file. cha: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_start: Now uses DEFINE_reSignPool. cha: CPool::convertPackagesToRepository: Has a new parameter to let the task run in screen or not. +++++ 2016-06-15 cha: GRP_add: Now has a new parameter for the group description. +++++ 2016-06-14 cha: GRP_listGroupsAndCount: Now includes the group descriptions into the array too. cha: GRP_showGeneralInfo: Now shows group descriptions too. +++++ 2016-06-13 cha: CGPGSign::checkKey: New paramter for the ID of the GPG key. cha: CGPGSign::getKeySelectionDialog: Now checks the validity of the GPG (usable as public and private key) before setting it. cha: PKG_convertPackagesToRepository: Now creates a XZ compressed version of Packages. +++++ 2016-06-12 new: CmCP::setExitCode: Sets the exit code. new: CmCP::setPatchType: Sets the patch type (change or del). new: CmCP::patchSourceFile: Does the actual patching. new: CmCP::loadSourceFile: Loads the source file (the file to patch) and finds the line numbers with the patch area. new: CmCP::checkCommandLineParameters: Checks, if the correct amount of command line parameters is given and assigns them to the private variables. new: CmCP::loadPatchFile: Checks and loads the patch file. new: CmCP::dieOnErrors: Shows the usage info, shows the errors messages and stops the script, if there are error messages. new: CmCP::showFilesWithPatchableAreasAndExit: Shows the PHP file under /m23 that have patchable areas. new: CmCP::addErrorMessage: Adds an error message to the error message stack. new: CmCP::hasErrors: Checks, if there are error messages. +++++ 2016-06-10 cha: getArchList: Now gives out "amd64" first. new: CPool::signRelease, PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Now are signing the Release file as Release.gpg and InRelease. new: CGPGSign::getKeySelectionDialog: Generates a dialog to choose the GPG used for signing the pools. cha: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_start: Now calls CGPGSign::getKeySelectionDialog. new: PKGBUILDER_showKeySelectionDialog: Shows a dialog for choosing the GPG signing key for the extra packages. cha: PKGBUILDER_showDialog: Now calls PKGBUILDER_showKeySelectionDialog. +++++ 2016-06-09 new: MAIL_gpgCheckKey: Checks, if a GPG key ID has a valid private or public key. new: CGPGSign::checkKey: Checks, if the GPG is valid as public and private key. new: MAIL_gpgGettKey: Gets the public GPG key as ASCII. new: CGPGSign::exportPublicSignKey: Exports the public key to the webserver directory. new: CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey: Generates BASH code to import the local package pool key (if it exists) on the client's APT system. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now calls CLCFG_importLocalPoolKey. new: CGPGSign::gpgSignClear: Creates a clear text signature file for a given private GPG key ID and input file. cha: convertPackagesToRepository: Now signs the Releases file. +++++ 2016-06-08 cha: MAIL_getGpgKeyList: Now has an extra parameter, if it is set to true, available secret keys are listed. new: CGPGSign::hasConfigFile: Checks, if the config file exists. new: CGPGSign::loadConfigFile: Loads the config file. new: CGPGSign::writeConfigFile: Writes the config file. new: CGPGSign::setGPGID: Sets the GPG ID to use. new: CGPGSign::getGPGID: Gets the GPG ID to use. new: CGPGSign::setStoreMode: Sets the configuration file store or load mode. new: CGPGSign::getStoreMode: Gets the configuration file store or load mode. new: MAIL_gpgSignDetached: Creates a detached signature file for a given private GPG key ID and input file. new: MAIL_gpgSign: Creates a signature file for a given private GPG key ID and input file with GPG parameters. new: CGPGSign::getKeyInfo: Gets information about the used GPG key. +++++ 2016-06-07 cha: menuDeb: Now works with Squid 3 too. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Has a new parameter and if it is set, the list with the supported GUIs will be shown otherwise omitted. new: HELPER_resetNewLogLines: Resets the line number of the last read line. new: CPool::resetDownloadLog: Deletes the aptDownload.log file and resets the line number of the last read line. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now tries again and again until a new package list could be downloaded. +++++ 2016-06-06 cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now deletes old lock files. new: poolAJAXLogs.php: Shows different status information about a pool. cha: CPoolGUI::show: Now shows the heading directly to show allways the correct heading. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_downloadPool: Now are exiting the BASH script in case of an error. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now removes "[0-9]%.." from the Debian package filenames. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now calls PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server. +++++ 2016-06-04 cha: CPool::startDownloadToPool: Now adds the result form PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages only, if it is a string (contains packages). fix: HELPER_xargsRecursive: Now works with arrays with only one element and doesn't miss out the last element on arrays with uneven amount of elements. +++++ 2016-06-03 cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds a description field to the groups table. new: GRP_getDescrGroup: Gets the description of a client group. (Thx TS) new: GRP_getNameById: gets the groupname of an Id. (Thx TS) fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now lists special packages that are stored in userPackages only once. new: HELPER_showScriptHeader: Shows a header for own scripts, that creates a log file with the package name and the start time. Sends the log file to the m23 server and shows an installation dialog on the client's screen. (Thx TS) new: HELPER_showScriptFooter: Shows a header for own scripts, that saves the script end time to a log file and sends it to the m23 server. Sets status bar to 100% and marks the job as done. Afterwards executes the next job. (Thx TS) +++++ 2016-06-01 cha: massInstall.php: Marked array keys as strings. cha: massInstall.php, menu.php, head.php, clients_overview.php, DIALOG_start, update.php: Added m23customPatch area. new: EDIT_sedSearchAddInsert: Generates a sed command line to insert text before (SED_insertBefore) or after (SED_insertAfter) a searched line. +++++ 2016-05-29 cha: CHECK_letFWDie: Now works with objects that were passed as arguments. +++++ 2016-05-28 cha: array_makeFirst: Now doesn't insert an entry to the top of the array, if the entry is NULL. +++++ 2016-05-22 cha: mkm23extradeb: Now creates the m23hwscanner package too. +++++ 2016-05-09 patch 100894: Added Gnome as additional client desktop under Ubuntu 16.04. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added Gnome for Ubuntu 16.04. new: m23Ubuntu1604GnomeInstall.php: Installs Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Gnome Desktop. +++++ 2016-05-01 patch 100893: Added Ubuntu 16.04 in the list of distributions supported by UCS LDAP. cha: */m23base.php: Added Ubuntu 16.04 in the list of distributions supported by UCS LDAP in $I18N_readLoginFromUCSLDAPSupportedDistros. +++++ 2016-04-27 patch 100892: Release m23 rock 16.2. fix: CLCFG_interfaces: Removed '-A' parameter from 'ps', because it is not available in BusyBox' ps version. cha: *m23updateInstall.php: Now updates the list of available packages before updating. cha: listBusyBoxVersions: Now filters out BusyBox releases that start with "busybox-0". +++++ 2016-04-24 release 16.2 new: SFMirrorSwitcher.sh: Exchanges an old SourceForge mirror with a new one in the m23 CMS, server install ISO and sourceslist.php. +++++ 2016-04-22 cha: SRCLST_possiblem23debsMirrors: Replaced skylink mirror by heanet. cha: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Now uses the release name as part of the background job name. +++++ 2016-04-19 cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now can only be run, if the development version is active. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now escapes the parameters for the init script correctly. cha: readHelp.php: Now sets the language to suppress the warning. +++++ 2016-04-18 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now the created m23fetchjob file will exit when called with "stop" parameter. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now checks for changes between the German help files in the m23 development and release directories to find files that have to translated. +++++ 2016-04-15 cha: CLCFG_genFstab, m23x2goServerInstall.php, m23-initscripts / postinst: Now uses lsb_release to detect Ubuntu 16.04. +++++ 2016-04-14 new: CClient::addUpdateJob: Adds a job to update the client to the installation queue. new: CClient::addNormalUpdateJob: Adds a job to perform a normal update of the client. new: CClient::addCompleteUpdateJob: Adds a job to perform a complete update of the client. new: m23cli / updateComplete: Updates a client completely (apt-get dist-upgrade) new: m23cli / updateNormal: Updates a client in normal mode (apt-get upgrade) +++++ 2016-04-05 cha: m23/postinst: Now activates garbage collection of PHP sessions. cha: HELPER_getTimeZones: Now has values for countries listed by I18N_listClientLanguages. +++++ 2016-04-04 cha: ASSI_showClientAddDialog: Dialog has a new checkbox, if set to true, the client uses a dynamic IP address cha: ASSI_addClient: Now has a new parameter, if set to true, the client uses a dynamic IP address cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now can add assimilated clients with dynamic IPs. fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now suggests the correct client language, if the m23 webinterface is in English. +++++ 2016-04-01 cha: SRCLST_getWorkingm23debsMirror: Now returns 'http://m23debs.goos-habermann.de' if executed on UCS. cha: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Now uses goos-habermann.de as repository when the m23 server is on UCS because apt-cacher-ng has sometimes problems with the SF mirrors. new: meldFileDevelVsRelease: Compares and merges a file from development with the according file from release branch. +++++ 2016-03-31 new: meldFileDevelVsRelease: Compares and merges a file from development with the according file from release branch. +++++ 2016-03-30 new: PKG_baseSysDownloadedCompletelyTom23Server: Checks, if the debootstrap cache file was downloaded completely to the m23 server. cha: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Now returns true, if the download is completed, otherwise false. cha: work.php: Now waits until the debootstrap cache file is downloaded completely to the m23 server. +++++ 2016-03-29 cha: m23-mdk-base: Now includes /mdk/autoTest cha: ubuntu / CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Now has support for Ubuntu 16.04. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Ubuntu-Xenial". +++++ 2016-03-25 cha: m23Search: Now filters out finds in geshi files. +++++ 2016-03-22 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now has an extra parameter for setting the distribution release for special handling of some releases. +++++ 2016-03-19 cha: MSR_curDynIPCommand: Now the generated m23fetchjob works on Debian 8 too. +++++ 2016-03-16 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob, hwcheck, m23hwdetect, m23-xorg-configurator: Changed "Required-Start" and "Required-Stop" to "$local_fs $syslog $remote_fs". +++++ 2016-03-13 cha: signBaseSys.sh: Now doesn't overwrite existing signature files. cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Now works on Ubuntu 16.04 too. +++++ 2016-03-12 cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Added Mate. +++++ 2016-03-11 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added Ubunty for Ubuntu 16.04. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added Ubuntu 16.04. cha: UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall: Now writes a sshd_config that supports the SSH keys from the m23 server. new: m23Unity3D1604Install.php: Installs the Unity 3D desktop for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. +++++ 2016-03-10 cha: m23 / postinst: Additional checks to prevent warnings. cha: fix-permissions: Now hides a possible warning. +++++ 2016-03-02 cha: client_add_label_descriptions.inc: Removed Lilo, because Lilo is not supported anymore. cha: externalDHCP.hlp: Added hint about /m23/bin/externalDHCPControl.sh. +++++ 2016-02-04 fix: createRFSBins: Now finds the binary in (more / all?) cases, by excluding klibc. release 16.1 ++++ 2016-01-19 patch 100837: Preparations for 16.1 release. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now checks for missing comments in the .hlp and .inc files. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now creates a tar file with the .hlp and .inc files to translate. cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now creates a log file. +++++ 2016-01-04 cha: sources.list / debian 6: Added LTS, upgraded TDE source to R14.x. cha: sources.list / debian 7: Upgraded TDE source to R14.x. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa". cha: TRINITY_installLoginManager: Now calls "update-rc.d tdm-trinity defaults" if /etc/init.d/tdm-trinity is present. +++++ 2015-12-07 new: externalDHCPControl.sh: Script for controlling an external DHCP server. new: DHCP_runScript: Runs the script for controlling an external DHCP server. cha: DHCP_rmClient, DHCP_addClient: Now are calling DHCP_runScript. +++++ 2015-11-28 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now shows a text about by the UCS LDAP supported client distributions. +++++ 2015-11-27 new: UCS_openFirewallPort: Opens a port on the UCS firewall. cha: IMG_serverCreate: Now opens the image transfer port in the UCS firewall, if run on UCS. cha: m23-tftp / postinst: Now opens the TFTP port in the UCS firewall, if run on UCS. +++++ 2015-11-24 cha: SCREDIT_showEditor: Make sure the line endings are in the correct format +++++ 2015-11-22 cha: UCS_enableClientPXEBoot, UCS_disableClientPXEBoot: New udm commands. +++++ 2015-11-18 cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Now installs the language packs by default. +++++ 2015-11-02 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now calls UCS_enableClientLDAP, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now stops adding the client, if there is an error from calling addToCredentialsToLDAPServer. +++++ 2015-11-01 fix: m23 / m23-tftp / m23-ldap / config: Now works on Debian again. +++++ 2015-10-29 cha: CClient::addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Now calls UCS_udmSuccessOrErrorMessage to check, if an udm error occurred. new: UCS_getUsedIPs: Gets a list with all used IPs managed or known by UCS. cha: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now excludes the IPs managed (or known) by UCS. +++++ 2015-10-28 new: UCS_udmSuccessOrErrorMessage: Takes the output from an udm command and checks for the return code (must be a single number in the last line). If the return code is non-zero, all lines above the last line are treated as error message and written to $errorMessage. +++++ 2015-10-27 new: UCS_delClient: Removes a client from the UCS LDAP. cha: getServerNetmask: Now scans bridges on UCS too. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: Now calls UCS_delClient, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cah: DHCP_activateBoot: Now can deaktivate network boot on UCS too. new: UCS_getEtc_ucr_master: Gets the contents for /etc/univention/ucr_master on the client. new: UCS_enableClientLDAP: Enables LDAP authentification on the client on the UCS. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Now calls UCS_enableClientLDAP, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now shows special LDAP setting and no NFS option, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Now calls UCS_addLDAPUser, if the m23 server runs on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-25 new: m23cli / UCS_addUCSClientTom23ClientPreferences.php: Adds an UCS client to the client preferences in m23. new: UCS_setClientDistrAndRelease: Sets the distribution and the release of a client to the UCS LDAP. cha: client_distr.php: Now calls UCS_setClientDistrAndRelease. +++++ 2015-10-24 cha: getDNSServers: Now works on UCS too. cha: getServerNetmask: Now works on UCS too. +++++ 2015-10-23 cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now disables SSL certificate checking, if the m23 server runs on UCS. cha: m23/postinst: Now copies the UCS SSL certificate to /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys. cha: m23/postinst: Now opens port 2323 in the UCS firewall for Squid. +++++ 2015-10-21 new: CClient::addClientToUCS: Adds the client to UCS if the m23 server runs on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-19 cha: m23-tftp / postinst / preinst: Special settings for UCS: Removes /etc/init.d/tftp-hpa and replaces it with a symlink to /bin/true to avoid error in the tftp-hpa postinst. cha: m23 / config / postinst: Now configures MySQL, Squid and sudoers on UCS without querying debconf. +++++ 2015-10-16 cha: serverSettings.php: Now hides some icon when run on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-15 cha: m23 / m23-ldap / m23-tftp: Many script changes to run on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-14 new: UCS_delUCSClientFromm23ClientPreferences: Removes an UCS client from the client preferences in m23. new: UCS_getPrefnameByClient: Generates the preference name for an UCS client. new: UCS_addUCSClientTom23ClientPreferences: Adds an UCS client to the client preferences in m23. new: UCS_addClient: Adds a client to the UCS LDAP. new: UCS_enableClientPXEBoot: Activates PXE booting of a client that is in the UCS LDAP via the univention-dhcp. new: UCS_disableClientPXEBoot: Deactivates PXE booting of a client that is in the UCS LDAP via the univention-dhcp. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now calls UCS_enableClientPXEBoot when run on UCS. cha: DHCP_rmClient: Now calls UCS_disableClientPXEBoot when run on UCS. +++++ 2015-10-13 cha: m23 / postinst: Now accepts UCS too. cha: m23 / control: Adds univention-dhcp as optional dependency. new: HELPER_isExecutedOnUCS: Checks, if it is run on UCS. +++++ 2015-09-07 patch: Smal fix for DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression. patch 100797: Smal fix for DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression. fix: DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression: Now the m23 server package repository is really added to the sources.list. patch 100796: Now suggests texlive and texlive-lang-french. cha: m23-mdk-doc: Now suggests texlive and texlive-lang-french. patch 100795: Now included the m23 package sign key. cha: SERVER_importGPGPackageSignKey: Now uses the GPG key that is included in the m23 Debian package. +++++ 2015-09-06 patch 100794: User manual fixes. new: checkForMissingHTML2LatexEntities.sh: Script to find HTML entities that are missing in the HTML to LaTeX translation index. fix: HELP_showHelpTex: Corrected LaTeX table generation. cha: HELP_showHelpTex: Now all used HTML entities are converted to LaTeX. cha: makeTexHelp.sh: Now makes sure that the encoding is correct. +++++ 2015-09-03 release 15.2 patch 100793: Changes for m23 15.2. cha: TRINITY_install: Adjusted for TDE R14.0.1. +++++ 2015-09-02 fix: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Corrected variable names. cha: pingIP: Now calling ping with sudo (needed on Debian 8). +++++ 2015-09-01 new: SERVER_importGPGPackageSignKey: Imports the m23 GPG package sign key. new: signBaseSys.sh: Signs the baseSys archives and uploads the signature files. new: PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server: Downloads the debootstrap cache file to the m23 server and checks its validity (by signature). cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now calls PKG_downloadBaseSysTom23Server. +++++ 2015-08-30 new: SERVER_getAptGetInstallCommand: Returns the apt-get commands to install a tool on the server. cha: SERVER_installTool: Now uses SERVER_getAptGetInstallCommand. new: SERVER_installToolInBackground: Installs a tool on the server in background. +++++ 2015-08-28 new: basesys2deb.sh: Converts the compressed baseSys archives to Debian packages. +++++ 2015-08-26 cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Now works on Debian 8 too. +++++ 2015-08-21 cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now checks, if the client is running systemd and disables killing of processes (like screen) after SSH disconnects. +++++ 2015-08-20 cha: CLIENT_reset: Now uses CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now has a timeout for SSH connections. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Hack for systemd: Needed by SSH server under systemd. Otherwise screen sessions that are started via SSH are stopped when the SSH disconnects. +++++ 2015-08-18 cha: m23/postinst: Changed cache setting for Squid 3. m23installerBase.inc / installDebs: Now checks for a m23 server package mirror in the sources.list. +++++ 2015-08-17 fix: createRFSBins: Now makes sure, that the found file is from the temp directory and not the local root filesystem. +++++ 2015-07-27 cha: m23Backup: Now stores the firewall settings too. new: firewall.php: Page for changing and (de)activating the firewall. new: de / firewall.hlp: +++++ 2015-07-26 new: CFirewall::exportRules: Exports the set iptables rules to a rule file (generated with iptables-save). new: CFirewall::putScript: Writes script code in the iptables script. new: CFirewall::executeScript: Executes the iptables script. new: HELPER_grepCount: Counts the lines from $string seperated by $cut that contain $search. new: CFirewall::activateInInterfaces: Activates auto-loading of the iptables rules in the interfaces file. new: CFirewall::isActive: Checks, if auto-loading of the iptables rules in the interfaces file is active. new: HELPER_grepNot: Returnes all lines from $string seperated by $cut that do NOT contain $search. new: CFirewall::activate: Activates the firewall. new: CFirewall::deactivate: Deactivates the firewall. new: CFirewall::getSatusIconHTML: Generates a HTML status icon to indicate the status of the firewall. +++++ 2015-07-23 new: HELPER_netmaskAmountOfSetBits: Calculates the amount of set bits in a network mask (as used in the short form of netmasks). new: HELPER_networkCalculator: Calculates the network IP by a given IP and the netmask. new: getServerNetwork: Get the network IP of the m23 server. new: CFirewall::clearIPtablesSettings: Clears all currently set iptables rules. new: CFirewall::scriptFileExists: Checks, if the iptables script file exists. new: CFirewall::rulesFileExists: Checks, if the iptables rules file exists. new: CFirewall::writeDefaultScript: Writes the default iptables script, if there is no script. new: CFirewall::getScript: Gets the contents of the iptables script. +++++ 2015-07-20 cha: HELPER_getContentFromURL: Now has an extra parameter, to allow partial downloads. cha: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheSfURL: Now returns an alternate mirror, if the file from the 1st host is not valid. cha: up-frs-basesys: Now uploads the basesys to goos-habermann.de too. +++++ 2015-07-18 cha: configXOrgVMware: Now doesn't detect vmxnet3 driver as VMWare guest. cha: setLog.php, setStatus.php: Included the required files for CLIENT_getClientName. new: SRCLST_possiblem23debsMirrors: Returns an array with mirrors for m23 debs. new: SRCLST_checkm23debsMirror: Checks, if the url contains a valid mirror for m23debs. new: SRCLST_getWorkingm23debsMirror: Get the url of a working m23debs mirror. cha: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Now is SRCLST_loadSourceListFromDB. new: SRCLST_loadSourceList: Loads and returnes the package source list and tries to find a valid mirror for m23debs. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now uploads the packages to goos-habermann.de too. cha: CLIENT_showLog: Now checks, if the status message and its status are separated by "°" or "?". +++++ 2015-07-17 new: DISTR_getDesktopDescription: Returns the description for the given desktop in the given distribution preferedly in the language of the m23 webinterface. cha: client_distr.php: Now uses DISTR_getDesktopDescription. +++++ 2015-07-16 cha: mkRelease: Now creates a signed inRelease file (required for newer APT versions) too. new: CClient::usesDynamicIP: Checks if the client uses dynamic IPs. cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Allows setting of client name by ID by clients with dynamic IPs. +++++ 2015-07-15 cha: IMG_getImageFormatSelection, IMG_showCreateImage: Now are using HTML API 2 to save values on missing image name. cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Now suggests a random port number for image transfer. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela". +++++ 2015-07-14 cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Now allows setting of client name or ID only, if the request comes from the client itself or the m23 server. +++++ 2015-07-13 cha: SRCLST_getStorageFS: Now returns the input file system, if the sourceslist name is "imaging". +++++ 2015-07-07 fix: m23createImageInstall.php: Fixed double including of dhcp.php. fix: imaging.php: Removed quotes around constant names. cha: m23RebootInstall.php: Now calls "reboot" without full path (needed for the new network boot image). +++++ 2015-07-06 patch 100782: Fixes client integration. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now sets needed client value(s) before integration. (THX bartelfisch) +++++ 2015-07-04 new: CLIENT_getToDetailsURL: Generates the link to the client's control center page. cha: CLIENT_HTMLBackToDetails: Now calls CLIENT_getToDetailsURL. cha: recover_client.php, rescue_client.php: Now return back to client's control center page if "No" is choosen. +++++ 2015-07-03 patch 100781: Fixes image selection. fix: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now uses the new functions for getting the partitions and drives. (THX slaky) cha: client_distr: Now calls CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions with the new optional client parameter. +++++ 2015-06-28 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added "Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca". +++++ 2015-06-25 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now uses MySQLi. cha: m23-vbox / control: Packages adjusted to match Debian 8 available packages. +++++ 2015-06-22 cha: checkFstabAndMount: Now creates the mountpounts too. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes sure, innoDB is enabled. +++++ 2015-06-21 cha: installGrub: Now uses grub 2. cha: getNextLoop: Now uses losetup -f instead of trying to find an unused loop device by incrementing the numbers. cha: createRFSBins: Now filters out script and statically linked files. +++++ 2015-06-18 cha: CLCFG_resolvConf: Now adds the backup resolv.conf to /etc/resolv.conf, if it is not included already. new: m23Debian8CinnamonFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Cinnamon desktop. new: m23Debian8GnomeFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Gnome desktop. new: m23Debian8KdeFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Kde desktop. new: m23Debian8LxdeFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full LXDE desktop. new: m23Debian8XfceFullInstall.php: Installs Debian 8 full Xfce desktop. +++++ 2015-06-17 cha: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Added support for Gnome, LXDE, KDE, Cinnamon and Xfce. cha: CLCFG_resolvConf: Now makes sure that the resolv.conf doesn't get destroyed by NetworkManager. +++++ 2015-06-16 new: m23Debian8MateInstall.php: Installs a minimal Mate desktop under Debian 8. new: m23Debian8MateInstallFull.php: Installs a full Mate desktop under Debian 8. +++++ 2015-06-15 new: CLCFG_installDesktopLanguagePackage: Installs some additional language packages for (KDE / Gnome) desktops. +++++ 2015-06-13 cha: debian / PKG_getKernels: Now sorts packages with the given arch on top of the output array. new: DEBIAN_desktopInstall: Installs a Debian desktop. +++++ 2015-06-12 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh / configXOrgVMware: Now doesn't detect a VM running in VirtualBox as a VM running in VMWare. cha: debian / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now chooses the package "grub-pc" for Debian Jessie. +++++ 2015-06-10 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs grub-pc on Debian 8. +++++ 2015-06-09 new: DB_getConnection: Gets the MySQLi connection. new: DB_setConnection: Sets the MySQLi connection to use globally. new: DB_isConnectionValid: Checks, if the MySQLi connection is valid. +++++ 2015-06-08 cha: CLIENT_getAskingParams, CLIENT_getParams, IMG_showCreateImage, HTML_newStatusBar, SERVER_mysqlInfo, DB_queryNoDie, DB_query, m23SHARED_switchUser, dbConnect, m23SHARED_new, m23SHARED_init, MAIL_cryptMailServer, */m23normalInstall.php, */m23normalRemoveInstall.php, */m23updateInstall.php: Changed to MySQLi. +++++ 2015-06-07 patch 100773: More compatibility for Debian 8. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now sreates a service file to restore the VM states, if systemd is used. cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added Debian 8. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Added Debian 8. +++++ 2015-06-05 patch 100771: Enables PHP's short tags in php.ini for cli. cha: m23 / postinst: Now enables PHP's short tags in php.ini for cli. +++++ 2015-06-04 patch 100770: Improved server backup and integrated script debugging. cha: menuDeb: Now complatible with Debian 8' dialog. +++++ 2015-05-31 cha: showCurrentWorkPHP.php: Now enables reporting of all PHP errors if called with a script name. +++++ 2015-05-25 cha: m23Backup, m23Restore: Now backups and restores openLDAP and BackupPC settings too. +++++ 2015-05-23 patch 100769: Support for Squid 3. cha: m23 / postinst / configureSquid: Now supports Squid 3 too. +++++ 2015-05-20 patch 100768: Smal postinst fix for configuring BackupPC. fix: m23 / postinst / configureBackupPC: Now includes needed helper.php. patch 100767: More compatibility for Debian 8. cha: m23 / postinst / configureApache: Now sets character encoding for PHP. patch 100766: More compatibility for Debian 8. cha: m23 / postinst / configureApache: Special handling for Apache 2.4. patch 100764: Smal changes for SF and Debian 8. cha: m23instUpload: Now checks, if the Debian packages, that were downloaded as test, match the original MD5 sum. cha: m23DuplicateToFRS, m23instUpload: Adjusted paths to the new SF FRS. +++++ 2015-05-19 cha: m23 / postinst: Now enables PHP's short tags in php.ini. +++++ 2015-05-18 cha: enable-ssh: Changes for Apache 2.4. +++++ 2015-05-15 patch 100764: Changed dependencies to make it installable on Debian 8 (for future developement). cha: m23 / control: Changed dependencies to make it installable on Debian 8 (for future developement). +++++ 2015-05-14 patch 100763: Added elementary OS with patheon as additional desktop. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports "elementary OS" too. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now has support for phanteon greeter too. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now has support for elementary OS too. cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now uses the if od the article to check, if the article was posted already. cha: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Now converts HTML characters into "normal" characters. +++++ 2015-05-12 patch 100762: Added scripts for generating offline demo. new: m23admin-offline-copy: Scripts for generating offline demo from the m23 admin interface. cha: GRP_getIdByName: Now returns false, if no matching group is found. patch 100761: IP management works now with clients without IP or MAC too. cha: CClient::getMAC, CClient::getIP: Now are having an extra parameter, that will returned in case of an error, if set to another value, than 'null'. cha: CClientLister::showClientList: Now calls CClient::getMAC and CClient::getIP with parameter, to give back an empty string in case of an error. +++++ 2015-05-04 patch 100760: Kernel change due to sticking during HD writing while installing the m23 server from ISO. cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Kernel 3.18. cha: debian / CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now has an extra parameter to set the distribution to use. (Needed, because the function is called by the Ubuntu equivalent). cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptionsUbuntu: Now calls CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions with "ubuntu" parameter. cha: Changed to Kernel 3.18.12 because of sticking during HD writing while installing the m23 server from ISO. cha: sources.list wheezy: Now uses official Trinity mirror. cha: TRINITY_install: Now makes a symbolic link from /opt/trinity/bin/startkde to /bin/starttrinity so the x2go client can use the TRINITY desktop profile. +++++ 2015-05-02 patch 100759: Smal fixes. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / startBaseInstallation: Deactivated calling of the online update dialog. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now doesn't show the extraction anymore, because the output is too slow in graphic/textmode. +++++ 2015-05-01 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now uses vorboss.dl.sourceforge.net. cha: CClient::getFamilyname: Now return empty string, if no family name is given. patch 100758: Updated the sources lists to the new server vorboss.dl.sourceforge.net. +++++ 2015-04-29 release 15.1 patch 100757: All complete for 15.1. Now only testing of the packages. cha: Translations complete. +++++ 2015-04-28 cha: PKG_addPackageSelection: Now splits normal package lines, that may contain multiple package names. +++++ 2015-04-27 cha: HWINFO_printPartitions: Now is using CFDiskGUI::printAllBars, ::showAllPartTables and ::showColorDefinitions. new: CFDiskGUI::getHDSizes: Returnes the sizes of all harddisks in a string, sperated by given line separator. cha: HWINFO_getHDSize: Now uses CFDiskGUI::getHDSizes. new: HTML_jQueryReStoreYWindowPosition: Generates jQuery code for storing the Y scroll position of the window and to restore the position after a submit. cha: HTML_jQueryMenuHeader, CScredit::show: Now are calling HTML_jQueryReStoreYWindowPosition. cha: Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Now removes some more packages. +++++ 2015-04-21 new: m23Debs.inc / addm23CommandsToACE : Adds all m23 PHP commands to the mode-php.js of ace to highlight m23 commands like normal PHP commands. cha: mkm23Debs: Now calls addm23CommandsToACE. +++++ 2015-04-19 new: CScredit::saveScript: Saves the script in the editor to the file. cha: de / client_add_label_descriptions.inc: Added UEFI boottype and architecture cha: de / clientBuilder.hlp: Added hint for UEFI. cha: de / scriptEditor.inc: Added the new function descriptions of the editor. +++++ 2015-04-18 new: CFDiskIO::findAndSetEFIBootPartDev: Searches for the first vfat partitions and if one if found, sets it as EFI boot partition. cha: MSR_importPartHwData: Now calls findAndSetEFIBootPartDev. cha: m23hwscanner / getPartFS: Now works with GPT partitions too. +++++ 2015-04-17 cha: disableNetworkOnDHCP: Now works, if the client should be defined. +++++ 2015-04-16 new: CScredit::getViewScriptOutputDialog: Generates a dialog with JavaScript to choose a client and to open the script output viewer for the currentry saved script. new: PKG_removeSpecialFromJobList: Removes a special job from the joblist identified by package name and priority. new: CClient::delSpecialJob: Removes a special job from the joblist identified by package name and priority. new: CScredit::getCurrentScriptFilenameWithoutInstallPhp: Gets the current script filename without "Install.php" at its end. cha: CClient::getClientCurrentWorkPHP: Now has an optional job parameter, and if set, this job will be taken instead of the job with the lowest priority. +++++ 2015-04-15 fix: client_distr.php: Corrected variable name typo. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now sets system in UEFI mode, if UEFI booting is choosen. +++++ 2015-04-13 cha: createRFSISO: Now creates 64 bit UEFI bootable ISOs. +++++ 2015-04-10 cha: HTML_selection: Now sets the id on selections too. new: CScredit::getCurrentScript: Get the text of the editor window. new: CScredit::setCurrentScript: Set the text of the editor window. new: CScredit::deleteCurrentScript: Deletes the current script, if one is loaded. new: CScredit::loadOnlineScript: Loads an online script into the editor. new: CScredit::getOnlineScriptDialog: Generates a dialog with JavaScript to get information about online scripts with download option. +++++ 2015-04-09 new: CScredit::isNotSaved: Returns if there is no script in the editor (after submitting). new: CScredit::getNextOnlineScriptInfo: Gets an information about all scripts that are available online. Every call of the function fetches the information about one script. new: CScredit::updateOnlineScriptInfo: Downloads the information about online available scripts. +++++ 2015-04-08 new: CScredit::uploadScript: Checks, if all needed information are given before uploading the script. +++++ 2015-04-03 new: CScredit::setCurrentScriptFilename: Corrects the given filename to have it a valid prefix and suffix and sets it as current file name. new: CScredit::getCurrentScriptFilename: Gets the current script filename. new: CScredit::getCurrentScriptFilenameFullPath: Gets the current script filename with full path. new: CScredit::getLocalScriptFilenames: Gets the filenames of local scripts. new: CScredit::show: Shows a script editor with syntax highlighting. new: CScredit::getNewScriptTemplate: Returns a template for a basic script. +++++ 2015-04-01 cha: SCREDIT_newScriptTemplate: Added GPL header. cha: SCREDIT_showEditor: Now uses the Ace editor (http://ace.c9.io). +++++ 2015-03-30 new: SCREDIT_correctScriptFilename: Corrects the given filename to have it a valid prefix and suffix. +++++ 2015-03-23 new: HELPER_URIencode: Encodes a string like the JavaScript function URIencode would do it. +++++ 2015-03-17 fix: DHCP_activateBoot: Fixed writing of the PXE entry. +++++ 2015-03-16 new: SRCLST_doesDistrSupportEFI: Checks, if a sources list contains a distribution that supports EFI. new: SRCLST_getListnamesWithEfiSupport: Gets a list with all sources lists that support EFI. new: SRCLST_showErrorIfClientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi: Shows an error message, if the client uses EFI and the choosen sources list doesn't. new: SRCLST_clientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi: Checks, if the client uses EFI and the choosen sources list doesn't. cha: client_distr.php: Now uses SRCLST_clientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi and SRCLST_showErrorIfClientUsesEfiButSourcesListDoesntSupportEfi. +++++ 2015-03-15 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now chooses amd64 architecture, if UEFI booting is selected. cha: CClient::setBootType: Now shecks, if client should be booted via EFI and if is uses another architecture than amd64. +++++ 2015-03-14 cha: CLCFG_efi: Configures the client for UEFI booting. +++++ 2015-03-13 cha: CFDiskIO::isNewPartitionOfTypeCreatable: Now an EFI partition is only possible, if there is an EFI boot partition. cha: CFDiskIO::changeToEfiPartitionTypeIfInUefiMode: Now returns the maybe unchanged type for isFreeSpaceBetween. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: +++++ 2015-03-12 cha: CFDiskIO::collidesWithPartitionOfType: If the type may be now "-1" to match all partition types. new: CClient::unsetEFIBootPartDev: Unsets the EFI boot partition of the client (by removing the variable in the client info). cha: CFDiskIO::resetWantedPartitioningAndSteps: Now calls CClient::unsetEFIBootPartDev. cha: CFDiskIO::backToPreviousPartitionStep: Now unsets the EFI boot partition, if it doesn't exist anymore. cha: CFDiskGUI::finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Now checks for the EFI boot partition of EFI systems too. new: setEFIStartEndPositionIfEFIBootPartitionTypeIsSet: Checks, if the type of the new partition to be creates is "efi-boot" and if yes, changes the start and end position of the partition. +++++ 2015-03-11 cha: CFDiskIO::isFreeSpaceBetween, CFDiskIO::getCreatablePartitionTypes, CFDiskIO::isNewPartitionOfTypeCreatable: Added support for EFI partitions. cha: CFDiskIO::virtualAddPartition: Added check for disallowing EFI partitions on BIOS systems and vice versa. new: CClient::getInstPargetEFIPartDevtDev: Gets the EFI partition of the client. new: CClient::setEFIPartDev: Sets the EFI partition of the client. cha: CFDiskBasic::makeInstPartBootable: Becomes CFDiskBasic::makeInstOrEFIPartBootable and has support for EFI partitions now. new: CFDiskBasic::EFItypeAndGUIDJob: Sets EFI boot partition type and GUID for the EFI boot partition and adds it to the list of partition steps. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added gdisk. cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Now Sets EFI boot partition type and GUID for the EFI boot partition too. +++++ 2015-03-10 cha: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionTypeTranslator: Added EFI partition. new: CFDiskIO::getPrimaryOrEfiPartitionType: Returns a primary (on BIOS booted systems) or an EFI (on UEFI booted systems). new: CFDiskIO::changeToEfiPartitionTypeIfInUefiMode: Changes a given primary partition type to an EFI partition type on UEFI booted systems. cha: CFDiskBasic::createPartition: Now calls changeToEfiPartitionTypeIfInUefiMode. new: CFDiskIO::nextPrimaryDevNr: Gets the next free EFI (physical) partition number. cha: CFDiskIO::getNextFreePhysicalVirtualPartitionNumber: Added support for EFI partitions. +++++ 2015-03-09 cha: clientISO / linuxrc: Now remounts the ramdisk to make it writable on UEFI too. +++++ 2015-03-08 cha: kernelFunction.inc / compileKernel: Added extra options needed for EFI on x86_64. cha: CChecks::checkBootType: Added BOOTTYPE_GRUB2EFIX64. new: CClient::getNetworkBootTypesArrayForSelection: Generates an array with all avaialable network boot types for using it in a selection. cha: DHCP_addClient: Added support for UEFI. cha: m23 / postinst: Now changes the ramdisk size in /m23/tftp/grub/grub.cfg too. +++++ 2015-03-02 new: client_details.php: Added icon for deleting the current client. +++++ 2015-02-28 fix: m23HSAdmin* / sysAddFstabEntry: Now splits the parameter string correctly. new: client_add_label_descriptions.inc: Common help include file for client_add.hlp and clientBuilder.hlp. +++++ 2015-02-27 fix: CFDiskIO::FDISK_getOldStyleFstabArrayForHalfSister: Now adds the amount of fstab entries to the output array. +++++ 2015-02-26 cha: m23hwscanner / getDrives: Now filteres out DVD drives (only matters, if there is inserted a disc). +++++ 2015-02-25 cha: CFDiskIO::FDISK_adjustFstabParam: Removed (identically with CFDiskIO::adjustFstabParam). +++++ 2015-02-23 cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskSaveToDB: Now makes sure that all disk sizes are stored on a defined client. fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Fixed layout when the partition and format dialog is opened after defining a client. +++++ 2015-02-12 cha: client_distr.php: Now doesn't store fstab information in client's options anymore (outdated). cha: CFDiskBasic::deleteAllPartitionsOnDisk: Now returns on RAID disks. +++++ 2015-02-11 fix: CFDiskIO::fdiskAddFstab: Now gives back the correct values. cha: CFDiskIO::setCFDiskTemp: Now copies fstab too. new: CFDiskIO::isDevValidDiskPartitionOrRaid: Checks, if a given device name is a valid disk, partition or RAID device. cha: CHECK_FW: Now returns true, if there are no errors. cha: CHECK_deviceName: Now has an optional parameter and if set to true, RAIDs are allowed too. cha: CChecks::checkMountDev: Now allows RAIDs too. +++++ 2015-02-10 cha: CClient::setCFDiskTemp: Becomes CFDiskIO::setCFDiskTemp. new: CFDiskIO::getDefinedDiskSizes: Gets the defined disk devices and their sizes. cha: CFDiskIO::saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB: Now has an optional parameter and if set to true, the disk devices and their sizes should be saved even if the client is NOT a defined client. new: CFDiskIO::saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB: Saves the disk devices and their sizes to the DB. new: CFDiskIO::addPartitionStepAtTheBeginning: Adds a step at the beginning of the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays. cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartitionJob, deletePartition: Now are having an optional parameter and if set to true, the job will be added at the beginning of the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays. +++++ 2015-02-09 cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now Copies the current version of m23hwscanner. +++++ 2015-02-07 cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Kernel 3.16. cha: listKernelVersions: Now searches for xz compressed archives. new: menuVarReset: Resets (deletes) all variable files. cha: menuKernelDownload: Now checks for the compression type of the kernel archive and chooses the correct decompression parameter for tar. new: m23hwscanner/checkUEFI: Checks, if UEFI is active and stores the result in the associative array. new: CClient::setUEFI: Sets the UEFI usage of the client. cha: bootimage: Now uses Linux Kernel 3.16. new: CClient::isUEFIActive: Returns, if the client uses UEFI. cha: CClient::save: Now skips 'CFDiskTemp', because it has to be changed by CFDiskIO only. new: CClient::isHalfSisterClient: Returns, if the client uses a halfSister distribution. new: CFDiskIO::FDISK_getOldStyleFstabArrayForHalfSister: Gets the fstab entries in the old style array format that is used by HS_sysAddFstabEntries. cha: CFDiskIO::genManualFstab: Now can be used for halfSister clients too. +++++ 2015-02-06 cha: CFDiskIO::resetWantedPartitioning: Renamed to resetWantedPartitioningAndSteps. new: CFDiskIO::resetWantedPartitioning: Resets the wantedPartitioning array by replacing it with the contents of the client's current partitioning. cha: MSR_importPartHwData, CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now are calling resetWantedPartitioning. new: CFDiskIO::getUnusedDiskDev: Returns an associative array with the unused device names (e.g. /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, ...) as key and value. cha: CFDiskGUI::showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Now adds a menu entry for creating virtual disk, if the client is a defined client. +++++ 2015-02-04 new: CFDiskIO::fdiskAddFstab: Gets an entry to from the fstab array. Can be called more times to get all entries. new: CFDiskIO::genManualFstab: Generates commands to edit a given fstab, add new entries and remove old ones before. new: CFDiskIO::adjustFstabParam: Adjusts the parameter block of a fstab line to make it use an supported FS. new: CFDiskIO::FDISK_genManualFstab: Generates commands to edit a given fstab, add new entries and remove old ones before. new: CFDiskIO::FDISK_adjustFstabParam: Adjust the parameter block of a fstab line to make it use an supported FS. cha: CFDiskIO::genManualFstab: Now calls CFDiskIO::FDISK_genManualFstab, if old fstab data is used on the client. +++++ 2015-02-02 new: CClient::setCFDiskTemp: Sets CFDiskTemp of the client. new: CFDiskBasic::deleteDeviceFromRaid: Deletes a partition or disk from a RAID disk. cha: CFDiskGUI::getRaidTable: Now has an extra button and if it is set to true, each line with a real disk/partition gets an extra button for deleting it from the RAID. +++++ 2015-02-01 new: getAllDebianDesktopPackages: Get all packages from tasksel, that install desktops. new: CClient::isDefinedClient: Checks, if the client is defined client. cha: compressedDebootstrap: Now makes sure that p7zip-full (7za), debootstrap and dpkg-dev (dpkg-architecture) are installed. new: CFDiskIO::saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB: Saves the disk devices and their sizes to the DB, if the client is a defined client. cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskSaveToDB: Now calls saveDefinedDiskSizesToDB. new: CFDiskIO::getDefinedDiskSizesFromDB: Gets (if called on a derived client) the disk devices and their sizes from the defined client (this client was derived from). cha: CFDiskBasic::fdiskAdjustPartitioning: Now uses getDefinedDiskSizesFromDB. +++++ 2015-01-31 cha: CFDiskIO::getPartitionFileSystem, getPartitionType, getPartitionEnd, getPartitionStart, getPartAmount: Is now RAID safe. new: CFDiskIO::discardUndo: Discards all undo steps. cha: CFDiskGUI::finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Now calls CFDiskIO::discardUndo. new: CFDiskIO::addPartitionStepBeforeFormat: Adds a step to the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays before the formating of the RAID device (given in the $partJob). new: CFDiskIO::addPartitionStepBeforeFormatArray: Adds a step to the partitionSteps and partitionStepsForShift arrays before the formating of the RAID device (given in the $partJob). new: CFDiskIO::maximumDevicesForRaidReached: Checks, if the the maximum amount of devices building the RAID is reached. +++++ 2015-01-30 new: CClient::unsetInstPartDev: Unsets the installation partition of the client (by removing the variable in the client info). new: CClient::unsetSwapPartDev: Unsets the swap partition of the client (by removing the variable in the client info). cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartition: Now unsets the installation or swap partition variable of the client (if $dev is installation or swap partition). cha: CClient::getProperty: Now has an optional error value parameter and if set, it will be returned, if the property is not set. new: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionTypeTranslator: Translates the partition types. new: CFDiskIO::getNotFS: Generates and returns an array with the list of not filesystems (free space or unformated partitions). cha: CFDiskIO::showColorDefinitions: Now shows the "not filesystems" too. +++++ 2015-01-29 new: CFDiskGUI::getFileSystemTranslator: Translates the filesystem names. new: CFDiskGUI::getExtraCSSForExtended: Returns CSS code for marking partitions or free space on the extended partition. +++++ 2015-01-25 new: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionExtraIconHTML: Returns HTML code for showing an icon for installation or swap partition. +++++ 2015-01-23 new: CFDiskIO::isTypeFreeSpace: Checks, if a given partition type means "free space". new: CFDiskGUI::getFreeSpaceHTMLColor: Gets the HTML color for marking free space. new: CFDiskGUI::showFreeSpaceBarBlock: Shows a block for with free space in the bar visualising the partitioning of a disk. new: CFDiskGUI::showEmptyDiskTable: Shows a table with block for an empty disk (if the disk has no partitions) +++++ 2015-01-22 new: CFDiskGUI::newDiskLayout: Updates the disk layout for a given disk, if it is not in the cache. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryStart: Gets the start position of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryEnd: Gets the end position of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntrySize: Gets the size of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryType: Gets the type of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryFileSystem: Gets the filesystem of a disk layout entry. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntriesAmount: Gets the amount of disk layout entries. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskLayoutEntryDev: Gets the device name of a disk layout entry. +++++ 2015-01-21 new: CFDiskGUI::addDiskLayoutEntry: Adds a new entry (partition or free space on a disk) to the disk layout (for rendering only). new: CFDiskGUI::newDiskLayout: Creates a new disk layout for a given disk. +++++ 2015-01-18 new: CFDiskIO::getPreviousPartitionStep: Get the previous partition steps and wanted partitioning from the last action. +++++ 2015-01-16 new: CFDiskIO::updateUndoMd5: Updates the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning and partitionSteps arrays. new: CFDiskIO::getUndoMd5: Gets the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning and partitionSteps arrays. new: CFDiskIO::addUndo: Adds an undo step to the undoArray. +++++ 2015-01-14 new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionStepsMd5: Gets the md5 sum of the partitionSteps array. new: CFDiskIO::updatePartitionStepsMd5: Updates the md5 sum of the partitionSteps array in $this->partitionStepsMd5. +++++ 2015-01-13 new: CFDiskIO::getPossiblePartitionTypesBetween: Get a list of partition types that can be created in a range on a disk. new: CFDiskGUI::getJSSelectPartTypeForNewPartitions: Get the first entry of the list of partition types that can be created in a range on a disk as selectPartTypeForNewPartitions JavaScript function. new: CFDiskGUI::printAllBars: Shows the partition bars of all disks specified for the current client. +++++ 2015-01-12 new: CFDiskGUI::getPartitionPercent: Calculates the percentual size of a selected partition in comparison to the disk size. cha: CFDiskBasic::deleteRaid: Now calls CFDiskBasic::deletePartition, if the given device is NOT a RAID device. cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartition: Now call CFDiskBasic::deleteRaid, if the given device is a RAID device or if a RAID should be destroyed. new: CFDiskGUI::listPartJobs: Show all part jobs in the table. new: CFDiskGUI::showAllPartTables: Shows the partition tables of all disks for the current client. new: CFDiskGUI::listPartTable: Shows the partition information for a disk as table. new: CFDiskGUI::getRaidTable: Get informations about the assigned real disks/partitions of a RAID. new: CFDiskGUI::showColorDefinitions: Shows the color definitions for the supported filesystems. new: CFDiskGUI::fstabAddDialog: Shows a dialog (with logic) for adding fstab entries. new: CFDiskIO::fdiskDelFstabEntry: Removes an entry from the fstab array. new: CFDiskGUI::getFstabTable: Generates a HTML table with all fstab entries and logic for deleting entries. +++++ 2015-01-11 cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskSaveToDB: Now stores the fstab array too. cha: CFDiskIO::fdiskLoadFromDB: Now loads the fstab array too. cha: CHECK_deviceName: Now has an extra parameter for choosing that a disk or partition are valid. cha: CHECK_FW: Now uses extra parameter of CHECK_deviceName too. new: CChecks::checkMountDev: Checks if the device name for mounting a disk or partition is valid. cha: CHECK_mointPoint: Checks if the input value is a valid mountpoint. new: CChecks::checkMountPoint: Checks if the input value is a valid mountpoint. cha: CHECK_FW: Now uses CHECK_mointPoint too. new: CFDiskIO::fdiskAddFstab: Adds a new entry to the fstab array. new: CFDiskIO::fdiskGetFstabArray: Gets the fstab of a client as array. new: CFDiskIO::findFstabMountPointByDev: Searches a client's fstab for a device and figures out the according mountpoint. new: CFDiskGUI::getDiskInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the drive and bolonging to a RAID. new: CFDiskGUI::getPartInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the partition, its filesystem and bolonging to a RAID. new: CFDiskBasic::makeInstPartBootable: Enables the booting flag on the installation partition by adding a job. +++++ 2015-01-10 new: CFDiskBasic::deleteAllPartitionsOnDisk: Deletes all partitions on a disk. new: CClient::setFdiskAdjustmentType: Sets adjustment type for disk layouts of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Gets adjustment type for disk layouts of derived clients. new: CChecks::checkFdiskAdjustmentSpecifiedDev: Checks if the device name for the disk of the defined client is valid. new: CClient::setFdiskAdjustmentSpecifiedDev: Sets the disk device of the defined disk on a define client. new: CClient::getFdiskAdjustmentSpecifiedDev: Gets the disk device of the defined disk on a define client. new: CFDiskBasic::fdiskAdjustPartitioningLinearScale: Scales all partitions sizes to match the full disk size. new: CFDiskBasic::fdiskAdjustPartitioning: Adjusts the disk for a derived client, based on the defined client's settings new: CFDiskGUI::finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Does some final checks, adds the partitioning and formating job and switches to the distribution selection page. new: CFDiskIO::swapFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for swapping. new: CFDiskIO::installFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for installation. new: CFDiskGUI::fdiskSessionSetter: Generic function to store values in the client partition and format session or loads them. new: CFDiskGUI::fdiskSessionPage: Stores the page in the session or loads it. new: CFDiskGUI::fdiskSessionHelpPage: Stores the help page in the session or loads it. new: CFDiskGUI::showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Shows the menu bar with integrated logic for CFDiskGUI::showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog. new: CFDiskGUI::getHTMLColorForFilesystem: Get HTML color code for a given filesystem. new: CFDiskGUI::getPartInfoIcon: Generates HTML code for showing an icon with status information about a drive or partition. +++++ 2015-01-09 new: CFDiskGUI::getCurrentDiskDev: Returns the currently choosen (in the GUI) disk device name. new: CFDiskGUI::getCurrentDiskvDev: Returns the currently choosen (in the GUI) virtual disk number. new: CFDiskGUI::getCurrentPartDev: Returns the currently choosen (in the GUI) partition device name. new: CFDiskGUI::setInstPartDev: Sets the installation partition of the client. new: CFDiskGUI::setSwapPartDev: Sets the swap partition of the client. new: CClient::getSwapPartDev: Gets the swap partition of the client. new: CClient::getInstPartDev: Gets the installation partition of the client. new: CFDiskGUI::getInstPartDev: Gets the installation partition of the client. new: CFDiskGUI::getSwapPartDev: Gets the swap partition of the client. new: CFDiskBasic::assignDeviceToRaid: Adds a partition or disk to a RAID disk. new: CChecks::checkSizeInMB: Checks if a size in MB is valid. new: CChecks::checkDiskDefinedSize: Checks if a size (in MB) for the defined disk is valid. new: CClient::setFDiskDefinedSize: Sets the size of the disk of a defined client. new: CChecks::checkFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Checks if a size (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for the upper tolerance is valid. new: CChecks::checkFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Checks if a size (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for the lower tolerance is valid. new: CChecks::setFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Sets the lower tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CChecks::setFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Sets the upper tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Gets the lower tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskUpperToleranceIdentical: Gets the upper tolerance (may contain g/G for GB, m/M for MB or % for percentual amount of a given value) for identical disks of derived clients. new: CClient::getFdiskLowerToleranceIdentical: Gets the size of the disk of a defined client. new: CClient::isDerivedClient: Checks, if the client is derived from a defined client. +++++ 2015-01-08 new: CFDiskIO::getPartDevs: Returns an array with the partitions (/dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, ...) of a disk or all disks. new: CFDiskIO::getSupportedFS: Generates and returns an array with the list of supported file systems. +++++ 2015-01-05 new: CFDiskIO::getCreatablePartitionTypes: Creates an array with the types of partitions that could be created on a disk. +++++ 2015-01-04 new: CFDiskIO::mayPartitioningBeChanged: Checks, if the whole disk or at least one partition on the disk is used in a RAID. cha: CFDiskBasic::deletePartition, createPartition: Now mayLogicalPartitionsBeChanged is replaced by mayPartitioningBeChanged. +++++ 2014-12-21 new: CFDiskTest::addLineToReplay: Adds a line to the run log file. new: CFDiskTest::rand: Reads a random value from the replay file, if in replay mode or puts a calculated random value to the replay file. +++++ 2014-12-20 new: CFDiskTest::nextTurn: Is called at the beginning of the next testing turn. Chooses a disk for testing, if there are more disks given. new: CFDiskIO::mayLogicalPartitionsBeChanged: Checks if the logical partitions may be changed on the given disk. If one logical partition on the disk is assigned to a RAID, none of the other logical partitions may be removed or added, because the numbering of the partitions will change afterwards and bring the RAID into a faulty state. +++++ 2014-12-14 new: CFDiskBasic::getMknodCommand: Generates the mknod command for a given /dev/sdX(Y) device (disk or partition). new: CFDiskBasic::getMknodCommandsForDeviceArray: Generates the mknod commands for given /dev/sdX(Y) devices (disks or partitions). cha: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Now calls getMknodCommand and getMknodCommandsForDeviceArray. +++++ 2014-12-10 new: CFDiskBasic::createRaidJobForRaid: Generates the jobs to create a given RAID. cha: CFDiskBasic::createAllRaidJobs: Now calls CFDiskBasic::createRaidJobForRaid. +++++ 2014-12-06 new: CFDiskIO::backToPreviousPartitionStep: Jumps back in the partition history by one step. fix: CFDiskIO::virtualDeleteDrive: Now works correctly. +++++ 2014-12-05 new: CFDiskIO::getRaidCompleteParameters: Writes the constraints for building a RAID of a given level to the parameter variables. cha: CFDiskIO::isRaidComplete: Now uses CFDiskIO::getRaidCompleteParameters. new: CFDiskTest::areThereEnoughFreePartitionsToBuildTheRaid: Checks, if there are enough unused partitions to build a RAID of a given level. +++++ 2014-12-04 new: CFDiskIO::sortDiskKeyByDev: Sorts the elements with numeric keys (disks) of the input array by the subkey 'dev'. The numeric keys will be ascending and in the same order than the ascending subkey 'dev' with /dev/mdX at the end. cha: CFDiskIO::virtualAddDisk: Now calls CFDiskIO::sortDiskKeyByDev. +++++ 2014-12-02 cha: CFDiskTest::getRaidsFromClient: Now adds the size of the RAID. fix: CFDiskIO::updateRAIDSize: Now uses the correct virtual disk number for assigning the size. +++++ 2014-12-01 new: VM_CloudStackDisablePortForwarding: Deletes a port forwarding rule for a virtual machine, with private port and public port being the same (CLOUDSTACK_X2GO_PORTNUMBER). cha: VM_delete: Now calls VM_CloudStackDisablePortForwarding. new: CFDiskIO::getUsedMDs: Returns an associative array with the used MDs (e.g. /dev/md0, /dev/md1, ...) as key and value. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomUsedMD: Returns a random used MD. new: CFDiskTest::randomCreateRaid: Tries to create a new RAID with randomly choosen partitions and with random RAID level. new: CFDiskTest::randomDeleteRaid: Picks a random RAID and tries to delete it. +++++ 2014-11-30 cha: m23Backup: Now saves more settings. new: CFDiskBasic::deleteRaidJob: Generates a RAID deletion job and adds it to the list of partition steps. new: CFDiskIO::virtualDeleteRaidDisk: Deletes a RAID disk and removes the RAID locks from all devices building it. new: CFDiskBasic::deleteRaid: Deletes a RAID disk. +++++ 2014-11-24 new: m23cli / getGreenClientNames.php: Fetches the names of all clients with green status. cha: HTML_checkBoxCheckAll: Now returns an empty array, if there are not checked check boxes. +++++ 2014-11-22 new: m23cli / getClientNames.php: Fetches the names of all clients. +++++ 2014-11-18 new: PKG_getClientsByPackages: Gets all clients that have the specific packages (not) installed (or with another given status). new: PKG_getClientsWithWaitingJobs: Gets all clients that have waiting jobs. new: m23cli / getClientsWithPackageNotInstalled.php: Lists all clients that have a NOT package installed. new: m23cli / getClientsWithWaitingJobs.php: Lists all clients that have waiting jobs. +++++ 2014-11-17 new: CClient::wol: Wakes a client over the network. new: m23cli / wol.php: Wakes a client over the network. new: CClient::isPingable: Checks, if the client can be pinged over the network. cha: CLIENT_sshFetchJob: Now has an extra (optional) parameter for the client's IP. new: CClient::sshFetchJob: Connects to the client via SSH and lets the next job fetch and execute it in a screen (named "m23install"). new: m23cli / sshFetchJob.php: Connects to the client via SSH and lets the next job fetch and execute it in a screen (named "m23install"). new: CClientLister::isVisibleByPingableFilter: Checks, if only clients that can (not) be pinged should be shown and if the given client matches the filter rule. new: CClientLister::setVisibleByPingableFilter: Sets the pingable filter rule (show only clients that can (not) be pinged or all clients). cha: CClientLister::showClientList: Now filters out the client, if it is not matching the rule of the pingable filter new: CClientLister::getClientNames: Gets an array with all clients matching the filter rules. new: m23cli / listOnlineClients.php: Shows the clients that can be pinged. new: m23cli / listOfflineClients.php: Shows the clients that can NOT be pinged. new: CClient::executeBySSH: Runs a script under a plain BASH with root rights on the client. new: m23cli / executeBySSH.php: Runs a commands under a plain BASH with root rights on the client. +++++ 2014-11-15 new: CFDiskTest::getRandomRaidLevel: Returns an random RAID level. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomUnusedMD: Returns an random unused MD. +++++ 2014-11-14 new: CClient::addUpdatePackageInfosJob: Adds a job to update the package information of the client to the installation queue. new: installSpecialPackage.php: Installs a special package on a client. new: CFDiskTest::getRaidsFromClient: Fetches current RAID information from the current client. +++++ 2014-11-13 new: CFDiskBasic::raidJob: Generates a RAID creation job and adds it to the list of partition steps. new: CFDiskBasic::createAllRaidJobs: Generates the jobs to create all RAIDs. +++++ 2014-11-12 new: CFDiskTest::showDebugConsistencyClientVirtualArray: Shows a debug information about the current state of virtual and client consistency. new: CFDiskTest::randomTest: Randomly creates, formates and deletes partitions of random size, type and with random file file systems. new: CFDiskIO::areAllRaidsComplete: Checks, if all RAID disk are complete (needed numbers of disks/partitions were added). +++++ 2014-11-11 new: CFDiskIO::getRaidLevelNumbers: Returns an array with valid RAID levels. new: CFDiskIO::isRaidLevelNumberValid: Checks, if a number is a valid RAID level. new: CFDiskIO::setRaidLevel: Sets the RAID level on a new RAID disk. new: CFDiskIO::getDiskSize: Returns the RAID level of RAID disk. new: CFDiskIO::addDevToRaid: Adds a device (disk or partition) to the list of devices building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getvrDevNrByrDev: Returns the (virtual) number of the given device building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::delDevFromRaid: Removes a device (disk or partition) from the list of devices building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getRaidDevsBuildingDiskAmount: Returns the amount of the devices building the RAID. new: CFDiskIO::isRaidComplete: Checks, if there are too less or too much devices building the RAID or if the amount is not a multiple of needed devices. new: CFDiskIO::updateRAIDSize: Updates the usable size of the RAID new: CFDiskIO::doesDiskHavePartitionsLockedByRaid: Checks if the disk has at least one partition that was assigned to a RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getUnusedMDs: Returns an associative array with the unused MDs (e.g. /dev/md0, /dev/md1, ...) as key and value. +++++ 2014-11-10 new: PKG_getClientsWithPackage: Gets all clients that have the specific package installed (or with another status). new: getClientsWithPackageInstalled.php: Lists all clients that have a package installed. new: CClient::includeDistributionSpecificPackagesPHP: Includes distribution specific packages.php. new: CClient::addNormalJob: Adds a normal package to the installation queue. new: CClient::addSpecialJob: Adds a special package to the installation queue. new: CClient::addUpdateSourcesListJob: Adds a job to update the package souurce of the client to the installation queue. new: CFDiskIO::getClientObject: Gets the client object, of the client the partitioning belongs to. new: CFDiskBasic::createUEFIPartition: Creates a new UEFI partition with a size of 512 MB at the start of the disk (if possible). new: CFDiskIO::virtualAddDisk: Adds a new virtual disk. new: CFDiskIO::createRaidDisk: Creates a new RAID disk. +++++ 2014-11-09 new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionDev: Returns the device of a partition (eg. /dev/sda1). new: CFDiskIO::isDiskLockedByRaid: Checks, if a disk is locked, because it is part of a RAID. new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionSize: Returns the size of a virtual partition. new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionDevs: Returns an array with all partition devices (/dev/sdXY) as key and value. new: CFDiskBasic::createInstallPartition: Creates and formats an installation partition and makes it bootable. The created partition is stored in the client parameters as installation partition. new: CFDiskBasic::createSwapPartition: Creates and formats a swap partition. The created partition is stored in the client parameters as swap partition. +++++ 2014-11-07 new: CFDiskIO::getLogicalpParts: Builds an array with all physical partition numbers of the logical partitions. new: CFDiskIO::correctLogical: Algorithm changed and uses getLogicalpParts. +++++ 2014-11-06 new: CFDiskIO::collidesWithPartitionOfType: Checks if a partition (to be created) defined by start and end position would collide with existing partitions of given type. cha: CFDiskIO::isFreeSpaceBetween: Now uses CFDiskIO::collidesWithPartitionOfType. +++++ 2014-11-05 new: CFDiskIO::sortPartitionKeyByStart: Sorts the elements with numeric keys of the input array by the subkey 'start' and copies all other elements unchanged. The numeric keys will be ascending and in the same order than the ascending subkey 'start'. +++++ 2014-11-04 cha: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader: Now shows the message type in CLI too. new: CFDiskTest::getTestDiskDev: Gets the disk device that is used for testing. new: CFDiskTest::getTestDiskvDisk: Gets the vDisk for the testing fisk. new: CFDiskTest::getRadomStartEnd: Gets random start / end positions (in MB) for e.g. creating new partitions on the test disk. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomPartitionType: Returns an random partition type. new: CFDiskTest::randomCreatePartition: Tries to create a new partition on the test disk with random type and start and end position. new: CFDiskTest::randomDeletePartition: Tries to delete a randomly picked partition on the test disk. new: CFDiskTest::randomFormatPartition: Tries to format a randomly picked partition on the test disk. new: CFDiskTest::getRandomFilesystem: Returns an random filesytem. +++++ 2014-11-03 new: CFDiskTest::getDiskArrayFromClient: Returns the disk array with all drives and their partitions. new: CFDiskIO::getWantedPartitioning: Returns the wantedPartitioning array. new: CFDiskTest::checkPartitionConsistency: Checks for consistancy of the partioning between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. Exists the script, if it is not consistent. new: CFDiskTest::createPartition: Creates a new partition on a disk (if possible) and checks for consistancy of the partioning between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. new: CFDiskTest::deletePartition: Deletes a partition from a disk and checks for consistancy of the partioning between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. new: CFDiskTest::formatPartition: Formats a partition. new: CFDiskTest::checkConsistencyvDiskvPartKey: Checks for consistancy of $vDisk and $vPart keys between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. Differences will be inserted into $this->diffConsistency. new: CFDiskTest::checkConsistencyDiskKey: Checks for consistancy of $vDisk keys between virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. Differences will be inserted into $this->diffConsistency. new: CFDiskTest::checkBothSetKey: Checks if a key exists in virtual calculation and actual client partitioning. