Freie Software und Bürgerrechte benötigen Deine Aufmerksamkeit!
Handeln gegen Überwachungsstaat und Softwarepatente
Wenn Du auch in Zukunft in einem Staat leben möchtest, der nicht dem Überwachungsstaat aus "1984" gleicht, und/oder Du möchtest, dass weiterhin jede(r) Software entwickeln und vertreiben kann, gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten, sich zu engagieren. wir möchten Dir diese fünf Organisationen empfehlen:
Free software and civil rights need your help!
Act against police state and software patents
If you don't want to live in a state à la "1984" and you want that development and distribution of software should remain legal for everyone, then you have different possibilities to get into the act. We would like to recommend these five organisations:
Adding an new client: For creating a new client you have to enter some infomation e.g. user name, IP, netmask, MAC address, ... , other values are optional.In this dialog you can see the actual partitioning and formating of the client. The partitioning and formating can be adjusted for your needs (almost complete) freely. The configuration of software RAIDs and mount points or using the "automatic partition" option is possible too.m23 clients can be created as virtual machines on the m23 server and/or the m23 clients and installed and managed like normal m23 clients.Choosing the distribution for the client: The administrator selects the desktop, the Linux kernel and (optionally) a package list, that will be installed after the base installation.
Imaging and integration of existing clients
Create image: m23 can create images of harddisks and partitions, that can be installed on m23 clients.Manage image files: This dialog lists the images stored on the m23 server.Client integration: m23 can integrate (Debian and Ubuntu) clients, that were set-up without m23 before, into the m23 system and manage them like normal m23 clients.
(De)Installation and updating of software
Installation of additional software: If the client is ready (partitionated, formated and a desktop environment ist installed), you can add more software.Deinstallation of software: Of course you can deinstall software packages. Here you can see a part of the installed packages. For deleting a software package check the button after the package name and click on the "Accept changes" button. You can discard a deletion action, if the deinstallation job hasn't finishd yet. This can be done with the deinstallation dialog too.Update software: The packages installed on the client can be updated.
Group functions and mass tools
Add a client group: You can add clients to a client group. With this dialog you can add a new client group.Add client to group.Overview over all client groups.Definition of a master client for the mass installation.Select value generation method: Select the method for the generation of client settings.Select data source: The values can be read from a text file or entered by hand.Select data source/Assign columns: A file is uploaded to the server and the columns are assigned to the client settings.Generator options: Select the parameters for the genrators.Enter missing values/overview
Packages, Packagesources and Packageselections
Edit package sourcesWith the pool builder you can convert packages downloaded from the internet or read from a CD/DVD to a package pool.Choose the desktop environments suported by the created package pool.m23 can transform tar files (compressed archives) into installable software packages directly from the web interface.The integrated script editor helps to create scripts that can be executed on the m23 clients.Package selections: Packages can be preselected for installation or deinstallation in a package selections. This list can be assigned to an arbitrary amount of clients and will make sure that the packages will be (de)installed on the clients.
Client management and client information
Delete a client: If you would like to delete a client, you have to agree to the dialog.Client overview: Here you can see all m23 managed clients. A click on the client name will show you detailed information about the client. You can see some information in the following screenshots.The control center gives you the possibillity to change settings of or get information from your clients. And some additional client information: IP, netmask, user, partitioning, ...Client information: detailed hardware information.Client-Informationen: Installed packagesClient-Informationen: Installation logEdit client: Some client parameters can be changed with this dialog.
Backup and restore of client and server
Start rescue systemRecover clientFiles, that are not covered by m23, can be backed up with the integrated BackupPC.The m23 server can be backuped in fixed points in time automatically. The backups can be saved to another server in addition.This list contains all m23 server backups, that are stored on the m23 itself. Backups not needed any more can get deleted here too.Manage GPG keys: The GPG keys that are needed for encrypting the backups are manages directly in the m23 webinterface.
Create client boot media
Creation of bootdisc: If a client hasn't a bootrom, you can create a bootdisc for client installation.Creation of boot CD: If a client hasn't a bootrom, you can create a bootdisc for client installation.