Wenn Du auch in Zukunft in einem Staat leben möchtest, der nicht dem Überwachungsstaat aus "1984" gleicht, und/oder Du möchtest, dass weiterhin jede(r) Software entwickeln und vertreiben kann, gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten, sich zu engagieren. wir möchten Dir diese fünf Organisationen empfehlen:
If you don't want to live in a state à la "1984" and you want that development and distribution of software should remain legal for everyone, then you have different possibilities to get into the act. We would like to recommend these five organisations:
In this place, we collect all links that - direcly or indirectly - relate to m23. You will find various press articles, tutorials, recordings of talks and user reports here. Down at the bottom, we also put together a list of our favourite Linux links.
Have fun browsing!
An important link is still missing? You have written a blog post about m23 and you would like to share it with us? Then write us a short message using the contact form in the upper right corner so we can add it here!