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now doesn't show "Warning: Permanently added ..." anymore. +++++ 2014-11-02 new: CFDiskIO::shiftPartitionStep: Gets the first element of the partitionSteps array and deletes it. new: CFDiskIO::isDevRaid: Checks, if a device string is a RAID. new: CFDiskBasic::rereadPartTable: Let the OS re-read the partition table. new: CFDiskBasic::genPartedCommands: Generates commands for creating and deletion of partitions, formating or building RAIDs. new: CFDiskTest::getPartInfoWithparted: Fetches current partitioning and formating of the current client from a given disk. new: CFDiskTest::executePartedCommands: Executes all partitioning and formating commands on the given client. +++++ 2014-10-30 new: CFDiskIO::getpDiskAndpPartFromDev: Splits a device (e.g. /dev/hda1) in the physical disk (/dev/hda) and the partition number (1). new: CFDiskIO::setPartitionFileSystem: Sets the file system of a partition. new: CFDiskBasic::formatPartition: Formats a partition. +++++ 2014-10-29 new: CFDiskIO::virtualDeleteDrive: Deletes a (RAID) disk and corrects the disk array. new: CFDiskIO::setDiskPartLockedByRaid: Sets or unsets the RAID lock of a partition or disk. new: CFDiskIO::getPartitionNumber: Returns the physical partition number of a virtual partition. new: CFDiskIO::getvPartBypPart: Returns the virtual partition number searched by the physical partition number. new: CFDiskIO::correctLogical: Corrects the order of the logical partitions after deleting a physical partition. new: CFDiskBasic::rmJob: Generates a partition removal job. new: CFDiskBasic::addJob: Generates a partition add job. new: CFDiskBasic::bootflagJob: Enables the booting flag on a partition. new: CFDiskBasic::formatJob: Generates a partition format job. new: CFDiskIO::isDiskRaid: Checks, if a disk is a RAID. +++++ 2014-10-28 new: CFDiskBasic::getBiggestLowestValueOf: Gets the biggest or lowest value from all partitions of a given type. new: CFDiskBasic::getBiggestValueOf: Gets the biggest value from all partitions of a given type. new: CFDiskBasic::getLowestValueOf: Gets the lowest value from all partitions of a given type. new: CFDiskBasic::updateFreeSpaces: Updates the free spaces array of all disks. new: CFDiskBasic::isPartitionLockedByRaid: Checks, if a partition is locked, because it is part of a RAID. new: CFDiskBasic::getRaidDevs: Returns an array with all disk or partition devices building the RAID of the disk (if it is a RAID). new: CFDiskBasic::getDiskDev: Returns the device name (e.g. /dev/sda) for a virtual disk. new: CFDiskBasic::getBelongingRaidDev: Searches for the RAID device, a physical partition belongs to, if it is part of a RAID. +++++ 2014-10-27 new: CFDiskBasic::getFreeSpacesOnDisk: Gets the free spaces on disk. new: CFDiskBasic::virtualDelPartition: Deletes a partition from the internal array. new: CFDiskBasic::devNrExists: Checks if a certain (physical) partition number exists. new: CFDiskBasic::nextLogicalDevNr: Gets the next free logical (physical) partition number. new: CFDiskBasic::nextPrimaryDevNr: Gets the next free primary (physical) partition number. +++++ 2014-10-26 cha: restoreBTServer: Now starts after MySQL. +++++ 2014-10-25 cha: SERVER_programmStatus: Now vertically aligns the columns to the top. cha: BT_status: Now has parameters for returning the result or showing it directly and converting the ASCII line breaks to HTML line breaks. cha: m23/postinst: Now copies the SSH key to the m23 webserver directory, if the key is missing there. +++++ 2014-10-24 cha: packageBuilder.php: Added creation of .torrent files. +++++ 2014-10-23 cha: m23 / postinst: Now creates a symlink to the System-V-Init directory to get the Bittorrent tracker and initial client, if there are .torrent files in the share directory. new: SERVER_commandAvailable: Checks, if a given command is available for the given user. new: BT_dlFile: Starts a Bittorrent download. new: BT_status: Shows status information about the (maybe) running Bittorrent tracker and initial client. new: BT_checkSoftware: Checks, if a Bittorrent software (client + tracker) is installed. new: BT_stopService: Stops a Bittorrent service. new: BT_startService: Starts a Bittorrent service. new: BT_stopTracker: Stops the Bittorrent tracker. new: BT_startTracker: Starts the tracker. new: BT_restartTracker: Restarts the tracker. new: BT_autostart: Starts Bittorrent tracker and initial client when there are .torrent files in the share directory. new: BT_updateWhitelist: Updates the white list with all allowed torrent files on the tracker. new: BT_createTorrent: Creates a torrent file and adds it to the white list. new: BT_startClient: Starts the Bittorrent client. new: BT_stopClient: Stops the Bittorrent client. new: BT_restartClient: Restarts the client. +++++ 2014-10-22 new: opentracker-installer: Compiles and installs opentracker. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now runs better on the command line. +++++ 2014-10-21 new: BT_dlFile: Starts a Bittorrent download. +++++ 2014-10-15 SERVER_commandAvailable: Checks, if a given command is available for the given user. +++++ 2014-10-04 new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionAmountOfType: Count all partitions of a selected type on a disk. new: CFFiskBasic::isDiskNotLockedByRaidAgainstCreationOfNewPartition: Checks if a new partition can be created or if the complete disk is used for RAID. new: CFFiskBasic::isDiskPartLockedByRaid: Checks, if a partition or disk is used as RAID. new: CFFiskBasic::isNewPartitionOfTypeCreatable: Checks if a new partition from a certain type can be created. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionStart: Returns the start position (in MB) of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionEnd: Returns the end position (in MB) of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionType: Returns the type of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartitionFileSystem: Returns the file system of a partition. new: CFFiskBasic::getAfterPartition: Gets the free space after the selected partition. +++++ 2014-10-03 new: CFFiskBasic::getDiskDevs: Returns an array with all disk devices (/dev/sdX) as key and value. new: CFFiskBasic::getDiskAmount: Returns amount of disks. new: CFFiskBasic::getPartAmount: Returns the of partitions of a given disk. new: CFFiskBasic::dev2diskDevPartNr: Returns an array with all disk devices (/dev/sdX) as key and value. +++++ 2014-10-01 new: CFFiskBasic::__construct: Constructor for new CFFiskBasic objects. The object holds all information about the partitioning (of a client and loads the values from the DB). new: CFFiskBasic::setClientName: Sets the client name, if given via constructor. new: CFFiskBasic::getClientName: Gets the client name, if set via constructor. new: CFFiskBasic::getProperty: Returns the given variable, if it is set or dies with an error message. new: CDFiskBasic::getCurrentPartitioning: Returns the current (physical) partitioning (of a client). new: CFFiskBasic::setCurrentPartitioning: Sets the current (physical) partitioning (of a client). new: CFFiskBasic::loadFromDB: Loads the current (physical) partitioning of a client and CFDiskTemp values. new: CFFiskBasic::resetWantedPartitioning: Resets the wantedPartitioning array by replacing it with the contents of the clien's current partitioning. new: CFFiskBasic::addWantedPartitioningUndo: Adds an undo step to the wantedPartitioningUndoArray array. new: CFFiskBasic::getWantedPartitioningMd5: Gets the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning array. new: CFFiskBasic::updateWantedPartitioningMd5: Updates the md5 sum of the wantedPartitioning array in $this->wantedPartitioningMd5. +++++ 2014-09-16 cha: update_packages.php: Now start the update progress on the client via SSH etc. +++++ 2014-08-09 patch 100751: Mirror change for the m23 server installation packages. cha: Raspbian-RemoveUnneededPackages.sh: Updated mirror. release 14.2 patch 100749: Contains all changes for m23 rock 14.2. +++++ 2014-08-06 cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now chmod's /var/run/screen to 775. fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo, PKG_preparePackageDir: Now is able to create diretories with spaces in the name. fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: Now checks for (eventually) missing package search cache file. +++++ 2014-08-05 cha: en / fr / i18n and help: Completed. +++++ 2014-07-30 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed then outdated and unsupported package sources lists "unstable", "sid", "testing", "lucid" and "lenny". +++++ 2014-07-28 new: CLIENT_getAllClientNames: Gets the names of all clients. new: m23cli / getSourcesList: Shows the contents of a package sources list. +++++ 2014-07-27 new: CLI_getModuleExitcodes: Gets the exit codes about a given module. cha: CLI_getModuleParameterLine: Now returns information about (optionall) exit code(s). cha: CHECK_FW: Disables showing the PHP warning, when using a one character rule. new: m23cli / getClientMac: Shows the MAC address of a client. new: m23cli / isClientPingable: Checks, if a client could be pinged. cha: CLIENT_query: No warnings, when used from CLI. new: m23cli / getGroupIPs: Fetches the IPs of all clients in a group. +++++ 2014-07-26 new: CAutoTest::getLogFileName: Get the file name for the log file. new: CAutoTest::addToLogFile: Appends lines to the log file. new: CAutoTest::getTimestampString: Returns the date and time in human readable form. cha: AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen: Now uses a character statistics function to choose different parameters for gocr, if the recognisation seems to have failed. +++++ 2014-07-25 cha: CAutoTest::VMCreate: Now calls AUTOTEST_VM_enableCapture. new: AUTOTEST_VM_enableCapture: Enables capturing the screen of a VM to a movie file. new: CAutoTest::getMovieFileName: Get the movie file name for capturing the VM's screen. +++++ 2014-07-24 new: AUTOTEST_executePHPFunction: Executes a PHP function with (optionall) parameters. +++++ 2014-07-23 new: CAutoTest::triggerTypeToConstant: Tries to convert the trigger type (string) to a trigger type constant. new: CAutoTest::getAnswersA: Returns the array with the answers of the current sequence element. new: VM_captureVMScreenAsMovie: Enables/disables capturing the screens of a VM to a movie file. +++++ 2014-07-20 new: AUTOTEST_VM_ejectBootISO: Disables booting from ISO and enables HDD booting. +++++ 2014-07-17 new: DISTR_getUbuntuUserGroups: Returns the default groups an user of a Ubuntu system should be in. new: DISTR_getDebianUserGroups: Returns the default groups an user of a Debian system should be in. cha: PKG_addUbuntuUser: Now is using DISTR_getUbuntuUserGroups. cha: PKG_addDebianUser: Now is using DISTR_getDebianUserGroups. new: EDIT_writeToFile: Writes a text to a file on a client. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now uses EDIT_writeToFile for Debian Wheezy. +++++ 2014-07-15 cha: PKG_addUbuntuUser: Added group "scanner". cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu, CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now adds the local user groups to LDAP users by configuring /etc/security/group.conf. +++++ 2014-07-09 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Added special debconf settings for Ubuntu 14.04 and Linux Mint 17. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Added special settings for common-account. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu: Removed settings that were tried to be written to a non-existing directory. cha: LDAP_addPosix: Now adds new groups in LDAP or adds users to existing group. +++++ 2014-07-07 cha: debian / ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now makes a dist-upgrade. +++++ 2014-07-03 cha: FDISK_showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Now shows an error message, if no HD was found. +++++ 2014-07-02 cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now has an extra parameter, that, if set to true, will add a shutdown or reboot package. cha: CLIENT_backToRed: Now doesn't add a shutdown or reboot package. new: CAutoTest::readAndDefineOrDieXML: Checks, is a given variable has a value that is not NULL (it was read via XML) or let the programm die with an error. new: CAutoTest::readSettings: Reads basic settings from settings.m23test and sets them as constants. +++++ 2014-06-30 cha: UBUNTU_installLanguagePacks: Now deinstalls k3b, if it was installed by a language pack and was not installed before. +++++ 2014-06-23 new: fixPHPFilePermissionsAndCR: Script that changes the PHP files to enable access via the Apache user and removes CR. +++++ 2014-06-18 cha: CLCFG_language: Now deinstalls k3b, if it was installed by a language pack and was not installed before. +++++ 2014-06-17 fix: debian / halfSister / m23updateInstall.php: Now includes the client install language file. fix: update_packages.php: Added missing $_GET['id'] variable. cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Now installs the Ubuntu 14.04 x2go packages on Linux Mint 17 too. +++++ 2014-06-12 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now includes support for Mate and Cinnamon desktops of Linux Mint 17. +++++ 2014-06-10 cha: CLCFG_installMintDM: Now uses different settings for Linux Mint 17. +++++ 2014-06-02 new: CAutoTest::VMCreate: Creates a new VM with virtual hard drive in VirtualBox and (optionally) inserts a bootable ISO into a VM. new: CAutoTest::VMStart: Starts a virtual machine in an existing X session. new: CAutoTest::setISO: Sets the filename and path of the ISO image for booting. new: CAutoTest::getISO: Get the filename and path to the ISO image for booting. new: CAutoTest::isVM: Check, if the the test should be run in a VM. new: CAutoTest::getVM_hdsize: Get the hard disk size of the virtual machine (to create). new: CAutoTest::getVMRam: Get the ram size of the virtual machine (to create). new: CAutoTest::getMachine: Get the name of the (real or virtual) machine, the test is run on. new: CAutoTest::setTriggered: Sets the trigger state ofthe current sequence event. new: CAutoTest::isTriggered: Checks, if the current sequence event was triggered. new: CAutoTest::setTimeout: Sets the timeout for the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::decTimeout: Decrements the remaining time for the timeout. new: CAutoTest::addToSequence: Adds an element to the sequence. new: CAutoTest::matchArray: Checks, if the search text is found in one of the texts contained in the array. new: CAutoTest::getGoodA: Returns the array with the good states of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getWarnA: Returns the array with the warning states of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getBadA: Returns the array with the bad states of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getTriggerType: Returns the trigger type of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getTriggerParam: Returns the trigger parameter of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getExecType: Returns the type of execution of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::getExecParam: Returns the parameter for execution of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::checkTriggerResult: Checks, if the result (e.g. from AUTOTEST_VM_ocrScreen) is found in the good, warn or bad array and executes the matching element finish handler. new: CAutoTest::executeTriggerAction: Executes the action of the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::waitForTrigger: Waits for a trigger event, to execute the action. new: CAutoTest::getCurElement: Returns the current sequence element. new: CAutoTest::nextCurElement: Increments the current sequence element number. new: CAutoTest::elemOk: The current sequence elements was finished sucessfully. new: CAutoTest::elemWarn: The current sequence elements was finished with a warning. new: CAutoTest::elemBad: There was an error in the current sequence element, so the execution must bestopped. new: CAutoTest::setVariableFromXML: Returns the input value when it is not NULL or exists the script with an error message. new: CAutoTest::parseTriggerFromXML: Parses the trigger and its type from the XML. new: CAutoTest::parseActionFromXML: Parses the action and its type from the XML. new: CAutoTest::parseArrayFromXML: Parses an (good, warn, bad) array from the XML. new: CAutoTest::parseXML: Parses the XML test description file. +++++ 2014-06-01 fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now makes sure that the result IP is between calculated max and min IP. +++++ 2014-05-31 cha: VM_parseVBOXstate: Code rewritten to work with all VirtualBox versions. cha: VM_parseVBOXNic: Now interprets bridged interface too. new: AUTOTEST_insertBootISO: Inserts a bootable ISO into a VM. new: AUTOTEST_keyboardWrite: Emulates the keystrokes into a VM. new: AUTOTEST_getStatus: Parses the complete status of a VM. new: AUTOTEST_isRunning: Checks if a VM is switched on. +++++ 2014-05-29 cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Changed execution order so the login banner is not part of the returned output. new: VM_insertBootISO: Inserts a bootable ISO into a VM. new: HELPER_calcScancodes: Converts an input string that may contain special keys into scancodes (e.g. for usage with VirtualBox) +++++ 2014-05-28 new: AUTOTEST_createVM: Creates a new VM with virtual hard drive in VirtualBox. new: AUTOTEST_deleteVM: Deletes a VM and its virtual hard drive from VirtualBox. new: AUTOTEST_startVM: Starts a virtual machine in an existing X session. new: VM_startVMInExistingXSession: Starts a virtual machine in an existing X session. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now calls scp and screen with sudo, when not run from the command line. cha: VM_createDiskImage, VM_createVM: Now are having an extra paramater for choosing the image location. +++++ 2014-05-27 cha: CLIENT_getIPbyName: Now returns the client name, if run on CLI. +++++ 2014-05-25 new: CLIENT_copyDebconfDB: Copies all debconf values from one client to another. cha: MASS_startInstall: Now calls CLIENT_copyDebconfDB. +++++ 2014-05-18 cha: m23x2goServerInstall.php: Added support for Ubuntu 14.04. cha: countLinesInFile: Now has an extra parameter, if set to true, empty lines are ignored. cha: MASS_showOverview: Now ignores empty lines on database files. fix: MASS_startInstall: Now the 2nd DNS is copied correctly (THX Rainer). +++++ 2014-05-16 cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now installs lightdm when run on Ubuntu 14.04. +++++ 2014-05-15 cha: MASS_readDBFileRaw: Now removes whitespaces at the beginning and at the end of the DB file (THX Rainer). +++++ 2014-05-14 cha: GNOME3_install: Now installs language-pack-gnome-XX too. cha: UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall, UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Added dpkg-divert rules for udev. cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: Now changes characters in the LaTex files before running latex2html and changing back afterwards. +++++ 2014-04-29 cha: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Now symlinks modemmanager and whoopsie to true. +++++ 2014-04-28 new: m23Lubuntu1404Install.php: Full lubuntu/Xfce desktop. new: m23UnityFull1404Install.php: Full Unity 3D desktop for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. +++++ 2014-04-27 new: m23LubuntuCore1404Install.php: Minimalistic lubuntu/Xfce desktop. new: m23Unity3D1404Install.php: Minimal Unity 3D desktop for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Added lubuntu/Xfce and Unity 3D desktop. +++++ 2014-04-24 cha: CLCFG_language: Now adds $PATH to /etc/environment. +++++ 2014-04-20 cha: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Now creates menu.lst on Ubuntu Trusty. +++++ 2014-04-06 cha: createNewBazaarRepo: Improved included .bzrignore. +++++ 2014-04-03 new: HELPER_filesize: Gets the correct file size of a file, even if it is bigger than 2 GB. cha: PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Now calls HELPER_filesize. cha: DISTR_getDesktopsCBList: Now returns, if no distribution is given. +++++ 2014-03-20 cha: createInitrd: Now removes initrd and creates empty ones with the names of the installed packages. +++++ 2014-02-12 patch 100741: Re-enables group renaming and server backup. fix: group_actions.php: Corrected reading of group name and group action to re-enable renaming of groups. (THX CLUBSKIES) fix: m23Backup / createBackupList: Added missing "then" and "fi". (THX CLUBSKIES) +++++ 2014-02-05 cha: createNewBazaarRepo: Now uses a hand-crafted .bzrignore file. +++++ 2014-01-26 cha: prepareOSDorCompression: Now sure that m23debs.list is deleted. +++++ 2014-01-25 release 14.1 patch 100740: Release of m23 rock 14.1. +++++ 2014-01-23 cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now modprobes ext2-4. fix: linuxrc: Now links dhclient-script from /bin to /sbin. +++++ 2014-01-22 new: optimiseAllPNGs: Script for optimising all PNGs in the manual screenshot directories. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Added menu entry for optimiseAllPNGs. +++++ 2014-01-21 fix: getServerNetmask: Added full path to ifconfig. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now sets /dev/sda on top of the list. fix: PKG_getSearchCacheFileName: Now adds "'" around the file name to support distributions with spaces in the name. +++++ 2014-01-20 cha: PKGBUILDER_tar2deb: Now changed the access rights of all files to 755 before creating a new package index. +++++ 2014-01-19 menuDeb: Now ensures that development packages are uploaded into the development repository and release packages are uploaded into the release repository. +++++ 2014-01-07 new: checkForMissingi18n.sh: Script for checking for missing I18N translations. +++++ 2014-01-04 fix: MSR_clientSettings: Now sets the architecture in the imported sources list too. fix: SRCLST_getArchitectures: Now returns "i386" when no architecture can be get from the sources list. fix: PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Now reads "Installed-Size" from *Packages and uses empty line as package separator. +++++ 2014-01-01 cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now calls nl2br on the kernel variable in case that there are more than one kernels. cha: de / createVM.hlp: Added CloudStack. +++++ 2013-12-31 cha: m23-initscripts / control: Changed the package hwinfo from "Depends" to "Recommends". +++++ 2013-12-28 cha: ASSI_addUbuntuRoot: Now sets a random password for user root, if the root account is not enabled. +++++ 2013-12-22 patch 100721: Removal of bad SSH keys for the backuppc and root users. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes a bunch of bad SSH keys for the backuppc and root users. cha: mkm23Deb: Now deletes tmp/m23-install only. cha: i18n and help: Added "Apache" and "®" to CloudStack. +++++ 2013-12-21 fix: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now uses the extra parameter correctly when set to true, the names of all installed packages will be combined to a m23normal and all revomed to a m23normalRemove job. cha: CLIENT_resetAndInstall: Now calls CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording too. cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery.php: Now calls PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage. cha: VM_rebootChangeBootDevice: Now stops and starts the VM, when it is CloudStack. +++++ 2013-12-20 patch 100719: Assimilastion doesn't remove the root password any more. fix: m23PresetupInstall.php: Now doesn't set (empty) password when assimilating a client (THX jaywalker). cha: m23 / postinst: Now accepts "Raspbian" as valid dirtribution too. fix: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now returns false if there is no host for the choosen virtualisation solution. fix: VM_getAllVMHosts: Now doesn't exit on CloudStack even if the CloudStack object couldn't be fetched. cha: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Now uses defaults as mount parameter in fstab. +++++ 2013-12-19 patch 100718: Removes the bad test SSH key of the backuppc user. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes the bad SSH key for the backuppc user too. patch 100717: Removes the bad SSH key from the m23 client. cha: m23updateAuthorizedKeysInstall.php: Now removes the bad SSH key before. patch 100716: Added job for updating the authorized_keys file with the public SSH key of the m23 server. new: m23updateAuthorizedKeysInstall.php: Updates the authorized_keys file with the public SSH key of the m23 server. patch 100714: Removes the bad test SSH key. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes the bad SSH key. cha: startBaseInstallation, cleanOSForCompressing: Now deletes /root/.ssh/authorized_keys, /root/.ssh/id_dsa*, /var/lib/backuppc/.ssh/* to remove maybe existing SSH keys (THX jaywalker). +++++ 2013-12-18 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Removed IDE devices, because they are called sdX now. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now doesn't overwrite the boot type with a wrong value. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now tries to mount /home. May be helpful in case of NFS. cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Changed priority to 125 so it gets executed after system boot. +++++ 2013-12-17 new: mk-nfs-server-home: Script for installing an configuring a simple NFS server. cha: CChecks::checkNfshomeserver: Now checks for the existence of ':'. +++++ 2013-12-16 fix: en / m23inst.php: Added missing translations. fix: CClient::addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Now stores the LDAP credentials. +++++ 2013-12-15 new: I18N_number_format: Converts numbers to the language specific number formating. cha: PKG_listRecommendPackages, m23SHARED_priceFormater, SERVERBACKUP_backupOverviewDialog, PKG_listPackages, IMG_showImageManagement and VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Now are using I18N_number_format. cha: PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Now package sizes are stored in KB too. new: CClient::copyMassOptions: Copies the mass installation options (if present). cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Making Partclone the default method. cha: HELP_getHelp: Now uses escapeshellarg to secure the name of the man page. cha: debian / PKG_getKernels: Now filters out "grub-imageboot". +++++ 2013-12-11 fix: MASS_startInstall: Now adds boot type, distribution and release too. new: CClient::setDistribution: Sets the distribution of the client. new: CChecks::checkDistribution: Checks if a distribution name is valid. new: CClient::setRelease: Sets the distribution release of the client. new: CChecks::checkRelease: Checks if a release name is valid. new: CClient::copyImagingParameters: Copies the imaging parameters (if present). cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now calls setDistribution, setRelease and copyImagingParameters. new: CHECK_deviceName: Checks if the input value is a valid device name for a HD drive or partition. new: CChecks::checkSwapPart: Checks if the device name for the swap partition is valid. new: CChecks::checkInstPart: Checks if the device name for the installation partition is valid. new: CClient::setInstPart: Sets the installation partition of the client. new: CClient::setSwapPart: Sets the swap partition of the client. +++++ 2013-12-10 cha: getDNSServers: Now has a fallback, if no DNS servers could be fetched. +++++ 2013-12-08 fix: Added symlink for m23AddUserInstall.php to /m23/data+scripts/packages (for imaging). fix: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Corrected parameter for user creation. +++++ 2013-12-03 fix: CLCFG_addDistributionSpecificOptions: Now values from checkboxes are set correctly in the options array. cha: DISTR_startInstall: Now adds the x2go server installation job, if set in the options. cha: debian / CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Adds a checkbox for adding the x2go server installation job. +++++ 2013-11-28 cha: partcloneWrapper: Changed logging from /tmp/partclone.log to /dev/null. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now calls CLCFG_disablePlymouth. +++++ 2013-11-27 fix: SERVER_runningInScreen: Corrected regular expression. cha: SERVER_logLocalScreenSessionToFile: Now deletes the logfile at the beginning. cha: update.php: Now shows the live log right after clicking the update button. fix: UPDATE_running: Now uses SERVER_runningInScreen. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now trims the input values. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now uses PXE as default, if no boot type is set. cha: createRFSBins: Added the tools resize_reiserfs, resize2fs and xfs_growfs. new: FSEnlargeWrapper: Enlarges the file system on a given partition to match the size of the partition. cha: IMG_clientRestore: Now adds FSEnlargeWrapper to the BASH code if restored by dd. +++++ 2013-11-26 cha: HTML_newStatusBar: Now uses 5 seconds as default refresh time. fix: imaging / halfSister / clientConfig.php: Added 100 percent for the status bar. new: CLIENT_resetStatusBar: Resets the percent points to 0 for the pending jobs on a client. fix: halfSister / clientConfig.php: Now sets $CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions. new: PKG_addHSUser: Adds a job for creating an user on a halfSister client cha: HS_sysAddUser: Now has parameter for user and group IDs. cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Now is placed under /m23/inc/distr/ debian/packages with symlink to ubuntu. +++++ 2013-11-20 cha: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: New parameter to recalculate the remaining percent value of the status barfor better fitting. +++++ 2013-11-19 new: debian / halfSister / PKG_updatePackageSearchCacheFile: Updates the compressed package search file. new: debian / PKG_getLongPackageDescription: Gets the description of a package. cha: PKG_translateClientjobsStatus: Added translation for 'error'. +++++ 2013-11-18 fix: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now calls PKG_updatePackageInfo with correct parameters. cha: PKG_updatePackageInfo: Now updates the package index only every 5 hours, when not forced. cha: SRCLST_packageInformationOlderThan, PKG_updatePackageInfo: Now writes the time when the status file was last modified to a new parameter. new: SRCLST_packageInformationChangeTime: Returns the time point when the package information was changed last. cha: SRCLST_packageInformationOlderThan: Now calls SRCLST_packageInformationChangeTime. +++++ 2013-11-17 cha: PKG_searchFor: Now package names are unique again. new: PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Generates commands to create a compressed package search file. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now calls PKG_genPackageSearchCacheFileCMD. new: PKG_getSearchCacheFileName: Returns the full path to the compressed package search file. new: PKG_searchPackageSearchCacheFileCMD: Generates BASH commands to search a compressed package search file. cha: PKG_searchFor: Now uses PKG_searchPackageSearchCacheFileCMD. fix: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now always touches the status file to update the modification time. +++++ 2013-11-14 cha: getServerNetmask: Now tries to get the netmask from networkdevices eth0 to eth9. cha: IMG_clientRestore: Added support for partclone. +++++ 2013-11-13 cha: IMG_clientCreate: Added timeout for netcat transfer. cha: IMG_clientCreate: Gauge now disabled when using partclone. cha: IMG_clientCreate, IMG_showCreateImage: Added support for partclone. +++++ 2013-11-12 cha: GRP_showSelDistrSources: Now shows a different message for choosing the distribution and sources list, when a package selection without clients should be created. cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Now are adding partclone to the bootimage. new: partcloneWrapper: Calls the correct partclone tool depending on the file system of the partition. +++++ 2013-11-11 cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Now optionally adds UID and GID. new: PKG_addUser: Adds a job for creating an user on the client. new: PKG_addUbuntuUser: Adds a job for creating an user on a Ubuntu client. new: PKG_addDebianUser: Adds a job for creating an user on a Debian client. cha: debian / clientInstall.php: Now calls PKG_addDebianUser. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls PKG_addUbuntuUser. new postinst / getCSExternIP: Get the external IP of this server, if run in CloudStack. fix: group_actions.php: Now gets the groupname from the URL. cha: enable-ssl: Now if an additional IP is given, makes it be used as default. +++++ 2013-11-09 patch 100694: Fixes installation of Ubuntu images with upstart. cha: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Now adds the package m23configUpstartForNormalUsage, if the extra distribution is ubuntu. cha: imaging / m23configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now is a symlink too. cha: VM_rebootChangeBootDevice: Now doesn't stop and start the VM when run on CloudStack, because this will stop the VM before it can send the job's "done" status. +++++ 2013-11-08 cha: imaging / DISTR_startInstall: Now adds the package m23configUpstartForNormalUsage, if the extra distribution is ubuntu. cha: imaging / m23configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now is a symlink too. +++++ 2013-11-05 patch 100692: Fixes for image creation. fix: m23createImageInstall.php: Sends correct extracted size of the created image. fix: m23createImageInstall.php: Now deactivates the network booting. cha: m23 / postinst: Now uses the half of (during the configuration) available disk space as maximum for the size of the squid cache. new: VM_CloudStackDeleteClientVM: Deletes a virtual machine for use with m23 in CloudStack, only a cloudstack admin can recover it +++++ 2013-11-02 patch 100691: Fixes selection of images when using imaging as client distribution (THX IPB). fix: imaging / clientConfig.php: Added missing function variable for showDistributionSpecificOptions. new: update.php: Now adds a live status of the update progress. new: SERVER_logLocalScreenSessionToFile: Logs the output of a local screen session to a file. +++++ 2013-11-01 cha: install_packages.php: Now shows an error message and exists when in group mode and no group name is given. cha: install_packages.php: Now shows an error message when the serarch button is clicked without entering a search term. +++++ 2013-10-30 cha: serverSettings.php: Rearanged the icons. Added a new "extra" category. new: de / serverSettings.hlp: Added help page for the server settings page. fix: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Now returns an empty array, if no backups are present. fix: htaccess.php: Now administrators can be deleted when there are two or more. cha: MSG_showMessageBoxFooter, MSG_showMessageBoxHeader: Now are generating HTML code only when not in CLI mode. new: HELPER_isExecutedInCLI: Checks, if it is run in CLI. +++++ 2013-10-28 new: CLCFG_disablePlymouth: Disables the plymouth. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_disablePlymouth. +++++ 2013-10-23 cha: VM_CloudStack_getObject: Now has parameters to set the API entpoint, the API key and the secret API key. cha: VM_CloudStackEditConfFileGUI: Renamed to VM_CloudStackConfigGUI. new: VM_CloudStackCheckConstants: Checks, if the given constant values are valid. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now gives back the VM host. cha: Added help for CloudStack. +++++ 2013-10-21 new: VM_isCloudStackClient: Checks, if the client is run in CloudStack. cha: PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage: Now reboots the client when run in CloudStack. +++++ 2013-10-19 new: VM_CloudStackEnablePortForwarding: creates a port forwarding rule for a virtual machine, with private port and public port being the same new: VM_CloudStackUploadIso: uploads and registers a new bootable ISO file into cloudstack from a given website new: VM_CloudStackWriteConfFile: Writes the CloudStack config file or writes a basic config file, if it does not exist. new: VM_CloudStackEditConfFileGUI: Shows a dialog for editing the CloudStack config file. +++++ 2013-10-15 patch 100686: Now works with Debian 7.2. fix: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now works with Debian 7.2. +++++ 2013-10-07 cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now has optional parameters for user and group ID. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now adds ther user m23cupsadmin with user and group ID 523. +++++ 2013-10-06 new: VM_CloudStackSendSetVisualURL: Sends the visual URL (:22) to the m23 server, if run under CloudStack. cha: VM_setVisualURL: Now uses the host part of the URL, if vmHostIP is empty. fix: CLCFG_writeCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Corrected entry for every 5 minutes. new: MSR_curDynIPCommand: Generates the commands to transfer the current dynamic IP of the m23 client to the server. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now uses MSR_curDynIPCommand. cha: CIR_transferClientIP: Now calls MSR_curDynIPCommand. +++++ 2013-10-05 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now installs isc-dhcp-client too. new: VM_CloudStackStartVM: starts a virtual machine in CloudStack cha: VM_startVM: Now uses VM_CloudStackStartVM too. new: VM_CloudStackStopVM: stops a virtual machine in CloudStack cha: VM_stopVM: Now uses VM_CloudStackStopVM too. new: VM_CloudStackGetVMStatus: gets the status of a virtual machine new: VM_CloudStackClientName2ClientID: returns the Cloudstack-ID of a client with the given client host name new: VM_CloudStackNetBootActivate: attaches/exchanges or removes (if any) a network boot ISO to or from the client cha: VM_rebootChangeBootDevice: Now uses VM_CloudStackNetBootActivate too. cha: VM_status: Now may returns an array containing the status of the VM. +++++ 2013-10-03 cha: Checks::checkBootType: Added gpxe. cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Now accepts client's hostname via m23clientID GET parameter. cha: CLIENT_isAskingInDebugMode, CLIENT_getAskingParams: Now uses CLIENT_getClientName. cha: CLIENT_getClientID: Now uses CLIENT_getAskingParams. cha: clientISO / linuxrc: Now creates /dev/vdaX devices. cha: CLCFG_makeDev: Now creates /dev/vdaX devices. +++++ 2013-10-02 new: HELPER_getContentFromURL: Downloads an URL via curl and gives back the site code. new: VM_CloudStack_getServerIP: Gets the external m23 server IP if the m23 server is run as CloudStack VM. cha: getServerGateway, getServerNetmask: Now uses a more general approach to find out the gateway/router IP. +++++ 2013-10-01 cha: getServerIP: Now supports CloudStack too. +++++ 2013-09-30 new: VM_CloudStack_available: Checks, if the CloudStack configuration file is included and contains the needed constants. cha: VM_vmSwNr2Name, VM_getAllVMHosts: Now supports CloudStack too. new: VM_CloudStack_getObject: Gets a new CloudStackClient object. new: VM_CloudStack_getVersion: Gets the version of CloudStack. +++++ 2013-09-27 new: CClient::setNetRootPwd: Generates and sets the netboot root password. new: CClient::getNetRootPwd: Gets the netboot root password. +++++ 2013-09-26 new: CClient::setGetSystemtimeByNTP: Sets, if the system time should be set by NTP. new: CClient::getGetSystemtimeByNTP: Checks, if the system time should be set by NTP. new: CClient::setAddNewLocalLogin: Sets, if the local login should be created. new: CClient::getAddNewLocalLogin: Checks, if the local login should be created. new: CClient::setBoolProperty: Sets a boolean value in the client's settings. new: CClient::setInstallPrinter: Sets, if the local printer should be detected/installed. new: CClient::getInstallPrinter: Checks, if the local printer should be detected/installed. new: CClient::getLanguage: Gets the the language of the client. new: CClient::setTimeZone: Sets the the timezone of the client. new: CClient::getTimeZone: Gets the the timezone of the client. new: HELPER_getBootLoaders: Returns a list of available bootloaders. new: CClient::setBootloader: Sets the the bootloader of the client. new: CClient::getBootloader: Gets the the bootloader of the client. new: CClient::getClientGroup: Gets the m23 group of the client. new:CChecks::checkNfshomeserver: Checks if the NFS share is valid. new: CClient::setNfshomeserver: Sets the NFS share of the client. new: CClient::getNfshomeserver: Gets the NFS share of the client. +++++ 2013-09-24 new: CClient::setArch: Set the CPU architecture of the client. cha: CChecks::checkProxy: Now checks that IP and port are both empty or set too. cha: m23/postinst: Now figures out IP, netmask and gateway if the settings were given by a DHCP server. +++++ 2013-09-23 patch 100685: Now the groupnames can contain white spaces without getting stopped by the variable firewall. fix: checks.php: Now CC_groupnameOrEmpty accepts white spaces (Thx Oliver). +++++ 2013-09-18 fix: CHECK_str, CHECK_strAlphaNum, CHECK_strAlpha: Now returns false, if the input value is empty and empty values are not allowed. cha: CHECK_FW: Now ignores empty input values only when in firewall and not in check mode. +++++ 2013-09-16 cha: CClient::destroy: Now removes the client from the server's /etc/hosts. cha: CClient::setIP: Now adds the client to the server's /etc/hosts. new: CClient::addJob: Adds a job to the client's job table. new: CClient::startInstall: Starts the installation on the client. new: CClient::setInstallationStatusBar: Sets new percent value and/or new status text on the client's installation status bar. new: CChecks::checkUserGroupIDs: Checks the user ID and group ID are valid. new: CClient::setUserGroupIDs: Sets the user ID and group ID (for LDAP). new: CClient::getGroupID: Returns the (LDAP) group ID. new: CClient::getUserID: Returns the (LDAP) user ID. new: CClient::setLDAPServer: Sets the LDAP server. new: CClient::getLDAPServer: Returns the LDAP server of the client. new: CClient::getLogin: Returns the user's login. new: CClient::getFamilyname: Returns the user's familyname. new: CClient::getForename: Returns the user's forename. new: CClient::getFirstpw: Returns the user's first password. new: CClient::addToCredentialsToLDAPServer: Adds the credentials of the main (desktop) user to the given LDAP server. new: CChecks::checkGroupname: Checks if the groupname is valid. new: CClient::addToClientGroup: Adds the client to an m23 client group. +++++ 2013-09-15 new: CClient::setRootPassword: Sets the root password for the client. cha: CHECK_FW: Now has an extra check mode for minumum length of the input value. new: CChecks::checkRootpassword: Checks if the root password is valid. new: CChecks::checkLanguage: Checks if the language is valid. new: CClient::setLanguage: Sets the the language of the client. +++++ 2013-09-14 cha: CClient::__construct: Now has a parameter to check the input variable. cha: CPoolFromClientDebsGUI, CPoolFromClientGUI, CLIENT_addClient: Now are using the new CClient constructor. new: CChecks::checkForename: Checks if the user's forename is valid. new: CChecks::checkFamilyname: Checks if the user's familyname is valid. new: CChecks::checkOffice: Checks if the given office name is valid. new: CChecks::checkEmail: Checks if the given eMail is valid (or optionally empty). new: CClient::setUserDetails: Generates HTML code for returning to the client control center page. new: CChecks::checkProxy: Checks the IP and port of the package proxy. new: CClient::setPackageProxy: Sets the IP and port of the package proxy. new: CChecks::checkLogin: Checks if the given login is valid. new: LDAP_getTypes: Returns an array with the known LDAP types. new: CClient::setLDAPType: Sets the LDAP type. new: CClient::getLDAPType: Returns the LDAP type of the client. new: CChecks::firstpw: Checks if the first name's password is valid. +++++ 2013-09-13 new: CClient::setDNS: Sets the main and (optionally) the backup DNS server(s). new: CClient::getDNS1: Returns the IP of the main DNS server. new: CClient::getDNS2: Returns the IP of the backup DNS server (if set). +++++ 2013-09-12 patch 100684: Replaces medibuntu.org (obsolete) with videolan.org in the Linux Mint sources lists. cha: Replaced "http://packages.medibuntu.org" with "http://download.videolan.org" in the sources lists "Linux Mint 13 Maya" and "Linux Mint 9 KDE", because medibuntu.org is obsolete now. +++++ 2013-09-05 patch 100683: Now the list of available kernels is updated on refresh. new: forkFunctions.inc / downloadBazaarRepo: Downloads a Bazaar repository to the current directory. new: forkFunctions.inc / createNewBazaarRepo: Adds the files and directories of the current directory to a new Bazaar repository cha: forkFunctions.inc / copym23: Now calls createNewBazaarRepo. +++++ 2013-09-04 cha: SRCLST_packageInformationOlderThan: Now checks for a minimum size of the lists directory too. patch 100682: Improved merging of release and development changelog. cha: m23uploadChangelog: Now uses mergeChangelog. new: forkFunctions.inc / mergeChangelog: Merges the changelogs from release and development tree (if both are existing) or just copies the existing changelog. +++++ 2013-09-02 new: forkFunctions.inc / getm23Dir: description Shows the full path to the active m23 directory or exits with an error. new: forkFunctions.inc / getmdkDir: Shows the full path to the active mdk directory or exits with an error. patch 100681: Added new option to disable root access via sudo for Ubuntu-derivatives, deactivation of SSL check now works, kernel list now sorted with generic kernels first. new: CLCFG_disableSudoRootLogin: Disables getting root rights of normal users via sudo. new: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptionsUbuntu: Shows additional distribution specific options for Ubuntu. cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount2: now shows group table with alternating line colors and mouseover effect. new: HELPER_compareLengthAbc: new function to compare strings first by length and then by alphabet. new: HELPER_sortByLength: new function to sort arrays by length and alphabet-position of their values. cha: m23/inc/debian/packages.php: function to get kernel list (PKG_getKernels) now outputs an ordered kernel list. cha: m23/inc/halfSister/packages.php: function to get kernel list (PKG_getKernels) now outputs an ordered kernel list. cha: CLCFG_addDistributionSpecificOptions: Now adds 'disableSSLCertCheck' and 'CB_disableSSLCertCheck'. +++++ 2013-08-28 patch 100680: Many improvements to the m23 cli. +++++ 2013-08-27 new: CLI_getModulePath: Checks, if a module exists and builds the full path to the module file. new: CLI_getModuleInfo: Gets information about a given module. new: CLI_getModuleDescription: Gets the description about a given module. new: CLI_getModuleParameter: Gets the parameter(s) about a given module. new: CLI_getModuleParameterLine: Gets the information line with module name and parameter(s) about a given module. new: CLI_showAllModuleDescription: Shows a list of all modules with their descriptions. patch 100679: CSS improvements. cha: CSS improvements: Now the current row the mouse points to in many tables is highlighted. +++++ 2013-08-26 patch 100678: Fix for the mass installation dialog and smal fixes. fix: massInstall.php: Fixed call time pass by reference. fix: CLCFG_monoRemove: Corrects syntax if BASH's [ ]. new: HELPER_trimValue: Runs trim on the input parameter and writes the result back. new: PKG_cleanPackageLine: Removes unwanted characters from a line containing package names and makes sure that there is only one line without line breaks. cha: PKG_addStatusJob: Now calls PKG_cleanPackageLine on normal package installation or removal. +++++ 2013-08-24 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine, BURN_blank, CPoolLister::__construct: Commented out debug code. cha: print_r2, calculator.php, themeChoice.php: Now uses echo instead of print. cha: check.php: Removed. +++++ 2013-08-22 patch 100677: Corrects output of the package selection optimisation. fix: PKG_combinem23normal: Now adds the needed space between the package names. +++++ 2013-08-19 patch 100676: Fixed update buttons. fix: install_packages.php: Now the update button is shown only when in update mode. +++++ 2013-08-18 release 13.2 patch 100675: Smal fix for package installation, updated documentation. new: Translations complete. New manuals and development guide. fix: install_packages.php: Now the client name is stored. +++++ 2013-08-17 patch 100674: New network bootimages to add SSH login (e.g for client's realtime status) again. cha: createRFSBins: Now adds libnsl.so.1 for dropbear. patch 100673: Configuration for the netbootimages. cha: BusyBox config: Now the BB's internal functions are used to handle /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd. new: DebianSystemCleaner-PrepareVMForCompression: Removes unneeded packages from a Raspbian installation and prepares for compression. +++++ 2013-08-14 patch 100672: Presetup works now on Wheezy bootimages. fix: CIR_waitForNextJob: Increased check size for empty fetched work.phps to 15 bytes. patch 100671: Fixes for Debian Wheezy booimages. cha: *.php: Changed all BASH "test" calls to "[ ]" syntax. new: workPhpName: Generates an unique name for storing the work.php file. cha: executeNextWork, CIR_waitForNextJob: Now uses workPhpName. +++++ 2013-08-13 patch 100670: Support for Linux Mint assimisation, Debian Wheezy based netbootimages, option for disabling the SSL certificate check for all clients. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now uses the BASH version of hwsetup. +++++ 2013-08-12 cha: Kernel configuration: Changed ramdisk size to 80MB. +++++ 2013-08-11 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now checks, if the new IP is nonused. +++++ 2013-08-10 fix: HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscannerByOS: Now the end mark for HSFETCHEOF is set correctly. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now disables ssl certificate checks for Linux Mint 11 and above. new: SERVER_isSSLCertCheckDisabled: Now determines, if the SSL certificate check is disabled globally for all clients. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now calls SERVER_isSSLCertCheckDisabled. new: SERVER_setSSLCertCheckDisabled: Sets, if the SSL certificate check is disabled globally for all clients. new: HTML_imgSwitch: Defines an image button with two states and a text next to it. cha: serverSettings.php: Now has a button to (de)activate the SSL certificate check globally for all clients. +++++ 2013-08-06 new: SERVER_setServerSetting: Sets the value of a server setting. new: SERVER_getServerSetting: Gets the value of a server setting. new: SERVER_existsServerSetting: Checks, if a named server setting exists in the DB. cha: head.php: Now checks, if this is the development version and adjust the coloring of the header. +++++ 2013-08-05 cha: moveDevel2Release: Now calls /mdk/doc/changelog-merger.php. new: changelog-merger.php: Script for merging the changelogs of development and release versions. patch 100669: Export of DHCP setting, optimisation of installation jobs with multiple packages, preparation for assimilsation of halfSister distributions. +++++ 2013-08-01 cha: m23 / postinst: Now increase the size of the normalPackage field to LONGTEXT in the table recommendpackages. new: PKG_combinem23normal: Combines the package names of multiple entries for m23normal and m23normalRemove jobs ind a package selection. cha: PKG_addPackageToPackageselection: Now calls PKG_combinem23normal. +++++ 2013-07-30 new: m23Debs.inc / rsyncUploadSpeedLimit: Determines the maximum upload speed. cha: install_packages.php: Now is using the HTML functions as often as possible. +++++ 2013-07-18 cha: install_packages.php: Now imports and exports the preselected packages of a clients from and to files. new: PKG_importSelectedPackagesFromFile: Imports space-seperated packages from a file and adds them to the wait4acc/selected packages of a client. new: HTML_uploadFile: Shows a dialog for uploading image files. new: HTML_urlButton: Defines a link that appears like a button. +++++ 2013-07-17 cha: menuDeb / uploadtesting: Now uploads the files directly to FRS. cha: menuServerISO: Now shows the architecture too. +++++ 2013-07-15 cha: m23-tftp / postinst: Now restores backuped bootimages from /m23/tftp/bak2.6. new: PKG_exportSelectedPackages: Exports the wait4acc/selected packages of a client. +++++ 2013-07-13 cha: ASSI_prepareClient, MSR_getClientSettingsCommand, MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand, MSR_statusFileCommand: Now are checking, if a halfSister compatible distribution was found and skips the Debian-based distributions setup. new: HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscannerByOS: Fetches the m23HSAdmin tool and m23hwscanner by detection of the OS. new: HS_ASSI_prepareClient: Prepares a halfSister client for assimilisation. new: HS_ASSI_statusFileCommand: Generates the commands to send the package infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_statusFileCommand) if this is an halfSister client to be assimilated. new: HS_getClientSettingsCommand: Generates the commands to send the client infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_getClientSettingsCommand). new: HS_ASSI_getClientSettingsCommand: Generates the commands to send the client infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_getClientSettingsCommand) if this is an halfSister client to be assimilated. cha: m23AssimilateInstall.php: Now uses halfSister functions too. new: DHCP_exportDHCPSettingsForExternalDHCPServer: Exports the DHCP settings of m23 clients that are booting over the network and adds settings for external DHCP servers. cha: de/en/fr client_distr.hlp, manageImageFiles.hlp, client_createImage.hlp: Improved help files concerning imaging. new: exportDHCPSettings.php: Calls DHCP_exportDHCPSettingsForExternalDHCPServer. +++++ 2013-07-10 patch 100668: More adjustments for Debian 7. cha: Package source "wheezy" now includes Triniy desktop 3.5.13. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now doesn't export "wheezy+squeeze+TDE" anymore. +++++ 2013-07-07 cha: htaccess.php: Now uses the mothods of the classes Cm23AdminLister and Cm23Admin. cha: createInitrd: Now creates empty *initrd.img files to satisfy depmod of Debian Wheezy. +++++ 2013-07-06 fix: createRFSBins: Now processes links correctly. cha: downloadExtractRFS / createRFSBins: Switched to Debian Wheezy. +++++ 2013-06-27 cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now has a new option to disable the SSL certificate check of wget. cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Added checkbox to disable the SSL certificate check of wget. cha: debin / clientInstall.php: +++++ 2013-06-25 cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added "wheezy". +++++ 2013-06-24 new: debian-update-howto.tex: Mini howto for patch 100667: Added LXDE, GNOME 3 and TDE for Debian 7. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports "wheezy" and "wheezy+squeeze+TDE" (for installing TDE with all needed packages from Squeeze) too. +++++ 2013-06-22 cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now has an extra parameter, if set to true, an additional line with "session-wrapper=/etc/X11/Xsession" will be added. new: LXDE_install: Installs the LXDE desktop. new: GNOME3_install: Installs the GNOME 3 desktop. +++++ 2013-06-18 cha: CLCFG_language: Now has an extra parameter for setting the release name of the distribution (for special handling). +++++ 2013-06-17 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs grub2 on Debian 7. cha: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Special handling for udev in Debian 7. fix: I18N_addLanguage: Now works with m23shared too. patch 100666: Netboot images are using Kernel 2.9.5 now to (hopefully) fix the problem with older SATA controlers. cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Linux Kernel 3.9. +++++ 2013-06-14 cha: excludem23-tftpdeb: Now excludes clonezilla images. +++++ 2013-06-11 fix: PKG_addPackageToPackageselection: Now stores all selected special packages to the selection. (THX FW). cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Linux Kernel 3.4. +++++ 2013-06-07 fix: group_details.php: Now titles are links no more. +++++ 2013-06-05 patch 100665: Fix for PXE IP calculation. fix: DHCP_calcPXEIP: Now calculates teh numbers correctly on all IPs. +++++ 2013-05-19 patch 100664: Corrected order of inclusion of Cm23Admin.php. fix: index.php: Corrected order of inclusion of Cm23Admin.php. +++++ 2013-05-14 patch 100663: Translations and server installation CD setup help text enhancements. cha: de / en / fr: Translations updated. cha: Cm23Admin.php: Introduced translated I18N tags. cha: m23 / postinst: Now adds the grdmgpg line in sudoers only if it is missing. cha: showNetworkDialog: Now shows a hint for choosing a valid hostname. cha: configureNetwork: Now filters out all 192.168.1.* IPs from /etc/hosts before adding the IP of the server. cha: m23 / postinst: Fixes /etc/sudoers, if there are more than one entry for grdmgpg. +++++ 2013-05-12 patch 100662: French translation enhancements. cha: French translation enhanced (THX Philippe). patch 100661: Added package sources list for "Linux Mint 13 Maya". cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports "Linux Mint 13 Maya" too. +++++ 2013-05-11 patch 100646: Correct detection of patch number. fix: getNextPatchlevel: Now works with release or development version only present. release 13.1 patch 100645: All things for 13.1 included ;-) cha: New manuals and development guide. cha: Added missing screenshots. fix: HELP_showHelpTex: Now converts _ correctly. cha: Translations completed. cha: changelog merged. new: optimisePNGs: Optimises PNGs for size with the help of pngquant. +++++ 2013-05-05 fix: mkRelease: Now uses the correct user for signing the Release file. +++++ 2013-05-03 new: CPoolFromClientDebsGUI::addm23BuildPoolFromClientDebsJob: Adds a m23BuildPoolFromClientDebs job to the client. +++++ 2013-04-30 fix: MSG_getRSSFeed: Now works with RSS time/dates that contain a timezone. new: PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Server: Starts a server to receive the Debian packages from an m23 client. new: PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Client: Client to send the Debian packages to the m23 client. cha: CPool::downloadDebsFromClient: Now uses PKG_ncTarDebsFromClientToServer_Server. +++++ 2013-04-29 new: PKG_rsyncDebsFromClientToServer: Copies all the Debian packages from a client to a given directory on the server via rsync. cha: message.php: changed MSG_showWarning to represent new CSS element warningtable cha: index.css / index_fb.css: added element warningtable cha: reworked CSS for warning messages cha: fdisk.php: exchanged several css classes cha: HTML_jQueryMenu: exchanged css class cha: FDISK_listPartTable exchanged subtable for partTables css class cha: changed both css files cha: FDISK_printBars added css id fdiskbar cha: HTML_showTitle deleted two br cha: FDISK_showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog removed background color +++++ 2013-04-28 cha: CPoolLister::getPoolNames: Now returns an array with the all found pool names or empty array. cha: CPool::setPoolType: Now supports CPoolLister::POOL_TYPE_USECLIENTDEBS too. new: m23BuildPoolFromClientDebsInstall.php: Builds a pool from the Debian packages present on the given client. cha: CPoolFromClientGUI::__construct($clientName): Now doesn't call downloadPackagesAndCreatePool. cha: CPool::downloadPackagesAndCreatePool: Now has the clientname as optional parameter (only needed when downloadDebsFromClient is used). new: CPool::downloadDebsFromClient: Checks, if all pre-requirements for downloading packages to the pool are satisfied. Then starts the routine to download the packages directly from the client. new: MSR_buildPoolFromClientDebs: Builds a CPoolFromClientDebsGUI object and starts the download of the packages from the client to the server and the creation of the pool. new: MSR_buildPoolFromClientDebsCMD: Generates the commands to start the process for building a CPoolFromClientDebsGUI object and to start the download of the packages from the client to the server and the creation of the pool. +++++ 2013-04-23 cha: SERVER_runningInScreen: Changing grep's regexp from single [ to double [[. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now reads all lines from ca.hash and creates hash files on the client. cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Add IPv4 mode on Raspberry Pi. cha: mkCert.sh: Now calls the old hash routine (on new openssl) and the normal routine (on old openssl). So one or two hashes are added. cha: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon: Now wraps the title after 30 characters. +++++ 2013-04-22 fix: PKG_convertPackagesToRepository: Now urlencodes '%' characters. new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheFilename: Returns the file name of the debootstrap cache file (without path). new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheSfURL: Returns the URL to the debootstrap cache file on the SourceForge server. new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerURL: Returns the URL to the debootstrap cache file on the m23 server. new: PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerFile: Returns the full path to the debootstrap cache file on the m23 server. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now uses PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerFile, PKG_getDebootstrapCacheServerURL and PKG_getDebootstrapCacheSfURL. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now downloads the debootstrap cache file too. +++++ 2013-04-17 fix: welcome.php: Fixed call time pass by reference. +++++ 2013-04-16 cha: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_convertPackagesToRepositoryStatus: Removed AJAX status. cha: DISTR_listDistributions: Now filters out baseSysFileLists. +++++ 2013-04-14 cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now sets APT::Force-LoopBreak=true and Acquire::Retries=5. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now uses HELPER_xargsRecursive for downloading the packages. cha: CPoolFromClientGUI::__construct: Now doesn't download the base packages. +++++ 2013-04-13 new: HELPER_xargsRecursive: Executes a BASH command with a list of arguments. If the BASH command fails, the argument list is split in two parts and recursively executed again. +++++ 2013-04-07 cha: CPoolFromClientGUI::__construct: Now creates a package selection too. new: CPoolFromClientGUI::saveInObjectStorage: Saves this object in the object storage. new: CPoolFromClientGUI:: showCheckboxForAddingm23BuildPoolFromClientPackage: Shows a checkbox, that adds a m23BuildPoolFromClient job when checked. cha: client_distr.php: Now calls CPoolFromClientGUI:: showCheckboxForAddingm23BuildPoolFromClientPackage. +++++ 2013-04-06 new: poolFromClient.php: Dialog for creating a pool and package selection from a client's installed packages. cha: remodeled CSS to hold absolute font sizes +++++ 2013-04-05 new: CPoolFromClientGUI::getCOSStatusHumanReadable: Translates the status code (COSSTATUS_*) into human readable word(s). new: CPoolFromClientGUI::getCOSStatus: Gets the status code (COSSTATUS_*). new: CPoolFromClientGUI::runCOSLoop: Function that is called on every run of CObjectStorageManager::getAllObjectsByRes. cha: CObjectStorageManager::getAllObjectsByRes: Now saves the (maybe changed object) after calling runCOSLoop. cha: CPool::startDownloadToPool: Now has an extra parameter to set if the commands for downloading the packages will be returned instead of executed. cha: debian / PKG_downloadPool: Now always returns the commands for downloading the packages. new: CPool::isPackageTaskRunning: Checks if a packages task (download to the pool or creating the pool from downloaded files) is running. cha: CPool::isDownloadRunning, CPool::isConvertPackagesToRepositoryRunning: Now are calling CPool::isPackageTaskRunning. new: CPool::downloadPackagesAndCreatePool: Downloads packages and creates a pool from them in one combined screen session. new: CPool::addPoolStatusFileCommand: Generates BASH code that sets a status in the pool status file. new: CPool::getPoolStatusFileContents: Gets the contents of the pool status file. new: m23BuildPoolFromClient.php: Builds a pool (on the m23 server) from the packages installed on the client. new: CPool::getPoolStatusFileName: Returns the name of the pool status file. +++++ 2013-04-04 new: CObjectStorageManager::getCOSI18NVariable: Gets the contents of an I18N variable for the object (if it exists). new: CObjectStorageManager::getCOSDescription: Gets the description for a given object class. new: CObjectStorageManager::getCOSName: Gets the (human readable) name for a given object class. new: CObjectStorage::statusCodeToHumanReadable: Translates a status code (COSSTATUS_*) into human readable word(s). +++++ 2013-04-03 cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now removes the lock file before every call of apt-get. new: CPoolGUI::getHelpPage: Returns the current help page. new: CPoolGUI::getHeading: Returns the current heading. +++++ 2013-04-02 new: PKG_convertPackagesToRepository: Generates commands for creating a package source from packages stored in one directory. cha: CPool::convertPackagesToRepository: Now calls PKG_convertPackagesToRepository. new: debian / PKG_preparePool: Generates the needed configuration file for reprepro. cha: CPool::preparePool(): Now calls PKG_preparePool. +++++ 2013-03-30 cha: DHCP_calcPXEIP: Now uses native PHP functions. +++++ 2013-03-24 patch 100631: Added CObjectStorage and CObjectStorageManager classes. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now has a new parameter that, if set to true, the commands for downloading the packages will be returned instead of executed. new: CObjectStorageManager::showList: Shows a list of existing objects matching criteria set by getBy* functions. new: CPool::checkForDistributionSpecificPackageFunction: Checks for a distribution specific package function in the distribution's packages.php file and generates an error message in case it cannot be found. +++++ 2013-03-23 new: CObjectStorageManager::saveObject: Saves or updates an object in the DB. new: CObjectStorageManager::getAllObjectsByRes: Fetches all objects from the DB that can be read via the given MySQL ressource ID. new: CObjectStorageManager::getByIdent: Fetches all objects from the DB that match an identifier. new: CObjectStorageManager::getByClass: Fetches all objects from the DB that match a class. new: CObjectStorageManager::getByIdentClass: Fetches an object from the DB that match an identifier and a class. new: CObjectStorage::__construct: Constructor for new CObjectStorage objects. The object saves/updates or loads an object. new: CObjectStorage::getObjectMethodReturnValue: Checks, if an objects implements a method, calls it and returns the return value. If the method is unimplemented, an error value will be returned. new: CObjectStorage::getCOSStatus: Gets the status code of the object. new: CObjectStorage::getCOSStatusHumanReadable: Gets the human readable status of the object. new: CObjectStorage::getObject: Gets the object. new: CObjectStorage::__destruct: Destructor for storing changed values of the object back to the DB. new: CObjectStorageManager::deleteObject: Deletes an object from the DB that match an identifier and a class. +++++ 2013-03-19 new: CClient::getRelease: Returns the distribution release of the client. new: CClient::getDistribution: Returns the distribution of the client. new: CClient::getSourcesList: Returns the sources list of the client. new: CPoolFromClientGUI::getImportPoolName: Returns the name of this pool. new: CPoolFromClientGUI::setImportPoolName: Sets the name of this pool by the client name. new: CClient::getArch: Returns the architecture of the client. new: CClient::getClientWorkPHPURL: Returns the URL to the work.php for this client. new: CClient::getClientCurrentWorkPHP: Returns the current contents of the work.php for this client. cha: CClient::__construct: Added optional parameter that sets, if the client with the given name must exist. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Added CLCFG_installFirmware. cha: checkForx86_64Toolchain: Now creates the missing links for the crt* files (THX motey). cha: m23-mdk-client: Added libxml-perl and libxml-writer-perl as dependency. +++++ 2013-03-18 patch 100629: Adjustments for the bootimages and m23 kernels (amd64 and i386). new: hwpartner-tool / waitforhttp: Waits for at least 15 HTTP connections. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Removed lilo from the bootloader list. cha: Kernel configuration: Changed ramdisk size to 81920Kb. +++++ 2013-03-17 cha: debian / clientInstall.php: Added CLCFG_installFirmware. patch 100628: Several changes for the upcoming m23 rock 13.1. new: CLCFG_monoRemove: Removes mono packages and installs gnote when tomboy was installed before. new: CLCFG_installFirmware: Installs available firmware packages. +++++ 2013-03-16 fix: PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages: Now works again and uses pre-cached files generated by mkAllBaseSysFileLists. cha: mkm23Deb: Now calls mkAllBaseSysFileLists. new: mkAllBaseSysFileLists: Generates a list of all base system packages for all (Debian/Ubuntu) releases cha: m23 / control: Added apt-utils to the dependencies. cha: SERVERBACKUP_showConfigurationDialog: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_encryptAndUploadBackup cha: SERVERBACKUP_runBackupNowDialog: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_runServerBackupNow add: HTML_showSmallTitle: function which shows a title of the second tier cha: cron.php: replaced HTML_showTitle by HTML_showSmallTitle for $I18N_cronTimeBase and $I18N_addCronEntry cha: VM_VBOXaddonDownloadDialog: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_downloadableVBoxAddons, $I18N_downloadStatus and $I18N_chooseDefaultVersion cha: CIPManagement::singleSettingsAddDialog: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_singleClientsNetworksettings) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPManagement::showUsedIPsAndMACs: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_usedIPs) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showRangesList: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_lockedIpRanges) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showDynamicRangesList: corrected function description, HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_dynamicIpRanges) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showRangesAddingDialog: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_IPRanges) instead of HTML_showTitle cha: CIPRanges::showSearchDialog: HTML_showSmallTitle($I18N_search) instead of HTML_showTitle +++++ 2013-03-15 cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Added #!/bin/sh to indentify the afterChrootInstall.sh script. +++++ 2013-03-12 cha: client / linuxrc: Removed ps' parameter '-A', because it doesn't exist in this BusyBox release cha: PKGBUILDER_showUploadDialog, PKGBUILDER_listFiles: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' cha: SRCLST_showEditor: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' cha: DISTR_getDesktopsCBList: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' cha: install_packages.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for I18N_found_packages and $I18N_preselected_packages cha: makeBootCD.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_used_burner, $I18N_make_bootcd, $I18N_blank_cdrw cha: burn.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_burner_status cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_daemons cha: serverSettings.php: replaced class 'title' by 'titlesmal' for $I18N_components, $I18N_system, $I18N_serverHacks +++++ 2013-03-11 cha: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: Now uses the mount point as array key. