Hint for the installation of operating systems on a RAID

You have to create an extra partition that is not located on a RAID to store the Linux kernel and modules. This must be done for all RAIDs except for RAID level 1. For this purpose, a partition of approximately 50 MB is sufficient. Please hit the back button of your browser until you get to the dialog for creating or deleting partitions, if you do not yet have a partition for the kernel and modules. Delete a necessary number of partitions to create a new small partition.
Installation and swap partition A partition for installing the operating system and a partition for swapping have to be selected to make the m23 client installable. Choose the partitions at ”Installation partition” and ”Swap partition” and then click on ”Select”.
Define mountpoints If you need additional mountpoints, you can define them under ”Define mountpoints”. Enter the partition, the mountpoint and the required parameters into the appropriate input fields and click on ”Add”. These informations correspond to those which you can find in the file /etc/fstab. You can see mountpoints which are already defined in the under the input lines. To delete a mount point simply click on ”Delete” after the mount point to remove.