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Now uses the package proxy of the m23 server. new: showCurrentWorkPHP.php: Shows the current work.php contents for the client. new: CClient::getBackToDetailsLink: Generates HTML code for returning to the client control center page. new: HTML_sourceViewer: Creates a source viewer area that polls source code from a given URL. +++++ 2013-03-06 cha: createRFSBins: Removed "init" form the list of native tools (now in BusyBox) cha: server / etc / inittab: Changed to match format of BusyBox's init. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now adds firmware-linux-nonfree. +++++ 2013-03-05 cha: PKG_savePackageselection: Now has extra parameter for setting the status of the clientjobs that should be added. cha: PKG_addPackageToPackageselection: Removed $client parameter. cha: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: Now is called PKG_addPackageToPackageselection. new: CClient::getClientPackages: Returns an array or a space separated list of all packages installed on a client +++++ 2013-02-26 cha: index_fb.css: changed button layout cha: PREF_showPreferenceManager(): removed ridges from table in subtable2 which looked bad in both CSS and added padding because first word was cut off +++++ 2013-02-25 m23hwscanner: Now checks for (needed) parted and exits, if it is not found. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / chrootSystem: Added workaround for missing modules.dep to disable the repeated showing of the "FATAL" error. +++++ 2013-02-24 fix: extractFile: Now gets the PID of the 7-Zip process more precisely. cha: m23install.sh: Now should work with all USB keyboards. cha: Cm23Admin.php: added layout for themeChoice in getCSS cha: index.css: added shadow to subhighlight class cha: index_fb.css: added class for framed images cha: index.css: added class for framed images cha: themeChoice.php: changed layout +++++ 2013-02-23 cha: serverSettings.php: added themeChoice cha: index.php: added themeChoice, added showMessages for m23Admin new: /misc/themeChoice.php: introduced theme choice page +++++ 2013-02-22 new: HTML_AJAXAutoSubmit: Defines AJAX code that clicks a submit button when the given URL returns 'submit'. The defined constant should be used as LAST part of the $extra parameter in the HTML_submit function. new: HTML_getOutputBuffer: Gets the complete (previously rendered) HTML output buffer. new: HTML_setOutputBuffer: Sets (replaces) the complete (previously rendered) HTML output buffer, that will be sent to the webbrowser. +++++ 2013-02-19 new: CChecks::checkPoolName: Checks if the pool name is valid. new: CChecks::genericCHECK_FW: Generic checking routine, that checks if an input value matches a rule. cha: CHECK_strAlpha, CHECK_strAlphaNum, CHECK_int, CHECK_float, CHECK_str: Now has an extra parameter that set to true if you want to return (instead of aborting the program) when an error in the input is found. new: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_convertPackagesToRepositoryStatus: Shows information (status of the Packages* generation, sources.list) about the currently generated pool. new: CPoolGUI::DEFINE_convertPackagesToRepositoryStatus: Defines dialog elements for the status of the Packages* and sources.list generation of the currently generated pool. new: CPoolGUI::DEFINE_showDownloadStatus: Defines HTML elements for the package download status of a pool. new: CPool::stopDownloadToPool: Stops the download of packages to the pool. +++++ 2013-02-18 new: poolSizeLog.php: Shows the size of a given pool. new: convertPackagesToRepositoryLog.php: Shows the contents of the convert packages to repository log file. new: HTML_liveSpan: Creates a span that updates itself via AJAX by polling from a given URL. new: CPool::getConvertPackagesToRepositoryLogName: Returns the full file name of the convert packages to repository log file. new: CPool::getConvertPackagesToRepositoryLogNewLines: Gets the last (new) lines of the (growing) convert packages to repository log file. new: CPool::isConvertPackagesToRepositoryRunning: Checks if the conversation of downloaded packages to a repository is running. new: CPool::getDownloadLogNewLines: Gets the last (new) lines of the (growing) download log file. new: HELPER_getNewLogLines: Gets the last (new) lines of a (growing) log file. cha: clientLiveLog.php: Now uses HELPER_getNewLogLines. +++++ 2013-02-17 new: CPool::convertPackagesToRepository: Generates a package source from packages stored in one directory. +++++ 2013-02-13 new: poolDownloadLog.php: Shows the contents of the APT log file (download of packages to a pool) for a given pool. +++++ 2013-02-12 new: CPool::isDownloadRunning: Checks if a download of packages to the pool is running. new: CPool::getDownloadLogContents: Gets the contents of the download log file. +++++ 2013-02-11 new: CMessageManager::deleteAllMessages: Deletes all messages from the message stack. new: disconnectLoop: Disconnect loop devices that match the search string. cha: createRFSFinishInitrd: Now calls disconnectLoop. +++++ 2013-02-10 cha: listBusyBoxVersions: Changed to look for tar.bz2. +++++ 2013-02-09 cha: checkKernelBranch: Added Linux kernel 3.2. cha: listKernelVersions, menuKernelDownload: Now has support for Linux kernels 3.x. +++++ 2013-02-08 new: CPoolGUI::DIALOG_startPackageDownload: Starts the download of packages to the pool and shows a button to go back to the start, if there were errors or a button to go to the download status page, if all is well. new: CPool::startDownloadToPool: Checks, if all pre-requirements for downloading packages to the pool are satisfied. Then starts the distribution specific download routine. new: CPool::getPoolImportedFromSourceslist: Gets the complete sourceslist that was used to download the packages into the pool. new: CPool::setPoolImportedFromSourceslist: Sets the complete sourceslist that was used to download the packages into the pool. new: CPool::getPoolDistribution: Gets the distribution value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolDistribution: Sets the distribution value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolImportedPackageList: Gets the list of packages that were downloaded (or have to be downloaded) into the pool. new: CPool::setPoolImportedPackageList: Sets the list of packages that were downloaded (or have to be downloaded) into the pool. new: CPool::hasPoolDownloadBasePackages: Checks, if base packages should be downloaded. new: CPool::setPoolDownloadBasePackages: Sets, if base packages should be downloaded. new: CPool::preparePool: Generates the needed configuration file for reprepro. +++++ 2013-02-06 new: CPoolGUI::show: Shows the start dialog for creating, adding, deleting and changing pools. cha: CPool::DIALOG_start now is CPoolGUI::DIALOG_start. cha: CPool::DEFINE_nextStepCopyDownloadPackages now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_nextStepCopyDownloadPackages. cha: CPool::DEFINE_changePoolDescription now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_changePoolDescription. cha: CPool::DEFINE_loadDeletePool now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_loadDeletePool. cha: CPool::DEFINE_createBasicPool now is CPoolGUI::DEFINE_createBasicPool. +++++ 2013-02-05 new: CPool::DIALOG_start: Shows the start dialog for creating, adding, deleting and changing pools. new: CPool::DEFINE_nextStepCopyDownloadPackages: Defines a button for going to the next step (copy or download of packages). new: CPool::DEFINE_loadDeletePool: Defines dialog elements for loading or deleting a pool. new: CPool::DEFINE_createBasicPool: Defines dialog elements for creating a basic pool. cha: CPool::HTML_createBasicPool: Replaced by CPool::DEFINE_createBasicPool. new: CPool::DEFINE_changePoolDescription: Defines dialog elements for changing the pool description. new: CPool::getPoolDescription: Gets the description value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolDescription: Sets the description value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolDir: Gets the directory of the pool. +++++ 2013-02-04 new: CPool::getPoolName: Gets the name of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolName: Sets the name of the pool and create the pool directory. new: CPool::createBasicPool: Sets the name, type and architecture of the pool and creates the pool directory. new: CPool::HTML_createBasicPool: Generates a dialog for creating a basic pool. +++++ 2013-02-03 new: CPool::getPoolSourceslist: description Gets the sourceslist value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolSourceslist: Sets the sourceslist value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolRelease: Gets the release value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolRelease:Sets the release value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolType: Gets the type value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolArch: Sets the type value of the pool. new: CPool::getPoolArch: Gets the architecture value of the pool. new: CPool::setPoolArch: Sets the architecture value of the pool. new: CPool::setProperty: Writes the contents of a property file new: CPool::getProperty: Reads the contents of a property file new: CPool::getSize: Calculates the disk usage of a pool. new: CPool::setPoolDir: Sets the name of the pool and makes sure, the pool directory exists. new: CPool::destroyPool: Deletes the pool cha: i18n.php: introduced constant for list of languages and removed that list from function I18N_m23instLanguage($shortLanguage) cha: /m23admin/index.php: included the two new classes +++++ 2013-01-28 cha: m23-xorg-configuratior: Now doesn't exit in Linux Mint 13 (that is based on Ubuntu 12.04) cha: m23-skel / postinst: Now adds dconf settings for Cinnamon when execured on Linux Mint 13. new: sources list precise+Xorg-updates: Normal Ubuntu 12.04 sources list including updates for Xorg (e.g. includes updated Intel drivers). cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports precise+Xorg-updates too. cha: m23-xorg-configurator-wait.conf: Added mdm to the list of display managers. +++++ 2013-01-27 cha: de / redo_client.hlp: Added German translation. cha: CLCFG_installMintDM: Now sets the default display manager in /etc/skel/.dmrc too. cha: forkFunctions.inc / diffExcludeMeld: Now complains, if not executed under an X11 session and without meld installed. +++++ 2013-01-26 cha: m23-skel: Added dconf settings for Cinnamon. +++++ 2013-01-23 cha: m23AddUserInstall.php: Now adds the normal user to the root group, so the user can be given root rights by giving him the root password. cha: class Cm23Admin: added functionality to add and delete admins cha: DB table 'clients': extended table by one column +++++ 2013-01-22 new: class Cm23AdminLister new: class Cm23Admin new: DB table 'clients' +++++ 2013-01-20 cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now adds debconf settings for samba. +++++ 2013-01-19 new: CLCFG_setDebConfDM: Sets the display manager in debconf. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now uses CLCFG_setDebConfDM. new: CLCFG_installMintDM: Installs the Linux Mint DM display manager. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now can install different display managers. +++++ 2013-01-18 fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now excludes xxx.yyy.zzz.0 IPs. cha: forkFunctions.inc / startDaemons, forkFunctions.inc / stopDaemons: Now starts/stops tftpd-hpa too. cha: ubuntu / info.txt: Now adds Mint13Cinnamon desktop environment. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now contains a list of basic packages for Linux Mint 13. +++++ 2013-01-17 cha menuFork: Now allows all access to the X session of the non root user. cha menuFork: Added new forkFunctions.inc / linkOrTouchINT: Makes a link, if there is an original file, otherwise create an empty file. new forkFunctions.inc / copyNewFilesINT: Copies new files (that didn't exist in the CURRENT fork, but in the OTHER fork) to the CURRENT fork. cha: m23/inc/calculator.php: numbers are now rendered in calculator-typical order cha: 'Fresh Blue' theme: revamped calculator +++++ 2013-01-16 cha: FDISK_findDevNrPosition, CMessageManager::addInfoMessage, CMessageManager::addWarningMessage, CMessageManager::addErrorMessage: Corrected deprecated call-time pass-by-reference. +++++ 2013-01-15 fix: CLCFG_interfaces: Now uses correct path to ethtool (Thx FP). +++++ 2013-01-14 new forkFunctions.inc / diffExcludeMeld: Checks for differences between a development and a release directory and calls meld with the changed files. cha: CSS File for m23 'Fresh Blue' theme added and modified cha: packageBuilder.php, m23base: added $fileSizeByte for file list in package architect fix: .HELP_getHelp: added parameter to remove empty helptable on welcome page fix: welcome.hlp: closed fix: VM_getAllVMHosts: now returns empty array if no vmhosts available +++++ 2013-01-12 cha: incPatchLevelInVersionPhp: Now calls getNextPatchlevel. new: forkFunctions.inc / getNextPatchlevel: Shows the next available patch number. cha: forkFunctions.inc / moveDevel2Release: Now removes the -devel tag from the codename +++++ 2013-01-11 cha: menuDeb / build: Now generates a patch info file only when not in development mode. cha: m23uploadChangelog: Now uploads the changelog from the m23 devel directory and only if in development mode. cha: SF-hg-backup: Now changes the directory, if m23/MDK are in development mode. cha: isDevelExit: Removed. new forkFunctions.inc / getm23ReleaseDir: Shows the full path to the m23 release directory or exits with an error. new forkFunctions.inc / getm23DevelDir: Shows the full path to the m23 development directory or exits with an error. new forkFunctions.inc / getmdkReleaseDir: Shows the full path to the MDK release directory or exits with an error. new forkFunctions.inc / getmdkDevelDir: Shows the full path to the MDK development directory or exits with an error. +++++ 2013-01-09 cha: ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Added "cron" to the base package list. +++++ 2013-01-08 patch 100617: Workaround for Ubuntu kernel question. fix: UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall: Now creates empty /boot/grub/menu.lst for disabling the new non debconf Ubuntu kernel question. cha: index.css: Now aligns contents of subtables on the top of each row. +++++ 2013-01-02 cha: menuBootCD.hlp: Renamed to menuServerISO.hlp. cha: menuServerISO.hlp, menuClientISO.hlp, menuDevguide.hlp, menuManual.hlp: Updated. +++++ 2013-01-01 cha: menuStart: Added "fork". cha: menuStart.hlp: Updated help to the current menu entries. cha: menuDeb: Removed "mkusrm23". cha: menuDoc: Removed "translator". new forkFunctions.inc / forkStatusMessage: Generates a status text with the currently active fork (development or release), the release and development directories of m23/MDK. new forkFunctions.inc / isDevelExit: Checks if /m23 and /mdk are linking to the development version. new forkFunctions.inc / startDaemons: Starts the MySQL and Apache 2 daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / stopDaemons: Stops the MySQL and Apache 2 daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / isDevelReturn: Checks if /m23 and /mdk are linking to the development version. new forkFunctions.inc / showExcludeRule: Shows a file/directory excluding rule in human readable form. new forkFunctions.inc / checkLinksNDirs: Checks, if /m23 and /mdk are symlinks and the development directories are not existing new forkFunctions.inc / infoBeforeStart: Shows an info message about what would be done and asks to continue or not new forkFunctions.inc / copym23: Copies the m23 release version to a new development version directory. new forkFunctions.inc / copymdk: Copies the mdk release version to a new development version directory. new forkFunctions.inc / switchRelease: Switches to the (hopefully existing) release version and restarts the daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / switchDevel: Switches to the (hopefully existing) development version and restarts the daemons. new forkFunctions.inc / makeDevel: Creates a development copy of the release directory. new forkFunctions.inc / makeSymlinkm23mdk: Moves the directories /mdk and /m23 to /mdk-dir and /m23-dir. Then creates symlinks form /m23-dir to /m23 and /mdk-dir to /mdk. new forkFunctions.inc / moveDevel2Release: Makes the development version the current release and moves the (now old) release to outdated. new menuFork: Menu for calling different functions of forkFunctions. +++++ 2012-12-14 cha: debian / clinetInstall.php: Now adds the user to the grous lp and scanner. +++++ 2012-12-11 release 12.4 cha: prepareOSDorCompression: Now makes sure that m23debs is removed from sources.list. +++++ 2012-12-10 patch 100616: French language updated. cha: French manuals updated. fix: HTML_submit: Now works with special characters too (that might exist in French strings). +++++ 2012-12-07 cha: m23-initscripts / postinst: Now doesn't show error messages, if non existing files could not be deleted. (THX AR) patch 100614: Smal fix for CUPS management. fix: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now uses an MD5 hash as password for m23cupsadmin, that contains never "illegal" characters. patch 100613: Smal fix for CUPS management. cha: fr: Documentation and translations finished (THX Maren, Philippe). +++++ 2012-12-06 fix: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Fixed addind the user m23cupsadmin to the group lpadmin. patch 100611: New system user for managing the CUPS server on the m23 clients and additional logging of (de)installation jobs. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now adds a new system user for managing the CUPS server with random password. (Sponsored by AR) cha: client_details.php: Now embeds the m23 CUPS username and password in the URL of the printer icon. (Sponsored by AR) +++++ 2012-12-03 cha: CLCFG_aptGet: Now sends success or fail status to the client's log and in case of an error the apt-get output too. +++++ 2012-11-24 patch 100610: Another fix for EDIT_insertLineNumber. fix: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now removes newlines and other unwanted characters form the line number. patch 100608: Smal and important fix for EDIT_insertLineNumber. cha: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin: Switched back the inserting algorithm. fix: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now doesn't convert the line number to int, because it can be a BASH variable name too. patch Now escapes the search line in EDIT_searchLastLineNumber. fix: EDIT_searchLastLineNumber: Now escapes the search line. patch 100607: New LDAP servers are now inserting before the closing PHP tag. +++++ 2012-11-23 cha: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin: New LDAP servers are now inserting before the closing PHP tag. +++++ 2012-11-22 patch 100606: Documentation for German and English finished and smal fixes for editing a client. cha: version.php: Changed to 12.4. +++++ 2012-11-20 cha: menuDeb: Removed "hwscanner" menu entry, because the hwscanner doesn't need compiling any more. cha: de/en: Documentation and translations finished (THX Maren). +++++ 2012-11-12 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Added images for the modi "Keep or increase system partition" and "Percentage adjustment". +++++ 2012-10-29 fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Now uses the variable firewall correctly on MACs now. fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Now sets proxy setting correctly. +++++ 2012-10-22 patch 100603: Smal fix for IP management and enhancement of XOrg configurator. +++++ 2012-10-20 fix: hwpartner-tool: Corrected requirements for the tests. fix: hwpartner-tool / soundTest: Now runs the correct amount of given output channels. +++++ 2012-10-16 cha: m23-xorg-configurator.conf: checkNoXorgConfNeeded: Checks, if Xorg will run well without an xorg.conf (Xorg version 1.11.3 or higher). +++++ 2012-10-15 cha: hwpartner-tool: Added opticalTest (Thx Maren). +++++ 2012-10-11 fix: m23/postinst: Fixed backup file name for dhcpd.conf cha: m23/postinst: Now removes the possible space before 'host'. patch 100601: Enhances client filtering. cha: CClientLister::getClient: Now uses OR combination to filter the results. patch 100599: Some corrections for the IP management. cha: checkNotInRange: Now checks for dynamic and static ranges. patch 100599: Added IP management. cha: CC_groupname: Now limits the group name to 200 character. +++++ 2012-10-10 cha: DISTR_startInstall: Now installs an extra package that configures upstart for normal running in an installed system. +++++ 2012-10-09 fix: CLCFG_language: Now should create the correct locales on Ubuntu (Thx AR). +++++ 2012-10-08 new: CMessageManager::addMessage: Generic function for adding a message to a message queue. new: CMessageManager::addInfoMessage: Adds an info message to the info message stack and sets the info flag. new: CMessageManager::addWarningMessage: Adds a warning message to the warning message stack and sets the warning flag. new: CMessageManager::popInfoMessagesHTML: Returns all info messages and deletes the info message stack. new: CMessageManager::popWarningMessagesHTML: Returns all warning messages and deletes the warning message stack. new: CMessageManager::hasInfo: Returns if there are infos. new: CMessageManager::hasWarnings: Returns if there are warnings. new: CMessageManager::showInfo: Shows existing info messages in an info box if there are any. new: CMessageManager::showWarning: Shows (hopefully not) existing warning messages in a warning box if there are any. new: CMessageManager::showMessages: Shows all existing messages in the according boxes. cha: m23/postinst: Now converts the old dhcpd.conf format to the new format. new: DHCP_delSubnetDefinition: Removes a subnet definition from the dhcpd.conf. new: DHCP_getNetmaskOfDynamicRanges: Gets the netmask of a dynamic range identified by the first IP of the range. cha: DHCP_addSubnetDefinition: Now adds an empty subnet only when no dynamic range with the same subnet is defined. +++++ 2012-10-05 new: IPRanges::getAllLockedRanges: Gets all locked IP ranges in their otiginal format. cha: IPRanges: Renamed to CIPRanges. new: CIPRanges::getAllLockedIPsInt: Gets all locked IPs as int values. cha: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now adds locked ranges by calling CIPRanges::getAllLockedIPsInt. +++++ 2012-10-04 cha: debian/PKG_searchFor: Now gets all architectures of the sources list via array as parameter and gets package info about all choosen architectures. +++++ 2012-10-03 new: HTML_checkBoxCheckAll: Generates an array with all checked checkboxes. It assumes that the names of the checkboxes begin with 'CB_' and the value of a checked checkbox is 1. new: CClientLister::generateHTMLClientNameIdCheckbox: Generates a checkbox for a client and its ID. new: CClientLister::importCheckedClientNamesIds: Imports the clientnames/IDs of the checked checkboxes. new: CClientLister::getCheckedClientNames: Returns name (as key) and ID (as value) of checked clients as array. new: CClientLister::setClientListExtraLine: Sets the extra line that will be shown at the end of the client list. new: CClientLister::showClientListExtraLine: Shows the extra line at the end of the client list. new: CClient::isNetbootActive: Check, if network booting is active for the client. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now returns true on successfully restarting the DHCP server. new: CClient::deactivateNetboot: Deactivates network booting for the client. new: CClientLister::destroy: Destroys a client finally. +++++ 2012-10-02 new: HTML_submitImg: Defines a graphical submit button. new: CClientLister::getAscDescHeader: Generates a sorting header with column title and ascending/descending button. new: CClientLister::getStatusHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's status. new: CClientLister::getClientNameHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's name. new: CClientLister::getInstallDateHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's installation date. new: CClientLister::getLastModifyHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's last modifikation date. new: CClientLister::sortLines: Does extra line sorting of special fields, that could not be sorted by SQL. new: CClientLister::cmpArrayElements: Builds a sorting function that compares the colums of two arrays. new: CClientLister::getColumnNrWithContinousNumber: Figures to column number which contains the continous numbers. new: CClientLister::getColumnNrToSort: Figures out to column number which contains the values to sort. new: CClientLister::isAscending: Checks if the sorting of the column is ascending. new: CClientLister::getJobsHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's waiting. new: CClientLister::getGroupHeader: Generates a sorting header for the client's groups. +++++ 2012-10-01 new: CClientLister::setOutputColumns: Sets the sequence of the columns to show in the output table. new: CClientLister::showClientListHeader: Shows the table header of the client output list. new: CClientLister::showClientTable: Shows the table with matching clients and their given columns. new: CClient::getID: Returns the ID of the client. new: CClient::generateHTMLStatusBar: Generates HTML code containing the status of the client with links to the pages. cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Now sorts the normal packages by name (Thx AR). cha: PKG_listPackages: Now assigns the first architecture of the sources list to PKG_searchFor (Thx AR). new: CClient::getModifyDateHumanReadable: Returns the last modified date in human readable form. new: CClient::getInstallDateHumanReadable: Returns the installation date in human readable form. new: CClient::generateHTMLClientNameBar: Generates an URL with the client name linking to the client details page. new: CClient::generateHTMLPackagesBar: Generates an URL with the amount of the client's packages linking to the client packages page. new: CClient::generateHTMLWaitingAllJobsBar: Generates an URL with the amount of the client's waiting jobs and all jobs linking to the change jobs page. cha: GRP_showClientGroups: Nos has an extra parameter if set to true, the list will be shown, if set to false returned instead. cha: CClientLister::getActionString: Becomes CClient::getActionString. new: CClientLister::getActionString: Gets the action string. +++++ 2012-09-29 new: CClientLister::getActionString: Generates the action string (e.g. an URL for GET) new: CClientLister::setActionString: Sets the action string, where CLIENT_NAME will be replaced by the actual name of the client and CLIENT_ID by its ID. +++++ 2012-09-28 new: CClientLister::resetGetting: Sets back the MySQL connection to initalise a new search and getting of clients from the beginning. +++++ 2012-09-27 new: CClientLister::addStatusFilter: Adds an OR filter to get only clients that gave the given status (stati). new: CClientLister::addGroupFilter: Adds the group filter to get only clients that are into the given group. new: CClientLister::addSearchFilter: Adds a search filter to get only clients that match the search word in at least one table field. new: CClientLister::setAscending: Sets the output ordering ascending (default) or descending. new: CClientLister::vmRunOnHostFilter: Sets a filter to only give out virtual clients that are hosted on a given VM host. new: CClientLister::getClient: Gets a client matching all active filters. This can be called many times. +++++ 2012-09-26 new: HTML_manipulateOutputBuffer: Manipulates the output buffer with already generated HTML code and replaces all occurrences the search term with the replace term. new: MSG_showMessageBoxPlaceholder: Shows a placeholder for message boxes at the position of execution. new: MSG_placeOrReturnMessageBox: Replaces a (maybe) existing message box placeholder with the given text. cha: MSG_showMessageBox: Now uses MSG_placeOrReturnMessageBox. cha: MSG_showMessageBoxPlaceholder: Now calls MSG_showMessageBoxPlaceholder. cha: HTML_showTableRow: Now color marks the row if the first parameter is true. new: CClientLister::setOrderBy: Sets the ordering method for generating the output. +++++ 2012-09-25 new: DHCP_getDynamicRanges: Gets all dynamic IP ranges from the dhcpd.conf. new: DHCP_delDynamicRange: Removes a dynamic IP range from the dhcpd.conf and reboots the DHCP server. new: IPRanges::delDynamicRange: Removes a dynamic IP range from the dhcpd.conf and restarts the DHCP server. new: IPRanges::showRangesAddingDialog: Shows a dialog for adding Ip ranges to lock or to distribute IP settings dynamically via DHCP. new: IPRanges::showSearchDialog: Shows a search dialog. new: IPRanges::getSearchWord: Gets the current unfiltered search word of the search dialog. new: IPRanges::getSearchIP: Gets the current valid IP of the search dialog or false. new: CIPManagement::singleSettingsAddDialog: Shows a dialog for locking client settings (clientname, IP, MAC) or for adding the settings to the DHCP server. new: CIPManagement::showUsedIPsAndMACs: Shows a list of clients/IPs/MACs matching the search term. new: CIPManagement::showDialog: Shows the IP management dialog. +++++ 2012-09-24 cha: ip2longSafe: Now gives back the input, if it is a number. new: IPRanges::findRanges: Finds an IP range that includes a given IP address or all IP ranges. new: IPRanges::getRanges: Finds an IP range that includes a given IP address or all IP ranges. new: IPRanges::checkNotInRange: Checks, if an IP is not part of any IP ranges. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: IPRanges::lockRange: Adds a new IP range to the list of locked IP ranges. new: IPRanges::unlockRange: Deletes an IP range from the list of locked IP ranges. new: IPRanges::showList: Shows a list with locked IP ranges with the possibillity to delete single ranges. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now uses CChecks as far as possible. new: HTML_showTitle: Shows a title. new: DHCP_addDynamicRange: Adds a dynamic IP range to the dhcpd.conf. new: IPRanges::addDynamicRange: Adds a dynamic IP range to the dhcpd.conf and reboots the DHCP server. new: DHCP_addSubnetDefinition: Adds the subnet definition to the dhcpd.conf to let the DHCP server give out network information to clients to other subnets. new: DHCP_lineNumberAffterLastClient: Gets the line number with the last client definition in the dhcpd.conf. +++++ 2012-09-22 cha: DHCP_activateBoot, DHCP_addClient: Now are handling 'none' boot type. new: DHCP_addLineToDHCPDConf: Adds a line to the dhcpd.conf file. new: CClient::activateNetboot: Activates network booting for the client. new: CChecks::checkNonusedClientname: Checks if a client name is valid and if the client doesn't exist and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. cha: checkClientname: Now has extra parameter to check, if the client is nonexisting. new: CClient::getProperty: Gets a client property from $this->clientInfo and dies, if this property is not set. cha: CClient::getBootType, CClient::getStatus, CClient::getGateway, CClient::getMAC, CClient::getNetmask, CClient::getIP, CClient::getClientName: Now are using getProperty. new: CClient::getInstallDate: Returns the installation date. new: CClient::getModifyDate: Returns the last modified date. +++++ 2012-09-20 cha: CLIENT_getStatusimage: Added status blocked. cha: DHCP_addClient: Has a new parameter if set to true, the boot type is set for the client in the DB. new: CClient::setGateway: Sets the client's status. new: CClient::getStatus: Returns the client's status. new: CChecks::checkStatus: Checks if if the client status number is valid. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CClient::setGateway: Sets the gateway address for the client. new: CClient::getGateway: Returns the client's gateway. new: CClient::setMAC: Sets the MAC address of the client. new: CClient::getMAC: Returns the client's MAC. new: CClient::setClientName: Renames a client. new: CClient::getClientName: Returns the name of the client. new: CClient::setIP: Sets the IP of the client to an unsused IP. new: CClient::getIP: Returns the client's IP. new: CClient::setNetmask: Sets the netmask of the client. new: CClient::getNetmask: Returns the client's netmask. new: CMessageManager::addErrorMessage: Adds an error message to the error message stack and sets the error flag. new: CMessageManager::popErrorMessages: Returns all error messages and deletes the error message stack. new: CMessageManager::hasErrors: Returns if there are errors. new: CMessageManager::showError: Shows (hopefully not) existing error messages in an error box if there are any. new: CChecks::checkIPRange: Checks if the input IPs are valid and if the first IP is "smaler" than the second. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. +++++ 2012-09-18 new: CChecks::checkMAC: Checks if a MAC is valid (and optionally if it is not in use) and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkNonusedMAC: Checks if a MAC is valid and if it is not in use. Then adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CClientLister::isMatchingClientPresent: Checks if at least one clients with a given key-value-combination is found. new: CClientLister::IPexists: checks if an IP with the selected IP exists and returns true if yes, otherwise false new: CClientLister::MACexists: checks if a mac with the selected mac exists and returns true if yes, otherwise false new: CClientLister::ClientExists: checks if a client with the selected name exists and returns true if yes, otherwise false new: CChecks::checkNonusedIP: Checks if an IP is not in use and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkIPGeneric: Checks if an IP is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkIP: Checks if an IP is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkDNS1: Checks if the 1st DNS server has an valid IP and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkDNS2: Checks if the 2nd DNS server has an valid IP and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkGateway: Checks if the gateway has an valid IP and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error.new: new: CChecks::checkClientname: Checks if a client name is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. new: CChecks::checkNetmask: Checks if the netmask is valid and adds an error message to the message manager in case of an error. +++++ 2012-09-17 new: CClient::__construct: Constructor for new CClient objects. The object holds all information about a single client and loads the values from the DB. new: CClient::__destruct: Destructor for a CClient object. Before the object is removed from the RAM, all client settings are written to the DB. new: CClient::save: Saves the client parameters and options to the DB. new: CClient::updateModifyDate: Updates the last modified date. new: CClient::updateInstallDate: Updates the installed date. patch 100598: Corrected deprecated call-time pass-by-reference. +++++ 2012-09-13 new: MSG_show: Shows the message block for the messages. (Thx Maren) cha: MSG_showInfo, MSG_showError, MSG_showWarning: Now uses MSG_show. fix: FDISK_addDrivePartitionToRaid, FDISK_addFstab, FDISK_addPart, FDISK_addRaidBeforeFormat, FDISK_autoPart, FDISK_delFstab, FDISK_delPart, FDISK_dev2LDevLPart, FDISK_formatExisting, FDISK_formatPart, FDISK_fstabAddDialog, HTML_listSelection, HTML_storableCheckBox, HTML_storableInput, HTML_storableSelection, IMG_getFormatCompressionFromFile, MAIL_attach, PKG_listRecommendSubPackages, POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Corrected deprecated call-time pass-by-reference. +++++ 2012-09-12 patch 100597: Fixes testing of amd64 only pools in the sources list editor. new: HTML_multiCheckBox: Defines a list of checkboxes, that represent a value each. The values of checked checkboxes are stored in an array and returned. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now calls SRCLST_checkList with the first choosen architecture. cha: HTML_multiCheckBox: Becomes HTML_multiCheckBoxShow. patch 100596: Added prototype for IP management. new: ipManagement.php: Dialog for managing IP settings for non m23 clients. +++++ 2012-09-10 new: HTML_hiddenVar: Create a hidden HTML variable to store values in an HTML form. patch 100595: Added subnet support to the m23 DHCP server. +++++ 2012-09-07 fix: poolBuilder.php: Now sets preferenceForceHTMLReloadValues on loading an moved call to HTML_showFormHeader on top to set the pool type and the architecture correctly (Thx screen). new: DHCP_addSubnetDefinition: Adds the subnet definition to the dhcpd.conf to let the DHCP server give out network information to clients to other subnets. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now calls DHCP_addSubnetDefinition. cha: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now makes sure, th line number is a valid int. cha: EDIT_insertLineNumber: Now adds the text at the end of the file, if the line number is not found in the file. cha: client_partition.php: Moved code to fdisk.php. cha: fdisk.php: Moved unused functions to fdisk-old.php. +++++ 2012-09-06 cha: FDISK_autoPart: Added paramters for minimum and maximum swap partition sizes (Sponsored by AR) cha: FDISK_showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Now has two schemata for automatic partitioning. +++++ 2012-09-05 cha: DHCP_addClient: Now adds "option subnet-mask". +++++ 2012-08-31 patch 100594: Support for subnets, additional usage of jQuery, some smal fixes and improvements. cha: DHCP_addClient: Added gateway to the parameters. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now adds "option broadcast-address" and "option routers" to the dhcpd.conf lines. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Changed call of DHCP_addClient. +++++ 2012-08-30 cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Removed call of DHCP_removePXEcfg in DHCP_activateBoot, because DHCP_rmClient calls DHCP_removePXEcfg. +++++ 2012-08-26 cha: hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Becomes hwpartner-tool. new: hwpartner-loadtest.sh / cardTest: Checks the flash cards (SD, MMC, ...) by mounting, writing and reading a prepared card +++++ 2012-08-25 cha: hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Integrated hwpartner-info, hwpartner-Soundtest. cha hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Added USB port testing. +++++ 2012-08-24 fix: hwpartner-loadtest.sh / LAMPprepare: Now shows the IP of the system. cha: hwpartner-info: Now shows information about all devices of the same kind. +++++ 2012-08-23 fix: POOL_readCD: Now calls POOL_prepare with the choosen architecture. +++++ 2012-08-17 new: CHECK_safeFilename: Make sure, the file/directory name is safe and doesn't contain evil characters. new: HELPER_rmRecursive: Removes a directory with sub-directories and contained files. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient, CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now are calling CLIENT_removeServerCache. cha: CLIENT_removeLiveLogFile: Remplaced by CLIENT_removeServerCache. new: CLIENT_removeServerCache: Removes the client cache on the m23 server. cha: hwpartner-loadtest.sh: Load test script for testing different parts of workstations and servers. +++++ 2012-08-16 cha: LAMPLoadTest.php: Some improvements and creanups. +++++ 2012-08-15 new: LAMPLoadTest.php: Load test script for LAMP systems that tests CPU, memory, MySQL and file system. fix: en / de / fr / client_add.hlp: Corrected syntax for MACs. (Thx Maren) +++++ 2012-08-10 cha: convertTarToDeb: Now uses "z" parameter for extraction of tar files. (Thx FW) cha: m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls "poweroff" as first priority. +++++ 2012-08-09 cha: HTML_jQueryMenuHeader, HTML_jQueryMenuEnd: Now are storing and restoring the Y position of the content in the browser window. +++++ 2012-08-08 new: CLIENT_removeLiveLogFile: Removes the live log file of a given client. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now adds time and date to the log file. +++++ 2012-08-07 new: jQuery.css: New CSS file for the new jQuery menu. +++++ 2012-08-06 cha: client_partition.php: Now uses HTML_jQueryMenu, HTML_jQueryMenuHeader and HTML_jQueryMenuEnd instead of HTML_JSMenuOpener. cha: checkNetmask: Now checks the netmask for correct values (and not only for correct "spelling"). (Thx Maren) new: HTML_jQueryMenu: Creates an entry for the jQuery accordion menu new: HTML_jQueryMenuHeader: Generate code for beginning a the jQuery accordion menu.: new: HTML_jQueryMenuEnd: Generates code for ending a the jQuery accordion menu. new: CLCFG_activateBOOT_DEGRADED: Activates BOOT_DEGRADED on Ubuntu 12.04 to allow booting from degraded RAIDs. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now calls CLCFG_activateBOOT_DEGRADED. new: CLCFG_copyMBRToAllDevices: Copies the MBR code from the boot device to all other devices. +++++ 2012-08-05 cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector, client_distr.php: Now uses FDISK_mdToEndOfArray. new: FDISK_findFstabMountPointByDev: Searches a client's fstab for a device and figures out the according mount point. (Now documented) new: FDISK_getFstabArray: Gets the fstab of a client as array. (Now documented) cha: clientLiveLog.php: Now encodes output into UTF-8. new: FDISK_mdToEndOfArray: Orders all MD devices from the input array to the end of the output array. +++++ 2012-08-04 cha: client_details.php: Now has a link to clientLiveLogComplete.php. new: clientLiveLogComplete.php: Shows the complete live log of a client. new: CLIENT_touchLiveLogFile: Touches the live log file of a given client and returns the full name of the log file (with directory). fix: CLCFG_genFstab: "--force" parameter for grub is not valid any more. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added a fallback grub installation routine. fix: recover_client.php: Now the jobs are re-done instead of (false) setting the client back to "added". +++++ 2012-08-03 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now duplicates the MBR code to all devices. cha: client/linuxrc: Now fetches the public SSH key of the m23 server and start dropbear. cha: CIR_enableDropbear: Now sets the root password even if dropbear is running. cha: CIR_enableDropbear: Now copies (instead of moving) the .ssh directory to /. +++++ 2012-08-02 fix: FDISK_genPartedCommands, FDISK_delPart: Now destroys RAIDs too. +++++ 2012-07-18 menuDep: Now uses bash as interpreter. +++++ 2012-07-13 patch 100593: New variants for setting a client back and reinstalling it again. new: CLIENT_backToRed: Sets a client back to red state, as it was just after adding it. (Sponsored by AR) cha: recover_client.php: Now can be used to run CLIENT_backToRed. (Sponsored by AR) cha: client_details.php: Now has an extra button to call recover_client.php with the CLIENT_backToRed option. (Sponsored by AR) +++++ 2012-07-11 new: dhcpd.conf2dnsmasq.d.sh: Script for converting the dhcpd.conf to the dnsmasq config file. +++++ 2012-07-03 cha: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon, CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon2: Now has an extra parameter for the tooltip text that is shown when the mouse is over the icon. cha: redo_client.hlp: Added help. +++++ 2012-06-27 cha: m23Restore: Now removes old persistent-net.rules. +++++ 2012-06-26 new: bafh_neu.py: Adds new excuses from http://identi.ca/api/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=bastardausrede to bafh_ausreden.php. (Thx Maren) cha: bafh_ausreden.php: Updated. (Thx Maren) +++++ 2012-06-25 cha: MASS_readDBFile: Now returns false if the DB line was empty. (Thx AR) cha: MASS_showOverview: Now adds new lines only if there are input values. (Thx AR) cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now has a new paramter that if set to true, the normal installation and removal jobs are combined to a m23normal and a m23normalRemove job otherwise the jobs are switched back to waiting status. cha: recover_client.php: Rewritten and now can be used to execute the jobs of a client again. cha: client_details.php: Now has an extra button to call recover_client.php with the redo jobs option. +++++ 2012-06-03 release 12.3 patch 100592: Corrected calculation of next free client IP. fix: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Now works on empty servers too. patch 100591: Sources list changes for Ubuntu 12.04. cha: precise: Added option pages. cha: sources list / precise: Deactivated not working desktops. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports precise too. patch 100590: Corrects option page password elements and enables Ubuntu 12.04 textmode installation. fix: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage when Textmode is the desktop. +++++ 2012-06-02 fix: PKG_OptionPageRender2: Now shows password enter options too. cha: CLCFG_interfaces: Now adds a WOL activating line to /etc/network/interfaces. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now installs ethtool tool. cha: client / linuxrc: Now asks for network settings if no settings could be obtained via DHCP. +++++ 2012-06-01 fix: CLIENT_query: If all clients running on a special VM host should be searched, no search string is allowed +++++ 2012-05-21 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: Now converts • to LaTex. cha: de / en / fr / manual.tex: Plugin section removed. cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: Now doesn't stop on errors/warnings. +++++ 2012-05-20 patch 100589: Changed positions to the boot method changing funktions. cha: fr / m23base.php: Exchanged all "'" by "'". cha: m23RebootInstall.php, m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls DHCP_activateBoot. cha: setClientStatus.php: Now doesn't disable network booting any more. +++++ 2012-05-19 patch 100588: Many enhancements for m23's virtualisation. cha: kernel config: Now the Linux kernels are configured to show IDE devices as /dev/sd*. cha: compileKernel: Now uses gcc-4.4 now. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Removed converting /dev/hd* to /dev/sd*. cha: VM_stopVM, VM_pauseVM, VM_resumeVM, VM_createDiskImage, VM_delVMCMD, VM_activateNetbootCMD, VM_createVM, VM_status: Now VM names are safed by quotation marks. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now uses short connection timeouts and attempts. +++++ 2012-05-18 cha: VM_activateNetboot: Now uses VM_rebootAndActivateNetboot and VM_rebootAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall. new: VM_rebootAndActivateNetboot: Reboots an VM and activates network booting. cha: TRINITY_install: Now fetches the GPG key to check the signature of the trinity packages from m23.sf.net. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Added pseudo terminal tty allocation forcing parameter for ssh. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now screen sessions are started via exec. +++++ 2012-05-17 fix: rebootAndDisableNetboot, shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Now really disables network booting. cha: rebootAndDisableNetboot, shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Now are waiting for 10 seconds before stopping the VM. fix: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Fixed execution in screen. +++++ 2012-05-16 patch 100582: Many changes and fixes for the VirtualBox integration. cha: HTML_getElementValue: Now uses special settings for CLIENT_showAddDialog, when used to add an m23 VM to use default values for the check boxes. +++++ 2012-05-15 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now convert /dev/hd* to /dev/sd* in grub's menu.lst/grub.cfg cha: rebootAndDisableNetboot: Now gets/sets the display number before starting the VM again. cha: HTML_checkboxChangerButtons: Added tool tips. +++++ 2012-05-14 cha: MASS_minMaxIP: Replaced by a speed enhanced version (more than 5x times faster). new: ip2longSafe: Special version of ip2long that is safe on 32 bit machines. new: CLIENT_getNextFreeIp: Get the next free IP address that can be used as m23 client. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses CLIENT_getNextFreeIp to make an IP proposal. +++++ 2012-05-13 new: VM_rebootAndDisableNetboot: Generates a BASH command to reboot an VM and to disable network booting. new: rebootAndDisableNetboot: Reboots an VM and disables network booting. cha: m23RebootInstall.php: Now calls VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall. new: VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall: Reboots an VM and disables network booting. new: VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall: Shuts down an VM and disables network booting. new: VM_shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Generates a BASH command to shut down an VM and to disable network booting. new: shutdownAndDisableNetboot: Stops a VM and disables network booting on it. cha: m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls VM_shutdownAndDisableNetbootAfterInstall. cha: m23-skel: Updated KDE 4 settings to give the desktop a brighter appearance. +++++ 2012-05-12 new: VM_shutdownVMAfterInstall: Shuts down an VM and disables network booting. cha: m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now calls VM_shutdownVMAfterInstall. cha: CLCFG_installLightDM: Now installs the greeter package too. cha: CLCFG_configUpstartForChroot: Now checks if /sbin/initctl is a symlink, so it can be executed more times without leading to faults. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForChroot after base install again. +++++ 2012-05-11 cha: VM_createVM: Now uses hardware virtualsiation if available. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now shows special packages that are symlinks. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now disables MOTD for root and m23-vbox. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now sorts the packages. cha: VM_createDiskImage: Now is compatible to VirtualBox 4.x. +++++ 2012-05-10 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now works under Ubuntu 12.04 too. +++++ 2012-05-08 patch 100578: Added calculator, minor improvements. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Added dynamical deactivation for SSL certification checks on Ubuntu from 11.04 to 10. +++++ 2012-05-07 cha: client_distr.php: Now shows a "back to control center" link after assigning the OS. cha: UBUNTU_desktopInstall: Now shows heading for dialog and the status bar. new: CALC_add_number: Adds a number to the calculator. (Thx MH) new: CALC_add_sign: Adds a sign to the calculator. (Thx MH) new: CALC_add_equals: Adds an equal sign to the calculator and calculates the result. (Thx MH) new: CALC_add_dec: Adds a decimal point. (Thx MH) new: CALC_showCalculator: Shows a simple calculator. (Thx MH) +++++ 2012-05-06 patch 100566: Improved Ubuntu 12.04 support. cha: m23-xorg-configurator.conf: Now makes sure that it is started before the display manager. cha: configXOrgconfigure: Now makes sure that Xorg is not running. fix: configXOrgconfigure: Now uses dynamic path to xorg.conf.new. cha: xorgThereSoStop: Now adds reboot statement. +++++ 2012-05-05 cha: xorgThereSoStop: Now makes sure that the /etc/sysconfig(2)/vbox files are existing. +++++ 2012-05-04 new: CLCFG_installLightDM: Installs the light DM display manager. new: CLCFG_setDebConf: Sets debconf settings. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Added driver packages for Ubuntu. cha: CLCFG_fixAPTImmediateConfigure: Becomes UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall. new: UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall: Corrects the settings for Ubuntu after the base packages are installed. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls UBUNTU_fixBeforeBaseInstall and UBUNTU_fixAfterBaseInstall. cha: configXOrgconfigure: Now figures out the dsiplay manager on systems that have initscripts converted to upstart. +++++ 2012-04-30 patch 100565: Added initial support for Ubuntu 12.04. fix: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Corrected path for wgetrc when not executed in the chroot. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now re-configures the openssh-server. +++++ 2012-04-29 cha: configXOrgVBox: Now checks for vboxvideo_drv.so at another directory too. cha: ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_fixAPTImmediateConfigure when executed on Ubuntu 12.04. new: CLCFG_fixAPTImmediateConfigure: Corrects the settings for APT on Ubuntu 12.04. cha: CLCFG_getDebianReleasesGeneric: Now sorts the list of releases. cha: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Now streams all output channels to the server, cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now removes network-interface-security.conf to prevent asking for installation of the maintainer script. cha: work.php: Now stops the real-time client logging when the status switches to green. +++++ 2012-04-27 new: CLIENT_liveLogJobName: Generates the job name of the sever's live log job. new: CLIENT_stopLiveScreenRecording: Stops the screen installation session for real-time client logging. cha: liveLogArea: Now has an extra parameter for the maximum amount of lines to show in the log area. +++++ 2012-04-26 cha: serverSettings.php: Now the HTML anchors are closed. cha: UPDATE_running: Now works together with CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording. +++++ 2012-04-25 new: CLIENT_getAllAsRes: Creates and executes an SQL statement for getting all values of all clients. cha: GRP_listClientGroups: Added sorting of the client groups (Thx AR). cha: PKG_listRecommendSubPackages: Added sorting of the normal package names and the package name (Thx AR). +++++ 2012-04-24 new: HELPER_showBAfH: Shows the German BAfH excuse of the day (Thx MH). new: bafh.php: Shows the German BAfH excuse of the day. cha: serverSettings.php: Shows an icon for +++++ 2012-04-21 cha: m23RebootInstall.php, m23ShutdownInstall.php: Changed priority to 100. cha: SRCLST_alternativeFS: Now ext3 is the default FS if none is found in the package sources list. cha: CLIENT_startInstall: Now calls CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording. +++++ 2012-04-20 cha: dbConnect: Changed to mysql_pconnect. new: HTML_liveLogArea: Creates a log area that updates itself via AJAX by polling from a given URL. new: CLIENT_startLiveScreenRecording: Saves a screen installation session to a log file on the server in real-time. The server runs a screen for consecutively connecting the client. new: CLIENT_touchLogFile: Touches a log file in the client's directorya and returns the full name of the log file (with directory). +++++ 2012-04-14 cha: m23RescueInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_copySSLCert, CIR_setDateAndTimeTemorarily and CIR_writeClientID. +++++ 2012-04-13 fix: PKG_getClientjobsStatus: Now works for special packages too. cha: install_packages.php: Added an extra checkbox for choosing to search complete package descriptions/sizes on Debian/Ubuntu. cha: debian / PKG_listPackages: Now has an extra parameter, if set to true, the full package description and sizes are fetched (time consuming). cha: downloadExtractRFS, package sources list "lenny": Changed Lenny sources to Debian archive. cha: install_packages.php: Now uses more of m23's HTML functions. +++++ 2012-04-12 patch 100563: Now the user can choose multiple package selections for base installation. cha: PKG_multiPackageSelectionsSelection: Now uses PKG_multiPackageSelectionsSelection to let the user choose multiple package selections. cha: PKG_rmNormalJob, PKG_addNormalJob: Now has an extra parameter for choosing the priority of the job. new: PKG_multiPackageSelectionsSelection: Generates a multi selection with all package selections. cha: mkRelease: Now deletes the Release.gpg file, if it has zero size. cha: SRCLST_showEditor, PKG_OptionPageRender2: Now uses HTML_multiCheckBox. new: HTML_getValidSelected: Checks for a valid selected value from a list of possible values. In case the value could not be found, a default value is taken. cha: HTML_selection: Now has an extra parameter for generating a multi selection , where the user can select multiple entries. cha: HTML_multiSelection: Renamed to HTML_multiCheckBox. +++++ 2012-04-06 cha: clients_overview.php: Now user more functions from the HTML api and CLIENT_getOverviewSearchLine and CLIENT_showOverviewSearchDialog. new: CLIENT_getOverviewSearchLine: Checks all client search dialogs and returns the current search term. new: CLIENT_showOverviewSearchDialog: Shows a client search dialog for the client overview. cha: HTML_submitDefine: Now has an extra parameter for adding options to the HTML tag. +++++ 2012-04-05 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added openssh-client. cha: createRFSBins: Added scp. +++++ 2012-04-03 patch 100562: Now changed priorities can be saved as package selection and packages can be checked, unchecked and the selection inverted. cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Now uses HTML_checkboxChangerButtons and HTML_jsCheckboxChanger. new: HTML_checkboxChangerButtons: Defines buttons for changing all check boxes. new: HTML_jsCheckboxChanger: Generates JavaScript code for changing all check boxes. cha: install_packages.php: Now the action default action for packages in a package selection is "install" (Thx AR). cha: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: Added extra parameter for the priority. cha: PKG_savePackageselection, PKG_addPackageSelection: Now gets the package priority from the wait4acc jobs. +++++ 2012-04-02 patch 100561: Adds changing of the package priority. new: PKG_changePrioritySelectedPackages: Changes the priority of selected wait4acc packages. cha: install_packages.php: Now the priority of packages can be changed. +++++ 2012-03-25 patch 100560: Build and upload improvements. release 12.2 fix: cleanOSForCompressing: Now stops and starts Squid at the correct position in the script. fix: m23instUpload: Now copies Release.gpg and Release too. +++++ 2012-03-24 patch 100559: Some partitioning improvements and fixes. cha: en / de / fr / welcome.hlp: Aligned. +++++ 2012-03-23 fix: COS6.2 / sysHWsetup: Now re-builds the initramfs' with RAID support, when RAID is used. cha: HS / clientInstall.php: $rootDevice* becomes $InstPart*. cha: FDISK_printAllBars, FDISK_printBars, FDISK_getDriveInfoIcon,FDISK_getPartInfoIcon, FDISK_getDriveInfoString, FDISK_getPartInfoString: Now are having an extra parameter for fstab information. cha: FDISK_getDriveInfoIcon,FDISK_getPartInfoIcon: Now are showing the mountpoint as alternative texts. +++++ 2012-03-22 cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Now shuts down or reboots the client after creating the image. cha: HS / clientInstall.php: Now creates the fstab entries earlier after chroot and mounts them. +++++ 2012-03-19 cha: m23createImageInstall.php: Now starts dropbear and copies the SSL certificates. +++++ 2012-03-18 cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now calls partprobe, blockdev and "hdparm -z" after partition adding or deletion. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes partprobe. fix: FDISK_printBars: Now the indicator in the partition table jumps to the correct logical partition. fix: m23hwscanner / getPartFS: Now detects the file system of a RAID partition too. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added Squeeze security/update sources and adjusted Etch source. +++++ 2012-03-17 cha: COS6.2, F14, OS11.4 / sysHWsetup: Now activates the software raid. patch 100558: Corrects the update page. cha: menuDeb / uploadtesting: Now duplicates the testing repository to FRS. +++++ 2012-03-14 fix: update.php: Fixed syntax error (Thx AR). patch 100555: Fixes unsigned package source error on openSUSE's update repository. cha: OS11.4 / m23HSAdmin: Now calls zypper with --no-gpgp-checks. +++++ 2012-03-13 patch 100554: Now includes CentOS 6.2 too. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports HS-centos62 too. +++++ 2012-03-12 patch 100553: Many updates and changes for supporting CentOS 6.2. cha: version.php: Changed version to 12.2. fix: debian / m23changeClientInstall.php: Corrected parameters for CLCFG_changeUser. +++++ 2012-03-11 new: checkForMissingHSFunctions.sh: Script for checking the different implementations of m23HSAdmin, if all functions are included in all implementations new: OS11.4, F14: sysChangeUserPass: Changes the password of a user. new: OS11.4, F14: sysChangeUserName: Changes an username. +++++ 2012-03-07 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now changing of the login name is supported too. +++++ 2012-03-06 new: HS_sysChangeUser: changes the settings of an useraccount on a client new: COS6.2: sysChangeUserPass: Changes the password of a user. new: COS6.2: sysChangeUserName: Changes an username. +++++ 2012-03-05 cha: COS6.2: netEnableLDAP: Now works. new: HS / m23changeClientInstall.php: Now has a halfSister version. new: COS6.2: netEnableNFSHome: Now works. +++++ 2012-03-04 new: m23HSAdmin-tester: Script with some testing routines for m23HSAdmin. cha: KDE_install: Added check for kde-plasma-desktop package (used by Ubuntu 12.04). +++++ 2012-03-01 cha: HS-CentOS6.2-i386.tar.7z: Made smaler archive with all packages reinstalled. new: HS-CentOS6.2-amd64.tar.7z: Created a working 64 bit version. +++++ 2012-02-25 cha: COS6.2: sysMakeBootable: Now generates modules.dep. +++++ 2012-02-22 cha: packages_install.php: Now shows a waiting animation while the package search is running. +++++ 2012-02-20 cha: PKG_getPackageSize: Becomes PKG_getPackageDescriptionSize and shows the long desfription of each package. cha: PKG_addStatusJob: Now adds the installation size of the package. cha: HS / debian / PKG_listPackages: Now adds the installed size of the package to the package name in the checkbox. cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages, PKG_listRecommendPackages, HS / debian / PKG_listPackages: Now shows sizes in MB. cha: HS / debian / PKG_listPackages: Now converts special characters in the descriptions to HTML codes. +++++ 2012-02-19 cha: COS6.2: pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now gets the package description and the installed size of the packages too. cha: HS/PKG_listPackages: Now makes found packages unique and shows the complete description. +++++ 2012-02-18 cha: COS6.2: pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now works. +++++ 2012-02-14 cha: menu.php: Commented out all plugin parts. +++++ 2012-02-12 cha: COS6.2: sysMakeBootable: Now works and sorts the newest kernel on top of the grub list. +++++ 2012-02-04 new: HS_pkgUpdateCache: Updates the list of available packages. cha: CLCFG_hwdetect: Now makes sure that usleep exists. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now disables SSL certificate verification for Ubuntu precise. cha: m23fdiskFormatInstall.php: Now makes sure that m23raid.log exists. +++++ 2012-02-03 patch 100552: Password and logout improvements. cha: SERVER_addToHtpasswd: Now allowes arbitrary passwords. cha: index.php: Now redirects to the admin page after logging out. +++++ 2012-01-31 cha: menuDevguide, menuManualStart.sh: Now creates and uploads a CMS download link page for the manuals. +++++ 2012-01-17 patch 100551: Manual fstab entries are now added and mounted. fix: debian / ubuntu / halfSister: Added FDISK_genManualFstab after CLCFG_genFstab to create extra fstab entries. +++++ 2012-01-12 patch 100550: Manual updates. cha: Developer manual updated. cha: User manual updated. patch 100549: Automatic partition and format now uses ext4. cha: FDISK_autoPart: Now uses ext4. patch 100548: Fixes Linux Mint 9 mirror and RAS. new: HELPER_ucrc32: Returns the unsigned crc32 sum of an input value. cha: RAS_showRegistration: Now uses HELPER_ucrc32. +++++ 2012-01-10 fix: Linux Mint 9: Corrected down mirror in package sources list. +++++ 2012-01-08 patch 100547: DHCP and VirtualBox additions installation enhancements. new: DHCP_bootTypeToNewFormat: Converts a boolean boot type to the new string format. +++++ 2012-01-07 cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now uploads the files to webspace and FRS. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now has a special diff and non existing file check routine. new: CIR_setDateAndTimeTemorarily: Sets the date and time by calling 'date' temporarily. cha: m23PresetupInstall: Now calls CIR_setDateAndTimeTemorarily. +++++ 2012-01-05 cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now checks if the vbox file under sysconfig and sysconfig2 exists and adds the error codes to the result of vdiff. fix: DHCP_activateBoot: Now activates network booting only if it was not activated before and vice versa. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now has an extra parameter to specify the boot type. cha: CLIENT_addClient, CLIENT_deleteClient, CLIENT_changeClient: Now are using DHCP_activateBoot only. +++++ 2012-01-02 patch 100545: Installation fixes for openSUSE. fix: OS11.4 / pkgInstallXFce: Now chooses xfce as default WM. +++++ 2012-01-01 fix: OS11.4 / sysWriteCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Now stops cron to make sure that it will not influence the installation procedure new: check_baseSysAvailability: Nagios script that checks an URL on SourceForge for a file that should be available or not. cha: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCache, pkgInstall, pkgInstallPreview, pkgDeinstall, pkgDeinstallPreview, pkgNormalUpdate, pkgNormalUpdatePreview, pkgFullUpdate, pkgFullUpdatePreview, pkgListContents, sysSetLanguage, sysCleanSystem: Now are calling the proxy deactivation script. cha: OS11.4 / pkgSetPackageProxy: Now creates a script for deactivating the proxy. cha: Package sources unstable, sid, testing, lucid, lenny, Linux Mint 9 KDE, squeeze, squeeze+libreoffice: Now are using switch.dl.sourceforge.net for the m23 client packages. +++++ 2011-12-31 new: check_debSourceChecker: Nagios script for testing Debian repositories. cha: OS11.4 / pkgInstallGnome: Added sleeps after every command (maybe this fixes breaking the installation ;-)). cha: OS11.4 / pkgInstallGnome: Now installs teh apckage MozillaFirefox instead of firefox, because firefox was removed. cha: Package sources squeeze+libreoffice, squeeze: Now are using switch.dl.sourceforge.net as Trinity mirror. +++++ 2011-12-30 release 12.1 +++++ 2011-12-28 patch 100544: Fixes and improvements. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now adds and removes the entries in the dhcpd.conf. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now uses DHCP_rmClient. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now marks the entries by alternating colors. +++++ 2011-12-25 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Changed the code that detects if a caching file is available on SF. +++++ 2011-12-23 patch 100543: openSUSE fixes. cha: OS11.4: pkgUpdateCache: Another try to get the caching of packages working again. +++++ 2011-12-22 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Renamed squeeze+backports to squeeze+libreoffice. new: Package sources list squeeze+libreoffice, that includes the backports and enables the libreoffice packages. +++++ 2011-12-20 cha: PKG_downloadPool, PKG_searchFor, PKG_getPackageSize, PKG_printStatus, PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now are configuring APT to not use local sourceslist.d files. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses a loop to create needed directories. cha: PKG_addAPTConfigFiles: Now handles preferences.d too. +++++ 2011-12-19 cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now checks if xorg.conf has at least one line. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now the check for the Virtualbox guest source package is not included anymore. +++++ 2011-12-18 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now is more generic and has new checking routines for package availability. patch 100539: openSUSE changes. cha: OS11.4: sysImportConfDB: Now returns always 0. +++++ 2011-12-16 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now works with new VirtualBox addition ISOs. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now works usernames and passwords with one character. patch 100537: openSUSE changes. cha: OS11.4: pkgInstallX: Now returns always 0. +++++ 2011-12-14 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Made "client can now be started" message more visible. cha: Changed mirror in OpenSUSE 11.4 package sources list. cha: update.php: Added a refresh button to see if the update is still running. +++++ 2011-12-12 patch 100536: Now the package search functions on the m23 server are using configuration files too. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses the name of the package sources list as parameter. cha: SRCLST_getValue: Now converts the list from DB format to normal format. cha: PKG_addAPTConfigFiles: Creates the config files for the package manager on the m23 server. fix: SRCLST_showEditor: Now can handle sources lists that are containing '"'. cha: PKG_searchFor, PKG_getPackageSize, PKG_printStatus, PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_previewInstallDeinstall, PKG_downloadPool: Now are including apt.conf.d with config files. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now creates apt.conf.d too. patch 100535: Package sources lists may now configure the package manager and are including supported file systems and a fallback file system. new: CLCFG_sourceslistCreateConfigFiles: Creates config files for the package manager. cha: CLCFG_sourceslist: Now calls CLCFG_sourceslistCreateConfigFiles. +++++ 2011-12-11 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed etch from the list and added squeeze+backports. new: SRCLST_getAddToFile: Returns addToFile paremters from the given sources list as an associative array, where file name and file contents are seperated. cha: SRCLST_getParameter: Now returns all found lines in an array. cha: SRCLST_supportedFS, SRCLST_alternativeFS, SRCLST_getMirror: Adjusted to the new output format of SRCLST_getParameter. +++++ 2011-12-10 new: SRCLST_getParameter: Returns a special parameter from the given sources list. cha: SRCLST_getMirror: Now uses SRCLST_getParameter. new: SRCLST_alternativeFS: Returns the alternative file system that is supported by the OS. new: SRCLST_supportedFS: Returns an array with file systems that supported by the OS. new: SRCLST_getStorageFS: Returns a file systems that can be used to install the OS and to store data. A wished file system is given and an alternative FS is returned, if this FS is not supported. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now uses SRCLST_getStorageFS. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now has an extra parameter for the sources list. cha: m23fdiskFormatInstall.php: Now calls FDISK_genPartedCommands with the sources list parameter. new: FDISK_adjustFstabParam: Adjust the parameter block of a fstab line to make it use an supported FS. cha: FDISK_genManualFstab, HS_sysAddFstabEntries: Now are calling FDISK_adjustFstabParam to adjust the FS of the fstab line and are having an extra parameter for choosing the name of the sources list. cha: debian / halfSister / clientInstall.php: Adjusted parameters for FDISK_genManualFstab and HS_sysAddFstabEntries. +++++ 2011-12-05 patch 100534: New client added dialog. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now shows a message for starting the client after adding. +++++ 2011-12-04 cha: m23 / postinst: Now creates /m23/log patch 100533: Now removes m23RemoteAdministrationServiceOpenTunnel* from the m23 package. patch 100532: Many changes as preparation for the next m23 version. +++++ 2011-12-03 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / installDebs: Now uses switch.dl.sourceforge.net as package source for the m23 server installation. new: SERVER_killPID: Kills a process running under a given PID or sends a signal. new: RAS_getTunnelPid: Returns the PID of the tunnel that is opened on a given local port. cha: RAS_showStartStopRemove: Now shows two seperate status leds for the www and ssh tunnel. cha: RAS_isRunning: Now has an extra parameter to choose if all services should be checked, or a specific service name. new: RAS_tunnelOpenHTMLStatus: Generates a HTML status line for a tunnel. +++++ 2011-12-02 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now reads the baseSys files from the FRS again. cha: SERVER_getFileContents: Now has no length limit of the output. +++++ 2011-11-27 cha: mkCert.sh: Now generates SSL certificates expiring after 10 years. +++++ 2011-11-26 cha: CLIENT_DETAILS_beginCategory: Now closed the
tag. +++++ 2011-11-24 cha: m23Search: Now filters out OptionPage.php and is caseinsensitive. new: RAS_getChatPassword: Returns and stored the chat password to the m23 server. new: RAS_getChatUser: Returns chat user to the m23 server. new: RAS_chatWindow: Shows the chat window for RAS. +++++ 2011-11-23 cha: m23Backup / createBackupList: Added RAS tunnel scripts. new: RAS_getChatPassword: Returns and stored the chat password to the m23 server. +++++ 2011-11-22 cha: RASClient / clientCommands: Date format for start and stop time is now identically to the afclient format. cha: MENU_showEntry: Now shows the menu entry highlighted even when the current page is stored in POST. cha: client_changejobs.php: Now shows the client name in the title. +++++ 2011-11-21 new: RASServer: The RASServer for managing apf connections. new: RASClient: Script for managing the RASServer. cha: HTML_logArea: Now automatically jumps to the end of the log with JavaScript. +++++ 2011-11-20 new: java-jar-signer.sh: New script for signing jar applets to allow them access to any host. new: tightvnc-jviewer.jar: Is signed now and may access any VNC server in applet mode. cha: RAS_showAccountDataImport: Now has a back button, if there were errors. cha: RAS_importMsg: Now shows better error message, if no message block was given. cha: RAS_showStartStopRemove: Now has a security button for deleting RAS. +++++ 2011-11-15 new: SERVER_killBackgroundJob: Kills a job (that runs in screen) with a given name. new: HTML_logArea: Shows a text area for log information (readonly). +++++ 2011-11-14 new: RAS_showAccountDataImport: Shows a dialog for importing the RAS account data. new: RAS_showRegistration: Shows the registration dialog for a new RAS account. new: RAS_start: Starts the RAS tunnels. new: RAS_isRunning: Checks if the RAS tunnels are open. new: RAS_showStartStopRemove: Shows a dialog for starting, stopping and removing of RAS and status information. new: RAS_writeTunnelScripts: Writes the RAS tunnel scripts. cha: SERVER_daemonStartStop, SERVER_installTool, SERVER_addLineToFile, SERVER_deleteFile, SERVER_delLineFromFile: Now Returns true on successfully execution otherwise false. new: RAS_isInstalled: Checks if RAS is installed. new: RAS_remove: Removes all RAS settings. +++++ 2011-11-13 new: SERVER_insertLineNumber: Inserts a text AT or AFTER a line number or creates a new file with the given name, if it doesn't exists. cha: SERVER_putFileContents: Now returns true on success and false otherwise. cha: VM_getHTMLStatusBlock: Now shows a link (with access data) to vnc-viewer.php. new: vnc-viewer.php: Script for starting TightVNC Java applet. new: SERVER_addAdmin: Adds an administrator with all access rights. new: SERVER_delAdmin: Deletes an administrator with all access rights. new: SERVER_getM23RemoteAdministrationServiceMsg: Gets the account data block from pasted message. new: SERVER_getM23RemoteAdministrationServiceRandomKey: Generates a random key (once) for the m23 remote administration service and returns it on every call. new: HELPER_generateSalt: Generates a random salt string. +++++ 2011-10-23 release 11.4 patch 100529: Squid patch and translations. cha: german / english / french: Texts and translations done. fix: m23 / postinst: Now adds some needed ACLs to squid.conf. +++++ 2011-10-22 patch 100528: Squid patches and enhancements. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now stores the base systems in the web storage of SF to make it cacheble by Squid. cha: m23 / postinst / m23/configureSquid: Now writes a static squid.conf and configures it afterwards. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now re-configures sudo to ensure that /etc/sudoers exists. cha: m23 / postinst: Now removes and adds the patterns in squid.conf when reconfigured or the port is missing. fix: m23-vbox / postinst: Now sets a random password for the user m23-vbox. patch 100525: Smal enhancements for virtualisation. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now removes virtualbox-ose-guest-utils (if present), because the guest utils avoid the execution of the VirtualBox server. cha: CLCFG_setRootPassword: Now adds root to the sudoers file (if missing). cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now filters out the "stdin is not a terminal" error message. +++++ 2011-10-21 patch 100523: Backup signing enhancements and assimisation fixes. cha: m23 / postinst: GPG is named as backupsignkey to show its purpose. +++++ 2011-10-20 fix: MSR_clientSettings: Now removes whitespaces from the variables language, gid and uid. cha: mkm23extradeb: Now builds m23-vbox too. cha: m23 / postinst: Enabled creation of GPG key (needed for backup signing). cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / installDebs: Now removes pubring.gpg too. patch 100519: More imaging fixes and enhancements. cha: debian / ubuntu / DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now doesn't write the sources.list, if PKG_isReconfiguredWithExtraDistr is true. +++++ 2011-10-19 cha: debian / halfSister / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now doesn't run the base system installtion routines, if PKG_isReconfiguredWithExtraDistr is true. new: PKG_isReconfiguredWithExtraDistr: Checks, if the distribution is used for configuring a system that was installed via image. fix: CIR_WorkaroundForMissingModulesDep: Now creates modules.dep only if it doesn't exist. patch 100518: Imaging enhancements and modules.dep added to bootimages. cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now calls depmod to create modules.dep. cha: SRCLST_getValue: Now returns "imaging" in case that the sources list is "imaging" and "release" is asked. fix: imaging / CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now gets the partition information via FDISK_fdiskSessionParam. cha: PKG_translateClientjobsStatus: Now supports status "wait4acc". +++++ 2011-10-18 cha: m23createImageInstall.php: Now install "dialog". cha: m23 / postinst: Disabled creation of GPG key. patch 100517: Imaging enhancements and templates for Debian Squeeze and Ubuntu Lucid added. cha: m23createImageInstall.php: Changed array keys to constant strings. cha: MSR_clientSettings: A valid family name is generated, even if the name has only one word. new: Added templates for Debian Squeeze and Ubuntu Lucid. cha: template2confpage.sh: Now uses bash as interpreter. fix: template2confpage.sh: Since "default" seems to be a keyword in awk now, the variable is called "default2" now. +++++ 2011-10-17 cha: MSR_genericSendCommand: Now has optional parameter to pass extra parameters to wget. cha: m23 / postinst: Now makes sure that there is no user test. patch 100516: Language enhancements. new: I18N_convertToHumanReadableName: Converts a short language into a human readable name. cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now shows the client language too. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now loads /etc/default/locale, if present. cha: version.php: Switched to 11.4. patch 100515: Fixes for imaging, GPG and VirtualBox. fix: work.php: Now includes vm.php to re-enable imaging. cha: client_status.hlp: Now includes statusColors.inc. cha: m23-vbox / postinst: Now has another method to compile the kernel module on newer VirtualBox OSE versions. cha: m23 / postinst: Now deletes old GPG line and localhost alias from sudoers. +++++ 2011-10-16 patch 100531: Enabling assimilisation for Ubuntu 11.10. cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: Now deactivates the checking of SSL certificates by wget, when Ubuntu 11.10 is found. +++++ 2011-10-15 patch 100514: Client assimilation enhancement. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now handles the language too. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now gets the client language. +++++ 2011-10-14 cha: SERVERBACKUP_showConfigurationDialog: Added checking for selected GPG key. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / startBaseInstallation: More keyboard configuration. +++++ 2011-10-13 cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now sends user and group ID as seperate values. cha: MSR_clientSettings: New code for setting user and group ID. patch 100513: DMI enhancements. cha: CLIENT_showHardwareInfo: Now uses DMI_getAllTextBox. new: DMI_getAllTextBox: Get all DMI info in a text box. cha: DMI_getBios: Now decodes the features block. cha: DMI_getSlot: Now shows features. cha: DMI_getCache: Changed, to get the cache level. cha: DMI_getBios: Changed, to get the BIOS rom size. cha: HWINFO_getCPU: Now shows the correct amount of CPUs, even if the system was booted from a non-SMP kernel. cha: DMI_getBios: Changed, so dmi information can be read on dmi 2.9. cha: DMI_getBoard: Now gets the manufacturer on dmi 2.9. cha: DMI_getParam: Now works with dmi 2.9 too. cha: createRFSBins: Removed explicitly adding of ld-2.3.6.so. cha: createRFScopyLib: Now prints extra error information in case of errors. +++++ 2011-10-11 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now uses bash as shell. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh / waitForFreeLock: Now waits 10 seconds, if lsof cannot be found. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now installs "lsof". fix: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Corrected entry for French. +++++ 2011-10-09 patch 100512: Client bootimage (amd64) now includes libresolv.so.2. cha: client bootimage (amd64): Re-build with libresolv.so.2 included. patch 100511: Added Trinity Desktop Environment support. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now deletes /var/log/exim4/paniclog. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes libresolv.so.2 explicitly on amd64. cha: CLIENT_showJobs, CLIENT_listPackages, PKG_listSelectedpackages, PKG_listPackages: Now colors the lines in blue and gray alternating to improve readability. cha: m23-ksplash / control /postinst: Now works with Trinity too. new: TRINITY_installLoginManager: Installs the Trinity login manager KDM. cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now has an extra patameter for Trinity. cha: sourceslist / squeeze: Added sources for Trinity and added the Trinity desktop. +++++ 2011-10-08 cha: client_partition.php: Now resets the client name too, if clearSession is set. cha: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Now has extra parameter to delete the name of the client too. cha: m23 / postinst: Now copies (and maybe creates) the SSH key to /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys/authorized_keys, if it does not exist before. cha: m23: Now excludes authorized_keys. cha: updateDB: Now includes the emptying routines for the i18n tables. cha: m23 / postinst: Now calls updateDB on every run. new: m23 / postinst / updateDB: Updates the MySQL DB from m23.sql.bz2. patch 100508: Many improvements for Debian Squeeze. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports squeeze too. cha: m23XFceInstall.php: Debian and Ubuntu are using the same file now. cha: menuDeb: Entries are labeled more precisely. cha: m23-skel: Now gstreamer is the default phonon backend. cha: KDE_install: Now tries to install phonon-backend-gstreamer on KDE 4. +++++ 2011-10-07 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now tries to install virtualbox-ose-guest-dkms too. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now gets the timezone too. fix: m23 / postinst: Now gpg execution via sudo as grdmgpg should work now. fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / mountInstMedium: Now uses a fixed (and hopefully complete) list of possible devices to find the drive containing the m23 server installation CD (Thx Stephan, Bernd). +++++ 2011-10-06 cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / startBaseInstallation: Now sets the language via keyboard-configuration too. cha: CLCFG_language: Now sets language via keyboard-configuration too. cha: CLCFG_interfaces: Now deletes the "/etc/udev/rules.d/*persistent-net.rules". cha: m23hwdetect/loadFoundModules: Now doesn't show newlines after the found modules. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Fixed escaping. cha: MSR_importPackageStatus: Now urldecodes package version texts too. +++++ 2011-10-04 cha: configXOrgBasicConfig: Now stores mouse and video driver in the config files. cha: printconf: Now checks if the tool printconf is present and exists if not. fix: m23-xorg-configurator: Now works, if hardware info files are missing. fix: activateNet: Now activates network cards only, if not they were not active before. +++++ 2011-10-03 cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now sets fore and family name in all cases. patch 100507: Fixes for assimilation. fix: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Correcting username detection and IP given by network-manager. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now installs finger and debconf-utils too. +++++ 2011-10-01 cha: m23-initscripts: Added symlink to m23hwdetect. cha: CLCFG_writeCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Now uses a short version for the "every 5 minutes" setting in crontab. cha: m23hwdetect, hwcheck: Added dependency information in the LSB header. cha: m23hwdetect: Added LSB header. cha: m23hwdetect: Now uses /bin/bash. +++++ 2011-09-30 patch 100506: Improvements for client assimilsation. Some changes for Debian Squeeze. cha: m23AssimilateInstall.php: Now calls MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand and MSR_statusFileCommand to get a proper package installtion status. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now uses HELPER_netmaskCalculator. new: HELPER_netmaskCalculator: Converts a short netmask (e.g. 24 for into the decimal notation. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now gets network settings form Network Manager too. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now detects LinuxMint as Ubuntu. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now splits the combined name of the main user into fore and family name. cha: m23/postinst: Now configures Squid that it caches *.tar.7z too. +++++ 2011-09-29 cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now tries to get fore and family name of the main user. +++++ 2011-09-27 cha: CLCFG_language: Now converts the entries of the m23 generated locale.gen to the new format on Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-09-26 fix: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Corrected missing newlines in locale settings. +++++ 2011-09-21 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now has a BASH function that calculates the amount of OS entries in the different grub configuration files. +++++ 2011-09-20 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now uses --force on grub installation. cha: PKG_getKernels: Now uses the search terms "linux image" and "kernel image" to find the Linux kernels. new: CIR_WorkaroundForMissingModulesDep: Workaround for missing modules.dep to disable the repeated showing of the "FATAL" error. cha: debian / ubuntu / clientInstall.php: Now calls CIR_WorkaroundForMissingModulesDep. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now should be working with the grub of Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-09-12 patch 100505: m23 user manual updated. cha: de / en / fr: User manual updated. fix: makePDF-HTML.sh: Fixed access rights of /m23/doc/manual/. cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Now uses PKG_translateClientjobsStatus. +++++ 2011-09-11 patch 100504: Debootstrap cache enhancement. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now checks if a local cache file is present in /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys/. patch 100503: Patches for OpenSuse 11.4. cha: HS-opensuse11.4: Disabled LXDE in the sources list. fix: OS11.4: netSetIPNetmask: Now sets the IP and netmask statically. cha: HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus: Now doesn't complain if HSCommandExecutionStatus.code doen't exist. cha: F14 / OS11.4: startLog: Now removes the pipe before creating. +++++ 2011-09-08 patch 100502: Fix for BackupPC. fix: m23 / postinst: Another change of access rights for index.cgi. cha: update.php: Now uses MSG_showInfo when an update is running (in the other case). patch 100501: Fixes for BackupPC and improved server restore. cha: m23Restore: Now checks for the backup archives before starting the restore. fix: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Fixed command for filtering out dot directories. patch 100500: Fixes for BackupPC. cha: packageBuilder.hlp, client_backup.hlp: Adjusted improved help texts. fix: m23 / postinst: Changes access rights for index.cgi. cha: m23 / postinst: Shortening of the sed commands. +++++ 2011-09-07 patch 100499: Fixes for package selections and package search. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now uses SERVER_runInBackground instead of exec. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now removed lock and script file after execution. fix: UPDATE_getInfo: Now shows every entry only once. cha: update.php: Now uses MSG_showInfo when an update is running. patch 100498: Fixes for BackupPC. fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Now the transfer method is not added on every update of the backup config file. fix: BACKUP_showClientSettings, BACKUP_getBackupDirs, BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Now converts the client name to lower, because BackupPC needs lower case client names for the backup config files. +++++ 2011-09-06 patch 100497: Fixes for package selections. cha: PKG_getClientjobsStatus: Now uses PKG_translateClientjobsStatus. new: PKG_translateClientjobsStatus: Translates the clientjobs status from the DB into a human readable form. cha: PKG_addNormalJob: Now has priority for normal installation jobs hardcoded. cha: PKG_getPackageStatus: Is now PKG_getClientjobsStatus. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupConfiguration: Now uses SERVER_fileExists. fix: BACKUP_getBackupDirs: Now doesn't convert the client name to lower case (faulty). new: SERVER_fileExists: Checks if a file exits, that the Apache user has never access to. fix: m23 / postinst: Fixed access rights to make BackupPC usable by the apache user (and not only by user backuppc). +++++ 2011-09-05 patch 100496: French translation finished. cha: fr/ m23base.php, capture.hlp: French translation finished. patch 100495: Enhancements for the server backup, improved integration of Ubuntu clients and VirtualBox addon downloads. cha: capture.php: Added warning to not click the icons. fix: VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Now lists VirtualBox addons with two or more digits in the last part of the version number. cha: excludem23deb: Now excludes /m23/log/ too. cha: UPDATE_getInfo: Now shows a message if no updates are available. cha: installI18N.en/de: Texts updated. fix: postMessage.php: Now includes edit.php (needed for assimilating some Ubuntu clients). cha: messageReceive.php: Now all array constants are excaped. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Now the list is completely empty if no backups are existing. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Now creates the backup directory if it does not exist. cha: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupConfiguration: Now creates serverBackup.conf if it doesn not exist. patch 100494: Enhancements and fixes for "Daemons and Programs". cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: Now uses SERVER_LDAPInfo too. new: SERVER_LDAPInfo: Returnes an information string for the LDAP server. cha: * / daemonsAndPrograms.hlp: Commented out the part about helper tools. fix: SERVER_apacheInfo: Now reports the Apache version. cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: Now works with the new daemons. cha: daemonsAndPrograms.php: Disabled installation of addons because they are dependencies of the package m23. cha: m23/postinst: Now clears all values from table i18n in the DB m23captured too. patch 100493: Smal fixes for the server status page and m23captured. cha: head.php: The menu in the header is now more scalable. fix: SERVER_checkRunInVM: Now works with new VirtualBox version too. fix: serverStatus.php: Changed the IP for the internet connection check to make it working again. cha: I18N_addLanguage: Now adds the languages in the database m23captured too. cha: DB: Added table "i18n" to database m23captured. +++++ 2011-09-02 patch 100492: Fix for openSUSE LDAP and restarting the graphical login manager disabled. fix: OS11.4 / netEnableLDAP: Now calls resetRet, because some LDAP packages may be installed already what leads to an error. +++++ 2011-08-31 fix: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Disabled restarting the graphical login manager. +++++ 2011-08-28 patch 100491: More LDAP patches and upload enhancements. cha: menuDeb / directuplinst: Now calls m23UpdateInstFromm23Testing. cha: m23UpdateInstFromm23Testing: Now merges files of m23testing before uploading from localhost. cha: F14 / netEnableLDAP: Should be working now. cha: OS11.4 / F14 / netSetLDAPServer: Is netEnableLDAP now. cha: HS / clientInstall.php: Now calls HS_netEnableLDAP. +++++ 2011-08-26 patch 100490: LDAP and package signing fixes/enhancements. new: F14 / netSetLDAPServer: First attempt to enable LDAP on Fedora 14. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now restarts the graphical login manager. cha: OS11.4 / netSetLDAPServer: Should work now. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now installs the package "gnupg" instead of "gpg". +++++ 2011-08-21 patch 100489: m23 server installation improvements. cha: m23install.sh: Now sets LC_ALL and LANG with lang_LANG. cha: m23install.sh: Now loads the key file only if it exists. patch 100608: opensuse Gnome desktop enhancement. cha: OS11.4 / sysImportConfDB: Now resets the log at the end. patch 100487: Client recovery improvements. fix: PKG_getClientPackages: Now reports every package only once. cha: recover_client.php: Now calls PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage. +++++ 2011-08-20 patch 100486: Database structure fixes. cha: m23 / postinst: Now increases the size of language in the table clients. fix: m23 / postinst: Corrected integer versions to get checked by updateSQLIfOlder for updates. +++++ 2011-08-19 patch 100485: opensuse keyboard enhancements. cha: OS11.4: sysSetLanguage: Now has a table with the keyboard layout names of yast2. cha: OS11.4: sysSetLanguage: Now uses a trick to set the keyboard language. +++++ 2011-08-14 patch 100484: Language setting improved for Debian/Ubuntu and package status import now working for a big amount of packages. cha: MSR_importPackageStatus: Now urldecodes package names. cha: MSR_importPackageStatus: Now calls HELPER_importAllIntoPOST. new: HELPER_importAllIntoPOST: Imports all values into the $_POST array in case that there are too much array keys for the normal processing. fix: CLCFG_language: Now console-setup should be configured correctly. patch 100483: Language fixes and printer installation for HS / Fedora 14. fix: CLCFG_language: Now console-setup is installed before the file with the available languages is read. fix: imaging.php: Fixed naming of the constants. cha: HS / m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now calls HS_sysInstallPrinter before HS_sysConfigurePrinter. new: HS_sysInstallPrinter: Installs the printer software. +++++ 2011-08-13 patch 100482: Language fixes and halfSister updates. cha: HS / m23PrinterConfigInstall.php: Now calls HS_sysConfigurePrinter. new: HS_sysConfigurePrinter: Detects and installs printer(s). fix: HS/m23LXDEInstall.php: Removed call to non existing function CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. fix: KDE_installLoginManager: Now sets the keyboard layout correctly in KDE 4. +++++ 2011-08-12 patch 100481: Added opensuse 11.4 sources list. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports HS-opensuse11.4 too. patch 100480: More openSUSE fixes. +++++ 2011-08-10 cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Added workaround for setting the keyboard layout without yast2. +++++ 2011-08-08 new: OS11.4 / netSetLDAPServer: Enables LDAP login for a client. +++++ 2011-08-07 patch 100479: Added missing log file. fix: KDE_install: Added missing log file. patch 100478: openSUSE package cache corrections. fix: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Corrected condition for updating the cache. cha: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Removed hashing (may corrupt the package cache file). patch 100477: Language fixes. fix: CLCFG_language: Corrected syntax error. fix: KDE_install: Now sends the log file on errors. patch 100476: Language enhancements/fix. cha: KDE_install: Removed checking code that may halt on non-critical language pack installation error. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now has more logic to calculate the correct language settings. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now sets the layout in the XOrg config file (if it exists). patch 100475: Language enhancements/fix. cha: CLCFG_language: Now configures console-setup (seems to be needed by Ubuntu to configure the gmd correctly). fix: KDE_install: Corrected faulty line break. +++++ 2011-08-06 patch 100474: Keyboard layout setting for gdm. cha: GNOME_installLoginManager: Another attempt to pre-select the keyboard layout. patch 100473: More halfSister and openSUSE fixes. fix: HS / clientInstall.php: Now the client name and the file system of the root partition is correct. fix: HS_sysMakeBootable: Removed extra parameter. cha: OS11.4 / pkgInstall: Now sets the error code of zypper to 0, if 4 is given, because "4" means "nothing to do" and this should not be marked as error. new: OS11.4 / m23HSAdmin: Now uses the m23 proxy for downloading packages. +++++ 2011-08-05 patch 100472: NFS mount patch. fix: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Now exists if no NSF server is given. patch 100471: Language enhancements. cha: pkgInstallKDE: Now installs the language packages. cha: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now calls GNOME_install. patch 100470: Language enhancements. cha: m23*ubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23MintKDEInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_installApplicationLanguagePackages. new: CLCFG_installApplicationLanguagePackages: Installs some additional language packages for installed applications with seperate language packs. fix: CLCFG_disableNFSHome: Now disables NFS only if it was mounted before. fix: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Fixed Danish keyboard. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Increased disk size and ram size. +++++ 2011-08-04 patch 100469: New openSuSE patches. fix: OS11.4/hookBeginAfterChroot: Fixed wait4go. cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Now calls CLIENT_recalculateStatusBar when changes are accepted. cha: HS_setSourcesList: Now doesn't add empty lines before and after the sources list. fix: OS11.4/pkgSetSourcesList: Now makes sure that the package sources list doesn't contain carriage returns. patch 100468: Visual enhancements and home on NFS can now be disabled. +++++ 2011-08-02 cha: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Now calls CLCFG_disableNFSHome, if the NFS address is empty. new: CLCFG_disableNFSHome: Disables storing of home directories on a NFS server. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Improved readability. +++++ 2011-08-01 cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now shows an error message if no valid disk size is entered. cha: index.css: Table rows are now highlighted when the mouse is over. cha: index.css: Disabled showing of scroll bars in Google Chrome (and maybe other webkit based browser). +++++ 2011-07-31 patch 100467: Mass install corrections. fix: MASS_startInstall: The client group is now assigned correctly. +++++ 2011-07-30 cha: massInstall.php: Now doesn't show the help box after saving the last step. patch 100466: NFS fixes. cha: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: Re-written to work on Ubuntu and doesn't use the automounter any more. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now adds the LDAP account after all input errors have been solved. +++++ 2011-07-29 cha: m23*ubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now shows the status message via CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now uses I18N_getLangVars and $lV[packagelang]. patch 100465: LDAP fixes. fix: CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now the re-installation is non-interactive. fix: LDAP_addPosix: The password is now hashed correctly. fix: activateNet: Now uses /sbin/ifconfig instead of /bin/ifconfig (what only exists in the network bootimage). cha: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Now all languages are using utf8 (if possible). +++++ 2011-07-28 patch 100464: LDAP fix. new: CLCFG_enableLDAPUbuntu, CLCFG_enableLDAPDebian: Now two functions with different names are uses. patch 100463: LDAP patches and two LDAP implementations for Debian and Ubuntu. new: CLCFG_patchNsswitchForLDAP: Patches /etc/nsswitch.conf for usage with LDAP. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Now two seperate functions for Ubuntu and Debian are existing. cha: CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage: Now re-installs upstart. cha: addBaseScanner: Now stores the IDs of the modules in a directory containing the kernel version. cha: m23 / postinst: Now shows no errors when an existing directory is created again. patch 100462: Installation fixes. fix: debian / ubuntu / clienInstall.php: Now has no (false) fallback to forename if the login is empty (or set). patch 100461: LDAP rewritten. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Rewritten. cha: EDIT_uncomment, EDIT_commentout, EDIT_insertLineNumber, EDIT_replace, EDIT_deleteLines, EDIT_deleteLinesAmount, EDIT_deleteMatching: Changed the name of the temporary edit file. +++++ 2011-07-27 cha: LDAP_getNextID: Now makes sure that at least one ID is present in the DB and returns ID beginning from 1001. +++++ 2011-07-25 patch 100460: LDAP management fixed. fix: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Now shows an error, if another LDAP server with the same name should be added. cha: PREF_preferenceLoadManagerHandler: Now shows a message when storing the preference. +++++ 2011-07-24 patch 100458: Fixes for virtualisation. Smal improvements. fix: VM_webAction: Now runs headless sessions in screen. fix: VM_parseVBOXstate: Corrected explode string. cha: FDISK_swapFilesystems: Added another swap file system signature. cha: SRCLST_showAlternativeArchitectureSelection: Now returns the wanted architecture, if the architecture or the sources list name parameter is empty. +++++ 2011-07-23 cha: CLIENT_startInstall, CLIENT_resetAndInstall: Now calls CLIENT_recalculateStatusBar. new: CLIENT_recalculateStatusBar: Recalculates the percent points for the pending jobs on a client. new: SRCLST_showAlternativeArchitectureSelection: Shows a list with available CPU architectures of the sources list, in case that the wanted architecture is not available in the sources list. The alternative architecture will be written to the arch option of the client. new: getArchList: Returns an associative array with the supported CPU architectures as key and value. cha: SRCLST_showEditor, CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses getArchList. +++++ 2011-07-21 patch 100456: Many client languages added and architecture selection added to the sources list editor. cha: client_distr.php: Now checks if the architecture of the client is supported by the sources list and sets the client's architecture to i386 if not. new: SRCLST_isArchAvailable: Checks if a given architecture is supported by the sources list. new: SRCLST_saveArchitectures: Saves the architectures for package source list. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Now shows check boxes for the CPU architecture of the sources list. cha: SRCLST_showArchsSel, SRCLST_getArchsList: Removed- cha: SRCLST_checkList: Now checks, if the test can be performed (on HS currently not possible). cha: HTML_checkBox, HTML_multiSelection: Now has an extra option to force the setting of the check box to the state of $defaultCheck. new: SRCLST_getArchitectures: Returnes a list of all CPU architectures supported by the sources list. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: Enlarged edit box. cha: F14 / pkgInstallKDE: Many languages added. +++++ 2011-07-20 cha: F14 / sysSetLanguage: Many languages added. cha: OS11.4, F14 / pkgInstallKDE: Now uses a table to store the language packages. new: OS11.4, F14 / sysGetm23Language: Shows the m23 language as two/five-character code. cha: OS11.4 / sysSetLanguage: Now stores language information in /etc/sysconfig/i18n. fix: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Now the client name is preserved. +++++ 2011-07-18 patch 100455: Fixes for client assimisation. cha: MSR_clientSettings: Commented out debug code. fix: SRCLST_saveList: Now makes sure that sources lists with special characters are stored correctly. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: New code for dectecting the kernel package. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now detects installation and swap partitions that are UUIDs. cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Added dash as supported shell. cha: * / welcome.hlp: Fixed link positions and head position. cha: OS11.4 / pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now works. patch 100454: Offline package search in Fedora 14, m23 server installation fixes and new m23 questionnaire added. new: HTML_getQuestionnaireURL: Returns the complete URL to the m23 questionnaire in the language of the webinterface. new: HTML_questionnaire: Shows the questionnairem window. fix: SRCLST_showEditor: Now sources lists can be deleted again and the name of the sources list to delete is shown correctly. +++++ 2011-07-15 cha: HS/PKG_listPackages: Search key is now case insensitive. new: HS_getPackageCacheName: Returns the complete name (including path) of the package cache. cha: HS_pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now pipes the contents of the sources list into pkgUpdateCacheOnServer. fix: F14/pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now removes control sequences from the URL. cha: F14/pkgUpdateCacheOnServer: Now reads the contents of the package source from stdin. +++++ 2011-07-14 new: HS_getm23HSAdminPath: Calculates the complete local path (including the file name) to m23HSAdmin for a choosen distribution release. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / chrootSystem: Now makes sure all device nodes are present in the chrooted environment. +++++ 2011-07-12 fix: HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscanner: Corrected variable naming ($distr should be $release). +++++ 2011-07-11 fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / configureMySQLmycnf: Fixed missing user/password. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / mountInstMedium: Now makes sure that the (maybe) needed /dev/hda ... /dev/hdd are existing. fix: m23InstallerBase.inc / normalPartition: Added missing "/dev/". +++++ 2011-07-10 cha: quickBuild.sh, mkm23Debs: Now copies the m23-vbox package to the client package directory. cha: killCurrentVNCSession.sh: Now uses zenity on systems where Xdialog is not available. patch 100450: Changes for the server installation CD. fix: exportDBInitTable: Now uses '[:blank:]'. cha: configureMySQLmycnf: Now truncs all tables by a table list read from the DB. new: m23InstallerBase.inc / createInitrd: Creates the initrds for all installed kernel. new: m23InstallerBase.inc / installGrub: Now uses the grub bootmanager as default. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc / configureNetwork: Now configures eth0 only. cha: mkm23Debs: Added m23-vbox. cha: normalPartition: Now makes a gap of 2 MB before the root partition (for grub2). +++++ 2011-07-09 new: checkFstabAndMount: Checks the fstab for needed entries and adds them, if missing. Then mounts the devices patch 100446: BASH is now default interpreter. cha: Making BASH the shell of all scripts because DASH doesn't interpret all scripts correctly. patch 100445: Package fixes (some for Lenny), updates for new BASH. cha: m23Deb.inc, menuFunctions.inc, busyBoxFunctions.inc, kernelFunctions.inc: Removed "function" keyword and added missing "()". +++++ 2011-07-01 fix: m23-ldap/postinst: Now executes the LDAP caching optimisations only on Squeeze and newer (on Lenny they fail). cha: m23/postinst: Now check if the oldversion is set (in case of first time installation it is not). patch 100443: Table creation support for i18n. cha: version.php: Switched to 11.3. cha: m23/postinst: Now makes sure the i18n table is always empty. cha: m23/postinst: Code simplification for table changes. +++++ 2011-06-30 patch 100442: Many new client languages added. cha: */m23base.php: Translations added. cha: GNOME_install, KDE_install: Now uses I18N_getLangVars. cha: *: Now all m23inst.php includes are using I18N_m23instLanguage. new: I18N_m23instLanguage: Checks if a m23inst.php exists for the given language and returns "en" if not. cha: I18N_listClientLanguages: Now uses the new i18n functions. new: I18N_addClientLanguageToCache: Adds a new client language to the i18n DB cache. patch 100441: Changes to the i18n support of m23 and bootmedia updates. new: writeNewestChangelogToPatchInfo: Writes the newest patch info from the changelog to the patch.info file. cha: menuDeb: Now uses writeNewestChangelogToPatchInfo to prepare the patch.info before editing by hand. +++++ 2011-06-27 cha: createRFSBins: Added libudev.so.0 (needed by parted). cha: createRFScopyLib: Now shows error about missing library only when it is really needed. cha: Kernel configuration: Changed ramdisk size to 70000Kb. new: I18N_addLanguage: Adds a new language to the i18n table. new: I18N_countCachedLanguages: Counts the cached languages for a type. new: I18N_getAllCachedLanguages: Returns an associative array with the shortnames of the language as keys and the longnames as value. new: I18N_cacheWebinterfaceLanguages: Caches the language information from the language.info files to the DB. cha: I18N_listWebinterfaceLanguages: Now uses I18N_cacheWebinterfaceLanguages, I18N_getAllCachedLanguages and HTML_selection. cha: I18N_getLongLanguage: Removed. new: I18N_cacheClientLanguages: Caches the client languages in the DB. +++++ 2011-06-26 new: I18N_listClientLanguages: Lists all languages, the m23 clients can be installed with. cha: createRFSBins: Removed LVM tools. cha: createRFSBinLinks: LVM tools are no symlinks anymore. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now uses Debian Squeeze packages too. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Package list adjusted to Debian Squeeze's packages. +++++ 2011-06-22 cha: I18N_getLangVars: Added "'" to the array keys. cha: I18N_listLanguages: Becomes I18N_listWebinterfaceLanguages and lists all languages, the m23 webinterface is available in, as option lines +++++ 2011-06-21 patch 100439: Smal fixes, soime for Debian Squeeze. cha: incPatchLevelInVersionPhp: Now adds the patch number to the changelog. cha: BURN_getDevice: Now uses explode. cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now english is the default language. +++++ 2011-06-20 fix: m23/postinst: Creates the dhcpd.conf if missing. fix: SF-hg-backup: Now merge is done at the right position. cha: SF-hg-backup: Now copies back changes to the m23 directory. +++++ 2011-06-07 fix: m23/postinst: Changed "[:blank:]" to "'[:blank:]'". cha: SF-hg-backup: Now pulls changes from HG too and performs a merge. +++++ 2011-06-05 patch 100609: Even more Squeeze improvements. cha: mkCert.sh: Many changes to make the certificates compatible with wget. cha: getApacheUser, getApacheGroup: Now don't complain, if httpd.conf doesn't exist. +++++ 2011-06-04 cha: mkCert.sh: Added extra parameters to the CA template. +++++ 2011-06-02 cha: m23/postinst: Now dhcpd.conf doesn't destroyed when upgrading on Debian Squeeze. cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now restarts the tftpd-hpa when installing on Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-05-22 cha: m23/postinst: Generation of the GPG key is now cha: m23-ldap/postinst: Now works under Debian Squeeze too. +++++ 2011-05-21 patch 100612: Some changes for installing m23 on Squeeze. cha: mkCert.sh: Rewritten with the help of certtool. cha: m23/control: Exchanged mkisofs with genisofs and cdrecord by wodim. cha: m23/postinst configDHCP: Now has support for Debian Squeeze. cha: m23-tftp/postinst configureTFTP: Now has support for Debian Squeeze. +++++ 2011-05-18 patch: Improved Linux Mint 9 installation speed by using a mirror. cha: SRCLST_genList: Add the Debian/Ubuntu extraDebs repository only, if it is not a halfSister distribution (Thx Arno) cha: Linux Mint 9: Changed pool to a mirror. +++++ 2011-05-17 patch: Fixed package installation on clients. cha: install_packages.php: Now groups are listed in the title seperated with commata. fix: install_packages.php: Now works with normal clients again. +++++ 2011-05-16 patch: Corrects the choosing of groups for assigning actions to them. fix: install_packages.php: Now uses the correct post variables to get the groups. +++++ 2011-05-07 patch: Zarafa installation add-ons. cha: m23ZarafaInstall.php: Public folder and admin account are now created. cha: m23ZarafaInstall.php: spam_header_name and spam_header_value are now cha: m23ZarafaInstall.php: The username of the MySQL user is now a random user name. new: HELPER_randomUsername: Generates a random username with a given length. +++++ 2011-05-03 new: menuDeb, m23UpdateInstFromm23Testing: Added update optimiser. +++++ 2011-05-02 patch: Smal fix against warning when choosing the distribution. new: m23Search: Searches the php files in /m23/inc and /m23/data+scripts for search terms. fix: client_distr.php: Added missing parameter PKG_addPackageSelection. patch: Server installation fixes. fix: m23 package: Now inccludes /m23/etc/.htpasswd.orig again. fix: updateSystem: Now doesn't exit the installer if the user doen't want to update the system. patch: Now priorities of special packages are given out correctly. +++++ 2011-05-01 cha: PKG_addNormalJob, PKG_addSpecialPackages: Now have the distribution as extra parameter. +++++ 2011-04-30 cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages, PKG_addPackageSelection, PKG_addSpecialPackagesToWait4Aac: Now have the distribution as extra parameter. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now searching for special packages with search term works. +++++ 2011-04-29 patch: New 64 bit bootimages. fix: install_packages.php: Now the client ip is stored cha: HTML_esel: Now writes the the url of the iframe only if it the dog-ear is opened. cha: Updated 64 bit bootimages. +++++ 2011-04-28 patch: Some more hardware detection addons (some for VMWare). new: m23hwscanner: Added base hardware scanner that used the hardware IDs that are stored in the modules. fix: CIR_enableDropbear: Now works with new m23hwdetect. patch: Some more hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). cha: Added more kernel modules. patch: Hardware detection and scanner fixes (some for VMWare). cha: php_urlencode: Now uses the binary awk instead of BusyBox's version. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now makes sure sshd_config exists to remove complaining. +++++ 2011-04-27 cha: m23hwdetect/startUdev: Commented out udev calling execution. fix: createRFSDevs: Now includes path to the device node file. cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now doesn't overwrite existing files any more. cha: downloadExtractRFS, m23hwdetect: Removed udev. +++++ 2011-04-25 patch: Translations completed. cha: i18n/de/en/fr: Completed. patch: Fixes for updating from m23 11.1 to 11.2. cha: m23/postinst: Now makes sure that the password file for phpMyAdmin and phpLDAPAdmin exists. new: updateSQLIfOlder: Updates SQL information or executes SQL statements, if the current version of this packages is older than a given version. fix: client/server bootimages fstab: Corrected path to /dev/pts. patch: Zarafa installation fixes. cha: installZarafa: Now configures Apache with SSL if the SSL certificates are generated by m23. fix: m23ZarafaInstall.php: Now does "apt-get update" before the installation. +++++ 2011-04-23 patch: SSL fixes for Zarafa. cha: HELPER_createSelfSignedCAAndServerCertificate: Now exports an unecrypted variant of the server key. cha: configGateway: Sets ssl_certificate_file to empty. new: m23ZarafaInstall.php, m23ZarafaOptionPage.php: Extra script for installing a Zarafa server. release m23 rock 11.2 patch: Several adjustments for custom scripts. cha: checks.php: Clientname length is increased to 64 characters and allowes many more characters. cha: checkFQDN: Checks if a string contains only characters that are allowed in a FQDN. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now uses checkFQDN for checking the validity of the client name. +++++ 2011-04-22 cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Improved readability. +++++ 2011-04-21 cha: PKG_OptionPageHeader: Now store default values that are read from the package parameters to $layout['allvalues']. cha: PKG_OptionPageRender: Now reads default values from $layout['allvalues']. new: HELPER_createSelfSignedCAAndServerCertificate: Creates a selfsigned CA and a server certificate. +++++ 2011-04-20 fix: PKG_OptionPageRender: Now shows title of "selections". cha: PKG_OptionPageRender: Now has new renderble element "title". fix: PKG_listSelectedpackages: Now shows optionPages for special packages too. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Added missing distribution. +++++ 2011-04-18 cha: m23hwdetect: Exit on Ubuntu at once. cha: rescue_client.php: Now shows recues boot deactivation text, if deactivate is 1. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now doesn't complain about missing files during diff. fix: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Adds extra lines to allow SSH and local access to Ubuntu. +++++ 2011-04-17 new: checkForUsleep: Makes sure that there is an executable usleep. cha: addPartition: Now is more robust detecting the swap partition. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adjusts the root device in menu.lst. cha: loadFoundModules: Now the loading status is updated in the current line. cha: m23hwdetect: Now uses udev too. new: clientISO: Now includes udev. cha: clientISO/fstab: Adding devpts. fix: client_infoPage.php: Now remembers the client ID. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added udev. cha: package source lucid: Extended by "Textmode", lucid-updates and lucid-security. +++++ 2011-04-16 patch: Smaler fixes and extra security for m23@web. cha: m23 package: Now excludes /m23/etc/.htpasswd and /m23/etc/.phpMyLDAPAdminHtpasswd. new: m23/postinst: Now makes sure there is a .phpMyLDAPAdminHtpasswd to secure phpMyAdmin and phpLDAPAdmin. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now marks the empty space in the partition table, if there are no partitions at all too. fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Fixed split to explode parameter conversation bug. fix: SCREDIT_showEditor: Now shows correct error message, if the script could not be written. fix: add_client.php: Now works with m23@web installed but not used again. +++++ 2011-04-15 patch: m23@web fixes. fix: add_client.php: Now works without m23@web again. +++++ 2011-04-13 fix: statusBar.php, HTML_showStatusBar: Now works with m23@web too. +++++ 2011-04-10 patch: Patches for m23@web and pPXE added. new: MDK: Now uncludes gPXE build environment. fix: add_client.php: Now enables m23@web after clearing the session. fix: PKG_getAptArchOptions: Now works even if the m23 server is 64 bit and the client 32 bit. +++++ 2011-04-08 patch: m23@web IP check fix and MAC address check. fix: CLIENT_addClient: No check for the IP if m23@web is active. new: checkMAC: Checks if a MAC address is valid. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now uses checkMAC. +++++ 2011-04-04 patch: Many hardware detection improvements. Some for Mac. cha: getDrives: Now filters out read-only filesystems (CD/DVD drives). new: downloadExtractRFS: Now converts the pci.ids database to the hwinfo DB format. fix: getPartType, getPartFS: Corrected position of value in the param string. fix: getDrives: Now only lists only real devices. cha: getDrives, getDriveInfo, getAllPartInfo: Now "types" "No" to avoid asking parted for user interaction if detecting strange partitions. cha: m23hwdetect: Now uses functions. cha: m23hwdetect: Adds all network modules, if no eth devices could be activated. +++++ 2011-04-03 cha: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Adjusted for changed layout of is.gd. +++++ 2011-03-30 patch: DB fix and networking for Mac. cha: Boot kernel incudes sky2 module statically. fix: m23/postinst: Increased the size of the field "normalPackage" in the table "clientjobs". (Thx AR) +++++ 2011-03-29 patch: New Linux kernel to cha: Updating boot kernel to and incuding Marvell network module statically. +++++ 2011-03-25 patch: More network modules in network boot kernel (Testing). cha: Activating more network modules in network boot kernel. +++++ 2011-03-21 fix: PKG_acceptJobs: Now show the message if additional packages were added. +++++ 2011-03-18 patch: Smal corrections for halfSister. cha: F14/sysMakeBootable: Now uses --force at grub2-install. fix: HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus: Corrected order of error message sending and calling wait4go. +++++ 2011-03-15 patch: Several fixes for the mass installation and improved halfSister support with lots of status messages. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes mkfifo. cha: createRFSBins: cp is now called with --force. +++++ 2011-03-14 new: mdoc-HS.awk, mdoc-HS.sh: Producing LaTeX code for the documentation from the m23HSAdmin API used by Fedora 14. cha: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: Now adjusts the MBR installation place too. cha: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Now leaves a gap of 2 MB after every created partition new: F14/startLog: Starts logging stdout and stderr to /tmp/HSCommandExecutionStatus.message. new: F14/stopLog: Stops logging stdout and stderr to /tmp/HSCommandExecutionStatus.message. +++++ 2011-03-13 cha: F14/hookBeginAfterChroot: Now creates wait4go. cha: F14/sysHWsetup: Now ensures that hal is installed. cha: HS_wrapper: Now calls HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus. cha: MSR_logCommand, MSR_genSendCommand: New parameter "show": If set to true, the output is shown directly, if set to false, it is returned. new: F14/intEnableXBoot: Enables the start of graphical sessions on booting. new: F14/resetRet: Resets the file that contains the accumulated return codes of the commands to execute. new: F14/saveRet: Saves the return code of the last called tool to /tmp/HSCommandExecutionStatus.code. new: HS_sendCommandExecutionStatus: Sends a status message for the finished HS job and if there were errors, the log file too. cha: HS_netConfig, HS_setPackageProxy, HS_setSourcesList: Now uses HS_wrapper. +++++ 2011-03-12 fix: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Fixed variable error. fix: FDISK_getDriveAndNr, FDISK_dev2LDevLPart, CLCFG_getMbrPart: Now used preg_split. fix: FDISK_delPart: Now included m23base.php only if called by the GUI. fix: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Added missing parameter. fix: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: Fixed not always initalised variable. fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: Corrected camelCase variable error. cha: fdisk.php: Included all static associative array keys with '. cha: DHCP_restartDHCPserver: Now works with isc-dhcp-server too. +++++ 2011-03-11 patch: Fixing client definition. cha: concretised info message for (maybe) added jobs. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now stores the client name and id in the sessions to allow partitioning and formating of the virtual drive. patch: Smal fixes and new option "uploadtesting". fix: CRON_cronManagementDialog: Removed unneeded and (without m23shared installed) error producing code. new: menuDeb: Now has an extra option "uploadtesting" for uploading the m23 installation packages as testing. +++++ 2011-03-10 cha: CLIENT_showDelDialog, HELPER_calcMBSize: Replaced "ereg_replace" with "preg_replace". +++++ 2011-03-07 cha: pkgInstallGnome, pkgInstallLXDE, pkgInstallXFce: Now removes package firstboot. cha: pkgInstallGnome: Now installs firefox and evolution. +++++ 2011-02-28 patch: Changed explode syntax in some files. patch: Smal changes to the fit the changes SF directories. Development guide and manuals updated. new: HTML_esel: Shows an dog-ear that can be opened to show "goos-habermann.de/m23ad". cha: HS_fetchAndExtractOSImage, CLCFG_debootstrap: Changed path to the new FRS directory. cha: Mercurial: Changed config file. cha: mdoc.sh: Now shows the file that is currently converted to LaTeX. cha: menuDevguide, menuManualStart, uploadClientPackagesToSF: Changed path to SF web directory. +++++ 2011-02-27 patch: Package source HS-Fedora14 fix. cha: Package source HS-Fedora14: Only enabling KDE and Textmode desktops. cha: mkm23Deb: Removed debug code. patch: Fix for accepting jobs. fix: PKG_acceptJobs: Now adds a normalInstall or normalRemove job only, if there are such waiting jobs. +++++ 2011-02-26 patch: Hardware detection improvements for the m23 server ISO. Now includes package source for halfSister Fedora 14. cha: m23hwdetect: Now gets additional information from hwinfo. cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Added bash needed by hwinfo. cha: createServerInstallISO: Removed old squid.conf replacement. cha: m23install.sh: Now executes /etc/init.d/m23hwdetect twice to make sure that all is detected. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports HS-Fedora14 too. cha: quickbuild.sh: Now includes m23Debs.inc from the current directory by adding "./" before m23Debs.inc. (Needed by Squeeze) cha: excludem23deb: Changed settings to match grep's new regular expression interpretation. +++++ 2011-02-23 release m23 rock 11.1 patch: m23 rock 11.1 +++++ 2011-02-14 cha: pkgInstallKDE: Now removes package "firstboot" to disable asking for settings on first boot. +++++ 2011-02-11 cha: *: Changed "ereg" and "eregi" to "preg_match" and "split" to "explode". cha: phpMyAdmin: Updated to version +++++ 2011-01-29 cha: PKG_acceptJobs: Now combines all "waiting for accept" normal (de)installation jobs to one (de)installation job. cha: PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation, PKG_previewUpdateSystem: Now only calls CLCFG_copyClientPackageStatus, if the function exists (it does not in HS). fix: F14/netSetIPNetmask: Now sets the prefix correctly. cha: F14/sysSetLanguage: Now sets keyboard layout via system-config-keyboard. +++++ 2011-01-28 new: HS_pkgFullUpdate: Performs a full update of the installed packages. new: HS/m23updateInstall.php: Adjusted for HS. new: HS/m23UpdateSourcesListInstall.php: Adjusted for HS. +++++ 2011-01-26 new: F14/pkgWritePackageStatusFile: Generates the POST file to send the package infos. Generates the package status file /tmp/packagestatus and the file converted to POST format /tmp/packagestatus.post. new: HS_statusFileCommand: Generates the commands to send the package infos to the server (This has the same functionality as MSR_statusFileCommand). new: HS/m23UpdatePackageInfosInstall.php: Now transfers package status infos to the m23 server. new: HS_pkgInstallGnome: Installs Gnome. new: HS_pkgInstallLXDE: Installs LXDE. new: HS_pkgInstallXFce: Installs XFce. new: HS_pkgDeinstall: Deinstalls one or more packages. new: HS/m23normalRemoveInstall.php: Now removes packages. +++++ 2011-01-25 cha: F14/pkgInstalledList: Now has extra optional parameter to store the list of installed files in. new: HS_pkgInstalledList: Lists the installed packages or writes the list to a file. new: HS/PKG_fastGetInstalledPackages: Uses HS_pkgInstalledList. new: HS_runClientPackageConfDB: Generates BASH code to import client package configuration settings from the DB into the client package configuration of the client. new: HS_wrapperHS_wrapperReturn: Creates a m23HSAdmin action with parameters and returns the result. new: HS_hookEndAfterChroot: Scripts that should be run at the end of the afterChroot. new: HS_pkgInstallPreview: Generates commands for getting a installation preview on the client. new: HS_pkgDeinstallPreview: Generates commands for getting a deinstallation preview on the client. new: HS/PKG_previewInstall: shows what happens if packages get (de)installed. +++++ 2011-01-24 cha: F14/netEnableSSHdAndImportKey: Now downloads the public ssh key of the m23 server. new: HS_pkgInstallX: Installs XOrg or another shipped X11 server. now: HS/m23xfree864Install.php: Added. +++++ 2011-01-23 fix: F14/sysSetRootPW: Now works. cha: F14/sysSetLanguage: Now installs language-support package. +++++ 2011-01-19 cha: F14/hookBeginAfterChroot: MAKDEV generic doesn't work, so use workaround. +++++ 2011-01-18 new: HS_pkgInstallKDE: Installs KDE. cha: netSetm23SSLCertificate: The Fedora version now has an extra check for openssl and double functionality: 1. Download the SSL cert if it doesn't exist on the client and the download URL is given. 2. Generate the hash for the key and move it to the right place if it exists. new: HS/m23KDEInstall.php: Install the KDE version shipped by the distribution. +++++ 2011-01-16 new: HS_sysMakeBootable: Makes the system bootable. cha: HS_fetchm23HSAdmin: Is now HS_fetchm23HSAdminAndm23hwscanner and extendeds functionality: Now fetches the m23HSAdmin tool and m23hwscanner matching the given distribution. cha: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Added Ubuntu Lucid Lynx. new: HS/PKG_getKernels: Generates an associative array with the available kernels for an architecture and distribution as keys and values. +++++ 2011-01-15 new: HS_sysAddFstabEntries: Generates commands to edit a given fstab, add new entries and remove old ones before. +++++ 2011-01-12 cha: HS_fetchAndExtractOSImage: Added usage of local compressed images with higher priority. +++++ 2011-01-10 new: HS_sysWriteCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Adds entries to crontab to check every 5 minutes for new jobs. new: CLCFG_getRootDeviceFS: Gets the filesystem of the root device. new: HS_sysInstallKernel: Installs a matching kernel. new: HS_netEnableNFSHome: Enables storing of home directories on a NFS server new: HS_netEnableLDAP: Enables LDAP login for a client. +++++ 2011-01-08 new: HS_sysAddUser: Creates a new user with home directoy and sets password. new: SERVER_getPublicSSHKeyOfm23Server: Returns the public SSH key of the m23 server. new: HS_netEnableSSHdAndImportKey: Enables the SSH daemon and adds a SSH key to let the m23 server log into the machine. new: HS_writeHosts: Writes the /etc/hosts file for the client new: HS_sysWriteM23fetchjob: Generates the m23fetchjob script and adds it to the init levels. +++++ 2011-01-07 fix: clientInstall: Now login is used as user name, if given. +++++ 2011-01-04 new: HS_sysSetm23ClientID: Sets the m23 client ID. new: HS_netEnableNTP: Enable getting the system time by NTP. new: HS_netDisableNTP: Disable getting the system time by NTP. new: HS_hookBeginAfterChroot: Scripts that should be run at the beginning of the afterChroot. new: HS_pkgInstallBasePackages: Installs basic packages. new: HS_netSetm23SSLCertificate: Downloads and stores the SSL public key of the m23 server into the correct directory. new: HS_sysSetLanguage: Sets the system language. new: HS_sysSetRootPW: Sets the root password. new: HS_setPackageProxy: Sets the proxy for the package management tool. new: HS_wrapper: Creates a m23HSAdmin action with parameters. new: HS_sysSetTimeZone: Sets the time zone. new: HS_sysHWsetup: Detects and configures new hardware +++++ 2011-01-03 new: HS_fetchAndExtractOSImage: Downloads and extracts a halfSister distribution. new: HS_netConfig: Sets IP, gatway, netmask, DNS and hostname. new: HS_fetchm23HSAdmin: Fetches the m23HSAdmin tool matching the given distribution. new: HS_setSourcesList: Writes the package sources list for the client's package manager. new: HS_normalUpdate: Performs a normal update of the installed packages. +++++ 2010-12-21 cha: createRFSBins, downloadExtractRFS: Added rsync. +++++ 2010-12-09 patch: Language fix 2 for Kubuntu fix: KDE_install: Now works with english language too. patch: Language fix for Kubuntu fix: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now works with english language too. +++++ 2010-11-23 patch: Update preview fixes for assimilated clients. fix: m23instUpload: Now only deletes old packages. +++++ 2010-11-22 fix: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now updates the list of available packages, if it is not there. This is needed on assimilated clients that did not install extra packages before. new: PKG_getAptArchOptions: Generates options to specify the architecture of a client that can be appended to an apt-get line. cha: PKG_searchFor, PKG_preparePackageDir, PKG_downloadPool: Now are using PKG_getAptArchOptions. cha: PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now uses architecture specific apt-get commands. +++++ 2010-11-20 patch: Smal fixes for VMs. cha: VM_startVMCommandFile, VM_stopVMCommandFile: Now works on remote hosts too. cha: VM_webAction: Now doesn't run starting and stopping of VMs in screen to get a proper status. +++++ 2010-11-18 fix: includem23-mdk-basedeb: Removed not existing directory mdk/etc. patch: Fix for remote execution of scripts. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now handles script with "`" too. cha: CLIENT_query: Adjusted variable firewall to make searching for clients with special IPs possible. +++++ 2010-11-17 cha: installDebs: Removed debug code. cha: ASSI_addClient: Now stores the password as encrypted root password in the DB (Thx TheGuv). +++++ 2010-11-16 patch: Some package building fixes. cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Commented out "ddcxinfo-knoppix" as there are errors building it. cha: hwdata-knoppix: Now includes current hardware detection information. fix: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: Now uses Etch archive to make it work again. fix: m23instUpload: Now uploads all packages to SF. cha: menuDeb: Commented out not used menu entry "uplinst". m23/postinst: Now replaces /dev/random with /dev/urandom temporarily while generating the SSL keys. patch: Shell compatibility for scripts. cha: md5Check, m23update.functions: Removed keyword "function" to make it more compatible. cha: filterFileList: Now uses force parameter of "mv" to make sure that the list is filtered without asking the user. +++++ 2010-11-15 patch: Fixes for client assimilisation. fix: client_details.php: Fixed link to extra action install-vmhostsw. cha: SRCLST_saveList: Changed variable firewall settings to allow import of all sources lists. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now adds m23debs source to sources.list even if there is another m23 source. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now appends the key to authorized keys file to preserve existing keys. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now only generates adduser commands, if a user and password is given. fix: CIR_writeClientID: Now writes the correct m23ClientID. +++++ 2010-11-14 patch: Switched VirtualBox packages back to 2.2.4. cha: Switched VirtualBox packages back to 2.2.4. +++++ 2010-11-12 patch: Patches for update and VNC sessions. cha: chrootSystem: Now removes (eventually existing) VirtualBox configuration to start with a clean config after server installation. cha: m23patch.php: Now includes dbConnect. cha: m23patch.php: Removed now-working size detection. fix: m23patch.php: Now uses correct path for getting update info texts. fix: chrootSystem: No deletes /home/m23-vbox/.vnc for a clean vnc configuration. cha: restoreVMsStates: Now calls the scripts with restored m23-vbox environment. +++++ 2010-11-11 patch: Gives restoreVMsStates the correct access rights. fix: m23-vbox/postinstall: Now fixes access rights of restoreVMsStates. patch: Gives the screen directory for m23-vbox the correct access rights. fix: VM_startVM: Now gives the screen directory for m23-vbox the correct access rights. patch: Smal fixes for VMs. fix: VM_stopVM: Now calls VM_stopVMCommandFile. fix: VM_startVM: Now calls VM_startVMCommandFile. +++++ 2010-11-10 patch: Version is now 10.5. Added Button for (de)activating network booting and installation partition can be used to install the MBR on. new: DHCP_isNetworkBootingActive: Checks, if a client has network booting enabled. cha: client_status.php: Rewritten. cha: CLIENT_showStatusSelection: Rewritten and function for (de)activating network booting. cha: client_distr.php: Now adds the installation partition to the list of drives that can be used to install the MBR on. +++++ 2010-11-09 patch: Support for Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu 10.04 LTS. +++++ 2010-11-08 cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23XubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_aptGet. cha: CLCFG_aptGet: Now has routines that try to fix the Ubuntu "Hash Sum mismatch" error. cha: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_aptGet. cha: /mdk/server/iso: Removed obsolete files and directories. cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Now creates a symlink to the System-V-Init directory to get the VMs run that were started before the system was stopped. +++++ 2010-11-07 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now downloads libdbus-1-3 to be used for hwinfo. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes libdbus-1.so.3 into the bootimage. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Added a function that waits and loops until NO dpkg/apt-get/aptitude/adept process is running. new: m23-initscripts: Now has a postinst scripts that removes the System-V init links to hwcheck and m23-xorg-configurator if upstart is used. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now creates a reboot file to reboot the client after installing the VirtualBox addons. cha: m23-xorg-configurator: Now reboots the client after finishing the XOrg configuration, if the reboot file is set. cha: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Added another "apt-get install" round for Ubuntu's "hash sum mismatch" errors, that occurr randomly. +++++ 2010-11-06 cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now reboots the client after installing the VirtualBox addons. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now works on Ubuntu 10.04 too. new: m23-initscripts: Now includes upstart startup files for the m23hwdetect and m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid and Linux Mint 9 KDE too and removes Ubuntu Gutsy. +++++ 2010-11-05 fix: m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now calls CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage. +++++ 2010-11-04 fix: install_packages.php: Now update runs CLIENT_startInstall. new: menuDeb: Menu entry to delete complete Squid cache. +++++ 2010-11-02 new: SERVER_deleteFile: Deletes a file from the server. new: VM_startVMCommandFile: Writes a command file with the command(s) to start the VM. new: VM_stopVMCommandFile: Removes automatical staring of a VM by removing the command file. cha: ASSI_prepareClient, CLCFG_installBasePackages: Added import of the m23 package sign keys (Thx TheGuv). +++++ 2010-10-31 cha: m23-initscripts: Package now includes the new m23hwdetect and has a dependency on hwinfo. +++++ 2010-10-30 cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now extracts m23-initscripts. cha: hwcheck: Now is compatible to BusyBox. new: m23hwdetect: It is a three-pass hardware detection script. +++++ 2010-10-21 cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Added hwinfo. cha: linuxrc: Now uses hwinfo, hwsetup and discover to detect the hardware. +++++ 2010-10-20 fix: Added symlinks from /usr/share/hwdata to /usr/share/misc on the server installation CD and the client boot images. cha: linuxrc: Now discover scanns all busses. cha: Updated the Linux kernel to and enabling virtio devices. cha: discover-data 2.2010.10.18: Updated version of discover-data was downloaded from SID and uploaded to m23.sf.net/m23NetBootImageExtraDebs. cha: Updated pci.ids from pciids.sourceforge.net. +++++ 2010-10-07 patch: Online help fix. fix: fr/de/en:ldapSettings.hlp: Removed hint for LDAP installation, as the LDAP server is preinstalled and not installable via the webinterface. (Thx biZZa) patch: Smal changes and Ubuntu improvements. +++++ 2010-10-05 new: SF-hg-backup: New script to backup the m23 source to the Mercurial repository on SF. +++++ 2010-09-27 cha: CLCFG_setTimeZone: Now works on newer Ubuntus too. +++++ 2010-09-25 cha: CLCFG_language: Now contains another Ubuntu fix. +++++ 2010-09-24 fix: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: Now retuns false, if no waiting jobs are there. +++++ 2010-09-21 cha: extractFromCD: Now shows an error message, if the harddisk could not be mounted. patch: Improvements for VM compression. new: prepareOSForCompression: Makes a VM image better compressable. new: cleanOSForCompressing: Deletes some files before compressing the OS or VM. +++++ 2010-09-20 patch: Server installation fixes. fix: configureNetwork: Now deletes the persistent UDEV rules again. cha: m23hwscanner: Removed debug code. cha: getDrives: Now only reports devices that contain "dev" to avoid false output. +++++ 2010-09-18 patch: Smal fixes und updates. cha: Updated the bootimage for 64 bit. +++++ 2010-09-16 cha: getDrives: Now gives back multi devices even if parted doesn't list them. +++++ 2010-09-15 fix: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Now resets the session values correctly. cha: CIR_enableDropbear: Now sets the network boot password only, if the / is mounted with rootfs (that indicates that Linux is run from the RAM disk). release m23 rock 10.4 fix: getPartType, getPartFS: Now supports RAIDs that don't have a partition type. fix: PKG_hasOptions: Now detects correctly, if an option page exists. +++++ 2010-09-14 new: m23hwscanner: The m23 hardware scanner was re-written completely in version 3 and now uses BASH and not C anymore. new: mkhwscanner2: Builds the packages for new m23 hardware scanner. +++++ 2010-09-08 cha: FDISK_addPart: Now checks if the drive belongs to a RAID and shows an error message and exit, if yes. +++++ 2010-09-02 new: clientPartitionFormat.hlp: Added German and English help files. +++++ 2010-08-27 new: FDISK_getSupportedFS: Generates and returns an array with the list of supported file systems. new: FDISK_showFdiskCombinedGUIFunctions: Shows the menu bar with integrated logic for FDISK_showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog. new: FDISK_showCombinedFdiskGUIDialog: Shows the new partition and formating screen. cha: FDISK_printColorDefinitions: Now uses FDISK_getSupportedFS. +++++ 2010-08-23 new: HELPER_arrayInsertBeforeKeynumber: Inserts a value into an array (that has simple numbers as keys) before a given key. new: HELPER_arrayReOrderKeynumbers: Changes all keys of the input array to simple ascending numbers, if the key of the inpur array is a number (if not, the key will be left unchanged). The order of the keys is preserved. cha: HELPER_arrayInsertBeforeKeynumber, HELPER_arrayInsertAfterKeynumber: Now use HELPER_arrayReOrderKeynumbers. new: FDISK_addRaidBeforeFormat: Generates and places a job to create a RAID on given drives/partitions before the formating of the RAID device. cha: FDISK_addRaidJobs: Now uses FDISK_addRaidBeforeFormat. cha: FDISK_raidJob: Is now obsolete. new: FDISK_getPartInfoIcon: Generates HTML code for showing an icon with status information about a drive or partition. new: FDISK_getDriveInfoIcon: Generates HTML code for showing an icon with status information about a drive. cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions, FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions2: Now has extra parameter filterOutSetRaidLvmLock: If set to true, drives and partitions with set raidLvmLock will not be listed. +++++ 2010-08-22 new HELPER_arrayInsertAfterKeynumber: Inserts a value into an array (that has simple numbers as keys) after a given key. +++++ 2010-08-21 new: HELPER_m23Array2Array: Converts an m23 array to a normal array. new: HELPER_array2m23Array: Converts a normal array to an m23 array. +++++ 2010-08-20 new: FDISK_getDevInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the drive and bolonging to a RAID. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now shows basic information for empty drives too. +++++ 2010-08-19 fix: FDISK_printBars: Now chooses the drive by clicking on an empty drive too. new: print_r2: Function like print_r, but sorts the entries, if the input is an array and converts newlines to HTML breaks. +++++ 2010-08-18 fix: FDISK_getUnusedMDs: Now works, if no MDs are present. fix: FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions2: Now generates an empty selection, if no drives and no partition matching the filter were found. +++++ 2010-08-12 new: FDISK_formatInstallAndSwappart: Adds jobs to format the installation and swap partitions and set the boot flag on the installation partition +++++ 2010-08-03 new: FDISK_swapFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for swapping. new: FDISK_installFilesystems: Returns an array with the filesystems usable for installation. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now shows an icon for partitions that are used for installation or for swapping. +++++ 2010-08-02 fix: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now doesn't show the non-existing partition number for RAIDs. cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now has an extra parameter to decide, if the selector will contain the sizes, filesystems and types of the partitions and drives. new: FDISK_fstabAddDialog2: Dialog for adding fstab entries. This version uses the param and fstab parameters from the session. new: FDISK_delFstab: Removes an entry from the fstab array. cha: FDISK_listFstab: Now has buttons to delete fstab entries. +++++ 2010-07-26 new: FDISK_getUnusedMDs: Returns an associative array with the unused MDs (e.g. /dev/md0, /dev/md1, ...) as key and value. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now every partition has an info icon, that shows information about the device name of the partition, its filesystem and bolonging to a RAID. new: FDISK_getPartInfoString: Generates an info string, that shows information about the device name of the partition, its filesystem and bolonging to a RAID. +++++ 2010-07-25 fix: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions: Partitions are not added on RAID drives, because partitions don't exist on RAIDs. +++++ 2010-07-24 fix: FDISK_autoPart: Now copies the drive keys and values of all drives with the virtual drive number > 0. This is needed to only re-partition and format the first drive and leave all other drives untouched. +++++ 2010-07-23 new: FDISK_showAllPartTables: Shows the partition tables of all drives specified for the current client and stored in the session. new: FDISK_printAllBars2: Shows the partition bars of all drives specified for the current client, that is stored in the session. new: FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions2: Generates and defines a selection that contains all drives and partitions of a given client. new: HTML_JSMenuOpener: Opens a menu entry when moving the mouse over the title and closes all other entries of the same menu. new: HTML_JSMenuCloseAllEntries: Closes all menu entries for a menu. This should be called at the end of a page to get it executed after loading. +++++ 2010-07-22 cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions: Now has an extra parameter to decide, if the array will contain the sizes, filesystems and types of the partitions and drives. cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions: Now uses the device names as keys for the associative array. +++++ 2010-07-21 cha: FDISK_listPartTable, FDISK_printBars: Added JavaScript code to mark the partition or free space the in the partition table the mouse is over in the partition bar. +++++ 2010-07-20 new: FDISK_getPartitionByType: Gets the FIRST partition matching a partition type. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now marks free spaces and partitions that lay into an extended partition. +++++ 2010-07-19 new: FDISK_getBelongingRaidDev: Searches for the RAID device, a physical partition belongs to, if it is part of a RAID. cha: FDISK_autoPart: Now destroys a RAID, if the physical partitions it is build from, are located on the first drive. cha: FDISK_delPart: Now has an extra parameter, that destroys the RAID, the partition belongs to. +++++ 2010-07-15 cha: FDISK_virtualDestroyRAID: Now is FDISK_virtualDeleteDrive. new: FDISK_deleteDriveFromParam: Deletes all drive and partition parameters of a drive from param without correcting any order. cha: FDISK_virtualDestroyRAID: Now uses FDISK_deleteDriveFromParam. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now uses white as background color to show drives without partitions as empty. +++++ 2010-07-14 cha: FDISK_virtualDeletePartition,FDISK_virtualAddPartition: Now have an generic algorithm that detects all variables belonging to a partition and moves them. new: FDISK_deletePartitionFromParam: Deletes all partition parameters of a partition from param without correcting the other partitions. +++++ 2010-07-13 cha: FDISK_listPartitions: Now the device number can be set to -1, to list all partitions on all devices. new: FDISK_definePartitionSelection: Defines a HTML selection with the partitions (/dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, ...) of a device cha: FDISK_printBars: Now has optional JavaScript code that calls the JS function emptySpace(), if empty parts of the drive are clicked, selectPartition(), if a partition is clicked and showPartTable(), if the mouse is over the bar. +++++ 2010-07-12 new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIExtendedStepDeletePartitions: Shows the sub-dialog for deleting partitions in the extended partitioning and formating dialog. cha: FDISK_addNewPartitionDialog: Becomes FDISK_showFdiskGUIExtendedStepAddNewPartition. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionExtendedPartStep: Stores the extended partitioning step and sets the help page and title in the session. new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIExtendedStepFormatPartitions: Shows a dialog for formating partitions. new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIlistPartJobs: Shows a list of all waiting partitioning and fromating jobs. fix: FDISK_delPart: Now complains and denys deletion of the partition if it belongs to RAID. new: FDISK_showFdiskGUIDialog: Now checks if the button BUT_changeDrive (defined by FDISK_showFdiskGUIDriveInfoDialog) was clicked and change the installation drive accordingly fix: FDISK_virtualDeletePartition: Now works together with partitions that are used for RAIDs. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now marks partitions that are used to build a RAID with "+R". cha: FDISK_listPartTable: Now marks partitions that are used to build a RAID with "+RAID". cha: FDISK_listPartTable: Now adds information about the partitions, the RAID is build from, if it's a RAID. new: FDISK_virtualDestroyRAID: Deletes a RAID drive from param assigned thru $vDev. cha: FDISK_delPart: Now can destroy RAID drives too. +++++ 2010-07-11 new: FDISK_showFdiskExistingMethod: Shows the dialog for formating of existing partitions. new: FDISK_showFdiskExtendedMethod: Shows the dialog for extended partitioning and formating. +++++ 2010-07-10 new: FDISK_showFdiskDialog: Shows the whole partition and formating dialog. new: FDISK_showFdiskDialogEnd: Shows the block at the end of the partitioning and formating dialog with partition and file system information about the currently selected drive and buttons for resetting and refreshing the dialog. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionClient: Returns the client name to partition and format. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionParam: Stores the partition parameters in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionInstallDrive: Stores the installation drive in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionvDevInstall: Stores the internal virtual installation drive number in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionFreeSpaces: Stores the free space parts of the installation drive in the session or recalculates them for the current installation drive. new: FDISK_showFdiskDriveInfoDialog: Shows a block with partitioning and file system information for the currently choosen installation drive. It contains dialog for changing the installation drive. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionHelpPage: Stores the help page in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionPage: Stores the page in the session. new: FDISK_showFdiskTitle: Returns and/or shows the current title of the partitioning and formating. new: FDISK_showFdiskAutoMethod: Shows the dialog for automatic partitioning and formating. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionPartJobs: Stores the partition jobs in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionSetter: Generic function to store values in the client partition and format session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionInstPart: Stores the installation partition in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionSwapPart: Stores the swap partition in the session. new: FDISK_finalChecksAndRealPartitionAndFormatStart: Does some final checks, starts the partitioning and formating and switches to the distribution selection page. +++++ 2010-07-09 new: HELPER_debugBacktraceToFile: Writes/Appends debug information about all calling functions and parameters into a file. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionReset: Sets back all session variables for partitioning and formating a client. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionPartMethod: Stores the partitioning method in the session. new: FDISK_fdiskSessionTitle: Stores the partitioning title in the session. new: FDISK_showFdiskSelectPartitionMethod: Shows a dialog for choosing the partitioning method and storing the method. +++++ 2010-07-06 cha: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: Now blanks the status bar text too. new: grub with ext4 support: Created a patched grub 0.97 version with ext4 support and uploaded packages to m23.sf.net/m23NetBootImageExtraDebs. +++++ 2010-07-04 fix: MSR_statusBar: If no percent value is set, the percent amount will not be set to 0 anymore. +++++ 2010-07-03 new: parted with ext4 support: Created a patched parted 1.8.8 version with ext4 support and uploaded packages at m23.sf.net/m23NetBootImageExtraDebs. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Added sources for m23NetBootImageExtraDebs and a fixed source for Debian Etch. fix: HTML_getElementValue: Now has special handling for checkboxes. (Thx lakul) fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now has special handling for getSystemtimeByNTP, installPrinter and addNewLocalLogin checkboxes. +++++ 2010-07-02 fix: CLIENT_changeClient: Now stores getSystemtimeByNTP, installPrinter and addNewLocalLogin correctly in the DB. (Thx lakul) cha: mkRelease: Now adds Origin and Suite to the Release file. +++++ 2010-06-29 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now exits, if the client should be changed and no distribution is selected. (Thx lakul) fix: HTML_getElementValue: Another fix for checkboxes. (Thx lakul) +++++ 2010-06-28 cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog, FDISK_colorFS, FDISK_listSupportedFS, FDISK_genPartedCommands, FDISK_printColorDefinitions, createRFSBinLinks: Added support for EXT4. cha: Updated client kernel to 2.6.34. cha: Increased ramdisk size to 50MB. +++++ 2010-06-27 new: countStatusBarIncPoints.sh: Calculates the total amount of MSR_statusBarIncCommand points per file for all PHP files in the current directory. cha: m23gnome2Install.php, m23KDE3Install.php, m23KDEwoodyInstall.php, m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23normalInstall.php, m23normalRemoveInstall.php, m23PrinterConfigInstall.php, m23UbuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23updateInstall.php, m23UpdatePackageInfosInstall.php, m23UpdateSourcesListInstall.php, m23VirtualBoxInstall.php, m23XFceInstall.php, m23xfree864Install.php, m23XInstall.php, m23XubuntuDesktopInstall.php, m23AddUserInstall.php, m23AssimilateInstall.php, m23fdiskFormatInstall.php, m23RebootInstall.php, m23RescueInstall.php, m23setStatusGreenInstall.php, m23ShutdownInstall.php: Now are including status percent points set with MSR_statusBarIncCommand. +++++ 2010-06-26 new: HTML_setStatusBarStatusByName: Sets new percent value and/or new status text by clientname AND status bar name. new: HTML_setStatusBarStatusByID: Sets new percent value and/or new status text by status bar ID. cha: HTML_setStatusBarStatus: Now is more generic. new: HTML_setStatusBarPercentPointByName: Calculates the value of a percent point according to the amount of waiting packages and stores the result in the DB. new: HTML_incStatusBarPercentByName: Increments the status bar percent by a given amount. cha: CLIENT_startInstall: (Re)Calculates the he value of a percent point according for the status bar "installStatus". new: MSR_statusBarCommand: Command to set a new percent value and/or new status text for the current client and for the "installStatus" status bar. new: MSR_statusBarInc: Increments the status bar percent by a given amount for the current client and for the "installStatus" status bar. new: MSR_statusBarIncCommand($percent): Command to increment the status bar percent by a given amount for the current client and for the "installStatus" status bar. +++++ 2010-06-25 new: MSR_genericSendCommand: Generates a generic command for sending information from the client to the server. new: MSR_statusBar: Sets new percent value and/or new status text. cha: CLIENT_addClient: Now creates a new status bar for the installation cha: GNOME_install, m23FdiskFormatInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. +++++ 2010-06-24 new: HTML_showStatusBarHTML: Shows the status bar, that is drawn in the iframe (this function is only called by statusBar.php). new: HTML_showStatusBar: Shows the iframe for a status bar. This actually displays the status bar. new: HTML_newStatusBar: Shows the iframe for a status bar. This actually displays the status bar. new: statusBar.php: Script for showing the status bar in the iframe. new: developersPlayground.php: Test page for testing new m23 functions. new: HTML_getStatusBarID: Returns the status bar ID of the searched status bar. cha: index.css: Titles now have a nice shadow. new: HTML_setStatusBarStatus: Sets new percent value and/or new status text. cha: GNOME_install, m23FdiskFormatInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_dialogInfoBox. +++++ 2010-06-23 patch: Improvements and fixes for the client add dialog. fix: HTML_getElementValue: Now should work together with the checkboxes. (Thx lakul) fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now checks the right variables, if the page was run first, for CB_getSystemtimeByNTP, CB_addNewLocalLogin, CB_installPrinter. (Thx lakul) cha: CLIENT_addClient: If a readonly LDAP server should be used, m23 doesn't need a login name and doesn't complain about an empty login name in this case. (Thx lakul) +++++ 2010-05-06 cha: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Changed shortening service from bit.ly to is.gd, because bit.ly made automated website usage impossible. +++++ 2010-04-30 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now doesn't complain about missing parameter, if non-interactive mode is used. release m23 rock 10.3 patch: Some improvements in the documentation and the installation process. +++++ 2010-04-29 cha: install18N.*: Added link to www.goos-habermann.de. cha: showNetworkDialog: Now recommends a censorship-free DNS. new: Added video section to the m23 community page. new: Added KVM installation howto to the installation guide. cha: extractFile: Now checks, if the file status file can be found and exits the loop, if it is not there. cha: Updated manuals in French. +++++ 2010-04-22 cha: Updated manuals in German and English. +++++ 2010-04-18 patch: Removed unneeded ISOs from m23-mdk-client package. cha: Removed unneeded ISOs from m23-mdk-client package. patch: Links for downloading 32 and 64 bit ISOs added to the "make boot CD" page. cha: VM_setVBoxAddonAsDefault, VM_getVBoxAddonDefaultVersion: Now don't show error messages, if files could not be found. cha: BURN_checkISO: Added parameter to set the architecture of the ISO. new: BURN_getISOSize: Gets the size of an ISO. cha: makeBootCD.php: Now shows links for downloading 32 and 64 bit ISOs. patch: Improved hardware detection. Added help for usage with external DHCP. VirtualBox addons installation improvements. Some fixes. +++++ 2010-04-15 new: externalDHCP.hlp: Help file for using m23 together with an external DHCP server. cha: support.php: Updated contact information and redesign. +++++ 2010-04-14 cha: HELP_getHelp: Now has tag for linking to other m23 help pages. fix: helpViewer.php: Fixed getting the heading. +++++ 2010-04-12 new: twitterFaceBook-Message.sh: Posts a message to Twitter and FaceBook and shortens the Twitter message if needed. cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now uses twitterFaceBook-Message.sh. new: m23uploadChangelog: Uploads tha changelog and now uses twitterFaceBook-Message.sh. cha: VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Now shows the currently installed VirtualBox version of the host. new: VM_getVBoxVersion: Get the currently installed VirtualBox version of the host. +++++ 2010-04-09 cha: VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Now only downloads the index if it is missing or older than 5 minutes. new: VM_setVBoxAddonAsDefault: Sets a choosen VirtualBox addition package version as default. new: VM_downloadedVBoxAddons: Lists all VirtualBox addition package versions that can be downloaded from the m23 server. new: VM_getVBoxAddonDefaultVersion: Gets the version number of the VirtualBox addition package. +++++ 2010-04-08 cha: menuDeb: Now has an extra menu entry to delete all Packages files from local Squid. cha: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now logs more info to the logfile /var/log/m23-VBox-Addon-Install.log cha: HTML_multiSelection: Now replaces "bad" characters in the HTML checkbox name with underscore. new: VM_listDownloadableVBoxAddons: Returns an array with the version numers of all VirtualBox addition ISOs that are 2.0.0 and above. new: VM_wasVBoxAddonDownloaded: Checks, if the VirtualBox addition for a selected version was downloaded to the m23 server. new: VM_VBOXaddonDownloadDialog: Shows a dialog for downloading the VirtualBox additions to the m23 server. new: VM_downloadVBOXaddons: Downloads the VirtualBox addition ISOs and extracts the addition installers for Linux. new: VM_generateVBOXaddonDownloadCMD: Generates the download commands to download a VirtualBox addition ISO and to extract the addition installers for Linux. +++++ 2010-04-07 new: m23-xorg-configurator: Init script that starts m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh in case of changes on graphic card, mouse or kernel on startup. +++++ 2010-04-06 cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now posts to Facebook too. +++++ 2010-04-02 new: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Now downloads the VirtualBox addons from the net, if they are not available as package or from the m23 server. +++++ 2010-04-01 new: m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh: Generator for xorg.conf with 4 different methods. cha: hwcheck: Now calls m23-xorg.conf-generator.sh. Function xconfig removed. cha: mkm23extradeb: Now creates m23-initscripts too. fix: CLIENT_getDebconfDB, PKG_getClientPackages: Now don't runcate the output. +++++ 2010-03-30 fix: burnCD: Re-included the script for buring m23 client installation CDs in the server. fix: m23instUpload: Fixed path error. new: /mdk/m23helper/VBox-64: Tools for running 64 bit VirtualBox in a chroot on a 32 bit system with 64 bit kernel. new: CLCFG_makeDev: Creates the device nodes in /dev by downloading and extracting an archive containing the device nodes and if this fails running MAKEDEV. cha: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php: Now works without dpkg-architecture. +++++ 2010-03-28 new: CLIENT_getDistribution: Returns the distribution of a client. new: CLIENT_getOption: Returns an option of a client. new: PKG_isSpecialPackageAvailableForClient: Checks if a special package is available for the client's distribution. new: CLIENT_extraWebAction: Executes extra actions from the client details page. cha: client_details.php: Now has an extra button to install the VM host software. +++++ 2010-03-27 cha: PKG_getSpecialPackageInfo: Now returns false, if no information could be got. +++++ 2010-03-17 release: m23 rock 10.2 patch: Adds support for changing debconf values from the m23 webinterfaces. Speed improvements for starting client recovery. cha: m23/postinst: Changes "normalPackage" row of the table "clientjobs" to "LONGTEXT". cha: PKG_getClientPackages: Now uses the SQL function GROUPS_CONCAT to generate the string of all found packages to improve the speed. cha: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: Now uses changed behaviour of PKG_getClientPackages. +++++ 2010-03-15 cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages, PKG_hasOptions: Now has extra parameter for the client's distribution release. cha: PKG_hasOptions: Option pages are now stored under /m23/data+scripts/m23admin/packages/$distr/$release/. new: SRCLST_getRelease: Gets a release from the sourceslist table. new: PKG_OptionPageHeader2: Starts the option page for debconf settings with all necessary options. new: PKG_OptionPageTail2: Generates the bottom of the OptionPage for debconf settings. new: PKG_OptionPageRender2: Renderes the layout of an OptionPage for debconf and stored the debconf settings into the DB. new: CLIENT_setDebconfDB: Sets debconf values for a client and a package. new: CLIENT_runDebconf: Generates BASH code to import debconf settings from the DB into the debconf of the client. cha: m23normalInstall.php: Now runs CLIENT_runDebconf. cha: m23normalInstall.php: Changed DB query result to associative array. new: getDebianTemplates: Downloads and extracts the templates of all Debian packages of a release and distribution. new: template2confpage.sh: Generates config pages for setting debconf values from the *.templates of the Debian packages of a distribution and release. +++++ 2010-03-14 new: HTML_multiSelection: Shows a list of checkboxes, that represent a value each. The values of checked checkboxes are stored in an array and returned. new: PKG_decodeDebconfDescription: Decodes and HTML-formats the description of a debconf template and extracts its title. +++++ 2010-03-13 new: CLIENT_getDebconfDB: Generates the debconf output as debconf-set-selections expects it from the DB value. new: CLIENT_getDebconfDBValue: Get the debconf value of a variable of a package. cha: m23/postinst: Adds a table to store debconf data. +++++ 2010-03-12 cha: m23/postinst: Adds a row to the clients table to store debconf data. patch: Debug status change fix. cha: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: Rewritten with new HTML functions. fix: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: Now works again. (Thx rluque) +++++ 2010-03-10 patch: Fixes for the group functions. cha: share-online.biz-uploader: Adjusted to changed parameters. new: GRP_showGroupsAndCount2: Replaces the not working GRP_showGroupsAndCount. cha: groups_overview.hlp: Adjusted to changed usage. cha: MSG_showUpdateInfo: Shows a message about clients who will update again. cha: GRP_desasterRecovery: Now shows bullets before the client names that will be recovered. +++++ 2010-03-09 fix: CLIENT_showJobs: Now shows the packages to remove in the job list. fix: MSG_showAddJobsInfo: Shows a message about assigned jobs again. +++++ 2010-02-27 release: m23 rock 10.1a patch: Client status fixes. +++++ 2010-02-26 cha: PKG_downloadPool: Is now more robust when downloading packages cha: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php: Now tries to download the binary VirtualBox addition package and compiles it. fix: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php, m23AddUserInstall.php: Now don't change the client state to yellow. patch: Serveral fixes for virtual machines, rescuing, mass installation etc. fix: install_packages.php: The client is now only halted if it was not on before. fix: CLIENT_showStatusSelection: Now can set the client status again. cha: CLCFG_disableAvahiDaemon: Now rewrites resolv.conf. new: m23VBoxKernelModuleInstall.php: Compiles the kernel module for the guest after the first boot. new: m23AddUserInstall.php: Adds a user. cha: clientInstall.php: Now adds an AddUser and a VBoxKernelModule job. cha: CLIENT_setAllParams: Now escapes values before inserting into the DB. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now updates Packages*. +++++ 2010-02-25 cha: VM_createVM, VM_activateNetbootCMD, VM_delVMCMD: Modified to make it work with changed parameters of newer VirtualBox versions. fix: fix-permissions: Now sets correct owner of /m23/vms/vbox. cha: checks.php: Added constants for VM creation. fix: VM_startVM: Another fix for "could not open default font 'fixed'" was added. fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now correct client name and mac for VMs are taken from VM creation. cha: client_details.php: Now show always the reload button. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Now VM host in the selection and the information about the VM host are always synchronous. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Corrected layout. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now doesn't use the variables firewall for IP and MAC if client should be defined. +++++ 2010-02-24 cha: CLCFG_addUser: Now adds the user to sudoers to let him allow to become root if he knows the password. cha: CLCFG_language: Added a fix for /etc/default/locale at Ubuntu. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now moves the postinst of virtualbox-ose-guest-* out of the way, because it will fail if we use another kernel (boot kernel) that the system kernel. +++++ 2010-02-22 new: CLCFG_configUpstartForNormalUsage: Configures upstart for normal running in an installed system. new: CLCFG_disableAvahiDaemon: Disables the avahi-daemon. +++++ 2010-02-21 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now removes the avahi daemon so it cannot destroy the resolv.conf. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now checks if KDE 4 is used and if yes install the m23 KDE 4 wallpaper. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now tries to install kde-l10n-XX too. cha: m23KubuntuDesktopInstall.php: Now installs extra multimedia codecs. cha: m23installerBase.inc: The server installation ISO can now make an optional online update. fix: rescue_client.php: Now rescues again. fix: recover_client.php: Now recovers again. new: CLCFG_configUpstartForChroot: Configures upstart to make it not fail installation. patch: Fix in administrator management. fix: htaccess.php: Now can delete admins again. cha: htaccess.php: Added a "back" button to delete one admin after another. +++++ 2010-02-20 patch: Fix in package selection and introducing precached debootstraps. fix: install_packages.php: Package selections can be built again. cha: PKG_searchFor: Now sorts the found packages. +++++ 2010-02-18 cha: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Now mounts devpts. +++++ 2010-02-16 release: m23 rock 10.1 patch: All finished for m23 rock 10.1 +++++ 2010-02-15 cha: m23/postinst: Now creates /m23/tmp. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now shows less useless error messages. cha: translations/screenshots: Finished. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now replaces all ocurrences of update-grub with a smal script that calls lilo. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now replaces all ocurrences of update-grub with a smal script that calls lilo if lilo should be used. +++++ 2010-02-13 cha: PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage: Now adds a shutdown package if m23shared is active. +++++ 2010-02-11 fix: compileKernel: Now sets the extra version of the kernel correctly. cha: compileKernel: Now can compile 32 bit kernel on 64 bit machines. cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Now creating of RAID device nodes is quiet. +++++ 2010-02-08 cha: linuxrc: Now checks if there are specified modules in kernel parameter m23modules and load them. cha: linuxrc: Now checks if the ID of the m23 client was choosen by the m23clientID kernel parameter. +++++ 2010-02-03 cha: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Now creates entry in fstab to allow mounting of /sys. +++++ 2010-02-02 cha: pkgdetails.c: Updated from the package base-installer. cha: debootstrap: Updated to 1.0.20. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Added a loop that let debootstrap try to fetch all needed packages up to 10 times if errors occur. +++++ 2010-02-01 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now creating of device nodes is quiet. cha: debootstrap/ functions /wgetprogress: Added retries and timeouts for wget. +++++ 2010-01-30 cha: compileKernel: Now sets CC to gcc-4.3 to fix "Your version of gcc miscompiles the" issue. cha: compileKernel: Removed CROSS_COMPILE because it is not needed any more. +++++ 2010-01-28 cha: MASS_showGeneratorOptions, MASS_showOverview, PKGBUILDER_showUploadDialog, POOL_showCreatePackageIndex, POOL_showDownloadStatus, POOL_download, POOL_showSourcesList: Fixed layout. cha: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: Now returns an empty array, if no clients are found. cha: kh2p: Now doesn't overwrite existing screenshots. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Now asks if all or missing screeshots should be created. fix: makePDF-HTML.sh: Fixed path to the server installation ISO for placing the manual on the CD. +++++ 2010-01-27 cha: SERVER_addEtcHosts, SERVER_delEtcHosts: Now are not executed if running m23shared. fix: HWINFO_printPartitions, MASS_showTableDefinition: Fixed layout. +++++ 2010-01-26 cha: client_dists.php: Now shows more information overview about the distribution to install. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: grub is now the default bootloader. cha: head.php: Changing layout and removing server software. cha: Debian package functions on the server now use seperate directories for each m23shared customer. cha: CIR_transferClientIP, CIR_waitForNextJob: wget calls are "quiet" if client is not in debug mode. fix: MSR_partHwDataCommand: Now lspci reports names of found PCI hardware data. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: Now deletes lock file before touching, to make sure the correct user is creating the lock file. cha: linuxrc: Stops dhclient to make sure that the IP configuration will not be changed during installation now. cha: issue: Added a hint, that the password may be changed by m23. cha: fix-permissions: Now doesn't change the permissions of the files in /m23/tmp. cha: m23SHARED_getAllm23sharedUsers: Now has extra parameter, if it is set to true, only m23shared users with existing bill table will be returned. +++++ 2010-01-25 cha: work.php: Now sets client debug status in a session parameter. cha: *: wget calls are "quiet" if client is not in debug mode. new: MSR_curDynIP: Sets the current IP of a client with dynamic IP. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: If the client has a dynamic IP, its IP will be announced to the m23 server on every call of m23fetchjob. cha: PKG_addShutdownPackage: Now doesn't add a shutdown package if m23shared is running. cha: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Now checks if a line with "listening" is the last line in the log file. If it's not, there may be another DHCP server. new: CIR_transferClientIP: Transfers the current IP of a m23shared client to the m23 server. cha: m23PresetupInstall: Now calls CIR_transferClientIP. +++++ 2010-01-24 cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now disables showing of LDAP and NFS settings if in m23shared mode. cha: client_details.php: Now uses the IP of the client to access CUPS. +++++ 2010-01-21 cha: createRFSBinLinks, createRFSBins: Now uses reset from tset. new: linuxrc: Now uses a dialog screen to show hardware probing. cha: createRFSISO: Now can set the m23server parameter in the isolinux.cfg via extra parameter. cha: createRFSISO: Has optional directory parameter where to move the created ISO to. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now checkes if there is a screen called m23fetchjob and exists if it was found. new: CLCFG_writeCrontabm23fetchjobEvery5Minutes: Adds entries to crontab to check every 5 minutes for new jobs. +++++ 2010-01-20 cha: clients_overview.php: Exchanged the up/down HTML arrows with images because not all browsers did show the arrows correctly. cha: createRFSISO: Can now create ISOs with an m23 server set as kernel parameter. +++++ 2010-01-19 fix: CLIENT_getClientName: Now works with m23shared. cha: Got rid off the cvs directory and links in the /m23 directory. fix: setStatus.php, setClientStatus.php, postMessage.php: Corrected path to m23shared.php. cha: linuxrc: Added a nice dialog for entering the m23shared client name. fix: CLCFG_interfaces, CLCFG_debootstrap: Disabling temporary static configuration of the network card if in DHCP mode. +++++ 2010-01-18 cha: m23/postinst: Now adds "LOCK TABLES" to the permissions of m23dbroot. cha: finishBuilding: Now stores/restores and sets user, group and access mode of conffiles if the file exists. +++++ 2010-01-17 cha: MAIL_getGpgKeyList: Now doesn't trow error messages if no keys are found. fix: m23/postinst: Now creates /m23/root-only. cha: m23/postinst: Now creates an user with GPG key for signing eMails and the backups. cha: mkm23Deb: Now includes the GPG user in mailConfig.php. cha: quickBuild.sh: Now increases the patch number on every call. +++++ 2010-01-16 cha: m23/control: Added php5-curl and php5-mcrypt as required packages. +++++ 2010-01-14 cha: m23SHARED_showBill: Now doesn't wrap descriptions any more. cha: index.css: Titles aren't wrapped any more. +++++ 2010-01-13 fix: install_packages.php: Fixed missing action parameter. fix: GRP_showSelDistrSources: Fixed layout. new: MAIL_AESencode: AES encryptes a message with a key. cha: MAIL_sendAESMail: Now uses MAIL_AESencode. cha: m23SHARED_new: Now adds 5 clients to the bill to let the customer see how much he would have to pay. new: m23SHARED_deleteBills: Deletes all bills. +++++ 2010-01-12 cha: mkm23Deb: Now cleans mailConf.php. +++++ 2010-01-09 cha: m23/postinst: Now creates a new cron secret file if it doesn't exist. +++++ 2010-01-08 new: m23SHARED_markForDeletion: Marks the current user's data for deletion and disable his login. new: m23SHARED_deleteUserdataFromDB: Deletes user data not needed for archiving purpose. new: m23SHARED_isMarkedForDeletion: Checks if the current user is marked for deletion. cha: m23SHARED_sendAllBillMails: Now calls m23SHARED_deleteUserdataFromDB if m23SHARED_isMarkedForDeletion is true. +++++ 2010-01-07 cha: client_backup.php, client_createImage.php, client_debug.php, client_infoPage.php, client_packages.php, client_partition.php, clients_overview.php, client_status.php, recover_client.php, rescue_client.php, install_packages.php, update_packages.php: Now works with "register globals = off". cha: HELP_showHelp, MSG_showInfo, MSG_showError, MSG_showAddJobsInfo, MSG_showUpdateInfo: Language parameter is now optionally and all calls were changed to languageless mode. cha: makeBootCD.php, SCREDIT_showEditor, scriptEditor.php: Fixed layout. +++++ 2010-01-04 cha: client_distr.php, client_packages.php, client_partition.php, create_group.php, group_actions.php, customerCenter.php, m23sharedAdmin.php, menu.php, plginstall.php, plgoverview.php, client_sourceslist.php, install_packages.php, packageBuilder.php, poolBuilder.php, update_packages.php, capture.php, daemonsAndPrograms.php, serverSettings.php, serverStatus.php, update.php, makeBootCD.php, makeBootDisk.php: Now are using HTML_setPage. cha: ASSI_showClientAddDialog: Rewritten with HTML functions. cha: head.php: Now works with "register globals = off". +++++ 2010-01-03 cha: sourceslist.php, preferences.php, setClientStatus.php, setStatus.php, setLog.php: Added CHECK_FW rules. cha: PKG_getSpecialPackagePriority: Now returns integers. fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: Now sets the language for dpkg to C. fix: pingIP: Now works again. cha: assimilate.php, backup.php, client.php, fdisk.php, groups.php, imaging.php, scredit.php: Now are using HTML_setPage. cha: client_addtogroup.php: Rewritten. +++++ 2010-01-02 cha: groups.php, fdisk.php, messageReceive.php, remotevar.php: Added CHECK_FW rules. new: CHECK_text2db: Makes a text safe for using it in the database. new: CHECK_db2text: Converts a string from the DB format to a normal string. +++++ 2010-01-01 cha: db.php, packages.php: Added CHECK_FW rules. +++++ 2009-12-30 new: CHECK_letFWDie: Lets the variable checking firewall die with error message and info why and where it stopped executing the script. new: CHECK_FW: Variable checking firewall, that checks a bunch of variables if they contain only valid characters. +++++ 2009-12-22 cha: checkIP: Now uses more strict checking whether an IP is valid or not. +++++ 2009-12-21 new: CHECK_int: Checks if the input value is an integer and shuts down the application if not. new: CHECK_float: Checks if the input value is a float number and shuts down the application if not. new: CHECK_strAlpha: Checks if the input value is a string that contains only characters and shuts down the application if it's not. new: CHECK_strAlphaNum: Checks if the input value is a string that contains only characters and digits and shuts down the application if it's not. new: CHECK_str: Checks if the input string only contains valid characters and is not longer than the maximum length and shuts down the application if not. +++++ 2009-12-20 new: helpViewer.php: Standalone or integrated help file viewer. new: de/en/serverRestore.hlp +++++ 2009-12-18 new: HTML_showPagePrintButton: Shows a print button that allows easy printing of the current m23 administration interface. cha: index.php: Now shows the printer button on top of every page. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now proxy and port are unset if m23shared is running. new: m23SHARED_getInformationForBootingYourClientLink: Generates a link to the help page information for booting the client. new: de/m23SharedBootingYourClient.hlp +++++ 2009-12-17 new: m23SHARED_showPriceListTable: Shows a table with the price list. new: customerCenter.hlp +++++ 2009-12-16 cha: Finished translations. +++++ 2009-12-15 new: Some translations. +++++ 2009-12-11 new: SERVERBACKUP_runBackupNowDialog: Shows a dialog for starting the server backup manually at once. new: m23SHARED_calculateBill: Calculates the bill for a choosen month in a selected year. new: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupList: Generates a list of existing server backups. new: SERVERBACKUP_rmBackup: Removes server backup. new: SERVERBACKUP_backupOverviewDialog: Shows a dialog with overview of all existing server backups with possibility for deletion. +++++ 2009-12-10 new: de/cron.inc, de/manageGPGKeysDialog.inc, de/m23ServerBackup.hlp: Added help files for new functions. +++++ 2009-12-09 new: SERVER_runningInScreen: Returns "true" if a screen session with a given name exists for a given user. +++++ 2009-12-08 new: SERVERBACKUP_showConfigurationDialog: Shows a dialog for configuring the server backup. new: MAIL_importGPGKey: Imports an GPG key into the bunch of GPG keys. new: MAIL_deleteGPGKey: Deletes an GPG key from the bunch of GPG keys. new: MAIL_manageGPGKeysDialog: Shows a dialog for importing and deleting GPG keys. new: HTML_textArea: Shows a text area to insert text. new: MAIL_sendMail: Sends a mail, that may be GPG encrypted and contain an attachement via the cryptmail gateway. +++++ 2009-12-07 new: MAIL_getGpgKeyList: Gets the list of known GPG keys/identities. new: SERVER_getFileContents: Get the contents of any file (even if only readable by root). new: SERVER_putFileContents: Stores a text to a file and changes it's mode, user and group. new: SERVERBACKUP_getBackupConfiguration: Gets the server backup configuration. new: SERVERBACKUP_storeBackupConfiguration: Stores the server backup configuration. +++++ 2009-12-06 fix: EDIT_deleteMatching: Now removes newlines from the search string. new: CRON_getNextIdentifierNr: Calculates the next higher identifier number from a given identifier. new: CRON_cronManagementDialog: Shows a dialog for viewing, adding and deleting crontab entries for a given user, command and identifier. new: CRON_cronEntryDeletionDialog: Shows a a list of crontab entries matching the identifier with deletion option. new: CRON_translateEveryIntervallValue: Translates a time value with possible intervall into a human readable string. +++++ 2009-12-04 new: CRON_addJobDayly: Runs a command every day at a specified time. cha: MSG_showInfo, MSG_showError, MSG_showWarning: language parameter is now optional. new: CRON_getEntriesByIdentifier: Parses the crontab for all lines matching the identifier. new: CRON_getTimeBaseArray: Returns an associative array that contains the timebases for cron that are supported by m23. new: CRON_getDayOfWeekArray: Returns an associative array that contains the week day names for cron. new: CRON_checkMinute: Checks if a minute value is valid. new: CRON_checkHour: Checks if a hour value is valid. +++++ 2009-12-03 new: CRON_addJobHourly: Runs a command every N hours. new: CRON_addJobWeekly: Runs a command every week at a specified time. +++++ 2009-12-02 new: CRON_genCronEntry: Creates a cron line to insert into crontab. new: CRON_addJob: Adds a command to the crontab. new: CRON_rmJob: Removes an entry from the crontab. +++++ 2009-12-01 cha: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: Now returns false if the file could not be donwloaded. +++++ 2009-11-27 new: m23SHARED_showLicenseDialog: Shows a dialog for viewing and changing the license and paid client amount. new: m23SHARED_showAdminDialog: Shows a dialog for the admin to search users for and change values. new: m23SHARED_blockAccount: Blocks or unblocks an account. new: m23SHARED_isAccountBlocked: Checks if an account is blocked. new: m23SHARED_showAddExtraBillDialog: Shows a dialog for adding extra entries to the bill. new: m23SHARED_showBillDialog: Shows a dialog for viewing and choosing the bill. +++++ 2009-11-26 new: m23SHARED_allUserDBQuery: Executes an SQL query on all m23shared databases and returns an associated array with all results. new: m23SHARED_getUserByResident: Gets the user name of m23shared customer by the resident name. new: m23SHARED_getUserByCustomerNr: Gets the user name of m23shared customer by the customer number. new: m23SHARED_getUserByInfo: Gets the user name of m23shared customer by searching all m23shared DBs for var and value in the remotevar table. +++++ 2009-11-25 new: m23SHARED_priceFormater: Formats a price with two digit decimal place. new: m23SHARED_downloadBillPDFLink: Generates a HTML link that points to the script that generates the bill for a given monath and year. new: m23SHARED_showDonationDialog: Shows a dialog where the user can donate to the m23 project. new: m23SHARED_addExtraBill: Adds an extra entry to the bill. new: m23SHARED_showBootMediaDownloadDialog: Shows a dialog with download icons for the different boot media. +++++ 2009-11-24 new: m23SHARED_getSalutationsArray: Returns an array with salutation forms. new: m23SHARED_switchUser: Changes the current m23shared user. new: m23SHARED_getSalutationHeadline: Returns a saluation headline that can be used as beginning of an email. new: m23SHARED_sendAllBillMails: Sends the bills of all users from the previous month as PDF attachement. This should be run at the beginning of a month. new: m23SHARED_prepareBillMailSending: Prepares the bill mail sending queue. new: m23SHARED_markBillMailAsSent: Marks a bill mail as sent. +++++ 2009-11-17 new: m23SHARED_getCustomerAddress: Returns HTML formatted address information for the current customer. new: m23SHARED_unusedPaidClientsAvailable: Checks if there are unused paid clients and shows an error message if not. new: m23SHARED_getAllm23sharedUsers: Gets all m23shared users. +++++ 2009-11-12 new: m23SHARED_setAddress: Sets address information for the current customer. +++++ 2009-11-11 new: m23SHARED_getPayTypeArray: Returns an array with the nummeric pay types as index and the human readable translations as values. new: m23SHARED_setBankAccount: Sets bank account information for the current customer. new: MAIL_attach: Attaches a file to the message body of the mail and changes the mail header. new: m23SHARED_changeClientAmount: Changes the amount of paid clients for the current customer. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerBankHTML: Returns HTML formatted bank account information for the current customer. +++++ 2009-11-09 new: m23SHARED_generateActivationKey: Calculates the customer number by current time and random value and stores it into the DB. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerNr: Returns the customer number for this customer. new: SERVER_multiMkDir: Creates a directory and all needed directories on the way to the destination path. new: m23SHARED_pdfBill: Generates a bill in PDF format for a choosen month in a selected year. new: m23SHARED_getCurrentUser: Returns the current m23shared user. new: m23SHARED_getLicenseType: Returns the m23shared license of the current m23shared user. +++++ 2009-11-07 cha: HTML_selection: Now returns the shown list element if none was selected. new: m23SHARED_getBillDates: Returns an array filled with all month and years where bills are present. cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Background image should be changeable now (Thx thomas). +++++ 2009-11-05 new: PDF_init: Inits some basic variables for PDF creation. new: PDF_output: Shows the created PDF. +++++ 2009-11-04 new: PDF_showTableRow: Shows a table row with a variable amount of entries. new: PDF_showTableHeader: Inits some values for starting a new PDF table. new: PDF_showTableEnd: Prints the PDF table. +++++ 2009-11-03 new: MAIL_cryptMailServer: Server part for sending AES mails. cha: m23SHARED_gpgMail: Is now MAIL_gpgMail and can encode big messages via temporary file now. new: MAIL_getHeader: Generates a mail header with sender and reply-to field, mail software and a BCC to send a copy to the admin. +++++ 2009-11-02 new: SERVER_changeHtpasswd: Changes the password of a user in a htpasswd file. new: m23SHARED_changePasswordDialog: Tries to change the password for the current m23shared user and shows an error or sucess message. Both of the entered passwords must be identically. new: m23SHARED_changePasswordDialog: Tries to change the eMail for the current m23shared user and shows an error or sucess message. +++++ 2009-10-31 new: m23SHARED_sendAdminMail: Sends an GPG encrypted eMail to the admin. +++++ 2009-10-29 new: HTML_showTableHeading: Shows a table heading row with a variable amount of entries. The parameters are shown side by side as rows in a table. If more than one HTML_showTableRow commands are executed in one table it is needed to always use the same amount of paramaters in each call. new: m23SHARED_showBill: Shows the bill for a selected month. new: m23SHARED_gpgMail: Encrypts a message with GPG for a given eMail address. +++++ 2009-10-28 new: m23SHARED_sendActivationMail: Prepares and sends the activation mail. new: m23SHARED_getActivationKey: Returns the activation key for this customer. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerEmail: Returns the eMail address of customer. new: m23SHARED_setCustomerEmail: Sets the eMail address of customer. new: m23SHARED_getCustomerLanguage: Returns the language setting for this customer. new: m23SHARED_setCustomerLanguage: Sets the language for this customer. new: m23SHARED_setRealName: Sets the real name of the customer. new: m23SHARED_getRealName: Returns the real name of the customer. new: m23SHARED_sendActivationMail: Prepares and sends the welcome mail. new: m23SHARED_activate: Activates a customer account identified by user and activation code, makes some checks if the data is correct and sends a welcome email. +++++ 2009-10-27 new: m23SHARED_sendAESMail: Sends an AES encrypted eMail to a crypt mail gateway. +++++ 2009-10-26 new: DB_queryNoDie: Executes a SQL query and returns the resource id to access the result. new: m23SHARED_getPayTypeHumanReadable: Returns the license and payment type of the m23shared/enterprise account as human readable string. new: m23SHARED_getMonthlyFee: Calculates the monthly fee with the given amount af paid clients. new: m23SHARED_generateActivationKey: Calculates a random activation key and stores it into the DB. +++++ 2009-10-24 cha: HTML_showTableEnd, HTML_showTableHeader: Removed unneeded HTML tags. new: HTML_showTableRow: Shows a table row with a variable amount of entries. The parameters are shown side by side as rows in a table. If more than one HTML_showTableRow commands are executed in one table it is needed to always use the same amount of paramaters in each call. +++++ 2009-10-23 cha: HTML_showTableHeader: Now has parameter to choose the CSS class of the inner table. cha: index.css: Some improvements for readableness of tables. +++++ 2009-10-21 new: CLIENT_getClientAmount: Gets the amount of all clients. new: m23SHARED_paidClients: Calculates and returns the amount of clients the customer has paid for. new: m23SHARED_evaluationEndDate: Generates a string with the end date and time in current selected language of the evaluation period. +++++ 2009-10-20 fix: m23xfree864Install.php: Now only enables vboxvideo if the VirtualBox addon package could be found. +++++ 2009-10-19 cha: PKG_previewUpdateSystem, PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation: Now are changing the client name on m23shared clients to the complete m23shared client name to store the package status information in a directory with complete m23shared client name and not without the DB name. +++++ 2009-10-18 cha: PKG_previewUpdateSystem, PKG_previewInstallationDeinstallation: Now doesn't try to copy the current package status file via SCP before the preview if m23shared is active. cha: m23UpdatePackageInfos.php: Now uses MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand instead of MSR_statusFileCommand to reduce transferred data. new: MSR_copyClientPackageStatus: Writes a sent full or difference package status file to the correct directory. new: MSR_importDiffFile: Writes a sent full or difference file to the destination. new: MSR_copyDiffFileFromClient: Sends a file from the client to the server and tries to send only the changes towards an existing file on the server. new: MSR_CopyClientPackageStatusCommand: Generates commands to transfer the package status file from the client to the server. +++++ 2009-10-17 cha: CLIENT_getAskingParams: Checks if a m23shared client name is set and returns its parameters. cha: CIR_waitForNextJob: Now adds the client ID to the request if it is available. cha: CLCFG_resolvConf: Now doesn't store an empty resolv.conf. +++++ 2009-10-16 cha: mkCert.sh: Now can create certificates for choosen hosts. cha: postMessage.php, setStatus.php, setClientStatus.php: Now include m23shared.php optionally. cha: CLCFG_interfaces: Now has $clientParams as parameter and can configure the interfaces with DHCP settings. +++++ 2009-10-15 cha: linuxrc: Now checks if the m23 server was given via kernel parameters. cha: linuxrc: Now asks for the m23 client ID or uses the given hostname if the m23 server was given via kernel parameter. cha: m23SHARED_getDBnameByClient: Checks if the m23 client ID begins with "m23S" to determine if the client ID belongs to a m23shared client. new: m23SHARED_getCompleteClientName: Returns the complete name of a m23 shared client ($_SESSION variables need to be set). new: m23SHARED_getServerIP: Returns the FQDN of the m23shared server. cha: getServerIP: Now calls m23SHARED_getServerIP if m23shared is active. cha: CIR_writeClientID: Now has $clientParams as parameter and uses m23SHARED_getCompleteClientName as ID if m23shared is active. +++++ 2009-10-12 cha: DHCP_rmClient: Now removes the client only from dhcpd.conf if the client doesn't use gPXE. cha: exportDBInitTable: Now auto increment start values are stripped from the SQL dump. cha: quickBuild.sh: Now builds m23shared package too. +++++ 2009-10-11 cha: CLIENT_getClientName: Checks if a m23shared client exists and give it out directly if there is one now. cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: If m23shared is active, print the DB name in front of the client name. cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now doesn't show network setting if the client uses gPXE or DHCP. cha: DHCP_addClient: Now has parameter to choose different boot methods. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now activates network boot if PXE or Etherboot is choosen only. new: dhclient-script: Added a modificated version that can set the hostname of the client. +++++ 2009-10-10 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now disables network settings if gPXE/DHCP is selected. cha: HTML_storableSelection, HTML_selection: Added parameter to add JavaScript. cha: client_details.php: Made some options disappearing for m23shared. cha: index.php: Disable some pages for m23shared. cha: head.php: Now show the currently logged in user and a logout link. cha: index.php: Redesigned and logout option added. cha: m23base.php: Removed spaces in front of the lines. cha: CLIENT_addChangeElement: Now adds changeElements only if they didn't exist before. +++++ 2009-10-09 new: m23SHARED_DBname: Generates a database name for m23 shared by input and salt. new: m23SHARED_getDBnameByInterface: Calculates the database name for m23 shared by setting in the user interface new: m23SHARED_getDBnameByClient: Gets the database name for m23 shared as part of the client ID. new: m23SHARED_init: Checks if a m23shared environment is present, sets the variables in the session and chooses the according DB. new: m23SHARED_new: Adds a new m23shared user and creates a new DB. new: m23SHARED_setLicense: Sets the maximum allowed amount of clients and the evaluation time in days. new: m23SHARED_evaluationDaysLeft: Calculates how many days are left from evaluation period. cha: PLG_listMenuPlugins: Now exists if m23shared is active. cha: menu.php: Now doen't show some entries if m23shared is active. +++++ 2009-10-08 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php, exportDBInitTable: Now accept list of sources lists to export from command line arguments. new: SERVER_delFromHtpasswd: Removes a user with password to a htpasswd file. new: SERVER_addToHtpasswd: Adds a new user with password to a htpasswd file. +++++ 2009-10-05 cha: dbConnect: Now supports clients with m23shared +++++ 2009-09-30 cha: VM_startVM: Added font path to fix font error of vnc4server. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now can re-use existing virtual harddisks. +++++ 2009-09-10 cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now checks if the m23 client is run in VirtualBox and try to install the VirtualBox guest addons. cha: KDE_install: Now installs m23-kde4-wallpaper. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now configures the display drivers for VirtualBox and VMWare. +++++ 2009-09-07 cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now creates backups of the client packages to the FRS. new: m23-skel/postinst: Adds setting of the .kde4 home directory if KDE 4 is installed to "profile" in /etc/skel. cha: m23-skel/postinst: Now disables start of kaboom. +++++ 2009-09-05 cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now has another fallback to create a working xorg.conf. cha: .profile: Now checks if KDE4 is installed and sets KDEHOME. +++++ 2009-09-01 cha: hwcheck, printconf, alsa-autoconfig: Added LSB parts to the headers of the scripts. +++++ 2009-08-31 cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: Now CLCFG_language is executed before the user is added. cha: CLCFG_language: Now changes the skel so that the keyboard in KDE is set to the client's language settings. cha: kdeglobals: Added font antialiasing cha: plasma-desktop-appletsrc: Now uses ~/Desktop as dektop directory. +++++ 2009-08-21 cha: menuManualStart.sh: Adjusted urls to the new file release system of SourceForge. new: uploadFRS: Uploads files to the new FRS of SF. This will replace the sf-upload calls. cha: uploadPDFFRS, m23instUpload: Now uses uploadFRS. +++++ 2009-06-29 cha: m23patch.php: Now checks if a (maybe) in apt.conf set proxy is pingable. The m23 0.8.5 VM and ISO came with a false preset proxy for APT upgrades on the m23 server. +++++ 2009-06-25 patch: Fixes assimilisation of Ubuntu cumputers that don't report a valid IP. Added search option in the client overview dialog. +++++ 2009-06-21 cha: MSR_clientSettings: Now doesn't overwrites the IP because it may be reported false by some Ubuntu versions. new: CLCFG_createScreenRC: Creates the (under Ubuntu) needed settings for screen. new: DB_getLikeableColumns: Returns an associative array that contains all fields of a table that can be searched by LIKE. cha: CLIENT_query: Added parameter with search string to search all clients for and only list matching clients or all if $search is empty. cha: clients_overview: Added search dialog. +++++ 2009-06-16 fix: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Fixed URL to the m23 community page article. +++++ 2009-06-14 patch: Server installation CD updates. cha: installLilo: Uninstalls grub now. cha: installLilo: Now adds large-memory option to lilo.conf if it's missing. patch: Small changes for the m23 server installtion cd. cha: installDebs: Now adds m23 server repository to sources.list. +++++ 2009-06-12 cha: m23-ldap/postinst: Now adds an LDAP group. patch: Fix for the LiLo filter. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: Fix for the LiLo filter. patch: Changes to support LiLo better. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now filters out double entries in lilo.conf. This may happen on RAID systems and hinder lilo to install. cha: installLilo: Links update-grub to lilo now. +++++ 2009-06-10 cha: m23-box/postinst: New code to disable VirtualBox OSE registration dialog. patch: Update for the graphical VirtualBox OSE console. cha: VboxVMStarter: Now sets the background image via xloadimage. new: Created background image for the graphical VirtualBox OSE console. +++++ 2009-06-09 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed Debian Sarge from the sources list. patch: Small changes for VirtualBox environment. cha: serverStatus.php: Changed IP to ping. cha: work.php: Now waits if the partition and format job is active and no distribution is set. Only this way the inode size can be set on Etch. cha: VboxVMStarter: Now starts flwm. cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Adjusted configuration to VirtualBox 2.2.4 OSE. +++++ 2009-06-08 patch: Small changes and update for VirtualBox OSE. new: Creates new VirtualBox 2.2.4 OSE packages. cha: m23/postinst: Links update-grub to lilo now. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Links update-grub to lilo now, if lilo is the bootmanager. cha: HTML_listSelection: Now processes the input array only if it is an array. patch: 64 bit compatiblity for the m23 VirtualBox environment. cha: m23-vbox: Can now be installed on 64 bit machines. cha: m23-vbox: Switched window manager from olvwm to flwm. +++++ 2009-06-07 patch: Version change and small changes. release 0.8.5 +++++ 2009-06-06 cha: createOSImage: Now uses maximum compression settings for 7-Zip to compress the OS image. cha: menuDoc: Now can be executed as root (if needed). patch: Fix for language setting in mass install. fix: MASS_startInstall: Now copies the language setting from the defined client. patch: Fixes for mass installation and BackupPC. fix: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now sets the current page. Needed for continuing the client definition process. +++++ 2009-06-05 cha: add_client.php: Now uses settings from session. cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: Now uses client name from session. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now saves in the session that the next dialog is the disk define dialog if client definition is selected. +++++ 2009-06-04 fix: BACKUP_addAdmin: Now restarts the Apache after changing the accounts for BackupPC. patch: Changes for grub on Etch. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now has an extra parameter for settings of mkfs.ext2 and mkfs.ext3. cha: m23fdiskFormat: Now sets the size of the inodes to 128 bytes for Debian Etch (this is needed for the grub in Etch.) patch: texlive is now optional and is installed only when running menuDoc. cha: menuDoc: Now checks for LaTeX environtment and installs the needed packages if missing. +++++ 2009-06-03 patch: Fixes for the DHCP detection and the maximum size of the harddisk when installing the m23 server from the ISO. cha: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Added a link to the DHCP warner log file that contains the rouge DHCP server. fix: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Another fix and now only foreign DHCP servers get detected. fix: setClientStatus.php: Now includes vm.php what enbales setting a client to status green. cha: getDrives: Now calculates the size of the harddisk via sfdisk. This should correct installation problems on big drives. Tested with a VirtualBox virtual harddisk of 2TB. patch: Fix for the SSH key creation when installing from the server installation CD. fix: startBaseInstallation: Now creates new SSH keys on installation again. +++++ 2009-06-02 patch: Fix for the DHCP warning dialog. fix: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Now uses the correct DHCP UDP port for scanning. patch: Added missing package latex2html for Debian. new: Created latex2html package. patch: Small changes for the server installation ISO. cha: installDebs: Now installs and configures m23-vbox with the installation ISO. cha: createRFSBins: Special handling for 7-Zip binary. cha: installDebs: Now removes "http://m23debs" from sources.list +++++ 2009-05-29 cha: HTML_listSelection: Changed logic for normal arrays as variables and values. fix: uploadHtml: Adjusted the server for extracting the development guide. cha: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Now posts the URL to the article on the m23 community page too. fix: makeDoc.sh: Fixed path for copying the development documentation. +++++ 2009-05-27 cha: html2tex.sh: Reducing image size to make the screenshots fit on the paper of the documentation. +++++ 2009-05-25 cha: kh2p: Now compresses the PNGs for the manual by color reduction to approx. a third. cha: m23updateChangelog: Now posts the development messages of the last day to Twitter. new: twitterArticlePoster.sh: Posts all articles that are newer than the newest article in the previous run to Twitter. +++++ 2009-05-24 patch: Small fixes to improove compatibility of grub with some partitions. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Now sets the type of the partition via sfdisk. cha: createRFSBins: Now includes sfdisk. fix: CLCFG_changeUser: Now sets the password correctly (Thx Doc). fix: m23changeClientInstall.php: Now sets the root password correctly. +++++ 2009-05-22 patch: French translation completed. new: fr/createVM.hlp: Added French translation. new: fr/welcome.hlp: Added French translation. +++++ 2009-05-17 patch: Fixes for the message box and the package creation of the MDK. fix: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader, MSG_showMessageBox, MSG_showMessageBoxFooter: Now shows the message again if it is not returned. fix: simpleBuild: Now never creates empty packages if there are no changed files. release 0.8.3 patch: Redesign of the welcome page with included online blogs of current m23 events. cha: en/de welcome.hlp: Completely rewritten. +++++ 2009-05-15 new: MSG_DeActivateBlogDialog: Creates a dialog to en/disable a blog. The displaying state is written to the DB. cha: welcome.php: The status blogs can get (de)activated now. +++++ 2009-05-14 cha: welcome.php: Now shows the m23 status blogs as part of the welcome message. cha: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader, MSG_showMessageBoxFooter, MSG_showMessageBox: Now have an extra parameter to set if the HTML output should be returned rather than show. cha: MSG_showRSSFeed: Is now MSG_getRSSFeed and returns the HTML rss output cha: MSG_showm23DevelopmentBlog: Is now MSG_getm23DevelopmentBlog and returns the HTML output of the development blog cha: MSG_showm23UpdateFeed: Is now MSG_getm23UpdateFeed and returns the HTML output of the update feed +++++ 2009-04-22 cha: SERVER_runningInBackground: Now checks screen to check if a process is running. new: SERVER_dhcpServerInNetWarn: Shows an error message if there is found another DHCP server on the net. +++++ 2009-04-16 cha: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: New parameter to choose if the file should be overwritten even if the new file is empty. cha: UPDATE_getInfo, MSG_showm23UpdateFeed: Now don't overwrite the cached files if the new file is epmty. new: MSG_showWarning: Shows the warning block for the warning messages. cha: client_distr.php: Added a warning message if Ubuntu is choosen. +++++ 2009-04-14 patch: RSS feed and other news support on the welcome page. new: MSG_showRSSFeed: Shows a RSS feed. new: HELPER_getRemoteFileContents: Downloads a file if it is not older than a given time and returns its contents. cha: UPDATE_getInfo: Now uses HELPER_getRemoteFileContents and has an extra parameter to check for updates after a given time. New: MSG_showm23UpdateFeed: Shows the m23 server update feed. new: MSG_showm23DevelopmentBlog: Shows the m23 development blog. +++++ 2009-04-09 cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Removed exporting all Ubuntu releases but Gutsy and removed Debian Woody. +++++ 2009-04-08 patch: Some fixes and script updates. +++++ 2009-04-07 cha: checkForx86_64Toolchain: Now downloads and installs the a binutils package that can handle the new amd64 format of the Debian Lenny binary files. new: Created a 64 bit package of VirtualBox OSE 2.1.4. cha: m23/postinst: Now writes cpu type and speed to the database on localhost. new: en/createVM.hlp: Finished translation. cha: VM_GUIstepSelectHost, VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Added code for preseting while screenshot making. cha: index.css: Font sizes are now set to 15. Liberation Sans is now the default font. cha: *: MSG_showNewFeature removed from all files. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added screenshot for creating a VM. +++++ 2009-04-06 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now activates network booting for the VM. cha: client_directConnection.hlp: Added ticks around the network boot password to make it easier to copy and paste in FF. fix: HTML_selection: Now the security check allows the correct value. cha: createRFSBins: Add badblocks tool to the bootimage. cha: bootimage: Updated the base to Debian Lenny. +++++ 2009-04-04 new: de/createVM.hlp: New help file for creating a virtual machine. cha: VBoxVNCStarter: Start xclock to make the VNC screen get updated every second. +++++ 2009-04-02 patch: Virtualisation added. new: CLIENT_showDelDialog: Shows the dialog for deleting a client. new: HTML_setPage: Sets the m23 page as hidden value. cha: delete_client.php: Now uses CLIENT_showDelDialog and CLIENT_showDelDialog. +++++ 2009-04-01 new: VM_delete: Deletes a virtual machine from a VM host. cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: New parameter to delete the VM too. +++++ 2009-03-29 new: VM_webAction: Executes an action for a VM controlled by the web UI. new: VM_activateNetboot: (De)Activates network booting of a VM. cha: DHCP_activateBoot: Now (de)activates network booting on VMs. new: VM_stopVM: Generates a BASH command to stop a virtual machine. new: VM_pauseVM: Generates a BASH command to pause a virtual machine. new: VM_resumeVM: Generates a BASH command to resume a virtual machine. +++++ 2009-03-28 new: VM_getHTMLStatusBlock: Generates and returns a status block in a HTML table with informations (VM host, VM software, VM power switch state, visual console URL and password, VM NICs) about the selected VM client. new: VM_vmSwNr2Name: Converts the VM software constant (VM_SW_*) to the human readable name. +++++ 2009-03-27 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now sets the client's VM settings if it's VM. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Can be preseeded with MAC, clientname, VM software and host if created by VM creation page. new: VM_activateNetbootCMD: Generates a BASH command line to (de)activate network booting of a VM. new: VM_convertSwitchStatusInfo: Returns the status of a VM guest in several ways. +++++ 2009-03-26 cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now makes proposals for DNS, netmask, IP and gateway. cha: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Now shows a link for adding the VM client after its sucessful creation. +++++ 2009-03-25 cha: HTML_showFormHeader: Now stores the client name and ID in the session if the information could be received by GET. new: CLIENT_addChangeElement: Generates a HTML dialog element for changing a client property. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Now uses CLIENT_addChangeElement. cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now doesn't have parameters any more. The client name is taken from $_SESSION['clientName'] and the elements to change from $_SESSION['changeElements']. new: getServerGateway: Returnes the gateway of the m23 server +++++ 2009-03-24 cha: PKG_listKernels: Removed new: PKG_getKernels: Generates an associative array with the available kernels for an architecture and distribution as keys and values. Replaces PKG_listKernels. fix: LDAP_listServers: Now doesn't list LDAP servers with empty names. cha: LDAP_listServers: Now returns an associative array with the LDAP server names as keys and values. cha: HELPER_passGenerator: Generates semi-random passwords via pwgen or DB_genPassword. cha: CLIENT2_showAddDialog: Now generates user and root password via HELPER_passGenerator. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Complete re-design with new functions. +++++ 2009-03-23 new: HTML_submitDefine: Defines but does not show a button. new: HTML_submitCheck: Checks if a previously defined button was clicked. cha: HTML_selection, HTML_checkBox: Added support for saving the value to the session. new: HTML_storableCheckBox: Shows a check box with label with loading and storing the checking state to and from the session. new: HTML_storableSelection: Shows a list of radio buttons or a selection with loading and storing the checking state to and from the session. +++++ 2009-03-22 fix: HTML_input: Now accepts the maxlength parameter. cha: HTML2_selection: Removed. new: HTML_getElementValue: Gets the value for a HTML element by the session data or POST value. new: HELPER_array2AssociativeArray: Copies the values of an array as keys AND values to a new assiciative array. cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: Removed. cha: PREF_saveAllPreferenceValues, PREF_saveAllPreferenceValues: Now take the preference name from $_SESSION['preferenceName'] and not from the arguments. cha: PREF_getClientPreferences: Added parameter directOutput. If enabled the preference names will be given out as a HTML option list. If disabled an array with the preference names as key and value will be returned. new: PREF_showPreferenceManager: Shows a dialog to load and delete existing preferences and to create new preferences. new: PREF_preferenceLoadManagerHandler: Executes loading and deletion of preferences after pressing the according buttons and defines the buttons for PREF_showPreferenceManager(); new: PREF_preferenceSaveManagerHandler: Executes the saving of preferences. +++++ 2009-03-21 new: CLIENT_DETAILS_beginCategory: Starts a new named section for icons. new: CLIENT_DETAILS_endCategory: Ends the previously opened icon section. new: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon: Adds an icon in a section. new: CLIENT_DETAILS_addIcon2: Adds an icon in a section that can link to all URLs. cha: client_details.php: Redesigned with the CLIENT_DETAILS_* functions. new: VM_getSWandHost: Gets the VM software and VM host of a m23 client. new: VM_getStatus: Returns the current status of a VM guest. new: PREF_loadAllPreferenceValues: Loads all values of a preference into the session. new: PREF_saveAllPreferenceValues: Saves all values of a session into the preference. +++++ 2009-03-20 cha: HTML_showFormEnd: Now stores all session in a hidden variable. cha: HTML_showFormHeader: Now reads the session data stored in a hidden variable. new: VM_getAllVMHosts: Returns a list of all VM hosts with a choosen virtualisation software. new: VM_GUIstepSelectHost: Shows a dialog parts for choosing the VM host. new: VM_GUIstepCheckHost: Shows a dialog part with information about the chose VM host. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now filters out unwanted SSH messages. cha: CLIENT_query: Now can filter for all VM clients run on a host. cha: CLIENT_showClietInfoMenu: Removed. new: VM_GUIstepCreateGuest: Shows a dialog to create a new VM on the chosen host. +++++ 2009-03-19 new: m23VirtualBoxInstall.php: Script for installing the VirtualBox OSE virtualisation solution on an m23 client. new: CLIENT_getCurrentFreeSpaceInDir: Get the amount of free space in a given directory on a client or localhost. new: CLIENT_getCurrentMemoryUsage: Gets the amount of free and total memory on a client or localhost. +++++ 2009-03-18 cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Now makes the m23 server a VBOX server by setting software type and virtualisation role in the database if the package is installed on the m23 server. new: VM_setHostInDB: Sets the password for the login to the visual management console on the host for all guests, the host flag and the type of used virtualisation software. cha: VM_setVisualPassword: Replaced by VM_setHostInDB. cha: m23-vbox/postinst: Transfers virtualisation software type and password to the m23 server if the package is installed on an m23 client. +++++ 2009-03-17 new: CLIENT_getClientID: Returnes the ID of the calling client. new: VM_statusIcons: Returns HTML codes that include the VM status icons of the client. cha: CLIENT_generateHTMLStatusBar: Now uses VM_statusIcons. new: VM_setVisualPassword: Sets the password for the login to the visual management console on the host for all guests. new: VM_setVisualURL: Sets the URL to connect to the visual management console. cha: vnc4server-m23-vbox: Added parameter for the IP of the m23 server. cha: VBoxVNCStarter: Now sends the visual connection URL to the m23 server. +++++ 2009-03-16 new: CLIENT_getActiveNetDevices: Checks for active network devices on a client or localhost. new: HTML2_selection: Shows a list of radio buttons or a selection. cha: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now adds a unique ID after every job name. cha: VM functions: Now use the constant VM_SW_VBOX for VirtualBox. +++++ 2009-03-11 new: vnc4server-m23-vbox: Modificated version of the vnc4server script. Added support for starting VirtualBox VMs in a new virtual desktop accessible via VNC. This gives a remote VNC desktop that runs a VirtualBox OSE session and is a replacement for the VRDP feature of the closed source edition of VirtualBox. new: VBoxVNCStarter: Starts some tools for the VNC desktop like window manager (olvwm), xterm, and VirtualBox OSE. new: killCurrentVNCSession.sh: Shows a dialog window on the VNC desktop to shut down the tools VBoxVNCStarter started. +++++ 2009-03-10 new: VM_delVM: Deletes a virtual machine. new: VM_createVM: Creates a virtual machine. new: VM_startVM: Starts a virtual machine. new: HELPER_randomMAC: Generates a random MAC address. new: VM_status: Gets the current status of a virtual machine. new: VM_parseVBOXdisk: Parses a harddisk/DVD/floppy status line of VirtualBox. new: VM_parseVBOXstate: Parses the status (on, off, paused) line of VirtualBox. fix: SERVER_runInBackground, CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Now load the right environment variables for the current user. new: VM_parseVBOXNic: Parses the status line of a virtual network card. +++++ 2009-03-09 new: CLIENT_executeOnClientOrIP: Runs a script with "screen" in the background or under a plain BASH under a given user. The script can be executed on the local machine "localhost" or a remote client that is accessible via SSH with a public key and without a password. +++++ 2009-03-07 new: VM_createDiskImage: Creates a new empty virtual harddisk image file. +++++ 2009-03-06 cha: simpleBuild: Now has an extra parameter to force building the package even if there are no changed files. new: m23-vbox: New package for configuring VirtualBox OSE on the m23 server. +++++ 2009-03-05 cha: m23/postinst: Adds a check to make configuring fail on all systems but Debian. +++++ 2009-02-26 cha: makePackages: Now calls mkRelease to make sure that Releases and Releases.gpg are up-to-date. cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now tftp-hpa works if IPV6 is enabled. +++++ 2009-02-23 fix: newsletterGenerator2.sh: Now includes the first line of each article. +++++ 2009-02-21 cha: m23/postinst: Now imports the key that is used to sign the m23 packages. release 0.7.1 cha: m23/postinst: Added logic to detect if the Apache 2 is used. cha: m23/postinst: Now configures all found PHP versions. +++++ 2009-01-26 new: mkRelease: Makes the Release file and signs it. cha: menuDeb: Now creates and signs the Release file on uploading. +++++ 2008-12-18 release 0.7.0 patch: m23 should be installable on amd64 now. cha: m23 package: Added a "conflicts" line to make sure that the packages can't be installed by APT on Ubuntu because Ubuntu is no supported platform for the m23 server. cha: m23 package: Switched architecture to "all" to make it installable on amd64, too. cha: HELPER_grubMd5Crypt: Added parameter for the length of the MD5 password salt. cha: encryptShadow: Now uses HELPER_grubMd5Crypt to encrypt the shadow password MD5. +++++ 2008-11-18 patch: Packages now compatible with Debian Lenny and Apache 2.x. Additional language support for Gnome. The key bit size of the SSL certificates is increased to 4096 and contain a random serial number that makes them compatibile with Firefox 3.x now. Support for extra SATA controlers like the virtual SATA controler of VirtualBox was added. release 0.6.8 +++++ 2008-11-17 fix: menuManualStart.sh: Now correct links are produced for downloading the PDF. (Thx Andre) cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now supports restarting of the openbsd-inetd. cha: CLCFG_language: Now adds language setting to /etc/default/locale too. cha: CLCFG_language: Now sets language for Gnome session too. +++++ 2008-11-12 new: getApacheUser: Get the user Apache 1 or 2 is executed under. new: getApacheGroup: Get the group Apache 1 or 2 is executed under. cha: mkCert.sh, fix-permissions: Now use getApacheUser and getApacheGroup. +++++ 2008-11-11 cha: m23-ldap: Now supports Apache 2 and PHP 5. cha: BACKUP_addAdmin: Now supports Apache 2. cha: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports Debian Lenny too. fix: postint: Now deletes all unused "default" groups. +++++ 2008-11-10 cha: mkCert.sh: Increased key bit size to 4096. cha: mkCert.sh: Included the server ip into the X.509 certificate signing Request cha: mkCert.sh: Now generates a 16 digit random serial number for the SSL certificate. cha: mkCert.sh: Detection of the user and group Apache 2 is run under now works. cha: enable-ssl: Has support for Apache 2 now. +++++ 2008-11-08 fix: dodgerFilesGetFileList: Now lists the needed files again. +++++ 2008-11-07 cha: CIR_detectSCSI, getDrives: Added ahci generic SATA module. +++++ 2008-11-05 patch: Fixed corruption of software RAIDs. Added selection box for choosing the drive to install the MBR on. release 0.6.5 new: Completed help files. cha: bootimages: Build new bootimages with fixed checkdisklabel included. +++++ 2008-11-04 new: client_distr.php: Added selection box for choosing the drive to install the MBR on. +++++ 2008-11-01 fix: checkdisklabel: Removed the recreation of the partition table if a "loop" partition table ist found. This should fix the corruption of software raids. (Thx Yann for the hint) +++++ 2008-10-25 patch: Security enhancement for the bootmanager. Now installs extra language packages on Ubuntu. Fixed installation of the pure Gnome2 package. release 0.6.4 fix: m23gnome2Install.php: Included missing file (without was installation not possible). cha: install_packages.php: Now uses PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage instead of PKG_addShutdownPackage too. cha: KDE_install: Now installs Gnome language pack too. cha: Gnome_install: Now installs KDE language pack too. cha: CLCFG_language: Now tries to install language-pack-XX. +++++ 2008-10-24 cha: PKG_getPackageStatus: Commented out unused code. new: PKG_countJobsWithStatus: Counts named jobs on a client that have a special status. new: PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage: Adds a shutdown or a reboot package. No new job is addedm if there is already a waiting shutdown or reboot job. A shutdown package is added if the client can't be pinged and a reboot package if it is reachable via the network. cha: clientInstall.php: Now uses for all distributions PKG_addShutdownOrRebootPackage instead of PKG_addShutdownPackage. +++++ 2008-10-22 new: CLCFG_addGrubPassword: Adds a password line to the grub configuration to lock the edit line of bootmanager. new: CLCFG_addLiloPassword: Adds a password line to the LiLo configuration to lock the edit line of bootmanager. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now uses CLCFG_addGrubPassword and CLCFG_addLiloPassword. cha: client_distr.php: Removed debug code. +++++ 2008-10-21 new: HELPER_grubMd5Crypt: Encrypts a password to the MD5 hash as expected by grub. patch: Adjusted pool builder and added support for getting the base packages on new Debian versions. In addition small changes to KDE installation. release: 0.6.3 +++++ 2008-10-20 new: HELPER_putFileContents: Writes data to a file. cha: PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages: Now has 2 methods to figure out the base packages for the distributions. This should now work with all relesaed. A caching routine is included too to speed up the slow calculation of debootstrap. +++++ 2008-10-18 cha: POOL_makeRepository: Now contains fixing code to correct Release files that are missing the information stored in conf/distributions. cha: PKG_downloadPool: Added options to allow the download of packages from broken package sources. +++++ 2008-10-14 cha: KDE_install: Now installs gtk-qt-engine. new: m23-skel: Added media change icon to KDE's kicker. +++++ 2008-10-04 fix: PKG_addPackageSelection: Now accepts jobs without parameters. +++++ 2008-10-03 new: m23KDE4Gnome2Install.php: Script for parallel installation of KDE 4 and Gnome 2 desktop. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now uses dexconf for creating xorg.conf. cha: index.php: Now shows the page name as window title. +++++ 2008-10-02 cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now sets the default depth for XOrg to 24 bits. cha: clientConfigCommon.php: Now contains GNOME_installLoginManager, GNOME_install and GNOME_prepare. patch: Speeds up the client desaster recovery. release: 0.6.1 fix: clients_overview.php: Now remembers the action after sorting the clients. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF, uploadHtml, menuDevguide: Changed server because of SourceForge's structure changes. cha: CLCFG_writeHosts: Now sets /var/run/screen to 777 instead of CLCFG_installBasePackages. +++++ 2008-09-29 cha: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: Now sorts the clients. cha: m23normalInstall.php: Now reports dependend packages that got installed automatically and sets these install jobs to done. new: MSR_markm23normalAsDone: Marks comming m23normal install jobs as done if the packages they would install are already installed. This may happen when a package with dependencies is installed. new: PKG_fastGetInstalledPackages: Gets a list of all installed packages (faster than dpkg --get-selections). new: PKG_fastGetNewInstalledPackages: Gets new installed packages by comparing status files (before and after the installation). +++++ 2008-09-27 cha: client_partition.php: Now uses the first drive to install the bootloader. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adds all mouse modules that contain "mouse" in their names to the modules file to load them on system start. cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Now sets /var/run/screen to 777. +++++ 2008-09-24 release: 0.6.0 ISO +++++ 2008-09-21 patch: Package scripts improvements. cha: startBaseInstallation: Now creates a semi-random password for the LDAP server. cha: startBaseInstallation: Now removes remains from a existing LDAP database. +++++ 2008-09-20 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now has a non-interactive mode that doesn't ask if the virtual network devices should be created. +++++ 2008-09-19 new: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now deletes all contents of the tables in the m23 database. +++++ 2008-09-17 patch: Adds Ubuntu root enabler. new: ASSI_addUbuntuRoot: Enables the root account in Ubuntu if a Ubuntu installation is found. cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now calls ASSI_addUbuntuRoot. patch: New kernel for client and server and code cleaning. cha: Updated kernel to for client and server. +++++ 2008-09-03 cha: CLCFG_resolvConf, CLCFG_aptConf, CLCFG_sourceslist: Now suppresses warinings if a non-existing file is attempted to get deleted. cha: CLCFG_installUsrM23: Deleted, because the files are now in the package m23-skel. +++++ 2008-09-02 patch: Some fixes and completed french translation. cha: KDE_prepare, KDE_install, KDE_installLoginManager: Moved to clientConfigCommon.php cha: KDE_installLoginManager: Now has parameter to switch between KDE 3 and 4. cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog: Now lists swap partitions from the curious (new) type. (Thx Wolfgang) fix: client_partition.php: Now shows the correct heading for re-using existing partitions. +++++ 2008-08-18 cha: m23KDE3Install.php, m23gnome2Install.php: Installation parts are now split into seperated functions. cha: RAID_create: Tried to fix corruption of raids that were visible on mounting. Added logging and additional creation of the md device node with mknod and changed parameters of mdadm. +++++ 2008-08-14 cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Removing of partitions isn't critically any more. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adds all mouse modules to the modules file to load them on system start. new: CLCFG_createBootDeviceNode: Makes sure the needed device nodes for the boot device are created. cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now adds +x file attribute to m23fetchjob. +++++ 2008-08-05 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now with extra check for the (probable) faulty update-grub of Ubuntu Hardy/Intrepid. +++++ 2008-08-04 cha: checkdisklabel: Now only executes mklabel if parted doesn't return warnings. This suppresses a parted stack smashing error. cha: m23hwscanner: Changed the code to remove some compiler warnings. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Added extra checks for Ubuntu Hardy/Intrepid to install GRUB correcty. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Extra checking for m23hwscanner, because m23hwscanner-ubuntu can not be installed on newer Ubuntu version. Instead the normal m23hwscanner is needed and installed here. +++++ 2008-08-02 patch: Eye candy for KDE and GRUB, some fixes and pre-release for m23 0.6.0. cha: CLCFG_addUser: Removed parameter $skelDir. cha: CLCFG_lilo2Grub: Now adds default kernel to start and timeout for user selection to the menu.lst. fix: PKG_listKernels: Now the choosen first kernel is the first in the list. new: DISTR_releaseVersionTranslator: Adds the version number to a Debian or Ubuntu release. +++++ 2008-08-01 cha: deleteOldDoubles: Now works in the current directory. new: m23-skel: New package that replaces the usrm23.tar.gz file. new: m23-ksplash: New package that sets a m23 rock theme for ksplash. cha: clientInstall.php: Now install m23-ksplash instead of usrm23.tar.gz. cha: m23KDE3Install.php, m23Kubuntudesktop.php: Now isntall m23-ksplash. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Removed seconds from file creation information. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: Fixed possibly occurring grub installation error. cha: mkextradeb is now mkhwscanner. cha: uploadClientPackagesToSF: Now uses rsync without md5Check. cha: Removed not needed index files for uploadClientPackagesToSF. cha: menuDeb: Menu entry m23extra is now hwscanner. new: menuDeb: Added a new menu entry for building m23-skel and m23-ksplash with the name "m23extra". new: deleteDoublesmakeIndexAndReturn: Deletes package doubles and recreate the package index. new: m23-grub-splash: Package for installing a m23 splash image to the GRUB boot manager. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs m23-grub-splash together with grub. +++++ 2008-07-31 m23InstallerBase.inc, CLCFG_interfaces: Now removes old stored udev network device(s) to avoid network device numbering. de/en help files: Both translations now contain the same symbols and are (hopefully) correlative now. +++++ 2008-07-28 cha: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Now checks for missing I18N symbols in the help text and indicates in which file they are missing. +++++ 2008-06-10 patch: Added not updated packages. patch: Better GRUB support and kernel update to cha: Increased size of kernel ramdisk size to 45MB. cha: Upgraded kernel to new: fixRamdisksize: Now updates the ramdisk sizes of all PXE config files to the current size value. +++++ 2008-06-04 new: CLCFG_lilo2Grub: Installs and runs the lilo.conf to Grub's menu.lst converter cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now installs lilo or grub as bootloader. +++++ 2008-06-02 new: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Added support for Grub +++++ 2008-05-26 cha: deleteOldDoubles: Nod is safe for Debian packages with different architectures in the same directory. +++++ 2008-05-15 cha: wget: Made a backport of wget from Lenny to Etch to support files bigger than 2GB. fix: m23/postinst: Now writes only a new dhcpd.conf if it's empty or reconfiguring is choosen (Thx Uli). +++++ 2008-05-08 cha: IMG_showImageManagement: Now show sizes in MB. patch: Added English and German translation. +++++ 2008-05-07 cha: de/en client_distr.hlp: Added hints for choosing the MBR. +++++ 2008-04-23 patch: Some enhancements and fixes for the imaging feature. fix: IMG_clientCreate: Now saves the written megabytes to the status file after the dd has terminated. +++++ 2008-04-22 new: IMG_installMBR: Installs the MBR on the client. cha: CLCFG_writeMBR: Is now replaced by IMG_installMBR and so commented out. new: EDIT_genClientm23Random: Generates BASH code to calculate a client-side random MD5 hash that is stored in the variable $m23Random. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now adds a random password to lilo.conf to secure lilo against changing kernel parameters on the prompt. fix: IMG_clientCreate: Fixed status code. +++++ 2008-04-21 cha: IMG_getFormatCompressionFromFile: Extra parameter for checing for a MBR file. +++++ 2008-04-16 new: IMG_storeMBR: Sends the master boot record of the hard disk to the server. cha: IMG_getAllImages: Now doesn't show the MBR files any more. fix: IMG_getAllImages: Now shows the corrects size of images bigger than 4 GB. +++++ 2008-04-15 cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now uses openvpn to create and delete the tun devices. cha: VirtualBox-networking-setup.sh: Now re-sets the IP and gateway of the real network connected devices on executing the disable script. new: MSR_m23ImagerMBR: Saves the received master boot record to a file after cecking the MD5. cha: IMG_showImageManagement: Deletes the mbr file of an image too if found. +++++ 2008-04-10 new: MSR_genSendBinayFileCommand: Sends a binary file to postMessage.php. In contrast to MSR_genSendCommand MSR_genSendBinayFileCommand is binary safe. new: MSR_decodeClientSideBase64: Decodes the slightly modificated base64 input stream created from MSR_clientSideBase64Encode. new: MSR_clientSideBase64Encode: Encodes a given file to (a slighly different, + is converted to - for sending it as post variable via wget) base64 format and appends the output to statusdata.post. There are two methods for generating the base64 output. First the native uuencode tool that is very fast and second a plattform idependent implementation of base64 encode in AWK taken from the HylaFAX package. +++++ 2008-04-02 cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Added button to execute waiting commands at once. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now writes the LILO bootloader in the installation partition too. +++++ 2008-03-14 IMG_clientCreate: Added status bar showing the progress of image creation. +++++ 2008-03-13 cha: IMG_showCreateImage: Creation of an imaging is now done from a network booted client. new: CLIENT_resetAndInstall: Resets or wakes the client to boot from network and run jobs. +++++ 2008-03-12 new: CLCFG_dialogGaugeProcPos: Generates the BASH code for showing a dialog with status bar that uses /proc/pid/fdinfo for current file position. new: IMG_getExtractedSize: Gets the size of the extracted image by its name. cha: IMG_clientRestore: Now uses CLCFG_dialogGaugeProcPos to show a nice status bar on writing the image. +++++ 2008-03-11 cha: checkdisklabel: Now sets loop partition tables to msdos to allow partitioning after RAID setup. fix: SCREDIT_newScriptTemplate: Now has correct path for m23CommonInstallRoutines.php, sets status to "done" and executes next job afterwards. +++++ 2008-03-10 cha: ASSI_prepareClient: Now installs m23-initscripts. cha: work.php: Imaging sets no distribution value cha: PKG_getClientPackages: Now can filter the found packages by status. cha: CLIENT_showJobs: Now shows packages to install in the parameter of m23normal. cha: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now enables ChallengeResponseAuthentication in sshd_config. +++++ 2008-03-02 cha: showRootPwDialog: Adjusted size of the password dialogs. patch: A bit smaler system image. cha: m23image.tar.7z: Added Midnight Commander. cha: createOSImage: Now excludes the initrd.img* files. They are not needed because they are re-created on server installation. patch: Fixes package errors. fix: m23/postinst: BackupPC config file will now get configured properly. fix: m23/postinst: The empty old version string is empty on e first time installation and will not be checked if the version to install is newer. This suppresses a faulty error message. cha: configureNetwork: Now allways creates 4 network devices. +++++ 2008-02-28 patch: Little changes only. cha: getDrives: Now uses the dialog's gauge element to show a status bar while probing the modules. new: startDropBear: Skript for starting dropbear ssh daemon from the server installation CD. +++++ 2008-02-27 fix: exportDBsourceslist.php: Now exports fake package source "imaging" (Thx Uli). +++++ 2008-02-26 patch: Completed packages. +++++ 2008-02-25 cha: Updated the Debian Etch operating system archive. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added screenshot making for the script editor. cha: fr/scriptEditor.hlp: French translation completed (Thx Maren). cha: phpMyAdmin: Updated to version 2.11.4. +++++ 2008-02-24 patch: Now with complete script editor and pool builder with support for amd64 architecture. cha: POOL_prepare, POOL_download: Now has a parameter for the CPU architecture. new: en/de scriptEditor.hlp: Added help files for the script editor. new: MSG_showMessageBoxHeader: Shows the header of the help block for the online help. new: MSG_showMessageBoxFooter: Shows the footer of the message block for the online help. cha: MSG_showMessageBox: Now uses MSG_showMessageBoxHeader and MSG_showMessageBoxFooter. +++++ 2008-02-15 new: SERVER_sendScriptToSF: Uploads a script to m23.sf.net for public use. fix: HELPER_listFilesInDir: Only sorts file names if there are more than one files. fix: compileKernel: Now really deletes old modules before copying new. +++++ 2008-02-14 cha: Updated kernel of the client bootimage to new: addm23CommandsToCodepress: adds all m23 PHP commands to the PHP.js of codepress to highlight m23 commands like normal PHP commands. patch: Corrected syntax error in the work.php. fix: work.php: Corrected syntax error (Thx Jose). +++++ 2008-01-16 patch: Now includes the sources list for Ubuntu Gutsy and the beginning of the new integrated script editor. +++++ 2008-01-15 new: Created a directory for storing user scripts. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages, PKG_getSpecialPackageInfo, work.php: Now search in the user script directory too. cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: Now shows an icon in front of user created scripts. new: HELPER_listFilesInDir: Lists all files in a directory and returns an array with all file names. new: SCREDIT_newScriptTemplate: Returns a template for a basic script. new: Included CodePress into m23 to allow syntax highlighting in the browser. new: menu.php, index.php: Added menu entry for the script editor. new: SCREDIT_showEditor: Shows a script editor with syntax highlighting if JavaScript is enabled or a normal textarea input dialog. +++++ 2008-01-09 patch: Support for Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon and Ubuntu assimilisation. cha: en/de client_assimilate.hlp: Changed for Ubuntu assimilisation. +++++ 2008-01-07 cha: plink: Patched plink to disable question for adding unknow key. Now runs non-intercative. cha: MSR_clientSettings, MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: Now check for the client's architecture too. +++++ 2007-12-26 new: plink-ubuntu: Special version to execute commands via SSH as root on Ubuntu systems. cha: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: Can now run commands on Ubuntu systems. cha: ASSI_showClientAddDialog, ASSI_addClient: Added option for assimilating Ubuntu systems. +++++ 2007-12-22 cha: Updated the Ubuntu debootstrap to support Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now creates a symlink for the new debootstrap version. new: New souces list for Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon. +++++ 2007-12-03 patch: Help texts updated. cha: en/de/fr/client_add.hlp: Now with adjusted help texts. patch: Minor fixes new version number. cha: Incremented version number to 0.5.8. +++++ 2007-12-02 cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Now sets default display manager to gdm if it's not done by the packages. patch: Minor fixes for server installation. fix: getDrives: Now detects scsi drives in a more generic way. fix: Added needed link from the Debian pkgdetails-amd64 to Ubuntu debootstrap directory. +++++ 2007-11-27 cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now shows architecture and kernel name. cha: m23/postinst: Adds architecture option with i386 to all clients if it's missing. patch: Lots of changes for 64 bit clients. Improved hardware detection, lots of fixes. +++++ 2007-11-26 cha: PKG_preparePackageDir: Errors about not found release file are not critically any more. cha: CLIENT_changeClient: Now can change kernel and architecture in database. cha: PKG_updatePackageInfo, PKG_searchFor: Now with optional architecture parameter. cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: Now lists kernels for the selected architecture. +++++ 2007-11-22 fix: CLCFG_installUsrM23: Doesn't remove skel directory any more to add desktop icons for CD/DVD and harddisk drives. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Added selection to edit the used kernel. +++++ 2007-11-20 new: compileKernel: Now makes a distclean if the current compile architecture and the previously differs. cha: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Falure on creating partitions is not critically any more. cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall, CLCFG_hwdetect: Removed installation of packages xf86config-knoppix and ddcxinfo-knoppix. +++++ 2007-11-13 cha: linuxrc: Now runs the hardware detection programms hwsetup and discover to guarantee a maximum of detection. cha: m23hwscanner.c: Added more generic logic to detect swap partitions. +++++ 2007-11-08 cha: Added package xorgconfig-knoppix to getBuildKnoppixDebs. new: Patch for xorgconfig-knoppix to add extra detection of PS/2 mice. new: Patch for xf86config-knoppix to add extra detection of PS/2 mice. cha: m23xfree864Install.php: Now uses xorgconfig-knoppix for XOrg cha: hwcheck: Now includes configuration file creation for XFree86 and XOrg via mkxf86config or mkxorgconfig. cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Creates 32 bit hwsetup package on 32 bit systems and 64 bit package on a 64 bit system. cha: m23hwscanner.c: Added more generic logic for finding CD devices. +++++ 2007-11-05 cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Now creates a i386 only hwsetup package. new: Build native amd64 hwsetup package. new: yaird packages: Build i386 and amd64 yaird packages from SID for all Debian versions. The new package is needed for building initrds for newer kernel versions. cha: prepareBuilding: Added a wait for key press. +++++ 2007-10-26 cha: Build new Debian package for pciutils 2.2.7. fix: kudzu.c: Fixed a crash on amd64 arch. cha: mkStaticKnoppix: Patch the makefiles different to use the new kudzu. cha: mkStaticKnoppix: Add a warning if the package could not be created. +++++ 2007-10-19 cha: BusyBox: Added getopts support. cha: createRFSBins: Added discover discover-modprobe discover-pkginstall discover-config. cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: Now fetches a special pkgdetails version for amd64 systems. cha: DISTR_baseInstall: Now calls CLCFG_debootstrap with the choosen architecture. +++++ 2007-10-18 cha: DHCP_activateBoot, DHCP_writePXEcfg: Now with support for different architectures. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: Added selection for architecture i386 or amd64. cha: createRFSDevs: Now gives out an error message if the directory for the device nodes could not get created. +++++ 2007-09-29 cha: createRFSBins: Now can figure out libraries needed amd64 executables. cha: createRFSBins: Now copies the binaries fo the choosen architecture if it's not the host's architecture. +++++ 2007-09-27 fix: listBusyBoxVersions: Now lists BusyBox source archives again after changing BusyBox's server configuration. cha: compileKernel: Improved amd64 support and adding of IA32 emulation in 64 bit kernels. cha: checkForx86_64Toolchain: Now uses timeouts for getting the cross compiler Debian package. cha: listConfigFiles: Removed dependency of current CPU architecture to enable "forking" of i386 config files for using in amd64 kernels. new: EDIT_addIfNotExists: Adds a line to a textfile if the search pattern could not be found. fix: x86_64 should not be converted to ia64. +++++ 2007-09-05 cha: m23/postinst: No locally stored packages (e.g. in extraDebs) don't get cached any more. +++++ 2007-09-04 fix: parted package: Removed files that got included wrongly. +++++ 2007-09-03 patch: Little pool builder patch. cha: PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Now sorts the files before listing. cha: POOL_makeRepository: Now contains code to fix Packages index files with empty Depends lines. +++++ 2007-08-21 patch: Small changes. cha: GRP_getDistrsAndSourcesLists: Check if no groupname is given and then give out all sources lists and distributions. fix: quickbuild.sh: Now supports building of package m23-mdk. +++++ 2007-08-17 patch: Another BackupPC SSH fix. fix: m23/postinst: Disabled strong verification of SSH keys. patch: BackupPC SSH key copying fixed. fix: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Removed copying of SSH key. This is now done by the m23 package. patch: Small fixes for the CD. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now sets more values via debconf. fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Removed . that caused syntax error in the client config files. patch: Made scripts for configuring BackupPC more robustly. fix: m23/postinst: Make BackupPC use the same password file than m23. cha: m23/postinst: Additional check for the existence of the BackupPC SSH key in authorized_keys. cha: m23/postinst: Make sure the BackupPC Apache include file is included in httpd.conf. cha: m23/postinst: Make sure all m23 admins are known to BackupPC. patch: Development guide updated. cha: Development guide: Updated. +++++ 2007-08-15 patch: Updated manuals and completed french translation. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog, CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions, GRP_showGroupsAndCount: Removed hint for new feature. new: fr/serverStatus.hlp: Translated. fix: m23.postinst: Creation of dhcpd.conf works again. patch: Updates to the package postinst, little corrections. fix: quickbuild.sh: Now works even if menuStart was not called before. cha: m23.postinst: Execution of the SQL files is only done if the SQL files are existing. cha: m23.postinst: Now creats the extraDebs directory with empty indices if it doesn't exist. cha: m23.postinst: Increased the size of the fields "cpu" and "MHz" in the table "clients". fix: m23XFceInstall.php: Added package xdm. +++++ 2007-08-14 new: array_keysSearch: Searches for a key in an associative array that matches a regular expression. cha: PKGBUILDER_showDialog: Creates the directory for the extra Debian packages if it doesn't exist. patch: Little corrections and support for multiple hardware of the same type fix: uploadHtml: Changed extracting command order. cha: uploadHtml: Now stores the archive under /tmp. cha: menuStart: Added checking for root permission on some entries. cha: menuClientISO, menuServerISO, menuDoc, menuDeb: Added checking for the current user and print out an error message and exit the script if it's the wrong user. +++++ 2007-08-13 cha: m23KDE3Install: Added kmix to the installed packages. cha: checkdisklabel (client side): Now uses same code as the version in m23InstallerBase.inc. new: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Logging of (un)sucessfully partition and formating attempts. +++++ 2007-08-10 new: getHardwareData: Support for multiple network, graphic, ISA and soundcards. cha: HWINFO_getNetworkCards, HWINFO_getGraficCards, HWINFO_getSoundCards: Better output. Elements are devided by breaks. cha: HWINFO_getCPU: Now returns name and speed of all CPUs. cha: HWINFO_getMhz: Removed. cha: Changed size of field "cpu" in the table "clients" to 255 to allow informations about multiple CPUs. cha: getHardwareData: Now stores names and speeds of all CPUs. cha: m23hwscanner: Found Linux systems are now written only with the device name only to lilo.conf. (e.g. sdb1 instead of /dev/sdb1) cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Added ata_piix to modules list. +++++ 2007-08-06 cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Detection of default display manager setting is read from /etc/init.d/gdm. cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Now sets LDAP server and base DN in libnss-ldap.conf. (Thx Marian) +++++ 2007-07-19 cha: m23-mdk: Added dependency for 7-Zip. patch: Corrections of the pool builder. Additional patches to the Etch based server installation CD. cha: createOSImage, extractFile: Now uses 7-Zip for compressing. cha: checkdisklabel: Now integrated in m23InstallerBase.inc. fix: checkdisklabel: Changed to new parted version. Error messages about unrecognised disklabel are printed on stderr. new: addPoolToISO.sh: Script for compressing and adding an existing downloaded package source to the server installation CD. cha: downloadExtractRFS, createRFSBins: Added 7-Zip. fix: kh2p: Removed read. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added packageBuilder. cha: manual.tex: Added packageBuilder.hlp.tex. +++++ 2007-07-18 cha: PKG_downloadPool, pool.php: Replaced all log writing commands with "2>&1 | tee -a". cha: PKG_downloadPool, POOL_createExtendedPackageIndex, POOL_makeRepository: Now uses SERVER_runInBackground instead of directly calling screen. fix: m23image: Removed proxy settings from apt.conf. fix: m23/postinst: Creates MySQL m23dbroot user with less privileges because ALL PRIVILEGES is not possible. +++++ 2007-07-14 cha: m23/postinst: Now sets the php memory limit to 32MB. cha: mkDeb: Now removes backup files. cha: printconf: Now only gets executed on "start" or "restart". +++++ 2007-07-13 new: printconf: New script in m23-initscripts that scans for new printers and adds them. cha: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Now activates printconf via symlink. +++++ 2007-07-12 fix: POOL_makeRepository: Now deleted old scripts. patch: EtherBoot images now working again and compressed. New server status log for posting in the m23 forum. +++++ 2007-07-10 new: client_details.php: Added icon for CUPS. Now can access the CUPS server of the m23 clients. new: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Configures CUPS for administration thru the m23 server and allows all clients in the network to print on the remote printer. fix: PKG_addPackageSelection: Now adds only valid packages. fix: EDIT_commentout: Now works if only the match parameter is given. fix: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Now installs the printer packages one by one to make sure that the most possible amount is installed. +++++ 2007-07-09 fix: createRFSEtherboot: Now compresses the initrd to decrease the image size. fix: createRFSEtherboot: Now uses the old working mknbi-linux again. new: CLIENT_query: Now can sort the list after client status, name, install date and last changed date. fix: POOL_createExtendedPackageIndex: Now corrects Packages* files on creation if there are empty "Depends" lines. +++++ 2007-07-02 new: SERVER_checkDiskFree: Reports the free space of all mounted media. new: SERVER_checkRunInVM: Checks if the m23 server is executed in a virtual machine or on native hardware. new: SERVER_checkKernel: Returns the kernel information string of "uname -a". +++++ 2007-06-25 new: SERVER_checkDownload: Downloads a special file from m23.sf.net and checks if the size and md5 sum are matching. new: SERVER_getOS: Returns the version string of the distribution. new: SERVER_getInstallationMedium: Tries to figure out how the m23 server was installed cha: head.php: Added link to the server status page. cha: index.php: Added entry for the server status page. new: serverStatus.php: Added page for showing a server status log for posting in the m23 forum. fix: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: Now can add special packages. +++++ 2007-06-21 cha: client_distr.php: Now supports installation of a package selection together with the OS. new: PKG_addPackageSelection: Adds a package selections to the list of packages to install. Uses most code of PKG_addRecommendPackages. cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: Now uses PKG_addPackageSelection. +++++ 2007-06-14 cha: m23 ldap package: Now asks for the ldap password only if it's not in the debconf. +++++ 2007-06-13 patch: Some changes for Debian Etch based server installation CD. new: m23 server installation CD: OS is now Debian Etch. cha: configureNetwork: Now adds network interfaces eth0 to eth3 if the setup is executed in VMware. This is needed because ist is not predictable what interface name will be used for the pcnet32 device. cha: installI18n.de / en: Slashes corrections. Added http in front of the m23 page url. cha: EDIT_prepareStr: Removed addslashes because it lead to errors in the phpldapadmin config file. +++++ 2007-06-11 cha: installLilo: Now is Etch compatible. fix: m23 server installation CD: Added missign genpw tool. +++++ 2007-06-04 patch: Package fix. fix: package m23: Corrected error in the postinst (BackupPC part). +++++ 2007-06-03 patch: Added Debian Etch package sources list. fix: package m23: Now includes Etch package sources list. fix: package m23: Creates BackupPC SSH key only once. +++++ 2007-05-30 cha: PKGBUILDER_listFiles: Add files excepting the package index files are removable. cha: excludem23deb: Now excludes the files in /m23/data+scripts/extraDebs +++++ 2007-05-25 patch: New package builder for distributing files and directory trees to the clients. fix: PKG_preparePackageDir: Now returns a text with the error description if the package source doesn't exist. +++++ 2007-05-24 new: PKGBUILDER_tar2deb: Converts a tar file (with bzip2 or gzip compression) into a Debian package. new: HELPER_getFileContents: Returnes the maximum file upload size allowed by php.ini. new: Help for packageBuilder. cha: PKG_preparePackageDir, SRCLST_genList: Now adds special source for extra packages. +++++ 2007-05-23 new: PKGBUILDER_showUploadDialog: Shows a dilog for uploading the tar files with checking of the file extension. new: convertTarToDeb: converts a tar with gzip or bzip2 compression to a Debian package. +++++ 2007-05-19 cha: mkStaticKnoppix: Now includes the newest pci.ids into the package hwdata-knoppix. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Commented out download of pci.ids. +++++ 2007-05-18 new: SERVER_rootFreeSpace: Shows an error message if the free space of the root partition is low. new: SERVER_tmpNotWritable: Shows an error message if /tmp is not writable. cha: menu.php: Added SERVER_tmpNotWritable, SERVER_dynamicIPWarn and SERVER_rootFreeSpace. cha: head.php: Removed uptime and system load and redesigned. cha: getServerIP: Shortened function. Is it faster now? new: SERVER_dynamicIPWarn: Shows an error message if the m23 server has a dynmic IP address. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now downloads the PCI ID database from pciids.sourceforge.net. +++++ 2007-05-16 patch: Enhancements for Debian Etch clients and some fixes. fix: hwcheck: Now does not get executed at shutdown any more. cha: m23KDE3Install: KDM configuring now uses scripts to adjust kdmrc and backgroundrc that are shipped with the package. cha: m23KDE3Install: Some extra debconf values for Debian Sarge. cha: DMI_getParam: Now support the new dmidecode output (Thx MartinUni). cha: m23KDE3Install: More lokalisation of KDM. +++++ 2007-05-15 new: EDIT_commentoutInsert: Comments out a matched line and inserts a new line after it. cha: hwcheck: Adjusts module path of XOrg is used. This is needed for Debian Etch. +++++ 2007-05-11 cha: MSR_partHwDataCommand: Adjustment to the code change of m23hwscanner. cha: m23hwscanner: Now stores the partition and hardware information directly to /tmp/partHwData.post. new: buildm23hwscannerAll: build the 32bit m23hwscanner statically and dynamically with "all" as architecture. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now extracts m23hwscanner all architectures version.. patch: Integrated user management for BackupPC. cha: htaccess.php: Now adds and removes users to /etc/backuppc/htpasswd too. +++++ 2007-05-10 patch: Better BackupPC integration. new: package m23: Configuration of BackupPC. +++++ 2007-05-09 fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Added missing tranfer method. new: m23/postinst: Now includes a part for configuring BackupPC. +++++ 2007-05-08 fix: CLCFG_installBasePackages: Added mounting of /sys to make installation of Debian Etch clients possible. cha: SERVER_addLineToFile, SERVER_delLineFromFile: Now are using a random filename for the temporary script. fix: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Now adds the needed line to /etc/backuppc/hosts. cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now has support for mkinitrd.yaird. +++++ 2007-05-07 patch: Another parted patch and Debian Etch sources list. fix: parted: Now compiled without libreadline. new: Package sources list for Debian Etch. patch: Now the client boot CD should work on all systems. new: Devguide: Added section for patching and compiling parted. fix: Recompiled parted to remove silly debugging information of libparted that makes the output of m23hwscanner corrupt. (Thx MartinUni) +++++ 2007-04-28 fix: compileKernel: Now deletes the old modules. +++++ 2007-04-26 patch: Etch compatible packages. +++++ 2007-04-25 cha: m23-ldap/postinst template config: Added extra dialog for asking the LDAP server's admin password if it can't be read from debconf. This is needed for Debian Etch. +++++ 2007-04-24 cha: m23-tftp/postinst: Now checks if inetd.conf should be configured (not needed on Etch). cha: m23/postinst: Now configures the DHCPd on Etch correctly. cha: excludem23-mdk-debsdeb: Now excludes changing indices of the changed, new and deleted files of the packages. +++++ 2007-04-20 fix: makeBootCD.php, BURN_checkISO: Corrected path to the ISO (Thx MartinUni). +++++ 2007-04-19 cha: m23/control: Adjusted squid.conf editing for Debian Etch. +++++ 2007-04-17 patch: Little changes. cha: welcome.hlp: Changed welcome text to the current political status. cha: m23-mdk: Added build-essential to the dependency list (Thx freemind). cha: Added "press Enter to continue" stop points to allow viewing of possibly existing error messages. +++++ 2007-04-16 patch: Assimilation of Debian clients reactivated. Building of client bootimages should work now. Client job fetching problems should be gone now. cha: createRFSBins: Now contains a routine to check that the needed Debian packages are downloaded and extracted. fix: Added missing directories to m23-mdk-client-server (Thx Bjoern). fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now stores the work.php under the correct name (Thx Bjoern). +++++ 2007-04-11 fix: /m23/bin/plink: Reincluded. Now the client assimisation should work again. (Thx joyfm) +++++ 2007-04-05 new: Script to setup network interfaces for VirtualBox to allow the guest machines to have access to the host machine and among themselves. new: newsletterGenerator.sh: Script for generating newsletters from the news of the m23 page. fix: mkIndex: Now can handle file names with spaces. +++++ 2007-04-03 patch: Adjustment for the new m23hwscanner. fix: makePackages: Now scans for packages in all architectures. fix: CLCFG_genFstab: Adds a link to libparted to make the new m23hwscanner work. +++++ 2007-04-02 cha: excludem23-mdk-debs: Adjusted to exclude unwanted files. patch: Added missing package m23-mdk-debs. fix: mkm23Debs: Added missing package m23-mdk-debs. fix: Fixed path in menuDeb's directuplinst patch: Now all empty directories are included in the Debian packages and EtherBoot bootimages are included again. fix: tftp: Adds missing EtherBoot bootimages. new: mkIndex: Now included empty directories. cha: simpleBuild: Removed mkMissingDirectories.sh functionality. +++++ 2007-03-30 patch: Little fix of checkdisklabel. fix: checkdisklabel: Adjusted to parted's new behaviour to show error messages on stdout and not on stderr anymore. patch: Fixed faulty parted. fix: parted-1.8.6: Replaces the faulty parted 1.7.1 shipped with Debian Etch. cha: parted-1.8.6: Patched that the default size unit is MB. This will make harddisk and detection more accurate. new: Uploaded patched parted to dodger-tools. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Now takes parted from dodger-tools. +++++ 2007-03-29 patch: New version 0.5.5. new: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Add permission to udev that all users can access the audio device (Thx Michael J.). +++++ 2007-03-27 fix: m23-ldap: Removed "conffiles" because the listed config file isn't part in the package so the package didn't build. cha: m23install.sh: Loads German keyborad if "de" is selected. cha: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: Disabled deleting of all jobs on the destination machine. (Thx Bjoern) cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: Now sets lower timeouts to enable booting of clients with LDAP support when the LDAP server isn't accessible (Thx Michael J.). +++++ 2007-03-26 new: menuBusyBox: Shows a menu for downloading and buildung BusyBox fix: menuBusyBox: Now begins with "make menuconfig" after choosing the BusyBox directory. new: menuBusyBoxDownload: Shows a menu of all available BusyBox versions, downloads and extracts the selected release and assigns the BusyBox patches (if available). new: uploadPDFFRS: Uploads single PDF files to the doc "directory" in the m23 SF file release system. fix: uploadHtml: Now really extracts the HTML files ;-) cha: uploadHtml: Added status information. new: User manual and devguide in version 0.5.5. cha: Updated sf-upload to 3.06. +++++ 2007-03-25 new: uploadHtml: Compresses and uploads a html directory to SF. cha: control file of m23-mdk-client and m23-mdk-server are using "Conflicts" and "Provides" directives now to remove the old packages. cha: Updated m23image.tb2 and removed user pmiller. cha: fix-permissions: Removed permission changing of m23 MySQL directory. fix: menuServerISO: Transfer now uses the correct path for the osimage. cha: Removed unneeded files from /m23/bin. cha: kh2p: Now uses khtml2png2. new: dodgerFilesGetFileList: Get all m23 files and directories are owned by the user dodger and stores the result in the file /tmp/dodgerFiles.lst. new: dodgerFilesChangeUser: Change user of all files and adirectories stored in /tmp/dodgerFiles.lst. cha: mkm23Deb: Now uses dodgerFilesChangeUser and dodgerFilesGetFileList to change the "working user" of the m23 files forth and back. +++++ 2007-03-21 cha: mkStaticKnoppix: dpkg-buildpackage now uses fakeroot. So normal users can build the packages. new: kudzu: Made a new patched version of kudzu based on the old patched kudzu and the kudzu-knoppix. fix: hwsetup: Recompiled with the new patched kudzu. cha: Package m23-mdk-bootcd is now m23-mdk-server and control file contains "Replaces" directive. cha: Package m23-mdk-bootimage is now m23-mdk-client and control file contains "Replaces" directive. new: Package m23-mdk-client-server: Contains common client and server parts. +++++ 2007-03-20 cha: createRFSISO: Enhancing mkisofs command: Long filenames, Rock Ridge, producer, CD name etc. cha: configureNetwork: Removed debug code. cha: chrootSystem: Now creates /var/run/screen/S-root too. cha: createServerInstallISO: Removed copying of the translation files. cha: getDrives: Changing code for getting harddisk size with parted because the parted output changed. cha: createRFSDevs: Now creates symlink for using loadkeymap. cha: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: Now uses my kudzu-patched-dev instead of kudzu-knoppix-dev. cha: kudzu-patched: Recompiled package on Sarge. Now it should work on Etch and Sarge. cha: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: Now uses locally stored kudzu-knoppix-* packages. cha: isolinux.cfg: Server now uses the same isolinux.cfg than the client. +++++ 2007-03-19 cha: makeusrm23, mkusrm23.sh: Removed. Functionality is now in mkusrm23. cha: menuBootCD.hlp: Updated. cha: mkm23Deb: Now uses exportDBInitTable for serverFunctions.inc. cha: menuServerISO: Removed exportDB. Is not needed any more because the DB initalisation is done in the Debian package. cha: exportDBInitTable: Added status messages. cha: exportDBInitTable: Removed creation of m23MySQL-Init.sh. cha: burnServerISO: Removed. Extended funtionality (e.g. selection of the CD recorder) is now in burnClientOrServerISO. cha: findClientOrServerISO: finds the current client or server ISO and prints the full path to the ISO or an error message. cha: m23install.sh: Does not include m23InstallerConfigure.inc any more. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Now contains extractFile, extractBaseFiles, configureMySQLmycnf, configureNetwork that were removed from m23InstallerConfigure.inc +++++ 2007-03-14 cha: menuBootCD renamed to menuServerISO cha: menuStart: adjusted cha: menuServerISO: Now uses menuVars cha: Removed mk-m23.bz2.sh, makem23.tb2 cha: Moved functionality of makem23image.tb2 to createOSImage and added menuVars support. cha: createRFSISO: Boot CD iso prefix is now variable. cha: Moved functionality of makeCD.sh to createServerInstallISO and added menuVars support. new: createServerInstallISO: Creates the ISO image for burnung the m23 server installation CD. cha: menuServerISO: Switched menu logic from if-then to case. cha: Moved functionality of exportDBInitTable.sh to exportDBInitTable and added menuVars support. cha: Removed menuKernelBuilder.sh because functionality is in menuKernelBuilder. new: burnClientOrServerISO: burns the server installation CD or the client boot CD. +++++ 2007-03-13 cha: createRFSBins: Now copies libnss_compat.so.2 too: This is needed for authentification in dropbrear. cha: checkdisklabel: Now uses find instead of fsize. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Including dm-tools from Dodger-Tools. cha: wait4go/make.sh: Now builds i386 and amd64 versions and puts them into the compiled directories. fix: FDISK_genPartedCommands: Removed "-r0" from the ext3 formating command. fix: md5sum: Removed BusyBox version because it calculates wrong values. new: uploadClientPackagesToSF: uploads new and changed clients packages to SF cha: deleted uploadNew: Replaced by uploadClientPackagesToSF. cha: menuDeb: Now uses uploadClientPackagesToSF. +++++ 2007-03-12 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Now uses MSR_getm23clientIDCMD to include /m23clientID to the client's request. (Thx dermartn) new: makePackages: creates the Debian package index (Packages, Packages.gz, Packages.bz2) cha: createRFSCopyExtraFilesAndDirs: Now copies the files form completeExtracted too. cha: downloadExtractRFS: Extracts packages from the local repository too. cha: makePackages: Now scans for packages in all architectures. new: localArchAptSource: downloads and extracts the source of the Debian packages +++++ 2007-03-11 cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Now includes functionality of mkstaticdeb. cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: Build all packages with architecture "all" and static (if possible). new: mkStaticKnoppix: builds a static Knoppix Debian package new: prepareStaticKnoppixBuild: prepares the building of Knoppix packages e.g. makes a local sources.list and downloads the kudzu development files. +++++ 2007-03-08 cha: m23extradeb: Now builds 32 and 64 bit debs new: buildm23hwscanner32: build the 32bit m23hwscanner statically and dynamically new: buildm23hwscanner64: build the 64bit m23hwscanner statically and dynamically new: preparem23hwscanner64Build: downloads needed amd64 libraries, sets the cross compiler flag or installs the cross compiler new: localArchAptUpdate: updates the package info database for a locally stored sources.list and a given architecture new: localArchAptDownload: downloads Debian packages with dependencies for the currently selected architecture fix: clientInstall.php: Added user to group plugdev to enable auto mouning of usb devices. (Thx MartinUni) +++++ 2007-03-07 fix: m23hwscanner.c: Fixed compile error. cha: CIR_waitForNextJob: Now uses SSL. cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools, CIR_waitForNextJob: Removed fsize. cha: createRFSDevs: Now has cache function to store device nodes in a tar.gz file. cha: createRFSBins: Now uses createRFScopyLib. new: createRFScopyLib: copies a single library (with full name e.g. libnss_dns.so.2) to the RFS cha: bootimage: ping is now native to copy libnss-dns.so* automatically. cha: dhclient-script: Removed "inet" from ifconfig calls. cha: screen: Patched 4.0.3 to make it run without utmp. +++++ 2007-03-01 cha: isolinux.cfg: Now has timeout. This means the boot CD starts automatically after 5 seconds. cha: menuKernelBuilder.sh now is in function menuKernelBuilder cha: listKernelVersions: Better sorting of kernel versions cha: downloadExtractRootFiles: Now uses local cache directory. cha: downloadExtractRootFiles: Switched from Sid to Etch. new: compileBusyBox: compiles BusyBox for the selected architecture and copies the binary and links to the compiled directory new: checkForx86_64Toolchain: checks if the toolchain for cross compiling to x86_64 is installed new: Cross compiler and toolchain for creating x86_64 code on i386 machines. This will be used in the new MDK to generate 64Bit Linux kernels, BusyBox, etc. new: Debian package for the cross compiler and toolchain new: menuVarDel: removes a global variable from /tmp/menuVars. new: createRFSFinishInitrd: Umounts the initrd image, configures the kernel file and compresses initrd. These steps are needed to build the bootimages. new: createRFSImage: Creates an empty image file for the root filesystem new: createRFSCopyKernelNModules: copies the kernel and modules to the root filesystem new: createRFSEtherboot: creates the Etherboot bootimage from the root filesystem new: createRFSPXE: creates the PXE bootimage from the root filesystem new: createRFSISO: creates a bootable ISO from the root filesystem +++++ 2007-01-30 fix: menuOldConfig: corrected additional newline. new: getKernelArch: shows the current Kernel format (i386 or ia64) new: getKernelStoreDirWithArch: shows the directory where the architecture dependend kernel should be stored new: getModulesStoreDirWithArch:shows the directory where the architecture dependend kernel modules should be stored new: createRootFSBins: copies all listed executables with their libraries (and in addition their links) to the root filesystem new: makeLinks: makes one or more links to an existing file new: createRootFSDevs: creates generic device nodes in the root filesystem new: createRootFSBinLinks: creates links to multicall binaries +++++ 2007-01-25 new: Added packages dmtools and mencoder-easy to the SF pool. fix: expertPartition: Now sets correct variables to support custom partitioning. Thx marian. cha: Updated menuDebs.hlp. new: menuDeb: Now supports direct uploads of packages. patch: Little network calculating fix and user edited configuration files are not overwritten by updates packages any more. cha: m23-ldap: Added conffiles. Thx marian. +++++ 2007-01-23 cha: checks.php: Code enhancment. fix: CLCFG_interfaces: Now uses correct functions CLIENT_getSubnet and CLIENT_getBroadcast for calculating network and broadcast. Thx Obergandhi and n0ll4k. +++++ 2006-12-20 new: archFunctions.inc: Functions for building the bootimage for different architectures new: getBuildArch: shows the current build architecture for m23 kernel, bootimage, busybox new: getDebianArch: shows the current Debian format (i386 or amd64) new: menuSelectArch: Shows a menu for selecting the current build architecture new: downloadExtractRootFiles: Downloads basic packages of a choosen architecture and extracts the contents. new: menuVarAdd: Sets global variables and values stored in /tmp/menuVars. cha: menuKernelBuilder.sh: +++++ 2006-11-28 new: My upload scripts are now under /mdk/m23helper/uploadEngine. patch: Better packages with new sources lists for Ubuntu Edgy, Dapper and Feisty. new: exportDBsourceslist: Exports the sources lists. cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now uses exportDBsourceslist. +++++ 2006-11-27 patch: Support for Ubuntu Dapper and Edgy and enhanced support for Gnome. +++++ 2006-11-25 cha: m23gnome2Install: Now sets the m23 background. +++++ 2006-11-24 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: Now links to libparted-1.7.so.1 in addition. cha: m23gnome2Install: Now installs language pack. +++++ 2006-11-23 cha: m23 website update. new: changeDepArch.sh: Script for changing the architecture of a Debian package. +++++ 2006-11-21 fix: m23hwscanner: Increased variables for storing boot and root devices. No deleting of the root device any more. Now boot and root devices with 10 and more characters are possible. cha: install_packages.php: Now does all package jobs at once (tries to start the jobs via SSH). cha: mkDeb: Command line parameters are stored in named variables. cha: mkstaticdeb, mkDeb: Added comments, now can choose a different acritecture and store directory for the resulting Debian package files. cha: mkextradebs: Now makes fake amd64 packages in a different directory. +++++ 2006-11-20 patch: Support for Ubuntu Edgy and Ubuntu Dapper. cha: mkDeb: Now can edit control to change the architecture of the package. cha: mkextradeb: Now builds amd64 and i386 packages of m23-hwscanner-ubuntu, m23-hwscanner and m23-initscripts. cha: m23-initscripts: Now patches xorg.conf on Ubuntu 6.06 too. Thx Soeldi cha: m23-initscripts, m23-hwscanner-ubuntu, m23-hwscanner: Changed architecture of the deb to any. The should be nstallable on amd64 too. Thx tradehaven. +++++ 2006-11-17 patch: Support for new Ubuntu versions. +++++ 2006-11-16 fix: PKG_searchFor, PKG_downloadPool, PKG_previewInstallDeinstall: Now are working with packages sources that contain spaces and other special characters in their names. Thx Bjoern, marian and tradehaven for their hints. new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu: Updates the debootstrap scripts for Ubuntu and returns the www path to the files new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScripts: Updates the debootstrap scripts for Debian or Ubuntu and returns the www path to the files cha: debootstrap: Updated Ubuntu version of debootstrap. cha: ubuntu/ clientInstall.php: Now uses CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu. +++++ 2006-11-14 patch: Litte fix in the phpMyAdmin config file. patch: Minimal changes on the m23-mdk-bootimage. Only needed if you want to build your own bootimages. fix: m23-mdk-bootimage: Now adds needed directories. Thx Bjoern, n0ll4k for the hint. cha: excludem23-mdk-bootcddeb: Added Packages.* to avoid recreation of the package every time. +++++ 2006-11-10 patch: Another LDAP fix and support for Ubuntu 6.10. fix: m23-ldap: Sometimes the m23-LDAP entry wasn't added in the m23 interface. cha: m23-ldap: I was reported that the phpldapadmin/config.php can contain \' instead of '. This will lead to a nonfunctional m23 interface. I couldn't reproduce this behaviour, but I've added correction code to convert \' to '. So the config.php should be ok now. Thx Bjoern. +++++ 2006-11-09 cha: m23-initscripts: In Ubuntu 6.10 it is needed to remove a line from xorg.conf to start X properly. The new initscripts will detect this Ubuntu release and adjust xorg.conf. Thx Soldi. +++++ 2006-11-08 patch: Fixes problems with LDAP and DHCP. fix: m23-ldap: Package now configures needed settings for LDAP and phpLDAPadmin. The LDAP server should run out-of-the-box now. +++++ 2006-10-30 cha: DHCP_addClient: Now adds new entries at the top of the dhcpd.conf. This makes it possible to use the dhcp server on the m23 server for giving out IPs for clients in a range. Thx MisterA. new: DHCP_restartDHCPserver: Restarts the DHCP server. Fix: DHCP_rmClient, DHCP_addClient: Now are using DHCP_restartDHCPserver. This propagates status changes in dhcpd.conf on every call. Thx MisterA for the hint. fix: CLIENT_deleteClient: Now the PXE entry of clients that never got installed will be removed on removing the client. Thx MisterA for the hint. +++++ 2006-10-04 cha: m23 page: New icons for Debian, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, m23 and m23-update. cha: m23 page: Disabled borders on images. new: m23 page: Installation guide in German and English. new: m23 page: Scripts for short links to downloads and news articles. patch: Introduces software RAIDs. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Upload now uses rsync. +++++ 2006-09-30 cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Added detection for RAIDs. cha: m23gnome2Install.php: Added code that tries 10 times to install the gnome packages, because I had sometimes problems installing it. +++++ 2006-09-29 fix: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now doesn't delete existing tables any more. fix: excludem23deb: Now allows phpMyAdmin.png. cha: UPDATE_running(): Now checks against the running screen session. +++++ 2006-09-26 fix: makeCD.sh: Now uses getRamDiskSize to get the correct size of the ram disk. new: manual: Better screenshot input data. new: manual: German version updated und uploaded. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added add_RAID. cha: client_partition.php: Better support for making screenshots. +++++ 2006-09-23 new: Added help text for RAIDs in german and english. fix: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: Corrected symlink to m23fetchjob. cha: m23hwscanner: Now has support for detecting RAID systems. fix: m23hwscanner: Now detects all initrd.imgs cha: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: Now works even if dev_amount isn't set. cha: client_partition.php: Now calculates and stores the device to install the MBR of the bootloader in in an extra option. new: CLCFG_getMbrPart: Returns the device to install the MBR of the bootloader in. cha: POOL_makeRepository, POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Now works if the CD/DVD mount point is a symlink. cha: FDISK_getAfterPartition: Now rounds up the percentage value. cha: FDISK_printBars: Now doesn't use FDISK_getAfterLastPartition any more. cha: HWINFO_printPartitions: Now shows partition table too. +++++ 2006-09-04 new: FDISK_raidJob: Generates a job to create a RAID on given drives/partitions. new: FDISK_addRaidJobs: Generates jobs to create all RAIDs. new: FDISK_buildRaidDialog: Shows a dialog for creating RAIDs of different types and assign real drives or partitions. cha: FDISK_listPartJobs: Now lists RAID jobs. cha: FDISK_listPartitions: Now lists only partitions that aren't used for a RAID or that lay on a drive that isn't used for a RAID as a whole. cha: FDISK_addDrivePartitionToRaid: Now locks drives that are used for a RAID as a whole or partitions that are used in a RAID. cha: FDISK_listPartitions: Now lists RAID devices too. cha: FDISK_formatPart: Now "formats" the fake RAID partition to adjust param. cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now lists all partitions that can be used for installation or swapping. cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: Now lists only partitions that aren't used for a RAID or that lay on a drive that isn't used for a RAID as a whole. cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog: Removed unneeded parameter vDev. fix: client_partition.php: Now shows a heading for "delete partition" step. new: FDISK_addFstab: Adds a new entry to the fstab that is stored in the param array. new: FDISK_listFstab: Generates a HTML table with all defined mountpoints. cha: HTML_showEditLine, HTML_showSubmitButton: Removed new: HTML_input: HTML text or password edit line. new: FDISK_fstabAddDialog: Dialog for adding fstab entries. +++++ 2006-09-03 cha: uasort_cmpMakeFirst: removed new: array_makeFirst: replaces uasort_cmpMakeFirst. new: FDISK_getDrivePartitionSize: Calculates the size of a drive or partition. new: FDISK_listRaidTable: Get informations about the assigned real drives/partitions of a RAID. +++++ 2006-09-02 cha: FDISK_getDrivesAndPartitions, FDISK_listDrivesAndPartitions: New parameter pathFilter: Set this to another value than false if you want only devices with a given string in it. If you add an "!" the beginning all is given out that doesn't contains the filter string (without the "!"). fix: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: Now can search for partition number 2 (and higher). new: FDISK_addDrivePartitionToRaid: Adds a drive or partition to a RAID. +++++ 2006-09-01 cha: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: Now works with multi devices too. new: FDISK_virtualAddDrive: Adds a new drive to the param array. cha: uasort_cmpMakeFirst: Now sorts the other elements. +++++ 2006-08-26 cha: client_partition.php: Introduced some constants for the extended partition steps. cha: client_partition.php: Code beautifying. new: client_partition.php: Added selections for choosing extended partitioning with RAID and/or LVM. new: HTML_submit: Shows a submit button. new: uasort_cmpMakeFirst: Special sort function that makes a special element the first element and leaves the other elements in its previous order. new: HTML_selection: Shows a list of radio buttons or a selection. cha: client_partition.php: Now uses HTML_selection. cha: FDISK_listPartTable: Now includes HTML table code and table headings. new: FDISK_addNewPartitionDialog: Shows a dialog for adding partitions. +++++ 2006-08-24 new: RAID_create: Creates a RAID of different drives or partitions. new: LVM_init: Scans for existing volume groups and activated all found volumes. new: LVM_createVolumeGroup: Creates a volume group. With multiple calls you can join multiple devices or partitions to. new: LVM_createLogicalVolume: Creates a logical volume. This logical volume can be used like a normal partition. +++++ 2006-08-21 cha: menuDeb: Now creates the update infor files. cha: menuStart: Commented out "update" entry. cha: makeCD.sh: Now adjusts the size of the ramdisk in isolinux.cfg with the value of kernelRamDisk.inc. +++++ 2006-08-14 patch: Some changes, fixes and preparations for the m23 Debian packages. cha: m23patch: Changed code to work with the new m23 Debian packages. cha: menuBootCD: Commented out making tar bz2 archives for m23 and mdk. +++++ 2006-08-03 cha: m23 package: Added warning if there is no static ip. cha: mkCert.sh: Uses hostname for the certificate if no static ip is found. fix: chrootSystem: Now copys m23hwscanner. fix: chrootSystem: Now uses correct parameter for m23hwscanner. +++++ 2006-08-01 cha: chrootSystem: genFstab -> m23hwscanner cha: htaccess.php: now uses htpasswd for deleting admins. +++++ 2006-07-31 cha: bootCD: Updated parted + libraries. cha: getDrives: Added SATA detection. cha: m23InstallerBase.inc: Removed functions that are replaced by the postints of the packages. cha: bootCD: Replaced BusyBox's tr command with the native version because of segmentation faults. +++++ 2006-07-30 cha: bootCD: Updated the tools nd libraries to the same versions as included in the bootimage. +++++ 2006-07-26 patch: Updates to a full featured "change client" dialog cha: MSR_decodeMessage: new command type "clientChange" new: PKG_getClientbyPackageID: gets the clientname that owns a selected package ID cha: postMessage.php: now includes "packages.php" new: MSR_clientChangeCommand: sends the ID of a "m23changeClient" job to the server. new: PKG_getInfoFromPackageID: gets a row from "clientjobs" for a given package ID cha: PKG_getClientbyPackageID, PKG_getPackageParams: now are using PKG_getInfoFromPackageID new: PKG_getClientIDbyPackageID: returns the ID of a client that owns a selected package ID cha: CLIENT_changeClient: changes client's DHCP entry and restarts DHCP server, if client is "red" or "yellow" fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now shows correct boottype in "clientChange" mode cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: after a changing a client the dialog isn't shown anymore new: CLIENT_changeClient: a status report is shown after a client has been changed new: MSR_clientChange: executes changes of a "m23changeClient" job on the server. new: de/en/ edit_client.hlp: help files for the "change client" dialog cha: edit_client.php: now shows help fix: de/en/fr/ welcome.hlp: corrected spelling new: icons for client and server new: MSG_showNewFeature: shows the new feature block cha: edit_client.php: now has a forum and uses MSG_showNewFeature +++++ 2006-07-04 fix: mkm23Debs: Fixed path for temporary files. cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now generates SQL statements for deleting sources lists that sould be replaced by newer versions. +++++ 2006-06-23 new: incPatchLevelInVersionPhp: Increments the patch level in the version.php cha: mkm23Debs: Now calls incPatchLevelInVersionPhp. cha: CIR_detectSCSI: Added SATA controler auto probing. +++++ 2006-06-21 new: updatePackages: Updates the Packages(.gz/bz2) new: newPackages: Checks for new and changes packages that should get uploaded. cha: menuDeb: menu now with entries for generating m23 server software packages. +++++ 2006-06-15 new: mkNewPackage: Script for generating templates for new packages from an old package. cha: MDK is now splitted into serveral packages. new: Uncountable changes to the m23 and MDK Debian packages. +++++ 2006-06-13 patch: Fixing installations stucking installations, bootimage updates. Experimental Ubuntu Drapper support. new: CLCFG_aptGet: Executes an APT command with parameters and tries to install/remove as many packages as possible. If the packages could not get installed in a bunch try to install the packges one by one. new: XubuntuDesktopInstall: Installs the minimalistic XFce4 desktop on Ubuntu systems. +++++ 2006-06-10 fix: CLCFG_executeAfterChroot: "cp" from the new BusyBox needs an additional parameter to copy special files. cha: bootimage: Replaced insmod, lsmod, modprobe by its native versions. +++++ 2006-06-05 new: started building Debian packages for m23. +++++ 2006-06-03 new: debootstrap: Adding Ubuntu Drapper Drake script. cha: CLCFG_listUbuntuReleases: Changed distribution to "debian". Ubuntu and Debian should use the same debootstrap scripts. patch: Updates for the bootimage: Kernel, hardware detection, BusyBox and tools. Added partimage. +++++ 2006-06-02 fix: knoppix.functions: downloadSource: changed not working AWK code to PHP. Now the newest source package should be downloaded. new: getNewestFileVersion: Gets the newest file (deb or tar.gz) from a list of files with version informations in the file name. cha: knoppix.functions: downloadSource: Now uses getNewestFileVersion. cha: getKnoppixHwdata, getKnoppixHwsetup, getKnoppixDDCxinfo: Adjusted to operate with getNewestFileVersion. fix: mkBootImage.sh: Corrected paths for copying hwsetup and ddcxinfo. +++++ 2006-06-01 cha: bootimage /bootCD: Updated kernel to 2.6.16-19 new: bootimage: Added partimage new: knoppix.functions: updateIndex: checks if the package index is not older than an hour or updates the index. new: knoppix.functions: downloadSource: downloads the source of KNOPPIX package +++++ 2006-05-29 new: bootimage: Added several TTYs the user can log in. new: bootimage: German keyboard layout loadable. +++++ 2006-05-27 patch: New desktops for Ubuntu and Kubuntu. Upgrade of the pool builder to make it work with different DVDs. Udates of the bootimages. new: KubuntuDesktopInstall: Special Kubuntu desktop installation script that installs KDE desktop with Kubuntu adjustements. cha: bootimage /bootCD : Added USB keyboard support and device mapper with crypto. new: bootimage: Added dmtools. +++++ 2006-05-25 cha: bootimage: Changing init to native version (BusyBox isn't used any more). cha: bootimage: inittab: changed to new init style. cha: Debian/ Ubuntu: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: removed obsolete packages. new: CLCFG_getDebianReleasesGeneric: Generates an array of the different releases (e.g. sarge, sid, woody, potato) of a distribution. cha: CLCFG_listDebianReleasesGeneric: Now uses HTML_listSelection and CLCFG_getDebianReleasesGeneric. cha: POOL_makeRepository: Now creates symbolic links from the data directory of the pool to all know release names. This establishes compatibility between the DVD/CD and debootstrap. +++++ 2006-05-23 fix: bootimage: Updating the tools in the bootimage to solve the problem of wrongly detected partitions. Partitions formated with ext3 were seen by parted and other tools as linux-swap. +++++ 2006-05-21 new: UbuntuDesktopInstall: Special desktop installation script for Ubuntu systems. +++++ 2006-05-20 cha: POOL_showLoadDeleteCreate: Now deletes the copy skript on showing the pool builder start page. This should fix the lock problem with copying CDs/DVDs. cha: m23KDEInstall: Now with autodetection of package names. cha: apt-get install: Added --force-yes to all "apt-get install" calls to make them work with packages that can't get authentificated +++++ 2006-05-10 patch: Now Ubuntu CDs can be used with the poolbuilder. fix: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: Now shows correct mount devices. cha: POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Now guesses release name of Ubuntu CDs. +++++ 2006-03-28 patch: Ubuntu installs reenabled and first SVN files. cha: exclude*: Removed /m23/data+scripts/distr/debian/debootstrap from exclusion. fix: deboostrap: Now reenables Ubuntu installs. new: Added SubVersion files to the directories. +++++ 2006-02-08 patch: Automatic image storage directory creation. fix: IMG_getAllImages: Now creates the image storage directory if it doesn't exist. (thx Stephan) +++++ 2006-01-24 patch: Makes client bootimage bootable again. fix: bootimage: now boots again. +++++ 2006-01-04 patch: KDM keyboard fix. fix: m23KDE3Install: Fixes the sporadically appearing error of non-working keyboards in KDM. (thx Stefan) +++++ 2006-01-02 new: Created final m23 0.5 halfBaked ISO fix: mkRescue.sh: the return code of the wrong command line was used to detect if the initrd was created correctly. +++++ 2006-01-01 patch: WOL fix fix: CLIENT_wol: now calls the existing tool etherwake. (thy milman) patch: Syncronised with 0.5.0 final. New welcome page. cha: menu.php: entry for bug reports now points to the question FAQ cha: en/de/fr welcome.hlp: Updated +++++ 2005-12-20 patch: Fixes background installation of packages on clients being "online". Few fixes and changes. fix: CLCFG_setAuthorized_keys: Now copies /root/.ssh/ id_dsa.pub over /m23/data+scripts/ packages/baseSys/ authorized_keys to allways distribute the current SSH key. +++++ 2005-12-13 cha: configureNetwork: Now sets hostname via "hostname". cha: configureSquid: Gets hostname from /etc/hostname. fix: installI18N.de/en: Now shows correct drive while swap and boot partition creation. fix: getDrives: Fixed harddisk size detection problem due to a new version of parted. patch: Fixes the installer. Complete onlien help in english, french and german. fix: getDrives: Removed debug code that preselects /dev/sda as installation drive. (thx milman) fix: Fixed a few HTML errors in the online help cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: Now displays errors directly and stops if errors occurres. cha: bootCD/ README: Updated cha: version.php: Now is halfBaked-RC2 +++++ 2005-12-12 cha: en/de/fr manual.tex: Added hyperrefs. You can jump to a special page by clicking on the chapter title in contents. new: checkTex.sh: Simple checker for the generated LaTeX files. cha: menuManualStart.sh: Added entry for checkTex.sh. +++++ 2005-12-06 patch: This brings your m23 server to the 0.5 halfBaked RC1. Lots of fixes, complete online help (french too), tool updates (e.g. khtml2png, phpMyAdmin). new: Complete french online help (thx Maren) cha: makeCD.sh: Now copies language files to the iso directory cha: configureSquid: Now comments out existing "visible_hostname" settings new: EDIT_countMatches: Generates BASH code that counts how many times the search string can be found in the file. This can be used in ` `. cha: EDIT_replace: Adjustments for AWK. new: delValuesFromArray: deletes all entries in the array $arr with values stored in the array $delVals. cha: SERVER_runInBackground: New parameter runInScreen: Set to true if the execution should be done in "screen". False executes it under the normal BASH. new: BACKUP_getAdmins: Stores informations about known administrators in the BackupPC configuration file in variables. new: BACKUP_addAdmin: Adds an admin to the config.pl configuration file of BackupPC. new: BACKUP_delAdmin: Deletes an admin from the config.pl configuration file of BackupPC. cha: htaccess.php: Now uses BACKUP_addAdmin and BACKUP_delAdmin. +++++ 2005-12-04 cha: EDIT_insertAfterLineNumber, EDIT_insertAtLineNumber, EDIT_insertLineNumber: New parameter addIfNotExists: set to true, if the the line should be added only if the line doesn't exist. false, if the line should be added on every execution. fix: LDAP_installServer: Installation should work now. Password is now encrypted by debconf. fix: LDAP_addPosix: Set familyname to "-" if it's empty. cha: fix-permissions: Add /m23/doc and /m23/bin to fix. cha: menuTranslator: Now filters out backup files from upload. cha: installI18N.de: Now is up to date. cha: mkRescue.sh: Now removes backup files before compressing. +++++ 2005-12-01 cha: enable-ssl: Added command line parameter that disables installation of the SSL package +++++ 2005-11-30 new: New server installer mostly finished cha: bootCD: updated parted to 1.6.25 cha: bootCD: updated Linux to cha: m23install.sh: Now makes suggestions for netmask, network, broadcast and DNS partly calculated by ipcalc +++++ 2005-11-29 cha: makem23image.tb2: Image file is now called m23image.tb2 cha: makem23image.tb2: Now exclude MySQL DB directory /var/lib/mysql +++++ 2005-11-24 cha: DHCP_setBootimage: Symlink is made in /m23/tftp and doesn't contain full path now. This is needed by tftpd-hpa. cha: dhcpd.conf: "root-path" has to be "/" now. This is needed by tftpd-hpa. +++++ 2005-11-23 cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now compresses SQL dumps with bzip2 fix: makeusrm23: Changed path from debimg to debian cha: mkIndex: Now sorts the output file list and makes entries unique cha: exchanged atftpd with tftpd-hpa new: createMissingDirsCommands: Generate commands to create directories that are missing in the file list +++++ 2005-11-22 cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: Now uses user and password from /etc/mysql/debian.cnf cha: menuBootCD: Added entry for exportDBInitTable.sh new: sarge-install.sh: Installer for Sarge new: m23InstallerConfigure.inc: Configure functions for the new m23 installer +++++ 2005-11-20 cha: md5Check: mkIndex: Now can create a file list. cha: mk-m23.bz2.sh: Now uses file list function of md5Check. fix: exclude0, exclude4Update: fixed regular expressions +++++ 2005-11-18 cha: de/en/fr: Adjusted manual.tex new: checkMissingLatexHelp.sh: Searches for missing LaTeX files in the manual.tex files. fix: CAPTURE_load: Now merges current $_GET and stored GET cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Last adjustments cha: menuManualStart.sh: Added entry for checkMissingLatexHelp.sh. new: CAPTURE_showMarker: Shows a new column with a marker that is used for autodetecting the screenshot size by khtml2png. new: CAPTURE_showTableWith: Adds a width element if in captureLoad mode. cha: index.php: Added CAPTURE_showTableWith() to force a minimum width for the main table. +++++ 2005-11-16 patch: Updated khtml2png (and nearby I'm the new maintainer of this project) and help files. Masstools and client change dialog now know NTP, printer detection and time zones. A few minor fixes. cha: version: Switched to 0.5.0 halfBaked-RC1. new: manageImageFiles.hlp: Added cha: client_add.hlp, daemonsAndPrograms.hlp, mi_step3.hlp: Updated fix: MASS_propertyKeys: Removed doubled key "login" +++++ 2005-11-14 new: HELPER_getTimeZones: Searches for all time zones. cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: Now uses HELPER_getTimeZones. cha: MASS_showOverview: Added support for NTP, login name and time zone. cha: massInstall.php: Added support for NTP, login name and time zone. cha: MASS_showOverview: Now sets time zone and NTP to the value from the defined client. +++++ 2005-11-13 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: added support for time zone, NTP and printer detection new: PKG_addNormalJob: Adds a normal package to the installation queue. fix: CLIENT_addClient: Now sets the correct status for defined clients. cha: FDISK_defineDrive: Now accepts size values with "GB". cha: MASS_I18NTokey, MASS_keyToI18N: Added new keys. +++++ 2005-11-12 cha: khtml2png: Now can detect the size of the screenshot by the position of a HTML element. cha: kh2p: Now uses the autodetect feature of khtml2png. cha: CAPTURE_showJSScreenshotHint: Removed. Is not needed any more due to new version of khtml2png cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Removed screenshot measurements. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: Added some additional pages. +++++ 2005-11-09 new: CAPTURE_showJSScreenshotHint: Lets pop up a JavaScript window that contains information about the measurement of the screenshot if capture mode is on. cha: changelog: Now uses the new date format for all entries (thx AWK) cha: MSG_showNewFeature: Now hides the new feature box if the server is in capture or load capture mode. +++++ 2005-11-08 cha: index.php: Added JavaScript code that calculates the with and height of the screenshots. cha: HELP_getHelp: Added JavaScript readable HTML code that stores the top position and topic of the help box. +++++ 2005-11-07 patch: MDK now conatins support for m23/Translator new: menuTranslator: Now can download all articles from m23/Translator in the m23 project page new: menuTranslator: Use "meld" to synchronise downloaded and local articles and get changed files new: menuTranslator: List all files that have been changed and that should uploaded to SF new: menuTranslator: Uploads all changed files ordered by languages and directories +++++ 2005-11-06 patch: Support for Ubuntu Breezy, timezones, printer detection and NTP settings. cha: menuDoc: added entry for translator cha: POOL_create: now shows an error message if the poolname contains spaces. (thx Olaf) +++++ 2005-11-05 cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now can use "mkinitramfs" that is used under Ubuntu cha: m23KDE3Install: now works with the variant of Ubuntu Breezy cha: m23xfree864Install: now installs XOrg too +++++ 2005-11-04 cha: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: moved to clientConfigCommon new: m23-hwscanner-ubuntu: package with dynamic linked m23-hwscanner cha: mkextradeb: now makes m23hwscanner-ubuntu package cha: ubuntu/ DISTR_afterChrootInstall: now installs m23hwscanner-ubuntu and creates a link for libparted +++++ 2005-11-03 cha: debian/ubuntu clientInstall: now sets the timezone new: CLCFG_setTimeZone: Sets the timezone of a client. cha: debian/ubuntu clientInstall: now installs NTP package or not cha: CLIENT_addClient: now adds printer detection package or not cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: new parameter country: two letter country name that is used to select a timezone if none is set with $first. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: added logic for NTP, printer and timezone. +++++ 2005-11-02 fix: PKG_addSpecialPackages: now uses POST to get the package parameters cha: HELPER_getTimeZoneSelection: Creates a selection with all POSIX timezones. new: m23PrinterConfigInstall: Installs printer drivers and detects local printers. cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: added elements for NTP, printer and timezone. +++++ 2005-11-01 patch: Fixes problems with relicts of the old debimg "distribution" cha: changed date format of the changelog ;-) cha: Updated phpMyAdmin to 2.6.4-pl3 fix: clientConfigCommon, clientconfig, clientInstall: removed relicts from the old debimg "distribution" cha: moved needed files from debimg to debian cha: Updated sf-upload to 2.01 new: m23/Translator is now part of the MDK +++++ 2005-10-30 patch: A big patch containing creation and installation of images, new boot images and editor for job management. cha: client_distr.hlp: added hint for imaging new: client_crateImage.hlp: new help file for imaging +++++ 2005-10-29 new: CLCFG_writeMBR: Writes the MBR on a list of drives for a list of partitions to activate. new: CLIENT_isBasesystemInstalledFromImage: Detects if the base system should be installed from an image. cha: DISTR_listDistributions: now can put an empty fake distribution on top of the list. cha: imaging/ m23baseSysInstall: now can install other distributions cha: clientInstall: base system copy routine can no be disabled +++++ 2005-10-28 new: MSR_m23ImagerSize: Sets the size of the decompressed image in its file name. new: IMG_getAllImagesSel: Returns an selection that contains all image names as values and additional informations as shown name. cha: CLCFG_mountRootDir: new parameter $mountPoint cha: clientConfig, client_distr: changed from GET to POST new: IMG_clientRestore: Restores an image file on the client. new: IMG_clientRestoreAll: Restores all images on the client. new: IMG_setFilenameSize: Sets the size of the extracted image in its name. +++++ 2005-10-22 new: IMG_makeExtension: Creates an extension for a given format and compression. new: IMG_getFormatCompressionFromFile: Checks the extension of a filename and writes its format and compression to the parameters. cha: moved LDAP, manage administrators and update from the menu to the server settings page new: IMG_getAllImages: Returns an array with informations about all existing image files. new: IMG_showImageManagement: Shows a dialog with all existing image files with the possibillity to delete them. +++++ 2005-10-21 cha: HELP_getHelp: now can show man pages. new: IMG_getImageFormatSelection: Generates a selection that contains all drives and partitions of a given client. new: IMG_serverCreate: Starts a server programm on the m23 server that stores an image. new: IMG_clientCreate: Creates an image from the client and transfers it to the server. new: IMG_showCreateImage: Shows a dialog for creating an image. +++++ 2005-10-20 new: FDISK_listIDrivesAndPartitions: Generates a selection that contains all drives and partitions of a given client. +++++ 2005-10-19 new: PKG_executeOnClientJobs: Executes a sql statement on all package IDs. cha: PKG_removeFromJobList: now uses PKG_executeOnClientJobs cha: client_waitingjobs.php: is now client_changeJobs.php cha: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: is now CLIENT_showJobs cha: CLIENT_showJobs: shows all jobs and can delete or set them to rerun or done +++++ 2005-10-18 cha: CLIENT_changeClient: now supports LDAP, home on NFS and local logins cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now supports LDAP, home on NFS and local logins cha: m23clientChangeInstall: now sets the nfs home server, enables ldap and local logins +++++ 2005-10-17 new: mdoc.awk, mdoc.sh : replacement for the mdoc C tool cha: makeDoc.sh: now uses mdoc.sh +++++ 2005-10-11 Functions for the subproject m23/Translator new: DB_connect: Connects to the data base. new: DB_query: Executes a SQL query. new: DIFF_showDiff: Shows differences between two articles. new: HTML_listSelection: shows a selection with options stored in an array new: HTML_showTableHeader: prints the header of a shadowed table new: HTML_showTableEnd: prints the end of a shadowed table new: HTML_showFormHeader: Shows the header of a formular new: HTML_showFormEnd: Shows the end of a formular new: I18N_loadLanguage: Reads the I18N keys and their native translations from the language file or the cache in the $_SESSION array. new: LANG_addNew: Checks if a user name/password combination is valid (password is set) or a user name exists (password is empty). new: LANG_getLongName: Returns the long name of a language. new: LANG_getID: Returns the ID of a language for a selected language name or short name. new: LANG_getAll: Returns an array with the language short names as array keys and the corresponding long names as values new: LANG_showAddNew: Shows a dialog to add a new language. new: LOGIN_new: Stores a new user in the DB. new: LOGIN_check: Checks if a user name/password combination is valid (password is set) or a user name exists (password is empty). new: LOGIN_showLogin: Shows a login page, checks user name and password, can jump to the register page and jumps to the page "main" on login success. new: LOGIN_showRegister: Shows a user registration page, checks if both passwords are identically, registers new user names and can jump to the login page after successfull registration. new: LOGIN_logout: Logs out the user new: LOGIN_getUserParams: Returns the value of a parameter for a selected user name. new: LOGIN_getUserID: Returns the user ID for a selected user name. new: LOGIN_checkPermission: Checks if the user has a selected permission. new: LOGIN_showUsers: Shows a list of the user with the possibillity to change permissions and delete users. new: PAGE_showMain: Shows the main page with a subpage in the lower part of the screen. new: PAGE_reloadIndexPHP: Reloads the main page without any GET parameter. new: PAGE_help: Shows a box with a help message. new: implodeAssoc: makes a string from an assiciative array new: explodeAssoc: makes an associative array from a string new: SESS_get: Returns the value of the session identified by the session ID of the client. new: SESS_end: Deletes the session entry for the client ID. new: SESS_load: Returns the session values or starts a new session. new: SESS_save: Saves the session array. new: SESS_start: Starts a new session and returns its ID or returns the ID of the current session. new: SESS_getID: Returns the session ID from cookie, globals, post or get variable. new: SESS_getIDUrl: Returns a string with session ID and variable name that can be used in an URL or as hidden parameter. new: SESS_cleanOld: Deletes session entries older than 2 hours. new: NEXT_finished: Tries to delete setup.php. new: NEXT_addAdmin: Adds an administrator account. new: NEXT_welcome: Jumps to the next page after the welcome screen. new: NEXT_checkConfigAccess: Jumps to the next page after the check for write access on config.php. new: CHECK_config: Checks for write permission on config.php. new: NEXT_dbSetup: Checks the entered values, adds a new database, tables and edits config.php. new: showPage: Shows a page with title, HTML body and next button. If the button is pressed a given function is called. new: jumpPage: Jumps to a given page. new: TRANS_delete: Deletes a file together with all its articles. new: TRANS_createDirectory: Creates a new directory. new: TRANS_getDirectoryID: Returns the ID of a directory. new: TRANS_touchFile: Creates an empty file in a directory. new: TRANS_getFileID: Returns the ID of a directory. new: TRANS_addTranslation: Adds a new original article new: TRANS_addOriginal: Adds a new original article new: TRANS_showOverview: Shows an overview over all translations with action links. new: TRANS_showArticleActions: Shows links with possible actions for a selected file in a selected directory. new: TRANS_viewArticle: Shows an article viewer. new: TRANS_editArticle: Shows an article editor/translator. new: TRANS_getOriginals: Returns informations about original articles for a given file. new: TRANS_getOldTranslations: Returns an array with tIDs and times of old articles by a given fID and lID. new: TRANS_getArticleInformation: Returns informations about the article. new: TRANS_getNewestTID: Returns the tID of the newest translation of a file for a given language. new: TRANS_getNewestOriginal: Returns the tID of the newest article matching the file and language ID of the selected translation. new: TRANS_getFileName: Returns the file name of a file ID. new: TRANS_editOriginal: Shows an editor for editing an original article. new: RANS_showEditor: Shows a translation viewer or translator. fix: DMI_getParam: now works with dmidecode 2.7 +++++ 2005-09-21 patch: Several fixes that may correct boot problems on some clients. New french help texts. fix: should fix access problems with config.php cha: HTML_showTableEnd, HTML_showTableHeader: new parameter fix: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: corrected function call of CLCFG_language (has only two parameters) cha: CLCFG_language: now uses I18N_getLangVars cha: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: Downloads debootstrap if it isn't installed in the mer directory fix: m23-initscripts: now doesn't deletes /etc/environment anymore (thx irgendwer) fix: bootimage: new version of dmidecode that runs on new hardware (thx TeeSee) fix: bootimage: there seem to be false bootimages on some servers (thx Alf, irgendwer) new: fr/help: french help texts for the pool builder, LDAP settings, client assimilation, edit client, client backup (thx Maren) +++++ 2005-09-16 new: WIKIBOT_connect: Connects the m23wikibot to the wiki server. new: WIKIBOT_post: Posts an article to a wiki page. new: WIKIBOT_postHelpFile: Posts a file in a selected language to the wiki and adds links to the wiki pages in other languages. new: WIKIBOT_fetch: Returns the article of a wiki page. new: WIKIBOT_getWikiLink: Returns a wiki link. new: WIKIBOT_getAllHelpFiles: Returns an array with all help file names. new: WIKIBOT_getOverviewPage: Returns an overview page that conatins all wiki links to help pages in all supported languages. new: WIKIBOT_uploadAllHelpFiles: Uploads all help files and generates an overview page. patch: Big fix + english help for the pool builder (thx to Patrick Jäger). new: help files for the pool builder new: checkForMissingHlp.sh: Checks if there are help files missing in some language fix: add_client: now calls LDAP_checkphpLdapAdminConfiguration to make sure the needed config file exists. (thx Alf) cha: moved outdated br and it help files to /mdk/outdated/help and i18n files to /mdk/outdated/i18n/ +++++ 2005-09-13 fix: HELP_getHelp: now interprets I18N variables with index fix: POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: now gets the correct codename of the ditribution +++++ 2005-09-12 new: POOL_showSourcesList: Shows the sources list of a selected package source. new: POOL_getCDDistributionRelease: Reads the distribution and the release name from a mounted CD and writes these information to the variables. new: POOL_makeRepository: Generates a package source from packages stored in one directory. new: POOL_prepare: Generates the needed configuration file for reprepro. new: PKG_getDebootStrapBasePackages: Returns the list of base packages that are downloaded by debootstrap for a special release. cha: SRCLST_showEditor: added checkbox for downloading base packages cha: PKG_downloadPool: changed parameters +++++ 2005-09-11 cha: POOL_createSimplePackageIndex: removed fix: SRCLST_showEditor: now loads the correct package list cha: PKG_downloadPool: now uses --force-yes cha: POOL_create: now checks if the pool directory exists cha: menuUpdate: now makes backups of old index files patch: Adds client assimilation functionality. new: combinePatches: script for merging patches to one new fix: some scripts had MAC line feeds, converted them back to Linux format fix: makeTar: added missing ! cha: de/en/ client_assimilate.hlp: added hint for Ubuntu +++++ 2005-09-10 cha: client_assimilate: added MSG_showNewFeature new: /m23/bin/plink: script for automatic SSH connections fix: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: now uses /m23/bin/plink +++++ 2005-09-09 new: de/en/ client_assimilate.hlp: help files for the assimilation dialog cha: MSR_getClientSettingsCommand: now detects Ubuntu cha: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: changes parameters fix: CIR_waitForNextJob: now the loop is quitted correctly after the job has been fetched +++++ 2005-09-07 new: CLIENT_plinkFetchJob: Connects to a client over the Putty SSH client and executes a command new: ASSI_addClient: Adds needed data for assimilating a client. new: ASSI_showClientAddDialog: Shows a dialog for adding a client to assimilate. cha: CLIENT_setLastmodify: new extra parameter "client" cha: CIR_writeClientID: now tries to remove /m23clientID before writing cha: m23Presetup: new extra parameter to disable SCSI and dropbear cha: MSR_getClientSettings: is now MSR_getClientSettingsCommand and has no parameters cha: CLIENT_addClient: new pararameter clientAddType cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog, MASS_startInstall: changed due to CLIENT_addClient cha: CLCFG_copySSLCert: extra parameter rootPath +++++ 2005-09-03 new: SRCLST_cleanList: Returns an array with all lines of the sources list that contain Debian sources new: SRCLST_matchList: Returns the name of the sources list that matches the searched sources list contents for the distribution or false new: MSR_getClientSettings: Generates a script to gather network, release, distribution, login, LDAP and kernel informations for client import on the client new: LDAP_matchLDAPserver: Searches for the name of a LDAP server and returns the name of the found server or false new: CLIENT_setAllParams: Sets all parameters in the columns of a client new: MSR_clientSettings: Imports the clients settings +++++ 2005-09-02 new: SRCLST_getListnames: Returns an array that contains all sourceslist names new: icon for client assimilation patch: Adds backup support with BackupPC new: BACKUP_showClientSettings: Shows the dialog for starting and configuring BackupPC for a special client new: BACKUP_getBackupDirs: Returns the comma seperated list of directories that should be backupped on the client cha: EDIT_addIfNotExists: now doesn't use AWK any more (problems with ') new: BACKUP_saveBackupDirs: Saves the list of backup diretories oo the client in the BackupPC file fix: HELP_getHelp: now replaces I18N keys correctly if they contain parts of other keys new: en/de client_backup.hlp: new help for backup +++++ 2005-09-01 new: icons for backup new: addToHosts.php: adds all clients with IP address to /etc/hosts and /etc/backuppc/hosts cha: client_details: added backup icon +++++ 2005-08-31 new: EDIT_addIfNotExists: Adds a new line if the search pattern cannot be found. new: EDIT_deleteMatching: Deletes all lines matching the regular expression new: SERVER_addLineToFile: Adds (if the search pattern can't be found) a line to a file on the server new: SERVER_delLineFromFile: Deletes lines from the file that match the search pattern new: SERVER_addEtcHosts: Adds a host to /etc/hosts and /etc/backuppc/hosts (if it doesn't exists allready) new: SERVER_delEtcHosts: Deletes a host entry from /etc/hosts and /etc/backuppc/hosts cha: CLIENT_addClient: now uses SERVER_addEtcHosts cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: now uses SERVER_delEtcHosts +++++ 2005-08-30 patch: Added module aic79xx in SCSI detection. cha: en/de mi_step2: added new LDAP specific parts cha: CIR_detectSCSI: added aic79xx module +++++ 2005-08-29 patch: Some improvements in massinstall. fix: FDISK_autoPart: added missing parameter in the call of FDISK_addJob cha: FDISK_autoPart: if the swap size is smaller than 256MB set it to 256MB +++++ 2005-08-28 fix: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: now deletes old jobs from the destination client fix: MASS_startInstall: the client is added to the groups only if adding the client fix: MASS_showTableDefinition: corrected amount of shown rows cha: MASS_getAllFromFile: now removes white spaces from the begin and end of the read strings patch: Adds missing tables fix: DB: added missing tables cha: menuUpdate: now has a security check to prevent unintentional updates of the index +++++ 2005-08-27 patch: New experimental functions for combining LDAP and home on NFS with mass installation. new: LDAP_getNextID: Returns the next higher than the highest ID new: LDAP_getNextUserID: Returns the next higher than the highest user ID new: LDAP_addNewID: Adds a new ID to the table of used IDs or returns "false" if the ID exists new: LDAP_deleteID: Delets an ID from the table of used IDs new: LDAP_addNewUserID: Adds a new user ID to the table new: LDAP_addNewGroupID: Adds a new user ID to the table new: LDAP_getNextGroupID: Returns the next higher than the highest group ID cha: LDAP_addPosix: now uses LDAP_addNewUserID and LDAP_addNewGroupID cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now uses LDAP_getNextGroupID and LDAP_getNextUserID cha: MASS_showGeneratorOptions: added group and user ID generation cha: MASS_saveGeneratorOptions: now saves group and user ID generation settings new: MASS_loginGenerator: generates the selected amount of logins cha: HTML_listSelection: now shows the label if there is selected a value new: LDAP_getFreeIDs: Returns an array with free IDs of the selected type. new: LDAP_getFreeUserIDs: Returns an array with free user IDs of the selected type. new: LDAP_getFreeGroupIDs: Returns an array with free group IDs of the selected type. cha: MASS_startInstall: now supports LDAP and home on NFS. +++++ 2005-08-26 new: LDAP_I18NLdapType: Returns the human readable description of the LDAP usage type cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: added define settings for LDAP and NFS cha: MASS_propertyKeys: added keys for LDAP and NFS cha: MASS_keyToI18N: added translations for LDAP and NFS +++++ 2005-08-25 patch: You can choose the writing speed for the client boot CDs now. cha: makeBootCD: the user can now select the speed for burning the client boot CDs (thx MikeschTheCat) cha: burn/ burnCD.sh: changes for speed selection cha: en/de/ makeBootCD: adjusted fix: menuUpdate: now sf-upload uses .bz2 as upload file type cha: menuUpdate: added error message if there was a problem during the upload to SF patch: New SF server side update mechanism cha: menuUpdate: now stores size of the tb2 in .size cha: m23patch: now reads file size from .size new: now include sf-upload 1.18 cha: menuUpdate: now uses sf-upload to upload the tb2 +++++ 2005-08-19 cha: Patch files are now on the SourceForge mirrors and should speed up the update of your m23 servers cha: m23patch.php: Now fetches the tar.bz2 part of the patches from the SourceForge mirror +++++ 2005-08-18 patch: added missing ldapSettings.php patch: Enhanced LDAP support: Can read and write LDAP-accounts and install OpenLDAP. Much other enhancements and updated help. new: en/de/ ldapSettings.hlp: new cha: en/de/ client_add.hlp: adjustet texts to new features +++++ 2005-08-15 cha: HELP_getHelp: replaces i18n variables in the help text cha: de/en/fr help: now contains i18n variables +++++ 2005-08-14 new: SERVER_runningInBackground: Returns "true" if a lock file for a given job name is existing. cha: SERVER_programmStatus: new parameter "canBeInstalled": set to "true" if the programm can be installed by the package name cha: SERVER_programmStatus: if there is no informational text status point is now shown on the left side cha: daemonsAndPrograms: now shows the status of OpenLDAP +++++ 2005-08-13 new: EDIT_deleteLines: Deletes lines from a given line number to a given line number new: EDIT_deleteLinesAmount: Deletes N lines from a given line number new: LDAP_listServers: Returns an array with all known LDAP servers new: LDAP_checkphpLdapAdminConfiguration: Checks if the phpLDAPadmin configuration file is existing and creates it if it's missing new: LDAP_delServerFromphpLdapAdmin: Deletes a LDAP server from the phpLDAPadmin configuration file. new: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: Shows a dialog for adding, removing and changing LDAP servers. new: LDAP_loadServer: Loads the variables from a LDAP server. cha: LDAP_connectFull: removed new: LDAP_makeConnection: Connects to a LDAP server. new: LDAP_connectServer: Connects with read/write access to the LDAP server on the m23 server. cha: LDAP_addPosix: new parameter and now uses LDAP_connectServer cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now has an input line for the user name cha: clientInstall: now tries to get the login name from clientoptions cha: LDAP_addPosix: forename and familyname are now stored in utf8 cha: CLIENT_addClient: now uses LDAP_addPosix cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: now checks if the local account should be created cha: work.php: now includes ldap cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: now the only parameter is the client's options array new: SERVER_runInBackground: Runs a script with "screen" in the background under a given user cha: SERVER_checkPackageInstalled: now is 5 times faster (thx AWK ;)) cha: EDIT_prepareStr: now designed to be used with AWK cha: EDIT_prepareStr: new parameter "forSearch": set to true, if the string should be used as a search string new: LDAP_installServer: Generates a script that installs and configures an openLDAP server cha: LDAP_showServerManagementDialog: now uses LDAP_installServer +++++ 2005-08-12 new: LDAP_connectFull: Connects with read/write access to the LDAP server on the m23 server. new: LDAP_addPosix: Adds a posix account to the LDAP server and encrypts the password with MD5. cha: EDIT_insert: removed cha: EDIT_insertBefore: removed cha: EDIT_insertAfter: removed new: EDIT_searchLastLineNumber: searches for the last line that contains "searchLine" and stores the line number in the BASH variable "m23searchLine" new: LDAP_fqdn2dn: Returns the DN converted from a FQDN new: LDAP_addServerTophpLdapAdmin: Adds a LDAP server to the phpLDAPadmin configuration cha: index, menu: added entries for LDAP +++++ 2005-08-09 patch: Adds basic LDAP and NFS support cha: en/de client_add.hlp: added part about LDAP and NFS cha: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: now uses CLIENT_enableLDAP and CLCFG_enableNFSHome cha: CLIENT_enableLDAP: extra parameter to use the m23 server as ldap server cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now all LDAP and NFS values are handled patch: Fix of the client boot ISO, new LDAP and EDIT functions, better update script on the server installation CD fix: exclude4Update, exclude0: corrected regular expression fix: recompliled server ISO kernel for the client boot CD to adjust the size of the ramdisk (thx Mikesch) fix: updatem23.sh: now uses the password for accessing the DB (thx Mikesch) +++++ 2005-08-07 cha: CLCFG_enableLDAP: NFS home support was moved to CLCFG_enableNFSHome new: CLCFG_enableNFSHome: enables storing of home directories on a NFS server cha: work.php: now include edit.php +++++ 2005-08-05 cha: EDIT_commentOutLine: changed parameters cha: EDIT_commentOutLine, EDIT_uncomment: now are using AWK cha: EDIT_commentOutLine: is now called EDIT_commentout and now comments out lines in range or matching lines +++++ 2005-08-03 cha: CLCFG_installUsrM23: now links /etc/skel to the m23 skel new: EDIT_replace: replaces $searchLine with $replaceText new: EDIT_insert: inserts text BEFORE or AFTER the searched line new: EDIT_prepareStr: changes the string to make it compatible with sed new: EDIT_insertBefore: inserts text BEFORE the searched line new: EDIT_insertAfter: inserts text AFTER the searched line new: EDIT_savePerms: saves the permissions and owner of a file new: EDIT_restorePerms: restores previously saved file permissions and owner new: EDIT_searchNextLineNumber: searches for the next line number that contains "searchLine" new: EDIT_searchLineNumber: searches for the first line that contains "searchLine" and stores the line number in the BASH variable "m23searchLine" new: EDIT_insertLineNumber: inserts a text AT or AFTER a line number new: EDIT_insertAtLineNumber: inserts a text AT a line number new: EDIT_insertAfterLineNumber: inserts a text AFTER a line number new: EDIT_commentOutLine: comments out a line new: EDIT_uncomment: uncomments all with m23 commented lines of a file new: EDIT_calc: calculates changes of the variable +++++ 2005-08-01 new: CLIENT_enableLDAP: enables LDAP logins on client. +++++ 2005-07-30 patch: Desaster recovery can now be started for multiple clients or groups. cha: GRP_HTMLBackToDetails, GRP_showDelDialog, GRP_HTMLBackToOverview: set border of the icons to 0 new: GRP_desasterRecovery: recovers all selected clients and shows a message afterwards cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: now uses GRP_desasterRecovery cha: clients_overview: now has "desaster recover" function for multiple clients patch: Now the adjustment of partitions should work during mass installation. cha: disabled (obsolete) distribution ERPOSS cha: FDISK_virtualAddPartition, FDISK_addJob: new parameter "devNr" new: FDISK_AFPselectDrive: selects a drive from the settings in "options" and from available drives. new: FDISK_AFPlinearScale: scales all partitions sizes to match the full disk size. new: FDISK_AFPgetPartSizes: writes the sizes of the installation, swap and other partitions to the variables. fix: FDISK_AFPgetPartSizes: now detects the partitions correctly cha: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: fdiskDefinedSize is set to 0 afterwards. so the fdisk parameters are ajusted only once. +++++ 2005-07-29 fix: m23patch.php: now the size of the tb2 files is shown correctly cha: m23patch.php: now sizes are shown in MB cha: MENU_showEntry, client_details, head: set border of the icons to 0 cha: new icon for "edit" cha: massInstall, add_client: shows MSG_showNewFeature fix: CLIENT_deleteClient: now deletes client's log cha: FDISK_addJob: additional parameter "fullPath" +++++ 2005-07-27 patch: The "change client" dialog should now support all client side changes. Bootimage kernel updated to cha: CLIENT_changeClient: removed debug code fix: CLIENT_changeClient: DHCP server gets reconfigured and restarted if ip, mac or netmask changes and the client hast "red" or "yellow" status new: /mdk/bin/ start.sh: deletes old session values and calls menuStart new: bootimage: now with kernel and all network modules fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now the current client name is used for the job if it should be changed fix: CLIENT_changeClient: always change both otherwise the "no changed" DNS won't be written to /etc/resolv.conf fix: CLCFG_changeUser: now uses the new username and not the encrypted password as new username cha: edit_client.php: now uses CLIENT_HTMLBackToDetails cha: CLCFG_changeUser: can change password for root with encrypted password +++++ 2005-07-25 fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now all entered values are used cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: values that can't be set on the client (e.g. mac) are disabled in the dialog cha: CLCFG_changeUser: if old and new username are equal no change code is generated cha: sendClientStageStatus, sendClientStatus: now are sending the m23clientID new: /mdk/outdated: contains sources that aren't used anymore, but can be usefull in the future cha: DB_rmSafeUser, DB_remoteRmSafeUserStatus, DB_rmUser, DB_addUser: moved to outdated new: MSR_getm23clientIDCMD: returns the BASH code for storing the m23clientID in the BASH variable "varid" cha: sendClientStatus, sendClientStageStatus, returnClientStageStatus, sendClientLogStatus, executeNextWork, MSR_statusFileCommand, MSR_genSendCommand, MSR_partHwDataCommand: now are using MSR_getm23clientIDCMD +++++ 2005-07-22 patch: New "Change client" dialog, that can change some settings of the client. fix: clientInstall: DISTR_afterChrootInstall is now at the right place new: CLCFG_changeUser: changes the settings of an useraccount on a client cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: changed parameters: shows the dialog for adding, defining or changing a client cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now loads the client values new: CLIENT_changeClient: changes values of the clients cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now uses CLIENT_changeClient +++++ 2005-07-20 cha: menuUpdate: now *.info are the last uploaded files patch: Correction of permissions and fdisk parameter adjustments fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: now adjusts the parameters of the m23fdiskFormat job +++++ 2005-07-15 fix: corrected permissions of /m23/data+scripts/gfx patch: Enhanced debugging mode, now all characters in passwords are possible fix: CLIENT_isAskingInDebugMode: now works cha: MSR_importLog: now doesn't urldecode cha: CLIENT_showLog: now urldecodes the log fix: CLIENT_showLog: now shows complete yellow status logs containing a "°" cha: CLIENT_showLog: now shows logs preformated cha: CLIENT_addClient: disabled password character check +++++ 2005-07-14 cha: CLCFG_genFstab, CLCFG_genFakeFstab: removed "-v" at MAKEDEV to disable verify mode +++++ 2005-07-13 patch: should enable installation with the new debootstrap cha: sourceslist: stable is now Sarge, removed multiple Sid and Sarge entries cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now uses extra parameter "-r" for mkinitrd cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now uses MAKEDEV with "cd /dev; ./MAKEDEV -v generic" fix: CIR_detectSCSI: fixed output of current probed module fix: executeNextWork: now detects id patch: fixes wrong permissions of /tmp fix: corrected /tmp permissions +++++ 2005-07-12 patch: fixes errors occuring with the new version of debootstrap cha: CIR_detectSCSI: removed ".o" from module names fix: bootimage: made symlink from busybox to read (needed by new debootstrap) cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: removed wrong error message fix: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: now fetches missing pkgdetails patch: fixes problem with earlier updates cha: m23install.template: function md5check is no longer a funktion (BusyBox doesn't like functions) fix: now installs new certificates needed for newer wget versions (thx zloty) fix: now adds needed dbrootpw file for enabling write access of updates to the DB: updates now the m23 sources lists +++++ 2005-07-08 patch: New + changed sources lists, fixed mount error, ramdisk size detection cha: CLCFG_mountRootDir: check if root device was mounted before and unmounts it if it was mounted cha: welcome.*: added "thank you" for your help against software patents cha: DB: added new and changed m23 sources lists cha: sources.list: commented out non-us servers from server's sources.list new: getRamDiskSize: gets the ramdisk size of the kernel from the kernel config file cha: mkBootImage.sh, mkRescue.sh: now uses getRamDiskSize to create a ramdisk image of the correct size new: mkBootImage.sh: writes kernelRamDisk.inc that contains a variable that helds the kernel ramdisk size cha: DHCP_writePXEcfg: now uses kernelRamDisk.inc cha: menuClientISO, menuBootCD: now writes kernel variables every time new: bootimage: now contains SATA modules and SCSI emulation +++++ 2005-07-06 patch: minor change of boot parameter cha: DHCP_writePXEcfg: changed ramdisk size to 25000 +++++ 2005-07-03 patch: updated phpMyAdmin to 2.6.3 cha: updated phpMyAdmin to 2.6.3 +++++ 2005-07-01 patch: some minor fixes and changes fix: UPDATE_doUpdate: now deletes log file after the job has finished (thx to Daniel) cha: update.php: shows "update in progress" message if the update is started (thx to Daniel) cha: makeCD.sh: generates MD5s of the important files cha: m23install.tempate: checks the MD5s of the important files and exits if there is an error extracting the archivs cha: GRP_delClientFromGroup: now can delete a client from all groups (thx to Daniel) fix: CLIENT_deleteClient: now removes a client from all groups (thx to Daniel) cha: makeBootDisk: now better error message handling (thx to Daniel) +++++ 2005-06-17 fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: corrected filter criteria the get all package names patch: Patch for: gnome2, Debian unstable and PCMCIA network cards. new: CLCFG_copySSLCert: fetches the SSL certificate from the server and copys it to the client cha: clientInstall: now uses CLCFG_copySSLCert cha: mkCert.sh: now calculates the hash of the server certificate and copies the certificate to packages/baseSys fix: m23gnome2Install: fixed fetch new jow loop +++++ 2005-06-10 patch: Fixes problems with packages names fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: now gets the complete packages names fix: MSR_importPackageStatus: fixed name conversion of packages names containing + +++++ 2005-06-09 patch: Fixes problems with harddisk detections. Linux kernel for the client network boot. fix: POOL_createExtendedPackageIndex: now moves files with "force" new: makeIt for m23hwscanner fix: m23hwscanner: & is now urlencoded; this fixes problems with hardware identification like partition information cha: copyKernelNModules: now works with the new kernel version numbering new: bootimage: now uses Linux cha: bootimage: changed tool under bin cha: mkBootImage.sh: initrd is now 25000 KB +++++ 2005-06-02 patch: Ubuntu support +++++ 2005-06-01 fix: CLCFG_debootstrap: now the current debootstrap is downloaded from the server cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: additionalPackages: space seperated list of additional packages that should be installed during bootstrapping new: HELPER_getApacheGroup: returnes the group of the Apache user cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: now keeps the files in /m23/data+scripts/distr/debian/debootstrap and overwrites with newer versions new: CLCFG_writeClientID: writes the client ID to /m23clientID cha: CLIENT_getClientName: now uses /m23clientID cha: getClientLanguage: now uses CLIENT_getClientName new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian: updates the debootstrap scripts for Debian and returns the www path to the files new: CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu: updates the debootstrap scripts for Ubuntu and returns the www path to the files cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: now can use CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsDebian or CLCFG_updateDebootstrapScriptsUbuntu cha: clientInstall: now uses CIR_writeClientID cha: CLCFG_listDebianReleasesGeneric: is now more generic to support different Debian based distributions and filters out releases with "buildd" cha: CLCFG_listDebianReleases, CLCFG_listUbuntuReleases: lists distribution specific kernel images cha: PKG_listKernels: now filters for kernel images containing "-image" new: new package sources lists for Ubuntu cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: additional check for correct executed debootstrap new: squidClean: script to erase all data from the Squid cache +++++ 2005-05-11 patch: installation of the required packages for installation in the background and kernel configuration. +++++ 2005-04-20 patch: software patent warning and new translation cha: de/en/fr/ welcome.hlp: added software patent warning new: en/ poolBuilderCreate EditDelete.hlp: translated +++++ 2005-04-07 patch: Two little patches fix: POOL_showReadCD: now can be used with mount points containing a new line at the end (reported by Jaqui) fix: client_packages: now the control center link contains the client ID to make it possible to return to the client's control center (reported by zloty) patch: Fixes drive selection problem in the poolBuilder fix: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: now works with diffrent formats of in /etc/fstab +++++ 2005-04-01 patch: A few fixes cha: menu: the extra icon is now the main icon cha: PKG_listSpecialpackages: now shows distribution specific files too fix: clients_overview: link under client jobs number now contains the client ID, this makes it possible to use the control center link to return to the client's control center (reported by zloty) cha: MSR_importLog: now decodes urlencoded special characters fix: en/m23base: fixed missing or false named translation strings (reported by Peter) new: checkLang: new tool that shows the differences (in variables) between the German and another I18N language file cha: /etc/profile: now PATH contains /usr/bin etc. (reported by zloty) +++++ 2005-03-29 cha: POOL_create: now tries to create the base pool directory +++++ 2005-03-28 patch: Some improvements and fixes in the poolBuilder. new: de/poolBuilder: german help texts for the poolBuilder fix: POOL_showLoadDeleteCreate, POOL_setProperty, POOL_getProperty: now safe against empty pool names new: MENU_startGroup: shows the start of a menu group new: MENU_endGroup: shows the end of a menu group cha: MENU_showEntry: now uses tables to format the menu entries cha: poolBuilder: check if user wants to continue without selecting a pool cha: MENU_showEntry: if icon name isn't set, no icon is shown cha: PLG_listMenuPlugins: now uses MENU_showEntry cha: HELP_getHelp: if no help file is found nothing is returned cha: UPDATE_getInfo: now has an icon for patches +++++ 2005-03-25 fix: POOL_getPools: now only returns pool directories fix: poolBuilder: disabled showing of nonexistent help pages fix: phpMyAdmin: now isn't configured to use localhost as server url any more +++++ 2005-03-24 fix: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: now return correct fake client names cha: HTML_listSelection: new logic: set first to "false" to disable writing the first entry. cha: PKG_savePackagesList: now can delete packages lists too new: PKG_deletePackagesList: deletes a packages list new: PKG_preparePackageDir: creates the needed files + sources list in a directory to use it for "local apt". cha: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now uses PKG_preparePackageDir new: POOL_download: shows error messages if the checks for distribution, sourceslist or packages are failing. Otherwise starts the distribution specific download routine. new: POOL_showDownloadStatus: shows the package download status of a pool new: POOL_createSimplePackageIndex: creates the Packages* index files for the pool (it has only one directoy containing all packages) new: PKG_downloadPool: downloads packages from a sources list to a directory cha: poolBuilder: now includes support for download packages +++++ 2005-03-23 new: POOL_getDir: returns the directory of the pool fix: config.inc.php: now doesn't set localhost a absoluteUri cha: CLCFG_showDistributionSpecificOptions: returns false, if there was an error cha: client_distr: disables "install distribution" button and shows an error message if there is an error new: PKG_getClientPackages: returns an array or a blank seperated list of all packages installed on a client new: PKG_getPackagesListMarker: returns the string to mark client names to store packages new: PKG_savePackagesList: returns an array or a blank seperated list of all packages installed on a client new: PKG_loadPackagesList: returns an array or a blank seperated list of all packages in the list +++++ 2005-03-22 cha: POOL_createPackageIndex: now stores the sourceslist as property cha: client_sourceslist functionality is now in SRCLST_showEditor new: SRCLST_showEditor: shows an editor for sources lists new: CLIENT_getNames: returns an array with all clients new: CLIENT_getNamesWithPackages: returns an array with all clients having packages installed +++++ 2005-03-18 cha: index: now includes helper new: POOL_showReadCD: shows a dialog for copying the CD contents to the pool new: HELPER_getApacheUser: returnes the name of the Apache user new: HELPER_getFileContents: returnes the contents of a file (the file is read to a maximum of 5 MB) new: POOL_readCD: copys the CD contents to the pool new: POOL_createPackageIndex: creates the Packages* index files for the pool new: POOL_showCreatePackageIndex: shows information (status of the Packages* generation, sources.list) about the currently generated pool new: POOL_getSize: returns the size of a pool in MB +++++ 2005-03-16 new: POOL_getProperty: returns the contents of a property file new: POOL_setProperty: sets the contents of a property file new: POOL_create: creates a new pool directory and type property file new: POOL_delete: deletes a pool new: POOL_showLoadDeleteCreate: shows a dialog for loading, deleting and creating a pool +++++ 2005-03-15 fix: UPDATE_getInfo: now shows all icons cha: fr/m23base, help: corrections (client becomes poste client) cha: UPDATE_getInfo: icons are shown before the entries of the patch text +++++ 2005-03-11 cha: fr/de: m23base: now include english m23base as fallback language fix: md5Check: now uses modification time to detect file changes cha: UPDATE_doUpdate: now sets a lock file before the update and deletes it afterwards new: UPDATE_running: checks, if an update is running (returns true otherwise false) cha: update: shows an error message if an update is running cha: update: now uses POST cha: m23KDE3install, m23KDEwoody, m23gnome2, m23X, m23XFce: added executeNextWork cha: work: let all asking clients sleep for 60 seconds and ask again, if an update is running +++++ 2005-03-08 cha: md5Check: checkChanges: now checks, if index$1.md5 is present cha: md5Check: makeTar: now stores permissions and user/group information cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: now doesn't copy the HTML version of the manual to the CD cha: makeDoc.sh: now doesn't copy the HTML version of the developer's guide to the CD cha: fix-permissions: now touches dhcpd.leases +++++ 2005-03-06 fix: hwcheck: now loads mousedev to enable PS/2 mouse detection cha: CLIENT_reset, CLIENT_sshFetchJob: now sets UserKnownHostsFile to /dev/null and other options to make sshing possible if known_hosts contains old entries cha: CLCFG_copyClientPackageStatus: the same for scp fix: m23normalRemoveInstall: sets status back to green after removing fix: MSR_statusFileCommand: now send full package name (set terminal columns to 3000 to outflank dpkg --list) cha: md5Check: now uses a fingerprint (time,ID,permission) instead of MD5 to recognise file changes cha: menuUpdate: can now upload the newest patches cha: menuUpdate: asks for a description after creating the tar +++++ 2005-03-03 cha: hwcheck: commented out alsa special code cha: mkDeb: now can automatical increment the patchversion of the debs +++++ 2005-03-02 cha: debian/ clientInstall: added package hotplug cha: hwcheck: new code for detecting changes in hardware and creation of XF86Config +++++ 2005-02-25 fix: m23gnome2Install: adjusted settings for gdm.conf cha: de/client_sourceslist.hlp: described new functions +++++ 2005-02-24 fix: hwsetup: again troubles with hwsetup: The statified Knoppix version stalls on Sarge :( The problem is that the support for psaux devices is broken in the newer versions of kudzu. So I took the psaux.c/h from kudzu 0.99, copied it to 1.1.67 and made new debs from the patched code. With these debs hwsetup can be build with working psaux support ;) cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: now installs the needed patched kudzu packages cha: uploadNew: shows files before uploading cha: m23gnome2Install: now removes xdm and sets default display manager cha: m23-initscripts: S10hwcheck is now S37hwcheck +++++ 2005-02-23 cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: now checks, if the debootstrap update file is not older than 12 hours cha: db/sourceslist: added field "release" cha: migrate: adds field "release" cha: SRCLST_saveList: now has extra parameter "release" cha: client_sourceslist: now loads and stores the release cha: db/sourceslist: added field "desktops" new: SRCLST_querySourceslists: returns the result of the DB query after sourceslists for a special distribution new: DISTR_listCommaSeperated: returns a normal array with the values of the specified variable (e.g. var: GUIs => result: [0] => Textmode [1] => KDE3 [2] => KDEwoody ...) new: DISTR_commaSeperatedSelections: returns a selection with certain values (specified thru $variable) from the distribution text file cha: SRCLST_saveList: now stores selected desktops new: DISTR_getDesktopsCBList: returns a checkbox list with desktops for a certain distribution. Desktops included in the array $selectedDesktops are checked. new: DISTR_getSelectedDesktopsArr: returns an array with selected desktops from the list generated by DISTR_getDesktopsCBList new: DISTR_getSelectedDesktopsStr: returns a string with selected desktops (seperated by "###") from the list generated by DISTR_getDesktopsCBList new: SRCLST_getDesktopList: returnes an array with all supported desktops new: SRCLST_showDesktopsSel: returnes a selections with all desktops supported by the sources list cha: client_sourceslist: now stores the supported desktops for each sources list cha: client_distr: the selection of the sources list now determines distribution, release and supported desktops. This avoids incompatible combinations of distribution, release and desktop if the package source was set up correctly ;) +++++ 2005-02-22 cha: hwcheck: added code for vmware cha: PKG_listKernels: new sorting code fix: PKG_listKernels: selected kernel is now shown first +++++ 2005-02-21 cha: squid.conf: new filter settings cha: makeCD.sh: copies a modified squid.conf to the CD cha: m23install.template: now uses and modfies squid.conf from the conf dir +++++ 2005-02-15 cha: */clientInstall: now installs m23-hwsetup fix: FDISK_formatExisting: now stores the partitions fix: hwcheck: now calls mkxf86config, if XF86Config is missing new: uploadNew: uploads new and changed debs and Packages* cha: menuDeb: now uses uploadNew +++++ 2005-02-14 fix: hwsetup: now detects PS/2 mice. It's a workaround that uses the hwsetup from Knoppix 3.7 and makes a static executable (with statifier) from it. +++++ 2005-02-04 new: excludeTar: filter list with patterns to exclude unneeded files and directories from the mdk.tb2 and m23.tb2 cha: mk-m23.bz2.sh, mk_mdk.tb2: now are using excludeTar new: UPDATE_doUpdate: downloads and executes the update script. new: UPDATE_getUrl: returnes a correct URL to the update source new: UPDATE_getInfo: returns the information text from the URL cha: update: now uses the new update functions new: m23patch: script for generating the patch script and update information +++++ 2005-02-02 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: added support for the right arrow cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: shows the error message, if there should be errors with pdflatex fix: help/en: few HTML code corrections cha: exportDBInitTable.sh: most code rewritten: now uses a temporary database to create the initalisation database and writes a script for installing the database cha: m23install.template: now uses the script from exportDBInitTable.sh cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: the HTML and PDF manual are linked to the m23 and MDK documentation directory new: addDummyFiles: adds empty dummy files into all subdirectories starting from the given directory new: delDummyFiles: removes the dummy files from all subdirectories starting from the given directory cha: mk_mdk.tb2, mk-m23.bz2: now are using addDummyFiles and delDummyFiles cha: fix-permissions: now calls delDummyFiles for /m23 and /mdk cha: exclude0: adjusted filter parameters new: de/en/fr manuals: can now be builded again new: m23.sf.net: neat client installation image +++++ 2005-02-01 cha: MASS_keyToI18N: now knows the "ignore" key cha: MASS_showTableDefinition: now uses key and not the I18N values for the row selections cha: makeScreenshots.sh: adjusted screenshot sizes cha: menuStart: added menuUpdate cha: menuStart.hlp: updated new: fr/ daemonsAndPrograms.hlp fix: HELP_showHelpTex: fixed table generation fix: help/fr: several HTML code corrections +++++ 2005-01-31 cha: md5Check: now can use different in/exclude files and tar.bz2 store files cha: md5Check: new function moveIndex(): replace the old index with the new new: menuUpdate: menu for building updates new: makeAutomaticPatch: checks for changes and makes a tar.bz2 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: now supports "¼" +++++ 2005-01-30 new: md5Check: generates an index from the files in /m23 and /mdk, can detect changes and make a bz2 tar from the changes. +++++ 2005-01-28 cha: getNewestDeb: removed new: dlKnoppixDeb.php: is a improved version of findNewestKnoppixDeb. now downloads the newest version of a package from the knoppix server cha: mkKnoppix-static: renamed to getBuildKnoppixDebs cha: getBuildKnoppixDebs: now uses dlKnoppixDeb.php cha: menuDeb: now calls getBuildKnoppixDebs cha: debian/ info.txt: added installed size information for the user interfaces cha: makeScreenshots.sh: switched back to PNG screenshots cha: HELP_showHelpTex: pictures are now included cha: HELP_showHelpTex: added routine for converting french special characters fix: menuScreenshot.sh: the correct error message is shown, if the entered passwords don't match cha: index: now tries to read the language from /m23/tmp/screenshot.lang. this can hold a language during screenshot making cha: setGUIlang: removed cha: makeScreenshots.sh: now sets /m23/tmp/screenshot.lang and don't uses setGUIlang any more cha: makeScreenshots.sh: adjusted heigth +++++ 2005-01-27 cha: HELP_showHelpTex: improved LaTeX output new: findNewestKnoppixDeb: new tool to find the newest version of a package from the knoppix server +++++ 2005-01-26 cha: all help files: are using the same text formating style now cha: all help files: are now on the same content level new: docView: quick and dirty script for viewing the help files without opening the corresponding m23 page cha: HELP_showHelp: is now HELP_getHelp and the HTML code is not shown but returned new: HELP_showHelp: wrapper to replace the old HELP_showHelp function new: HELP_showHelpTex: shows the help file converted to LaTeX code +++++ 2005-01-24 new: en/daemonsAndPrograms cha: HELP_showHelp: now can include files in help files cha: CLIENT_generateHTMLStatusBar: now the status icons are left aligned new: packageTypes.inc, statusColor.inc, packageSelections.inc: stored help text which are the same in multiple help files cha: clientBuilder - client_distr.hlp: changed to new text style +++++ 2005-01-23 fix: uncountable fixes in the help texts cha: htaccess: now uses MSG_showInfo and MSG_showError cha: index.css: added new entry for menu highlighting new: MENU_showEntry: generates a menu entry, highlights it (if selected) and removes menu entry formatting tags from the menu entry label cha: menu: now uses MENU_showEntry, so activated entries are highlighted +++++ 2005-01-22 cha: serverImage: removed PPP and installed kernel 2.6.10-i386 new: prepareChangelog: stores the complete changelog and the newest 5 entries in different files fix: mk_mdk.tb2: now symbolic links are stored too cha: version: changed to pre3 ;-) +++++ 2005-01-21 cha: m23install.template: changed arguments from "test" and "cp" to make it compatible to the BusyBox test cha: bootCD: serveral changes on the root file system cha: bootCD: now installation is possible again +++++ 2005-01-20 cha: getKnoppix*: now fetches the files from the /mdk/m23Debs/deb cha: bootCD: kernel is now 2.6.10 cha: bootCD: rebuild BusyBox to disable error messages +++++ 2005-01-19 cha: bootCD: most tools are unsing BusyBox 1.00 now cha: bootCD: hwsetup updated +++++ 2005-01-18 cha: fdisk: removed debug code cha: mk_mdk.tb2: now build a list of all files to store and doesn't need clean_mdk and unclean_mdk any more cha: clean_mdk, unclean_mdk: deleted, are not needed any more fix: severals fixes in the germen help texts new: knoppix.functions: function to get a package with the newest version number cha: getKnoppix*: are using the function from knoppix.functions new: french translation updated +++++ 2005-01-17 new: HELPER_getFdiskMountPoints: returnes an array with all mount points listed in /etc/fstab new: pool.php: functions for administrating package pools new: POOL_selectPoolType: shows buttons for selecting the type of pool and returns the pressed button +++++ 2005-01-16 cha: index: menu has now a width of 150 pixel cha: de/ m23base: formated menu entries cha: menu/ index: added entry for the poolBuilder +++++ 2005-01-14 fix: mkKnoppix-static: now fetches the newest versions of xf86config-knoppix and hwdata-knoppix +++++ 2005-01-12 fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: error in error message fix: client_distr: now gets correct devices for installation and swap drive cha: mkDiffTar: finished +++++ 2005-01-11 cha: PKG_listKernels: now returns false, if no kernel information could be retrieved fix: cds2pool: now copys the CDs (a variable can't really be empty AND have the value "n") cha: en/ m23base: updated new: mkDiffTar: first codes of s script to make a tar from all files that have been changed from a specified date +++++ 2005-01-10 cha: clean_mdk, unclean_mdk: now moved the kernel directories of bootCD and bootimage cha: CLIENT_deleteClient: now shows always a message fix: bootimage kernel config: increased size of the ramdisk +++++ 2005-01-09 cha: help/ index: changed to make the whole screen width available for the GUI +++++ 2005-01-05 new: mkextradeb: now builds the m23 extra debs + m23hwscanner package cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: doesn't copy m23hwscanner any more cha: menudeb: now uses mkextradeb cha: debian/ erposs/ DISTR_afterChrootInstall: are now installing cha: CLCFG_genFstab: removed an ocurring warning message during kernel installation fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now shows messages from stdout and stderr new: HELPER_grep: returnes all lines from $string seperated by $cut that contain $search new: SRCLST_getMirror($sourceName): returns the mirror from the sources list cha: debian/ clientInstall: now uses SRCLST_getMirror cha: de,en/ client_sourceslist.hlp: added description for mirror format new: +++++ 2005-01-02 fix: client_partition: after formating "select distribution" is activated at once fix: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now shows errors from stderr +++++ 2004-12-16 cha: menuKernelBuilder: creates kernel store directory +++++ 2004-12-15 new: kernelFunctions.inc: copies the kernel and modules to the boot CD or bootimage cha: bootCD: updated kernel to 2.4.28 cha: m23install.template: updated script for the new kernel cha: copyKernelNModules: now works with 2.6.x kernels too +++++ 2004-12-12 cha: kernelFunctions.inc: getKernelVersions.sh is now included cha: kernelFunctions.inc: menuKernelBranch.sh is included as function checkKernelBranch cha: kernelFunctions.inc: menuKernelDownload.sh is included as function menuKernelDownload cha: kernelFunctions.inc: menuSelectKernelDir.sh is included as function checkKernelDir fix: listKernelVersions: kernels are now sorted correctly (newst kernel on top) new: kernelFunctions.inc: compileKernel: compiles the kernel +++++ 2004-12-10 cha: menuSelectKernelDir, menuKernelDownload: deletes temp file at the end new: menuKernelOldConfig: select the old configuration file to copy to the new kernel source dir and copies back the new configure file to the config dir cha: menuKernelBuilder: added menuKernelOldConfig new: kernelFunctions.inc: functions for kernel handling in the MDK +++++ 2004-12-08 new: getKernelVersions: shows a sorted list of all kernels of a branch (e.g. 2.6) new: menuKernelDownload: menu for downloading and extracting a kernel cha: menuBootCD: new entry for kernel new: menuKernelBuilder: menu for generating kernels new: menuSelectKernelDir: selects the kernel source directory new: menuKernelBranch: writes the kernel branch (2.4 or 2.6) to /tmp/m23kernelBranch +++++ 2004-12-06 fix: woody-install: ssh keys are generated and copied to the m23 directory +++++ 2004-12-03 cha: SERVER_isProgramRunning: code shortend new: SERVER_checkPackageInstalled: checks if a certain package is installed new: SERVER_daemonStartStop: starts, stops and restarts daemons new: SERVER_installTool: installs a tool on the server new: daemonsAndPrograms: page for seeing status information about daemons and helper programms new: de/ daemonsAndPrograms: help file new: SERVER_apacheInfo: returnes an information string for the Apache server new: SERVER_mysqlInfo: returnes an information string for the MySQL server new: SERVER_dhcpInfo: returnes an information string for (of course ;-) ) the DHCP server new: SERVER_programmStatusTableHeader: shows the header of the table needed for the programm status lines +++++ 2004-12-02 cha: serverSettings: added phpMyAdmin cha: index: added daemons and programs page cha: index: now includes server.php fix: BURN_listBurners: now only runs with "sudo" (don't ask why ;-) ) cha: HTML_listSelection: can show now names and send different values for the same entry to the server new: daemonsAndPrograms: new page for managing the daemons and programs on the server new: SERVER_isProgramRunning: checks if a certain program is running and returns true, if yes "no" otherwise new: SERVER_programmStatus: shows a row with information about the status of a certain program, with the possibillity to start, stop or restart the program. +++++ 2004-11-29 fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: several fixes and now seems to work cha: m23fdiskFormat: now calls FDISK_adjustFdiskParams +++++ 2004-11-28 new: FDISK_getDriveAndNr: splits a path (e.g. /dev/hda1) in the device (/dev/hda) and the device number (1). The device is returned as element 0 and the number as element 1 in an array. new: getNextFdiskFormatJobNr: returnes the next free job number for the parameters of a m23fdiskFormat job. (e.g. there are used the following parameters: command0 = rm, command1= add. Then the next command number to use will be command2 => return value is 2) fix: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: lot of fixes in the code +++++ 2004-11-26 fix: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: get correct device number, if it's the first partition +++++ 2004-11-25 fix: work, debugScreen, setClientStatus, setLog, setStatus, postMessage: now include capture.php cha: FDISK_formatExisting: now works with the combined device, size and filesystem strings of FDISK_listInstPartSelector cha: FDISK_listInstPartSelector: doesn't change the default entry to the device name, but keeps the whole information string cha: client_partition: the "format client" button is disabled, if not all settings have been made +++++ 2004-11-24 cha: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: code completed. debugging follows ;) +++++ 2004-11-23 cha: FDISK_defineDrive: extra parameters for disk tollerance new: FDISK_getDiskType: returnes the type of the drive (DISK_TYPE_IDE, DISK_TYPE_SCSI) new: helper.php: helper functions that did not fit into another include file new: HELPER_calcMBSize: calculates the size in MB from a given input that can be a GB value or measured in % cha: de/diskDefine.hlp: help for the new disk definition dialog cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: added new elemnts for the individual adjustment of the partitions new: FDISK_adjustFdiskParams: adjusts the installation and swap drive for a derived client, based on the defined client settings +++++ 2004-11-18 new: copied DB m23 to m23captured cha: CAPTURE_deActivate, CAPTURE_isActive: now uses /m23/tmp/captureSave to store the state cha: CAPTURE_showMessageBox: now links directly to the capture page cha: dbConnect: selects the DB to use automatical cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine: added new HTML elements for disk optimisation +++++ 2004-11-17 fix: makeScreenshots: corrected name of client rescue image fix: html2tex: now generates correct output, if there is no new line between heading and text cha: html2tex: new parameter for image scaling cha: makeTexHelp: fetched image scaling factors from /mdk/doc /manual /screenshots/ scalingTable fix: html2tex: removed aditional '*' in chapter cha: de/en: install_packages: changed HTML format fix: groups_overview: fixed HTML error new: en/diskDefine cha: de/diskDefine: changed HTML format new: en/mi_step3, mi_step4 +++++ 2004-11-16 cha: CAPTURE_showEntries: entries are now ordered by name and step cha: client_distr: added support for capturing cha: CAPTURE_captureAll, CAPTURE_getKeys: new parameter cha: plginstall, htaccess, client_details: added help page new: de/en: plginstall.hlp, htaccess.hlp, clientdetails.hlp, clientinfo_hardware, clientinfo_clientLog, clientinfo_addToGroup, clientinfo_delFromGroup cha: makeScreenshots: table for x direction cropping cha: client_packages: moved table code to CLIENT_listPackages cha: GRP_doClientMoreGroups: corrected table cha: client_infoPage: added help files cha: makeScreenshots: added all needed pages +++++ 2004-11-15 cha: makeTexHelp: deletes the help backup files before the conversion to Tex cha: kh2p: images can be generated in different formats. the file extension chooses the file type. cha: html2tex: line break after each image cha: khtml2png: better code, that scrolls only if needed cha: khtml2png: changed project to Kdevelop 3 new: khtml2png/makeDeb: script for generating the deb for khtml2png +++++ 2004-11-14 cha: CAPTURE_getKeys, CAPTURE_load: changed glue to '???' there were errors with the glue of the partition information new: makeScreenshots: added screenshots for the setup pages cha: CAPTURE_load: sets the page to POST and GET +++++ 2004-11-12 cha: de/m23base: all verbs are now starting with an upper case character new: CAPTURE_showEntries: shows a table of the captured pages with the possibility to delete entries. new: CAPTURE_deleteById: deletes a capture entry. cha: CAPTURE_captureAll: changed parameters cha: FDISK_showDiskDefine, massInstall: added CAPTURE_captureAll new: CAPTURE_getKeys: gets all POST or GET variables and returnes all keys and values as an assiciative array. Values of buttons are filtered out. new: capture: page for (de)activating the capturing and see and delete captured pages cha: makeScreenshots.sh: added screenshots for mass installation +++++ 2004-11-11 new: capture.php: routines storing and loading POST and GET values in forms new: CAPTURE_captureAll: stores all POST and GET variables to the DB new: CAPTURE_load: loads all POST and GET variables for a special page from the DB to emulate the user input while makeing a screenshot new: RMV_rm4IP: removes a variable for a slelected ip cha: RMV_rm: now uses RMV_rm4IP new: CAPTURE_deActivate: (de)activates capturing the POST, GET values new: CAPTURE_isActive: returnes true, if capturing of POST, GET values is activated. otherwise false new: CAPTURE_captureImg: returnes the status image URL of the current capture state new: CAPTURE_showMessageBox: shows a message box, if capturing is enabled cha: serverSettings: removed test code and added capture toggle button cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: added CAPTURE_captureAll cha: kh2p: adjustet to match the new parameters of khtml2png fix: khtml2png: this fix is really evil: the width of the screenshots was oversized by 65 pixel. Now the width is decremented with 65 and it works. A good fix will follow, if I have time. cha: makeScreenshots.sh: some adjustments to the new kh2p and captured values +++++ 2004-11-10 new: another hack of khtml2png: now scrolls in x and y direction, that enables it to make screenshots that are wider then the screen width. +++++ 2004-11-06 cha: makeBootCD: the ISO image size is shown, if it exists, otherwise an error message is shown cha: disabled outdated Portuguese and Italian language files new: en/makeBootCD.hlp +++++ 2004-11-04 fix: BURN_showLog: no log textarea is shown, if log file doesn't exit cha: BURN_burn, BURN_blank: setting of the burner state has been moved to burnCD and blankCD new: BURN_checkISO: checks, if the client ISO exist and create i otherwise new: de/makeBootCD.hlp +++++ 2004-10-29 new: index: new entry for burning CDs cha: menu: new entry for burning CDs new: BURN_listBurners: returnes a selection of the available burners new: blankCD: script to blank a CD new: BURN_getDevice: returnes the device name for cdrecord from a specific burner new: BURN_burn: burns an ISO new: BURN_getStatus: returns the status of the burner (BURNSTATE_IDLE, BURNSTATE_BLANK, BURNSTATE_BURN) new: BURN_showLog: shows a status info window about the current burner state +++++ 2004-10-27 cha: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: changed timeout for fetching the job to 5 seconds and retries to 2 fix: pingIP: now uses sudo to allow the Apache user to use it cha: mkKnoppix-static: now adds the needed souce to sources.list, if it is not present cha: DB: root user is now secured with a password cha: DB: added m23dbuser for normal DB operations new: updated to phpMyAdmin 2.6.0-pl2 cha: fix-permissions: sets permissions for /m23/root-only cha: exportDBInitTable.sh, m23install.template, backupMysql.sh, restoreMysql.sh, add-erposs3.sh: DB root needs a password, fetched from /m23/root-only/dbrootpw cha: /m23/ftp:removed directory with an old pure-ftpd version cha: mkCert.sh: new security function to ensure, that the server certificate was created +++++ 2004-10-26 cha: makeCD.sh: now stores information about the ISO file size and date in /mdk/ bootCD/ISO.info cha: menuBootCD: used /mdk/ bootCD/ISO.info cha: makeCD.sh: application and preparer ID are written to the ISO cha: clean_mdk, mk-m23.bz2.sh: remove backup files before creating the archives fix: clean_mdk, unclean_mdk: now move the renamed m23 server ISO cha: mk-m23.bz2.sh: m23 DB isn't stored in the bz2 any more cha: m23install.template: uses m23DBInit.sql to instal the database cha: m23install.template: hdparm warning messages about not existing CD rom drives aren't shown any more cha: index: now fetches page name from POST with first priority, GET has second priority fix: m23ShutDownInstall: uses "halt" command for shutdown + and sets job to "done" +++++ 2004-10-25 cha: woody-install.sh: "skip-networking" is not commented out any more cha: woody-install.sh: calls now enables SSL new: m23server: updated system new: m23server: installed and run localepurge: saves 26968K by deleting unused locales and man pages. DE, FR, EN are still installed. fix: fr/m23inst: now has correct PHP code cha: m23install.template: builds a certificate +++++ 2004-10-23 fix: exportDBInitTable.sh: writes the needed default group entry to the DB +++++ 2004-10-22 cha: HELP_showHelp: now uses paragraphs instead of table structures to generate the table code. This makes it possible to use tables in the help files. cha: MASS_startInstall: returnes a message about the state of the created clients (error, ok) cha: massInstall: save button is hidden, if installation has been started cha: massInstall: shows status about created clients +++++ 2004-10-18 fix: FDISK_defineDrive: doubled "/dev/" in path definition +++++ 2004-10-16 fix: m23hwscanner: a " ," was printed before the type variable, there was no proper recognisation of the data tape, now fixed ;) fix: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: search vPart for the extended partition now works fix: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: fixed another vPart finding bug with logical partitions +++++ 2004-10-15 cha: makeCD.sh: now generates rock ridge entensions too cha: makeDoc.sh: copies the HTML documentation in the correct directory on the CD cha: updatem23.sh: now calls migrate.php cha: makeCD.sh: the ISO file name contains the version and code name. +++++ 2004-10-14 cha: de/en.hlp: clients_overview: white status new: en.hlp: clientBuilder, mi_step0, mi_step1, mi_step2: translated cha: en: m23base: missing parts translated cha: m23XFceInstall: now installs sudo and configures /etc/sudoers to make shutdown and reboot in XFce possible +++++ 2004-10-13 cha: CLCFG_installBasePackages: now sets do_boot_enable to "No" in kernel-img.conf. there are new questions while installing the kernel, that don't allow automatic installation of the kernel if do_boot_enable is set to "Yes". Lilo is run afterwards, so there is no problem booting the client. +++++ 2004-10-09 new: CLCFG_genFakeFstab: generates a fake /etc/fstab that only contains the lines for proc and the root partition (this is used to make the kernel install correctly) cha: debian/clientInstall: mow uses CLCFG_genFakeFstab +++++ 2004-09-30 cha: */clientInstall: m23hwscanner has to be run twice: 1. generate a fstab to make the kernel install correctly 2. generate a new lilo.cong & fstab to make lilo install cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: now copies dmidecode and checkdisklabel too fix: m23hwscanner: bugfixes +++++ 2004-09-29 new: m23hwscanner: now contains the functionality of genFstab without calling parted anymore cha: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: copies m23hwscanner from the ramdisk to the installation partition cha: CLCFG_genFstab: now uses m23hwscanner, adjusted parameters cha: */clientInstall: now uses new parameter format of CLCFG_genFstab +++++ 2004-09-26 cha: checkdisklabel: normal output is piped to /dev/null, because it should not be written to the POST data fix: m23hwscanner: now calculates the values for partitions smaller than 1GB correctly cha: CLCFG_activateDMA: now tries to activate /dev/hda - /dev/hdz and writes a log message only, if a device could be activated fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: error message is shown once now cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: after adding the client the dialog isn't shown anymore fix: FDISK_autoPart: now swap partition is formated cha: getKnoppixDDCxinfo, getKnoppixHwdata, getKnoppixHwsetup: adjusted because of the changes on the developer.linuxtag.net server +++++ 2004-09-25 new: bootimage: added /usr/share/misc/pci.ids, needed for lspci to show names of hardware devices cha: mkBootImage.sh: copies /usr/share/misc/pci.ids to bootimage during creation cha: HWINFO_getHDSize: returnes the sizes of all harddisks in a string, sperated by html breaks cha: client_partition: titles are saved from step to step in the extended partition dialogs fix: client_distr: after extended partitioning the install and swap partition is transfered correctly cha: checkdisklabel: new code for new device format (/dev/...) cha: m23hwscanner: now calls the new checkdisklabel cha: debian/DISTR_baseInstall: adjusted mounting of root partition to the new format +++++ 2004-09-24 fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: now gets the correct boot type +++++ 2004-09-23 cha: pingIP: removed debug code new: bootimage: with m23hwscanner and needed libs new: bootimage: added lspci +++++ 2004-09-22 cha: FDISK_formatJob, FDISK_addJob, FDISK_rmJob, FDISK_listPartJobs: ported to new format fix: FDISK_autoPart: now deletes all partitions new: FDISK_formatJob: enables the booting flag on a partition new: FDISK_genPartedCommands: returnes the partition and formation commands that are generated from partJobs. cha: FDISK_getAfterPartition: space in extended partitions is calculated correctly and factor can be 0 now. this means the amount of free space in MB is returned. cha: FDISK_listPartJobs: now includes table code fix: FDISK_checkFreeSpace: correct run statement in for loop cha: MSR_importPartHwData, MIGR_partitions: the filesystem is set to -1 if it is an extended partition cha: FDISK_findDevNrPosition: removed erroneous code cha: m23fdiskFormatInstall: adjusted for new partition and format format +++++ 2004-09-21 cha: FDISK_installExistingDialog, FDISK_listInstPartSelector, FDISK_getBiggestValueOf, FDISK_findDevNrPosition, FDISK_devNrExists, FDISK_nextLogicalDevNr, FDISK_countPartitions, FDISK_virtualAddPartition, FDISK_virtualDeletePartition, FDISK_correctLogical, FDISK_formatExisting, FDISK_delPart, FDISK_addPart, FDISK_showDiskDefine, FDISK_formatPart: migrated cha: FDISK_partAmount, FDISK_countExtendedPartition, FDISK_countPrimaryPartitions, FDISK_countLogicalPartitions, FDISK_getNextPrimary, FDISK_getNextLogical, FDISK_genPartBlock, FDISK_deleteExtendedFromParam, FDISK_setPartParam, FDISK_getDiskSize, FDISK_overwriteBlock, FDISK_getPartParam, FDISK_getJobTypeOption, FDISK_getJobCommand, FDISK_getJobType, FDISK_getJobOption, FDISK_printRmJob, FDISK_printAddJob, FDISK_printAddFSJob, FDISK_printBFlagJob, FDISK_printFormatJob, FDISK_calcChanges, FDISK_rearrangeLogical, FDISK_getDevNrFromDev, FDISK_getBiggestDevNr, FDISK_getPartitionBlocks: removed new: delFromArray: deletes all entries in the array $arr assigned by the keys stored in the array $delKeys. the new array without the entries in $delKeys is returned. new: FDISK_partCreationSelect: retunes a selection for selecting a partition type to create. cha: FDISK_formatExisting: partitions for swap and installations can be on different drives now cha: FDISK_listSupportedFS: now uses HTML_listSelection cha: FDISK_getAfterLastPartition: if there is a bit of free space return 1 to show free space in the bar fix: FDISK_getFreeSpaces: returnes correct value, if there are no partitions new: extended partitioning seems to work with new format new: fdisk.php: much smaler code saved 883 lines +++++ 2004-09-20 fix: FDISK_listPartTable: no shows free space after the last partition correctly cha: FDISK_printBars, FDISK_checkFreeSpace, FDISK_listPartitions: migrated cha: FDISK_getFreeSpaceBeforeFristPartition, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartitionPercent, FDISK_getFreeSpaceAfterLastPartition, FDISK_getAfterLastPartitionPercent: are now removed, because they were used at one place only and were wrapper functions for FDISK_getAfterLastPartition or FDISK_getBeforeFristPartition. The main functions are used directly now. +++++ 2004-09-17 cha: FDISK_getFreeSpaceAfterLastPartition, FDISK_listPartTable: migrated to new fdisk format and adjusted parameters fix: FDISK_getAfterLastPartition: now uses always the last partition +++++ 2004-09-14 new: MIGR_partitions: converts param string partition information to the new assiciative array format. new: MSR_importPartHwData: imports partition and hanrdware informationen cha/fix: m23hwscanner: several fixes cha: FDISK_getPartitions, FDISK_getAllDrives, FDISK_selectDrives, FDISK_formatJob, FDISK_defineDrive, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartition, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartitionPercent, FDISK_getPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterLastPartition, FDISK_getAfterLastPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterPartition, FDISK_getAfterPartitionPercent, FDISK_printAllBars cha: HTML_listSelection: now writes the first entry back to the first variable cha: FDISK_selectDrives: now uses HTML_listSelection cha: FDISK_getInstallDrive: renamed to FDISK_getFirstDrive cha: FDISK_replaceParamPart: removed, seems to be never used ;) new: FDISK_dev2LDevLPart: searches a special device (e.g. /dev/hda2) and writes the virtual device and partition numbers to the variables. These values can be used to access the file system via $param["dev$vDev"."part$vPart"."_fs"] cha: FDISK_getBeforeFristPartition, FDISK_getBeforeFristPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterLastPartition, FDISK_getPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterLastPartitionPercent, FDISK_getAfterPartition, FDISK_getAfterPartitionPercent: changed parameters new: FDISK_printBars: enough functions ported to make is work! +++++ 2004-09-13 new: MSR_partHwDataCommand: generates the commands to send partition and hardware info cha: DMI_getParam: now uses \n as seperator cha: m23PresetupInstall: now ueses MSR_partHwDataCommand new: migrate: script for converting old partitions and dmi formats to the new one new: MIGR_dmi: converts the DMI string from the old format (line ent marked with '?') to the new (marked wit '\n'); +++++ 2004-09-12 new: m23hwscanner: new C tool, that gatheres hardware and partition information and shows an associative array, that can be send via wget. This tool will replace the old partinfodb. +++++ 2004-09-11 cha: clients_overview: changed names in the actions selection fix: DHCP_rmClient: now returnes true, if all is ok new: CLIENT_deleteClient: deletes a client and shows an optional message cha: clients_overview: link for delete now contains the client name cha: delete_client: now uses CLIENT_deleteClient cha: clients_overview: can now delete multiple clients cha: CLIENT_addClient: presetup job is set to a priority of 0 cha: PKG_addStatusJob: if it is a special package the priority is checked, before a existing job is replaced by the new one cha: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: values are now alinged on top cha: getPackageParams: renamed to PKG_getPackageParams cha: getPackageParamsVar: renamed to PKG_getPackageParamsVar new: PKG_getPackageIDsByName: returnes all IDs as an array for jobs matching the client and job name and are a normal or special package. +++++ 2004-09-10 fix: MASS_showGeneratorOptions: if first shown, the length for the first login password is set to 8 to make generation of the example passwords possible new: MASS_getLongestLength: returnes the length of the longest entry in the array or max if bigger than max fix: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: now netmasks are checked correctly fix: pingIP: now returnes true and false as boolean values and not as strings cha: CLIENT_addClient: new parameter to select, if the root password should be encrypted new: PKG_copyPackagesToClient: copies all with a selected status jobs from one client to another cha: PKG_copyWait4accPackagesToClient: now uses PKG_copyPackagesToClient new: MASS_startInstall: starts the installation of all client with all paramaters defined in the table new: MASS_showOverview: shows a table with all generated client settings, that can be edited new: massInstall: seems to work mostly ;-) +++++ 2004-09-09 new: isProgrammInstalled: returnes true if a programm can be used new: pingIP: tests, if someone is answering the ping on a given IP address. returnes true, if someone answers cha: CLIENT_isrunning: now uses pingIP new: MASS_ipGenerator: generates the selected amount of IPs in the selected ranges. Only IPs are generated that aren't in use by m23 or (if activated) pingable. new: MASS_minMaxIP: calculates the possible minimum and maximum IP of a given netmask. The IPs are returned as an array: index 0 = minimum; index 1 = maximum. new: getServerNetmask: returnes the netmask of the m23 server new: MASS_passGenerator: generates the selected amount of passwords with a random algorithm or the genpw tool. new: MASS_generateNetmask: generate netmasks from ip addresses via network class definitions. new: MASS_generateClientNames: generates client names through appending of numbers. new: MASS_saveGeneratorOptions: saves all geneator options to EGKparams new: MASS_showGeneratorOptions: shows the dialog for configuring the generator options new: MASS_getAllFromFile: returnes all values from one key of the DB file as an array. +++++ 2004-09-08 cha: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: now checks if properties have been assigned more times cha: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: now checks if needed properties have not been assigned cha: MASS_showFileFormatDialog: added i18n support new: de/mi_step0-2.hlp: help files for mass install steps 1-3 new: MASS_getXProperties: returnes the amount and keys of a secial kind (enter, generate, keep, hand, file) +++++ 2004-09-07 new: MASS_showFileFormatDialog: shows a dialog that lets the user select a DB file and assign the columns to the fields of the file new: MASS_propertyKeys: returns the keys for all properties new: MASS_keyToI18N: converts the property names to I18N names new: MASS_I18NTokey: converts the I18N names to property names new: MASS_showTableDefinition: shows a dialog that lets the user define which field in the DB file should be assigned to which property new: MASS_checkAndSaveFields: saved the assignments from field number to property and other information to EGKparams and performes a simple check, to verify that the values of the properties are valuable. An error message is returned or an empty string, if all is ok. new: MASS_openDBFile: opens a DB file new: MASS_readDBFile: reads a line from the DB file and returnes an associated array with the properties as key and the fields of the file as values. new: MASS_readDBFileRaw: reads a line from the DB file and returnes the fields splitted to a normal array. new: MASS_closeDBFile: closes the DB file. +++++ 2004-09-06 cha: CLIENT_getStatusimage: added status for define cha: CLIENT_query: additional state and operator cha: clients_overview: clientBuilder clients are shown as installable clients fix: install_packages: if page is in install mode, the button has the right label cha: clients_overview: switch/case sets variable for help page cha: CLIENT_showStatusSelection: now shows define status cha: index: added massInstall page cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: new parameter to select, if you want values to be generated,entered or kept new: massTools: routines for mass installations new: MASS_EGKradioBoxes: Generates HTML code for showing 3 elements, that can be each a "radio button", selection "disabled" or "always selected". new: MASS_FHradioBoxes: Generates HTML code for showing 2 radio buttons for selecting file or handy source new: MASS_showFileHandDialog: shows a dialog for selecting "by file" or "by hand" for the "enter" properties. +++++ 2004-09-05 cha: support: added newsletter and icons cha: menu: added newsletter and questionaire to menu cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog, CLIENT_addClient: extra parameter for client definition new: FDISK_defineDrive: defines drive information for the clientBuilder new: FDISK_showDiskDefine: shows a dialog for defining the type and size of the fake drive for the cha: add_client: changes to insert clientBuilder functions +++++ 2004-09-03 new: en: editPackageSelection.hlp: help for package selection editing dialog new: dir /m23/data+scripts/m23admin/masstools/: for masstool plugins cha: menu: added mass tools entries new: icons: mass tools +++++ 2004-09-02 cha: PKG_getPackageStatus: if distr is empty only the action status is shown cha: install_packages: can now delete package selections new: de: editPackageSelection.hlp: help for package selection editing dialog +++++ 2004-09-01 fix: GRP_getDistrsAndSourcesLists: if there are arrays in the parameters new values are added fix: install_packages: checked package type is safed for page refresh new: PKG_getAllPackageSelections: returns all package selection names new: PKG_showAllPackageSelections: returns all package selection as HTML selection cha: install_packages: added list of package selections + delete button +++++ 2004-08-31 fix: PKG_savePackageselection: deletes all packages from selection before saving packages cha: install_packages: stores package selection name cha: install_packages: if package selection name is empty get the first selected package selection name new: PKG_deletePackageselection: delete all packages from package selection cha: menu: added entry for changing of package selections cha: install_packages: started to make editiong of package selections possible +++++ 2004-08-24 fix: PKG_listSpecialpackages: now the table is included in correct table tags +++++ 2004-08-23 new: MSG_showUpdateInfo: showes a info message about the stored update jobs cha: end/de: groups_overview.hlp: rewritten cha: end/de: install_packages.hlp: some changes new: MSG_showUpdateInfo: showes a info message about stored jobs on N clients +++++ 2004-08-22 new: en/de: update_packages.hlp +++++ 2004-08-21 cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: get to post cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: now adds m23normaleremove jobs cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: shows with an icon, if the package should be de/installed cha: install_packages: shows correct help file, if in deinstall mode cha: PKG_listRecommendPackages: new selection, to select if the packages should be (de)installed or use the saved action cha: PKG_addRecommendPackages: new parameter to select if the packages should be (de)installed or use the saved action cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: added titles for the status icons cha: en/de: install_packages.hlp: adjusted new: GRP_getAllPackages: shows a list of all packages on all clients in the selected groups. the packages can be selected by checkboxes fix: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: now uses correct url for deinstalling packages fix: install_packages: serveral little fixes for showing correct deinstallation page cha: install_packages: now includes update function cha: clients_overview: link to update has been changed +++++ 2004-08-16 cha: PKG_savePackageselection: uses MSG_showInfo and new extra parameter to switch showing of this message on and off cha: PKG_listRecommendPackages: now uses html table functions cha: PKG_addNormaltoPackageselection: added support for m23normalRemove +++++ 2004-08-15 cha: CLIENT_listPackages: radioboxes to checkboxes and no "do changes" button after each 30 lines cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: now shows m23normalRemove jobs correctly new: PKG_discardRemoveJob: discards all remove jobs from the clientjobs table, that match the param cha: PKG_rmSelectedPackages: now discards remove jobs cha: PKG_listSelectedpackages: different checkbox base names for normal and normalRemove jobs cha: install_packages: ability to search for packages to remove, mark and deinstall these packages cha: MSR_decodeMessage: added stupport for transfering the package status file new: MSR_genSendCommand: sends file to postMessage.php new: MSR_importStatusFile: reads status file data from the post data and store it under /m23/var/cache/ clients/clientName /packageStatus new: MSR_statusFileCommand: generates the commands to send the package infos and package status file cha: m23UpdatePackage InfosInstall: now uses MSR_statusFileCommand cha: MSR_logCommand: now uses MSR_genSendCommand +++++ 2004-08-14 cha: client_distr: after saving of data: no title and no table is shown fix: CLIENT_showAddDialog: uses previously entered root and first passwords after loading of a preference cha: m23XFceInstall: removed gdm, added logging of package installation fix: deinstall_packages: now uses correct i18n for search button fix: deinstall_packages: fixed spelling of BUT_previewDenstallation cha: deinstall_packages: now uses shadowed table cha: CLIENT_acceptChanges: changed method from GET to POST cha: clients_overview: if in deinstall mode, the action link is now page = installpackages with additional action deinstall cha: index.php: commented out deinstallpackages new: PKG_addRemovePackagesToWait4Aac: adds a remove job to waiting 4 accept status new: PKG_remNormalPackages: adds normal deinstallation jobs to db cha: renamed PKG_copyWaitingPackagesToClient to PKG_copyWait4accPackagesToClient +++++ 2004-08-12 new: m23XFceInstall: installs XFce as additional desktop system on the clients new: m23XInstall: installs X11 only cha: debian/info.txt: added XFce and X cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: now shows distribution and package source name new: GRP_showSelDistrSources: shows a dialog for selection of distribution and package source name. The choices are taken form distr and packagesource values of the clients in the group. If there is only one entry for one or both of the values, the value is written back to the input variable otherwise a HTML selection is shown. new: GRP_listAllClientsInGroups: returns an array with all client names contained in the groups cha: install_packages: if in groupmode: generates a one time client name, to make work with more administrators on one sever possible cha: rescaled m23.png: now looks smoother new: PKG_copyWaitingPackagesToClient: copies the waiting jobs from one client to another new: GRP_HTMLBackToOverview: generates HTML code to return to the group overview page new: install_packages: shows GRP_HTMLBackToOverview instead of CLIENT_HTMLBackToDetails if in group mode new: install_packages: assigns jobs to all clients in the group cha: PKG_addNormalPackages, PKG_rmSelectedPackages: changed method from GET to POST cha: PKG_acceptJobs: new parameter cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: has now a selection for the action (install, deinstall) +++++ 2004-08-10 cha: packages_install: preview button is only be shown, if on a a single client new: GRP_listAllClientsInGroup: returns an array that consists of all client names that are in a group new: GRP_getDistrsAndSourcesLists: writes the differnt distributions and package sources of the clients in a group as array to the both variables new: html.php: functions for generating often used HTML code new: HTML_listSelection: shows a selection with options stored in an array new: HTML_showTableHeader: prints the header of a shadowed table new: HTML_showTableEnd: prints the end of a shadowed table +++++ 2004-08-06 new: CLIENT_showAddDialog: shows the dialog for adding a client cha: add_client: most code has been moved to CLIENT_showAddDialog cha: CLIENT_showAddDialog: uses POST method for sending the data cha: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: selection of groups for package installation cha: packages_install: now uses POST cha: packages_install: gets and manages groups cha: packages_install: title shows, if groups or a client is selected +++++ 2004-08-05 new: PKG_countJobs: counts all packages of a client with a given status cha: PKG_countSelectedpackages: now uses PKG_countJobs new: PKG_countPackages: counts all packages on a client cha: clients_overview: removed SQL code and replaced it by PKG_countJobs and PKG_countPackages cha: clients_overview: code cleaning: changed if, else, elseif to switch, case cha: GRP_showClientGroups: now can generate links to the group pages cha: clients_overview: removed rescue and recovery, are now in the client details new: CLIENT_query: returnes the result of a query for getting all clients matching selected states and groupNames. Empty values are interpreted as 'all' for this kind of value. cha: clients_overview: shows group name in the title if one is selected cha: group_actions: removed listClients action cha: commented out GRP_showClientsInGroup and GRP_listClientsInGroup (are not used any more) cha: GRP_doClientMoreGroups: removed debug code cha: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: now uses GRP_showClientGroups +++++ 2004-08-03 new: GRP_showGroupsAndCount: generates a table with all groupnames and the amount of clients in each group new: GRP_listGroupsAndCount: returnes a associative array with all groupnames and the amount of clients in each group cha: clients_overview: most code removed and replaces by GRP_showGroupsAndCount new: GRP_listClientsInGroup: returnes an associative array containing all clients and clientids in the group new: GRP_showClientsInGroup: generates a table showing all clients and clientids in the group cha: group_details: most code removed and replaces by GRP_showClientsInGroup cha: index.php: added group actions cha: renamed GRP_delClientToGroup to GRP_delClientFromGroup new: GRP_HTMLBackToDetails: generates HTML code to return to the group details page new: GRP_countClients: returns the amount of client of a certain group fix: GRP_listGroupsAndCount: now shows all groups (with 0 clients) new: GRP_ren: renames a group new: GRP_showGeneralInfo: shows a table with general information about the group new: GRP_showRenDialog: shows a dialog to rename a group new: GRP_moveClientToGroup: moves a client from one group to another new: GRP_listGroups: returnes all groups in an array new: GRP_groupSelection: generates a HTML selection with all groups as options new: GRP_showDelDialog: shows a dialog for deleting a group cha: add_client: now uses GRP_groupSelection cha: CLIENT_addClient: now uses GRP_addClientToGroup cha: client_overview: link to the addtogroup page has client as new parameter new: client_details: buttons for adding and removing the client to and from groups new: client_infoPage: functions for adding and removing the client to and from groups new: GRP_doClientMoreGroups: dialog and logic for adding and removing the client to and from multiple groups new: GRP_listClientGroups: returnes an array containing all groups a client is in new: GRP_showClientGroups: shows a list containing all groups a client is in +++++ 2004-08-02 fix: setLog: now sends logging information cha: messageReceive: added comments to the functions cha: bootimage: linuxrc: fetched script is stored as work.php new: work.php: if client is in debug mode the generated script is send back to the server cha: client_distr.php: after submitting the installation job, the selection dialog is hidden fix: CLCFG_sourceslist: messageReceive.php is now included only once cha: CLIENT_showLog: PHP errors are marked red fix: *: removed including of messageReceive.php (is now included in work.php) new: groups.php: for groups functions new: GRP_exists: checks, if a group exists new: GRP_add: adds a group cha: create_group.php: uses group functions new: GRP_getIdByName: gets the Id of a groupname new: GRP_del: deletes all clients from the group and the group itself cha: removed "groupname" from table "clients" new: CLIENT_getId: returnes the id of a client new: GRP_isClientInGroup: returnes true, if a client is in the selected group, otherwise false new: GRP_addClientToGroup: adds a client to a group new: GRP_delClientToGroup: removes a client from a group +++++ 2004-08-01 cha: client_distr: now works in 3 steps +++++ 2004-07-31 cha: m23ERPOSSInstall: new error detection code cha: *: tee command now logs stderr to the log files cha: makeDoc.sh: noe deletes backup files before generating tex files with mdoc new: CLIENT_showLog: checks for an log error and colors it red fix: m23ERPOSSInstall: log files are written after the ocurrance of an error fix: m23ERPOSSInstall: something is changing resolv.conf, interfaces and hostname: it gets overwritten by m23 at the end of the installation new: m23ERPOSSInstall: kdm debconf settings + kdm is now the default window manager cha: add-erposs3.sh: sourceslist entry is only added if none exists cha: erposs/ clientInstall: now doesn't use the proxy for debootstrap fix: erposs/ clientConfig: CLCFG_getEnd Configuration: now removes files before fetching them with wget fix: erposs/ clientConfig: corrected spelling error removee to remove cha: de,en/ clients_ overview.hlp: added some sentences for the new version new: distribution icon for erposs3 cha: erposs/ info.txt: adjusted for new icon +++++ 2004-07-30 cha: CCC: CLCFG_executeAfterChroot: copies screen logs to the installation partition fix: CCC: removed "`" from if cases cha: m23xfree86Install, m23KDE3Install: now uses CLCFG_dialogInfoBox cha: rescue_client, recover_c, delete_c: added icons cha: m23xfree86Install: commented out "tee" for logging (stopps while processing package x-window-system) fix: CLIENT_showDbugSelection: fixed spelling fix: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: now setting and showing of the debug state works cha: CLCFG_debootstrap: new parameter "isCritical" cha: erposs/ DISTR_after ChrootInstall: installation of dialog fix: CLCFG_getEnd Configuration: makes needed directories cha: m23ERPOSSInstall: logging of erposs packages fix: m23ERPOSSInstall: executes next job new: client_details: added client log cha: client_log: removed cha: CLCFG_addUser: new parameter for skeleton directory cha: debian/ clientInstall: added parameter in call of CLCFG_addUser cha: CLCFG_addUser: commented out copying of skel files by cp and making of home dir: now done by the adduser command +++++ 2004-07-29 cha: client_packages: removed menu cha: menu.php: commented out the menu entries for recovery + rescue new: CLIENT_isInDebugMode: returnes "true", if the asking client is in debug mode fix: client: changed debug code from "DEBUG" to "debug" fix: RMV_set4IP: now updates existing variables new: debugScreen: generates the /etc/screenrc file on the client, that enables logging the whole screen output to /tmp/screen.* cha: linuxrc: now downloads and executes the debugScreen cha: client_overview: shows link to control center page, if in overview mode new: some new icons cha: menu.php: traffic lights after the installation steps new: CLIENT_HTML BackToDetails: generates HTML code for returning to the client controll center page cha: client_waitingjobs, c_status, c_debug, recover_c, rescue_c, c_infoPage, update_packages, install_p, deinstall_p, c_packages: added links to the client control center page new: CLIENT_showDirect ConnectionHelp: returnes the help file for directConnection and replaces place holders with the correct values cha: CLIENT_showHardwareInfo: changed order: hardware info first, then partition info +++++ 2004-07-27 cha: debian/ CCC: CLCFG_genFstab: mounting proc isn't a critical error any more new: bootimage: added vt100 terminfo cha: bootimage: screen: adjusted path to screenrc fix: RMV_set4IP: now uses the ip in the parameter cha: CIR_enableDropbear: now copies the authorized key from the server cha: debian/ clientInstall.php: activates dropbear cha: en/de: client_direct Connection.hlp: changed parameter of ssh to avoid "man in the middle" warings cha: CIR_detectSCSI: output of the detection routine now looks nicer cha: index.php: changed clientcritical to clientinfo cha: clients_overview.php: jumps to the correct position on the client_details page new: client_infoPage: shows information about a client depending on the parameter +++++ 2004-07-26 cha: DEBUG_isInDebugMode renamed to CLIENT_isInDebugMode and DEBUG_toggleDebugMode to CLIENT_toggleDebugMode new: CLIENT_getStatusimage: return the image name with the correct color new: index.php: added clientdebug page new: CLIENT_generate HTMLStatusBar: generates HTML code containing the status of the client with links to the pages new: CLIENT_showDebugSelection: shows a dialog that lets you select the current debug state of a client new: client_debug.php: page for selection of the client debug state new: PKG_rmAllSpecial PackagesByName: deletes all special packages from a client matching the package name new: PKG_countSpecialPackages: counts the special packages of a clients matching the package name and status cha: PKG_countWaitingJobs now uses PKG_countSpecialPackages cha: bootimage: linuxrc: screen session is now named m23install cha: *: screen session name: changed to m23install new: de/en: client_client DirectConnection.hlp +++++ 2004-07-25 new: debug.php: DEBUG_isInDebugMode: returnes "true", if a client is in debug mode cha: client.php: CLIENT_addClient: now uses function encryptShadow new: add_client.php: now generates a random password for the root login into the netbootimage new: CIR_enableDropbear(): sets up and starts dropbear SSH server new: devguide: new chapter for patching screen new: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: Now shows the bootimage root password new: linuxrc: now starts a screen session cha: /m23/inc/distr /clientConfigCommon.php: removed, was unused fix: debian: CLCFG_interfaces: removed misarranged "fi" new: DEBUG_toggleDebugMode: en/disables the debug mode of a client cha: client_critical.php, CLIENT_show StatusSelection: adjusted for new status icons cha: CLIENT_list CriticalClients: added icon cha: menu.php: added icons +++++ 2004-07-23 cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: debootstrap error doesn't set client to critical status cha: debian/ cCC.php: CLCFG_interfaces: no logging for "gateway setup" cha: mkBootImage.sh: number of notes for the image are now 3000 and comented out knoppix files fetching cha: bootimage: exchanged all libs with never versions cha: bootimage: added /etc/terminfo/ l/linux +++++ 2004-07-22 cha: clientsOverview.php: added critical clients cha: CLIENT_listCriticalClients: now counts the critical clients and links to the critical clients overview page new: HELP_getHelpString: returns the help block for the online help new: en,de: client_status.hlp cha: client_critical.php: added 3 different ways to bring the client to a normal state +++++ 2004-07-21 cha: menu.php: added "update" under packages new: clientsoverview.php: every second output line is colored blue for better client differentation new: index.php: added updatepackages entry new: packages.php: PKG_showPreviewUpdateSystem: generates HTML code woth inormation about the update preview new: PKG_previewUpdateSystem: returns the information of an system update request fix: m23normalInstall.php: now correct distribution name is fetched new: m23updateInstall.php: package for undating the client system new: wait4go: little C tool, that stops the console till "go" is entered cha: db.php: sendClientLogStatus: new parameter critical: if it is set to "true" the execution of the script is stopped and a local rescue console is opened cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools: copies wait4go to the installation partition cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: critical messages lead to excution of the local shell new: db.php: new client status STATUS_CRITICAL cha: exchanged all numeric client status' with the constant names cha: message.php: MSG_showError, MSG_showInfo: if language is set to "none", there will be no box subject cha: message.php: MSG_showMessageBox, MSG_showError, MSG_showInfo: new parameter width new: client.php: CLIENT_listCriticalClients: lists clients with critical status' new: menu.php: added listing of critical clients new: client_critical.php: new client page to bring client in a non critical status +++++ 2004-07-18 new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_hideKernelWarnings: hides the kernel warnungs new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_writeM23fetchjob: generates the m23fetchjob script new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_executeAfterChroot: prepares for pivot_root and does it and executes afterChroot new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_dialogAllBox: generates the BASH code for showing different types of dialog boxes new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_dialogMsgBox: generates the BASH code for showing an dialog message box new: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_dialogInfoBox: generates the BASH code for showing an dialog infobox cha: debian/ clientInstall.php: exchanged code parts with new functions fix: m23normalRemoveInstall.php: now removes packages cha: en,de/wellcome.hlp: added software patents warning +++++ 2004-07-16 fix: m23ERPOSSInstall.php: has now correct file name cha: m23ERPOSSInstall.php: added setting of PATH environment variable new: bootimage, bootCD: new parted version 1.6.11 fix: erposs/ clientInstall.php: copies parted from the ramdisk to the install partition fix: erposs/ clientInstall.php: corrected name of kernel new: new package repository for missing package(s): screen cha: debimg/ clientConfig.php: commented out CLCFG_writeHosts: is already included in clientConfigCommon.php cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_hwdetect now installs: the necessary packages fix: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getEndConfiguration: corrected pathes for fetching the files +++++ 2004-07-15 cha: clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: additional paramaters new: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getERPOSSMirror: figures out the server + path containing the ERPOSS instalation files new: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getDebconfTemplates: fetches the debconf templates from the m23 server and extracts them cha: add-erposs3.sh: new sources list new: add-erposs3.sh: copies a lot of template files from the CD new: erposs/ clientConfig.php: CLCFG_getEndConfiguration: does some configuration at the end of the ERPOSS installation new: m23ERPOSSInstall.php: installs the desktop and all other needed packages for ERPOSS +++++ 2004-07-14 cha: moved CLCFG_installBasePackages, CLCFG_setDebconf, CLCFG_writeHosts and CLCFG_downgradeExt from debian/clientConfig to clientConfigCommon cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_installBasePackages changed parameters cha: debian/ clientConfigCommon.php: stripped out some common install routines for all Debian like distributions: CLCFG_activateDMA, CLCFG_mountRootDir, CLCFG_fetchm23BasicTools cha: m23RescueInstall.php: now detects SCSI controlers + loads modules cha: m23PresetupInstall.php: moved CIR_detectSCSI and CIR_waitForNextJob to m23CommonInstall Routines.php fix: client_distr.php: if the distribution variable is empty, set it to "debian" cha: CIR_detectSCSI: now only checks once for scsi controlers fix: booimage: the init of BusyBox 1-pre10 is broken: switched init to BusyBox 1-pre1 new: /mdk/bootimage/ BusyBox-configs: stores the BusyBox config files +++++ 2004-07-12 new: script for installing the "ERPOSS3 Behördendesktop" CD on the m23 server +++++ 2004-07-10 fix: bootimage: fixed some problems with the new BusyBox cha: linuxrc: now fetches the first job with SSL encryption fix: clientConfigCommon.php: corrected URL for authorized_keys new: package sources with/without KDE3 in woody fix: debian/info.txt: corrected spelling cha: added description for Textmode and Gnome cha: added the KDE shipped with Woody new: m23KDEwoodyInstall.php: is used to install the KDE shipped with Woody +++++ 2004-07-05 cha: sensitive data is now fetched SSL encrypted from the server fix: manual/makePDF-HTML.sh: copies HTML + PDF files to the server installation ISO cha: devguide/makeDoc.sh: now copies the HTML version of the devguide to the server installation ISO cha: bootimage: changed to BusyBox 1-pre10 +++++ 2004-07-04 new: mkCert.sh: creates a SSL certificate for usage with Apache SSL new: enable-ssl: first try for installing and configure all needed to enable SSL in Apache +++++ 2004-05-21 fix: debian/packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: set return value to "true" to enable offline mode +++++ 2004-05-20 fix: m23gnome2Install.php: Gnome 2.x is now installable (2 ';' were missing) cha: client.php: CLIENT_getSubnet: better code (thx to 2borg) new: client.php: CLIENT_getBroadcast: calculates the boradcast IP (thx to 2borg) fix: fixed link to the development guide in the menu new: created and made available the update from 0.4.8 to 0.4.9 cha: SRCLST_package InformationOlderThan: added check for the file /m23/etc/offlineMode. if it is found the function always returnes false. +++++ 2004-05-05 cha: menu.php: now includes the french manual, if french is the m23 admin interface language cha: version.php: changed to "final" +++++ 2004-04-30 cha: client_distr.php: new default distribution is "debian" and not "debimg" cha: moved info.txt and debimg.tgz to m23-extra new: created package m23-extra for parts not included in the normal m23 new: script to install m23 on a normal woody server cha: MDK: clean_mdk: now moves bootimage/initrd.gz cha: MDK: unclean_mdk: now moves bootimage/initrd.gz new: server boot CD: added README file cha: makeCD.sh: now generates cleaned m23 database and stores it on CD cha: MDK: makeCD.sh: now generates with Joliet and Rock Ridge extensions fix: woody-install.sh: enabled authentification +++++ 2004-04-29 new: exportDBInitTable.sh: exports a cleaned m23 database for installation of a new server +++++ 2004-04-28 cha: help.php, distr.php, server.php, packages.php, i18n.php, sourceslist.php, plugin.php, db.php: added length parameter to fgets function cha: dhcp.php: added code for selecting the correct dhcp server startup command new: db.php: isMySQL3used: checks if MySQL 3 is installed and returnes true if v3 is found, otherwise false cha: db.php: DB_addUser: added code to make it work with the old MySQL version 3 cha: fix-permissions: now autodetects user + groupname of the apache process new: devguide: added complete code to the MySQL-C++ chapter +++++ 2004-04-27 fix: en+de/ client_distr.hlp, client_add.hlp: fixed error in LaTex code generation cha: corrections in the english manual and help files +++++ 2004-04-09 cha: add_client.php: added package proxy + port cha: add_client.php: package proxy settings are stored in client options cha: client.php: CLIENT_addClient: now adds client options too cha: clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_aptConf: only add the APT proxy lines if the proxy IP is not empty cha: */clientInstall.php: APT proxy settings are taken from clients options cha: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: uses package proxy settings cha: debian/clientInstall.php: DISTR_baseInstall: uses package proxy settings in CLCFG_debootstrap fix: debian/packages.php: tries to sort the kernerl list if there is a list fix: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: only sets the proxy if its IP is not empty cha: de+en/client_add.hlp: added help about the package proxy setting +++++ 2004-04-07 cha: packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: now returnes an error message, if an error occurs cha: packages.php: PKG_searchFor, PKG_listPackages: checks of the logfile isn't false cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_checkList: checks of the logfile isn't false cha: packages.php: PKG_searchFor: returns false if the search can't be started fix: install_packages.php: don't close the table if there occurs an error cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_genSelection($selName, $first, $distr): now shows sources lists that belong to the distribution only cha: client_distr.php, client_sourceslist.php: changed parameters for SRCLST_genSelection fix: packages.php: PKG_getPackageStatus: handles "normal packages" correctly now new: bootCD/updatem23.sh: a script for updating the installed m23 version with the version contained on the CD cha: serverupdate.hlp: added hint about the update script new: made new installation ISO 0.4.8 shiver-pre5 +++++ 2004-04-05 fix: stable sources.list: added KDE 3.2 source +++++ 2004-04-02 new: devguide: added new chapter for the MDK menue system cha: MDK/menuBootCD, menuManuelStart, menuDevguide , menuClientISO: added help entry new: menuBootCD.hlp: help file for menuBootCD new: menuManual.hlp: help file for generating the manual new: menuDevguide.hlp: help file for generating the development guide +++++ 2004-04-01 new: manual: finished exglis translation cha: clients.php: CLIENT_getSubnet: changed algorithmus: parts of the IP are copied only if there is 255 in the netmask. cha: m23.sf.net: english manual uploaded +++++ 2004-03-28 new: manual/introduction.tex: has been translated to english +++++ 2004-03-27 cha: menu.php: added a "report a bug" item fix: support.php: corrected path to the image cha: khtml2png: has been mostly rewritten, because KDE 3.2 now uses an optimisation that doesn't draw widgets that aren't visible. With the old tool it is impossible to make screenshots bigger than the screen. The new tool scrolls the contents of the HTML page and makes different screenshots that are appended to one image. cha: MDK/kh2p: changed parameters for khtml2png and now fetches the HTML page before capturing +++++ 2004-03-25 fix: MDK/menuClientISO: now builds the client ISO fix: MDK/mkBootImage.sh: copies the modules from the server installation cd to the client boot cd, to make the modules loadable fix: MDK: removed file "rescue" from the bootimage directory (saves 24 MB from the client boot CD) cha: MDK/bootimage: linuxrc: now shows the MAC addresses +++++ 2004-03-13 cha: client_add.hlp, clients_overview.hlp: changed to unordered list cha: fdisk-automatic.hlp, deinstall_packages.hlp, fdisk-extended3.hlp, makeBootDisk.hlp, fdisk-existing.hlp: changed to ordered list cha: MDK/html2tes.sh: most code rewritten: now uses html2latex fix: fdisk-extended2.hlp: corrected code cha: german manual has better layout +++++ 2004-03-12 cha: m23client-debconf: changed timezone to Europe +++++ 2004-03-11 fix: MDK/m23install.template: removed "/" after route option in dhcpd.conf fix: debian/clientConfig.php: CLCFG_installBasePackages: installs necessary packages for setting the keyboard in the console fix: work.php: if a script doesn't exist set the job to "done" and execute next job fix: client_distr.php: reordered code so distributions can be selected cha: checks.php: checkNormalKeys: allows "_" +++++ 2004-03-09 cha: MDK/m23-debconf-woody: removed dependencies fix: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_saveList: the sources.list is only deleted if it exists fix: debian/packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: logfile is now written fix: client_sourceslist.php: now trims whitespaces from sources list and description fix: rescue_client.php: now shows correct help page fix: client.php: CLIENT_desasterRecovery: delete all client package information cha: client.php: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: tries to wrap the parameter string after 80 characters fix: m23normalInstall.php: sets status back to green after the installation fix: */packages.php: PKG_listSpecialpackages: removed '>' in table header cha: m23UpdateSourcesListInstall.php: changed priority to 12 to avoid too early execution fix: packages.php: PKG_listParams: fixed doubled "
" fix: packages.php: PKG_listSelectedpackages: fixed column numbers for packagename and normalPackage fix: packages.php: PKG_discardNormalJob: false SQL statement generated cha: install_packages.php: repositionated buttons fix: fdisk.php: FDISK_listSupportedFS: removed reiserfs, because there is no code to format with reiser cha: debian/clientConfig.php: renamed CLCFG_downgradeExt3 to CLCFG_downgradeExt and included code to downgrade ext2 partitions cha: debian/clientInstall.php: adjusted for usage of CLCFG_downgradeExt fix: client.php: CLIENT_addClient: now installdate is set ;) fix: client.php: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: shows now installdate and lastmodifies in human readable format new: BUILD/UPLOAD ISO: m23shiver-0.4.8-pre3 +++++ 2004-03-08 cha: debian/clientConfigInstall.php: CLCFG_listDebianReleases: new parameter first cha: */packages.php: PKG_listKernels: new parameter first fix: */packages.php: PKG_listKernels: now first is the first kernel name new: preferences.php: PREF_putAllOptions( $prefName, $options): stores all settings in the options array to the preferences new: debimg/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_getSetOption($getvar, $optvar, $options): checks if a variable is set an places its value under the variable name in the options array new: debimg/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_options2HiddenForm( $options): generates hidden fields with the values of the option array new: debimg/ clientConfigCommon.php: CLCFG_hiddenForm2options( $options): reads the option values of the hidden fields and adds them to the options array cha: client_distr.php: moved refresh button to the bottom new: preferences.php: PREF_getAllValues( $prefName, $options): gets all preferences and adds them to the options array new: client_dist.php: now stores/ restores the preferences correctly cha: PKG_getPackageStatus( $client, $package, $distr, $params, $normalPackage): code rewritten and new parameters cha: work.php: now includes sourceslist.php fix: rescue_client.php: started recover :( new: client.php: CLIENT_getStatusimage( $status): return the image name with the correct color cha: client.php: CLIENT_showGeneralInfo: fixed status color fix: rescue_client.php: now starts DHCP booting cha: version.php: changed to 0.4.8 shiver-pre3 new: help files: client_waitingjobs, rescue_client cha: clients_overview.php: now uses CLIENT_getStatusimage cha: clients_overview.php: click on the status color calles the page "clientstatus" cha: index.php: added "clientstatus" new: client.php: CLIENT_showStatusSelection( $client): shows a dialog that lets you select the current status of a client +++++ 2004-03-07 cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_saveList: removes sources.list after saving cha: debian/packages.php: PKG_updatePackageInfo: updates the package cache if sources.list doesn't exist cha: m23KDE3Install.php: create /dev/raw1394 to make the installer quiet new: packages.php: PKG_updateSourcesListAtAllClients( $sourcename): updates the sources.list at all clients using it cha: client.php: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: now shows m23normal jobs correctly new: packages.php: PKG_removeFromJobList( $packageIDList): removes all jobs identified by the IDs in packageIDList cha: client.php: CLIENT_showWaitingJobs: can now remove package jobs cha: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: calles "apt-get clean" +++++ 2004-03-05 cha: deinstall_packages.php, install_packages.php, recover_client.php, */clientInstall.php fix: debian/cientConfig.php: CLCFG_debootstrap: removed nonexisting package libstdc++5 cha: messageReceive.php: MSR_importLog: removed debug code fix: MDK: mkstaticdeb: fixed problem with ddcxinfo-knoppix that had no LDFAGS line cha: MDK: /mdk/m23Debs/debs: added wget_1.9.1-3.backports.org.1_i386.deb because the woody wget version is too old to handle --post-file fix: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: fixed the BASH code for getting the count of packages new: updated phpMyAdmin to version 2.5.6 cha: work.php: if there is a problem finding the package to execute: try to execute the next one cha: debian/clientInstall.php: DISTR_afterChrootInstall: installs the new wget cha: m23KDE3Install.php: removed starting of sshd cha: m23/skel/.kde/Autostart/passwd: changed command and rebuild usrm23.tar.gz +++++ 2004-03-04 new: messageReceive.php: MSR_decodeMessage(): checks the type of the message and cals the right procedure new: messageReceive.php: MSR_importPackageStatus(): imports the data from a package status message to the database cha: m23copyPackageStatusToServerInstall.php: removed cha: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: has now complete new code, that doesn't uses wget to transfer the data ro the server cha: packages.php: PKG_changeClientPackageAction($client, $package, $action): renamed from PKG_changeClientPackageStatus cha: packages.php: PKG_setClientPackageWait4Rm, PKG_setClientPackageInstalledOK: adjusted cha: packages.php: CLIENT_listPackages: adjusted cha: deinstall_packages.php, client_packages.php: now includes distribution packages.php cha: packages.php: moved PKG_translateClientPackageStatus to debian/packages.php cha: debian/packages.php: PKG_translateClientPackageStatus: code rewritten for better status description cha: client.php: CLIENT_getPossibleActions: uses PKG_isInstalled cha: debian/packages.php: PKG_isInstalled($status): checks if a package is installed depending on the status cha: sourceslist.php, m23gnome2Install.php, m23xfree864Install.php, m23KDE3Install.php, CLCFG_sourceslist(): doesn't use log2db any more cha: */clientInstall.php: removed log2db +++++ 2004-03-03 new: german manual: finished files: manual.tex, serverinstallation.tex, requirements.tex, firststeps.tex and introduction.tex fix: html2tex.sh: fixed problems with "-" and bold cha: menuManualStart.sh: added status for the html and pdf files cha: makePDF.sh: moved to makePDF-HTML.sh and added generation of HTML files new: menuManualStart.sh: added upload menu item cha: makePDF-HTML.sh: copies the HTML files to /m23/doc/manual/ cha: menu.php: now uses the new m23 manual cha: makeDoc.sh: now generates only HTML and PDF files new: menuDevguide: new menu for the generation and upload of the development guide cha: menuStart.sh: has a new menu item to generate the documents fix: devGuide: exchanged symbols that produced errors in HTML output cha: m23UpdatePackagesInfoInstall.php: now only produces a short package status file on the client new: MDK: m23helper/ clientpackagestatus2db: imports the package status files from the temporary directory to the database new: m23copyPackageStatusToServerInstall.php: copys the short package status file from the client to the server and impots it into the database cha: deinstall_packages.php, install_packages.php, recover_client.php, */clientInstall.php: added package job m23copyPackageStatusToServer new: MDK: m23-initscripts: Debian package for installing some initscripts cha: MDK: menuDeb: added new m23 extra package m23-initscripts cha: debian/cientConfig.php: CLCFG_installBasePackages: added the installation of m23-initscripts +++++ 2004-03-02 new: MDK: new: remotevar.php: RMV_exists4IP($var, $ip): checks if a variable exists for a certain IP fix: remotevar.php: RMV_set4IP: uses RMV_exists4IP to check if the variable has to be added or updated cha: khtml2png: hacked the source so it wontt make errors displaying some HTML elements cha: MDK: html2tex: removes "noheading" and parses
tags new: MDK: loadExampleDB, restoreCurrentDB: loads a example database for making screenshots and restores the old one new: MDK: menuLanguage.sh: menu to select the language for generating screenshots and the Tex documentation new: MDK: makeScreenshots.sh: generates screenshots for the selected languages new: MDK: makeTexHelp.sh: generates Tex files for the selected languages new: MDK: menuManualStart.sh: menu for generating all the manual new: german manual: main page for the german manual new: german manual: introduction for the german manual new: german manual: screenshots from the server installation new: german manual: server installation page new: MDK: makePDF.sh: generates the manual(s) as PDF files for the selected languages +++++ 2004-02-29 new: MDK: mkstaticdeb, mkKnoppix-static: generates static Debian packages from Knoppix tools new: MDK: menuDeb: Menu for generating m23 Debian packages new: MDK: mkDeb: build a special m23 Debian package new: MDK: mkpackages: generates the Package* files cha: MDK: menuStart: added the deb builder menu cha: debian/clientConfig.php: CLCFG_setDebconf: systems without debconf-set-selections install the m23-debconf-woody package fix: index.css: removed out-commented line with false color konquerer had problems with fix: MDK: mkstaticdeb: now removes the Depends line in control fix: inc/help/*: changed false HTML-comments from \$KERNEL_NAME new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_interfaces: generates a script for writing the /etc/network/interfaces file new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_hostname: wrtites the hostname file new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_resolvConf: sets DNS entries new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_aptConf: proxy settings for downloading Debian packages cha: m23baseSysInstall.php: commented out fetching of the old script files cha: afterChrootInstall.php: exchanged the old scripts with the functions above +++++ 2004-01-02 cha: changed location of m23biglogo.png to /m23/gfx new: m23-start.png cha: m23/index.php: new layout + gfx cha: welcome.hlp: changed path of m23biglogo.png new: clientConfig.php: functions for configuring the client new: db.php: encryptShadow: function to encrypt password for the shadow file cha: m23admin/index.php: added clientConfig.php to the includes cha: db.php: removed enable_proxy and disable_proxy new: client.php.php: CLIENT_getAskingParams(), CLIENT_getParams($clientName): functions to get parameters of a client new: clientConfig.php: CLCFG_genFstab($clientID): generates the command for generation of the fstab file +++++ 2003-12-07 fix: apt-search: information about installable packages is now updated correctly fix: m23baseSysInstall.php: now fetches the right file: aptconf.php and not hostname.php fix: mkxf86config-special.sh: set ps/2 as default protocol for ps/2 mouse +++++ 2003-12-06 cha: /etc/ssh/ssh_config: set "StrictHostKeyChecking no", so ssh won't ask for confirming new fingerprints cha: m23xf864Install.php: added mkxf86config creation of the XF86Config files cha: hwdetect.php: removed mkxf86config creation of the XF86Config files cha: m23inst.php-de: ä -> ae, ü -> ue cha: cleaned some unused files from /m23/data+scripts/packages/baseSys cha: baseSysInstall.php: fetches aptconf.php new: aptconf.php: generates a apt.conf file for the client that enables the proxy cha: removed enable_proxy() and disable_proxy() from all files. this is replaced by setting the proxy in apt.conf +++++ 2003-12-04 fix: hwsetup.php: fixed file name for mkxf86config cha: m23image.bz2: removed some old files fix: fdisk.php: FDISK_selectDrives: if $first is empty don't let it be the first drive fix: fdisk.php: FDISK_getPartParam and FDISK_partAmount: returns 0 if the device is empty: removes some warnings from the partition dialog ;) cha: db.php: added newlines before wget commands to make programming errors more difficult +++++ 2003-12-02 fix: /m23/bim/mk-m23.bz2.sh: corrected pathes: files that should be cleaned are in /tmp/m23 and not m23 ;). So the master password was not enabled, PXE and Etherboot files were not deleted before making the m23.bz2 file. fix: parted in the client bootimages was not statical linked: new bootimages for PXE and Etherboot new: new m23 server installation ISO. May be the last build before the RC3 release ;) +++++ 2003-11-27 cha: sourceslist.php: SRCLST_genList: added knoppix deb source cha: hwdetect.php: install following knoppix packages: hwsetup hwdata-knoppix ddcxinfo-knoppix xf86config-knoppix cha: hwdetect.php: commented out all routines to get the needed files, that are replaced with the deb packages cha: hwdetect.php: adjusted pathes to the files cha: plugin.php: exchanged all error and info messages with the versions from message.php new: /m23/bin/pscheck: script to check if a process is running fix: /m23/bin/phpDebug, /m23/bin/phpNormal: checks if apache is running. if not start it +++++ 2003-11-26 cha: /mdk/bin/menuBootCD: transfers the m23image.bz2 to (mostly for internal purpose) fix: new server image to fix the PATH error and update of the system cha: plugin.php: now uses message.php for its messages +++++ 2003-11-25 new: script for download statistic on m23.sf.net +++++ 2003-11-23 new: /mdk/bin/extractDeb: can extract the files from a deb file +++++ 2003-11-20 cha: /m23/inc/version.php: m23_codename is now "shiver-rc3" fix: Server-Image: /etc/profiles: PATH contains now /sbin, /usr/sbin (thx Henry) +++++ 2003-11-19 fix: getKnoppix*: binaries are now taken from the debs and not compliled from the tar.gzs fix: bootImage: now contain 3Com driver (thx Zugschlus) +++++ 2003-11-14 fix: Corrections in english help files +++++ 2003-11-13 fix: corrected headings in client partitioning fix: FDISK_formatExisting: returns param with empty partitions fix: FDISK_formatExisting: removed false error message fix: /mdk/bin/getKnoppix*: corrected version information new: /mdk/bin/getKnoppixDDCxinfo: DDCinfos gets the DDC parameters from the monitor now included and will be used by mkxf86config.sh +++++ 11-18+19-03 new: Script: Read menus from DEBs +++++ 05-01-2003 Hauke index.php - changed language detection scheme to fix double click for language change debimg.tgz - removed hwcheck from rc2-5, added hwcheck to rcS - added ntpsync to rcS - updated kernel to 2.4.21-rc1 - removed interface.* files from /root - made new debimg.tgz dhcp.php - fix: DHCP_rmClient, trimmed clientname - added return code to DHCP_rmClient delete_client.php - added return message add_client.php - shortened delay by client adding +++++ 04-30-2003 Hauke m23BaseSysInstall.php - commented out getBootFS(), seems to be not used any more - added debug flag for disabling dialog messages afterChrootInstall.php - " m23FdiskFormatInstall.php- " - removed obsolete code m23KdeInstall.php - added debug flag for disabling dialog messages m23PreSetupInstall.php - " log2db - fixed help message - fixed compiler warnings partinfodb - removed output of sql statement +++++ 04-29-2003 Hauke remortevar.php - added, for saving remote variables on the server, usefull, if cookies are disabled +++++ 04-22 - 04-28-2003 Hauke - countless changes for multi language support +++++ 04-21-2003 Hauke plugin.inc - added error messages for failed downloads - fixed an error in plugin updates - some changes to the layout: only error messages are shown help.inc - help files are now under inc/help/de +++++ 04-20-2003 Hauke plugin.inc - added PLG_showPluginOverview, PLG_delete - deinstallation of plugins works - update works +++++ 04-19-2003 Hauke plugins - new table plugins plugin.inc - added PLG_install, PLG_getTempDir, PLG_getFilename, PLG_realInstall, PLG_DBInstall, PLG_checkOverwriting, PLG_getPlugin, PLG_showDownloadStatus - installation of plugins works +++++ 04-18-2003 Hauke log2db - changed sql query method, now logfiles can be send easier client.inc - CLIENT_showLog, entries get colored - CLIENT_showLog, logfiles are correctly shown pxelinux.cfg - local boot of clients works now (with hint of Daniel) +++++ 04-17-2003 Hauke dbimg.tgz - added ntpdate + execute @ startup - added hdparm + dma autodetection @ startup - added libmysqlclient m23remasterImg.sh - fixed: /oldroot and / aren't tared log2db - introducing tool, saves logfiles to db +++++ 04-13-2003 Hauke client.inc - added CLIENT_reset client.inc - CLIENT_desasterRecovery: clients will be automatically reseted partinfodb - now sends cpu speed to server db.inc - introducing sendClientLogStatus() db - added table "clientlogs" setLog.php - logs script events to clientlogs db.inc - added deleteClientLogs(), deletes the client logs +++++ 04-13-2003 Daniel client_showwaitingjobs - fixed, so only done packages are shown afterChrootInstall.php - Added clockset of client via NTP client.inc - Added Function CLIENT_isrunning +++++ 03-05-2003 Hauke fdisk.php - changed parameters of FDISK_autoPart($clientName,&$command, $dev, $param) - amount of partitons is now calculated with the param string+++++ - amount of partitons is now calculated with the param string - amount of partitons is now calculated with the param string+++++